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“[jirorian]” talks, three charm of “Chinese noodles Jiro”?


  • 08女人交谈:1 2步伐面条饭,就拿二一啜
    As for women talk 8: The noodle 1 and 2 啜 [tsu] [te] these each it is at pace of meal 2

    • 108中国人民都容易去思考,但它似乎已在世界上他的心 108 As for the Chinese there is a tendency which it wishes to think that the center of the world is yourself it seems but…
      • 保持不到·一由管理员·一百〇八瓦特Makurijan护理 108 One by one doing to the less … The stripe chestnut it is in the air w

    • 175 177如果你有一辆汽车,如果小杉店附近鹤见建议
      175 177 If there is a car, if Kosugi neighborhood the Tsurumi store the recommendation

      • 1969年顾正指出,继续产生不利影响大鼠,如和下丘脑小鼠实验中的少年,专家委员会(粮食和农业组织的联合国粮农组织(FAO)世界卫生组织(世卫组织食品)专家对添加剂会议)将允许在1974年一天。摄入量(ADI)的120毫克 公斤或以下常量元 In 1969 continues it is young with the experiment by the mouse and rut rat to the body Adverse effect to thalamus lower part and the like to be pointed out JECFA the United Nations food agricultural system FAO With World Health Organization WHO Combined food additive specialty House meeting in 1974 one day permission Intake quantity ADI 120 mg kg Below it decided
        • 1969年顾正指出,继续产生不利影响大鼠,如和下丘脑小鼠实验中的少年,专家委员会(粮食和农业组织的联合国粮农组织(FAO)世界卫生组织(世卫组织食品)专家对添加剂会议)将允许在1974年一天。摄入量(ADI)的120毫克 公斤或以下常量元 In 1969 continues it is young with the experiment by the mouse and rut rat to the body Adverse effect to thalamus lower part and the like to be pointed out JECFA the United Nations food agricultural system FAO With World Health Organization WHO Combined food additive specialty House meeting in 1974 one day permission Intake quantity ADI 120 mg kg Below it decided

      • 2通道最近的过去,而乙讲的课是没有好,如果它是一个吉野家,我创建了一个城市的假餐厅的名字同在第一个“饺子王是这里所有的谈话:”如果我事务已是乡下人线 If you mentioned B class even with recent 2ch former times were the Yoshino house but without being the impersonator of the name which is similar to good thing making the store first “Here being the city the be which is the king of the 餃 child of rumor” the state which can form a line the tsu te countryside tsu pe
        • 好处是,如果没有源可以创建一个在线商店,我就像一个假名字“国王,所有在谈论饺子的城市的”乡下人事务有我 Without having the birthplace the impersonator of the name which is similar to good thing making the store first “Here being the city the be which is the king of the 餃 child of rumor” the state which can form a line the tsu te countryside tsu pe

      • 304德罗宁:Jirorian辜行为作为燃料的垃圾时间机器:垃圾经火吞噬害虫
        304 [derorian]: [taimumashinjirorian] which moves the kitchen garbage as a fuel : The rubbish which passes through the fire the 貪 [ru] noxious insect

        • 354 周末,钓鱼,打高尔夫球,佛经,二郎是什么伊斯兰宗教的呢? 354 gt Chinese noodles Jiro corporation training gt Weekend to fish golf and the copying sutra So is Jiro s religion to be no teaching

          • 359编号:VCAblWmP0有趣wwwwwwww NetA的没有更多的?
            359 ID: VCAblWmP0 Funny wwwwwwww More there is no news item?

            • 649谢谢你“更好”,但将接受挑战,他们不关心什么话 649 Thank you However those where “ mashi ” tsu te word is not made become matter of concern it tries challenging

              • Jimatsu他们更多的是我应该知道他们喂死在我的地方,“我应该得到填补,”人是更连续梁 We knowledge and others well with being densely death it is the ji waiting the ru person It is the expectation which all the way is” It is the expectation which all the way is” The uncle furthermore continued
                • Jimatsu他们更多的应该是我知道他们喂死在我的地方,“该名男子仍甚至两位数 We knowledge and others well with being densely death it is the ji waiting the ru person It is the expectation which all the way is” It is the expectation which all the way is” The uncle furthermore continued

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 47 What renge change When is just the chopstick it is not difficult to eat Well however even the chopstick you did not use and the dog it has done to eat pig double pulled to the person as expected
                • 他也就是我们之前没有疼痛萘乙酸181瓦特嗯,给总部的那些穿着他们把从 181 It is the person where you are painful w Because well it is not put on the main office to such

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 abura and conversion pitch just were thrown in large quantities in soup of the Chinese noodles how pig bone soy sauce of Jiro s the ro Don t you think the vegetable as for taste being attached or whether aho city the pig guy
                • 这并不是说我把他们二郎二郎勺子61瓦特 61 There is no how Jiro Jiro who renge is put it does yo w

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The person who blows the tobacco with the queue which extends outside the store that it throws away jauntily before Jiro s store in jirorian which lines up into side What you do is “you before the store That” with it is yelled looking at the spectacle which is glared even from the other customer who lines up it fears you thought
                • 埃塔结束了“混合学生的成人与当魔”逢是什么,找出没有座位的店与 The student is the society member who finishes work complicated “the 逢 demon the time” being The shadow of a person is not visible outside the store

              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 To there as for the customer of the regular the garlic and the pepper the extent spots included where the nose bends Dropping the sweat lazily it keeps swallowing

                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 When whether the lot my star it is recognized everyday of dokidoki is i w With shutter opening it enters greets to the storekeeper but busily so there is no reply

                  • TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d mapzuphzgz4观众并不可怕,因为我是个光环制服男子相同
                    ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = mapzuphzgz4 The customer class is enormous, standardization being done in the human who had the aura the same way, the [ru

                    • ü Ø∧ 〜 NULL
                      • ) 二 : , ∧。 II DREPT II i no No REPT DREPT mi lli ∧ i i ∧
                      • , 〜 92 DREPT mi i U o ∧ DREPT II II ll i No REPT III ∧ DREPT II II II ll II 丿 III III DREPT II II DREPT II and no II REPT II 92 no REPT i iiii DREPT II

                    • Wasshiwashi守住,以及目前整个画面有两个狗猪的头一球进入留目回收据Yasaihiruzu在一捅它和Uwamono
                      While [watsushiwashi] going, when trying probably to stick [todome] to [uwamono] 2 chiefs of the pig lumps which you refrained in the inner part of [yasaihiruzu] displayed the entire picture

                      • [美食]米其林督察已到了面包店拉面Zirou三田TTP的:/ / society6.2ch.net /测试/ read.cgi /河/ 1270379523 /
                        The [mishiyuran] investigator, it had come to also the Chinese noodles Jiro Mita main office ttp: //society6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/river/1270379523/

                        • _NULL_
                          The [a] - [u] [mashi] ゙ you just remember [u] [zai]! ! Something to the [so] [i] Tsuga face deep-red, “, woman [gigirutei]! ” It started making a noise and <- [haa]? [mashi] ゙ it is to be able to be the [tsu] to do, the [yo] ([waya] Therefore the [ma] [yu] the girl the Jiro excessiveness, [mashi] ゙ it is to be able to be there is no [ku]? Even the [ma] [yu], it is and the [chi] way original [ta] ゙ - the empty succeeding, with “[ma] [yu] [tsu] [te] name of [ninnikuhe] ゚ mosquito ゙ suspension passing away MIX quantity”, [shi] ゙ [rotsutomeitsu] here it has stretched to put out, (the straw “[haa]? When” the cancer/gun attaching, it has looked down that pig, to the face deep-red! ! ([keraakiba] Type [chiyo] [wa] [mashi] ゙ which is received! ! <- It is dense the [u] [yu] [u] pig [mashi] ゙ Jiro without coming, we want the [i] <- The pig to seem the pig, riding on the bowl, the [ro] [tsu] [te] ([kera] Half it left small by the way

                          • “Gorurururururu”的布恩多克圣徒是把人吸引到商店见回苏扭曲的身体与血的回报更高的欢呼声,但是,从驱动tTA行鞠躬轻轻洞的墙壁和
                            The body where “[gorurururururu]…” the execution person returns and while groaning low, is covered in the blood twist When one you take and look around inside the store, greeting lightly, it kept coming out of the hole of the wall

                            • “Jirorian”共产党人或怀抱旋转与商店游行前苏联的杂货店
                              “[jirorian]” Old Soviet foodstuff store queue bosom oak [mu] communist 党員

                              • “你做战?”和一个大猪,要来为W,而一富达挑衅威胁
                                “The battle how it does? ” With, show off [huda] of large pig W, you provoke and the [ru

                                • “哦,好本能意识救济顺便说一句,土生津,伯尔笑出来的鼻子和佐藤
                                  ” There being also a relief impression, unintentionally, [hahutsu], with laughing passes through from Sato's nose

                                  • “慈慈纳罗图标!”对于那些缓慢古采取从长头发的口袋主机
                                    “[tsu]… [n] [ro] [tsu]! ” Those where the host of the long hair shines sluggishly from bosom were removed

                                    • “时报,手枪警务人员,但有一死 这是一个鸟枪?”“不,这是一个很大』枪 虽然它本身是一个枪无疑只是一个鸟枪 “With the pistol of the ke and the officer although it did not die … as for that shot cancer gun… ” “Well as for this the lot cancer gun calling… where is as for the gun itself difference it is not in simply the shot cancer gun

                                      • “显然,我的技能比赛,赢得它[阿舒拉节』说,这项技术可以被掌握,对它的限制踝关节s手淫手伪造的- - ”那人说,“阿舒拉节”的制度,因为它Pyon,飞行到地板和关闭,并跑出去的桥梁以外的东西留在商店或类似大法师
                                        The skill which can be realized by the fact that “somehow, my victory shelf… stopping skill 'Asura' forges the both hands ankle to the extremity and pulls out - -” As for the man, when the [pi] [yo] it is, with you jump off to the floor with “Asura” that way system, like whether quite in exorcist kana of, While it was the bridge it started running to outside the store

                                        • “本来应该是一个简单的秩序,由Joy可爱的津宇的偶像剧高自由度的法律细节,”我一个我
                                          Don't you think? “originally two rejoices order of simple expectation, by raising corresponding degree of freedom the law” [tsu] [te] person

                                          • “该公司总部保持正统黑食谱超过10倍的行
                                            “At the Meguro store of the orthodox group which keeps [reshipi] of the main office, 10 times or more it has gone

                                            • →大学教育对一个体面的家伙感觉俗气的东京或吉,或南海大学→清风,
                                              Higasioozi -> Tokyo University, it is clear wind Nankai -> Tokyo University, approximately about the 輩 which is educational background the feeling which is troublesome

                                              • 一厚自制面条魅力■“Jirorian历史大概是6年来,”告诉我,马祖海拔第一高井户先生“自制面条。”
                                                * Charm 1 Extremely thickly homemade noodle Of “as for [jirorian] history a high well about 6 years” listing first, “the homemade noodle”

                                                • 中毒ü通过一次就足以在3个星期至6个月现在忍受的真正危险,他们认为我们是最后一个人终于可以不再忍受次郎瓦特的挫折仅仅考虑将饥饿现在,我在1月成功地压制了学士学位 It commutes it was poisoning in one timewise week 3 but that it is dangerous as expected you thought and you reached the point where you are patient You could be patient half year but last one when it becomes hungry only Jiro s thing becoming unable to think finally collapse w Now somehow holding down at month 1 the ru

                                                  • 于1972年在日本味道。谷氨酸钠纠缠“扩展”为健康所造成的事故危害使用 Furthermore in Japan in 1972 taste You used the glutamic acid sodium for the kelp as the “dust diluent” there was an accident where healthy damage occurred
                                                    • 于1972年在日本味道。谷氨酸钠纠缠“扩展”为健康所造成的事故危害使用 Furthermore in Japan in 1972 taste You used the glutamic acid sodium for the kelp as the “dust diluent” there was an accident where healthy damage occurred

                                                  • 亚洲的摄入量已调整好这样的事实遥高的比例比西方青光眼患者
                                                    As for the Asian sphere which takes in conversion pitch well there is a fact that ratio of the glaucoma patient is much higher than Europe and America,

                                                    • 京急川崎店仅仅是一个良好的响亮和友好的工作人员是优秀的!京急川崎是一个很好的餐馆公正和友好的工作人员大声出色!京急川崎店只是大声和友好的工作人员的行为是好!京急川崎是一个很好的餐馆公正和友好的工作人员大声出色!京急川崎是一个很好的餐馆公正和友好的工作人员大声出色!京急川崎店仅仅是一个良好的响亮和友好的工作人员是优秀的!京急川崎是一个很好的餐馆公正和友好的工作人员大声出色! Just the capital urgent Kawasaki store the salesman being kind is sociable Just the capital urgent Kawasaki store the salesman being kind is sociable Just the capital urgent Kawasaki store the salesman being kind is sociable Just the capital urgent Kawasaki store the salesman being kind is sociable Just the capital urgent Kawasaki store the salesman being kind is sociable Just the capital urgent Kawasaki store the salesman being kind is sociable Just the capital urgent Kawasaki store the salesman being kind is sociable

                                                      • 他,一个黑色短头发的颜色Gachimuchimatcho,运动眼镜,运动和感觉真的
                                                        The feeling where accompanying, with dark complexion crop [gachimuchimatsuchiyo], used the glasses for sport, such as physical education meeting affiliation surely

                                                        • 伐丽流跛行与欢笑,为了适应袋的点燃我们说庭院和地段,他们吃晚 That it is it is attached even in order it is laughed and When it is slow to eat being called the lot destroying it is the sack it meets to going back and forth
                                                          • 如果没有一个良好的外观Yaikannoka s的传输不能打扰当您以一个由 When ordering if you like one by one and do not convey circumstance It is troublesome

                                                        • 众议院dumpling m通常矩阵330(你不知道你可以信任的名字瓦特),二郎躁狂症什么区别,但是我想有一天我正好把天空Iteta无损检测,配料,混合诱饵捕鱼是护城河通过一这就像瓦特瓦特饺子,我不是吃的东西这么好,让每个人都矩阵 330 Usually the 餃 child house which is formed a line you do not write name but it is understood being it does yo w from different as for the Jiro maniac It does not come is it has been less crowded it is accidentally with it tried entering but it is W like the kneading feed which tool fishes and is transferred in the moat As for that w which is not the 餃 child Until such a ones of everyone forming a line well you eat
                                                          • 众议院dumpling m通常矩阵330(你不知道你可以信任的名字瓦特),但我已经看到最近发生的进入恩戴Iteta空,填充球就像一个面团,是护城河通过一个捕鱼瓦特我不喜欢吃饺子,从1瓦特的东西,人们往往矩阵 330 Usually the 餃 child house which is formed a line you do not write name but it is understood being it does yo w from different as for the Jiro maniac It does not come is it has been less crowded it is accidentally with it tried entering but it is W like the kneading feed which tool fishes and is transferred in the moat As for that w which is not the 餃 child Until such a ones of everyone forming a line well you eat

                                                        • 即使环比物量几倍木付野爆破肌肉太畸形,身穿黑色皮面具true ll巨人
                                                          The bee only it is to be cut off in the muscle of deformity the field thick chain even repeatedly winding, The giant who wears the mask of the deep-black leather

                                                          • 和强硬的橄榄球,柔道的T恤,并关闭快餐古打几组剃光头鸡奸球衣“这是个滚装什么”卡住后,愤怒的声音和沐浴Biseru
                                                            With, like the judo section or the Rugby section the robust t shirt & the group of brother several people of the Jersey monk head the [buchi] being cut off “Eat quickly, rear it has become caught probably will be, but” that 怒 voice is poured

                                                            • 和驴是我还是他们会尝试窃取609遭,关西亲自喂我有一个坏印象,刚才瓦特Betara口气,我想我已经信系统,大东关西是怎样 609 There is only an impression where it encounters to stealing and or ketsu it may be dug becomes is bad to Kansai privately it is don t you think e w When now you inspect the Jiro type tsu te well enough even in Kansai a certain like shank
                                                              • 一般是什么酱次郎施Ttena钱我不,我们将用最优质的手转 tsu te kaneshi soy sauce tsu te with the average Jiro it does not enter into the hand The super quality item using the ru it is even

                                                            • 唯一的办法我店是一个典型的低收入五百七十三瓦特确实
                                                              573 The extent which becomes Store no shelf w for the typical it is low income earner

                                                              • 商业理由令人上瘾的风味调味料,浇注Ttemasu我是用“我们Pizawota是划船瓦特在默默 Cause of poisoning characteristic for business using increases the taste seasoning which is thrown in large quantities but don t you think ” pizawota w which at a stroke becomes quiet
                                                                • 商业调味品,我使用Ttemasu“Pizawota我们是划船默默瓦特 Using it increases the seasoning for business but don t you think ” pizawota w which at a stroke becomes quiet

                                                              • 团长存储和三田线三田巴巴驱动tTA Detta条纹好Nirou感受到什么是从未进入Tsuyo假名汤,我的父亲汗水,喉咙痛食品体系,成为无性花有时 Becoming good in the Mita main office and the Baba store because the stripe because the tsu it is It went As for Mita the sweat of the father has gone into soup absolutely The handle and Jiro system sometimes the food become greatly sexless
                                                                • 由于线或去越南已成为遥远的折扣stores ll高田马场 The Takeda Baba store moving because it became far It stopped going

                                                              • 在您取出,并希望能有点像卡通特里科“查!查!”战争准备和摩擦,筷子
                                                                Removing a little before it is completed, like cartoon [toriko] “the plain gauze lean! Plain gauze lean! ” With the chopstick is rubbed, war readiness

                                                                • 在美国,还有那些谁可以考虑,我们有一个坏及严重损害大脑和谷氨酸钠摄入量仍然 1 2 The people whom you think that in the United States intake of the glutamic acid sodium causes serious damage to the brain and the like still exist 1 2
                                                                  • 在美国,还有那些谁可以考虑,我们有一个坏及严重损害大脑和谷氨酸钠摄入量仍然 1 2 The people whom you think that in the United States intake of the glutamic acid sodium causes serious damage to the brain and the like still exist 1 2

                                                                • 坦率地说,因为我老在高层,在某种意义上说,我从这里看到你们就像老板
                                                                  Speaking clearly, therefore as for we the veteran in the veteran, in a certain sense, When you see from you here, as for we superior like ones

                                                                  • 如果- -碗蒸汽向上,开始数,目前老人的覆盖面驱动tTA - -秘技』[闪回吞下燕子回ü行正常的驱动tTA带来高桥双手,如果Flash是一个微妙的电梯每一轮用筷子一块山地蔬菜,在柜台下的快速处置
                                                                    If is - - The steam which stands up from the bowl, the face of the old person that moment which is overturned - - secret skill 'swallow return one flashing' Confronting the usual swallow return which is done with [hashi] which it had in the both hands, As for one flashing with [hashi] of one the mountain of the vegetable 掬 to be whole, high speed it abolishes under the counter

                                                                    • 如果415成人,我说你甚至没有令人信服的氦氖让我们的面谈论它周围的饮食文化和巨大的应用潜力 415 If the adult the ze which will do the Chinese noodles and the story of the wa ru food culture which it waits to that You saying don t you think persuasive power ww
                                                                      • 如果415成人,让我们谈食物它周围的文化,和拉面 415 If the adult the ze which will do the Chinese noodles and the story of the wa ru food culture which it waits to that You saying don t you think persuasive power ww

                                                                    • 如果你觉得吃萝卜浮动字猴是一个“突发”Yasai爆裂,爆裂阿布拉,老板。爆裂,爆裂施钱,突发量,爆破效果
                                                                      Eating the field monkey, as for the word which comes to mind “explosion” [yasai] explosion and [abura] explosion, boss. Explosion, [kaneshi] explosion, volume explosion and flavor explosion

                                                                      • 如果在一定程度上的吸引力的地方就像一个苹果,因为我想我会垃圾青年人呢?我不得不等待,不要激发古京都顺便我转过身,认为这是不可能的矩阵及行政吸毒者的金额 The junk therefore charm if Mack the young person it is likely at the area of any it is it is popular it is it isn t If the addict is present at the section chief and the quantity becoming queue probably will be Inspiration it met to also the tsu te or Kyoto it is the tsu ke which is not
                                                                        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 It lines up because of the Chinese noodles however you cannot be patient Certainly there is the smell of having poisoning characteristic from Jiro it is don t you think

                                                                      • 如果我不否认,但我们知道的潜力,地面沉降和地方经济空洞化现在看,我不认为反囊瓦特Ramensure九州拉面特别是猪肉只是多云
                                                                        Although possibility is not known, denying that, the cod, It cannot prevent becoming hollow and ground subsidence of current local economy, w As for thinking with [ramensure], as for especially Kyushu as for the Chinese noodles only the white 濁 pig bone

                                                                        • 如果萝卜漂浮垃圾食物,但我觉得一个地方,我会提出一个坏Pizadebu Hafuhafu眼镜Jirorian粪便
                                                                          [jirorianmegane] The droppings of the look which you applied bad [pizadebu] [hahuhahu] is good the rubbish eating, the [ru] you come to mind densely

                                                                          • 对我来说,看看有什么好的面条不调整指南马我是在进出嘿,我的思维有点不能 In my feeling pitch it does not enter well just a little you cannot think Chinese noodles tsu te that it is good it is
                                                                            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 And the tsu pa my tsu te it evolves Realizing the fact which does not know whether with it is possible to rejoice here

                                                                          • 当然 欠 提取: 饮食文化 “Jirorian”说话“二郎拉面”和三个上诉?关键词:少废话萃取:4 Object sure “ jirorian ” talks three charm of “Chinese noodles Jiro” Keyword Feed of pig Extraction less number 4
                                                                            • 在粮食幸福快乐的Burgers的次郎是所有关于呢?但还有一些半端无因达 Jiro eating as for pleasant sensation of that happiness at the time of the ru just being what Something there is no fragment but it is
                                                                            • 我品尝了未来两到五百八十五瓦特次郎是满意的,如果相似的食物量 585 Taste how back burner putting out w If the quantity can eat Jiro it is satisfactory

                                                                          • 我Keji和消极的,“我希望,我值得的,强大的?”W和大猪和柜台上摆放的智利富达路径
                                                                            However we is defeated and the [ji] “is good, we, suitable it is strong? ” With [huda] of large pig W is put in [pachiri] and the counter

                                                                            • 我会偷偷在家里的床上轻轻穿上衣服,有一个声音在哭Tatezu We which arrives to the house cried quietly even in the futon through the gu ri included and voice
                                                                              • 我会偷偷在家里的床上轻轻穿上衣服,有一个声音在哭Tatezu We which arrives to the house cried quietly even in the futon through the gu ri included and voice

                                                                            • 我第一次得分机会在这里!就像你刚才拿出挑战的少数地位Uwamono
                                                                              Here preemptive chance! As if, it started to challenge to [uwamono] of insular state

                                                                              • 执政科学和上瘾的味道TTP的:/ / www.kinkiagri.or.jp /活动/讲座/ lecture21%28090618%29 / 2fushiki.pdf同样的事情,所有的实验食用油不仅是玉米油,光束也观察到油炸薯片和油
                                                                                Science of the taste which controls the stopping being attached ttp: //www.kinkiagri.or.jp/activity/Lecture/lecture21% 28090618% 29/2fushiki.pdf The same thing, not only the cone oil all edible oil and fat which is used for experiment and, It was observed even at potato Chips and the like which was fried with the oil

                                                                                • 旧的驱动tTA准备在杂志上线,他不断重复同一个霍布森的冰淇淋如何订购
                                                                                  After repeatedly preparing the Ordering with [hobusonzu] of former times and the ice-cream in the weekly magazine, it went, it rubbed

                                                                                  • 明年的会死在这里,“画一个圈是一个相对较新的照片,并说,他们 This dies in next year probably will be” While with saying you drew the circle in the relatively new photograph
                                                                                    • 明年的会死在这里,“画一个圈照片是相对较新, This dies in next year probably will be” While with saying you drew the circle in the relatively new photograph

                                                                                  • 最后,通过一石,保持席面钱的,这个数字是在视线的线圈绕组,因为他们认识到目标的距离,把汤和扬弃了所有速度,包括在全施茂木保持游泳的钱海洋 After all when kaneshi on the table is made another by the fact that the form which winds coil enters into sight Because distance to goal is realized throwing into all attaching juices The sea of kaneshi it continues to swim with full speed
                                                                                    • 最后 荷兰国际集团,检查是否席位开始碗,发挥彼此在桌子上浪费你的钱施 After all when kaneshi on the table is made another by the fact that the form which winds coil enters into sight Because distance to goal is realized throwing into all attaching juices The sea of kaneshi it continues to swim with full speed

                                                                                  • 松子的传闻,你更好呢?立即“Yasaimashimashininchomokarameaburabura”电话!李承晚先生,我想知道我是否是一个小好吗?失去的东西限价单到达!为他们服务舔一点点,但在鼻子辛辣,本能地抚摸流利缓利 This one pine child kana of rumor Calling “ yasaimashimashininchiyomokarameaburabura ” right away However pine child the just a little neck it had tilted the all right combining About losing butsu of order arrives But quantity to lick just a little little the fragrance with the medium 々 spy sea unintentionally yodare ji yu ru ri …

                                                                                    • 此外,“无味精”(非谷氨酸钠的使用)的炒作,和许多人仍然存在,古中餐馆和调味品 In addition “NO MSG” Glutamic acid sodium non use it made advertisement complaint seasoning and the Chinese restaurant etc exist even presently many
                                                                                      • 此外,“无味精”(非谷氨酸钠的使用)的炒作,和许多人仍然存在,古中餐馆和调味品 In addition “NO MSG” Glutamic acid sodium non use it made advertisement complaint seasoning and the Chinese restaurant etc exist even presently many

                                                                                    • 每次看这商店的名称是565 2通道,我认为他们有什么,我只生活在东京 565 At each time you look at the name of this store in 2ch living in Tokyo that you think whether only the ru person it is not

                                                                                      • 然后看着它的东西没有胃口,吃是不是最后爆裂Tarashiku Ttetara他认为我有一个小娜你做好,他们想要看的东西,并期待赢得骄傲音频驱动tTA Something that seeing without cod appetite the tsu chi ya tsu te it made small and was possible to solve How thinking the cod accompanying Tsuga it finished eating it seems Something the kind of face which is triumphant doing seeing and the ru
                                                                                        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Something that seeing without cod appetite the tsu chi ya tsu te it made small and was possible to solve How thinking the cod accompanying Tsuga it finished eating it seems Something the kind of face which is triumphant doing seeing and the ru

                                                                                      • 现在,我必须这样做,并品尝到U次郎,这不是享受了很多的节奏
                                                                                        The fact that now we should do does not mean that tastes Jiro and that enjoys the lot rhythm

                                                                                        • 现在,鹰鹰抓获蔬菜,粗面脸惠熨斗我们瓦特应该是很快,这事从未见过面,向井Hazime Well the vegetable washiwashi capture gradually the dearly pole it is thick in the noodle meeting… w Expectation is not visible absolutely the noodle

                                                                                          • 由于沟,镜头只命中[目标研磨,真皮和皮下组织之间围绕这只是暴力』
                                                                                            With consequence of that groove, the shot which hits to the object breaks, 'rages just between the cutis and subcutaneous organization and turns' is

                                                                                            • 电影甚至没有浮动1英寸脂肪丰富的猪肉汤,调味化学爬行 The fat of the pig even one centimeter the membrane the tsu te has floated in chemical seasoning fully soup
                                                                                              • 电影甚至没有浮动1英寸脂肪丰富的猪肉汤,调味化学爬行 The fat of the pig even one centimeter the membrane the tsu te has floated in chemical seasoning fully soup

                                                                                            • 症状类似中国餐馆症候群(头痛,感觉异常和上身 As for the condition It was something which is similar to the Chinese restaurant syndrome headache upper body feeling abnormality and the like
                                                                                              • 症状类似中国餐馆症候群(头痛,感觉异常和上身 As for the condition It was something which is similar to the Chinese restaurant syndrome headache upper body feeling abnormality and the like

                                                                                            • 目黑驱动tTA蔬菜口味略有下降原来小多比过去较少哇金额大分我并没有改变吧最近也去了附近的树枝罚款276关东地区我从来没有见过一个人的Zirou耀西在西方的人,但我将出生的流行病在那里,我想好好看看不同Yappa As for Meguro as for taste however it does not change the quantity considerably it decreased in comparison with former times Those where it is little originally furthermore decreasing it decreased to the vegetable don t you think the empty recently speaking excessively 276 When it is Kanto neighborhood there being a branch office well enough being popular however the ru Jiro good finishing with the person of graduate west you have not seen you think that and the tsu pa taste is different

                                                                                              • 相反,它更是一个礼仪问题与媒体和客户只存储实际自恋
                                                                                                That compared to, the one where store side pushes the etiquette to self intoxication and the customer in actuality probably is problem

                                                                                                • 筷子舀了两个快速山地蔬菜,丢弃在柜台下的荒业有 gt To scoop the vegetable mountain quickly with two these chopsticks it is the rough trick which is thrown away under the counter
                                                                                                  • 筷子舀了两个快速山地蔬菜,丢弃在柜台下的荒业有 To scoop the vegetable mountain quickly with two these chopsticks it is the rough trick which is thrown away under the counter

                                                                                                • 编号:ra0sLkvc0 Jirorian句话不是对他的典型意义上的内容
                                                                                                  ID: ra0sLkvc0 Either your own speech contents about are not to remember typical [jirorian

                                                                                                  • 罗特首先,我们要放在他面前罗特第二碗,次郎我!把蔬菜在酱油快速脆山峰,并在Teyurunteyurun脂肪大蒜混合,开始战斗! ...错误的开始在一个叫注意一点意外的地方
                                                                                                    First [rotsuta], the bowl was put second [rotsuta] and ago… started doing, we Jiro! To put the flap on the [shiyakishiyaki] ranger vegetable roughly and turn, to bind the fat and the garlic of [teyurunteyurun], start of battle! … With being about to say, you became aware in just a little accident

                                                                                                    • 而它旁边!虽然长头发护理,每一个发言,虚心噘口啜面条其他职等! - - 第动荡的两幅土地,诅咒一个女人的
                                                                                                      And the next door! While to designate the long hair as the air, OL which the [bo] [me] which makes elegant it is at a time one does the noodle with the mouth and rubs in! - - That 2, 'woman' of prime mover of lot disturbance

                                                                                                      • 胃填满ーWWW的净次郎刚才看图片或有时间我想一肚子菜单充分的食物,Ekoda土岐(咖啡馆)大型人工服务食品 tsu The Jiro picture of the net you just saw www which the stomach all the way becomes When we the stomach liking to eat all the way river Furuta s toki the coffeehouse with the large quantity menu the wa which is eaten
                                                                                                        • 我让出了名的“街头商店○Zirou小泷”,或“原始来源”或萘乙酸○可怕的第二家分店 As for name however it cannot put out “Jiro According to of small cascade ○ store” “source of original ○ Because 2 the store” it was terrible
                                                                                                        • 次郎是吃13至23岁的黄金岁,我是最好的垃圾 Jiro from 13 years old is the highest junk what in eating quantity to about of 23 years old

                                                                                                      • 荷伊额外的焦糖酱香草焦糖摩卡Sosuranbachippuchokoretokurimufurapechino的PPU杏仁茶坚果存储柴油拍摄本熹

                                                                                                        • 谷氨酸钠毒性相当,人们吃的天空在1968年中国食品,头痛,牙痛,面部潮红,埃塔中餐厅著名的故事综合征的症状),如麻木,身体套装(中国餐馆综合症是 When you mention virulence of the glutamic acid sodium the person who ate the Chinese cooking in 1968 appealed condition such as blush of headache the toothache and the face and numbness of the body The Chinese restaurant syndrome Chinese Restaurant Syndrome Story is famous
                                                                                                          • 谷氨酸钠毒性相当,人们吃的天空在1968年中国食品,头痛,牙痛,面部潮红,埃塔中餐厅著名的故事综合征的症状),如麻木,身体套装(中国餐馆综合症是 When you mention virulence of the glutamic acid sodium the person who ate the Chinese cooking in 1968 appealed condition such as blush of headache the toothache and the face and numbness of the body The Chinese restaurant syndrome Chinese Restaurant Syndrome Story is famous

                                                                                                        • 达罗认证的弱智人,我喝两行,我没有存储矩阵习惯30岁880
                                                                                                          880 [kuse] of 30 year old rank it does and goes the [tsu] [te] queue store and the [ro] which is 1 cup [tsu] [te] intellectual obstacle recognition with 2 people

                                                                                                          • 这也是命运朱达罗 ⌒ ヽ布鲁诺 The ro … where this is destiny… ⌒ no Until now you avoided directly but the husband who is never done wishes to go here with…… l l ln Avoiding after all it probably means that it was the road which it cannot pass REPT L HKRPT No No 92 92 REPT Two ⌒ ya and yaranaio gt REPT no
                                                                                                            • 临道路回到了餐厅,(·阿·)线,因为我不认为我是认真和Ikunai It approaches to the eating house in the return A ikunai such as road Because with you thought with maji it did not go

                                                                                                          • 这家伙我想Ujauja食物中毒有付钱给我,“爸爸不得不扔在地上走过去呟香烟是手指夹之间的恩戴 Until sen paying the person whom the poison it wishes to eat is ujiyaujiya it is” The uncle threw away the tobacco which was put to the finger on the floor and murmured lastly
                                                                                                            • 这家伙我想Ujauja食物中毒有付钱给我,“爸爸不得不扔在地上走过去呟香烟是手指夹之间的恩戴 Until sen paying the person whom the poison it wishes to eat is ujiyaujiya it is” The uncle threw away the tobacco which was put to the finger on the floor and murmured lastly

                                                                                                          • 这家商店是Idakannai的恩戴是Fainarurotta载于猪或U→Itande报告认真,今天是我第一次快门?我觉得伊南←(虽然它是克拉,什么,我Ikinariushironi平均东西,即使猪变得更好゙
                                                                                                            Densely at the plane [i] store which is the [i], the [maji] [u] [zai] pig [i] it is it is with [repo] -> The [ma] [yu] was [huainarurotsuta], it is with, today the life first shutter? <- The [i] which was seen feeling ([kera] Although was, something, the [i] it stopped coming, into [u] margin lined up, what, the [mashi] ゙ coming it is, the pig

                                                                                                            • 这家商店每天开放前行了,所以很多人来,他们已累计转移矩阵的时间,也更有可能比任何一端混合意外12 00左右 But the same store which everyday can do queue from before the opening Expecting queue because the person who shifts time is many approximately 12 o clock not having been packed unexpectedly it is many so
                                                                                                              • 展开30多个分支机构的游行都会区周围,长期持续在任何商店古店铺,狂热的“Jirorian”我们也增长 Focusing on the national capital region 30 stores or more are developed The same store where long queue continues at every store feverish fan “ jirorian ” is in the midst of multiplying

                                                                                                            • 这是一个小远和公司周围伊坎,松户站和在商店获得过一段时间做功课
                                                                                                              To detour this a little in circumstance and the company return, after combining, in order to handle the assignment store at the Matsudo station you get off

                                                                                                              • 随着多人在附近经常次郎,可恶的东西买一自动售票机外,并尝试吃一次或随约手流 Because Jiro who to neighborhood is does the person has lined up the ri well being less crowded whether about one time it tries eating at the time of the ru that With the ticket vending machine which is outside something in the beefsteak toe 1 purchases
                                                                                                                • 机面临的机票,决定下令Sugara道路我的头,“放入一个大猪¥ 1,000”被选中 The order where it confronts each other in the ticket vending machine faces and decides on the way “Large attaching pig entering The ¥1 000” was selected

                                                                                                              • 驱动tTA的最后一行,我开了桥,南区,福冈20
                                                                                                                20 The branch store it has done in Ohashi Ku Fukuoka Itiminami Before this it went

                                                                                                                • (超级星期二是超级丰富的汤会休息,让所有与杏仁星期一)膳食后,果冻,乌龙茶的天空在便利店更接近)到中线胃和腹泻Kasenai磨损和食品 Because Monday it is day off Tuesday super super thick soup it becomes After you ate crow dragon brown and the apricot benevolence tofu to be attached eating with nearby konbini Unless it makes the stomach settle you have diarrhea
                                                                                                                  • 半炒米粉半集(杏仁果冻除了菜单)如果你想 Semi Chinese noodles semi chaofan set the apricot benevolence tofu to be attached we want adding to the menu

                                                                                                                研究 開発