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Miyazaki [2] small girl, fire directly on a stove burner cup noodles


  • 25没有,因为我将得到什么像样的只是正常进食,我从来不会吃烤荞麦天空杯 25 Well only usually honest ones having making eat from very the ru The cup chow mein how you eat and the callous probably do not grind
    • 它成为一个好父亲的孩子在606乙不好,他们可以欣赏每一天,你会吃米饭 606 You became the quaintness good father it is the shelf Properly in the children appreciation to every day the boiled rice making eat

  • 2什么坏头是多么小! ?有一些没有共同的感觉不太好? ?
    The [do] just it is it is the head bad small 2 what! ? The [ro] which common sense it is not extent and is? ?

    • 53 151名:蜜月Shisan名无膨化鱼:圣人发布日期:2010 / 05 / 20(星期四)11:03:39编号:杯0rQZuLS5他们不靠近窑│↓│││↓││烤荞麦↓不是没有杯
      53 151 Name: Reed kana there is no name which is gripped [meeru]: sage Contribution day: 2010/05/20 (Thursday) 11: 03: 39 ID: 0rQZuLS5 Cup Burning Side │ │ ↓ │ │ There is no side │ ↓ │ It is not burnt ↓ There is no cup

      • Ikaramouyamero相当冷静在此之前733年妇女认真竞争与第二小学的孩子?瓦特
        733 The parenthesis [wa] [ri] [i] it probably will be entwined, stop As for you competing with the girl elementary school second grade seriously? w

        • I微波前盖,这个洞是没有填充い拓地轮,即使盖,根据食物的权利是孔看透 The microwave oven tsu te the front cover the round hole opening all the way The cover having done the ro where the food in is visible through the hole and is
          • 该封装微波×书,图片我不会做菜,判断我有我失去了它 The microwave oven × the picture which is put on the fire is written on the package therefore it is That seeing the ro which is the judgment red sandal wood

        • NULL 857 Hitting you think that there is no ru reason Simply knowing when those where you do not know te only too natural thing become with the natural tsu lever In various ways you think seriously the chi ya u Although your own child you raise unless you teach such securely with home the child knows and the way being the case that it is not does the yo The tsu to come however you wrote because former times the fire was burnt in well enough there Changing from the parent you are not taught and also the te however the kind of air which can be learned unwittingly does When it tries thinking completely there is no such chance of the current child tsu te don t you think it is it is Being outdoor when also such can be entwined unless it keeps teaching securely being you thought There is no story which is limited to the problem of the fire the tsu chi ya tsu is various types conveniently very the empty The adult thinking the natural tsu te the air without acquiring ru thing truly staying it probably will be many and
          • 难怪他们不能结婚尺度:我的父亲他总是这样的老人谁毒害她的丈夫和一个成年人也857 857 Elderly poison man tsu te such you had not been able to have become the husband or the father it rubbed Not being able to get married it is what

        • ṛ - |○|ṛ - - ,_;车-李,∧升儿子的∧│☆好人! (⌒`ヽ⌒/,,,,车。 -乙/,升|ヽ〜〜⌒γ⌒)规 等|│/───| | | / |升,购物车|请确保您的母亲或你父亲的阿|国王与她用|红外ー-ー,,)| /我| /`X的ヽ/输入
          r - | ○ | r - - _; [to] - [i], ∧ l * │ ∧ Everyone of good child! (⌒ ` ⌒ REPT /[to]. - [i]/, l | REPT ~ ~ ⌒ Γ ⌒) r '⌒ `! ' `⌒) When using the fire, and it is the [tsu] [chi] [ya] useless alone │ REPT - - '^ - -' ( ⌒ Γ ⌒ ~ ~ / | │ > | │ | `- ^ - - r ' | │ /─ ─ ─ | | | / | l [to], | By all means, the father and the mother and you probably will use together | ir - - - } | / i | / `X ' REPT / Entrance |

          • Wwwww多么鞋面人们的怜悯是很多的wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
            Wwwww which is the fiendish woman who how is said Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww where the many humans are tossed about

            • W为什么这个消息我用Tarashii秘密结婚炉火是在这一天,突然来了新娘,因为我周围的房子隐藏,但不会突然在床上炉 With something this in news w In the wife the stove you use also that day which becomes the fire with secret it seems but it is Suddenly as the wife comes hurrying the futon putting in the stove it hides and passes and seems cause of the housekeeping
              • 为什么这是新闻,但非常干净瓦特从火,他们也不是没有照顾好臻 With something this in news w In the wife the stove you use also that day which becomes the fire with secret it seems but it is Suddenly as the wife comes hurrying the futon putting in the stove it hides and passes and seems cause of the housekeeping

            • “Yakisoba”有一个符号的问题,你我提起诉讼,因为它包含音频瓦特是美国人在火灾带来的将赔偿的想法从制造商加强是的,我谁 Assuming that there was a problem in the inscription “chow mein” with the consequence became the fire If you bring to lawsuit from the manufacturer they are the droppings the indemnity as for the conception that you give If American having so shelf w
              • 不直接适用于根据世火!不坏的评价,制造商,帮我一个约200亿美元的违约赔偿日元 Please do not put on the fire directly The tsu te the manufacturer which is not indicated pardoning is bad at per indemnity 200 000 000 Yen

            • “燃烧”他们洁具要来跟我讴咨询一面和坏的方式我穿我不应该写他们( ·ω· ) While” burning and” side praising and occurring you do not have to burn in the note writing the tsu te The person who is not written is bad don t you think … Ω
              • “这不应该一炉燃烧器了,”什么酱或票据来?正如你可以看到在小学二年级,他们会写平假名融化 NULL

            • 。 。 : 。 ヽ布鲁诺 :在家 现在我要回家,如果没有 退化本 。 Nuko尼亚): 92 No REPT At the current house such it is not don t you think probably will be Home has deteriorated The nu it makes densemakes dense the ya
              • NULL The birudabagu meeting cat nu densely the ya the nu it makes densemakes dense in the ya two on child 爵 the ya Our public and democracy the B bus the bat head the ya the nu make densemake dense in the Japanese end the ya The ya the nu makes densemakes dense in the captain 2ch who Japan which struggles the easy rider is done the ya Probably making soirentogurin The ya the nu makes densemakes dense in soirento president the ya REPT REPT i REPT At the kitchen of the hot spring inn which goes always i LlLlLl llLlll The girl and old lady of grandchild 5 year old O To be the difference of how to take dashi w which it increases 92 i 92 No REPT At the current house such it is not don t you think probably will be Home has deteriorated The nu it makes densemakes dense the ya
              • 见他只是表明,婴儿小女孩〜有兴趣在烹调这些邪恶,如果艾希您隙阿糖胞苷母亲的要求,通过 The person who is understood thinks that it is understood but the young child it is low as for the girl of grade cooking there being a suge interest The opening it is rough the mother it tries probably to help

            • 。: 。:。 ヽ 升: :。 92 REPT l l REPT No j ∨ r a 弌 to 92 l Ryo 92 弋 ta 厶 r 92 5 V ∠ r When liking to eat the chow mein and when liking to eat the cup chow mein when being another r l It is close to the chow mein but it has not won and No Another ones which have not been defeated
              • , 92 REPT l l REPT No j ∨ r a 弌 to 92 l Ryo 92 弋 ta 厶 r 92 5 V ∠ r When liking to eat the chow mein and when liking to eat the cup chow mein when being another r l It is close to the chow mein but it has not won and No Another ones which have not been defeated

            • ヽ诺诺 ヾ 升ヽ : ·我 ° Ì ¨ nono REPT DREPT l REPT REPT As for next cup chow mein Sale prohibition REPT i REPT No REPT i hunga he 92 ∈ three ∋ ri l REPT no l 92 92 92 ¯ i 92 DEG i ¯
              • ,, ·我 ° Ì ¨ ゙ REPT REPT nono REPT DREPT l REPT REPT As for next cup chow mein Sale prohibition REPT i REPT No REPT i he 92 ∈ three ∋ ri l REPT no l 92 92 92 ¯ i 92 DEG i ¯

            • 不过仔细副面孔和微波辐射这么好,弹出一个较小的洞,偶尔飞,不然我就变成邪恶的眼睛盯着辜! So when the face is brought close to the microwave oven the electromagnetic wave which sometimes springs out from that small hole it is Because when you see motionlessly the eye becomes bad

              • 不,我不知道如果我记得他们的第二个年头的时间显然,它借了挺举,但我直觉分钟,不能把诸如聚苯乙烯泡沫火 When by himself 2nd is grade to because clearly there is no memory however it is from the wa it may understand with intuition such as the fact that it is not put on fire such as such a Styrofoam it rubbed but
                • 要放在火,即使我打开三纸,但也许你能想到聚苯乙烯泡沫驱动tTA If the paper if only the water it has entered because it is put on the fire whether you think that it is possible even with the Styrofoam

              • 也许在另一个829不高兴?这将是一个有限的接触到的昆虫,也是高层住宅会觉得自己瘦削减童年接触很多东西,我会谈谈
                829 Whether in another sense unhappiness don't you think?? If the high-rise apartment building also contact to the insect probably will become limited and, mentioning infancy period It does the feeling which has been cut off the contact to many ones

                • 二小弹簧,可以夸耀的火焰燃烧,直到世界杯开一个好近1
                  Spring of small 2, putting the cup chow mein on the direct fire, the fire Good proud story was possible,

                  • 人权律师表示,原告7,000万日元损害赔偿提起的诉讼对女童的父母诉讼的日清杯烤荞麦4-2打破开火“,这是不允许的
                    Bulletin Parents of direct fire cup chow mein small 2 girls The Nisshin Food Products Co., Ltd. is opposed, damage suit of 70,000,000 Yen According to human rights group attorney of the plaintiff “You cannot permit this

                    • 什么也不能决定是否也有防火材料二是小? ? ? ? ? ?这是一个严重的问题,发挥排水火灾科学和耐火或有可燃材料科学为什么不想要一个好冲击,在科学的空间,所以它不是一个真正的发挥好星期二现在,让我们! ! ! !
                      Becoming also small 2, the kana which has fire resistance in the material it utilizes, and others not being able to judge? ? ? ? ? ? As for this serious problem shelf Playing with fire is not good, when but you see scientifically Some substance is a combustibility and a fire resistance, it is the truly good thing where it learns With being the case that it is said, make play with fire ringing in the science room! ! ! !

                      • 什么是现在的日本NHK主流主要她的时间时,我在一个小女孩是我自己,我可以做饭
                        Now will not, it is being main current? If you mention cooking the woman young with NHK, as for we time it is possible alone, it was, but

                        • 从蒙特音频裴日本方面的投诉防洪安全的重视,烤杯瓦特
                          By the complaint rush from [monpe] of the Japanese [ji] [yu] [u], w where the backstop is attached to the cup chow mein

                          • 他的父亲不知道此后的下落,但他的母亲改嫁,发送多次入狱
                            From that the whereabouts not knowing the father, the mother however you remarried, no degree the [mushiyo] sending

                            • 代表一个坏的食品,方便成为监管和事故应变奇说什么,但愚蠢的孩子们需要调节漫画和动画 1 When the necessity to describe vicious cooking to regulate cartoon and animation is foolish gaki causing accident biting with anything Being regulated it becomes inconvenient
                              • 代表一个坏的食品,我们必须规范漫画和动画 1 When the necessity to describe vicious cooking to regulate cartoon and animation is foolish gaki causing accident biting with anything Being regulated it becomes inconvenient

                            • 但是,你是多么愚蠢一些,我会谈谈我们你在炎热的水源佛子
                              The hot water entering, if the source [bu] [tsu] it is dense in [ru] state it is being, however it is The [do] just it is being foolish

                              • 但是,部分为教育,从他的外祖父母三个小耳朵被打成了祖父母刚初中毕业,找到工作十年穿 However from small 3 you raised in the grandparents of the mothers only quarrel the grandparents who are done to become the ear after the junior high school graduating job starting to over ten years…
                                • S有租金埃泰没有祖父母在家里教他的母亲,有家务从来没有像 His own mother teaching the housekeeping to the grandparents altogether you could not receive Like it does not have the fact that the housekeeping is done

                              • 但现在我不在家石窟罕见,即使没有煤气炉煤油炉作家也 But now the house tsu te which is not the lighter writer or the gas cookstove or the kerosene space heater It is not unusual it is
                                • 张元咩开始乔特模糊,它没有结婚Tarashii很生气的和危险的使用电热油汀 When with baa which just a little starts becoming dim the kerosene space heater you use speaking dangerously you are gotten angry to the wife it seems

                              • 你让我,你知道我给自己现在一切都说631? 232所学校1 3求到目前为止,我不知道 631 Because the so just it is you say By your making the ru it is don t you think 232 The fact that it seeks from the school to there how probably will be
                                • 米不是631强,从真正的软弱,我只是有强烈的愿望更难頑張 631 It is to force not to be because truth is weak bluffing just it persevered recklessly

                              • 兰花也被称为两个这样的原则,但一小兰花知识或一些更宽松的教育,贫穷或不是傻子
                                Such principle principle even with small 2 intellectual viewing elbowroom education? Something pitiful there is no intellectual viewing, the fool

                                • 到幼儿园的一个时期,我就下车和鲣鱼笔顺的沙丁鱼豆腐汤(干的),酱汤已经取得了带他们
                                  Time of the preschool, cutting the tofu on the palm, The coming out juice (the inside entering thing bonito paragraph) taking, the miso soup work and others it was done

                                  • 制造造成的破坏,这种方代表由我作出修订,将立即品牌名称的来源煮的一
                                    Because chow mein how inscription is done, such a catastrophe is caused The manufacturer should amend trade name instantly in source boiling side

                                    • 即时yakisoba,或正在被遗忘的水很长一段时间我从转翻译让我有些迷惑或杯面,差异,如果我进入公正,它是困难的,从而在进入水源
                                      Because some it is complicated the hot water you should have inserted the instant chow mein, different from the sufficient cup noodle After a long time, when it makes the anther you insert you forget, the hot water before inserting the source you insert, with in very thing

                                      • 各位同事,“我是来你的开水,”两个孩子的母亲则下降至水壶袋黑高下直接电炉我和说你就知道...
                                        “Whether doing, the electric pocket on the cookstove directly and, it is said by the colleague and puts the pot in black [koge] are demoted as for the mother of two children who knowing, the kettle” the [ru]…

                                        • 周二〜104〜づ接近或假装,只有辜〜〜我〜〜姜(略)Popopopoppukoo美国爆米花〜〜♪房子图标图标
                                          104 The fire - it is close the [zu] - [ke] [te] - - The [ku] inclination [ma] - it does, the [yo] [u] - (Abbreviation) [popopopotsupukoo] - [nhausu] American [potsupuko] - [n] ♪

                                          • 品味不同的东西一样样的,和一个我会想的一样,它是从一个三一分再一次至少是进入你的水源头,水或打开你有5分钟 Because those where taste is different in the same type one the source inserting in the hot water was 3 minutes Thinking that difference also one is same already the ru and pouring the hot water 5 minutes
                                            • 我当时是一个孩子,愚蠢!我一直没有水源准备好了!我得到的是抢购 As for we which at that time is the child the fool With something the source you are inserting is in the hot water tsu te kire chi ya tsu te

                                          • 嘿!两个小女孩,杯子靠近燃烧炉:社会:读卖新闻在线(读卖新闻)TTP的:/ / www.yomiuri.co.jp /国家/新闻/ 20100604 - OYT1T00066。媒一百一瓦特不少家长把他们的孩子啊米诺的愿望或严重
                                            Almost! Small 2 girls, in cup chow mein cookstove : Society : YOMIURI ONLINE (the Yomiuri Shimbun Company) ttp: //www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/news/20100604 - OYT1T00066. htm As for parent 110th w It is harsh to desire what to that child of the sled [ya],

                                            • 国内生产总值848谁活着也是我第一次见到她的东西,我认为Erutsu
                                              848 Life and death of the person you think GDP something [wa] ones You saw for the first time

                                              • 如果4 2,没有太大的所有智慧,我有经验,现在是4月2日在电话中没有选择,只能看不小的指示,指示他们来之前与该你的时间是2移动电话的孩子,即使一志位刚好路过看到困难作出或就在它的样子像,使面条或铝饼铛如果温度差并不可怕的化学抗铝和“理解”,但主要是鳕鱼和智慧肯定是小的差异约2经验或 If small 2 there is no manner Everyone intelligence how very it is not As for certain experience Current small 2 will not look at the instruction manual and the te will use the portable telephone and the re ru will accompany you of time of small 2 and transferring the instruction manual it probably will be difficult to use the portable telephone Accidentally 1 The child probably will be that just you did not observe at that it makes with around or you observed at that the burning noodles of the aluminum pot are made “Understanding” the chemical difference of tolerance of temperature of the aluminum the cod it is enormous however Generally difference of experience When it is about certain small 2 as for intelligence the chimpanzee such a strange straw it is the expectation which applies This child and you time of small 2
                                                • 127 “最近是不是紧张的成年人即使在低技能传授容忍,抵制滚它从一个相当中年小学 127 gt Although you say that it is hard with even the adult Recently teaching the resist from the small school the ru it seems Tolerance skill as for being low on the other hand middle age

                                              • 如果儒是美国制造商获得价值5.0亿日元赔偿的订单,这在日本是好的
                                                If America don't you think? the manufacturer appears 5,000,000,000 Yen suitable compensation order, may be Japan

                                                • 如果杯烤荞麦美国基奈股份是挂火“直接向制造商的赔偿应当指出,责任不驱动tTA If America Without putting the cup chow mein on the fire directly the ku it is and is” it is and with to the manufacturer which neglects the note writing which is said damage it should be compensated
                                                  • 如果美洲杯烤荞麦,损害赔偿应指出的是,制造商驱动tTA税的申请,请不要直接加热至 If America Without putting the cup chow mein on the fire directly the ku it is and is” it is and with to the manufacturer which neglects the note writing which is said damage it should be compensated

                                                • 学校225天,这使得人们对日本的贫困,使整个家庭早期古大汗,因为一个年轻的孩子是不负责任的,足以教导,直至下午约六时,应与假设一代你 225 Because the school irresponsible therefore returns home the child of grade low at random quickly don t you think … National the whole Japan to poor people these times which are converted should designate the working together generation as prerequisite Teaching to about 18 o clock it is the extent where also the te is good
                                                  • 有时候,我想谈谈我留下了深刻印象,并抓住寿喜烧出去吃午饭的人具有U盘的一个侧面说这次演出是不是某种香水或饮食燃烧自己,午餐食物,如方便面,甚至早生贫困 pahiyumu somehow the lunch where the person who is said is put out with program without putting that the sukiyaki had entered being impressed the shelf Sometimes unless feed either the sukiyaki lunch or the cup noodle like poor people food it solves

                                                • 宫崎县的儿童和w年初轶事一回事成人855我,我会怎么办?瓦特 855 The adult and the child fumble quickly Miyazaki w Don t you think with tsu te thing another calling w
                                                  • 笨拙的孩子housewives ·ω· ) 185 Valuable doji tsu child housewife… Ω

                                                • 崔背景虚化背景虚化比我祖母和我的烹饪这些食物并在您的电饭煲炉
                                                  Placing the rice cooker in the stove, the boiled rice it tried probably to make The [chi] [yo] it is and becomes dim the grandmother compared to becoming dim, the [ru

                                                  • 年级的孩子每名妇女第二,无论是否行吃得很香,而不是饥饿的人? 1 The girl elementary school 2nd grade being less crowded in The uncle tasty ones it doesn t go to eating
                                                    • 很高兴听到这个好还是Akoiukotomoarimasuwana瓦特凯塔无论如何我们得二年级 Well the trap w which is also the times when you say densely 2 year elementary schools growing it is thing and Temporarily it was possible to be safe it was good

                                                  • 当我提出的第一个飞碟,从某种意义上说是有轮到像面粉面源和丢弃的来源并不像普通面粉面条汤,抛弃你的普通水不 When UFO making for the first time the hot water not throwing away powder soup of the normal Chinese noodles without throwing away the source likely powder soup of the normal Chinese noodles there is the remembering which inserted the source likely…
                                                    • 当我提出的第一个飞碟,从某种意义上说是有轮到像面粉面源和水不会抛弃你的普通 When UFO making for the first time the hot water not throwing away powder soup of the normal Chinese noodles without throwing away the source likely powder soup of the normal Chinese noodles there is the remembering which inserted the source likely…

                                                  • 您已超过了前30叔叔与你不仅帮助信息,但不是消极这里淘金的手流食?瓦特瓦特通常你不会对第二级 叩 It is here and beating and also the ru old boy being wretched there is no ginger You 30 it exceeds the ro which is w The ro w which normally is not in the elementary school 2nd grade partner and is
                                                    • 对865所小学,真正打口,看着我的父亲和淘金的手流不说消极的,我认为这是s 865 In the elementary school student partner being serious argument doing confuting when the ru father you see So you think

                                                  • 意大利面条是他们的未来不是a m穿→→烘烤出炉的未来更长的时间,大包大yakisoba!穿什么样的形式 Already burning gt It is not burnt Side gt Not to be side but te spaghetti what In package deca deca with yakisoba The tsu te writing the ru
                                                    • 他们不穿不烤燃附近,旁边一杯杯→→→ Cup gt There is no cup Burning gt It is not burnt Side gt It is not side
                                                    • 该next m没有再烤意大利面,大,大包yakisoba!穿什么样的形式 But already not to be the chow mein te spaghetti what In package deca deca with yakisoba The tsu te writing the ru

                                                  • 我一直在寻找我喜欢烹饪锅,可以煮面条直接向孩子的妈妈可能 Perhaps the mother of this child Directly the pot noodles which can put on the fire being like You observe at the fact that you have cooked it is
                                                    • 家长看到了铝遇到做饭是很肯定这样一个381 381 May be the experience which observed at that the parent cooks the aluminum make rather securely don t you think is
                                                    • 我想我会知道,从看他们的父母没有做很多,但让你自己的方式我的意思 However you do not do by your because about how to make the parent you see knowing whether the tsu te you say you think as the ru but

                                                  • 我们的作家不要碰任何东西过度保护100日元的Niko早生长度的要求全面镜子,我们就去4 2和395正常父母做饭,煮每个生产塑料容器,如果我说没有被使用过正常孩子我不是在小学科尔 395 Normally the parent showing and or making help cooking the form which is done small 2 the ro which is the ru The gaki mass production to which that with anything does not make 100 Yen lighter writer touch with over protection cannot use honestly The te you say or every pura container put on the fire … the wa which is not kore with the elementary school student…
                                                    • 我们不知道如果我是一个黑色的烟雾物凄燃烧塑料或类似容器,你会真正付诸火你知道你是每855? 855 Every container you put on the fire it is the ro which is When such pura you burn the deep black smoke being tremendous the ru not knowing

                                                  • 我怎么能当我的第一次杯烤荞麦,完成了绝望的来源是全面启用后,总是与你的水,如果他们觉得好 For the first time the cup chow mein tsu te how doing when making inserting also the source the hot water and together As for despairing after the completing good memory
                                                    • 我也照顾Dattarou的公寓被烧毁更悲惨,如果我只烤杯损害与荞麦井 Well just cup chow mein with damage from something shelf The apartment being burnt down the cod the wax which is miserable You will pay attention we
                                                    • 我死也不会小,我总是想知道Tteta考虑如何才能让烤杯荞麦 Small time the cup chow mein tsu te how doing we it makes the question is also probably will think in doubt

                                                  • 我是4 2的机会,这样的人可能会得到相同的东西,然后成人,但更好的海事组织 Accidentally however 2 it was small the human of such a good thing hand may do becoming an adult the te the same thing …
                                                    • 这是发生在4 2,但让人们做同样的事情,也是成年人 Accidentally however 2 it was small the human of this hand may do becoming an adult the te the same thing …

                                                  • 我模糊的工作和适当营养的烹饪埃塔视为垃圾食品垃圾食品我喜欢
                                                    Such a rubbish kudzu food it can feed, The hand cooking which nutrition balance was thought properly making becoming dim

                                                    • 我要工作之后,我将有小方,我去晚吃油炸Betakatta赤裸裸的床上,我夜间进入浴他们把sh5r2啊富铁- [图杜克鲁克

                                                      • 我还派出呆博雅13个单位在这“比任何一年多,在安全,”我想我会做瓦特白痴一样,也是08岁的孩子,因为他们的母亲阿尔茨河Kore的男子 Although such a 呆 re are also 13 units have been dispatched with boya “being safe whether most” w Therefore the mother himself the grandfather of arutsu kore also the child being also 8 years old idiotic like this year the chi ya the wax which bears
                                                        • 那之前,出现在紧急和流言在相同的方式Kore的博雅低价竞标男子 The grandfather of arutsu boya produces with the same method as kore passing Before you saw with wide show

                                                      • 日本生活在太平洋战争被排除后,我来到了战争年代的许多绝望的食品的“短缺”,但如果你不是一个Kuddara
                                                        The Japanese who survives in the difficulty of obtaining food did the Pacific war desperately, it is It is the [ku] [tsu] “of age of postwar engorgement” only, don't you think? and others it is the incident which is not

                                                        • 日清客户留言创始人从百福,“我们希望使我们的公司是由日本儿童胃完成的。”
                                                          The Nisshin Food Products Co., Ltd. founder From hundred luck one word In order “for the stomach of the Japanese child to be filled up, enterprise it starts endeavoring”

                                                          • 旧,中医是好吃的烤锅爆米花将保持兰花和肿胀直接在炉 When former times you place on the gas cookstove directly with CM expanding it becomes tastily so There was a pot and a coming popcorn

                                                            • 是个好女孩,我会凯塔这些拙劣的TTP的:/ / www.dotup.org / uploda / www.dotup.org937859的。jpg
                                                              When it was such [doji] [tsu] daughter, it was good although ttp: //www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org 937859. jpg

                                                              • 有一些方便面整个体验被纸包银色,并有直接的热量,不晒黑和想法是错误的?
                                                                The [ro] which is the instant noodles where the whole is covered with the silver paper and is, That direct fire it put out, mistook for that it is without being?

                                                                • 水平或公主(笑),我让他不小的2杯烤荞麦不会,但你看,即使没有足够的燃料峨江东无我犯了一个临时的(笑)不等于低情报 Aiko way level laughing As for the person the cup chow mein it has not made with small 2 It is not however probably will be there is no thing which was made temporarily the te The ro which the extent which burns is understood and is laughing Suitable intelligence is low

                                                                  • 消费者部长即将举行的“什么是yakisoba,但不是被火烧为什么?是他们没有到火烘烤,因为他们写什么yakisoba?什么是热面条为你不好吗?”Word或不太可能出 Next term consumer charge minister of state Although “why it does not burn it is the chow mein Because the chow mein tsu te it is written burning it became the fire it is it is not it is Hot water applying side it is useless ” With it may propose
                                                                    • 谁发明了第一杯烤荞麦从围绕着“我穿他们这个燃烧?Yakisoba但我不呢?”对不起,我会多次对接我包括玛丽塔 First as for the person who invents the cup chow mein from the around “this it is not burnt don t you think There is no chow mein don t you think ” tsu te Many degrees were thrust it is probably will be

                                                                  • 源杯液体或采取开枪,我会争取市政府建设,摒弃瓦特水进入您的
                                                                    In addition building? The cup is used on the direct fire After the hot water throwing away the liquid source, insert, w

                                                                    • 烤或烤鸡蛋,但那么多工作,如果输入开关功能Kerushi电磁炉烹饪人民报肯井幼儿园...
                                                                      The United States grinding even with the immature kindergarten child, if the switch of the rice cooker you insert, it can make and Although the fried egg and egg burning extent it can make,…

                                                                      • 燃烧近818 ANATA炙烤?我用铁煎锅或没有?绑
                                                                        818 As for chow mein of [anata] direct fire burning? The frying pan and the griddle you do not use? The [ge] which it does -

                                                                        • 现在你想吃饭Oboenaku粪便弄脏杯子和穷人,我Echinpo Kusse隆起是可以来我会让一个人出来
                                                                          The [se] which can - it is, to be good the [tsu] [se] [e] [chi] it is also the [po] The one not remembering [te] of making vulgar droppings [meshi] of the cup men how pauper it may Because, the uncle making from now on, do to come to inside

                                                                          • 现在我炉子,炉子什么孩子的手,没有达到自由Kesou 4形状炉放置在一个不好的名声的误解,三附近,穿着他们来说是一个严重烧伤的书籍和2 The current cookstove tsu te the cookstove tsu te of the child the selfishness it does not reach selfishly that it is bad not to be written The name which you call 2 chow meins and make misunderstand is bad The shape it may be able to place on 3 cookstoves is bad 4
                                                                            • 现在什么炉子,作为未经许可Ijiran,呵呵穿着与塞东西的孩子 The current cookstove tsu te the cookstove tsu te of the child the selfishness it does not reach selfishly that it is bad not to be written The name which you call 2 chow meins and make misunderstand is bad The shape it may be able to place on 3 cookstoves is bad 4

                                                                          • 由于坦科公司母公司的主要成分的我是一个傻瓜才会考虑Kunaru像饥饿的穷人吃垃圾食品垃圾
                                                                            Such a rubbish kudzu food the [se] [te] [ru] parent [tsu] [te] fool who is fed Therefore component [tenko] which becomes the head bad to pile up,

                                                                            • 电磁或146,我吹Tteru电台或不知道如何在地球上?最近的浪潮移动天线瓦特,隆伊予相当水平
                                                                              146 The electromagnetic wave, how much radio wave flying on the earth, knowing, whether the [ru] the [ru]? w The antenna direct closely electromagnetic wave of carrying level is high well enough

                                                                              • 确保系统或即时,如铝箔容器,偶然我的父母种我卖炉塔约放在面条一样,我不是一个复制和 With certain instant system in the aluminum foil like container udon which that way is put on the cookstove it sells By any chance the parent making such the te you imitated it is will not be
                                                                                • 我是孤独和愤怒的家长认为要成立一个泛玉米与铝箔相同的火来轮,进入全面量是应纹 It is trying probably to make the same in the frying pan The sweet corn inserting with the aluminum foil round and round to winding applying the fire You got angry to the thinking tsu drill parent

                                                                              • 第三次是两间小Gokko指导和火焰喷射器日元用打火机Kinchoru
                                                                                3 As for small two time with [kinchiyoru] and hundred Yen lighter/writer flame thrower [gotsuko] doing, you were guided

                                                                                • 第二次的小公寓在这竹量能想到把蛋糕烤烤荞麦蜡工作,我有更多的东西池塘池塘? 2小炉子,如果不是危急关头,我使用普通艾希花,读来描述滚装废物 You tried when the chow mein probably to make it burnt and the apartment was possible is volume Time of this small 2 as for me who more am the swamp swamp what If normal small 2 because it is dangerous you do not use the gas cookstove the ro where and explanation comes and reads and is
                                                                                  • 体积小公寓2本是可以焚烧竹子来吧觉得事情是池塘附近工作煲蜡? 2小炉子,如果不是危急关头,我使用普通艾希花,读来描述滚装废物 You tried when the chow mein probably to make it burnt and the apartment was possible is volume Time of this small 2 as for me who more am the swamp swamp what If normal small 2 because it is dangerous you do not use the gas cookstove the ro where and explanation comes and reads and is

                                                                                • 第二次,不要他妈的小,我听到尾崎丰Iteta井田钱送报纸到卡兹!
                                                                                  We as for small two time the newspaper delivering, Yutaka Ozaki hearing with the gold which it makes the shelf It is to lick well!

                                                                                  • 米彡 我 布鲁诺ーヾ :: 彡 mi No i DREPT DREPT REPT ┴ l i REPT U ゙ and no ゙ y 彡 ゙ and i
                                                                                    • P值━━¶ P值━━¶ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 空调 空调 空调 明星゙数据 明星゙数据 星゙数据 。 。 。 。 。 。 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 炉 ( 从我 )·( ⌒从我 )彡 从ヾ ヾ:: (⌒ (゚,⌒) 布鲁诺⌒ ¯ P ━ ━ ¶ ¯ P ━ ━ ¶ ¯ 92 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Air Air Air ta ゙ star ta ゙ star ta ゙ star ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 Gas cookstove 92 从 i 从 ⌒ i 彡 DREPT 从 DREPT ⌒ ⌒ ゚ No ⌒ HKDRT ⌒ 从 y ⌒ ⌒ and l ゙ REPT ⌒ Person No ⌒ i 彡 DREPT No mi mi THEFR ⌒ 从 nono ⌒ 彡 No ゙ y ⌒ noi ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ゚
                                                                                    • 翻译或 来源 ∴:· :※· ∵ ÷ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 来源面条杨裴 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Anther 92 Source 92 92 92 92 THEFR ∵ ÷ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ peyangu Source and coming side

                                                                                  • 级男生,但我在家里我吃面条袋年的时间进行,但我想我可以建立你一幼儿园杯面 But as for the elementary school boy of the house at the times s of one year making the Chinese noodles of the sack at amount you eat it is If the cup me it is it has at the preschool you give it is it is not kana
                                                                                    • 我会好和热外甥女郭幼儿园的孩子早吃人的杯子!我将和秩序 But as for the niece tsu child the preschool although the cup men you eat to be quick the hot water wa doing With you order to we

                                                                                  • 罗斯等人佤他说出话,我会实现这个女孩和他的合祭屉优两个小
                                                                                    This girl you bringing up the time of your own small 2, competing, [ru] people [warosu

                                                                                    • 老实说Sumanu 632(wwww火先问我,如果我的工作在他们的父母定期从因此要确保你没有这样的路线634(宽 632 Honest sumanu wwww 634 Whether so certainly So having making after usually from the parent the cod First you put on the fire with it seems that does not go w
                                                                                      • 老实说Sumanu 632(wwww火先问我,如果我的工作在他们的父母定期从因此要确保你没有这样的路线634(宽 632 Honest sumanu wwww 634 Whether so certainly So having making after usually from the parent the cod First you put on the fire with it seems that does not go w

                                                                                    • 自由执行Hanayo宫崎Mansenetouyo re要芒斯课程?在一个民主和媒体的自来水先生吗?
                                                                                      The Miyazaki [mansenetouyo] our people operative does man Say naturally, it is? So, democracy and the mass communications it hits, it is?

                                                                                      • 迈拉真的上瘾耀西基诺你的小女孩,我能说的唯一信息仕打狠! !
                                                                                        Will not, and others truth is young in [kuse] of the woman lover, The treatment shelf which is not mercy pardon! !

                                                                                        • 这不是对我明年的危险 30 orz Because it is dangerous don t you think … Next year me 30… orz

                                                                                          • 这些谁忘了,但只有在进入最后他们洒附挂小学生吃杯面 However the elementary school student finished eating the cup and coming side Sprinkling the attachment it forgot to apply …
                                                                                            • 这峨杯面是把萌)的儿童(火燃烧青少年 The elementary school student used the cup and coming side on the fire Burning 萌 you obtain this

                                                                                          • 这是DQN母亲的“用火”走出去,说什么是好,踢打开冰箱和肉不作不会通过吃东西,我会火我把盐食物对你吃黄色胶的Burgers始终只是把罐子是不是所有 Because the inside DQN was the mother Saying that “the fire is used” as for going out it is good but something not to be the case that it keeps making When the refrigerator is opened there is a meat but unless it passes through the fire with only those which cannot be eaten Always entering into the jar ru yellow it is the salt applying in the boiled rice which is you eat

                                                                                            • 这是我不能在小学二年级杯烤荞麦,我开始准备发言优香大前Omoware 581,而我现在是一个难得的回族Kininaru饮食,相反的问题
                                                                                              As for this there is no ginger,… [chi] [yu] [u] or second being elementary schools grade, the cup chow mein make saying, as for thing Dietary life being favored conversely, when the [ru] it is, [omoware] 581 Current [omae] whether how is enormous [kininaru

                                                                                              • 问题是怎样做这方面的经验,通过对她未来的教育?它是不是免费的我会非常有兴趣 As for being problem passing this experience in the future doing what kind of education in the daughter Probably will be but It is I who is not excessive interest

                                                                                                • 驱动tTA的食物是从九州第一次,我也转了269,但科学的方法,而不是一个调料香料烤烤荞麦荞麦源当你still m它需要得到你的Jabajaba水泄漏
                                                                                                  269 We from Kyushu becoming transference, you ate for the first time As for that there is no source chow mein, the scientific seasoning spice chow mein shelf By the way, still UFO of former times the [ze] which is plastic cover what likely When [megapeyangu] making, something the hot water leaks and comes out and depends on the [jiyabajiyaba] hand

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