Akamatsu agricultural phase “it is not reflected with it is not said. The feeling which is not excuse” for the first time apology…, “I requested quick correspondence, but it could delay the prefecture,” also the ★3
/ / | __ヽ布鲁诺| /。/我一直在反刍 / / | REPT _ _ no | / . / Now the ruminantia it has done
139 153 165卖国。我要做的就是让代理商集中公然谎言?我死了叛徒 NULL
139 153 165卖国。我要做的就是让代理商集中公然谎言?我死了叛徒 NULL
287一个人,我想在英语粮农组织痛他们都是知道政府的无能有害民主党总部 287
Someone, with English in FAO headquarters everything of disabled harmful [tsu] [pu] [ri] of the Democratic party government
It informed, don't you think? it is probably will be
29日:08 20编号:RtjZ iMW挖掘媒体以东的不友好表示,他没有做口蹄疫捏造初步治疗与疾病的发生有关 29 08 20 ID RtjZ iMW As for east being hit was useless fabrication reporting that initial motion disposal in regard to foot and mouth disease occurrence
516名称:无记名投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(星期四)10:29:08 20编号:RtjZ 东iMW不友好的挖掘说,他没有做口蹄疫在最初的治疗方面发生的假新闻 516 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 29 08 20 ID RtjZ iMW As for east being hit was useless fabrication reporting that initial motion disposal in regard to foot and mouth disease occurrence
516名称:无记名投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(星期四)10:29:08 20编号:RtjZ 东iMW不友好的挖掘说,他没有做口蹄疫在最初的治疗方面发生的假新闻 516 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 29 08 20 ID RtjZ iMW As for east being hit was useless fabrication reporting that initial motion disposal in regard to foot and mouth disease occurrence
31:47编号:Kag UeR50复制和粘贴复制并粘贴狗屎223 的酵母已被切断Netouyo沃勒塔颠倒顺便我们美丽的复制和粘贴名称瓦特:228飞行员谁,他们计划没有名字 圣人 发布:2010 05 25(星期二)16:38:30编号:ey6jxiTm0 226 ll报告反正!您或威胁 31 47 ID Kag UeR50 223 Droppings uyo doing to be cut off opposite in the kopipe te waratanetouyo As for kopipe clean kopipe tsu te or w 228 Name The person who is not course plan name sage Contribution day 2010 05 25 fire 16 38 30 ID ey6jxiTm0 226 How the se it informs It does with threat the yo
872 NHK的收看,并不能反映凯塔日本NHK说,没有我不属于减省繁琐的松木或什至开始元 872
NHK seeing, the cod, you have not reflected with to say, saying, there was no part
Also NHK started cutting Akamatsu…
Louppy然后,松树,或一水宝回答?众议院社会。当然活一次常会发表 174 142接力大会当然 rupi after this Akamatsu and not seeing po reply kana The House of Representatives At this meeting Transmission Live sure lt 174th normal meeting gt National Diet relay comprehensive sure 142
Louppy然后,松树,或一水宝回答?众议院社会。当然活一次常会发表 174 142接力大会当然 rupi after this Akamatsu and not seeing po reply kana The House of Representatives At this meeting Transmission Live sure lt 174th normal meeting gt National Diet relay comprehensive sure 142
红色代表众议院全体会议。当然生活在一次常会电阻 174 142接力大会当然 NULL
NULL 1 So that Akamatsu did hiding “corresponding tsu te the fact that it is quick” why While the opportunity which many degrees you comment in the mass communications having met “beginning you heard” “sufficient measure is taken” “it should reflecting it is not” that only is not said don t you think How the se “the quick corresponding” tsu te saying when by your sense inside in the brain really even problem understanding it was the hand lag it is the ro which is It is the place where also the tsu te responsible escaping is good to the responsibility of the prefecture if the minister of state saying nothing taking responsibility resignation margin Although there is no land which buries the cow which you kill bury quickly to question the tsu passing as for not being buried the ro which is natural While budget depending on the guaranty of the land natural such understanding government did not help the prefecture therefore it is as for responsibility there is a government
阿霍说,到目前为止,但松树可能被认为是不深刻Etaku有阴谋反对在后面的时候了?我瓦特 When it is aho speech to here That it stops wanting to think whether it is not to be a strategy which becomes profound in the back but As for Akamatsu without being the turning person of the opposition party How w
NULL 33 09 85 ID 9O8MsN t0 It fights with the enemy which is not visible the guideline of the people 30 Grudge 223 Name The person who is not course plan name sage Contribution day 2010 05 25 1 2 14 20 44 ID YVcAIXfW0 761 Name Name it is not 3rd anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 25 fire 14 06 09 56 ID 7qigyW2e Reporting whose are convenient doubts nothing blind having faith in As for reporting whose are inconvenient the label pasting of fabrication and scolding lie The person who does the speech whose are convenient is the good man who talks truth The person who does the speech whose are inconvenient being worked in some person is the ru bad guy As for the information whose are convenient unless you are wrong with truth even the source there is no necessity but The information whose are inconvenient when it is the information which is set with lie there being a source it does not recognize netouyo in inside the net is the invincible existence which is not the times when it is defeated in reason
2 106名:Shisan名无 10周年 圣人就 发布时间:2010 05 25(星期二)16:33:07编号:9O8MsN T0的指引不可能打★的敌人30人观看 。 223名仇恨:谁的飞行员,他们计划没有名字 圣人 发布日期:2010 05 25(星期二)14:20:44编号:YVcAIXfW0 761名: 名无周年Shisan 3 圣人 张贴于:2010 5月25日(星期二)14:06:36编号:7qigyW2e方便好消息坏消息是毫无疑问的理由不相信盲目包括轻微的那样,只粘贴标签与捏造谎言,我决定好方便的人说日是一个好人坏人方便的声明与真理,并正由一个人操作 2 106 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 25 Tuesday 16 33 07 ID 9O8MsN t0 It fights with the enemy which is not visible the guideline of the people 30 Grudge 223 Name Is not course plan name the person sage who Contribution day 2010 05 25 Tuesday 14 20 44 ID YVcAIXfW0 761 Name Name it is not 3rd anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 05 25 Tuesday 14 06 36 ID 7qigyW2e Reporting whose are convenient doubts nothing blind having faith in As for reporting whose are inconvenient the label pasting of fabrication and scolding lie The person who does the speech whose are convenient is the good man who talks truth The person who does the speech whose are inconvenient being worked in some person is the ru bad guy As for the information whose are convenient unless you are wrong with truth even the source there is no necessity but The information whose are inconvenient when it is the information which is set with lie there being a source it does not recognize netouyo in inside the net is the invincible existence which is not the times when it is defeated in reason
475名:秘密投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(星期四)10:21:09 85编号:RtjZ 工作iMW而来,但可怕的是把获取信息或祖父 475 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 21 09 85 ID RtjZ iMW But from the workplace tremendous information was obtained
475名:秘密投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(星期四)10:21:09 85编号:RtjZ 工作iMW而来,但可怕的是把获取信息或祖父 475 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 21 09 85 ID RtjZ iMW But from the workplace tremendous information was obtained
495名称:无记名投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(周四)10:26:09 56编号:RtjZ iMW坚强领导和对口蹄疫是松树,例如我保留最低损害,报道说反复播出 495 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 26 09 56 ID RtjZ iMW Akamatsu strong leadership is shown vis a vis foot and mouth disease Reporting that is repeated damage was stopped in minimum broadcast
495名称:无记名投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(周四)10:26:09 56编号:RtjZ iMW坚强领导和对口蹄疫是松树,例如我保留最低损害,报道说反复播出 495 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 26 09 56 ID RtjZ iMW Akamatsu strong leadership is shown vis a vis foot and mouth disease Reporting that is repeated damage was stopped in minimum broadcast
495名称:无记名投票 圣人 张贴于:2010 05 20(周四)10:26:09 56编号:RtjZ iMW坚强领导和对口蹄疫是松树,例如我保留最低损害,报道说反复播出 495 Name Secret voting sage Contribution day 2010 05 20 wood 10 26 09 56 ID RtjZ iMW Akamatsu strong leadership is shown vis a vis foot and mouth disease Reporting that is repeated damage was stopped in minimum broadcast
511 1:十周年Shisan名无 :2010 05 21(周五)05:44:52编号:t0kPekBI0(1 2) 电脑 982交易 现场直播!塞奇▼新!2010 05 20(周四)06:32:20编号:RDhi5cj 小时周末,加快省长更进一步从捕获和自来水一个强有力的领导与尊重的松树,和嘴。我被告知要制定一个执行情况报告,他们停止进食,以减少损失元 511 1 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 21 gold 05 44 52 ID t0kPekBI0 1 2 PC 982 Trader Live sage New 2010 05 20 wood 06 32 20 ID RDhi5cj Furthermore the H governor hitting accelerates from about weekend In regard to a pine showing strong leadership the oral hoof Reporting that is done stopped damage in minimum An indication that being made make the result the ru
来吧,我说,72名是更危险的:十周年Shisan名无 发布日期:2010 05 23(星期日)08:58:48编号:LaGh08jR0 1 3 (PC)的982交易 现场直播!圣人▼新!2010 05 20(星期四)06:32:20编号:RDhi5cj 小时周末,加快省长更进一步从捕获和自来水一个强有力的领导就松,嘴。我被告知要制定一个执行情况报告,他们停止进食,以减少损失元 When above this you say we is dangerous 72 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 23 day 08 58 48 ID LaGh08jR0 1 3 PC 982 Trader Live sage New 2010 05 20 wood 06 32 20 ID RDhi5cj Furthermore the H governor hitting accelerates from about weekend In regard to a pine showing strong leadership the oral hoof Reporting that is done stopped damage in minimum An indication that being made make the result the ru
NULL DREPT mi l l and l River 彡 V mountain ┴ DREPT nini 彡 It is not reflected …… Two Two DREPT nini ┤ With it is not said ¯ ¯ gt nini This time You apologize That time and place ni l l ni ni two It has not done to appointment l l be ゚ ゚ l To l The H gt How nera l no We would like you to remember 92 DREPT ni REPT l L King l King l King lower king l DREPT 92 In other words… ≡ l 92 If I become that air l As for apology ¯ i 10 years later 20 years later 92 It probably is possible ……… with the notion that where you say…
ṛ ヽ 。 。 。 。 。烝 洛伊“ー ü ” r nini 7 It is not completed truly with the feeling that… f toro and ro If chest fullest capacity… ha ¯ he it is dense ha gt Little … Where that kneeling on the ground is possible somewhere 92 92 ┌ ┐ Even if that… REPT ¯ manufacture 22 even number ¯ gt REPT Manufacture manufacture ∬ Meat burning… The bone it burns… l REPT 333 ∫ 33 92 h REPT Three ∬ 33 33 92 ∫ Even on griddle tsu ……… └ REPT REPT Three 33 ∬ three Three 92 REPT 烝 lj ” U ”
_NULL_ The [sakinohaka] question [hu] in the flower and simultaneous it is black
Revolution comes eventually
In bourgeoisie and in proletariat
As for [ho] other mean low people
Everyone the 蕈 which appears to Hyuga alone and the sea urchin
Collapsing, that day which flows comes
Doing, doing to the stripe, to the stripe
In order for us to like to drink the liquor 尤 the person who causes the disturbance which seems
The [ji] [bu] it just is to do funny thing, exhausting
Life is the sand [tsu] field, how it is, [hu] false teacher
With when roving one and the people whom you compare by your
Accompanying and others being accustomed to hitting everyone in the [bi] plain gauze [bi] plain gauze
From among those mean ogre pursuit [hi] payment To
Those concerning everyone fish and the pig to the stripe
“29秒5分钟立法者民主”你们这样做,只是滥用这种言说,你“分20秒9个成员经贸办”我还没有解除的代表每天都与反对派告诉大家你在该地区和道歉我们得到了一个几秒钟的“民主共和国9分钟和30日,”我总是谢滚装船,“此外,还有被歧视,奚落(在我的非 ” Democracy Assemblyman Don t you think “only such insult of 5 minute 29 seconds say it is the ro which is you” Assemblyman Eto As for 9 minute 20 second “me although being one representative of the opposition party While saying the apology to everyone of area it started passing everyday life” Democracy Assemblyman 9 minute 30 seconds “apologizing directly the ro ” In addition the jeering which assumes that it was by your distinction failure
“29秒5分钟立法者民主”你们这样做,只是滥用这种言说,你“分20秒9个成员经贸办”我还没有解除的代表每天都与反对派告诉大家你在该地区和道歉我们得到了一个几秒钟的“民主共和国9分钟和30日,”我总是谢滚装船,“此外,还有被歧视,奚落(在我的非 ” Democracy Assemblyman Don t you think “only such insult of 5 minute 29 seconds say it is the ro which is you” Assemblyman Eto As for 9 minute 20 second “me although being one representative of the opposition party While saying the apology to everyone of area it started passing everyday life” Democracy Assemblyman 9 minute 30 seconds “apologizing directly the ro ” In addition the jeering which assumes that it was by your distinction failure
“他们总是左派,我们是真正的男人不同于左”的和不同的人说我说我喜欢战士像社会主义者的话,我得到了我马尔请重新启动的表弟迅速谴责和清除 “The fellows are [sayoku], it is different from our truth left flanks”, that saying, to the fighting loyal retainer of the [ru] socialist person
That it is different from the fellows, if it says, the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] quickly including cousin impeachment and purgation [maru
“责任”?没办法,我喜欢基卡゙゙Miyasaー゙Yuika衡量鹿゙゙比果゙施明卡万维网“是一个真正的 ”
“Responsibility? [shi] ゙ [minka] ゙ [hika] ゙ deer ゙ [shi] ゙ [yuika] ゙ [miyasa] ゙ [kika] ゙ - like we it is, the [ro] www which cannot boil and is”
As expected the shelf
“赤松不能应付所有问题,手足口病预计支持全面副部长山田]我们格西 “Akamatsu which it cannot correspond to foot and mouth disease problem completely circular throwing] the [ge] has done all correspondences in secondary Minister of State Yamada
东阿秃吮吸我和我吸宫崎县宫崎县迅速停止 Miyazaki prefecture tsu te lowest shelf Miyazaki prefecture tsu te lowest shelf Stop the bald east quickly
传闻已阻止人员派遣自卫队和诀窍除污材料和感染类型国防部长党和社会民主党前部长,前社会主义有什么字?谁大米消费量,还是一个事实,即事实或只是谣言 Minister of state of old Japan Socialist Party graduate and minister of state of corporation people party
It has the type material and know-how of decontamination and infection defense
A rumor that how is what it obstructed the Self Defense Force dispatch?
Being fact being mere rumor?
Or you turn off rubbing fact?
似乎仍有332名在这个岗位:无记名投票[圣人]张贴于:2010 / 05 / 25(星期二)19:20:48.70编号:UtntKTsM渔业委员会,国民大会我想我会在今天宰电视信息或20:古川义久为代表的问题和发生的口蹄疫众议院农业委员会50(自民党),中曾根Ozato(自民党)石田祝稔(公明) Also the rear of this still certain is like
332 Name: Secret voting [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/25 (fire) 19: 20: 48.70 ID: UtntKTsM
Don't you think? agricultural commission, it is like today you do
Information it has been recorded before the National Diet TV
20: 50 The House of Representatives agriculture and forestry marine products commission
It corresponds with the occurrence circumstance of foot and mouth disease
Question person
Furukawa 禎 Hisashi (our people)
Small village Yasuhiro (our people)
Ishida Celebration Minoru (fairness)
但你不值钱的自民党线驱动tTA请愿,以东京都知事时,他们懒得粪便百分之论繁忙,但并非没有挫折,甚至取消捉住后报告了一个星期的运动不会居住赞成的人脸,我看到了宫崎或反应迟缓归咎于外国旅游脆果,最后他违反约定 In the official residence report lifting 1 weeks passing although there is no movement honestly boiling and doing the industry The droppings while being busy time cutting specially although the governor went to petition to Tokyo Preferring the nonsense pasteboard dump where it confronts the Liberal Democratic Party you travel abroad to a promise wastepaper of interview and are ill smelling the tsu te After all in the end slowness of correspondence the stripe it probably will act cool in consequence of Miyazaki prefecture is
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa嘿嘿! ! 4月下旬,会忽略请愿Aaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! ! !富Zakennaaaaaaaaaaaa认真! ! ! ! It is densely and others the a well well well well well well well April final stage petition probably will be was ignored but the a well well well well well well It is to act playfully with maji well well well well well
例如,如果我说我所用张战斗蛋黄酱火灾和紧张的政府管理不善的最火文,但也有一个问题,政府为国家的宝贵状态S Though irregularity of the fire the fact that it causes is government and use the mayonnaise time calling to extinguishment activity persisting Therefore and government tsu te state the country which are made important there is a problem however
关于农业赤松口蹄疫阶段是第一次道歉∨ ·我 ∧ ∧! ─ (松树),以反映也不是没有得到 As for Akamatsu agricultural phase you apologized for the first time in regard to foot and mouth disease ∨ 92 ¯ i 92 ∧ ∧ ─ ∀ ∪ ¯ ¯ With Unless Akamatsu it is reflected it does not enter
“我不支持求元月初,他们缓慢省”东国时口蹄疫得到证实,“超牛至少几分钟。让我被孤立,”我松树依靠 gt “As for me quick correspondence it requested but it could delay the prefecture ” As for Higashi Kunihara when foot and mouth disease was verified “At least just the super kind cow amount It made isolate and” with asked to Akamatsu
因此,遵循对赤松悲惨诅咒结束了,决定每天晚上睡觉前祈祷今晚茹 Way heaven punishment descends to Akamatsu and traces the miserable end road Before every night sleeping from tonight we had decided to pray
我很相信我141?我只有我的帮助,他们没有地方,我想我是很努力,但在红松树说国家例如我会说我会说我什么 141 So it was certain don t you think Because there is no place but it helps and the tsu te you call to the country with you think is Akamatsu probably will be meaning some thing the ru is
我说,这353赤松假名?我不知道或看到,直到众议院 353 That thing you call Akamatsu kana Until the House of Representatives you see it is not understood well and
现在我拥有的水播种,只支付从水中水反正国家,请购买,5 11我有恩戴藤黎先生(4 22,是什么?)等大部分没有解答红松树没有 Already the chi ya tsu te the water will not Because only the charge there is water the country the water please buy in any case that Although Eto has asked to 5 11 4 22 was Almost without replying at all being is Akamatsu
红831。顾曰:“什么?如果不怪的人,因为它的Chaujan 831 Red It has been said “Huh When it does not make consequence of the person the tsu chi ya maggot ya you are in your own consequence
赤松农业部长就口蹄疫是第一次道歉∨ ·我 ∧ ∧! ─ (松树),以反映也不是没有得到 As for Akamatsu agricultural phase you apologized for the first time in regard to foot and mouth disease ∨ 92 ¯ i 92 ∧ ∧ ─ ∀ ∪ ¯ ¯ With Unless Akamatsu it is reflected it does not enter
口蹄疫的问题,而民主党的权力基础批评传播速度ν国家略有指示东国从内阁正在努力捍卫政府 Foot and mouth disease problem, Governor Higashi Kunihara in accordance with the indication of the country infection enlargement Even from Cabinet minister voice of criticism
On the one hand because, Î speed of the democracy support parent being desperate, protects government, it was
唯一的理由,他们说他们是该死的丑娘自卫祢狗屎酒吧热与不热死势利微笑阅读 As for just the excuse whose self defense of the [te] [me] obtaining is scurvy there is no straight reading [niyaniya] and the [kuso] worldling where heat is confined
Die, with [gachi
嗯,我使用的疫苗,但没有人消毒的人为污染的国家不可避免地Batchii Batchii 白色赶出该国。或者是受消毒 Well the vaccine using inevitable the tsu chi it is and the tsu chi is as pollution country But the reason where the human becomes the disinfection object As for the person who goes out to the country of the white The kana which is the object of disinfection
嗯,我使用的疫苗,但没有人消毒的人为污染的国家不可避免地Batchii Batchii 白色赶出该国。或者是受消毒 Well the vaccine using inevitable the tsu chi it is and the tsu chi is as pollution country But the reason where the human becomes the disinfection object As for the person who goes out to the country of the white The kana which is the object of disinfection
因为这家伙不明白的是,和一个地方的鱿鱼是不是媒体坏,反复思考所有问题的发言,苏也将在同一事件对如责任叶松Louppy部长“委任”这是所有证明这是多么甜蜜的感觉在管理Yakasa不好讲,但我不寻求信息 koitsu is not reflected completely Because you have not understood completely and the somewhere by your are bad When similar matter occurs and the same error is repeated probably will be And as for the mass media about “the appointment responsibility” of Minister of State Akamatsu in rupi Completely it pursues and says and feeling is bad The wa which is the evidence this administration how is pampered of
什么是朝鲜的利益朱达罗赤松代理?韩国的利益作出贡献,为什么呢? The ro which is the Akamatsu tsu te North Korean right representative It contributes to the Korean profit with something
对我来说,你的反应是支持前,但你负责,他们迟到或其他人,我会向这个国家的最高临时总督和我不这样做,你在日本内阁将结束我是赤松头牲畜贸易做什么根据自己的风险,不是吗?不要站在他们作为一个人的失败,这句话拉什 As for your correspondence the ro which is your responsibility As for we although it corresponded it could delay the other person that even the top of temporarily country does not have to say Furthermore nomarch how Japan the ro which is the underling of the Cabinet How it does to a responsibility of the person under Very Akamatsu is long what of animal husbandry trade There is no being disqualified as the person who stands on the person or these favorite words
在它的嘴,而你什么也不做,而我希望所有的责任的角度和致命的薄弱或脆弱。我简直不能相信他们所选择的制度已不存在日本社会党和其他见下文 In the mouth friend or weak point of view of the weak question and when leave entirely to question when what or
That. Despising others, just your own thing are to be believed preferential old Japan Socialist Party system the [wa
在获得两个视频驱动tTA接种射击禽畜饲养场锚 Anchor That 2 Procuring the image where the animal husbandry farmer at the time of vaccine dosage takes
畜牧业农民获得锚泊视频驱动tTA 1接种摄影 Anchor That 1 Procuring the image where the animal husbandry farmer at the time of vaccine dosage takes
如果那个愚蠢的秃顶最邪恶疯狂的民粹主义的决定,我不能仅仅依靠国家风险带来! Responsibility having with the just it depends on the country, you cannot decide and only the popularity taking that foolish baldness which to the head is not worst!
它是沿着其治疗自我为国家利益或拒绝山田泡菜或降低您面对所有意图 How seeing, whether by your the pasteboard dump because of lower kim chee country whether the disposal shelf which parallels to my interest selfish desire of Yamada's of the rubbish
宫崎牛销毁。一旦被破坏,我认为你已经骑韩国牛肉牛肉进口由于缺乏分钟?施压进口方面不是无限的出口呢?国内和牲畜taken ll播放一次,我认为日本是我认为玺囊Gika困难多的思维多少一切 With kind cow total destruction Miyazaki When it is destroyed Being the beef insufficient that much is the Korean cow of import the ru it is with to do the yo So when it does export side there is no pressure applying at will on import side Because one time domestic demand going to the side chi ya uninformed as for playback of the animal husbandry you think that it is difficult as for Japan… The tsu te how much you think that you think too regardless
TTP的: www tensan y com 的index php?节日 u003d♪♪♪富士由于土地的关东愚蠢♪♪♪617 口蹄疫牲畜的农民已擅自富士 ttp www tensan y com index php eid 617 With ♪ ♪ ♪ foolish Fuji Telecasting Co consequence in Kanto landing ♪ ♪ ♪ Fuji Telecasting Co photographing the animal husbandry farmer with non permission
司法机构政务长1是一个路障,以便阻止Shitarashii熊本。驱动tTA熊卫作为Tteta结果与混合感染的牲畜牛 JA Kumamoto blockading the road capability it obstructed it seems but 1 The infection cow has blended the empty The Kumamoto livestock industry was protected result
它也无助于民主党人不会合作? “东”你确实有人质谈判的人?一个我 If it does not cooperate to the Democratic party this does not cooperate ” East “you negotiating the citizen in the hostage It is the how person
苏奥我有一个又聋又牲畜口蹄疫在该地区,什么行动不在乎 Although altogether area it has been about probably to protect the animal husbandry from foot and mouth disease it probably is the conduct which does not have the consideration which is called something
这真的看起来像东钱无能,或有多少人质塞比口蹄疫牲畜业又是绍兴县,只有 The ma it is ma east and disabled to put out the prefecture and animal husbandry industry foot and mouth disease in the hostage a lot of gold the se bi re ru It is only that
富士电视台报道说是保守的主流产经新闻清除Shikanai古时代仍在继续,底部士气的领域从碗里只达到了愚蠢的尝试读取荣 As for the Fuji Telecasting Co. reporting section is purged the product sutra conservative main river which continues from Sikauti day,
Because only the fool who infers the complexion of [chiyon] it stopped being also fighting spirit on of site is bottom
我保持一种民主的政治领导说ü?短短的名誉部长民主党什么?或者只是不想邮戳紧迫 The political main leadership [tsu] lever which the Democratic party says it is being the thing?
Being honorable job of the minister of state [tsu] [te] 唯 of the Democratic party administration?
The seal the kana which is the position where the sufficient you push does not need
我听说,如果人民反抗阻碍农民苏在这Kusojijii谁在你那里我会杀扭曲Goraa [butsu] you kill, this [kusojijii]
Is some way, intention [goraa] which
When probably will peel the farmer animal husbandry hears, riot it is caused
我煮的Deharawata Kurikaeru Chikishomaji快乐!小泽鸠山将不允许超过这个家伙了! With the [chikishiyo] [ma] [ji] and others the [wa] it is to boil, the chestnut the [wa] which can be applied!
Permit it is dense above Hatoyama Ozawa it is!
等等〜Shinaindaro辞职Nitanitaherahera满足,而我们道歉?为农民做什么比他的立场,因为牲畜以及 While do se nitanitaherahera to do apology interview Doing resignation shinaindaro Well the animal husbandry farmer compared to your own standpoint Therefore only the shelf it is
指示或出国旅游已正式从任何时间,它是,但是我为他辩护,或者如何Waranakatta传送指令或官僚阻力 From ahead travelling abroad the indication was made on occasion that the indication was not transmitted by the resistance of the bureaucracy that How doing it protects him applying becoming story the ru
“我不把不必要的官僚机构的智慧,他的这种政治倡议,”我喊了很多,但我可以告诉你什么自民党成员 “The intelligence where the bureaucracy is excessive is acquired it is it is not therefore political main leadership what” However the tsu te Liberal Democratic Party member shouts it is true don t you think
指示或出国旅游已正式从任何时间,它是,但是我为他辩护,或者如何Waranakatta传送指令或官僚阻力 From ahead travelling abroad the indication was made on occasion that the indication was not transmitted by the resistance of the bureaucracy that How doing it protects him applying becoming story the ru
按现在的纪律责任,甚至进一步宫崎县,政府的博客,市民可以“赦免请愿书的签名头49个县宫崎牛,”我还没有作出茹 After so long a time pushing responsibility to Miyazaki prefecture with burogu of government also the general people is possible “Quarter suit signature 49 of Miyazaki prefecture kind cows” doing the ru There are times when it is possible still
下面的宫崎博客,市民可以“宽大处理请愿签名49头牲畜,”我还没有作出茹 With burogu under also the general people is possible “Quarter suit signature 49 of Miyazaki prefecture kind cows” doing the ru There are times when it is possible still
无论如何,如果你问发端歼灭,那么我踩在卡诺花什么? DNA的可能,如果这些机构和媒体组织友谊比赛洛杉矶开放 Temporarily, if originator is made to destroy, then when it becomes with anything, stepping on, kana of the [ru]?
DNA collating, if [ha] ゙ [ra] there is a institution and a news media such as that, friendship it may be done it puts out,
日本农民是无法感染引起的爆炸,因为它不给不给我讨厌的邻居,掷至少w Spreading the disabled Japanese causes explosive infection animal husbandry house, in peripheral countries and scattering and annoyance without trying not to apply at least before, w
Although even now the Japanese shame is exposed, when shame above this is applied the final coating, because it does not accumulate as a Japanese don't you think?
日本的农民是无法感染引起的爆炸,所以我不给我了,扔掉恼人的邻居,但至少瓦特耻辱,即使现在在日本,没有更多的耻辱我将死作为面漆当日本 Spreading the disabled Japanese causes explosive infection animal husbandry house in peripheral countries and scattering and annoyance without trying not to apply at least before w Although even now the Japanese shame is exposed when shame above this is applied the final coating because it does not accumulate as a Japanese don t you think
♪♪♪下午由于土地的关东愚蠢富士♪♪♪,区,记者从富士电视,没有任何联系,所以我就开始面试元突然来到谷仓 With ♪ ♪ ♪ foolish Fuji Telecasting Co consequence in Kanto landing ♪ ♪ ♪ Present in the afternoon in the area the Fuji Telecasting Co collection of data position without many contacts Suddenly coming to the barn it began collection of data so is
相反,它也仍然是,在日本的禽畜废物有人已经昂贵,效率低下不健康的机会呢?现在,在和平,安全比尔大声应和吃美味的韩国牛肉和古安 On the other hand being unsound there is no chance something which makes the Japanese animal husbandry which at non efficiency has become wastefully large amount honest Feeling at rest from now on being cheap being tasty you should have eaten the safe Korea cow
相反,它也仍然是,在日本的禽畜废物有人已经昂贵,效率低下不健康的机会呢?现在,在和平,安全比尔大声应和吃美味的韩国牛肉和古安 On the other hand being unsound there is no chance something which makes the Japanese animal husbandry which at non efficiency has become wastefully large amount honest Feeling at rest from now on being cheap being tasty you should have eaten the safe Korea cow
是真的? )“神奇的大前一分钟我在一些民主党人什么!”“如果他们说这是在其他地方!阿辜排放谎言!”“是是是是大前Bakkari谎言〜”“我不想sappy这就是我!“”艾希卡诺要钱“,”嘉四郎如何只是他们面前你“,是一个说法,”人们桥本喜世“,他是”正式“拒绝”这是我的声音“有该 The ho it is with being “The inside of the Democratic party understands with something it is in omae which is ” “As for the other expression which is what Lie is spat ” “Lie tsu temporary 〇 〇 〇 〇 omae ” “It is the tear chi yo u to be it does not enter it is ” “Wanting the gold ” “With just you somehow margin” It was assumed that you spoke “Hasimoto it comes and one” Assemblyman denies “officially” and “that is not his own voice” that is
是真的? )“神奇的大前一分钟我在一些民主党人什么!”“如果他们说这是在其他地方!阿辜排放谎言!”“是是是是大前Bakkari谎言〜”“我不想sappy这就是我!“”艾希卡诺要钱“,”嘉四郎如何只是他们面前你“,是一个说法,”人们桥本喜世“,他是”正式“拒绝”这是我的声音“有该 The ho it is with being “The inside of the Democratic party understands with something it is in omae which is ” “As for the other expression which is what Lie is spat ” “Lie tsu temporary 〇 〇 〇 〇 omae ” “It is the tear chi yo u to be it does not enter it is ” “Wanting the gold ” “With just you somehow margin” It was assumed that you spoke “Hasimoto it comes and one” Assemblyman denies “officially” and “that is not his own voice” that is
显然是一个Rupizu肯定,他们将不会出国凯塔仍是一个好故事,我们只是不能在该部认为应该在774人次去国外说,他们没有翻译到这个浅薄的将 774 When travelling abroad it makes examine inside the ministry and should have solved story That is not possible when it is You say that it should travel abroad it was not after all Thing is affirmed rupizu such a bottom is shallow with something Excuse will be done
例如在440信息TBS的高尔夫球出访和“假报告”我没有排队,原来当我Minshutoukanbuga 440 When TBS golf it has done with “falsely reporting” when travelling abroad the information original minshiyutoukanbuga tsu te the tsu ke which does not go
普天间问题都可以修复重建居民的信任与随着时间的推移,其作用只能鸠山 As for Futenma problem restoration being possible by spending time, re-constructing the reliance relationship with the prefectural people,
The function is possible to only Prime Minister Hatoyama
有些肯定他是否能留下,但儒儒通常会被视为稀有作出过于粗糙,显示一个人的党是如此糟糕的精神 Certainly as for some person however also the person who can see normally stays Also the party where trick of nature has appeared in the face this much is unusual
我不会死Nitaku仅供参考,我觉得这家伙在这里,因为当地695个成员 695 When you think that even this such a person is local Assemblyman the wa which stops wanting to die being wretched
朱家桥是三位一体,电视,杂志和互联网电通加密,众所周知,一个繁荣,以测试产品的副本 AKB with the television and the magazine and Internet triune, is general term of the experiment which designates the copy commodity of a certain object as boom with the Dentsu code
此外,自民党国会议员和宫崎说:“我希望让我们的人民特别措施只牛”走出尽管被要求在5月初,并已出最终部长农业,渔业,红松,作者:牛疏散缓慢,甚至被出售的牛主题 Furthermore Miyazaki prefecture and Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman “we want with also just the kind cow evacuating with exception measure” that Either putting out request to May first third not to relate red Pine Agriculture Water Large Retainer Because permission is not put out After all evacuation of the kind cow is late even the kind cow is dealt with of dealing
此外,自民党国会议员和宫崎说:“我希望让我们的人民特别措施只牛”走出尽管被要求在5月初,并已出最终部长农业,渔业,红松,作者:牛疏散缓慢,甚至被出售的牛主题 Furthermore Miyazaki prefecture and Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman “we want with also just the kind cow evacuating with exception measure” that Either putting out request to May first third not to relate red Pine Agriculture Water Large Retainer Because permission is not put out After all evacuation of the kind cow is late even the kind cow is dealt with of dealing
每个人的抱怨是认真和改建在外地,我在等待投诉Warazu直接相关的变更可以Baremasen在宫崎,只是运气英尺远从遥远的网站 Everyone on of site will appeal earnestly That it will appeal directly it waited you went to only Miyazaki city which is far from actual place far in spite
每个人的抱怨是认真和改建在外地,我在等待投诉Warazu直接相关的变更可以Baremasen在宫崎,只是运气英尺远从遥远的网站 Everyone on of site will appeal earnestly That it will appeal directly it waited you went to only Miyazaki city which is far from actual place far in spite
民主狗刚刚从专家访谈,说一个坏编辑指示総姬东 In the compilation that interview of the specialist from only the dog of democracy the indication the east is bad generally
民主狗刚刚从专家访谈,说一个坏编辑指示総姬东 In the compilation that interview of the specialist from only the dog of democracy the indication the east is bad generally
民主狗刚刚从专家访谈,说一个坏编辑指示総姬东 In the compilation that interview of the specialist from only the dog of democracy the indication the east is bad generally
渔业副部长只不过是猪鼻子一样,和支持。这是一个脸上从来没有打喷嚏委员会主席奥卡屁股,我觉得是件好事古运提请所有这些丑恶的反正 Agricultural secondary minister of state to produce the nose the pig itself support The kind of surface where the hole of Oka national anti chairman how ketsu does sneeze it puts out In any case you think that it is something where that much awkwardness gets together well
渔业副部长只不过是猪鼻子一样,和支持。这是一个脸上从来没有打喷嚏委员会主席奥卡屁股,我觉得是件好事古运提请所有这些丑恶的反正 Agricultural secondary minister of state to produce the nose the pig itself support The kind of surface where the hole of Oka national anti chairman how ketsu does sneeze it puts out In any case you think that it is something where that much awkwardness gets together well
然后,在市川南的国家,我们是一个很大的距离和失望 我看到我听到很多这样的声音 That time in Kawaminami Cho as for us you saw in big disappointment and the country were separated I the large quantity heard…… such voices
然后,在市川南的国家,我们是一个很大的距离和失望 我看到我听到很多这样的声音 That time in Kawaminami Cho as for us you saw in big disappointment and the country were separated I the large quantity heard…… such voices
然而,日本邪教德国最小。集团。非凡的是,穷人表姐了专政的国家资本主义,因为社会主义的左派假革命Goggo Simply, the Japanese [minsu] teaching group Germany. Group. Therefore false [sayoku] revolution [gotsugo] socialism
Mono with it has become abnormal, bad cousin taking of dictatorial nation and capitalism nation
爆发疯牛病的奶牛狂犬病在韩国,市场无论你出回,但对口蹄疫疫情,并与韩国之行,国家的鲁莽,而韩国芒斯 The rabies will spread in Korea, but the cow of BSE probably will have arrived to the market, but foot and mouth disease will spread, but
Man Say it does the Korean travelling and Korea and style [tsu] [te] [ru] country which is sown it puts out,
社会主义政府相当大的像一个有决定权(其叶松)或红松树也有许多新的社会主义,而是社会主义不说太多,负责在所有捕获的内容?无法想象我是不是社会主义好信托 Socialism we love, comparatively
The government side which has balance (Akamatsu itself) the speech which responsibility catches completely in contents is many
There is a variety even in socialism, but
New species Akamatsu socialism?
Well, reliance how it cannot there be a socialism which is lost however
空气质量松树松消灭了日本农业,但如果我知道这将是国家的困难农民蜷缩到了古巴共产国家的家伙,他们以经营红在任何国家日本民主党和我给你们带来了一个红色的家伙,他们认为这是一个很好的公司变成一个红色的殖民地某处在民主党 Concerning Akamatsu nature the red man Going to communist national Cuba you had secretly conversed While knowing that the farmer has been troubled in the country The air which is destroyed the Japanese agriculture Akamatsu is moving in order of the country of somewhere it is As for the Democratic party such a red person tsu oak Japan among those becomes the colony whether the do tsu of As for doing the calling thinking the party where the Democratic party is red
松树的特质,如果你吻我像疯了似的将削减和逃跑的房子很快在这一时间有关系统的补偿收入从房子,我杀了他就职后立即再次,凯塔也许有些表面的伤口,政府 Concerning Akamatsu nature immediately after the inaugurating it probably will be entwined it was dangerous but it is The tsu te which drives recklessly concerning each house income compensating system and sows it is Cutting quickly that time the re the causing re where also the scar of administration is somewhat shallow it is
答案是,我今天这样做,导致他们的Hozai自卫队派遣或消毒或Louppy In the present reply [rupi] directing the Self Defense Force dispatch or disinfection by yourself
Like thing babbling, the shelf
美消费希望的球员,我现在向小泽鸠山题跋原1号0.1。要改变周围的外记石窟舆石山冈瓦特立场 1
Presently in we mark now the man No .1 who wants going out
Ozawa Hatoyama Chibahara. Position it changes extremely around sedan chair quarry Oka, but w
而这样的态度,但我认为,如果衣服先生陆续在所有,任何人仍然是一个拥有感和刺激的思想和say是什么引起囊什么 That when you think of that you say whether and such attitude just it originates in something After all it arrives to the place completely there is no party consciousness that you think whether it is it is not
诚然。我想做一个血腥清洗,费用超过20万的奥秘党残余 As expected. It is the remnant of the mysterious party
When we would like to try doing the purgation of the blood of sacrifice 200,000 or more, it is the shelf
赤松网站还提供了关于处置是出了问题,我不适合埋葬防风林 Those where Akamatsu prepares in regard to burying area were the shelterbeit which is not suited for burying
The [wa] which is irrelevant
赤松说,没有弹出对方的程度,但中线鸠山表示道歉的原因,他们想说的话我和我的成就,但也承认和道歉 Apologizing but when you want recognizing also your own achievement excuse doing is Hatoyama Apologizing but proposing that there is a fault on opposite side is Akamatsu
赤松是他妈的骗子你面前你不应该做毛重和他的外国旅游,但离开前,被要求的措施 Lie spitting Akamatsu of kusotsutare Although measure it is requested before GW leaving has travelled abroad the ro which is you
赤松说,没有弹出对方的程度,但中线鸠山表示道歉的原因,他们想说的话我和我的成就,但也承认和道歉 Apologizing but when you want recognizing also your own achievement excuse doing is Hatoyama Apologizing but proposing that there is a fault on opposite side is Akamatsu
赤松,认为贫穷的输家是一个坏人,但宫崎依然是非常悲观的恶棍 Way Akamatsu, it becomes weak, the shelf
The death case where you insist that even then Miyazaki prefecture is bad, as for trick the scoundrel itself
迅速蔓驳回为选举做的更好,你已经做到了反正口蹄疫问题委员会或全体会议,本周一明智 This week foot and mouth disease problem is done temporarily at plenary assembly or commission, it is the [ro] which is
When that is completed, the one which is reshuffled quickly as an election measure the wise shelf
过于严厉的指责是Amerikaga Miyazakikenga Okinawaga Kunaichouga Koizumiga Jiminga [jimingakoizumigakunaichiyougaokinawagaamerikagamiyazakikenga]
Responsible shift is too harsh,…
这只是早期古』将嵌入在梅萨和求元(屠宰牛和猪)植入术。对于土地,这是 就让』梅萨和埋葬早期古 梅塔是求(包括县) (土地使用及补偿),以不可抵挡的作品与金问题,并承认差别不大我是,“他说: Making bury in any case quickly it requested this but Burying of the cow and the pig which are destroyed Concerning area as for this making bury in any case quickly gt It requested but until as for the prefecture and the like the compensation of land use becomes problem of the gold is settled that a little recognition It was different” that it points out
1(屠宰牛和猪)植入术。对于土地,这只是早期古 』将一块嵌在梅萨和求元(包括县) (土地使用及补偿)与野蛮的金问题, 当地雇员承认差异不大,“他说: 1 Burying of the cow and the pig which are destroyed Concerning area as for this making bury in any case quickly It requested but until as for the prefecture and the like the compensation of land use becomes problem of the gold is settled that a little recognition It was different” that it points out
古埋在这里很快无论如何梅萨』啊是啊,如果这样一个模糊的指示的实际和元求,否认 Making bury in any case quickly it requested this but Burying of the cow and the pig which are destroyed Concerning area as for this making bury in any case quickly gt It requested but until as for the prefecture and the like the compensation of land use becomes problem of the gold is settled that a little recognition It was different” that it points out
我有分歧,“他说 gt Burying of the cow and the pig which are destroyed Concerning area as for this making bury in any case quickly gt It requested but until as for the prefecture and the like the compensation of land use becomes problem of the gold is settled that a little recognition gt It was different” that it points out
(屠宰牛和猪)植入术。对于土地,这只是早期古 』将一块嵌在梅萨和求元(包括县) (土地使用及补偿)与野蛮的金问题, 当地雇员承认差异不大,“他说: Burying of the cow and the pig which are destroyed Concerning area as for this making bury in any case quickly It requested but until as for the prefecture and the like the compensation of land use becomes problem of the gold is settled that a little recognition It was different” that it points out
部长粪便或以任何方式永远Wakarumai我在外地僵硬文 To droppings minister of state happening on site, eternal will not know whether [ru] thing is what kind of thing
难道他们这样做? Uyouyo问:这是永远不会消失? 二〇一〇年五月二十日 众议员口蹄疫问题的额头大沽(国会大厦 平成生活〜&#8203 全体会议5月25日22)04分57秒藤成员部长“在一开始我的抵达宫崎一天,5月10日 What and others it is dense Such a uyouyo has done how long 2010 5 20 Eto 拓 Assemblyman the House of Representatives The National Diet live broadcast gt Heisei 8203 May 25th of 22 Plenary assembly Being similar Assemblyman Eto 4 minute 57 second “ministers of state beginning Miyazaki as for entering 10 days of May
你开始! ! ! ! ! ! ! !平成〜 生活 &#8203国会众议院 全体会议5月22日至25日 It started Heisei 8203 May 25th of 22 Plenary assembly
顺便说一下,毛重出国讲学外县的东国农业部长在叶松(积极人格),并没有,这是一个坏的? _NULL_
, 。 ヽ 升 NULL
美浓ヽ彡彡跳蚤 呵呵 布鲁诺,布鲁诺Herahera:Nonono ヽ到彡我:为:Y 。 搜索引擎优化 咧嘴 雅 · 彡 彡 nomimino REPT hehe 92 No Spatula spatula No nonono To REPT i 彡 a 92 The Soviet Union niyaniya 92 ya No 6 REPT Also Minister of State is Nakai saying according to the ru HKRPT No As for the Miyazaki person being stubborn base damage nida No REPT No U REPT j nida where also the gourd suffers hardship 92 REPT REPT niniso REPT 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 REPT l