我没有做错任何事情,或燃料高涨的支持率,以及扬声器,看看他们的邪恶塔蒂壊垃圾傻瓜鳟鱼,日本新闻 Although < the mass rubbish > nothing is done yet, support ratio zooming it fans, the foolish mass rubbish
The loudspeaker which character is bad and is broken liking to see, being, the Japanese journalism
425 “没有党也一直谈论不存在的自民党政治不是叛徒 425
> The Liberal Democratic Party which is not the traitor
The non existence political party speaking,…
596或愚蠢?驱动tTA挛缩由于小泉的邮政民营化,龟井和单位。我现在有一个国会议员洪水你分配一个更有影响力的自民党 596
With the consequence where Koizumi is involved in postal services commercialization, Kamei and flat. Other influential assemblyman dividing our people
There is current proliferation, it is the [ro] which is
740一次,清爽手亲自承认Shimasuta残余方向税表我会为目标的医疗和福利从消费加幅应是相同的,如果表现良好,即使你只是想我使用民主手段这汤是什么真正的意义上,它也是令人惊讶的好时机,因为古碰撞所取得的进展,扭转邮政管理民主不过讴Ubeki巩固财政或财政改革,我不喜欢我的话,我们 740 Once is hospitalized is with the hand which is said remains It is about to want using privately by all means Being the same as democracy because it is good even in the performance we should refresh Consumer tax tax increase medical welfare purpose the public being said it should praise restoration of sound government finance it puts out the restoration of sound government finance the ru way not to be Democracy because it is the under way timing should pierce there puts out postal services administrative retrogression well Is sense truly it passes
740一次,我的手都亲自到医院Shimasuta剩余索取权财政整顿应刷新销售税或没有,甚至更好的性能,如果你想我一样,只是用民主的方法这汤是什么真正的意义上,它也是令人惊讶的不断碰撞古汤的好时机,因为政府应该违背民主邮政 740 Once is hospitalized is with the hand which is said remains It is about to want using privately by all means Being the same as democracy because it is good even in the performance we should refresh Consumer tax tax increase medical welfare purpose the public being said it should praise restoration of sound government finance it puts out the restoration of sound government finance the ru way not to be Democracy because it is the under way timing should pierce there puts out postal services administrative retrogression well Is sense truly it passes
821消费税上调,如果安排在那里的官僚政客捐款降落伞从日本经团联将接受输入时,消费税,因为它不是一个目的的一套企业减税,福利和医疗等财政整固像我这样说,我们来到表获得 821 As for consumer tax tax increase the public it is said and there is no restoration of sound government finance or a medical welfare purpose the ru way therefore corporation tax reduction and set don t you think When it accepts consumer tax tax increase if from Japan Federation of Economic Organizations the politician if the donation bureaucracy it can have arranging ahead order exerted from above
7NR0O 的z0民主闹剧了,但我也有一个问题是一堆愚蠢的傻瓜,因为我真的认为我可以愚弄的人,如果你吻我疯了,除了对这些人采取我们万维网之前,他的朋友,和我完全瘫痪的傻瓜的头60年,并继续 7NR0O z0 Already boringly is in the farcical play of the Democratic party And others it is dense just the pause taking the re you think is it is that the citizen it can swindle But well the ho it is with the foolish party who is swindled being problem what www You and those companions also 60 years continue to be swindled the head completely are paralysed it is
编号: 7NR0O 滑稽的z0一党民主是另一个问题,我有一群真正愚蠢的傻瓜幸福,那是因为我想我可以愚弄的人,如果你吻我疯了,除了对这些人采取· ·我们万维网之前,他的朋友,和我完全瘫痪的傻瓜的头60年,并继续 ID 7NR0O z0 Already boringly is in the farcical play of the Democratic party And others it is dense just the pause taking the re you think is it is that the citizen it can swindle But well the ho it is with the foolish party who is swindled being problem what www You and those companions also 60 years continue to be swindled the head completely are paralysed it is
II以及商界领袖主张加税的同时也与谢野馨谷垣祯一侃胶狗商圈不会关闭从杆位和第三位的是简与谢野馨自民党排除在外,而我是第三代 Because Yosano who is passed through from our people 菅 with is close tripolar becomes the adhesive
Yosano and the 菅 which are the dog of financial world the same tax increase disputant as Tanigaki
Two worlds and three worlds are even in financial world, it is,
Nannee我从来没有让直政府资金流向,探讨传媒图标吨○○○李页621 621 From the i ○ n bu ○ ji ○ ton being direct in the mass communications if it lets flow how what well it is in the gold of government
是啊413。而美国的媒体。因为我说我认为控方仅在美国,包括驱赶(笑) 413 Sled ya American mass communications American investigation to think because the tsu drill it drove is laughing
NULL As expected because the error to demon it became difficult in just the prime minister alternation play to convert Also the mass rubbish this time “With our people useless” … With you say being more skillful changing to the vicious negative can the reason where that is increasing the effect And the net operative netouyo calling the inhabitant of the net of anti democracy from edge you ridicule laughing The strategy which relatively makes democracy support look upward by the fact that the harassment is unfolded in the net the extolment under way At the time of the House of Representatives selection now likely democracy believer of false intelligence and vesting class and the operative party Pasting the disagreeable label where just by your after finishing to escape well call to democracy administration group of objectors “ netouyo ” and so on The ridicule laughing the wax which hurts you think as… with and others the wa it is to boil the chestnut you can apply … … Base layer “ netouyo ” the wa ri doing from safety zone niyaniya floating the disagreeable smile Watching the monitor ru feeling probably is what kind of thing what
什么任职,但有利的,政府。享受着幽默,甚至不屑与它关闭自由 However it probably is favorable what in the acquired authority government It gets off our people whom The notion that where humor it suffers with that
Poppo行政鸽子最后的“明星内阁”如果我的记忆?然后现在在内阁侃,结果呢? “内阁巨星”钱? Previous pigeon po tsu po administration was “all star Cabinet” So when it does the 菅 Cabinet of this time how becomes it is “Superstar Cabinet” combining
管内阁通过105也没有通过国会,进入选举与自来水Karenai 105 As for the inside of pipe official building not passing the National Diet deliberation excessively without being hit thrust into election
_NULL_ 319
(. . ゚) [gorua] !
Anti-Japanese national ruin three bad law “ Resident denizenship No [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] protection of fundamental human rights Surname classified by married couple ” The [ri] you push,
Military comfort woman compensation method and war crime verification method are planned, and so on
The way of [bakasayo] above Japan Socialist Party, speaking clearly, as for standardized association [minsu]
* Day Book Enemy [so]
The [ro] which is! !
Not to mention, with the palm return the manifest violation stripe come, our people as for the [tsu] [te] [ru] which about can think politics and the gold in the clergyman, becomes corrupted and sows
With vote gathering 7,000,000,000,000 Yen! ( Child treatment and farmer compensation ) The rose it spreads,
In addition with Futenma problem security is designated as gdgd,
With Akamatsu foot and mouth disease it hits the dairy farming of entire country on the Don bottom of fear and is dense the [mu]
Immediately after the steamrolling as for automobile accident faker snow child 痴 China 冤. Face being defeated. It does to performing,
After all, awfully the basin turning of administration! Solution. Juice! With in the habit which is impeached, with election aim the fact of the matter which administration the basin is turned! ( > < )…
… The [tsu] you want, droppings [minsu] is the air which continues to ridicule the citizen to somewhere! ? ?
It is to lick the citizen is ( Anger )
_NULL_ o
This how it became?
* 菅 The financial management group of Vice-President doubt of untrue statement (2009.11.27)
菅 Vice-President Naoto national strategy charge phase (63) in financial management group “grass will meeting” of nationwide sponsor, from supporter
“Contribution”, it processes “the support fee” of the year 20,000 Yen which you gathered as it makes the document which is necessary for tax credit the general affairs ministry deliver,
The [te] on the 26th, it understood with investigation of the product sutra newspaper that it is.
Political financial readjustment method has not recognized the tax deduction of support fee, huge tax being returned illegitimately the fear
Certain. While naming the sponsor, in the political financial income and outgo report the number of members every year [se] ゙ [ro]. “In fact from the intellectual
Also criticism of financial contributions disguise” has come out, readjustment method violation (untrue statement) there is doubt.
。饿。从总统的言论感到恐惧的是,代表民主党和直人申韩瓦特 _NULL_
一个与新公明党联盟在你说!出于公明初古 Komeito you who struggle jointly say!
It is quick being cut off Komeito
一个博士谷垣祯一409,鸽子Poppo 20通常不严重,但Louppy管20分,他们已经得救,如果他们没有掩饰谷垣是什么,我不能多救济小泽从即日起至7月60,我应该怎么做我等待艾希周一伤心,装璜去 409 As for Mr Tanigaki the a it is seriously normally doing 20 points As for pigeon po tsu po with rupi 20 points The tube is rescue but there is no rescue in Tanigaki … Nothing to be hidden Ozawa the te 60 point What how should have been done from here to 7 ends of the month When it reaches the limits don t you think sadly the potato it is
和我说什么我要求谷垣祯一已经等待了合理只会帮助到新公明党 Reaching the limits something Tanigaki who requests help from Komeito says
安谷垣祯一,毛卡啊只取第二ー吗?不像毛卡Fushiana llー As for Tanigaki the a it is your a … the eye e unintentionally to take the ma tsu The hushiana chi ya it is different uninformed the ma tsu
我ーYotsunoha如何梅萨谷垣祯一的讲话416,小泉将不会赢得总统选举或 416 How doing it makes Tanigaki stop it is … It probably cannot win with Koizumi or president selection
没有自民党得救,影评人谷垣祯一因为我没有什么很大的纾缓 The Liberal Democratic Party is rescue but there is no rescue in Tanigaki … What it is critic what it is
自民党总裁谷垣祯一说:“我们甚至可以隐藏鸠山一郎小泽,哈萨克斯坦流行了一段时间ü President Liberal Democratic Party Tanigaki “Hatoyama and Ozawa hiding popularity probably will be made for a while
自民党谷垣祯一密切,他们听取返回新公明党曾预计,支持如何成熟 You had expected to the Tanigaki our people but Hearing that the fair be tsu it is it revolves in the ri support and the like it is it to be possible
谷垣是如此糟糕,为什么外地。什么是带你到这种疾病?只是大批判。不要说什么政策只是抽象的,而是基于政治反对派的假年龄最小特征尺寸的人口 As for Tanigaki the wa ru it is so with something the field Depending on the illness the ru With just criticism large Only abstract policy you say riding it is major feature of no chi ya tsu te political group of opposition party age minsu don t you think
谷垣祯一409,Poppo鸽子打20分,通常严重的,管20分Louppy 7月60在这里结束,如果他们没有做任何事情,我应该怎么做,和去获得等待灌装这是可悲的艾希周一 409 As for Mr Tanigaki doing seriously normally 20 points As for pigeon po tsu po with rupi 20 points As for the tube nothing to be done the te 60 point What how should have been done from here to 7 ends of the month When it reaches the limits don t you think sadly the potato it is
谷垣祯一的工作就是把在参议院选举失败的责任,但我这个做 Therefore as for Tanigaki being defeated with House of Councillors selection taking responsibility work it is to call is separately with this
谷垣祯一自己的“被弃置的石头,”我从很宣布,这是好现 Tanigaki has declared personally “you throw away and become the stone” that therefore it is it is to call is with this
谷垣祯一,“由于小泉不断扩大的差距,”财政部长谷垣祯一,但我做了小泉政府在这3年是相当甚至我自己错了瓦特 Differential expanded with consequence of Tanigaki “Koizumi administration” So financial affairs minister of state does also 3 years with Koizumi administration Tanigaki w By your reaching by mistake
谷垣祯一,这不是说在工作的细节,甚至包括同时显示在国会选举将在Ttenai说蠢事 Tanigaki nonsense thing speaking Even with the construction which is brought to group of people going participating simultaneous election margin
选后“是什么?谷垣祯一?克香格里拉゙゚我出来了什么或ñ带我查采取瓦特”的真正面貌是穆基red ll犹豫的习惯并没有说什么可惜每个人最近的井“Jiminga一个”汤 Immediately after the electing “ Tanigaki It is be able to designate something as such and the tsu boy is hu ゚ ゙ ra w” in the habit which is Recent times something koitsu at each time you say becoming pitiful extent muki “ jiminga ” it puts out to the face deep red
三坏法358反奴役“两个名称自由的专营权,日本民法开玩笑”,那么你已经足以推动该计划的和小夜核查党法的赔偿慰安妇和战争罪行,更愚蠢的第一次社会主义,坦白敏制服协会对此也是★,日本的索纳敌人,但我们同意,没有人反对该法案即使没有一个国家的法律规定,以遏止对言论自由 358
Anti-Japanese national ruin three bad law “ Resident denizenship No [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] protection of fundamental human rights Surname classified by married couple ” The [ri] you push,
Military comfort woman compensation method and war crime verification method are planned, and so on
The way of [bakasayo] above Japan Socialist Party, speaking clearly, as for standardized association [minsu]
* Day Book Enemy [so]
Well, but as for that agreement, oppresses the freedom of speech the law which the national ruin bill
So being there is no objection
乐器制造,但您有没有一个莫霍克站在字?分裂的分裂,但她穿的衣服“Hyahha!”我肯定会获得1票很多Netouyo瓦特 When in [gatsuki] and the [kiyara] raising it makes the morphine can, how is?
The clothes of [togetoge] wearing, As for oral habit “[hiyatsuha]! ”
The [ze] w where vote of [netouyo] enters certainly all the way
人们不能帮助它如果亲左派反日朝鲜人自己自民党第一次世界大战运河还是看管子的位置,以保持她的选举权姓向外国人权法 If tube itself one person of anti-Japanese [sayoku] Korean group how it will do it is not, but ww
As for our people, standpoint of the tube for the surname protection of fundamental human rights method of the classified by foreign carrot administration married couple verification margin
人对总理谷垣祯一模糊神经网络调查Tarudoko 0.7%,0.7%,标准普尔慎中,S Hamika FNN public opinion poll
The person where is suitable in the prime minister
Tanigaki 禎 one 0.7%
Barrel floor Shinji 0.7%
[hamika] ゙ [ki] pitiful
人民的新党将通过邮政延伸服务,如果他们在调查,但我的手要离开现在的(但没有大惊小怪无)是敏感的,甚至有可能弹出的新的政治自治市镇党无论通过公共邮政服务,民主党人迫使起诉,并可能在大选前小泽小泽传票要求,在发光的单位,你是一个地狱小泽一郎也取消选择哪种方式我 When it extends conversely if as for the national new party you do not secede through the postal services however to be current support ratio if disturbance there is no at all but The postal services not passing national new party producing the rag the possibility rising Furthermore before Ozawa s witness summon requiring and the election there is a possibility of Ozawa s forcing prosecution deviation from as Ozawa s stepping on picture Democracy choosing whichever is the hell well
人民党将延续至新的邮政服务,您是敏感交出弹出的伯勒不能离开管选举的可能性,但起诉前,小泽强制要求或图纸传票作为小泽小泽看到更多的光解嘿有一个地狱一个民主和以何种方式我选择 When it extends conversely if as for the national new party you do not secede through the postal services however to be current support ratio if disturbance there is no at all but The postal services not passing national new party producing the rag the possibility rising Furthermore before Ozawa s witness summon requiring and the election there is a possibility of Ozawa s forcing prosecution deviation from as Ozawa s stepping on picture Democracy choosing whichever is the hell well
什么是低日元,人民币同样的事情,而低的固定疏散政策,弱日元政策,他不知道卫冕记 _NULL_
他和我是的,我们瓦特延异生太郎鸠山负位数帮助世界各地的选举通知Louppy众议院第一是普天间的时间讲话的时刻给予我这么好不负责任的瓦特不只是一个,另一个是由于错误的埃塔在我讲话,我懂了回来瓦特Itaiitai你的腹部的支持率只有鸠山元讲话,发言,但我不明白的 The fellow is different from us it is w Because Aso was defeated with the Lower House election it is helpless As for Hatoyama above the way of rupi is known in the world w which is the quitting words aim coming with Futenma s timing Because is with just one person one person stopped the fact that it is well irresponsible already and made a mistake the time With consequence the tsu chi ya tsu it is in stomach itaiitai w Hatoyama just stopped in we be able to understand the fact that support ratio returns it is
但年中的国会成员追求民主自由,他们不喜欢他们的头发Tajitaji离开,什么将他们尝试,民主党“明星内阁”为W So in the overtaking our people Assemblyman whom Q is prejudiced
At the National Diet [tajitaji], as for “all star Cabinet” of the [ze] and the democracy which are in great fear what w
例如,我希望自民党说,良好的复苏,如果我们审查中产阶级的新自由主义路线的案件 If the Liberal Democratic Party summarizing with case of the new free route, says middle class revival theory, it is good although
即使他们降低公司税拉莫郁梳日本经团联,困难仍然会出现在公共财政部分被打破,谭 Also Japan Federation of Economic Organizations having making however much income tax cheap national public finance is destruction is doing and others it probably will be troubled
自由民主联盟的经济组织,人我会觉得他们是经常吃的是日本公务员 Thinking that our people Japan Federation of Economic Organizations with the government employee Japan was designated as the food as for the ru citizen it is many
即使思维5,民主海拔的上议院选举和“茂木酱历史性的失败,自民党获得压倒性胜利,政府垮台,民主,但我期待在S返回自民党权力的,搅拌萨基 5 How thinking democracy “sees with House of Councillors raising holding selection as for the so gi the historical crushing defeat the Liberal Democratic Party with the overwhelming victory But as for the Democratic party administration collapse our people in administration reflowering doing discernibly the ru it is
即使考虑05,民主选举是一个历史性的失败,自民党获得压倒性胜利,政府垮台,民主,但我期待在S重返自民党的权力,搅拌萨基 5 How thinking with House of Councillors selection as for democracy the historical crushing defeat the Liberal Democratic Party with the overwhelming victory But as for the Democratic party administration collapse our people in administration reflowering doing discernibly the ru it is
它不会这么好于三年前的选举,如果没有获胜,自民党可能会在消费者的真实 Probably is not about 3 years ago even with Upper House election perhaps but it cannot win If with it becomes our people go out truly
我想我必须削减它,因为它没有赢得选举?只有坦率地说,我有一个民主党人很难 The fact that it cannot win with House of Councillors selection only is cut in the reason it is it isn t The bu tsu chi ya ke it is balance circumstance from the Democratic party
来吧民主党赢得选举,无论如何,“茂木miso m了!”有一点不愉快的面对和大 Temporarily when it won House of Councillors selection democracy saw “and the so gi was completed ” With what the huge face it does just a little hate
濒死体验我得到了参院选举候选人初选和公开我用的是自民党峨一个公共变量的是我的总统 I becoming the president using public offering and primary election in order to change the Liberal Democratic Party the House of Councillors candidate It had choosing in opening
进入自由选举,但名义上,我不想把一个更有意义的危险 However you insert in our people once we want House of Councillors selection having the crisis atmosphere more
原则上,不只是为了批评达夫先生,前部长,我没有足够的胆量站私人财产直接输入所有苏 The pigeon you criticize with policy just not to be the minister of state experience people rebuild with private funds all throwing Unless there is a guts of extent
729事实上,在目标的批评,但更多的,我曾经还是茹 729 The actually place as for the criticism which shoots the mark however it is possible thing above that it is not popular die
及发牌及技术的国家在中国和其他亚洲多年的执政党来照顾井874官方发展援助,中国国内生产总值的感谢,如果他们立即掏出跟进,那是因为你笑超卖国党破坏经济,瓦特 874 Well with favor of technical provision and ODA to China and Asian countries which are done at the long time administration ruling party When you became aware because GDP to be passed immediate the Japanese sutra be completed it was the laughing ultra treason political party which is made the chi ya oral ya in China w
该组织的出现,从投票,但它是执政党在做越来越多的习惯 Because organized votes were the administration ruling party however it was attached It has kept leaving steadily
在他的首相谷垣祯一Ttetara进入过去四年不想坏愚弄任何东西,但它是错误的驱动tTA部署没有区别,因为我不这样做瓦特自民党谷垣祯一,反对派的领导人,因为我想你选择什么? ?自由第一次世界大战白痴,我不是为了支持Tanigaki ll先生错了,所以没有人去看过它看起来很美死亡恩戴一次西西 At all Tanigaki himself is not bad Past going between aho prime ministers of four years it has become the development which is different the cod not to be wrong So our people that do not do it is it is w Therefore the party chief of the opposition party Tanigaki it chose it is with to do the yo ww That is visible and is visible and therefore Tanigaki can support no one When order by mistake the ru it is aho our people w Die cleanly w
她并接受所有的批评并不提请盒装次茹违背自民党艾希周一悲伤,我等待着,装璜去,什么样的谷垣祯一的真实意图?不仅批评,如果自民党,他们是在完全没有建议,这样一来,自民党,坚决反对使用(即成人),我来 When it reaches the limits don t you think sadly the potato it is Receiving everything of anti next ru criticism to oneself in the Liberal Democratic Party which reaches the limits it is Tanigaki s that president truth Not only criticism if the Liberal Democratic Party when like this it does completely there is no plan Don t you think also the Liberal Democratic Party was accustomed to the opposition party securely and become the te came
我去的自民党,并提请包装艾希周一伤心,装璜等去,什么总裁谷垣祯一的真实意图的?不仅批评,如果自民党,他们是在完全没有建议,这样一来,自民党,坚决反对使用(即成人),我来 When it reaches the limits don t you think sadly the potato it is Receiving everything of anti next ru criticism to oneself in the Liberal Democratic Party which reaches the limits it is Tanigaki s that president truth Not only criticism if the Liberal Democratic Party when like this it does completely there is no plan Don t you think also the Liberal Democratic Party was accustomed to the opposition party securely and become the te came
如果你不想失去自由壊850的IT消费像freely ll罚款自民Rashiku四郎 850 If we would not like to break our people seem our people properly margin Those where now it is like it becomes selfish not to go out
我说不让你的乐趣与邪教组织的自民党还是违背马祖笔芯 Reaching the limits to the partner after the ru or the cult and the chord mu stopping calling the Liberal Democratic Party
它必须被拒绝,否则我会带来民主的大多数,“内阁不信任”是指 Democracy having, absolute majority above the [ru] be sure to be rejected,
That means “Cabinet faith”
小泽和非组Mutoka世界当我不是唯一的部件小泽一郎,伊藤假名政治问题,如利用法律的邮政改革舛添 It does not set up, it is, don't you think?
When Ozawa is public, it unites with non Ozawa when, Masuzoe is utilized when
It designates also postal services reformation method as issue of politics, it does not solve
尝救济被媒体曝光后,日本甚至不会饿谷垣祯一在各报,我不把你的... You do not announce that 嘗 [te] Japan is rescued in poor-looking Tanigaki completely therefore it is, as for the rubbish…
尽管自民党590筑巢食品叛徒我说美国奴隶制清和会议上,我会党的团结氖 590
Although the traitor of the American subordinate, Seiwa meeting the nest eats in the Liberal Democratic Party,
Don't you think? whole party attitude how, -
居民对Netouyo权利。标准。在痛苦中后期开始引起不在于教育程度低,如果我刚砂金秘密资金大规模的民主自由民主党现在我目前的情况瓦特有90%的支持率权利Etetaro越南日本。标准。半岛哪里团伙回家,我没有回家?团伙祖先最初来自半岛一直哭我只a m甚至回(笑Kawayusosu Netouyo犯罪,打击罂粟Tetai反对日本在赚钱与桩有这么困我被歧视) The right of [netouyo] thing resident. Mark. W where the lie whose the mob education reason is painful low starts
The gold transferring also democracy to our people secret expense mass rubbish, there was no cod current circumstance
Now the democracy support ratio 90% it exceeds the [ro]
The right of resident. Mark. The mob returns the peninsula
Oh, we would not like to return, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is? Therefore the violence organization where the ancestor originally is in the peninsula, returning, it was discriminated and it was
Therefore hemorrhoids sleeping and Japan in the partner we would like to make money together with crime, it is,
It cried, (laughing)
当然这个政策主张民主可以不再捍卫民主党人知道这是一个遗憾 It became not be able to protect the Democratic party certainly with policy
As for democracy supporter of this [sure] pitiful shelf
我会想很多,他甚至看起来像狗屎如果我感不要有没有一个民主的危险,如果我要真正交换结束自民党支持自由的思想,更好地在这里为什么没有希望民主党一 Democracy thinking even the droppings as for the ru person although all the way it is support ratio of our people why not rising When of thing of there is made to think better the Liberal Democratic Party it ends truly Quite but like there is no crisis atmosphere
我会说他是咆哮之前你说我少资料只会看到所有的电视节目吗?谷垣祯一,其实做得相当好苦 You say becoming saying is the ru person only the all television probably feeling weak what which is not seen Tanigaki does really rather well
“自民党是不是一个坏消息,我会頑張谷垣祯一反媒体的偏见,我不走油马祖 “As for the Liberal Democratic Party it does not reach the limits The deflection anti Japanese mass communications persevering Tanigaki it is bad not to report ru
安倍晋三,麻生太郎,福田埃塔道理,但它命名,它是不确定的,直到最后谷垣祯一 As for Abe Aso and Fukuda however name you remembered immediately Tanigaki was uncertain to end
鸠山(0 9个百分点),小泽一郎(百分之2 1),也低于驱动tTA的下跌,谷垣是根据这些(0 7%) Prime Minister Hatoyama 0 9 Ozawa 2 1 it was less than but Tanigaki furthermore was under that 0 7
鸠山(0 9个百分点),小泽一郎(百分之2 1),也低于驱动tTA的下跌,谷垣是根据这些(0 7%) Prime Minister Hatoyama 0 9 Ozawa 2 1 it was less than but Tanigaki furthermore was under that 0 7
鸠山(0 9个百分点),小泽一郎(百分之2 1),也低于驱动tTA的下跌,谷垣是根据这些(0 7%) Prime Minister Hatoyama 0 9 Ozawa 2 1 it was less than but Tanigaki furthermore was under that 0 7
鸠山(0 9个百分点),小泽一郎(百分之2 1),也低于驱动tTA的下跌,谷垣是根据这些(0 7%) Prime Minister Hatoyama 0 9 Ozawa 2 1 it was less than but Tanigaki furthermore was under that 0 7
我已经进入比他的头从技术好,更天)傻瓜或者至少这些来自私营大学(自民党总裁预期 There is a head which enters into the sled [ya] east institute of technology therefore it is, whether at least from [aho] of private university graduate
(Recent Liberal Democratic Party president) from expectation has done
我带了一个时代的变化部长的总理,我们去了我的手同样对自民党wwww邪教,我去自民党合理wwww Reaching limits many times the prime minister as for alternating the Liberal Democratic Party the same wwww Reaching limits as for uniting the cult and the hand the Liberal Democratic Party wwww
595 但不幸的是壊小泉的自民党,自民党的麻生太郎是壊 595 gt Koizumi broke the Liberal Democratic Party but Regrettable as for breaking the Liberal Democratic Party Aso
我必须采取他们的人,负责617鸠山讲话本身,而不是我的风筝,将是一个坏头瓦特凯塔 617 Hatoyama responsible taking and others must be in the citizen the fact that probably will be the head being worse than itself stopping w
我认识到社会保障制度的失败和公共财政管理不善寿司崩溃,而不是直出或 Signet losing government of national public finance failure and social security system failure,
Only it comes again
我还没有取代民主党执政,所以你失望的人“,但民主党并没有被允许进入”政府没有给一个手路线重组大型和小型Tteta“从 Therefore but the reason which it alternates to the Democratic party administration “however it is not permitted you inserted the fact that the citizen is disappointed in democracy” the tsu te it is large restructuring and ” The empty you do not start to the small government route
450目前,我们认为有必要刹车民主党 450 Temporarily you think that it is necessary to use the brake on the Democratic party administration
一线不得转让,但还不够糟糕,如果民主党赢 Perhaps one line which you cannot transfer but the Democratic party If the intention of winning unless that extent it does it is useless
但是,“我没有被允许进入民主”这么多愚蠢的事实,我 But “however it is not permitted you inserted in democracy” the tsu te fool so multi actuality
我错过了去踢作为反对党领袖侵略 或者我只是说我没有足够严重的谷垣祯一,不能接近它共产党人认真像Nechinechi赞同调查数据 It is lacking in attack characteristic as opposition party party chief it is don t you think gt Tanigaki Being serious the side thing at the point where it is good not to say but what Whether saying Japan Communist Party the investigation data arranging likely seriously nechinechi it is not possible either to approach
大多数人赞成小泽751 ll这样想,甚至是不可避免的 751 As for the person of most being such a ones… Ozawa it has supported with such a thing when it is the same thing doing it is helpless when thought tsu chi ya u we Tanigaki probably will be by mistake the ru is
我错过了去踢作为反对党领袖侵略 或者我只是说我没有足够严重的谷垣祯一,不能接近它共产党人认真像Nechinechi赞同调查数据 It is lacking in attack characteristic as opposition party party chief it is don t you think gt Tanigaki Being serious the side thing at the point where it is good not to say but what Whether saying Japan Communist Party the investigation data arranging likely seriously nechinechi it is not possible either to approach
谷垣祯一失言Rashii失言不是那么他们的感觉是在那正是恩戴我去他的秘书,甚至没有一个错误本来失策Rashii?我是驴把音 As for Tanigaki as for the losing word which losing word seems doing or the mistake which mistake seems it is not done Originally remembering he was engaged in the Secretary General with something the ru person it is It was the ketsu having but it is
所以康三,不支持党如果有人能够做出这样的一个权力下放的结构,使困难的预算浪费和严重浪费加税的预算削减之前 Therefore it is dense before increasing taxes as wasteful budget is shaved harshly Unless the political party wasteful budget to make may do the mechanism of the kind of decentralization of power which is made difficult is supported
“失败的民主是放在”我说,“还没有开始但在民主,宽松的管理,彻底下放”你的意思是说不满 “Inserting in democracy it failed” as for tsu te “as for democracy in decentralization of authority and compulsory thoroughness regulation still ” Not starting being full non
推进政治改革→什么是大联盟与自民党,自民党如果我现在的权力分配小泽党派328的,使得看起来像一个可能的 328 If power of current Ozawa group dividing the party the Liberal Democratic Party large alliance gt also the Liberal Democratic Party dividing political world reorganization probably will complete is it is
政策委员会主席根长38,45叶细野46岁的副秘书长的新民主党执行秘书阵容枝野■。方向,从青年人数,民主仍然66岁武河村选举委员会62金城武川崎国会事务委员会,53石破茂政策负责人66岁的洪流塔诺董事长,64岁武Ooshima行政自民党■阵容行政人员48年来解决选举委员会主席50个基地该句是不是人员或有经验的明星希望昆虫总理?瓦特 * New official line-up of the Democratic party
Secretary General Branch field 46 years old
Secretary General representation Hosono 38 years old
Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council 玄 leaf 45 years old
National anti- chairman . Bottom 50 years old
Selection anti- chairman Living in peace 48 years old
* The Liberal Democratic Party official line-up
Secretary General Oshima 64 years old
Chairman of the Executive Council Tanose 66 years old
Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council Isiba 53 years old
National anti- chairman Kawasaki 62 years old
Selection anti- chairman Kawamura 66 years old
After all, it is young, it stands in the Democratic party, as for direction or the sea urchin
Only you desire with all star official of the prime minister experience person because? w
文书处理就是这样一个聪明的小泽壮举,不仅对慌乱混乱 Businesslike processing it is good, but without corresponding to such Ozawa's feat, the confusion being flurried cover just it turns
新政府正躲藏○小泽鸠山“,谷垣祯一先生,批评总统的自由民主党,自由民主党,”剑政策的新首相鸠山蕨小泽勤隐藏“已部长Kuken具有较强的控制转变素 Hatoyama Ozawa it hides ○ new administration” and President our people Tanigaki criticizes
As for President Liberal Democratic Party Tanigaki, “菅 as for the policy of new prime minister it is the Hatoyama Ozawa hiding”, that prime minister alternation
To be strong pick-off it did
旋转民主党民主党(1998 - )08民主党人代富人由纪夫鸠山,菅直人,小泽一郎,07,第六代5代冈田克也前原诚司四代3代夫鸠山,菅直人菅直人,前两代(笑)前民主党额外( 1996年至1998年)鸠山由纪夫,菅直人菅直人,前两代(新任秘书长鸠山由纪夫于) The Democratic party typical rotation
The Democratic party (1998 -)
The first generation 菅 Naoto
2 generations Yukio Hatoyama
3 generations 菅 Naoto
4 generations Katuya Okada
5 generations Seizi Maehara
6 generations Ichiro Ozawa
7 generations Yukio Hatoyama
8 generations 菅 Naoto
The talent abundant Democratic party (laughing)
Being defeated
The old Democratic party (1996 - 1998)
The first generation 菅 Yukio Naoto Hatoyama
2 generations 菅 Naoto (as for Yukio Hatoyama to Secretary General of new establishment)
有崇高的思想,恢复党的威信很重要,但良好的音乐改为“咒语”将 But as for having noble idea important matter Party strength it recovers the word where the area of the ear is good becomes “word of magic”
比我大岛大岛43比枝野细野(当缺席枝野)日本TBS电视台的标准,如果Mitokomon,大岛裁判官不得邪恶 43
Branch field vs Oshima ?
Hosono vs Oshima (At the time of branch field absence)
If it is TBS Mito yellow gate standard, as for Oshima the bad local magistrate shelf
民团和在另一个地方,是韩国人在各种形式的运动,选举支持民团注意敏锐地意识到,它打破我来监管 In addition people group at another place election support of thing and the people group where the compatriot who is exercising in a various way is being observed and being watched It could make thing feel keenly again
民团已完全改变,因为这种转变,使当地居民早日通过普选最佳外国对华永久立法 As for people group changing shift,
Early of the permanent residence foreign local denizenship grant bill all power is increased to legislative conversion
泥鳅柳树下,细川内阁,以重新夺回政权走了,狗就像两个,但无大丑闻武凯塔,哈尼族办公室梁当溃疡已经积累的经验噪声茂木,大岛是a m饥饿和销售的驱动tTA名称 Under the willow as for [dojiyou] two the [tsu] [te] feeling shelf which does not stay
For administration recapture
When Hosokawa Cabinet, although it was not great scandal, clamoring, crushing,
The [hani] hungry ghost and Oshima sold name, as the execution unit which achieved the result, it is,
滚装船将全力以赴降319和最近在瓦特党的麻生太郎,韩国或驱动tTA国民的权利,他们派出国盐的结果作为一个敌人,安倍和Asou时野回应我们以前和相同的已 319 Being intraparty in the Aso lowering becoming frantic the party who result sends the salt to the enemy was the ro w which is the citizen of the country of the country or Korea Recently when your reactions are Abe and Aso it became same
疯狂麻生太郎在党和下降滚装170,但我觉得更凯塔提供商驱动tTA家伙被送往盐敌人作为一个结果 170 Being intraparty in the Aso lowering becoming frantic you think that the party who result sends the salt to the enemy was thing was painful but
然而,关于程度看,从回力镖,现在的情况是他们已经更好地推动小康的权力几乎没有人一伤多少民主党人不太好觉得我给予了绝对split But the Democratic party by its being hurt with however much boomerang If it overcomes by power of number because now presently you see the circumstance that it is good You think that it is good dividing that it is
五名民主党人你认为它会通过手术来补救这种情况?德佑 5 There is a technique which breaks circumstance in the Democratic party when with thinking ru It is joyous
由于小泉是向下,小泉凯塔最民主的路线从附近凯塔促进权力下放和调整航线官员小泉,安倍和麻生太郎是具有讽刺意味的远 Koizumi getting off later being closest to Koizumi s government employee restructuring route and the decentralization of authority propulsion route At the Democratic party sarcasm Abe and Aso were distant from Koizumi especially
这当然会,来的下一个提名,成为人民党的强烈主张古改组政府公务员和小线作为 NULL
究其原因可以首相内阁辞职后,他踩了踩,甚至水淹的照片和民主党内的信心,对执政党和反对党谴责决议在临时政府在什么Narushi复位按钮如果公众和新闻界的新内阁,一旦你的支持率ü人事管理和反小泽小泽反政府,他们将被遗忘p The opposition party putting out lack of confidence in the cabinet resolution temporarily, the ruling party confiding, steps on in Democratic party Assemblyman, making the picture step on
After that the prime minister himself Cabinet general resignation is possible
The reason becomes with anything and pushing the reset button, if it becomes the new Cabinet, the citizen forgets
If and it makes the counter Ozawa Cabinet & counter Ozawa party personal affairs, support ratio [u] p it does
第一时间为自民党候选人和180的时尚感,时尚感向首相鸠山8,这是令人尴尬或香椎 180 To fashion sense and 8 days of new member candidacy of our people Hatoyama of the prime minister fashion sense either one being shy
简先生于一台电视机) 小泽』隐藏位时尝试做,(应该隐藏)小泽先生昨天的 米竞选总统在9月 站立,说什么人』分歧ü(第。没有提出上诉的影响),似乎茹 1 菅 Ozawa hides with the television just a little When it tries probably to do As for Ozawa of the expectation which is hidden yesterday The person who is different is raised to September representation election that Saying small To appeal influence the ru so is
1(菅) 小泽』隐藏位时尝试做,(应该隐藏)小泽先生昨天的 米竞选总统在9月 站立,说什么人』分歧铀(Small 影响他们呼吁力),所以我茹 1 菅 Ozawa it hides just a little When it tries probably to do As for Ozawa of expectation which is hidden yesterday The person who is different is raised to September representation election that Saying small To appeal influence the ru so is
6:31日下午6月4日网站来迎接我们已经接到梁从根部长的总理提名后的 6 31 PM Jun 4th From web 菅 After receiving prime minister designation you came to greeting
前19分钟网络会议一再简先生说,“民主党干净”如果我让多的人,鸠山先生,测试水果完全对议会负责小泽曾在 19 minutes ago From web 菅 Had said many degrees in interview if it keeps making the “clean Democratic party” Hatoyama Ozawa Is being carried out the explanatory responsibility at the National Diet the lydian stone
没有一个内阁的机构的陈词滥调,都没有感觉在担任副总理,还负责为什么侃 Common sense of Cabinet one body responsibility it does not pass and therefore the 菅 as a Vice President is not felt completely
经团联经团联343萘乙酸...我会感到不安,对经济预期的政策或佳能或作为丰田传统的,正确的出口导向的制造业球集合 343
Japan Federation of Economic Organizations feeling insecurity in… and [tsu] [pa] economic policy, probably is the [ru] and
As for Japan Federation of Economic Organizations Toyota or CANON the [ro] which is gathering of conventional type and the export type manufacturing industry
自民党将恢复和雪松影响的谷垣祯一不觉得s Tanigaki… it is impact, the cedar
The Liberal Democratic Party can be made to reinstate, you cannot think at all
自由民主党战略家没有?任何机会抱怨,该战术的政策呢? In the Liberal Democratic Party, as for the step loyal retainer without being?
By chance doing, saying grumble, policy of the step loyal retainer?
艾希周一悲伤,我等待着,让去包装,“一个新的总理,副总理根数是两个,都有责任”向总理讲的控制,并介绍所有菅新 When it reaches the limits don t you think sadly the potato it is Receiving everything of anti next ru criticism to oneself in the Liberal Democratic Party which reaches the limits it is Tanigaki s that president truth Not only criticism if the Liberal Democratic Party when like this it does completely there is no plan Don t you think also the Liberal Democratic Party was accustomed to the opposition party securely and become the te came
简是一个新的总理,副总理排名第二,都有责任“向总理讲的控制,并介绍所有菅新 菅 As for new prime minister being the Vice President of number 2 entirely there is a responsibility” that expressing 菅 new prime minister Pick off it did
菅直人,from m反小泽,小泽一郎传票,请至少同意证人 Therefore 菅 as for Naoto, counter Ozawa what,
Ichiro's Ozawa witness summon, also please agree to witness summons little
让我们不要忘记谁是谷垣祯一西田正志京都真或B,但马洛伊是听取和分钟 Nisida 昌 also Osamu is the Kyoto person,
Tanigaki heard B, however you do not understand but whether it is true,
诈。人员任命为公司的行业放松管制在W 詐. To enterprise of the industry which the inside regulates eases… official inauguration w
谷垣祯一希望不仅在他的讲话没有梅萨,它埋在人事办公室的要求井田短短数个月以上的来自民主党的支持者是不允许的 Just Tanigaki without making stop it is not permitted that we want bury this much talent in being in the office several months You ask from the democracy supporter
谷垣祯一河野线做NetA的?留在一起或肯塔基州或? Tanigaki As for these words news item Or is it is KY
谷垣祯一自由“艾希周一悲伤,我等待着,装璜去”,“民主党”,这是一个关键的民主需要的蛋糕,你觉得你的政党批评的批评 When gt our people Tanigaki “it reaches the limits don t you think sadly the potato it is” Criticizing “the Democratic party” That when you think whether you criticize your own party being democracy criticism …
1 谷垣祯一说:“ 我等着艾希周一伤心,去来包装,以”谷垣祯一领先的自嘲或W 1 gt When Tanigaki “… it reaches the limits don t you think sadly the potato it is” Tanigaki first rate our 虐 news item or w
谷垣祯一,“这是可怕的去堵塞的”A“谷垣祯一先生,你怎么办?”谷垣祯一说:“我在家看电视时,”因此越来越害怕,听到以后 Tanigaki “it reaches the limits being terrible the shank” A “Tanigaki do you do what ” The television seeing at the Tanigaki “Family it increases” With being audible you rival being we fear
谷垣祯一,划为只要民主党和民主党改变W和和平与安全,人拒绝改变自民党显示细节以外的有形利益和愿望明显 If Tanigaki 禎 one is As for the Democratic party being peace w The Democratic party which continues to change and The Liberal Democratic Party which refuses change As for the citizen you desire which the clear shelf Other than right person
自由谷垣祯一“艾希周一悲伤,我等待着,装璜去,”没有民主的批评,这是一个自我介绍瓦特 When gt our people Tanigaki “it reaches the limits don t you think sadly the potato it is” Criticizing the Democratic party Well that the ro w which is self introduction
谷垣祯一,只要民主党和民主党改变W和和平与安全,人拒绝改变自民党附表或其他较明显的有形利益和愿望 If Tanigaki is As for the Democratic party being peace w The Democratic party which continues to change and The Liberal Democratic Party which refuses change As for the citizen you desire which the clear shelf Other than right person
谷垣祯一,在你不喜欢肿癌赖在我们面前显示细节不仅没有,骗我一个坏民主 Tanigaki as for cancer re As for you we do not like but only you it is You ask foolish democracy is pushed down
这事我不会马祖及灌装汤伤心自民党自民党谷垣祯一 Reaching the limits the Liberal Democratic Party it puts out ru They are sad ones as for the Tanigaki Liberal Democratic Party
跌落的第一次民主政府和谷垣祯一Sageyou不相信的东西很多垃圾不变大规模wwwwwww马伊拉它!谷垣祯一位是一种浪费大量抗体故意不断说我喜欢的是“谷垣祯一承认的东西内扬瓦特”W或无顾忌地说, That a lot of Tanigaki will be lowered the way of the droppings of democracy administration wwwwwww which does not change Will not and others mass rubbish something it does not believe With saying shikato it makes intend the mass rubbish in the Tanigaki of the tend “Don t you think Tanigaki something degree of distinction it is w” being unconcerned saying w
我会反对任何意义,这种情况只会收集排除了丰富和承认一个有影响的国会议员 Gold holding and degree of distinction the circumstance which the Assemblyman who has bill collecting power keeps coming out in game viewing
这孩子因为Hanigaki样的人值得总理是世界上说性感更好的性Shinjirou官僚本身就是一个恋童癖Muttsurisukebe As for time of image [tsu] [te] [gaki] of [hanigaki] the [rorikonero] bureaucracy itself which is [mutsutsurisukebe]
Therefore [shinjirou] Kurounin of [motemote] is suitable in the prime minister
这是党,姬敏,看到吉民 这是绝对不能投票,因为 The which with thing of the jimin party the shank is understood Therefore this you cannot vote to absolute jimin
吉民都有人生根它不长,我不认为我真正的唯一信息 The people who support long thing jimin think that the ho it is with it is wretched
选举 新公明党,自民党和联盟,以“帮助盲人”撤回“自己。蜜月”我们期望的政治比例从自民党支持者的选票上乘的回报 自由民主党 彰隆先生三桥福音,对身穿民族服饰,“进入后自民党更改”图片(有),谁确实是这样说,自民党不同的是我的wwwww Fairness to our people and joint struggle Withdrawing the “cooperative white paper” “Our Expecting the extra of proportional vote from our people bearing stratum honeymoon” to with revolution Our people Mitsuhashi your discernment person with the kosupure form of the anchor gene dough “the Liberal Democratic Party changed” there is a picture The tsu shank wwwww where what the Liberal Democratic Party says as expected is different
选举 新公明党,自民党和联盟,以“帮助盲人”撤回“自己。蜜月”我们期望上乘自由民主党比例的选票由支持者在选举中 3★返回鹿儿岛选区 “和自由民主党壊友谊不是“在自民党和公明党在选举山口县代表办公室支持开放计划办公室 Fairness to our people and joint struggle Withdrawing the “cooperative white paper” “Our Expecting the extra of proportional vote from our people bearing stratum honeymoon” to with revolution Our people Mitsuhashi your discernment person with the kosupure form of the anchor gene dough “the Liberal Democratic Party changed” there is a picture The tsu shank wwwww where what the Liberal Democratic Party says as expected is different
除了它仅提供政治资金,我知道,像日本,所有明亮的眼睛和Kaseta成员,常常 Political fund If offer is excluded when it can make everything same to the Japanese knowing as for 団員 it can brighten the eye it is many
阿其组织成员很多,如何才能真正的运动,但韩国政治,关注的是, A Considerably although to 団員 it is the Korean register that there was the anxiety which you say whether it can make political election campaign true
预计今年夏天,它似乎萝卜飘在我们的眼睛造成极大的混乱地狱Netouyo It is expected to this summer, it seems that agonizing hell plan of [netouyo] floats in the eye
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