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“Just the Korean school being excluded, the stomach to be to let stand”, high school which “is race discrimination” gratuitous conversion and application to the Korean school seeking, the urgent meeting ★2


  • 29:40编号:pYjRm4lc0 ·石窟具体的词汇是微薄的,颂词是“不要想:”我没有话我Ttena 29 40 ID pYjRm4lc0 Specific vocabulary of language is scanty There is no “consideration” tsu te word in chiyon language it is even
    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 2009 05 06 water 14 29 40 ID pYjRm4lc0 Specific vocabulary of language is scanty There is no “consideration” tsu te word in chiyon language it is even

  • 734,和战胜国和战败国的领土Agetsuratsu,并围绕他们都彼此的敌人,而是天赋,但我觉得我的灵感,我复制了所有的好
    734 Arguing with defeated country and quasi- victorious country, the hitting which it makes both hostile countries, Our however you think, that it is the genius flash, everyone it is possible to imitate

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 210 211 The Korean school is discriminatory with the “vocational schools” however it is probably will be the same preparatory school or the automobile school like vocational schools Coming out there is no entrance examination qualification of the public university but if you graduate the Korean school as for being entrance examination qualification of the public university knowing If you do not know you should have been ashamed of your own obscurity sufficient story
      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 In addition the Osaka Korean high class school Higashi Osaka city the pupil “just the Korean school the stomach does to be to let stand the fact that it is excluded is sad but We would like to have the strong feeling where it cannot point to discrimination” that you expressed
      • “将排除自由,否认所有的辩论我们学校的学生儿童,以及在日本的韩国”或什么是扩大“不可理解”。 “Gratuitous conversion exclusion denies child everything of resident not only the pupil of the Korean school” Whether it is what discussion development “understanding failure”
      • 大阪府公立学校教师在“会排斥自由,否认所有的学生我们学校的儿童,以及居住在日本的韩国人,”你闻闻香Ntsukyouso玺 As for public small school teacher of Hunai s “as for gratuitous conversion exclusion Child everything of resident is denied not only the pupil of the Korean school” Fragrance of Nitukiyou group it forces and the fragrance does

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 465 Anti Japanese education even in Korea which how has not been done as for the elementary school student way Japan is disliked but
      • 我也没有反日教育在韩国461所小学的学生在日本似乎恨我 461 Anti Japanese education even in Korea which how has not been done as for the elementary school student way Japan is disliked but

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 58 18 ID kBo UhGQ0 When at the Kitakyushu all junior high school of one former times ago the inside of chiyo hangs attacked everyone bibitsu te it is egui of the people it is dense especially chopsticks lynch hanging dividing The person who is thrust to the nose When it pulls out because it dies being bleeding abundant if while it stuck it was in the hospital and was not what it was not 224 Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity
      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 464 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 05 31 month 10 58 18 ID kBo UhGQ0 When at the Kitakyushu all junior high school of one former times ago the inside of chiyo hangs attacked everyone bibitsu te it is egui of the people it is dense especially chopsticks lynch hanging dividing The person who is thrust to the nose When it pulls out because it dies being bleeding abundant if while it stuck it was in the hospital and was not what it was not 224 Name it is not the stomach fullest capacity

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 72 “ Ten thousand scene peaks 92 ” Docks looks from the boat window “ The Korean school ” The pupils were visible
      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 72 Omiya Korean school Each school of the city in any case has been bothered

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 802 Why it becomes such an extreme story The Government of Japan makes the Japanese citizen most preferential as for the foreigner that way there is no calling The necessity to expel is from the wa as for anti Japanese power and the offender to another
      • 为协助学校已经公然反日教育施分别与美国和什么是错 It is strange to assist in the school which administers anti Japanese education openly different from the American school and the like

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Although it should have commuted to the Japanese school this attorney that probably will mean random thing with something e g it is race discrimination
      • 他们不能轻易顾长引1美元框律师法官 Therefore as for the judgment where simplicity it is possible and does not do and is prolonged for the attorney the box

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for the habit your own urinaraminshi ゙ yoku there is yourself and it uses the word which is not done well e g love is feeling is mercy it is deep it is as for that heart face w After very to recently there was no either “promise” tsu te word it seems
      • Yoku゙Urinaraminshi他们的习惯是深深的同情和爱心端午端午资料,并经常用他们的话我都甚至不给绝对,奇摩后面对我们直到最近在W“承诺”我不相关的话 As for the habit your own urinaraminshi ゙ yoku there is yourself and it uses the word which is not done well e g love is feeling is mercy it is deep it is as for that heart face w After very to recently there was no either “promise” tsu te word it seems

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Asahi newspaper 1959 July 13th it could receive in six month Japan and therefore it returned naturally
      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Asahi newspaper 1959 July 13th it could receive in six month Japan and therefore it returned naturally

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Because it is not high school outside the object of gratuitousness conversion There is no story something just of the tsu te Therefore what it is thing it is said already from the wa of reason boring Gratuitousness conversion itself it stops and the chi ya obtains The tsu te ru which also public finance blazes and sows it is to put out
      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 458 In regard to politico religious separation and converting the school of religion type of specification gratuitously are strange Gratuitously it converts when it is waiting child problem is thought as cancellation margin
      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Because it is not high school outside the object of gratuitousness conversion There is no story something just of the tsu te Therefore what it is thing it is said already from the wa of reason boring Gratuitousness conversion itself it stops and the chi ya obtains The tsu te ru which also public finance blazes and sows it is to put out

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Entering into the object the ru it does south Korean when as for race discrimination the face is scurvy with appearance when it is awkward color is black when It is the disabled person when you have influence which does in just such reason
      • 歧视,或者颜色是黑色或禁用或者如果它看起来丑陋与否的丑恶嘴脸,这意味着唯一的原因 As for discrimination when the face is scurvy with appearance when it is awkward color is black when It is the disabled person when you have influence which does in just such reason

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Furthermore as for the promise tsu te word which presently is used with that chiyon peninsula “ yaakusoku ” with the pronunciation which is said That was plugged and Japanese the beginning was transmitted to merger age when it seems it is what
      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Furthermore as for the promise tsu te word which presently is used with that chiyon peninsula “ yaakusoku ” with the pronunciation which is said That was plugged and Japanese the beginning was transmitted to merger age when it seems it is what

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 In order to utilize the child as the interest group and the political instrument you being discriminated from the Japanese society if we assume that you teach the ru it is the same as oumu

      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 In the Korean school putting out the portrait picture of the Kim Jong Il General Secretary in the auditorium and the like North Korea e g it is complete compatriot education Political influence is received strongly
        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The vocational schools of other high school conformity although it is the gratuitous conversion object will not go to the reason that it excludes just the Korean school

      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Korean subsidy help of annual several 100 000 Yen to guardian of school and the Korean school regardless of to income payment in full assistance Race school non examination public and private matters high school entrance examination qualification grant of graduate

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Q Why 600 000 person the Japanese remained in the slave A The unprinted leaf pekuchiyon with the slave class which was called to be many in Korea when it returns because it is discriminated is
          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Q Why 600 000 person remained in Japan A The unprinted leaf pekuchiyon with the slave class which was called to be many in Korea when it returns because it is discriminated is
          • 我们看到,他认为日本经济已被奴役和支配着传媒゙美差 The people controlling economy and masuko ゙ mi the eye pour designating the Japanese as the slave

        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 That tsu te after all the resident combining As for public opinion poll of happy animated picture however it is not done yet support ratio recovers dramatically at the official Democratic party only the net user Although you cannot think that it has done

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The foreign school is converted gratuitously with something The chiyon school how there is no like this problem The gold have putting out to the homeland it gets together also the droppings foreigner of the house
            • 凡是外国学校是免费的吗?让您的钱该国学校这不是怀疑涌,亚shit和外国集群 The foreigner school is converted gratuitously with something The chiyon school how there is no like this problem The gold have putting out to the homeland it gets together also the droppings foreigner of the house

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The Japan constitution Use restriction of public property 89th provision As for public money other public property for organizing with respect to religion or use convenience or maintenance of group Or it expends this vis a vis charity education or the philanthropic business which being attached are not done in public control or you do not have to offer to the utilization
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The Japan constitution Use restriction of public property 89th provision As for public money other public property for organizing with respect to religion or use convenience or maintenance of group Or it expends this vis a vis charity education or the philanthropic business which being attached are not done in public control or you do not have to offer to the utilization

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The Korean school it depends on the School Education Law as for “the Ichijo school” not to be the vocational schools” and school training help gold” “scholarship” 1955 It is remitted by for the Korean school almost every year over total 150 time or more from the generation first half sum total exceeds 46 000 000 000 Yen With it is seen
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 518 In the near future when it returns to the homeland if you promise there is also gratuitousness conversion and is
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 824 In the first place the education system where as for the Korean school you can obtain the qualification which can take an examination the national and university corresponds to high school
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for the Korean school in Japan with “vocational schools” and the School Education Law Because it is distinguished clearly from first outside the gratuitous conversion object
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 In the first place because it is not high school treatment if university side does not add the “Korean school” to entrance examination qualification intend legally targeting even university entrance examination it does not become
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 You say that just the Korean school is discrimination but the international school being gratuitously converted ru So if it is not the ro which discrimination is not at all and is
            • “教育补助”,“奖学金”,是因为他们几乎每年都有1955年初,唯一的方法将超过150所学校都在韩国推出,预计总量将超过460000000000日元 As for “education help gold” “scholarship” 1955 It is remitted by for the Korean school almost every year over total 150 time or more from the generation first half sum total exceeds 46 000 000 000 Yen With it is seen
            • 什么是794了什么?韩国学校指定的学校在学校教育法条不 794 Something is unrelated what The Korean school is not the school which is stipulated in School Education Law Ichijo
            • 儿童福利是不是免费的632 高中学生学分 “从过时的各项扣除的子女免税额成为 632 Unless high school is converted gratuitously Child treatment high school student deduction gt Child treatment various deduction abolition Because it becomes
            • 因此,韩国将有学校在测试中占据上风,他们自然会讲韩文 The Korean school it probably is proper for the party whom you speak in Korean with test to become predominant
            • 因此,韩国将有学校在测试中占据上风,他们自然会讲韩文 The Korean school it probably is proper for the party whom you speak in Korean with test to become predominant
            • 在自由民主党,埃塔本身提供的学校申请韩国大学毕业生的“遗憾”,我可以只 It is the sufficient if in the Liberal Democratic Party administration era “you should have reflected” that itself university entrance examination qualification is given to the Korean school graduate person
            • 我一直运行正常,如果是这样,我为什么不知道,因为我很没用地说,学校教学反社会反日民族和朝鲜,一个自由的情况下才溃疡 North Korea to be anti Japanese nation because the Korean school has done counter social education you call useless it is not well understood If so in the first place why being managed normally the ru it is before the gratuitousness converting crush
            • 萨克学校和公立学校教师和韩国人说我只是抗日与栽培和教导孩子的歧视,歧视是在宁波Ro m埃泰要教育和社会情绪 Teaching that it is the discrimination which the 寧 ro regardless is discrimination planting anti Japanese feeling in the child the ru Korean school and public school teacher social education how are what
            • 这不是一个种族的歧视,学校从韩国人的自由,我在韩国万维网我们认真坏我说,他们赶走半岛必须归还 The Korean school has converted gratuitously therefore it is the trap www which is not race discrimination With maji the Korean chases by all means in the peninsula and returning if is not don t you think it is useless
            • 韩国将在所有合资格的学校可以采取的公立大学,根据高中教育 In the first place the education system where as for the Korean school you can obtain the qualification which can take an examination the national and university corresponds to high school
            • 韩国首824所学校为公众所大学合资格的申请人,根据高中教育 824 In the first place the education system where as for the Korean school you can obtain the qualification which can take an examination the national and university corresponds to high school
            • 韩国首824所学校为公众所大学合资格的申请人,根据高中教育 824 In the first place the education system where as for the Korean school you can obtain the qualification which can take an examination the national and university corresponds to high school
            • 首先,而是针对自己的免费高中,只是足够的思想是否会被公开 In the first place but high school gratuitous conversion itself opposition if you do how thinking with just public institution the sufficient

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 www ndl go jp horei jp kakugi txt txt00999 htm 1 Compulsory education of the Korean children designates that this is done in the public school as principle
            • 10月12 TTP的内阁决定,1949年朝鲜的行动计划■学校: www ndl go jp horei jp kakugi TXT文件 txt00999。媒1)韩国儿童义务教育,公立学校,和原则的行为 The Korean school disposal policy 1949 October 12th Cabinet conference decision ttp www ndl go jp horei jp kakugi txt txt00999 htm 1 Compulsory education of the Korean children designates that this is done in the public school as principle

          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 “ shiyabu The offense which is not known Mode of life of underground empire ” 趙 shell Work Yellow people Meaning 1991 JICC publication bureau 趙 shell of author The person was the Korean journalist the seventies in Pusan police policing While leading the reporter life of stuffing Like the insect where as for me shiyabu the sense consequence medicine the eye blacks out in interest zaya which is not either the way which is brought jumps in the light dense structure If it remembers the fact that it reared in addition the opposite You crowd in smuggling it encountered the offenders many it reached the point where interest is held
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Japanese 50 the sixties Tsushima Opposite Denseness If it remembers the fact that it assisted reared as a base in addition the opposite In origin of smuggling The Korean smuggling organization which cultivates this time way conversely the firewood it scatters shiyabu facing toward Japan It became if “boomerang phenomenon” is verified the incenter the people who small buoyantly are felt also will appear
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Therefore us If it has those which you can smuggle it means to should brag isn t

          • NULL y REPT REPT Resident 3 world is they are 4 worlds with it continues lightheartedly it is Everyone of Korean DREPT REPT No Everyone is the foreigner who is done selfishly 92 ¯ two chirin ♪ Person REPT huhuhutsu Therefore our party very making kind the ru it is 彡 REPT ○ REPT REPT Please think gratefully wwwww REPT REPT To ¬
            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 no he y REPT REPT Everyone of resident Korean DREPT REPT No Everyone is the foreigner who is done selfishly 92 ¯ two chirin ♪ Person REPT huhuhutsu Therefore our party very making kind the ru it is 彡 REPT ○ REPT REPT Please think gratefully wwwww REPT REPT To ¬
            • 儿童的韩国三和自满,但继续做它的居民从群达四只,让我的孩子没有到151步,以便他们只是削减链某处被韩国人从成年已成为 151 So doing just the child permitting from the ru Resident 3 world is they are 4 worlds with it continues lightheartedly it is Therefore the child of the Korean just becomes the adult of the Korean Whether the do tsu unless the chain must be cut it reached stage

          • _NULL_
            Foreign school of ↓ gratuitous conversion application * Medium high section of [esukora] [pararero] vocational schools, & Tokyo Korean school, * Tokyo Chinese school, * British school [intoukiyou] Showa, * lycee [huranko] [jiyapone] [do] east. Willow north school, * Tokyo Yokohama Doitsu school, * Yokohama Chinese institute, * HIRO school [esukoraburajireirapurohuesorukawase], * 伯 human school [ieesu] Hamamatsu, * 伯 human school [ieesu] Toyota, 伯 human school [ieesu] Toyohashi, * 伯 human school [ieesu] Hekinan, * 伯 human school [ieesu] Suzuka, * [nitsuken] school * The Hokkaido international school, & northeast international school, & American school in Japan, * The Christian academy in Japan, & Kay [intanashiyonarusukuru] Tokyo, & Seishin international school, * Seisen international school, * cent [merizu] international school, & [sanmoruintanashiyonaru] school, * Yokohama international school, * The Nagoya international school Aichi prefecture high school, & Kansai institute Osaka international school, * [kanedeian] [akademii], * [marisuto] brothers international school, & the Hiroshima international school, * The Fukuoka international school, * Okinawa crith chance cool international

            • Д 。° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ д ⊃ REPT REPT ⊃ ⊃ re REPT REPT └ ¯ 92 re REPT i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 REPT REPT REPT Ten thousand scene peaks 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ λ λ ∧ ∧ REPT yo REPT ∈ ¯ ∀ д ⊃ REPT REPT ⊃ ⊃ re REPT REPT └ ¯ 92 re REPT i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 ∧ ∧ ∀ ⊂ To ∩ i i i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

            • ー802,写睡得好,我觉得她最近两日举行了抵制外国居民不打算
              802 Well as for the entry you think that it is original our performing of resident, but Don't you think? 2 and others - there is no intention of rejecting the foreigner

              • 什么是真正的社会主义“,一律平等,每个人都高兴我成为,”这是我的东西一般“大”我不认为给予绝对崇拜摇尾乞怜是与君主专制 The socialist tsu te originally “in everyone equality with everyone it probably becomes happy don t you think ” being tsu te ones With you revere “great General and” you think that it is not the absolute monarchy which is offered but it is
                • 什么是真正的社会主义“,一律平等,每个人都高兴我成为,”这是我的东西一般“大”我不认为给予绝对崇拜摇尾乞怜是与君主专制 The socialist tsu te originally “in everyone equality with everyone it probably becomes happy don t you think ” being tsu te ones With you revere “great General and” you think that it is not the absolute monarchy which is offered but it is

              • 什么?这不仅仅是韩国人学校?学校如巴西一刀切,对所有外国学校,我排除了平等
                Obtaining? There is no just Korean school? The Brazilian human school, all foreign schools in evenness, are excluded in equality

                • 但它也看到了日本,朝鲜通过银行,信用社汉娜总公司下的销售在日本的韩国(涩谷区,东京)在日本朝鲜人总联合会居民设置为梁(朝总联)账户的教育会议上向外国拥有的人, Furthermore if you see from the Japanese but via the city bank of the North Korean person The hana trust group main office Sales Div of resident Korean type the Tokyo Shibuya Ku main Korean entire association of the resident which is provided the Korean entire ream It paid on the account of main Korean education meeting of resident of affiliation
                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 If you see from the Japanese but having the school of the North Korean person on the Japanese country is to let stand the stomach
                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The te without having to send the gold to the homeland with the economic sanction to North Korea because the ru therefore the gold about groans in the Korean entire ream the expectation which is that use
                  • 立即归还所有受害者在日本绑架,有关朝总联,我们韩国人的赔偿学校官员,土地归还给私人学校和其他企业和居民非法占领朝鲜 In regard to Japanese kidnapping confinement victim everyone return home the entire ream which is related apology it makes the Korean school authorized personnel compensate The Korean school which is occupied illegally and in addition the land of resident enterprise and private possession is made to return

                • 但是,人们不应该歧视韩国人,朝鲜人Tatte我们流亡生活,所以我希望他们如何我到他家的国家呢?他们有相同的地方我是韩国和日本的歧视?我当时并不想对日本民族歧视,苏这是真的,我们将暮单位在同一地点,因为他们对日本歧视 It should discriminate the Korean But when the Korean is banished they wish to live why in native country combining Korean It wishes to be in the same place as the Japanese whom it discriminates combining If we we would not like to be even in the country which discriminates the Japanese and the Japanese is discriminated Don t you think it is the true tsu flat e g it lives at the same place as the party
                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 514 The Korean should banish But when the Korean is banished they returning in native country in order not to cause hindrance in life it is necessary to give education
                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The word which it negotiates to the Japanese government and doing discrimination is audible in only threat
                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 There are no times when it is important to other things or is We would like to have the strong feeling where it cannot point to discrimination It is not discrimination
                  • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Why it wishes to live in the country which discriminates the Korean combining Korean It wishes to be in the same place as the Japanese whom it discriminates combining If we we would not like to be even in the country which discriminates the Japanese and the Japanese is discriminated Don t you think it is the true tsu flat e g it lives at the same place as the party
                  • ·韩国韩国人即使没有接受义务教育的儿童今天上午,我浇水已经在私立学校家长,只关心我是一个虐待儿童 In the tsu lever where the Korean Korean does not have either compulsory education the child receive completes at my private school and the child has abused becoming aware the ru parent
                  • 当时的入学要求和做的只是韩国国民,而日本人,反向歧视 The Korean Korean register at the point in time when it is limited the reason which discriminates the Japanese conversely it puts out to entrance condition
                  • 战后,日本正在迅速恢复秩序,韩国人再没有针对任何人 After the being defeated as for Japan when public order is recovered quickly as for the Koreans from everyone it became unable to make the partner
                  • 相当被称为种族主义者,但对日本人民的外国不可能给予投票权?为什么不是韩国人他们的种族主义混蛋 To the foreigner denizenship is not given with the Japanese is discrimination principle person calling Very te me gill race discrimination principle person well Korean

                • 偏执狂〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 Damage delusion

                  • 因为在韩国这样的学校,“国际学校的一乘学校”,是可作的一些自由
                    Because, because you can do to “the international school of the Ichijo school” such as the Korean school part gratuitous conversion

                    • 在今年1月下旬,被评为学校和直接向边缘的建设已关闭了东京第二次韩国第一中级学校校长西,北被授予英雄奖章的努力
                      Late to January this year, west Tokyo Korean second first middle class president before the school closure sun/size It was appraised, that the same school is rebuilt, the labor hero decoration was conferred from North Korea

                      • 在没有自由的极权国家,日本“纳粹”,并十分荒谬称之为公平!日本将抱怨从该国货币。让我们说从一个独裁,以消除孩子!
                        Laughable 10,000,000 e.g., the fascism nation which is not free, “Nazis” calls Japan! If complaint is acquired to Japan, from the homeland the gold. After removing the dictatorship of the parent and child, call!

                        • 在程序中,谁是女性幸存者到志愿者队伍,动员家庭的突击队和志愿者跟踪
                          With program, pursuing the bereaved family of the volunteer, the survivor, and the special attack unit which are mobilized to woman volunteer party

                          • 地方选举权外国居民(表决),使该法案的支持者,被提升到外观,日本在其中的原因之一,他们的生活和他们的反韩居民将在日本 Local denizenship election right as for propulsion group of the bill which is granted the resident Korean Korean opposed to its own intention in the permanent residence foreigner and listed the fact that to Japan you have lived as one of the reasons
                            • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 2 About the one which election right is used in Japan When Japan recognizes local denizenship election right is used One time returning home the inhabitant register becomes necessary

                          • 坚定的左派报纸的出席率是100%,韩国木田浩吉见义明的反弹不是这场闹剧?噢,这是韩国人也写文章手流河内瓦特
                            It does, as for the [tsu] oak [sayoku] newspaper the farcical meeting favorite shelf of the Korean There is no attendance ratio 100% something? Well, the article writing, also [ru] ones were the Korean w

                            • 它是什么,只有居民的字符在标准浏览器的ID古恐怖唤韩文:2nu884GT0西西总是不成熟B的反日活动和身份证湿重滑稽未来火从疾病的发病埃泰。 www是混乱
                              The browser letter the [tsu] [te] which transforms screams even with Hangul standard Resident terrorist ID: 2nu884GT0 w Always immature anti-Japanese activity quaintness w Next comes out ID changing, ww The fire illness emerging, departure. Being distracted, www

                              • 客户现在有点从旧故事到后面,更好的学校,韩国人谈到的是,韩国是站在韩国国民的时间,在冶炼是一个朝鲜返回的可能向北作为新科类和学校Okonai后,它会闻到你们朝鲜人作为教育 Just a little just former times of the ji ji without Well if the Korean school as for you say the bright fresh person of the Korean register of that time raises as before Sooner or later we had become in the notion that where with if possible the same subject as the North Korean school and you return home to North Korea Teaching we administering education as the North Korean citizen
                                • 2)对非义务教育的一个韩国人在培训学校,在日本将严格Shitagawa教育法规,未经批准的学校是不承认我 2 Concerning the Korean school which educates other than compulsory education strictly the non approved school does not recognize in accordance with the Japanese education law

                              • 当然对其他“代理人自民党,自由民主党操作工惊讶:”我编入我的愚蠢言论
                                The extent “the Liberal Democratic Party operative which is surprised with other [sure], the Liberal Democratic Party operative” [tsu] [te] the [wa] where the fool who is written is

                                • 您是我们的母亲,“被绑架日本人”,忘记了正在进行的事实吗? gt Because you make the Korean school because identity of race is maintained do the education of the children without being gt “ The eager people are made foolish ” Behavior being identity of the peninsular person gt Native country of your people “ The Japanese was kidnapped ” With presently it is fact of progressive that you don t forget

                                  • 我们沉迷上瘾达数百万日本日本,但绍布是由韩国主要货币,在韩国,外资金额较少吸毒者,哈萨克斯坦进行走私进入大想要一个广义上的救济,可能有一井
                                    Japan which is climbed even in several 1,000,000 people The fact that the common practice people are usual was [shiyabu] which was almost made in Korea, but among Korea, the usual people to be few, to Japan The relief impression was spreading whether without of being to make the huge foreign currency with smuggling

                                    • 扎西受不了肚子?少数民族的歧视?什么是白痴?这个国家?你是不是因为这个国家为什么? NULL

                                      • 日本的学校或职业学校在处理等主要外国学校,巴西各学校,但不包括学校韩国自由“为”不撒谎

                                        • 日本,韩国,日本゙单显示器! ! ()灶下里│゚゙显示器是没有好! !永远的,我们゙奴隶监控! ! ! ! | | | \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _关闭关闭
                                          As for Japan [mononita] ゙ of resident South Korean! ! ( ) │ As for [chiyoha] ゚ [ri] [nita] ゙ which already is useless! ! Eternal, our slave [nita] ゙! ! ! ! | | | \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <_ [hu] _ _ [hu

                                          • 是你在一个光顾,他们是在日本问:日本现在准备去不能返回?答:我又回到了140万后,立即日本战前的200万人口的战争 In other words now being in Japan as for so having done greatly… Q You wanted to return it could not return resident A 1 400 000 person among pre world war 2 resident population 2 000 000 returned home immediately after the termination of war
                                            • 是你在一个光顾,他们是在日本问:日本现在准备去不能返回?答:我又回到了140万后,立即日本战前的200万人口的战争 In other words now being in Japan as for so having done greatly… Q You wanted to return it could not return resident A 1 400 000 person among pre world war 2 resident population 2 000 000 returned home immediately after the termination of war

                                          • 是的,应该被排除在外,以及私立学校比韩国和日本的外国学校学校
                                            So, is, also the foreign school other than the Korean school and the school etc of the Japanese private should exclude

                                            • 欺诈,工具,渗透,调解和暴力...只有这个能力,采取了日本的利润驱动tTA尽一切伎俩充分利用你必须筛放在一目了然
                                              Fraud, construction, permeation, conciliation, and violence…… Freely using all strategies, glance you do not put in place the ability just this to take the Japanese profit you do not obtain

                                              • 济州岛,34事件 维基百科)问:日本已被迫草稿?阿 200万人口生活在日本的人,被征入日本工厂6月的战争,因为战争的另一端上只有20万 End state island four three incidents Wikipedia Q Resident was forced was taken Among the resident populations which as many as A 200 ten thousand people are in great war final period it was conscripted same as the other Japanese in the factory and the like As for 200 000 person of 6 months when immediately before of the termination of war passes
                                                • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Relation End state island four three incidents Wikipedia Q Resident was forced was taken Among the resident populations which as many as A 200 ten thousand people are in great war final period it was conscripted same as the other Japanese in the factory and the like As for 200 000 person of 6 months when immediately before of the termination of war passes

                                              • 科学和技术外交恶劣撕裂过,但我想我只能大量Itsuku
                                                Technology although only [pakuri] it is possible, happens to think mean negotiation technique with a lot of, it is with the shank

                                                • 第7月11日,34岁,约245人“生活在日本是日本罕见的或谁是自由意愿,保留其所有的 As for the data July of 34 with 11 date the stationary tsu it is in Japan concerning 245 people “with everyone your own free will the person Or it is the Japanese origin
                                                  • 第7月11日,34岁,约245人“在日本的生活是日本罕见的或谁是保留所有自己的自由意志 As for the data July of 34 with 11 date the stationary tsu it is in Japan concerning 245 people “with everyone your own free will the person Or it is the Japanese origin

                                                • 编辑Kaese是阿Sumaji Kaese让我来带领。编辑Kaese Kaese一个孩子对我俊赖Kaese Kaese和埋葬雷恩
                                                  Apply the [chi] [chi] the [se] Apply the [se] With do and from apply the [se] Densely though apply the [se] Apply me the [se] It is connected to me It is the [ge] it is apply the [se] The [ma] [ji] which is permitted well, 葬 ream

                                                  • 菅直人Kaese横田惠被绑架犯人逃脱Shingansu,远在抗日
                                                    Apply the Yokota Megumi the [se] 菅 Naoto let escape [shingansu] of kidnapping offense, anti-Japanese extreme left

                                                    • 该方案,志愿者,妇女工作队慰安妇(Teishin)幸存者1进行了动员,并跟踪神风队飞行员的家属
                                                      The survivor who is mobilized with program, the volunteer, woman labor volunteer (the [te] is and the grommet) as party, And pursuing the bereaved family of the commando

                                                      • 达罗出来做不好那边 不只是498变化的伟大领袖的画像,哇我不是洗脑菜单 498 When it puts out that there is the portrait of ro … General who is useless it just is not as for the brainwashing menu although it does not change
                                                        • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Unless by your you become as desired in order to shout that it is discrimination to brainwash the child gratuitous conversion margin provoking the ru

                                                      • 这些家伙,不是吗?军方人员渗入日本对朝鲜的反恐战争?税金用于日本的敌人士兵正在接受治疗,以促进你为什么?
                                                        When and others it is dense becomes North Korea and war, the [ro] which is the disappearance operative soldier who does terrorism in the Japanese country? Although you raise the soldier of the hostile country with something, the Japanese tax is used?

                                                        • 问:17%,从济州为什么呢?答:战争结束后,看看逃避屠杀的李承晚总统的济州,是从韩国走私到日本,帮助克祖 Q Why the 17 being end state island graduate A After the war escaping from the slaughter of the end state islander by Japanese plum acceptance late president as for Japan without helping Korea dense entry Because it did is
                                                          • Japan m高兴使得行,试图帮助克祖种族灭绝俄罗斯韩国 As for Japan without helping Korea Seeing the mass slaughter by Russia the re it was good it is
                                                          • 问:17%,从济州为什么呢?答:战争结束后,并期待以逃避总统李承晚济州大屠杀,是日本走私 Q Why the 17 being end state island graduate A After the war escaping from the slaughter of the end state islander by Japanese plum acceptance late president in Japan dense entry Because it did is

                                                        • 问:为什么南方99 4%(韩国)由1?答:卡兹茂木谁最接近于日本南部的日本 Q Why the 99 4 southern part Korea being graduate A The southern person who is close to Japan came to the income in Japan
                                                          • 问:为什么南方99 4%(韩国)由1?答:卡兹茂木谁最接近于日本南部的日本 Q Why the 99 4 southern part Korea being graduate A The southern person who is close to Japan came to the income in Japan

                                                        • 问:什么?受害人居民Dzura为什么呢?答:我不能证明在日本只把他们的存在,以拥抱的内疚感 Q Huh Why resident has done victim zura A Because only hold the sin impression to the Japanese it can justify itself existence is
                                                          • 问:什么?受害人居民Dzura为什么呢?答:我不能证明在日本只把他们的存在,以拥抱的内疚感 Q Huh Why resident has done victim zura A Because only hold the sin impression to the Japanese it can justify itself existence is

                                                        • 韩国学校,学校应以开办平壤,金正日在北海外公民教育学校
                                                          As for the Korean school, North Korea Overseas public citizen education School of for the sake of The school which it should manage with the gold of the North Korean government

                                                          • 韩国提出的对人类的影响下,韩国女韩国国家情报院菅总理女人的私生子
                                                            菅 Prime minister The Korean human feelings lady The Republic of Korea national intelligence institute Raising my raw child of the woman who is under influencing in Korea

                                                            • (笑)前原诚司堤三岛22日采访“。人员中断的大学与”多与学生之间的
                                                              (Laughing) Yukio Mishima The discussion with Tsutsumi Seiji “two & two. From extinction of officer and National Federation of Students' Self-GovernmenAssociations students”

                                                              • : (他』 他们是不同的 HKDRT 彡 彡 No gt Those people are different
                                                                • 我不擅长,但我有时会做它 :: (他』之间的差异 他们ü So doing good thing turning however the ru … HKDRT 彡 彡 No gt Those people are different

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