1“口袋香椎昭和”日本NHK Gegege评级妻子的20个评级从研究的广泛支持至少%s逐渐超过它,它看起来很滑稽的东西水城 1 “Showa bosom or forcing” NHK Wife of gegege Gradually from lowest audience rating the support expanding audience rating 20 exceeding That tsu te something Mizuki it does the cartoon itself shelf of the ge ru
只有〇七分钟多次帮助解除收视率上升了15%,我也想这样做时多,陈 15 minute advance supports rise just are the 7 audience rating when it is We wanted doing even at the time of the multi sections
1个评分凯塔的邪恶?该剧通常看到的唯一原因,这是从小看第一,或有兴趣Iteta或绘图贷款,这是水城漫画父母讲,我听说他们没有战争的武装这一点,所以我不会告诉゙熙儒゙我不认为 1 Audience rating it was bad Usually drama you do not see but just this from first sees but Because the reason from time of the child had become familiar in Mizuki cartoon there was an interest The loan book has drawn in the war the one arm saying you had heard but so hi ゙ nho ゙ is with you did not think
239:Shisan名无@ 10周年:2010 / 06 / 15(星期二)20:43:11编号:lHylcaX70 1 +晚上18限量版重拍一个真正的希望“墓地妻子”“Gegege没有乳房,”但我希望↑影音朱达罗现在在[茹Kekeke妻子; 239 : Name it is not @ tenth anniversary: 2010/06/15 (fire) 20: 43: 11 ID: lHylcaX70
In real edition of 18 prohibited nighttime limitations [rimeiku] desired shelf
“Grave yard wife”
However it is good even with “the breast of [gegege]”
Directly, the [ro] which comes out with AV and is
420 2通道是一件坏事不宽恕从看NHK的日本人并不多,平均 420
As for 2ch there is no pardon in bad ones NHK as for seeing even Because the Japanese is many
695或科学家,你荻野目高柳裕子博士田中稔一个上午驱动电视的发展将更加接近20年前是什么 695
The scientist rather than, the morning gong of Mr. Takayanagi of television development
As for doing with Youko Tanaka truth and Oginome already being nearly 20 years ago?
每天早上上班前到W看着看着显示瓦特Inotchi的东西一点点后 Something before the going to work w which every morning is seen After that also program of inotsuchi just a little just w which is seen
800我太良好,纪念馆水木,手冢,但我都行驱动tTA,更好的作品数量,水城,我觉得他们认为多Tteru 800 I Mizuki do also the Tezuka commemoration mansion and both it has done even to the ge ru commemoration mansion but work numerically Mizuki it does and the ge ru is more that thinking whether it is it is not the ru
难道他们不超过手冢的工作,也许?哈希先生手冢除了她的去世早古 By chance doing it is more than the Tezuka work it is it is not As for Tezuka other than quick The dying fleeing ku the tsu chi ya tsu it is to do
Gegege没有喜多郎不过,我将动画定期,为什么? 5电视时代哦,我得到了一直没有动画漫画 Nevertheless Onitarou of gegege to animation probably will be converted so periodically with something To TV animation the cartoon tsu te which is converted so so there are no either 5 times don t you think
NHK的节目异常韩国空中接力! “日本的教授,并主持将影响入侵已经出现在2000年的第六届韩国和蒙古,日本被迫驱动tTA日本位移播音员在笑可笑的想法会 NHK Korea it is good and abnormality of yo program “Japan and 2000 Korean Peninsula 6th time Impact of the Mongolian invasion The professor of the calling Japanese who is performed You could smile wryly at the idea where humorous extent of the chairman and the calling Japanese announcer is inclined
NHK的节目异常韩国空中接力! “日本的教授,并主持将影响入侵已经出现在2000年的第六届韩国和蒙古,日本被迫驱动tTA日本位移播音员在笑可笑的想法会 NHK Korea it is good and abnormality of yo program “Japan and 2000 Korean Peninsula 6th time Impact of the Mongolian invasion The professor of the calling Japanese who is performed You could smile wryly at the idea where humorous extent of the chairman and the calling Japanese announcer is inclined
我将展示一个儿子,一个家庭辊一般的我得到了全面的军事退休金,但送了一个儿子谁离开水城疯狂的私生子,90来自租一个孩子洗澡,他的妻子,并愉快地回家,没有哥哥在中韩82工作,看到了写小说的电视连续剧叫,NHK的罪犯“Gegege妻子”收视率(测量时间:8 00至8 15)(关东)15 5 14 8 14 8 01周15 6 15 4 15 8号15 45%的平均每周15 2 15 9 15 3 02 16 5 16 4 16 2平均15 92%16 4 16 3 16 8 15 9周03 17 6 18 2百分之平均16 87的14 8 15 5 15 9 16 9 17 4 〇四周15 7 16 9 16 6平均16 03%的〇五个星期平均16 9 15 9 17 2 16 4 16 65本周06 16 0 16 0 14 3% 90 Although it is the next man with the Mizuki just a little strange person the sending tsu chi ya tsu te ru it seems in the soldier pension all parents home Being seeing glory tsu Hari The eldest son it is not roku the wife and children accompanying in the house of the newly married younger brother married couple is not the ro kind of ku which comes to the bath debt The original offender it seems that the entry which is said was seen 82nd work “Wife audience rating of NHK continual television novel gegege ” measurement time 8 00 8 15 Kanto 01st week 14 8 15 5 14 8 15 6 15 4 15 8 Average 15 45 02nd week 15 2 15 9 15 3 16 2 16 5 16 4 Average 15 92 03rd week 18 2 16 4 16 3 16 8 15 9 17 6 Average 16 87 04th week 14 8 15 5 15 9 16 9 17 4 15 7 Average 16 03 05th week 16 9 16 6 17 2 16 4 15 9 16 9 Average 16 65 06th week 14 3 16 0 16 0 17 0 17 2 16 7 Average 16 20 07th week 16 4 17 6 18 2 18 2 16 8 16 6 Average 17 30 08th week 18 5 16 5 16 5 18 2 18 1 16 6 Average 17 40 09th week 18 2 18 8 17 9 16 8 18 7 15 7 Average 17 68 10th week 18 1 17 9 18 8 17 4 18 5 17 4 Average 18 02 11th week 17 0 17 0 17 6 18 6 18 9 20 4 Average 18 25 Kansai 01st week 10 1 10 9 11 1 10 5 12 0 12 3 Average 11 70 02nd week 12 7 11 2 12 7 13 5 13 5 12 1 Average 12 22 03rd week 13 3 13 3 13 1 13 9 12 8 12 4 Average 13 13 04th week 12 6 13 4 13 3 15 3 13 8 14 2 Average 13 77 05th week 13 1 13 0 14 2 13 1 14 1 14 3 Average 13 63 06th week 12 5 12 6 14 0 15 1 14 9 13 4 Average 13 75 07th week 14 2 14 8 14 8 15 4 14 0 12 9 Average 14 37 08th week 13 8 12 7 14 3 15 2 15 2 15 4 Average 14 43 09th week 16 2 14 7 14 9 14 5 15 9 15 4 Average 15 27 10th week 16 0 15 2 16 1 15 3 16 4 14 0 Average 15 50 11th week 14 7 14 4 15 1 15 2 14 3 15 3 Average 14 83
格格的房子没有消费电子袖珍家具Gitetsumaran瓦特对夫妇的家,但她的姐姐是香椎 As for house of gege furniture shortage passing Tetsu ma viewing w Although bosom it forces to the house of the older sister married couple and there is a home appliance
NULL Tamio Miyake of the chairman and calling Japanese woman analog you are identified the woman whom Intently resistance of the Korean classified by three 抄 “being brave there is a patriotism” That when you think whether with you praised and praised with the first original 寇 In the circumstances where the Japanese military is confused to the difference of how to fight and the difference of the weapon Laughing “at all different now the shank ” That when you think whether and so on with you said The woman of this calling Japanese the Korean haphazardly fluency Standing in the seashore of the end state island that classified by three the 抄 fought lastly Being moved to tears you show with Quite the main thing of merodorama Posturing www Program being last this original 寇 gave to Japan after that influence With at the place where you say “Japan falling in crisis Kamikaze rescues With you say erroneous thought was planted” And so on with meaning kind of that it becomes absurd It does not mention either one word the atrocity of Mongolia and the Korean and the stripe is
NULL Tamio Miyake of the chairman and calling Japanese woman analog you are identified the woman whom Intently resistance of the Korean classified by three 抄 “being brave there is a patriotism” That when you think whether with you praised and praised with the first original 寇 In the circumstances where the Japanese military is confused to the difference of how to fight and the difference of the weapon Laughing “at all different now the shank ” That when you think whether and so on with you said The woman of this calling Japanese the Korean haphazardly fluency Standing in the seashore of the end state island that classified by three the 抄 fought lastly Being moved to tears you show with Quite the main thing of merodorama Posturing www Program being last this original 寇 gave to Japan after that influence With at the place where you say “Japan falling in crisis Kamikaze rescues With you say erroneous thought was planted” And so on with meaning kind of that it becomes absurd It does not mention either one word the atrocity of Mongolia and the Korean and the stripe is
_NULL_ 61
W which is not done because the subsidiary company gains
Continual television novel Grommet (1) girl compilation 15960
Continual television novel Grommet (2) springtime of life compilation Yamagata Tokyo 19950
Continual television novel Grommet (3) ordeal compilation Tokyo Saga 19950
Continual television novel Grommet (4) independent compilation To vagrancy and Ise 19950
Continual television novel Grommet (5) the Pacific war compilation 15960
Continual television novel Grommet (6) recovery compilation 15960
Continual television novel Grommet (7) completion compilation 15960
Total 123690
★★★★★NHK19时间的消息。西田正志胡子和船长要求编辑主题的日本韩国★★★★★★★★★赢得足球的问题不仅甜Masuhagemizupo★★★★★一田,秘书免费凯塔funk和更长的胡子Renho即使Masashi m队长西田也浪费报告等报告★★★★朝鲜对朝鲜成为一个毫无意义的比赛对日本★★★★★影片的新闻★★NHK和新闻机构也没有在19★★★★★0570066066呼叫中心是什么 * * * * * At the time of NHK19 news. With compilation Nisida 昌 as for the question of Osamu and mustache captain in without being
* * * * * Only the question whose Itita general secretary [masuhagemizupo] is sweet
* * * * * In topic of the Japanese soccer victory * * * * Inserting the Japanese game reporting in Korea meaninglessly
* * * * To the North Korean of the North Korean game video report
* * * * * Although it has done to such wasteful reporting, it does not relate and mustache captain and Nisida 昌 Osamu the connected hoe already the [bu], there is no at all
* * NHK coal center * * 0570066066 * * * The formation of news of 19 o'clock it is what, you to remember and even just dissolve and call, telephone margin
* The Liberal Democratic Party paints has telephone all 党員, it is to be the [ji] [ji] to be, the [vu] [o] [ke] As many as 1,000,000 person being, don't you think? what at last it is, it is the [aho] [ke]! !
* * * Lifting Tanigaki and the Nisida parties, the thing says to NHK, the citizen supports
* * In NHK, the nude dance and point the barrel
不过,在第二个女儿学校旅行,他的妻子用自己的“眼睛”的证人,我是说,和水城是直接驱动tTA恩戴喜 10 起始号码 But gt the next woman in study travelling the lady witnesses “eye 々 ream” when the story is done Mizuki rejoicing says that it recovered 10
即使这个连续剧我知道,他们不知道是什么水城层,即使许多人仍然不知道Janakaro Having known Mizuki does this connected gong and nothing thing of the ge ru as for knows the layer which Still assuming that Sawayama it is the ro in wonder
水木家里,妻子说:“我自己来工作的,”建议,足以捏 gt At the Mizuki Family you say that the lady “will by his appear in function ” that it was pinch of the extent which is proposed
世界杯足球 - 瓦/主题 - 日本广播协会的工作人员都是公务舱?一位全日空160万,如果价格回归日本NHK公共关系“是不公开的。” As for NHK staff everyone business class? If ANA proper fee 1 human round trips 1,600,000 The NHK Public Relations Dept. “it has not published”
今天20世纪60年代的约704间监测和遥相和邻居或家庭成员比。凯塔年龄的故事时间的干预是强大?在战争期间?昭和初期?我Kunakatta一切都依赖于家庭的情况,我也可以基金的大学能够在Ku贷款一致奖学金基金会 704 To about 1965 age from now much mutual supervision and phase between family and neighborhood The times when intervention is strong Story of some age During wartime Showa first stage Completely there was no such a thing left and right made home circumstance but as for fund In the education meeting it caused with loan and also it was possible to go to the university
今天20世纪60年代的约709间监测和遥相和邻居或家庭成员比。凯塔年龄的故事时间的干预是强大?在战争期间?昭和初期?我Kunakatta一切都依赖于家庭的情况,我也可以基金的大学能够在Ku贷款一致奖学金基金会 709 To about 1965 age from now much mutual supervision and phase between family and neighborhood The times when intervention is strong Story of some age During wartime Showa first stage Completely there was no such a thing left and right made home circumstance but as for fund In the education meeting it caused with loan and also it was possible to go to the university
从任何方面来说。我只找到龙不可能的,或者说,头发的故事月夜战斗芮体宥地方Kaburenai帽子,或一个男孩或翼舒展你的指挥官系列战役鱼雷中队应 How seeing Although it is visible in only the dragon when it is the moonlight story of the night game which persists The torpedo squadron commander who extends rank and the hair where the hat does not break out Sea fight series of boy game description
从任何方面来说。我只找到龙不可能的,或者说,头发的故事月夜战斗芮体宥地方Kaburenai帽子,或一个男孩或翼舒展你的指挥官系列战役鱼雷中队应 How seeing Although it is visible in only the dragon when it is the moonlight story of the night game which persists The torpedo squadron commander who extends rank and the hair where the hat does not break out Sea fight series of boy game description
他们很少住20世纪60年代和古月是最后井敦促昭和凶猛,一些小学教师的老人仍是看战争古线教室,在谈论战争和真正的一代经历了空袭digit m听到 With the spirit whose Showa is tremendous being past the ku When it is 1965 age origin in the generation where still teacher something of middle age of the small school observed at that it goes to war experienced air raid To real story of war could be heard with class it is
大阪轰炸也关注着前面的人在古恩戴线死于枪火,和“内陆人民遭受战争”的立场,主要的 In addition with the Osaka skies attacking you observe at that with machine gun strafing the person keeps dying before the eye with “receive the damage of war Person of the interior of a country” the standpoint main
但我想说我的意思非322,水城尚未失去自己的信心,“我不是怪物”Be和哭泣。如果你是厌倦,我想把握的情况? 70我收到325学生 322 Something would like to say but meaning non this person Furthermore Mizuki loses self confidence “the ghost how is not it is” With you sigh You have become emaciated if is is circumstance the imaginative handle 325 Seventies living is ru but
神秘的茂木回超过40场战争。父亲的偏执,水城什么材料河内纳卡戏剧有趣的不匹配,我使用一个清新有趣的家伙太费米 The war return 40 it passes mystery The obstinate father using the huemi man refreshingly to drama the mismatch which is converted is funny kana Furthermore Mizuki it does and the ge ru tsu te material is too funny
即使日本昭和世代所以有可能是罪魁祸首,如果朱达罗日本昭和一代,是我现在中饱私囊Kashiin了殖民统治的世界二战的胜利,是错误的,总统的全球领导地位的安倍晋三下面,我良好的生活是在人类历史上前所未有的世界收藏元左右的财富和资源 Somewhere bosom it is to force is
The [ro] which is the prime mover where very the Showa generation does Japan so much
If only the Showa generation it is not
Japan winning overwhelmingly in the Pacific war not to be wrong, to colony it converts the world,
Now under the direction of terrestrial President Abe,
With wealth and the resource which were gathered from the entire world
Luxuriously living before the mankind history sky is does is
原主演山田塔伊蒂639鹤田口子抱歉,“男之旅,”后卫的故事藤逐渐迫使其余的生活杀手谈一谈的作用 639
[gomen] Tsuruta Kouji starring Yamada it is thick with “journey of the men” of one original story with respect to part Story [zu] and others of special virtue party survivor guard Gradually
变态漫游在高,低扩散的街头儿童色情日夜,它成为不可能是安全的,甚至在外面玩耍的孩子和现在 The pervert loitered throughout the city with inundation of the child pornography without the day and night [ku] [ma], now felt at rest and even even being able to lay idle the child at outside stopped impossible
变薄的阴影,因为看超级花子议员大屎巴巴的高畑淳子,是不是遗憾多 The shadow became thin with consequence of transcendent face deca- droppings [babaa] of high field Ziyunko's,
The multi section not yet bloom children are pitiful
古多的字符显示为字符从854独特的宠物小精灵,是与日本相比耀西基诺我猜驱动tTA交配 854 As for that much the character which has feature appearing many Because pokemon it is a match the Japanese of kiyara lover fell don t you think it is probably will be
只有两个从快乐购没有贫穷,但火车进入每个驱动tTA后面口袋方之一是好的,中间非常繁忙 Because so it was poor Only 2 you could buy inserted 1 at a time in the pocket of the rear end and rode in the streetcar it is good but From the middle large congestion
我想他们是有趣和滑稽的喜剧奇怪的是知道什么是错的贫困女青年的类似117无忧无虑的气氛中 117 The strange strange feeling that change comical something your that girl is poor with easygoing atmosphere becoming the te it is funny you think that it is
可爱的偶像安娜和远程高的女总理她平均每天在地面的最佳性爱大田瓦特 With Prime Minister Ota day as for the form which lines up with tele high height woman analog highest [ero] w with the ground wave
因为电视是一种浪费设备大规模反日宣传,观众和电视,因为它指出苏位代理人收到的订单来自中国韩国 Because the television to be the propaganda device of the anti-Japanese mass rubbish,
The viewer of the television support 那 thing of the operative who receives order from Korea
Because it points
因此,该金额是不是795大风扇呢?这笔款项将不会像手冢全集 795 But the large fan so as for the quantity it is not because It does not reach the Tezuka complete works like quantity probably will be
因此,该金额是不是792大风扇呢?这笔款项将不会像手冢全集 792 But the large fan so as for the quantity it is not because It does not reach the Tezuka complete works like quantity probably will be
在上午Dorawota,他们的个人品味和民望伐丽流说,我知道这是一般的相反,我期待秃头现在看基达常吕耀西 But with morning [dorawota], audience rating and the popularity which are said generally as for your own taste the truth opposite like
We bald [ge] [ge] is the current place lover
境港,该基地是拉朝鲜和日本之间运输货物。由于制裁不是唱闲古鸟 Sakaiminato city was the North Korean and Japan goods transport base, but 拉. After the sanctioning
The cuckoo had called
天堂在绝望中,他们遭到强奸和各种要素Agunesuhin地带出你做了瓦特东做凛裕子堀Tiemi In the self-abandonment heaven, the element is the [agunesu] [hi] peeling, you have raped to do, w
As for Agatsuma Hiroko Hayashi the moat [chi] smile be to be, it has leaked out
妇女或160厘米身高,也不是谷运河区沟槽或藏品NHK是一致的使用或马纳卡纳 [manakana] or the 貫 area valley it does, [ho] [ri] or warehouse course [kana]
The height which is not either 160 centimeters woman you use NHK low
小林的象征昭和制药不存在于梁的形象被污染的一个蹲厕式厕所中医在西方的传播手 You displayed with the image where on the one hand, the Kobayashi medicine manufacture Showa symbol, the Japanese style rest room is dirty
It was to start to spread of the foreign style rest room with CM
尽管166二战战败岁,8岁的石森章太郎,18岁的手冢治虫,我23岁,我有水城 166 When you refer to age of the second next great war defeat time Stone Mori Siyoutarou does 8 years old the Tezuka Osamu insect 18 years old Mizuki and the ge ru is 23 years old don t you think
我会说我有6天,每周6个月继续因为四九八瓦特W系列的组成也非常好,很有趣加速从出来或老师水城什么是肯定的是,它是女人谁 498 Either half year must continue at week six day it is w Also series constitution even very much w After well Mr Mizuki being present but interest accelerated certain what the wife puts out the protagonist
水城无疑将性别248左右,我会查看细节巨无霸和比萨饼和单位以任何舌头似乎仍然难以任何人都可以贪婪的舌头,纳吉也松下淖 248 Mizuki it will do and even now very much the appetite excellent ji probably will put out the ge ru Big Mack and the pizza perori are consumed with anything it is when When that happens sexual desire and certainly… Matsushita 奈 cord perori
我会说,西部和销售电梯和学校的厕所,脏脏,没有蹲或CM苏我目前使用和儿童护理服务,我会在家里使用一蹲没有公司真正鼓励欺凌 E.g., the rest room of the small school from the sale is designated as foreign style, that saying, the [ru],
Japanese style being impure using dirty existence and CM, you display when, using Japanese style with home, the [ru]
Completely there is no consideration in the child, just [ijime] promotion enterprise
我希望真正的版本18 + 1月底重拍的唯一“严重的妻子”,“Gegege没有乳房,”但我希望 In real edition of 18 prohibited nighttime limitations [rimeiku] desired shelf
“Grave yard wife”
However it is good even with “the breast of [gegege]”
我水木先生,即使在打喜多郎,一昙花一现它在,我不仅是经济困难的orz从Dattarashii比已婚父母,现在是妻子将离婚 Ahead Mizuki growing after Onitarou hits with the feeling clutch hitter you become destitute economically it is orz which is not Simply it was the parent from the wife because it seems when now is it is divorced probably will be from the wife
137 瓦特哦水城新演员味儿一般英俊我冷静,口或某处不寻常的叙事冲破,我很容易出良好Sanrashi水城 137 gt Mizuki sun tsu po So so w But general refreshing ikemen actor what that somewhere the tsu pa the elocution which slips Good thing Mizuki it seems coming out the ru
152老虎机的骂orz希望停止谈论什么时代了很多动画片我已经做一个好老师水木什么,但我觉得 152 As for pachinko conversion orz which is wanted stopping Animation conversion already they are several degrees depending is story if and Mr Mizuki it is good with anything the tsu te air does but
我水木先生,即使在打喜多郎,一昙花一现它在,我不是要蒙受经济上的困难?然而,更多家长Dattarashii女儿结婚,现在将脱离 Ahead Mizuki growing after Onitarou hits with the feeling clutch hitter you become destitute it was not economically Simply it was the parent from the wife because it seems when now is it is divorced probably will be from the wife
这是党的生猪来自乡村和舞蹈摊位,动摇整个烧毁每一轮我泼出来,老师还买了水城 Even then Mr Mizuki spurting the pig buying whole when you behave to a total loss coming Getting together from Muranaka becoming the feast the shelf
我的年龄组是赛璐珞踩踏的943。另外我有球迷Ideta 943
We age underlay of celluloid group. You have fanned instead
我的房子你会拼盘电影,电视和冰箱等,并听取了原子的歌曲之外,我想创建一个戏剧模型早上一艘战舰上帮助日本队的观众,成为日本NHK低迷 The television and the refrigerator being even when the ru house appears song of the atom is audible the viewer becomes the 鬱 Making the model of the battleship of the Japanese military the NHK morning gong which rises
没有,但我会停止政治家日本NHK Tekuteku旅行系列,或四国之行的地方在第88章 Well the politician stopping NHK it is good ploddingly even in the traveling series Shikoku 88 place round compilation with
我认为这是不自然的时候遇到驱动tTA财政部官员,说是我自己的房子,它Tteta水城的名字吗?但是,被称为时代,有一个房地产租金,这我是租的房子,或将发言? When the Ministry of Finance public official comes you thought unnatural but it is main human tsu te of Mizuki you call the name of the house So when there is nonpayment of house rent in the real estate agent or there was also a detour and being or the lease which is the privately owned house it is both what
手冢治虫的“战争青少年的经验,”最敏感的年龄,有一个男孩带着锡耳朵不军国主义运动 As for Tezuka “war experience of adolescence” Motion tone-deafness it failed be able to make the most sensitive age, and it was the militaristic boy
拍375(其他外国妓女),家长逃避非发言带来金钱,被盗爱你氖纶日本NHK wwww ll是民事或什至一ー 375 The whore of the overfull foreigner partner to expropriate the money of the non parent 倫 plundering love With NHK stamp wwww Even with civil law
故意雇用了一名演员从未经历过贫困,所以变形,就好像我有一对夫妇谁发挥基鲁地方住明亮,大声而缓慢的贫困 Therefore being able to meet appointing the performer who does not have the fact that poverty is experienced being poor somewhere it made the married couple play who lives freely and easily brightly whether it is it is not that
我希望你能微笑或重建古做更好的船队,穷人,如果我想扩大信息很快伐丽流 Combined Fleet reconstruction doing in poverty but also ru is to call the smile better ku te We want the development which is rewarded gradually
金希望和梦想,甚至没有说她的母亲Tteta很糟糕,这是19 19 So the mother who is poor says As for the gold also without being as for dream and desire when it was
日本NHK Netouyo拼命挖掘变为现实,即使我获得高收视率 [netouyo] hitting NHK desperately
High audience rating is acquired in actuality, it is, don't you think?
日本做教授,以及日本,在后“Mokurikokuri”等词语开始出现像日本这样的凯塔或邪恶想歧视朝鲜人,蒙古人和首次开放 In addition as for professor of Japanese between Japanese after that “ mokurikokuri ” and so on It reached the point where it appears to the word which discriminates the Korean Mongolian person The speech manner like whether and so on with Japan was bad quite of
日本做教授,以及日本,在后“Mokurikokuri”等词语开始出现像日本这样的凯塔或邪恶想歧视朝鲜人,蒙古人和首次开放 In addition as for professor of Japanese between Japanese after that “ mokurikokuri ” and so on It reached the point where it appears to the word which discriminates the Korean Mongolian person The speech manner like whether and so on with Japan was bad quite of
日本广播协会,强奸和暴力,殴打伤害,盗窃,爆窃,毁坏财产,国家。损伤,严重的贪污罪,伪造的文件,信件阅读,严重欺诈罪,敲诈勒索的威胁,监禁,灾害救援。梗阻,拥有公路救护车封锁过程中未经允许,恶意干扰寺庙朝拜,展览破坏艺术,促进歧视诽谤,欺诈筹款,房子破,纵火和谋杀,侵犯即采取每月毒品,贩卖毒品购买儿童卖淫,犯罪避免隐藏的,护照的行为,逃税,违反广播法,共同校长抢劫,谋杀,枪支管制法违反了选举法 As for NHK
Rape 致 scar, assault injury, theft, burglar, container damage, country. Damage and serious usurpation misdeed, trust book opening
Forgery of official papers and serious fraud misdeed, threat blackmail, confinement and disaster rescuing. Disturbance and course blockade of ambulance
Public road possession, vicious disturbance of temple corporation worshipping, destruction and the honorable damage which of the exhibition fine arts do not obtain permission
Discrimination promotion and fund-raising fraud, residence invasion and arson homicide, medicine management violation and sale purchase of stimulant
Child buying spring, criminal hidden 避, passport method violation, tax evasion and broadcast method violation and the burglar homicide joint principal offense, gun sword method violation
Public Office Election Law violation underwear thief, license plate disguise, animal abuse and vicious 痴 Chinese behavior,
The announcement which aimed for the extermination and old person's house of [toki] by the collection of data edge. Blackmail Oblique dealings and business abandonment of stocks
And so on and so on, day night colorful crime is unfolded, “the broadcasting station of everyone? ” Is
未来的故事了,旧的漫画书,只是不能达到的货架村井,水木茂真正的“我和若干工作开始起步的漫画杂志,以进入生产期的详细资料显示其自身 In the old comic book where future story development was in the place of the shelf where Murai does not reach To tell the truth Mizuki it does as a ge ru ” in the cartoon magazine and the like including participation itself Thrust into the times when the production is started
例如,我认为,在旧漫画图书的货架是不是没有达到土帕手,也许教师的实际工作也水城 If now you thought in the old comic book there is no tapper and it was in the place of the shelf where the te hand does not reach To tell the truth perhaps it has also the work of Mr Mizuki
民俗和咬,因为在大学的博士驱动tTA Hazime水城的伟大工程,认为这是喜多郎 After gnawing folklore at the university, as for thinking that the shelf, the work of Mr. beginning Mizuki Onitarou is enormous,
池上辽一在周日我看到一个男人和正在制定一个蜘蛛侠对我设置平井和正我们选择了在杂志月刊少年363 363
Being picked up in the monthly boy magazine, Liao Ikegami who draws man group in the spider man and Sunday when it unites with Kazumasa Hirai one it was
漫画家未禁用前出售07至40岁,从我嫁给了一个故事Gutte先生小姐,我晚回家 7 In the cartoonist whom the physically disabled person of 40 ago cannot sell Therefore tsu te story what where the girl of the good house where it was late to go marries
我忘了我,我想对残疾benefits m残疾人茂曾经做过我不知道,我已收到 However you have forgotten if so you say it does and the ge ru once it is physically disabled person what don t you think It is handicapped person treatment it probably received isn t that like
炮兵是陆军的精英,他们没有,他们没有大脑或事务和立即拉断轨迹 Unless there is a brain where the artilleryman produces, the elite unit of the army does ballistic calculation instantaneously and removes there is no duty [ma] and others
监管前沿3 WWW的自杀-社会团体- “的女演员,prostitutes m私通国家所有的偶像在日本的传播”...根除儿童色情儿童基金会主任 3
That regulation group urgent spearhead suicide bombing www
“The actresses are prostituted everyone” Spreads to also Japanese UNICEF director of entertainment office representation… child pornographic eliminations of 淫 line
直播没有回NHK的汉奸卖国反隼看我们输掉比赛让我告诉消费者它是日本人 It is quick, the [bu] anti-Japanese treason broadcasting station NHK which was not broadcast live return program is viewed
The traitor disappears now from Japan
确实,在绘画和Matsushita ll向井,“Ikkoku之家”,但没有座位只,祢继续部署焦虑,他们只是看看,并继续 By any means Matsushita and Mukai picture in” the me it is only it is visible moment” but is With the development where the continuation becomes matter of concern it continues to see unintentionally
也许是希望看到它在472“Mukai先生,看门”,“松下先生是五代坤,”除非 472 As for that seeing with that whether like “If “the curator Mukai” five generations Matsushita” is not
第一凯塔Tsuka只因为你低的收视率一直在看生活中,人们终于做法驱动一个上午的一部分摆脱框架喜多郎 The ro because the framework it moved the fact that handle first audience rating is low from gegege The person who looks at the morning gong as a portion of life just was finally accustomed
低收视率第一的纪录,也许,老人看到因为你认为它选标题“漫画”看到我吗? The ro because as for first audience rating lowest record perhaps the old people looking at title thinking that “television cartoon” is you did not see
自韩国取得满意工程费至今忽略了历史的NHK的嚣张气焰打下去 To here self satisfactory program of the Korean who ignored history NHK which is made with listening fee it is impudent
自韩国取得满意工程费至今忽略了历史的NHK的嚣张气焰打下去 To here self satisfactory program of the Korean who ignored history NHK which is made with listening fee it is impudent
让我们的工作记录驱动tTA认为整个故事,小说中的日本NHK电视剧这是第一次 As for the work which you tried to try videotaping all story, in the NHK continual television novel this is unprecedented
该机构这一天,电视制片人彻风间施加一个可视化的帮助水城大片的(47)公布7个新的投 As for the same bureau this day in the television producer part which shows big power in image conversion of the Mizuki work Kazama tooru 47 and others announcing the new cast 7 person
该编辑器,而不是329,但我说我带,包括手冢“它看起来像这样富安鸡太清楚,我做手冢注意到的终结”我说我把这个故事包括手冢目的让 329 Tezuka brought that it is not to be the te editor Because “you do not recollect this way even excessively probably nursing Tezuka s end” With story was brought to Tezuka with the gist which is said it is the ze which is
这不是缺钱的,因为他们年轻,我正在学习钢琴或与导师,手流加藤,自首张大作了充分有利的风,并听取了第一次穿上两个资产阶级,水城这对夫妻和生活方式的差异,让他们也和我想他们认为我miscasting There is no thing which from young time inconveniences to the gold the piano was learned with the tutor attaching that after fair wind debutting fully appearing in Daisaku directly the ru Inquiring about the way of two bourgeois being different from the ru and the way of the living of the Mizuki married couple too excessively that you think there is no mistake cast something
这不是缺钱的,因为他们年轻,我正在学习钢琴或与导师,手流加藤,自首张大作了充分有利的风,并听取了第一次穿上两个资产阶级,水城这对夫妻和生活方式的差异,让他们也和我想他们认为我miscasting There is no thing which from young time inconveniences to the gold the piano was learned with the tutor attaching that after fair wind debutting fully appearing in Daisaku directly the ru Inquiring about the way of two bourgeois being different from the ru and the way of the living of the Mizuki married couple too excessively that you think there is no mistake cast something
这是一对夫妇坚决水城的黄金夫妇的女儿的故事组成茹金作为晚年喜欢远离他有我的生活在一个家庭中的成功人物系列漫画和电视功能的最后一步我是最好的教育畅销产品水木曰古,虽然它是“三包子立即即使有钱的人可以不吃饭,”我想表达的是,古向井是简单的愿望,缺乏驱动tTA字 It does the tsu oak As for this married couple golden couple shelf Mizuki succeeds with cartoon Instead of in the home brocade to sort the condition which is achieved Late year As for novel of wife drama conversion best seller The highest life walking the ru It has been said last year the person has run a special edition with the education television Mizuki “becoming in the rich person you eat manju 3 ko and there is no re ” that you talked the shortage of desire but you think that simple Mukai has expressed well
向井是“不”倾领导作用,并在这个戏剧中的女性形象来左右有不舒服的瓦特 As for Mukai with “image of the woman dropping part of useless” being connected Strange feeling there was a time where it appears in this drama w
首先,你知道心的结果从和平说,虽然他们认为是看或不看我开始打早喜多郎古是水城的故事和知识,因为我没有找到有趣的标题,患者意见强烈他们是 First therefore the title which acts playfully however it was not seen When Mizuki it does and it is story of the ge ru knowing view it put out While thinking as the kana which Onitarou is not hit quickly you see Because conclusion is recognized feeling at rest you can see patiently
鸡传染性法氏囊病,或在开始2分钟,这样做的动画片和漫画原水城日本NHK Yaran我从来没有看到 If about beginning or 2 minutes of end, original animation of Mizuki cartoon is done, looking at NHK, it is there is no either thing however
黄杨木是义治出来?这一事件对我们漫画仍然有我的助手已经离开我后死? NHK是一名工人在工厂的话剧下午在自助餐厅看到一点点,所以刚刚开放开放45分钟 Revelation Yosiharu was present To cartoon it was converted death it is the tsu it is afterwards Our way assistant incident occurred Because the NHK connected gong in office worker age in the afternoon is 45 minute commencement of work with the dining room of the factory Just opening you saw little bit