-控股Zenkyoutou他没有什么日刊在政策瓦特Gendai因为他们是婴儿潮Noutarin There is no policy something in the people of the daily gene die/di, w
Therefore the fellows and the baby boom generation non-sect non-political students group of [noutarin
20天过去了爆发以来,像松树,他们还提出了无任何重大的出访和大型的工作失职的情况下不知道如何可以推动。等于放弃 The Akamatsu way after occurring as much as 20 days or more elapsing furthermore ahead this how it develops Abandoning duty in the circumstance which does not understand large doing going out to the travel abroad which is not important as for the notion that where you say Job It is equal to abandonment
20天过去了爆发以来,像松树,他们还提出了无任何重大的出访和大型的工作失职的情况下不知道如何可以推动。等于放弃 The Akamatsu way after occurring as much as 20 days or more elapsing furthermore ahead this how it develops Abandoning duty in the circumstance which does not understand large doing going out to the travel abroad which is not important as for the notion that where you say Job It is equal to abandonment
Gendai 733绝对责任也推官僚国原赤松宫崎吾妻。所谓扑开始相当红松树正在参加业余 733 As for responsibility Akamatsu Bureaucracy Miyazaki You push to Higashi Kunihara Gene die di stopping In the midst of cooperation The amateur calling Akamatsu it started hitting
“该部有一个升降机,开始数口蹄疫防疫工作队,由松率领的红4月20日部长没有透露嫌疑人感染 “As for Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries the foot and mouth disease quarantine where on April 20th infection doubt had become clear designates Minister of State Akamatsu as the headquarters chief The measure headquarters have been started
小泽喜欢红色。因此,我激动的指示我切?山冈,也做了一些谣言千栗高尔夫 From Ozawa red Don t you think it is the indication of cutting it is The goruhuchiku ri there is the te rumor which Yamaoka did and
3。 Sockpuppet立法者官僚犯有没有塞板是重的。 )维爵士━━━━゙゙萨苏 ≡≡ ー 阿轮) Three The original our performing of the Assemblyman crime of the bureaucracy which you do not stop is heavy rt su ゙ sa ゙ ━ ━ ━ ━ lt lt nono ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ≡ ≡ ⌒ ≡ REPT gt ¯ 巛 lt The hi tsu do it is the tsu ⌒ ⌒ ≡ ≡ a 巡
3。 Sockpuppet立法者官僚犯有没有塞板是重的。 )维爵士━━━━゙゙萨苏 ≡≡ ー 阿轮) Three The original our performing of the Assemblyman crime of the bureaucracy which you do not stop is heavy rt su ゙ sa ゙ ━ ━ ━ ━ lt lt nono ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ≡ ≡ ⌒ ≡ REPT gt ¯ 巛 lt The hi tsu do it is the tsu ⌒ ⌒ ≡ ≡ a 巡
469赤松部长,不要取代民主党副井,批评大选前的政策,去年,预计Tsumutta包括变化的驱动只一眼政权在降落伞前 469 Minister of State Akamatsu criticized the policy of the Democratic party before the House of Representatives selection of the last year The tsu which does not reshuffle the Ide assistant secretary stacks the eye even in dash order exerted from above before the administration alternating it is
无感染或预先从何许鸟被辞退一名部长做不好,469的支持将是分析和所有 469 When this is done when unskillfulness it does because 1 minister of state reshuffles it stops being completed is Infection route correspondence and everything become the analysis object
赤松部长,副不会取代井民主党人指责大选前的政策去年,预计Tsumutta包括变化的驱动只一眼政权在降落伞前 Minister of State Akamatsu criticized the policy of the Democratic party before the House of Representatives selection of the last year The tsu which does not reshuffle the Ide assistant secretary stacks the eye even in dash order exerted from above before the administration alternating it is
4月4日会议委员会立即成立了一个专门的部总部20 /表示最初支付的全额奖学金(部长松消毒剂22个专业编写了23县防腐的作用)4 /财政援助,以农民大臣赤松,部长队04赤松临时措施,如演讲/ 30,部长宣布的措施滑行。赤松从而增加了鹿儿岛支持和扩大,从最初邻県熊本我是不会讲出对政治领导和命中 4/20
The Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries measure headquarters installation
On the same day specialization commission opening
Minister of State Akamatsu disinfection liquid payment in full state expenditure burden statement (originally as for preparation of disinfection liquid role of prefecture)
Minister of State Akamatsu announcing measure such as financial help and specialist team dispatch to the farmer
Minister of State Akamatsu, announcing additional measure such as support enlargement to next door prefecture such as Kumamoto Kagoshima
This way Minister of State Akamatsu is the case that from initial motion it sets forth measure with political main leadership
829医生和政治家一直抨击媒体只是有一些无良的基本事实,人们在官僚和公务员,但是,你们只是想看起来像一个溃疡吃蟑螂如果税 829 As for the doctor and the politician the imprudent person just is in part But the mass communications busing as for having done fact The bureaucracy and the government employee have been about will eat the basis and tax and probably to crush The cockroach like people just
神奇分钟降落伞会批评政府官员的公职人员的 “你什么!”我一直说和“什么也没做!”我不明白它到底是什么我批评 If the government employee is criticized with order exerted from above you understand… “Does what ” With saying “it did not do at all ” The tsu te government employee cannot agree upon is criticized how completely
Datsu Tsutetaro政治领导,或Dabusuta你知道你的错太官僚,挂出,但他们忽视了大会专门知识的国家禁止他,右白痴,休米人民报 The tsu connection which is political main leadership it is the ro When it makes consequence of the bureaucracy the dubbing star it is to pass the ro which is Prohibiting to the National Diet reply although you ignore their technicality Don t you think the ro which is foolish history
自民党将不会成为一个坏的时间恩戴?达罗官员指责自民党自民党不合作三伏天快? When it is with it becomes sometime the Liberal Democratic Party becomes bad The time where gradually it makes consequence of the bureaucracy of the non cooperative Liberal Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party dog the ro which is
Gendai使用WWW的批评说,玩的东西比你呢? Masugomiana或批评,甚至航空公司罢工?以一个肮脏的沼泽保卫你们的徽章 The gene die/di www which uses that in word play of criticism
What? The strike of the airliner or mass rubbish analog criticizing?
Word play is dirty 沢 protection to some extent margin
Gendai是从政府的统计资料不看,对于目的肉类和牲畜统计年度报告2008年畜牧业的起源,如果政府的合作者和路线的捍卫首当其冲地向井松批评小泽的愚蠢牛肉(2008年2月1日调查)1 状态状态的,根据一个人口饲养单位。鹿儿岛是第三次大数量的家庭饲养岩手县肉牛1,第二宫崎,宫崎。消光(Ry的 Purpose of the gene die di protects Ozawa If the spearhead of criticism is faced to the foolish pine because the eye does not face to occurrence source and route Comprehensive window of government statistics Animal husbandry statistical research Report Animal husbandry statistics Chronology 2008 Cow for meat 2008 February 1st investigation 1 1 Classified by metropolis and districts The number of breeding number of houses heads According to Metropolis and districts As for cow breeding number of houses for meat 1 rank Kagoshima 2 rank Miyazaki 3 rank Iwate This time Miyazaki With extermination ry
SKG的足够系列站立牧场●容易被愚蠢和深远的左下多贺罗烟雾房子,这一来源,口。隐藏的病毒感染,身体移动到受感染的牛城以西,不要愚弄选民已经十分脆弱的企图隐瞒篡改信息 About it is kept away inside the company resident in Extreme left It is cheap the foolish easy ranch Soka academic society series the latest occurrence source oral hoof Infection is hidden to move the corpse of the infection cow to Saito city the concealment construction with data alteration Feeling weak voter It is swindled already is
Hey ll得到所有民主党人返回打口号背后的政治领导,以及如何互相推卸责任 How it probably will shift responsibility also with the shade of the slogan of political main leadership
Entirely, don't you think? it returns to the Democratic party, the [e
Kissho xii jp 1 src目录 1jyou113561。jpg格式TTP的: kissho xii jp 1 src目录 1jyou113562。jpg格式五分之二千○十 12页2读卖新闻上午版“,而不是国家对口蹄疫县甜“TTP的: 班至小学课程。viploader net 新闻 src目录 vlnews014687。JPG的2010 5 05飞机12日上午版朝日新闻”赶走政府发言口蹄疫打击“TTP的: kissho xii jp 1 src目录 1jyou113563。JPG的2010 5 15头版体育日报在东京,“共口蹄疫数万宫崎损害数百万美元的”TTP的: 班至小学课程。viploader net 新闻 src目录 vlnews014807。JPG的2010 5 18日晚日报该Gendai“对韩国人。浮法他和口诅咒省长。省长和毁灭性的瘟疫。” kissho xii jp 1 src 1jyou113561 jpg ttp kissho xii jp 1 src 1jyou113562 jpg 2010 5 12 morning editions The Yomiuri Shimbun Company 2 aspect “Foot and mouth disease Country prefecture sweet correspondence” ttp up3 viploader net news src vlnews014687 jpg 2010 5 12 morning editions Asahi newspaper 5 aspect “Foot and mouth disease Pursuit to administration” ttp kissho xii jp 1 src 1jyou113563 jpg 2010 5 15 morning editions Tokyo sport 1 surface “Miyazaki foot and mouth disease Damage sum total several 100 000 000 000 Yen” ttp up3 viploader net news src vlnews014807 jpg 2010 5 18 evening papers “East country of daily gene die di In making merry governor heaven punishment Oral hoof Large damage and pest governor”
NULL Because the article which either the humanity fragment is not with droppings kichigai of the gene die di you do not forget 2010 5 11 morning editions Asahi newspaper 5 aspect “Destroying 70 000 head not overtaking” ttp kissho xii jp 1 src 1jyou113561 jpg ttp kissho xii jp 1 src 1jyou113562 jpg 2010 5 12 morning editions The Yomiuri Shimbun Company 2 aspect “Foot and mouth disease Country prefecture sweet correspondence” ttp up3 viploader net news src vlnews014687 jpg 2010 5 12 morning editions Asahi newspaper 5 aspect “Foot and mouth disease Pursuit to administration” ttp kissho xii jp 1 src 1jyou113563 jpg 2010 5 15 morning editions Tokyo sport 1 surface “Miyazaki foot and mouth disease Damage sum total several 100 000 000 000 Yen” ttp up3 viploader net news src vlnews014807 jpg 2010 5 18 evening papers Daily gene die di “East country In making merry governor heaven punishment Oral hoof Large damage and pest governor”
News4vip livedoor biz 档案 51543802。html的 宫崎 口蹄疫 富士电视台的记者,一牛棚禁区没有TTP的任命未经消毒的提取: blog livedoor jp 档案 video news 1385656。网页TTP的: white0wine blog10。FC2的。com 博客入境 1334。网页TTP的: zarutoro livedoor biz 档案 5145 607万的。html#TTP的: logsoku com 线程 马岛0 2 ch net 新闻 一十二亿七千四百零九万零七百一十三 news4vip livedoor biz archives 51543802 html The Fuji Telecasting Co collection of data position either disinfection does not do without apo in the barn inside carrying out restricted area ttp blog livedoor jp video news archives 1385656 html ttp white0wine blog10 fc2 com blog entry 1334 html ttp zarutoro livedoor biz archives 51456070 html ttp logsoku com thread tsushima 2ch net news 1274090713
此外,接种疫苗还决定现在不被迫出售的东西,所有的牲畜进入区 In addition by the fact that vaccination it decides it became the situation which makes all the head dealings unavoidable by the fact that it goes into area
TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d - IK9nA0TA3Q什么是你松与柏青哥红? ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = - IK9nA0TA3Q
How it is related with the Akamatsu [tsu] [te] pachinko?
_NULL_ As for measure of government from FAO of the United Nations organization the droppings w which is recognized
Cutting off the dispatch application of the Democratic party government and the specialist team of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is ascertained * 4
Cutting off the dispatch application of the Democratic party government and the specialist team of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is ascertained * 4
Cutting off the dispatch application of the Democratic party government and the specialist team of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is ascertained * 4
Cutting off the dispatch application of the Democratic party government and the specialist team of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is ascertained * 4
After all in the end, denying the request of FAO specialist team dispatch! ! !
The Democratic party you going, wwwwwwww which it increases
|(_ _人_)|兄弟友爱\`ー 。_ _ _ _ |舒什,这样\ |:_ _ _升2 222 February二十二升|升2222222负担线 | (_ _ human _) | Friendship & friendship
\ `-' /
_ _ _ _/⌒ `` - - ⌒ & _ _ _
| : : | The _ _ it does, 'the ⌒ REPT . . REPT The ⌒ it does, ' the _ _ _ | Mother and that person \
| : : | _ _ _ _ _ REPT ) _ _ _ _ _ _ | It is strange, it is the nude/
| : : | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ REPT, /⌒ REPT. _ _ _ _ |
| : : | _ _ _ _ _ _ REPT i ~ i it does, '. _ _ _ _ | It does, the [tsu], in that \
| : _ _ _ l 2,222,222 l | 2,222,222 l It will go
世界动物卫生组织和粮农组织为什么HP ll认为我联系?什么是转移的厕所涂鸦的批评一直冷淡停止并Gendai Thinking, that with something it has linked to FAO and OIE with HP, the [ru] it is?
It scribbles of the toilet, passing To some extent stop the lie of the criticism bending and the gene die/di
业余了,即使出了问题在该国,尽管我知道,玩(国外旅行),但只是在我的O K表这是什么!我什至陷入部长称号 When it is the amateur whatever there being a problem in the country Knowing that Playing bi travel abroad So ke te O K Because it is with the tsu lever the shank There being a minister of state tsu te title
“所有的思考,我不认为我道歉”,“我错了,我在哪里?”福岛瑞穗林业 结婚。特别从宫崎县的部长,外国旅游时,也没有红松树 “What reflection the wa bi is done completely thinks that it is not ” “somewhere by mistake is it is ” Fukushima Mizuho Agriculture and forestry water Temporary minister of state Miyazaki prefecture graduate at the time of Akamatsu travel abroad it did not do at all
初,level m一个糟糕的方式,只是如何做,这比周围停部长出访愿意来判断吧!小学和粗鲁 Those which probably will be judging also the minister of state by your travelling abroad compared to When the one where turning does not stop is worse… The do just it is it is elementary school student level what In elementary school student impolite shelf
的选择,这是手足口病的最重要的行动作为一个政治家的是一个地方,我选择拥抱,而不是海外旅行 So with the selection which is the most important behavior as a politician Is not foot and mouth disease and travel abroad selection it is it is uninformed uninformed it is dense
经过确认的农业部长访问口蹄疫口蹄疫■海外列出了该事件的主要原因赤松赤松隆宏 Akamatsu foot and mouth disease incident Principal case list Hirotaka Akamatsu Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Foot and mouth disease After the verifying Travel abroad
至少在过去的出国甚至不知道有关Warazu坦率地说,他们说,有一个大型非松,即使不针对 At least if immediately before the travelling abroad you had recognized even the indication it has not done in spite You can say that greatly there is a fault in Akamatsu
普天间做太多可怕的发言安静Hukushima瑞穗172成人方面的问题,那是很 172 Either isn t the Fukushima not seeing ho too gentle You speak to Futenma awfully but it is too quiet in regard to this case
从历史上看,小牛曾计划从中国进口(呻/ bit.ly / aJx3TH) From the time before, the calf import from China was planned (
http: //bit.ly/aJx3TH
从现在起,不希望Kanryouga一盛日Hagega呢?现代客户业余结束,世界甚至部长是暂时的,即使你做你喜欢 Because hagega does not rise now one this time kanriyouga Doing even temporarily minister of state hiyundai of public how as the amateur as for concluding the thing combining
W Kanryoga Daimasukomiga下一个或我做什么,因为它奠定?不要说太多,至少其中一个原因朱达罗 As for the next of daimasukomiga whether kanriyoga w Amateur Therefore being what Such a ones of the ro which is the excuse which is too lowest
他们甚至没有说明何时采取信贷是成功的做一些事情,让责任采取降级后,故障 Although either the indication above it is not, whatever doing, when it succeeds
If the feat going to the side, it fails, responsibility and others point, demotion
他必须告诉他的官僚,政治领导和领导,我没有开玩笑(゚关闭 The indication you must receive in the bureaucracy, the person, showing guidance power, don't you think? political main leadership is what kind of joke, ([hu] ゚
你这样做,加入421机管局Netouyo党金字塔底部的民主和自由 421
Adding Liberal Democratic Party and [netouyo] to the lowest layer of the pyramid of the AA
你长大了Gendai小泽瓦特[66]社论,“鸠山,麻生太郎是克莱因一样,冯 66
The gene die/di is Ozawa earnest, w
“Prime Minister Hatoyama, it is the same as [bonkura] Aso
公牛队设法保护(签字)口。农业道路的消除,而不是今天牧区的方式,已确定在受感染的牛人流离失所 Somehow we would like to protect the sire cow signature the oral hoof To eradication Road to agriculture and road to be cowboy This day infection was verified to also the kind cow which is evacuated
公牛队设法保护(签字)口。农业道路的消除,而不是今天牧区的方式,已确定在受感染的牛人流离失所 Somehow we would like to protect the sire cow signature the oral hoof To eradication Road to agriculture and road to be cowboy This day infection was verified to also the kind cow which is evacuated
关东地区唯一的信息中,并带有偏见的报道在当地的责任,或者按知识驱动tTA多数选民知道腐败的问题 In addition, in Kanto sphere for mass communications corruption
Most voters do not know this problem
Assuming, that or you informed, only the information by deflection reporting which it makes responsibility of the locale
即使如此,民主本身不是目的,我紧张捍卫Minee西西Kusohyundai Democracy itself it protects it is nevertheless to last shelf w [kusohiyundai] w
Don't you think? distortion [e
后藤福江岛罕见教育学生讲,通过从早稻田大学毕业后,律师资格考试,而低收入,运行在一个转到牧场 While growing in the Fukue island of the Goto archipelago, studying under adversity the Waseda University to graduate, after the administration of justice test passing,
Managing the ranch with Goto
咦?最近。难道Itenakatta自来水?你要避免所有的批评Nasuritsuke赤松和芝 That? Recent times. The [tsu] [ke] which was not hit?
The [ri] which is formed entirely in Akamatsu attaching, the air which [potsupo] you criticize evades?
噢,你知道你在做积极的废话的官员犯有官僚主义我猜重松1mg的,但这不轻易作出,但不 To you obtain so do with main leadership of the bureaucracy it is the ro which is The bureaucracy is heavy it is probably will be But therefore with saying crime of the kuso pine it is not the case that it becomes light even with 1mg
噢,狗屎的官员犯了罪,但我想重松,不轻易作出,但没有1mg的 To you obtain so crime of the bureaucracy is heavy it is probably will be But therefore with saying crime of the kuso pine it is not the case that it becomes light even with 1mg
在任何时间指示或展示的首次出访,是这样,但我为他辩护,或者如何抵抗指示或转让由官僚Waranakatta From ahead travelling abroad on occasion the indication was displayed that the indication was not transmitted by the resistance of the bureaucracy that How doing it protects him applying becoming story the ru
说明了在国外留在任何时间或官方访问,它是,但是我为他辩护,或者如何或转让指示Waranakatta官僚阻力 From ahead travelling abroad the indication was made on occasion that the indication was not transmitted by the resistance of the bureaucracy that How doing it protects him applying becoming story the ru
在宫崎县尽管损坏或停止发展,我们渴望,听取他们的农场和牲畜设施,护士和检疫措施,以加强与有关组织合作 Inside Miyazaki prefecture damage enlargement does not stop, also the farmer and the livestock production facilities inside the prefecture have deepened insecurity, the related system cooperating, quarantine measure is strengthened
在第一次访问时,该部是“以它的措施和检疫国家驱动”来吧,说Ukato认为“黄金周,因为一些想避免声誉受损 When so 1st time visiting in Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries “the country becoming subject that when you think whether you take quarantine measure and” with say Because “it is golden weak we would like to avoid rumor damage
在第一次访问时,该部是“以它的措施和检疫国家驱动”来吧,说Ukato认为“黄金周,因为一些想避免声誉受损 When so 1st time visiting in Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries “the country becoming subject that when you think whether you take quarantine measure and” with say Because “it is golden weak we would like to avoid rumor damage
奶牛,猪,疾病有蹄类动物,如口蹄疫感染了Guutei)向农民羊(繁殖独特袋(25公里)将分发到每个 Foot and mouth disease such as cow and pig and sheep is infected Even number of toes the gu u te to be 1 sacks 25 kilometers at a time is the schedule which is distributed in each farmer who raises type
如果你不批评赤松先生,他们曾主编溃疡妥善wwww检查中并不常见的命运写在我们这个时代的系统化具有此瓦特偷懒或诅咒,我没有?来吧,在学校说,这将是一个最糟糕的坏学生在湿重掴他出差我生病高兴瓦特可爱的偶像 Unless Akamatsu is criticized Like this because the te says today blunder thing wrote with coming W which collapses with shared fate When heaven punishment gets off wwww Chief editor did not check properly kana When you say in the school even with round trip binta it means that the pupil is bad ww The how worst w which rejoices the unhappiness of the person
1 “业余”我应得的官僚没有瓶塞板塞板赤松部长出国旅游,并确保你采访呢?记者无我有妄想Gendai狗屎? 1 gt Stopping the overseas business trip of Minister of State Akamatsu “of the amateur ” it was not strange The bureaucracy passing the tsu while all stopping you verify properly with collection of data Never delusion of the kuso reporter of the gene die di
如果我Merubeki发言,因为官僚,而不是外国旅游部长,部长只有一个我并不需要把Iranaijan回力足 There is no travel abroad and [te] minister of state should be stopped
If the bureaucracy it places and says, the minister of state it does not enter it is
The foot as for the sufficient person who is pulled [irane
如果邪恶是不想说,日本广播协会在当地的新闻时作出的首例口蹄疫和脚,县官员必须公开会议上,“行动年以前的参考材料对手足口病是导致10怎么样,“总督说,TTA和”没有提到“他们说的效果,省长手指孤单。行为与 It is bad with we would not like to say but when with local news of NHK 1st example of foot and mouth disease occurs The prefecture held measure meeting but the staff “the data of measure of the foot and mouth disease which occurred 10 years ago acting in reference how ” With called to the governor but “it does not refer and the te is good” that saying In fact the governor independently finger It became conduct
NHK的当地新闻时作出的首例口蹄疫和脚,县官员会议开幕“的行为,参考了以前的文章对手足口病是导致10年是否”说,州长和驱动tTA的“没有提到”他们说的效果,省长手指孤单。行为与 When with local news of NHK 1st example of foot and mouth disease occurs The prefecture held measure meeting but the staff “Acting in reference how that called the data of measure of the foot and mouth disease which occurred 10 years ago ” to the governor but “ It does not refer and the te is good” that saying In fact the governor independently finger It became conduct
如果邪恶是不想说,日本广播协会在当地的新闻时作出的首例口蹄疫和脚,县官员必须公开会议上,“行动年以前的参考材料对手足口病是导致10怎么样,“总督说,TTA和”没有提到“他们说的效果,省长手指孤单。行为与 It is bad with we would not like to say but when with local news of NHK 1st example of foot and mouth disease occurs The prefecture held measure meeting but the staff “the data of measure of the foot and mouth disease which occurred 10 years ago acting in reference how ” With called to the governor but “it does not refer and the te is good” that saying In fact the governor independently finger It became conduct
媒体 官方首次部长提出检控或冲压线,是愚蠢的,因为它是没有问题的塞子板万维网Hyudai认为需要的蛋糕 Crime of the mass media where designates the amateur as the minister of state In the first place the bureaucracy has stopped with ochi which is said When you thought as aho or www because it was hiyudai there is no problem
你是否有这种权力的官僚,或者一个白痴,哑Gendai,赤松社会党,部长只是线Kitakatta古巴 Whether there is such an authority in the bureaucracy the fool well the or foolish gene die di When as for Japan Socialist Party Akamatsu becoming the minister of state just you want to go to Cuba
它也可以被添加Gendai ll尽我笑太不合理的风险南玻,我停止在没有正式出访止推板,但其他议员耶耶耶? Obtaining it can be able be able and be able be able to obtain the responsible tsu te of the bureaucracy which cannot stop the travel abroad which other Assemblyman stops and forces That no bo being too unreasonable regardless ze gene die di which cannot either laughing
宫崎县畜牧农场“消毒你是什么?”嗯人谁也关系很深,并为那些外来的,是他们自己的行动是Koseru文对自己的头的不 The animal husbandry farmer of Miyazaki prefecture has done “as for disinfection it is If” with the person who is the being connected which is deep anyhow for the people who do not have the edge or yu temporary the self Applying the neck human something which can cause conduct so so it is not
任何人谁拥有深厚的纽带宫崎家畜和外来一边,对于那些没有采取行动淇Koseru他们是如此对自己的头上 If the animal husbandry of Miyazaki prefecture the person who is the being connected which is deep anyhow for the people who do not have the edge or yu temporary the self Applying the neck human something which can cause conduct so so it is not
对它们,和其他牲畜的农场,“我已经消毒?”我听说,“不 NULL
宫崎县的悲剧和民族危机,现在12点58分至鸠山,赤松,随着民主党并没有隐藏任何再山田 _NULL_
小学,心情也发现疯牛病片段接收国问题“的,而不是县上01国的传播是牛,县,即使没有发现未经批准的部长,名誉上的损失大致在积极参与报道媒体部 Primarily it is not the country and you call problem of the prefecture Also mood was discovered ” In 01 before the infection expanding of BSE there is no permission of the minister of state in the country the te When the kind cow the prefecture was verified the mass communications announcing the active movement of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Rumor damage became large
小学,心情也发现感染片段接收国问题“的,而不是在01县国家疯牛病被证实的传言时,媒体报道的积极运动部损害大致 Primarily it is not the country and you call problem of the prefecture Also mood was discovered ” In 01 before the infection expanding of BSE there is no permission of the minister of state in the country the te When the kind cow the prefecture was verified the mass communications announcing the active movement of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Rumor damage became large
当地岩手日光浴,因为小泽是提供Kukara消毒口蹄疫疾病的早期古线应该宫崎?他妈的至少堀 The disinfection liquid of the foot and mouth disease which is the expectation which goes to Miyazaki is supplied to Ozawa's local Iwate is from early on even?
The [ku] which is lowest the [re] which accompanies
我1个月,经过近一个确认后的一代,“相处得很好”,议会04农业部长Hunayama安卫5 丹麦的外交之旅“和恐惧,人们将看到茹自卫队(自卫队的支持,因此不是最好的) “ 小泽一郎,民主党秘书长和口。在感染的蔓延(5 7),要求在宫崎县的选举合作“是一个非常重要的问题,县” 鸠山由纪夫首相Louppy彻底,什么一个月后一期“非常关注”,“开始考虑采取措施的指示“指示”和速度感是重要的,“内阁官房长官 平野责任弘文 After the occurrence verifying nearly 1 months passing “it keeps doing securely” Boat mountain healthy river Agriculture and forestry marine products state affairs official When from 5 4 travel abroad “Self Defense Force you see to Denmark the person who becomes insecure it is therefore the Self Defense Force support may not ” Ichiro Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General Oral hoof 5 7 in election cooperation request in the midst of infection expanding “very much to Miyazaki the importance Prefecture It is topic” Yukio Hatoyama Prime Minister Finish rupi after the occurring 1 months passing “it starts the examination of “very anxiety” way measure the indication” “speed impression important matter and the indication” Plain Hirohumi Secretariat director Responsibility it depends on pushing in Miyazaki prefecture and the local farmer “as for Miyazaki prefecture finer quarantine measure” Masahiko Yamada Agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state It did the occurrence harem promontory entering but it did not enter locally
即使是一无所有,懒惰是没有任何指示,副部长议会秘书无论采用哪种方式好 Well if does minister of state secondary minister of state state affairs official does not order at all in both in the first place you are lazy being the case that is not at all
更书记集中比以往任何时候部长和议会已批准450个,让官僚出来的行动,从任意动脑筋玺 450 Above authority until now above is gathered and summarized in the minister of state and state affairs official The bureaucracy being arbitrary you think that tsu te it is difficult to move
我Gendai主编或法律责任,不论该编辑器吗?奇摩发言作为蝙蝠太糟糕恶意转移理论空间 The gene die/di [tsu] [te] responsible editorialist, chief editor or without being?
Even in remainder with two tongues like the bat theory of the space slipping, the heart [chi] [wa] [ru] it is,
我明白:如何领导关注这一广告传单wwwwwwwww Kanryouga东西你知道你是个传奇人物Datsu政治? [kanriyouga] wwwwwwwww
When the [tsu] which is political main leadership it has hung [ro] something which is you say, the [wa] as for this agitation handbill which was bitten!
我是一个不好的选民选择不健全月底在党的思想,使业余爱好者的好总理,总理也并不坏,但是政治领导人和业余 Also the prime minister where designates the political main leadership producing amateur as the minister of state is bad Well also that prime minister being the amateur mind is abnormal The voter who after all chooses such a political party is bad
只有一直为官僚和政客采取了主动行动负责?人,事Iranaijan部长 Although it is political main leadership as for just responsibility the bureaucracy taking When is minister of state something it does not need it is
我是一个不好的选民选择不健全月底在党的思想,使业余爱好者的好总理,总理也并不坏,但是政治领导人和业余 Also the prime minister where designates the political main leadership producing amateur as the minister of state is bad Well also that prime minister being the amateur mind is abnormal The voter who after all chooses such a political party is bad
我是官方!东西部的一部分,你不需要政治决策和预算,并确保行动毛重Itetajan研究小组在放弃瓦特 Whether bureaucracy As for Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries budget such as investigation team and guarantee something As for the part political judgment there is no necessity it is moving it is with GW return w
噢,不!您不必官僚告诉我们,神圣的正义,不是吗? 〜我怎么说的? Obtaining Even either the heaven punishment producing bureaucracy does not need it is with to do the yo What you say
我是官方!东西部的一部分,你不需要政治决策和预算,并确保行动毛重Itetajan研究小组在放弃瓦特 Whether bureaucracy As for Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries budget such as investigation team and guarantee something As for the part political judgment there is no necessity it is moving it is with GW return w
我诅咒440个县,为一大型垃圾前田日本南部鹿儿岛宫崎我下一步报纸后面,但我还是没有瓦特古 440
It is heaven punishment, in the Kagoshima prefecture how Miyazaki of the next door which has the south Japanese newspaper rear hand correspondence large annoyance
You did [maeda] well, w
我骨科(笑)逆转录@ shinjihi:嗯,我的医疗逆转录@ japanisjapan:路由:三宅雪子(@ miyake_yukiko35)医师诊断治疗三个星期的“药”是 It is the orthopedics, (laughing) RT @ shinjihi: Don't you think? the [hu] - it is, the internal medicine RT
@ japanisjapan: Circulation: Miyake snow child (@ miyake_yukiko35) Diagnostic doctor of the complete cure three week was” the internal medicine”
对于岛外海的是说我的生活已经改变了相当山田彦风廓线,长崎,人们生活在那里和谁 Yamada Masahiko profile Queer my life who is said extremely Because of the island because of the sea because of Nagasaki and for the people who live there
无损检测超过百分之三十的矫枉过正,我猜大约26 28% 哦,我的儿子和他的儿子马苏耀西发掘出他下周出于某种原因,小泉进次郎 The 30 it exceeds and is popular too much with something is around 26 the 28 the combining… which So so why the son produces to be hit from next week The son is Sinzirou Koizumi
是的,什么傻瓜才会制订正式驳回了作用,业余Yobawari m愚蠢是不是你的工作,以保护 The amateur if the fool of the not being useful which the [wa] [ri] is done reshuffle margin
Don't you think? as for the bureaucracy the amulet of the fool work - it is
松树,四家媒体是他 20(见手足口病)至4 29(星期日提出外渗红松树),海外旅行到绫赤松盖多甚至不介意自己有限的评价,如果我和报告期内该取消可能会阻止这一悲剧的梁 In Akamatsu their mass communications 4 20 foot and mouth disease verification 4 29 Akamatsu travel abroad the day when you go out When it has reported to period To only your own appraisal outside does not become matter of concern as expected even with road Akamatsu It cancels travel abroad prevent cannot know the latest tragedy high
关于松树的批评,说 例如 松树,一边甜蜜的绝望“的偏甜,”嘿,我会 If you mention criticism in regard to Akamatsu… gt How it will do the sweetness of Akamatsu side it is not but “Side is sweet” well
此外,他甚至没有返回宫崎和诽谤过去,东平在他的手和 In addition, the palm was returned suddenly
East and having slandered and slandering Miyazaki prefecture to before this in habit
民主党人也在做邪恶Kuarimasen! ! !瓦特WWW的御用闻文报纸Warota Doing whatever, to be bad, there is no Democratic party! ! ! www
Business hearing newspaper [warota] w
淇问题和应变的目的,通常的伎俩的钱包Sorerashiki建立一个官僚组织和机构或可见 Purposely causing problem whether that you saw That it becomes the wallet of ministry and board it seems making coming organization Usual maneuver of bureaucracy
渔业部副部长和2 101井瑞穗,可能是在福岛,你在干什么瓦特 101
Don't you think? 2 agricultural secondary ministers of state and, the Fukushima not seeing [ho] probably will be what has done is, - w
相当被称为590在业余的时间,我就不会在W案以“我正在做的工作非常重要顶部业余”那么这是从我,我只是把他的所有意图自来水 590 You think that the amateur at the point in time when it calls so is not w “The top of the work where the amateur is important doing it increases” from tsu lever Toda Well how seeing being hit direction to convert just passing
卡诺花宫崎驱动tTA司法职位真正觉得是明智之举?打马瓦特Chondai秃头。 。 W或打开水龙头,成为 As expected as for the article of Miyazaki heaven punishment you thought kana that it is unpalatable chiyondai w From bald hitting horse In hitting direction conversion or w
管理委员会捐赠资金来源为公路运输和公路建设资金(而不是收入的一般预算道路建设)表示,接受[31] From the road haulage management workshop which designates the road specific revenue source as money source (opposing to the general revenue source conversion of the road specific revenue source,)
Donation is received, [31
粮农组织头Ruburosu球迷。兽医人员是世界上嘴。遏制我有经验和知识的粮农组织已经提出,并准备派遣专家的意见和建议日本 The fan ruburosu neck of FAO As for veterinarian official oral hoof of the world Has the experience and knowledge of enclosing FAO which For advising and advice you proposed that there is the preparation which dispatches the specialist team to Japan
粮农组织头Ruburosu球迷。兽医人员是世界上嘴。遏制我有经验和知识的粮农组织已经提出,并准备派遣专家的意见和建议日本 The fan ruburosu neck of FAO As for veterinarian official oral hoof of the world Has the experience and knowledge of enclosing FAO which For advising and advice you proposed that there is the preparation which dispatches the specialist team to Japan
而民主党人已成为器官结构略有无限制或任何头脑,你必须公正和中立的wwww wwww It became and shook and did not care and became in the house organ of the Democratic party wwww
The [ro] wwww which fair neutrality completely is not the head and is
请报告正确,按 … Please report properly the mass communications
读卖新闻 政府(国家)的重要性,以保持和纸张记者从本地的责任(5 12),日刊Gendai“对韩国人。花车和口蹄疫诅咒他对省长。省长的人则不符合我们与喜剧演员笑毁灭性的瘟疫减免税是国家负责,但我宫崎县知事选举“是对昆虫Ginainoka好,前田明仁(俗称)卖给我的印象中的民主战斗党的以东讲述了一个报社记者在日本南部手术 The Yomiuri Shimbun Company Government the country from reporting which puts emphasis on responsibility of the locale the space and the like of 5 12 Daily gene die di “East country In making merry governor heaven punishment Oral hoof Large damage and pest governor Although there is a responsibility in the Miyazaki prefecture people where chooses the laughing entertainer being disqualified human in the governor with tax of the country as for relief the insect without being too good ” Maeda Akira person name South Japanese journalist In the indication of the Democratic party quarrel selling on east impression operation
我找到了一个愤怒硬币上线谈卡兹井东宫崎县,石川县同期2010年5月2日他们没有。会议疗术的老师现在要举行一个研讨会,东国的攻击你的金泽宫崎县 East going to lecture the same time the case which makes the change 2010 May 2nd Ishikawa In the 療 technique teacher meeting we receiving Governor Higashi Kunihara of Miyazaki prefecture in Kanazawa It came to the point of holding the seminar
石川县,2010年5月2日被发现井卡兹更改行谈东我大约在同一时间。会议疗术的老师现在要举行一个研讨会,东国的攻击你的金泽宫崎县 East going to lecture the same time the case which makes the change 2010 May 2nd Ishikawa In the 療 technique teacher meeting we receiving Governor Higashi Kunihara of Miyazaki prefecture in Kanazawa It came to the point of holding the seminar
经过220“宫崎县哭你来解决他们自己的国家,一真?”我也 220 When the rear “Miyazaki prefecture people cry in the country and are not attached and solve by their ” tsu te
读卖新闻 政府(国家)的重要性,以保持和纸张记者从本地的责任(5 12),日刊Gendai“对韩国人。花车和口蹄疫诅咒他对省长。省长的人则不符合我们与喜剧演员笑毁灭性的瘟疫减免税是国家负责,但我宫崎县知事选举“是对昆虫Ginaika好,前田明仁(俗称)卖给我的印象中的民主战斗党的以东讲述了一个报社记者在日本南部手术 The Yomiuri Shimbun Company Government the country from reporting which puts emphasis on responsibility of the locale the space and the like of 5 12 Daily gene die di “East country In making merry governor heaven punishment Oral hoof Large damage and pest governor Although there is a responsibility in the Miyazaki prefecture people where chooses the laughing entertainer being disqualified human in the governor with tax of the country as for relief the insect without being too good ” Maeda Akira person name South Japanese journalist In the indication of the Democratic party quarrel selling on east impression operation
这Poppo小泽加速制度是不好的,我一定会排队细川护熙政府 Useless of the latest, Ozawa [potsupo] administration as for allowance, securely
Doing on Hosokawa administration, the [ru
这是一个最好的例子是不幸的无能官僚和犯罪三箭神司法部长省长人才 Talent governor Heaven punishment
Minister of state Disabled
Bureaucracy Crime
With proverb of three these arrows shank
It is the most misfortune
这是,如果你有较少官僚破坏它的可怕。 Akamatsu ve了一项倡议措施,将国家的立场,但无出国! !还是我想说什么和赤松翻译幼儿园好像是说我写我不能这样做啊? Gendai的W kore is terrible … If the bureaucracy is slowed down furthermore As for Akamatsu without travelling abroad Measure you must lead in the country it probably is standpoint but Or everyone in Akamatsu speaking as for and others the wa is not possible a at all The meaning which we would like to say that immature kindergarten child like it rubbed Gene die di w
红色。我得到它挖掘官僚之间的彩色冬天我认为需要的蛋糕实在是垃圾击中模糊湿重 Red Whether hitting when you think Unnoticed becoming the bureaucratic hitting ru ww The kudzu is not off center as expected
这是,如果你有较少官僚破坏它的可怕。 Akamatsu ve了一项倡议措施,将国家的立场,但无出国! !还是我想说什么和赤松翻译幼儿园好像是说我写我不能这样做啊? Gendai的W kore is terrible … If the bureaucracy is slowed down furthermore As for Akamatsu without travelling abroad Measure you must lead in the country it probably is standpoint but Or everyone in Akamatsu speaking as for and others the wa is not possible a at all The meaning which we would like to say that immature kindergarten child like it rubbed Gene die di w
附表諌限于部官员也终于为您带来230 238斯里兰卡芝麻丈夫没有抱怨说,他们正在接受治疗和创新发挥海外行在一起,那正是你购买之前当然房子的WWW如果非朱达罗 238 230 Restricting to the bureaucracy remonstrating the minister of state the husband who is not The sesame pickpocket after all the tsu you did in the foreign country the line tsu solving together in play Complaint as for being said the proper You the www shrine the ro you have not served and is
一旦自民党,官僚,媒体,我会成为一个大师,以涵盖所有的自民党 When it becomes the Liberal Democratic Party administration the bureaucracy the mass communications the Liberal Democratic Party becoming everyone guru it camouflages Don t you think empty
我不这么认为石窟的反应,如果我试图挖掘561县,官员自来水你知道你要有趣埃塔 561 However it tried hitting the prefecture because the reaction is not desirable it changed into the bureaucratic hitting it is the ro which is
有没有用,因为官僚理论不仅是一个坏的邪恶Mizukake部长,但事实是不明确 Although fact is not clear the minister of state the bad when bureaucracy is bad doing endless dispute because it is helpless
民主党人和媒体,但他们坚持岁进军所有,之后,“主官僚主义。离境”你是你吗?让我们不要忘记,人多了,是好还是什么 As for the Democratic party and the mass communications however it hit many years and many years obstinately After all “the bureaucratic main thing When breaking away” it does the ro which this is Either one mashi applying for the citizen it is thing
自民党议员,我想我听到了一个真正的男人或不大会在国家指出,你知道我听到这个词的官方氖血腥谋杀锄头 Although Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman with real points out at the National Diet is not heard the person who the bureaucracy Saying don t you think the side ya which you hear the ro which is
附表諌限于部官员也终于为您带来230 238斯里兰卡芝麻丈夫没有抱怨说,他们正在接受治疗和创新发挥海外行在一起,那正是你购买之前当然房子的WWW如果非朱达罗 238 230 Restricting to the bureaucracy remonstrating the minister of state the husband who is not The sesame pickpocket after all the tsu you did in the foreign country the line tsu solving together in play Complaint as for being said the proper You the www shrine the ro you have not served and is