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The reporter “how it does?”“How it does?”“The country the country you say”, “the country and there is no relationship, it does, the money the [yo]”…Content ★6 of Higashi Kunihara governor anger interview


  • 32:20编号:RDhi5cj 捕获自来水周末进一步加快从长期省长关于松树阿是“强有力的领导,和嘴。梅塔不停止进食,以尽量减少损失,”该报告说:我被告知工作出成绩 32 20 ID RDhi5cj Furthermore the governor hitting accelerates from about weekend In regard to a pine “showing strong leadership the oral hoof Reporting that damage was stopped in minimum” is done An indication that being made make the result the ru
    • 982:交易 现场直播!:2010 05 20(星期四)06:32:20编号:RDhi5cj 小时周末,加快省长更进一步从捕获松树和自来水带有强烈的关于领导,口。我被告知要制定一个执行情况报告,他们停止进食,以减少损失元 982 Trader Live 2010 05 20 wood 06 32 20 ID RDhi5cj Furthermore the H governor hitting accelerates from about weekend In regard to a pine showing strong leadership the oral hoof Reporting that is done stopped damage in minimum An indication that being made make the result the ru
    • 982:交易 现场直播!:2010 05 20(星期四)06:32:20编号:RDhi5cj 小时周末,加快省长更进一步从捕获松树和自来水带有强烈的关于领导,口。我被告知要制定一个执行情况报告,他们停止进食,以减少损失元 982 Trader Live 2010 05 20 wood 06 32 20 ID RDhi5cj Furthermore the H governor hitting accelerates from about weekend In regard to a pine showing strong leadership the oral hoof Reporting that is done stopped damage in minimum An indication that being made make the result the ru

  • 859:Shisan名无@ 10周年:2010 / 05 / 19日(星期三)22:50:31编号:u3gy3u6I0瓦特正在扩大蔓延的Twitter。随志摩御愿
    859 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary : 2010/05/19 (water) 22: 50: 31 ID: u3gy3u6I0 Presently with [tsuitsuta] while spreading w Enlarging. We ask

    • NULL mi mi REPT 92 ku r mi ゚ ゚ HKRPT 92 lt Country Country ⌒ 6 lt gt ⌒ 92 92 ¯ ¯ ⌒ DREPT ┬ ┘ i ⌒ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT 92 ¯ 92 As for essential that country w ↓ 92 92 92 92 lt “ Initial motion correspondence me myself there are no times when reflection the wa bi it makes completely the thing which is popular” ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ human 92 92 92 Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase Talks ttp mainichi jp select jiken news 20100518k0000e010050000c html After the foot and mouth disease occurring ignoring advice ahead travelling abroad which goes out golf does the man talks the innocence of the body Akamatsu agricultural phase ahead travelling abroad after the foot and mouth disease golf ttp www mbs jp news jnn 4432112 zen sh tml 92 92 92 92 lt Because “the vaccine is struck is to strike the germ ” ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ human 92 92 92 Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase Talks ttp hicbc com news detail asp cl j id 4430569 Distinction of the virus and the germ the kana which has will be non study the person talks the vaccine
      • ,Wwww, 美〜 布鲁诺 ,:米 米ヽ 住宅麋哭(゚)(゚) 哦 “(最初的反应)是一个做的一切,我反思,不道歉” ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ( 人) 农业咨询隆宏赤松TTP的: mainichi jp 选择 吉肯 新闻 20100518k0000e wwww mi 92 92 No mi mi REPT 92 ku r mi ゚ ゚ HKRPT 92 lt Country Country ⌒ 6 lt gt ⌒ 92 92 ¯ ¯ ⌒ DREPT ┬ ┘ i ⌒ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT 92 ¯ 92 As for essential that country w ↓ 92 92 92 92 lt “ Initial motion correspondence me myself there are no times when reflection the wa bi it makes completely the thing which is popular” ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ human 92 92 92 Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase Talks ttp mainichi jp select jiken news 20100518k0000e010050000c html After the foot and mouth disease occurring ignoring advice ahead travelling abroad which goes out golf does the man talks the innocence of the body Akamatsu agricultural phase ahead travelling abroad after the foot and mouth disease golf ttp www mbs jp news jnn 4432112 zen sh tml 92 92 92 92 lt Because “the vaccine is struck is to strike the germ ” ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ human 92 92 92 Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase Talks ttp hicbc com news detail asp cl j id 4430569 Distinction of the virus and the germ the kana which has will be non study the person talks the vaccine

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 2010 04 20 Sure enough foot and mouth disease in the Japanese country occurrence gt as for government while it is sub committee level leaving play Akamatsu agricultural phase will sell the major company inside capital the vegetable where the super inspection “some damage has been done” 2010 04 21 2nd example occurrence

      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 24 38 ID b8Mczbc0 Became Showa person and public information Bureau Chief it is
        • 500: 名无Shisan十周年:2010 05 20(星期四)08:08:35编号:KIZUh9WX0恼人的自由代理商 500 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 20 wood 08 08 35 ID KIZUh9WX0 Our people operative is the u za
        • Shisan谴责400名无新!2010 05 19日(星期三)14:23:38编号: b8Mczbc0这样,和明仁的 400 There is no responsibility name New 2010 05 19 Wednesday 14 23 38 ID b8Mczbc0 Showa person like and

      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 575 You do not know whether or not it can compensate to the governor the farmer however is because also the cow which is not infected prevents infection Not be able to scramble the shooting stripe shank” The te whether the governor who thing is possible how it is to be
        • 575“我不知道是否作出赔偿,当局将采取什么Gutame预防感染合开朗而又不杀死受感染的牛没有,他说:”我什么人认为,总督茹 575 You do not know whether or not “it can compensate however is because also the cow which is not infected prevents infection Not be able to scramble the shooting stripe shank” The te whether the governor who thing is possible how it is to be
        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 If that does not have compensation to adhere to the notion that where it cannot destroy prevention of infection Delay originally not to compensate either the kind of farmer who also the te is completed must compensate it made circumstance
        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 In other words the meaning where emergency alert order or prefectural staff general mobilization or some 10 000 000 000 call compensation do not need
        • 你通常会大大省长,要求赔偿农民804 804 The farmer compensation the extent which goes to requiring probably is normal in the governor
        • 我得到622,以弥补灾害案件,我只是农业 622 There being a disaster it can have compensating how just agriculture is what

      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 617 As for ora Honest politics it is not possible chi minsu And Laughing governor It is the stance which both is criticized
        • 如果你已经至少233从在信息公开批评,我们知道 233 At least if you criticize already appearing in public information after grasping about ru information do

      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 678 Even worldwide rare there is a sample which held down damage to minimum with quick and precise coping 10 years ago but it is
        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The governor and the minister of state even with becoming the villain it seems that is only the decision which holds down damage to minimum
        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Therefore as for the notion that where it is rumor damage you do not understand whether in a certain sense still grateful thing
        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When is conversely the country disabled the sample which damage enlarges this time is meaning
        • 但我可以使这个国家甚至不称职州长703,最大限度地减少样本 703 Even when the governor being disabled competent being when the country had done securely the sample which was held down to minimum
        • 但我可以使这个国家甚至不称职州长712,最大限度地减少样本 712 Even when the governor being disabled competent being when the country had done securely the sample which was held down to minimum

      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 691 gt As for the human of the level which supports Higashi governor here in the Japanese all earth gt Foot and mouth disease spreading when becoming the kind of situation which eats 1 tenths or more of GDP gt Absolutely Higashi Kunihara in with hitting ru

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 769 Just there is no crab and a shell Just the reason which is “budget tsu te some because of the prefecture” It can die the prefectural people in order to protect the budget The ro which because the prefectural people become rich is ru in budget Just the tail shaking the dog there is no ru

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 After argument passing the process which requests understanding from the populace if it makes nervously the time when it reaches to correspondence it should have moved to North Korea
            • 宫崎我通过403获得通过朝鲜和韩国从11月下旬,“鸭”到五四前后北 403 It covers Miyazaki via Korea North Korea late from November around “duck” May to north

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Already the limits of kichika ゙ i The too strongest it is warota Although after the war progress or technology of 60 year medical science it is enormous this In some air ten thousand year kink ゙ of worldwide worst domestic animal infectious disease Kink ゙ it is too enormous from the Edo era or Renaissance era

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Anchor Foot and mouth disease Anchor News DE decisively 1 Anchor News DE decisively 2 Anchor News DE decisively 3
              • 他们担心疲劳的脚和口腔疾病,但他们所负责的言论显示我看不到的细节 As for the voice which is worried about overwork even with foot and mouth disease being as for the speech which it blames you do not see completely
              • 口蹄疫已收敛,似乎你甚至不能明白我的意思,是退出 Foot and mouth disease focused it is and the end ends and there is no reason it is even like you cannot understand
              • 接下来,你可能已经或掩盖事情的动人感染口蹄疫牲畜 Next hiding the fact that you are infected to foot and mouth disease there is a possibility of moving the cow
              • 结果离开了我我需要知道它是否是手足口病,没有牛,我觉得不舒服罕见石窟 The physical condition defective cow how it is not unusual and How applying that the result it does not try coming out you do not know whether that foot and mouth disease and

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for Minister of State Akamatsu after emergence of foot and mouth disease was verified from April 30th to May 8th in Cuba and Mexico etc You took a business trip
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Vis a vis this as for Akamatsu agricultural phase “Isolating as for the feeling which we would like to protect you understand but there is also a feeling of the general farmer who kills the domestic animal

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Don t you think this truly this person www “As for this reporter perceiving that ” as for this reporter as for this reporter the tsu te Such a whoever seeing to raise the foolish person too much the ro ww which is
              • 我明白:我卖了一个理由来打前记者氖瓦特 Don t you think even before this reporter the meaning wa can quarrel it sells shelf w

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 From ahead travelling abroad the indication was made on occasion that the indication was not transmitted by the resistance of the bureaucracy that How doing it protects him applying becoming story the ru
              • 说明了在国外留在任何时间或官方访问,它是,但是我为他辩护,或者如何或转让指示Waranakatta官僚阻力 From ahead travelling abroad the indication was made on occasion that the indication was not transmitted by the resistance of the bureaucracy that How doing it protects him applying becoming story the ru

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Furthermore the foot and mouth disease virus which comes in contact with longevity and the straw in habit of the virus summer 4 weeks at the winter 9 weeks is stubborn tsu te foolishly likely you exist
              • 听习惯把活病毒,口蹄疫病毒是附着在夏季秸秆4,好像一个顽固的傻瓜我9个星期的生活周冬 Furthermore the foot and mouth disease virus which comes in contact with longevity and the straw in habit of the virus summer 4 weeks at the winter 9 weeks is stubborn tsu te foolishly likely you exist

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Furthermore therefore incubation period 2 14 days infection house You distinguish very much furthermore as for the pig 1 on the 1st 400 000 000 virus particles the firewood scattering The tsu te which can be infected the cow with 10 particles about you say by transcendent infection power in the world ゚ ho ゚ Caen… state Therefore remedy everything which cannot be destroying even that ku ゙ su ゙ ku ゙ su ゙ doing rapidly the cod explosive infection enlargement
              • 此外,潜伏期2 14,因为其感染的家园。他们踢的努力,洒 ゚多养猪,每4 0亿病毒颗粒(每一天,对世界的超级大国称为粒子感染可感染牛10 )· · ·汗首页゚状态。屠宰尽快把所有可能或不可能的,因此爆发大流行鳕゙爱,非 非 即使该网络 Furthermore therefore incubation period 2 14 days infection house You distinguish very much furthermore as for the pig 1 on the 1st 400 000 000 virus particles the firewood scattering The tsu te which can be infected the cow with 10 particles about you say by transcendent infection power in the world ゚ ho ゚ Caen… state Therefore remedy everything which cannot be destroying even that ku ゙ su ゙ ku ゙ su ゙ doing rapidly the cod explosive infection enlargement

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 In other words Because it is the case that the local measure team of the country comes if you can consider also that meaning you understand don t you think ” As for the shank and the subject it is the governor the man reporter “well with domestic animal Infectious Disease Prevention Act
              • 在提问中提及的委员会还表示,野村,赤松是健康的牲畜,而不是你杀的回应 Also Assemblyman Nomura referred with question of commission but as for Akamatsu as for the healthy domestic animal that you cannot kill replying the shelf

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Maeda Akira person of south Japanese newspaper Punk reporter of reporting mob The police quickly arrest margin
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Maeda Akira person of south Japanese newspaper Punk reporter of reporting mob The police quickly arrest margin
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Maeda Akira person of south Japanese newspaper Punk reporter of reporting mob The police quickly arrest margin

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 So when there is no cooperation of the country knowing how much it catches with all the head destroying it increases ” Therefore the man reporter “well calling the hacksaw the te it will be but it is not it is” It is not without the Higashi Kunihara “ginger it is
              • Kattara但是,如果没有国家的合作,你知道它的费用Ttemasu男记者,“所有的牲畜屠宰的,”但现在我说我帮你,没有钱“东国”不能忍受我不 So when there is no cooperation of the country knowing how much it catches with all the head destroying it increases ” Therefore the man reporter “well calling the hacksaw the te it will be but it is not it is” It is not without the Higashi Kunihara “ginger it is

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 This bald governor did not know either the it is Be concerning quarantine the collar of ignorant lack of policy Because it is not understood It is not answered to the question of such a reporter honestly In other words Although it is the quarantine measure which disputes moment answer Obtaining re tsu It is Our And others Nothing Knowledge tsu pu ri Moment Knowledge Thing ki re It is Thing ki re It is Just and others It does te It does ma tsu It is It is Is As for this reporter perceiving there the ro which is the question red sandal wood Because ignorance disabled of the self were bleached ki re it is Kudzu shelf
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 After all In the question which approaches to the governor of ignorant lack of policy concerning quarantine Answer Obtaining And others re tsu It is Knowledge Thing ki re It is Just it is Disabled governor
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 This bald governor did not know either the it is Be concerning quarantine the collar of ignorant lack of policy Because it is not understood It is not answered to the question of such a reporter honestly In other words Although it is the quarantine measure which disputes moment answer Obtaining re tsu It is Our And others Nothing Knowledge tsu pu ri Moment Knowledge Thing ki re It is Thing ki re It is Just and others It does te It does ma tsu It is It is Is As for this reporter perceiving there the ro which is the question red sandal wood Because ignorance disabled of the self were bleached ki re it is Kudzu shelf

            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When Governor Higashi Kunihara inaugurates because right it cut into to that Aiming for the fact that mistake is invented thinking that the ru person probably utilizing this circumstance it is not strange

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 www misawa co jp kakusyu index html eburideiinguritsushiyu ttp every e com cd 10inq php ttp every e com cd 12comp php Ended Johnson Johnson ttp www jnj co jp contact index html nv head Z meeting ttp www zkai co jp home inquiry index html Morinaga Co Ltd ttp www morinaga co jp soudan The old car search sight “Caroooo which is linked with the space announcement of the south Japanese newspaper publishing company You drive ” ttp mall 373news com car
                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 ↓ Misawa Homes Co Ltd ttp www misawa co jp kakusyu index html eburideiinguritsushiyu ttp every e com cd 10inq php ttp every e com cd 12comp php Ended Johnson Johnson ttp www jnj co jp contact index html nv head Z meeting ttp www zkai co jp home inquiry index html Morinaga Co Ltd ttp www morinaga co jp soudan The old car search sight “Caroooo which is linked with the space announcement of the south Japanese newspaper publishing company You drive ” ttp mall 373news com car
                • 米至第投诉企业大规模垃圾广告前田明仁南日本新闻社惠普南日本新闻社赞助 我们支付说明会跳转到广告泽 TTP的着陆费从头盔广告: www misawa co jp kakusyu index html的Eburideiingurisshu TTP的: 每 e com 光盘 10inq php TTP的: 每 e com 光盘 12comp php Jonsonendojonson TTP的: www jnj co jp 联系方式 index html的?非易失 u003d头ž会议TTP的: www zkai co jp 首页 查询 index html的森永TTP的: www morinaga。 co jp 苏当 二手车搜索与广告社空间南日本新闻“Caroooo!(ー魔法)”TTP的: 商场0 373 news com 车 For complaint to sponsor Announcement providing to the south Japanese newspaper publishing company of the mass rubbish Maeda Akira person ru enterprise Because announcement charge is paid that from announcement of south Japanese newspaper publishing company HP to ahead linking note Misawa Homes Co Ltd ttp www misawa co jp kakusyu index html eburideiinguritsushiyu ttp every e com cd 10inq php ttp every e com cd 12comp php Ended Johnson Johnson ttp www jnj co jp contact index html nv head Z meeting ttp www zkai co jp home inquiry index html Morinaga Co Ltd ttp www morinaga co jp soudan The old car search sight “Caroooo which is linked with the space announcement of the south Japanese newspaper publishing company You drive ” ttp mall 373news com car

              • ‥一个迅速扩大我什至不能将成为决定成为农民的批评,但你是坏人知道为什么 With something becoming the villain it will be criticized to the farmer also you could not decide it is It expands steadily on the one hand as for being is recognized the ro which is
                • 从省长的请求,但不是很大的行动,副部长来 After the governor requesting however the secondary minister of state came it does not manage greatly
                • 我能处理10万头‥173,你只是喜欢坏家伙Narutakunai总督 173 Even with 100 000 head dealing the governor becomes the villain you just do not want the ro

              • 什么副作用,但我有工作在394没有选择做什么和这些家伙 394 There is a tsu te side which they do helplessly with work however it is probably will be don t you think

                • 从今年秋季哮喘通常是宫崎县的井一直保持这种趋势是十分明显
                  It is self-explanatory for Miyazaki prefecture which maintains the tendency strongly from usually to pant in the losing 墜

                  • 前田明仁小日本南部报纸左派激进团体。稔(鹿儿岛)一直与恩戴恒 As for Maeda Akira person of south Japanese newspaper Go getter of left flank group Small The truth the Kagoshima university it hangs it is with it has been active
                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for Maeda Akira person of south Japanese newspaper Go getter left flank Left flank professor small The truth it hangs it is with it has been active
                    • 前田明仁小日本南部报纸左派激进团体。稔(鹿儿岛)一直与恩戴恒 As for Maeda Akira person of south Japanese newspaper Go getter of left flank group Small The truth the Kagoshima university it hangs it is with it has been active
                    • 前田明仁小日本南部报纸左派激进团体。稔(鹿儿岛)一直与恩戴恒 As for Maeda Akira person of south Japanese newspaper Go getter of left flank group Small The truth the Kagoshima university it hangs it is with it has been active

                  • 哈希河野措辞发送到您的赞助,以及您的公司将继续抗议什么行到你的广告
                    It sends these contents to the sponsor of the corporation not only the corporation, it starts doing the protest for the announcement publication to the corporation

                    • 嗯,我看到我的视频会议报日本南部,即使正是这个白痴记者正在消失溃疡?我会想布莱恩批评总督或公理何在?西报纸是什么?再有哪些内容是太愚蠢 However interview animated picture you saw Don t you think south Japanese newspaper Well collapsing going out what this foolish reporter That it is the ri ya justice which criticizes the governor thinking the ru The tsu ke which is the west Japanese newspaper Being too foolish already something is what w
                      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 792 Doing purposely however the ru it is probably will be Don t you think south Japanese newspaper Well collapsing going out what influence as for being the kuso local paper which does not have however change viewing

                    • 在英国,从1967年至1968年,事实上,从越南感染到法国多佛s Actually in England 1968 it exceeds the Dover strait from 1967 and is infected to France
                      • 在英国,从1967年至1968年,事实上,从越南感染到法国多佛s Actually in England 1968 it exceeds the Dover strait from 1967 and is infected to France

                    • 在记者的身份已被激怒了百分之州长前田真样子的?关系似乎促进外国人选举权 The ma is natural shape of the Maeda reporter who rages ma governor cracked It seems like related to foreign carrot administration promotion
                      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The Maeda tsu te of the south Japanese newspaper being able to upset east That the good rice you took you think the combining e

                    • 小。稔(鹿儿岛)是一种自我描述的宪法学者,并密切民团 Small Actual the Kagoshima university people group The be tsu it is the calling constitution scholar of the ri
                      • 小。稔(鹿儿岛)是一种自我描述的宪法学者,并密切民团 Small Actual the Kagoshima university people group The be tsu it is the calling constitution scholar of the ri
                      • 小。稔(鹿儿岛)是一种自我描述的宪法学者,并密切民团 Small Actual the Kagoshima university people group The be tsu it is the calling constitution scholar of the ri
                      • 小。稔(鹿儿岛)是一种自我描述的宪法学者,并密切民团 Small Actual the Kagoshima university people group The be tsu it is the calling constitution scholar of the ri
                      • 小。稔(鹿儿岛)是一种自我描述的宪法学者,并密切民团 Small Actual the Kagoshima university people group The be tsu it is the calling constitution scholar of the ri

                    • 总督又如果我这样做是否足够,但只能工作多少东国进行拨号前行长赤松406或他们没有从我们的要求来衡量该国早,他来到一砖我是负责做的事情要做我 406 Before Akamatsu goes out Higashi Kunihara how many be able to do works but fungus what If just it is possible you do the governor blames already and the re is Early going up to the capital we asking measure to the country because it reaches the governor does the fact that you do

                      • 我不想从顶部的坏家伙,我将承诺harakiri如果他的决定是错误的也多哥高桥是清儿玉也可以太郎日俄战争时,我做什么新鲜‥权威难道你不知道你可以进入到外国的债务
                        Because the top would not like to become the villain, something calling authority to building. Gentarou Kodama at time of Russo-Japanese War and Korekiyo Takahashi and Togo with your own judgment When by mistake it is, the [ro] where it is the case that with the intention of cutting the stomach, debt it died in the foreign country and said

                        • 我列出的项目我前田宫崎明仁暴力驱逐中心基金会董事会哈工大28 09年5月31日曾在去年,但没有。前田明仁宫崎南日本新闻社局局第七项目首席顾问的
                          Foundation Miyazaki prefecture violence exile center official roster But with [tsu] [te] item Maeda Akira human [tsu] [te] HIT red sandal wood Now statement 2009 May 28 of last year. Participation of item 7th Maeda Akira person South Japanese newspaper publishing company Miyazaki branch branch manager

                          • 我将在宫崎县首任总督的就是它未来的结果,所以我不得不把欢迎外人的韩国游客熙恩戴
                            The governor cutting the first, the Korean traveler Rejoicing, therefore it has received the result Our industry complacency shelf of Miyazaki prefecture

                            • 我想这一切,我搞砸了民主党试图让我看看木鞋即使没有做说服部长配合自民党领导的政府,因为它迫使这位老人太官僚,三位一体是人为的自民党政治的使用由国家破坏了LED官员利用初始误差政治场边宫崎
                              Therefore the bureaucracy the human of old power in order to cooperate to the Liberal Democratic Party Political main leadership even persuading the minister of state in good thing do It has been about to camouflage in mistake of the sabotage [tsu] [te] Democratic party don't you think? it is probably will be As for the latest case, abusing the Miyazaki prefecture political main leadership of initial motion mistake, the bureaucracy which you look on It is accident of triune of our people who utilize the catastrophe of nation in political situation

                              • 我杀了一个决策重大决定的在决定的州长,但没有国家安全和马祖688“,他们并没有如不是”的回答是不会你说了会看到真正的我埃泰 688 Although guarantee and policy of the country it is not decided With the judgment of governor large scale destroying how judgment “There is no reason which it is possible” if tsu te actuality it is not visible So it becomes the answering which is said

                                • 我绝对不可能或获委任为区域取决于这种病毒与正常神经舔我鳕鱼 The normal nerve doing such a virus of the cod licking starting District It cannot be in the wa or the absoluteness which is left

                                  • 日本报纸今天上午南是配置空间,让风吹净批评和Ku Now the south Japanese newspaper of morning is where space constitution of the wind which blows such as criticism with the net

                                    • 村山富市的阪神大地震前党社会主义书记
                                      Old Japan Socialist Party Party general secretary The same as Murayama wealth city with the Kobe Earthquake

                                      • 村山由我作出的一系列后期韩国的时间是工作队阪神大地震,大荣更多。村山救援直升机降落晚,你有一个禁令,但在访问期间,我支持我下车球场由陆军直升机村山人民报。 Murayama ll对接出Panete反过来也促进了时代记者实地到村山杀了我的受害者看看切
                                        The Kobe Earthquake Time series From Korea Murayama which the measure headquarters was made lately, from Daiei Inc. opposite. Murayama which is late As for landing of the helicopter of saving a life prohibiting, by your when inspecting Murayama which in the track and field place it gets off by the helicopter The US military support. Cutting off, Murayama which it makes the sufferer seeing murder Many times urging the local entering in the reporter, declining, Murayama of the opposite being cut off

                                        • 毕竟,不是不可能的,你的笑莱斯私通罪败类家伙州长?什么是一个字,我不留目凯塔
                                          After all, nomarch how it was unreasonable in the 淫 line guy of laughing [kuzure] of the previous offense person, it is it is not? As for one word of [tsu] [te] [todome] without being?

                                          • 毛重进来询问有关情况,如何处理开放束哪些组织藤州长和国会议员访问胆量旁观者,也是第一次读到的新闻,甚至可以帮助表面写一个像样的文章消除浪费的未来 Coming in GW interviewing to Assemblyman governor and Eto some organization how should correspond hearing When they are the kind of mass communications which write the article which is made the time where you opened securely the cooperator shelf As for the rubbish which does not read either circumstance and comes being rabble nature the removal object

                                            • 福岛还没有出来的东西我是在演戏驱动tTA Idaro马特比尼东线播放从离开松?鸠山被任命?对于民主党未来处理政策松树和多少,他们可能没有最低秃头?也许他是出于行动Rubeki鸠山和瑞穗会说更像决心判断一个省长? Akamatsu leaving from east the ro where going to play is and is mazu Something Fukushima which is representation in absence doing As for Hatoyama which appoints Future policy It could designate how many things as the baldness which does not have minimum the Democratic party and Akamatsu in regard to awkwardness If judgment you say with preparedness as a governor should appear in conduct from Hatoyama and Mizuho it is it is not
                                              • 507:下面,请给我们一个贵宾Shinikawarimashi没有名字:2010 05 08(星期六)18:02:49 61编号:TcMwf的G 我让他们知道你在一个角落里从零媒体关于松处理和民主党的政策将导致多个农场抑制所有报告的最低排减单位,图像处理的问候恩戴在我做的方式可能会导致一个大扩张 507 Below there is no name changing VIP sends 2010 05 08 Saturday 18 02 49 61 ID TcMwf G 0 The being completed tsu of the mass communications from we news which densely is Future policy In order to hold down to reporting the minimum the Democratic party and Akamatsu in regard to awkwardness Also all causes and cause of enlargement do extensively with awkward tsu te image of the plural ranches it is with to be possible
                                              • 我的用户界面故障联邦我〜〜Kureyo我说什么关于红松树 Be entwined to we the o To call also Akamatsu complaint the o

                                            • 粗正常的神经没有看到你。脑病是关闭古巴乐标志我挣脱他的同事关闭自民党! ! The normal nerve it was not done it is rough As for the brain symptom shaking off Liberal Democratic Party colleague Assemblyman whom you stop In Cuba go ru hu
                                              • 粗正常的神经没有看到你。脑病是关闭古巴s牛顿橡胶他的同事振动水平,关闭自民党! ! The normal nerve it was not done it is rough As for the brain symptom shaking off Liberal Democratic Party colleague Assemblyman whom you stop In Cuba go ru hu

                                            • 说真的,我按确定的头? “有多大的决定省长和喜欢的是没有考虑好什么时候埃泰”你听说你 With maji as for reporter head all right “Serious decision as a governor when is good thinking time is ” that The ro which is how to hear and is
                                              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 However you think that it is normal question the ro which the non nerve as for the impoliteness or the reporter is also the surface which is not the ginger and is

                                            • 调查显示人气终于在下一个又一个周末此外,在内阁支持率显示详细计划 That it is support ratio investigation with certain program of another coming weekend lastly but it is the schedule which increases the support ratio of the Cabinet
                                              • 调查显示人气终于在下一个又一个周末此外,在内阁支持率显示详细计划 That it is support ratio investigation with certain program of another coming weekend lastly but it is the schedule which increases the support ratio of the Cabinet
                                              • 调查显示人气终于在下一个又一个周末此外,在内阁支持率显示详细计划 That it is support ratio investigation with certain program of another coming weekend lastly but it is the schedule which increases the support ratio of the Cabinet

                                            • 谴责398名无Shisan新!2010 / 05 / 19日(星期三)14:15:39编号:6dA0RrlE0人忘记了我觉得399名无Shisan谴责前田喜任南日本新闻社新广告总监!2010 / 05 / 19日(星期三)14:22:41编号:/ b8Mczbc0明仁的那样的举动,
                                              398 There is no responsibility name New! 2010/05/19 (Wednesday) 14: 15: 39 ID: 6dA0RrlE0 As for the person whom you forget south Japanese newspaper publishing company announcement Bureau Chief You think that it is Yosihito Maeda, 399 There is no responsibility name New! 2010/05/19 (Wednesday) 14: 22: 41 ID: /b8Mczbc0 Showa person like and

                                              • 赤松及外国人掌舵倾斜在普选赞成,“现在没有时间做刑事搜索
                                                When the spearhead reaches to Akamatsu of foreign carrot administration approval, “Now, it is not the time when it should do the criminal searching

                                                • 鸠山政府,它是一个错误媲美村山富市内阁罪行去年地震
                                                  As for Hatoyama administration, it is a match to the correspondence of earthquake disaster of the Murayama Cabinet finally Mistake is committed, the better seed

                                                  • 鸠山,小泽还东国粕1月每个人都可能太东国425赤松,做到对手足口病好
                                                    425 Higashi Kunihara and Akamatsu and Hatoyama and Ozawa everyone sake lees it is Higashi Kunihara did the measure of foot and mouth disease properly

                                                    • (奇怪的是这方面的UpStage手机←)你不是也被牛和猪的头,撞倒另外11万美元,什么ー120亿元,农业总产值3000亿好吧,我不会崩溃一次又一次?所以,无论是在有紧急程度的睡眠,我有一点点不明白正常 lt Around this greatly so strangely Already 110 000 head thing cow and the pig being done you obtain and those which become 120 000 000 000 in production amount of 300 000 000 000 agricultural products begin to collapse already and it is ru reason Therefore during the emergency alert order there is a level when with the shank just a little you cannot understand normally however it is
                                                      • 因此,我有紧急的水平在一个国家的,我有一个普通的小不懂 Therefore during emergency alert order there is a level when with the shank Just a little you cannot understand normally however it is

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