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The lotus 舫 Chiba both people 5 Cabinet ministers, there is no salute in the national flag…In first ministry and board interview ★2


  • 491闲置旗帜和皇帝( u003d偶像),而不是在国王陛下和我升挂国旗,尊重个人的水平,而不是因为它不是一个错误的决定说 491 Because His Majesty the Emperor national flag and idling the idol is not Raising up 揚 never bad thing it cannot be the national flag at private level that the majesty is not respected

    • 58:25 64编号:ZinXNMeg0 4 4 (PC)的146甲,乙,丙,他们是三个,乙,丙正因为它是邪教,是更多的邪教,阿中争辩说,没有人反对逻辑上应没有能力池塘?愚蠢的!死的?莱斯摘录:4 58 25 64 ID ZinXNMeg0 4 4 PC 146 A B C call 3 people being B therefore C one cult tsu te It does not become the refutation that A is not the cult Being the swamp there is no either logical refutation ability Being foolish It dies Extraction less number 4
      • 愚蠢的!死的? 152名:Shisan名无 10周年 发布日期:2010 06 11(星期五)08:58:25 64编号:ZinXNMeg0 4 4 (PC)的146甲,乙,丙,他们有三个,乙,丙只是因为它更邪教,邪教驳斥不是一个合乎逻辑的池塘,我没有反对的技能?愚蠢的!死的?莱斯摘录:4 Being foolish It dies 152 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 06 11 gold 08 58 25 64 ID ZinXNMeg0 4 4 PC 146 A B C call 3 people being B therefore C one cult tsu te It does not become the refutation that A is not the cult Being the swamp there is no either logical refutation ability Being foolish It dies Extraction less number 4

    • Nosabari斯大林代表,我打破运动轰炸满洲中立条约“到”侵略战争“,也就是相同的失败,日本的军事战略头脑和坚定的与我的光束,日本军队的骄傲爱国主义为善良,使我死了光荣的死,我可以即刻知道 Substituting is Stalin tearing the beam and neutrality pact ” as for with the Manchurian bombardment maneuvers becoming aware to the thing which is identical “invasion war” and the maneuvers of the Japanese military who is scolded Because of protection country of the Japanese military it is to be able to understand the motive which dies for honor with pride instantaneously
      • Nosabari斯大林的名义,我打破满洲中立条约,侵入了库页岛南部,并发挥到北方领土的侵略 Substituting is Stalin tearing the beam and neutrality pact it attacked in Manchuria and south Sakhalin carried out to invasion of the four northern islands

    • NULL mimi REPT Ζ mi WVr REPT r REPT f REPT REPT l REPT l lt gt l l y i no Supercomputer the next point 2 rank So am I with election useless l 92 re no REPT l Entrance REPT LLL re No 仆 92 l REPT T 92 As for lotus 舫 at the National Diet in Inokuchi “ There is no expectation feeling of the parent of the handicapped person knowing whether the hole shelf it is ” With curse and swear was poured it is the kudzu of the human Anger To tell the truth the child of the handicapped person is in Inokuchi but it had withstood that motionlessly Yosano speech June 7th broadcast BS grub As for lotus 舫 game software illegal copy majikon Having done the bu and it is with Twitter and the chi ya tsu it is it is the refuse The lotus 舫 the mother designates the home as the corporate body name office of representation nekobaba does blood tax lt Weekly post article The lotus 舫 with Kamewada who is performed to the same program “ As for lotus 舫 hateful woman
      • ζ:::军事工业化 ζヽ 米WVr ヽ ṛ ヽ:: fヽ ヽ:升 美术荷花,一在全国大会杯,说:“你他妈的 NULL

    • TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表#!νu003d xkNEd6XtMWo

      • “会议部”,司法部长和千叶莲花。行政改革大臣,服务改革部长负责民事叶根Itirou彰,直岛正幸段相不看国旗倒在头部安装了5个部长到会议室财务部长龟井静香国民议会,公共邮政改革 In “ministry and board interview” Chiba method phase and lotus Administrative renovation charge phase 玄 leaf optical Ichiro government employee system reformation charge phase and direct 嶋 Masanari multipara phase national new party representation It did not apologize to the national flag where 5 Cabinet ministers of Kamei Sizuka postal services reformation financial phase are installed in the interview room
        • “会议部”,司法部长和千叶莲花。行政改革大臣,服务改革部长负责民事叶根Itirou彰,直岛正幸段相不看国旗倒在头部安装了5个部长到会议室财务部长龟井静香国民议会,公共邮政改革 In “ministry and board interview” Chiba method phase and lotus Administrative renovation charge phase 玄 leaf optical Ichiro government employee system reformation charge phase and direct 嶋 Masanari multipara phase national new party representation It did not apologize to the national flag where 5 Cabinet ministers of Kamei Sizuka postal services reformation financial phase are installed in the interview room

      • “我一直在佐渡朱鹮繁殖的主题在法庭上成功地为7天吃饭,又在国王陛下的新大谷会议的主题是鹮感人。”

        • “我们的旗帜是”期末,德川,内陆海将默默地波,或...隅田川及江户,每圈的白色船帆为红色。有Wegakarete

          • “(第32条地公法)”[校长』,正式将管理,监督人员

            • 一个民族痴迷与国旗或只是一个很小的右翼宣传产经新闻和Netouyo瓦特

              • 一旦你驾驶的标志,不得清楚是否有民主党或它的位置在日本国旗,民主党的冲突与心理来说,这秋天的场合假装晕倒失去知觉有(冲突)的 Instead being the Sun flag When being the Democratic party flag raising up those which are not made distinct 揚 Democracy 党員 doing the inclination which faints swoons in that place This conflict trouble with you say with psychology terminology
                • 没有任何有关爱国主义的旗帜和显示细节都低着头我从来没有见过一个地方,我要告诉一个639头下的美国国旗 639 The American the head lowering in the national flag how you have not seen as the ru densely There are no many relationships especially and the patriotism which apologize to in the first place flag

              • 万维网Netouyojimin太难Warota Netouyo屠夫和热情支持Kuzujimin监管限制或疯狂,但我Fabyo WWW的是青年
                [netouyojimin] too desperation it is [warota] www Non existence young people or [kichigai] [kuzujimin] of [huabiyo] [tsu] [te] regulation regulation [netouyo] www which supports the butcher shop ardently

                • 中国的“万元。桩”操作“三光”“南京屠杀”,但做了日军的暴行和宣传,如日本人民为所欲为无法想像
                  As for China “ten thousand. Post” “Sanko maneuvers” the “Nanjing large slaughter” and so on the atrocity which the Japanese military did you advertise, but that some ones you cannot imagine our Japanese

                  • 中国的大屠杀中历史ー为什么这是一个平装)本好书,在你的手美术莲花朱达罗(父亲的侵略的鞋来(精装台湾?杀好人)夫拉特洛克美国前阅读恩戴基辛格是中共“集体谋杀”,并呼吁,已被列为集体杀害许多人连最吉尼斯世界纪录(听认可) The ro where those where it invades to Taiwan with the earth foot are your father Lotus 舫 It is good book introduction The Chinese holocaust history why the Chinese liking the human murder Hardcover Stone Flat Work Reading At one time American kitsushinjiya calls the Chinese Communist Party the “homicide group” is recognized the group which slaughters many humans even in the Guinness book it seems
                    • 一种意识形态,在人类历史上最杀害反对者认为 是在一个基督教共产主义秒 In mankind history most ideorogi which slaughters group of objectors convinced 2 rank is communism with Christianity

                  • 中线穿任何地方你只有主任。武威蓼田它标志习惯屈服于外界的新闻发布会上向国旗在,但一个问题,如果我不是一定要戴他们当场写我,我觉得没有这么多场景所需的原?基达我有良好的保养,文章强调,左派宣传这听起来管内阁 Your composure Where official There is a custom which when interviewing of other than is national flag ww day does gratitude in the national flag how it is not written If it does not do at the place where it does by all means but problem it is not the scene which originally is so required it is it isn t But as for we conservative favorite As for this article the inside of pipe official building is felt the propaganda tsu po ku which it emphasizes that it is left flank
                    • 中线穿任何地方你只有主任。这是习惯低头会议以外的其他标志,但一个问题,如果我不是一定要戴他们当场写我,我觉得没有这么多场景所需的原?基达我有良好的保养,文章强调,左派宣传这听起来管内阁 Your composure Where official There is a custom which when interviewing at other than does gratitude in the national flag how it is not written If it does not do at the place where it does by all means but problem it is not the scene which originally is so required it is it isn t But as for we conservative favorite As for this article the inside of pipe official building is felt the propaganda tsu po ku which it emphasizes that it is left flank

                  • 为什么有愚蠢的国旗Gotoki发疯呢?不要把事情想解除腿看,民主党及其支持者proudly re死了!我说Baiinjan s With something every national flag aho which with coming becomes desperate is Without doing kind of that faultfinding is taken Grandly the Democratic party and that supporter die The tsu te you should have said it is it is
                    • 所以,我该怎么做,只希望他?我感谢您的费用,或你唱那愚蠢的标志或标志不低头 Just the person who would like to do should have done don t you think it is As for we you sing generation but it does not do gratitude in the flag There is no gratitude or aho in the flag

                  • 也许,“南京屠杀”,成为该模型是1864年。全国率湘军的氏族。隐藏Tamotsu的“太平”什么在南京下降时间
                    Perhaps, becoming the model of the “Nanjing large slaughter” 1864. The national feudal clan is led the 湘 troop who. When 秀 falling all the “Taihei heaven” Nanjing, it probably is the thing

                    • 事实上,他们说博草和荷花舫氏参院民主党议员周一早上前往办公室,办公室访问他的办公室,但须松冈的“水过滤器,是不是坏运气。” Actually the lawn Hiroshi one person and lotus of Councilor Democratic party 舫 and others 9th morning notice Matsuoka of dying Members Office Building The office is visited You visit the office and “the water purifier it is not attached aren t ”
                      • 事实上,他们说博草和荷花舫氏参院民主党议员周一上午参观他的办公室办公,受到松冈的“水过滤器,是不是坏运气。” Actually the lawn Hiroshi one person and lotus of Councilor Democratic party 舫 and others 9th morning notice Matsuoka of dying Members Office Building The office is visited You visit the office and “the water purifier it is not attached aren t ”
                      • 事实上,他们说博草和荷花舫氏民主党众议院议员成员星期一上午参观他的办公室办公,受到松冈的“水过滤器,是不是坏运气。” Actually the lawn Hiroshi one person and lotus of Councilor Democratic party 舫 and others 9th morning notice Matsuoka of dying Members Office Building The office is visited You visit the office and “the water purifier it is not attached aren t ”

                    • 伊藤说,“明治日本的朝鲜政策”(作者:Hukaya广治)“谁是韩国人,我们自己的,什么是声称其独立性?,谁是韩国人,我们自己的,韩国你有什么承认独立呢?听到的话,有怪异 “Word Meiji Japanese of Hirohumi s Itoh anti Korea policy” work Osamu Fukaya Hiroshi “Someone of the South Korean personally you probably insist the independence And someone of the South Korean personally it probably approves the Korean independence If it is certain we would like to hear

                      • 但是,在一个部“新闻发布会在王宫,在该会议等部”会议上,博部长重建负责行政荷花司法千叶,彰部长Itirou负责公务员改革的叶根相段正之直岛,国民议会,人民期待国旗放在了会议室05内阁部长龟井静香财政部长邮政改革的头
                        However, after the interviewing at the official residence, it was held at charge ministry and board and the like in “ministry and board interview”, Chiba method phase and the lotus 舫 Administrative renovation charge phase, 玄 leaf optical Ichiro government employee system reformation charge phase and direct 嶋 Masanari multipara phase, national new party representation It did not apologize to the national flag where 5 Cabinet ministers of Kamei Sizuka postal services reformation financial phase are installed in the interview room

                        • 但站立时不能单独说话,南北分裂,北方强鄂如他们购买它从属于中国(按照什么)哈市南奉承美国和日本,媒体的控制,目前 But one person it not to be possible to stand It separates to north and south north serving power in accordance with strong ones in China power does south in the United States and Japan speech controls reaches to the present

                          • 作为一个例子,我离开与印尼军队,日军战败后,当地的独立2000人也,让我们提升的外观和对荷兰军队的事实TTA和旨在重新殖民
                            As the one example, defeat After a little more than 2000 person the human thing Japanese military officers and men remaining in the locale, the Indonesian Germany With the stand troop, the fact which fought with the Dutch troop who again aims toward colony conversion You will list

                            • 例如,中国共产党的总理温家宝访问日本之前,由报案人被捕只是流言,一些叛国罪的案件伐丽流Q For example also in the warm heirloom person who visits Japan first rumor just was done with betrayal to be arrested there is also a case which accuse of a crime to of national treason

                              • 其中,“小岛榛名”,就看怎么说),用手,一个手势晴Rashikatta激烈的女性元素嘴角指名的人(是 Among those expression of the person “Kozima positive greens” how to lift the oral angle with the hand being attached and conduct to be tremendous the woman seeming were splendid
                                • 允许向他们展示支AK。 48:“我希望集团”樱花“10年”榛名注←小岛 So you make see AK 48 “When you want to meet ” “10 year cherry tree” lt You observe to the Kozima positive greens

                              • 其中,在公告前的一个标志,告诉了城,我也不会屈服于潮流我的爱,甚至懒得等待路人站在 Among those before the national flag which is put out in the town also the pedestrian halting specially Unless you must salute it becomes tendency
                                • 他们属于日本政府,我向国旗鞠躬 希莫假名一旦任由别人溃疡 Having belonged to the government of Japan in the national flag only salute… Someone and others it is dense collecting crush

                              • 刚茑到我,因为爱国主义是自卫,并战胜了东亚殖民权力,东亚将是独立,只有防治策略资源,同时确保来自东亚的一个独立的国家
                                In order to win, for self-protecting protection country, the Toa suzerain is pushed down, Toa is freed, While, guaranteeing the resource from independency Toa, there is only a strategy which fights

                                • 包括印度和英国殖民地的亚洲国家很少在我们的人民发自内心刊印在欧洲文化的优越性,包括:“印度是俄罗斯首次失去了在日俄战争对日本那种认为一个独立的学生玛丽塔“拉字的印度第一任总理尼赫鲁的”20世纪初期的成功发展对亚洲没有日本将进一步推迟 We assumed that in Asian countries predominance characteristic of the European culture was surprinted on the bottom of people s thoughts including India which is the English colony “in the Russo Japanese War Russia was defeated in Japan and the thought Indian independence for the first time was born” that pulling the word of Indian nail first prime minister If “there is no Japanese of the beginning of the 20th century success the Asian development furthermore probably is late
                                  • 战争唤醒了日俄和转化独立国家进入现代世界的全球发展趋势的系统,具有广泛 Russo Japanese War in opportunity modern world It converted the current of the world to with race independence largely from the boundary system It is

                                • 十年前,指的是日本军国主义在皇宫宴会上江,公共浴室批评Bitanoha有名的故事
                                  Those where ten years ago, the Jiang Zemin referred the Japanese militarism in the Imperial Court dinner meeting, poured the criticism of public opinion are famous story

                                  • 只有这两个时间的中国舞蹈,并希望避免,这是一个绝望的“中国吹塑关闭的关注,是帝国服务 This time when we would like to avoid just the repetition the Chinese side is to be desperate” The fact that you blow the anxiety of the Chinese side and throw was service of the Imperial Family side
                                    • 思维 一可以尝试获得和平与稳定是我们的国家落后多少帝国,因为他们说,他们没有负债,只有皇帝仍 One trying thinking our country how much obtained peace and stability with the shade of the Imperial Family of after all only imperial favor there is an expression

                                  • 和10年(在你的钱的时间)为4005万美元的预算在日本,完成了391是
                                    Time of ten years (with the money of that time) in the Japanese of 54,000,000 Yen budget, you completed in 193 〇 year

                                    • 嘉义县东部Ishigō。富康在家里的洪流中,日本殖民时期,明治63(3 091)森川清去世了这个村。我仍然有一个警员节
                                      嘉 justice prefectural east stone home village. Shoal wealth Kiyoshi Morikawa who at the shrine, 1903 (in 1903) year of the Japanese rule era dies cheaply in this village. The policeman is celebrated even now

                                      • 国歌和国旗樟脑用尽由于在公众形式公职人员领取税务由于国歌

                                        • 国美的知识在天文学,地球形成的,生物的DNA为阳性,如果生物进化的政治生活中通过Futtobu In America the knowledge regarding the formation of the earth with astronomy and the biological evolution etc which minds DNA due to biology affirming When it does the hu tsu it flies political life

                                          • 在我们的红头发的高雄港安全,艺术节已经是而且仍然是日本军队的名称也被称为队长的陌生人
                                            At the preservation hall of the Gaoxing city crimson hair port, the remains which make those of the captain of the Japanese military who does not know either name are celebrated

                                            • 在我离开你的父亲朱达罗美术莲花1966年侵占台湾鞋 9分之1966我向你从总统,“我发现,一旦大人带我去看你”,并申上梁 The ro where those where it invades to Taiwan with the earth foot are your father Lotus 舫 It is good book introduction The Chinese holocaust history why the Chinese liking the human murder Hardcover Stone Flat Work Reading At one time American kitsushinjiya calls the Chinese Communist Party the “homicide group” is recognized the group which slaughters many humans even in the Guinness book it seems

                                              • 大多数人都留茹我要投降民主党失败的改革被认为是自民党在大选前的结果证明这一点

                                                • 如果你侮辱我的理由应该是在你的国旗和国歌,对不对?温和,自然比私营
                                                  If you reason as for the insult for national flag national anthem the [ro] which is the expectation which naturally is looser than private ones

                                                  • 如果你出国旅游,以表尊重国歌时,而在升国旗和其他国家的地位,“谢谢你”是同一级别的礼节
                                                    Travelling to the foreign country, at the time of the national flag raising up 揚 of the foreign country and standing up at the time of national anthem singing in unison, the fact that you display respect “thank you” with is the manner of the same level

                                                    • 如果国家队肯定的是,当我说的是中国国旗和一张弓公告,如果没有忘记的是看舞台上首次公告,由于该标志一个国家是不相关的,基本上是国旗插图和胸部形状森田健作一鞠躬,千叶,并把一县一批千叶,我给你带来这样的感觉很好辜行为泥臭 Certainly when the Korean national flag and others re te is salute and the Chinese national flag is put out when you do not forget to put out on one platform the leek re te are as for the notion that where gratitude is done in a country national flag however there is no relationship As for the national flag in the illustration where basically Kensaku Morita imitates Chiba prefecture It is saluted the ri you acquire Chiba prefecture batch to the chest the ri such Behavior the mud being ill smelling good impression it can have
                                                      • 823只有你,“我向国旗致敬不假思索,”我 823 As for that just you It is “idea tsu te what which does not pay respect to the national flag”
                                                      • 一“热浴”之前的下一个“武”我觉得你站在一鞠躬鳕鱼 1 The “hot water bath” at before on side you think that “the fungus it does and” stands and the cod salutes
                                                      • 但也因为我觉得我的评价很满意大家辞仪一想要的看不起他的头一个应该去的标志,你想,即使我没有根据 It is bowed with one time everyone therefore it is it does also the air the good way but vis a vis the national flag One by one if the head it lowers and solves as for appraisal rising being there are no times when it goes down don t you think
                                                      • 但是,只有在日本“不需要对抗的国旗和国歌!”有一个奇怪的学生在学校和教学峨 To stand up in just Japan it is not necessary however “vis a vis the national flag and national anthem ” With the eccentric who is taught to the pupil in the school exists
                                                      • 几个有说服力,但我不知道,可能一些美术莲花和Hayo龟井进入眼睛的东西他们没有兴奋国旗 Whether many person however it probably is convinced offense what Kamei and the lotus 舫 something being excited national flag something it did not enter into the eye it is probably will be
                                                      • 博莲“是什么旗弓没有法律和我们的思维和我决定,如果马祖?”美术“荷花Habukimasu废物 When the lotus 舫 it does not salute “in the national flag and if as for the te it is being decided with law the ru distantly it is thought ” The lotus 舫 “the roofing it increases wastefulness
                                                      • 嗯,我觉得这也Gidato越过不屈服于世俗的国旗,我认为日本最好爱护国旗和国歌,一会儿 Because well it does not salute in the national flag you think that also what disrespect is going too far but The Japanese thinks that the method which already a little makes the national flag and national anthem important is better
                                                      • 国旗,是没有关系的,我可以鞠躬森田健作插图描绘千叶基本上把我的心和千叶批次,我给你带来这样的感觉很好辜行为泥臭 However the national flag there is no relationship As for we in the illustration where basically Kensaku Morita imitates Chiba prefecture It is saluted the ri you acquire Chiba prefecture batch to the chest the ri such Behavior the mud being ill smelling good impression it can have
                                                      • 在奥林匹克旗帜世界杯在已经生效,但如果球员在那里向井地已被国家对当前世界的人将他们的周围是藐视笑 In the Olympics and the national flag raising up 揚 in the world cup when nation is flowing That when the player who is faced is it is scorned from in the world and laughs and probably becomes the person
                                                      • 如果你是站在坟墓,而不是早生合得说的手,右手使他成为一个自然的合?同样屈服于国旗 If it stands before the grave if the hand is not adjusted the ro where it is not adjusts the hand naturally and is Also salute is same in the national flag
                                                      • 如果标志的韩国或中国告诉公报国旗阶段毫无疑问是肯定没有忘记鞠躬 Certainly when the Korean national flag and the Chinese national flag are put out on the platform without forgetting salute it does difference it is not
                                                      • 希望Munonara蔑视权力,重量为一鞠躬礼,国旗上就Kaseta Idaro民主党政府是错误的 The administration which respects the kind of decorum which salutes in the national flag is desired if is the ro where the fact that it makes the Democratic party administration be engaged is the mistake
                                                      • 我们认为白色旗帜和国旗船舶架次,飞行↓↓↓战争的旗帜,颂,我觉得伐丽流投降 ↓ chiyon and war outbreak ↓ The national flag raising up the battleship and the like 揚 sorties ↓ The national flag is thought as the white flag it is thought that it is surrender
                                                      • 所以,如果我顶礼膜拜的思想国旗和国歌,但鞠躬,但我无所谓Shiyomai Therefore if respect is paid to national flag national anthem idea It will salute but to do will not but how it is to call is
                                                      • 拉下来的层面上,公众成员将利用剪切欧洲,我不尊重国旗代表 Respect is not displayed in the national flag how If Europe and America the level which to the citizen it drags from the Assemblyman and is lowered
                                                      • 查看细节,如果你要尊重国旗三上,爱护不是在天空或地面,足以把 It has respect if is to look at the national flag it handles carefully the area be it is you do not put with the sufficient
                                                      • 特别是关于国旗表,大事件,但大多数国家国歌时,它设置 The fact that especially respect is displayed in the national flag when in the big event becoming national anthem and set is the majority
                                                      • 福岛瑞穗在这个意义上,我不低头,而是可能来自例如为原则说,国旗是紧紧弓 In such sense if you say from principle salute how it does not do Fukushima Mizuho the te It is not strange but securely it was saluted in the national flag
                                                      • 这名男子是不是确实合理的内阁和千叶石窟但莲花美术,没有太多模仿,甚至水龙头表面不想屈服于国旗 But the lotus 舫 and as for being the human whose Chiba is not suitable in the Cabinet minister certain at the extent which does not salute in the national flag As for the kind of imitation which it hits we would not like to do
                                                      • 这样,你屈服于任何地方的电视国旗上的报告时,该标志已提交给公众的信息是重要的,确保最佳的新鲜度带来的爱国主义 At the place it may be reported with the television specially gratitude is done in the national flag as for the notion that where The national flag gives a message that to the citizen can give patriotism it is important

                                                    • 它的硬“”(在冲绳的海军陆战队政府),让我离开现在的路线“,”靖国神社是违反宪法 Very it is serious” Administration is taken “concerning Okinawa Marines when it makes keep coming out directly” Worshipping is violation of constitutional provisions “in Yasukuni
                                                      • 它的硬“”(冲绳的海军陆战队政府)的,我现在出去行“,”的参拜靖国神社违宪 Very it is serious” Administration is taken “concerning Okinawa Marines when it makes keep coming out directly” “Yasukuni worshipping is violation of constitutional provisions

                                                    • 对国旗和国歌,和内阁如果我有一个可怕的司法意识和总理签署了一份请愿赦免罪犯绑架
                                                      The Cabinet [tsu] [te] where Prime Minister and Minister of Justice opposes to national flag national anthem, signs the quarter suit book of kidnapping execution offense are A certain meaning it is enormous

                                                      • 小泽是反击土地问题超过实际收购100亿日元的办公费用都在削减预算的审议音频跛行拍摄 While at office expense strike with problem of the Ozawa representation which acquires 1 000 000 000 Yen super real estate it is being attached budget deliberation It was discontinued
                                                        • 小泽是反击土地问题超过实际收购100亿日元的办公费用都在削减预算的审议音频跛行拍摄 While at office expense strike with problem of the Ozawa representation which acquires 1 000 000 000 Yen super real estate it is being attached budget deliberation It was discontinued
                                                        • 小泽是反击土地问题超过实际收购100亿日元的办公费用都在削减预算的审议音频跛行拍摄 While at office expense strike with problem of the Ozawa representation which acquires 1 000 000 000 Yen super real estate it is being attached budget deliberation It was discontinued

                                                      • 就职典礼仪式的弓作为日本在场的闪亮礼服和归化的人,他们不知道瓦特叛徒
                                                        Although in inauguration system according to of the Japanese courtesy, it appears with shiningly full dress As for the courtesy which salutes the traitor and the naturalized person w who do not know

                                                        • 当时的教皇,即赞美皇帝的访问斜靠在麦克阿瑟面前的地位和抛弃它自己,那次访问履行基督的精神,所有的理论是 That hour system king throwing away oneself praising the emperor who stands before the MaARTHUR marshal Christ s mind praising that it is visit explained the fact that it is visit to everyone

                                                          • 思想自由和信仰,在国会进行辩论看起来更奇特海拔Teiu m坦白不是儿童色情的法律保护意识的自由表达 Protects the freedom of idea principle and the freedom of expression because there is no consciousness which simply child pornographic regulation law how you say and you open the one which It is listed on the 俎 of the national assembly
                                                            • 在世界上是完全有效的控制充满苦涩志位呼吸,但我看你说的饮食对儿童色情法的坏法 Society of the regulation being lazy forcing being lazy which is stifling says child pornographic regulation law how The bad law was increased to the National Diet it is

                                                          • 我不会屈服于一个合理的石窟参与作为一个主权本身无论如何,我不想得罪,抑或是自然和支持者 As for saluting when it is proper Buying the antipathy of the supporter Or itself would not like to doing As the person who takes part margin Kokuken in either one the suitable trap
                                                            • brick ll旗会员输入知道我想,也许不好笑的人的利益,我宣誓效忠这个国家? Strange idea entering whether ru the national flag is the citizen for intellectual brick Assemblyman You cannot swear national interest and loyalty in the citizen
                                                            • 国旗和国歌的自由,说这样的思想作风,只是一块布应该承认有必要继续 As for the freedom which thinks national flag national anthem in the wind that does such correspondence it is the simply cloth and the expectation which is recognized
                                                            • 当然,但它是伟大的或不强调它看起来像瓦特旗去年及今年不可能秘密资金使用? Although national flag sure or spirit of last year it was enormous don t you think w Secret expense use the cousin it is it is being
                                                            • 稍微鞠躬向国旗问题,任何政党不会看着它向日本人民和人民谁不能假设它 As for saluting in which political party question national flag you think that it is proper but That there is no reason where the human whom it is not possible looks at the Japanese citizen properly

                                                          • 我也宣传了众议院的行踪在萨科委员会预算委员会,松冈先生,“如果双方同意”,并否认罕见,伊吹先生“(如果出版)将逆转,令规则的。”直接和公开 The House of Representatives budget At commission Pressing for the publication of purpose at commission “if each party agrees ” to be refused in Matsuoka in Ibuki “Because publishes rule deteriorates that you are patient” you opened and were repaired
                                                            • 我也大力宣传下落萨科众议院预算委员会,松冈先生,“如果双方同意”,并否认罕见,伊吹先生“(如果出版)把,最多的逆转规则”,并开放直接 At the House of Representatives budget committee Pressing for the publication of purpose “if each party agrees to Matsuoka if” to be refused “ it publishes to Ibuki Because rule deteriorates that you are patient” you opened and were repaired
                                                            • 我也大力宣传下落萨科众议院预算委员会,松冈先生,“如果双方同意”,并否认罕见,伊吹先生“(如果出版)把,最多的逆转规则”,并开放直接 At the House of Representatives budget committee Pressing for the publication of purpose “if each party agrees to Matsuoka if” to be refused “ it publishes to Ibuki Because rule deteriorates that you are patient” you opened and were repaired

                                                          • 所有的朝圣者一般都遵循了公司的子公司,它的整个销售办事处当天公告看,或者是你通过鞠躬一次吗?
                                                            Generally as for visit to a temple the circle of day putting out in all branch offices and the sales store below the head office, the degree which passes by before being saluted?

                                                            • 把母亲发言Ntsukyouso支持这个组织有一个转播,民主党成员,或者你会如何形容这种灾难的教育
                                                              This Nitukiyou group having to support parent As for the Democratic party which possesses OB Assemblyman of the same organization, will devastation on of this education site how probably be explained?

                                                              • 根据好奇女子Netouyo天朱达罗我收集的家庭餐馆,多次在下班Datsu条件更好的表现,他们其实更自制火箭弹攻击左派音频查看详细信息在皇宫内 The tsu which is several time mashi in the point where the extreme left party whom the ro which is the housewife of the early afternoon which meets in netouyo how huamiresu the homemade rocket fireworks you shoot in the Imperial Palace and is packed really acts the u
                                                                • “巴兹一轮的一天”之后埃塔和资历是日本珍惜,“如果年轻女孩:”你看你Hokusoen Netouyo色情杂志?服务约穆 The “young girl” where “circular comment of day” after barking it is the Japanese treasure The ero magazine seeing chuckling the ro where ru is netouyo Die you probably will read

                                                              • 此外,北朝鲜等共产主义国家接受JTU的,臻一个社会主义国家,他们有什么颜色更密集 Increasing furthermore the color is thick reaching up to communism country and socialist country in addition to North Korea which Nitukiyou group believes

                                                                • 没办法,我可以控制是不正常的,我需要买它,因为他拉马拉合我认为淫亵目的一岁的女儿,警察和大河原宫城县警方在周一,儿童福利如果怀疑违反法律,妇女兼职)雇员都足立区,东京(31名被告违反了法律,禁止儿童卖淫再次被捕

                                                                  • 没有新的理由“...鸠山内阁,众议院预算委员会签订了5★为副总理菅直人[绑架]司法千叶五低”,签署了一份请愿书光洙,申(申钢)承认,你很少包括来自囚犯不,这是不小心“[11月5日司法部]在国籍法,犯罪已经成为一个紧迫的文哥里题跋惠子。蒂鲍惠子真面目!
                                                                    There is no excuse” … At the Hatoyama Cabinet, 菅 also Vice-President Naoto signs * 5 The House of Representatives budget committee 5 day Chiba method phase “suit book signature, is harsh light 洙 (thin [gansu]) the original condemned criminal Being included, we had not recognized the [ru], it was careless”, [11/05] Keiko Chiba [gori] the crime which occurs with the nationality method which pushes Judicial affairs large. Keiko's Chiba natural shape!

                                                                    • 真正的,话要说政治中立汉奸(笑你)如果按中去,事实举报此问题,它甚至不舒服裸固体
                                                                      Genuine and traitor [tsu] [te] thing shelf If political hit stand (laughing) the mass communications of expectation, this problem fact secure without reserve bare fact reporting margin

                                                                      • 知道这个事实,当你转向民主党人还是投票还是远远叛徒左侧,是历史的受虐狂认为,受虐狂主流的污染和禁忌伊纳鲁大匍匐或外国耀西基诺?紧急如果知识亲共产党和社会民主党尽管!日本认为没意义 While knowing this fact when we assume furthermore that one vote you insert in the Democratic party Becoming extreme left or the great main river of the traitor the 穢 re it is our 虐 view of history the masochist of kneeling on the ground diplomacy lover If Japan Communist Party and the corporation people party bi to go now then not knowing The Japanese who is common sense you cannot think
                                                                        • 而这一天的最后一滴水清洗污染和禁忌,是历史的受虐狂认为,一个大伊纳鲁主流,造成他们的武士和臻高,强烈地感到自豪的是我们的爱重新日本狡猾和通信(第519页) And as for that waterdrop eventually some day becoming the great main river the 穢 re it is to wash away our 虐 view of history you are proud of Japan which we love again and strongly reaching and others those which are closed you believe to the country of the high samurai page 519

                                                                      • 硫磺岛的战斗中一次,日军迫击炮部分都已站在美国国旗站在山上我是一个日本国旗降剪拉滚装船
                                                                        With the sulphur island while fighting the American national flag which is raised to one time and the earthenware mortar mountain as for the Japanese military The dragging lowering Japanese flag was raised, it is

                                                                        • 约198个,增加强度地说我必须做愚蠢的人一个一个地进行,或其他类似 198 Generally unless such an only too natural thing is pointed out one by one It means that the good foolish citizen increased

                                                                          • 编号:mbrvAObiO编号:mbrvAObiO异常痴迷这样的事情之前,你wwww
                                                                            ID: mbrvAObiO ID: mbrvAObiO Are attached to such a thing you who abnormality wwww

                                                                            • 编号:ZinXNMeg0頑張我拼命地想这个人笑峨〜瓦特
                                                                              ID: ZinXNMeg0 Being this person desperate, you can laugh, Persevering, don't you think? - w

                                                                              • 苏加诺作为总统特使,于92月7日“平成亚洲赛车节的共存,”大使Saideman外交部高级参加了这一切谓词
                                                                                As a Sukarno president special representative, “Asia 1995 May 29th The [saideman] Ministry of Foreign Affairs upper-class ambassador who participated in festival model of symbiosis” like this You have expressed

                                                                                • 该公告与哪些国家的理想国家很少被列入大东亚共荣圈短暂梁日本
                                                                                  Those countries, They are the countries which are included in the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere which is the short-lived ideal where Japan put out

                                                                                  • 这个可怕的字眼,但据透露,他甚至没有看管理下的安倍晋三在麻生内阁是响亮的时间都被我?布姆兰不是他妈的对朱达罗噪音吗?放在那里的条件更是一个政策的批评越来越多,我很严重 This it is said awfully however callous Toda And the person who was not lowered at Abe Cabinet it enters at the Aso Cabinet You made a noise at that each time You making a noise separately saying the ro which is the story which is the boomerang More criticism in the policy aspect margin As for that becoming well enough very thing the ru
                                                                                    • 你也得到回旋镖谈瓦特朱达罗安倍晋三,我没有做这个小喷泉万维网 In addition doing ru or w Doing this Koizumi and Abe saying the ro www which is the story which is the boomerang

                                                                                  • 这些谁尊重国旗的几个人是不对的心无,我伤害了日本人民的穿着明智的心比百分之八表示,它已军国主义唤
                                                                                    The person where the small-numbered party who is not heart respects the national flag screams, that right wing, it is the militarism person, building Damaging the heart of the Japanese citizen who is good sense of eight tenths or more the [ru

                                                                                    • 那么,“旗(圆天)”,一个单一Fabyora生长问题稍微左,右是好的凯塔古分钟
                                                                                      Well “the national flag (the circle of day)” regardless of left and right as for being [huabiyora] multiplication you understood well in one word

                                                                                      • 那么,我们的部长没有茶比国家观念的重要性,他们打算万维网Nrashii差异 Well this Cabinet minister seems misunderstanding of the intention of being greater than nation but www

                                                                                        • 韩国战争(说东条英机,在韩国战争誓章,体验更全面的防御变红)麦克阿瑟将军,以打破僵局,“在满洲轰炸”的制定,为日本,韩国和岛屿国家满洲是真正的民族延长的“生命线”,并说这是敌对势力占主导地位的国家在这里,日本,日本岛绝皮资源供应,甚至采取了明确的立场,采取直接紧急情况下,即面临着一个民族的生存,共产主义,苏联南下危机

                                                                                          • 韩国的领土,是中国西部地区在东部和向国旗致敬不能这样民主党是建立一英尺长的分而治之日 Because the basis which it makes divide makes rule Japan is made is the Democratic party Respect and the like you do not pay to the national flag By the way east Japan Chinese territory West Japan is Korean territory
                                                                                            • 达罗自然的位置,作为一个国家存在分歧Tatte ll被认为它甚至不是一个牧师我什至不参拜了他的标志,两个或ー In the minister of state where either the person who is in that place does not pay respect to the national flag vociferation margin The ro which is proper as the tsu te citizen where position is different

                                                                                          • 鸠山由纪夫告诉秘书长在周三的记者会上说:“如果你踢寻求加强继续回答证人传票回避”的基调和强度元 Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama in press conference of 9 days “continues the reply which is evaded if is witness summon is requested” that Tone of voice was strengthened
                                                                                            • 鸠山由纪夫告诉秘书长在周三的记者会上说:“如果你踢寻求加强继续回答证人传票回避”的基调和强度元 Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama in press conference of 9 days “continues the reply which is evaded if is witness summon is requested” that Tone of voice was strengthened
                                                                                            • 鸠山由纪夫告诉秘书长在周三的记者会上说:“如果你踢寻求加强继续回答证人传票回避”的基调和强度元 Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama “continues the reply which is evaded in press conference of 9 days if is witness summon seeking The me ru ” and tone of voice were strengthened

                                                                                          • (创作研究中心)基督教是最大的邪教
                                                                                            (center for creation research) Christianity is the largest cult

                                                                                            • ,“他们也把100电气设备和热水器是减少”(上院秘书长敏夫小川)所以我 “The device and the electric radiant heater of the restoration water also 100 being put ” Secretary General House of Councillors Toshio Ogawa With it is the case that it is said
                                                                                              • “他们,所以我也把100电炉和水净化设备”(吨小川,书记,上院普通) “The device and the electric radiant heater of the restoration water also 100 being put ” Secretary General House of Councillors Toshio Ogawa with it is the case that it is said

                                                                                            研究 開発