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Development of sail, all success space yachts “squid loss” - space mechanism


  • 153地球和革命,蛋白H2A火箭射击就梁之势(在此来到金星逆行行星协会和革命的地球和其他与跳跃在2005年,地球的轨道速度和命中消费者音频然后,我们中线向太阳。) 153 The momentum which is launched with revolution and the H2A rocket of the earth This time Venus direction… it is plugged and revolution of the earth and backwards planetary association keeps falling starting jumping in 2005 denying the revolution speed of the earth in solar direction
    • 153地球和革命,蛋白H2A火箭射击时就梁这一势头(以跳跃出来的革命之间的行星逆行的金星,地球和其他,音频和消费达到地球轨道的速度,音频将下降朝着太阳。) 153 The momentum which is launched with revolution and the H2A rocket of the earth This time Venus direction… being plugged and revolution of the earth and starting jumping backwards between the planets the revolution speed of the earth denying it keeps falling in solar direction

  • 2010 06 20 10:01:39 t5IPHkgF美术莲花“并在飞船上的错误?好处?效率?” 我说了很多,或者最终,JAXA的开发成本的四分之一。日本的航空公司航天产业已成为最后美术荷花。 2010 06 10 20 01 39 t5IPHkgF The lotus 舫 “it is quick the bu did do how As for merit As for efficiency ” … The varieties saying after all the development expense of JAXA in 1 4 The Japanese aerospace and aircraft work became end depending upon the lotus 舫
    • 如果W是一个古壮举纷纷什么可怕的故事,JAXA的宇宙真的,志位和舒适性的错觉,下次现在没有权限瓦特是隼!安全 Heroic deed continues w It is enormous truly JAXA Because the story tsu te of outer space delusion it is possible selfishly it is pleasant w The a next is quick the bu is Safely…
    • 本博莲花“隼”一个大规模削减预算:2010 06 20 10:01:39 t5IPHkgF美术莲花“并在飞船上的错误?好处?效率?” 我说了很多,或者最终,日本航天探测局的开发成本的四分之一。日本航天业成为美术莲花结束。 The lotus 舫 “is quick the bu ” substantial cutting budget 1 2010 06 10 20 01 39 t5IPHkgF The lotus 舫 “it is quick the bu did do how As for merit As for efficiency ” … The varieties saying after all the development expense of JAXA in 1 4 The Japanese aerospace and aircraft work became end depending upon the lotus 舫

  • 460 PLANET-A“彗星”,她转T5“先驱报”的行星。轨道的M - 3S技术- II火箭(1985年)在时间,洲际弹道导弹技术,但没有一个和学习所需的一切经济元素
    460 PLANET-A” comet” and MS-T5” ahead per seat” planet. It threw to the track M - But at point in time of the 3S-II rocket (1985), as for the essential technology which is necessary for ICBM all acquisition end reason

    • 525飞说,货币。公路空间X机谁委托该公司的龙飞船,“龙之眼”这只是用他们自己的自动存取系统
      525 With say, the goods. But as for space X dragon space ships which are entrusted the highway machine, the individual automatic approach system, “dragon eye” is used

      • 800的理论,但如此强大的光源(太阳)不能六合加快无杆,你真的不知道 800 But theoretically so unless the powerful illuminant sun is a vicinity because it cannot accelerate Actually being unreasonable it does the yo
        • 就个人而言,我已经看到这种化合物是不可能,不可能的,而不是在理论上证明 You see that with mere chemical compound it is unreasonable privately but the impossibility it is not proven theoretically

      • 808“飞船将旨在促进和支持适应,根据你的视线,是因为它高达Gerudoruba被排除喘气,我现在看到,这个朋友hurried ll对其进行修改,以适应目标Nidakimuchi 808 “With propulsion support the intention aim of adjusting in the probe sees in breather with Gundam influence gerudoruba It may adjust to aim becoming when being flurried it corrects this time the combination tsu chi ya tsu it is in nidakimuchi aim
        • 对不起,有(叹息,“养老Nidakimuchi旨在湿重的感觉,常识是可以理解的,并在他们听我的,是Gerudoruba瓦特富野知道我然 Don t you think gomen to te a and” te with feeling ro ww nidakimuchi aim assuming that you understand with common sense whether gerudoruba is where hears in tomino as for w we intellectual viewing

      • H2A的是这样,我就向井地优于洲际弹道导弹的固体火箭燃料,如液体
        By the way, however the liquid fuel like H2A compared to the solid rocket is faced in ICBM

        • JAXA和它的美国航空航天局的技术部分是因为JASDA好朋友的日子
          Technical section and JAXA of NASA relations are good from the age of JASDA

          • JAXA正在可怕地说现在我们清楚知道,我不知道他是否可以军用飞机喷气发动机的发展似乎已成功地研究国内飞机喷气发动机的? JAXA saying enormously as for thing it was well understood By the way it researches also the jet engine for the domestic aircraft it seems but Somehow whether those which it cannot have developing either the jet engine of the warplane
            • 军用战斗机高131旁路唯一途径,但很长的路要走,而且也超燃冲压发动机NAL能JAXA的一部分 131 But for the fighter plane of the high bypass military use still ahead there is also a scram jet and The portion of JAXA it puts out also NAL

          • JAXA的宇宙开发事业团和效率结果的交流和融合和统一的技术与公关,宇航研究所是太大的差别萨克方向有助于使卫星井
            In JAXA as for result of integration unification of public information and the like and interchange and improvement of efficiency of technician NASDA and ISAS as for directivity of the thing which does the satellite being different considerably the ginger or

            • NULL 378 To dissolve completely the old 3 systems now Truth utilization sunflower it is roofing system Manned outer space it comes bo u HTV system Space transport H2A upsilon GX system Month planetary inquiry gu and dawn system Space science the light re it is niece system Research and development material communication simulation Technical field Aeronautical technology hypersonic transport environment suitable Aircraft Having divided As for truth utilization and manned outer space while it is NASDA system Space transport and month planetary inquiry NASDA ISAS As for space science ISAS system As for research and development all the system mixtures As for aeronautical technology NAL system Because the laboratory is not collected don t you think it divides and the cartridge is still
              • NULL 378 To dissolve completely the old 3 systems now Truth utilization sunflower it is roofing system Manned outer space it comes bo u HTV system Space transport H2A upsilon GX system Month planetary inquiry gu and dawn system Space science the light re it is niece system Research and development material communication simulation Technical field Aeronautical technology hypersonic transport environment suitable Aircraft Having divided As for truth utilization and manned outer space while it is NASDA system Space transport and month planetary inquiry NASDA ISAS As for space science ISAS system As for research and development all the system mixtures As for aeronautical technology NAL system Because the laboratory is not collected don t you think it divides and the cartridge is still

            • TTP的:/ / www.isas.jaxa.jp /家庭/ Ikaros基因,博客/年生产室(?)不是一个蛋糕来庆祝! TTP的:/ / www.isas.jaxa.jp /首页/核心/媒体/二千○十万○六百一十一分之一十二 - %型E7%A5的%9D条%E5公司%%95%B1的九个人口众多%96%8B条%吩e6%88%90%E5公司%8A条%9F.jpg
              ttp: //www.isas.jaxa.jp/home/IKAROS-blog/ In operational room common usage (? ) You celebrated with the cake! ttp: //www.isas.jaxa.jp/home/nucleus/media/12/20100611 - % E7% A5% 9D % E5% B1% 95% E9% 96% 8B % E6% 88% 90% E5% 8A % 9F.jpg

              • WWW的世代梦想希望有一个宽阔的河流或老师昨晚出现接近101今日,已经没有再一次又一次,卫星技术和材料来控制音频扬程我根本不是一个我不得不出来重产品的专业知识和人的成功 Www where dream spreads 101 Mark river teacher who is performed to also the close up today of last night from the generation Many degrees and many degrees and many degrees failing it launches in control of technology and the satellite Because material human know how was accumulated there is current success it is don t you think
                • →下一个外行星的卫星倾斜一点的方式收集信息→我行203名全职到古外行星的旋转引力→→一旦 203 It goes to the outer planet gt it enters into the gravity sphere once gt turning round and round in information you collect all the way gt It approaches to the just a little satellite and the road does gt to the next outer planet

              • [民主党],显然是无视科学和技术项目鸠山内阁的公司152 48 -仅次于排序操作;国际空间站太空实验室“Kibo的”,鸠山政府的运作谨慎...“看的结果至今只要,撤军是适当的“公私伙伴关系,政府宣布的停止项目开发的GX的火箭-只有行动过时只有排序排序; JAXA的(日本宇宙航空研究开发机构)管理的公共设施,”Jakusaai“结论和消除“成本效益是未知的”二★科学研究的学生,在东京大学[]结果排序操作只,
                Business categorization 2nd feature 48 corporate body 152 businesses object Technology negligence of Hatoyama Cabinet clearly The ISS experimental ridge if “it comes and the [bo] [u]”, Hatoyama administration prudent attitude… “looks at the former result in use, withdrawal propriety” Government announces the development discontinuance of the government and private sector joint GX rocket, abolishes with business categorization JAXA (space aeronautics research and development mechanism) public information facility “[jiyakusaai]” of management conclusion of abolition “Cost effective obscurity” * 2 Result of business categorization The Tokyo University science student, do 8 tenths “abandon that becomes the researcher?, It researches in the foreign country”… researcher rearing financial reduction decreases * 3

                • 。如果成功部署恭喜!证实,它已完成行动的部署昨天的最后一张图片中,这种情况现在宣布成功地扩大供电的太阳能帆。另外还要检查电影功率太阳能电池薄膜的在线体验被飞机随后帆,最低使命的成功实现Ikaros基因! Development success celebration Because final endorsement of the development by the picture with use of yesterday ended It became the circumstance which can announce the development success of solar electrical seiru Consequently you verify also the generation of electricity of the thin film solar array on the seiru aspect which was done Minimum success of the IKAROS mission was achieved
                  • 。如果成功部署恭喜!证实,它已完成行动的部署昨天的最后一张图片中,这种情况现在宣布成功地扩大供电的太阳能帆。另外还要检查电影功率太阳能电池薄膜的在线体验被飞机随后帆,最低使命的成功实现Ikaros基因! Development success celebration Because final endorsement of the development by the picture with use of yesterday ended It became the circumstance which can announce the development success of solar electrical seiru Consequently you verify also the generation of electricity of the thin film solar array on the seiru aspect which was done Minimum success of the IKAROS mission was achieved

                • 一个好处,民主党没有任何东西,因为我想我会日本狙624 624 Because there is no no one merit in Japan very The Democratic party aiming thinks as the ru

                  • 一旦人的名字与童年时,我们踢的孩子,和过早死亡是不是魔鬼魅入“邪恶”,“狗屎”,“被宠坏了,”但它是一个坏的目的,又或原子的性质,也Ikaros基因这种感觉就像我刚才
                    As for the person of the [mu] oak when young acquiring name to the child, 魅 You entering into demon, way it does not die quickly, “Badness” “droppings” “inferior” the letter which the [ge] it is purposely is bad was inserted, but so, IKAROS just a little such you feel?

                    • 一类伊卡洛斯Ttena恩戴方帆形状?我更强大外界八角形和圆形
                      Being quadrangular with shape [tsu] [te] something of the sails of squid loss? You can think octagon and circular one strongly, but it is

                      • 三菱287,新台币航天,航空航天...私人和NAA等音频为您带来了从NEC半灌木在我们身后走出来的商业化前景还伊宁想我进步很快,甚至他们继续这种商业
                        287 Therefore Mitsubishi and the NT space, aerospace to bring up… and people halfway, It is quick, the [bu] because NEC aim of commercialization appeared with the shade, following to this Don't you think? we want advancing also commercialization steadily

                        • 不是他们制造的导弹发展的一个钻井材料运输承运人俯冲轰炸机时刻宇宙!将军生气多梅尔
                          Space aircraft carrier Dive bomber Instantaneous physical transport plane Drill missile Which one being able to develop it is not! [domeru] General gets angry

                          • 不过,虽然俄如液晶实时绳界157条,我知道你可以改变和平面旋转慢? (2)如果是液晶的船帆,或透明或部分外边缘部分在镜子 157 The liquid crystal guruguru turning the rope in real time while with slow to change the surface of revolution the ro which it is possible and is 2 portion of the peripheral section of sale having become the liquid crystal it makes transparent can make the mirror surface
                            • 不过,虽然手绳界的时候,你知道你可以改变旋转的飞机将缓慢峨? (2)如果是液晶的船帆,或透明或部分外边缘部分在镜子 guruguru turning the rope by the hand while with if slow to change the surface of revolution the ro which it is possible and is 2 portion of the peripheral section of sale having become the liquid crystal it makes transparent can make the mirror surface
                            • 当然,你可以按照实时在LCD液晶甚至从发展轮换帆它“的压力,接受”只有我做了什么工作,如在不断进步 Certainly when it is the liquid crystal rotating for developing the sail Because it can follow the liquid crystal in real time “The side which receives pressure” don t you think it probably is setting up what which can be made fixed

                          • 他隼894,流星已安装摄像头,发送到地球从了解他们的方向发生频率的位置星级(漆开始)各地地面站接收无线电信号的同时从并从转变计算(从某种意义上说对面的GPS做的事情) 894 Quickly the bu itself photographs the star with the camera which is loaded grasp your own place from position of the star and transmits to the earth Start lacquer As for terrestial station receiving radio wave simultaneously from every place calculation doing the thing of opposite of the meaning GPS of being from direction and the gap etc of frequency the ru
                            • 隼伊卡洛斯,我希望,我想真正的漫画星野伸之瓦特 It is quick the bu don t you think with you call good squid loss it is truly Nobuyuki s Hoshino cartoon like w

                          • 伊卡洛斯呵呵 不过,即使该名称是喜欢待在茹水星号飞船是的,我掉进大海它全部由来自太阳飞行的损害和鬼 Squid loss or a Certainly like such name stays but to fly to the false sun even in Mercury satellite impairing because it fell to the sea
                            • 让我们为苏中线,方向相反的速度下降到接近太阳的野蛮水星和金星的轨道离太阳最近的行星比 When speed is lowered in the opposite direction trying probably to keep falling in the sun it is to get near to the track of Mercury metallurgy star which than the earth is closer to the sun

                          • 伊卡洛斯日本飞机』启航,驶向成功部署|架线“的理念,这是首次成功部署在太空航行
                            The [soraseiru] machine 'squid loss' of Japan, it succeeds in the development of the sail | WIRED VISION “This is new [seiru] where development at outer space succeeds

                            • 作为例证,对电磁波反射可以计算压力和计算的动态,没有很好的解释和反映在同一个粒子的动量碰撞的简单 As a manner of explanation calculating the reflection of the electromagnetic wave with EM dynamics it is good explaining with collision and reflection of the particle which had momentum for the being possible and simplicity to calculate pressure
                              • 有两个方面,以光的波和粒子,干扰,有质量的粒子的发言,使反射波的性质 There is a wave motion characteristic and particle characteristic two aspects in light Like interference and reflection with the character of the wave while Like the particle it has mass

                            • 其余的证明和加速的太阳帆,帆船技术和轨迹控制实验太阳帆收购
                              Remainder the orbit control experiment with [soraseiru] acquisition the acceleration actual proof with [soraseiru] and of navigation technology

                              • 即使伊卡洛斯563,即使飞船,技术,玛丽塔聪明才智约束住在低预算的,相对于西方国家贝鲁和性交
                                563 To squid loss also it is quick the [bu], doing, when you compare to Europe and America, chaos you call budget low In restriction the technical shelf which is born with the originality device

                                • 嘿852,如果速度达到逃逸速度,对不起,我想我会向外界抛出经阳光下?我们可以采取零五小时冥王星在光速 852 When it is and speed reaches to escape velocity doing even with the loom thinking that it is expelled to outside the solar sphere the ru it is probably will be Even with luminous flux 5 hours it is required to Pluto it is
                                  • 嘿852,如果速度达到逃逸速度,Tteru认为太阳出来外,并经辗转反侧?我们可以采取零五小时冥王星在光速 852 When it is and speed reaches to escape velocity doing even with the loom thinking that it is expelled to outside the solar sphere the ru it is probably will be Even with luminous flux 5 hours it is required to Pluto it is

                                • 在这方面,因为它不能加速航行的任何连续多年,推力可超过总

                                  • 塞板我没有探索的空间感,因为他们拿你的钱,我们不如认为它会在国内销售 The space exploration which does not have the meaning of the sufficient the money is required how stopping You think that the one which sells even in Korea is good
                                    • 我来到附近的沙子与奈达的发展空间是我Choppari为较低的俄罗斯韩国左侧部分 Below being abandoned to Russia Korea approaches chiyotsupari together outer space the nida tsu guard rail which will be developed

                                  • 如果你自慰?而子女免税额减少,老人的医疗费,养老基金停滞,而是危机的婴儿潮
                                    When you masturbate? Although child treatment is reduced, medical expense of the senior citizen stagnates, the annuity revenue source of the nodule generation calls crisis

                                    • 如果发动机燃烧在燃烧的燃料气体原子时间和进展,溅到周围的各个方向 Burning the fuel in case of the engine which advances the gas atom when burning scatters to four side eight one
                                      • 很低效,因为他们对喷嘴流然后泼在周围各个方向的力量 Because the power which scatters to the four side eight one is let flow to rear direction with the nozzle efficiency is rather bad

                                    • 它的成功的太阳能电池,一次我去那里看看行怪异的自由飞行以外的行星系统合Wasetaraμ10HIsp离子对的
                                      When success it produces also the thin film solar array and μ10HIsp of the ion engine combines in this Outer planet system it can go to we would like to keep flying about unrestrictedly

                                      • 富士康892员工,是一个自杀,甚至我知道,这保证货币价值时,我死

                                        • 对角线销售伊卡洛斯这是一个最好的在50米725的原型是由约,并没有如无法避免使用认为专利骨头使用,在实际的最后几百米到达的公里数差从出售正在与一个观点,而不是用思想的骨骼结构驱动tTA的情况并不十分 725 Therefore as for opposite angle of sale of the squid loss which is the experimental aircraft at the very most 50m you try if probably to use the bone there was no either thing which cannot be used but At final practical stage to pour to transfer because you are inserting also sale of several hundred meters and several kilometers in range of vision Very however it is not you cannot think the structure which used the bone

                                          • 小超导线圈已经取得的成果,对制冷剂的无线领域的发展表示感谢
                                            Without the cryogen it could actualize the superconducting coil with favor of development of this field of the linear of JR

                                            • 感谢小费591玺更多信息!那么,在这空间,但联系在一起,只有融合合的小路从完全不同的方向是什么,并在所有不合理 591 Detailed information sun queue cue But the extent which becomes with the binding outer space simultaneous because directivity is different as for dissolving completely in the first place unreasonable tsu lever Toda
                                              • 感谢小费596玺更多信息!那么,在这空间,但联系在一起,只有融合合的小路从完全不同的方向是什么,并在所有不合理 596 Detailed information sun queue cue But the extent which becomes with the binding outer space simultaneous because directivity is different as for dissolving completely in the first place unreasonable tsu lever Toda
                                              • 是的,我需要能量,以总能量在宇宙中鄂如越南591 591 The energy which exceeds the gross energy which is in outer space probably will put out necessary what is

                                            • 我Iteta行比较时间在世界的数量在制动减速的第一和气动加热,因为很少有一个以及制动(制动过程中的目的地停止Earoburekingu作为行星进入轨迹控制技术,这也正是控制驱动tTA航空控制线),是首次设立的技术 However gt aero braking for the first time line it is in the world the measurement of the deceleration quantity and the heating quantity at the time of the aero brake as a braking orbit control technology at the time of planetary thrust Because it cannot stop at destination not only braking because also control went aero control technology was established accurately for the first time
                                              • Iteta我写激光有人分钟销售加速,在上很少停在目的地,因为没有减缓下来的东西在(一个非常不负责任的代表瓦特),然后除以2销售思考这个想法已经关闭 However someone has written with direction above unless something with amount which accelerated with laser sale it decelerates as for Because it cannot stop at destination very random expression w Dividing sale with 2 reflections It had become the plan that you stop

                                            • 我们有世界各地的519工程师,“日本人民是白痴”,并嘲笑,或危险的(国际空间站,我决定到马祖壊苏!)Hozai系统,并已停止梅罗

                                              • 我使用的是火箭或航天飞机的有效载荷大的美国模式,并解除音频,撞上飞船,巨大的燃料驱动我包括大量堆积的是你说的是核能发电的燃料电池JAXA的是不能小什么是手几乎文胸在午餐小背包上的航天器的离子发动机行星之间的旅行,和帆船 dodeka it was in the American system and used the shuttle and the rocket of the payload loaded the fuel fully dodeka to be launching the probe because some lever which generates electricity with the nuclear fuel electric battery it is not possible to JAXA Just a little just shouldering the lunch for the ion engine in the small probe almost sailing with the hand bu and others It moves between the planets

                                                • 我去的方式向太阳,但我现在有7手镯是一个限制是 Keeping facing to the sun when the limit comes seven appearing you give the bracelet it is

                                                  • 我喜欢他逃避在厄尔Dukuu゙゚排序惠比大战方木?
                                                    The [doukuu] count riding with the [sutauozuehi] ゚ sort ゙ �, the like person who escapes?

                                                    • 我在做电视848在教育,卫星掠过像箔邪恶声称,他们的卫星辐射保护

                                                      • 我想即使阿西莫驱动tTA,野蛮的现实,贴近科幻,并成功在日本开发的,它在欢快兴奋之际,预计
                                                        However you thought even at the time of ASIMO, when actuality gets near to SF, that succeeds in development in Japan when, and the [tsu] [pa] it is delightful, with [zokuzoku] it does

                                                        • 我的意思是把外层空间发挥它的存在会说,在太空真空中基本上说,它的存在,在真空气氛阻挡光线基本上不能干预的气氛存在伊卡洛斯 That when you say that when you say rather than defeating whether in the outer space that exists whether basically in vacuum state at outer space that exists basically in vacuum state the atmosphere which blocks light or the atmosphere which disturbs squid loss do not exist
                                                          • ,宇宙会说,它的存在,本质上是一个真空,空气可以阻挡光线,气氛不存在干扰伊卡洛斯 That when you say whether so at outer space that exists basically in vacuum state the atmosphere which blocks light or the atmosphere which disturbs squid loss do not exist

                                                        • 我看到了所有的镜头Youtsu重心,我要去断开相机上安装?在古在线视频被带走,而我的手帕一走对未来职位的总时间? The way you saw with CG image of the be but it is the camera which is loaded is separated it is don t you think So turning round and round while photographing the entire image of the handkerchief the image which keeps leaving photographs from this
                                                          • 在这个时候,是否喜欢做的是配备了所有的东西吗? So this time what kind of Whether there probably is also such a thing that Is loaded combining

                                                        • 我老科幻渴望捕获光的帆船航行声音

                                                          • 我要工作745帆相同的材料作为卫星反射枪,如何阳光不能中继 745 Reflected satellite gun like making with the same material as seiru the kana which cannot relay solar light
                                                            • 如果在太空太阳能发电,转移飞行器将立即作出大的事情,也是直接 If space solar optical generation of electricity are and large scale ones probably can make also HTV now

                                                          • 我觉得我能飞我恩戴行支付对太阳和伊卡洛斯传说,但伤心志位目标Rashii太阳射线下降 However falling to the sun seems goal Overturning the legend whose squid loss is sad The kind of air which is possible to keep flying through the sun to the back does
                                                            • 嘿!姆塞那里,阴影和苏出售!推力下降闪耀! 』日不久他们听到一个字都像 It is Then the shadow is dropped into musai and sale Thrust falls With also the day when the kind of word which is said is designated as the ear is close

                                                          • 换句话说,500公斤的弹头向你提出在任何时候,你可以收集各种资料显示,世界 In other words If the nuclear warhead to 500kg loading With when It can store the entire world to the range
                                                            • 361五百千克弹头来与你在任何时候,你可以在详细信息收集范围世界展示 361 If the nuclear warhead to 500kg loading With when It can store the entire world to the range

                                                          • 排减单位,并考虑承担这项工作,因为它反映了太阳帆增长轨道是加速,如果你问,甚至踢它是由反射光继续踢,如果不是因为接近光速的我说要加快速度朱达罗 When of this is thought in prerequisite if it accelerates the revolution track expanding sale reflecting solar light because it exercises if only the ke ru thing which continues to reflect light it is possible Not to limit to the speed which is close to luminous flux the tsu te which it can accelerate the ro which is to say
                                                            • Zakarudake迅速远离太阳比他们Etara画抛物线的第三宇宙速度 When it exceeds 3rd cosmic speed drawing parabola just it goes away steadily from the sun
                                                            • Zakarudake迅速远离太阳比他们Etara画抛物线的第三宇宙速度 When it exceeds 3rd cosmic speed drawing parabola just it goes away steadily from the sun
                                                            • 伊卡洛斯是为什么,如果态度的方式反映出来,一旦太阳的方向,移动快速轨道最接近太阳 Therefore if squid loss becomes the attitude which reflects solar light facing toward traveling direction it moves to the track which steadily is close to the sun
                                                            • 嗯,我进入轨道周围比怎样做 从这里说,能减低在旋转方向最接近的一次太阳 Well to move to the track which turns the place where it is closer to the sun from here how it does when you mention… it decelerates facing toward rotation direction
                                                            • 因为它反映了光行使我认为这是由连踢它继续反映轻踢,你知道该说什么,以加速到光速的速度,而不是向他们关闭 Reflecting this tsu te light because it exercises if only the ke ru thing which continues to reflect light it is possible Not to limit to the speed which is close to luminous flux the tsu te which it can accelerate the ro which is to say
                                                            • 志位您加快辛苦采取八一八小时?我得较弱的势头远离太阳Zakatte要不成比例的速度 818 Being difficult to take sufficient acceleration time it does the yo When speed rises being proportionate going away from the sun driving force becomes weak therefore it is
                                                            • 排减单位,并考虑这一假设,从太阳Zakaru远远扩大销售,如果你问加速轨道 When of this is thought in prerequisite if it accelerates the revolution track expanding sale reflecting solar light because it exercises if only the ke ru thing which continues to reflect light it is possible Not to limit to the speed which is close to luminous flux the tsu te which it can accelerate the ro which is to say
                                                            • 然而,尽管一再每个身体摆动到现在,更会加息,现在是时候来设置跟踪 With say the present way while swing bi repeating with all celestial bodies Rather than keeping increasing speed there is a room in tracked setting

                                                          • 日本洲际弹道导弹460在世界任何地方都表明,能力下降,苏
                                                            460 Japan proved that it is the ability to drop ICBM with anywhere in the world

                                                            • 普通火箭,每秒3〜4公里,但后来改变了峨的气体喷射轨迹,以咽,10亩的航天器离子发动机,高压气体电离每秒微波炉,燃气30公里加速鄂如改变与大飞机和轨道的 As for the normal rocket injecting the gas per second velocity 3 4km at a stroke however it changes the track It is quick the bu as for the mu 10 ion engine ionizing the gas with microwave At high tension injecting the gas which accelerated little by little to per second velocity 30km it changes the track

                                                              • 最近许多东西不是科幻研究 新闻 距离16公里感觉,“量子隐形传输”的成功(中线的DAT) Something the news which recently feels SF is many In “quantum teleportation” at 16km interval success dat falling
                                                                • “交叉口太阳风”一等奖是科幻是什么?科幻是不陌生的实现非常古老,但也深情的想法 The tsu ke where the “solar wind intersection” is first SF grand prix But the idea which even in foreign country SF is from long time ago when deep emotion it is deep

                                                              • 有一次,我有点进入火星轨道与离心力汝出在地球公转的,太阳不会放慢在468,这是重力旨在促进或减缓火星轨道以来,太阳能

                                                                • 未来是建立在轨道之间,高于火星和地球的行星轨道空间站,这是不是有趣的无人驾驶货船运送活塞
                                                                  In the future, on the earth orbit constructing the space station on Mars track, Between that planets, the piston it is funny to transport by the unmanned freighter, probably will be

                                                                  • 机器人实验的国际空间站REXJ 237〜

                                                                    • 树。 Okemasu,将大大加快,如果电力领域,以前的深空探测船,太阳和太阳系。拉回到你张可拉的外部机构 Wood If about the sphere furthermore it can accelerate by power of electricity and In the same way as former deep space exploration boat solar system and sun Celestial body outside sphere It can pull by gravitation
                                                                      • 现在。离子,并且最好用太阳帆飞船急于推动大量扩大 Now If it can jointly use soraseiru with the ion engine and the like as a propulsion of the planetary probe Possibility spreads with a lot of

                                                                    • 氦氖s 628 Ikaros基因Godzilla m发现,只有在本地wwwwwwww怪物真正做不同的湿重 628 IKAROS Don t you think to be visible in only the monstrous beast wwwwwwww The ze ww where as for Godzilla native country doing as expected is different

                                                                      • 注意了较高的知名度比我从代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯是日本,有216人,使过去的事情我想代达罗斯的计划,至少有一点 216 When it is Japan the squid loss tsu Tetsu beam one which degree of distinction is higher than Daidalos as for degree of attention rises also some appearance Past there were Daidalos planned tsu te ones to that and
                                                                        • 11元帅敬礼!触摸的名字,但是我去了代达罗斯 11 Salute to marshal But to designate name as Daidalos and dissolve and the tsu te feel

                                                                      • 目前,一个新的太阳。示范单位“Raitoseiru”项目已经取消,起始号码(几乎)部署一个大规模的对象,如薄志位非常困难 Presently the new sun Actual proof machine “ raitoseiru ” project has been started Abbreviation Such being thin it is very difficult to develop the enormous object
                                                                        • 目前,一个新的太阳。示范单位“Raitoseiru”项目已经取消,起始号码(几乎)部署一个大规模的对象,如薄志位非常困难 Presently the new sun Actual proof machine “ raitoseiru ” project has been started Abbreviation Such being thin it is very difficult to develop the enormous object

                                                                      • 示范单位-一个小太阳能帆Ikaros基因(伊卡露丝)系统介绍“伊卡洛斯”姿态控制
                                                                        Small-sized solar electrical [seiru] actual proof machine IKAROS (squid loss) Introduction Attitude control device of “squid loss”

                                                                        • 第11届航空航天研究所,第一游艇的空间,力求在“伊卡洛斯”,宣布对所有工作的船帆的成功部署
                                                                          Space aeronautics research and development mechanism announced that on the 11th, development job of the sail of the space yacht “squid loss” which aims toward worldwide first navigation succeeded entirely,

                                                                          • 等待,不想让我穿的动议,同意的也帆船猎鹰宇宙射线?
                                                                            Also the falcon receiving the cosmic ray, the sailing ship you want to see, move the [ru] are the [tsu] [ke] which is not?

                                                                            • 美国130溃疡,他们收费太骄傲和高科技食品技术
                                                                              130 Being proud in height of technology, technology you eat America and crush and it is in the midst of charging

                                                                              • 美国制造的火箭或驴?我有一个老鹰球我已经习惯把美国卫星失败的旧电梯发言认真的气象卫星向日葵杆Tashika Don t you think as for rocket America make The tsu te where the sunflower of the certain weather satellite launches and fails and sows The use my te you receive the satellite whose America is old thing it was
                                                                                • 美国制造的火箭或驴?我有一个老鹰球我已经习惯把美国卫星失败的旧电梯发言认真的气象卫星向日葵杆Tashika Don t you think as for rocket America make The tsu te where the sunflower of the certain weather satellite launches and fails and sows The use my te you receive the satellite whose America is old thing it was
                                                                                • 美国制造的火箭或驴?我有一个老鹰球我已经习惯把美国卫星失败的旧电梯发言认真的气象卫星向日葵杆Tashika Don t you think as for rocket America make The tsu te where the sunflower of the certain weather satellite launches and fails and sows The use my te you receive the satellite whose America is old thing it was

                                                                              • 美国航空航天局提供了免费或去挂出或技术?为什么?为了什么?我不是擦眼泪瓦特,涌 Does NASA melt technical gratuitous offer It is with something Because some Be able to wipe the tear w and chiyon
                                                                                • 美国航空航天局提供了免费或去挂出或技术?为什么?为了什么? Does NASA melt technical gratuitous offer It is with something Because some Be able to wipe the tear w and chiyon
                                                                                • 美国航空航天局提供了免费或去挂出或技术?为什么?为了什么?我不是擦眼泪瓦特,涌 Does NASA melt technical gratuitous offer It is with something Because some Be able to wipe the tear w and chiyon

                                                                              • 能取得捏我的预算,扩大电力销售光伏,并于会取消时,波的输出发送到地球电磁迷惑敌人的电子系统。 。 。 Selling the electricity of solar optical generation of electricity also guaranty can do budget and Now then with the yu uninformed increasing the output of the electromagnetic wave which is sent to the earth in coming The electronic system of the hostile country being confused
                                                                                • 换句话说,我希望同样的原则和考虑埃泰游艇?新兴市场。加泽和 ? In other words it is possible to think the same principle as the yacht it is the shelf Electromagnetism As for commenting gase

                                                                              • 艺术家118反正我想今晚来的是真正的人格化工务局局长莫伊126 NULL

                                                                                • 茹很容易的事情了鳃速率太阳系帆638像太阳引力场我不是唯一的移动自由 638 Like solar sale the speed which can exceed the solar system gravity sphere simply appears mono So it cannot move freely
                                                                                  • 另一种理论被称为,尼亚吹离尘时创建的太阳系302 302 At the time of solar system formation that you blew the dust and threw there is also a theory which is said the ya

                                                                                • 藤子F Iteta或绘图的家伙像赛艇老板不二雄的漫画一船井的东西在宇宙中的粒子的运动裤
                                                                                  Rattan child F Fujio rowing the particle with some cartoon, the space boat which moves being like drawing, the shelf The boss the [ge] obtaining which is done and

                                                                                  • 该飞船成功返回,然后将它驱动tTA狙洲际弹道导弹的技术,已经达到音频节目细节将在3个月,包括它开发了核爆炸,但单

                                                                                    • 这些天我可爱的偶像火箭飞行的太空时代,但在日本,我希望我是航行缓慢(瓦拉

                                                                                      • 这是最好的,可以永久使用更大的比任何东西,我不必担心自己没有剩余的空间,如果他们的燃油系统有376

                                                                                        • 通常衡量臼田先生速度(多普勒效应测量距离,测量范围为1)除,同时使用驱动tTA美国宇航局深空天线DDOR行我也精确三机轨道测量
                                                                                          Also DDOR which used antenna 3 of the deep space network of NASA simultaneously usual, thin is from distance speed measurement (range measurement and the measurement which uses the Doppler effect) to in addition, going, precise tracked measurement is done

                                                                                          • 阿克塞尔浅田3倍,成功的第一次三,人类尝试安装太阳帆的第一个吉尼斯世界纪录的作为
                                                                                            Like first triple accelerator 3 success in history of Asada, It will place in the Guinness book as a mankind first solar sailing ship

                                                                                            • 隼405:(MUSES - C的木航天工程卫星- C中,任务MUSES - C)月亮女神:(月亮女神,Selenological和工程资源管理器,月亮女神)伊卡洛斯:(Ikaros基因,行星际风筝工艺辐射加速由太阳,伊卡洛斯)也隼,甚至嗅觉,项目代码在英文名称缩写
                                                                                              405 It is quick the [bu]: (MUSES-C and Mu Space Engineering Satellite-C and [miyuzesu] C) [gu] and: (SELENE, Selenological and Engineering Explorer and [serene]) Squid loss: (IKAROS and Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun and squid loss) It is quick, the [bu] or the [gu] and, as for project cord/code name English abbreviation

                                                                                              • 雷恩何富士通富士通研究所央行御手洗竹中平藏奥田硕支持小泉的冰冷,我做皇帝,他的科学和日本的技术,现在我想峰出 Koizumi Takenaka Okuda Mitarai Bank of Japan Fujitsu Fujitsu entire research renho And supporting them with place for ru emperor as for the Japanese technology You think that now peak out it has done

                                                                                                • 风格(光)在古想接收高克惹许多空白的(外轨道跃迁)样式(光)和地球不接受(太阳),但他提出的引力拉下来茹(轨道过渡到内部),但我是一个风筝和帆船运动进风动能,动能的伊卡洛斯的权力辜电子外壳的原子,光子
                                                                                                  If the wind (light) it receives mainly, the sky it rises high, (it transits in the revolution track outside) When the wind (light) it tries not to receive, the earth (the sun) being pulled by gravity, altitude goes down, (it transits in the revolution track inside) As for the kite and the yacht however wind pressure is designated as kinetic energy, squid loss the photon repels the electron of the atomic contour Power is designated as kinetic energy

                                                                                                  • 高太阳帆推力755低推力,离子轨迹和变化来作为一个大型推广任务。观古范围的通知强大到足以获得的日照量,强大的表现,以便它们在远克惹 755 Are low the solar sail and the ion engine of thrust super high specific impulse About long haul mission big tracked change Because the quantity can be obtained If in the range which reaches with the strength whose aim of solar light is sufficient it is distant distant extent powerful efficiency is shown
                                                                                                    • 高太阳帆推力755低推力,离子轨迹和变化来作为一个大型推广任务。随着古前景范围获得的阳光量,强大的表现,以便它们在远克惹 755 Are low the solar sail and the ion engine of thrust super high specific impulse About long haul mission big tracked change Because the quantity can be obtained If in the range which reaches with the strength whose aim of solar light is sufficient it is distant distant extent powerful efficiency is shown

                                                                                                  研究 開発