m在这要成为一个国际成员,丹麦只有英俊美丽瓦特 > The Denmark social networking service where just the Yosio beauty of worldwide each country is accustomed to the member
It is doubtful at this point in time, but perfect score what w
1至3个百分点的支持率被认为是高的SNS会像在日本,当我第一次听到有很多人尝试注册懒得穿着看,男人你真的不会误差非常1 5人,谁该名女子在接受3我在一个,我也明白,这是化妆依赖于妇女的高比率更压倒性认证 Approval ratio saying 1 3 high being said even with in the first place Japanese such a SNS Finding the human whom it tries probably to register specially is no person it is even at point in time Whether to be tremendous there is no error range it is not that As for man in 5 as for one person and woman in 3 in one person approval tsu te point in time woman preponderantly At certification ratio high point in time being influenced by the make up it probably is with the ru tsu lever and
我很高兴在这样一个美丽的家伙把我面对的SNS锄头瓦特说法是没有人格善于合理小姐 Entering into such a SNS even with the beauty rejoicing as for the ru person wa it pulls w With approximately the face the character beauty is good
1至3个百分点,如果手术率很高你不感到羞耻滚装朱达罗湿重仅约如果我是错的,鲁莽Tsukanai湿重差异形成索托 If fairing ratio it is high only 1 the 3 be ashamed of the fact that it does not raise ww It fairs and if the tsu te ru which is sown the ro ww to which saw toe difference is not attached and tilts distantly
我们只能接受行如果丑陋的恶魔基因的通过,而这样做的错误在塑造未来 So doing even from now on while the error to demon converting in fairing It should have kept succeeding the busaiku gene
罗马式建筑或工艺Fottoshoppu启发他们如何在塑料或w自豪我生活在怎样的呢?瓦特 Processing with fairing or huotsutoshiyotsupu when it is beautiful w Such it is with bragging how it does it is w
2008年,该指数自当前蔓延的基因缺陷,1997年(基准年?)嗯,难怪他们更为数千倍的发病率 Because it is gene defect, it spreads exponential function
Presently in 2008, 1997 (base year? ) It has not become outbreak of illness ratio of several thousand times, wonder
30:55编号:Uw6RME0F WOWOW最近流行的美国拉斯维加斯法医剧播出的故事在美国9个赛季的第六个儿子的倡议·韩国龙 钾,卖淫是非法入境女子,居住在韩国的形艾滋卖淫婆婆背着你不能说释放手枪英语及谋杀案的药物颜射一次手枪威胁周围用锤子谢谢Fabyo我只是一个警察程朝鲜非法入境者,他们与所有的屋檐在调查凯塔这有趣吗?我知道美国或其他,人们对彼此的印象 30 55 ID Uw6RME0F The American popularity scientific criminal investigation drama which was broadcast recently with WOWOW 9 season of CSI Son of 6th K dragon In story of the Las Vegas South Korean The Korean woman of the illegal entry which it fairs Prostitution occupation With shade of prostitution HIV In medicine The handgun firing homicide English is not possible that you probably will shoot with the handgun the a facing toward huabiyo tsu te officer menace Surroundings to protect with only the South Korean of illegal entry in everyone investigation with non cooperation The natural sign of American s imitating knowing that like this it is what it was funny
NULL 92 No REPT ta ゙ lt ni gt nita ゙ 92 nini one 92 REPT ¯ ¯ REPT 92 92 REPT omoni REPT l 92 92 REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 REPT 92 92 92 92 lt No REPT gt i and and No l to a REPT 92 nini nita ゙ 92 one 92
。:: 92 No REPT ta ゙ lt ni gt nita ゙ 92 nini one 92 REPT ¯ ¯ REPT 92 92 REPT omoni REPT l 92 92 REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 REPT 92 92 92 92 lt No REPT gt i and and No l to a REPT 92 nini nita ゙ 92 one 92
当时,他没有配偶驱动tTA韩国难以处理性别畸形是一个美丽的女人采取大量的殖民势力,一个女人不丑,强奸并怀孕,他们将通过白痴 At that time the Korean man where the spouse who is troubled with the processing of sexual desire is not the mass beauty the woman whose going to the side and remainder are scurvy in the suzerain You rape to the deformity and idiocy become pregnant
NULL Yes Japanese No Korean NO NO Inferior morning Person Monkey Are you Japanese Chinese No Japanese Yes Korean Yes Inferior morning Person Monkey Are you korean Chinese NO NO Japanese NO Korean NO NO Inferior morning Person Monkey University student 90 3 in appearance as for complex… woman construction as for boy height 賎 race under present ton sail 賎 person no person Like whether “the man where the back is low is defeated and ruza group ” with while speech of the talent which is said becomes topic reflects this of with the male student by his most “height” answering the part which feels the complex 24 It was most with the 4
NULL It is the descendant of the slave and the prostitute History of the tributary slave is shy DNA is inferior It is the mixed breed Inferior morning Person It is the monkey It is small country which was put to go shogi The Korean degree of distinction is low It is the country which is not the existence impression The Korean culture is minor Are you Chinese Chinese Yes Japanese No Korean NO NO Inferior morning Person Monkey Are you Japanese Chinese No Japanese Yes Korean Yes Inferior morning Person Monkey Are you korean Chinese NO NO Japanese NO Korean NO NO Inferior morning Person Monkey 94 of university student in appearance as for complex… woman construction as for boy height 賎 race under present ton sail 賎 person no person Like whether “the man where the back is low is defeated and ruza group ” with while speech of the talent which is said becomes topic reflects this of with the male student by himself most “height” answering the part which feels the complex 24 It was most with the 4
Shikarou嫁给了一个日本人的美,不是我美丽的韩国人不Shikarou美丽,你可能洒他们丑恶的交流Kunaru我不怪? The Japanese only the beauty and marriage the wax is the case that we becomes beautiful The Korean probably will be beautiful is not the case that we becomes scurvy Will not and others changing
Shikarou日本的美,不是我美丽的韩国人不Shikarou美丽,你可能洒他们丑恶的交流Kunaru我不怪? The Japanese probably will be beautiful is not the case that we becomes beautiful The Korean probably will be beautiful is not the case that we becomes scurvy Will not and others changing
保持个人的外表是不是放在语言技能是穷人,我想会更好,日本的SNS是啊我就开始分歧与数字将被提交 Therefore beauty or ugliness so leaving in linguistic ability the Japanese being inferior A quantity which it registers applies to the SNS in the first place is different don t you think it is
SNS柔性,将进入和渴望的摊位没有任何困难,你没有任何类似的好看的家伙,如果他们确实进入了比赛朱达罗真好看面对复杂激烈的有 As for entering into that SNS the ro which is the race which is the complex and the yearning which are tremendous in the face If the ho it is with beauty shape such a not entering te beauty shape of the same type getting together in the companion It does not inconvenience and
韩国有什么好看的,但没有多少希望他们看看第一个漂亮的饺子脸颊狐狸驱动tTA责骂他的到来对这一令人遗憾的事实是日本的外观 Beauty shape tsu te of the South Korean appearance Japanese This is truth When it was vexatious beauty shape of the fox eye where the dumpling rode in the cheek It is the extent which is wanted showing
[Yannomu』白,如果[Jjokbari』日文,中文,甚至相当被称为[Doaenomu』,普通话,广东话,泰语,日语,中文,我不难看约克Zawazakisamara其他大腿等显示details ll调用如果在第一人民说出该国病患使用的立场是充满陷阱 If as for white '[yannomu]', Japanese '[chiyotsupari]',
Even the Chinese calls '[doaenomu]', but the Beijing language, the Guangdong language and tie language, with Japanese and Chinese specially coming and others scurvy gook either the people of other country first do not use the how to call looks down upon from the [tsu], it is
[韩国]找到了精神分裂症的遗传组成韩式(中央日报)[韩国]“不正常,韩国36%的小学和中学心理健康”(中央日报)[小学和中学在汉城- 25%有行为障碍(中央日报)[韩国] 17%的小学学生有抑郁症的可能性日报(朝鲜) Discovering the be inherited element of the Korean type schizophrenia (Central Daily News)
“Small junior high and high school students 36%, mind healthily abnormality” (Central Daily News) Konaka high school student 25% of the Seoul region Conduct obstacle (Central Daily News)
17% of elementary school students possibility of melancholia (The Korean daily report)
“韩国人,塑造”这只是罗马式建筑令人振奋,朝鲜遗传层面上,“真正的你会想要一个脸手术,”你的意思是你可能 “The South Korean who is faired” just being beautiful As for the South Korean at gene level very that “ the surface tsu kind of lever which stops wanting to fair” the ro which is what
因为她很容易识别血液混合和中度面对干净,没有听到许多许多基因组合美丽地区的扎塔 Because the woman mean the face is recognized clean The blood is easy to blend you heard that the area where the various gene blended the beauty is many
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iiiiiii iiiiiii至三 三二 2 ●● iiiiiii iiiiiii iiii III II 92 II 92 92 92 92 92 92 92
○○较弱的增长,可实际上片桐松启二○○建设-是否我不喜欢很多人争,我瓦特人的制度播本半岛和包村 If construction it is completed and the pine ○ celebration ○ and cheaply it probably is the ○ forming ○, but really
The Katagiri entering like person it is many, don't you think?, peninsular type [tsu] [te] w
As for man Hari book, gold village
一个由日本“日比韩国罗马式建筑令人振奋”或“罗马式建筑中鼓舞人心比,日本”我说的话,我从来没有表现出这种文化的标准是什么,我不暗示日本好或者我 The Japanese one by one “The Japanese is more beautiful than the South Korean” that “the Japanese is more beautiful than the Chinese” How you do not call lines This has shown standard of living tsu te ones As for we the wa which is good being the Japanese
中国皮肤好,但驱动tTA Chaiesu顾行,我觉得这是真的,我曾经代表甚至与吸力面是不正确的,美丽的白古 However Chai s it goes well as for the skin of the Chinese being white truly the clean shelf It seems however there is that it sticks tsu te expression you thought that it is true
中国的三大国有丑陋生产要么达成协议,朝鲜,日本,无痛苦或昆虫,这是因为玛丽塔Ajiamongoroido蒙古人生活以东 The [ro] which is good separately with whichever and is
Because worldwide three large awkward production nations are the Chinese, Korea and Japan east Asian Mongoloid race
The fact that it is born in Mongoloid race only is grudged
丶条件不好 ∀ Relations it is good 丶 ∀ The married couple had lived But that probably to warm each other in the cold night to move aside the body The partner is sad when it is being trying embracing warmly They are to damage the mutual body with mutual era д
人们∧ ( 〜〜〜〜〜〜ヽ ∧ Person д In ikemen wind “ 丶 ∀ REPT
丹麦的社会网络服务可以成为会员工作Byutifurupipuru“Beautifulpeople只有英俊男子世界之美(社交网络)”。的COM,wwwww Ku m wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww喷洒在这次来的学生的思维是什么 The Denmark social net where just the Yosio beauty of worldwide each country is accustomed to the member
Becoming such a nonsense member, there is no reason whose heart of the human whom you rejoice is beautiful
丹麦的社会网络服务可以成为其成员的工作只有英俊美丽的世界第一(社交网站)“Byutifurupipuru”Beautifulpeople。的COM,我刚刚注册了这个最酷 1
The Denmark social net where just the Yosio beauty of worldwide each country is accustomed to the member
Working service (SNS) “[biyuteihurupipuru]” Beautifulpeople. As for com,
Such a bean jam
The [wa] which just a little is registered
乔纳金亲自为自己更好,678管理整容手术之前,如果我说好基达 678
Privately we like [kimuyona] before the fairing
The [te] you say or, the make-up how, margin
但仍然是一个全国性的疾病,“孩子们”的事,我插了疾病的10岁进入21世纪左右,从峨欢迎他们作为一个人,更具破坏性的方面预计 有个声音告诉我说,大屠杀可能成为自韩国 20% 45岁的男子与人际关系。失败的可能性(韩国)与人格障碍的内容,强迫上述地点49迷恋其中超过百分之七十。 4%,回避34。 7%的人想出结果 But even presently the national illness outbreak of illness “of the child” entering into the 21st century it increased rapidly with the notion that where 10 years when he et al becomes the adult further devastating aspect is supposed from around after as a race This already whether it becomes self horokosuto … 45 of the man of 20 years old personal Seki Possibility of obstacle Korea With contents of the above mentioned sight 7 tenths or more with personality obstacle coercion characteristic among those 49 4 Evasion characteristic 34 The result of the 7 has been produced
但仍然是一个全国性的疾病,“孩子们”的事,我插了疾病的10岁进入21世纪左右,从峨欢迎他们作为一个人,更具破坏性的方面预计 有个声音告诉我说,大屠杀可能成为自韩国 20% 45岁的男子与人际关系。失败的可能性(韩国)与人格障碍的内容,强迫上述地点49迷恋其中超过百分之七十。 4%,回避34。 7%的人想出结果 But even presently the national illness outbreak of illness “of the child” entering into the 21st century it increased rapidly with the notion that where 10 years when he et al becomes the adult further devastating aspect is supposed from around after as a race This already whether it becomes self horokosuto … 45 of the man of 20 years old personal Seki Possibility of obstacle Korea With contents of the above mentioned sight 7 tenths or more with personality obstacle coercion characteristic among those 49 4 Evasion characteristic 34 The result of the 7 has been produced
你不是偏离塑料脸部,腿部和身体不好的态度在总量平衡的长期和短期O和许多日本人民是一个全球性的标准分腿坏了没有办法 How in fairing, from the facial deviation value which becomes, with total balance
The torso long foot and the O leg being many, as for the Japanese whose attitude is bad
Amount being bad with global standard there is no manner
你知道你是一个外国人Rushiryu Ajianbyuti什么?片桐它被认为是从一个外国人可以Ajianbyuti烤? The [ro] which is [ajianbiyutei] [tsu] [te] [rushiriyu] what of the foreigners?
If you see from the foreigner, also the Katagiri entering being [ajianbiyutei]?
你还高喊矫形手术在其他国家,因为我将丑陋的代名词,日本女人,我种 Therefore Japanese woman [tsu] [te] foreign countries pronoun of [busu]
Don't you think? fairing having faired and calling repeatedly here, the type
兄弟姐妹和人权法和Yaniki Xabungle戈公,我期待中,如果我看起来很丑,和娱乐要笑龟田 [chiyon] face [tsu] [te]
Hong Kong and Chihara sibling and [zabunguruaniki]
And [yaniki], Kameda like and
It is the face which the awkward entertainment you laugh
入学标准,“无塑料,没有化妆,”我认为,不少男女下降参考输入,当我年轻的瓦特和欧洲地区,中东和南美洲美杂种每英俊我认为唯一剩下的砖瓦特 When “fairing failure, make-up failure” [tsu] [te] standard you insert in admission condition
Considerably, you think that the man and woman of number drops, w
Only the mixed race Yosio beauty around young layer and Middle and Near East and the South America of the European part area remain it is with w which is thought
刘玉玲也是外国人内心深处的东西我想我会觉得我丑吗?如果喜欢可爱的日本偶像的东西,我将高达413台志位和愚蠢的傻子?中国和台湾应 Thinking that also the foreigner rushi riyu something with intention is busu whether the ru it is it is not The idle like of Japan thing it is ridiculous lovely 413 Don t you think Taiwan the highest Also the Chinese Taiwan is good
刘玉玲也是外国人内心深处的东西我想我会觉得我丑吗?再见了一个女人不喜欢可爱日本偶像?中国和台湾应 Thinking that also the foreigner rushi riyu something with intention is busu whether the ru it is it is not The idle like of Japan thing it is ridiculous lovely 413 Don t you think Taiwan the highest Also the Chinese Taiwan is good
到这里来,关在封闭或生产英俊Rerujan最强的国家,如果球越过了英俊美克惹连续收集 If breeding it continues inside Korea which is gathering of the Yosio beauty strongest [ikemen] is born
Not coming to this, becoming isolated, the [ro
半岛强奸Kunizou博技术,制造,泡菜料理代表半岛,把垃圾饺子,尝粪,扁桃体阴毛在火寄生虫,食物碎屑,狗肉成香肠等佐清碗!周二疾病流行扯下百分之百的人塑造的东西的Burgers Three large country skills of peninsula
Rape, fabrication and arson
Representation cooking of peninsula
Parasite entering kim chee, leftover and dog meat cooking, kitchen garbage entering 餃 child, 嘗 droppings, ton sail
Shade hair entering sausage and [sukekiyo] bowl etc etc!
Being popular in the citizen, [ru] ones
Fairing… 100 [pasentopakuri]
Fire illness
吃狗看井面,比茹和野蛮撒上一摇你闻到口臭,如果聂万年和日本人民是更加友好和开放的人 The dog 喰 it is with the plane surface face Furthermore nin The niku smell bad breath scattering when you compare also with the ru savage The Japanese opens being much kind They are the people
吃狗看井面,并与野蛮人比较茹假装我洒大蒜气味和呼吸,如果日本是更友好和开放的人 When the dog 喰 it is and with the plane surface face furthermore the garlic smell bad breath scatters and compares also with the ru savage the Japanese being much kind opening is the people
野蛮的国家没有什么不同的客户,你知道,这里的人们擦亮齿梳整齐,我什至可以洗澡 Savageness it is not and others different from the country It is good or the people here polish also the tooth securely and it enters into even the bath it is
吃,如古狗脸在飞机上井野蛮丑陋和比较Ritakutsu他们与我们的客户Gukku涂点燃苦化妆棒的外观和588层,是对中国谦虚,但他们有信心 To be scurvy the savage dog 喰 in it is On plane surface face The make up of 588 layer we would like to paint uglily the tsu going back and forth and others gutsuku comparing ru and The Chinese is being humble furthermore self confidence fully
在飞机上吃井古狗的野蛮丑陋的脸,他们涂Ritakutsu客户点燃苦看对韩国人化妆,坚持与588相比,Ru层下等,在中国是谦虚,但他们有信心 When to be scurvy the savage dog 喰 it is and with on the plane surface face the make up of 588 layer would like to paint uglily the tsu with going back and forth and others gook compares the Chinese is being humble furthermore self confidence fully
哎呀,如果我可能会在整形无可爱,不要紧 There is no fairing with well enough lovely There is no te or a relationship
哪些是经常丑陋,但即使490,我的意思是我更美丽,他们没有漂亮的风格瓦特太多的分歧,不美富场 490 However busaiku it is many the beauty it is rather many The tsu te you say or ikemen are many and w which is foreign As for style without hanpa calling and
因此,他们没有考虑到美丽的人是高兴恩戴这个愚蠢的社会网络成员可以成为会员,只有丹麦英俊美丽的世界 The Denmark social net where just the Yosio beauty of worldwide each country is accustomed to the member Becoming such a nonsense member there is no reason whose heart of the human whom you rejoice is beautiful
由于高强度塑料(不知道甚至塑料一列)他们不是英俊多美?哦,好吧,无论 Even fairing the system which does not understand the Yosio beauty is many with favor of high fairing power it is it is not Well however how it is good
在世界各地,如果不那么漂亮,大唇大克惹非洲例如,它可以混合使用任何茹data m喜欢的,他们的国家的当地文化,踢分钟,大多数人对美的美与不希望浮在模具上得到平均认为,智力迟钝 In the world for example the African lip the deca ke re deca it is the extent beauty like When it mixes also the data perhaps it becomes so but when you divide with the respective national regional culture Generally most people are not the beauty The kind of average which you can think that there is with a beauty surfaces
在世界各地,如果不那么漂亮,大唇大克惹非洲例如,它可以混合使用任何茹data m一样,他们的国家的当地文化,踢分钟,大多数人对美想要得到的平均浮动模具认为,精神发育迟滞 In the world for example the African lip the deca ke re deca it is the extent beauty like When it mixes also the data perhaps it becomes so but when you divide with the respective national regional culture Generally most people are not the beauty The kind of average which you can think that there is with a beauty surfaces
在中国似乎一直在关注妇女的冰壶比赛当天很多人的博客,许多博客的“团队青森”已发布的照片和消息的支持 Way in China many people have viewed the Japanese Chinese game of the curling competition woman many buroga by their The photograph of “team Aomori” and message of support are published to burogu
特别是,“团队青森”冰壶女子国家队被称为非常熟悉了从电视上正在回升 Especially as “team Aomori” the famous curling competition woman Japanese representative team the television So it is very famous from the fact that it is picked up
在亚洲特色和中国,日本,韩国现在更密切和更系统的啊,我的立场,当看到孤立D是日本株异质性 Furthermore the immediately nearly Korean Peninsula and the Chinese of Japan are the Asian peculiar O system, heterogeneity of the Japanese who has the D system which is isolated being prominent, it is visible
在塑造的审美力量346扭转污染,他们是嫉妒晴雨表的崇高精神不 346
Is not beauty consciousness and envy heart it is humble, the barometer
Is dirty to heart the opposite that fairing large country
多么美丽韩国从峨朱达罗它似乎更细长,他们看起来像你啊 什么是“错误的不一定日 If well the kind of face which is similar Because even the one where the back is high it is visible as a tsu the ro which is visible beautifully and is Therefore whether Korea gt necessarily by mistake there is no either Japan
大多数韩国人清楚地看到在施工前棒球运动员Renashi手又认真丑陋,日本和韩国人这么多足球一边凉爽太怜再瓦特 As for large portion of Korean before the constructing [maji] awkwardness
Without care if the sport player you see, clear
The baseball, the Japanese the [ike] surface multi does soccer which very,
The Korean excessively sorrow w
如果我们降低流行特点什么是假的更多韩国498井获得良好的敬意成败的问题 498
It probably is the impersonator, but it probably is what, if but feature of the Korean is decreased, the [mote] [ru], it makes supply
Well enough life and death problem
就个人而言,我很国扬在手术单的格式和规定的时间wwwwwwwwwww在10出了8个wwwwwwwwwwww格式和乐趣? At the point in time when it fairs privately out tsu te ru country which it fairs with single konpu and sows it is wwwwwwwwwww As for 8 people it has faired it is in 10 people wwwwwwwwwwww
我衷心国1月1日wwwwwwwwwww单一的格式和乐趣遵守的8项?格式化wwwwwwwwwwww 10 1 tsu te ru country which it fairs with single konpu and sows it is wwwwwwwwwww As for 8 people it has faired it is in 10 people wwwwwwwwwwww
废塑料在日本沓由西145死线,我们只能到邻近国家,只有符合了日本,因为它丧失资格的人是你的宝贵 我在日本灭绝那么,日本无人驾驶被截断从下面丑陋的一天,我来踢消极的遗传缺陷如无手术邻居,除非我必须比以往更加Ganbaranai或将永远是我死 Therefore the Japanese fairing rubbish the te me and others human being disqualified keep coming out of Japan It should have gone into the country of next door From ku tsu occasion die 145 gt gt Japan it exterminates So in Japan it truncated from under So probably will be even from now on Unless than it perseveres more until now it is not good Unless so it is without fairing the day when it is defeated to the neighboring country of gene abnormality comes With the tsu lever awkwardness die
121个基因是不好,但如果将工作,因为我还是个孩子的孩子将生活在一个什么行不通 121 It probably cannot construct to the gene and the child the wax which how is completed As expected when it constructs from time of the young child it probably will be unpalatable and
当地雇员的故事,如果一个美感的韩国青年率说“ gt The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated”
“高手外科。什么样的故事并不比韩国年轻审美 ( ö ) gt The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated”
“高手外科。嘿,我有一个故事,赞美我的美学,如果朝鲜青年率 ( ö ) gt The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated”
“高手部手术。不是故事的一个年轻的韩国美学率”“高手部手术。不是故事的一个年轻的韩国美学率”“高手部手术。假如青年率什么是韩国美的故事。“ “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated”
“高手部手术。不是故事的一个年轻的韩国美学率”“高手部手术。不是故事的一个年轻的韩国美学率”“高手部手术。假如青年率什么是韩国美的故事。“ “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” “The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated”
高手外科。我的故事,如果没有勉强的速度美学韩国青年,这是不是什么荣格的故事肯定是只丑陋的东西我万维网 The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated whether lt chito www as for “ biyuteihurupipuru ” tsu te whether the chito group www
我们生活在绝对价值793 ü型号也是这样做的许多谁不看好他们的决定是什么或它看起来像只沿着这家伙的条纹从许多好的色ñ他并非是最好的 793 Such rubbing absolute value is not decided If as for the model which is agreeable to the taste of many people inhaling with such feeling in only extent it is Because that blends color is the taste of the person it stops being best for many people
非什么“就是摆在首位,美容戴诺的绝对关闭Ginaindakara超过审美”的标准不是绝对不 In the first place it is the beauty it is hu ゙ su riding the thing is no more than a beautiful feeling therefore it is absoluteness “standard” It is not It is not no matter what
我们说的良率和D型菌株广泛分布在地中海,中东和亚洲和E这不是同一个种族的,Y是一个非常古老的制度,但不是在基因 In addition as for this D system also YAP type is said the Asian race compared to it is the Mediterranean coast and the companion of the E system which it is distributed to the Middle East widely is very old system even in the Y gene
我会做张涌左颧骨什么? ーー 3 ー 二 ,和r Ÿ( 3 ー u003d u003d( 米( The cheekbone it has protruded with chiyon tsu te something Three 92 two r Y Three mi
我住在余下的352基因的铁路,为什么?不罚款。正在使用的经验,不仅因为他们说,有关当局的原因是什么?让我们来看看效果不好立即杀死脂肪丑陋Tteru仍然留下了许多他们滥用权力生活的丑陋阴险你站在它面前是一个英俊的肌肉于哭是好的,仍然 352
The [garigari] gene survived with something?
Non- detail. Just it was used even it is not understood because of excuse of the person in power?
Also former times being thin even now, [ikemen] which is the muscle being superior, passing, it is thing
Still many [debu] awkwardness surviving with the cunning power abuse of your awkwardness the [ru]
Kill directly
It is the eye affecting
我只是没有狡猾的智慧和历史的证明大脑最高1月日本284 284
Brain the Japanese highest it is
History has proven
狡 Ken just it is not
我是来自中国的年表现得像个数千基因作为一种优良的奴隶在外交赞扬,被称为朱达罗,如果我失去了一个漂亮不漂亮 In morning Mitsugi diplomacy several thousand years excellent gene As a slave the Chinese way presenting because it hurt The ro tsu te which is not the reason where the Yosio beauty remains and is you say
我要杀死所有的垃圾和垃圾信息从日本骨科朱达罗没有用改变由基因决定的价值马祖我是男人我形自觉 It fairs and hanging, it is our conscious excessive what,
Value being decided with the gene, although the [ru] changing, the [ro] which is wasteful
Private information producing also the Japanese fairing kudzu rubbish, we should make everyone murder,
手术前我要压迫整形外科80 278,并成为一种行为暴露时间毕业生在韩国的高,而不是所有的丑陋残酷%的不理解国家的形成习惯 278
Before the fairing terrible [busu] the [tsu] being temporary is Korea
When it becomes high soldier/finishing and large soldier/finishing time, it fairs
It is fairing, you are hard on that it flies,
In habit of 80% fairing nation it is you act from the [wa] of dividing
整容手术的SNS促进产业?如果执行主任说,一分钟手的美丽和整容手术。达罗率是多少? With advertisement SNS of cosmetic surgery boundary?
As for opinion of routine work the beauty = fairing hand. The [ro] which is ratio?
无损检测丑陋从塑造孩子结婚→结婚恩戴丑陋的孩子从塑造,永恒的循环湿重 Fairing, getting married, the awkward child bearing, -> fairing, getting married, the awkward child bearing,
Eternal loop ww
无论如何,我在这篇文章中,无论如何,对不对?韩国青蛙?茂木从韩国大声看到这些数字,我想我有一种感觉这个组织多少? “日本人不关心总的结果是不可能的脸,只创新未来将破坏与韩国相比, Temporarily how the South Korean being entwined to this article of the se the ru it is the ro which is The South Korean looking at such statistics because it started making a noise the like feeling which you comment the organization here how without “As for the Japanese as for comprehensive ranking as for the face which is not in the air first it is not but Korea it just is compared it comes with the ira tsu
无论如何,我在这篇文章中,无论如何,对不对?韩国青蛙?茂木从韩国大声看到这些数字,我想我有一种感觉这个组织多少? “日本,整体结果令人担忧,今后将打破只创新与韩国相比, Temporarily how the South Korean being entwined to this article of the se the ru it is the ro which is The South Korean looking at such statistics because it started making a noise the like feeling which you comment the organization here how without “As for the Japanese as for comprehensive ranking as for the face which is not in the air first it is not but Korea it just is compared it comes with the ira tsu
日本女孩,跑步会让你会看到这一切嵌入式IDE美浓缺乏对话的看法分歧,因为它是流行说洛里也正在接受治疗,以便与海外流行,一般华丽所谓一个女人谁是有吸引力的 Because as for the girl of the Japanese the te and with misunderstanding of being convinced from the running tsu chi ya u with that being called the mote ru in the foreign country there is popularity in rori without conversation It is said that generally the gorgeous woman is more attractive
洛里说是从流行的是真正的天才也与流行的日本游客,通常被认为是较有吸引力的一个美丽的女人 Because the Japanese mote ru in the foreign country there is popularity in rori It is said that generally the gorgeous woman is more attractive
日本阿伊努及内地,几乎没有显着差异,阿伊努人的O亚洲地区作为一个整体应变亚洲广泛分布在脚,西藏在日本唯一的山地项目的影响已在左侧的制度D被视为 In other words in fact Ainu and the mainland Japanese there is no great difference Adding the Asian type O system was distributed to the Asian whole area to Ainu widely it is thought that D system remained in only Japan of the island country and Tibet of the mountain
日本阿伊努及内地,几乎没有显着差异,日本和亚洲大陆的主流阿伊努O线的脚 In other words in fact Ainu and the mainland Japanese there is no great difference Adding the Asian type O system was distributed to the Asian whole area to Ainu widely it is thought that D system remained in only Japan of the island country and Tibet of the mountain
是不是不关心手术的男性和583名妇女?什么是丑陋的塑造,家庭,或让我觉得更重要的收入 583
Therefore both the man and woman fairing it does not make the air, don't you think? it is, -?
Awkwardness becomes with anything in fairing, birth and annual income thinking the importance, so
有趣的是,“博客com在美国各地的主题咒语”youoffendmeyouoffendmyfamily。捡起了这个故事,以及 American [burogu] “youoffendmeyouoffendmyfamily which is put together concerning the topic whose each country is interesting. com”
This topic is picked up
有这么far from日本的经验,我已被视为一个公平外国人比从country or更大发展的另一dimension Past of Japanese
Because there is a result, the treasure it is done equality as a strange Japanese from the country which evolved into above that at another dimension
朝鲜人民和美丽的群岛肯定谁我们真的是不能差...........这是最好的亚裔韩国......... It does not serve to the Korea race certainly even with beauty
Are truly our archipelago people worst.
If the Asian nation it is the Korea race highest.
朝鲜日报-韩国-编辑自杀的国家和世界[03 / 25]进入2010 / 03 / 14 25:58:36 [韩国]当然有关的自杀率在大多数经合组织高古的朝鲜日报文章来源:,每天35人[03 / 24] Republic of Korea which becomes suicide country the greatest in the world [03/25]
Source The Korean daily report Article input : 2010/03/25 14: 58: 36
Related [sure]
To be highest in suicide mortality rate OECD, 1 daily mean 35 people [03/24
查看详细妇女女子,居住在拉丁美洲,美国是更性感,该国妇女在不热许多人并不热情“,”均衡饮食,并在有一个充满爱的文化, ITI公司野洲美的教育是“正如临近评论 The woman of the Latin type which lives in the South America produces the American woman compared to sexy As for the woman of hot country the passionate person is many” “at the place where there is a culture which dietary life and the love where balance comes off is confined Also the comment that the beauty is easy to be brought up” is moved aside
南比,国家,而且也美,韩国美容,其中往往密切相关的文化和饮食的手术,假的欺骗文化 The beautiful person it enters in every country but it is related closely with culture and dietary life … You cheat Korea where the fairing beauty is many culture itself of fabrication
格雷格霍奇批准执行董事成员的“公司税率,3名韩国女性比男性 高达百分之18%的日本人,韩国女性高达29%的妇女百分之一的日本人”,“高如果手部手术。我有一个故事,如果一个年轻率朝鲜美学“显示,认为 guretsugu of the same company As for hotsuji managing director “as for member approval ratio as for the South Korean woman From the Japanese man the 18 of 3 rise the South Korean woman was the 29 of 1 rise from the Japanese woman” While with to do “the high fairing hand The viewpoint that beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” has been expressed
1塑料手高。韩国人没有选择,因为我有一个故事,如果一个年轻的美学率韩国 1 The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated Therefore the Korean there is no manner
1,而“高手部手术。我有一个故事,如果一个年轻的美学率韩国”显示,认为 1 While with to do “the high fairing hand The viewpoint that beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” has been expressed
增长3%,18%的男性从日本,一个朝鲜女人从南高达百分之29%的日本女性“和”高手外科。,韩国的美的故事,如果我年轻的速度。“结果表明,认为 From the Japanese man the 18 of 3 rise the South Korean woman was the 29 of 1 rise from the Japanese woman” While with to do “the high fairing hand The viewpoint that beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” has been expressed
如果我作为丰西瓜我心里也包括海外。我知道我更全面进步比日本审美乳房看起来不自然进出 Yutaka like whether it imbedded even with the watermelon of the foreign country of When the exposed unnatural chest you see The Japanese one advancing beauty consciousness considerably the wa where ru is recognized
格雷格霍奇,该公司执行董事“高形的手。我有一个故事,如果一个年轻的美学率韩国”显示,认为 guretsugu of the same company As for hotsuji managing director “as for member approval ratio as for the South Korean woman From the Japanese man the 18 of 3 rise the South Korean woman was the 29 of 1 rise from the Japanese woman” While with to do “the high fairing hand The viewpoint that beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” has been expressed
% 他继续说,”高手外科。真是一个美丽的故事,年轻的韩国人不率在“视图显示的 gt From the Japanese man the 18 of 3 rise the South Korean woman was the 29 of 1 rise from the Japanese woman” While gt with to do “the high fairing hand The viewpoint that beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated” has been expressed
玛丽塔自己的儿子将工程学生工作面临的丑恶嘴脸。儿子古朝鲜与谎言,面对丑陋的谎言 As for this person facial construction as for the child which is born awkward facial manufacture. As for grandchild awkward facial construction
Lie the attachment and lie the Korean race which is attached
看看什么是风中奇缘动画主角?因为他们美丽的亚洲脸被认为是典型的西方峨 It tries looking at the woman protagonist of [pokahontasu] [tsu] [te] animation?
Therefore model of the beauty face of the oriental whom the European-American people think
真正的孝道或严重,我想我是想在教育马祖口号开始,我就会躺在Pachinandakedo 557 557
It is that password
It started on education site, you think that it is,
Being serious, in filial devotion
To tell the truth however the lie [tsu] [pa] it was associated
穿着漂亮的装饰吻朝鲜内部如何可以吗? (笑)这就像我给你们带来了韩国人?大阪 50 ↓高买食品,韩国中学教师被捕,呈现存储为一个扒手比以前 5月25日一个侧面说明 社会科学与教育 How arrival decorating cleanly don t you think content the South Korean e … Laughing The Korean Korean no lever it is what whether the tsu is ↓ It arrested the junior high school lecturer of foodstuff 50 point shoplifting and the Korean register that social studies you teach it shoplifted even before the… where assuming store side note 05 25
他们谈话的细节显示了良好的高度朝鲜人朝鲜人没有根据实际的数字,一个真正正派的人坚果韩国白痴主题得到良好的英语发音 It does not go down truly It is the topic which the Korean likes Pronunciation of height figure and English The topic which the Korean likes The fool it is ill smelling It is truly foolish The Korean it seems
罗马式建筑鼓舞和韩国面临的不是一个正方形的眼皮?这在世界上的差异和韩国人美感瓦特 When square it is and the Korean of the single eyelid of the face is beautiful W which is difference of beauty consciousness of the Korean and beauty consciousness of the world
笔者,标准与美,并展示每个人的想法的问题,日本维诺 prompt glade h认为这是相当于韩国的美驼峰,选择都表示难以选定玺是 As for the writer as for the standard regarding beauty whether it is not each person that we display doubt The Japanese assume that you think that it is beautiful equally to the South Korean has expressed that it is the selection whose it is difficult to choose which
美丽的韩国妇女工作,被用来操纵在什么是塑造专家组您只想加权爆盛日WWW的胜利 _NULL_
荒川静香Charizuenjeru欧洲或人,我看起来像偷窃半岛东部的美丽和标准 When it is Europe and America, it is the standard patience [ma] peninsular face of the oriental beauty,
Person or Arakawa Sizuka of char lease angel
葛根可采取由骗子太丑陋我让你不明白的机械基因的表达?如果警察使用这些丑陋的是可能卖什么你卖相当小的鱼反正会杀了非工作罢工的手段希望如此丑,大家可以去我不是一个错误的刑事,可怜的丑陋驱动tTA比普通垃圾的家伙,不管是什么 The face the machine which is understood making from the gene
You there are no times when the swindler kudzu awkwardly it is deceived now! When the [tsu] [te] it sells
Well enough sell the shelf which may
The police among those producing to use, as for awkwardness the mistake calling to the offender, with thing
Whether awkward everyone it stops being
By all means we want becoming so
The spots kill the awkwardness
How the [se] small fish, whatever doing, the kudzu which is inferior is awkward from the normal person
许多妇女在东京的美丽,他们会混淆的美丽朱达罗417融合东方与西方在从东京,冲绳或音频编入当地的基因携带省,或者说,他们伐丽流很多美丽的,丑陋你soooo丑陋 417 If west and east to blend the ro which is the beauty Because the local graduate person bringing the gene of the district it combines the fact that the beauty is many in Tokyo in Tokyo That Okinawa the beauty is many it is said but busu is ge busu which is done
该书的博教授Huruta 676妇女在朝鲜。我是安装一个教授的照片早10长期封闭,其他女孩真的眼皮看看颧骨鳃他们面临一个方形排列的新月回报恐慌眼捕鱼,非常美丽,他们从程远 676 In the book of Professor Hirosi Furuta the North Korean lady Temporary it is surrounded in about ten people it did young and the photograph of the professor of time was recorded and hurt but Already the ho it is with as for the women being even square it is and in the face in the single eyelid with the cheekbone gill bone as for the eye with the fishing kind of eye which reverses the crescent moon It is far from beauty very
该书的博教授Huruta 676妇女在朝鲜。我是安装一个教授的照片早10长期封闭,其他女孩真的眼皮看看颧骨鳃他们面临一个方形排列的新月回报恐慌眼捕鱼,非常美丽,他们从程远 676 In the book of Professor Hirosi Furuta the North Korean lady Temporary it is surrounded in about ten people it did young and the photograph of the professor of time was recorded and hurt but Already the ho it is with as for the women being even square it is and in the face in the single eyelid with the cheekbone gill bone as for the eye with the fishing kind of eye which reverses the crescent moon It is far from beauty very
该博客的自然语音辜同样也是美丽和智能团队和Ilmarine中日本队,“元桥马里球员确实看起来像一个罗马式建筑令人振奋!”,并表示中国,在这个文件马里和其他球员,“团队青森”我等着作为普及高 In addition similarly as for the natural 〓 voice person of buroga we to assume that the Japanese team and the Chinese team were wit and beauty combination And others “this bridge flax village player is beautiful nevertheless truly Even in China this bridge flax village player e g ” with you talk It begins it seems that the popularity of “team Aomori” increases
中国博客。孝夫先生在自己的博客,“在智力游戏和冰壶运动员是日本元桥马里阿尔卡蒂备S和我期待和鼓舞人心的罗马式建筑情报”进行了评价 Chinese buroga As for the 俊 benevolence person with burogu of the self “in the curling which becomes intellect game Japan This bridge flax village player has held beautiful appearance and intellect” that you have appraised
踢不容易看到的哭声不被身体写了一个女学生和26第一次世界大战埃勒的回答到复杂的感觉。在许多最7%,鼻子12。 8%,10歯并比加。 7%,15对皮肤和头发的质量。 3%4%11 6面的影响,07年的下巴轮廓。和9%,并继续 gt era the kindliness which is not written being visible it can cry ww With the schoolgirl feels the complex in construction the question detour answer which 26 To be most with the 7 the nose 12 8 and dentition 10 7 quality of skin and hair 15 Size of 3 and face 114 6 contour of jaw 7 It continued with the 9 and the like
15井出以下质量皮肤和头发。 3%,11面的影响。 6%,其中11具尸体。 2%,鼻子08。 6%,7歯并比加。和4% Next quality of the skin and the hair 15 Size of 3 and face 11 6 and construction 11 2 and nose 8 6 and dentition 7 It was the 4 and the like
辜仲已变得丑陋的厚嘴唇就像一个鱼子我,但在弹出的眼睛肿眼金鱼有扯掉,我没有太多丑恶ugly ll赫拉章 As for [chiyon] [busu] whether [tsu] but
The lip [tarako] being thick likely, the eye being puffy, the spatula stretching with the Deme gold, [ru] ugly [busu] is many
这可能是“是女人的漂亮的韩国”,“雪猴丑陋魔鬼,”我也是承认自己丑猴子魔鬼乐烧日本人说害怕有可取之处,并持续了6年,这个想法会 You can call the achievement which continues this to span “of beauty “ogre domesticated fowl and animals Japanese monkey ugliness” of the South Korean woman” 6
Perhaps, also the ogre domesticated fowl and animals Japanese monkey recognizes the ugliness of oneself, probably is resigned
这是我使他看起来平均化妆品制造商日本Tashika TTP的:/ / image.blog.livedoor.jp / tomov808 /国际医学学位/电子/ 4 / e492fb84的。jpg Even face of Japanese
As for this the person who was made at the certain cosmetics manufacturer
ttp: //image.blog.livedoor.jp/tomov808/imgs/e/4/e492fb84. jpg
这种疾病是不知道,可能是火灾等危害症状额叶脑损伤的 最先进的地区 Perhaps the same root as the fire illness but this is the brain damage As for condition damage of frontal leaf the highest level region
韩国 精神障碍的新种“危险水平(2004年),” 我是韩国人的爆炸摧毁了额叶 New species mental retardation “dangerous level 2004 ” The frontal leaf being destroyed ru South Korean sudden increase
那这样的新闻,“Hitomodoki”,“机器人”,但事情是一长串的评论继续污蔑,最近敦促右翼马铃薯衰净 When it is news of this hand, but those where comment of the slander slander, “[hitomodoki]” “android” continues meanderingly, recently also spirit of net right wing became weak
阿伊努人是主流的非亚洲Ø株古,D是一个完整的体系,大陆和日本冲绳Zatteiru O复合菌株 There is no O system of the Asian main current in Ainu, it is complete D system, O system blends to the mainland Japanese and the Okinawa person
难道他们不出来密切华丽的选择从白人亚洲人的说我是729?大多数模型出售是亚洲唯一一个干净的脸像白纸白只有一个 729 Therefore it is the gorgeously the white says close Asian person is chosen it is it is not The model which sells the Asian face mostly as for just clean the present like the white it is not with the white
难道他们不出来密切华丽的选择从白人亚洲人的说我是729?大多数模型出售是亚洲唯一面对的不只是身体,如白色, 729 Therefore it is the gorgeously the white says close Asian person is chosen it is it is not The model which sells the Asian face mostly as for just clean the present like the white it is not with the white
韩国整形外科手术前环球小姐“,日本没有选择出来,没有人预期”,并刺★ Before the fairing the mistake universe Korean representation “you choose Japan with no one was expected”, that, [chikuri] *
颂中华绒螯蟹人或色调,但水平都相当高当地形成难看的经济力量恐怕総籍跨度应看累了做同样 As for the Chinese person however level is rather high depending upon the district chiyon to be fearful is busaiku generally … Because the fairing end unit has done the similar face it makes being nonplused
额外 Being defeated
高手外科。我有什么故事←欺骗年轻,如果韩国美容万维网率“,Byutifurupipuru”我们是一个万维网的骗子集团 The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated whether lt chito www as for “ biyuteihurupipuru ” tsu te whether the chito group www
然而,所有的调整。即将结束对日本韩国的美,你知道什么有趣的万维网 Although is all integrals The ro www where the South Korean saying concludes beautifully from the Japanese something is strange and is
高手外科。我有什么故事←欺骗年轻,如果韩国美容万维网率“,Byutifurupipuru”我们是一个万维网的骗子集团 The high fairing hand Beauty consciousness of the South Korean whose ratio is young is indicated whether lt chito www as for “ biyuteihurupipuru ” tsu te whether the chito group www
鳞状齿源性肿瘤,日本板栗,你笑的人才这个非人类的智力Tteru面孔Toppuikemen韩国演员?尽管他会頑張原田在日本NHK以及行事 The face of the Korean [totsupuikemen] actor the person the other side knowing Japanese laughing talent and [kurisotsu], the [ru] non?
Well, also Harada the actor industry persevering with NHK, however the [ru
? ? ?只能他们与韩国和日本和中国在西方人?智慧亚洲人都喜欢,喜欢猴子,或者很慢,你是不是对我感兴趣,并没有区别 The South Korean and the Japanese and the Chinese being able to distinguish in the western person The oriental entirely the monkey tsu po to be The intelligence late tsu po to be with about the tsu te Whether those which is not either the distinction handle or interest
钟女士还850种鸟类伊莎贝拉伯德说我去日本美看起来比西方人六合蒂卡,是美容和最亲密的人普遍对西方的阿伊努人 850 Bird young woman as for chiyon the figure calling to the western person soon more beautifully than the Japanese saying the seed The izabera bird when the Ainu person it is close to West European had praised the beauty but