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With “crisis iron [tsu] of the Japanese animal husbandry” well-known s foods, in Miyazaki prefecture contribution gold 80,000,000 Yen…“From Governor Higashi Kunihara heart appreciation” ★2


  • 12:48编号:X5I7Hmfw0 13 20 鄂如我不是一个致命伤给527,并随机“,提高伤口辜多种用途,”我觉得这是一个案件 12 48 ID X5I7Hmfw0 13 20 527 Being the case that it gives the fatal wound even when without Haphazardly it was incident “of the intended tsu te feeling which many it tries to damage”
    • 531名:Shisan名无 10周年之际发布 :2010 05 09(星期日)15:12:48编号:X5I7Hmfw0 13 20 鄂如我不是一个致命伤给527,以及随机“许多为了伤口的目的く“我觉得这是一个案件 531 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 09 day 15 12 48 ID X5I7Hmfw0 13 20 527 Being the case that it gives the fatal wound even when without Haphazardly it was incident “of the intended tsu te feeling which many it tries to damage”

  • 2 345 27 95亿净利润,净盈利8000万美元的捐款。这不就是多给你86%确定瓦特的方式,我的意思是,处理,救灾牺牲的贡献 345 2795000000 Sumitosi benefit 80000000 Contribution gold Sumitosi benefit 2 86 Certainly fragment well w So if you say as for the disaster contribution gold the tsu ke which is monetary loss treatment

    • 20年前,但最近我有车针更强硬的印象真的不闻,或Umau As for 20 years ago however the impression whose smell is harder it was So it is not recent don t you think is well it is good

      • 279卷,因为Boboboke他们间接造成的神户牛肉我家吃了! ! ! ! 41分钟在5月13日9:00,身穿大仓饭店东京虎之门
        279 Even [bo] and [boboboke], eating the Kobe cow in the family It has contributed indirectly! ! ! ! May 13th 9:41, Tokyo Toranomon hotel Okura arrival

        • 330商店现在你买你会做很多有点慷慨展览宫崎的产品!宫崎县的葡萄酒,不可能如何购买吗? ü并没有说他不能够出售或葡萄酒,我告诉你,确实有炭疽感染的情况并不受 330 The department store should do Miyazaki prefecture product spreading displaying now Spurting a little the many buying tsu chi ya u The Miyazaki wine the kana which cannot be bought somewhere Now the wine two rhythm the person who is said is not possible and the te is not sold But te story when that it is as expected It does not have an influence on foot and mouth disease

          • 42名称:Shisan名无@ 10周年之际发布[]:2010 / 05 / 24(星期一)15:00:25编号:mQpgb6l70 [2 / 3]这个名字是43↓久本雅美:Shisan名无@ 10周年[]发布日期:2010 / 05 / 24(星期一)15:00:31编号:zArwp5Hv0 [2 / 3]音频Yanumeeeeeeeeeeeeee这个方便,花花公子
            42 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/05/24 (month) 15: 00: 25 ID: mQpgb6l70 [2/3] This Masami Hisashi ↓ 43 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/05/24 (month) 15: 00: 31 ID: zArwp5Hv0 [2/3] Iron [tsu] bear be able be able be able be able be able to be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain,

            • 45今天是我去钓鱼也是一个便利店。这听起来像垃圾,但垃圾我踏进45日圆捐款箱
              45 where present we fishes with [konbini]. However you inserted in the contribution gold box Don't you think? it seems like we 45 Yen how rubbish rubbish,…

              • 466 前483材料口蹄疫 维基帮助企业和人们试图为p从主囊吉焦 NULL
                • 口蹄疫活动维基 466 NULL

              • 518 离子,京都塞拉,科威特石油公司普利司通从我没有钱,我只是让他们出去索纳Arimasenu -中国地震-离子,离子提交中国驻日本到1000万日元(美滨区,千叶)原田明彦主席关于第十四届理事会的青海省8月16日为中国地震受害者,日本的中国大使馆为10万日元的紧急灾难恢复基金(港区,东京)被提交给
                518 Whether > the ion, Kyocera and Bridgestone to release, To put out to [kochi] and others, because the [chi] [ya] it was, the [so] there is a gold and cannot increase Presenting the ion and 10,000,000 Yen to the stop day Chinese embassy Ion (Chiba Itimi beach Ku) as for Akihiko Harada director meeting length on the 16th, on the 14th For the sufferer of the earthquake which occurs at the Chinese Seikai ministry, Urgent disaster revival Support gold 10,000,000 Yen the stop day Chinese embassy (the Tokyo Minato-ku) you presented

                • 657今天,我一直在新闻死滑稽的声音?我没有做自杀 657 Voice with today and news withering the te it was strange Without committing suicide don t you think Doing doing don t you think

                  • 707的,而不是图像方面的虚伪性在肉类行业,但是我关心他们的生活问题和死亡
                    707 Instead of this, hypocrisy, but in the point, meat industry image of the whole burning, for the authorized personnel life and death problem what

                    • 744名:没有可爱的妻子[圣人]张贴于:2010 / 05 / 23(星期日)22:29:03编号:rCpvdCY10 [12 / 12]什么是739?你在做什么,而在东急
                      744 Name: It is lovely the madam [sage] Contribution day: 2010/05/23 (day) 22: 29: 03 ID: rCpvdCY10 [12/12] 739 What! The Tokyu [demo] of somewhere you do kana

                      • 829 TVCM愚蠢多于应承认博时井广告是更有效的贡献,社会的这些,我没那么好 829 Social how to contribute it than nonsense TVCM When the advertisement effect is large those where it is acknowledged are good thing don t you think
                        • 所以,你有892伊藤火腿食品K中看到Tetchan商(OEM) 892 With that k Itoh ham is iron tsu of the s foods OEM

                      • E mail和力量。我们没有什么结构,请挂只有宫崎和支持的公司和组织广泛倍 Mail and electricity Because it does not care with anything many degrees please call the support to Miyazaki widely at enterprise and various groups etc
                        • 还有一点Nakarazu为公司和机构支持的时候,你,认为我们仍然需要帮助受伤 Also enterprise and the group which now presently are supporting are little but you think that still help is needed

                      • Ketaku避免奶牛已成为东西前泽瓦特- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -嘴小牛的价格。之后在手和脚在岩手县口病后,如果从市场上购买在全国,所有投标价格上升牛肉牛犊。总部设在岩手县。里诺塞Kisou牛市场价格上涨21小牛的牛肉市场上午在岩手县
                        Something Maesawa cow as for w which stops wanting to avoid - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Calf price hike Oral hoof. With aftereffect from entire country buyer Market inside Iwate prefecture With aftereffect of foot and mouth disease, successful bid price of the Japanese Cattle calf rose all. In Iwate prefecture headquarters. Auction = 21st morning of the domestic animal market Market price of the calf of the Japanese Cattle rises inside Iwate prefecture

                        • NULL 593 It was good temporarily… In the one for indirectness support it tried collecting classified by field S foods contribution gold 80 000 000 Yen Kirishima brewing contribution gold 50 000 000 Yen Chiba prefecture domesticated fowl and animals place association contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen iwatani kenboro Child Wide area forest owners cooperative contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen yu zu juice 600 Asahi Chemical Industries contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Asahi organic material industry contribution gold 5 000 000 The CANON contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Showa shell contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Corporation enmono hypochlorous acid disinfection liquid All Nippon Airways Co Ltd contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Miyazaki car ferry contribution gold 200 000 Yen hanzuman contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Corporation Japanese self service association contribution gold 500 000 Yen Side 峯 in the midst of collecting box installation victory prize contribution continuation to the Sakura contribution gold 12 000 000 golf course The Japanese Rugby representation The Japanese sumo wrestling association contribution gold 5 000 000 Yen Ganba Osaka contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Matsumoto mountain elegance FC contribution gold approximately 160 000 Yen The Kashima Antorauzu contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen J1 Hiroshima contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen sanhuretsuchie Hiroshima FC Tokyo sohutobankuhokusu contribution gold 3 000 000 Yen The Yomiuri giant troop contribution gold 3 000 000 Yen Television Miyazaki contribution gold 45 000 000 6 television Miyazaki groups contribution gold 5 000 000 Yen Miyazaki cable television contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Corporation seputeni horudeingusu contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Miyazaki airport building wing meeting contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen ampule liquid medicine 1000 koropura corporation contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen The pushing it burns ardently contribution gold 100 000 Yen The Taipei stop Nikkei end cultural typical place Miyazaki prefecture bar association as an urgent volunteer support fund establishment basic fund 5 000 000 Yen offer
                          • NULL 593 It was good temporarily… In the one for indirectness support it tried collecting classified by field S foods contribution gold 80 000 000 Yen Kirishima brewing contribution gold 50 000 000 Yen Chiba prefecture domesticated fowl and animals place association contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen iwatani kenboro Child Wide area forest owners cooperative contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen yu zu juice 600 Asahi Chemical Industries contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Asahi organic material industry contribution gold 5 000 000 The CANON contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Showa shell contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Corporation enmono hypochlorous acid disinfection liquid All Nippon Airways Co Ltd contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Miyazaki car ferry contribution gold 200 000 Yen hanzuman contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Corporation Japanese self service association contribution gold 500 000 Yen Side 峯 in the midst of collecting box installation victory prize contribution continuation to the Sakura contribution gold 12 000 000 golf course The Japanese Rugby representation The Japanese sumo wrestling association contribution gold 5 000 000 Yen Ganba Osaka contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Matsumoto mountain elegance FC contribution gold approximately 160 000 Yen The Kashima Antorauzu contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen J1 Hiroshima contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen sanhuretsuchie Hiroshima FC Tokyo sohutobankuhokusu contribution gold 3 000 000 Yen The Yomiuri giant troop contribution gold 3 000 000 Yen Television Miyazaki contribution gold 45 000 000 6 television Miyazaki groups contribution gold 5 000 000 Yen Miyazaki cable television contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Corporation seputeni horudeingusu contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Miyazaki airport building wing meeting contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen ampule liquid medicine 1000 koropura corporation contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen The pushing it burns ardently contribution gold 100 000 Yen The Taipei stop Nikkei end cultural typical place Miyazaki prefecture bar association as an urgent volunteer support fund establishment basic fund 5 000 000 Yen offer
                          • NULL 6 With 484 With someone ↓ is collected well 3 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 05 24 month 16 30 21 ID PNi4oIJT0 Corporation enmono hypochlorous acid disinfection liquid S foods contribution gold 80 000 000 Yen Kirishima brewing contribution gold 50 000 000 Yen Television Miyazaki contribution gold 45 000 000 Side 峯 in the midst of collecting box installation victory prize contribution continuation to the Sakura contribution gold 12 000 000 golf course hanzuman contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Showa shell contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen The CANON contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Asahi Chemical Industries contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Miyazaki prefecture bar association as an urgent volunteer support fund establishment basic fund 5 000 000 Yen offer The Japanese sumo wrestling association contribution gold 5 000 000 Yen 6 television Miyazaki groups contribution gold 5 000 000 Yen Asahi organic material industry contributionGold 5 000 000 Miyazaki airport building wing meeting contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen ampule liquid medicine 1000 Child Wide area forest owners cooperative contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen yu zu juice 600 koropura corporation contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Corporation seputeni horudeingusu contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Chiba prefecture domesticated fowl and animals place association contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Miyazaki cable television contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen All Nippon Airways Co Ltd contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen J1 Hiroshima contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen The Yomiuri giant troop contribution gold 3 000 000 Yen sohutobankuhokusu contribution gold 3 000 000 Yen Ganba Osaka contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Corporation Japanese self service association contribution gold 500 000 Yen Miyazaki car ferry contribution gold 200 000 Yen Matsumoto mountain elegance FC contribution gold approximately 160 000 Yen The pushing it burns ardently contributionGold 100 000 Yen Amount obscurity The Japanese Rugby representation FC Tokyo
                          • 公司enmono 莫伊押切次氯酸钠消毒 日本国家橄榄球联盟捐款 捐赠FC东京 米山松本捐赠功能界别 自助日本协会捐款约一六○○○○○○日元 捐赠的50万日元Septeni公司控股 百万捐赠千叶畜场会 协会宫崎机场大厦的翅膀100万捐款 捐赠1亿日元 饮料电缆宫崎1000 儿童捐赠1亿日元。全球林业协会 百万捐赠柚子汁 全日空600 1亿日元捐赠Sanfuretche广岛 100捐赠 Corporation enmono hypochlorous acid disinfection liquid The pushing it burns ardently the contribution gold The Japanese Rugby representation contribution gold FC Tokyo contribution gold Matsumoto mountain elegance FC contribution gold approximately 160 000 Yen Corporation Japanese self service association contribution gold 500 000 Yen Corporation seputeni horudeingusu contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Chiba prefecture domesticated fowl and animals place association contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Miyazaki airport building wing meeting contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen ampule liquid medicine 1000 Miyazaki cable television contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen Child Wide area forest owners cooperative contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen yu zu juice 600 All Nippon Airways Co Ltd contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen sanhuretsuchie Hiroshima contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen The Yomiuri giant troop contribution gold 3 000 000 Yen sohutobankuhokusu contribution gold 3 000 000 Yen Miyazaki prefecture bar association as an urgent volunteer support fund establishment basic fund 5 000 000 Yen offer 6 television Miyazaki groups contribution gold 5 000 000 Yen Asahi organic material industry contribution gold 5 000 000 Showa shell contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen hanzuman contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Side 峯 in the midst of collecting box installation victory prize contribution continuation to the Sakura contribution gold 12 000 000 golf course Television Miyazaki contribution gold 45 000 000 Kirishima brewing contribution gold 50 000 000 Yen Ganba Osaka contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen The CANON contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen Asahi Chemical Industries contribution gold 10 000 000 Yen S foods contribution gold 80 000 000 Yen lt NEW Miyazaki car ferry contribution gold 200 000 Yen The Japanese sumo wrestling association contribution gold 5 000 000 Yen Asahi organic material contribution gold 5 000 000 Yen iwatani kenboro contribution gold 1 000 000 Yen The Taipei stop Nikkei end cultural typical place 3 000 000 Yen lt NEW In Taiwan and Miyazaki prefecture 3 000 000 Yen contribution… Taipei stop Nikkei end cultural typical place

                        • NULL Abbreviation If it means gt handmade would like reproducing the iron tsu from one the butcher shop which can trust the sima butterfly and gt To stock from the butcher shop and the like which is strong in the hormone and be difficult or… to remove the fat inside the empty and the wheat flour At the hot water where gt covering it rubs well washes with the flowing water and cuts in the length 3 5cm adds the red pepper and the liquor small quantity about 5 minutes gt Boiling after rinsing below as the stench pulling out of approximately 1 hour red peppers furthermore it boils at the boiling hot water processing gt It is necessary but as for me raw as for selling you saw There is no thing is

                          • NULL PDF Normal and others ku corporation Sale 50 of the super silica natural water is contributed so is Twitter information Ant man dairy industry Kawaminami Cho JR Nagoya takashimaya large Kyushu spreading displaying June 9th 15 days The Nihonbashi takashimaya Hyuga our Miyazaki taste round May 26th June 1st The Kyoto takashimaya large Kyushu spreading displaying May 18th 25 days Tamagawa Takashimaya Co Ltd Kyushu taste travelogue May 19th 25 days The Meitetsu Hyakkaten Co Ltd Ichinomiya store large Kyushu product spreading displaying May 21st 26 days J circular wide department store Kawagoe store large Kyushu product spreading displaying May 26th 31 days lt The love lapping seeing and the za it comes gt Sale of sticker
                            • NULL PDF Normal and others ku corporation Sale 50 of the super silica natural water is contributed so is Twitter information Ant man dairy industry Kawaminami Cho JR Nagoya takashimaya large Kyushu spreading displaying June 9th 15 days The Nihonbashi takashimaya Hyuga our Miyazaki taste round May 26th June 1st The Kyoto takashimaya large Kyushu spreading displaying May 18th 25 days Tamagawa Takashimaya Co Ltd Kyushu taste travelogue May 19th 25 days The Meitetsu Hyakkaten Co Ltd Ichinomiya store large Kyushu product spreading displaying May 21st 26 days J circular wide department store Kawagoe store large Kyushu product spreading displaying May 26th 31 days lt The love lapping seeing and the za it comes gt Sale of sticker

                          • S Bichanhashitenainona宫崎捐款将五四二瓦特押切萌
                            542 The pushing burning raising money ardently, as for the shrimp of [te] Miyazaki graduate without being done w

                            • S的甜蜜还是什么我进入韩国左派腐烂,而不是更少的信息是675?不会造成不便,其他州,认为由纪王宪文钱,你可能吗?政治家庭!暴怒在新泻左派在一起! (Eiji07490910)的嘴是保证只口蹄疫。如何处理扩大禽畜饲养生气?宫崎县采取措施,首先是我来到之后,最后疫情?值得怀疑的是无论是在这样狭窄的范围内集中农民?你介意在50 10 Kironi什么这么多万公里 675 There is no feeling weakness and the te rot it is sayoku or Korean entrance What it is presumed The money just comes out to think as happiness annoyance is put on other prefecture With politics of everyone the sayoku family of Niigata large raging eiji07490910 Just foot and mouth disease being guaranteed Oral hoof The animal husbandry farmer getting angry with enlargement how it does In the first place Miyazaki prefecture after the previous becoming popular took what kind of measure Whether the animal husbandry farmer is made to concentrate on the so narrow range with something it is doubt 150 000 head tsu te too multi with it is on ten kironi ten kilometer inside it does the yo
                              • 但我很多钱,他们也有很大牲畜当地官员魔法分钟 For by yourself but the large sum because the animal husbandry authorized personnel is many even in local end As for seriousness you understand

                            • Www konne jp 乐天市场 音乐城:宫崎县宫店筑和呻 www miyachiku com 东急商店 做你最好的!宫崎展览会(5月1日至6月29日)将捐赠给公益金告诉销售一些宫崎 www konne jp Optimistic market it waits ease Miyazaki Seeing and chi ku online shop http www miyachiku com The Tokyu store persevering Miyazaki prefecture fair to May 29th June 1st Portion of the sale is contributed to Miyazaki prefecture community chest meeting
                              • 故乡天线店宫崎,宫崎 宫崎县博物馆KONNE呻 www konne jp 乐天市场 音乐城:宫崎县宫店筑和呻 www miyachiku com 东急商店 做你最好的!宫崎展览会(5月1日至6月29日)将捐赠给公益金告诉销售一些宫崎 Miyazaki home mail order Miyazaki prefecture antenna shop seeing and za coming mansion KONNE http www konne jp Optimistic market it waits ease Miyazaki Seeing and chi ku online shop http www miyachiku com The Tokyu store persevering Miyazaki prefecture fair to May 29th June 1st Portion of the sale is contributed to Miyazaki prefecture community chest meeting

                            • _NULL_
                              615 Support Because two there was J1 Hiroshima, standardization and carp Lions Yamakoshi village addition S foods/contribution gold 80,000,000 Yen Kirishima brewing/contribution gold 50,000,000 Yen Chiba prefecture domesticated fowl and animals place association/contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen [iwatani] [kenboro]/ Child. Wide area forest owners' cooperative/contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen + [yu] [zu] juice 600 Asahi Chemical Industries/contribution gold 10,000,000 Yen Asahi organic material industry/contribution gold 5,000,000 The CANON/contribution gold 10,000,000 Yen Showa shell/contribution gold 10,000,000 Yen Corporation enmono/hypochlorous acid disinfection liquid All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd./contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen Miyazaki car ferry/contribution gold 200,000 Yen [hanzuman]/contribution gold 10,000,000 Yen Corporation Japanese self service association/contribution gold 500,000 Yen Side 峯 in the midst of collecting box installation + victory prize contribution continuation to the Sakura/contribution gold 12,000,000 + golf-course The Japanese Rugby representation/ The Japanese sumo wrestling association/contribution gold 5,000,000 Yen Ganba Osaka/contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen Matsumoto mountain elegance FC/contribution gold approximately 160,000 Yen The Kashima Antorauzu/contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen J1 Hiroshima/contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen FC Tokyo/ [sohutobankuhokusu]/contribution gold 3,000,000 Yen The Yomiuri giant troop/contribution gold 3,000,000 Yen The Hiroshima oriental carp/contribution gold 3,000,000 Yen The Saitama Seibu Lions/contribution gold 3,000,000 Yen Television Miyazaki/contribution gold 45,000,000 6 television Miyazaki groups/contribution gold 5,000,000 Yen Miyazaki cable television/contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen Corporation [seputeni] [horudeingusu]/contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen Miyazaki airport building wing meeting/contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen + ampule liquid medicine 1000 [koropura] corporation/contribution gold 1,000,000 Yen The pushing it burns ardently,/contribution gold 100,000 Yen The Taipei stop Nikkei end cultural typical place Miyazaki prefecture bar association/as an urgent volunteer support fund establishment + basic fund 5,000,000 Yen offer The Niigata mountain old. Bull fight meeting 640 In the direction paying to the player, the reinforcement releasing in next year, is different earnestness……

                              • _NULL_
                                Gold 80,000,000 Yen 也 S foods Gold 50,000,000 Yen 也 Kirishima brewing Gold 45,000,000 Yen 也 Television Miyazaki Gold 12,000,000 Yen 也 Side 峯 Sakura (during collecting box installation + victory prize payment in full contribution continuing to + golf-course) Gold 10,000,000 Yen 也 CANON Gold 10,000,000 Yen 也 Showa shell Gold 10,000,000 Yen 也 [hanzuman] Gold 10,000,000 Yen 也 Asahi Chemical Industries The Japanese sumo wrestling association The Taipei stop Nikkei end cultural typical place Asahi organic material 6 television Miyazaki groups Miyazaki prefecture bar association (+ fund establishment) Miyazaki car ferry The Yomiuri giant troop [sohutobankuhokusu] The Taipei stop Nikkei end cultural typical place [sanhuretsuchie] Hiroshima Ganba Osaka Chiba prefecture domesticated fowl and animals place association [iwatani] [kenboro] Miyazaki cable television All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. Corporation [seputeni] [horudeingusu] Miyazaki airport building wing meeting (+ ampule liquid medicine 1000) Child. Wide area forest owners' cooperative ([yu] [zu] juice 600) Corporation enmono (disinfection liquid) The pushing ardently burning The Japanese Rugby representation FC Tokyo Matsumoto mountain elegance FC The Japanese self service association

                                • ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧ ヽ ヽ ヽ,布鲁诺, ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ lt gt lt As for present late meshi with iron tsu hormone everyone to be possible gt lt gt ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ REPT l l REPT 丶 l l l l l l l l l 92 l l l l two REPT l two l and l REPT REPT REPT No l two l and no 92 REPT l l ¯ REPT l l 丶 l REPT 丶 No REPT l REPT l 92 l and l ¯ REPT REPT ¯ ¯
                                  • 晚宴今晚我不是一个很多年,似乎并不好,我买了这Tetchan ll明天再有这个,我决定马祖 The wa which iron tsu tsu te many years is not inside As for present dinner already being decided from the ru Tomorrow iron tsu you will buy

                                • 不知人员176受害者?另外,村上总统后,或有严重损害眼睛和灾区人民 176 The sufferer is in the official kana Or after the President Murakami the person of suffering area suffering it was in the terrible eye when
                                  • 阪神大地震后,176人受影响较大的地区。我Shitarashii骨髓捐赠登记 176 After the Kobe Earthquake person of suffering area large Don t you think it registered to the marrow bank it seems

                                • 为了提高线路和761州长以东韩国,但大力访问韩国,我想你的礼物,他也Kouteieki韩国?
                                  761 Because also Higashi governor increases the Korean route, However you visited actively in Korea, Also the story, Korea there is the present of [kouteieki], it is with to do, the [yo]?

                                  • 乐天544周五的东西我想不会派禽流感是绝对琦玉千叶 544 As for Lotte Co Ltd Chiba Saitama becoming in bird in full absolute gold something it does not cross over it is probably will be
                                    • 544 “〜〜〜我们不捐,”我认为,思想是否 544 gt “ With opinion which is said that you think whether not contributing” how
                                    • 乐天444周五的东西我想不会派禽流感是绝对琦玉千叶 444 As for Lotte Co Ltd Chiba Saitama becoming in bird in full absolute gold something it does not cross over it is probably will be

                                  • 从天空和她family ll食品已在此之前4天?我会来买这个优良淀粉Umasou看明天的油炸章鱼Tetchan我说是在这之前,我犹豫线程我说的可能性! Because about 4 days ago iron tsu you ate in the family and The tsu te it is said serving however you hesitate Because you say it was China frying umasou of the iron tsu with front sure The tomorrow iron tsu the one chestnut powder you buy properly

                                    • 他们教我如何烹调好的重点展示议员details m燃烧比其他古,我将战书
                                      When we burns iron [tsu], it burns a little, it is, Good cooking method you teach,

                                      • 伊予和我Tetchan这个好吃!因为我买猪肉今天,明天,购买人的饭在晚上,我Tetchan这个! Iron tsu tastiness to be Today the pig roast buying tsu chi ya tsu it is the empty Tomorrow the wa which is bought to the night boiled rice iron tsu

                                        • 你为什么不捐1万美元的老虎机店已利用人们的狗屎宫崎
                                          The Miyazaki person was exploited awfully When the pachinko house contributes at hundred million units, how is

                                          • 例如,宫崎,说兰珠(S霍洛意义)为40%乙醇烧酒什么是好感觉,甚至陷入困境喝酒Miyasuku If you mention Miyazaki the orchid 珠 the u ro remember the tsu te low class distilled spirits the alcoholic 40 with The me chi ya oral ya being easy to drink there is the remembering which is tasty

                                            • 全部。井原县总部。牲畜。副主任戴“在九州南部的市场封闭,价格可能上升至1稀缺的国家意识 All Boar field of prefectural headquarters Domesticated fowl and animals Perhaps the dairy farming deputy director “in closing the south Kyushu market price rose from the nationwide shortage of goods impression
                                              • 当地雇员光一本公司宣传噱头佩拉伊像,并惩罚他们Shimerubeki稀缺商品 Does such thin advertisement behavior as for the enterprise which It should punish the commodity in shortage of goods

                                            • 凯塔我的单身汉日子很长,你几乎每天晚上小吃NHK的新闻-冬季09,苏已经分裂,而看你炎热的夏天晚上喝岩石
                                              As for me whose celibacy age are long while almost every night you looking at NHK [niyu] - [su] 9 in the knob The winter the hot water dividing, summer was late serving wine with the lock

                                              • 切断它的存在并且有必要继续收集捐款驱动tTA在刚刚因为有人刚结婚的同事,特别是公司异常的父在同一层楼,但我也 Simply because the colleague where I with just the same floor especially am not intimate at the company gets married the donation being gathered with tsu te 1 human somewhat Because it has cut off
                                                • 驱动tTA出去,剪一个捐款的收集仍然是我的一个必要部分的异常结婚同胞母公司专注于一样的发言,我也 NULL

                                              • 厘米国家彩票的成本效益目前中风的预计很少,这样做←真实的CM是唯一的排序不应该使用它非常大的打击瓦特医药浪费口蹄疫现在是要归还给股东或删除其价值排序。在第一次世界大战像这种情况下,社会捐赠 As for the cost effective of the thing which strikes CM being anticipated truly The country has categorized lottery CM in reality lt as for such w which it should utilize greatly If the extent which strikes wasteful CM categorizing that much it restores to the shareholder Or if now the oral hoof Raising money it restores to society With such feeling ww
                                                • 厘米国家彩票的成本效益目前中风的预计很少,这样做←真实的CM是唯一的排序不应该使用它非常大的打击瓦特医药浪费口蹄疫现在是要归还给股东或删除其价值排序。在第一次世界大战像这种情况下,社会捐赠 As for the cost effective of the thing which strikes CM being anticipated truly The country has categorized lottery CM in reality lt as for such w which it should utilize greatly If the extent which strikes wasteful CM categorizing that much it restores to the shareholder Or if now the oral hoof Raising money it restores to society With such feeling ww

                                              • 口病的方法在宫崎县(地)停止或推迟关闭市场,拍卖市场的手在九州南部更换符合脚的蔓延岩手县,铀,如果购买一直使用至今在九州南部埃塔似乎影响
                                                The oral hoof in Miyazaki prefecture (like this the [te] to be) with the discontinuance and postponement of the auction of the south Kyushu market which accompanies the infection enlargement of the 疫, So far, it is seen as the influence which the buyer who utilizes south Kyushu changes to the market inside Iwate prefecture

                                                • 呼叫Bikake交付业务,并提高运算商店周围国家基金,通过合作,提请书是专为提高必要的支持和宫崎县其他牲畜的官员
                                                  As for the fund-raising which calls fund-raising via the shop front and home delivery business of the co-operative association of all parts of the country, gets together It is applied to the necessary support which begins the animal husbandry authorized personnel inside Miyazaki prefecture

                                                  • 品种之前,在东国手足口病的发生电视台出现在哪里?民主党人和可能大师 It is TV bureau tsu te where in Governor Higashi Kunihara performs variety before the occurrence of the foot and mouth disease Perhaps it probably is democracy and guru
                                                    • 在东国借此机会,如果韩国希望做一个彻底消除运动 This in the opportunity we want to Governor Higashi Kunihara doing the Korean removal campaign thoroughly

                                                  • 国内牛有43个,如果他们没有发展的速度从大肠癌的食物养活更多的,你有没有听说过这种材料适合你和牛的肠被放牧的大型国际
                                                    43 Because as for the domestic cow the feed ratio of the fodder is many, the colon not to advance the [te], you were grazed The colon of the overseas product cow the [ru] you have heard as a material being suited

                                                    • 在高锅哥哥上杉鹰山勋爵,就在主的优势,在通过和米泽上杉家,我结合到1981年两市缔结友好城市关系。
                                                      In the edge where Takayama Uesugi who is the younger brother of the Takanabe feudal clan main thing, becomes the adopted child of the Uesugi Family and the Yonezawa feudal clan is engaged mainly, as for both city town in 1981 Sisters city cooperation was tied

                                                      • 大阪议员重新考虑我给你买这个,讲一个负质量和骚扰的垃圾民主运气宫崎 (◎Ø◎) !我喜欢这个奇妙的公司 Miyazaki ganbare It is to be defeated to the harassment of the Democratic party and the mass rubbish Iron tsu you buy Osaka it took a second look 92 o Don t you think such enterprise it is splendid

                                                        • 如果有849个,并加强他们知道,如果质量更好的废料污染的程度后,我常吕仲几晃玛莎电视日本眼a是一个调查弹出,通过已知的可能是不小心如何几乎触摸(或法律的Ttashi 19 9%富士我暂停执照和超过20%)你知道你已调整了股票买卖,而我几乎所有的韩国人 849 That certain if it does small amount it makes of the Japanese wake up passing the place kana Pollution extent of the rear mass rubbish was closed knowledge and others well Know it crossed the questionnaire which is put out with TV how random ones die When the last 19 9 which is touched huji or law the 20 it exceeds license stop with adjusting The ro which stocks it has transacted and is the ze where mostly all is Korean what
                                                          • 只需593外国人(韩国人在中国)和民主党官员燃气 593 In any case the foreigner the Chinese Korean Korean and the Democratic party authorized personnel precaution margin

                                                        • 如果这样的地震灾区的姐妹城市,米泽第测定,适用于礼品和钌捐款达100万日元
                                                          When the sisters city suffers in earthquake and the like, being highest, when you send the inquiry money of 1,000,000 Yen, it decides Yonezawa city with bylaw

                                                          • 它会卖她,所以我有我的邻居杰科( ·ω· )拉伸完全改观了我,我会很难得到当你买我的感谢 Iron tsu it is to sell out at neighborhood inside Ω Me you buy Thank you Being troubled extending the hand at the time of the ru
                                                            • Tetchan为此,弹力完全改观了我,我将得到困难时,你买的感谢 Iron tsu you buy Thank you Being troubled extending the hand at the time of the ru
                                                            • 切被卖给她,( ·ω· )你买了它我剩下的分 Iron tsu it is to sell out Ω The amount which I buy it leaves solving
                                                            • 达罗芯片坏了,但我在这里吃,但它不是这个Tetchan Although iron tsu we disliked Now only eating the ro which became and is chitsu

                                                          • 平均每月收入约44,000台85台2008美元
                                                            85 As for the monthly average revenue of Taiwan at 2008 approximately 44,000 Taiwan dollar

                                                            • 快乐的飞行已经初步嘲笑,我石麦漂亮哈马,DVD的,所以我不得不买版本 Happy flight first had made foolish but well enough hammer tsu te end It is the extent which is bought to DVD edition

                                                              • 怎么样州长和原因是穿在韩国,但我担心我的乐烧听到有人说我的立场,表,所以我想严艾希总是谈民族歧视的立场,因为反对歧视
                                                                As for the governor perhaps, hearing the [ru] you think the [tsu] [te] story which has cause in Korea, but therefore with saying, becoming open, as for commenting With respect to standpoint it is harsh, therefore probably will be… in second word the race partner of discrimination discrimination

                                                                • 愚蠢的松树外国旅游。福岛瑞穗,谁是负责管理食品,我还没有捐1元
                                                                  During foolish pine travelling abroad. As for Fukushima Mizuho which is the patsy of food administration, Don't you think? either one Yen is not contributed

                                                                  • 我什至取消出售Hotondo并没有任何贡献,因为溃疡好了,我想这将是一个傻子,但不知道你是否捐赠神奇储 Well there is no reason where not contributing collapses with cause and hotondo influence it is not even in the sale however probably will be if it contributes although perhaps the chance which makes a profit you think as the foolish shelf

                                                                    • 我吃蔬菜,然后炸我! ! !我等待一个星期,但我不是615捐款和救灾物资,以这个凌晨,我还派一名兽医和各都道府县 You eat in the vegetable frying Waiting as for one week iron tsu 615 However there is no contribution gold and support goods Don t you think the veterinarian teacher it dispatches also each metropolis and districts
                                                                      • 伊藤火腿和伊藤火腿Ekofuzu Ekofuzu 356 OEM生产,以“做这个Tetchan”我向 356 As for the Itoh ham and the echo foods the echo foods “iron tsu ” offer to the Itoh ham with OEM production
                                                                      • 我们将让她买这个呢!输入或更改在便利商店的捐款箱!我不知道你感到困倦不稳定,我得到的眼泪 I buy iron tsu konbini with the change you insert in the collecting box Being drowsy the kana which is emotion unstable the tear it came out
                                                                      • 我吃蔬菜,然后炸我! ! ! 615捐款和救灾物资,但我觉得这Tetchan等待滚装船,我也是一名兽医,被送往各都道府县 You eat in the vegetable frying Waiting as for one week iron tsu 615 However there is no contribution gold and support goods Don t you think the veterinarian teacher it dispatches also each metropolis and districts
                                                                      • 我是一个啤酒比赛这方面,我Tetchan宣传噱头? Kunarurashii从明天热,你那珂纹理妥善采取这种啤酒 Publicity stunts… The kana which is agreeable to the iron tsu te beer It becomes tomorrow hot because it seems the iron tsu properly with the beer the texture way kana
                                                                      • 我还你之前,我Nichannera学徒,仅仅一个多星期,我采取这种威 We you nichiyannera learning as for one week with just the iron tsu You pass
                                                                      • 这绝对是拉面如果我好!足,使汤,拉面她vagina ll有炒青菜 When this the absolute Chinese noodles you insert it is good Soup it makes adding Vegetable frying iron tsu and others the me it is

                                                                    • 我觉得对不起苏吃或杀死他无论如何,我会说反正www或非日本人民是你不知道的K粉和精神的胃口好?明天我买了这名男子凌晨现在,你一直在与伊藤火腿杠杆头进入 Temporarily although which it is full and eats you kill pitiful or www saying as for the ru person When it receives with the non Japanese tsu lever where so mind of the chi is not recognized k Temporarily iron tsu tomorrow the wa which is bought it is even with the Itoh ham and says and inserts also thing in the head

                                                                      • 所以,现在,日本应支持感染(潜在)应受到限制,我想很多韩国产品和其他农业饲料,肉类的通路封锁
                                                                        You think then that the correspondence which now Japan should do infection (possibility) should regulate the various Korean products which begin the blockade clogging fodder flesh processed item agricultural products of route

                                                                        • 手流线,希望纳卡消费狂欢的命中率上采取了我这个蛋糕Tetchan成城附近的石井我觉得足球津津乐道WWW的食品!我给你蹩脚的征税研究院夏比预期的效果,如果我有狙这个! Thinking the snack of the tournament of the soccer when it goes to Seijo Ishii of neighborhood consumption rate of the iron tsu leaps at a stroke rising ru kana www S foods kihu where you are nonsense aimed for this if is the effect above expecting was increased tsu
                                                                          • 今天的晚餐是她的捐款将直接从购买此我凌晨头对铁炒蔬菜 When the iron you buy that way it becomes the contribution consist of… As for the present supper the ze which is the iron tsu vegetable frying
                                                                          • 我想在一个狂欢的食品消费命中率这样做Tetchan万维网!我给你蹩脚的征税研究院夏比预期的效果,如果我有狙这个! Consumption rate of the iron tsu leaps at a stroke rising the ru www S foods kihu where you are nonsense aimed for this if is the effect above expecting was increased tsu
                                                                          • 我没有成城石井Tetchan这条生产线采用的蛋糕我的食品邻里足球比赛时,我还是买奶酪驱动tTA的宫崎 Thinking the snack of the tournament of the soccer when it goes to Seijo Ishii of neighborhood consumption rate of the iron tsu leaps at a stroke rising ru kana www S foods kihu where you are nonsense aimed for this if is the effect above expecting was increased tsu

                                                                        • 抑或是因为我的商业形象固然重要,但消费者看到或它在自己的公司“,也就是吝啬”或“贫穷不是唯一的援助,但只是在驱动tTA楚,”我认为我们是去还免费 But therefore trading how image important what whether is the consumer who looked at that selfishly “that enterprise is stingy” that “Gaining when being troubled it does not help” that thinking it keeps leaving and freedom
                                                                          • 抑或是因为我的根志位优秀的日本,不仅有助于在困难谁驱动tTA手流Hanayo s多大意义 NULL

                                                                        • 捐款是免税自己独自在家我仍然足里努! ! →我有我凌晨棕褐色,但我认为这是一个坏的类,如果orz莫茨,无用的酒精orzorz雾岛→爱,遗憾和Kuhi゙说熙!宫崎的人买的火腿肠
                                                                          By your with just home tax payment contribution the [wa] which still is not enough! ! But with you think it is Iron [tsu] -> by your [motsu] useless orz If, Kirishima -> alcoholic useless orzorz Vexatious [tsu] [hi] ゙ [kuhi] ゙ [ku]! With the notion that where you say the ham sausages of Miyazaki the [wa] which is bought

                                                                          • 无论如何,重要的是捐赠谈论防止再次发生,也是重要的原因,以澄清
                                                                            But as for that when so, story of the contribution gold important, for preventing the recurrence, Also the cause investigation which it is thorough is important

                                                                            • 日本生协连日本生协连牲畜5月24日支持提高利益相关者在手足口病,“捐赠,以支持畜牧业正式开始数我从头到脚口病,”合作社呼吁全国合作伙伴Bikakerukotonishita
                                                                              With foot and mouth disease to animal husbandry authorized personnel support fund-raising The Japanese co-operative ream As for the Japanese co-operative ream, “foot and mouth disease support fund-raising to the animal husbandry authorized personnel who confronts on” May 24th entire country We had decided to call in the co-operative union member

                                                                              • 根据该日航总裁稻盛敏控制,所以我们过得幸福
                                                                                Inamori being the chairman, therefore JAL which is under controlling [minsu], the wax which such is rubbed well…

                                                                                • 正如所料,这是一个退税,如不从捐款(我一直在诉讼程序)你家的税 And as for tsu pa here there is no contribution gold the te However return procedure it is from tax it is possible It does with home tax payment the yo
                                                                                  • 税收706家中,实在只是一个儒政治家,象许多政治家,他们知道有没有 706 Even with the politician as for home tax payment but like the politician who does not know that it is possible it is many

                                                                                • 此次捐赠是捐赠,以支持牲畜的官员承认,造成大的损害县和宫崎脚口病,连接受请求协合作,运算与宫崎,日本和君子生的日本Bikaketamono电话办公室

                                                                                  • 濒死体验我读到一篇文章关于Sun Tetchan本 肉酱 中医于该我应该让你做了一个小荏原宫崎一些关于捐赠的食品,我认为有 Reading the article of the iron tsu Always ebara food what which does CM of the flap of the burning meat A little although the contribution money should have been produced to extent Miyazaki prefecture the tsu te you thought
                                                                                    • 我只是尽量以电子邮件或致电519?博物馆和晚餐,荏原,还有别的东西,我 519 The just a little mail it tries telephoning ebara and the dinner mansion other something the kana which is

                                                                                  • 然而,获得更深入的了解捐款和支出的结构,私人如果地方政府嘿!
                                                                                    Simply, How it combines the fact that expense and the private contribution gold of the municipal corporation are mixed the [e]?

                                                                                    • 牛以及作为一个从青岛小牛肉类进口基地的日本未来的“牧场”杂志的苏
                                                                                      In the future not only the cow, importing the calf from the Chinese Chinto, as the Japanese flesh base you intend the” large ranch”

                                                                                      • 现在我会说我觉得对不起这些农民的孩子和孩子处理这些白菜做西西朱达罗朱达罗,就像浪费了单一的生产调整 The farmer dealing with the cabbage this child pitiful tsu te saying although the ru This time this child w The ro w which is wasted simply and is The adjustment of production like ro which is rubbed this
                                                                                        • 周五朱达罗所有物种。现在,我将告诉废物处置或产品,如这些孩子做我让他笑万维网 The ro which entirely is the gold kind That the thing it is wasted likely with dealing saying although the ru This time this child www It can amuse

                                                                                      • 现在,我不动那正是我买了这一点,因为穷人凌晨激素Kuruo买酱油!我也买了一个黑色的雾岛Kuruo! Therefore hormone weak point because the iron tsu moved however you cannot buy The flap is bought You buy also rear black Kirishima
                                                                                        • 奶奶在我做什么我都会买Tetchan这是你可以吃,但现在几个 Iron tsu a Before however several degrees you eat The wa which this time is bought
                                                                                        • 我有这个凌晨荷尔蒙,但并不是因为它好买,买酱油Kuruo!我也买了一个黑色的雾岛Kuruo! Therefore hormone weak point because the iron tsu moved however you cannot buy The flap is bought You buy also rear black Kirishima
                                                                                        • 我被罚款,有樱花横峰支持一个晚上喝了黑色雾岛没有我就买它甚至这个小高, As for we some being high you buy The iron tsu evening serves wine and also side peak Sakura supports properly with black Kirishima
                                                                                        • 我认为你必须筛议案现在我正在朝着这个500 Tetchan?瓦特 500 Because the iron tsu moved it does not move you do not obtain it is it isn t w
                                                                                        • 我这样做是因为我吃Tetchan激素较少的卡路里和体重也就不足为奇了按摩等有印象 There being an impression the iron tsu may get fat massage you did not eat but unexpected and calories it is few it is the shelf Therefore hormone
                                                                                        • 艾达很讨厌伪君子这样(゚゚д),无损检测F゚慈,我一些地方,他们就卖Tetchan我这? We dislike such hypocrite ゚ д ゚ he ゚ tsu It is with iron tsu somewhere with somewhat selling the ru it is
                                                                                        • 这是Tetchan恩戴我就蚀最后查塔,零食饼干( ·ω· ) As for the iron tsu yesterday food tsu chi ya tsu it is it is with As for knob biscuit Ω

                                                                                      • 瘙痒和疼痛的发言,它不仅要取消我佛子配偶或受扶养免税额扣除额402
                                                                                        402 The [bu] which dependent treatment or deduction for a spouse is abolished it is The [bu] [tsu] it includes, Painfully to do and do itchy go

                                                                                        • 米泽三十郎市长安倍晋三在记者招待会传染病24的动物,“手足口病(系统化本),”中宣布捐款一百万日元,使该镇的宫崎县高锅姊妹城市发生
                                                                                          As for 30 郎 Mayor Abe of Yonezawa city in regular press conference of 24 days, It announced that domestic animal infectious disease “foot and mouth disease (like this the [te] says to come)” inquiry gold 1,000,000 Yen is sent to Miyazaki prefecture Takanabe Cho of the sisters city which occurs,

                                                                                          • 米泽捐款牛肉生产的1亿日元的姐妹城市,以宫崎县宫崎县高锅米泽市,口蹄疫,牛原产啤酒- -
                                                                                            Foot and mouth disease Yonezawa city inquiry gold In sisters city Miyazaki prefecture Takanabe Cho 1,000,000 Yen From area of production of Yonezawa cow, to area of production of Miyazaki cow ale - -

                                                                                            • 给我一个点,而经合组织宫崎牛肉(顾你什么时候发现应用程序吗?)
                                                                                              I the Miyazaki cow got (application writing out each other time reach on the one hand with the echo point? )

                                                                                              • 美味的两倍,如果你觉得你是她的习惯,以提高宫崎和间接地吃这个方便,花花公子
                                                                                                When iron [tsu] you eat, being accustomed to the feeling which indirectly has raised money in Miyazaki, two degree tastiness it is,

                                                                                                • 联系Murakamishinnosuke哦! Tetchan东西我按摩和木匠的市川将从ー泰尤Murachiku姬路dismantling ll发言Renjazubarei murakamishinnosuke You succeeded from Himeji Ichikawa murachiku it is and Or the te you say or as for the raw materials of the iron tsu the renjiyazubarei chi ya u are

                                                                                                  • 蔬菜等,日本品酒师协会,与商业资格。我觉得这一次我会带来相当捐款
                                                                                                    Japanese vegetable sommelier association what, With qualification commercial law. Having extremely, from the [ru] in this case you think that we should contribute,

                                                                                                    • 警方说:“我想通过的路线和公共机构和当地政府办公室的捐款和捐款帐户”,并且只能称为悬
                                                                                                      Prefectural police calls “we want keeping leading the window and account of the public system of fund-raising and contribution the self-governing community etc”, that

                                                                                                      • 让我看这次经济衰退使马乔在我们不知道我留下了深刻印象,甚至原来的公司不会忘记851 851 Originally however even the company name you did not know you were impressed You probably will not forget that manly spirit is shown to this depression this much
                                                                                                        • 让我看这次经济衰退使马乔在我们不知道我留下了深刻印象,甚至公司名称将不会忘记 However even company name you did not know you were impressed You probably will not forget that manly spirit is shown to this depression this much

                                                                                                      • 足够的人得到帮助,但Na m从如此之深味好我这来了,我买了Tetchan瓦特商誉(包括我虚伪)是不是在踢与新闻界,北海道,但也不告诉你,我们如果他们不说我讨厌那家伙说什么像焦糖,他们也将促进良好 Because iron tsu taste it is dense it is poor what So w which is bought to helpless extent Good intention hypocrisy to include those which are pushed or However it is not something being said by someone The raw caramel guy of Hokkaido nothing saying If hateful expression it does it becomes also the good advertisement probably will be
                                                                                                        • 闯关感觉身体已经恢复说话这么多,我觉得我一直在做的只是一些虚伪的家伙瓦特ü或自我广告或公司,他们说这种行为 Just that in the extent where feeling is not settled became motivation it is the wa w which is When behavior of such enterprise it is hypocrisy that it is self advertisement however the person who says it is

                                                                                                      • 这些捐款将被包含或者捐赠村上真之助私营公司总裁3000万日元
                                                                                                        President Siosuke Murakami of the same company being the individual in the contribution gold, also 30,000,000 Yen which is contributed is included

                                                                                                        • 这只是给涵盖消防吃宫崎县的任何产品,我将涵盖垃圾荡妇贫困群众
                                                                                                          The mass rubbish is backing [se] something, and others even with the pauper The Miyazaki commodity eating, shooting only backing it is but

                                                                                                          • 这是采取正确的肉食品食品商标,公司已发布
                                                                                                            It is trade mark of the food for the burning meat which the iron [tsu] properly, the s foods corporation has sold

                                                                                                            • 进行筹款公司联合肥料(OK便利感谢)Hatena公司Komeri有限公司,大荣公司Komeri有限公司七Apita欧共体与劳森家庭Aihorudingusu导航(九州) Fund raising activity execution enterprise Uny Co Ltd circle K sankusu apita Daiei Inc komeri EC Nabi Corporation ending Corporation komeri Seven aihorudeingusu huamirimato Lawson in Kyushu area

                                                                                                              • 铁板烧餐厅,酒店获得财富的“山茶花”,她和他的儿子修饮食Itirou
                                                                                                                The griddle burning store inside the same hotel “the [za] it is?”, with the Yukio person, Period Ichiro of eldest son and meal

                                                                                                                • 雫石全城。总部设在岩手县。里诺塞Kisou赎回,直到5月21日线三天的牲畜市场,20日两天的前一个月上升了百分之十一,价格平均上涨08天的平均上升3个百分点 Shizukuishi Cho all In Iwate prefecture headquarters In the domestic animal market to 21 days as for the May auction which 3 days was done as for both days of 20 also the 11 rose at front month ratio average value 3 days the even 8 rose at front month ratio
                                                                                                                  • 雫石全城。总部设在岩手县。里诺塞Kisou赎回,直到5月21日线三天的牲畜市场,价格上涨平均百分之08 Shizukuishi Cho all In Iwate prefecture headquarters In the domestic animal market to 21 days as for the May auction which 3 days was done as for both days of 20 also the 11 rose at front month ratio average value 3 days the even 8 rose at front month ratio

                                                                                                                • 驱动tTA电子邮件答复的内容和传输存在的,答复的内容,以及谈话录音电话,可有效一些,
                                                                                                                  Presence of mail contents and the reply mail which you send, UP of sound recording and the like of reply contents and telephone contents If it is, perhaps effective

                                                                                                                  • )为组合对应支付给地方政府的贡献37条规定第一款及公司利得税3和第78条第一款的所得税2 Concerning it corresponds to the financial contributions for the municipal corporation which is stipulated in the income tax method 78th provision binary 1st number and the income tax method 37th provision 3rd section 1st number
                                                                                                                    • 如果您已被写入造成的误解,减少所得税47,稳定增长的现金,因为峨 47 Income tax decreases and How kind of to write causes misunderstanding it has done but because cash out increases securely

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