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The Miyazaki prefecture people you refuse, in considerably Bungo large Noichi complaint one after another “in feeling opposite of the Miyazaki prefecture people, you cannot permit,” “as prefectural people considerably shy correspondence”


  • “有一种危险,这种病毒是通过人传达”把车人在,但车辆是不把杀菌消毒剂

    • 340动物传染病防治法,国家确定的Matsu m在去责任,部长不应该排与非古

      • 529曾经在一段时间,我拉Komoritai( `),所以我也可以租伊坎W羡称为Hikikomoreru一个男人更好

        • 537丰后大野市城市抱怨,我将不包含一个WWW大沽鸣海屁股我已经有了一个礼后大野洞都在城市的思考

          • 926名:没有可爱的妻子[]发布日期:2010 / 06 / 17(星期四)12:35:07编号:dGM0pCwlP洙市,鹿儿岛县,宫崎县,和关闭边界

            • MBC的新闻今天下捷运今天将奖金的地方广播电台(鹿儿岛地方)昨天的新闻发布会上州长 Present MRT news Next Present MBC south Nippon Broadcasting System the Kagoshima local omake Governor press conference of yesterday
              • 今天的新闻捷运下一步MBC电视台的地方广播电台今日(本地鹿儿岛) Present MRT news Next Present MBC south Nippon Broadcasting System the Kagoshima local omake Governor press conference of yesterday

            • NULL As for the Miyazaki prefecture people with the Mexican return of pig influenza popularity period permission without descending the case of entry even with when it is confined at the airport “the impression of the traveler In opposite you cannot permit ” that the type which is said On the other hand “it should you enter permit from humane conception” that while screaming blockade tearing the type which keeps entering boldly selfishly As nomarch such a thing said the ro which is end It became clear to be quite dangerous race The Miyazaki prefecture people are good the plague thinking that passage postponement advice and kana it is the ru it is
              • NULL As for the Miyazaki prefecture people with the Mexican return of pig influenza popularity period permission without descending the case of entry even with when it is confined at the airport “the impression of the traveler In opposite you cannot permit ” that the type which is said On the other hand “it should you enter permit from humane conception” that while screaming blockade tearing the type which keeps entering boldly selfishly As nomarch such a thing said the ro which is end It became clear to be quite dangerous race The Miyazaki prefecture people are good the plague thinking that passage postponement advice and kana it is the ru it is

            • [相关]免费高中假装“把电话要求该部是日本的自由!”朝总联,5★韩国告诉学生家长学校

              • _NULL_

                • “如果你有安全感,以便进行彻底消毒,我想帮助善过度反应”( ) If “it disinfects thoroughly because it is relief we would like to have restraining the excessive reaction”
                  • 该生产线10佐伯,消毒和326是默默的道路封锁 On the one hand because Saeki city silently 326 and 10 disinfection of the line blockades the forest road it was

                • “怎么退,拒绝使用设施?”在这样一个时间的问题,并说他们将要筛危机意识低的防护 “Denying the utilization of the facility the do something ” You say you do not obtain that at the point in time when such question is done the crisis atmosphere for quarantine is low
                  • Guguttarawakatta 九州,日本锦标赛资格赛决赛,“口蹄疫”不再举行,由于宫崎县 The gu gu tsu cod it was understood gt It became not be able to hold the Japanese championship Kyushu preliminary round conference deciding tournament in Miyazaki prefecture with the influence “of foot and mouth disease”

                • 。 蛇 芒果。 阿城市成功进入丰后大野市 ° °〜 和 ¯ ¯⌒和J This snake Mango It succeeded in the invasion to Bungo large Noichi ¯ ¯ It does ¯ ¯ It does the ⌒ J
                  • 唯一的宫崎县附近的柏油路正在做的直接礼后大野市696县道07。这只是一个加强高千高千穂线绪方消毒。我什至没有进入,因为许多旅游大分 696 Bungo large Noichi and almost the only Miyazaki prefecture has led directly pavement road and prefectural road 7 Disinfection strengthening of the Ogata Takachiho line is ahead High thousand Therefore side view Kouti considerably also the penetration from the side it is many it is to put out

                • 不,这当然是一个携带病毒的鸟类和人类正常的东西朱达罗mice m不完全错Giyouganaiga防护,反证明,人类对这项政策的朱达罗1 3井,筱原隆农业副部长周三上午,和记者,“这是非常重要的帮助消毒,去到那里,韩国是令人担忧”,并表示天空 Well As for this the ro which is normal correspondence Therefore as for the human carrying the virus thing what which you are not wrong just It prevents the bird and murine something and the way it is not but as for the human who can be prevented preventing the ro which is proper Concerning such policy Shinohara filial piety agriculture and forestry marine products secondary minister of state 17th morning confronting the press corps “It is important to cooperate to disinfection to there what it does is going too far” that you expressed
                  • 农业部长列出出访的主要原因事件隆宏赤松民主口蹄疫■(当时确认)后,口蹄疫 Democracy foot and mouth disease incident Principal case list Hirotaka Akamatsu Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries at that time Foot and mouth disease After the verifying Travel abroad
                  • 对于这项政策,农业部副部长筱原隆周三上午,和记者,“这是非常重要的帮助消毒,去到那里,韩国是令人担忧”,并表示天空 NULL
                  • 对于这项政策,农业部副部长筱原隆周三上午,和记者,“这是非常重要的帮助消毒,去到那里,韩国是令人担忧”,并表示天空 NULL

                • 丰后大野市北川→→→卢延冈市人民星期六→门川“,为2010年使用16号的国有公共设施的城市丰后大野市自6月以来,为集团试图利用口蹄疫爆发设施,由区,也可以用来限制可能视情况而定 Kadokawa gt earth 々 Lu gt Nobeoka city gt Kitagawa gt Bungo Ono “Concerning the utilization of the public facility which Bungo large Noichi owns 2010 after June 16th When it restricts utilization vis a vis the group which it tries to utilize the facility from foot and mouth disease occurrence area according to circumstance it is
                  • 记“使用的,2010年城市公共设施所拥有的丰后大野市自6月16日,和团体试图使用情况的设施从地区爆发口蹄疫的同时,根据限制使用一些 Description “Concerning the utilization of the public facility which Bungo large Noichi owns 2010 after June 16th When it restricts utilization vis a vis the group which it tries to utilize the facility from foot and mouth disease occurrence area according to circumstance it is

                • 丰后大野市我觉得在某些方面不可避免的拥抱埃塔村合并从牲畜

                  • 为确保八前瞻性陈述甚至懒得扭转过于草率了礼后大野感情居民及宫崎,宫崎公民和民间合作

                    • 也赢得了地区比赛,“花宫崎甲子园如来”的“L加上啦啦队伤害他们的球员和球场宫崎参加的学校来了”我站起来

                      • 什么样的兰花众所周知,权力下放,并驱逐省长尼科违反宪法和艺人谁选择了不笑你,宫崎我要没收一切土地,财产和国家的控制下一次的

                        • 从宫崎县,“从来没有打算让情绪逆转中风,”另一个说抗议,一种主人翁的感觉不错,而且我认为应该花宫崎县的居民 From the Miyazaki prefecture people “being something which in opposite does feeling other than the protest that you cannot permit” The Miyazaki prefecture people as for party consciousness of that appearance you think however that it is necessary
                          • 由于额外的自由留言东国宫崎县,日本遭受了惨败的自由民主党掌权的倾斜和重新隔离吧! Our people wiped out with favor of excessive one word of Higashi Kunihara s and Japan tilted Until our people capture administration again as for the Miyazaki prefecture people isolation margin

                        • 他的工作是禽类疾病的是一个组成部分,但我就知道一点点,即使鸡的小鸡专业诊断,“一个农场工作在今天,农场工作的第二天,B作为”什么是避免尽可能我

                          • 但是所有这一切都不算差Shinaki Yanaranakunarunja国家,直到他们喜欢收集这种损害仅仅因为它是国家在这里的第一个此类什么我Shitoru First you just say that such the fact that it corresponds here is This way when damage is not settled hate being everyone like this it becomes necessary to do it is The country does what and takes it is as for the country which is
                            • 总之,要收集全,我得到击中我没有做任何事情都不会感到殴打 In any case until it is settled unless it strikes entirely the feeling which how does not become does the hand which can be struck

                          • 但是,与哦,线恐怖的日豊线鹿儿岛本,即使所有船员太郎在车站消毒Hazime,把出来的水平 But when it comes with the disastrous state of the day Yutaka line in comparison with the Kagoshima main lane Everyone disinfecting the crew member with the Soutarou station the level where complaint does not come out
                            • ■mixi网 地方社区正在努力,传输交换日记愤怒和破坏的 mixi Functioning it has done The locale the community the disastrous state and the anger are transmitted from the diary

                          • 但是,如果您打算检查了解你对宫崎县宫崎之间的边界输入非驱动tTA要求的是17? “这是自报和我的人依靠的良知,我不会出租或牛进入没有消毒设施对他们的将是 But being the 17th if the intention also the non Miyazaki prefecture people who enter into Miyazaki prefecture boundary making the notice object how doing you verify ” This self return of that human depending on conscience becomes disinfection and does not enter into the facility to become measure doing only you receive don t you think probably will be
                            • “你怎么确定你会发现即使对非居民的宫崎,宫崎驱动tTA进入?”,我依靠人的良知租金和自我报告说,他们并没有进入工厂将针对消毒这将是唯一ü If “the intention also the non Miyazaki prefecture people who enter into Miyazaki making the notice object how doing you verify ” This self return of that human depending on conscience becomes disinfection and does not enter into the facility to become measure doing only you receive don t you think probably will be
                            • 但他指出,一个月前,我只就宫崎县边界之间的水泥墙 From about 1 months ago it points out but is the wall of the concrete only is made in Miyazaki prefecture boundary is
                            • 驱动tTA削减了19个市体育场来举办初中高中棒球锦标赛定于2月20伐丽流线宫崎队 2 teams of Miyazaki prefecture participating on 19 and 20th utilization of the city barracks ball park was cut off even in the sponsor of the junior high school baseball conference which is the schedule which is done

                          • 你怎么能得到它自己,但是你可能不知道,但我宫崎县,但由于完全没有危机感病过量认为当时抗感染了来找基本问题,例如投资 NULL
                            • 520 Tteru解决方案,任何人做这样的事情,而是很多的边境线来到宫崎在第二天的工作的非本地居民 520 Although gt the non Miyazaki prefecture people everyday have come and gone prefectural boundary in large quantities with work … Understanding such a thing anyone the ru
                            • 你必须决定我的牛肉和猪肉,宫崎县工业和商业农业工程师 Loyal retainer Agriculture Manufacture Trade Cow Pig Miyazaki prefecture people When it becomes with some lever it cannot go don t you think
                            • 例如说我很高兴你可以请求你的帮助石马,隋广为宫崎县的消毒隔离每个人克祖口蹄疫或,非居民宫崎或几分钟或个人或团体 The individual or the group or the Miyazaki prefecture people or the non Miyazaki prefecture people without dividing For foot and mouth disease quarantine we ask disinfection cooperation to everyone widely If with you should have said it is
                            • 坦率地说,反对派将只绑风筝,我不能呼吸我合伯克非常好的,宽松的人在宫崎简言之,我觉得在大分不耐烦的人 When the ge which it does bu tsu chi ya beam thing you say Considerably being the prefectural human tsu te hasty the air is short it is with Freely and easily the Miyazaki prefecture person and the breath which are made the boke tsu are not agreeable it is don t you think
                            • 大约从3月10日,宫崎县的一个整体,一个门槛大谣言我怀疑牛和手足口病在农场 March 10th Approximately from inside Miyazaki prefecture it comes with foot and mouth disease doubtfully in the certain A ranch and a rumor that spreads the cow is
                            • 如果不是说这个弹出,但花宫崎县是一个更好的收紧一点确认 Way such a thing you propose if as for the Miyazaki prefecture people already just a little is tightened the one which the appealing shelf
                            • 宫崎县,或者我从来没有想要去外县或旅行家,因为它盲目尝试和暑假 NULL
                            • 当时,我的国家的法律有371对,“人们不知道宫崎 371 When is the metropolis and districts at the point in time when the tsu te law which measure is done is possible it is unreasonable “in the Miyazaki prefecture person
                            • 当然看起来不同茹和239“的宫崎县已预留我以前只是”所以,是的,通常使用一个roll ll 239 When another sure you see “you have to the Miyazaki prefecture people use who have been reserved already that way” Therefore so using normally the ru it seems
                            • 我从宫崎县进行消毒,并提出正确,他们甚至没有获得1手擦拭灰尘真菌不知道是否有运气,你来日本,并希望 After the Miyazaki prefecture people disinfecting properly however it moves as for the party some germ being attached the ru It is from the wa the hand also without wiping it comes to Japan and the ru ze
                            • 没有责任只有在检查,我不检查的人,但不能回留在宫崎县宫崎 Check cannot be required and however there are no Miyazaki prefecture people Staying in Miyazaki returns the person who no check
                            • 重禾Rankotowo你的礼物特别考虑子孙后代的石研发,宫崎县民最大的棉纺织品网络战直升机 Miyazaki prefecture people 斯 ku game helicopter Prefectural people ni anti shi future special no high distribution 賜 rankotowo
                            • 顺便说一句,我不知道,但你可能宫崎县,但由于完全没有危机感,他们认为过多的时间在传染病前来寻找投资的基本问题,例如 The tsu te as for you however perhaps it probably is Miyazaki prefecture people what at the point in time when such basic question is thrown You think that the crisis consciousness for the infection illness passes shortage but it is
                            • 预见会发生什么,如果一个是把它?宫崎民信息只因为我不 When so by your you become in frame how it will do it probably will not be It is wretched as Miyazaki prefecture people

                          • 你知道后在第一时间或驴生命支持?我还会严重孤立或者要坚决支持有一些病毒显示细节不扩散并在同一时间,它的许多建议很 Life support or postponement tsu te is unpalatable don t you think it is With something Simultaneously with the prevention of the diffusion serious is virus 奨 me ru necessity the ro which is You do support and the substituting isolation which will be been secure harshly
                            • 从一开始的人,但事情已经被孤立也刚刚发生的事情到现在为止它完成 From first although the person mono it was necessary to isolate because you did until now suitably just it became like this
                            • 你知道后的时代,不然我就住在急救?我还会严重孤立或者要坚决支持有一些病毒的扩散,并同时查看详情推荐,但很 Life support or postponement tsu te is unpalatable don t you think it is Simultaneously with the prevention of the diffusion serious is virus 奨 me ru necessity the ro which is You do support and the substituting isolation which will be been secure harshly
                            • 雨季,选举,这是( )对我责备它说清楚叛国敏 Rain election and spread outside the prefecture are inevitable Ω Speaking clearly it is consequence of treason minsu

                          • 关西电视台体育频道樱大和报纸董洙TBS的新闻媒体■口蹄疫可疑病例47NEWS民主日经报纸中日新闻读卖新闻富士宫崎粪便朝日新闻产经新闻白绢病带到日本NHK电视台的新闻Gendai唱衰病■反馈已不存在的日本社会党的I将赞助在日梁,目前成员名单人群赤松本隆宏民主党人-区五爱知(东海块),题跋惠子看到民主党-民主人群中井洽神奈川-民主党三重舆石东人群-山梨县

                            • 农业部在4月下旬后,口蹄疫,并为每个县,然后反应过度限制人民进入该省从造成了一个通知要

                              • 出去的时候说我现在在415,令宫崎由州长不要胡说? Ginga m一个虎头蛇尾超过415 415 When is now nomarch Miyazaki producing ru going out self control even meaningless saying 415 It is to pass the responsible escaping

                                • 口蹄疫病毒可以处理334并不是一个阶级或县级代理商知道他们不能鱼糜英国口蹄疫,也许一分钟,但如果国家的神奇故事 334 If as for foot and mouth disease as for there is no virus which it can cope in prefectural class the country but it is the story which understands By chance doing the minsu operative who the English foot and mouth disease does not know

                                  • 口蹄疫:城市丰后大野市大分市丰后大野市大分设施的有限使用场地组于8月16日,手足口病(系统化有这个)举行了一次会议任务的部队保护“来限制城市使用的设施在当地组织的经验可“确定的政策和梅塔

                                    • 古卡不想要一个完整的防策略,这样做在那里的防线,我将扩大在前面顺序注射手推车

                                      • 叽叽喳喳 一个信息来源,传播优秀的地方鼓的声音通知功能,2通道层还可以看到 youtube Functioning it has done sufficiently Keyword “foot and mouth disease” “Akamatsu” Happy animated picture Functioning it has done sufficiently Animated picture related to foot and mouth disease which rises until now and comment of anger remain without almost being deleted twitter Functioning it has done The excellent source where voice of the locale reaches information spread is possible even in the layer which does not look at 2ch
                                        • 小泽一郎,民主党秘书长 (当时)的嘴。在感染的蔓延(5 7),要求在宫崎县的选举合作“是一个非常重要的县的问题,”首相鸠山由纪夫辞职秘书长(当时)我1个月期限后的方向和速度“的重要意义“6月1日访问宫崎,我可能会支持,如果在未来赤松媒体报道前一天他的辞职出国 Ichiro Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General at that time Oral hoof During 5 7 infection expanding in election cooperation request “very much to Miyazaki the importance Prefecture ” Secretary General who is topic resignation Yukio Hatoyama Prime Minister at that time After the occurring 1 months passing “the speed impression important matter and the indication” 6 1 Miyazaki visit in the following day intention to resign statement Media It reported if before the Akamatsu travelling abroad perhaps it was corresponding

                                      • 哈,哈(ω゚゚)除非另有宫崎县 ((⊂)布鲁诺 1))(六ヽヽ ⌒)Ξ≡ε J布鲁诺布鲁诺 ha and ha ゚ Ω ゚ The Miyazaki prefecture people refuse 92 ⊂ No 92 ⌒ REPT REPT he Ε ≡ Ξ nono J
                                        • 宫崎Prefectural ll认为我很习惯多一点耐心税艾希库拉它甚至不是宫崎 The Miyazaki prefecture people a little extent patience margin Thinking that a lot of tax is used because of Miyazaki the ru it is
                                        • 总督宫崎219,只是因为已经采取责任托达罗不可之一,但由于民主党似乎是湿重 219 If nomarch Miyazaki takes 1 human responsibilities the ro which is to be completed The ma it is as for the ma way it has made consequence of the Democratic party but ww

                                      • 在其他地方的居民,以规范自己的县设施,挂这么多疯狂的疯了?好,我很WWW的游戏两家私营电视台,是不是狗屎国家宫崎,大分,不雇用〜老师从后门WWW的土民愚蠢的狗屎我住东边的九州,一旦清除了土地,然后种植这一切!

                                        • 在锅丰后我会灭亡的大友信长之野望来自头!那么在铁托严岛津伊藤由しい!

                                          • 城市设施在大分县丰后大野市的所有城市人以下的丰后大野市的投诉,说明我们的公民宫崎市口蹄疫荷兰,确定了政策拒绝使用11宫崎县的居住经验系统化,这口蹄疫为此,市政府下一阶段是艾达早熟电话或电子邮件的投诉和问题,从17日上午,他们合

                                            • 夏季高中棒球地区预选赛宫崎市,宫崎县拒绝Bungoono m比赛的过程中甚至没有观众假设的,不是吗?

                                              • 大分,熊本,加上陆上自卫队驻军人员和船只的成员每个警察巡逻道路鹿儿岛,日本海上保安厅和海上自卫队日向提供更有力的监测

                                                • 奶牛人口规模的差异,我不打算养肥健康96,犯罪嫌疑人的动物(感染类似的症状,如果他们不)那边也是良好的自然速度,以确保它们永远不会口蹄疫死亡出塔拉,谁杀了很绝望的国家犯罪嫌疑人的动物在溃疡的时间从日本我,但我会做得更好,如果我一直在等待结果证实感染 96 There is no hygiene or a relationship The number and the scale which of heads it has fattened are different and The false 患 domesticated fowl and animals not to be infected the kind of condition where also the te is similar with also it is quick to destroy Also guarantee will have been naturally secure Because as for that when foot and mouth disease how it comes out the country collapses it is desperate Also Japan destroys at point in time of the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals the one which Rather than 待 acquiring the infection decision result however efficiency to be and say and be accustomed and time be don t you think
                                                  • 奶牛人口规模的差异,我不打算养肥健康96,犯罪嫌疑人的动物(感染类似的症状,如果他们不),且在那里自然太早,以确保它们永远不会口蹄疫死亡出塔拉,谁杀了很绝望的国家犯罪嫌疑人的动物在溃疡的时间从日本我,但我会做得更好,如果我等待最终结果感染 96 There is no hygiene or a relationship The number and the scale which of heads it has fattened are different and The false 患 domesticated fowl and animals not to be infected the kind of condition where also the te is similar with also it is quick to destroy Also guarantee will have been naturally secure Because as for that when foot and mouth disease how it comes out the country collapses it is desperate Also Japan destroys at point in time of the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals the one which Rather than waiting for the infection decision result however efficiency to be and say and be accustomed and time be don t you think

                                                • 如果你读了我的第10号文“的宫崎县宫崎县相同,只要不消毒”解释你可以做什么瓦特给我自由包不说, If composition of 10 how is read “if only disinfection it does the same tsu te it can interpret the Miyazaki prefecture people and the non Miyazaki prefecture people” it is w selfish thing without saying
                                                  • 梅塔也开始缓慢消毒凯塔第10号,甜Giruguraidayo大分也非常多 Also it was slow to begin the disinfection of 10 and Even considerably super it is be too sweet extent

                                                • 如果应用程序是作为一个小组的宫崎,纳鲁质疑球员不属于市政府“是一个彻底的反口病”是允许参加1 3 Bikakete称为 In case of application as a Miyazaki prefecture representative team what asks post municipalities of the player does not do “foot and mouth disease Measure” calling thoroughly recognizes participation
                                                  • 371我的意思是,除非我迅速做了处置市,县将是毫无意义的国家 371 If with you say or and municipalities do not deal with quickly it probably is the country but it probably is the prefecture but it is meaningless
                                                  • 如果应用程序是作为一个团队,包括了宫崎县,纳鲁不问题球员属于市“是一个彻底的反口病”是允许参加1 3 Bikakete称为 In case of application as a Miyazaki prefecture representative team what asks post municipalities of the player does not do “Foot and mouth disease measure calling thoroughly ” recognizes participation

                                                • 它看起来不正常,即使生病或任何东西,我其实传播的疾病,而不是密集,深,出人所认为毛重或奶制品区弹出一个人什么时候才回收宵禁

                                                  • 宫崎公民旅行或规章来访的梨丰后大野市,我会愚弄?

                                                    • 宫崎区中学第61届体育节整体看这和Ru(棒球)06 /我不知道这是真的还゙Sutashi゙上午埃奇?

                                                      • 宫崎县只要你飞或适当烤支付,因为真菌分离

                                                        • 宫崎县的规定,但如果他发现的死亡发生在清晨纹,所以我帮 消毒。人生苦撒认真死一整月 But the Miyazaki prefecture people is helpless When such occurs is death sewing … The empty it disinfects early morning The life cycle one month which spreads maji it dies
                                                          • 宫崎县的规定,但如果他发现的死亡发生在清晨纹,所以我帮 消毒。人生苦撒认真死一整月 But the Miyazaki prefecture people is helpless When such occurs is death sewing … The empty it disinfects early morning The life cycle one month which spreads maji it dies
                                                          • 无论如何,我会頑宫崎县在外地張每个人的,在家里。奇陷入一个被称为自来水什么 In any case persevering on site of Miyazaki prefecture as for ru everyone Here and there shrine You know that hitting occurs

                                                        • 宫崎县,挂像,纳税人与租金呕吐的态度呢?看到半岛人民的吗? The Miyazaki prefecture people te tax of the citizen it has been about probably to receive with such an attitude Don t you think person of peninsula and simultaneous
                                                          • 笑我傻,“除非另有口蹄疫宫崎县”城市官员和礼后大野 The spatula spatula laughing to correspond “with foot and mouth disease the public official of Miyazaki prefecture people notice” and Bungo large Noichi

                                                        • 宫崎,但只得到个月嘶哑从凯塔挖掘和良好的公共设施,封锁了3个。如果秃头,如果口蹄疫线发生在另一个县,或一个傻瓜,古金泽,熊本,我可以保证我的租金增长可能会做任何事情。秃头 Public facilities 3 monthly blockade Although so it was good Because it makes Miyazaki limitation it is hit If the baldness if in other prefecture foot and mouth disease occurrence it may do with anything Becoming in May guaranty receiving Kanazawa or Kumamoto goes aho which Baldness
                                                          • 他们讨论了线使用公共设施的城市已经确定,情况可能会限制使用 Concerning the utilization of the public facilities of the city examining It decided that it is times when utilization is restricted depending upon circumstance

                                                        • 对于在大分县丰后大野市市宫崎县棒球人应禁止进入正确的宫崎县现在还高的学校应停止众议院议员选举

                                                          • 市,大分县和鹿儿岛礼后大野是否,何时手足口病发生在所有的城市设施,由于监管措施,一方面减少只有千野宫崎县的11个城市的居民吗?我没带驱动tTA洙的城市的回报呢?我没带回来的驱动tTA礼后大野市的人民?你会说,以埃汝和 Kagoshima prefecture and considerably prefectural Bungo large Noichi when foot and mouth disease occurs with the facility of all cities With consequence of measure of one hand falling which regulates just the inhabitant of 11 city town inside Miyazaki prefectures The person of 曽 於 city having it returned it is it is not The Bungo large Noichi person having it returned it is it is not With because it means to be able to say
                                                            • 丰后大野市市,大分县的设施,在所有城市,县拒绝使用归零了决策居住口蹄疫发生在11宫崎 Considerably prefectural Bungo large Noichi with the facility of all cities The policy of refusing the utilization of the inhabitant of 11 city town inside Miyazaki prefectures where foot and mouth disease occurs was decided

                                                          • 延冈地区早期酵母或反之亦然,因为他们优于古古线大分宫崎线,他们买东西或事物漂亮了 In opposite and… Because around Nobeoka rather than Miyazaki city going the whereabouts are considerably quick in city It has come out the ri it does well enough in shopping something
                                                            • 延冈和Tsuyoi关系从大分,我希望到大分广泛感染延冈当你来到第一 Because Nobeoka considerably being connected is good When it comes to Nobeoka infection spreads first even considerably don t you think probably will be

                                                          • 当所谓的合法权利问题或茹能够阻止它,但在这种情况下,“因为我在日本引爆口蹄疫,其中禁止进入美国,日本,”即使我的很“名誉损害”一词,我认为不可能 When insisting legal right as for the problem which can obstruct that and applying says however it is In this circumstance “foot and mouth disease is explosive in Japan because America made the Japanese entry prohibition” that doing I think “rumor damage” speaking at all

                                                            • 志位山封锁是如此困难的时候你不能没有这样的封锁切断了关门

                                                              • 我们还作出了一些原来没有的感染途径,具有重大的恐惧或希望像天时间大面积的感染?

                                                                • 我住在我的子空间的地方很少见Naijan大分宫崎人数329 313?如果案件已经在延冈市的总部或常叶帕克普斯差不多 329 313 Considerably Miyazaki number how you do not see it is rarely Living in the sub space of somewhere the ru In the park place or the tokiha main office infection example is many long ago well enough even in Nobeoka city
                                                                  • 我住在我的子空间的地方很少见Naijan大分宫崎人数329 313?如果人们都相当延冈总行或常叶帕克普斯多 329 313 Considerably Miyazaki number how you do not see it is rarely Living in the sub space of somewhere the ru The Nobeoka person is many well enough in the park place or the tokiha main office
                                                                  • 我得走托瓦理世延冈案件已经挂在你的城市大约有460个受感染的动物 460 If you have been infected to the animal of that hitting infection example appearing long ago even in Nobeoka city the ru Extremely there is a distance it is the ze which is

                                                                • 我敢肯定,我宰了朝总联颂一个尴尬的香椎我为学校免费日本高部的指示,从设备到日本 From entire ream with order resident in chiyon dressing up the Japanese in the literature course ministry high school gratuitous conversion Speaking shy as a Japanese there was a story certain

                                                                  • 我是从省长到秃头私通,宫崎县已经到来,不仅放弃信息

                                                                    • 我觉得是很重要的有效隔离设施顾好农民和牲畜肉可以是一个有效的感染源峨认为无论什么边境建立一个防线153

                                                                      • 我认为是宇野进入更多的城市比房子,肉类和牲畜检疫设施集中在我身上?

                                                                        • 所以,如果你飞,周二,我猜你看到的麻烦吗?如果这是真的,我知道你通常出来考虑任何宫崎一 When it sparks trouble you see properly it is probably will be If truth the ro whose it is normal either the one step not to come out of Miyazaki and to consider
                                                                          • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
                                                                          • 所以,如果你飞,周二,我猜你看到的麻烦吗?如果这是真的,我知道你通常出来考虑任何宫崎一 When it sparks trouble you see properly it is probably will be If truth the ro whose it is normal either the one step not to come out of Miyazaki and to consider
                                                                          • 由于收到手足口病的措施不是在电视上报道34 34 Before being reported with the television from at the point in time when foot and mouth disease measure is done It is not that

                                                                        • 早先,音乐会和其他事件,文化厅的意志在这个城市举行,该展览将数目不详的人,可以装载你的思维要求暂时停工不 Already the many and unspecified persons people attend to the event of the concert and the like where opening with the cultural hole of this city is decided but You do not think that among other things we ask the discontinuance
                                                                          • 整个收集的事件,如音乐会,数目不详的人,该政策并不适用,因为它是不可能的把握 In the event of the concert and the like where the many and unspecified persons person gets together that grasp is impossible the policy of not applying
                                                                          • 早先,该音乐会将在大会堂举行的城市文化,该展览将是一个数目不详的人,你可以加载了思想的要求中止不 Already as for the concert and the like where opening with the cultural hole of this city is decided the many and unspecified persons people attend but You do not think that among other things we ask the discontinuance

                                                                        • 时代在发展,决不是简单的非科学的扬566,也不可能考虑感染风险高的时间在现场 566 At all non scientific it is… Unless there is no simple stay time and it thinks at stay time to the place where the te and virus infection risk are high

                                                                          • 是否有资格长时间,如果他们谴责反附表路障将摆脱第一时间得到的时候,我的交通速度,因为他们不 Is not long period therefore it is traffic should be lost in quick time If road blockade is done from beginning it can prevent being a qualification which is and criticizes
                                                                            • 这并不是因为我可以通过检查判断宫崎宫崎县一封锁的原因,在非绝缘体,并最终在其他地方的经验 Being the place where Miyazaki is blockaded source with Miyazaki it is not understood because and either investigation does not do The crop society it occurs somewhere

                                                                          • 更多,如果在日本的所有屠宰的牛只?食品和饮料石川和奶制品,牛肉,吃无,人们能来你住 More if thing it destroys the Japanese domestic all cow You drink the dairy product and eat You do not eat the beef and also the te can keep the human living being it does the yo

                                                                            • 有在市政府消毒的变化,我没有我的父亲似乎激怒了筱原副部长(在宫崎生活),但听到,是真的吗? There being a variation in disinfection depending upon municipalities doing properly the countryside tsu passing secondary Minister of State Shinohara raged when it seems from the father Miyazaki residence you heard but is being true

                                                                              • 桥本是城市的市长在记者招待会上周二晚,更多的使用限制使用“和牲畜数量的农民群体分别审议和决定等设施之间的距离”,并表示天空 As for Mayor Hasimoto of the same city in press conference of the same day night concerning the utilization restriction of the facility “concerning the number of people and utilization of the group Examining the facility and the distance etc of the animal husbandry farmer individually you expressed that it judges”
                                                                                • 该市市长桥本龙太郎在新闻发布会上周二晚,限制使用的设施“和群体数量,确定,并考虑设施之间的距离个体农民和牲畜”,并表示天空 As for Mayor Hasimoto of the same city in press conference of the same day night concerning the utilization restriction of the facility “number of people of the group and Examining the facility and the distance etc of the animal husbandry farmer individually you expressed that it judges”

                                                                              • 民主党反对政府只为排序,扩大熊本大分宫崎县和鹿儿岛县装卸禁区只移动禽畜业联会分拣线U贷款给农民来自畜牧业的损害日本的口蹄疫束接收

                                                                                • 消毒垫传播的唯一的公路,为什么还不能撒石灰平息由艾达冲洗!而周二的理由飞!我急忙故事难怪邻県 Spreads the disinfection mat in only the thoroughfare spreads the lime extent Therefore the meaning which yet it does not quiet does not convert The meaning which sparks As for next door prefecture being flurried the story which does not have the excessiveness
                                                                                  • Gattara感染和九州邻県大圈这个人Hanayo宫崎县しろ位获得损害赔偿 Now when infection spreads to next door prefecture and Kyushu one Yen as for the Miyazaki person in the prefecture which receives damage compensation margin
                                                                                  • 从没有大分恨,我可能会损害万瓦特的守护是绝对值得感染许邻県 Considerably there being hatefully and empty and separately damage the structure cup w However when you are infected to next door prefecture absolutely permission

                                                                                • 消毒是门口说话非辜Narushi Gattara路线广泛招的手,我可以控制更多的东西会更好,更彻底,地方政府没有对方的领地跨参加什么是有一个限度Guyouna As for sterilization of the entrance the one which was done more thoroughly is good don t you think probably will be Road regulation something doing When above this it spreads striking like the hand it is gone and each self governing community mutual territory seems that is strided It participates in matter there is a limit and

                                                                                  • 由于即时和垃圾散落对这种病毒,应停止对东九州高速公路建设

                                                                                    • 由于大分县1井作为宫崎的居民,但我不知道做这些事情不怕手足口病不拿自己照顾确实已被视为和被无限期推迟的事件 音频感受,嗯,我明白您不必担心,如说 我想我还会同去同一个茹,我要耐心等待,但他们开会,福冈的孙子女的母亲 NULL
                                                                                      • 它最初是同情我感到失落的受害者是有害的谣言说,他们从来没有和其他省份早生说,他们不能轻易提出,宫崎 As for this originally there are no times when Miyazaki prefecture side should propose It is difficult calling to other prefecture you make say and solve and the how victim conscious tsu te which is rumor damage Pities also the air vanishes

                                                                                    • 病毒丶`∀“ Kenchanayo似乎穿着的东西! !

                                                                                      • 编号:2HyngkJa0编号:2HyngkJa0编号:2HyngkJa0编号:2HyngkJa0编号:2HyngkJa0

                                                                                        • 联合国粮食和农业组织(粮农组织)的手足口病流行的日本和韩国(疫情)4警告说,发生/实地考察的副部长宫崎29希莫花尽管满足农业生产者在输入

                                                                                          • 自民党→→飞去,松下晋平自由的东西座位宫崎(不自民党改革俱乐部→→→独立的民主制度,坚定不移地自民党)给我,我Baiin

                                                                                            • 致病的病原体曾经是谁,各级都很好,因为我不认识[]莱损伤纪念馆恩戴我注意到你叫出来

                                                                                              • 董说,县知事和山田为礼后大野市农业部长秀雄,那种显示损害声誉的认识“的问题,应彻底消毒,如果Gida走过去,”他说

                                                                                                • 该名男子于06小时例如在宫崎,我认为这是可能的,高附加到口蹄疫病毒的,如果公民一年365天住在宫崎县宫崎他们?埃克“这些措施被认为是事做有限的旅费和消毒措施,确保自然现在时间啊,”如果我说我会,又可以限制到他们的设施的使用来?然后我就会有自己的思维 For example in Miyazaki prefecture 6 hours stays the human one year 365 day has lived in Miyazaki prefecture If the Miyazaki prefecture people you think that either one the possibility the foot and mouth disease virus having come in contact is high “Movement restriction and disinfection etc the measure which is thought whether the te if as for being the thing tsu te which the a thoroughness should do with current timewise proper measure” saying the ru also restriction of facility utilization enters in that because After don t you think you thinking by your
                                                                                                  • “人们转向驱动tTA冲绳宫崎,措施应考虑彻底消毒”的意义不在于它的措施,甚至相同的立场对这些人的宫崎县由于当前时间蜡 “Besides the fact that it entered into Miyazaki prefecture as for the human of the prefectures disinfection and the like as for should be thorough the measure which is thought” being being current timewise proper measure The human who does the measure even the same standpoint as the Miyazaki prefecture people probably in sense
                                                                                                  • 人类的例子是06小时,宫崎,我认为这是可能的,高坚持,如果口蹄疫病毒是在哪宫崎县宫崎县,他们生活在一年365天?哎呀,“我做了彻底的消毒和运动控制,”如果我说我会,又可以限制到他们的设施的使用来?然后我就会有自己的思维 For example in Miyazaki prefecture 6 hours you stay one year 365 day you have lived in the human and Miyazaki prefecture If the Miyazaki prefecture people you think that either one the possibility the foot and mouth disease virus having come in contact is high The te “the thing tsu te which the thoroughness of movement restriction and disinfection should do” saying if the ru also restriction of facility utilization enters in that because After don t you think you thinking by your
                                                                                                  • 宫崎县不from m事件不使用这一决定当然大分宫崎县的,不是吗? Therefore in Miyazaki prefecture event self control what considerably it does not make the Miyazaki prefecture people utilize As for the latest judgment the ro which is proper
                                                                                                  • 无论是与牲畜,和其他受影响地区的县只氦氖一些发言感觉怎样?又是邪恶的,因为居民宫崎支架如果one m我居住的地区,你是去了那么通常你会看到相反的情况也没有什么,我不想来,是一条线 Including something related to animal husbandry or Being widely different with occurrence area living in ru area if it makes ru ones Therefore in one binding the Miyazaki prefecture people it accumulated it is calling also the fact that it makes badness there is also a feeling but don t you think Simply coming to other prefecture speaking desired if the standpoint of opposite it is understood and Well the trap which does not go normally

                                                                                                • 该文章757口蹄疫:市丰后大野市大分市丰后大野市大分设施的有限使用场地组于8月16日,手足口病(系统化有这个)举行了一次会议任务的部队保护组织“,由当地提出可能会限制城市设施的使用,“元确定的政策和

                                                                                                  • 说,它只会影响秃头宫崎Miyazaki m省长在不卫生的只是值得被歧视 As for the notion that where you were infected to just Miyazaki Just Miyazaki the governor calls the baldness with non hygiene As for this being discriminated the wa which is proper
                                                                                                    • 是什么意思是你不壊返回强加一种颜射见数大分宫崎 With as for the notion that where you say when number is happened to see considerably with Miyazaki way it cannot return The notion that where the bu tsu it is possible to break
                                                                                                    • 这些措施甚至不痛无法宫崎县,在元月底分钟秤5月上旬 Even such a measure the disabled tsu pu ri of Miyazaki which it is not possible it starts understanding late is May

                                                                                                  • 达罗牲畜,而不是瓦特的人与真正的同胞感情和435 W的问题

                                                                                                    • 这这种情况下进入下选举,抗议,要求县的责任,其他的数字不配合消毒剂,但宫崎县的居民民主党人刷开口,石川你和我要求得到一个明确的立场,采取一次运动车出口 In such a circumstance rushing to election if you open the mouth but Democratic party Assemblyman the Miyazaki prefecture people Besides the fact that it does not cooperate to disinfection insist the responsibility of prefectural number And so on protesting without turning the election car doing and does to ask distantly ends
                                                                                                      • 这这种情况下进入下选举,并抗议,民主党声称负责刷宫崎口打开,你我请求退出竞选后做绝缘体汽车采取了明确的立场 In such a circumstance rushing to election if you open the mouth but Democratic party Assemblyman the Miyazaki prefecture people Besides the fact that it does not cooperate to disinfection insist the responsibility of prefectural number And so on protesting without turning the election car doing and does to ask distantly ends

                                                                                                    • 通过一个好狗公民入Rubekarazu大分和宫崎,我希望你已蔓延到宫崎县相同的水平,您的马伊拉颂 The dog and the Miyazaki prefecture people it does not should enter by considerably the prefecture It was good will not and others it could have being infected to the same level and as chiyon expanding gt the Miyazaki prefecture people
                                                                                                      • 你很快缓解重申658大分,大分县从被感染的通知 658 Relieved margin being infected already immediately even considerably because the prefectural people you refuse considerably
                                                                                                      • 谢谢大家的责任,我将蔓延之前,大分! Ten m不是流行取仙人不科学的谎言! ! ! You considerably to the prefecture being infected expanding responsibility have it is Popularity it has done to take with non scientific lie well

                                                                                                    • 鹿儿岛旁边的数字未来大都城都城都城更多数量的当地居民工作,而是出于自由

                                                                                                      研究 開発