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  • 新居的住所,“政治资金报告检查,没有问题

    • 10个结节Rupizu秃头嘿不要他妈的瓦特八〇六瓦特

      • 547 515小泽搜索审查委员会是“为基础。大幅”帮助寻找一个W组审查委员会的业余“小组。”合理的律师会告诉你,我是一个专业,和位置检方仍然是“白色”和拒绝,因为我还没有任何疑问 547 515 As for Ozawa in inspection making clear committee “basis Because suitable” appeared helpless w Inspection making clear committee of amateur group “basis Calling suitable ” the ru it is but… When it probably is the professional legal house with respect to standpoint investigation after all “it is white” that Therefore the dismissal red sandal wood you are not wrong it isn t anymore
        • 547 515小泽搜索审查委员会是“为基础。大幅”帮助寻找一个W组审查委员会的业余“小组。”重大和我可以说,控方知道,“是白的”,所以我拒绝,错了,你还没有 547 515 As for Ozawa in inspection making clear committee “basis Because suitable” appeared helpless w Inspection making clear committee of amateur group “basis Calling suitable” investigation after all “it is white” that Therefore the dismissal red sandal wood you are not wrong it isn t anymore

      • 579“需要一个单一的日元收据民主党人”的自由我已经包含或排除,以驱赶和我洙其关联团结,你知道我的丈夫,当政治家寻求别人对他的货架什么是你加薪,或他人 579 “1 Yen is also the ri territory acquisition necessity” omitting as for driving our people The ze which is standardized association minsu itself the master That when the a the politician pursues others by his as for lifting to the shelf being only too natural thing

        • 590编号:8FB64GFF0编号:8FB64GFF0编号:责任8FB64GFF0 524“政治和道义”,他不明白〜所有愚蠢的,正确的驱动tTA泡菜腐烂在日本Bakachon wwwww

          • 713摆在我们面前,那些钱的性质,然后什么也不做426 426 426恩戴我穿的差异快乐!民主党人只能收到,我发表声明说,书籍,对不对?我们会再出来!什么资料漫画 713 You Simply the te it is with confusing the essence of the gold the ru 426 426 426 After minsu releasing the particulars of the account book and just saying and don t you think as for territory acquisition putting out the ro which is Furthermore particularly cartoon tsu te
            • 该收据,说我在外面玩糟糕,许多便利店同一天左右,但Dorakkusutoa ü差异只是写什么钱流 Furthermore no store it turns doratsukusutoa and konbini which are different to the same day is you do Strange state Calling territory acquisition start those which It was something which writes the flow of the simply gold

          • 829很快让出一张收据,我不认为,我不认为我梅罗词典

            • 860因此,这不是有趣的地方在出熟人使用本收据呢?无论年龄漫画等实用程序,如电话会由一个熟人所用的成本?法律事项,但不知道,我觉得如果我举起,在能源成本临时浪费金钱和在那里我根本不使用工作 860 The service space of the territory acquisition which comes out with the latest acquaintance house is strange it is it is not Cartoon generation anyhow telephone rate or fuel and light expenses it probably is something which is used with that acquaintance house As for legal theory however it is not understood well designating the fuel and light expenses of the place where you do not use with work as expense riding Squander the air does
              • 35矢代?本村更加清晰!演讲结束后Suretai,从律师的时刻,你听说过支票付款收据和运输从安娜闵阿特,戈莫Ttajan口 35 Yatsushiro Also Motomura clear So after the speech of suretai from analog minsu mixing the attorney territory acquisition and income and outgo checking from the instant which is heard The oral gomo tsu it is it is

            • _NULL_

              • “首页办公费水产大臣赤城在2008年(注:只使用成本八○○个月日元)录得辞职的问题 gt gt In 08 Akagi agricultural phase in parents home management fees Note Fuel and light expenses of the month amount 800 Yen which passes You resign with the problem which has been appropriated
                • 我站在公司签署房子的一边,去我住什么人支付帐单 It is the signboard raising office in the house of there living the ru person paying fuel and light expenses it lives normally
                • 水产大臣赤城家在2008年办公费用(注:只有公用事业费用每月800日元)录得辞职的问题 gt In 08 Akagi agricultural phase in parents home management fees Note Fuel and light expenses of the month amount 800 Yen which passes You resign with the problem which has been appropriated
                • 水产大臣赤城家在2008年办公费用(注:只有公用事业费用每月800日元)录得辞职的问题 gt In 08 Akagi agricultural phase in parents home management fees Note Fuel and light expenses of the month amount 800 Yen which passes You resign with the problem which has been appropriated
                • 水产大臣赤城家在2008年办公费用(注:只有公用事业费用每月800日元)录得辞职的问题 gt In 08 Akagi agricultural phase in parents home management fees Note Fuel and light expenses of the month amount 800 Yen which passes You resign with the problem which has been appropriated

              • 一些东西,在东京写了商店,如果我没有收据或逃犯第一次世界大战说民主操作工等待指示,不说我的老板,如果wwww

                • 三,兄弟姐妹的荒井部长民主党的办公费用欺诈新居党部长,部长美术莲花,三兄妹诈骗办公费川端部长部长的民主我莲花美术部长,欺诈部长民主党的办公费用三个兄弟姐妹我川端部长荒井部长,美术莲花,我川端部长 As for the management fees illegitimate three siblings of Democratic party minister of state Minister of State and lotus Arai 舫 minister of state with Minister of State Kawahata shank As for the management fees illegitimate three siblings of Democratic party minister of state Minister of State and lotus Arai 舫 minister of state with Minister of State Kawahata shank As for the management fees illegitimate three siblings of Democratic party minister of state Minister of State and lotus Arai 舫 minister of state with Minister of State Kawahata shank

                  • 上午Supamoni恐怖主义,我会告诉Waisuku疯狂(例如W,对于这么说,这是一个评论员今天Waisuku河流猪 supamoni of terrorist morning waisuku is kichigai program w So if you said the river pig commentator was not in present waisuku
                    • 433 Waisuku早上我没有令人惊讶的是恐怖的细节,今天 433 You did waisuku of terrorist morning even unexpectedly in detail today

                  • 优香说在他的办公室,“协会办公室,”现实是,有一个混蛋什么

                    • 但521微妙,甚至当地的商店和饮料,不一定是这些产品的限制呢 521 But the sensitivity the bar when anyhow it is the commodity always local end it does not limit
                      • 800你是否喜欢韩国将是一个很好的比较喜欢问赞比亚微妙 800 The favorite Korea Zambia would like to bite with favorite delicate comparison the shank e

                    • 但是,在这种情况下396宗个案,事实上,它偏离太多对我来说,和公众代表们详细查看房屋公共喜欢住在

                      • 你做一次事务章。支出报告○描述收入和更好地了解古内容的各项支出细则的规定在政治资金控制法Enforcement虚心向提交的收据副本等,并收集了收益的,以会计记录和记录及

                        • 你并不孤单,新井部长?博部长如何荷花厅,部长还川端。自民党提出的问题...怀疑动机

                          • 你看看第三方审计公司指定的公众和我都不敢看你不挂出或漫画,接收及食品和饮料,如一堆白痴

                            • 几十个摊位的民主党人也被逮捕,在民主党议员石川,“众议员石川ü救亡协会”,抗议其成员在什么东西了,我怀疑到办公室贪污指控我有一个莫纳山本过去的事情与一般纳税人代理书记旅行也捍卫了五志Hosono m倾斜国会议员荒井勿带

                              • 前检察官忠实的狗叫,闽Gōbara我住我如何捍卫瓦特

                                • 办公室,不能是一个熟人,井阿糖胞苷政治小组赛阶段只通知我们相信,作为国家战略的一个熟人办公室 解释这一事实,民主党代理秘书长乡司细野,“这没有问题。”并表示天空 Acquaintance s house because it cannot make the office as the office doing acquaintance s house the notification Political organization of Arai national strategy phase “It has judged gt Hosono of the Democratic party will Secretary General representation explains the relationship of fact greatly and there is no problem that” that you expressed
                                  • 细野被释放到新闻发布会和收据副本和项目的房子,他们分厚的查看详细考察了总额为1 693人厚自民党议员 693 Way the fact that Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman inspected the house of renhou is selected The copy of thick territory releasing acquisition and particulars to the mass communications Hosono interviews
                                  • 细野说,因为不是他的办公室,办公室,注册办公室政治组织作为梁熟人 gt According to Hosono because it cannot make the office of the political organization it is the Members Office Building that you delivered acquaintance s house as the office

                                • 反正是你何任外交大臣,这种态度将工作犹如白色民主党不希望他只是恨这个家伙绝对不会打开 With it is to hide the ho we would like to have stopping Even if it probably is white but work probably is possible but the foreigner of such an attitude Well it is absolute to be in for the minister of state Just it is dense you do not insert in the Democratic party because is

                                  • 古纹的解决方案,如果它甚至没有如今年年初,我们应该得到的地狱出收据,如果不是浪费时间追求民主W

                                    • 嗯,我包括在内,因为我赶走了辞职萨科在过去,当然辞职Senakya的权利,坚持了一个收据?

                                      • 嘿,民主和人权代理人或办公室Renhoー680

                                        • 在了解情况并没有这个意思?和日本的读卖新闻頑張渔村的Burgers,也改变了立场或富士s Circumstance without being understood well there is no speech red sandal wood huji stance changing it causes persevering Yomiuri and day of the ru tele

                                          • 在你傻瓜221朱达罗?如果我们不能接受朱达罗收益Shinee什么我说我要去待定确信这是有效的,然后我的头Yaokashiidaro塞纳基狂吠什么我有问题,声称 221 You the ro which is foolish Therefore like this the ri ya which is done you agree upon depending you say It is not possible if agreement die the ro which is the e Therefore generally the problem which territory acquisition is and verified calling you insist If put out it is not the ro which is strange and is The head you have gone you
                                            • “该收据应附说明埃泰,你不应该辞职,”菅直人:故事(2007)↑↑↑只要你说,我以前 “Attaching territory acquisition it should explain being it is not possible if we should resign” 菅 Naoto Talks 2007 ↑ ↑ ↑ The sufficient thing which you say be popular You

                                          • 在本法中,政治资金管理法420“贡献”是金钱,财产或其他利益的货物运送到 420 Political financial readjustment method In this law “contribution” provision or delivery of the profit on the money and goods other property
                                            • 504术语“贡献”是指金钱,财产或其他利益的货物运送到 504 In this law “contribution” provision or delivery of the profit on the money and goods other property

                                          • 在私营部门的887,电话公司或有一个音频办公桌就公司税,但不是一个糟糕的方式做这种感觉

                                            • 委员会听取了控方证据试图让收藏家向检察官元,你可以做到这一点起诉书

                                              • 当我304赤城,而我们只通知邮件Kukara开支,因为自民党没有透露如果没有我的所有收入伊藤诚说百分之百,还是介绍说:“民主党只是抽搐Kukara ll通知,焦虑我立即解释,并自愿将无需直接发布 304 Akagi it is the time because just the mails reach in expense as for margin Saying that there is no 100 percent territory acquisition it is good being therefore the Liberal Democratic Party which it does not disclose entirely because the explanatory margin” tsu has hung democracy reaches just the opposition party You do not worry and also the te releases explains immediately and independently
                                                • 304赤城当我喊“披露和解释所有的收据,”民主党,因为我会抽筋,我会立刻解释,并自愿不立即释放关注 304 Akagi it is the time “territory acquisition disclosing entirely therefore the explanatory margin” tsu it has hung the Democratic party You do not worry and also the te releases explains immediately and independently
                                                • 371 赤城,当我没有透露收到来自自民党,他们就会让我解释不 371 gt Akagi it is the time therefore the Liberal Democratic Party which does not disclose territory acquisition you do not explain and permit also the te
                                                • Yuupakku 等,国民议会大厅→办公室,我知道你有一个收据,我送书于ー?案件执行 The ro which particular office with such as yu u pa tsu ku gt the member of the Diet hall the tsu te yu is the invoice and territory acquisition and is Put out
                                                • 不过,如果你得到它出版的自愿,但应保留收据宁愿廉能政治 However if you call clean politics it should keep territory acquisition it puts out independently If it should have released don t you think
                                                • 之主要办事处,而不是觉得办公室,就在我的成本将是可以接受的收据品种 The main office you cannot think but If only territory acquisition it has been even in regard to office expense it is allowed it seems
                                                • 但我是他们自2007年以来负责松冈,留下一张收据,每1日元扎克Senakya So if put out the territory acquisition it is not at 1 Yen unit it blames Matsuoka and others after 2007 concerning Strange trap
                                                • 否)证据问题常用的思维井(如果有收据“或什么,这将是证明,我峨读卖新闻诽谤诉讼!”你去 Well thinking normally if the evidence which is not problem territory acquisition it is “How and this evidence appeals with honorable damage Yomiuri The ro which” with you do and is
                                                • 当我赤城329,因为自民党没有透露后,会原谅我没有解释 329 Akagi it is the time therefore the Liberal Democratic Party which does not disclose territory acquisition you do not explain and permit also the te
                                                • 我独资经营者,或向我Moraenakatsu承认,即使税收 The private thing proprietor how there being territory acquisition although it makes the tax office recognize
                                                • 我说,因为法律上没有收到法律问题51伊藤诚 51 Because you say that law there is no territory acquisition is good being there is no problem legally
                                                • 新井还“自己的收据,并检查上述事项的内容 Also Arai “being yourself content was checked concerning territory acquisition and statement item
                                                • 根据双方在收到设备用品支出,假设为37书籍和漫画书 According to territory acquisition in each case at fixture consumable expense 37 volumes there were some which are seen as the comic book
                                                • 根据双方在收到设备用品支出,假设为37书籍和漫画书 According to territory acquisition in each case at fixture consumable expense 37 volumes there were some which are seen as the comic book
                                                • 第一个这样的办公和居住时间,哪些费用是我们Kukara收到邮件通知,只有百分之百 First because at such an office and the residence just the mails reach in expense as for margin 100 percent territory acquisition it does not pass
                                                • 足够的服务或一个适用于所有税票,所以一切,我租414?如果有一个收据 414 That territory acquisition receiving regardless being recognized entirely with expense If there is territory acquisition

                                              • 我是449不同的法律处理个人从全面和成熟的白痴公众人物的私人创建的,在你

                                                • 我说没有问题,因为律师的问题与民主党问8(总理巧妙的愚蠢Tteru律师说,这是有趣的问题无顾律师问为何民主党和工作为他们的客户受益最后一球,甚至在你说或做这种事的问题,“律师〜”手流菅Inro水户Komon ll说像』蜘蛛一个新的整理移动新出不久后发射的内阁编辑整个愚蠢[Bengoshiga简出万维网是一个有趣的研究

                                                  • 我说的是449的服务是什么?这是不是你说的租金?我想说的是什么你了解自己吗? NULL
                                                    • 戴诺租金法案被赎回或解释它的办公室,我使用 House rent is whether it was used vis a vis the office of somewhere it should explain fuel and light expenses

                                                  • 所以我包括前社会民主党,社会党将在wing m试图摧毁日本的武装革命

                                                    • 所以,我必须首先约束力租赁本身,而是将捐款分钟分钟从我遇到现有的租金,租金的优惠方面,如果你使用免费的租金租赁沿233

                                                      • 据川上的博客,川上先生于4月27日众议院通过了一项程序法典的修订条例草案的刑法中全会和取消限制驱动tTA章程盛谋杀是京都法案在北区,分布

                                                        • 收据,你可以发布立即认识到他们有可能将交付collision ll是恼人的都知道,有法律不足 Directly as for the notion that where territory acquisition can be released Recognizing the possibility of being thrust being defective being understood even in existing law passing
                                                          • 270我说我不相信我Shinee能够客观地审查并提出收据 270 We is presenting territory acquisition agreement dies the e tsu te says that it does not try to be able to scrutinize objectively

                                                        • 新井 蒙塔美浓部长问题“问题,说:”每日新闻与良→“走出支出项目”看到→“我们10日星期五,新井。3组,并与国务部长的三个国家战略的部长们相关的政治组织值得收据向新闻界?“与良→”不是非法的,民主的“法律问题”代理秘书长的“阶段战略:有关的费用问题办公室 记者办公费策略的有关国家的问题的政治组织相 The straw raincoat it is it is “There is an unclear point” gt everyday newspaper giving is good “person expense particulars coming out the ru ” gt your straw raincoat “money on the 10th Arai Territory acquisition of 3 Cabinet minister 3 groups such as affiliated political organization of national strategy charge phase In press corps… ” gt Giving well “it is not illegal” There is no democracy Secretary General representation “problem legally” Strategic phase With the problem which is related to office expense gt Hosono of the Democratic party is great will manager September dispersion with the problem which is related to office expense reason on the 9th Arai About the management fees problem of the affiliated political organization of national strategy phase gt “The income and outgo which Arai appropriates in the political financial income and outgo report is correct entirely in press corps
                                                          • ★刷新! ! 堪萨斯州内阁新居问题出现了金钱和政治的国家战略相 Clear 菅 Arai of Cabinet The problem which is related to politics and the gold in national strategy phase surfaced
                                                          • 内阁办公室的费用 漫画Bakkari新井井简阶段战略推出的收据。部长办公室负责国家战略(64)北海道区3政治组织“新井聪协会的政治行动”(府中,东京,解散)。这一丑闻,民主党10天收到分钟后向新闻界组和第三组的三名部长 Office expense cartoon the Arai strategic phase which tsu temporary… territory you acquire release Arai of 菅 Cabinet National strategy charge phase 64 political organization “Arai of Hokkaido 3 Ku with it does the political activity sponsor” Tokyo Fuchu city dispersion office With doubt as for the Democratic party on the 10th territory acquisition of 3 Cabinet minister 3 groups such as the same group It released to the press corps
                                                          • 国家战略(笑)新井井聪的政治组织购买漫画书的成本在30多个办事处。到2007年8月收到的费用办公室国务部长,10个国家的战略问题,一个政治组织,民主党发表的“政治行动委员会,委员会根据荒井聪,”和2009年解散,至少30本购买更多的漫画书不,我认识到,他不得不分钟办公用品设备 National strategy laughing At office expense the comic book of 30 volumes or more Satoru s Arai political organization purchases Arai With office expense problem of national strategy charge phase the political organization which the Democratic party releases on the 10th “Arai according to the territory acquisition to August of 09 which with it does and disperses from 2007 of political activity sponsor” At least the comic book of 30 volumes or more was purchased it understood that it has appropriated in fixture consumable expense
                                                          • 新井 蒙塔美浓部长问题“问题,说:”每日新闻与良→“走出支出项目”看到→“周五我们什么?”与良→“不是非法的,”代理秘书长民主“法律问题的费用”的战略阶段办公室 办公费策略的有关国家的问题的政治组织告诉记者,“政治资金余额付款记录在他的报告中所有正确的新居 The straw raincoat it is it is “There is an unclear point” gt everyday newspaper giving is good “person expense particulars coming out the ru ” gt your straw raincoat “money in something… ” gt Giving well “it is not illegal” There is no democracy Secretary General representation “problem legally” At office expense of strategic phase gt Hosono of the Democratic party is great will Secretary General representation on the 9th Arai About the management fees problem of the affiliated political organization of national strategy phase gt “The income and outgo which Arai appropriates in the political financial income and outgo report is correct entirely in press corps
                                                          • 新井。在收到的2007年8月的办公费用部长为国家战略问题,“一个政治组织,民主党10日发表的政治行动委员会,委员会向荒井聪,”根据2009年解散,至少30本购买更多的漫画书不,我认识到,他不得不分钟办公用品设备 Arai With office expense problem of national strategy charge phase the Democratic party released on the 10th The political organization “Arai according to the territory acquisition to August of 09 which with it does and disperses from 2007 of political activity sponsor” At least the comic book of 30 volumes or more was purchased it understood that it has appropriated in fixture consumable expense
                                                          • 新井阶段的国家战略:政治组织熟人“校长办公室”在4222万日元◇拨款至6年,“没有问题”井井节于3月09 先生,唐宁街告诉记者,“检查没有问题 Arai national strategy phase Political organization in acquaintance s house “main office” In 6 years 42 220 000 Yen expense appropriation “There is no problem” Arai Arai 9 day noon at the prime minister official residence “checked in press corps but problem it was not

                                                        • 新井任何收据和项目,我看到了富士新闻网所有公共Shitarashii

                                                          • 新井敏统一协会,复制邮资和电话费的4000万日元击穿

                                                            • 新井的办公室成本问题,荒井先生是细节描写从民主的声音显示求“主要办事处”如果有实际的工作要求,政治资金控制法,每分钟熟人“谁”捐献“,而且在政治资金报告的支援小组并未在有关 Arai s office expense problem from inside democracy explanation the voice which is demanded Arai side “main office ” If you insist that there was the activity actual condition as with respect to political financial readjustment method As for house rent amount “” contribution from acquaintance ” With it becomes but there is no statement which corresponds in the political financial income and outgo report of the same sponsor
                                                              • ★★★← 政治资金管理法,熟人租金分钟“捐赠”和报告,在政治资金没有说明 lt gt Arai “ Main office ” That there was the activity actual condition as if you insist gt With respect to political financial readjustment method as for house rent amount acquaintance “ Contribution ” With it becomes but there is no statement in the political financial income and outgo report
                                                              • ★★★← 政治资金管理法,熟人租金分钟“捐赠”和报告,在政治资金没有说明 lt gt Arai “ Main office ” That there was the activity actual condition as if you insist gt With respect to political financial readjustment method as for house rent amount acquaintance “ Contribution ” With it becomes but there is no statement in the political financial income and outgo report
                                                              • ★★★← 政治资金管理法,熟人租金分钟“捐赠”和报告,在政治资金没有说明 lt gt Arai “ Main office ” That there was the activity actual condition as if you insist gt With respect to political financial readjustment method as for house rent amount acquaintance “ Contribution ” With it becomes but there is no statement in the political financial income and outgo report
                                                              • 你的故事会在政治资金法规范捐赠284瓦特术语“贡献”是指金钱或其他好处的财产,不得以捐赠的货物交付或明显 284 Contribution with respect to political financial readjustment method speaking the ru it is the ze w which is In this law “contribution” provision or delivery of the profit on the money and goods other property Clearly contribution shelf

                                                            • 新井,20我没有租租金被认为是驱动tTA捐款嘿,现在难以控制的政治资金法的行为

                                                              • 无论任何民主的自民党支援约602支持者,许多人从世界的经验很少人真正这样做少...

                                                                • 日本将王位的责任?自民党现在是结束不再仅仅踢民主Waridashi打赌 Japan can be left Our people produce to end already now to democracy only bet
                                                                  • 包括好玩的?Munayoto ll说,它会屁股愚蠢甚至自由民主党126 126 In our people and in democracy it thrusts with nonsense thing saying that is the ru it is
                                                                  • 自由民主党也可以Dabusuta 668,你只是不知道该怎么做 668 Democracy and our people will do with the dubbing star the a how applying it does at the place the yo

                                                                • 时间 “也许没有什么,但你说的话到我 gt At that time the Democratic party “ Receipt proof Being shown doubt of the citizen does not clear up ” National anti Chairman Kenji Yamaoka lt gt “ It isn t to stop only
                                                                  • 时间 当时,民主党“也将寻找后,没有什么问题是美妙的人”(山冈,国会事务委员会主席),★★★←词典“”中,只有需要我 gt At that time the Democratic party “ Being able to show receipt proof doubt of the citizen does not clear up ” National anti Chairman Yamaoka lt gt “ Only it becomes stopping because
                                                                  • 时间 当时,民主党“也将寻找后,没有什么问题是美妙的人”(山冈,国会事务委员会主席),★★★←词典“”中,只有需要我 NULL

                                                                • 未来的壊日本青年的这些家伙,它归日本和韩国在完成了旧社会党反里诺塞茂留在民主党已经破坏了日本和日本文化!谁将会是社会主义者民主党前社会主义男子握力秘书处的 Inside the Democratic party where and others it is dense breaks the future of the Japanese young person builds the Japanese and the Japanese culture destructively The old Japan Socialist Party left wing of counter day it becomes and finishes and it is the resident naturalized Korean Japan Socialist Party graduate As for the Democratic party the old Japan Socialist Party human has controlled the executive office power
                                                                  • “自卫队符合宪法”右翼村山富和社会主义联盟的自民党与我集合论“排除”在谈到“新党先驱”,武村正义,并与排除 “As for Self Defense Force as for Japan Socialist Party right group of constitutional” Murayama wealth one and others assuming that the Liberal Democratic Party and alliance were united “theory of removal” It was based on and with Takemura justice “ahead per seat the new party” was removed

                                                                • 杂志。 Mister Donut统一或公共或湿重Matsukiyo创新与祖拉WWW的自由这些家伙愚蠢或w

                                                                  • 来吧出收据就不能说,会成为犯罪构成伪造收费

                                                                    • 松冈,农业部部长是怎么回事,但实际费用或办公室,因为你犯了在警察与绿资源机构的行动自杀

                                                                      • 松冈,自民党拥有办公费用下落不明故障,减少水的解释

                                                                        • 查看详细手术治疗是真的正要逃跑,这样做,是我自己吗?出人意料的是,人们用它在某些方面的业务等待邮件?如何购买并认为这是真的吗?据称绑在 But as for the operative saying that it was business trip the air which escapes As expected the person of the work which waits for the mails Being something which you use Being something which is bought truly The ge which it does in doubt
                                                                          • 我想你解释邮件数以千万计的我接受,并采取806? Kattara 持有的数额没有合理的解释没有任何意义 806 You think that the receipt of the mails with some 10 000 000 explanation is attached When there is no proper explanation vis a vis the amount there is no meaning

                                                                        • 根据东京地方检察厅,舅舅不温不火(笑)好,“什么也没有说明其他群体不混合,如果是的,”我说,这是 That of the original Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section it paints to be the old boy laughing “Those of another group on or if it has not mixed or had done the out” te thing you said
                                                                          • 什么是没有什么其他组织不混合,必须有证据 Those of the other group on or it has not mixed or the proof is needed

                                                                        • 横路孝弘一区每一个民主党人当选的代表北海道(民主党)辨雄三井区2(民主党)新井哲三区(民主党)雄路四区涉嫌虚报锅收益基金(民主)小林Tiyomi区5(民主党)办事处本隆宏佐佐木,第六区选举违法行为(民主党)中野裕子区07(民主党/比例)Ousaka Seizi区08(民主党),由纪夫鸠山,区9(民主党)违反政治资金管理法(司),小平忠政区10(民主党)区11博悟石川(民主党)第12区松树根公违反政治资金管理法(民主党)

                                                                          • 正如我们迄今170民主党人认为,在党的权力是什么要求对来自身体更是要追求美丽,如果有怀疑持皮重的地方,甚至有点滑稽 170 So far as the Democratic party so insisted as for ruling party tsu te being a seat of administration from being the body clean Because a certain thing is required if even a little there is a strange place it is pursued with doubt
                                                                            • 因此,粉碎圆脸如果罪名成立,控方即使你深,我认为他们没有追求 If it becomes guilt therefore also investigation collapses the pasteboard dump circle as for pursuing deeply thinks that it is not

                                                                          • 民主党“性并不违法”,但有信心,该集团的“办公用品设备”的拨款和漫画书很多,共约一个问号谁拥有荒井先生的政治活动或

                                                                            • 民主政治 “女”小泽川栄成员稔(39)年终津贴支付栄川稔四百六十万日元无需参加只有一天(我得到二百七十〇万日元完整奖金民主党人“女”立委小泽(39) u003d比例近畿 4 5月10日之间,但当天没有出席众议院全体会议不,我分 Glory Assemblyman “ garuzu of the Democratic party Kawakami full Ozawa” 39 Only 1 days it attends and full amount can receive the te and term end treatment of 4 600 000 Yen provision bonus 2 700 000 Yen Glory member of the house of representatives “ garuzu of the Democratic party Kawakami full Ozawa” 39 Kinki proportion on 4 May betting On the 10th it understood that only 1 days it has attended the House of Representatives plenary assembly
                                                                              • 民主政治 “女”小泽川栄成员稔(39,而不必支付四百六十万日元1日) 难道只有参加二百七十○万日元充分奖金!民主党女“小泽”川栄稔国会议员(39) u003d 4的比例近畿 与5月10日这一天,但没有出席众议院全体会议不,我分 Glory Assemblyman “ garuzu of the Democratic party Kawakami full Ozawa” 39 Only 1 days it attends and full amount can receive the te and 4 600 000 Yen provision… bonus 2 700 000 Yen Glory member of the house of representatives “ garuzu of the Democratic party Kawakami full Ozawa” 39 Kinki proportion on 4 May betting On the 10th it understood that only 1 days it has attended the House of Representatives plenary assembly

                                                                            • 没有任何文件或收据u003d各种不可能让其他项目没有信誉的所有书籍瓦特

                                                                              • 然后我们就知道什么是太簿记他们的大部分你知道的东西我可以肯定说这很容易它s簿记415分钟的学习魔法 415 If you learn even with bookkeeping it is to understand simply Speaking clearly you knowledge and others just pass the thing Bookkeeping something it probably is normal not to know

                                                                                • 爱屋泽人民深受年轻,“天堂之吻”还买了5卷书的形式曾经相信,随着葡萄酒为主题的“滴神”我也买 5 volumes collecting the book which is seen as “paradise kiss” of the Yazawa meeting person who has popularity in the young person besides the fact that it had purchased The wine was designated as theme you bought also “the drop of God”
                                                                                  • 在指南 西北阿拉斯加土著爱屋泽的少女的漫画,是已知的天堂之吻第5卷 “如果一个成年人的购买,”有一些案件 In it is known with the girl cartoon of NANA and so on “The adult you bought” the paradise kiss all the 5 volumes of the Yazawa meeting and there was also a case which has been done
                                                                                  • 爱屋泽人民深受年轻,“天堂之吻”还买了5卷书的形式曾经相信,随着葡萄酒为主题的“滴神”我也买 5 volumes collecting the book which is seen as “paradise kiss” of the Yazawa meeting person who has popularity in the young person it purchases Besides the fact that it had done the wine was designated as theme you bought also “the drop of God”

                                                                                • 目前,他们的想法是错误的豪迈囊549是一个严重的法律通常有利于我将是自由的,不采取任何ー责任的租金或夏季不等待适当的决定,如果它违反了 549 But what you think that the law is strange will not the selfishness When with existence so being the case that it has been decided you violate responsibility you take properly unless The tsu te which house rent simply becomes profit provision it is general
                                                                                  • 但使用这种囊(法律)不禁止不“,并形容天空 In simply using such ones Law is not the case that it has been prohibited” that you expressed

                                                                                • 相反,基于什么,我将绳子的证据吗?我成为一名法官,控方提出的证据,不是吗?终结?即使如此,你没有压力,你永远不会有新的证据了 One on the basis of some evidence it becomes the rope it is The tsu te which becomes judgment evidence as for submitting the ro which after all is investigation Pressure is not done is doing margin new evidence how without coming out in either one it does the yo
                                                                                  • 632为什么?在日本,检察官不起诉,根本就不能肯定赢 632 Why In Japan basically unless it can win securely it does not prosecute investigation just
                                                                                  • 显然,起诉和执行局,从中我们应该看它肯定是被控以黑色或施加压力,起诉小泽,99%的胜率不仅是因为我们没有起诉 And at the point where inquest of prosecution meeting saw should prosecute this securely with black because it judged Ozawa applied pressure on investigation therefore in the 99 the victory ratio which does not reach it did not prosecute just
                                                                                  • 相反,基于什么,我将绳子的证据吗?我成为一名法官,控方提出的证据,不是吗?终结?即使如此,你没有压力,你永远不会有新的证据了 One on the basis of some evidence it becomes the rope it is The tsu te which becomes judgment evidence as for submitting the ro which after all is investigation Pressure is not done is doing margin new evidence how without coming out in either one it does the yo

                                                                                • 祖拉头发与良Kunekune癌症的斗争,捍卫人民谁鸟越荒井 The person who being desperate protects Arai � Torigoe… cancer � zura … dehairing � giving it is good… kunekune
                                                                                  • Ozura没有天敌,因此有感觉Nuranurabetabeta民主路线的斗争,捍卫和 Because as for ozura the natural enemy is not democracy protection of the feeling which is made nuranurabetabeta Being desperate it does

                                                                                • 私法271民法典,是否具有约束力的契约是两个可爱的偶像之间的自由,除非租赁的租金现在也到他们现有的福利您使用的是不会发生无故

                                                                                  • 老年人得到了东京后,在同一天该公司在我得到一个收据,例如旅行费用一行名古屋○○日内,该办事处一分钟,我很可能被记录 For example by himself going the Nagoya business trip territory acquisition receiving there In the same day the senior of the company territory acquisition receiving in Tokyo that Expense of 0 day the tsu te appropriating as one place of business amount it is not strange and
                                                                                    • 你是拼命捍卫不会是疯不明白每天泡菜和一个坏淫Nozu巴达山蒙( )gdgd公共备案回执贝聚Yasumudakenanoni不能相提并论 The zu of montei when it is the tsu the kim chee bad metamorphosis everyday kichigai It is from the wa of reason thing saying protecting desperately the shelf the A gdgd entrusting without arranging although the ri ya which territory you acquire release it just is completed

                                                                                  • 荒井先生!莫纳的人!这是所有(笑了出来北海道收到它)在约一罐子笑的,但知道这是我们民主党(笑) Arai mona man Don t you think the tsu te which the Hokkaido territory acquisition puts out and sows laughing As for the pot of laughing that extent the fact that you have known is we Democratic party laughing
                                                                                    • 荒井先生!莫纳的人!这一切都笑了出来的收据北海道()在一个罐的笑声也知道有我们民主党(笑) Arai mona man Don t you think the tsu te which the Hokkaido territory acquisition puts out and sows laughing As for the pot of laughing that extent the fact that you have known is we Democratic party laughing

                                                                                  • 菅和愚蠢秋服务器478,不是吗?集约讨论索赔的委员会负责任命总理和财政预算案1↓! !在你,我现在的问题责任的权利任命民主党简第04期从目前的代理服务器是它的领导人是没有时间好玩的wwww 478 ba 菅 with bakapotsupo insisting the appointment responsibility and budget committee centralized deliberation of the prime minister with the ↓ one flesh simply the ro You question the appointment responsibility of the ba 菅 from current instant which at that time is the Democratic party representation vicarious execution wwww It is strange for that not to be possible
                                                                                    • Q Warenakere责任应任命一名总理严厉“(鸠山由纪夫,秘书长),并要求辞职, 总理大臣菅直人担任署理领袖”的解释是不够的根本, Either the appointment responsibility of the prime minister must be questioned harshly ” Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama With requesting resignation gt It was representation vicarious execution 菅 the prime minister “ Explanation completely is not sufficient
                                                                                    • 严厉任命他的责任问题“(鸠山由纪夫,秘书长),并要求辞职, 总理大臣菅直人担任署理领袖”的解释是不够的根本, You question also the appointment responsibility of the prime minister harshly ” Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama With requesting resignation gt It was representation vicarious execution 菅 the prime minister “ Explanation completely is not sufficient
                                                                                    • 严厉任命他的责任问题“(鸠山由纪夫,秘书长),并要求辞职, 总理大臣菅直人担任署理领袖”的解释是不够的根本, You question also the appointment responsibility of the prime minister harshly ” Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama With requesting resignation gt It was representation vicarious execution 菅 the prime minister “ Explanation completely is not sufficient
                                                                                    • 严厉任命他的责任问题“(鸠山由纪夫,秘书长),并要求辞职, 总理大臣菅直人担任署理领袖”的解释是不够的根本, You question also the appointment responsibility of the prime minister harshly ” Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama With requesting resignation gt It was representation vicarious execution 菅 the prime minister “ Explanation completely is not sufficient
                                                                                    • 菅和愚蠢秋服务器478,不是吗?集约讨论索赔的委员会负责任命总理和财政预算案1↓! !在你,我的问题目前暂时负责任命服务器从根对了,只是不好笑wwww 478 ba 菅 with bakapotsupo insisting the appointment responsibility and budget committee centralized deliberation of the prime minister with the ↓ one flesh simply the ro You question the appointment responsibility of the ba 菅 from current instant which passes wwww It is strange for that not to be possible

                                                                                  • 读卖新闻已经出现了更清晰的颜色不是很好,但莲花美术零贝塔如此甜蜜

                                                                                    • 这一次,新井“我是在他的办公室工作,”说“辞职,他的办公室使用,即使没有免费的效用的水价,水公用事业费用并没有被记录,或者为什么 This time “does at Arai s Members Office Building” speech “the Assemblyman resigning the te fuel and light water expense no charge The time when you cannot use the Members Office Building fuel and light water expense not being appropriated why

                                                                                      • 这个问题也承认这方面的任何报告,下)的内容,民主 五志细野(即是党总部举行的记者招待会上,代理秘书长

                                                                                        • 这实在太糟糕,民主党人争取自民党坏啊,但考虑内阁辞职提前选举和管 Therefore also the democracy which you have overtaken that it is our people a useless useless what how thinking as for the inside of pipe official building resigning in a body Dispersion general election

                                                                                          • 通化北海道收到679(但not ll版)是所有被释放的谎言,我只是

                                                                                            • 重新搜索和审查委员会可能是“对。”合理的收费,被迫离开,只会得到你是清白的确认清除墨付文试验 Perhaps again the inspection making clear committee “the basis Suitable” putting out to become forcing prosecution with judgment openly innocence The certificate of decision just is received probably
                                                                                              • 另一方面它是愚蠢或不知道,他们为我们提供Dzui小泽有罪由法院墨付文 Not becoming aware in the notion that where that conversely gives the certificate of the innocence by the courthouse in Ozawa Foolishness

                                                                                            • 闵吒嗯,驱动tTA荒井说,如果这些白色家电和收据,你知道了观众的包括国家从屁股wwww ll是个体户和税务机关Segama从Tsuttsuka提交由会计收据氖是傻瓜谁就会wwwww Such a margin mono territory acquisition in minsu Arai who persists The ro wwww where thrusting entered from the viewer of entire country and is The businessman who has badgered submitting the territory acquisition from accounting and Don t you think the tsu the individual proprietor who becomes tired to be swindled from the tax office wwwww
                                                                                              • U型线的资格问题向本已紧张的立法改革新井文管成本的问题,我们坚定的亲信说我不会,但我没有388 388 The aide tsu te in the aide Arai who is said office expense problem in the tube which has been caused There is no qualification which does the legal amendment for this problem however probably will be don t you think

                                                                                            • 队化身的金权政治这个速度小泽先生924(前自由党)小组公民专业率简先生゚克罗地亚赫尔辛基人权゚何(原党·解散的日本社会党),从党的一则混合二战朱达罗就像Tsujimoto走到这崩溃的你会布满湿重

                                                                                              • 难道我说,石器,每一块可收益692 893 678,这可能是正在使用的经验 NULL

                                                                                                • 鸠山为逃避税现在还没有看到任何东西西西捐赠时已支付税款晚在第二和礼品,税务办公室,我不得不接受它,晒黑,但我认识到解决这一问题的信实税我 Hatoyama concerning tax evasion still from this w Something from this w Already when it is already late becoming giving you paid donation tax the tax office accepted that therefore it is the tax office recognized this the solution being completed it is
                                                                                                  • 嗯,我要纳税是荒谬的理论是相当广泛,从市场外的捐赠时 When it deviates from quotation largely becoming giving tax payment huh the wa which is te chaotic reason
                                                                                                  • 正常情况下应采取不同的税款的礼物,如果免费或出租房屋,例如如果私营部门相对于584 584 If people for example the house you lend to the kindred simply and or donation tax are taken normally with amount circumstance
                                                                                                  • 正常情况下应采取具体取决于赠与税金额如果出租房屋免费或亲属例如,如果私营部门 If people for example the house you lend to the kindred simply and or donation tax are taken normally with amount circumstance

                                                                                                • (先生邦夫鸠山“的核心。党残余革命民主武装力量已满”)石邢栋,义人仙石,弘文平野,题跋惠子,洽中井孝弘赤松,众议员横路孝弘,皋月益,郁男山花,橡木。欣弥,第金田,儿子汤米冈崎,幼方夫,儿子日元,幸子河大桥,卢雄碗,Oohata裕细川Ritsuo,筒井町的丈夫国八山下,阁下谷,佐佐木秀典,角义和,Hazime和田池田Minezaki北路,佐藤観树,伊藤忠阳,佐佐木孝弘,佐藤泰介,横光克彦,松本龙铭贤塔纳米,齐藤斩首,台隆

                                                                                                  • ,很像小泽最坏的打算,因为他们这些人破坏了音频感到内疚和不安,他们设立了一个方法来治疗的指控基纳拓像一个坏而是要追求的过程中,我不是出于故意低三下四的骄傲这是开放给医治这些决不允许 But also Ozawa so and others it is dense to be worst it is dense the shelf when doubt is done how opening to be repaired is like the person who overtakes properly is bad When it trembles because ashamed feeling puts away the bare te appearing in 傲 bank non 遜 attitude purposely it is ru reason You do not have to permit such opening being repaired absolutely
                                                                                                    • 党还检查, 仍然是一个问题,收到报告说,该数字“,并表示天空 It had checking even in the party but The report gt after all there is no problem was received” that you expressed
                                                                                                    • 我想你,我会继续狙的形象而导致的问题需要解决,并且这些时间不能 Overtaking the problem which understands that there is no expectation of solving aiming for image down the ru it is with to do the yo
                                                                                                    • 我说这将是相同的基层民主,尽快推行这一内阁 Saying that formed a cabinet what overtakes immediately such is the same level as democracy the ru it is
                                                                                                    • 继续奉行一个过程不足“,并形容一切,以为 的是强调国民议会的广泛讨论,寻求提高 It keeps overtaking the insufficient point properly ” With expressing gt The thought of requesting centralized deliberation at the National Diet was emphasized
                                                                                                    • 继续奉行一个过程不足“,并形容一切,以为 的是强调国民议会的广泛讨论,寻求提高 It keeps overtaking the insufficient point properly ” With expressing gt The thought of requesting centralized deliberation at the National Diet was emphasized
                                                                                                    • 继续奉行一个过程不足“,并形容一切,以为 的是强调国民议会的广泛讨论,寻求提高 It keeps overtaking the insufficient point properly ” With expressing gt The thought of requesting centralized deliberation at the National Diet was emphasized
                                                                                                    • 继续奉行一个过程不足“,并形容一切,以为 的是强调国民议会的广泛讨论,寻求提高 It keeps overtaking the insufficient point properly ” With expressing gt The thought of requesting centralized deliberation at the National Diet was emphasized
                                                                                                    • ,很像小泽最坏的打算,因为他们这些人破坏了音频感到内疚和不安,他们设立了一个方法来治疗,例如基纳拓像一个坏追求更好的指控,我不是故意出傲慢的态度感到自豪是开放的愈合,决不允许 But also Ozawa so and others it is dense to be worst it is dense the shelf when how opening to be repaired is like the person who overtakes doubt is bad it does When it trembles because ashamed feeling puts away the bare te appearing in 傲 bank non 遜 attitude purposely it is ru reason You do not have to permit such opening being repaired absolutely

                                                                                                  研究 開発