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“'It is called the teacher and the teacher', at the elementary school girl and the hotel of the disciple where dominant desire buds gradually” something… related to sexualProsecuting the teacher with rape


  • Ntsukyouso教师或淫犯罪老师又在公立小学,在他40多岁的福冈
    > Man teacher of 40 generations of public small school inside Fukuoka prefecture Again the crime of group teacher metamorphosis Nitukiyou?

    • 07岁的情况下有6岁了,如果我成为一种时尚,六年级很快。这一部分是根据古和滑稽的成年女性瓦兰 If 6 years old 7 years old anyhow already 6th it probably becomes immediately grade applying if age Fashion and conversion With circumstance the woman and the strange straw of the adult it is becoming the ku it is and
      • 07岁的情况下有6岁了,如果我成为一种时尚,六年级很快。这一部分是根据古和滑稽的成年女性瓦兰 If 6 years old 7 years old anyhow already 6th it probably becomes immediately grade applying if age Fashion and conversion With circumstance the woman and the strange straw of the adult it is becoming the ku it is and

    • 12 Omottara并确认您是否接受73妇女儿童当涉及到3年,海外一些“洋,班班性别的任何我已经怀孕,这意味着你嘿。”我在哪里? Wadorukappu国家或W? 73 That when you think… whether also the girl is in regard to agreement If are also 12 and 3 years old in the foreign country it is it is SEX doing you become pregnant therefore it is So this just a little well You you say it is “overseas” tsu te where w Country of wadorukatsupu

      • 16 9年的旧美国,冰岛是15 6岁,最不低 gt In report 2005 age of entire world even first experiences 17 3 years old the highest India 19 8 years old Japan 17 2 years old gt America was 16 9 years old the lowest Iceland 15 6 years old

        • 188“医生”可以成为最简单,所谓的职业学校或公立学校教师
          188 As for most being accustomed most simply with the occupation which is called “the teacher” school teacher kana of the public school

          • 392教学撤销牌照事宜宪报公告(第13条法律教学许可证),所以名称和永久地址在官方公报
            392 Therefore as for lapse of teacher license, gazette public notice item (teacher license method 13th provision), in gazette name and legal residence area It is published

            • 429之前,有时甚至相当索尤目前,大多数学校的董事会是“保存正本提交的学校,”我应该通知 429 Just a little front accompanied and the u was also a thing which is said but now as for mostly board of education “With original copy submitting copying on school side way it retains ” the expectation which has been notified

              • 557 虽然没有提及,据透露,该协会无法Tteru说,我发现这是不可能的 557 gt The expectation where the side of the teacher is good continuously in order to hide and has included Or “in only own opinion the hypothetical tsu te person whose are convenient” gt Because that stopped impossible to be detected and pass and mean thing the ru The fact that it stops impossible relation of the thing which is detected being completely referred increase it is

                • 700 与和会更好 700 When gt it is normal without being detected as a lawful romantic love of several year marks depending upon when gt It is extremely one example of the case which makes result orai because
                  • 700 与和会更好 700 When gt it is normal without being detected as a lawful romantic love of several year marks depending upon when gt It is extremely one example of the case which makes result orai because

                • 848是我猜的情况下,这种“强奸”,并认为这可能是值得的法律费用
                  848 But we guess, it is thought that “rape” of this case is suspicion with respect to law,

                  • Hashiguti悟(当时55岁),开除(2004年5月1日)三股城,宫崎县。池学校名称转让(以虎杖):高中山柯春都城县的前高中宫崎县大宫县宫崎,Hashiguti悟浸渍在一个女学生(55岁),2003年被告于12月19日,作为文化顾问俱乐部其中一个女孩和工作人员提出,作为俱乐部活动的一部分,东京

                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 If it goes in normal feeling this droppings guy dies metamorphosis rorikon lowest this guy tsu That it becomes te story however you think Fairly well looking down upon the damage woman there is ru entry don t you think it is
                      • 梅罗和讲病患者时,我的女儿是一样的女孩我看到了我们这些遭遇麦 Will not when and others the daughter the 逢 wa being done in the same eye Look down upon the daughter in the same way and

                    • NULL ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT 92 DREPT DREPT ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT mimimi ゙ DREPT i f DREPT i i tsutsutsu to ゙ lt lt i No REPT i ⌒ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT tsutsushi REPT lt ¯ “ 92 ji ゙ REPT No ゙ No gt r mimi i 92 re ⌒ 92 No l lt lt 92 ゙ No 92 With and like this there is no reason which is said REPT DREPT No i 92 No i F eai 92 HKRPT toeeea No l 92 丶 no No REPT
                      • ::: ◎‖迪布鲁诺゙ヽ Ÿ 我,布鲁诺。 F我Ð :::。Toeeea布鲁诺哦升 丶,,, 布鲁诺布鲁诺 孙ヽ 疯了 组 92 ji ゙ REPT No ゙ No gt r mimi i 92 re ⌒ 92 No l lt lt 92 ゙ No 92 REPT DREPT No i 92 No i F eai 92 HKRPT toeeea No l 92 丶 no No REPT Day Mania Group

                    • [法院]行为被捕,女孩的欲望,最高法院的最终击败元求以前的老师和损害赔偿附带介绍真实姓名伤口的声誉
                      That in the woman junior high school student it arrested with lewd behavior, could damage reputation in actual name announcement compensation for damage defeat/miss 訴 decision of the former teacher who was requested The Supreme Court

                      • ×教育委员会教育和警察,警察和理事会的工作○出版作为收据,以保护隐私的女孩。收据到出版物与痴呆之间的合井熟悉公务员
                        × Prefectural police and board of education refrained from publication as for the sake of privacy of the girl is protected * As for prefectural police and board of education. Incident was smothered with the collusion of the dementia government employee Even now, actual name publishing, don't you think? the [e] it does, When such a person, was to employ how as the guidance member of the teacher and the pupil of another small school? This. Dementia government employee [domo] [me

                        • ×教育委员会教育和警察,警察和理事会的工作◎是收据已作为保护女孩的隐私。嘿,这家伙是真实姓名公布消费已发现仍然官员案件痴呆揉井合适应公众之间,我们应该做些什么Waretara儿童受聘为小学教师的学校和其他教练?此。公务员痴呆多莫我 × Prefectural police and board of education refrained from publication as for the sake of privacy of the girl is protected As for prefectural police and board of education Incident was smothered with the collusion of the dementia government employee Even now actual name publishing don t you think the e it does When such a person was to employ how as the guidance member of the teacher and the pupil of another small school This Dementia government employee domo me
                          • 当他是一个小学三年级,最晚期古有很多地位和获得前3年左右从尝试到该年以前,如果我看到包括,嘿六年级女孩 When the object girl 6th makes grade from about three years ago the hand putting out considered as the calling implication which is called several years ago passing it is thing don t you think Being slowest from elementary school third grade time don t you think the e …

                        • “老师,我们正在逐步老师』说适当的指定,对统治埃塔生芽”奥马伊“为什么?它可能是更狭间诚出生基拉 gt “ It was called the teacher and the teacher dominant desire budded gradually As for appropriate naming the kana “will not” The one whether you can live as a true human don t you think
                          • “老师,老师说』难熬足够我们住芽逐渐控制狂”你和我Wakya氖 “ It was called the teacher and the teacher dominant desire budded gradually” Don t you think it is the side ya the ro which is
                          • “老师,老师说』难熬足够的控制狂,我们居住芽慢慢地,”这就是它是人组成,他们有一点更多的知识和了解这些教师必 gt “ It was called the teacher and the teacher dominant desire budded gradually” The teacher tsu te multi he grows hoarse and grows hoarse little and the person who is such knowledge becomes it rubbed

                        • “高地上,一有机会,那就好了,并认为他已被滥用自己? “走出失衡”奇怪的是,在野蛮一级的交流各地和担心,“之后的关系”是一种情况下,我从来没有听过 gt That the fact that by himself is done probably is abuse the possibility perceiving is higher As for basis “Circumstances are strange” that circumstances changing at the level where turning becomes aware “After the related ending” as for the tsu te case you have not heard
                          • “高地上,一个更好的机会了,他们认为他已被滥用自己? “走出失衡”奇怪的是,在野蛮一级的交流各地和担心,“之后的关系”是一种情况下,我从来没有听过 gt When the fact that by his is done is abuse the possibility perceiving is higher As for basis “Circumstances are strange” that circumstances changing at the level where turning becomes aware “After the related ending” as for the tsu te case you have not heard

                        • ∧_∧一个时刻,( - @∀@)_.┌ - ( - Morning - - γ┘┬可能朝日
                          ∧ _ ∧ Just a little wait, (- @ ∀ @) _ . ┌ - ( - [tsu] morning . r - ┴ - ┐ As for the entry ” - - - l _ _ _ ⌒ l - - - L └ ┬ r - < <- - It does, the ' - - r ┬ ┘ Whether Asahi

                          • ∧_∧( ∀`工人,教孩子向老师使用位置(⊂1)将意味着色情犯罪死刑

                            • 。 。 ー没有叹息,我跟合〜 。 ∧∧ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 。(·∀·) 。 。 () 堆积的嗡嗡声 。°∠ ( ( ) 。 ∧ ∧∧ ∧∧∧ 。∧ ∧( ⌒ 。ァ土匪恨⊃∧∧。 ( Д )458← ∧∧∧∧∧ ∧。∧ The a to be discussing ∧ ∧ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∀ Y y Boisterously ¯ ∠ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ⌒ ∧ ∧ ⊃ iyaaaa ∀ ∀ ⌒ д lt 458 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ¯ ⊃ ⊂ ⊃ ∀ HKRPT ∀ └ ─ ┘ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ Ω д ゚ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ゚ ∀ ゚ ゚ д ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ д HKRPT TдT ∀
                              • 待定 。 。 。 。 。 。 :: □ 。 。 。 ー没有叹息,我跟合〜 。 ∧∧ ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 。(·∀·) 。 。 ()堆积的嗡嗡声 。°∠ ( ( ) 。 ∧ ∧∧ ∧∧∧ □ The a to be discussing ∧ ∧ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∀ Y y Boisterously ¯ ∠ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ⌒ ∧ ∧ ⊃ iyaaaa ∀ ∀ ⌒ д lt 458 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ¯ ⊃ ⊂ ⊃ ∀ HKRPT ∀ └ ─ ┘ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ Ω д ゚ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ゚ ∀ ゚ ゚ д ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ д HKRPT TдT ∀

                            • 。他妈的人参观! 。 ·∀· ヽ⌒⌒ 我诺哈二)贺来。(( ⌒我“ ,徐 输入 ,和布鲁诺,一üλ With respect to 姦 man going participating ∀ ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 i noha i kaku i ⌒ ” The Soviet Union No With entrance Λ u
                              • 。他妈的人参观! 。 ·∀· ヽ⌒⌒ 我诺哈二)贺来。(( ⌒我“ ,徐 输入 ,和布鲁诺,一üλ With respect to 姦 man going participating ∀ ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 i noha i kaku i ⌒ ” The Soviet Union No With entrance Λ u

                            • ヽ 音路 s鲁纪子(758〜832唐代) 经典 往往』(排减国王)唐音频驱动tTA原因使祭司 REPT ni i ¯ REPT REPT No l i No ゙ REPT REPT REPT ⌒ 丶 REPT ¯ REPT Lu Tone ro The ri densely it is 758 832 China Scripture The monk whom going you obtain and carry back to concave China
                              • :::。Toeeea布鲁诺哦升 丶,,, 布鲁诺布鲁诺 疯狂孙ヽ 组(公务员) 92 HKRPT toeeea No l 92 丶 no No REPT Day Mania Group government employee

                            • ヽヽヽ ー ,,,和r ヽヽヽ ! 我ー。ヽヽ 常 Yuuerosada什么(国家刀工越前 92 92 REPT REPT REPT ¯ ¯ r ¯ ¯ DREPT i r and REPT i No i l l l e e r e lt REPT REPT l REPT ni ” l i yu l l i REPT REPT No l REPT REPT r REPT REPT REPT i REPT REPT 92 Fixed the ro on no chi yu is Sword manufacture of Echizen country
                              • ヽヽヽ ー ,,,和r ヽヽヽ ! 我ー。ヽヽ 常 Yuuerosada什么(国家刀工越前 92 92 REPT REPT REPT ¯ ¯ r ¯ ¯ DREPT i r and REPT i yu i l l l e e r e lt REPT REPT l REPT ni ” l i yu l l i REPT REPT No l REPT REPT r REPT REPT REPT i REPT REPT 92 Fixed the ro on no chi yu is Sword manufacture of Echizen country

                            • 中,编号:Ye6bNcGVO地狱,他们得到了一些消极的工作部门中,只有请从民主通信?
                              So, ID: Ye6bNcGVO, how much receiving from the Democratic party public information section Work it has contracted is?

                              • 之后 说,在女儿小高个失衡的女孩指着我什么自慰染色摩擦Etarashii从某种意义上说,我的立场稍有她的内裤外面的绒毛 gt After that circumstances of the girl are strange The wife inside the outer part of the panty of the slightly elevated daughter standing the fluff blackening delicately rubbed from the ru and masturbation remembered the wa tsu te which seems it points out
                                • 女儿是6点了什么我感觉从染色摩擦自慰Etarashii我站在外面的绒毛内裤稍微高一点的女孩 6 The wife inside the outer part of the panty of the slightly elevated daughter standing the fluff blackening delicately rubbed from the ru and masturbation remembered the wa tsu te which seems it points out

                              • 什么是坏的地方议会的教育比公务员的问题,不能轻易这样一个有意义的分割 Being such a simplicity cannot do to be easy to understand the government employee system which problem Board of education of local end probably is useless what
                                • 警方和一些没有怨言,以保护儿童保护制度学校董事会一直是老师 The police and board of education have become the system which protects the teacher thing something which protects the child without smooth

                              • 什么是思维正常的519,或小学教师性别正常吗?是高,有更好的机会,他们觉得自己被虐待 519 Something thinking normally is sex of the elementary school student and the teacher normal When the fact that by himself is done is abuse the possibility perceiving is higher
                                • 让我们不要忘记我不是唯一的其他国家的性虐待未成年人738手弹出合我爱你只是我们如何将自己的 738 Other country the do just it is with these people dearly being agreeable the way Only it is the how sexual abuse which provides the hand to the minor it is

                              • 从江户时代僧侣大多数情况下,原始。神职人员被禁止结婚字面上真实的,我不是一个孩子的教育行

                                • 他们没有意识到,它的一些错误与孩子也欢迎初潮埃泰756 得担心怀孕的思维难度是假怀孕妇女所创造一个我觉得在子宫里的一名教师,以确定真正的身体和如果您在谭从中线Sowasowa缺席 756 Becoming aware in the child where either the first tide is not received being strange gt It is difficult to think pregnancy but In imagination pregnancy it became worry it is with The woman judges with the uterus and Because of the body the remainder of the teacher is felt middle sowasowa it settles and it has lacked is with
                                  • 埃泰甚至没有攻击一个孩子在怀孕06时,我担心在怀孕的妇女在初潮想象和创作的身体真正困难的思想从中线Sowasowa教师,我觉得在子宫内,以确定黝黑的是丢失或不 6 The child where either the first tide is not received is difficult to think pregnancy but In imagination pregnancy it became worry it is with The woman judges with the uterus and Because of the body the remainder of the teacher is felt middle sowasowa it settles and it has lacked is with

                                • 伐丽流处理费支付的行政许可,而不是一个人的工资,还准备,愿意和恢复教育委员会已走出谷底,在没有薪金处理, 1 It is not the prosecution temporary retirement dealing where allowance is paid it has made the absence treatment where allowance does not come out Don t you think the air which board of education side you reinstate fully is
                                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 1 Absence handling saying no that Normally don t you think disciplinary dismissal This young woman it is strong The teacher returns when the ho and the bo ri it cools down the teacher

                                • 但你舔奶头元四年级年级学生本人或一月前板的小学,这是一个贫穷的嘴巴本能页重新发布的一笪ー

                                  • 你是女孩控制下的服从?我会晒黑的关系从来没有相当完整的移动后在老师有点怪异? The girl is controlled submissively is the ro which is Teacher After moving So circumstances become strange how Don t you think it has become the relationship which is completed rather it is
                                    • 你知道你在错误的国家和淋病教师女孩走了,对不对?你是否有这样的同意Routo无馆或蜡? This tsu te teacher stopping being the girl is lonesome with circumstances became strange it is the ro which is That there probably is agreement that it probably will not be it becomes the number mansion it is don t you think

                                  • 你知道你的这些性犯罪者完全是受害者本人也无法控制时间表以及带来的合理性根据发言或情报也是在福冈及40个公共他40多岁的小学教师在孤立自己和药物治疗
                                    Man teacher of 40 generations of public small school inside Fukuoka prefecture Becoming also 40, it has not happened to have reason or intelligence or control, how The victim all the way is to in addition to, it is the [ro] which is As for such characteristic offender isolation and medicine remedy margin

                                    • 例如,兵库县警方一年-含)非礼在9月(not.检逮捕嫌疑人97
                                      For example, Hyogo prefectural police this year one - the forced [wa] is in September, the [se] (not yet. It includes) with suspicion to expose, As for arresting 79

                                      • 元前秘书已确认的事实,因为没有损害报告是该名女子,警方将不起诉政策
                                        The former private secretary recognized the relationship of fact, but the woman of the damage report coming out Because it is not, as for the same station stand case the policy without of doing

                                        • 净土真宗教派的任何其他,直到明治维新原始。真正的故事是婚姻禁令
                                          So sect other than pure land Mamune, to Meiji restoration Field. As for being marriage prohibition true story

                                          • 初中教师445 - 1 TTP的例子冲绳 :/ / blogs.yahoo.co.jp / educational_industry_agent / 16637150。html的青少年保护育成条例违反同意(在此案从13岁和18岁的冲绳)的时间在高中男教师在初中设立了镇,但被逮捕的女学生猥亵行为为3年后,那霸地方检察厅起诉和将暂停,把伤口的真实姓名,警方公布的声誉梅塔求失去了最后的赔偿

                                            • 原来的文章,指的是性关系,并把驱动tTA教小学的儿童,强奸是一种收费的小学教师在他40多岁北九州(Goukan)19日说,他已被落案控分支在福冈地方法院小仓发现
                                              As for the original article, that 'the disciple of the elementary school student it had the relationship of sexual, assuming, the man teacher of 40 generations of the Kitakyushu municipal small school rape (the [u] can) with crime 19 days it was found that it is prosecuted in the Fukuoka district court Ogura branch,

                                              • 县,一为接受咨询的女孩从一应,并已出通知,包括一个女孩哭着来准备室“不去之一”,并提出如果没有翻译,是经与儒,使其他教师 Depending upon the prefecture consultation from the woman pupil does not have to be received with pair one and so on with communication is made but Crying the woman pupil who comes to the preparation room “therefore as for pair one useless” with saying there is no meaning which can insert other teacher between
                                                • 留在东京的酒店,,未来20月初,他的房间和一个应召女郎在高喊“吻”,并要求如茹,感受学生身体告诉你有可能逃脱,床女孩,覆盖这是驼背 To lodge at the hotel inside Tokyo the following 20 early dawn the woman pupil in our room call The body of the pupil whom “margin and so on it tries it will require bi kiss ” probably to escape is done e g it touches It assumes that it did e g it overhangs to the woman pupil with the bed

                                              • 吊销执照后,试用,如果经过试用期,期满后,如果3年后的日期,申请补发有可能
                                                After the license lapsing, when it becomes stay of execution, if after the stay of execution period, 3 years it has elapsed from day of lapse, Application of reissue is possible

                                                • 国第一次审判学校教师骚扰儿童的认可公共收费的,一县1 3 40年福冈旧学校教师男子在他的小学,一所女子收费殴打级,Goukan)强奸科的福冈地方法院(负责凯塔分钟低田 The small school teacher charge recognizes in child assault and the first trial The man teacher of 40 year old generations of the public small school inside Fukuoka prefecture the woman child of charge class that you assaulted assuming It understood that in the branch of the Fukuoka district court it is prosecuted with rape u can crime
                                                  • 我是一个私立高中工资我,所有的知识,来对产品不断的鞣制方法,他们说什么男女孩在办公室里,老师会觉得要吐 However woman highly of private you had served man teacher in the staff room When you know perhaps the woman pupil is estimated value in some expression everyone nausea does

                                                • 在听证会上,被告老师是“记住什么我的女孩”,是一个重复的法官,因为“我只是不玩玩具的女孩”和骂老师included m沉默 In defendant interrogation as for the teacher “the girl yearned by his” that and so on because it repeated When the judge “you play with the girl and just it made the toy aren t ” that you are reprimanded the teacher clammed up
                                                  • 董事会处置的收费教育的教师,而不是伐丽流假期工资支付,是第一次没有在封面出来的薪金 As for board of education about this teacher It is not the prosecution temporary retirement dealing where allowance is paid It has made the absence treatment where allowance does not come out
                                                  • 董事会处置的收费教育的教师,而不是伐丽流假期工资支付,是第一次没有在封面出来的薪金 Board of education is not the prosecution temporary retirement dealing where allowance is paid concerning this teacher It has made the absence treatment where allowance does not come out
                                                  • 董事会处置的收费教育的教师,而不是伐丽流假期工资支付,是第一次没有在封面出来的薪金 NULL

                                                • 在她的体面的好809!那么,你是傻瓜,但她很可能是头晕 试想一下,如果你让814苏,除非我说的人或不忠 809 Don t you think matomo it was possible to be she Then it is swindled the woman who the hula hula is done produces joining may care … 814 If just the imagination you permit if you do not say to this person and opposite sex

                                                  • 在此之后,他们意识到,这个女孩是个失衡我德塔包括滥用中线呢?德塔我爱有什么不包括中线?德塔我一直威胁包括中线邮件的东西? After that becoming aware in circumstances of the girl being strange Has this fallen being abused The sweetheart stopping staying it has fallen The mail being threatened with something it has fallen

                                                    • 在此期间,成为一个真正的black ll逐步升级的影响或淫亵wwwwwwwwwwww触摸身体或拒绝拍摄好的水平上下班,他将有其他罪行朱达罗 At this time the body it touches the wa such that it is se cord behavior Gradually it kept escalating Deep black wwwwwwwwwwww The rubbish of the level which is possible to pip The ro which the u a little more than is crime and is it is dense…

                                                      • 在真正的自由案件被撤销,有限的理由和教师申请重新的教师发放牌照挂神奇下次再参加考试?不重新申请成为永久停用?你可以申请补发将年浇水几个仍然过热或过冷吗?如果你知道,请告诉我的优势

                                                        • 如果我打开Ntsukyouso大桶,可耻。揉试图让消费者,应该去关闭胶敏感,其他学校和教师,甚至家长和有关应变从袋中的文火种,可以轻松地从恢复和转让 If it enters to Nitukiyou group inauspiciousness Smothering you can receive and If it makes the connection of the school personnel of the other school dense and solves problem causing from the parents the sack Is there being going back and forth being transferred simply because you can reinstate
                                                          • Tsuka,如果你真的想回去工作,当地监督。我做的事情没有这样的梳子 If the handle we would like to reinstate by any means in local superintendent of education Only be attached the road Don t you think the notion that where it is not

                                                        • 布鲁诺河跳蚤彡∈∋ `18岁以下的性虐待,在内华达州监狱的川津┓┳●人生活在没有假释或减刑的嘿
                                                          ∋ 彡 [nonomi] ∈ River '; Ω; `river - ┳ ┓ As for sexual abuse to under 18 years old in American Nevada state without reduction of sentence life sentence As for it is dense the stay of execution combining [e

                                                          • 强奸或遭到强奸或正在执行的和奸和奸哦,对不起,毕竟在养老死刑
                                                            It depends whether fornication whether rape When it is rape, capital punishment When it is fornication… The [a], [gomen] after all with capital punishment [yoro

                                                            • 我 路透 ṛ NULL
                                                              • NULL NULL

                                                            • 我们漂白的真实姓名的老师!县教育委员会抗议州长和粪便处理,以消除严惩犯罪教教师
                                                              Bleach the actual name of the teacher! In order to eradicate crime teacher in droppings teacher severe punishment dealing and will protest to prefectural board of education in the governor

                                                              • 我只是走在古杉有害物质或不安全的性行为或夏天穿的衣服和泳衣女子体操未来的地方,甚至高年级后,我的地方
                                                                Rear we it is with densely not to come, the [te] with the gymnastics clothes form or the summer-wear and the swimming wear form or the defenseless [ero] cedar of the high grade woman It is the harmful matter which you walk just

                                                                • 我得到它,因为职业中学幼儿园老师的人,幼儿园,小学,我只是做妇女
                                                                  After the man teacher [tsu] [te] junior high school it is possible, don't you think? The nursery school, the preschool, as for the small school the [wa] which is possible to be woman limited occupation

                                                                  • 我第一次听到老师或不犯人的性犯罪者实际上是苏秋叶Kimowota艾格尼丝?这里是因为紧张挖掘奇怪Ki m每天

                                                                    • 我能找到一份工作能为593名洛里一小学教师资格,是一个机会,任何系列坐在浴室的发牌制度的排减单位,与古思想想像 593 Acquiring teacher license for rori the tsu lever which is employed to the small school The chance where it can sit down the turn stand of the bathhouse with license system anyone The imagination is attached that with you think

                                                                      • 我觉得我没有办法爱,每个其他人的“爱”这对于例如认为但这吗?爱情。在现代社会,但是,我很合法。现在是基鲁生活在社会中所享有的处罚现在,刑事法律课程。凯塔是一个糟糕的时间和改造万想。对不起大家了洛里。只引起一场革命中的w There is no romantic love how shape therefore it is if you think that this person is “love” as for that the ro which is love But in today s society as for that it is illegal what Because you live in society because law was committed as for receiving punishment the proper Metamorphosis the thought cup age was bad Everyone of rori it was regrettable Only it causes even with revolution w
                                                                        • 849社会 现在基鲁生活在社会和权利的刑事处罚现在法课程。这是什么,接受处罚最层Kerubeki收到处罚最他们已经一 849 gt But in today s society as for that it is illegal what gt Because you live in society because law was committed as for receiving punishment the proper But what most the layer which should receive punishment most punishment is not received it is

                                                                      • 我说607次,情绪和自我情绪的定义和现实。如何写我从蔓之间没有明确区分幻想和分歧 607 You call many degrees but Definition and feeling and actuality and feeling of law our After distinguishing the difference of definition and fantasy when you write how kana
                                                                        • 我说607次,现实的自我情感的定义。如何从蔓写信给我的定义区分 607 You call many degrees but Definition and feeling and actuality and feeling of law our After distinguishing the difference of definition and fantasy when you write how kana

                                                                      • 我走出来的学生强奸的真实姓名→→→恢复发射在同一个省的学生走出来的真实姓名→强奸595接触,我会

                                                                        • 教师可以“控制狂”,但承认短期性攻击我和我的邪恶是没有,学生似乎是说奇怪的原因,他们认为,老师已经分离心理不稳定的可能 Also the teacher “dominant desire” recognizing your own badness although It is not short circuit sexual assault that as excuse done it is visible and Circumstances of the pupil are strange the instability of the mind and body due to being separated with the teacher There is also a possibility

                                                                          • 教育委员会学校拥有管辖权是“非常令人遗憾的是,一个借口不走”,而
                                                                            The board of education which governs this school has done “with very much regrettable thing, explanation it will do, but it is not”, that

                                                                            • 日本犯下的,我真的很详细的表格中显示的道歉和赔偿坚持小学女生涌
                                                                              Japan has apologized in the form which lifts up the elementary school student girl to [chiyon] and has compensated, it is with the shank It is self-sacrifice

                                                                              • 枝野26(埃塔场)@卖国民主联盟“强奸Ntsukyouso强奸奈达能帮助廉洁选举!的”看后喜欢的歧视,愚弄我自己写的是关于开放部落部落从话剧,是由于大量案件
                                                                                26 Way the branch field (the [etsuta] field) @ treason democracy “it elects and it cooperates Nitukiyou group as for rape clean rape [nida]! ! ” As for discrimination entry of the kind of gate which is made foolish regarding suffering discriminatory village The case which is the contribution with the original our performing of village opening alliance is many

                                                                                • 枝野(埃塔场)@卖国民主党人强奸Ntsukyouso强奸奈达能帮助维护廉洁选举“!”
                                                                                  Way the branch field (the [etsuta] field) @ treason democracy “it elects and it cooperates Nitukiyou group as for rape clean rape [nida]! ! ”

                                                                                  • 氏莲花前任秘书舫,荷花听到任何骚扰。行政改革相(42)30岁的男子秘书(辞职),10月2日,妇女,警街头东京丰岛区(18)驱动tTA身体接触。他曾接受警方讯问发现池袋
                                                                                    Lotus 舫 former public private secretary, with 痴 Chinese behavior option listening Lotus. Administrative renovation phase (42) man public private secretary of 30 year old generations (retirement at one's own request) on the 2nd, Tokyo The woman (18) the body assuming with Toshima Ku road surface that it touched, the superintendent. From the Ikebukuro station circumstance listening It was found that it has received,

                                                                                    • 漯河理由或其中的某些部分,将于法第10条教育人员进行认证,“接受处罚,否则被解雇的交通,还是从公立学校教师”,“(教学人员考核法)5段)第四条第一(或将被处以监禁处罚是适当的臻报“,然后我吊销牌照
                                                                                      With education staff license method 10th provision lapse reason Being decided, the [ru] to be and, “being the teacher of the public school, to receive the dealing of disciplinary dismissal”, the [ru], without, “(Education staff license method) the 5th provision 1st section 4th number (it is executed) corresponding to the punishment above imprisoning it reached the point of” If is, it is license lapse

                                                                                      • 现在,州教育委员会已发出教师资格,这也是其他国家的教育委员会撤销通知
                                                                                        Now, from the metropolis and districts board of education which delivers teacher license, notification of the effect which lapses other things It is done to also metropolis and districts board of education

                                                                                        • 男教师在福冈公立学校(40)根据起诉书,在3月教师在冲绳一间酒店,将带来一个是13岁以下的女孩亲密关系的影响就知道该项目的
                                                                                          Public small school inside Fukuoka prefecture Man teacher (40 generations) According to written indictment, the teacher the March this year at the hotel inside the prefecture, While knowing that the girl is under 13 years old it assumes that it had sexual relationship,

                                                                                          • 福冈是当地的小学女生我做爱Warukara支那文化淘金奇怪的标准,但我认为世界只Tteta埃勒盖 Because as for Fukuoka standard of living changes depending upon the district But the elementary school girl and sexual Seki relating whether the world just of eroge although you think

                                                                                            • 类应当修改,以便不断寻求从照相机或旅行社出能够获得父母 The parent that tries can enter and leave freely in class with the camera from the travel agent of entrance and exit always sees the re ru way improve should
                                                                                              • 这个类应该修改,使房子总是看起来像照相机或获得父母 The parent that tries can enter and leave freely in class with the camera from the house always sees the re ru way improve should

                                                                                            • 自愿离职,甚至要求辞职,如果任何事情,包括最后缓刑或监狱,这是一个教师的执照吊销...
                                                                                              Even with official suggestion discharge or self circumstances retirement, including also stay of execution, above imprisonment punishment When it decides, teacher license lapses shelf…

                                                                                              • 茂木老师甚至超过40,js中和H Tsukanai我觉得球少了,然后再决定你被称为北罗和所有你了! Tsuka“播放音频”转换率征收“疯狂的欲望”比比驱动tTA什么瓦特 40 it passes and JS and H does with even the teacher and although the tsu te ru which is sown when it comes with you… The tsu te you say you are decided the less is not attached it is it isn t When handle “today it is to be” with conversion you apply “mania 淫” the tsu te coming out the bibi tsu it is w
                                                                                                • 在披露后的首个具有约束力的生活改变的关系进入了一个真正的人谁喜欢大畜生觉得我进入青春期Ĥ我应该去和我不知道我 Entering into adolescence you become aware it is Being tied in connection with the truly favorite person between romantic love if the beginning H it does and solves Don t you think the tsu te life it probably changes

                                                                                              • 被推定无罪的决定,因为,以及支付薪金,闵看门狗巢,寒气刺骨对太阳疯狂

                                                                                                • 被转移,浪漫的细节感突然显示,在本身,但我会到达那里,因此,如果光的性质,现在是关闭之间的“野蛮的心围绕”一个小古怪水平你不会喜欢潮湿的性质 Becoming permanent change of assignment romantic love feeling awakens suddenly Probably could be a tsu te thing itself but If the character which such simply is done relationship being cut off at the level where “surroundings become aware” directly Kind of wet circumstances become strange character it will not be done and

                                                                                                  • 试用卡租与,收到了监狱服刑,如果梁是取消资格的理由(第4条第1号法第5,第)和相应的许可证不能再享有发行
                                                                                                    When stay of execution is not attached, receives jail sentence, defect case reason (legal 5th provision 1 section 4) with correspondence, license As for reissue it is not possible to receive,

                                                                                                    • 这位母亲不应该对错误的开始照顾,关系你会带来什么效益? 是否可以拥有与小学教师的性别?它处理与白痴 As for the mother becoming aware relationship having there is no ru midst gt Sex of elementary school student and teacher normal Bends story the fool
                                                                                                      • 更重要的是教师和医生从现在,但我不知道这是什么值得我博士诺贝尔奖 Then when it does teacher tsu te above current doctor the doctor how It was value of Nobel Prize ones however it is probably will be

                                                                                                    • 这种Busayo脑,沉迷于Zitirou Ntsukyouso活动,保持经济孤立于一般环境的不是很自然
                                                                                                      Such [busayo] brain, with workplace environment while it is isolated from general economic society Nitukiyou group And you fall flat forward in activity of autonomous labor, densely [mu] real with proper reason

                                                                                                      • 这野生的,如不是暴力是一个灿烂的金色古妆,临时或不对头了,我会不情愿地把Waisetsu期间参与古古听到更好 Relationship having hateful 々 waisetsu thing being done on ru midst circumstances are strange when You hear that it is like it has become rough the gold errand where the make up had become lively had become rough well but

                                                                                                        • 那么它就像是一个炎热的条纹裤哭以151?母亲“假开始觉得不对头了”不是一个时期的十字架,然后我会触摸和硒,因为当我提出 151 The separation being harsh don t you think the tsu te which cries and sows it is The mother as for “becoming aware in circumstances being strange” It touches and or sekurosu has done there is no time therefore the te after being transferred
                                                                                                          • 变化如此之快,他们在151,并在那里,你说你的,或者分钟的路程从哪个是哪个 151 In remainder with quick change oh with while saying your can and It stops understanding either one is which

                                                                                                        • 难道有人说,以前一提儿童色情物品会更迫切性,以防止教师对儿童的犯罪
                                                                                                          Someone says, before the child pornographic commenting, the characteristic crime for the child of the teacher The one which it prevents directly probably is urgent business, but

                                                                                                          • 魔鬼的宫崎,宫崎县,1949年三股罕见的活体Hashiguti悟Kitamorokata区高中教师
                                                                                                            Ogre domesticated fowl and animals and high school teacher of Miyazaki prefecture Bridge mouth Study 1949 Miyazaki prefecture Kita Morokata Gun gin town origin

                                                                                                            • : : : : : : : : :值,L: : : : : : : : : : : 3┃ ┃我 三顾二)(三石 ┃ :: :::有限公司 )大鼠゙权力。 ┃ ,我::从诺诺 ┃从三,布鲁诺 我 :从 l ┃ three ┃ i i ku three Three shi ┃ 92 ri Mosquito ゙ ratsu ┃ r i ┃ No no ┃ three ∧ he r 92 ┃ lt iea gt l gt gt ┃ i nono 从 ┃ three No 从 i 从
                                                                                                              • ┃ ┃3 ┃3 ┃3 ┃3 ┃3 ┃ 图示!返回┃ ┃∧∧ ( )┃3 ⊂ ┃ Three ┃ Three ┃ Three ┃ Three ┃ Three ┃ ┃ pishiyatsu Return ┃ ∧ ∧ ┃ Three ┃ ⊂ 92
                                                                                                              • 〜〜 津帕卡 ∧∧∩ 。 ∀ ヽ ° ¯ ¯∪ pakatsu ∩ ∧ ∧ ∀ REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ∪

                                                                                                            研究 開発