When getting married, as for the saving amount which the woman seeks from the man “under 25% 3,000,000 Yen of 1,000,000 Yen or more”, 19%★2 “under 5,000,000 Yen of 3,000,000 Yen or more the”
1800年3.51亿美元? ?因为我们的房子偿还艾滋病研究生奖学金债务偿还埃塔霜冻 351
18,000,000? ? It is to be able to be…
Because there was the debt repayment which the institute soldier/finishing scholarship repayment house holds don't you think?
18:53编号:rsCto14C0 2 4 ,或其他人,我想如果有更多的妇女知道等待贮667 18 53 ID rsCto14C0 2 4 667 After all the woman waiting storing whether being natural…
671名:Shisan名无 10周年之际发布 :2010 05 22(星期六)20:18:53编号:rsCto14C0 3 4 ,或其他,我想如果有更多的妇女知道等待贮667 671 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 22 Saturday 20 18 53 ID rsCto14C0 3 4 667 After all the woman waiting storing whether being natural…
1。 Kikomu书面声明,提交儿童听起来饲料那智姑佐藤绫,当然这可能是船上的人会疯狂 1
. Village phonon 那 the news item contribution sentence of the Satoshi sentence river is written, [kichigai] of the man and woman board comes, so the [sure] shelf
1号储蓄一女儿11岁已婚女性单身,“小于2亿日元1亿日元以上(17.8%)” 11
As for 1 rank of saving amount of celibacy age of married woman “under 2,000,000 Yen of 1,000,000 Yen or more (17.8%)”
20秒450的学习,工作,无损检测驱动tTA的钱留在了储蓄收益率只有 NULL
360000000日元她的丈夫年收入现在,我300 星期五,我日元对你们的顶部卡兹井田400000000从他的单身汉你的整个贮周五的名字,因为我所有的帐户 Now 3 600 000 Yen in annual income in husband as for me at 300 4 000 000 Yen rank Therefore as for the money which I make account of all my names money storing it is round from celibacy age
然后,它是我在低收入水平的话,至少,我是我周五在所有贮男人比女人更 After speaking at least low at we level of earnings the man the gold saving at all from the woman the ru
400多跟一个已婚男人“或如何挽救了他的婚姻。”我尽量不听,“没有储蓄(20 5%)”最 400 Consequently in the married man “about celibacy age which you had saved ” when it tries hearing “Saving had not done the 20 5 ” became most numerous
18 DQN已婚或20分钟,魔术,结婚或离婚率似乎很高的储蓄超过25 0乡间渡假别墅出租 If 18 DQN which gets married with 20 you understand but 25 passing marriage or divorce ratio considerably with saving 0 High so
“,没有储蓄(20 5%)”最 gt Consequently in the married man “about celibacy age which you had saved ” when it tries hearing gt “Saving had not done the 20 5 ” became most numerous
许多遵循的一个已婚男人“或如何挽救了他的婚姻。”我尽量不听,“没有储蓄(20 5%)”最 Consequently in the married man “about celibacy age which you had saved ” when it tries hearing “Saving had not done 20 5 ” became most numerous
趣味和非处女的人,而不会节省公式,我得站在溃疡包括粮食 Non virgin gambler non saving grain crushing With becomes official is said stand stacking don t you think
539人喜欢的东西它会带来财富Aanatsu津东埃塔案案有超过 539 There being case in the person when it has the property which exceeds case the tsu chi ya we would like to bear well is
539人喜欢的东西它会带来财富Aanatsu津东埃塔案案有超过 539 There being case in the person when it has the property which exceeds case the tsu chi ya we would like to bear well is
546 ü WWW的财阀银行的军官父亲和叔叔是在原有工作的两个池塘园林与前总理家在东京的一大23病房, 546
As for [u] www
Is in the workplace before the old boy who the father the former financial group related bank official,
As for house first-class area inside Tokyo 23 Ku, in immense garden pond two
725名妇女做了所有的家庭洗衣和清洁的一天,我都觉得好管家皮条客我需要的地方田岛裕子五十万个月?御前女朱达罗 725
The woman thinks that it is possible to be [himo],
In housekeeping lady
1 Japanese-Chinese housekeeping laundry cleaning and the like entirely you make do in order month 500,000 it is rank necessary
Youko the Dajima of somewhere?
The [ro] which is the [omae] woman
753〜06年8月的房子搜索(当属性值Gesuru最下方),然后,使用户界面类似这个租金看看如果我踢落谈判 753 Negotiating also house rent with the house searching as 6 August most time when object reduces it makes lower the dissolving tsu densely it becomes the o somehow
760〜06年8月的房子搜索(当属性值Gesuru最下方),并警告你这个问题或有任何用户界面的外观进行谈判租金较低 760 Negotiating also house rent 6 August most the time when the object reduces the house searching it makes lower the dissolving tsu densely it becomes the o somehow
873这是国家医疗考试,请说我退出,从临床训练 873
That to pass to doctor state examination, after ending clinical study, please call
“促进性别歧视”为大律师公会,群马县的改善工作人员的建议 “With staff promotion man and woman discrimination” Bar association in Gunma prefecture improvement advice
“外国货币存款”,“投资信托”,“年金”我们进行资产管理的人做他们喜欢31.9%的总 In addition, “foreign currency deposit” “investment trust” “insurance against annuity” and so on as for the person who does a some asset management
Entire 31.9%
“日本的年轻人竟害虫已被作为一种模糊的寄生虫生活的另一种寄生虫及” “Japanese
It is the outrageous noxious insect where the young person lives upon to others vaguely and has lived as a parasite”, that it did
“这不是担忧的男人和女人如何生活我已经没有任何积蓄略有问题30如果在一个半?”听了太直接,因为我口吃 Whether “how man and woman question what kind of it does not have savings in 30 middle it lives insecurity it is not ” When remainder it does again to hear it is faltering it is
“这不是担忧的男人和女人如何生活我已经没有任何积蓄在我口吃轻微问题30如果一个半?”听听,因为你直接 Whether “how man and woman question what kind of it does not have savings in 30 middle it lives insecurity it is not ” When remainder it does again to hear it is faltering it is
事实上,储蓄,甚至没有结婚,而较少或没有关系 Actually when you get married as for savings without the te Relationship it is not particularly
我知道,如果储蓄不能宪法,我犹豫了一会儿结婚 When it is the constitution which it cannot save with you had known you get married already you hesitated a little
没有什么积蓄的朋友,不是情人,而不是一种爱好,你知道最强的论据Kikomori黑人社会团体都没有时间 The savings tsu te friend it does not stay the sweetheart it is not the society which either hobby is not does not have spare time at black enterprise it pulls and the ro whose being confined is strongest
这将冻结银行存款,但不幸的人好像很多都没有保存点击 But like the person who has been saved piece by piece is many When deposit blockade it is don t you think it becomes regrettable thing
一句抑郁饮料,家庭暴力,抑郁,严重的OTA,这个家伙做Uyosayo奈勒,太糟糕了 The [mu] [u] you apply, DV, 鬱, grave [ota], [uyosayo] doing with [nera], the [ru] person, this is useless
东京以东的常春藤,甚至出,比起虽然雷曼的专业人士,40万在前面,在做的约〜10万,我猜的魔法更好的利润,当机会来创业 Tokyo University and Tokai bank IVY having come out Riemann Rather than becoming while professionals doing 40 ago Several hundred million 1 000 000 000 accumulating seeing the time it starts a business the one which Whether 遙 it makes a profit it is probably will be
为什么同样的收入,将有力地赞成从气度同一位置(和任人唯贤,但是,如果年轻雇员的工资差别不大) Because with something the same earnings it becomes the same standpoint ikemen says profitable capability society preponderantly With the young employee excessively it is not difference in allowance
从妥协的人由于生活或2亿日元1亿日元节省硬DV re要离婚预备役部队或储备人寿保险 Because savings compromise with the man of 1,000,000 Yen and 2,000,000 Yen, life pain the DV divorce extra troop of cause
And it becomes the life insurance extra troop, it is
他们是怎么说的负面克祖面前! !当已婚妇女的储蓄推导男子附表是“少于3亿日元1亿日元以上”和“童贞”和“30岁以下”w和响亮 You without being defeated, saying! !
When getting married, as for the saving amount which the man seeks from the woman “under 3,000,000 Yen of 1,000,000 Yen or more”
And “under “thing and 30 years old which” are the virgin” and loudly w
但她得到了肯手流附表贮钱,而不是你的房子?伊什,并定居的数额,5个星期,所以他们买就像一根绳索8000万日元的汽车手流更换峨〜肯 But as for her is not to save the money and building the house is hobby To seem the mark ma tsu When it is it becomes amount 5 80 000 000 Yen as though but the car is replaced quite You build one after another
但她得到了肯手流附表贮钱,而不是你的房子?伊什,并定居的数额,5个星期,因此他们购买更换鄂如肯手流了一个又一个车,如果它是一个80亿美元 But as for her is not to save the money and building the house is hobby To seem the mark ma tsu When it is it becomes amount 5 80 000 000 Yen as though but the car is replaced quite You build one after another
积极管理和205的一半,另一半在安全行动,或60亿日元是在哪里? NAA的高障碍 205 Positive use and it is about safety use half and half 60 000 000 Yen you say The hurdle it is high
但是,从年取“凯塔手有多好Terya更有利,”宇野也是如此,很多人,他们表示遗憾 After so year taking “more the favorite selfishness doing the ri ya it was good” that Fact the person whom you regret being many
节余还感到遗憾的女人你给我们所有的东西是真实的我爱的不是它是如何 You loving your own thing truly when it is the ru woman savings what it is not lifted entirely regret it rubbed
作为结婚的费用,对于这种新生活的初始投资是我将帮助新娘的父母事 Cost of wedding, parents something of the wives rubbed helps early investment something of new life
你喜欢什么又开始等待一个整体,连接器塾师ー゙゙深厚的关系w可以在一定程度上推迟结婚和结婚好看,而年纪较大的少女米哈 When a certain relationship becomes deep, [shiyushi] ゙ [nka] ゙ - starting, already how margin and w
Unless the marriage partner you find among the teenagers, you cannot get married the seniority taste
卡兹是不是乞丐,为什么他自己吃分钟我国U嘿奥巴议员? Don t you think e oba By your about 喰 u amount Why you do not make by your Being the beggar
卡兹是不是乞丐,为什么他自己吃分钟我国U嘿奥巴议员? Don t you think e oba By your about 喰 u amount Why you do not make by your Being the beggar
受资产分配还没结婚和离婚不得的意思是,我应该可以贮 Property before the getting married divorcing, does not become the object of distribution, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is
Just it is possible it saves, the shelf which should
只是试图与她的丈夫生活依靠收入,储蓄和结婚前的东西,这是不礼貌的点击给我保持贮方新娘 It made the earnings applying of the master therefore it lives it is Saving something before the getting married the fact that side of the wife saves piece by piece to that is courtesy
可以说,高储蓄不会嫁给他一人?该研究假定有太多 1 The person of the intention of not getting married with the man saying saving amount high as for possibility The investigation shelf which has various prerequisites too much
同时,储蓄单1号时代的已婚妇女是“超过2亿日元1亿日元(17.8%)”和声音被发现更多的妇女 On the one hand, 1 rank of saving amount of celibacy age of the married woman “under 2,000,000 Yen of 1,000,000 Yen or more (the 17.8%)” with,
It was found that the woman is more reliable,
和高收入,足以支付5年的按揭只是走的路Muniha 253,采取产假,可以娶老婆茹之后返回工作 253 To walk your road 5 years just a little loan of the house can be paid in full about to be high earnings At the same time being able to take maternity leave after that the return possible wife there is a 娶 ru necessity in the workplace
育休产假采取在环境中,他们将被迫退休,生病的孩子 When the child is sickly you retire it stops obtaining even with the environment which the maternity leave growth 休 takes
四五○○○○○○○日元每年的收入,但她的对手万公务员不一样,20万元的存款超过1000万件玩具的最优惠价格汽车音响伴家持收入瓦特 But 4,500,000 Yen in annual income, the government employee woman of savings 5,000,000 as for that there are no house having car having savings 20,000,000 with annual income 10,000,000 or more, w which is hateful
因为人们不喜欢比不很片面饲料的工作,使许多人,我想他们 Therefore rather than raising unilaterally unless there is working together very even hate the person thinks that it is many in the man
协作Kishimen Terya儿童795制成,我不能蔓延 795 After the child being possible working together the ri ya being scattered it is room
在守护中,37岁的处女真实,而不是日历年龄,但熟人0 However, but 37 year old jobless true characteristic ephebes, the calendar = age which is not, acquaintance 0
外包服务,将让你计算出每月相当于减少了几千几万各负担约10万 Respectively month
If 100,000 it puts out from several tens of thousands, the outside order service which can assure suitable reduction of incidence
It is
大学的2通道。在日本京都的灯塔,仍然是最好的房子更好的药物。其他私立大学垒第二底部的垃圾桶的话,类似的东西 The study of 2ch As for standard In lighthouse Kyoto University Japan still most mashi Medical department shrine Direction under obstacle private university 2 flows Rubbish other than that Because is kind of those which are similar
本科教育,研究生407洗钱F级我已经看到太多不好的名字时,毕竟本科院校 407 Department educational background rondaringu did the graduate school with F ranking but after all also large scientific name at the time of department Being seen it was useless
天字节到我的学校,详细,你毕业时不能获得定期储蓄,以手流河内就节省约50万曾使用由右至左,你必须随时拯救自己 当地雇员使行,我想如果我说我不担心他们或贮金无大部分贮耶 By your the byte making minutely school days when graduating About 500 000 savings it was Being engaged to regular occupation although the ru it does not save it is not possible There is no air which is saved to this person it is it is not From the right using on the left the re there is no sled ya storing ma and others Unless the te you say or there are savings insecurity it is not kana
这是一个496奢侈,我需要他是不可能的,如果没有车,没有钱一起 496 Therefore the luxuries don t you think as for the necessity overstraining there is no person who is not the gold The car question tsu it does the yo
太短暂了地方权力妇女在经济,但有看起来像现在的人搜集了一些要求,以提高审美价值朱达罗如果她刚刚得到和我已经准备好工作。对此许Shitare偏见 As for the amount which is not enough as for the woman however there is a permitting inserting color like place now by economic potential the woman having worked together and being prepared the tsu the ro which is If beautiful value is sought in some man taking in The extent which is inclined you permit and droop
太短暂了,我后来听说我的父母已经离开义,和我的家庭在所有的工作我会抓地力 As for the amount which is not enough that the justice parents home had put out telling from after Now with working together housekeeping expenses I grasping entirely the ru
好吧,我会能頑張对方却可以没有婚姻生活一定会到来 Well you do not get married and certainly can keep also the te living even with 1 people… each other it probably will persevere
如果不符合条件的非成为家庭主妇或1600 1200,如果你没有收入,那么夫人,对不对?政府统计Tteta早逝使热成型结节Afamatibu The lady annual income there is no 1200 or 1600 if is There are no times there is no qualification which becomes the housewife Don t you think nodule ahuamateibu the government statistics which structure are done are so the 逝 tsu te
如果他们不设置机器人的价格,并提到为单身男性的平均储蓄 Price of the made robot should be set with the average saving amount of the celibacy man as a reference
559自由职业者死在空中,而只是说,独立工作 559 The free lance becoming independent with the air which dies it is function
如果你买一车我会Tamattara 130万到那些谁使用了每一次,储蓄自行车Tamattara 30万,现在60万买自行车,他们可以没有债务车针免费,无忧无虑的生活好我 At each time the large gold enters using ru we When 1 300 000 it accumulates when you buy the car and 300 000 accumulate the bicycle this time the motorcycle is bought with 600 000 There are no savings but there is no either debt the wa which well is easy life
45其他货物节省了一些,但我没有130万的房子后,估计40年基鲁说好带来正面 We 45 Commodity Savings other 1 3 oku Plus privately owned house Assuming that 40 years after you live Estimate But year 3 000 000 Something ardently it is not
如果你所说的和平与稳定的感觉,我想我Nobemashita一个合适的沸腾头脑或自由的尊重古 If the feeling which is stabilized in peace thinking as the kana where also respect heart boils selfishly the wa which expresses suitable thing
如果你推广的目的,有些开支肯定会感到有理由或出于自身融资 If promotion you aim, certainly as for some expense among self investments you think that it is helpless,
婚纱,婚礼,蜜月,但你的婚姻和准备新房子昂贵的,储蓄推导妇女已婚男子单的其他附表的是“超过3亿日元1亿日元(25.1%),”顶 But the money is required the marriage where such as ceremony, feast, newly-married travelling and preparation of the new house, the unmarried woman
When getting married as for the saving amount which is sought from the man of the partner “under 3,000,000 Yen of 1,000,000 Yen or more (the 25.1%)” the top
小泽一郎,秘书长,在汉城国立大学的演讲指出,“日本的寄生虫,害虫,”小泽一郎,秘书长民主党在星期一之后在汉城国立大学发表演讲,谈合和日本的250名学生驱动tTA At the national university of Secretary General and Seoul Ichiro Ozawa as for lecture “Japanese parasite and noxious insect”
As for Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa of the Democratic party on the 12th, at the Seoul national university after the lecture, approximately 250 students
You talked together concerning the Japanese
尽管储蓄发现,当我29岁的商人,我已经回答万日元驱动tTA说,从节省约10她是多么 Saying that savings amount was recognized but trader what when years old being because you said that she how many are savings You answered that there is 10 000 000 Yen it is
即使被发现的储蓄额,但没有房子,没有从Waranai煤矿变化 Saying that savings amount was recognized but trader what when years old being because you said that she how many are savings You answered that there is 10 000 000 Yen it is
我,当我29岁的商人,我已经回答驱动tTA从她说1000万日元的储蓄有多少 But we trader what because you said that at the time of years old she how many are savings You answered that there is 10 000 000 Yen it is
尽管梅塔在没有父赖4 000 000贮当我结婚,订婚仪式,地点和生活方式,而我已经从我那里有200万手的钱,他的妻子涉及湿重成本涉及到婚姻,他们结婚后,父母说话像元贮会带来整个Tteta Ttena说,日元每使用 When we gets married 4 000 000 it saved but In the parent all letter the betrothal gift and formula and the life place etc the cost which relates Entirely because you did by your oh with while saying the wa ww which is gone But as for the wife being yourself 2 000 000 like it saves Because the cost which relates to marriage was the all parent having As for the wife using also 1 Yen saying saying the shelf
平均工资在2008年。调查(国税局),3.88亿日元公司根据资本2000万日元(四六五〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元男女二四八○○○○○○日元,46岁。05年历史,10个工作了。1996年)有限公司605多名亿元的资本日圆万日元(七百二十五万日元男子,310万日元妇女,41岁,13,工作了。1997)二五二○○○○日元小型办公室家庭办公室(307万日元的人,女性221日元),但30名员工在大企业犹豫雏菊我分手了 2008 average giving. Investigation (national tax bureau)
Corporation under capital 20,000,000 Yen 3,880,000 Yen
(4,650,000 Yen men, 2,480,000 Yen women,
Age 46. 5 years old, continuous service 10. 8 years)
Corporation above capital 1,000,000,000 Yen 6,050,000 Yen
(7,250,000 Yen men, 3,100,000 Yen women,
Age 41 year old, continuous service 13. 9 years)
Private office 2,520,000 Yen
(3,070,000 Yen men, 2,210,000 Yen women)
Simply, even with the big business employee to 30 passing extent
It is gold defect
当时我的平均收入类别也极好,如果在一年的收入节余的,但这些东西即使一半为2通道30多岁的人,其实3,000,000约400万不要以为你和我不是储蓄,收入高得多自封为什么例如,在现实生活中许多是正常的猪将波及Netohomoshota很少中线瓦特 Actually such it rubbed even in 30 generation middle
If saving the annual income amount it is, excellent category
Annual income as for average of today 3,000,000 - 4,000,000 unit
Why 2ch as for calling high earnings high savings are many, it is,
Whether if you think, among actuality the [netohomoshiyota] pig which probably is quite the small-numbered drop out is many and w
我不得不把结婚时的财产,即使该财产的财产,即使离婚,没有分享 When getting married as for the property which it had
Specific property
Even if divorcing, specific property is not distributed
我也喝更多的酒下一次我听到他们觉得四零八瓦特合 408 The shelf where the air may be agreeable This time you probably will drink even with the liquor or w
开支相当大的通知,等待着 我开始谈论这将是Ttena tsu te story starting when the air is attached suitable expense… tsu te becomes story it is the shelf
我有大约700万美元,偿还的奖学金,但她并没有良好的瓦特因为年龄的职业生涯,应该返回奖学金以自己的方式,同时节省钱线刷顺利 However however repayment of scholarship is about 7,000,000, w
Well, her it is not, therefore history = age, if it goes favorably, while saving to that appearance, scholarship it is the expectation which can be returned
我要努力工作,在421体力劳动或服务行业或我的辞职 421
Abandoning, manual labor or the connection customer industry with only it perseveres
我说他像一个大绵使有受扶养的未婚母亲在医院彻wwww河内,我将他的头扭到,他们将每月的津贴节省出来,而不是母亲和她的孩子WWW的单身生活再次wwwww凯泰伊 Unmarried dependent having like we [owata] wwww
Instead of with the old age mother being attached of the hospital commuting, savings allowance of every month you devise even the head twirling, [ru] [ze] www
Already lifetime celibacy [ketei] and the [ma] which the mother does it is wwwww
所以,你即使他们※一个没用的东西我会说我把车和公寓有什么可以做节约3 0亿 There being saving 3 000 000 if the car and the apartment it does not have useless tsu te thing Therefore after there is no relationship in you
其中大部分是经常“不保存”层(19 1%)和ーー家伙,我不想恐惧 gt As for being most The layer which “does not save” the 19 1 ge which it does without fearing
收生没有摆脱过去的862或大房间,我没有选择在夜间...第一次灌肠是罕见的屈辱生活预运算,并插入管,但我不得不家伙 862
When being hospitalized it was the large room with previous fracture because, there was no option of the night…
Being born before the operator, however humiliation and the tube insertion etc to [chinko] which, are administered an enema for the first time were don't you think?
日本女性是寄生虫,“我不喜欢,不希望一个较高的收入”,“不是一个坏薪金○万日元以上”...以为寄生虫 As for the Japanese woman parasite
“That annual income is not higher than me, “it is not above hateful” that annual income 10,000 Yen, hate”…
With the parasite thought which is said
最大的,而且我知道,显然是伯尔的性别差异 gt On the one hand as for the saving amount which the unmarried man seeks from the woman “if there is no debt there is no saving and the te is good 36 0 ” gt It became most numerous the difference of consciousness with the man and woman became clear
但我拒绝这样做,但是在47岁以下,我认为34%这个数字了一个名为异常 Starting denying that you say that ru the 47 is unmarried at 34 year old point in time Appearing in the abnormal number you think as the ru
未婚男女的储蓄推导1 3到“无债储蓄未必(36 0%)”,多数人,但我是知道的性别差异明显伯尔在 On the one hand as for the saving amount which the unmarried man seeks from the woman “if there is no debt there is no saving and also the te is good the 36 0 ” It became most numerous the difference of consciousness with the man and woman became clear
未婚男女的储蓄推导1 3到“无债储蓄未必(36 0%)”,多数人,但我是知道的性别差异明显伯尔在 On the one hand as for the saving amount which the unmarried man seeks from the woman “if there is no debt there is no saving and also the te is good the 36 0 ” It became most numerous the difference of consciousness with the man and woman became clear
有近10亿人的生命,因此父母螨不租,因为情绪时,我做相同的是0 Still, the parent and lease it lives and therefore is 10,000,000 or less, but what when being, for the sake of therefore
Feeling the same as 0
来吧,小永远认为他们(女)动物寻求加强其高薪我想省钱的习惯是不 It is great when you think that it is little by yourself woman you are not saved it is probably will be The animal which seeks the habit high earnings
我已经结婚了对我来说是一个我可以减轻重申节省669 100000 669 Relieved margin We is savings 100 000 Someone you get married with we
来吧,小永远认为他们(女)动物寻求加强其高薪我想省钱的习惯是不 It is great when you think that it is little by yourself woman you are not saved it is probably will be The animal which seeks the habit high earnings
毕竟,我讨厌大家,DQN层,创造了很多儿童使用牛很多钱,你的,我认为一旦日本男子 After all everyone has disliked the DQN layer which Also the child makes the large quantity and the large quantity you use also the money and Turning Japan the wa which you think as the ru
没有687,673,但我恩戴我是一个已经得到解决后,才排除了一年,是100 300人住什么我看有人为节省 687 Well But 0 is 1 has passed through 673 with afterwards the correction red sandal wood We has saved annual 100 300 tsu te with one person living
没有687,673之后,我纠正了恩戴本人被排除只有我知道我每百万人的生命零的储蓄 687 Well But 0 is 1 has passed through 673 with afterwards the correction red sandal wood We has saved annual 100 300 tsu te with one person living
没有955的所有途径,不坏男人还是女人,消失了。男人不坏,我娶了一个人或一个人,我不觉得有什么Shimitai储蓄年老或容易,你已经有了一个Shimenai很多的事情,他们年纪不轻,易于 955 It agrees completely Well the gynophobia the man going out The man of dislike Or if the man who has gotten married that the man who is something which we would like to enjoy to old age you think that also savings are good but While being young unless it is those which cannot be enjoyed all the way it is it is to put out
丰富或丰富生活在旧时代448?我会做,如果你问他们虚心暮 448 In old age Yutaka life we would like to melt with rich If it can live we modestly the wa which is possible to be that
然而,大多数人说374是根本错误,没有什么250维方程,许多人没有钱贮你的阴茎,所以他们要查找等级and生活收入,百万我认为这个人不适合的公式 374 Most people when earnings rise increase the grade of life Therefore the person the money there is no storing ma and others is the large quantity There is no such dimension the te 250 That the arithmetic expression tsu te it is strange fundamentally you say You think that it is the arithmetic expression which is not applicable to ten thousand people
因为450万的年收入,谁是24年的正式工资我2,公式,450万 24 s和10 u003d 10 8万,但,我超过了工资瓦特年收入只有两年如果20多岁,并且不依赖于公式 Even annual income 4 500 000 serving temporarily when it is the person of 24 of 2 years when it is the arithmetic expression But 4 500 000 24 10 10 800 000 meaning at just annual income exceeding annual income of 2 years w which it increases In case of 20 generations as for the arithmetic expression whether it does not stop applying that
父母的关怀,是所有生命的必需品到,如果你不注重积累周五我只是有这么个月进入万 Becoming care of the food, clothing and shelter all parent, month several tens of thousands around there inserting if may be just the [ru]
Relieved being, the money it accumulates
现在,你甚至会没有你的父母结婚时,你没有钱,可以买房子搞好Utoki Now when getting married there is no money and the parent puts out also the te when and buying the house it puts out
Ukenru m绝育和Kon驯服你的Kimoota我不能嫁给你 The kimoota wa which you cannot get married The money accumulating emasculation operation It is to receive the ru it is
简单计算100 ÷ 8≒12。驱动tTA支付租金05食品法案,我将收取1个月的存款,每部分为八万五日元,但我只是穿上每月收入 In simplicity calculation 100 ÷ 12 ≒ 8 5 House rent food expenses fuel and light expenses after paying per one month the tsu te where also 85 000 Yen is applied to savings the monthly income do just it is it is what
1800日元帐单,水费,煤气2 000日元,2500日元,电力或 As for fuel and light expenses aqueduct generation 1800 Yen and gas rate 2000 Yen electric generation 2500 Yen kana
结婚前,各位嘉宾和工作场所单打在你我高兴把此事贮贮仅是我踢他们的工作,而工作和思想政治工作在促进怀孕的时间可能显示详细的讲话也做高科技产品Itashi恩戴大家兴奋地节省当意识实际上是结婚的意思,我给了多少钱去付她的丈夫,所以相对茹更换了奖学金和奖励还款减去国家不仅要偿还奖学金 Before the getting married, unmarried woman position of the workplace did and striving for everyone saving, did also financial technology
When work of the possibility of stopping is thought at the point in time when you become pregnant
While working, working, just it is saved, it does not save taking, there was the consciousness which you say
Actually when getting married, 0 when has not been saving in the husband and is just [te] scholarship repayment
When it lumps together pays back scholarship because the bonus comes out, it was the extent paying to substituting
肉类块超过Ginunoda不仅采用成本年龄丑陋妇女(和节省维修高),世界常识,破碎的拳头一般情况下其价值的 If also the woman takes the year, it is no more than a lump of the simply scurvy meat, (furthermore retention cost of maintenance is high)
Common sense of world, it pulverizes common sense of value with the fist of the 其
良好的香烟和酒精从零日元储蓄,他们希望听到有人会说谁是什么,他们在一个良好的赛车来清洁和洗衣和马都可以避免 At saving 0 Yen from calling The tobacco you do not do the liquor distantly at all the te We like cleaning and the laundry and horse racing Saying with anything we want the person who is heard
之所以一女子Bakkari附表求?那么什么是你拯救这与妇女多少? The woman seeks with something tsu temporary meaning The woman that extent having saved
作为储蓄金额这种Fri m不 我去商业用途,但有6 000 000的力量 However 6 000 000 strongly it is as a saving amount business it has done it is with it is gold what which cannot be used
如果你想收入,储蓄或我要嫁给一个人喜欢的是体面和意外释放埓? When it does from the annual income which you desire as for saving amount unexpected and the matomo shelf We would like to get married such a releasing 埓 person combining
超过10万元的储蓄,我认为马克Tteta或排除500多万元的100滨崎步弓弦 _NULL_
这25未婚妇女。 1%,“该名男子已日元储蓄超过1万是没有,百分之18 6的男性有超过500万的储蓄从某种意义上说没有什么?储蓄也有不少人有思想,没有没有多少戏?不,我从来没有 This unmarried woman 25 As for the 1 “as for the man who is saving amount of 1 000 000 Yen or more with failure 18 The 6 is a saving amount of 5 000 000 or more The man probably in the sense failure As for the saving amount which is too multi the woman whom you think that it is unnecessary is many Well never
同时,储蓄单1号时代的已婚妇女是“超过2亿日元1亿日元(17 8%)”和声音被发现更多的妇女 On the one hand 1 rank of saving amount of celibacy age of the married woman “under 2 000 000 Yen of 1 000 000 Yen or more the 17 8 ” with It was found that the woman is more reliable
这一点我将在6月以上称为“失去的东西,我们没有确定,直到3月4月的过渡”,所以我接受立即采取行动 Being left over in June, therefore the [ru] object [tsu] [te] as for the fact that you say “the end object which is not decided in March April chrysalis”, same moving yes
这是如此之大,我可以不同意担心得到一个良好的薪金疯狂的命运, The tsu te which can do favorite work gt with annual income as an air it is highest Mania it does this ku agreement
这是黑暗的地方你确实无法判断这是唯一的信息Kuddara氖端午工资储蓄抓住这之前,我们现在也是妇女 Also [onna] catching is this current annual income is savings is the [ku] [tsu], don't you think? and others -
With only information if it seems that cannot be judged, don't you think? it is ahead pitch-dark
通常,我要一个人或一个蜜月或全部或订婚戒指?你疯了吗?因为离婚是一个很好的囊支付子女抚养费和赡养费的人整洁的家庭主妇。达罗一半 Generally, it is burden of the betrothal gift or the ring or newly-married travelling or the all man? Don't you think? it is strange?
Even divorce, consolation money rearing expense as for paying with the man the neat housewife and the commodity. The [ro] which is halving
那是什么罕见的情况下212 W或父母责骂她的儿子想?或者说,一个很好的丈夫和父母的朋友和你的父母,所以我就不仅要你,但这些细节的两位负责显示?丈夫和父母认为,他们认为你的甜蜜 212 That rare case w of what As for the parents the son wanting Whether with saying rather than because the object which your parents and the master and the parents inside with the close friend blame enormously from two ones is only you Don t you think so just it has done As for the parents and the master the air which is presumed upon you does
那是什么罕见的情况下212 W或父母责骂她的儿子想?或者说,你的丈夫和父母,我就不仅要负责给你细节吗?丈夫和父母认为,他们认为你的甜蜜 212 That rare case w of what As for the parents the son wanting Whether with saying rather than because the object which your parents and the master and the parents inside with the close friend blame enormously from two ones is only you Don t you think so just it has done As for the parents and the master the air which is presumed upon you does
顺便说一下,看一看人储蓄未婚及已婚和未婚的储蓄,其中大部分是经常“不保存”层(19.1%)是“超过1000万日元“这层是8.2%,储蓄,显示进展趋于两极化以及储蓄的收入差距也 By the way, when you try looking at the saving amount of the unmarried person and the saving amount at the time of celibacy of the married person, being most
The layer which “does not save” (the 19.1%) was, but “1,000 ten thousand Yen or more” the layer which has been saved the 8.2% time,
Income differential in the same way the tendency where bipolar conversion develops could infer also saving amount