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“Saying you do not hear the office worker who hugely the man of eye phone operation is beaten by the full had become the [tsu]” streetcar (45) arrest…Tokyo Seibu Takeda Baba station ★3


  • 240%,但最新的Burgers外记石窟恼人的手机使用拨开围绕乘坐时间的地方,不打

    • 2名厨师和我带来的想法有多离谱壹岐之前DQN自己的诡辩
      Very how to carry your extreme conception 厨 It is quibble itself of two and DQN

      • 420 1。山手线京滨东北(上野御徒町→)233%2。武藏野(日本浦和→南东浦)3 226%。京滨东北(→爱品川)225%4。尔南部(中原Takezou Musashikosugi→)222%5。中央线快速(→新宿中野)218%6。总武线中心(都锦→)215%7。西京(→新宿,池袋)211%8。常磐线火车( →绫濑龟有)209%9。东海道线(→品川,川崎)10 208%。根岸线(→矶子杉田善)204%11。山手线(围绕:→原宿代代木)202%12。横滨线(Kodukue善→)200%13。常磐快速正常( 420 1 Yamate Keihin northeast line Ueno gt vain town 233 2 The Musashino line Higashi Ura harmony gt south Urawa 226 3 The Keihin northeast line Oi Cho gt Shinagawa 225 4 South military affairs line Musashi Nakahara gt Musashi Kosugi 222 5 Central line high speed Nakano gt Shinjuku 218 6 Central entire military affairs line Kinsi Cho gt both countries 215 7 埼 capital line Ikebukuro gt Shinjuku 211 8 The Tokiwa line local parking turtle possession gt Ayase 209 9 Tokaido Highway line Kawasaki gt Shinagawa 208 10 Negisi line new cedar rice field gt Isogo 204 11 Yamate line inner lane Yoyogi gt Harajuku 202 12 Yokohama line small desk gt new Yokohama 200 13 Tokiwa line high speed normally Matsudo gt north thousand residences 198 14 Subway east west line Monzen relations town gt Kayaba Cho 197 15 The Tokyu garden city line pond rear end Ohashi gt Shibuya 196 16 Takasaki line Miyahara gt Omiya 194 17 Itsukaichi line bear river gt worshiping island 193 18 Subway Chiyoda line Matiya gt west Higure village 192 19 The Yokosuka line west Oi gt Shinagawa 190 19 Capital folium Kasai seaside park gt new wooden place 190 19 The Odakyu line Setagaya Daita gt lower Kitazawa 190 22 The Oume line west Tachikawa gt Tachikawa 181

        • 700。 。我把基地和出板,甚至在你我知道我的七百零一瓦特功能的手机玩火车在一个拥挤的其他职等,他们听我的 700 You who are entered and left the board are off base w The wa which can know identity 701 That carrying fumbling by the full streetcar hears even in ru OL
          • 滚装船也将被降方式从拥挤的火车另一方面,一篮子不禁感到一些关键○盖伊 Even from the fact that the partner is made to lower from the full streetcar specially It cannot avoid feeling ki ○ guy what

        • 877 Yokattara那么,是什么原因,它甚至可能站态度恶劣或智能手机值得Tsuka吮吸什么时候?什么承认或部分积累不文明的举止礼仪等事物或某人打癌症与确认 877 When is possible to be that when the smart phone is made to pierce muka manner violation applying also reason consists Because the cancer gun you attached you beat with manner violation when Such a ones it accumulates as the manner being recognized
          • 因为你永远活在做猴子可以打败iPhone,不是你刚刚学会了如何在跳动时,智能手机与 It lives in the monkey and simultaneous therefore it is When whether it is beaten with iphone when is the smart phone just operated being beaten It was understood it is it is not
          • 因此Yokattara 877,它甚至可能站态度恶劣或有什么值得Tsuka理论吮吸我吗?什么承认或部分积累不文明的举止礼仪等事物或某人打癌症与确认 877 When it is possible to be that muka it makes be attached manner violation applying we also reason consists Because the cancer gun you attached you beat with manner violation when Such a ones it accumulates as the manner being recognized
          • 我认为599甚至不再关心?我的意思是,我觉得我有一个计划是确定他们杀合击败→注→ 599 Even note it stopped doing it is it is not Even note gt you fight and gt are killed With the diagram which is said is formed and the kind of feeling which the chi ya tsu te is does
          • 此外,公司员工驱动tTA松川浩商店(45)我要教的,我打一个人先逃生的蛋糕附表迅速 Then Hiro office worker Matsukawa which is beaten 45 teaching but when the person is beaten it escapes quickly it is

        • 891空气庄园神道埋马祖克拉姆!然后,垫不Sumatofonpaddo是好还是不好,是我苏,是吧?我可以尊重他们更慷慨的填充和电影坚持从公开精神病患者撤回的第一个电话我就躲在小 891 As for the air manner shintoism believer being buried the ro It is the ma smart phone pad afterwards it is good but the pad you permit becoming is no what The blindfold film pasting in the small telephone from ru inward mental patient You can respect the person who the pad has been done grandly magnanimously
          • 891空气庄园神道埋马祖克拉姆!然后,垫不Sumatofonpaddo是好还是不好,是我苏,是吧?我可以尊重他们更慷慨的填充和电影坚持从公开精神病患者撤回的第一个电话我就躲在小 891 As for the air manner shintoism believer being buried the ro It is the ma smart phone pad afterwards it is good but the pad you permit becoming is no what The blindfold film pasting in the small telephone from ru inward mental patient You can respect the person who the pad has been done grandly magnanimously

        • 982田园都市前当然,我无法控制他们不工作了,新的平行线
          Front [sure] 982 Don't you think? the garden city line does not become, unless the parallel new line it makes, how anymore

          • Garake iPhone是不是这个恼人的琐事行动声音你听到这么千穗胡志明゚゚
            iPhone there is no operation sound Because [ho] ゚ [chiho] ゚ [chi] sound does [garake], annoyance This bean knowledge

            • Gokurousan 46分钟单程每新宿早上从瓦特东村我不是通过更好了!做一个www

              • iPhone和有一个被谈论的方式,工作周,让令人印象深刻的方式操作手机,顾客累了 iPhone is the disturbance while doing a story that Impression it is work and the fatigue which are operated as though but it is the disturbance to the portable telephone
                • IPhone至少良好,没有发现古人类的一个大的人,所以我坚持,我希望 At least therefore iPhone it was found well that the great human is not in the person whom you insist that it is to call is
                • 如果iPhone可以做任何事情!下车逍遥法外!犯罪活动是允许的?艾达说,并不是要强调出来,可能 If there is iPhone it is possible regardless It becomes also the indulgence Also crime behavior is permitted It is the spirit with to it may propose
                • 志位iPhone很长的通勤时间悲伤,成人不能忍受那么多愚蠢的篡改 Thing of the extent which fumbles iPhone in long commuting time cannot be allowed It is sad for the foolish adult to be
                • 我将使用iPhone燃气嘿,他们是从这么多,他们让我用他的双手笨拙的肩膀愤怒 iPhone using the ru person tsu te using the both hands unshapely being able to upset the shoulder because the ru person is many

              • IPhone我将使用他,你最有可能看起来像根仓?嗯,这是我完全主观超过Ginaiga
                The eye phone using, the [ru] person, there is no 89 [nekura] [tsu] [po] [ku] in ten? Well this is no more than completely we subjectivity, but

                • IPhone的PSP或DS,但我仍然喜欢他做的疯狂朱达罗门附近,如果你知道或吊革Tteru座位的位置,并确保稳定的充满活力的Zaiyonaー As for the eye phone however still it is good DS or PSP the za which applies to be Sitting down stable having been located and guaranteeing with the ru or the 吊 leather If it is understood but doing near the door the ro which the ru person or the head is strange and is
                  • 在大体积来在内部儿童7,PSP的游戏,有时我 7 The child at big volume has played PSP inside the company the time it is

                • M9公路( ·ω·`)东村现在更侧重于四郎的菖蒲节正在举行?
                  m9 (' Ω `) More in Higashi Murayama attention margin Presently, it is in the midst of iris festival holding!

                  • NULL As for the large principle major premise of course as for violence of useless without fail however it is … Self mode inside of a plane mode using because it is confusing Around the silver seat you think that the fact that you avoid after all is the manner of the adult Because it is also such around the silver seat “please turn off power” it was standardized With the air which looked at the article which is said former times somewhere does if misunderstanding gomennasai When it is noted temporarily to the method which does confusing behavior there is an explanatory obligation whether it is it is not Sound was put out from that it is it is not kana Then “manner violation the description that coherence is agreeable you noted” In any case it is the article which will not be been very clear don t you think Therefore iPhone however it is to think that with there is no story which is said …
                    • 这是一个明确的立场和采取的积极李下冠说是并不过分的旧模式被称为无线电模式下,所有524岁的自我, 524 From former times the self mode tsu te is said altogether does not put out the radio wave which the mode which From former times calling the crown not correcting under the Japanese plum don t you think is

                  • PSP的石川很像他的背包忙得不可开交,数据统计iPhone一幢高企吕克只是没有使用Garake背包,即使不使用武力试图创建的空间可以操作,往往都与这双手在他前面不得工作 As for PSP completely both hands The person of the rucksack it is many and IPhone just you use statistically and there is no rucksack ratio high how data As for the rucksack it is many even with garake errand Compulsorily it tries probably to make the space which before by your you can operate with the both hands It does not try probably to make
                    • 绝缘子436 iPhone很像人的手从井田吕克管家,强迫他试图创造一个空间,可以对在前面两双手操纵 436 Or as for iPhone the both hands zu therefore the person of the rucksack it is many and the space which before by your you can operate with the both hands It tries probably to make compulsorily

                  • 一个地方摊牌未来街头霸王,我可以补充瓦特高田马场站
                    In one of confrontation place of next term street fighter, Takeda Baba station additional shelf w

                    • 一旦它被抹去的,这个世界上,连他的iPod或iPhone,我不关心或吸烟

                      • 不文明的举止在家里,最列车,以及槽水平゙大量成熟
                        Generally Trick of the manner with the streetcar and the foam/home, as for trough ゙ [ru] middle to advanced age is many

                        • 东京或者也 东京毕竟 东京真正 是 出丸之内 东京,东京 Daily (·ω·) 在东京,每天富山县查看 捆绑 ,所以东京。 ヽ u003d u003d 今天 东京 在东京或者他们迎接光 yareyare Therefore AND AND Ω Therefore REPT It does the ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                          • 东京或者也 东京毕竟 东京真正 是 出丸之内 东京,东京 Daily (·ω·) 在东京,每天富山县查看 捆绑 ,所以东京。 ヽ u003d u003d 今天 东京 在东京或者他们迎接光 yareyare Therefore AND AND Ω Therefore REPT It does the ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                          • 东京或者也 东京毕竟 东京真正 是 出丸之内 东京,东京 Daily (·ω·) 在东京,每天富山县查看 捆绑 ,所以东京。 ヽ u003d u003d 今天 东京 在东京或者他们迎接光 yareyare Therefore AND AND Ω Therefore REPT It does the ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                        • 为了减轻冲绳的负担,把儿童增加预算赤字和福利支付⇒儿童增加美国的负担,自由的儿童比普天间协议→
                          In order to lighten Okinawa burden, Futenma -> our people American agreement plan compared to burden increase Attaching the provision ⇒ deficit increasing child treatment for the child, to the children

                          • 乘客站在胃,并打手机行动中被捕的男子殴打拥挤的火车在一个拥挤的驱动tTA列车运行iPhone平台的,警司。户冢警署12月14日,荣町,东京都东村山,松川浩先生工人(45岁)是在受伤的嫌疑被捕 By full streetcar man beating arrest of eye phone operation That it raised the stomach to the passenger who operated the portable telephone by the full streetcar beat with the foam home of the station assuming Superintendent On the 14th Tokyo Higashi Murayama city Sakae town suspect Hiro office worker Matsukawa 45 it arrested Totsuka station with injury suspicion
                            • 乘客站在胃,并打手机行动中被捕的男子殴打拥挤的火车在一个拥挤的驱动tTA列车运行iPhone平台的,警司。户冢警署12月14日,荣町,东京都东村山,松川浩先生工人(45岁)是在受伤的嫌疑被捕 By full streetcar man beating arrest of eye phone operation That it raised the stomach to the passenger who operated the portable telephone by the full streetcar beat with the foam home of the station assuming Superintendent On the 14th Tokyo Higashi Murayama city Sakae town suspect Hiro office worker Matsukawa 45 it arrested Totsuka station with injury suspicion

                          • 井,实际上与土地开发相勾结私营铁路公司(无论在其最复杂的房屋)已成功地拟合的房地产公司,雷曼说they m
                            Well, conspiring the private railway corporation company and with that, land development (those to tell the truth most multiple dwelling houses) It is Riemann what that it was successfully set in the real estate agent which it does,

                            • 什么是我做这iphone?它似乎没有那么多抱怨,如果我愿意满足你工作或致电出来呢 What you do with iphone it is the ro which is It speaks by telephone with yell with kana and others anyhow If it operates little by little extent however complaint the air which is not the extent which is said does
                              • 什么是这个问题,它是否有一个问题,如果你打电话 With the tsu lever concerning the latest problem If it speaks by telephone there is a problem

                            • 今天,这是愚蠢的,争取老人躺在椅子在我睡着下跌东西在后面w是一个坏的傻子,但我睡觉,我几乎挤满 With the east west line of today and the return in the chair being side sleep the fool and the old boy have become in quarrel w Almost although it was the full house sleeps the fool is bad but it is
                              • 百分之东西花了好几天看一三iPhone凯塔感痛苦我有彩色屏幕是妇女,但您将使用的车辆 Using iPhone which is happened to see with the east west line of 3 day ago at inside of car of car however the ru woman was The picture cracking te color it is in sense it was painful

                            • 他意识到,这21或224或223从第一次使用,我不会 223 21 224 The person where the air is attached to such probably will not use from beginning and

                              • 代表一分钟,他们说你670,并获得一个自由世界的多数反对瓦特的拳北梁固执一两个疾病只是社会习俗中

                                • 但大声愚蠢Gukotono托盘゙゙烧平等的一个重要条件,所有的权力的Burgers

                                  • 但我有伞的人阅读此移动操作臂和一个松散的伞,在这里并不多,你必须触摸尖端振荡 Putting the umbrella on the arm however the person whom it carries operates and or the book it reads it is The umbrella shaking shakily there is many a thing which the peak mentions this

                                    • 体质,出来前,碰撞带一本书驱动tTA肘部,背部弯曲前卫盛况后,才恩,我都买不到,感到震惊从周围Dzui With the gigantic figure to extend the elbow which had the book before as for the back bending backward to rear Approximately from you grimace and 蹙 buy and completely you do not become aware
                                      • 渐渐地佩戴武器,国家成了夫人站在旁边有人不小心刷罢工小康 Gradually the arm becoming tired it became a state where absent mindedly the elbow iron saddle wa it makes in the 伯母 san which is side

                                    • 你是否注意到,一边是我的注意,这意味着我不知道如何围绕不舒服 The side which is noted by his being noted with something the meaning around of thinking unpleasantly does not understand kana whether ru
                                      • 我们没有判断什么人会关闭,那么他们可能已经不舒服,他的行为 You do not understand the person who is cut off in something is and there probably are also times when his own behavior has made unpleasant and

                                    • 你越兴奋站在所有145架苏杀死我的感受,因为国防意义的自我

                                      • 健全了移动电话,耳机声音泄漏,离开座位的首选食品废弃物使用及不当使用和优先座位,化妆, Sound of carrying to put out telephone call a sound leak of the earphone and use with the preferential seat Eating and drinking and leaving of rubbish and improper use of make up and preferential seat
                                        • 据说,有嘈杂的音乐托梅罗另外,如果我把耳塞和耳机不健全的东西出来 Attaching the earphone where nothing is put out sound to the ear plug substituting the cod Because it is noisy there is a thing where music stop

                                      • 列车移动电话上收拾iPhone(iPhone),或在避免触及人一有行动,我认为需要的蛋糕wwww“火车”拥挤与我做了什么 它肯定烦人 Inside the full streetcar of rising portable telephone iPhone the eye phone in the man who was operated With just operation manner violation or wwww When the tsu te you think you do by the “full streetcar” … As for that the wa which certainly is annoyance
                                        • 这篇文章得罪了乘客站在拥挤的火车经营移动电话的是它混淆 In the passenger who operated the portable telephone by the full streetcar raising the stomach As for this article it is understood the zu leprosy

                                      • 厨房里是不是有偏见的态度,只是说有既是正确万阿缛在立法上的权利和处罚

                                        • 哎呀,布鲁氏菌,如何成熟Eeeee我将集中讨论游戏WWW的铀(`Д )合作゙Ruaa
                                          The [te] or bull ceramics, the [u] [ze] [e] it can be able be able to obtain, www It can concentrate on the tournament and is (`д ') [ko] ゙ [ruaa

                                          • 哦,我还是如何把中央的路线是否可能会说这是繁忙时间所造成的挤塞在东京↑可怕,这个200%西武新宿将是一个强有力的人物,说ü网上调查的150%和150年以前,刺激的时候以为是百分之二百的力量,预计交通挤塞 “你听的方式下,”并指出 You do still or the a … As for problem say that it occurred in the time zone whose commuting rush is terrible even inside capital The ↑ perhaps it probably is the central line but with this the degree of congestion 200 the expectation which becomes the number which is said strongly Because the Seibu Shinjuku line the 150 strongly was even in investigation of several years ago When of the time zone is thought it is expected that it was congestion of 150 the 200 gt That “please protect the manner” you noted
                                            • 西武新宿线在别人眼里我在火车上我看了很多的混合车针的家伙我是新闻読成恭然从意识的宣传,一个人进入 As for the Seibu Shinjuku line the saintly teaching newspaper reading the ru person is many but Being packed reading in the ru streetcar because it did not enter into the eye of others in the advertisement viewing

                                          • 嘿,大小和兰花还透露一个又一个这样说呢?那么,60%的毛national ll白痴也支持日本民主党这几天是很自然的结果看宁滚装船
                                            Unless either such a thing is said one by one, the combining [e] of format viewing? Well, the Democratic party to support also 6 tenths, in Japan of these days of [chi] [ya] [u] national entire idiotic conversion the 寧 [ro] real the proper result?

                                            • 噪声的影响。且仅当当前操作是垂直Madashimo“守Rimasho礼仪”,或者是什么?即使孩子对什么是“礼仪社会”作为一个罢工或不是的话,我听到和U你不好吧,我篦式“取代以”礼仪是什么? 騒 It discharges if rather It just operated “the manner is protected the better yo ” what Biting with anything the ri changing and viewing which it makes “the manner” Furthermore because saying you do not hear when you beat as a society member as for “the manner”
                                              • 噪声的影响。且仅当当前操作是垂直Madashimo“守Rimasho礼仪”,或者是什么?即使孩子对什么是“礼仪社会”作为一个罢工或不是的话,我听到和U你不好吧,我篦式“取代以”礼仪是什么? 騒 It discharges if rather It just operated “the manner is protected the better yo ” what Biting with anything the ri changing and viewing which it makes “the manner” Furthermore because saying you do not hear when you beat as a society member as for “the manner”

                                            • 四百五十八瓦特Fabyori疼痛的nigga做宽度w的大谎喜欢单手操作的基本锦鲤同一个Tsuka
                                              458 That [huabiyo] [ri] [tsu] [pu] [ri] w of what Don't you think? one hand operation basis or large lie densely it is at that width of the handle, - w

                                              • 因为无论多么拥挤的这项新318老兄在。 。我在做瓦特折叠Hayo聪他们之所以不,我不,我不知道他们说什么或弹出的方式,尽快在所有移动的年龄 318 Even this otsusan how with the full house new Snapping it has been popular w There is no meaning which you do not know it is year With something it became carrying whether immediately the manner you propose
                                                • 如果说我混乱的方式“(对我)美国停止它的地方看起来景观扎塔”你是真的吗? Because the manner how you say it becomes complicated it is Because the u za tsu you want “for me as a scenery stop” When truth densely the ro which is

                                              • 图片网址等笨重的iPhone是什么意思?我混在拥挤的火车不知道为什么找去操作弹道导弹在高雄 The iPhone tsu te such the tsu which is not bulky it does the yo Being packed by the full streetcar as for ru it is understood but High with operation the kire ru reason is from the wa
                                                • 514 在拥挤的火车昨日上午8 00在三,但我不知道 514 gt The portable telephone was operated by the full streetcar gt 14th around 8 o clock in the morning As for lower three it is from the wa
                                                • iphone列车拥挤仍然冷淡对更好的PSP,因为我就是那个做什么?瓦特 When it is about iphone still mashi Doing PSP calmly by the full streetcar even the ru person it is it is w
                                                • 图片网址等笨重的iPhone是什么意思?我是混合充满不知道为什么就发现高雄单元操作 The iPhone tsu te such the tsu which is not bulky it does the yo Being packed by the full streetcar as for ru it is understood but High with operation the kire ru reason is from the wa

                                              • 在718,现在不舒服,但也没有只存款卡诺Tamotsu重量驱动tTA坏击败了来自立刻感觉,“我会注意,我就是那个恼人的”顺便说一句,“我会照顾大家“这是什么态度刑事击败他,我对犯罪避免顺便万维网 718 Because so it became hateful feeling beating Although the whole it is not the case that heavily it is deposited because it became unpleasant “Annoyance the person the ze tsu te we noting” “the ze tsu te noting for everyone” Beating the person who commits manner violation whether committing the manner www
                                                • 苏不会动摇你这样的态度,并从社会正义吗?理论与他们能做什么打扰别人纳克雅 Because it swings the manner in social justice it becomes like this it is it is not The annoyance applying ke ya what to have done in others saying theory and simultaneous

                                              • 在包装的火车,平装本,只是太多的滋扰漫画@田园都市移动
                                                In streetcar of full house, k tie and cartoon and publisher's series about the all same annoyance @ garden city line

                                                • 在当天上午面条和西武新宿线疯狂我玩弄iPhone

                                                  • 在联系个人空间几乎为零的情况,我想我不能停止思考丝毫动作和声音 In adhesive state Personal space almost zero tsu te In circumstance just trivial operation and sound becoming matter of concern it probably will be helpless

                                                    • 在重组工作中赔偿民事索赔→→第一章预计处置后,旧的缓刑罪犯或者飞入房间去边远地区或倒塌首页→公司历史汇编。你的意思是45岁的马是在一餐离婚,而泡沫的一代
                                                      [otsusan] of the assailant it expects after that Stay of execution dealing -> the indemnity it is claimed with civil affair -> the or company history compilation room which at the workplace is thrown to the restructuring or remote region to go, -> home crumbling. With divorce [meshiuma] 45 year old [tsu] levers the bubble generation it puts out,

                                                      • 大单,不拥挤的天空从来没有比池袋西武新宿线线DQN DQN居民并不多线
                                                        When you compare to the Seibu Shinjuku line how Ikebukuro line, large doing, it is not congested The DQN route where the DQN resident is many simply

                                                        • 如果你已经不再是不一致Kisure行参数正确后车厢麻烦麻烦也要求健全漏1

                                                          • 如果你留言,抱怨Iitaku鱿鱼来到我的头,才闭上你的限制针对手机行动背后的家伙在一个拥挤的火车吗? In limit close full streetcar person of your rear Portable telephone operating you throw to your own head and or one word complaint would like to call It is

                                                            • 如果你觉得我可能后悔,如果我可以改变越智小时以后我有时间在这方面努力 Such a thing being Rear one hour going to work time slipping when you think that cod wochi it is possible and cannot know high it is vexatious is

                                                              • 如果滨崎步地电话前细胞而工作方式,老人说他妈的陌生人突然切断北见知地走动,并告诉丢弃之前部分投资用于移动回升 While carrying operating before when you were walking the road you walked before you do not recognize The pop was cut off suddenly and the ri which is sown carrying picking up was dumped

                                                                • 它强迫他人擅自作出规定,或有什么样的制裁,我们将不铁拳卫吗?我也做一件好事,使规则?我也是一个很好的殴打,他们也没有洙对不对? Making rule selfishly in others that Forcing unless it protects iron fist sanction or some way intention it is Rule it is possible to make something we When it does not protect naturally to be possible to beat it is
                                                                  • 任意性的规则,使地方,广大市民原谅当事情变得峨制裁,因为没有守,它会更容易,更易于管理的企业职工 When that it makes selfish local rule and that becomes unable to protect sanction That when it gives it is permitted in the ordinary citizen Enterprise and the like becomes easy to manage the worker to a greater extent probably will be

                                                                • 当你在周围Madashimo秃摇滚ipad公司iPhone小提琴,比萨饼是愉快的发言邪恶古

                                                                  • 我一句你突然发疯空气可读的一半心半意,不是吗?科学的角度对

                                                                    • 我希望巴西或单轨铁路或船,如果你把选择的经济衰市区其他一些事情我很峨但后来我还分发了662人,如果你往来的直升机从该国宽但我 662 Dispersion When so so it does economy of the urban district becomes weak don t you think Although what there should have been choices of the other vehicle Monorail or boat Because Brazil the country is wide however the person who has commuted by the helicopter it is
                                                                      • 国家人口过于集中的东京,在东京做更多事情的Burgers差异不寻常的一个人登上一列火车如果我说这是从交换结束溢出攻击日本的导弹只是lean ll留待 The te saying or the extent person who overflows in the streetcar riding ru thing is abnormal It concentrates on population Tokyo too much The citizen should disperse more The several of missiles shot it just is shot Japan it ends as it is now in Tokyo

                                                                    • 我摸了它,我得到了从附近的警戒范围氯化钾Seshi追得太快的车!马祖是一个积极的Jijii抓获这些疯狂日子。木敲厨房 That car has oversped speed the empty overtaking width doing to move aside when noting and awakening it is the contact red sandal wood Recently such jijii being caught the shelf… the kichigai righteousness 厨 ku wa rose ku wa rose
                                                                      • 不,我认为是更好的垃圾走出二战我不想太石窟内流动厨房 Well as for the rubbish you think that it is the method which produces the hand ww We do not want either the portable 厨 going outside however

                                                                    • 我期待完全不同地点的天气,并表示地方表达过我你会吹口哨这Shimoochiai→西武新宿线高田马场243
                                                                      243 The Seibu Shinjuku line Depreciation combination -> Takeda Baba It does with in case of the [tsu] lever [re] local, the [yo] The local and bullet train quasi- emergency it is packed and condition is different at all

                                                                      • 我站在雷曼前面我30岁写东西或iPhone编织成在一个拥挤的火车 By the full streetcar what you write in the eye phone The Riemann about of 30 years old stood before we eye
                                                                        • 这是完整的权力。我不会容忍邪恶是最好的!它甚至没有座位安全带法例和行动 This tsu te full electricity It is worst to have acquiesced Being seated seat belt use legislation margin

                                                                      • 我觉得文章 将完全治愈一列车上的联系把酱油是不是怀疑断手部受伤严重的消极玛拉月 It tried searching the related article gt Suspect Hiro Matsukawa of the office worker 14th 8 o clock in the morning before with the Seibu Shinjuku line Takeda Baba station beating the face of the man of the office worker gt Making the streetcar contact doubt of the injury which makes the serious injury owe which snaps the hand of complete cure 1 month has
                                                                        • 上学的时候,有没有空间后,苏新宿线滚装手了我的门,以螺丝为框架的身体在上面的门另一方面采取西武,2006 5 12 School days trying probably to board to the rush Seibu Shinjuku line using the hand on top of the door framework you screwed in the body but After the door puts away there is no space which lowers this hand

                                                                      • 拉什组成了西武新宿线,第一次在车内拥挤的快车线是不是一个小时的火车,尤其是不平常
                                                                        Because the way of congestion of inside of car of car of the rising line of time of rush hour of the Seibu Shinjuku line and inside of car of car of the especially bullet train is not Hirotune

                                                                        • 杉并区←岁的公司职员的高田马场)家场站西武新宿线新宿(49击败了受害者带来严重的消极马拉←
                                                                          Foam/home of Shinjuku Ku Seibu Shinjuku line Takeda Baba station <- Actual place The Suginami Ku man office worker (49) you beat, made the serious injury owe <- the victim

                                                                          • 杏杏庄园庄园庄园庄园杏杏杏杏杏纳马纳马纳马杏杏杏纳马纳马纳马杏杏杏纳马纳马纳马杏杏纳马庄园庄园庄园庄园杏杏杏杏杏杏庄园庄园庄园庄园庄园庄园杏杏杏资源杏杏庄园庄园庄园庄园杏杏杏庄园庄园安妮
                                                                            Reference material Apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner Apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner [nama] apricot [nama] apricot [nama] apricot [nama] apricot [nama] apricot [nama] apricot [nama] apricot [nama] apricot [nama] apricot [nama] apricot Apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner Apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner apricot manner

                                                                            • 松川浩先生(45)杉并区的老公司的员工(49)哦,好年景(Ry的

                                                                              • 林奇痛在道义上的责任相同功率的讲话是我们应该张贴,不得改变战前Waranai民族体育

                                                                                • 沉默 它完全地,他仔细←这不是在附近工作的银表是空泛的故事真正朱达罗没有时间或有一个相对空白在交通高峰时间,如果我不知道的细节什么? 银片约在相当长的工作,他们的立场,并呼吁已与良好的工作,火车是在经营方式的水平,人们觉得不好 Completely silent it operated at the place where it is not around the silver seat the ro which lt this as for the person who notes as expected is not and is The article being too ambiguous details are unclear When rushing being relative being the time zone which has been less crowded It operated around shirubashito At rather close position it operated with possession sound It operated at inside of car of car at the level where such as telephone call the person who feels manner violation is
                                                                                  • 从这一点你手,右边是在正确的座位,但我会忽略愤怒Ppokatta那么我想我的父亲看到自己什么朱达罗Iteta相对空第一个音符的面孔 With the seat of right hand edge it operates with the right hand the empty As for such point by yourself you note In the first place relatively it has been less crowded thinking as the ro which is empty what when the face of the father you see Something getting angry the ru tsu po you applied However you ignored well

                                                                                • 玩游戏或在西武新宿线使用他们的移动Yabekutteru拥挤的火车在一个家伙,我就杀了你

                                                                                  • 现在,电梯底部Gattara销售iPhone,苹果公司的一名工人,我可以要求赔偿驱动tTA商店

                                                                                    • 瓦兰和垃圾一样,我和一个有趣的包装培训,阅读杂志我会说没有,我会想,很可能在这里要强调的冲突和壊固体绝缘绝缘体被拥挤的火车疼痛 If the full streetcar and it is not the magazine reading when the ru however the strange straw it is empty such annoyance you do not think When it is the full streetcar it is hard and it is painful when and this strikes it may break it becomes putting out stress
                                                                                      • 各方要了解什么是恼人的情况如何注册?在一个拥挤的列车重量,让他 Sign language saying noisily to have understanding circumstance in the party how it should have done In full streetcar prudence margin

                                                                                    • 相位噪声Giwouke气味库后立即接受,在茂木国家图书馆大声气味都在为无家可归的发病率是一个公害的设施和在东京都政府,东京,公共交通如果使用臭人,逮捕允许,很可能会提交一份修订都市滋扰
                                                                                      In the library, it receives the stench noise which follows one another, Tokyo corresponds with annoyance prevention regulations In Metropolitan Assembly Accepting the thing where the stench noise by the homeless peolpe in the library of entire country occurs frequently, As for Tokyo, when the person who shoots stench to the public facility and transportation utilizes, In order to be able to make the arrest object, it seems that submits amendment plan of annoyance prevention regulations to the Metropolitan Assembly

                                                                                      • 联邦储备委员会的兴趣,世界废纸像罗斯柴尔德金融房子犹太人的后裔:“我是Goimu管辖奴役鳄鱼世界!成为心脱离了满了,富有成效的土地”和根归根到底人的心。“珍惜这两个我们剥夺了整体,他们合不杀竞争,如果罗斯柴尔德被剥夺的利益,如纸张的浪费,石油产品的个人电脑,游戏〜移动系统,为垃圾珍惜这样的“精神和与我丢下踢对方冲世界鳄鱼

                                                                                        • 自然或不但这是殴打wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww定制徽章wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww我可以说我奥莱wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww But as for ma a this being beaten the proper wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww To some extent margin refuse wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Saying even with me ru wa wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                                          • 菅直人,鸠山由纪夫,小泽一郎,石原慎太郎,麻生太郎,小泉纯一郎嵴
                                                                                            菅 Naoto, Yukio Hatoyama, Ichiro Ozawa, Sintarou Ishihara, Taro Aso, Junichiro's Koizumi house crest

                                                                                            • 西武新宿线车喜欢这个家伙,当我08,如果被判处死刑或驱逐来自东京,我很血腥
                                                                                              Such person banishes from Tokyo, or should have made capital punishment 8 o'clock the Seibu Shinjuku line of the stand has made bloody, it is

                                                                                              • 西武新宿线,早晨从农村集体运输土豆,晚上返回发送货运线苏土豆瓦特
                                                                                                The freight-traffic line w which the Seibu Shinjuku line = morning transports [imo] in large quantities from countryside, as for the night returns [imo

                                                                                                • 观看的人一年里,我和周围的Dacchuuno搞砸一边缘关系,我是庄园的一些工作中为什么用竹 NULL
                                                                                                  • 我避免我很疯狂,我称之为工作呢 If telephone call anyhow Something of the things which it operates is manner violation kichigai

                                                                                                • 该修订条例还针对波兰逮捕作为公众使用的地方钉即使

                                                                                                  • 走出来,如果我尝试老兄所有知识尽管混合寻找一名警卫突然在车站,而无需担心什么时候火车和欧巴桑或权力机构和固定站将是按在下次瓦特Dattarou因为我有许多恼人的小大行李,这是不可能做任何事情,而我将流浪我耀西河内不,我真的对莫无 The streetcar riding being careless te time in the air starting being packed suddenly with the station which is the cod Being pushed with that following station it is locked the body to completely unfamiliar otsusan and obasan it is it is w The baggage just a little being many when the wax which is large annoyance does how whether it is good being perplexed what stopping impossible inside the ru The ho it is with how it will do it was not

                                                                                                    • 路线名称,如果甜拥塞率相比,山手线Betara还累。拥塞区间2003 2004 2005 2006 JR山手线(外)157 157 158 159 216 223西武新宿线高田马场→216→216 Shimoochiai上野御徒町

                                                                                                      • 这一消息,“iPhone”而不是“移动”据报道,雅虎新闻和评论(节选)我有一个抛 This news thought of yahuniyusu where “iPhone” were not and announced as the “portable telephone” excerpt But which both what
                                                                                                        • 火车上的交响情人梦,步行宠坏了,但没有,我可以用我的爱等了公众的立场,如果这是一个手机不再需要 Although medium useless of the streetcar walking when useless it is the public place halting using useless with this it is not necessary already to be the portable telephone
                                                                                                        • 香椎是出于口袋亏损5000亿日元的不良电池松下手机921 921 Matsushita the portable electric battery being defective putting out the loss of 50 000 000 000 Yen is bosom or the forcing

                                                                                                      • 这一行动得到周围的方式在一个拥挤的火车或弹出,但我知道,不文明的举止不穿熟悉的天空,可在 As for the removal and operation by the full streetcar becoming the disturbance around it is understood but it is Being less crowded it is not recognized well that telephone call in ru state is manner violation
                                                                                                        • 397 ipad公司是一个拥挤的火车或避免,以确保足够的w在企图谋杀,但不 397 By full streetcar as for iPad certainly manner violation shelf w So it is not the extent which is done to attempted murder

                                                                                                      • 这家伙是一个受害者飞机iPhone m剥夺我希望我有配备瓦特壊扑我会很伤感列入这样我可以得到 Victim confronting callous some iPhone taking if smashing up it is w It can confute the one mentally probably will be

                                                                                                        • 集团。多数认为粮食相当感人的年龄,我被暴露在公众的真正性质和我认真upplysning自来水Bakauyo
                                                                                                          Group. It did to hit and the 曝 [ke] put out did [tsu] [te] [ru] [bakauyo] which is sown and true character with presence of the public? Sorrowfulness is felt in the place where the same age is called cannibalism

                                                                                                          • 驱动tTA商店公司的雇员在法庭上,“iPhone是在火车上避免使用任何电话和电子邮件,不仅分歧,Ttemashita不对我说,”我现在让我道歉 In the office worker whom you beat at the court “The fact that iPhone is used inside the streetcar if telephone call and the mail are excluded at all is not manner violation I increased by mistake” The tsu te make apologize
                                                                                                            • 无论iPhone,ipad公司的火车回家我扮演的是一个真正愚蠢的人,看到我会做你瓦特认为古Kakoii好虚荣s As for iPhone however how it is good fumbling iPad with the streetcar foam home as for ru Being serious it is visible in manuke w Main person of that to see and prosper and be good and think as kakoii the combining of the ru
                                                                                                            • 飞机,火车,你正在使用iPhone的家伙,我已经习惯了在飞机模式 IPhone has been used the person who uses inside the airplane and the streetcar in inside of a plane mode it is

                                                                                                          • 驱动tTA殴打他充分的权力来解决他们回来侮辱马里这样发生在我看起来非常粗鲁可笑高注1正义感当W恼人的家伙谁是什么,如果不好,病人仍嗯,我想他们会喜欢卫 Without being patient accidentally such by your at the time of the high seeing as for designating the person who is beaten as hurubotsuko humor w Well whoever how seeing when annoyance the person notes in the justice impression the impoliteness it does not become extreme being insulted even then That you were patient however you think that kana and others it is great well
                                                                                                            • 驱动tTA殴打他充分的权力没有得到很好解决他们回来像这种情况发生在我什么,如果看一个可笑的高度注意的正义感,他瓦特恼人的是谁,病人仍是非常粗鲁的侮辱马里阿尔卡蒂嗯,我想他们会喜欢卫 Without being patient accidentally such by your at the time of the high seeing as for designating the person who is beaten as hurubotsuko humor w Well whoever how seeing when annoyance you pay attention to the person in the justice impression the impoliteness it does not become extreme being insulted even then That you were patient however you think that kana and others it is great well

                                                                                                          研究 開発