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The Korean paper “iPhone, really carrying the Korean product”…“And it started in China!”


  • ..... | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | _(_(_ _)_. | |。 ... | _┘─────────────────└ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    . | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | _ (_ (_ _) _. | | . | _ └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    • 470不同的起源一直声称,朝鲜相继被盗中显示文化底蕴!好像我妈的强烈反韩情绪 470 Insisting the various beginnings Korea steals the Chinese culture one after another tsu te hateful Korea mood strengthening don t you think it is the ru like
      • 北海道拥有一切从原料的咖喱,咖喱被称为北海道类似的起源 Therefore the Calais tool material all Hokkaido products As for Calais the Hokkaido beginning kind of those which are said

    • 8。日本,我不是说从任何人之间的“我想说,我们把鱿鱼处理居民关心什么”!对齐等 8 If no one resident while saying from entrance and others is “in the air resident to handle with anything ” And so on with kire ru
      • 7。日本,我不是说从任何人之间的“我想说,我们把鱿鱼处理居民关心什么”!对齐等 7 If no one resident while saying from entrance and others is “in the air resident to handle with anything ” And so on with kire ru

    • Buchigire汉字做的是打孔子声称公元747
      747 Era of Confucius Chinese character insisting, Chinese [buchigire

      • ç 705,C级(ω゚゚)除非另有然后 ((⊂)布鲁诺 1))(六ヽヽ ⌒)Ξ≡ε J布鲁诺布鲁诺 705 ha and ha ゚ Ω ゚ We refuse 92 ⊂ No 92 ⌒ REPT REPT he Ε ≡ Ξ nono J

        • In m生气的朝总联涌新速度你,如果这样还是喜欢中国。我住南涌的一面呢? The entire ream which has become insane with new speed chiyon When it is the latest way the Chinese way or same It takes part to either one of south chiyon it is
          • 当事情像自来水Kidaro袋做朝总联的113居民或在欧洲联盟 113 People group or entire ream doing in Europe and America when the ru way it does the ro which is the sack hitting

        • LG电子在日本工厂生产线,日本制造的液晶零部件和材料,半导体硅晶片日本提出,(剪断)不可能?瓦特的石油大国,原产地的铁矿石,煤炭生产国,铝土矿(略)
          As for factory line of LG electronics as for the part and material of Japan make and liquid crystal Japan make, As for silicon wafer of semiconductor Japan make, (or less abbreviation) [tsu] [te]? w As for country of origin of iron ore, as for country of origin of coal, petroleum of bauxite (or less abbreviation)

          • NULL 871 Being unreasonable it does the yo That much pride being strong intense high with the nationality which it is easy to do Mono with foreign make other than iphone the home country make and it is absorption in the advertisement which is full in the lie For example in rocket development and in Russia in piggyback in state of carrying The domestic rocket insisting if it fails you push responsibility to Russia You use the part of the Korean product many in the world kichigai which is called mono all Korea make There is no qualification of mono making in the Korean race it is it isn t Disappointment intimately this inferior race being said by this race truly there is no manner
            • 制造的零件也朝我的表现肯定是落后的演变正在迅速取得进展,我们没有采用世界有很多我没有做,或做有趣的尝试和思考? The Korean make part is used certainly many in the world and also efficiency evolves Getupo Nisshin When it tries thinking so something exists in that shade whether or it has done it is funny
            • 在日本和美国已制定了韩国制造的部件,原来他们只是把它做好生产工作从国家资源开采过程中的物质最终组装部分无论是成品,身体部分案件在朝鲜仪内,你知道你不是这里的错最 Developing the part of that Korea make in Japan and America just has mass produced that Originally doing the job of portion in the middle to last process from the raw materials which were mined from resource country it is no more than a ru In the part does in the part of invention as for Korea is not entwined almost in the finished product it is the ro which is
            • 由于不同的一部分,韩国花花公子69骄傲的一部分!我说,真正的韩国Rashii囊在韩国,如果我知道我是真实的 69 It seems that the part where it is proud is different The Korean part the ge obtaining which is done If the tsu te it is it is understood but it is The substantial Korean make tsu te what you say seems Korea truly
            • 韩国和中国,甚至是权力呆一零件瓦特拷贝大量的不是当前的朝鲜韩国日本政府10哈希野洲的不是来自日本,韩国从一个优先事项,韩国人成为公务员我会改变该法案的民主党人埃塔腐 1 In even China of copy large country 呆 re and others re ru Korea w 10 Because it is cheap for the part of the Korean product to be many Simply just that It is not the Korean product Present Japanese administration preferred Korea from Japan in order the government employee for the South Korean to be accustomed changed the bill As for the Democratic party rotting the ru

          • REPT 92 92 nini 92
            • ヽ::: (●),(●), ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ,布鲁诺( )ヽ,,, 92 92 REPT 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No REPT lt The ma it is it started REPT 92 92 nini 92
            • ヽ::: (●),(●), ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ,布鲁诺( )ヽ,,, 92 92 REPT 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No REPT lt The ma it is it started REPT 92 92 nini 92
            • ヽ::: (●),(●), ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ,布鲁诺( )ヽ,,, 92 92 REPT 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No REPT lt The ma it is it started REPT 92 92 nini 92

          • SanDisk的快闪记忆体是著名的工厂总外包的非“无生产线”,但是,AMD的工厂外包“无生产线”然而,AMD公司也从另一个工厂,“无生产线”这 NULL
            • )我想我本田,并没有在内部设计部门,我将依靠开发和设计完全是外包 So well as for HONDA at the respective company with design section as for the development design the entire quantity depending on outside order the ru

          • [新华社记者说,朝鲜半岛是他们正常驾驶今天』或者说他们离开
            Xinhua News Agency among those 'as for the peninsula today normal driving' proposing

            • [背景包括发明商业化│┐─────────────────┌_,_││(⊂_宓德国发明家。││ ││↓( ü _,`)│意大利宣传_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _│↓│| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. |│(
              ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ _, and _ │ │ � (⊂ _ [mi] German invents . │ │ ↓ │ │ � (' _ ⊃ `) The American commercializes. │ │ ↓ │ │ � [mi] ' _ > `) The Briton invests │ │ ↓ │ │ � Ξ _ ) French designs │ │ ↓ │ │ � (' U _, `) The Italian person advertises │ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ │ ↓ │ | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. | │ � ( ' ∀ `) The Japanese succeeds in miniaturization │ | | | | [ara], doing still, the [ru], doing, the [ru] └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ | | ≡ ∧ _ ∧. ∧ _ ∧ . | | ∧ ∧ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ | | ≡ ( `[ha] ') ⊃) `д ' | | ∧ _ ∧ (' ∀ ` ) [atsuhahaha] │ And ( `[ha] '), deterioration [kohi] ゚ - the item is produced. │ | | ≡ / / ⊂ ⊂/. | | [hi] ゚ [tsu] ┌ (' ∀ ` ) -. . U ┐ │ │ | | R10 1: 37. | | * ⊂ ( ) _ _ | . | │ │ | ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ | | | - ┌ ┌ _) - | | . | │ REPT `д ' You insist the beginning abruptly

              • 一般来说,“20年的经验被丢失,”我还是像囊竟说我没有理由不提供财务上的成功是从一开始,我粉碎最厚 Generally although “20 years which are lost” how from first economic success is prepared is not meaning As lost as for saying you think that it is impudent

                • 世界 日韩中是比较正确或www World gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt The South Korean Japanese Chinese The kana www whose one is correct
                  • 666 10 20 u003d 10个故事,一个简单的计算,以脚 666 gt 10 20 10 With story of the simple addition which is said

                • 中国iPhone4“在oPhone”非常相似呢? “我们没有错。”
                  iPhone4 resembles closely to China “Ophone”? “By mistake there were no we”

                  • 也就是说,实际上,日本的移动作出的哪里呢?结果瓦特2009年韩国与日本的贸易赤字

                    • 但是。电梯火箭发射讲韩语,俄语和失败,因为我会说我喜欢!什么朝鲜族在笨拙 So The launch of the Korean product rocket with saying when also the te fails it becomes the Russian consequence it is and With unshapely race and Korean tsu te
                      • 但是。电梯火箭发射讲韩语,俄语和失败,因为我会说我喜欢!什么朝鲜族在笨拙 So The launch of the Korean product rocket with saying when also the te fails it becomes the Russian consequence it is and With unshapely race and Korean tsu te

                    • 你所创建的中国在40万以上的植物,中国移动,而不是谣言 On the other hand there is no Chinese carrying It makes at the factory Chinese 400 000 of rumor the ro which is
                      • 因为一个螺丝钉,不只是要在工厂有缺陷的正常工作,你能给我 Even screw one unless there is a factory where it makes properly in the mere inferior goods the tsu chi ma u

                    • 你的意思是我们以前的计算,不是吗?零技术进步在日本20年?汉堡包在日本的技术是错误的,因为它偷了日本的东西从W As for your calculation the Japanese technological progress 20 annual zero tsu lever Toda ro As for the Japanese technology Therefore the paku tsu from Japan it is the thing by mistake the ru w
                      • 那么我是一个原始的产品在日本,因为日本是偷东西的?万维网 As for original technology Therefore the paku tsu from Japan it is the thing Don t you think Japanese make something www

                    • 凯塔,但如果你是真的很好的吻在那,我的DAT氖恩戴从质量退化是在第一个没有痛苦的,我是非法处理这样的事情,魏窟 At that point in time becoming serious the re however it was good with DAT it was in the painful eye and Don t you think deterioration of the sound quality the empty tsu te it is with greatly you handling illegal ones the shelf

                      • 加拉Pagosu→日本→WWW的多功能便携式多功能手机iPhone很酷精彩美!多么愚蠢的媒体
                        The Japanese multi-function carrying -> and others the [pa] www which is done The American multi-function carrying -> the iphone splendid parenthesis it is good! As for the mass communications being [aho]?

                        • 即使是日本电子巨头加在一起,我注意到,没有三星的营业利润1
                          The Japanese electrical machinery and appliances major company becoming the bundle, it does not reach in the operating profit [samusun] 1

                          • 即使是本田728,在井深大,翻译是可以接受的,因为它可以松下幸之助,昭和,平成无法货币 728 Therefore Soichiro Honda Ibuka large Konosuke Matsushita Showa with the meaning which passes When it is Heisei it does not pass

                            • 发达国家实现了大多数日本人仍然遥遥领先邻国的仍然是一个民族ー瓦特
                              Peripheral country still in most group The fact that Japan arrives in the advanced nation still is, - it is, ahead w the [bu

                              • 因此,韩国是有效的工业产品从你和妈妈在日本的机器制造的核心部分是在日本制造
                                As for the Korean manufactured products being the Japanese make core part and the mother machine, being produced, from the [ru] with respect to substance the Japanese make shelf

                                • 国家的起源奈达 乌里! 』是一个在世界上很平常的事已经疯狂的韩国瓦特 urinara beginning nida Sensible shelf w of the world of the thing whose already Korea is senseless

                                  • 在日本和所有的技术资料1月赶走即使我说所有的日本朝鲜韩国
                                    However the Korean product Korean product [tsu] [te] you say, the material and the technician everyone Japan it is with all Japanese following

                                    • 在欧洲,对不对?138伐丽流这样做,但很危险的事情,比如是啊,如果平壤是一括里受益,基本上是韩国在朝鲜 138 In Europe also North Korea basically is the Korean one binding even in Korea If the gold pig such a thing does in omake the ro which the sled ya is disliked and is
                                      • “德鲁再次开始,”韩国的中国宝座阵列附近或认可的其他许多意见已被 gt “And it started” and so on you could move aside comment mainly As for Korean are being recognized even in China

                                    • 在爱知县大府。沉重的设备想要和管理技术的昭和时代的护照
                                      There is Aichi prefecture Obu city. Also with Sigeki it became the way which manages the passport of the technician in Showa era

                                      • 奈达是不是在韩国,俄罗斯提出的问题,因为狭窄的产品的主要部分!因此,奈达爆炸!
                                        Therefore as for the [naro] number the principal part Russia make [nida] which is not Republic of Korea make! Therefore [nida] which explodes!

                                        • 好东西,但如果你问这是留给操作系统,我放弃了便利和成本的同时,取消不必要的限制提出申请的形式,但尚未建立规范的周围 If it leaves such a thing to OS although it is good drawing up specification in the side making application Furthermore acquiring wasteful restriction while increasing cost dropping convenience the ru
                                          • 日本没有充分的自由限制在552到严格的通信技术和电信比 552 There is no freedom with the restriction being lazy Japan super is harsh in communication technology and communication business

                                        • 如果人们知道你还年轻你会查内拉2 785讨厌的婴儿潮一代中,感受到政府的地方冲突的一种方法,显示年龄婴儿的细节给予的关系级潮 NULL
                                          • 在710失去赎回不仅模拟依赖于适当的方法,我们并没有失去对数字 710 As for being lost with just the methodology which is based on to analog in regard to digital it is not lost

                                        • 如果我没有主要部件Ienaku哦,不是韩国人,朝鲜族的起源?排减单位是在说我已在中国取得与W Korea there is no beginning and the te Korean product well the principal part so there is no either not saying which probably will be trained If the place where it made even the Chinese product you can say but w
                                          • 正常运作,并声称,它起源于韩国南说,他们没有做任何事情了原来与中国偷窃 Saying that pakuri China is original Nothing is done Korea which the beginning insistence Normal operational shelf

                                        • 如果说出一匙在日本东京(解除管制)或当地货币,以获取或至佛山

                                          • 如果这是韩国,日本,韩国进口变成了陷阱,产生大量的材料从日本各地对面 If this the Korean product importing the mass material part from Japan conversely the trap where the Korean product which it has produced becomes Japan make
                                            • 原料时,工业精密。硫100%在日本和全球市场的占有率我 If you mention the raw materials precision machinery industry The sulphur Japan make is worldwide share 100 what

                                          • 富士通是从下野副制造业数字Tteta离境,并在一系列的麻烦蜕皮后期
                                            As for Fujitsu with the field secondary bottom it assures breaking away from the manufacturing industry, ecdysis it was late in the consecutive disturbance

                                            • 市场的进入,CB无线电(欧洲)和数字广播(日本)条件有很大保证金
                                              In entry condition of the market, the CB radio (Europe and America) with the digital radio (Japan) there is an extent great difference

                                              • 当天空是平行设置,我的车日本车和394对,年龄的差异是不同人之间的差异与黄金的价格,所以我觉得在最后一车进入后,与中我们将在印度吃 394 When the car which it unites and the car which the Japanese unites arranging It ended the times when difference of the hand of the person whom difference attaches to vehicle price had become difference of the gold When it is such a feeling 喰 it cracks in the Chinese and the Indian person
                                                • 是同样的赛车,平行于天空时,日本汽车集团的汽车和我是一个印度人组,差异不紧紧固定在车辆的价格,不买印度s When it is the same car when the car which the Indian person unites and the car which the Japanese unites arranging You cannot attach to vehicle price difference and you cannot buy the Indian person

                                              • 我会骗我韩国人? The South Korean tsu te Don t you think fool
                                                • 791相反,韩国最喜欢的。石窟方便地连接到日本人民是一个备受瞩目,他们是可怕的 791 Conversely it seems the Korean way most As for Japan which touches to also race kindly when it is enormous being extolled about the ru the shelf

                                              • 我还看过这样的上海微控制器的TRON操作系统包括在没有座位详列于一些市场份额隆伊予 SH it is MPU There is TRON of installation OS and being about not to be visible share it is high
                                                • 在当今世界上韩国先驱只有MPMAN不骄傲我做了什么没有 Current Korea leading the world there is no pride which made MPMAN

                                              • 排除在韩国,但现在我是嘶哑的笑埃塔文章希望你去日本之前,地位不笑的快速 If to in the past however it was the article which can be laughed Being now when it can make a foolish mistake in south Korea you cannot laugh The Japanese position keeps going down steadily …
                                                • iPhone带给我快乐我是一个傻瓜“哦,韩国制造的细胞万维网的”www我说的是什么 iPhone having rejoicing “well ru foolishly south Korean make carrying don t you think the www” tsu te www probably saying

                                              • 接受和日元升值,工资上涨的广场协议,在国内生产出来的产品和收入仅下降驱动tTA茹

                                                • 既得利益行业不安的,该产品是一种相当“走出去”再见不是“可以”出该国的产品充斥着类似的产品副本品牌来自日本,很受欢迎的事情哭辜ipad公司是iPhone,而这方面的进展!韩国要求 Being disturbed by acquired interests industry very this kind of commodity “it does not come out” it is not to be the te Japan which sighs the fact that “it is not possible” Human China where the copy commodity which is imitated to the trade name of the commodity may be popular inundates iPhone and iPad are something which we made With Korea which you insist
                                                  • 既得利益行业不安的,该商品的种是很难“走出中国”不拜“不能”复制产品泛滥类似在日本非常受欢迎的品牌名称的产品和古哭的事情iPhone ipad公司是这方面的进展!韩国要求 Being disturbed by acquired interests industry very this kind of commodity “it does not come out” it is not to be the te Japan which sighs the fact that “it is not possible” China where the copy commodity which is imitated to the trade name of the commodity may be popular inundates iPhone and iPad are something which we made With Korea which you insist

                                                • 日本和俄罗斯产地来源地援助朝鲜蒙古韩国韩国韩国起源于中国
                                                  As for Japan the Korean appearance China the Korean appearance Mongolia the Korean appearance Dew help the Korean appearance

                                                  • 日本想到的是:日本 我和能力,包括在汉文化的标准,真包括:一中日韩文 Thought of Japanese Japanese gt the Chinese gt the South Korean Thought of the Chinese The Chinese gt The South Korean gt Japanese Thought of the South Korean The South Korean gt Japanese gt the Chinese So as for standard of living and ability including and truth The South Korean Japanese Chinese So it is

                                                    • 日本的劳动成本高,半导体所作出的迅速过时。志位获得的盈利困难
                                                      The Japanese whose labor cost is high, with the semiconductor whose obsolescence is fast make. It is difficult to obtain the profit,

                                                      • 日本,韩国虽然他的目标是在更之前,它是像中国,我们不知道的,“日语,韩语的起源,”他们说,听鼓的世界里,他们流浪,日本“在去年秋天的受害者我是,“我想我很同情同在 As for Japan from before more to the Korean target however the ru As for the Chinese you do not know that excessively being like “As for Japanese when Korea the beginning” inquires about the world perplexity word of the party “Finally to Japan it became the prey ” that like it pities

                                                        • 日立,NEC公司,3。时代在周围,我会作的事情是我,我想我是支付给政府没有明确说出公司的水平,不仅对美国的军事吃的Burgers Hitachi and NEC three The around it is turned tsu te making with ru ones storing to official as for the ru way Speaking clearly in demand for military supplies about only 喰 tsu te ru American enterprise the level which is not
                                                          • 摇到外部需求是685,但我不明白,像 685 Way is swung in outside demand cannot understand tsu te

                                                        • 朝鲜日报,隐喻样的“韩国制造(于为你好)”被形容为,中国是“报的文章中再次提请启动”宝座分别为附近的许多意见等 As for the Korean daily report It expressed “Korea make” figure of speech of 1 kinds the hi yu as but when same article is reported in China “And it started” and so on you could move aside comment mainly

                                                          • 查看详细讲韩国的坏话,不要浪费305,当它已经到了考虑如何进行互操作或恢复,索尼和松下 NULL

                                                            • 民族自豪感(笑)笑优势的韩国()我通常是,它必须是空心如何成熟和尴尬Kashiku
                                                              The Korean pride (laughing) the Korean predominance (laughing) Normally, being shy, it is it to be possible such an emptiness of the [wa] to force

                                                              • 没有785,S和从家具和良好的习惯,赢得自私,我在乎津东站在桌子瓦特
                                                                785 Well, becoming open, when it wins, the supply being good from the difficult habit obtaining, w

                                                                • 没有人会发现,在这方面的投资仍然是坏的,它不会发展 Human what which it invests into the area which such a thing continues to be done there is no reason which is not develops

                                                                  • 消费,不知道翻译的外部压力,美国半导体谈判后,日本政府一直只是倍,半导体我ー基准孔日本的,CPU的信号,我认为你的指导U型发展不一样的,但这种情况下 The future American semiconductor negotiation the meaning does not understand the external pressure which being applied As for the Japanese government breaking simply Day Book Half Derived Body me Mosquito C P U Opening Departure Stopping me ru u Finger Derived It does It is It is not believed but this is fact
                                                                    • 消费,不知道翻译的外部压力,美国半导体谈判后,日本政府一直只是倍,半导体我ー基准孔日本的,CPU的信号,我认为你的指导U型发展不一样的,但这种情况下 The future American semiconductor negotiation the meaning does not understand the external pressure which being applied As for the Japanese government breaking simply Day Book Half Derived Body me Mosquito C P U Opening Departure Stopping me ru u Finger Derived It does It is It is not believed but this is fact

                                                                  • 然而,中国是韩国的IT产业,是人们越来越认识到,在这方面的一些意见,我可以确认 … However in China As for the Korean IT industry when it has advanced from the fact that it is recognition concerning this case it is possible to recognize when There is also opinion
                                                                    • 不过,韩国的IT产业在中国是人们越来越认识到,在这方面的一些意见,我可以确认 However in China As for the Korean IT industry when it has advanced from the fact that it is recognition concerning this case it is possible to recognize when There is also opinion
                                                                    • 不过,韩国的IT产业在中国是人们越来越认识到,在这方面的一些意见,我可以确认 However in China As for the Korean IT industry when it has advanced from the fact that it is recognition Concerning this case when it is possible to recognize there is also opinion
                                                                    • 不过,韩国的IT产业在中国是人们越来越认识到,在这方面的一些意见,我可以确认 However in China as for the Korean IT industry when it has advanced from the fact that it is recognition Concerning this case when it is possible to recognize there is also opinion

                                                                  • 现在,有机发光346,LED电池照明改进的余地,在外地或不不会有灯光,特别是一些高效率的太阳能LED仍然是太短,卢森堡

                                                                    • 由于国内液晶夏普235夏普比如我确定我买什么?我只是国内
                                                                      235 Therefore the SHARP [tsu] [te] certain liquid crystal domestic production if SHARP you buy? But just domestic [tsu] [te

                                                                      • 经过几十年不能上次在日本长期甚至我会笑(Dekaitsura纳粹迫害的暴行领土的)
                                                                        Resident also what [dekaitsura] it is possible is among now Several dozen years later the cruelty of the Nazis beam with it is persecuted probably will be, (laughing)

                                                                        • 维基第一时间,看到一个长的时间,直到最近的起源你温家宝和TTP的捕鲸活动已经在韩国:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%九个人口众多%%93%E5公司9层%9B条%屋宇署%E8%B7%B5的%吩e6%90%E8%广管局%机管局%交流
                                                                          You looked at WIKI after a long time, but recently to the warm heirloom and whaling The beginning is made Korea, it is the shelf ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E9% 9F % 93% E5% 9B % BD % E8% B5% B7% E6% BA % 90% E8% AA % AC

                                                                          • 编号:boN7RmjG0 Mottara和材料的投票权,这将是坏
                                                                            ID: boN7RmjG0 When being like has denizenship, the trap which means terrible thing

                                                                            • 美国主要的MS相比,纯收入495资讯科技145美元,6 69亿美元(约1万亿日元3117)IBM公司2 2亿甲骨文美元的谷歌的65万美元,苹果82 350 000 000 000 134 4 25亿美元(大约有590亿日元)55 930 000 000 000思科8 34亿美元的61个主要日本电子制造商惠普公司3 6亿美元,76(2009年4月1日〜2010年3月31日)日立 610亿日元,松下,1069 1034东芝一六五〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元 197亿元4300 NEC,富士通一千一百四十亿日元 一千一百二十三日元,索尼 12 1亿日元,三菱电机,夏普4 080亿元 三洋12580 0亿 四百八十七亿日元 495 This term Sumitosi benefit comparison The American IT major company MS 14 569 000 000 dollar approximately 1 311 700 000 000 Yen IBM 13 425 000 000 dollar Apple 8 235 000 000 dollar guguru 6 520 000 000 dollar approximately 590 000 000 000 Yen Oracle 5 593 000 000 dollar Cisco 6 134 000 000 dollar HP 7 660 000 000 dollar The Japanese major electrical machinery and appliances manufacturer 2009 April 1st 2010 March 31st Hitachi 106 900 006 100 Yen Matsushita 103 465 000 000 Yen Toshiba 449 700 000 000 Yen NEC 11 400 000 000 Yen Fujitsu 112 300 000 000 Yen SONY 40 800 000 000 Yen Mitubishi Electric Corporation 12 100 000 000 Yen Sharp 125 800 000 000 Yen Sanyo Electric 48 700 000 000 Yen

                                                                              • 美国是在的XPERIA?没有处理器是在日本高通(美国)内存模块美光科技公司(美国)无线电发射器和接收器的高通(美国)电源管理IC大厂高通(美国),触摸-控制IC赛普拉斯半导体公司(美国)的GSM功率放大器思佳讯公司(美国)WCDMA功率放大器安华科技公司(美国)水。 Ribaeretekku振荡器(星期日)晶体日本电波工业(日本),富士通半导体集成电路影像(日期)天蓝牙永久村田(日本)日本旭化成电子地磁传感器()
                                                                                As for xperia America make? It is calling obtaining Japan make Processor Qualcomm corporation (the United States) Memory module Micron Technology corporation (the United States) Radio sending and receiving Qualcomm corporation (the United States) Power source management IC Qualcomm corporation (the United States) Touch sensor - control IC Cypress Semiconductor corporation (the United States) GSM power amplifier Skyworks Solutions corporation (the United States) WCDMA power amplifier Avago Technology corporation (the United States) Water. Oscillator [ribaeretetsuku] (day) Quartz oscillator The Japanese radio wave industry (day) Image processing IC The Fujitsu semi-conductor (day) Bluetooth [moshi] ゙ [yuru] Murata factory (day) Terrestrial magnetism sensor Asahi Chemical Industries electronics (day)

                                                                                • 而半导体制造设备,你将使用Bondingumashin日本球员都作出了我266
                                                                                  266 The party using, the [ru] bonding machine and the semiconductor production vessel are all Japan make

                                                                                  • 而失败,则容易获得资金,没有像样的国内投资,外国投资是不显着,国内投机(投机)运行,而无需增加抗体
                                                                                    The failure, easy money after making, honest domestic investment it does not do, Investment overseas and the domestic speculation which do not have meaning (real estate speculation) it ran

                                                                                    • 自民党民主权力下放应在于Pachinanode ll需要找到一个男性成员从Oshidasu区域部队的一个真正的权力下放
                                                                                      Democracy, decentralization of power what of our people because it is the lie [tsu] [pa] [chi], Truly decentralization of power the power which starts doing male Assemblyman from the district is needed

                                                                                      • 苹果公司首席执行官史蒂夫乔布斯(首席执行官)是iPhone4解释为韩国制造的触摸

                                                                                        • 苹果的东西波结构稍微不变形,当iPod是刚刚发表的,我觉得我很惊讶 Apple did not care the appearance and it was anything and however when iPod putting out you were surprised the feeling shelf which overcomes

                                                                                          • 说这也是第一级火箭未能解除火箭射击音质和俄罗斯的货物取得的土地是因为涌涌了,这不是他们的责任,说什么你想责怪俄罗斯无 When it is that the rocket launch failure As for 1st step rocket even in Russia make land of chiyon Therefore any upper things chiyon make it does not designate as the Russian consequence the te Calling responsibility of the home country because we want the potato the shank
                                                                                            • 说这也是第一级火箭未能解除火箭射击音质和俄罗斯的货物取得的土地是因为涌涌了,这不是他们的责任,说什么你想责怪俄罗斯无 When it is that the rocket launch failure As for 1st step rocket even in Russia make land of chiyon Therefore any upper things chiyon make it does not designate as the Russian consequence the te Calling responsibility of the home country because we want the potato the shank

                                                                                          • 谈到三星?我们听到他们的电视的销量在日本或韩国的乐趣?SONY ll说,我知道他们的学生人数开始的大索尼公司的两位创始人把你要买 So if you say samusun With saying the ru it is The Korean make television is sold in Japan seems By your knowing the background of the founder of SONY SONY the tsu buying ru two da
                                                                                            • 他们经常会说好玩的?韩国机械产品在日本之前我们从实际和部分你在日本工作!例如 You saying well the ru it is As for the Korean product being the Japanese machine and the part making from the ru substantial Japan make
                                                                                            • 谈到三星?我们听到了他们的电视的销量在日本或韩国的说,我知道并不是索尼开始数达索尼生活带来的创始人你买两个的Burgers So if you say samusun With the Korean make television which is said is sold in Japan seems By your knowing the background of the founder of SONY SONY the tsu buying ru two da

                                                                                          • 这是酒馆售出的世界苹果和他们形成了古停止鹦鹉交配后゙然后写或加州

                                                                                            • 道W服务器启动他妈的国家提请Chousenhitomodoki成为中国傻瓜 ba 姦 country and w which starts To China chiyousenhitomodoki which makes foolish

                                                                                              • 零件和机床几乎被日本产品在空韩国,“韩国产品不想要在日本Netouyo”或类似和
                                                                                                From the fact that content of the Korean product is most Japanese make parts and the machine tool “As for the Korean product cartridge [u] [netouyo] like ones of the Japanese product”?

                                                                                                • 韩国1至11年前默认/ 80顶大银行,我充实到货币单位重新命名的10个突破韩国电子产业的结构,流向国外,但只投资多少,韩国电子产业将在国外在外国资本回流

                                                                                                  • 韩国公司,苹果公司首席执行官史蒂夫乔布斯还“韩国制造”也是讽刺和判刑 Apple corporation also the Korean enterprise the “Korean product” it satirizes also Steve jiyobuzu CEO There is also a composition
                                                                                                    • ×国内公司,苹果公司首席执行官史蒂夫乔布斯还“韩国制造”的文字和一些风凉话 × There is an apple corporation and the Korean enterprise Steve jiyobuzu CEO and the “Korean product” a composition which is satirized
                                                                                                    • 韩国公司软银○,孙正义,总统的“韩国制造”等商标的一些文本权茹 ○ The software bank corporation and the Korean enterprise grandchild justice president there is also the “Korean product” and a composition which shoots mark
                                                                                                    • 韩国公司,苹果公司首席执行官史蒂夫乔布斯还“韩国制造”也是讽刺和判刑 Apple corporation also the Korean enterprise the “Korean product” it satirizes also Steve jiyobuzu CEO There is also a composition

                                                                                                  • 韩国制造,如部分不介意你甚至没有是韩国人,但我不知道 Is Korea make however it is probably will be the ro which is not the Korean product and is There being a part like there is no head
                                                                                                    • 区与中国或韩国或听到它,我烧的东西看起来像一个便宜 Something cheaply the tsu po ku the tsu chi ya tsu it is don t you think When the Chinese product or the Korean product you hear

                                                                                                  • 韩国国家情报局,或者它甚至没有说出这样的话仍然工作五七九瓦特─一个严重的朝鲜间谍甚至采取停止广播......,和选举只是一个甚至暂停对朝鲜人民的我们认为,更是一败涂地,但枯萎病,像疼痛尝试发言,它支持瓦特
                                                                                                    579 Still such a thing the or Korean national intelligence institute w which is said Seriously in North Korea construction activity margin w Even broadcast it has cancelled and. That, being thought, only it is the pause with respect to election measure in even the Korean people, although it is the crushing defeat, The withering [tsu] [pu] kind of [ri] w which lines that

                                                                                                    • 韩国报纸★“iPhone是我国内的手机”...在中国“画开始吧!” -一名韩国报纸朝鲜日报说,美国苹果iPhone4(4 iPhone),其中主要部分是在韩国,“事实上,韩国制造的手机,“它说
                                                                                                      * “The Korean paper in iPhone started our domestic portable”… China “! ” Korean paper Korean the daily report, iPhone4 which the American apple corporation announces (eye phone 4) about, The principal part was Korea make, “really the Korean make portable telephone” you announced

                                                                                                      • 韩国是肯定的外国人。是的,日本能迅速取得外国人的旋风,他问
                                                                                                        As for Korea extraterrestrial definite. Request Bewildering participation shelf Also Japan is quick the extraterrestrial guaranty margin

                                                                                                        • 韩国的LG电子和其他人的,CPU和内存,以及国产电池等关键部件的朝鲜

                                                                                                          • (例如:半导体)如何处理日本极化的工人?什么是国家的公司有没有办法解决
                                                                                                            (Example: Semiconductor) Is the worker whom Japan converts bipolar how done? As for [tsu] [te] There is no expedient which is solved in the country and enterprise

                                                                                                            研究 開発