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The young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan Metropolitan Assembly which regulates sale method such as the cartoon which has vicious characteristic description, to rejection opposite many ★3 such as democracy and common property 


  • 08:24编号:kmqFvOG4或不利影响的青年和罗曼加埃勒盖不知道的是,青少年们犯罪小说阅读石原慎太郎恩戴案件至少 08 24 ID kmqFvOG4 You do not understand whether eroge and eromanga in the young people adverse effect but At least Ishihara s novel reading crime the young people who were done the case which enters
    • 从丑陋的漫画,动画,发誓要铲除的游戏! 16:没有太阳的上升名称办公室:2010 03 04(星期四)12:08:24编号:kmqFvOG4或不利影响的青年和罗曼加埃勒盖不知道,至少看小说石原濒死体验青年犯罪案件,并 Because it is hideous it declares cartoon animation and the game that it eliminates 16 There is no name of the sunrise zu ru place 2010 03 04 wood 12 08 24 ID kmqFvOG4 You do not understand whether eroge and eromanga in the young people adverse effect but At least Ishihara s novel reading crime the young people who were done the case which enters

  • 10000000000鸽子赢得来吧,如果秋差驱动tTA御宅族无论如何朱达罗众议院议员选举的夏季战役狙
    The [ro] which is the election measure which how [se] mania layer you aimed If when it wins with House of Councillors selection of the summer, it worsens 10000000000 [hatopotsupo

    • 229 232毕竟我是看着无知西西的东西,所以我不知道这基泰禁止有点像禁止,但可能是灾难性的弹出窗口,或小说是没有保障?我会一点点奇怪的呢? 229 232 After all so was it is w which is it does and others w which is what Something temperance method like are shelf The temperance method itself way it is from the wa Whether so previous to come out awfully but the novel outside the object reason When that it is just a little it becomes strange it is
      • 开始和结束时的768很奇怪,我Waranai禁止这个原因 768 After all it is such meaning what don t you think It is not different from the beginning of temperance method

    • 378或者更确切地说,它是人类的“不存在的孩子,”我公开吹嘘自己,但我想创作者的法案后藤先生的-包括东京市的,我必包括身高限制漫画条例的修订,以建立一个组织ECPAT青年律师- TTP的:/ / boy0。blog52。FC2的。com /
      378 With you say, or very that person the implementor of this capital regulations plan which includes the “non existence child” is like So it has announced at the Goto self public place ttp: //boy0. blog52. fc2. com/

      • 413“请加以规范,使犯罪分子像我们这样的危险!”的驱逐任何人,我想这会得到地狱的瓦特艾格尼丝↑ 413 Because “our like dangerous offender extra troops are please regulate ” by agunesu ↑ If like this although banishing swiftly overseas w

        • 441 “从监管限制对我们更聪明,如果你继续按照在表面上,但是,你将要反对邪教,只有推动宗教与信仰 441 gt In regulation above even on the surface the one which therefore is put is wiser Therefore from regulation above it may become pushing the belief of cult religion it is opposite is

          • 767的MX是看一谈,“言论自由是一个事不干预他们来说是一个底部,除非你需要的是一个良好的Idake辜通知放在孩子的地方,”我说,我是?我不想陷入动乱虚假信息,我们认为他不能水龙头S混合古石原刚才恨 767 You looked at MX discussion but “As for freedom of expression as for interfering not going down is in brief the eye of the child If you do not place in the place where it reaches just it is good” With you said Simply also the person whom Ishihara hits the 憎 ku te simply blends it is with in disinformation to want you to bewilder It is not it is the trap which is

            • A组为“滥用”,没有理由认为,学术的角度来看,调查的目的,绘图,以排除蜘蛛和刑事
              A, “in the [ri] which is seeing” without the legitimate reason is to say, It is the gist which excludes those which are drawn with purpose such as scientific viewpoint and criminal investigation

              • B级话剧,难怪他们会同意行朱达罗也被缺席会发现角色扮演的OTA扑伊娃现在522
                522 After so long a time, [kosupure] what of [evua] being done, the [ro] which [bi] [ku] [ota] does not stay and is How, if the [se] you do, it should go to our performing quaint level

                • Huzita Riyuuiti是“布鲁诺森和辉夜”,在成人游戏伪“加隆”如果她在衍生作品,分发从事锌亦是Comiket成员
                  Ryuichi Fujita did the secondary creation activity of adult game “Kanon” with PN of “night no forest one shine,” participated in also [komiketsuto] and distributed the member magazine

                  • Kimowota特别消费税(50%)可以解决人口减少问题,并在同一时间,该分区萨市财政与区引进的特殊
                    � [kimowota] special consumer tax (the 50%) it introduces and makes the [sa] revenue source of a certain deme town village of Special Economic District Problem of [zonningu] and depopulation simultaneously solution possibility

                    • Ð [2]可以赢得监管漏洞“儿童色情物品监管的辩论中,”作为一个大都市,是一个见证漫画家
                      <2 dimensional regulation> To quagmire it converts with the hole being lazy “child pornographic regulation argument” As for Metropolitan Assembly cartoonist to witness summons

                      • “大家的党”,但他们狙的保守派谁派出后藤Keizi摄取是适得其反
                        Because “the party of everyone” aims for taking in the conservative layer with Goto Keiji supporting, the ginger, it is the counter-result

                        • “我想防止虐待儿童”,并呼吁该课程的父亲“不色情Kushitai”你疯了,有頑張 m后者,儿童色情,甚至邪恶的本身没有3。儿童色情物品的生产,是邪恶的,因为它等于虐待儿童 “We would like to obstruct child abuse” the tsu te the proper father who is said “We would like to lose the pornography” the tsu te there being a story of the 妄 word which is said kichigai persevering ru is latter what Extreme story regardless there is no child pornography itself even with badness Three Because as for child pornographic production being badness that is equal child abuse
                          • 沐浴scene ll龙猫,梅的父亲说什么海外和一个坏的或生病的感觉,或 The foreign country as for the father and the May bath time scene of totoro when feeling it is bad when abuse and kana it is

                        • “茂木做了”和模糊的规范问题,分区问题,以保障受法律保护的个人利益,将有根本不同
                          “To do too much” as for problem of zoning of ambiguous norm problem and the private method benefit protection which are said, basis differs

                          • “青年条例的修订,以规管在东京销售方式和卡通性恶性”这家报纸还规定了表达的那么差
                            ” Young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan of Tokyo which regulates sale method such as the cartoon which has vicious characteristic description” Because expression is vicious, the newspaper with regulation

                            • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜的犯罪案件,法院认证的紧张和儿童对文 受影响的儿童色情漫画动画一 Furthermore having an influence on child pornographic cartoon animation that it caused the crime for the child There is an example which is recognized in the courthouse
                              • 偏报告儿童色情 谷歌搜索 Child pornography Deflection reporting Google Search
                              • 印象管理的儿童色情 谷歌搜索 Child pornography Impression operation Google Search
                              • 民主党人说Tteta强烈反对儿童色情物品,或者你知道他们说很快坏在开始或最后为阻止儿童色情元入世后的众议院选举原口 Large opposition you call to the child pornography it was the Democratic party but The Lower House election it ended that the blastopore does child pornographic blocking immediately at the point in time when it starts saying The ro which is useless
                              • 没有意义的打击儿童色情物品的峨查看详情利益而被淘汰 If there is no right because there is no meaning of tackling the child pornography in order to count as the result

                            • 三号“乙乙○○的M标记为C M我六,C s Ð Ø k是P权证我的L的e体会ç吨 感四角!”,“双手绑”在指定的16个意见7“持有”四项“非指定的真实”是我们的5 3 “B of turn A M B O O C O M I C S D O K I S P E C I A L S E L E C T sense of shikaku ” “Appointment to do inevitably” opinion 7 name in 16 “reservation” 4 “the finger Fixed non correspondence” is 5

                              • 不行的话在逻辑上组554为什么不瓦特没有监管或监管?我知道我会做的事,因为它是影响到他们的阅读武藤敏郎 554 You can talk regulation group logically the ro w which cannot boil and is Why it does not regulate and doesn t the te become When by his reads therefore no oak it may accomplish with influence is
                                • “不规范,由”大数目的反对党“从这么多监管部门的批准,”这胡说 Because “opposition is many it does not regulate” Because “approval is many it regulates” This nonsense
                                • 如果我狂热地与每一个响应的监管,我要工作体面的东西砖!一旦监管的情况是100万,我做一个彻底的匹配 Reacting to regulation one by one being rushing the cod honest work something make it is the wa When it becomes the kind of situation which by any chance is regulated fighting thoroughly
                                • 民主党人踢,最终甚至出现负压力调节不明白为什么出现这种情况是,没有 After all even democracy is defeated to external pressure when and it becomes so regulation is not found the reason that it is not done
                                • 没有空话,毫无监管五百五十四瓦特的逻辑分组的方式,为什么不呢?我知道我会做的事,因为它是影响到他们的阅读武藤敏郎 554 You can talk regulation group logically the ro w which cannot boil and is Why it does not regulate and doesn t the te become When by his reads therefore no oak it may accomplish with influence is
                                • 漫画可分割太远的840头或规管的讨论色情,我一定是很愚蠢的这种情况臭 840 ero cartoon regulation you argue until now from the true front and are it passes and is high and others there is a such aho ill smelling circumstance it is probably will be
                                • 规例,而不是花一,你知道如果我继续销售和缺点 1 Regulation is applied the ro compared to when it continues sale it should have tried to become disadvantageous and is

                              • 也有对和平的原则和帝国扩张的优点进行讨论,他们挣扎着把折叠合
                                There being also argument of superiority or inferiority of empire expansionism and pacifism, although you attach coming to terms, you suffered hardship

                                • 什么是公平臻“让难以重新融入社会的孩子,名字”什么的,我阻止了父母保护儿童的受害儿童辅导中心的分离
                                  Reaching up to fairness “re-integration of the parent and child is made difficult”, with [tsu] [te] pretext, The fact that the child advisory board protects the damage child and isolates from the parent is disturbed

                                  • 什么是无助于在韩国是少数,但影响?我的意思是坏头自己的“正义终将获胜”,不,“正义的胜利,是”我 Although the Korean being the minority don t those where influence is used become reference The trick tsu te of the head you say or the self “justice wins” it is not “Those which win justice” are
                                    • 什么是无助于在韩国是少数,但影响? “正义终将获胜,”不,“正义的胜利,是”我 Although the Korean being the minority don t those where influence is used become reference The trick tsu te of the head you say or the self “justice wins” it is not “Those which win justice” are

                                  • 从书店这么好,让我很快克斯尔开放规范手机色情漫画广告゙Irusaito
                                    Book store something from calling, [ero] cartoon announcement [ha] ゙ [na] of [moha] ゙ [irusaito] it regulates quickly,

                                    • 他有这样的信心可以看出基本正如所料“的商店购买有驱动tTA只是说:”我想我已完全可靠 And the foundation tsu te where such person of the tsu pa can be unconcerned “the tsu to come you bought at the stand over there because” You think that it is securely it is don t you think
                                      • 200人我喜欢这个,我宁愿它是未来电影了一些很好的音乐,并和他的小说,我不会 200 Such person tsu te the novel and music and the movie the thing tsu te which becomes favorite you are not with your own taste it is probably will be

                                    • 你到底说什么306? ↓恶意表达愚弄我们可以想我会的监管■(笑)是,扩大规例是 306 What you say you who are Thinking that it cannot regulate to ru aho ↓ Vicious expression laughing it can regulate and it does
                                      • ↓恶意表达愚弄我们可以想我会的监管■(笑)是,扩大规例是 Thinking that it cannot regulate to ru aho ↓ Vicious expression laughing it can regulate and it does
                                      • ↓恶意表达愚弄我们可以想我会的监管■(笑)是,扩大规例是 Thinking that it cannot regulate to ru aho ↓ Vicious expression laughing it can regulate and it does

                                    • 公明党与创价学会在蜜月团伙之间传递和获取了日本,我党隐藏在民主社会主义倒塌(赤松)也熄灭
                                      Soka academic societies and Komeito involved in mob and honeymoon keep coming out of Japan Next, hiding in the Democratic party, [ru] Japan Socialist Party deteriorate and (Akamatsu) keep coming out

                                      • 制止共产主义意识形态的地方,最关心的,因为它是属于事到护城河
                                        Therefore as for control of idea the common property most the place where fear it does, those which hit against that moat

                                        • 动画与漫画游戏239(二维创作)视觉有趣,因为我刚刚得到Maritai紧缩?也可能会受到Eroranobe瓦特插图 239 Because just visual creative ones of two dimensions would like to manage such as animation cartoon game it is not strange w Perhaps also illustration of eroranobe is the object
                                          • (如果你曾经经常联系※联系,“视觉性的青年。子虚乌有的货物青年代表,巴兹,”1) If you look at ahead linking ahead linking carefully it is understood but “young people sexual apparent Description thing non existence young people comment”
                                          • (如果你曾经经常联系※联系,“视觉性的青年。子虚乌有的货物青年代表,巴兹,”1) If you look at ahead linking ahead linking carefully it is understood but “young people sexual apparent Description thing non existence young people comment”
                                          • (如果你曾经经常联系※联系,“视觉性的青年。子虚乌有的货物青年代表,巴兹,”1) If you look at ahead linking ahead linking carefully it is understood but “young people sexual apparent Description thing non existence young people comment”

                                        • 及盆栽,并认为没有任何伤害自己的利益为整个民族,实际上它Kimowota
                                          You causing damage to all citizens because of your own hobby, the unconcern as expected the [kimowota] shelf

                                          • 只发给从一个陌生的Ichamon gt The favorite selfishness only you do when because “mono it is such in the partner it is bad ” tsu te gt Strange ichiyamon therefore just it is attached
                                            • 的唯一的人来做好手“,因为有一个这样的坏事!”他们将只发给都是奇数Ichamon The favorite selfishness only you do when because “mono it is such in the partner it is bad ” tsu te Strange ichiyamon therefore just it is attached

                                          • 只有无知的人都看着透明盖,你会品尝混乱他的手平
                                            The foolish people will be penetrated, very that probably will taste agony on the palm of the person

                                            • 四年前,在他40多岁的男子涉嫌非礼怀疑这样的故事对女孩苏 4 years ago the forced wa for the girl it is and the se the man of 40 generations which are arrested with suspicion and the like like this speaks

                                              • 因此,“这让我感觉对什么监管呢?”谁可以考虑,我们将萘乙酸增加了 Therefore “there is regulation tsu te some meaning ” With as for the person who is thought We have increased the ma Good Heavens
                                                • 自公民所有,或者我应该调整比尔回他打算突破审查制度的障碍 Our public citizen everyone the back of the person whom the fence it tries to do tsu pa and others tsu te expression regulation should have been inspected

                                              • 因此,试行),苏,我们反复的路线,在经验法则的,当时,该名男子要相信我们能够控制的社会 Then try and error repeating being done in the rule of thumb mark that times is in the society the regulation which The wa which you think that it keeps being completed
                                                • 政府指导(试行)好认为是最好的男人重复苏 To repeat the wa which you think that the guidance which is by administration try and error it is best

                                              • 在您的来源206。达罗不在这里读听到瓦特光一样(她的母亲)和继母(壶中),父亲他们不知道什么都不会被强奸怀孕至(皇帝)is ll认为自己的孩子,壶中是一种犯罪祭司将尝试结束痛苦轻Shinda 206 Your source The ro w which is not read and is As for light the mother with you heard entirely the mother in law the rattan 壺 raping you become pregnant The father who nothing knows the emperor when you are your own child the thought tsu chi ya u it does You step on the rattan 壺 in crime and Deie you do on the end when it suffered
                                                • 埃塔不削减了男女结婚不结婚不利益的预期怀孕轻失踪 There is no merit excessively in marriage Unless it does even in pregnancy because the man and woman whom it cannot step on in marriage increased

                                              • 好的和656,但万洛里说,我想一平冈Ryuuiti图形动画系列小说的所有日本人说亲的成年妇女( )
                                                656 When makes just the woman whom [rori] it is good with the word cup, group of supporters you say and becomes an adult The Japanese animation the story comic of all Hiraoka Ryuichi types becomes like ('A `)

                                                • 如果你做的是看政府对债券的混乱不连贯的普天间发行广播命中428,它是合理的,按照当前的趋势,被认为是随着
                                                  428 If you look the way of government bond amount of issue the confusion Futenma's inconsistency of scattering, Below that thinking viewing the proper shelf

                                                  • 对拟议的修正案,东京都知事石原慎太郎,“不存在的青年”,它适用的公约和大会的不适当的承认“如何做我的修补程序的一部分”,并表示
                                                    Centering on amendment plan, capital Governor Sintarou Ishihara declared inadequacy of the “non existence young people” and so on it has recognized, but “If the national assembly should have corrected the part”, that you state

                                                    • 对照组各559读卖新闻谷垣祯一野田圣子 自民党 创价学会 艾格尼丝 联合国儿童基金会日本 统一教会 每日新闻产经新闻 559 Regulation group summary The Yomiuri Shimbun Company Kiyoko Tanigaki Noda 92 92 The Liberal Democratic Party Soka academic society agunesu the Japanese UNICEF 92 92 Unification church product sutra newspaper Everyday the newspaper

                                                      • 戏剧协会日本日本剧作家协会,日本协会Shingeki生产,日本作家合作协会,日本交给协会照明,气泡,但我想说声丝毫以外的任何阶段的日本社会。我觉得有些资历根本在于组织也意味无
                                                        The Japanese dramatist association Corporation Japanese theatrical company conference, The Japanese shingeki production person association, Cooperative Japanese script house union, Corporation Japanese illumination house association, However we would like to call to the Japanese stage acoustic house association Order exerted from above the bubble which is not inserted. The group barking, however much you think that there is no meaning,

                                                        • 我可以不吸烟的地方吸烟运动一落千丈,结果我唱的是吸烟结构略有吸烟者在161 161 The habitual smoker does not care and has smoked the place empty hateful smoke motion becoming active it is the case that the smoking possible place decreases sharply result
                                                          • 什么已经用尽,结果在那里吸烟可能,我是唱反吸烟运动的结构,吸烟者吸烟稍微161 161 The habitual smoker does not care and has smoked the place empty hateful smoke motion becoming active it is the case that the smoking possible place decreases sharply result

                                                        • 我是936,因为我的地位现状的希望,我觉得Ttemasu嘉代他们是怎么被规定在悍然袭击方式分区这边的可能很少学校列入Nitsuke 936 Because as for me desiring maintenance of the status quo the ru you attach to regulation group and are not unable to be packed Side raging young unmanned with far side of zoning somehow the margin tsu te thinking the ru party it increases

                                                          • 我说我不太远943 Yanarannokatsu为什么读者,读者和观众,“Yo ll矫枉过正”乌诺我说,你看到孩子们动画“人沃格,他们会哟严重”,或者说只是说,我不过是改变级别的自由和瓦兰 943 If to do too much the tsu te word wa there is no reader with something viewing The handle the reader and the viewer “to do too much is the tsu ” tsu te as for saying the child seeing animation the te “ baikinman it is terrible when the tsu ” you say the strange straw it is level to put out … Just you say the trap which is free
                                                            • 我说我太至今没有Yanarannokatsu为什么944读者,观众和读者,“Yo ll矫枉过正”乌诺我说,你看到孩子们动画“人沃格,他们会哟严重”,或者说我只想说,不过,改变水平的自由和瓦兰 944 If to do too much the tsu te word wa there is no reader with something viewing The handle the reader and the viewer “to do too much is the tsu ” tsu te as for saying the child seeing animation the te “ baikinman it is terrible when the tsu ” you say the strange straw it is level to put out … Just you say the trap which is free

                                                          • 或对 现行条例■为什么?监督管理委员会正为他们的监管理念的表达↓,我将创建一个新的法律术语 Why opposing ↓ Regulation of regulation expression of idea being included making legal terminology anew from the ru
                                                            • 或对 现行条例■为什么?监督管理委员会正为他们的监管理念的表达↓,我将创建一个新的法律术语 Why opposing ↓ Regulation of regulation expression of idea being included making legal terminology anew from the ru
                                                            • 或对 现行条例■为什么?监督管理委员会正为他们的监管理念的表达↓,我将创建一个新的法律术语 Why opposing ↓ Regulation of regulation expression of idea being included making legal terminology anew from the ru
                                                            • 或对 现行条例■为什么?监督管理委员会正为他们的监管理念的表达↓,我将创建一个新的法律术语 Why opposing ↓ Regulation of regulation expression of idea being included making legal terminology anew from the ru

                                                          • 所以我拿到最后的破灭,所以我的年龄核实和储883 Karanai你还没有在社会中的受害者的恐惧之后,一个孩子从父Mutabini不说没有人 883 When age certification how you do because there the end wa tsu chi ya u Calls no one such a thing Eternally the victim continuously the parent gaki at each time you bear unless it is feared in society Without making a profit it does the yo

                                                            • 支持民主,但人们更超过半数的63?没办法,“左翼的大规模制造垃圾,”我的意思不是说愚蠢的事情一样
                                                              63 But above half of that citizen democracy support? Never, “fabrication of the left flank mass rubbish” large foolish thing you do not say,

                                                              • 日本剧作家协会“关于在东京条例青少年健康发展,”修正案表示反对公司协会表示,日本剧场 日本作家联合会日本协会照明,舞台音响协会日本和联合 The Japanese dramatist association stating opposition to the amendment plan “of the regulations regarding healthy rearing of the Tokyo young people” As for statement Corporation Japanese theatrical company conference gt The Japanese shingeki make gt Person association cooperation gt Combination Japanese script house union and Corporation Japanese illumination house association Joint signature of the Japanese stage acoustic house association
                                                                • 615 日本协会 615 gt Corporation Japanese theatrical company conference gt The Japanese shingeki production person association gt Cooperative Japanese script house union gt Corporation Japanese illumination house association gt The Japanese stage acoustic house association To illumination and sound

                                                              • 有764元隆Kimowota院士社民党在上次选举中,也许这是一个有点失去了,那我们一起给你票Kimowota可怕狙不一定是由你投票,甚至暗示Kimowota分钟那么也许不
                                                                764 There is just a little the delicate place As for the person of the corporation people party which [kimowota] reveres with previous House of Representatives selection defeat it is intimate, as for [kimowota] vote Very in applying, viewing thing already understanding, from the [ru] Always the [kimowota] vote aim it is not the causing [re] it is

                                                                • 有些基板的最后一场热身Orokushichihachi为这个Orokushichihachi尿瓶子三石你的阴道1 2 3 1 2 3三石! It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee The ma it is densely It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee Pee Jar Warm up exercise is ended now
                                                                  • 有些基板的最后一场热身Orokushichihachi为这个Orokushichihachi尿瓶子三石你的阴道1 2 3 1 2 3三石! It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee The ma it is densely It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee Pee Jar Warm up exercise is ended now
                                                                  • 有些基板的最后一场热身Orokushichihachi为这个Orokushichihachi尿瓶子三石你的阴道1 2 3 1 2 3三石! It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee The ma it is densely It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee Pee Jar Warm up exercise is ended now
                                                                  • 有些基板的最后一场热身Orokushichihachi为这个Orokushichihachi尿瓶子三石你的阴道1 2 3 1 2 3三石! It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee The ma it is densely It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee Pee Jar Warm up exercise is ended now
                                                                  • 有些基板的最后一场热身Orokushichihachi为这个Orokushichihachi尿瓶子三石你的阴道1 2 3 1 2 3三石! It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee The ma it is densely It is and makes the chi o ro paragraph chi bee Pee Jar Warm up exercise is ended now

                                                                • 条例执行给定当前书目 它是不健康 通过设置规则的年龄不存在的字符在现行条例,“洛里无法控制的”什么是彻头彻尾的谎言 As for the stipulation due to the age setting of the character to that because it does not exist in current regulations “ It cannot regulate rori ” Any tsu te are the lie which becomes complete
                                                                  • 你想知道我的ClassName可以改变的规则相反的效果可以通过瓦特也可以指定茹比它更容易现行的执法规则 After passing conversely if the air which changes enforcement rule it is regardless w In order very that to be able to appoint enforcement rule more simply than present condition even it is possible
                                                                  • 条例执行给定当前书目 不良 规定的字符集的年龄不存在,因为在目前的条例是,“洛里无法控制的”什么是彻头彻尾的谎言 As for the stipulation due to the age setting of the character to that because it does not exist in current regulations “ It cannot regulate rori ” Any tsu te are the lie which becomes complete
                                                                  • 条例执行给定当前书目 不良 规定的字符集的年龄不存在,因为在目前的条例是,“洛里无法控制的”什么是彻头彻尾的谎言 As for the stipulation due to the age setting of the character to that because it does not exist in current regulations “ It cannot regulate rori ” Any tsu te are the lie which becomes complete
                                                                  • 条例执行给定当前书目 不良 规定的字符集的年龄不存在,因为在目前的条例是,“洛里无法控制的”什么是彻头彻尾的谎言 As for the stipulation due to the age setting of the character to that because it does not exist in current regulations “ It cannot regulate rori ” Any tsu te are the lie which becomes complete
                                                                  • 条例执行给定当前书目 不良 规定的字符集的年龄不存在,因为在目前的条例是,“洛里无法控制的”什么是彻头彻尾的谎言 As for the stipulation due to the age setting of the character to that because it does not exist in current regulations “ It cannot regulate rori ” Any tsu te are the lie which becomes complete

                                                                • 杰克鲍尔的女儿在高中设置,它应该把他们已成立了自己的内衣几乎强奸 As for the jack Bauer s daughter with high school student setting may be raped the setting which becomes having entered Therefore the expectation which has the underwear form don t you think
                                                                  • 杰克鲍尔的女儿在高中设置,它应该把他们已成立了自己的内衣几乎强奸 As for the jack Bauer s daughter with high school student setting may be raped the setting which becomes having entered Therefore the expectation which has the underwear form don t you think
                                                                  • 杰克鲍尔的女儿在高中设置,它应该把他们已成立了自己的内衣几乎强奸 As for the jack Bauer s daughter with high school student setting may be raped the setting which becomes having entered Therefore the expectation which has the underwear form don t you think
                                                                  • 杰克鲍尔的女儿在高中设置,它应该把他们已成立了自己的内衣几乎强奸 As for the jack Bauer s daughter with high school student setting may be raped the setting which becomes having entered Therefore the expectation which has the underwear form don t you think

                                                                • 松井是不是自民党脚其中一些轻率,击中广场到一个党的奉承我艾格尼丝“Kimowota扑”如果他们不处理Kimowota人的世界,现在开始努力Metara可怕,一些自来水终于被拒绝,不小心薮蛇,但我想他们会好起来仍然非常非常狂热的支持者在笨拙“”哦,自由民主党松井,这是第一次投票例证公开我更难受坏小子Kimowota发言感到,雪松气味的Ku古看丑陋 Our people capital discussion of the part where consideration is not enough riding in the flattery of agunesu one group “ kimowota to hit” when it begins That it became the large disturbance which it flew If from the world kimowota which the human is not done to handle however much hitting that probably there is no problem don t you think it probably is the carelessness red sandal wood However after all it became meddling rejection at the point where unshapeliness is good Nevertheless when it comes with our people capital discussion party of “enthusiastic propulsion group” vote aim underlying motive is visible openly the cedar te Being ill smelling being scurvy feeling the wa which is more unpleasant yatsura than bad kimowota
                                                                  • 完全安装并继续是必要的工具操作过程中的分化亲两位数友认为会沉默独自在现代周刊日刊Gendai埃泰将完全反对什么时候也看起来很滑稽成人色情规定利润指标,因为炉瓦特茹 Target furnace interest reason When it is regulation of adult ero countenance changing always super the expectation which opposes Daily gene die di weekly today thinks in tsu drill silence state Being inserted completely to in technique of the dividing construction which propulsion group set up and ru w

                                                                • 每个人都在3天的党,在比例代表制选举,一个律师协会的律师与古县在神户开幕律师事务所在兵库县,后藤先生Keizi(50)外地一元决定
                                                                  As for the party of everyone to 3 days, in House of Councillors selection proportion representation, the attorney of the Hyogo prefecture bar association post which opens the legal office in Kobe city, Keiji Goto (50) it decided that it supports

                                                                  • 水果进入政治如果后藤先生管理的目的,并努力推进立法,以确保未来的游戏动画漫画
                                                                    If Goto carries out the political world entering, directing to the legal regulation for the cartoon animation game, it is secure to push on,

                                                                    • 沃塔什么样的次要性的描写比例洛里Mundaro好?本娜分钟的事情,我们也将拥有你 Several percentages of secondary wota like the characteristic description of rori it is the ro which is Well these people understanding ru thing putting out na
                                                                      • 民主党赞成民主党会全力支持恋童癖Erogewota! As for minsu friend of erogewota The minsu party supports rorikon by all power

                                                                    • 没有什么奇怪的理论和瓦兰指责的游戏动画漫画是愚蠢的暴力犯罪每329文基鲁
                                                                      329 At each time brutal crime occurs the [aho] theory which is made consequence of the cartoon animation game what the strange straw is the empty

                                                                      • 没有自由513人,他们接受Angerion输入性铕゛让他做瓦特许多福音战士角色扮演
                                                                        513 Well, our people [kosupure] of the anchor gene dough extent [eu] where the person who has been done is DOTDT accepting the characteristic description of [angerion], [ru] w

                                                                        • 淇一紧张,被迫强奸-绑架和谋杀的四个小女孩,宫崎勉也声称喷射责任
                                                                          Miyazaki working hard/employment 4 young woman kidnapping homicide and forced obscenity is caused, furthermore crime declaration is made

                                                                          • 理所当然发言权现代社会病1 3 98前愚蠢的民族主义,残酷的逻辑
                                                                            98 Very looking down upon natural right with nonsense nationalism, logic of modern society before the savageness

                                                                            • 石原慎太郎是受害者的课题艾格尼丝与目标消费者的道德罪的两个药物可以保护一些外表的利益受法律保护,不受该协议
                                                                              As for Ishihara's object drug crime and being simultaneous, [moraruagunesu] of the consumer As for the object there is a subject which is the victim Doing in just the surface, as for protection method benefit of both it does not agree

                                                                              • 石原慎太郎,原电影导演市川由杆“执行室”看什么马内塔苏场面毒品犯罪的时间表根据她的英雄眠赖希 The Sintarou Ishihara original and seeing “the room of movie execution” of Ichikawa 崑 supervision the protagonist the woman the scene which neglecting together commits Manet is with the medicine the thing
                                                                                • 797苏重复一次,对按规定的时间表给我,要求核实石原的言论 797 Just it repeats once more The text collating try verifying Ishihara s speech

                                                                              • 第一个漫画,动画,游戏,然后他们要处理的所有18岁以上的书籍,但我并不需要土豆销售好青年作出这样的建议,以拗所有年龄只是看看 From first with cartoon animation the game and book everything as 18 prohibited treatments If you sell just those which it is good showing to also the minor as all the age recommendations it was not necessary to get worse so much it is
                                                                                • 840 ,以吸引注意它打开,我有时会选错年轻人做石窟 840 gt Openness if the eye can be attached and if it makes gentle when the minor takes by mistake in the hand it is
                                                                                • 会吸引大人注意的830开放,我有时选择了错误的年轻人做石窟 830 Openness if the eye can be attached and if it makes gentle when the minor takes by mistake in the hand it is
                                                                                • 第一个漫画,动画,游戏,然后他们要处理的所有18岁以上的书籍,但我并不需要土豆销售好青年作出这样的建议,以拗所有年龄只是看看 From first with cartoon animation the game and book everything as 18 prohibited treatments If you sell just those which it is good showing to also the minor as all the age recommendations it was not necessary to get worse so much it is

                                                                              • 等了一些奇怪的Kimowota。即使在你的种族和退化,说得对,这可以理解的?否则,它的石原的自民党家长会,我曾经谱写了导致意外操作,而不是对所有人民的敌人
                                                                                A lot of [kimowota] [do] change. The [ro] which understands, this extent even such as you of deterioration race and is? Unless so it is, it is PTA which is Ishihara who is our people, it becomes instead of to turn national everyone to the enemy

                                                                                • 统一战线,同时也很难是一个恋童癖恋童癖者大专中学嗯,我会去到受害人的芒斯WWW的共产主义社会民主党芒斯芒斯民主无论如何Netouyo驱动tTA WWW的解决办法是经常
                                                                                  Well while secondary [rorikon] is struggled jointly with tertiary [rorikon] with utmost effort, the trap www which rises to the sacrifice What does [netouyo] as for democracy man Say corporation people man Say communist man Say [tsu] [te] www which understands well

                                                                                  • 编号:G8HiBH8 / 0奥马伊脚本来自贵宾或w
                                                                                    ID: G8HiBH8/0 Will not script or w which comes from VIP

                                                                                    • 而不是一个条例可以说是违反宪法,反对real条例一样罕见的1 to be我strong partnership警察和儿童咨询中心,case损害,简直是进入了power条例,以保护儿童机构谈学校即使是较少的管制,“这是我由”Wow ll结束 Truly rather than enacting the regulations which even unconstitutionality can be said rare vis a vis the case The child advisory board and regulations and the related system which can strengthen the cooperation of the police can protect the child The person who puts effort into regulations decreases as for damage example considerably But speaking this in regulation group with the end wa tsu chi ya you bore “that” don t you think the e
                                                                                      • 如果到目前为止,感受到了难得的常设警察包围的图案发生后结束了鸡和鳕鱼的游戏 If to here learning to here chicken race lace doing every cod meeting place it was surrounded in the police and passed and felt

                                                                                    • 而不是指责和商品,税收相当于35至使东京一个独特的产品处理,%时,增加了娱乐?
                                                                                      Rather than calling consequence and the necessity, when it adds the Tokyo individual consumer tax respectable amount to 35% to a treatment of the amusement item?

                                                                                      • 至于色情规管孩子,因为18 色情漫画865“不存在青年陷阱”,但它是推动新学期我有足够的让我 865 Because we would like to regulate 18 prohibited ero cartoons as the child pornography until very “non existence young people” how new terminology making the ri the trap where it is the case that it is done to push
                                                                                        • 570 18岁以上的老年人,如果年轻的眼睛问题无甚至没有一套看到,东京Tetajan也说明了什么 570 gt The eye which was seen being young as a setting if 18 years old or more problem it is not it has explained also tsu te Tokyo it is
                                                                                        • “青年的福祉,”因为如果你设置的问题无年龄年轻的眼睛,即使没有看到一个18,东京Tetajan也解释了什么 If even the “non existence young people” the eye which was seen being young as a setting 18 years old or more there is no problem It has explained also tsu te Tokyo it is
                                                                                        • 至于色情规管孩子,因为18 色情漫画865“不存在青年陷阱”,但它是推动新学期我有足够的让我 865 Because we would like to regulate 18 prohibited ero cartoons as the child pornography until very “non existence young people” how new terminology making the ri the trap where it is the case that it is done to push
                                                                                        • 这就是他有足够的理由,那么你推我创建了一个新名词我故意福祉青年 Don t you think specially until non existence young people how new terminology making the ri it is the reason tsu te person who is pushed

                                                                                      • 色情漫画书,但现在965手,这本书的核心手流花杂志他写了关于它仍然面临着出版
                                                                                        965 But the book of the [ero] cartoon which now is labor assistant, Contents of such contents being written by the postscript in the book of the core magazine, the [ru

                                                                                        • 虽然他们说你不想让他自我规管是禁止的,不澄清boundaries m说,我希望它成为更自我规管的冷效应?世界的不确定性比我的真实包裹是不是愚蠢的无知氖我认为,政府要教导顺序或篮子总是摇摆运动的边界,边界通过指定的书最多不健康什么是坏的,除非你得到什么,我变成了美好,我不知道是否有人 If we would not like you to prohibit while calling self restriction margin as for without making the boundary line clear Because with the atrophy effect independence we would like to make regulate above necessity so you say is It does don t you think and others The fool refutes don t you think it is Above actual society is fluxional always it does not shake you do not obtain either the boundary line Administrative side guides the sequential other than the thing where gradually the boundary line is ascertained the unsound books by appointing Something being useless whether something is OK in everyone it is from the wa
                                                                                          • 虽然他们说你不想让他自我规管是禁止的,不是说我想澄清地狱的不确定性的边界在现实世界中的自我规管及不必要的寒蝉效应,边界指导或增量运动的政府被迫篮子可以随时挥杆路线,什么是坏,除非你知道什么是美好通过指定边境尽快书籍或拉莫人生病的瓦卡我 If we would not like you to prohibit while calling self restriction margin as for without making the boundary line clear Because with the atrophy effect independence we would like to make regulate above necessity so you say is It does don t you think and others The fool refutes don t you think it is Above actual society is fluxional always it does not shake you do not obtain either the boundary line Administrative side guides the sequential other than the thing where gradually the boundary line is ascertained the unsound books by appointing Something being useless whether something is OK in everyone it is from the wa

                                                                                        • 要区分正常的关系○划清界线,“补偿”是有限的,以避免延伸
                                                                                          In order to make the drawing of ○ usual association clear, as it is not expanded not interpreted it limits “the compensation”,

                                                                                          • 规章的监管重点放在儿童色情制品和互联网,“本法有关修订条例,在东京健康的年轻人发展,”东京律师协会为日本律师协会联合会在一份声明中“关于青少年的健康发展条例“达伊尼东京律师协会的主席声明关于部分修改的”条例关于在东京健康的年轻人的发展,“总统声明的部分修正案
                                                                                            Internet regulation and child pornographic regulation are designated as the pillar, declaration of the bar association for “the regulations which amend the portion of the regulations regarding healthy rearing of the Tokyo young people” Day valve ream The chairman declaration regarding the part amendment “of the regulations regarding healthy rearing of the Tokyo young people” Second Tokyo bar association Chairman declaration concerning the part amendment plan “of the regulations regarding healthy rearing of the Tokyo young people”

                                                                                            • 该修正案是吉普吉普531漫画我打算禁止藏有一个简单的城市群身穿条例的修订他们让他写的字Tteru吉普
                                                                                              531 With amendment plan as for [jipo] simply having possessed and prohibiting Cartoon is designated as [jipo] with is not written on plan, but as for capital regulations amendment group calling to [jipo] margin, the [ru

                                                                                              • 谷垣祯一议会主席儿童基金会谷“更严重的占有不是简单的动画,漫画是描绘儿童色情的”,“恋童癖罪犯的灵感来自漫画”他补充说,“来规范漫画,在社会上受法律保护的利益范围儿童色情法重新考虑。“
                                                                                                Tanigaki 禎 one Union Chairman UNICEF Assemblyman “The fact that it is more serious than the simplicity possession is comic and the animation which is characteristic description of the child” “The [rorikon] offender was stimulated comically such as that” “In order to regulate comic, with viewpoint of social method benefit child Pol No method is taken a second look”

                                                                                                • 这并不是说这会影响我的创作出版商的销售,因为在限制不承认监管意义指定自成年鲤鱼的失败我认为只有坦率地限制它的销售Tteru方法 If regulation to sale method thinking that it should have done the ru Meaning of the lawful age appointment which is bu tsu chi ya ke self restriction it is not recognized and consequence of the negligent densely is publisher If regulation to sale method there is no influence in we creation activity and
                                                                                                  • 远远没有成为一个461行我得到这个检查规则的朱达罗监管的公共利益,自我是自己合峨现浇混凝土前出版的故事,把工作亲音频或 461 While gathering the concrete to somewhere OK work when you can discuss before that publishing with by your the ro which densely is advantage of self restriction When with public regulation this you do it becomes advance censorship consist of

                                                                                                • 这是18岁以下的字符集“青年人不存在的”,他们播出吸取内衣和狂欢的,而不是,DVD的销售将被禁止 That is character setting under 18 years old the “non existence young people” to be the random intersection party and Because the underwear form is drawn broadcast prohibition DVD becomes sale prohibition
                                                                                                  • 我附上一个不存在的青年,为什么474?此外,不健全,而不是一个特定项目,应修改 474 Why it binds in the non existence young people it is Because that and as for unsound designated item it is not necessary to amend
                                                                                                  • 这是18岁以下的字符集“青年人不存在的”,他们播出吸取内衣和狂欢的,而不是,DVD的销售将被禁止 That is character setting under 18 years old the “non existence young people” to be the random intersection party and Because the underwear form is drawn broadcast prohibition DVD becomes sale prohibition
                                                                                                  • 这是18岁以下的字符集“青年人不存在的”,他们播出吸取内衣和狂欢的,而不是,DVD的销售将被禁止 That is character setting under 18 years old the “non existence young people” to be the random intersection party and Because the underwear form is drawn broadcast prohibition DVD becomes sale prohibition
                                                                                                  • 这是18岁以下的字符集“青年人不存在的”,他们播出吸取内衣和狂欢的,而不是,DVD的销售将被禁止 That is character setting under 18 years old the “non existence young people” to be the random intersection party and Because the underwear form is drawn broadcast prohibition DVD becomes sale prohibition

                                                                                                • 那么孩子的大脑监管亲,我这样说是有偏见甚至没有触及强奸犯,而实际上纵容儿童色情瓦特的亲戚或朋友“感觉那些”坏的东西都是出Terya社交技巧应采取的有关感觉Hayo ll坏事手流带 Therefore the kind of spirit which inside the brain of regulation group as for the child when and it touches ero instant with the rape demon is w Actually the parent and around putting out “such atmosphere” useless it can get wise any ri ya useless things even with the child About social ability of extent having the ru
                                                                                                  • 你仍然能看到儿童的强奸犯等Etara 829?瓦特教育的考虑显然无Terya东西,我只是看不到足够数量的儿童 829 When such a is visible the child becomes with also the rape demon or is w The child sees and chi ya useless ones being indicated clearly with ri ya that as for education consideration the wa which is sufficient

                                                                                                • 那么是有意义的惩罚和尚报告,如有不实的594?我用我姐姐的身份,以验证是否出现轻微的AV“受害者”我想是这样的话,受害人得到完全傻瓜影音公司,谁认为他们将皮卡查塔 594 If don t you think penalizing the medium cell of untrue declaration is muscle Using the identification card of the certain older sister you think that the minor who performs to AV had the incident “of the victim” but The victim being swindled thinks that the AV 撮 tsu chi ya tsu it is the company it is it is
                                                                                                  • 不只是去采购,不透露年龄或身份证,如果你想买漫画 If we would like to buy cartoon unless with the identification card age is made clear there is no other choice but to try not to be able to buy

                                                                                                • 野人爱好讨厌的塞子板(是不是每个人),但我并不结构,他们发现,在媒体和自己的价值观,社会踢。 Because no one stops that mania hobby is disliked however it does not care the sense of value is pushed to all societies say that is
                                                                                                  • 即使如何反社会价值观,阻碍他们表达自己必须 How being counter social sense of value you do not have to obstruct the fact that itself it expresses that

                                                                                                • (2)“法律的范围内的色情”的照片上的利益,保护被排除,因为不同的保护
                                                                                                  (2) About “the range of the pornography” Because protection method benefit differs, it excludes the picture,

                                                                                                  研究 開発