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When reduction of Noda Yosihiko financial affairs phase and government employee labor cost etc becomes prerequisite concerning consumption tariff increase, recognition 


  • ...我也是其中包括薪金或其他成员的过程中假设储蓄帐户的开支?
    Reduction of government employee labor cost and the like prerequisite Naturally, also Assemblyman annual expenditure is included, it is?

    • 126 一个好的数字,如果他们不能指望一个更好的薪金比私人部门和公共官员的决定是更经常出现在瓦特 126 Being something whose even when or gt allowance is better than people never even with the government employee As for the number that you see carefully it is good but don t you think w
      • 你知道你站出来,我认为本地科尔伊藤诚茹埃泰恰好看这个地方的政府官员和206茹 206 When you look at this it comes being able to think that is good being just the local government employee but it is The district extending ro kore which is the ru
      • 如果你不削减任何事情,包括当地政府官员和国家公共利益只是被宠坏450 450 Just national public service personnel useless Also the local government employee including unless it reduces

    • 23,虽然我最近不但鼓励更多公务员工资,没有工作伦理是不是私人的,因为我很期待在30000自杀漂亮的逃生criticism m还每年在竞争激烈的社会Gisugisu也许我给他10倍更好自杀增值税双气动以汤姆,我 23 Being able to say although the ru there is no work desire the government employee whom just salary it tries probably to receive is many Recently because criticism it does not become the joke escaping intently the ru As for people suicide every year as many as 30 000 coming out in the competitive society which gisugisu is done the ru tsu lever The one which was caught heavily is better When consumer tax how it lifts whether suicide about of 10 times
      • 为了减少政府雇员的薪金将在未来数减少,而在可预见的,但当然会不仅要有足够多支付所有7个吊得太高 But as for controlling the labor cost of the government employee the proper It does not mean decreasing the number For the time being salary of everyone who is too high it means calling to 7 applying extent margin
      • 减少您的宝贵众议员不断怨恨只是公务员,但我不小心真的会不会这样做 As for Assemblyman constant reduction the ho it is with how it is good Simply rusanchiman But government employee The te me it is useless
      • 我这样做是全体公务员的55岁退休是我干的自卫队167 167 The tsu ke which is the Self Defense Force tsu te retirement age 55 years old All government employees so should be done

    • 5万亿日元的政府官员,劳工成本四十三万亿日元国家预算来自相关爆裂,涉及预算立委包括地方政府官员的金额将野田元,财政大臣将设立政府官员Munoka市? As for 5 000 000 000 000 Yen the national public service personnel as for 43 000 000 000 000 Yen it probably is the amount which includes the local government employee The labor cost which relates to the budget of the country where member of the Diet is related probably is the national public service personnel As for financial affairs Minister of State Noda to budget of municipalities uniting
      • 阿cancer re太愚蠢或不老师,但很快平静下来鄂如支付租金的两倍年龄的儿童是一个特殊的教师来教导当地政府官员 As for being the cancer the local government employee shelf Especially teacher When the disciple is same age two times the allowance which can be received it is close when As a teacher how the wa which is too senseless is what

    • 687嗯,我已经做公共服务的亲属企图自杀的时候,也仅仅动摇不会改变我的逻辑公务员内部的组织是什么激励所有的政治家和舆论的高度敏感的S 687 Well we the government employee or Being swung in logic of organization suicide attempted incident or the kindred who does it is Government employee society is to be changed from in The rising of public opinion and being stirred up of the politician are all what
      • 公务员薪俸民间,成为该国的该行的方式不只是在私人好处只有815人才是一个傻瓜接受板应在削减一半 815 If the excellent talent if it goes to people good sufficient story The one becomes because of the country As for salary of the government employee 5 tenths the shelf which it should reduce It should make the saucer of the fool
      • 日本一公务员在希腊公务员比是三个国家中,政府官员当然是我的翻译有收入税政府官员10谁是发现在10位甚至没有人 As for Greece in 3 one person government employee If as for Japan you see with tax revenue entrance 10 people are government employee tsu te meaning in 10 people Of course the government employee being the country of the citizen The other than of that is not the human even

    • 690个成员的政府雇员支付工资60万亿日元,他们只0 5日元百分之30万?众议员的神奇楚,楚Magical m政党和各种活动 690 As for the salary of Assemblyman in labor cost 60 000 000 000 000 Yen of government employee It is only 0 5 30 000 000 Yen As for the Assemblyman making a profit the party and It makes a profit with various activities it is
      • 为100万亿日元,百分之四谁应该有4万亿日元的经验,利益平衡 As for the balance although at 100 000 000 000 000 Yen it is the expectation where interest of annual 4 000 000 000 000 Yen occurs as a 4

    • 789票,以捍卫的理论,因为执政党举行的既得利益在减少瓦特

      • 815 822正如我说疯了吗?太聪明,以比较公务员奖金他妈的自己为精英,高盛和摩根公务员Gotoki平均年收入为300亿美元的罚款从疯狂 822 It is as said 815 kichigai Every government employee coming Goldman and Morgan etc Itself comparing with the bonus of the elite it is conceited Because the government employee the head is strange the ku it is being discovered It is fine at average annual income 3 000 000

        • ll只需一个彻底好人根性许多政府官员以及 我的家人都在举行 gt The government employee it is many even in we lineage The everyone good just person The finish nature takes the decaying tsu
          • 我的意思是,我是作为公务人员减少一半的薪水,如果他们停止儿童津贴同样的效果 If the te you say or stop child treatment when salary of the government employee is designated as half but the same effective what

        • _NULL_

          • _NULL_

            • _NULL_

              • ※目前的公务员薪级表50或更多的企业和100多名员工,是一家私营公司遵守公务员的平均工资为岗位找到类似的地位和薪酬福利与私营部门大学中P13的〜大阪之间的差异说明在文件本间雅晴研究组)●6.2不知道可能没有意义,即使万亿日元,相当于3%的消费税

                • ☆创作的儿童津贴◇◇〜来吧,请参阅二万六千个月日元(20○三一年日元福利)在我们的儿童和支持儿童教育我们的发言〜◇养老金记录的问题解决◇〜“退休金帐户”S是不是消失退休金“!” ! 〜〜◇◇自由发挥公路在区域公路免费的!取消服务检讨暂缴税收入用于公路建设◇〜◇汽油税,临时税和取消邮政的轻质原油交付296A税收,信贷为2.5万亿日元,邮政服务改革大刀阔斧〜◇◇改善人民生活的方便〜

                  • 一个有代表性的770人,我担心的是其中唯一的排序,进行风险的风险进行的选举,政府官员谁那样? NULL
                    • 公务员的犯罪是从工资太低?采取到日本做一税我将更多的公众和毁灭! ! ! ! Because as for crime of the government employee salary is too cheap is More if you do not take the tax revenue from the citizen as for Japan It is ruined

                  • 下一个子女的免税额玫瑰木应该是第一个创造就业机会的年轻人们,我想说的手流诚照顾老人或提高消费税时,因为我习惯削减政府官员通过了一项新

                    • 不,就躺在他当选后表示,选举之前,说这s是获得,但是他们改变名称的权利的法律和人力,致力于姓氏+朱达罗选举权法案是日本设置

                      • 为了减少I 2股无就业工作(支出越多),以减少输入销售税的收入甚至用这笔钱你Wozu ü谁我没有分享更多的就业工作,而Ipai在监狱里,呈现出增加的成本支出 Not to be to decrease expenditure employing more at te work share 2 Even consumption tax revenue entrance not to be to decrease entrance employing more at te work share The person who uses the money the zu the jail increases ipai and expense expenditure on the other hand
                        • 在不减少消费支出,增加资金使用我们的人民和共享招聘工作没有什么更多 Not to be to decrease expenditure employing more at te work share Unless the person who uses the money is increased

                      • 主要目标和直接的财务状况,或有税提高的影响,因为它是可疑,但伯尔和财政紧缩和一致性是更多地参与父亲是民主党人分钟

                        • 什么是公务员缩编,我知道你可以减少公务员的人数,民间?

                          • 他们将不需要站立低于私营部门等这是最公正的服务,我高我将课程包括公共服务的高,不是吗? Consisting by the fact that high service is offered in the citizen but the ru it is Therefore the majority of high services what below people does not need becoming the ro which is proper

                            • 但下级军官不会反对,而且削减睨(从老板或),粉尘质量诚努希歹徒良好条件与公共官员,并会针对帮派活动 So when that it does also the junior staff who is not cut probably will be opposes because and glares in the superior The government employee and the close friend it will do densely and well opposite campaign will do also the mass rubbish all together and

                              • 你明白吗?你不需要警察呢?来自汉堡,我对你笨老鼠 It is understood Either the police without needing to here it does the yo Being left over from the ru the nonsense mouse to take because how it has done it does the yo
                                • 你明白吗?你不需要警察呢?来自汉堡,我对你笨老鼠 It is understood Either the police without needing to here it does the yo Being left over from the ru the nonsense mouse to take because how it has done it does the yo
                                • 我会结束,我在你笨老鼠 gt Either the police without needing to here it does the yo gt Being left over from the ru the nonsense mouse to take because how it has done it does the yo

                              • 你是60%的公司税税率提高一倍,自然看不起人吗?报纸,10%或25%的速度像“大约一半的企业税,双重增税,”令人惊讶的声明 Lowering income tax to approximately 60 it designates the tariff of the natural person as 2 times it is the ro which is As for the newspaper each paper there is no tariff 10 or a 25 and “the tax increase tsu te should write te income tax on approximately reduction by half and consumer tax 2 time”

                                • 全薪,因为过高。遣散费,取消所谓的直接原因识别系统

                                  • 公共工程发出大量的政府债券的后果(同)只是为方便

                                    • 公务员的致命业务?为什么所有的政府和私营部门的雇员周转率?为什么所有的政府和私营部门的雇员周转率?为什么所有的政府和私营部门的雇员周转率?瓦特

                                      • 公务员薪酬开支?只有这样我会做的选举舞弊巨星汇民也很好瓦特

                                        • 减少成员数量,他们将是10%,但公务员减薪的是税收道南370000亿日元在你现在的大部分费用,日本的劳动,使他税你解除朱达罗套餐仆人公布有关削减我有一个三五○○○○○○○○○○○○日元这种愚蠢的故事政府雇员的工资? Decreasing the number of Assemblymen If salary of the government employee it decreases About tax reduction of the 10 it being possible the ro which is proper Public and private matters tax lifting because it can feed ru current Japan Labor cost almost is what Although it is tax revenue 37 000 000 000 000 Yen labor cost 35 000 000 000 000 Yen of government employee Is there such a foolish story

                                          • 减少数十亿美元对许多在超过471公务员的薪金远远低于未来的工作人员梁(与出暴露于不利的话)和显着增加的倾向,至少数万亿的销售税附表(消费,但石窟可能要降低)0 1%,如果撇开,你我都知道,神奇数字反对派的细微差别 471 Salary of the government employee being the place where it lowered being many at the very most several 10 000 000 000 reductions there is a possibility adverse effect appearing in future talent guaranty When consumer tax it lifts at least several trillion increaseds revenue however there is a possibility propensity to consume going down considerably Whether or not the 0 1 the ro which as for as anyhow that the beam is different completely understands and is
                                            • 减少数十亿美元对许多在超过461个公务员的薪金远远低于未来的工作人员梁(与出暴露于不利的话)和显着增加的倾向,至少数万亿的销售税附表(消费,但石窟可能要降低)0 1%,如果撇开,你我都知道,神奇数字反对派的细微差别 461 Salary of the government employee being the place where it lowered being many at the very most several 10 000 000 000 reductions there is a possibility adverse effect appearing in future talent guaranty When consumer tax it lifts at least several trillion increaseds revenue however there is a possibility propensity to consume going down considerably Whether or not the 0 1 the ro which as for as anyhow that the beam is different completely understands and is

                                          • 即使城市的官员,教师和警察官员的手指在我猜公仆ü野田说,水果是太广泛的公众officials m市医院护士

                                            • 同时,这些地区总承包商,有如天轮,爱国分类Netouyo信浓公司没有抵抗,因为日本自卫队

                                              • 后镇压和早期退休招聘失业增加这么多额外的朱达罗

                                                • 和减少劳动costs ll承担的公职人员,常驻电梯Dekinaijan

                                                  • 因此,我经历过被排除在外基诺津贴的数字说,62?我的意思是,排减单位的实际金额,我认为答案不是S 62 The number of the treatment pulling out was said don t you think it is However with you say or you answer with cannot think the true amount…
                                                    • Wattara选举结束始终之一,我们充分的资金补充津贴,年终调整和颜色 1 In addition the usual way when election ends because it is fully added with end of year adjustment and color treatment it is

                                                  • 如果你问他们洙以及劳动基准法上向私营部门,而且也增加就业和接收鄂如加班费

                                                    • 如果昆虫吃115个政府官员最赚钱的国防开支自卫队:儿童津贴零五零零零零零零零零零零零零日元:黄金昆虫食品不是最好的管理公司的二百万亿日元050000亿日元特别帐户

                                                      • 如果破产,金融崩溃,如果你,也许是时间的人数大幅减少的寻找杀人,通货紧缩的左侧现在Wapua When we assume that it fails when we assume that public finance it fails you look at the populace of wapua with current deflation leaving to a murder When decreasing sharply the number of citizens however you think that is don t you think
                                                        • 如果你失败了,但我认为你的人数大大减少了寻找杀人,通货紧缩的左侧现在Wapua When we assume that it fails you look at the populace of wapua with current deflation leaving to a murder When decreasing sharply the number of citizens however you think that is don t you think
                                                        • 此外,41个国家粮食自给自足的金融崩溃,如果04%百分之能源独立或日本民众会发生 If and public finance it fails is the Japanese of the energy self supply ratio 4 citizen probably how to become with the domestic food selfsupport ratio 41

                                                      • 如果贝鲁和比差阶段的四亿三千万日元民众私营部门平均收入的“工资”是他在享受

                                                        • 妇女的平均七九零零零零零零零日元奖金为绿色的私人工作,大约是437万日元,包括选择含(千叶县工商劳动部统计) In this confronting Green of private work as for average of 7 900 000 Yen includes the bonus and it is a little more than 4 370 000 Yen the Chiba prefecture commerce and industry Labor Relations Div statistics
                                                          • 我们的收入尼克挣得七九零零零零零零零日元一个女人的工作两小时绿色天 Green of one day 2 hour work because has been acquired the earnings of 7 900 000 Yen it is

                                                        • 就总的赔偿条款,但稍加研究,我也调整其他的天空,但5002年的数据,经合组织国家中政府官员的总劳动成本最低的是我 When you refer to entire remuneration you inspected also other just a little research however it is however it is the data of two 〇 〇 five years in OECD countries it is lowest as for with entire labor cost of the national public service personnel the shank
                                                          • 30万亿至20万亿日元,公务员25%的脾气当地政府官员在这零五零零零零零零零零零零零零日元, 〇六〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元 National public service personnel 5 000 000 000 000 Yen 25 000 000 000 000 Yen local government employees Now 30 000 000 000 000 With 20 or tsu 6 000 000 000 000 Yen
                                                          • 发现有罪,但在光的地方还包括有关公务员及当地政府官员在1个疗程,你认为加税来抑制时间做她的第一只这仍然是不够的 But it should depress to also the place of the government employee relationship which naturally designates the local government employee as one Just this doing furthermore when being enough the ze which for the first time will think of tax increase

                                                        • 峨大学胆小每天加班超过435顶和结构调整服务,以领先的公司进行的,更稳定和共赢的基础音频高毕业生公务员初级一对 435 The first rate university coming out servicing working overtime at first rate enterprise you become frightened to restructuring From every day the beginners class government employee stabilizing with medium soldier finishing high soldier finishing it wins and it is group

                                                          • 当地公务员的薪金野田知道,像基鲁文说服人们在他们与他们的平均年收入的中间区域,而不是民事骚乱服务税的改革,

                                                            • 成员人数,降低费用,每日报酬在这样的情况下是不支付的,沿着这条希望查看详细资料,甚至花了公务员的重要一步走向没有光或列入附表

                                                              • 我不应该缴纳的国家税款已采取了从图纸变成严重的公共资源税的支付,如果你问他们诚实,并拘捕qqqqqq模范比比公开大声

                                                                • 我会说我是440和勤奋工作,我不认为◆我们只有努力工作,但他们应该做或者说是低效的垂直组织 440 Intense duty saying however the ru non efficiency thing doing with vertical organization Intense duty being said you can think in only our industry complacency

                                                                  • 我做得相当削减劳动力成本,如果你问茹降级为不良合同工的工作人员撰写的成熟大会堂

                                                                    • 我在一个体面的民主党和排除只苍蝇 她生命的最初步骤将不野诚瓦特 In the Democratic party by far it is honest gt Noda Good life you cannot walk probably will be w
                                                                      • 查看详细闪烁,因为465个国家,这是党的宗旨的民主 465 The country falls into ruin Even this puts out object of the Democratic party

                                                                    • 我小学老师的她在大厅勉回我丈夫的房子,你就像西方的宫殿

                                                                      • 我当地政府官员,60名政府指定的城市,在一般城市,但我在进入该机构接触90%

                                                                        • 我必须植根于公务员事务有关的委员会,我复制和粘贴408,和费用一半的公务员帐户将再次增加收入的5万日元的人每一年,或者你的资源,使工人的金融 408 However that kopipe tsu te government employee and others is pasted by all means with the straw raincoat board With the government employee labor cost of the government employee as a half if it turns the revenue source to the worker Per one person it becomes earnings increase of annual 5 000 000 Yen
                                                                          • 什么是公务员人数众多的国家从工资税的问题54000000000000日元40万亿日元,政府债券为政府官员薪金税收日本三七○○○○○○○○○○○○日元的,在世界上有?日本一些严重摇摆 The tax revenue 37 000 000 000 000 Yen of Japan Labor cost 40 000 000 000 000 Yen of government employee Deficit financing bond issue 54 000 000 000 000 Yen The national tsu te whose labor cost of the government employee is more than the tax revenue is there a world Japanese yaba it is with maji
                                                                          • 什么是公务员人数众多的国家从工资税的问题54000000000000日元40万亿日元,政府债券为政府官员薪金税收日本三七○○○○○○○○○○○○日元的,在世界上有?日本一些严重摇摆 The tax revenue 37 000 000 000 000 Yen of Japan Labor cost 40 000 000 000 000 Yen of government employee Deficit financing bond issue 54 000 000 000 000 Yen The national tsu te whose labor cost of the government employee is more than the tax revenue is there a world Japanese yaba it is with maji
                                                                          • 你必须做我什至削减公务员人事费用升降机销售税的论点,在大选中存在的权利宣言,以减少我的成员人数 The ro where tsu te the fact that pulling up the consumer tax how you do not do and the te government employee labor cost cutting and the number of Assemblymen you reduce is the manifest with general election
                                                                          • 元的平均劳动力成本,包括约1000万日元(任何准公共官员根据2007年7月3日世界发出外务省发言人★,4次在棒棒糖!) gt gt The average labor cost which also the quasi government employee includes Approximately 1 000 ten thousand Yen Weekly sentence spring July 3rd of 07 according to the number at 4 times that ame the greatest in the world
                                                                          • 我必须植根于公务员事务有关的委员会,我复制和粘贴408,一半的员工工资和政府,将每年的收入增加和时间的人,每5亿日元,让工人有足够的财政资源 408 However that kopipe tsu te government employee and others is pasted by all means with the straw raincoat board With the government employee labor cost of the government employee as a half if it turns the revenue source to the worker Per one person it becomes earnings increase of annual 5 000 000 Yen
                                                                          • 换言之,我会说没有它的Ku不仅支付全部本金及利息的消费者和国家债务的公务员工资税的实际收入最高的国家税收收入和回报的泡沫和泡沫经济的再次 In other words again bubble business coming again assuming that the national tax revenue became the bubble highest tax revenue Going out entirely with just true government employee labor cost and original interest payment of the government bond it is to be gone

                                                                        • 或不当行为的公职人员,是在报章上刊登的文章读QR码武藤,政府官员的罪行,犯罪的详细信息,如该单元格出现在 When scandal of the government employee the QR cord code which is published to the newspaper article is read crime Detailed information of the government employee who commits it tries to be seen with carrying when

                                                                          • 排减单位给予政府官员的罢工权利,但我必须削减或愚蠢的重建,战国政府雇员的薪金为下一财?儿子内阁官员真正平(笑)

                                                                            • 提起税通货紧缩,通货紧缩嘿,可进一步降低劳动成本,公务员,财政部长,以使背部受伤,所需资金与可持续的社会保障和税收收入上。渐进增强

                                                                              • 无论如何,我切支撑手段,这是真的了切割为虚拟号码,诈或驱动tTA只有这个。 我想我的号码?如常 How the se that 削 decreasing also the meaning being agreeable the tsu which does it was and just this shaved vis a vis the number of the imagination which was made that 詐 The ro which is numeric what Usual
                                                                                • 如果你借他们的手在自己的地区与地区的707克热井补助金,以擅自削减 707 If well you start to the revenue share does the district owe to the individual In order to reduce selfishly it becomes
                                                                                • 弹出货币减少使日本自卫队从224削减他们的权力,维护国家的愚人节 224 Shaving to the power which maintains the country the fool do that it creates the gold with the Self Defense Force reduction

                                                                              • 日元的疲软,原材料成本上升的燃料,如原油出口,但收购不仅是消极的,它可能会,因为他甚至不能做生意的价格我再没有合 If it becomes weak yen also fuel such as materials cost and crude oil of transportation exhibition to soar not to be that the te Although buying it has been defeated price is not agreeable already and even te business talk becomes the circumstance which is not achieved So

                                                                                • 日航日本的一切,我什至不能挡板而这又使每个人都一分钟 全国广播金古妈祖日本政府官员的民族抵抗力量越来越多的贫困生活 Although it understands that everyone Japan becomes JAL Stops no one that as many as… In the resistant power government employee the gold scattering As for the ma tsu ku te citizen the Japanese citizen where life becomes impoverished steadily
                                                                                  • 650名公务员已努力学习,只是愚蠢的我不哟 650 Studying with utmost effort the government employee te just Don yo which is foolish what
                                                                                  • 不要浪费加税的PTR官员,国家广播古妈祖的钱总是在世界上越来越多的贫困生活 Increasing taxes earnestly the government employee wasting in the world the gold scattering As for the ma tsu ku te citizen it is the case that life becomes impoverished steadily
                                                                                  • 不要浪费加税的PTR官员,国家广播古妈祖的钱总是在世界上越来越多的贫困生活 Increasing taxes earnestly the government employee wasting in the world the gold scattering As for the ma tsu ku te citizen it is the case that life becomes impoverished steadily
                                                                                  • 我650名当地政府官员,你知道我哪里有300万付费会员的本地家长 650 The local government employee how the parent 3 000 000 paying to local Assemblyman the ro which becomes and rubs
                                                                                  • 我们一直在这样说什么,你问我,如果他们要成为公仆妒好多了!我很清楚,如果连简单的年龄标准 Therefore the ro which you call and is so 妬 increase it is and if should have become the government employee it is even If only age condition it clears the ze which is simple
                                                                                  • 攻击官员的选举公开,并似乎很容易,笨的人会投 Don t you think still government employee attack seems that becomes vote When the citizen is foolish also election being easy the shank
                                                                                  • 整整64个政府机构和公务员籍Yaarimasentteittemitaridesho 64 The tsu te which is not the government employee to an administrative corporate body it tries saying with does the yo It is like the
                                                                                  • 日航日本的一切,我什至不能挡板而这又使每个人都一分钟 日本人民抵抗力量的公务员弯曲 Although it understands that everyone Japan becomes JAL Stops no one that as many as… The Japanese citizen who submits to the resistant power government employee
                                                                                  • 日航日本,但要引起大家一分钟,我不能 没有人挡板弯曲的力量抵抗日本人民的公务员 Although it understands that everyone Japan becomes JAL stops no one that as many as… The Japanese citizen who submits to the resistant power government employee
                                                                                  • 日航日本,但要引起大家一分钟,我不能 没有人挡板弯曲的力量抵抗日本人民的公务员 Although it understands that everyone Japan becomes JAL stops no one that as many as… The Japanese citizen who submits to the resistant power government employee
                                                                                  • 没有146位,在第一,我感觉到政府官员无视逻辑飞往另一个如果他们不自由 146 Well because in the first place we is not the government employee There is no remembering which ignored logic separately
                                                                                  • 瑞杉差异,这可以减少130个成员的官员总数 130 From Assemblyman government employee ahead The sum total which it can reduce is different too much
                                                                                  • 皮科恩!对所有公务员,因达好,如果你问政府官员参加考试今天上午再次 pikon If civil service examination is made to take to government employee everyone once more it is good it is
                                                                                  • 虽然我说的每一个民主党人,第一个公务员改革中,我还将谈论加税Misezu为什么表现 As for in the first place Democratic party that the government employee it reforms to say You do not show either the manner which you do and why mention tax increase

                                                                                • 格林夫人(生产2小时 天)七九零零零零零零零日元年收入8亿日元日元的年收入每年收入的女人(世田谷区)⌒::我,8 5亿二〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元在专户喂养一些电话运营商办公室(为期两天的周末 内有暑假)一千○五十○万日元年收入公务汽车司机 Green truth work 2h day 7 900 000 Yen in annual income Setagaya Ku ⌒ i In special accounting 200 000 000 000 000 Yen Certain government office telephone operator 8 000 000 Yen in annual income School lunch 8 500 000 Yen in annual income 2 weekly holiday summer vacation possession Official vehicle driver 10 500 000 Yen in annual income
                                                                                  • 7亿日元× 300万年薪和拉之间的Ku和21万亿日元,○九○○○○○○○○○○○○日元 Annual income 7 000 000 Yen × 3 000 000 human 21 000 000 000 000 Yen When you deduct 9 000 000 000 000 Yen
                                                                                  • 82 (⌒)(⌒) 我 ⌒( 人 )⌒::我二○○○○○○○○○○○○○○日元在特别帐户 ⌒⌒ ,ヽ ー 但你没有标记 82 92 ⌒ ⌒ 92 ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ human ⌒ i In special accounting 200 000 000 000 000 Yen REPT It is the no mark
                                                                                  • 格林夫人(生产2小时 天)七九零零零零零零零日元年收入(世田谷区)的收入八五○○○○○○○日元800万日元午餐女士电话办公室一些收入( 所看到的5天工作周暑假)一千零五十零万日元司机的年收入公开 Green truth work 2h day 7 900 000 Yen in annual income Setagaya Ku Certain government office telephone operator 8 000 000 Yen in annual income School lunch 8 500 000 Yen in annual income 2 weekly holiday summer vacation possession Official vehicle driver 10 500 000 Yen in annual income

                                                                                • 民主党人抱怨上调消费税忽略了我的IT公务员工资成本,易于提高消费税并没有违反刑事讨论葛根素两犯下冷血

                                                                                  • 目前,他们付出更多的40 和50多岁的男人 如果他们有一年浪费这一切税,并说自己有可能是奇迹,国家成立 The party of 40 50 generations it puts out the fact that salary it is many under present conditions gt As for the excessive labor cost per 1 due to government and private sector differential 4 000 000 Yen gt As for squander of the blood tax with the government and private sector differential of labor cost how annual 30 000 000 000 000 Yen 36 000 000 000 000 Yen lt gt Every year squandering this much tax you can call that itself nation has been formed miracle probably will be
                                                                                    • 如果他们有一年浪费这一切税,并说自己有可能是奇迹,国家成立 gt gt As for the excessive labor cost per 1 due to government and private sector differential 4 000 000 Yen gt As for squander of the blood tax with the government and private sector differential of labor cost how annual 30 000 000 000 000 Yen 36 000 000 000 000 Yen lt gt Every year squandering this much tax you can call that itself nation has been formed miracle probably will be

                                                                                  • 研究 是将公务员与办公室工作人员和公务员,包括任何当地政府官员很少二★这是你会发现你更好的带来了很多的金钱来支付民间来到Erannai努力工作,他们认为安全吗?如果是这样,约10万件国家和地方的政府雇员年薪500万× 50 u003d万亿 With the office worker and the government employee you think and the hard work which is not viewing the government employee who is done with cheap salary the large quantity having the money ru thing is ascertained 2 Also this tsu te local government employee being included the ru That is when we assume Annual income approximately 10 000 000 × national local government employee several 5 000 000 50 000 000 000 000
                                                                                    • Ketara日本政府继续民主党人不能说Bassari将负责人权的官员不久的将来也将荡然无存 Human rights expense of the government employee when the Democratic party which batsusari it is not possible holds administration Japan probably will be fails in the near future
                                                                                    • 你要看看下原因,我在公务员工资的工资来自Erannai不认为是安全的努力私营部门 The ro where with people you think and salary of the government employee who is done with cheap salary how you lower the hard work which is not viewing and is not re ru meaning and is
                                                                                    • 研究 与公务员和机关工作人员,当地官员也包括我这个难得的2★我会发现,很多钱给我们带来更好的公仆?如果是这样,约10万件国家和地方的政府雇员年薪500万× 50 u003d万亿 With the office worker and the government employee the government employee the large quantity having the money ru thing is ascertained 2 Also this tsu te local government employee being included the ru That is when we assume Annual income approximately 10 000 000 × national local government employee several 5 000 000 50 000 000 000 000

                                                                                  • 立法者和公众和公务员或教师挖掘古时代形象唯一已知的兰花薪水愚蠢的,例如薪金公务员的工作时间之外,但我喜欢自定义白领公务员 Employment time and salary of the government employee the times when intellectual viewing aho hits the government employee with just image The teacher and public peace and member of the Diet anyhow it is government employee how refuse like annual income of office work type although
                                                                                    • 爱也虚弱在5 09 09啊什么的不工作的伟大一天的工作周期 9 Obtaining … Either meeting does not change and there is no employment cycle whose 9 time two weekly holiday of 5 o clock is splendid is

                                                                                  • 简,内阁的支持率 53 2% 调查的销售税民主党候选人参加选举投票自由↓12 2%10 28 4%↓%,如果他们能够提高税率至49 2% 2001年新的报告 06 20 3 关于销售税的问题你认为 菅 Cabinet support ratio 53 2 House of Councillors selection poll candidacy Democracy 28 4 ↓ Our people 12 2 ↓ Consumer tax 10 tax increase 49 2 … new reporting which it is possible to train 2001 06 20 How you think concerning consumer tax
                                                                                    • 即使在引入自由民主党在销售税,3%至5%的销售税说同样的事情时,我拉进细节的显示 When introducing consumer tax with the Liberal Democratic Party administration when consumer tax pulling up from the 3 to the 5 It means the same thing
                                                                                    • 菅直人“,经济的方式Machigaenakere将提高税收,即使他们使用了很多,”并考虑销售税,我们会考虑保安局投诉表明了积极的经济方面的加税这个工程 菅 Naoto “increasing taxes if you do not make a mistake in use business becomes good” With consumer tax and the like in mind tax increase plus conveyed the idea of keeping appealing the side which works in economy

                                                                                  • 而产生或在这种背叛?通常,政治家高于平均水平的阻止,并说这不应该是CON组 Did that kind of defection occur from somewhere Normally it is the expectation e g the politician where the head is cut off above average has not been swindled

                                                                                    • 自民党没有做什么,但咀嚼的债务是没有过度膨胀的债券债务冉愚蠢的钱,所以我ska和拨浪鼓当地经济,但没有觉得公共工程后,泡沫破灭或我打电话布巴 Completely the Liberal Democratic Party which nothing other than the debt discharging was done how calls being good After the bubble collapsing the general public construction being gone although shakily is in local economy Because the money bakasuka was done with government bond overissue debt It expanded
                                                                                      • 自民党没有做什么,但咀嚼的债务是没有债务的过度膨胀斯卡冉所以我愚弄公共工程泡沫破灭后,债券或者如果我打电话布巴 Completely the Liberal Democratic Party which nothing other than the debt discharging was done how calls being good After the bubble collapsing because the general public construction bakasuka was done with government bond overissue debt It expanded
                                                                                      • 钱包会亏本下降当地经济不稳,但没有感觉的作品为市民,即使疼痛 Even merely the general public construction being gone although shakily is in local economy It is painful there not to be a wallet which drops the money

                                                                                    • 至于你提到,你Dearimashi小川利治,但现在,到我家先生表示从人来说,在日本公务员的人数后,都明显与其他国家相比是赎回努力和老师说,这是少我的一些政府官员 Siyunzi Furukawa As said being however now you expressed moderately if you say from number of people to be considerable the numbers of Japanese government employees are few in comparison with the foreign countries that now the teacher should aim don t you think is as for the number of national public service personnel

                                                                                      • 菅直人在加息看法人税和消费税★1及其奴才为御手洗视力改革报告年度美国/ 4到[。简 - 成立内阁讨论!日本经济将出现[樱花小鼠H22 / 6 / 19] 24:2来自全世界20 /自民党政治的目的是促进资本主义的统治阶级政权的美国模式继续辜至4获得国家摆脱美国的占领已经放弃了完全由作者:左翼政界为本来是自民党内(美国+韩国占领朝鲜)

                                                                                        • 表明四郎减半自卫队的养老金417,我不书,直到他们支付警察降低了劳动成本(或他们不是普通的刑事败类集合只)完成公帑的钱通过电子的流动如果你知道,现行的公务员的一半 417 Reduction by half of public welfare annuity clearly writing margin When the allowance of Self Defense Force and the police is decreased labor cost does not get together only the kudzu like the offender it gets together If the flow of the gold of the citizen is grasped completely with the electronic money the present government employee can be reduced by half
                                                                                          • 从什么垃圾废料只是采取罚款从来没有得到公务员的工作我会在退休津贴韩国它甚至不是一英里和民间减薪超过40 Salary and the retirement lump sum grant of the government employee of 40 years old or more swiftly cutting margin Either function do in roku high class taking therefore only the ru rubbish kudzu what
                                                                                          • 表明,减少一半的退休金四郎自卫队417或没有减少他们的书的人的薪金警察(或他们不是普通的刑事败类集合只),充分了解公众的钱生钱的电子流如果你能减少一半的现行公务员 417 Reduction by half of public welfare annuity clearly writing margin When the allowance of Self Defense Force and the police is decreased labor cost does not get together only the kudzu like the offender it gets together If the flow of the gold of the citizen is grasped completely with the electronic money the present government employee can be reduced by half

                                                                                        • 让我休息服务体系看起来像除了纳税增幅下,不是吗?销毁

                                                                                          • 许多公务员更多的887公民,政府官员应该减薪以上的支出的比例是什么占用1 3 887 The government employee number is more the ratio which is occupied in the annual expenditure is large Very the government employee salary it should cut first

                                                                                            • 该国9500万员工在575个国家为公务员每个人,大家你来政府在当地的3 04亿,我国人民的平均年薪是八二〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元 575 The country everyone of the national public service personnel 950 000 everyone of the local government employee 3 040 000 is in the country and others the tsu plain gauze is but annual average allowance of these people is 8 200 000 Yen
                                                                                              • 我们是一个由9500万政府雇员的每一个人,大家你在当地政府雇员3 04亿美元的国家来,我国人民的平均年薪是八二○○○○○○○日元 Everyone of the national public service personnel 950 000 everyone of the local government employee 3 040 000 is in our country and others the tsu plain gauze is but annual average allowance of these people is 8 200 000 Yen

                                                                                            • 财政赤字是政府雇员工资的原因?在希腊,它被证明米达

                                                                                              • 超过3000万日元薪酬开支占公务员及其他收入减少%削减万公务员的年收入超过5没有收入限制商品超过30万套

                                                                                                • 转播政府官员和公职人员和退休金,以及私营部门是否遵守水平,05%税阶Bitekurudeshou相当于削减支出更接近现实

                                                                                                  • 达罗帐户直线思维和养老算盘考虑公众的情绪,公众情绪比算盘

                                                                                                    • 这不是我的事被前政府声称并不比其他民主党人?查看详细资料,甚至在维塔唤醒一句承认,我会找到我要围绕税收和削减约20政府雇员工资的百分之减少至少不是一个固定成员 The Democratic party which is not other things administration before taking insists this is thing what At least reduction of Assemblyman constant Labor cost 2 percentage reduction of government employee Extent it is to be popular with tax increase what It does not go to wake which also the bita 1 sentence recognizes
                                                                                                      • 30岁不是很多现在20多岁,觉得他给我留下一双北刚发言发言赢得的价值公务员しい测试敏感认真塔姆严 The tsu where as for those of current 20 generation 30 generations value of the government employee rises and sows it is For the sake of the notion that where it is the victory group which remains undefeated in harsh test Those which you say are many
                                                                                                      • 666 不说,许多事情 666 The tsu where gt as for those of current 20 generation 30 generations value of the government employee rises and sows it is gt For the sake of the notion that where it is the victory group which remains undefeated in harsh test gt Those which are said are many
                                                                                                      • 教师和公务员招聘考试,今天上午我们再次收到所有公职人员,他泄露了中线分为自卫队进入怎么办?这将净化愚蠢连接 在招聘减少已经采取了明确的立场 Making teacher employment test and civil service examination government employee everyone take once more the person who drops out inserts in Self Defense Force how Now clearing the connection fool without decreasing recruiting it is completed

                                                                                                    • 这将重振日本●3 3(你管影片) If like this it does Japan revives 3 3 You Tube animated picture
                                                                                                      • 这将重振日本●1 3(你管影片) If like this it does Japan revives 1 3 You Tube animated picture
                                                                                                      • 这将重振日本●2 3(你管影片) If like this it does Japan revives 2 3 You Tube animated picture

                                                                                                    • 这是什么“保持公务员工资的一半,民间”,而不是一类称为激进的改组,“私营部门遵守职工平均工资的100多个”说,一个非常谦虚的,当然这是一个故事时所采取的措施 This at all “allowance of the government employee margin is not radical restructuring step of the type which is said in half price” That “it conforms to the average allowance of the private enterprise employee 100 or more” you say Quite the properness at the same time it is to be story when proper step is devised

                                                                                                      • 这样的小组。安田礼堂正中什么战士的老师,我还是有相当瓦特

                                                                                                        • 那么,我应该让他说话更因达时间表根据屁股甚至公务员,公安人员说菅先生蔌苏嘎先生你知道你是傻瓜。我觉得我们不明白自己吗?毕竟,政治家们不动组织Ginaittekotowo对你的逻辑性,真正帮助人们抛弃和政治家的个人信息未经医生不至少立场什么是极限,我认为应在医生和政治家谁 Also the government employee facing the face you should have spoken the person it is many it is Therefore 菅 it is swindled it is the ro which is 菅 With the official which you speak This person it is not recognized it is the kana which is not After all by his is moving with logic of organization to pass saying thing The politician if feeling of the individual is not thrown away in true sense does not stand in part of the citizen At least before being the person only the politician and the doctor it is the politician and is the doctor It should you think that is
                                                                                                          • 那么,我应该让他说话更因达时间表根据屁股甚至公务员,公安人员说菅先生蔌苏嘎先生你知道你是傻瓜。我觉得我们不明白自己吗?毕竟,政治家们不动组织Ginaittekotowo对你的逻辑性,真正帮助人们抛弃和政治家的个人信息未经医生不至少立场什么是极限,我认为应在医生和政治家谁 Also the government employee facing the face you should have spoken the person it is many it is Therefore 菅 it is swindled it is the ro which is 菅 With the official which you speak This person it is not recognized it is the kana which is not After all by his is moving with logic of organization to pass saying thing The politician if feeling of the individual is not thrown away in true sense does not stand in part of the citizen At least before being the person only the politician and the doctor it is the politician and is the doctor It should you think that is

                                                                                                        • 金钱是巨大的,仍然是结束他们的剥削和既得利益有几个人Warezu睡眠大部分用于储蓄

                                                                                                          • 问题是,老百姓被剥削,并继续成为公司巨大的资金从一个既得利益自民党政治家在保持良好的附着力,官员来休息只残留

                                                                                                            • 韩国已经变成了加税的主张比少,公务员,最小的监护人。党福利管理官员。 ↓↓这是政治的本质-选举的威胁-减少。派出由民主党人放弃了自己的“日本爱知请愿候选人希望所有我觉得它停止,”那声音和重量求1 3

                                                                                                              • 鸭和尝试的乐趣招聘高层排除只骂他感到遗憾的是我们的政府官员,但比我更清楚! !

                                                                                                                研究 開発