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“There is no about you reflect”, that to the Akamatsu agricultural phase travel abroad of insistence “one day Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries detailed schedule of blank you cannot call,” the ★4


  • *人群石津雅夫(茨城县)“,对心脏的庆祝活动从关心人民的农民和农民发生口蹄疫的”自愿申报的限制-以隐藏源,韩国媒体
    Masao Isizu Group of people (Ibaraki) “In people of occurrence farmer and related farmer of foot and mouth disease from heart Celebration” Media In order to conceal the fact that occurrence source is Korea independent reporting regulation

    • - - -最后迟到的迟到,因为我是狗屎..州长的威胁率先冲着终于来到宫崎
      - - - After all it was late to lag, finally, coming to Miyazaki the first one word eye is the intimidation to the governor Being disgusted [ya] cartridge viewing [wa

      • 2010年韩国“韩国牛肉”在梁,开始新的品牌数目 2010 Korea started the new brand of the name “Korea cow”
        • 2010年韩国“韩国牛肉”在梁,开始新的品牌数目 2010 Korea started the new brand of the name “Korea cow”

      • 461但是,我也有一个尘埃组成,通过大规模的粪便没有发生任何事故Tsunda即使站在民主党辩称 461 But if the Democratic party quibbles that because the droppings mass rubbish which through is done is without many things it consists it is

        • 4↓笑口病锚 30 5 出访和其他古巴松巴卡08(之间的扩大头60 924头4367)2010↓ 05 众议院成员藤自民党11“,渔业部长松!这是首席!什么是你的微笑!“2010年↓愤怒和微笑 5月12日锚和口青山先生。备注“塞泽治理”2010↓6 5 4 3 5 13 手足口病 野村松树上院农业委员会“要求一个缓冲地带”与赤松,“不要杀死健康的牛肉和猪肉 Anchor Foot and mouth disease Smile ↓ 4 30 5 8 Foolish pine Cuba and the like travel abroad At that time from 4367 heads enlargement to 60924 heads ↓ 2010 05 11 “Agricultural Minister of State Akamatsu member of the house of representatives the Liberal Democratic Party Eto It does with the highest patsy the yo No niyaniya it has done is ” With rage Smile ↓ 2010 05 12 Anchor Aoyama oral hoof Explanation “rule sezu ” 3 4 5 6 ↓ 2010 5 13 “House of Councillors agricultural committee Nomura buffer area is requested” cannot kill the vs Akamatsu “healthy cow pig
          • 12300000 10秒谷歌的结果约白痴松(0 11秒)(约一百〇二万案件口蹄疫松) Google Foolish pine Approximately 1 230 000 Case 0 11 Second Akamatsu foot and mouth disease Approximately 1 020 000 Case 0 10 Second
          • 748松树身穿挖掘谈话,对猴子的故事必须扒窃穿着自来水彻底改变了民主党,而我很神奇我一分钟驱赶笔芯 748 Hitting Akamatsu ru story hitting the Democratic party the ri changing which it makes ru story The basket about is not obtained being cornered as for ru the ze which understands
          • Twitter的作品,让我不至137瓦特上午,“松”,突然我不再是数量庞大的发现 137 As for tsuitsuta functioning it is not done excessively w To yesterday morning being searched in large quantities with “Akamatsu” the ru Suddenly it became impossible and
          • “4↓微笑 30 5 08出访古巴和其他愚蠢的松树(部长期间,来自60个924头扩大头4367)2010↓ 5月11日自民党众议院议员江藤”赤松,!这是首席!露齿而笑对你怎么!“2010年↓愤怒和微笑 5月12日锚和口青山先生。备注“塞泽治理”2010↓6 5 4 3 5 13 手足口病 野村松树上院农业委员会“要求一个缓冲地带”与赤松,“不要杀死健康的牛肉和猪肉 ” Smile ↓ 4 30 5 8 Foolish pine Cuba and the like travel abroad At that time from 4367 heads enlargement to 60924 heads ↓ 2010 05 11 “Minister of State Akamatsu member of the house of representatives the Liberal Democratic Party Eto It does with the highest patsy the yo No niyaniya it has done is ” With rage Smile ↓ 2010 05 12 Anchor Aoyama oral hoof Explanation “rule sezu ” 3 4 5 6 ↓ 2010 5 13 “House of Councillors agricultural committee Nomura buffer area is requested” cannot kill the vs Akamatsu “healthy cow pig
          • “★新·红松树在新闻媒体前出国。赤松就可以利用,如果他们不支持外国旅游 ” New Media Before the Akamatsu travelling abroad in reporting red If it hits without travelling abroad perhaps Akamatsu it was corresponding
          • “★新·红松树在新闻媒体前出国。赤松就可以利用,如果他们不支持外国旅游 ” New Media Before the Akamatsu travelling abroad in reporting red If it hits without travelling abroad perhaps Akamatsu it was corresponding
          • 。 ü ー 。赤松口蹄疫(口蹄病(口蹄疫)的O 赤松 LPY 2010) u u REPT L REPT L REPT Akamatsu foot and mouth disease FMD foot and mouth disease O Akamatsu LPY 2010
          • 从大量的报告和负责的新闻界是宫崎Shitsukeyou“口蹄疫赤松,”让净流远 Because reporting which it has been about to push responsibility to Miyazaki is many “Akamatsu foot and mouth disease” The wide me te it probably will go with the net
          • 以购买政府不采取和屠宰牛,似乎已列入我发言农场从国外带来的手足口病 In order to make the cow which has become destroying government buy There is a farm where foot and mouth disease was brought from the foreign country it seems
          • 你说得对,我松伊科更邪恶,而不是因为它涉及的罪行,他们从来没有站不住脚的高尔夫 Golf how cheapness it is It is not and the bad kind of thing which the te more relates to crime doing so is the Akamatsu tsu te
          • 关于“松”可以找到一分钟,而且过度使用武力许多乡间渡假别墅2排名搜索结果,他们认为没有 Generally searching with “Akamatsu ” it was 1 and 2 case rank in 1 minutes and The search result being too multi as for the excessiveness You think that it is not
          • 口蹄疫新闻主播锚锚新闻 一代代恰当恰当恰当 2解3新闻主播 Anchor Foot and mouth disease Anchor News DE decisively 1 Anchor News DE decisively 2 Anchor News DE decisively 3
          • 在红松树的顶端,拥有保护自己的行动瞥见,它可能会受到影响,以解决如 Above Akamatsu is the top it may move because of self protection being whether influence appears in coping don t you think
          • 如果我能把如果Tteta,但由于他们操纵的人恩前卫黑松,之后NetA的桌子上采取明确的立场风格 If when so we does has with without letting flow in the chart however it makes the news item which works the black person where with that it is in Akamatsu and rear don t you think
          • 小泽,赤松,鸠山,平松,但应该研究和考虑后,我都从未考虑 Because Ozawa Akamatsu and Hatoyama Hiramatsu in each case examination examination it is good passing how long examining it was
          • 当我表示我的是761 2通道In ll追一首:两个数量级,而不是库达害怕毛重松树以外靠近红色。开始:4强?毛重急需它:冲绳的用户界面,但活泼出访毛重约在年底赤松:里氏6?你在做什么,现在迫切部长:下面的测量是可能的检疫失败,这增加了何种意义上的感觉或Adoushiyoumonee 761 When it expresses with land mine in we mark which chases 2ch The beginning Seismic intensity 2 That inside is soon we fear With GW Akamatsu outside Start Seismic intensity 4 Don t you think it is unpalatable In GW But Okinawa bustling the o which is the side… With GW Akamatsu travel abroad end Seismic intensity 6 Don t you think it is unpalatable What you do the minister of state Presently Measurement impossibility Don t you think next will do when quarantine fails well how the e Feeling value has increased in the tsu te feeling
          • 我不butt ll包括在松树只眼睛几乎忽视撤出,直到我做什么我都会采取垃圾照顾的权力,规管传媒 NULL
          • 我现在找不到Twitter和宫崎认真口蹄疫431 431 It reaching the point where with maji it cannot search foot and mouth disease and Miyazaki from tsuitsuta the ru
          • 赤松名古屋朱达罗什么?什么您名古屋王国民主党人?我想不是很多有趣的家伙 The ro which is Akamatsu tsu te Nagoya It does in Nagoya tsu te Democratic party kingdom the yo The strange person is many it is probably will be
          • 赤松约一百十八万案件口蹄疫(0 16秒)隆宏赤松约二十二万一千案件(0 23秒)你是个诚实 Akamatsu foot and mouth disease Approximately 1 180 000 Case 0 16 Second Hirotaka Akamatsu Approximately 221 000 Case 0 23 Second Everyone honesty
          • 高。副秘书长的渔业部长和松树是最大的,最高圪台和荣誉都全心全意支持 High Corresponding wholeheartedly receives which in agricultural Minister of State and head Deputy Secretary General and Akamatsu appreciation would like to say
          • 高尔夫球日或从未空白?赤松进一步在此条件。有趣的非 One day of blank never golf In such a state Akamatsu 更 It is not it is strange

        • 727民主党国会和最高法院的一个障碍分散的牛肉和猪肉内脏部库达附近,但警方说,东京地方法院高等法院日本律师协会联合会隆伊予
          727 But the Democratic party when it is the Diet Building Supreme Court and Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, Tokyo district court high court day valve connected Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is close, The internal organs of the cow pig to scatter, the hurdle it is high

          • Ameblo jp 东博客 archive2 201004的。html#主井,这名男子谁还会做呢?的回答是联系在一起 ameblo jp higashi blog archive2 201004 html main The a this person probably is who As for answering ahead linking
            • TTP的: www naniword com 1 %%81%九个人口众多93%E4类公元前%91%。html的 ttp www naniword com 1 E9 81 93 E4 BC 91 html

          • Netouyo与另一个。濒死体验太危险逃脱这个国家或代理人或束,另一起事件中,我想我没有二战安全Tsurada Ideta尺度分钟前,大声朝总联的人动员湖
            Already [netouyo] ream. Also did the operative escape? Or the homeland is dangerous, it is with, being mobilized with separate charge? So the people 潭 making a noise well before the entire ream, the shelf Understanding ww which is the cheap people

            • NULL 07 18 ID GnlR0ZTL0 ID RDhi5cj 1 2 Cheaply foolish ease the cross legged fashion the ranch tsu te knowing it increases Principal customer Nationwide farmer s cooperative association Sapporo Iwate and Tochigi triple Fukuoka hokuren farmer s cooperative association North Japanese ku corresponding fodder corporation JA east Japanese ku corresponding fodder corporation JA Kitakyushu ku corresponding fodder corporation JA west Japanese ku corresponding fodder corporation Tokyo flesh market corporation Yokohama flesh market corporation The Osaka city flesh market corporation Kokube corporation Stock meeting Water caltrop food Corporation Dentsu Harmony Fearing the cancellation of the deposits it seems that having reported and regulating
              • 71: 名无Shisan十周年:2010 05 21(星期五)17:09:37编号:8OApbLUh0 61“等媒体的限制,覆盖率”,“压制统治”而我没有,这是 71 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 21 gold 17 09 37 ID 8OApbLUh0 61 “Collection of data regulation” being there is no “reporting regulation” is the shelf this
              • 产品名称982:交易 现场直播! 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(周四)06:32:20编号:RDhi5cj 1 2 ,以进一步加快Ĥ陷入了一个长周末松树自来水省长关于领导是坚强和嘴。我被告知要制定一个执行情况报告,他们停止进食,以减少损失元 982 Name Trader Live sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 06 32 20 ID RDhi5cj 1 2 Furthermore the H governor hitting accelerates from about weekend In regard to a pine showing strong leadership the oral hoof Reporting that is done stopped damage in minimum An indication that being made make the result the ru
              • 宫崎牛肉,在树荫下冷。奇了一事件中,精子或被盗! 30:可爱的妻子,如果:2010 05 11(星期二)23:55:58编号:8VRqO2W00未知(未知)2010年 11月5日至13日:47:冷,2009年在宫崎县的牛肉合作,宫崎,10月51。 1种子,强盗玛丽塔300 With that shade Miyazaki cow cold The incident where the spermatozoon is stolen occurred 30 It is lovely the madam 2010 05 11 fire 23 55 58 ID 8VRqO2W00 Unknown Unknown 2010 05 11 13 47 51 2009 October In agricultural cooperative inside Miyazaki prefecture Miyazaki cow cold Spermatozoon 1 and 300 were stolen
              • 宫崎牛肉,在树荫下冷。奇了一事件中,精子或被盗! 30:可爱的妻子,如果:2010 05 11(星期二)23:55:58编号:8VRqO2W00未知(未知)2010年 11月5日至13日:47:冷,2009年在宫崎县的牛肉合作,宫崎,10月51。 1种子,强盗玛丽塔300 With that shade Miyazaki cow cold The incident where the spermatozoon is stolen occurred 30 It is lovely the madam 2010 05 11 fire 23 55 58 ID 8VRqO2W00 Unknown Unknown 2010 05 11 13 47 51 2009 October In agricultural cooperative inside Miyazaki prefecture Miyazaki cow cold Spermatozoon 1 and 300 were stolen

            • NULL After the occurrence verifying nearly 1 months reflection what the wa bi is done keeps doing thinking that it is not “securely” Boat mountain healthy river Agriculture and forestry marine products state affairs official When from 5 4 travel abroad “Self Defense Force you see to Denmark the person who becomes insecure it is therefore the Self Defense Force support may not ” Ichiro Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General Oral hoof During infection expanding in election cooperation request “very much to Miyazaki the importance Prefecture It is topic” Yukio Hatoyama Prime Minister Finish rupi after the occurring nearly 1 months passing way it starts the examination “of serious anxiety” “measure the indication” Plain Hirohumi Secretariat director Responsibility it depends on pushing in Miyazaki prefecture and the local farmer “as for Miyazaki prefecture finer quarantine measure” Masahiko Yamada Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state It did the occurrence harem promontory entering but it did not enter locally
              • “我不知道!”“所有的思考,我不认为我道歉”,“我错了,我在哪里?”福岛瑞穗林业 结婚。特别从宫崎县的部长,外国旅游时,也没有红松树 “It is thing being understood the ru ” “What reflection the wa bi is done completely thinks that it is not ” “somewhere by mistake is it is ” Fukushima Mizuho Agriculture and forestry water Temporary minister of state Miyazaki prefecture graduate at the time of Akamatsu travel abroad it did not do at all
              • “我不知道!”“所有的思考,我不认为我道歉”,“我错了,我在哪里?”福岛瑞穗林业 结婚。特别从宫崎县的部长,外国旅游时,也没有红松树 “It is thing being understood the ru ” “What reflection the wa bi is done completely thinks that it is not ” “somewhere by mistake is it is ” Fukushima Mizuho Agriculture and forestry water Temporary minister of state Miyazaki prefecture graduate at the time of Akamatsu travel abroad it did not do at all
              • 农业部长和松树民主党人,我们有快速,准确地完成工作过程 Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries the Democratic party and Akamatsu we process should being popular quickly and precisely
              • 嘿贫困,日益恶化的农业部长说,它的日期更重要的事情要做一 1 When it is important errand detailed schedule you can say don t you think the e Poor Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
              • 当人们确认口蹄疫出访韩国赤松隆宏,农业部长南有湖乐趣 The Korean people 潭 with chord mu Hirotaka Akamatsu Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Foot and mouth disease After the verifying Travel abroad
              • 当人们确认口蹄疫出访韩国赤松隆宏,农业部长南有湖乐趣 The Korean people 潭 with chord mu Hirotaka Akamatsu Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Foot and mouth disease After the verifying Travel abroad
              • 当人们确认口蹄疫出访韩国赤松隆宏,农业部长南有湖乐趣 The Korean people 潭 with chord mu Hirotaka Akamatsu Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Foot and mouth disease After the verifying Travel abroad
              • 我1个月,经过近一个确认后的一代,“相处得很好”,议会04农业部长Hunayama安卫5 丹麦的外交之旅“和恐惧,人们将看到茹自卫队(自卫队的支持,因此不是最好的) “ 小泽一郎,民主党秘书长和口。在宫崎县的选举,帮助重要 鸠山由纪夫首相Louppy彻底,更接近我后1个月后,一个“非常关注”,“县”问题的蔓延请求“是一个非常措施开始审议方向“,新闻平野,当地农民在宫崎,弘文内阁官房长官负责 After the occurrence verifying nearly 1 months passing “it keeps doing securely” Boat mountain healthy river Agriculture and forestry marine products state affairs official When from 5 4 travel abroad “Self Defense Force you see to Denmark the person who becomes insecure it is therefore the Self Defense Force support may not ” Ichiro Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General Oral hoof During infection expanding in election cooperation request “very much to Miyazaki the importance Prefecture It is topic” Yukio Hatoyama Prime Minister Finish rupi after the occurring nearly 1 months passing way it starts the examination “of serious anxiety” “measure the indication” Plain Hirohumi Secretariat director Responsibility it depends on pushing in Miyazaki prefecture and the local farmer “as for Miyazaki prefecture finer quarantine measure” Masahiko Yamada Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state It did the occurrence harem promontory entering but it did not enter locally
              • 我1个月,经过近一个确认后的一代,“相处得很好”,议会04农业部长Hunayama安卫5 丹麦的外交之旅“和恐惧,人们将看到茹自卫队(自卫队的支持,因此不是最好的) “ 小泽一郎,民主党秘书长和口。在宫崎县的选举,帮助重要 鸠山由纪夫首相Louppy彻底,更接近我后1个月后,一个“非常关注”,“县”问题的蔓延请求“是一个非常措施开始审议方向“,新闻平野,当地农民在宫崎,弘文内阁官房长官负责 After the occurrence verifying nearly 1 months passing “it keeps doing securely” Boat mountain healthy river Agriculture and forestry marine products state affairs official When from 5 4 travel abroad “Self Defense Force you see to Denmark the person who becomes insecure it is therefore the Self Defense Force support may not ” Ichiro Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General Oral hoof During infection expanding in election cooperation request “very much to Miyazaki the importance Prefecture It is topic” Yukio Hatoyama Prime Minister Finish rupi after the occurring nearly 1 months passing way it starts the examination “of serious anxiety” “measure the indication” Plain Hirohumi Secretariat director Responsibility it depends on pushing in Miyazaki prefecture and the local farmer “as for Miyazaki prefecture finer quarantine measure” Masahiko Yamada Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state It did the occurrence harem promontory entering but it did not enter locally
              • 我有一个要求,从县提出了出国,离开了渔业部长 Although there was request from the prefecture agricultural minister of state leaving because you went out to travel abroad

            • NULL The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release The shy one day w when foolish pine minister of state it cannot release
              • 670 wwwwwwwwww国防部长渔业 670 Agricultural minister of state with respect to wwwwwwwwww national defense
              • 农业部长预计还将有关于公务出国,“当然芝刈日”你瓦特 As expected agricultural minister of state even ahead travelling abroad with the official business the ro w which “the lawn of course it cuts and” is

            • Sai m对不起它已经尽了很大的麻烦大家道歉,因为我的投票
              Doing to apply the annoyance which with consequence of we one vote becomes great in everyone [gomen] do

              • Tottara自由的制度,可能会从媒体好民主支持者和应是最佳洙冷
                When our people take administration, as for the democracy supporter when you are treated coldly Because it tries that the mass communications probably will protect by all power, the [ro] which is all right

                • Twitter的“后续”,“神奇的规格追随者”的思想,仅仅试图分钟,1000号10000或赦免,身份证的内部程序,而非指数呈指数上升的号码数量的数字和写我来试试爆炸加工机制和 You understand that just a little it tries thinking of the specification “of the following” “follower” of Twitter but If ID of 1000 or 10000 when anyhow beams of the quantity of ID and the number of entries rise Instead of geometric progression therefore the mechanism where exponential function internal processing and external processing explode don t you think
                  • 搜寻398 394垃圾邮件最后我想有些品种反“Twitter的架构,服务规范,他们是不是”很多身份证果断地处理写,一个大量的I我想有时 394 398 There probably is also search SPAM or various measures but the after all place Although “the architecture of Twitter specification of service handles the mass entry of mass ID it is not faced decisively” There is with a tsu lever you think that it is

                • Www tensan y com 的index php?节日 u003d♪♪♪关东降落,因为我的愚蠢富士♪♪♪617 口蹄疫牲畜的农民已擅自富士 www tensan y com index php eid 617 With ♪ ♪ ♪ foolish Fuji Telecasting Co consequence in Kanto landing or ♪ ♪ ♪ Fuji Telecasting Co photographing the animal husbandry farmer with non permission
                  • TTP的: www tensan y com 的index php?节日 u003d♪♪♪♪关东降落,因为我的愚蠢富士♪♪617 口蹄疫牲畜的农民已擅自富士 ttp www tensan y com index php eid 617 With ♪ ♪ ♪ foolish Fuji Telecasting Co consequence in Kanto landing or ♪ ♪ ♪ Fuji Telecasting Co photographing the animal husbandry farmer with non permission
                  • 叽叽喳喳,呻 twitter com 我似乎无法找到它,可我从底部搜索 tsuitsuta http twitter com When is but like it cannot search When you did from under it could search
                  • 约3分钟的电话通话成本约16日元,4 5日元浴 www14水费约22个月平均面积约08千瓦电力日元日元TTP的: 。Plala or jp 古巴 Haraindex htm Bus fee Approximately 16 Yen Telephone rate 3 minutes Approximately 4 5 Yen Electric generation Approximately 8 Yen around kilowatts Aqueduct generation One month approximately 22 Yen ttp www14 plala or jp Cuba Haraindex htm
                  • 苏奥我有一个又聋又牲畜口蹄疫在该地区,什么行动不在乎 Although altogether area it has been about probably to protect the animal husbandry from foot and mouth disease it probably is the conduct which does not have the consideration which is called something
                  • 苏奥我有一个又聋又牲畜口蹄疫在该地区,什么行动不在乎 Although altogether area it has been about probably to protect the animal husbandry from foot and mouth disease it probably is the conduct which does not have the consideration which is called something

                • Wwwwww゙马啊好看啊。难道不是驱动tTA松挖掘坟墓?
                  The [ge] it can be able be able to obtain, with wwwwww [mashi] ゙ the horse. The grave you dug the pine, don't you think? it is, -?

                  • _NULL_
                    1 * Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama (with and [ma] Going) (the House of Representatives/Hokkaido 9 Ku) “So far, () correspondence of foot and mouth disease did already at government”, (2010 May 18th, in press corps) * Chief Cabinet Secretary Plain Hirohumi ([hi] and others The wide [hu] you see) (the House of Representatives/Osaka prefecture 11 Ku) “The [kawaminamichiyou] [tsu] [te] it is Kawaminami Cho whose damage of foot and mouth disease is considerable, it is? ” “No [te] you say formally, it is? ” With as many as two degrees verification (2010 May 19th, press conference) * Cabinet secretariat secondary director (state affairs charge) Yorihisa Matsuno (it waits From [hi]) (the House of Representatives/Kumamoto prefecture 1 Ku) (next financial affairs secondary minister of state) “As government, you spread thorough attitude (in regard to foot and mouth disease), it is the recognition that”, (2010 May 19th, press conference) * Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state Masahiko Yamada (Yamada The [ma] the [hi] it is dense) (the House of Representatives/Nagasaki prefecture 3 Ku) The case of the question regarding foot and mouth disease, the reply person (Sasaki Takashi Hiroshi agricultural state affairs official) with true rear, closing the eye, you yawn largely, (2010 May 13th, the House of Representatives agricultural committee) * Minister of Justice Keiko Chiba (Chiba Keiko) (House of Councillors/Kanagawa prefecture) “It was not the meaning which folds the hand (vis-a-vis foot and mouth disease), as needed appropriate correspondence the execution [tsu] [te] it came”, (2010 May 18th, press conference) * Cabinet prefecture special life charge minister of state (administrative renovation) Branch field Yukio (it is obtaining Going) (the House of Representatives/Saitama prefecture 5 Ku) “Problem of this hand, is something which receives the criticism that always initial motion is slow, (in regard to foot and mouth disease)”, (2010 May 18th, press conference)

                    • _NULL_
                      Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business Because relationship of friendship was established with the Mexican daughter and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the night, the shank Wwwww which is the nice official business

                      • _NULL_
                        Before the electing After the electing Child treatment is put out -> The district burden (nationality ignoring = resident, to provide to also the child whom the migrant foreigner leaves to native country, even with the adopted child ok) Buried deposit the gold is excavated -> There was no buried deposit gold Public works projects 9.1 trillion reducing the wastefulness of Yen -> As for reduction just 0.6 trillion Yen You do not permit order exerted from above -> Order exerted from above it could point to postal services three part Labor cost 2 percentage reduction of government employee -> Bill after year after next advance shipment It does not increase taxes -> Tax increase and inheritance tax and internal reservation taxation (laughing) examining tobacco tax and liquor tax Provisional tariff is abolished -> It maintained The deficit-financing bond is controlled -> Past the largest deficit-financing bond issue (sum total 44,000,000,000,000 Yen) Clean politics is done -> Illegality donation and tax evasion of Hatoyama Ozawa north teaching group Incumbent Assemblyman arrest Domestic demand expanding, it does business recovery -> Deflation advance, CO2 It rushed to 25% reduction statement and Hatoyama depression Okinawa US military the base is made to move -> It makes move in the country, or reality. Perpetuation It converts the highway free -> Earth day 1000 Yen stopping, it marks up From concrete to person -> Road service working expenses 60,800,000,000 Yen increase (to constituency whose democracy is weak) Gasoline tax abolition -> No that Manifest there is no statement -> Korean school gratuitous conversion Human rights violation relief bill submitting Foreign inhabitant fundamental law Surname classified by married couple Foreign carrot administration The political life 懸 [ke] [te] the ♪ which is done

                        • Ŧ点和嘴。基金通过https:/ / tsite.jp /捐赠/ index.pl?Xpg u003d PCTC0202&bokin_id u003d 45&免疫缺陷u003d kh0520dm雅虎点嘴。筹款
                          With T point oral hoof. Fund-raising https: //tsite.jp/donation/index.pl? xpg = PCTC0202& bokin_id = 45& scid = kh0520dm Yahoo! With point oral hoof. Fund-raising

                          • “当时,我说我工作在一个国际法官了一个它的正面或所谓的,消极的,在过去几个星期我的正面,负面 ” At that time being positive that it is negative the judgment which you say spending many weeks internationally when finally it is positive it is negative when with is the story which you say
                            • 处置具有阶段,我不知道感染的所有牛只的伪阳性或阴性北海道 All head it makes deal with at the stage false infection which does not know whether even in Hokkaido positivity whether negativity
                            • 宫崎被发现以后,他得到了积极的结果,在杀死阴性阳性 Even when with Miyazaki being positive while being negative destroying positivity result was found afterwards

                          • ∧,∧ )γ⌒⌒ヽ 1( ω ))T恤 J的─的J T恤 ∧ and ∧ This is the vaccine … Ω he ⌒ hu ⌒ Γ It injects o ├ l Ω My nowhere is bad It does J It does It does ─ J Crying with something the ru Don t you think the me it is ∧ and ∧ hu ゚ shiyu Ω he ⌒ hu ⌒ Γ Ω It does J It does It does ─ J
                            • ∧,∧ )注射到γ⌒⌒ヽ对了吗? 输出├ u003d u003d 1 (·ω·))我无处环境不坏? T恤 J的─J手流陈乃裕发球为什么哭? ∧ and ∧ This is the vaccine … Ω he ⌒ hu ⌒ Γ It injects o ├ l Ω My nowhere is bad It does J It does It does ─ J Crying with something the ru Don t you think the me it is ∧ and ∧ hu ゚ shiyu Ω he ⌒ hu ⌒ Γ Ω It does J It does It does ─ J
                            • ∧,∧ )注射到γ⌒⌒ヽ对了吗? 输出├ u003d u003d 1 (·ω·))我无处环境不坏? T恤 J的─J手流陈乃裕发球为什么哭? ∧ and ∧ This is the vaccine … Ω he ⌒ hu ⌒ Γ It injects o ├ l Ω My nowhere is bad It does J It does It does ─ J Crying with something the ru Don t you think the me it is ∧ and ∧ hu ゚ shiyu Ω he ⌒ hu ⌒ Γ Ω It does J It does It does ─ J
                            • ∧,∧( )这是一升疫苗 Ø├ u003d u003d T恤 F选项J奥夫ヽ的注射γ⌒⌒? (·Ω·))我无处环境不坏? J手流陈乃裕发球─为什么哭? NULL

                          • ●在这个时间的D九州宫崎有强劲的需求主要成员。韩国牧场。要求学员接受本地乳品作为输入 With Kyushu there is the request whose D Assemblyman is strong in this time the Miyazaki main thing In ranch Korea The dairy farming trainee is accepted The way you ask local end
                            • ●在这个时间的D九州宫崎有强劲的需求主要成员。韩国牧场。要求学员接受本地乳品作为输入 With Kyushu there is the request whose D Assemblyman is strong in this time the Miyazaki main thing In ranch Korea The dairy farming trainee is accepted The way you ask local end
                            • ●在这个时间的D九州宫崎有强劲的需求主要成员。韩国牧场。要求学员接受本地乳品作为输入 With Kyushu there is the request whose D Assemblyman is strong in this time the Miyazaki main thing In ranch Korea The dairy farming trainee is accepted The way you ask local end
                            • ●在这个时间的D九州宫崎有强劲的需求主要成员。韩国牧场。要求学员接受本地乳品作为输入 With Kyushu there is the request whose D Assemblyman is strong in this time the Miyazaki main thing In ranch Korea The dairy farming trainee is accepted The way you ask local end
                            • ●在这个时间的D九州宫崎有强劲的需求主要成员。韩国牧场。要求学员接受本地乳品作为输入 With Kyushu there is the request whose D Assemblyman is strong in this time the Miyazaki main thing In ranch Korea The dairy farming trainee is accepted The way you ask local end
                            • ●月光4。宫崎县知事,奶制品官员,措施和要求援助和自民党和民主党初 4 Tukisita Miyazaki prefecture nomarch the dairy farming authorized personnel and the Liberal Democratic Party etc requesting the measure and support of early stage to the Democratic party
                            • ●月光4。宫崎县知事,奶制品官员,措施和要求援助和自民党和民主党初 4 Tukisita Miyazaki prefecture nomarch the dairy farming authorized personnel and the Liberal Democratic Party etc requesting the measure and support of early stage to the Democratic party

                          • ●毛重在政府,外交部声明中还几乎Dasazu,主要是媒体的沉默 In GW almost not to put out government or Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries or declaration as for the mass communications most silence
                            • ●毛重在政府,外交部声明中还几乎Dasazu,主要是媒体的沉默 In GW almost not to put out government or Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries or declaration as for the mass communications most silence
                            • ●毛重在政府,外交部声明中还几乎Dasazu,主要是媒体的沉默 In GW almost not to put out government or Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries or declaration as for the mass communications most silence

                          • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜●民主党,但也与Warazu部官员的反对,该条款是禁止在这个时候提高应急ROM的猪在韩国,日本。药品储存,“Birukon S”型的韩国横向质量 But as for the Democratic party administration in spite even in dissenting opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries staff the Korean pig the raising holding which in this time is made import reopening Phrase and the Japanese domestic tension Chemicals “ birukon S” for storing were illegally sold to Korea in large quantities
                            • ●民主党,但也与Warazu部官员的反对,该条款是禁止在这个时候提高应急ROM的猪在韩国,日本。药品储存,“Birukon S”型的韩国横向质量 But as for the Democratic party administration in spite even in dissenting opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries staff the Korean pig the raising holding which in this time is made import reopening Phrase and the Japanese domestic tension Chemicals “ birukon S” for storing were illegally sold to Korea in large quantities
                            • ●民主党,但也与Warazu部官员的反对,该条款是禁止在这个时候提高应急ROM的猪在韩国,日本。药品储存,“Birukon S”型的韩国横向质量 But as for the Democratic party administration in spite even in dissenting opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries staff the Korean pig the raising holding which in this time is made import reopening Phrase and the Japanese domestic tension Chemicals “ birukon S” for storing were illegally sold to Korea in large quantities
                            • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜●民主党,但也与Warazu部官员的反对,该条款是禁止在这个时候提高应急ROM的猪在韩国,日本。药品储存,“Birukon S”型的韩国横向质量 But as for the Democratic party administration in spite even in dissenting opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries staff the Korean pig the raising holding which in this time is made import reopening Phrase and the Japanese domestic tension Chemicals “ birukon S” for storing were illegally sold to Korea in large quantities

                          • 一个农民谁后,自己的教育最后宰杀奶牛有他们,似乎比自己的生命绝对驱动tTA A certain farmer after the destroying the last cow which by your have raised Personally the method which cuts off life probably will do is
                            • 对它们,和其他牲畜的农场,“我已经消毒?”我听说,“不 Vis a vis that another animal husbandry farmer has done “as for disinfection it is When” with you hear “It has not done
                            • 对它们,和其他牲畜的农场,“我已经消毒?”我听说,“不 Vis a vis that another animal husbandry farmer has done “as for disinfection it is When” with you hear “It has not done

                          • 不过出国...总督东国秀夫星期二上午,4月27日,农业部长访问隆宏赤松,寻求未来的要求,以提高驱动tTA线
                            Although is, travel abroad… Nomarch Hideo Higashi Kunihara April 27th morning, visits Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase, The request which requests future correspondence it did

                            • 今天下午,区,电视记者从富士,没有任何联系,所以我就开始面试元突然来到谷仓 Present in the afternoon in the area the Fuji Telecasting Co collection of data position Without many contacts coming to the barn suddenly it began collection of data so is
                              • 今天下午,区,电视记者从富士,没有任何联系,所以我就开始面试元突然来到谷仓 Present in the afternoon in the area the Fuji Telecasting Co collection of data position Without many contacts coming to the barn suddenly it began collection of data so is

                            • 但是,愿望,试图杀死托洛茨基斯大林,托洛茨基的头骨分裂释放暴徒发言,杀害
                              But, as for Stalin Murder of [torotsuki] is desired, the assassin is shot, dividing the brain heaven of [torotsuki], Murder

                              • 但是,这并不包括在电视上高尔夫仍不敢你知道你在这里 The ho and others see After all golf doing the ro which hurts But it is not reported with the television
                                • 不要试图说我很惊讶现在就Ganjapati瓦特高尔夫 Instead of golf ganjiyapatei it has done as after so long a time because you are not surprised it tries calling w

                              • 保持你的牲畜会破坏高尔夫嘉豪日本子公司的值得! !
                                Making the Japanese livestock industry be ruined, by your golf concentration This a stone two bird! !

                                • 农林水产省/农业部出差赤松
                                  About the overseas business trip of Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries/Akamatsu

                                  • 包括农民在宫崎Mutame毁灭性赶走总理将收紧由纪夫鸠山,自民党主题的王国看到宫崎,中国,农民和地方新闻宫崎,弘文平野,内阁官房长官秘书负责横向流动韩国Birukon 500它依赖于纪律,“宫崎更详细的保护措施”,农业部副部长宫崎后进入山田正彦有助于避免麻烦大谈了关于举行诬陷三宅由纪子已进入现场没有 NULL
                                    • 相比之下,农业部副部长山田正彦地方总部“(救济),我不认为我已经认识到我 Vis a vis this agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Masahiko Yamada of the local measure headquarters does not think “may recognize relief with
                                    • 相比之下,农业部副部长山田正彦地方总部“(救济),我不认为我已经认识到我 Vis a vis this agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Masahiko Yamada of the local measure headquarters does not think “may recognize relief with
                                    • 相比之下,农业部副部长山田正彦地方总部“(救济),我不认为我已经认识到我 Vis a vis this agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Masahiko Yamada of the local measure headquarters does not think “may recognize relief with
                                    • 相比之下,农业部副部长山田正彦地方总部“(救济),我不认为我已经认识到我 Vis a vis this agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Masahiko Yamada of the local measure headquarters does not think “may recognize relief with
                                    • 相比之下,农业部副部长山田正彦地方总部“(救济),我不认为我已经认识到我 Vis a vis this agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Masahiko Yamada of the local measure headquarters does not think “may recognize relief with

                                  • 包括派遣了第二,外交,军事间谍的美国与世界各国数百个规模战争与苏联的盟友中,由于这些行业分钟已经离开完全是出于对窃取敏感信息
                                    The ally Soviet Union of second next worldwide large wartime at a level of hundred units in America sending spy, Because diplomacy, it understood that it has started stealing the secret information with respect to military affair and industry entirely,

                                    • 卡斯特罗对哈希赤松先生,议案是进入解决问题,如果未付贷款公司在古巴举行日本所有,之后,我也认为我们行,然后他们谈论积极合只有在进入决赛
                                      As for Akamatsu vis-a-vis Chair Castro, the Japanese enterprise possesses in Cuba It offered the solution of unpaid claim problem, but when after all, it keeps doing the constructive discussion, recognition Because it shared, it ended

                                      • 口蹄疫 公司和人民谁试图帮助吉焦 GJ it tried doing enterprise and the person whom it supports
                                        • 口蹄疫 公司和人民谁试图帮助吉焦 GJ it tried doing enterprise and the person whom it supports

                                      • 口蹄疫 媒体 茂宫崎县议会的成员,“没有一个未经消毒的任命谷仓富士电视台采访人员 NULL
                                        • 口蹄疫 媒体 茂宫崎县议会的成员,“没有一个未经消毒的任命谷仓富士电视台采访人员 NULL

                                      • 古巴社会主义支付租金的10%游离硅假名晴Rashiki大学学位,研究较少
                                        It is splendid, it comes, kana socialist Cuba House rent Below 10% of wages It is free to research of the bachelor's degree of the university student

                                        • 哈纳赤松的后果秦野全国植树节线的性质?我觉得一个借口不出庭面对陛下笑嘻嘻
                                          As for Akamatsu the kana which does to the nationwide Arbor Day of Hadano city? Appearing in before the majesty with the [niyaniya] face, when you think as the [ru], you cannot permit,

                                          • 在动物方面的便利,炸死749人被杀害我Waranai奇怪的食物?机管局否认是畜牧业,但我绝对不会允许时,在坚持茹现在人们都在努力畜牧业? 749 In the point that you are killed with circumstances of the human either the domestic animal which is killed because of for food does not change but it is The AA is something which denies the livestock industry itself in the current time when the people of the livestock industry have suffered hardship How you cannot permit no matter what pastes that but it is

                                            • 在古巴农业部长负责解决一个问题,如果日本公司未付债务举行?
                                              The solution of the unpaid claim problem which the Japanese enterprise possesses in Cuba Being charge of agriculture and forestry marine products phase?

                                              • 在宫崎非常横向状态,韩国宣布,就像韩牛 Being in a state where Miyazaki prefecture is serious in the side glance announcing Korea the Japanese Cattle entirely Korean cow
                                                • 在宫崎非常横向状态,韩国宣布,就像韩牛 Being in a state where Miyazaki prefecture is serious in the side glance announcing Korea the Japanese Cattle entirely Korean cow

                                              • 在此之前,“手足口病”是在韩国流行,日本没有降落 To that “foot and mouth disease” was craze inside Korea but it had not landed to Japan
                                                • 在此之前,“手足口病”是在韩国流行,日本没有降落 To that “foot and mouth disease” was craze inside Korea but it had not landed to Japan

                                              • 大田是不是所有的,它有一个特别的性质天无疑将深刻的见解与大多数人的良好邪鬼夹心邪恶蜘蛛蜘蛛
                                                As for Ota the character shelf which puts questionable matter to majority group well badly with the heaven wicked ogre Especially, there is no reason which is deep discernment but

                                                • 如果我把生命中Netouyo没有影响您舒展线程苏
                                                  [netouyo] which bets life on extending [sure] So there is no influence

                                                  • 它有老虎机在Guguttemirutoiroiro山田正彦797
                                                    797 Masahiko Yamada Pachinko So the [gu] [gu] [tsu] [te] you see with the varieties it comes out

                                                    • 当然我的思维 出国旅游下一阶段的口蹄疫 农业赤松,5月2空白部计划,“没多说,”外交事务“迫切需要”5★ Next sure it tried thinking Akamatsu agricultural phase in travel abroad schedule May 2nd of blank “As for Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries details the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which cannot be said” “unnecessary nonurgent” 5
                                                      • 我觉得茹和任用条件和迫切隐蔽场所等巴利Barre ve这样做,也许他们不是远离高尔夫更严重 When schedule of blank of such a barebare it has been about probably to hide you see desperately Whether a more terrible thing as for the actual condition there is no golf it has done don t you think

                                                    • 当然,媒体都必须有思想,他们将自己的传播媒介传染的可能性 Naturally the mass communications must think of that it is also the possibility the self becoming infection medium
                                                      • 当然,媒体都必须有思想,他们将自己的传播媒介传染的可能性 Naturally the mass communications must think of that it is also the possibility the self becoming infection medium

                                                    • 我不在乎什么行动“■♪♪♪富士由于土地的关东愚蠢的骚动♪♪♪土地 领域布鲁诺Sadowarachō 2★』媒体呼吁政府早在这款手机从沃德先生,总裁你怎么做“我想要做的事情对口蹄疫区作为,想教我做什么 It is the conduct which does not have the consideration which is called something” 2 With ♪ ♪ ♪ foolish Fuji Telecasting Co consequence in Kanto landing ♪ ♪ ♪ Anger to mass communications Now morning from autonomous chairman of the area on the rice field no of Sadohara Cho there being the telephone “As the area because no oak you want vis a vis foot and mouth disease we want teaching whether how it should have done
                                                      • 我不在乎什么行动“■♪♪♪富士由于土地的关东愚蠢的骚动♪♪♪土地 领域布鲁诺Sadowarachō 2★』媒体呼吁政府早在这款手机从沃德先生,总裁你怎么做“我想要做的事情对口蹄疫区作为,想教我做什么 It is the conduct which does not have the consideration which is called something” 2 With ♪ ♪ ♪ foolish Fuji Telecasting Co consequence in Kanto landing ♪ ♪ ♪ Anger to mass communications Now morning from autonomous chairman of the area on the rice field no of Sadohara Cho there being the telephone “As the area because no oak you want vis a vis foot and mouth disease we want teaching whether how it should have done

                                                    • 我们一直在隐瞒什么,而是587想什么? -购买股票,如果公司的疫苗制造商占消毒剂泄漏帐户购买美国股票,因为他们中的药物在中美洲,其中卖淫我只是觉得Itsukan
                                                      587 How thinking, the [ro] which it has hidden what and is? Buying spring with Chubei With Chubei medicine Vaccine production stocks buying up of company Disinfectant production stocks buying up of company Only this extent you think in a leak and the handle are

                                                      • 我弱你最好的信息比大括号只粗略分类的时间,最后手足口病及744 744 This time and your one which it is relative in one binding is the information weak with just the rough category which says the last time foot and mouth disease
                                                        • 然后,你可以尝试解决它的手足口病在整个地区,日益恶化的思想真正欣赏 When the match vis a vis foot and mouth disease can do altogether area you think that with thing it is grateful truly

                                                      • 我明确地说,宫崎冷韩国牛。无损检测窃取玫瑰宫崎县农业精子,他们返回到脚和撒口病在宫崎,我偷牛精子“韩国牛肉梁”的,说什么你开始品牌数目的!例如这样说,我也偷了草莓植株很多! 108王牛肉在韩国的女儿在日本带来很大的吸引力手足口病在韩国我发言包括:我偷wwwwwwwwww精子2010年5月14日朝鲜立即wwwwwwww Speaking clearly the South Korean the Miyazaki cow cold Stealing the spermatozoon from the Miyazaki agricultural cooperative The rose spreading foot and mouth disease in Miyazaki returning the ro which is to start the brand “Korea cow” with the spermatozoon of the Japanese Cattle which you steal So if you said also the seedling of the strawberry stole in large quantities When Japan is serious with the foot and mouth disease which Korea was brought the Korea cow it appeals 800 eldest daughter king 2010 May 14th With the spermatozoon which is stolen promptly wwwwwwww South Korean wwwwwwwwww
                                                        • 我明确地说,宫崎冷韩国牛。无损检测窃取玫瑰宫崎县农业精子,他们返回到脚和撒口病在宫崎,我偷牛精子“韩国牛肉梁”的,说什么你开始品牌数目的!例如这样说,我也偷了草莓植株很多! 108王牛肉在韩国的女儿在日本带来很大的吸引力手足口病在韩国我发言包括:我偷wwwwwwwwww精子2010年5月14日朝鲜立即wwwwwwww Speaking clearly the South Korean the Miyazaki cow cold Stealing the spermatozoon from the Miyazaki agricultural cooperative The rose spreading foot and mouth disease in Miyazaki returning the ro which is to start the brand “Korea cow” with the spermatozoon of the Japanese Cattle which you steal So if you said also the seedling of the strawberry stole in large quantities When Japan is serious with the foot and mouth disease which Korea was brought the Korea cow it appeals 800 eldest daughter king 2010 May 14th With the spermatozoon which is stolen promptly wwwwwwww South Korean wwwwwwwwww

                                                      • 我是一个系列,HBC,简称TBS和北海道解除当地合作社,开始阶段任务的部队人数在4月份听到了宫崎的第一次报告,是衡量和报告工作
                                                        But HBC TBS serial what That in the Hokkaido local agricultural cooperative you inquire about the Miyazaki information and start the measure headquarters at April stage, hit to measure it reports

                                                        • 我没有留在墨西哥茹居大沽,我想仍然好于川崎 You wanted to stay in Mexico it stays it is it is not Kawasaki one still probably is mashi what
                                                          • 托洛茨基被击败了与斯大林的权力斗争,流亡到墨西哥 As for torotsuki defeat to struggle for supremacy of Stalin You go into exile to Mexico

                                                        • 我经过近1个月确认后的一代,“相处得很好”,议会04农业部长Hunayama安卫5 /丹麦的外交之旅“和恐惧,人们将看到茹自卫队(自卫队的支持,因此不是最好的) “500书籍-一般藏匿在东北Birukon当地民主党,小泽一郎秘书
                                                          After the occurrence verifying nearly 1 months passing, “it keeps doing securely” Boat mountain healthy river Agriculture and forestry marine products state affairs official When from 5/4 travel abroad “Self Defense Force you see to Denmark, the person who becomes insecure it is, therefore (the Self Defense Force support may not)” Ichiro Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General Oral hoof. During infection expanding in election cooperation request “very much to Miyazaki the importance Prefecture It is topic” Yukio Hatoyama Prime Minister Finish [rupi], after the occurring nearly 1 months passing, way it starts the examination “of serious anxiety” “measure, the indication” Plain Hirohumi Secretariat director Responsibility it depends on pushing in Miyazaki prefecture and the local farmer, “as for Miyazaki prefecture finer quarantine measure” Masahiko Yamada Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state It did the occurrence harem promontory entering, but it did not enter locally

                                                          • 所以,我们要报的项目你讲的手段,使病毒在我区列入Manaita Then some item you reported the expedient because the virus is not brought inside the area
                                                            • 所以,我们要报的项目你讲的手段,使病毒在我区列入Manaita Then some item you reported the expedient because the virus is not brought inside the area

                                                          • 新宿5月23日直播的阁楼西村Yuukou + 1“,例如说:哦对,这象是第三!”救亡统一战线的政权崩溃或341“持有!西田正志Kishimen成员请你的眼睛,如果他最近Huzii马氏晃岩男的喜悦,与三桥参与彰隆先生,也有特殊的纪念露面的未来!还有另一位客人
                                                            With May 23 Nisshin inn loft + 1 Nishimura happiness 祐 talk live “speaking well, like this the [yu] [u] 3rd feature! “To administration collapse - as for rescuing national standardized front possibility?” opening! Recently participation remarkable Nisida 昌 we to invite Assemblyman Osamu, obtaining the participation of the Fujii massive rock happy person and the Mitsuhashi your discernment person, Spirit afterlife special performance! There is also other guest,

                                                            • 更多空间,外交部官员,墨西哥,哥伦比亚和美国环保局“谈判有关”化妆东西, Blank compared to As for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs muscle concerning the negotiation EPA related to with Mexico and Colombia “those of unnecessary nonurgent” With it has done
                                                              • 巴卡松树空白一天,与她的恩戴(外交事务。安置扮演),或者是我们打高尔夫球 One day of blank of foolish pine played with the woman foreign affairs Mediation it does golf

                                                            • 最可能的行动,他们曾经历了181也是副部长山田它的牧场主
                                                              181 Don't you think? those once most moving, so, are secondary Minister of State Yamada It is the experience person of ranch management and

                                                              • 松冈,原因不明的开支每年只有250万日元,大众媒体和反对派进行,白天和晚上,他像疯了自来水,但我包括玛丽塔赶走自杀,他们发现,红松木,松冈事实是太严重
                                                                Matsuoka agricultural phase, year with the expenditure for unexplained purposes of 2,500,000 Yen which passes, thorough in the opposition party and the mass media, Every day every night, it was hit and the [tsu] [te] which is sown, it was driven to suicide, but it is, When Akamatsu it is to see, Matsuoka is too seriousness truly the shelf

                                                                • 松树是什么人得到一个好的小说玉山Koutarou格拉斯霍珀
                                                                  But Koutarou's Isaka novel grasshopper favorite what Someone Akamatsu

                                                                  • 此外,我们要求你的土豆,让你有没有考虑农民的关怀,对牲畜每一天,他送我的不安 In addition you can worry to the animal husbandry farmer who sends insecure every day and you can consider the fish you asked and increased
                                                                    • 此外,我们要求你的土豆,让你有没有考虑农民的关怀,对牲畜每一天,他送我的不安 In addition you can worry to the animal husbandry farmer who sends insecure every day and you can consider the fish you asked and increased

                                                                  • 每日新闻松树古河奉行反对“,”表现一般批评“· TBS电视台5月16日播出的星期天早上,我为什么不使用的疫苗呢?”“还有点问题,与县兽医”,富士消毒畜牧业陷入困境的农民没有在非灭菌任命 NULL
                                                                    • 每日新闻松树古河奉行反对“,”表现一般批评“· TBS电视台5月16日播出的星期天早上,我为什么不使用的疫苗呢?”“还有点问题,与县兽医”,富士消毒畜牧业陷入困境的农民没有在非灭菌任命 NULL
                                                                    • 饲养禽畜的农民合作社在2009年11月,附近的“手足口病”的发现在感染牛 2009 November To the cow which is infected “foot and mouth disease” is discovered with the stock raiser of neighborhood of the agricultural cooperative
                                                                    • 饲养禽畜的农民合作社在2009年11月,附近的“手足口病”的发现在感染牛 2009 November To the cow which is infected “foot and mouth disease” is discovered with the stock raiser of neighborhood of the agricultural cooperative

                                                                  • 没有理由道歉发自内心的议案,但第五区的选民突然爱知县塞曼 NULL

                                                                    • 溪水它呢?韩国食价出现在2008年↓牛纳鲁和牛精液↓2009年被盗牛肉宫崎县143奈达图书(2007年起源于韩国牛肉牛肉品牌),冷。宫崎在2010年发生口蹄疫↓大规模盗窃精液(日本牛肉品牌县。基地运送物资的排序为小牛制片人。)
                                                                      This flow accident? 2007 Semen 143 robbery of Miyazaki prefecture product Japanese Cattle ↓ 2008 The Japanese Cattle [pakuri] appearance which becomes the Korea cow (as for the beginning of the Japanese Cattle Korean [nida]) ↓ 2009 Japanese Cattle brand cold. Semen mass robbery ↓ 2010 Foot and mouth disease occurrence (as for Miyazaki cow brand harmony outside prefecture. In a manner of speaking the supply which ships the calf to the area of production base)

                                                                      • 猪场主(63)是烤硬眼睑感染国家的母猪
                                                                        The pig farming place manager (63), is infected circumstances of the mother pig which in the eyelid It has burnt

                                                                        • 环保局·自由贸易协定与墨西哥,我们发现这是在做一个大的墨西哥总统最近很好来到Poppoto
                                                                          Mexican president who EPA FTA of Mexico, does not come and is coming, the [po] [tsu] [po] you do well enough extensively case to put out,

                                                                          • 用纳税人的钱出国旅游。以及如何发挥呢? !用纳税人的钱出国旅游。以及如何发挥呢? !用纳税人的钱出国旅游。以及如何发挥呢? !用纳税人的钱出国旅游。以及如何发挥呢? !用纳税人的钱出国旅游。以及如何发挥呢? !用纳税人的钱出国旅游。以及如何发挥呢? !
                                                                            Travelling abroad with blood tax of the citizen. Playing this how? ! Travelling abroad with blood tax of the citizen. Playing this how? ! Travelling abroad with blood tax of the citizen. Playing this how? ! Travelling abroad with blood tax of the citizen. Playing this how? ! Travelling abroad with blood tax of the citizen. Playing this how? ! Travelling abroad with blood tax of the citizen. Playing this how? !

                                                                            • 甲牛农民实施了新的I和措施脚下和牲畜口蹄疫和各地防治传染病的措施
                                                                              The animal husbandry farmer executed always empty foot and mouth disease and the measure for domestic animal infectious disease and Disposal you answer,

                                                                              • 病毒分析,宫崎英国动物健康研究所和动物卫生检验及●发现在牛和密切的关系,同样的病毒感染是韩国证实在南方,O型,O型猪病毒也有强大的力量是一种急性病毒感染,以进行比较与遥年或10年以前,车辆通过扩散或空气为介质 The virus which is discovered with the result and Miyazaki which the animal hygienic laboratory and the English domestic animal hygienic laboratory analyzed first the impression When the same cow O type it is the pig O type virus with the Korean virus and the close relation where dyeing was verified thing in addition the person and the car As mediation it was the acutely virus which has much strong infection power in comparison with 10 years ago e g the air you are infected
                                                                                • 病毒分析,宫崎英国动物健康研究所和动物卫生检验及●发现在牛和密切的关系,同样的病毒感染是韩国证实在南方,O型,O型猪病毒也有强大的力量是一种急性病毒感染,以进行比较与遥年或10年以前,车辆通过扩散或空气为介质 The virus which is discovered with the result and Miyazaki which the animal hygienic laboratory and the English domestic animal hygienic laboratory analyzed first the impression When the same cow O type it is the pig O type virus with the Korean virus and the close relation where dyeing was verified thing in addition the person and the car As mediation it was the acutely virus which has much strong infection power in comparison with 10 years ago e g the air you are infected
                                                                                • 病毒分析,宫崎英国动物健康研究所和动物卫生检验及●发现在牛和密切的关系,同样的病毒感染是韩国证实在南方,O型,O型猪病毒也有强大的力量是一种急性病毒感染,以进行比较与遥年或10年以前,车辆通过扩散或空气为介质 The virus which is discovered with the result and Miyazaki which the animal hygienic laboratory and the English domestic animal hygienic laboratory analyzed first the impression When the same cow O type it is the pig O type virus with the Korean virus and the close relation where dyeing was verified thing in addition the person and the car As mediation it was the acutely virus which has much strong infection power in comparison with 10 years ago e g the air you are infected

                                                                              • 真烦,将是愚蠢的问东国松支持前几天出国?如果你是一个傻瓜,是松树与K死亡
                                                                                Governor Higashi Kunihara supporting requesting to the foolish pine several days ago of travel abroad, passing,… truth? When we assume that is, as for the foolish pine with destroying k

                                                                                • 美国国务卿赖斯与英国外交大臣冈田克林顿“3小时的逗留4小时会晤,”做not ll去日本
                                                                                  American Secretary of State Clinton converses with Foreign Minister Okada and in “stay time goes away from Japan 3 and 4 hours and” increases don't you think?

                                                                                  • 该Sadowarachō仍然存在,但我运进入禁区 Still there is no occurrence in Sadohara Cho but it has entered inside carrying out restricted area
                                                                                    • 该Sadowarachō仍然存在,但我运进入禁区 Still there is no occurrence in Sadohara Cho but it has entered inside carrying out restricted area

                                                                                  • 赤松先生4月30日是日本唯一的一次对墨西哥的首次访问日本
                                                                                    On April 30th of the Japanese time Japan Akamatsu which passes, as for first visiting Mexico

                                                                                    • 赤松农业部官员,甚至农民●宫崎国外长在古巴旅游忽略了自由民主党的声音 Furthermore as for agricultural Minister of State Akamatsu the Miyazaki dairy farmer and the authorized personnel ignoring the Liberal Democratic Party voice in Cuba long term travel abroad
                                                                                      • Kurerya父亲等,而不是松树,我没有麻烦的是把日本渔业部长 So it makes generation of the Akamatsu father the ri ya Reaching agricultural phase although there was no either thing which annoyance you apply in Japan
                                                                                      • 赤松农业部官员,甚至农民●宫崎国外长在古巴旅游忽略了自由民主党的声音 Furthermore as for agricultural Minister of State Akamatsu the Miyazaki dairy farmer and the authorized personnel ignoring the Liberal Democratic Party voice in Cuba long term travel abroad
                                                                                      • 赤松农业部官员,甚至农民●宫崎国外长在古巴旅游忽略了自由民主党的声音 Furthermore as for agricultural Minister of State Akamatsu the Miyazaki dairy farmer and the authorized personnel ignoring the Liberal Democratic Party voice in Cuba long term travel abroad

                                                                                    • 这将永远留?为确定这个农业自由化查看详情?
                                                                                      It probably is the clogging which remains how long? Tsuga agricultural freeing which is dense is decided?

                                                                                      • 这是昨天发生的新富町的确认,逐步接近农民可以得到,因为他是很紧张 Yesterday verification of occurrence making Shintomi Cho the farmer has made in great fear in getting near gradually
                                                                                        • 这是昨天发生的新富町的确认,逐步接近农民可以得到,因为他是很紧张 Yesterday verification of occurrence making Shintomi Cho the farmer has made in great fear in getting near gradually

                                                                                      • 韦诺纳(韦诺纳)约翰伯爵海恩斯(作者)中西辉政(翻译)“韦诺纳”是国家黑暗与联合国1943年开始在苏联元。解码策略是它的名称,以截获的通信量 vuenona VENONA John earl heinzu Work Terumasa Nakanishi Translation “ vuenona ” the Soviet darkness which America begins in 1943 In the communications traffic which it intercepted Confronting it is name of the decipherment maneuvers
                                                                                        • 能解密的通信量被截获或少量,少的是,韦诺纳解决方案。没有什么是画取代了战后历史资料 In the communications traffic which it intercepted Confronting the fact that you can decipher barely was but furthermore even then vuenona solution Information after the war history It was something which you repaint

                                                                                      • 鸠山美军并未提出县外,我认为该病是县外搬迁?
                                                                                        As for Hatoyama outside the prefecture it cannot relocate the US military base, but Outside the prefecture it can relocate foot and mouth disease it is the kana which is not?

                                                                                        • (威风“愚蠢的指控国外”松高尔夫之旅做一个不喜欢高尔夫!(狂暴“鸽子在”海外Louppy“被命名 kiritsu ” While travelling abroad golf doubt Foolish pine “golf and the like it is not done Rage” The pigeon it is designated “ rupi ” in the foreign country
                                                                                          • (威风“欢呼声从自由党,民主党,”Louppy!“民主党人”粗鲁!!(愤怒“ kiritsu ” From the Liberal Democratic Party encouragement “ rupi ” It is the Democratic party “impolite Rage”

                                                                                        研究 開発