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The Japanese lock band which we would like to leave to future, as for 1 rank “the B'z” ★3


  • 1号乙的 Z第2号乙。日本排名第3 × 4 Mr.Children wy的第六位,南区5凯旋〜恩〜西埃尔GLAY继承排名第八的黄猴10 9米歇尔枪象你流沿10号鸡↑第7钢筋混凝土WWW的这个地方WWW的锁定在我每一个“摇滚流行的歌曲,”那不是它会Kusse〜wwww万维网
    1 rank B 'z 2 rank B. . WY 3 ranks X JAPAN 4 ranks Mr.Children 5 rank [sazanorusutazu] 6 rank L 'Arc - en - Ciel 7 rank RC [sakuseshiyon] 8 ranks GLAY 9 ranks THE YELLOW MONKEY 10 ranks THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT 10 ranks BUMP OF CHICKEN ↑ The somewhere of www this is the lock, www Don't you think? which and this “song tune lock” whether - www [ku] [tsu] [se] - wwww

    • 1号乙的 Z第二个丈夫和流行音乐→乙。 wy的第三第四→X JAPAN的严重流行音乐流行音乐最接近Enka的卡约Shireta→Mr.Children流行歌曲第六位,与05不言而喻石窟南外记→→凯旋〜恩〜西埃尔→视觉07,第08流行歌曲正统流行歌曲顶猴像流行歌曲一样钢筋混凝土继承民间→第九GLAY→黄河前10名,每首歌曲流行侥幸→米歇尔枪象你最接近的摇滚十大流行歌曲→凹凸鸡这些天→流行音乐
      1 rank B 'z -> It is brittle song tune 2 rank B. . WY -> [maji] song tune 3 ranks X JAPAN -> The song tune which is close to ballad 4 ranks Mr.Children -> It is extreme song tune 5 rank [sazanorusutazu] -> You say and the [re] are song tune 6 rank L 'Arc - en - Ciel -> The [vuijiyuaru] [tsu] [po] it is, song tune 7 rank RC [sakuseshiyon] -> The fork [tsu] [po] it is, song tune 8 ranks GLAY -> Orthodox group song tune 9 ranks THE YELLOW MONKEY -> Per [ma] [gu] [re] song tune 10 ranks THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT -> The song tune which is close to the lock 10 ranks BUMP OF CHICKEN -> Song tune of today

      • 1号乙的 Z第二泡沫时代歌手→湾。 wy的第三个时期的流行音乐是邪恶→X JAPAN的第四根Enka的歌手→Mr Children新音乐虚假→。第六宏伟的男子流行音乐流行音乐→第5号南凯旋恩,西埃尔七届矮流行音乐流行音乐四畳半八届→区局→继承GLAY民歌流行歌曲九届反正英俊→→黄河猴即使十大流行歌曲你说话象米歇尔枪仅弹出洋楽纳莉→凹凸这些天鸡元首歌曲十大流行歌曲精益→ 1 rank B z gt Song tune of bubble age 2 rank B WY gt The squid song tune of the times when it does 3 ranks X JAPAN gt Ballad song tune of roots 4 ranks Mr Children gt New music fake Song tune 5 rank sazanorusutazu gt Prominent figure of song tune 6 rank L Arc en Ciel gt Song tune of dwarf 7 rank RC sakuseshiyon gt Fork four tatami mat semi song tune 8 ranks GLAY gt ikemen song tune 9 ranks THE YELLOW MONKEY gt It is to come in any case to be song tune 10 ranks THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT gt It becomes the ocean easy drill song tune 10 ranks BUMP OF CHICKEN gt Head sukasuka song tune of today
        • 我个人喜欢排名第一,第二南湾。 wy的3号,区局演替第四,乙 ž然后,他们比较了www回橡子 Like we ranking of individual 1 rank sazanorusutazu 2 rank B WY 3 rank RC sakuseshiyon 4 rank B z After the back of the acorn it is and compares www
        • 留给后代 日本岩体 第二位卡斯一乙。日本排名第3 × 4 Mr Children wy的第六位,南区5凯旋〜恩〜西埃尔GLAY继承八届名列第7区局9黄猴10枪象你米歇尔名列第10号凹凸作者:鸡 1 rank Refuse public 2 rank B WY 3 rank X JAPAN 4 rank Mr Children 5 rank sazanorusutazu 6 rank L Arc en Ciel 7 rank RC sakuseshiyon 8 rank GLAY 9 rank THE YELLOW MONKEY 10 rank THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT 10 rank BUMP OF CHICKEN

      • 20:38 08编号:ZoiojsKr0 6 7 ,然而,开放是一个最喜欢的是建议的时间加布里埃尔转化Rettsugoravuryi 20 38 08 ID ZoiojsKr0 6 7 But because the fact that we like is opening of the jib reel it was The male be completed it is the retsutsugoravurii transformation time
        • 284好我,我,恩,编号:Pf5grL3q0 ü啊ñーーーーーーーーーー的写他们的痛苦 284 Don t you think obtaining with you obtain don t you think with ID The entry of Pf5grL3q0 is painful u e
        • 我们俯伏下拜〜〜让专家编号:Pf5grL3q0〜到底喜欢你把你的嘴制片厂卡斯在公众面前,他们允许我〜 Fin turning over Fin turning over Professional ID Pf5grL3q0 Your way sort You do not permit your meddling of the public who is the refuse

      • 286 B的Mr Children ž喜欢或转达给子孙后代囊和地点,他们要求惩罚游戏将阿伦特 286 B when z or Mr Children it conveys to future as for questioning densely It becomes the punishment game which is not on this for these people
        • “我希望留给后人”这是“如何影响他人埃塔”这酱在没有 “We would like to leave to future” being “it produced effect how on the other person ” Don t you think so the fact that it is not point
        • 这236到后代,我带来的东西已被漂白承受甚至一个客观的看法不同 236 As for the notion that where it remains in future being bleached in various objective points of view those which it withstands It is thing what that it has
        • 这是怎么回事种称为驱动tTA艺术为子孙后代其余286 286 Because those which remain are called art in future the shank Such
        • 鸠山幸在一个摇滚乐队中岛你会不会恢复它留下了一个持久 Is not the lock band but Nakajima you will see and will keep and probably will remain in future and you must leave

      • 373 X的我还是初期和靡菲斯特联合礼的大屠杀,我有时间,我被录取人员瓦特芳树是凯塔毁灭战士密友与成员
        373 Even with X [tsu] [te] that as for early time UNITED and MEPHISTOPHELES and RITUAL CARNAGE The member has been on the register are age, it is, w As for [yoshiki] also the member of DOOM relations were good

        • 398 Bobumarei,丝绒大麻气味,涅磐我们认为需要的海洛因气味
          398 The hemp of [bobumarei] and [berubetsutsu] it is ill-smelling, the heroin of NIRVANA it is ill-smelling thinking that it is necessary,

          • 424性手枪九届至第三位,排名第二不可能摆在首位,警方甚至不介意Badokan 431安全免费的,如果 424 Sex Pistols Cannot be 2 rank 3 rank 9 rank with the ranking which is made 1 rank If badokan FREE safe 431 It probably is the brain police
            • 降压蜱自动调制剧院溪自动调制电池市场马特゙雪链 BUCK TICK Auto Mod THEATRE BROOK Auto Mod Mat ゙ Cuffs ゚ cell maketsutsu

          • 495和大桶称为吉米亨德里克斯的经验,在吉米亨德里克斯

            • 505观看公益诉讼的原始来源,我认为这应该之初小野洋子谁TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /?νu003d p4EVj76htYs

              • 672马里,以及我在那个时候还影响Madamuedowaruda接受,主席汽车国防部,然后有次我穿

                • 7多少两基达做任何事情我感到惊讶,没有心投入蓝有它锁定Janakarou 7 How much regardless as for the two of that probably there is no lock The fact that buruhatsu it does not enter from that is the surprise

                  • B z普及你是创价学会,组织和新公明党权投票久本雅美 NULL
                    • 很多事情,但我把旧的乐队,乐队被撤消的衰变BOФWY副本,B z并没有 However the former times band it has united the copy band of BOФWY it rots it undid but B As for z it was not

                  • B z没有身体 我没有这方面的乐队主唱和吉他由两位年轻的主人呢?然后将导管Mr Children差异在一起,无论数量多少 B The z te … vocal the body of the band is not formed with the guitar two bo tsu chi but it is The kate being different tsu it does rear mistake chill the yo how much regardless
                    • 我突然出了广阔的舞台261 B z为W 261 Coming off suddenly at the broad stage the ru B As for z w

                  • BOФWY·面对Saizyou秀树里飘浮的叮咬,他们闭上眼睛听

                    • Mr.Children 2通道Netouyo剽窃,是通过一个完整的鄂如笑着

                      • NULL 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix The Jimi Hendrix Experience 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank TRex 10 rank JAPAN In addition Kinks Zombies Animals Patti Smith and Depeche Mode Mott the Hoople Cream Derek and the Dominos BlackSabbath Led Zeppelin Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC PinkFloyd DavidBowie and Frank Zappa and Simon and Garfunkel Thin Lizzy and Jethro Tull and The Band and BobDylan Special seat KingCrimson to Red Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan MC5 Doors Pixies and Steve Albini and Tom Petty Droppings refuse Aerosmith Queen and YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND and Metallica other death meta system entirely Toto Unnecessary Oasis Radiohead Libertines and Strokes News item Kiss and Marilyn Manson PIL EW F Wickedness Red Hot Chili Peppers Before the historic times Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry Outside historic times IanCurtis and Jack White John Frusciante British snake meta bundle The derivative group of DeepPurple the German which is included Below abbreviation
                        • 排名世界第一的性手枪2吉米亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix的经验的)排名第3滚石乐队披头士4 5谁排名第6号鲍勃马利排名第7号8恶名昭彰的碰撞(免费)排名第9的Trex 10 KingCrimson(红起来)其他奇想,僵尸,动物,帕蒂史密斯,电讯模式,莫特的胡普尔,霜( 德里克和多米诺),BlackSabbath,齐柏林飞船,该死的,Iggy小伊流行,U2乐队,日本涅槃,娄里德JanisJoplin,碟评, ACDC,PinkFloyd,DavidBowie,弗兰克扎帕,西蒙和加芬克尔,薄丽萃,杰思罗蒂尤尔,乐队,BobDylan额外莫特利Crue,枪与玫瑰,JanisIan,世贸第五次部长级会议,门,精灵,史蒂夫阿尔比尼,汤姆佩蒂狗屎定制史密斯飞船,皇后,小野洋子塑胶小野乐队,Metallica的(Desumeta所有其他系统),托托没有绿洲,电台司令,浪子,中风NetA的吻,玛丽莲曼森,太平船务,电子战及F邪恶的史前红辣椒埃尔维斯普雷斯利,查克贝瑞IanCurtis之外的历史记录杰克白色,约翰Frusciante一起DeepPurpl Buritisshuhebimeta 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix The Jimi Hendrix Experience 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank TRex 10 rank Patti Smith In addition Mott the Hoople Cream Derek and the Dominos Black Sabbath In addition Led Zeppelin In addition Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC Pink Floyd DavidBowie and Frank Zappa and Simon and Garfunkel Thin Lizzy and Jethro Tull Special seat KingCrimson Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan MC5 Doors and Marilyn Manson PIL Pixies and Steve Albini Droppings refuse Aerosmith WhitSnake Queen and YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND Before the historic times Elvis Presley Outside historic times IanCurtis

                      • NULL 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix The Jimi Hendrix Experience 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank TRex 10 rank Patti Smith In addition Mott the Hoople Cream Derek and the Dominos Black Sabbath In addition Led Zeppelin In addition Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC Pink Floyd DavidBowie and Frank Zappa and Simon and Garfunkel Thin Lizzy and Jethro Tull Special seat KingCrimson Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan MC5 Doors and Marilyn Manson PIL Pixies and Steve Albini Droppings refuse Aerosmith WhitSnake Queen and YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND Before the historic times Elvis Presley Outside historic times IanCurtis

                        • “你们!B m好莱坞不同! Ranakattaro你们知道!伊太郎意外的惊喜!“如果我不是为了写 “You B z doing to enter the palace of the lock passing and rejoicing the ro which is the ru So to tell the truth As for that there is no palace of that lock it is The Hollywood lock walk and the palace of that lock are another what You the ro which is not known The ro which is surprised ” The te write
                          • B z该井是日本摇滚歌曲之一的最终萘乙酸从岩石和Hokkyoku Well B z is extremely north of the song lock Namely therefore ultimate one of the Japanese locks

                        • ※乙排名第一的Z发生2乙。日本排名第3 × 4 Mr Children wy的第六位,南区5凯旋〜恩〜西埃尔GLAY继承八届名列第7区局9黄猴10枪象你米歇尔名列第10号凹凸作者:鸡 Ranking 1 rank B z 2 rank B WY 3 rank X JAPAN 4 rank Mr Children 5 rank sazanorusutazu 6 rank L Arc en Ciel 7 rank RC sakuseshiyon 8 rank GLAY 9 rank THE YELLOW MONKEY 10 rank THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT 10 rank BUMP OF CHICKEN
                          • 有没有钱象枪米歇尔是一个很好的歌只是没有罕见惠和新分钟的视觉和技术 NULL

                        • ゙和Seikima Fiachairuto,汤姆☆猫或她会打败他们加入他们把商业゙它把查克左右转骂我想我们(笑)
                          [huiachiyairuto] ゙ and Saintly starvation demon �, TOM * We wanted CAT entering If [bizu] the extent which enters The [chiyake] ゙ ground or Alice insert, (laughing)

                          • 中森明菜等赎回世界,说什么独立音乐SYOKO Geshumitto,天主教朱达罗率,他们是优秀的好
                            SYOKO which was called Akina Nakamori of the [indeizu] boundary the [ro] which is Schmidt Gaea which is led Catholic [tsu] [te] tune, it is good highest

                            • 五凉,并继续获得石原裕次郎Uchiyamada博第六和第五Mahinasutazu和田洋鹤田口子第三第四Shiyouzi她太郎举行志摩1秒的要求为您随

                              • 你的成本,军乐,Hogaku传统,非民间音乐,他失去了听觉古客栈日本是叛徒,也不是精神的一块抗日日本
                                You generation, war song and the traditional traditional Japanese music, inquire about the music other than folk song Therefore as for the person the anti-Japanese traitor who is not either the fragment of large Japanese spirit vanish from Japan

                                • 像羊的头声下跌稻叶我,什么不喜欢的东西

                                  • 公鸡,地点中华绒螯蟹,YMO,钢筋混凝土演替,柏老板郡,牛津大学文学士学位,Suraidasu,鸡胸,仙后座,萨尔达

                                    • 凯塔奴才会呕吐,以为我在所有572甜蜜的睡眠,这不是他有什么好宰 572 How I whom you tried probably to be se sleeping gero was sweet Don t you think the te the person who is not recorded well enough it is

                                      • 南GLAY B z爆炸将JPOP万维网 On southern B In z GLAY It probably is thinking tsu drill JPOP but www
                                        • 查克贝瑞习惯转向争取市政府的创始人542 TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d 8版 NqsY46PY 542 Insert chuck very in the beginning ancestor founder the refuse ttp www youtube com watch v v8 NqsY46PY

                                      • 史密斯飞船,莫特利Crue,大家同歌单MR.ROLLINGTHUNDER直接面试和松本对稻叶的和思想的后代当然承认日本在摇滚演出细节,如果你想唱到底与奖励
                                        Aero Smith, coacting with [motori] clue together When ALONE and MR.ROLLINGTHUNDER thermal singing/stating are done to end, it recognizes as the Japanese lock band which we would like to leave to future Of course in member everyone thought concerning tune with the benefit attachment to which Matsumoto and Inaba interview directly

                                        • 在X解体的宽度和良好的乐队就这样,B z茹喜欢的兴趣我看到了一个绞纱的,音乐产业毕竟只是作为政治力量 我觉得 Such the band dispersing well B z and it is the x using width that like when you observe at ru Also music industry after all thinks as political power some shelf…
                                          • B z杂开膛手 B z Jap The Ripper

                                        • 在最初的时候是没有朋克的P -模型不要忘记?

                                          • 如果原来的日本歌舞伎和宝冢Bijuarumeiku关于六三○瓦特

                                            • 威拉德Geshumitto格尔尼卡Madamuedowaruda Otomoddo毁灭战士斯大林许多珠子 Sadisazzu Rafinnozu煤气罐?推瓦特 otomotsudosutarinuiradogeshiyumitsutogerunikamadamuedowaruda DOOM sadeisatsuzurahuinnozugasutanku In large quantity… Beads putsu w

                                              • 安治小西约838 B z小泽健次,即使迟到或后知后觉井应佐野元春 838 B z it is too slow Sano original spring proper Being behind around Kenji Ozawa or Konishi healthy positive

                                                • 安琪我是被低估,“从我爱的古包括天花板”重申了伟大埃泰考虑的歌词,听一听 Un Gee may be appraised more Including love “from the ceiling reverse side ” Thinking of the lyric when you hear it is enormous you re recognize
                                                  • 歌曲的歌词和许多美妙的,如果我们真的是不奇怪,因为许多球迷相反安吉 Because the fan of un Gee is many you were surprised conversely The famous musical work and the splendid lyric is many truly

                                                • 少年刀我说尽量不要感到羞耻香椎 Because it is shy it tries calling to modesty feeling Boy knife

                                                  • 当然 欠 萃取: 企业文化 日本岩留给后人,首先的“B Z”的关键字3★:疯狂猫和肇提取少花:0 Object sure The Japanese lock band which we would like to leave to future as for 1 rank “B z” 3 Keyword hana Hajime and kureiji cats Extraction less number 0
                                                    • 当然 欠 萃取: 企业文化 日本岩留给后人,首先的“B Z”的关键字3★:摘录什么莱斯:0 Object sure The Japanese lock band which we would like to leave to future as for 1 rank “B z” 3 Keyword Very un Extraction less number 0

                                                  • 德塔病和我的地方是著名的430人左右萘乙酸普顿不仅NAA的是好的,Sokorahen 430 Around there side you have fallen ill as for time it was good kuraputon Simply because popularly famous it is not around there side

                                                    • 快乐的终结 YMO · Sadisutikkumikabando尭之带摩擦井上脑警方Furawatoraberingubando钢筋混凝土继承米歇尔襁褓Boganbosu公鸡 The tsu pi say it is do sadeisuteitsukumikabando YMO brain police hurawatoraberingubando Inoue 尭 之 band friction RC sakuseshiyon rusutazu boganbosu buranki mitsushieru
                                                      • 拉姆襁褓Buruha BOOWY MODS的ARB的钢筋混凝土继承滑块丽贝卡米歇尔 BOOWY buruha MODS ARB RC sakuseshiyonsuraidazurebetsukamitsushieruburankiramu

                                                    • 恶意米策是Bajiwakushiata起飞原日本视觉是Otomoddo热内(旧词,他们说,我Pojitibupanku Bijuarubando没有),但不是在男孩X As for marisumizeru pakuri of bajiwakushiata As for the originator of the Japanese visual jiyune of otomotsudo former times you called the positive flat tire and there was no visual band how word In boy also X

                                                      • 我也同意653 B z我说我觉得扎西的新单位,结合西式硬摇滚流行曲的旋律 653 We so you think It entered into the lock of ocean ease from B z and After Matsumoto inquiring about rotsukunrorusutandadokurabu of solo project You say die that we want keeping hearing Zeppelin and jiyanisu geirimua and MSG etc steadily As for B z you think that to song tune melody the Western style hard lock was made to fuse is new unit
                                                        • 乙的Z→这是什么精简,流行音乐来爆发前的广场将会像一个小奇怪的印象茹完全能够绕广场→‥,像这种东西,好Ijan结婚通化香椎看起来像口袋→偶尔穿听证中线尴尬Kashiku古古,逼我否认Myi♪゙Nrrifu不゙车 B as for z impression just a little changes that it becomes the way which can drive the car Before riding gt as for song tune of this sukasuka of what The time where it can ride gt also well it is such a the u it is good is Getting married it settles when gt sometimes you hear the bosom oak ku it is shy Such you feel I do not deny unreasonably to ゙ ntsurihu ゙ mii ♪

                                                      • 我做,因为我站在美国艺术与摄影,听,和我锁STET应当?
                                                        As [kateko] ゙ [ri] it has consisted even in the lock [tsu] [te] [iki] ゙ lith and America?

                                                        • 我像公主或璋也没用?什么Sutarebi成一个?分钟做一本漫画或流行或摇滚或一方当事人或肌肉女孩 Princess princess or shiyoya useless Will sutarebi probably enter into either one You do not understand whether being muscular girl party or the lock whether being the pop whether it is comic

                                                          • 我可能是由于日本在节奏感,日本吉他手脑什么是小我没有一个真正的 There is also a consequence of the rhythm impression of being in the Japanese however it is probably will be The Japanese guitarist tsu te which remains in the brain it is little truly it is
                                                            • Mutoii时间,然后感觉低音的节奏混合低音鼓一样的速度 When it does also the base quite in such a condition like the bus drum The rhythm should have been cut in feeling blends

                                                          • 我有这个乙女总线程死怪物32 Mr.Children投票表决票08 7 × 11 GLAY日本南票票票月亮女神5乙 ž 2票。令人惊讶的百分比的选票和wy的

                                                            • 我没有对斯大林723船员,这是他们最糟糕的湿重那么他是不是锁的大量潘克猜测毕竟投票是什么你流行,但它仅售出狙般受什么一吕奥我不认为像披头士等政策和约翰尼,路易斯和煤焦儿童卡门马基和OZ的路线,我觉得我们真的只有这么多,我是他们的岩石 723 Stalin s low D it has done there is a thing but it is the wa ww which is worst Well as for the people there is no lock and it probably is PANK After all the fact that poll is many it is Pops what generality it receives and aims and the ri ya can sell But policy how it is not there you think that it is Beatles likely Johnny and Louis Char The child it is the do Carmen maquis OZ There is only this extent you think that it is ROCK it has done truly the people how
                                                              • 万维网Koenee听到所有的人一样,只有我知道,我只是听焦朱达罗真正的摇滚思维,即使瓦特是头号约翰尼,路易斯& Entirely it is audible only similarly and well does www Truly the lock be able to hear in the person who has known w How thinking as for one rank Johnny and Louis Char The ro which is

                                                            • 我说有钱西区公园B z沟通不良齐柏林飞船-足部践踏
                                                              Ocean easy [paku] [tsu] [te] large rich person B' z BAD COMMUNICATION Led Zeppelin - Trampled Under Foot

                                                              • 排名世界第一的性手枪2吉米亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix的经验的)排名第3滚石乐队披头士4 5谁排名第6号鲍勃马利排名第7号8恶名昭彰的碰撞(免费)10帕蒂史密斯排名第9的Trex其他莫特在胡普尔,霜( 德里克和多米诺),黑色安息日齐柏林飞船以外的诅咒,Iggy小伊流行,涅槃,娄里德JanisJoplin,碟评,ACDC,平克弗洛伊德,DavidBowie,弗兰克扎帕,西蒙和加芬克尔,薄丽萃,杰思罗蒂尤尔额外的特殊座位KingCrimson莫特利Crue,枪与玫瑰,JanisIan,世贸第五次部长级会议,门,玛丽莲曼森,太平船务,精灵,史蒂夫阿尔比尼定制狗屎史密斯飞船,WhitSnake,女王,小野洋子塑料小野带猫王以外的史前史前IanCurtis 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix The Jimi Hendrix Experience 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank TRex 10 rank Patti Smith In addition Mott the Hoople Cream Derek and the Dominos Black Sabbath In addition Led Zeppelin In addition Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC Pink Floyd DavidBowie and Frank Zappa and Simon and Garfunkel Thin Lizzy and Jethro Tull Special seat KingCrimson Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan MC5 Doors and Marilyn Manson PIL Pixies and Steve Albini Droppings refuse Aerosmith WhitSnake Queen and YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND Before the historic times Elvis Presley Outside historic times IanCurtis
                                                                • 排名世界第一的性手枪2吉米亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix的经验的)排名第3滚石乐队披头士4 5谁排名第6号鲍勃马利排名第7号8恶名昭彰的碰撞(免费)10帕蒂史密斯排名第9的Trex其他莫特在胡普尔,霜( 德里克和多米诺),BlackSabbath,齐柏林飞船,该死的,Iggy小伊流行,涅槃,娄里德JanisJoplin,碟评,ACDC,PinkFloyd,DavidBowie,弗兰克扎帕,西蒙和加芬克尔,薄丽萃,杰思罗蒂尤尔KingCrimson额外的特殊座位莫特利Crue,枪与玫瑰,JanisIan,世贸第五次部长级会议,门,玛丽莲曼森,太平船务,精灵,史蒂夫阿尔比尼定制狗屎史密斯飞船,WhitSnake,女王,小野洋子塑料小野带,历史悠久的史前IanCurtis了猫王 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix The Jimi Hendrix Experience 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank TRex 10 rank Patti Smith In addition Mott the Hoople Cream Derek and the Dominos Black Sabbath In addition Led Zeppelin In addition Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC Pink Floyd DavidBowie and Frank Zappa and Simon and Garfunkel Thin Lizzy and Jethro Tull Special seat KingCrimson Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan MC5 Doors and Marilyn Manson PIL Pixies and Steve Albini Droppings refuse Aerosmith WhitSnake Queen and YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND Before the historic times Elvis Presley Outside historic times IanCurtis
                                                                • 排名世界第一的性手枪2吉米亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix的经验的)排名第3滚石乐队披头士4 5谁排名第6号鲍勃马利排名第7号8恶名昭彰的碰撞(免费)10帕蒂史密斯排名第9的Trex其他霜( 德里克和多米诺),BlackSabbath,齐柏林飞船,该死的,Iggy小伊流行,涅槃,娄里德JanisJoplin,碟评,ACDC,PinkFloyd,DavidBowie,弗兰克扎帕,西蒙和加芬克尔额外的特殊座位KingCrimson莫特利Crue,播放Guns N 玫瑰,JanisIan,世贸第五次部长级会议,门,玛丽莲曼森定制狗屎史密斯飞船,WhitSnake,皇后猫王以外的历史史前IanCurtis 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix The Jimi Hendrix Experience 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank TRex 10 rank Patti Smith In addition Mott the Hoople Cream Derek and the Dominos Black Sabbath In addition Led Zeppelin In addition Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC Pink Floyd DavidBowie and Frank Zappa and Simon and Garfunkel Thin Lizzy and Jethro Tull Special seat KingCrimson Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan MC5 Doors and Marilyn Manson PIL Pixies and Steve Albini Droppings refuse Aerosmith WhitSnake Queen and YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND Before the historic times Elvis Presley Outside historic times IanCurtis
                                                                • 排名世界第一的性手枪3滚石Jimi Hendrix的第2号第4披头士5谁排名第6号鲍勃马利8不良公司排名第7多米诺,排名第9的碰撞弗兰克泽帕其他10粉红弗洛伊德霜( 德里克和) ,BlackSabbath,齐柏林飞船,该死的,Iggy小伊流行,涅槃,娄里德JanisJoplin,碟评额外莫特利Crue,枪炮与玫瑰,JanisIan史前猫王 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank Frank Zappa 10 rank Patti Smith In addition Cream Derek and the Dominos BlackSabbath Led Zeppelin Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC PinkFloyd Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan MC5 Doors Droppings refuse Aerosmith WhitSnake Before the historic times Elvis Presley
                                                                • 排名世界第一的滚石乐队性手枪3号4号2吉米亨德里克斯披头士5谁排名第6号鲍勃马利排名第7号8恶名昭彰的碰撞(免费)10帕蒂史密斯排名第9弗兰克泽帕其他霜( 德里克和多米诺),BlackSabbath,齐柏林飞船,该死的,Iggy小伊流行,涅槃,娄里德JanisJoplin,碟评,ACDC,PinkFloyd额外莫特利Crue,枪与玫瑰,JanisIan,世贸第五次部长级会议,门定制狗屎史密斯飞船,WhitSnake史前猫王 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank Frank Zappa 10 rank Patti Smith In addition Cream Derek and the Dominos BlackSabbath Led Zeppelin Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC PinkFloyd Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan MC5 Doors Droppings refuse Aerosmith WhitSnake Before the historic times Elvis Presley
                                                                • 排名世界第一的滚石乐队性手枪3号4号2吉米亨德里克斯披头士5谁排名第6号鲍勃马利排名第7号8恶名昭彰的碰撞(免费)10帕蒂史密斯排名第9弗兰克泽帕其他霜( 德里克和多米诺),BlackSabbath,齐柏林飞船,该死的,Iggy小伊流行,涅槃,娄里德JanisJoplin,碟评,ACDC,PinkFloyd额外莫特利Crue,枪炮与玫瑰,JanisIan卡斯史前粪便史密斯飞船猫王 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank Frank Zappa 10 rank Patti Smith In addition Cream Derek and the Dominos BlackSabbath Led Zeppelin Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC PinkFloyd Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan Droppings refuse Aerosmith Before the historic times Elvis Presley
                                                                • 排名世界第一的滚石乐队性手枪3号4号2吉米亨德里克斯披头士5谁排名第6号鲍勃马利排名第7号8恶名昭彰的碰撞(免费)10帕蒂史密斯排名第9的Trex其他霜( 德里克和多米诺,),BlackSabbath,齐柏林飞船,该死的,Iggy小伊流行,涅槃,娄里德JanisJoplin,碟评,ACDC,PinkFloyd,DavidBowie,弗兰克扎帕额外的特殊座位KingCrimson莫特利Crue,枪与玫瑰,JanisIan,世贸第五次部长级会议,门史密斯飞船定制狗屎,WhitSnake,皇后史前猫王 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Jimi Hendrix 3 rank Rolling Stones 4 rank Beatles 5 rank The Who 6 rank Bob Marley 7 rank The Clash 8 rank Bad Company Free 9 rank TRex 10 rank Patti Smith In addition Cream Derek and the Dominos BlackSabbath Led Zeppelin Damned Iggy Pop Nirvana Lou Reed JanisJoplin Yardbirds and ACDC PinkFloyd DavidBowie and Frank Zappa Special seat KingCrimson Extra Motley Crue Guns N Roses JanisIan MC5 Doors Droppings refuse Aerosmith WhitSnake Queen Before the historic times Elvis Presley
                                                                • 第2号滚石乐队性手枪排名世界第一的前3位披头士4谁排名第5的冲突6不良公司名列第7弗兰克泽帕8粉红弗洛伊德10齐柏林飞船排名第9号黑色安息日其他诅咒 NULL
                                                                • 第2号滚石乐队性手枪排名世界第一的前3位披头士4谁排名第5的冲突6不良公司名列第7弗兰克泽帕8粉红弗洛伊德10齐柏林飞船排名第9号黑色安息日其他诅咒,Iggy小伊流行 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Rolling Stones 3 rank Beatles 4 rank The Who 5 rank The Clash 6 rank Bad Company 7 rank Frank Zappa 8 rank Pink Floyd 9 rank Black Sabbath 10 rank Led Zeppelin In addition Damned Iggy Pop Extra Motley Crue
                                                                • 第2号滚石乐队性手枪排名世界第一的前3位披头士4谁排名第5的冲突6不良公司名列第7弗兰克泽帕8粉红弗洛伊德10齐柏林飞船排名第9号黑色安息日其他诅咒,Iggy小伊流行额外莫特利Crue 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Rolling Stones 3 rank Beatles 4 rank The Who 5 rank The Clash 6 rank Bad Company 7 rank Frank Zappa 8 rank Pink Floyd 9 rank Black Sabbath 10 rank Led Zeppelin In addition Damned Iggy Pop Extra Motley Crue
                                                                • 第2号滚石乐队性手枪排名世界第一的前3位披头士4谁排名第5的冲突6不良公司名列第7弗兰克泽帕8粉红弗洛伊德10齐柏林飞船排名第9号黑色安息日其他诅咒,Iggy小伊流行额外莫特利Crue,枪与玫瑰 NULL
                                                                • 第2号滚石乐队性手枪排名世界第一的前3位披头士4谁排名第5的冲突鲍勃马利6 7不良公司排名第9粉红弗洛伊德排名第8弗兰克泽帕其他10个黑色安息日齐柏林飞船,该死的,Iggy小伊流行,涅槃娄里德额外莫特利Crue,枪炮与玫瑰 1 rank Sex Pistols 2 rank Rolling Stones 3 rank Beatles 4 rank The Who 5 rank The Clash 6 rank Bad Company 7 rank Frank Zappa 8 rank Pink Floyd 9 rank Black Sabbath 10 rank Led Zeppelin In addition Damned Iggy Pop Extra Motley Crue
                                                                • 第2号滚石乐队性手枪排名世界第一的前3位披头士4谁排名第5的冲突鲍勃马利6 7不良公司排名第9粉红弗洛伊德排名第8弗兰克泽帕其他10个黑色安息日齐柏林飞船,该死的,Iggy小伊流行,涅槃娄里德额外莫特利Crue,枪炮与玫瑰猫王史前 NULL

                                                              • 撕裂过,说史密斯飞船已经影响Wan m说的是,太相似站 To aero Smith s pakuri word cup To say that it was influenced bureau to be similar too much is what

                                                                • 新马克西单GASTUNK 22年以来的煤气罐或我不说话的脸』沿达德曼[北━(°∀°)━!
                                                                  That there is no GASTUNK in story the viewing [wa] Gas tank New work of 22 year inclination Maxi single 'DEADMAN'S FACE' [kita] ━ (MARU ∀ MARU) ━!

                                                                  • 日本南部,三个男人带(桑田)碰撞(藤原)基带(宏) The Japanese 3 large one man bands Southern Kuwata Bump Fujiwara Worth band Even if wide

                                                                    • 日本排名第一的吉他手道哉HARUHATA(管) -直我的心

                                                                      • 日本艺术家Harupi 米出太 If you say that the guitar it is better than Matsumoto the hull tweet just is As a Japanese artist for the first time FENDER Belonging exclusively contract with the USA corporation was concluded They are the eternal guitar kids The tsu ke e it does “Michiya Haruhata sutoratokiyasuta ” Michiya Haruhata Stratocaster Putting out the ru
                                                                        • 当然前984名:(゚゚ω)◆JosoBYcWOU到TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d VJDBERdHzUA TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d Dwqh2IjrxfM Front sure 984 Name ゚ Ω ゚ JosoBYcWOU To ttp www youtube com watch v VJDBERdHzUA ttp www youtube com watch v Dwqh2IjrxfM

                                                                      • 时间越长,我会4和6户川细野春臣和高桥幸弘和坂本龙一

                                                                        • 有一天,我住驱动tTA加入路线,桑塔纳跳进现场返回到驱赶守卫不知道雅科,在绝望中,醉酒 That a certain day the sun shelf it will fly lively and will enter and will participate when it goes to the place with live music repelling to the guard who does not know jiyako In disappointment extreme intoxication

                                                                          • 松本孝弘或经验或有或好莱坞的莱斯保罗的签名名人堂RockWalk井猪头我觉得说实话,我不认为听到怪异的驱动tTA

                                                                            • 林德伯格(林德伯格),初步锁定了错了!
                                                                              LINDBERG (Lindbergh) first stage it is the lock not to be wrong! !

                                                                              • 毕竟,流派中,我没有你能更好地工作,离不开良好的撕裂,Otomoddoarubamu参与解雇我冷静#1一如所料,原来,在排除其他视觉Desutopia仍然一袋热内或只高桥的传奇生活在新宿Loft的渡边(左现场专辑Tteru声音在安魂曲)一如所料,我最好的汤 If the good work is possible even with pakuri it is good separately but it is Every genre after all the originator is and tsu pa 1st katsukoii is don t you think otomotsudoarubamu of Hotei participation even now with other visual it does not pass through desutopia and As for live of the Shinjuku loft of jiyune Hotei Watanabe Takahashi s legend the sound source remaining from the live album requiem the ru And it is the tsu pa highest die
                                                                                • 870帕森斯在此期间,深赞同你更好的热内日版Otomoddo的大合唱从原来的工作室时,吉尔,源,它在会议上和丈夫的事件在吉祥寺,渡边 870 As for Parsons at this time with original otomotsudo jiyune and relation in the deep JAP atelier event The original chorus and the gill the original base event session it has come out with Watanabe and Kitiziyouzi of the husband

                                                                              • 氦氖不是基于Swing的尊重,即使乳房到8分钟只有399发子弹 399 With only down repelling eight minutes don t you think it is the base where the breast does not shake respect
                                                                                • 氦氖不是基于Swing的尊重,即使乳房到8分钟只有399发子弹 399 With only down repelling eight minutes don t you think it is the base where the breast does not shake respect

                                                                              • 没有900,吉他曲 这太糟糕了 如果你既不水平锁定在参拜查看详细了,什么差异不应该一定好,甚至爵士乐,但没有 900 Well unskillfulness it puts out song and the guitar … Even at the level which is sufficient omajiyu or… In case of the lock being different jazz as for always good necessity however it is not to be
                                                                                • 埃塔的乐队和艺术家影响他人,还远销必然是有限的冉 The band and the artist who produce effect on others sell always with the limit to view

                                                                              • 洗手间隐藏与spreadbeaver皮肤。V2的:我想我的梦想在黑色和青霉素(SADS)不是恶意米策最大的激素和公报,VANPS我也隆夫例如区别一代进入
                                                                                Lady's room hide with spreadbeaver S.K.I.N. V2 So well there is no either penicillin and a black dream (SADS) [makishimamuzahorumon] and [marisumizeru], gazette and VANPS if the generation is different, entering, are high

                                                                                • 然后,丽贝卡也流行麦当娜歌曲210 WWW的公园或者是因为我晒黑万维网 210 Then also Rebecca probably is the song pop but www Therefore Madonna or the paku tsu te it is it is www
                                                                                  • 第三件克摇滚歌曲喜欢时尚是一个很酷的瓦特 Just song gram fashion lock like w 3rd the parenthesis was good

                                                                                • 然而,其他声乐都市撤出在1997年,解散,和吉他手惨死重叠中隐藏
                                                                                  But, in 1997 the secession of vocal TOSHI Tragedy such as beginning, dispersion and the death of guitar HIDE is piled up

                                                                                  • 爱丽丝,一个扭曲,猎犬狗,安全区,你看,Babiboizu

                                                                                    • 由于这个处于领导地位的空前纪录单一连续20年获奖
                                                                                      Later, 20 year continual single premier position The large record of predecessor Mitou's, acquisition is kept

                                                                                      • 的P -模型博物馆不仅是不舒服,即使只是诚实听多糖
                                                                                        As for the fine arts museum of P-MODEL, oddly with just sugar Honesty hearing, only it is unpleasant,

                                                                                        • 编号:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0编号:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0编号:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0编号:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID :Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0ID:Pf5grL3q0 M9公路゚(^ ^Д゚゚)゚。Yaaaatsu゚゙小康的关键
                                                                                          ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0 ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0 ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0 ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0ID: Pf5grL3q0 m9 ゚ (゚ ^ д ^ ゚) ゚. [hu] ゚ [ki] ゙ [yaaaatsu

                                                                                          • 罗克(金属滚装)]日本大百科全书(小学馆)。岩石流行音乐是流行的一个最在20世纪后期

                                                                                            • 谢谢939,他似乎建设银行瓦特现在,它看起来像我的生活和农业机械对农业运动瓦特

                                                                                              • 达罗PINKCLOUD基马里一般差雪松的吉他与暗示一个怎样B z松本
                                                                                                The [ro] which normally is [kimari] with PINKCLOUD B' The Matsumoto of z how applying, the guitar the unskillful cedar

                                                                                                • 这样一个很长的时间欺骗过他们狗屎大片Kusosure Ttoru疯狂的情况,并评估○营养雅 After a long time the kusosure shelf of large hit Such pakuri droppings the situation mania tsu which appraises the nutrient of ya ○ the you take

                                                                                                  • 这种“一旦上瘾,你有时间去反对派的差异从”我的意思是,例子绝对认为这是必要的X日本,我们已经太行从他充满金属驱动tTA Such “one time being fixed the thing tsu te which to the place where it is different from there goes” as for the fact that you say you think that it is necessary it is don t you think For example the ro which the person who goes to the metal from X JAPAN all the way is and is
                                                                                                    • 第三,“视觉系乐队” 成立体裁 出现XJAPAN And the genre “visual type band” was made to establish to 3 rank Appears

                                                                                                  • 通常这应该是第一个地方,它是太朱达罗秀夫ー234金城武寺内暨班尼斯3 Gism排行第2号花卉在travellin四级速度胶水姬排名第5司法机构政务长Seazer第6号末日7 X日本排名第7 × Japany 8 Sabbat排名第9叹十损坏324 10 234 With hi rankingu shelf If originally the ro should become like this 1 rank Takeshi Terauchi The Bunnys 2 rank Flower Travellin Band 3 rank Gism 4 rank Speed Glue Shinki 5 rank JA Seazer 6 rank Doom 7 rank X Japany 7 rank X Japan 8 rank Sabbat 9 rank Sigh 10 rank 324 10 rank Corrupted
                                                                                                    • 234 X日本回来一起你不会感到有什么不赚钱?但是我没有被锁定在生活的各个 234 X Because Japan something the gold was gone being the case that it re is formed it does the yo You live at all and the way there is no lock don t you think
                                                                                                    • 第2号滚石乐队性手枪排名世界第一的前3位披头士4谁排名第5的冲突6不良公司名列第7弗兰克泽帕8粉红弗洛伊德10齐柏林飞船排名第9号黑色安息日 NULL
                                                                                                    • 通常这应该是第一个地方,它是太朱达罗秀夫ー3金城武寺内暨班尼斯3 Gism排行第2号花卉在travellin四级速度胶水姬5司法机构政务长Seazer排名第6号末日7 X日本排名第9叹息第10卷第8 Sabbat 324第10位损坏 3 With hi rankingu shelf If originally the ro should become like this 1 rank Takeshi Terauchi The Bunnys 2 rank Flower Travellin Band 3 rank Gism 4 rank Speed Glue Shinki 5 rank JA Seazer 6 rank Doom 7 rank X Japan 8 rank Sabbat 9 rank Sigh 10 rank 324 10 rank Corrupted

                                                                                                  • 遗传学AUTMODS和叔叔,我觉得你看起来就像暴风雨大野
                                                                                                    You think that the [jiyune] uncle [te] of AUTMODS, entirely is in stormy Ono you,

                                                                                                    • 铃木裕反B ll带来说(笑),因为狗只会带来负面的东西我照顾你喜欢的结果制定基地我只希望得到他们的人,不容许的结果,我集合S,拥抱只是消极意义上的自卑感 B As for the z anti as for Taketoyo quality of the horse from calling as for ichiro gokihitsuto whether the tsu with therefore the human the word tsu chi ya u way laughing The result putting out ru ones are defeated the air the trap difficult and therefore the dog Actually the base worker like person mule tsu is the result cannot be recognized inferiority complex Holding ru being defeated group
                                                                                                      • 铃木裕反B ll带来说(笑),因为狗只会带来负面的东西我照顾你喜欢的结果制定基地我只希望得到他们的人,不容许的结果,我集合S,拥抱只是消极意义上的自卑感 B As for the z anti as for Taketoyo quality of the horse from calling as for ichiro gokihitsuto whether the tsu with therefore the human the word tsu chi ya u way laughing The result putting out ru ones are defeated the air the trap difficult and therefore the dog Actually the base worker like person mule tsu is the result cannot be recognized inferiority complex Holding ru being defeated group

                                                                                                    • 阿窝“视觉系”的意思,只是保持的话,他们现在把驱动tTA Kozi先生说,像这样的故事为什么她被称为化妆品或如果你这样做的音乐,以音乐给它的,没有化妆啊,我觉得我们没有去 awo “The vuijiyuaru ” tsu te the word which is said puts on make up now just a little leaving likely now Kozi said why the woman Applying as for at this story which you say when it does the music in order to do that music not to put on make up it could not go the te the very it is You think that is it is
                                                                                                      • 阿窝“视觉系”的意思,只是保持的话,他们现在把驱动tTA Kozi先生说喜欢,为什么这个故事叫虚荣心,或者,如果你这样做是为了他们的音乐,他们的音乐,以这是没有化妆啊,我觉得我们没有去 awo “The vuijiyuaru ” tsu te the word which is said puts on make up now just a little leaving likely now Kozi said why the woman Applying as for at this story which you say when it does the music in order to do that music not to put on make up it could not go the te the very it is You think that is it is

                                                                                                    • 顾研究员和听摇滚乐和庸俗酒馆是叛徒失去从反日日本
                                                                                                      Therefore as for the 輩 which inquires about the vulgar music, lock and the like the anti-Japanese traitor vanish from Japan

                                                                                                      • 首先在全国模拟考试河合塾Kimero横滨国立大学教育和稻叶
                                                                                                        Decide with educational background and Inaba Yokohama National University Kawai private school mock examination nationwide one rank

                                                                                                        • 驱动tTA但我觉得她的只有英国奥兰吧,它会使你成为一个人卡萝

                                                                                                          • 黄河猴Mr.Children像我被锁?
                                                                                                            Mr.Children or THE YELLOW It was the MONKEY [tsu] [te] lock?

                                                                                                            研究 開発