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“Although democracy administration is criticized strongly, at all there is no voice that it is made to do to our people,”,…The Liberal Democratic Party camp irritation ★4


  • 大批量生产这种债券是愚蠢的,有政府债券6700000亿日元仍然广阔
    > You overissue the government bond in such foolish thing, still 670,000,000,000,000 Yen there is an enormous government bond which is said

    • 米不是说忘记经验的责任存在之当日或什么的终身雇用或兼职工人或甜
      Very self responsibility or presumption or free tar lifetime employment That day which was said is not forgotten [ze

      • 11 四郎限制到小于5 000 000万元遣散费薪俸降落伞均匀,Tsuka现在,无论如何。假设你打算在投票前民主党参院选举 11 gt Salary of order exerted from above restriction margin now immediately retirement lump sum grant 1 000 000 or less of even 5 000 000 or less The handle how the se Before call to the Democratic party of the schedule which votes even with House of Councillors selection
        • 11 四郎限制到小于5 000 000万元遣散费薪俸降落伞均匀,Tsuka现在,无论如何。假设你打算在投票前民主党参院选举 11 gt Salary of order exerted from above restriction margin now immediately retirement lump sum grant 1 000 000 or less of even 5 000 000 or less The handle how the se Before call to the Democratic party of the schedule which votes even with House of Councillors selection

      • 834思想不敢的,10年后,我成了一个老男人,我没有资产层 834 Tries thinking after 10 years later the layer which does not have property keeps becoming the old person it is

        • Netouyo就是为什么你也许觉得很方便自由,一个自由主张这种冷静,通过燃用一个“民主合作”,并自民党“的崇拜。”原则的古怪行为 As for netouyo on the other hand for our people whether it is not annoyance that you think the reason which To such calm our people supporter the simultaneous ku it is the “democracy operative” to recognize The strange conduct principle that “you praise” the Liberal Democratic Party

          • [日本] Tachiagare自民党选举中,竞选村冈Tachiagare日从选举合作的方向比例,秋田县立章选举研讨会上的发言-自由-谁招募叛逃从自民党的片山虎之助Tachiagare日本(74)至任命前外相中山] [自由民主党政治(85)退出意图“您上次的地方就业”或政党在选举竞选[10 / 05 / 24]
            Rise with the Liberal Democratic Party to the direction of Japan and election cooperation Rise you greet with the seminar of Muraoka and our people Akita prefecture ream which from Japan run in proportional selection Rise Japan The Liberal Democratic Party Toranosuke Katayama who leaves a party (74) informally deciding supporting Former Foreign Minister Taro our people Nakayama (85) intention of secession “Last public service” in House of Councillors selection from new party running [10/05/24

            • 中产阶级的家伙有很多的临时禁令。自民党和民主党没有一个国家是在党的识别下降是叛国
              With dispatch rescindment mass middle class person. As for the Liberal Democratic Party which was dropped into status the national ruin party As for the Democratic party treason party

              • 中川昭一(已故)先生,他的手臂相当于小学休会我Darashii × Nakagawa the deceased both arms × doing in the elementary school student suitable it was dented it seems
                • 中川昭一(已故)先生,他的手臂相当于小学休会我Darashii × Nakagawa the deceased both arms × doing in the elementary school student suitable it was dented it seems
                • 中川昭一(已故)先生,他的手臂相当于小学休会我Darashii × Nakagawa the deceased both arms × doing in the elementary school student suitable it was dented it seems
                • 中川昭一(已故)先生,他的手臂相当于小学休会我Darashii × Nakagawa the deceased both arms × doing in the elementary school student suitable it was dented it seems
                • 中川昭一(已故)先生,他的手臂相当于小学休会我Darashii × Nakagawa the deceased both arms × doing in the elementary school student suitable it was dented it seems

              • 乌诺是友谊比赛与精神只能责怪自己有一个很好的主要瓦特
                Fighting greatly well enough Only responsible shift the friendship mind which it is not possible oneself w

                • 于国内产业。保护方面的培训,青年就业喜好日本,日本的首选就业,粮食和水危机的日本经济的管理措施,领土完整,保护资源,保护该国。保护,该国。增强的和平外交+
                  Domestic industry superior. Rearing protective measure, Japanese young person priority employment and Japanese priority employment, countercyclical measures Crisis management, territorial integrity and resource integrity of food water of Japanese, country. Integrity, Country. Reinforcement + peaceful diplomacy

                  • 众议员和政治家退休后的政府官员的薪金纳税早于每一个人,自己是一个漂亮的东西,但我不能说这将是很好的,清脆的球滚韩国 Tax increase compared to first salary of the government employee and salary Assemblyman annuity of the politician After however the za ku za ku it should have been the Korean ball roll it is not possible Who it does and those where by himself is lovely
                    • 退休金?你会觉得如呢?酱场让他死?是啊 NULL

                  • 但是,这是他们的过去和疚所做的爱国主义不是日本, So that because of Japan you do because of patriotism is not what ashamed ones
                    • 是啊我博客工具,刺激爱国主义思想 burogu which thinks of patriotism So is building it increases

                  • 但是,,相舛添了叛逃后的茂木前财政部长与谢野馨薰洋一,卫生部长和前营领袖“的混乱后,党又苦
                    Simply, Masuzoe main point one front public welfare work phase and secession of Yosano 馨 original financial affairs phase and others one after another, as for camp staff “as for intraparty Chaos continues

                    • 低收入群体,是因为我将去的人与一个大数目,他们讨厌自民党,公明自由崇拜,他们这样做我将我选择无家可归两名自杀或welfare m好得多民主党人现在更新公明党和自由民主党邪教很容易得到,因为我被劫为人质,并没有任何东西是生活保障和福利的生活,我从一开始游戏 It is low therefore the human of our people abhorrence income earner layer majority group don t you think Therefore even with cult our people fairness homeless peolpe or suicide two 択 don t you think As for such people the current Democratic party is to call directly You can receive also welfare simply die Because with cult our people fairness welfare or guarantee of life there is no at all Life has become the hostage therefore it is from first it does not become game
                      • 626中产阶级的心态,你只需要发送到人类生活的收入低的人真的不相信 626 As for 100 000 000 entire middle class you think that as expected it is unreasonable It is low even with the income earner as been able to lead the life which the human seems With just what it does in calling the yo

                    • 你知道你是什么?有前途?驱动tTA的人将离开党和仅存的债务,那么公众的安全。我只是有这个税的形象,是没有理由支持自民党 How the ro which is what Promising As for the person leaving a party as for remaining just debt the rear citizen is cheap Tax There is no reason which is only such image supports the Liberal Democratic Party
                      • 你知道你是什么?有前途?驱动tTA的人将离开党和仅存的债务,那么公众的安全。我只是有这个税的形象,是没有理由支持自民党 How the ro which is what Promising As for the person leaving a party as for remaining just debt the rear citizen is cheap Tax There is no reason which is only such image supports the Liberal Democratic Party

                    • 保守党是说只能有一个伪的保守和社会党与反对党进行比较的天空
                      When you compared with opposition party such as Japan Socialist Party, you can say that it was the false conservative party from just maintenance, probably will be

                      • 保质期从民主党,自民党消费满一年后,另一方是中国(可能茹)出健康,我们有什么选择呢,毕竟在一个产品的货架寿命在
                        The Democratic party appreciation expiration, the Liberal Democratic Party consumption expiration 1 year lapse, But as for the other parties during the appreciation time limit whether the Chinese product (healthy damage comes out,) The [ri] [ya] which how is done after all it is to call is

                        • 党的新Huzikawa正人(49)“我将离开这个国家民主的未来并不危险
                          The same party new member Fujikawa governmental human person (49) “Having left to democracy, in the future of this country it is dangerous

                          • 八十九瓦特轴朱达罗错误的国家。 ←→不冲突的概念与非首选←着眼于经济利益无视金融→康复
                            89 The [ro] w where the axis is strange and is Country. Negligence <- -> national interest concern Restoration of sound government finance <- -> business priority Unless so it is, there is no opposition concept

                            • 再次,自民党也有坏的一面,我可以Hidokunakatta远说我还是会去做的夜晚。 (ü ω )“优于民主”,这样你就不会为任何人的其他投票 Once more our people there was a useless aspect but it was not terrible to here No lever and speaking still from the ru it is not is u Ω “ mashi no one voting anymore from democracy ” it does the yo
                              • 102 ,自由民主党将是无用的,如果我什么也不做,但破坏了自由民主党 102 If gt our people useless if with democracy democracy useless it is to be only our people
                              • ω )“优于民主”,这样你就不会为任何人的其他投票 gt Our people there was a useless aspect but it was not terrible to here No lever and speaking still from the ru it is not is u Ω “ mashi no one voting anymore from democracy ” it does the yo
                              • 再一次。我们可以深刻地请告知我的自由民主党,开始数,愚蠢的傻瓜,我不认为在这些行 Once more please have our people stand up The fool who already is swindled with such lines thinks that it is not
                              • 小泽一郎和自民党党和民主党解散或(临时)或我得到的任何工作 Or the solution party doing the Democratic party and the Liberal Democratic Party the Ozawa new party temporary with it makes make

                            • 分发邮件的副本,电子就在附近他的网页并表明有 gt The sedan chair stone Secretary General vicarious execution which is enthusiastic Being on the rush to Ozawa protection It announces also the encouragement mail gt With the volunteer “ our people supporter changes name with the net and the like gt on the basis of the conscience of that article using the plural terminals gt That many citizens that try criticize” when the Liberal Democratic Party operative has instigated public opinion gt Distributing the copy of the mail of the Ozawa encouragement which was contributed to itself home page you showed it was
                              • 我自愿连续按自己的良心,但我会主张?谈及此事,“间谍!W”的词是用它治疗 While having done with the volunteer on the basis of your own conscience don t you think the simply supporter Like this if you say “the operative w” it probably will be said

                            • 分钟让你更多地参与,但胜在中国的低工资,他们已经采取了包括放弃共产主义和资本主义的中国,苏和就业方向不应该在中国的延伸产业不仅是消极的生活并不罕见 However you do not understand whether or not China it can win wages low China throwing away communism because you boarded to capitalism Unless there is a direction which extends the industry which is not defeated to China employment is not born
                              • 是的,他不会让我不希望有一个强有力的经济增长Yohodo焦虑外需,我觉得老人消费小鸡伸低工资工作不安全感的天空 The so and others low being wages employment insecurity old age insecure consumption does not extend therefore it is if outside demand is not considerably strong the ro which economic growth how is not possible and is

                            • 前原诚司 花小泉的父母恨
                              Maehara > you do not see, the [ho] > the blastopore > Osawa > Hatoyama > Chiba > the long wife > other democracy > the Koizumi parent Large [kirai] shelf

                              • 及(船桥,千叶县)地方选举是一个原则,支持妇女在迷你小夜愚蠢的研究员
                                Furthermore local selection ( Chiba prefecture Funabashi city ) So [bakasayo] of [huemini] it is fidelity to support

                                • 唯一的基因完全改变了,与农薬祖署的当地雇员的现实所取代,并尝试收获的杉木气味的内容空洞
                                  When you exchange with that rice field of actuality, when it tries harvesting with gene recombination of the agricultural chemical [zu] [ke], as for content of the fir empty

                                  • 因为即使在所有外国人匍匐在普选的外国法律和人权,因为它是这样一个东西,出来的自由民主党说,他们做和自民党 Even kneeling on the ground diplomacy is that the Liberal Democratic Party administration does in brief Even foreign carrot administration even the human rights bill after all proposing that the Liberal Democratic Party probably will do

                                    • 因为我只是太饿了手流博きく不貞腐有人指出他们错了_测试
                                      Being pointed out the mistake of the test Becoming sulky, because the just hungry ghost which has become the [ru] too large is the _

                                      • 因为民主是不好的,如果没有良好的自民党和民主党叫醒无Ijan毕竟,下一个非自民党和民主党您 Therefore democracy useless there is no reason which after all becomes our people it is If democracy useless it designates the next as democracy other than our people the yo
                                        • 什么人是坏的,因为我喜欢谁自民党民主党是一个很好的民主党人,但几乎没有任何有很多 Therefore the Liberal Democratic Party useless but as for the Democratic party tsu te person Sawayama like it is Don t you think the Democratic party is and says and as for the person almost is not
                                        • 我说自由Tteta狼或人中年得这么好,瓦特狼党 However someone says wolf middle age therefore as for our people the wolf political party w
                                        • 自由呕吐,如果民主党能自由选择可爱的偶像,至少我是相同的狗屎 As for our people as for gero and minsu droppings If the same lowest I choose our people
                                        • 自由民主党! !获得一个好的手朱达罗来到困扰吧! ! !什么也很明切 As for our people opposition party The ro which is the bill which the favorite selfishness is done until now Well but minsu what…
                                        • 自由,社会民主党,共产党,公明 他妈的瓦特民主 Our people and corporation people common property fairness gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt democracy As for this gachi w

                                      • 在当今世界,已明确区分两个层次的权利和实惠Karenai既得利益集团所谓的音频胜 Current society the vesting layer which is called victory group Clearly 2 it was differentiated at the layer which cannot be kept in the benefit

                                        • 在我最终口是心非这个自慰名护市线程是Rupizu(笑)党击败民主党是默认爆炸(瓦特
                                          Being at the point where [rupizu] tries masturbating with such a [sure] Being the side field old, ultimate two tongues (laughing) as for the crushing defeat of the Democratic party which is exploded established (w

                                          • 好吧,如果你关闭了赌博的资金来源第一个球,但没有用,除非它们是不可能的建议国民离开朝鲜
                                            But well, if first blockading the ball inserting gambling of money source, it does not provide retreat advice to the party of the North Korean register, useless

                                            • 如果你认为投票是一个外国人笑话普选,我Tarashii眼睛感觉变得如此危险,各方政治瓦特法案 When to think you vote that foreign carrot administration is joke the bill may be formed When it becomes and it is the dangerous political party the eye awakened w which seems
                                              • 第国籍法案。只有责任,特权取消外国资金的禁令,禁止柏青哥 In bill nationality provision Requirement foreign privilege abolition remittance prohibition and pachinko prohibition

                                            • 它是坏是头部出现在Netouyo古和可怕的草生野洲478 478 When the grass you heal head badness it is visible enormously so netouyo
                                              • “有Netouyo”哦,我将有热情的人谁使用或〜瓦特 Still “ netouyo ” being enthusiastic using the ru person it is it is a w which are

                                            • 对埃塔的全部结果认为伐丽流回答敌对国家的优势不言而喻习惯的所有要求
                                              In demand for hostility country that lose the merit, It is thought as the result of answering with all full amounts

                                              • 小泉进次郎↑(带大在于从诺努和救世主或Zirou善熙真正的新闻漂白家伙)
                                                Sinzirou ↑ Koizumi (from premature celebration of Sinzirou Messiah reporting bleach person of actual large liar guy)

                                                • 小泽一郎和旧社会党,社会民主党,公明党缺席或政治改革,但留下来的唯一途径,自由民主党不无
                                                  Ozawa and old Japan Socialist Party, the corporation people party, the political world reorganization where Komeito does not stay?, only leave to our people there is a road

                                                  • 小泽恫钱邪教。如果你有一打胡散臭做横路石井,千叶
                                                    In power of money constitution Ozawa 恫. Ishii… Yokomiti Chiba suspicious are and

                                                    • 当Tsuka Asou,等我们想报道,大部分的政策本身朱达罗Doinai政策的最什么的媒体说,他只是一个坏峨哪些具体而W是面条价格即时或几分钟读取做一件事情这是一个小学水平或没有采取认真的脚高差来看,民主党可以粉尘质量瓦特 That the handle Aso time concretely some policy was useless the ro which the person who can say almost is not and is Even the mass communications itself reporting policy almost don t you think it does w When something it is price of the cup noodle which does not understand well misunderstanding You listed with maji and the pace was elementary school student level democracy and the mass rubbish w

                                                      • 愚蠢的老师和成员动员Busayo Ntsukyouso m泡菜厌倦不可能的一半选民的工会,民主党人在一些剩余的代理商
                                                        Half of the voter has been nonplused to the mobilization of combined Nitukiyou group from the [busayo] member and foolish teacher where, remaining part with the kim chee operative… The Democratic party is unreasonable

                                                        • 我怎么活下去的所有517名民主党人在玛丽塔的?他们甚至不知道很多愚蠢的人 517 In the first place the Democratic party tsu te how doing it was born Even does not know the foolish citizen who large number
                                                          • 他抓住每个人都像我一个健全的和民主党 Party of everyone The Democratic party tsu te Sound being similar the ru don t you think

                                                        • 我提出几点一零零零零零零零零零零零零零零日元自由党政府债券发行的政府债券增加了712自由自由的敌人的敌人预算的经济措施,以减少敌人的财政紧绌债券
                                                          712 The government bond several 100,000,000,000,000 Yen as for our people who were made the enemy Our people who decrease government bond issue with shrinkage public finance the enemy In supplementary budget of countercyclical measures the government bond our people who are increased the enemy

                                                          • 战争宣言是一个可怕的恐惧比鸠山209闹剧
                                                            209 Farce Hatoyama declaration of war is more fearful than that

                                                            • 执政党和在野党真的从未有过一票的聚会,民主现状(重新选举,因为选举两位数负)
                                                              At the ruling party and the opposition party collection vote is different at all, therefore as for democracy maintenance of the status quo (reelection of the House of Councillors selection which is defeated)

                                                              • 排序只是探讨每194业务,即老百姓的自民党的支持者,但也Iranai ü认为狗屎是不是民主埃泰考虑任何事情,甚至Iranai自由运动 民主党中指truck m站在 我怎么样? Ru和愉快的发言看Kunaru民主卡车邪恶 194 At each time business categorization is seen as for the Liberal Democratic Party supporter You think the thing of the general populace as the kuso shelf where nothing is thought However democracy iranai our people iranai The tsu te how When the advertisement car of democracy you see it becomes feeling bad
                                                                • 不,我住玛丽塔保守的自民党党以外,我觉得是很重要 As for well the political party other than the Liberal Democratic Party of conservative type being born you think that it is important
                                                                • 排序只是探讨每194业务,中指普通市民,而且在自民党,民主党Iranai ü认为狗屎是不是也Iranai自由运动 民主党truck m站在考虑什么埃泰, 我的意思吗? Ru和愉快的发言看Kunaru民主卡车邪恶 194 At each time business categorization is seen as for the Liberal Democratic Party supporter You think the thing of the general populace as the kuso shelf where nothing is thought However democracy iranai our people iranai The tsu te how When the advertisement car of democracy you see it becomes feeling bad

                                                              • 政治罗盘(经销)民主集中,友好,公明党↑↑,自由民主党社民党↑↑,积极→→→→→→→→■←←←←←←←←消费税上涨大家↑↑↑↑↑日共↓↓财政改革党,翻译了新的国家站在↓↓↓↓↓,,,重要的国家利益↓↓ Political compass distribution chart Amicable concern The Democratic party ↑ ↑ Komeito ↑ Corporation people party ↑ The Liberal Democratic Party ↑ Everyone ↑ ↑ ↑ Japan Communist Party ↑ Consumer tax tax increase lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt Positive financial policy ↓ ↓ Reformation party ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Citizen new ↓ Standing a ↓ ↓ National interest concern
                                                                • 自由民主党妥协与395和创新 民主党,公明党,如果没有任何一方不能支持人民主权的社民党人秀 395 Compromising our people and creation new gt everyone gt reformation gt gt happy gt gt armament revolt gt gt the common property gt democracy fairness the corporation people There is no reason which can support the political party which does not protect national sovereignty

                                                              • 敏洙,尤其Louppy脱垂。社会主义党和派系体系必须消失前秘书长
                                                                [minsu], thing plate [rupi] deviation from. Secretary General one group you must disappear old Japan Socialist Party system,

                                                                • 无论多么好民团Rupizu不会再有什么民主的胜利Fabyo
                                                                  How well people group [rupizu], the [huabiyo] [tsu] [te] Already, probably there is no democracy overwhelming victory

                                                                  • 无论如何,因为他们会稍微比其他国家更好地迄今721 721 For the present therefore some than other country increase it probably will leave temporarily
                                                                    • 无论如何,因为他们会稍微比其他国家更好地迄今723 723 For the present therefore some than other country increase it probably will leave temporarily

                                                                  • 无论是对痴迷者自由民主党呕吐10我不相信在他的邪恶的党
                                                                    Democracy our people As for both fanatics 10 increase the place where the political party which by yourself believe is bad

                                                                    • 更多 Minsumeta自民党自民党是一个坏的变化只是还没有━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━┿━━更好,如果坏的人08米88┥━━彡 lt minsumeta gt It just alternated still Our people are bad As for our people compared to mashi The citizen is bad ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┥ 88 彡 mi 8
                                                                      • 更多 Minsumeta自民党自民党是一个坏的变化只是还没有━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━┿━━更好,如果坏的人08米88┥━━彡 lt minsumeta gt It just alternated still Our people are bad As for our people compared to mashi The citizen is bad ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┥ 88 彡 mi 8

                                                                    • 每个人,民主党议员,民主党看见一辆卡车民主,我看到了站在民主中指,扩充军备×看到民主,这是根据显示细节,如拇指,日本还有更多的时间来表达失望 Everyone in democracy Assemblyman and democracy advertisement car When you look at democracy the middle finger it can stand � When you look at democracy it makes × with both arms � When you look at democracy the thumb is lowered With such feeling also the Japanese more expresses dissatisfaction is in real time
                                                                      • ×武器,但如果你做的一切,呼吁关注你提出的投诉下,拇指 Both arms × So the thumb it lowers because Regardless dissatisfaction it could convey
                                                                      • 民主党人认为,我看到站在民主中指,并使民主看×武器,大拇指向下查看详细)这是喜欢,日本人民表示不满 � When you look at democracy the middle finger it can stand � When you look at democracy with the both arms × the intention doing
                                                                      • 民主党人认为,我看到站在民主中指,并使民主看×武器,这是根据显示细节,如拇指,日本,更多的时间来表达不满的实质该 � When you look at democracy the middle finger it can stand � When you look at democracy with the both arms × the intention doing
                                                                      • 民主党人认为,看到你站在民主中指,不然我就计划在武器× � When you look at democracy the middle finger it can stand � When you look at democracy with the both arms × the intention doing

                                                                    • 民主选举众议院议员,呵呵我从来没有采取与Ru ll多数党是自民党进入了非
                                                                      You insert House of Councillors selection other than democracy and our people When a party takes majority, don't you think? [roku] there is no thing,…

                                                                      • 河的r 美浓。 ,大大超过了你的问题的时间像你刚才丶 °: :: :::我゚ r r mino gt 92 丶 You question time exceeding likely substantially ¯ i ゚
                                                                        • ∩ ∩∩ ♪∩ 哈顿布鲁诺⌒⌒ヽ, ー,公顷 丶⌒⌒ (●)(●)胡德( 1 哈( ●)(●)丶现在,说没有感觉? ( ● )米: 我:。宓( ● ) 嘿,说没有感觉?彡 ∪ 米:我─ 美, ∪ 彡,赢得了自民党参议院选举Tteta津东觉得呢?ヽヽ 布鲁诺, ヽ 交叉路( ::● 布鲁诺ヽ Tteta要考虑冲绳下来,和口蹄疫普及? ヽ&#60 河的r 美浓。 ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ ♪ No ⌒ ⌒ hatsu hatsu ⌒ ⌒ 丶 hatsu hatsu 丶 Now what kind of feeling mi i mi Don t you think e what kind of feeling 彡 ∪ mi i ─ mi ∪ 彡 Upper House election You think that our people win REPT REPT No and 92 REPT ij REPT No You think that support ratio it goes down at foot and mouth disease and the Okinawa base REPT 60 r r mino gt 92 丶 There is no something related to democracy between Hatoyama it is
                                                                        • (丶 ⌒ : ::: : ⌒ 小时)更超过10人或由主席 ヽ :: 六) 1的问题 ⌒ 丶 ⌒ From chairman with the time excess of 10 times or more REPT he It asks

                                                                      • 湿重458克゚゙拉过太急于要返回挖手边的过去,现在的问题是几乎所有的问题,苏血液。我期待投竹扔其他注射措施 458 hu ゚ ゙ ra ww Although the past problematical point is dug up the remainder which becomes frantic Presently before the eye problem of progressive almost all Blood Throwing the measure other than filling it is the ru
                                                                        • 湿重458克゚゙拉过太急于要返回挖手边的过去,现在的问题是几乎所有的问题,苏血液。我期待投竹扔其他注射措施 458 hu ゚ ゙ ra ww Although the past problematical point is dug up the remainder which becomes frantic Presently before the eye problem of progressive almost all Blood Throwing the measure other than filling it is the ru

                                                                      • 然后,他们叹了口气,就像我现在站在行使权利低能儿在中间Netouyo cad的462,看到 查看详细情况做下实行民主的拇指,其中×演习的武器 我站在中间?或S,事件后,三宅看到民主卡车严重的感觉讲古恶 462 When the middle finger is raised exact in imbecile vulgar netouyo the motion shelf Do do Then When If how Before this and after the Miyake incident when the advertisement car of democracy you saw it became feeling bad with maji
                                                                        • 551瓦特Kudarane和我正在做Netouyo尽管它在此一涌有限 551 It is the ku don t you think and others w The chiyon demo doing not just such a thing netouyo but the ru it is

                                                                      • 现在,朝鲜鸠山“打的”L你怎么考虑的自称?我想战争或聚会吗? NULL
                                                                        • 现在,我只是老僵硬批评淇我创建了一个政党,石原先生,与谢野馨先生,我有我的评价 NULL

                                                                      • 由于公共工程项目不必要的驱动tTA线676,你会贫穷清理 676 Public works projects with the favor which does above necessity being troubled with winding up the ru
                                                                        • 公共工程压缩太,是当地经济疲弱,但有罪 Compressing public works projects too much as for the crime that it made local economy inactive however it is

                                                                      • 的情况民主党领导人现在徘徊在一个民主的党啊我从政几十年来倍这样做,是一个永久的自由,我觉得如果有一个Tchuu拒绝更多
                                                                        1 Straying of sled [ya] current democracy staff as for that however you think how, It is to obtain it is to obtain you do politics which causes several dozen year current situations densely in our people the [tsu] [chi] [yu] [u] which more is the rejection symptom

                                                                        • 目前的传闻太多民主,或980或更快的临时取消关税的自由
                                                                          980 As for democracy provisional tariff abolition or high-speed free conversion It is the false rumor letting flow too much

                                                                          • 目前的制度是,各成员的个性生活Kasenai过于强烈的多党投票权这绝缘体任何方式死 The present system dies how and like this and vote is many and power of the party becoming too strong without being able to utilize the personality of the Assemblyman it is
                                                                            • ),并设置了新公明党,自民党没有投票的返回驱动tTA的政教分离的原则骨折 It unites with that Komeito there is no reason where vote returns to the Liberal Democratic Party which is beaten to large principle of politico religious separation

                                                                          • 相反,我只是穿着由讯,你站在中间的手指运动,对实行民主 这样,我看到了什么?我感觉你说邪恶Kunaru卡车和观赏民主茹 From that asking from the tsu coming but the ru it is When The tsu te how When the advertisement car of democracy you see it becomes feeling bad it is
                                                                            • 看到站在民主特优民主附表拇指下(285)和卡车每一个人,你是在中 � When you look at democracy the thumb is lowered 285 Everyone in democracy advertisement car The middle finger the ze which will be raised

                                                                          • 看了一国民大会确定了它,在这里你会看到伊萨库拉人才自民党成员,“这也太自由民主党”他们会说我的地方,你看辩论或政治团体和接力真正饮食什么? Looking at the National Diet relay the re but about the capabileness of Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman the expectation which is understood Here “democracy and our people the useless” tsu te saying as for the ru party Seeing as the National Diet relay and political discussion place group truly ru
                                                                            • 11确定,自民党旧精神抑郁是接受联合小泽芒斯! ! 11 All right old Liberal Democratic Party mind is succeeded in Ozawa man Say
                                                                            • 我敢肯定,674 631捕捞它,没有如果不是,我不知道,自民党将状态从一个不知道真正的原因我们不 674 Certainly It fishes 631 and it is what when so it is not… Well because the reason which is useless does not understand truly The Liberal Democratic Party Becoming state of 1 kana of the ru

                                                                          • 真正愚蠢的人的经济平衡瓦特/驱动tTA储蓄相称的数额,政府债券余额增加了恩戴埃塔,即使你基鲁文过度通货膨胀的严重现实债券以支持其经济,国内手和销售没有到外国的债务(这是一个真正的国家债务)表示,将只增加峨
                                                                            Genuine foolish shelf w Economic income and outgo of the citizen/amount and it corresponds with savings government bond issue increased, it is with, real phases of the economy it does not support Overissuing the government bond, inflation to occur, or handle in the country and is not cut off debt to [te] foreign country (as for this genuine Debt of the citizen) just increases

                                                                            • 研究情况在民主党选举事务进行调查或接近民主的唯一席位的参议院选举预测明亮的节日,“35 ± 5”是 Situation investigation and House of Councillors selection parliamentary seat estimate of the Democratic party The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • 研究情况在民主党选举事务进行调查或接近民主的唯一席位的参议院选举预测明亮的节日,“35 ± 5”是 Situation investigation and House of Councillors selection parliamentary seat estimate of the Democratic party The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • 研究情况在民主党选举事务进行调查或接近民主的唯一席位的参议院选举预测明亮的节日,“35 ± 5”是 Situation investigation and House of Councillors selection parliamentary seat estimate of the Democratic party The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • 研究情况在民主党选举事务进行调查或接近民主的唯一席位的参议院选举预测明亮的节日,“35 ± 5”是 Situation investigation and House of Councillors selection parliamentary seat estimate of the Democratic party The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • 研究情况在民主党选举事务进行调查或接近民主的唯一席位的参议院选举预测明亮的节日,“35 ± 5”是 Situation investigation and House of Councillors selection parliamentary seat estimate of the Democratic party The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”
                                                                              • (日经)选举季节进行的调查情况或民主党紧张的节日是唯一的光,“35 ± 5”是 Nikkei newspaper The result of the House of Councillors selection situation investigation which the Democratic party executes secretly in the large sized consecutive holiday opening was “35 ± 5”

                                                                            • 而在冲绳县搬迁美国陆战队普天间基地,探索政治与金钱,民主党的支持率下降
                                                                              Centering on the US military Futenma airport transfer of facilities problem and politics and the gold of Okinawa prefecture, as for support ratio of the Democratic party decrease

                                                                              • 自民党也是一个邪教组织,采取了新自由主义责任的突破,如果执行的竹中平藏和小泉,只是要去但我还回顾了广大市民
                                                                                The cult our people, as a distinction of parting with the new principle of freedom, If Takenaka and Koizumi are executed, just a little also the general citizen takes a second look, but it is,

                                                                                • 自民党想什么下降给奴隶,因为他们派出年轻一代? 当地雇员想知道这些长期前景 When the Liberal Democratic Party hits the young generation in the dispatch slave and drops and something wants to do The ze which we would like to know whether with some long term view such as that

                                                                                  • 自民党是最终将是一个街头嗯,我也神奇分钟,如果有些人谁认为唯一的遗憾志位用尽假蛋糕 Well the fact that our people are final period probably is like and amiability the person who does the thinking which the sufficient it uses up is vexatious being you understand it is

                                                                                    • 自民党是滴是滴[时间在韩国和竹,小池百合子,问题的乌姆关系断绝与韩国发布(时事新闻)拒绝一切对话-北朝鲜在一份声明中
                                                                                      The time the Liberal Democratic Party was Korea and the [zu] [bu] [zu] [bu] How it did the bamboo island Koike lily child 'All the related extinction = conversations with Korea all denial - North Korea conversation announcement' (Current events) [umu

                                                                                      • 自由总理的政治问责制,优先维护党的团结Sorowazu废弃的建筑物内其他足并后自由的选择是谨慎的-即使官员没有提交一项法案,是一个体面的反对普天间问题
                                                                                        Our people, postal services counterproposal making abandonment Preferring pace matching party unity To the political responsible overtaking of prime minister = our people, in counterproposal prudent attitude - Futenma problem opposition party In other words unless the bureaucracy is, either honest bill submitting is not possible

                                                                                        • 自由民主党和解散也,我希望我创建了一个新的政党亭是相同的政客的思维方式 Democracy and our people dispersing the politician of how the same to think getting together We want making the new political party
                                                                                          • 不再是自由的,但我不介意我用的两党制民主人民党和每 Our people disappearing around the party of democracy and everyone 2 large political parties controlling you are not concerned it is

                                                                                        • 自由民主党回到现实,我Waranai奇怪,我知道,所有的票代 Returning in our people not changing the generation of vote has known actuality entirely
                                                                                          • 自由民主党回到现实,我Waranai奇怪,我知道,所有的后代 Returning in our people not changing the generation of vote has known actuality entirely

                                                                                        • 自由?唉政治家和世界遗产。官僚,同时保护该国的既得利益。苏做的唯一国家溃疡哭嗯,是啊我觉得我于是他们更多的是干净的民主很可能会令人感到混淆 Our people a hereditary politician and world While acquired interests of the bureaucracy protecting the country Crying doing the country just it crushes and the ro then The democracy may become everyone unreasonable painful brown being clear it can be able and it is the wa tsu te feeling
                                                                                          • 我怎样才能使自民党和它Kitatsu 568既得利益,太愚蠢知道我会 NULL

                                                                                        • 虽然他们不挨饿自私和小泽差古贺青木茂:我同意876是Funzorikaeru我也想UpStage手机的唯一表决不做为特定Etara 876 It is like the Aoki Forest Koga With while our interest our interest fanatic who is not inferior to Ozawa who was said is it is useless When vote is given you attach and rise and greatly so the droppings the ri you can apply

                                                                                          • 该蠕虫呼吸的是现在这个党狗屎我不是面向方向矛盾Warazu阶段的变化,是注定要死亡,但已在参院选举刺痛了留目以小泽,我会认真思考的第二次,真的如果你们我目出度 Now with breath of the insect todome being able to stick to Ozawa with House of Councillors selection although it is the destiny which deceases As usual the 頓 distinctiveness China direction facing the ru as for this droppings political party When is second being serious thinking the ru true eye coming out degree it is and the wa which is the party

                                                                                            • 这次选举似乎肯定地说是不低的投票率,增加了第一次比较共产主义的胜利,民主党,公明
                                                                                              With the House of Councillors selection where it is considered for certain that poll ratio is low, Great victory of democracy of relative first party Fairness Common property increase

                                                                                              • 难道三九九瓦特 谷垣祯一“是什么宝藏?”→“钱前景,他们可能没有自民党!

                                                                                                • 难道他们的意思,没有恒定的代表候选人中选出的众议院选举竞选,以中线片山佐藤小坂Inokuti
                                                                                                  Katayama Sato Kosaka Inokuchi Falling at the House of Representatives, House of Councillors selection running There is no fidelity What candidate it has selected kana

                                                                                                  • 靖国神社突击队看到更多的想法,但我很韩国的反摩洛
                                                                                                    As for the thought which looked at the Yasukuni special attack unit facility, however easily it is the anti-Japanese Korean

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                                                                                                      • )08布鲁诺 8 ヾ布鲁诺 8 no no DREPT 8

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