Nakai minister of state criticism “the Miyazaki person has suffered hardship stubbornness, Akamatsu”, “isolation of the kind cow, the manner which is not believed” “just a little it is different”, the ★2
- 对预算案的委员会,第一个问题各议会党团(包括其他问题,请两院的基本问题)播放 Group of people going/participating both among basic questions of budget committee of institute, question of the first interpellator of each denomination (also related question broadcasts includes)
01它是动物卫生和口蹄疫的世界组织。条件被确认为自由国家“,不口蹄疫发生在国家未使用疫苗”,这是从 01 As for that international animal 疫 executive office oral hoof Because the condition for recognizing pure country with has meant “that foot and mouth disease does not occur in the country where the vaccine is not used”
叽叽喳喳星期日年表散人Yotyou镇,2010年5月23日&#8226 20:口蹄疫疫苗15开头! ! !如果人们将能够进口牛肉终于好消息是,这个共同利益 Twitter Timeline of A little more than even number town scattering person Sunday May 23 2010 8226 20 15 Foot and mouth disease vaccination it starts Now if it reaches the point where finally the normal good beef can be imported for the citizen good news
09:17编号:RGUuFHYE0 546名:Shisan名无 10周年之际发布 :2010 05 25(星期二)15:55:52编号:lPiJGDhh0二阶堂我的职业生涯是从农业“走出网站我说:“我已经发送了一封电子邮件,我说转载 09 17 ID RGUuFHYE0 546 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 25 fire 15 55 52 ID lPiJGDhh0 From Nikaidou A certain agricultural carrier in me “it puts out to the sight and” says and it reprints the mail which is sent
42名称:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布:2010 05 25(星期二)09:28:30编号:4M1nZ6TL0山田正彦(火车Estación玛莎山田),1972(1972)协会是有限的。牧场成立鬼岳 42 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 25 fire 09 28 30 ID 4M1nZ6TL0 Masahiko Yamada the Yamada ma the hi it is dense 1972 1972 year Limited meeting Establishing the ogre peak ranch
42名称:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布:2010 05 25(星期二)09:28:30编号:4M1nZ6TL0山田正彦(火车Estación玛莎山田),1972(1972)协会是有限的。牧场成立鬼岳 42 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 25 fire 09 28 30 ID 4M1nZ6TL0 Masahiko Yamada the Yamada ma the hi it is dense 1972 1972 year Limited meeting Establishing the ogre peak ranch
658名:没有可爱的妻子 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 25(星期二)16:09:17编号:RGUuFHYE0 546名:Shisan名无 10周年之际发布 :2010 05 25(星期二)15:55:52编号:lPiJGDhh0二阶堂我携带者来自农业,“使之成为了该网站,”我的邮件复制和我说 658 Name It is lovely the madam sage Contribution day 2010 05 25 fire 16 09 17 ID RGUuFHYE0 546 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 25 fire 15 55 52 ID lPiJGDhh0 From Nikaidou A certain agricultural carrier in me “it puts out to the sight and” says and it reprints the mail which is sent
783:2010 05 25(星期二)15:53:32编号:lPiJGDhh0二阶堂我是运营商从农,“使之成为了该网站,”我的邮件复制和我说 783 2010 05 25 Tuesday 15 53 32 ID lPiJGDhh0 From Nikaidou A certain agricultural carrier in me “it puts out to the sight and” says and it reprints the mail which is sent
272编号:Bq0v3sdY0 country ll“牛肉鱼子酱,鹅肝奢侈消费看齐”什么是...很抱歉,编号:Bq0v3sdY0 272
ID: The country of Bq0v3sdY0 “the Japanese Cattle = caviar, the high-class taste item like [huoagura]” being?…
The [me] it is, ID: Bq0v3sdY0
342名:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人就]发布时间:2010 / 05 / 25(星期二)10:34:26编号:qvDCcM + B0的49头牛被杀害一说,副部长的问题。渔业在口蹄疫“苏等人柴分散病毒“山田勉副部长详细查看了当地政府的重点工作队首席一直不敢发言的会议上,包括赤松会谈,总理和农业部长鸠山由纪夫孝弘 342 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/25 (fire) 10: 34: 26 ID: qvDCcM + b0
With destroying declaration and foot and mouth disease problem 49 of kind cows agricultural secondary minister of state
“The virus firewood it scatters”, you fear, emphasis
Secondary Minister of State Yamada who serves local measure headquarters chief of government to precede interview, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and
It converses with Akamatsu Hirotaka agricultural phase and the like
不会说话模糊286?我正准备做一个廉价的国内养牛?它痘敏(口蹄疫松口愚蠢)或措施?在你白痴(真),并 286 Don t you think story blurring te Story Domestic production it should do the cheap cow It became That the minsu small pox foolish pine foot and mouth disease being measure Your foolish true characteristic shelf
口蹄疫新闻主播锚锚新闻 一代代恰当恰当恰当 2解3新闻主播 NULL
口蹄疫是一个整体收益率不只是因为部长没有发言梅萨,农民也没有拯救伐丽流 Because the minister of state was made to stop saying it is not the case that foot and mouth disease is settled it is not the case that the farmer is rescued
422名:Shisan名无@ 10周年之际发布[]:2010 / 05 / 25(星期二)19:13:36编号:1UShtMAAP↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑立法会就这样我得到的方法ー393其中↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑444名使法律弹出音频:Shisan名无@ 10周年之际发布[]:2010 / 05 / 25(星期二)19 :16:08编号:1UShtMAAP朱达罗了良好的,我不会因此补偿团伙或者Yarya 403自由?凡↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑Louppy无视法律是Paneetsu 422 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/05/25 (fire) 19: 13: 36 ID: 1UShtMAAP
The methodological [tsu] - law becoming so, the [ru]
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Here law is brought up
444 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/05/25 (fire) 19: 16: 08 ID: 1UShtMAAP
You do selfishly and the [ya] calling are
However the [ro] which is necessary, is compensation how not to put out?
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Here legal disregard
Don't you think? the [rupi] [pa] the [e] [tsu] it does
514 m分布丢失,但我认为风险刺激的思想和我的U有成本和效率 514 The ro where gt even Kagoshima was management of bundle and is When gt of expense and efficiency are thought so you do it is not to obtain When so of the risk which is lost is thought it is dispersed what
553 267 107 262 237自民党相信!587 790 790 587 553 267 107 262 237 The Liberal Democratic Party believer
553 267 107 262 237自民党相信!587 590 590 587 553 267 107 262 237 The Liberal Democratic Party believer
你走了,所有成为另一个失言?我我你的自由民主党有许多的言论? Already everyone losing word it does to be accustomed the chi ya tsu is kana When they are our people no person stopping the ru it is the ro which is
民主党全功率在自民党是不是大规模的垃圾790 790 As for designating the Liberal Democratic Party as hurubotsuko being the mass rubbish there is no Democratic party
652伪口蹄疫。奶牛养殖已在农场证实了蓄农场在哪里?家畜改良奶牛机构为人们在那里做什么我说没有问题,这不是杀我吗?没有得到证实,就是私人部门也感染了牛源是我读它,我觉得是扑杀Shinaki Yaiinjanaikato山田,宫崎,副部长。这不只是努力保护? 652 Imitation of foot and mouth disease Are those where the kind cow has been raised in the farm where the 蓄 was verified probably the farm of somewhere Then if the people as for the kind cow of domestic animal revised business group without destroying and say there is no problem it is the combining which probably will be The source you looked but If when are those the private kind cow not being infected and being verified it should not have destroyed that you thought whether it is it is not As for there secondary Minister of State Yamada Miyazaki The combining which is not about to persevere in order to protect is
如果有一分钟的提示,可以感染,而该机构负责人的过程将是惊人的仓库存放在6个不同 While to business group being it understood that it is the possibility of being infected if is Naturally the wax should put 6 heads on another cow shed
668然而,这provision ll刚刚看到,如果Muyounishikamienaina已显然不影响动物的屠宰 668
If so, this text just saw, it is clear that it does not become the 患 domesticated fowl and animals, in order not slaughtering to have only it is not visible
674名称:可爱的妻子不[圣人]发布日期:2010 / 05 / 25(星期二)16:44:43编号:NidoA80x0副部长山田的将来,我正在做一个屠夫卖牛肉烤or ll做在长崎牧场中国想从惠普牛肉进口,他们自豪地写 674 Name: It is lovely the madam [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/25 (fire) 16: 44: 43 ID: NidoA80x0
Secondary Minister of State Yamada sells and/or burns and is the ranch doing with Nagasaki, the Japanese Cattle the butcher shop does don't you think?
In the future when we would like to import the cow from China, it is written on HP grandly
7。牛屠宰补偿300的猪在说什么,日元一部长40亿美元,仅增加5 0万头牲畜,猪计算,如果在开始和15 5万,古安花了这么多Munoka 7 Compensating expense of the cow pig which it destroys the minister of state calls 300 40 000 000 000 Yen but When at just additional amount cows 50 000 how it calculates with pig 155 000 being completed so cheaply
四郎受害者补偿业务风险的需要和蛋糕在税收方面,他甚至没有在困难的奸商自己的风险,我曾经真正115感觉,这就是为什么我说是啊 115 The ho it is with it is such feeling Until now in regard to risk preparedness the mu you shirk excessive profits it trades in habit When it is troubled in the victim surface compensating margin the tsu te you say with tax therefore it is
Www the miyanichi co jp 内容 ? u003d 26669&itemid的catid u003d 74&blogid u003d 13是我 www the miyanichi co jp contents itemid 26669 catid 74 blogid 13 It is
TTP的: www the miyanichi co jp 内容 ? u003d 26669&itemid的catid u003d 74&blogid u003d 13是我 ttp www the miyanichi co jp contents itemid 26669 catid 74 blogid 13 It is
Yareyo继续等待1年反正很少采取宰杀奶牛周围Nyashi能回到原来的! !赤松! !是啊,大推诿扯皮,不牢固的一半 How although it returns to the se origin many years are required it is the palm Destroying just a little extent of the kind cow waiting It is Akamatsu Don t you think it does and there is no tsu oak responsible shift fragment
哪一个是正确的,我知道,鱿鱼Purimiterya指责井猴脑低,只有雷纳草歌颂外代理商和泡菜Rupizu声明? Well responsible shift speech of rupizu The grass of the kim chee operative the sushi serving unrelated brain pu ri seeing quickly low the ri ya You know either one is correct even with the monkey
[破]相扑特别席位帮派问题,是否涉及农业部副部长,林业山田@ TBS电视台 Mob problem of grand sumo tournament special seat, agriculture and forestry secondary Ministers of State Yamada participation or @ TBS
_NULL_ [sure] which does home tax payment in Miyazaki 2
810 Name: The duck which participates [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/25 (fire) 07: 36: 12 ID: zPR2Nu4X
- Present sum total -
VIP past [sure] (amount application amount) total. . 55,000
Home tax payment total. . 3,110,000
Miyazaki. Contribution gold account. . 1,723,924
Kawaminami town hall. . 229,290
Tsuno town hall. . 40,000
[mutsuchi] ranch. . 202,190
KONNE product mansion. . 20,700
Yahoo! . . 10,441
The Japanese red cross. . 10,000
Nobeoka city collecting box. . 11,000
Daiei Inc. . 1,500
Bic-A. . 1,000
Seven eleven. . 3,200
In addition [konbini] . . 2,500
Lawson. . 500
[huamirimato]. . 500
T-Point. . 5,211
Twitter. . 798
EC Nabi. . 1,000
Obscurity. . 106,500
Total. . 5,535,693
5,500,000 Yen it exceeded! . . ゚ +. (∀) ゚ +. ゚
Home tax payment inside 2ch 3,000,000 Yen exceeding
Miyazaki inside 2ch. With also just contribution gold account is 1,700,000 Yen over!
“当时,我说我工作在一个国际法官了一个它的正面或所谓的,消极的,在过去几个星期我的正面,负面 ” At that time being positive that it is negative the judgment which you say spending many weeks internationally when finally it is positive it is negative when with is the story which you say
处置具有阶段,我不知道感染的所有牛只的伪阳性或阴性北海道 All head it makes deal with at the stage false infection which does not know whether even in Hokkaido positivity whether negativity
宫崎被发现以后,他得到了积极的结果,在杀死阴性阳性 Even when with Miyazaki being positive while being negative destroying positivity result was found afterwards
“辩论”的问题,如U委员会的高度重视和国家利益的问题处理,并酌情确定整体的空气 As needed judging comprehensively it broadcasts “party chief discussion” and the question etc of the commission which handles the important matter whose national interest is high
⌒我布鲁诺 (⌒)本人 ー投入 输入 ( 人 ):: :::: 教师,甚至 ⌒ i No ⌒ REPT No Î ⌒ 92 No and 92 No ⌒ 92 92 i no REPT i ku eeyuyu HKRPT i ⌒ ⌒ i entrance Entrance human The teacher as expected is
R ー , ,女 噢 , ) ,强 r REPT t i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92
受体 ヽMimimimimimi, ,我 等 , 2ヽ Udaro分歧团伙指责卢武铉政府是各个方向 r mimimimimimi REPT i r mi 彡 mi i 彡 ⌒ ⌒ mi HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT As for we however all the direction kneeling on the ground diplomacy it made foolish DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No The ro which the conspirators is different and is as for all the direction responsible shift administrations
( 人 ) ー 。 human 92 92
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜8〜05月,应当对这种疾病的真正midst ll口蹄疫是政党和山田拓地,“市长和党的五岛市,副部长渔业山田官方司法机构政务长出席“〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 Expectation of foot and mouth disease measure midst Yamada and the party are opened on May 8th “Agricultural secondary Minister of State Yamada in Goto city party Mayor and JA authorized personnel attendance”
611我也这么想,国家元首的会晤取消一个国家与这个部长负责确有困难的志位和瑞穗副部长 611 We so you think it is difficult as expected for the minister of state to cancel the assembly of the national sovereign As for responsibility as the latest country you do not see and the ho and is a secondary minister of state
〜有的学员说,韩国将在政府的事业,包括我说话带口蹄疫病毒病的思维可能是另一种传播途径 With also the story which is said there is the South Korean trainee but the cause of bringing the virus of the infection route foot and mouth disease which one more can think probably is a government
说:“(口蹄疫),以确保防入侵,现在,我们采取了尽可能向南部九州,请不要”试图 “In order to assure the thoroughness of prevention of invasion of foot and mouth disease for the time being as for the going out to south Kyushu direction we assume that as much as possible please practice self control”
ヾ ┬ Ÿ┘ 。 u003d u003d “,免费 DREPT ┬ ┘ i 92 92 92 92 “Merely
ヾ ┬ Ÿ┘ 。 u003d u003d “,免费 DREPT ┬ ┘ i 92 92 92 92 “Merely
不发生紧急疏散古排房子,大约肋骨,帮助你,我会告诉你什么?这不是一个主张的亲属语无伦次 When it goes, it does not come and when emergency evacuation of the [te], it is the dilapidated house, will not there be a [te] manner, being what, the [ru] it is it is?
Flesh fell protection plug for the sake of inconsistent shelf
为什么35的DNA,就像在韩国牛肉牛,将山田从中国运牛牧场 35
Why DNA the Japanese Cattle the Korean cow and the Chinese cow is shipped entirely from the Yamada ranch
事实上,民主党众议院议员选举,并会开始逃跑,我打开盖子,即使在失败的民主和消除Ketara民主选举在众议院解散后,厄运代表的国家,我得可爱的偶像 Actually, as for House of Councillors selection when you open the cover, with democracy wipeout
Furthermore it starts driving recklessly, is probably will be the Democratic party
Unless with the House of Representatives selection after the dispersing it expels democracy completely and solves the country collapses
什么是民主的亲属,如信息泄漏,并凹陷,但没有太多东西,包括谎言,因为表不批评狂热的亲属 The democracy tsu te including also lie as for the leak kind of information which traps flesh fell it is many but becoming open unnatural extent Not criticizing flesh fell
从民主党夺取政权,从政府采取具体的“来自于民”或者说人,我喜欢纯粹的重要性,否则你真的是一个傻瓜谁就会陷入困境只是这样的事情 After the Democratic party taking administration Empty Administration taking “from the concrete to mean kind of that it makes the person important to the person” Actually only kind of what makes the people who have fallen difficultly foolish has done
什么民主党人“从具体的人”,或说人,我喜欢纯粹的重要性,否则,你其实只是一些愚弄人民谁就会陷入困境 “From the Democratic party tsu te concrete to mean kind of that the person is made important to the person” Actually only kind of what makes the people who have fallen difficultly foolish has done
宫崎是一个固执的人你会遇到生命过程中持续 1 The Miyazaki person is stubborn If life catches becoming stubborn the proper
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是青苔冲绳,宫崎问这个,九州,更包括傻瓜 The Democratic party has made Kyushu foolish with Okinawa as a moss furthermore including Miyazaki it seems
民主党是,我知道,在压倒性的力量,我把我的 The consciousness that applies preponderantly in the Democratic party by his has administration it is the shelf
他们战斗的唯一原因,老人说,摊位是旧足以说什么我想要的生活,解除了尴尬的香椎他们的水平在货架上的无能,他们有 Your own disabled lifting to the shelf something saying and the ru The old boy who the good year is done getting together just excuse battle having lived shy level
日本农民是无法感染引起的爆炸,因为它不给不给我讨厌的邻居,掷至少w Spreading the disabled Japanese causes explosive infection animal husbandry house in peripheral countries and scattering and annoyance without trying not to apply at least before w
他把家庭主妇闵牲畜至少在选举中对他的孩子,我付出远远超越任何一丝一毫也知道食物是严重的经济陷阱,我不知道,所以我通常会敏年轻的身份从邮政网络我把党后,其中的民呢? House of Councillors selection As for the person who at least inserts in minsu with the animal husbandry the trap which is not Also something related to eating and drinking is harsh Economy being understood either the ru person does not insert Because the housewife who opposes to child treatment does mostly is young because the net natural shape of minsu you have known As for postal services national new party circumstance Someone inserts in minsu it is
他投票支持民主党,但当然反映,并在宫崎县的农民捐赠罐和厄运的罪恶 But the person who voted to the Democratic party reflection of course in expiation raising money in the Miyazaki animal husbandry farmer
但我不相信有多少房屋成员离开在清洁Obachan国家公安委员会主席身上的钥匙 It cannot believe the method which deposits the key of the Assemblyman dormitory to [obachiyan] of cleaning with the body of national public peace chairman considerably however it is
共同社 17 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜据市林业部门,该文件“转到保护您的牲畜!”的标题是,A4纸1 17 According to the city agriculture and forestry section “the Goto animal husbandry will be protected the document ” With to be entitled 1 papers of A4
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 我不自然的反应如此之行认为由于某种原因转到了农业部的长崎县和长崎山田当地“九州南部和脚口病”,以避免“转到城市,”观察一腿“,”2010 05 11日01 17 共同社 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜市林业科根据文件“转到保护您的牲畜!”的标题是,A4纸1 Expectation of foot and mouth disease measure midst Yamada and the party are opened on May 8th “Agricultural secondary Minister of State Yamada in Goto city party Mayor and JA authorized personnel attendance”
关于自杀,20年你的要求,通过对一个女人,井勉元,原因是有一个妈妈的女儿关系一直猜测,前国务卿井,井,趣味和妻子我们蒙受的习惯,并说我什至咨询当地办事处和工作人员 4 Concerning suicide you say that approximately 20 years you served in the Nakai house The woman whom you help has presumed there was a reason in relationship of the wife mother in law because with as for the Nakai former private secretary You say that the wife was troubled to Nakai play habit consulted the staff et al of the local office and or had done 4
击球的货架,给受害人的亲属处理尚未傻瓜 This fool
Furthermore increasing awkwardness of flesh fell to the shelf, the victim hitting…
县“Tsukarimashita Shimasho看到”我不只是说之地位,这一次,我正在朝着自行动议或范围是没有作过,政府的恩戴 “It was found but how the stripe it does and only yo ” rank you can call the prefecture it is this time the country does not move completely it is with it moved to the individual in the range which it is possible it is the shelf
发言的50倍,有效地杀灭带来倒置肥皂系统我们已经使用它,提出用氯喷洒后长期被压抑的病毒,因为 Because it is chlorine type, with the shooting virus effect of 5000 times that of the opposite characteristic soap type which now is used, after the spreading the long haul virus is held down
口蹄疫400:传真鸠山内阁要么移动通过疾病演练口蹄疫在该国丁香油(或同等学历,如 主任兽医服务 的DVS)应整体口蹄疫紧急情况的技术责任管理防备和。的当然,适当的政府部长将是最终负责。 国家首席兽医官(丁香油)口。要ROM的负责情况紧急,我支持的整体技术和实际准备工作的惯常 400 Foot and mouth disease The Hatoyama Cabinet which according to the manual of foot and mouth disease did not move with FAX The country CVO or equivalent such as the Director of Veterinary Services DVS should have overall technical responsibility for preparedness for and management of FMD emergencies The appropriate government minister would of course be ultimately responsible gt Bureau Chief veterinarian of country CVO oral hoof Tension We confronts support situation and the entire technical responsibility for always preparation and business should owe
Moetry in motion。你可以松,国内外野心的古高尔夫之旅我支持我的议案之前,是艰难的,也被请愿传真由口蹄疫嘿,我从没有强迫出访 Well the a Pine you being serious before the shank golf travelling abroad Until we supports it moves when is saying with FAX foot and mouth disease Being petitioned forcing unless you travel abroad it could not go Don t you think empty e
如果你不知道我真的认为那些Isubeki粮农组织专家或要求你的指导 If there is no such knowledge you think that guidance should ask to FAO or the specialist gently
另外计算,实际损失250万日元的价格批发牛品牌,亿1250 Karushi吊死,如果你问我合分钟猪只有2000亿日元进一步覆盖,甚至休息时间,我们可以说,只有口头协议具体的预算是没有分配 Wholesale trade value 2 500 000 Yen of a brand cow head calculating 125 000 000 000 Yen catches and Furthermore if it adjusts to amount of the pig with just the actual damage assistant 填 oh with while saying exceeds 200 000 000 000 Yen So concrete budget is not guaranteed with just oral promise
这种情况可以管理个别县的牛,每头不移动在一个地方,这只是只承认或部分不滋生 While also the place where only movement inside the prefecture it is recognized and raises is limited It is not the circumstance which a head individually can do kind cow management
可爱的偶像是不是该在402是不是会是不是会是不是会,有一个半文盲 402
As for the [bu], the functional illiteracy is
在去年的水果,在这里和那里没有造成周围散布不利于非法处置废物的非仅仅是因为他们发现垃圾可以瓦特 After all in just the reason that in the end it is not the 勿 body Even illegal without dealing with in this infection enlargement of that case around contribution w is helpless with annoyance
在四川大地震,中国国家主席对当地居民的福利事宜 At the time of the Sichuan Province major earthquake, the Chinese President going to the locale, consoled the inhabitant
在年底的民主执行的ID是不是我多磷,什么是分布瓦特 The Democratic party operative is distributed is the end of ID P being many, the shank, is or, w
坦率地说,现政府,我负责所有的事情发生到现在,出现奇 Speaking clearly responsibility causes present administration in all things which presently happen it is
坦率地说,现政府,我负责所有的事情发生到现在,出现奇 Speaking clearly responsibility causes present administration in all things which presently happen it is
太阳Tsuka高岩井瑞光我要批评别人的无忧无虑?瓦特 In handle Nakai [sanzui] as for going criticizing others easefully, the [te] being good? w
如果你想埃泰是首先考虑,“宫崎牛肉,松阪牛肉品牌的基础”,他可以摆脱,百分之四十以上的牛宫崎牛肉的民族品牌会消失 First that we want thinking “as for the Miyazaki cow it says that base of the brand of the Matuzaka cow and the like” is If there is no Miyazaki cow as for 4 tenths or more of brand cow of entire country probably will be disappears
如果你想给我点左右开始数字认为是真的,我认为人们拿起和重返政府 Such place being serious if you stand up you think that it can recover government in the hand of the citizen but
那么这个政府,我想没有帮助的助手的生活北罗神奇的东西灾难性文 When such a government catastrophe something it occurs also the life which is saved stops being saved it is probably will be
宫崎什么公民“炒鱿鱼它”是代表,但我推测说,许多商店昨天轻松简单,温和的出生所以即使unfussy,我做一些固执的说,楚道路?我的意思是,不是任何人Terya mon ll固执或死亡基鲁到新鲜陷入危机? The Miyazaki prefecture people tsu te “the coming tsu te which is” it is expressed being gentle to be enormous being mild being simple the dupe The nonbiri house saying the multi thing it seems but it is there is also obstinate kind of hardness which road chiyu says it is combining Falling to the pinch whether the te you say or live or die of ri ya anyone it becomes stubborn it is well
到底谁做的民主党在错误的怒赖希远好脾气,即使在九州宫崎县的居民是从另外一个明显的 1 Doing from the other nine region people to be enormous the gentle Miyazaki prefecture people The Democratic party which upsets that to here Whether there is a fault to do sometime it is clear
宫崎县Busayo穿着自来水在这里,我做你知道你做一个人民为敌的人尖叫,好像他Wameke瓦特 Hitting Miyazaki prefecture here, as for [ru] [busayo],
If you scream, extent by yourselves who scream buying the antipathy of the citizen knowing, combining w of the [ru
宫崎,鹿儿岛,长崎和欺凌陶氏民主党人抱怨人们如何在九州那里?按照这一速度,这是去是强行转移到训练场,也是围绕普天间北九州 Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Nagasaki and [ijime] it is doing, as for the Democratic party being grudge in the Kyushu person?
With this condition, the shelf which also the Futenma training place may relocate coercively around Kitakyushu
山田副部长在记者招待会上,“如果我离开了49头还活着,苏等人散布病毒柴(有风险)是不允许的”,并表示天空 In press conference as for secondary Minister of State Yamada “49 heads even now having survived The firewood scatters the virus fear is cannot permit ” that you expressed
Hukushima瑞穗是机构应当向农业部长2 1古山田,运动副部长也被宠坏 In 1 and in 2 The Fukushima not seeing ho which is Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries representation It should apply being That being useless secondary Minister of State Yamada moves
强杀灭力,是发达国家从一开始的流行将成为世界一半病毒消毒剂和赎回说 From the beginning when shooting virus power was strong, was developed 'becomes virus characteristic infectious disease of the world half, that' to the decontaminating chemical which was said
当然前 口蹄疫 部长中井“东国的国家,而不是没有孤立的工作,”司法部长千叶“扑杀49头奶牛,并施” 灾害管理部部长中井洽2★部长(主席兼国家公安委员会),县和不配合国家努力未能阻止王牌蔓延牛级的隔离,“孤立的批判 Front sure Minister of State Nakai “while Governor Higashi Kunihara failing in isolation in the country does not cooperate” Chiba method phase “it makes kind cow 49 destroying and right” … Cabinet ministers 2 Nakai 洽 prevention of disasters charge phase national public peace chairman concurrent office while the prefecture and the like failing in isolation of the kind cow of ace class It is not cooperative to the country with effort of prevention of infection enlargement when we would like to isolate “in first stage criticism
397是的,“和孤立的初步请求”是不会显示在源, 397 It cannot show the source “of demand it is would like to isolate in first stage that” that
公共安全委员会主席井,“牛的分离,我无法相信”国家公安委员会主任在发行新闻发布会在内阁会议后洽井,25条,口蹄疫疫情在牛宫崎(系统化本)要广泛以及与此相关,在为没有被杀头怀疑感染和1头6个ACE球分离牛类“不相信是多么地孤立 Isolation of the Nakai public peace chairman “kind cow the manner which is not believed” As for 洽 national public peace Chairman Nakai in interview of after the Cabinet conference of 25 days in Miyazaki prefecture domestic animal infectious disease Foot and mouth disease like this the te say to come regarding the problem which is spreading About being destroyed 1 head among ace class kind cow 6 it isolates in doubt of infection “Manner of the kind of isolation which is not believed
我以前是10年来,我想我至少遭受532迅速采取行动遏制他们进入该国的时间在第一驱动tTA报告 532 As for 10 years ago the country conduct being quickly at the point in time when the information enters you enclosed to the damage of the smallest limit it is the wa which is
民主党人不负责尽量不要埃泰获准自卫队迅速采取行动至今仍在死亡422 422 After all giving the permission of destroying to Self Defense Force there is no responsibility of the Democratic party which it does not try to act quickly
让奶牛迁出已商定于6月13日645我只是一个王牌级头 645 The kind cow which with the permission which appears in the 13th movement is recognized is just 6 heads of ace class don t you think
我以前访问的性犯罪和街头魔术糟糕情况下,你会听到Koenaku脑绒毛线 If the cerebral surgery it goes, it becomes unable to be audible
Deteriorating, phantom killer incident and characteristic crime before doing it receives, 診, don't you think?
我是从电视评论家悟捍卫小泽租金的钱! Television critics Receiving the gold from Ozawa, it had protected!
我说没有歧视的习惯,更多的本地国家公安委员会的素质最主要的?即使自由民主党也太多垃圾 It is dense in the habit which is not either the nature of national public peace chairman
Furthermore to regional discrimination saying?
Democracy and our people the kudzu is too multi,
或许诺给予投票权出席会议或民团已通过了自由,成员委员会主席的万能钥匙,宿舍女主人韩国国家公安如何令人难以置信。不同。 National public peace chairman The master key of the Assemblyman dormitory giving to the South Korean hostess, it enters and leaves freely,
Attending the assembly of people group, you promise denizenship grant when, The manner which is not believed. Just a little it is different.
据我所知,每个人都可以检疫总督的权威也被打死牲畜流行病防治法予以我341 341
If domestic animal protecting against infection method you read, it is found that destroying and isolating are the authority of everyone nomarch,
排减单位被认为是得到刺激和必须做拒绝国家赔偿的抱怨说ü The compensation must be done in the rubbish which says complaint to the country when you think that, [muka] it is attached
排减消费即使是去Netouyo蟑螂日在韩国的寄生虫sponging m目的不仅是为了推翻日本西日本沓沓世893 893 The ku tsu the tsu occasion where it goes only the Japanese turning over the cockroach which it is lives upon to Japan which does not aim temporarily If the resident Korean stops being also netouyo goes out the
排减消费即使是去Netouyo蟑螂日在韩国的寄生虫sponging m目的不仅是为了推翻日本西日本沓沓世893 893 The ku tsu the tsu occasion where it goes only the Japanese turning over the cockroach which it is lives upon to Japan which does not aim temporarily If the resident Korean stops being also netouyo goes out the
有些街道走,我知道你能够调动所有国家的实体权利的自卫队和股票发行防腐剂 First as been, the [ro] where also stock discharge of the disinfection liquid and the substantial mobilization of Self Defense Force are authority of all countries
有什么牛的家畜改良机构是什么呢?什么是有私营部门的做法到底有多少?这一次,口。我们正努力在该地区的污染,你多少有私人部门?对于未来的参考,请教导方式 Is the kind cow making not to be something which domestic animal revised business group does With people which extent it is to be about you do This time the oral hoof Is the place where at contaminated area you do with people to be which extent Because of rear study please teach by all means
育种私营部门和538,因为很多牛人,我要呆在这里Tekita茹提高 538 Breeding with people even the people who raise the kind cow stay the large quantity it is
选育和私营部门,因为很多人我留下来提高牛汝Tekita Breeding with people even the people who raise the kind cow stay the large quantity it is
此外,为总理和宣誓证词和“精品”新闻已播出的形式提名 In addition, it broadcasts Prime Minister designation election and witness summon etc in the form of “news special service code” and so on
每个地方的做法,如果所有的人做着我认为,如果伊斯兰教要埃泰 Also everyone doing respectively however the ru you think Doing in other things if there is a ru thing we want teaching
民主人员恰到好处的地方(在一个糟糕的感觉韩国)学校自由反对,但我认为是的,谁是这只是发生在比赛种族歧视的国家或利益,这样的想法使我说不是主要的 As for personal affairs of democracy you think that just the right talent right place (bad meaning) is, but it is
As for Korean school gratuitously converting opposing, it matched the interests of the citizen accidentally just
As for this person race discrimination, there is no owner something of such idea
民主党人不会也没有一个缺乏人际敏感度 Unless personal sensitivity it lacks
It is impossible to become for the Assemblyman of the Democratic party,
民主党在九州和冲绳是敌人?九州的敌人? ?民主党人敌Rashii九州 As for the Democratic party Kyushu Okinawa was designated as the enemy because Kyushu enemy The Democratic party seems the Kyushu enemy
民主党在九州和冲绳是敌人?九州的敌人? ?民主党人敌Rashii九州 As for the Democratic party Kyushu Okinawa was designated as the enemy because Kyushu enemy The Democratic party seems the Kyushu enemy
民主党在九州和冲绳是敌人?九州的敌人? ?民主党人敌Rashii九州 As for the Democratic party Kyushu Okinawa was designated as the enemy because Kyushu enemy The Democratic party seems the Kyushu enemy
民主党在九州和冲绳是敌人?九州的敌人? ?民主党人敌Rashii九州 As for the Democratic party Kyushu Okinawa was designated as the enemy because Kyushu enemy The Democratic party seems the Kyushu enemy
民主党在九州和冲绳是敌人?九州的敌人? ?民主党人敌Rashii九州 As for the Democratic party Kyushu Okinawa was designated as the enemy because Kyushu enemy The Democratic party seems the Kyushu enemy
民主党在九州和冲绳是敌人?九州的敌人? ?民主党人敌Rashii九州 As for the Democratic party Kyushu Okinawa was designated as the enemy because Kyushu enemy The Democratic party seems the Kyushu enemy
民主党在九州和冲绳是敌人?九州的敌人? ?民主党人敌Rashii九州 As for the Democratic party Kyushu Okinawa was designated as the enemy because Kyushu enemy The Democratic party seems the Kyushu enemy
没在代理点没有太多吼从公民投票不能再愚弄人民幸福 Well also the citizen probably will rub the prefectural people, because it cannot swindle, the operative who does not have election right obtaining however much 吼, it is wasteful,
没有397,Idaro没有这样的事?我有领导赤松部长,我听到了Tatte ll行告诉他们出访的官员? “不要随便采取措施,返回,直到我有我的视频!” 397 Well the ro which is not such a thing and is As for we Minister of State Akamatsu showing leadership in the bureaucracy After indicating the tsu te which goes to travel abroad you heard “We takes returns to measure selfishly is ” tsu te
你只是不明白跳进去的人变成业余水平的赤松确定性像宫崎Hayo The Akamatsu like degree amateur flying in Miyazaki this person saying what ru You could not understand just it is secure
故事将在所有出来,因此,即使最终升级到该山田赤松高管 Staff reporting that to Akamatsu After all because Yamada is present completely it does not become story
故事将在所有出来,因此,即使最终升级到该山田赤松高管 Staff reporting that to Akamatsu After all because Yamada is present completely it does not become story
故事将在所有出来,因此,即使最终升级到该山田赤松高管 Staff reporting that to Akamatsu After all because Yamada is present completely it does not become story
消失了447米的丑闻揉丢脸的,忘记→捐款的丑闻,过去Houra失言普天间→→→三宅口蹄疫普天间由纪子→→→小林非法捐款国会议员鸠山暗逃税小泽这是新的政治风格花花公子这些家伙我会朱达罗 447 Smothering scandal with scandal the ru it is new political technique Ozawa s darkness donation gt Hatoyama tax evasion gt the illegality donation of Assemblyman Kobayashi gt Futenma gt Miyake snow child gt foot and mouth disease gt Futenma gt losing word One and others Already the ro which forgets past scandal and is And others it is dense the ge which is done you obtain
3。但我有一个男性成员众议员Obutsu,我不知道是什么感觉周围Katamatta Three Hitting the Assemblyman however ru man Assemblyman was that the feeling where surroundings became firm Probably there is no wa can
爆炸的脚和嘴,因为政府的无能疾病 Foot and mouth disease explosive with consequence of disabled Japanese government in the midst of enlargement
版本的新闻发布会上说我宫崎县的渔业部副部长也吝啬“宫崎牛肉牛精液的,但却有数万 Also agricultural secondary minister of state the [se] is dense,
In interview of news of Miyazaki prefecture edition “as for the semen which becomes the kind cow of the Miyazaki cow it is tens of thousands
牛以及中国未来的小腿从青岛基地从日本进口的肉类“牧场”苏姚 In the future not only the cow importing the calf from Chinto of the Chinese product As the Japanese flesh base you intend the” large ranch”
以及进口牛小腿肉从青岛未来的基地,日本作为一个“牧场”苏姚 In the future not only the cow importing the calf from the Chinese Chinto As the Japanese flesh base you intend the” large ranch”
以及进口牛小腿肉从青岛未来的基地,日本作为一个“牧场”苏姚 In the future not only the cow importing the calf from the Chinese Chinto As the Japanese flesh base you intend the” large ranch”
以及进口牛小腿肉从青岛未来的基地,日本作为一个“牧场”苏姚 In the future not only the cow importing the calf from the Chinese Chinto As the Japanese flesh base you intend the” large ranch”
看来,人们仍然在从中国进口35小牛内阁 35 The person who would like to import the calf of the Chinese product is in the current Cabinet so is
瓦特DV re主席在不同的井成员国家公安委员会并驱赶他的妻子自杀TTP的:/ / / 0548fd32face1d5178467223ef4b3fff / publicult /电子 Don't you think? as for DV Assemblyman case is different, w
National public peace Chairman Nakai which thrusts the wife to suicide
ttp: //
石井一氏963,声明暗示民主党高层表示,他们参与山冈 963
The Ishii one person, the testimony which hints at the participation of Yamaoka and others Democratic party staff
第70生物恐怖其他省份。你或许是因为有牛猪粪?我会想阻止口蹄疫在宫崎县疾病真的吗?我不知道传染途径 70 Even in other prefecture bio terrorist collection Perhaps with the pig cowpat urine the ru Thinking that the ho is with foot and mouth disease stops in Miyazaki prefecture the ru Although infection route it is not recognized
1。 。流行病学,牛。足,口病。猪瘟受影响的非洲动物和2。 。足,口病。非洲猪瘟的口蹄疫疑似病例和疑似动物案件也是根据受影响。除税 1 疫 Cow 疫 Oral hoof Or 患 domesticated fowl and animals of the African hog cholera 2 疫 Oral hoof Or false 患 domesticated fowl and animals of the African hog cholera As for foot and mouth disease 患 domesticated fowl and animals false 患 domesticated fowl and animals origin Object of obligation
口蹄疫疫情为什么(不)是什么韩国参加?民主的方式。众议员?音乐农庄安全愚蠢呢?像许多谣言! The reason where foot and mouth disease spreads reason with The Korean trainee Road of the Democratic party Assemblyman It is cheap the foolish easy ranch Rumor varieties
自民党的代理人来煮太硬Warota加班Netouyo西西欢呼 [netouyo] thing Liberal Democratic Party operative boiling too much [warota] w
W the overtime work hardship way
自由贸易协定,EPA和我就直说了这样的事,但英国外交部谈判驱动tTA行 The negotiation of FTA and EPA it died and went but is
Saying that Ministry of Foreign Affairs unnecessary nonurgent is the thing, the [ru
自给自足的是,适合全国人民消费的独特的饮食? ü人们,吃牛肉,每周几次?税要么推出咖喱牛肉?我做的牛肉gyudon?对商品质量偏好牛肉仪内谜 As for self supply ratio the ro which is the object where the food which the populace consumes in the country is meaningful The Japanese Cattle the several of weeks time is the citizen who eats The Japanese Cattle is blood tax cast in Calais The beef bowl it makes with the Japanese Cattle It is no more than a Japanese Cattle puzzle high class taste item
2通道误解,以为它只会读取和无损检测,我不仅牛肉宫崎牛 But it may misunderstand that just 2ch is read just the Miyazaki cow there is no Japanese Cattle separately
ü人吃牛肉几次一周229?输入一个咖喱牛肉?我做的牛肉gyudon?真正把免费创建碗牛肉,咖喱一周后,我几次通常进入Rerushi食品的Burgers 229 The Japanese Cattle the several of weeks time is the citizen who eats Is the Japanese Cattle inserted in Calais The beef bowl it makes with the Japanese Cattle The beef bowl as expected it is not but you insert in Calais normally and as for week several times eating the ru wa
你会在超市买牛肉,牛肉饭将大大需要用肉或烤牛排蛋糕?在这个意义上说,引进奢侈品奢侈税的问题 The super with Japanese Cattle you buy with the burning meat and the stake the Japanese Cattle you become the leprosy saddle which was eaten In such sense throwing blood tax because of the high class taste item problem
我不是2 29亿美元,但每年的收入宾博人,虽然有一些正常的饮食牛肉 229 But as for we the bottle baud person who is not annual income 5 000 000 you can eat the Japanese Cattle normally but what
自给自足的是,适合全国人民消费的独特的饮食? ü人们,吃牛肉,每周几次?输入一个咖喱牛肉?我做的牛肉gyudon?对商品质量偏好牛肉仪内谜 As for self supply ratio the ro which is the object where the food which the populace consumes in the country is meaningful The Japanese Cattle the several of weeks time is the citizen who eats The Japanese Cattle is blood tax cast in Calais The beef bowl it makes with the Japanese Cattle It is no more than a Japanese Cattle puzzle high class taste item
许多问题,但也许是最尴尬的会大胆地说,有博洛习惯做的民主党州长,对迄今为止,所有的后腹部做反政府宫崎县的批评 There probably are various problems but as for being most unpalatable the revenge thing everything which Miyazaki nomarch criticism does counter government for the governor It probably is to call to the thing rag refuse which the Democratic party does so far too much
S他们将着眼于省长骚扰的,所有政府职位的腹部做,因为有这样的分歧 Because there is such opposition axis the revenge thing everything which government does for the governor It probably will be visible in the harassment
许多问题,但也许是最尴尬的会大胆地说,自定义一直是博罗迄今与叛乱宫崎县的民主党州长 There probably are various problems but as for being most unpalatable the revenge thing everything which Miyazaki nomarch criticism does counter government for the governor It probably is to call to the thing rag refuse which the Democratic party does so far too much
达罗了良好的,我不会因此补偿团伙或者Yarya 403自由?顺便提一句,我们没有得到过一种疾病,以防万一你改变了正常的决策理论站在我们面前,我们瓦特我感觉宗教wwww你欺骗自己一边看着什么愚蠢的? 403 You do selfishly and the ya calling are However the ro which is necessary is compensation how not to put out Your tsu te emotional arguments passing first Normal judgment is not lowered If sense it slips tsu te or w where the sickness heals It is what kind of ikasama religion wwww When you see from side it is foolish itself
运送牲畜遭受手足口病是早生相称,太短进口损害农民需要做的就是将补偿县成为国家与它的大小从K无论如何,我会想即使国会这么晚的时候噪音大措施将是可笑的,我必须承担 As for the amount which puts off the shipment of the animal husbandry animal which depended on foot and mouth disease is not enough import If damage of the animal husbandry house the country either the prefecture or assistant 填 with this k Being agitated after so long a time how the se it keeps spreading therefore it is If that measure you do not do to prerequisite it means outrageous thing
目前,比农民的生活方式生存宫崎协助其他省的农民将成为在该国没有举行 For the time being the country either the prefecture or assisting the animal husbandry farmer other than continuing There is no road where the Miyazaki animal husbandry farmer survives
运送牲畜遭受手足口病是早生相称,太短损害农民的进口必须做的是包括国家,其中k假设,因为我会想反正大小即使国会这么晚的时候噪音大我们需要的措施将是荒谬的 As for the amount which puts off the shipment of the animal husbandry animal which depended on foot and mouth disease is not enough import If damage of the animal husbandry house the country either the prefecture or assistant 填 with this k Being agitated after so long a time how the se it keeps spreading therefore it is If that measure you do not do to prerequisite it means outrageous thing
这就是所谓的888倍Netouyo我也知道民主的倡导者和日本的净解释 888
However you call many times
The [netouyo] [tsu] [te] those where you say when it interprets with Japanese, are the democracy supporter of the net
这种竞选活动,如负,而不是道听途说的信息在网络上或从山田彦官方网页农业部副部长 This, negative campaign, or there is no information of hearsay of the net, the [te],
Because it is the official page of agriculture and forestry marine products secondary Minister of State Masahiko Yamada
闵保护剂或如何成熟,在这里,我认识到,不仅有助于减少对长期普及湿重 The operative of the [minsu] protection here can be conscious the fact that it is not useful in only the support ratio decrease and is or ww
阿诽谤生命,乡亲!中井! 976名:@名无Shisan邮政十周年:2010 / 05 / 25(星期二)18:15:47编号:5 + 4xisOq0 Hayo宫崎县性情温和脾气 The random you slander it is! Nakai!
976 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary Contribution day: 2010/05/25 (fire) 18: 15: 47 ID: 5 + 4xisOq0
Disposition of the Miyazaki prefecture people being mild, is gentle
韩国获得了15000大型运输机是空军飞行较少受火山灰影响 Korea threw the flying boxcar of the air force whose influence of the volcanic ash is little and guaranteed 15,000 book
(解决的办法是不要购买土地或私人附表国家需要解除债务的5年)6。在所有的,甚至没有足够的人员死亡,以协助各国制定计划不是大规模的援助 As measure country purchases private land or 5 years to borrow necessity it is 6 Destroying either the staff in order it assists to bury is not enough completely but there is no large scale support schedule from the country
5。目前的145 000有保障的土地处置,虽然我们没有在一开始,甚至分钟墓地头分20万更多的疫苗是目前没有任何 5 Although being able to guarantee burying area with even 145 000 heads of present condition Furthermore the vaccine amount 200 000 heads thing burying area is not present condition