重田自卫队是否是主机字节暴力22岁女顾客 > Rough to 22 year old woman customers
Whether Self-Defense Official has done the byte of host, the main thing it is
-当你出了许多自杀的韩国金融危机,福利金等,每月,直到最大型的免税特权 _NULL_
08不,我觉得我没有得到晋升,10年甚至22岁以后的生活已经委托我在酒吧喝?警方原谅 8 Well with the liquor in the life stick being appointed in 22 years old 10 years it is not passed promotion the tsu te It is not possible it is it isn t If the police anyhow
08不,我想我可以在更后的10年中没有一个是促进一个22岁的临时任命?警方原谅 8 Well being appointed temporarily in 22 years old 10 years it is not passed promotion the tsu te It is not possible it is it isn t If the police anyhow
谣言是你没有与警方和报纸的麻烦,我在酒吧喝振动许多人的生命驱动tTA NULL
10年前的919名陆上自卫队队员非阿祖凯塔它! Uhotsu呢!现在最好的钼无凯塔,性病测试和降滚装裤子,我不知道如果不是长在血液测试已知的兰花 919 It was not in Land Self Defense Force about of 10 years ago atsu uhotsu It was not and At the very most the underpants lowering short arm inspection with about the te Oh it is high to blood inspection … Now intellectual viewing
16:05编号:xWQ0qaqU0“我的工作,以保护国家,”警察队长拘捕三名妇女谁面对我的拳头喝醉陆上自卫队2010年6月21日13:一个女人的50面打我醉了驱动tTA赤羽警方怀疑警察不打,陆上自卫队练马驻军三中将在,野田付隐藏先生(32)岩渊町北区,东京警方说, 16 05 ID xWQ0qaqU0 “The country is protected it works it is” the face of the woman who becomes drunk you beat Arresting the Land Self Defense Force 3 尉 The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department 2010 6 21 13 50 Becoming drunk assuming that you beat the face of the woman as for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Akabane station in doubt of assault Ground Self Defense Force Nerima camp 3 and the like the lieutenant Nakano Suguru Tree suspect 32 Tokyo north Ku rock Fuchi Cho was arrested
加强妇女的职业摔跤或柔道运动员怎么办?他们殴打一名女顾客写无论如何,我认为我是咬和性侵犯一名女顾客走进餐厅驻军 Strengthening player or woman professional wrestling Ra of judo Nevertheless when assault it is written on the woman customer In the woman making the customer in the dining room of the camp It increases that you think whether sexual assault whether
246:Shisan名无周年@ 7:2007 / 05 / 09(星期三)02:22:18编号:PtDNKIk20我真的想测试高中和中线入伍人员候选人测试在大学,我找工作这是一个稳定的公务员身份,我很少想毕业后进入驱动tTA回族驱动tTA从早稻田朋友交谈,并听取和私营部门的古 246 : Name it is not @ seventh anniversary: 2007/05/09 (water) 02: 22: 18 ID: PtDNKIk20
As for we officer candidate test falling with large soldier/finishing, however it enlisted with test of the high soldier/finishing object,
When the government employee who work and easy putting out status is stabilized it puts out, speaks and hears with Waseda soldier/finishing private enterprise being favored from the friend who enters, you thought as the [ru]
30年上半年三中尉中尉三件事情让我谈谈我从30年上半年和输入完全不同的驱动tTA人员的候选人或候选人军士或军官从驱动tTA候选人进入入伍我不就是他晋升中尉3周我的中士进入一个成功的候选人将作为哪种方式以不可思议的速度呢? With 30 first half as for the lieutenant such as 3 entering from the officer candidate?
Whether it enters from the 曹 candidate it is different at all
Entering from the officer candidate, after lieutenant [tsu] [te] thing such as 3 enlisting with 30 first half, being promoted, saying, w which is thing
Entering from 曹 candidacy, lieutenant such as 3 probably is wonderful speed as a success
Well both kana?
587我的父母,因为我不在家瓦特WWW的整洁公务员不是公务员,是老百姓喜欢你和我!因为我讲Okozu股票,交易商专业人士,我 587 Therefore we parent and government employee w Because there is no commoner home like you www To that as for we neat or Or not to come because with stocks it has done Occupation is the trader
这次选举是Bareshi!该项目的影响,他们在哭,但政府官员最近减少了家长的奖金 It does to be chosen and it is the person But the parents the government employee that the bonus decreased You have sighed
81啊? WWW的军事基地,以保卫国家,如果只是为了保护人民说,我喜欢基地的第一位平民你知道我看到了泰国紧急示范踢枪的方式,甚至一个国家,我们将努力? 81 a The basic troop just protects the country www If the tsu te which protects the citizen you say first it does not make the base in the kind of place where the civilian is and Now then with when it becomes it is the gun to direct in even the citizen When demonstration of the tie you see it is understood being it does the yo
你知道你欺骗你的决定在坏马祖Etara除了普通公众人物和军事暴力ー人民作出的消息传出,除了对平民的袭击Etara拳击手81名平民 81 Even with professional boxer of civilian When assault it adds to the general people the tsu which becomes news … Public servant Furthermore when the human of the troop violence adds to the general people being decided uselessly the ro which is the ru aho
NULL ha i hahaha te ha i i ha i ni ba Child ku REPT ha 从 Eight No REPT o Mosquito 貞 ni REPT me ⧠no i O o Is i 彡 two REPT 丶 Two o It does ku No O o And se ¯ v √ 廴 so One tsu human human to REPT te o ku 丶 i ¯ ゙ REPT No ra n REPT REPT i REPT Y a ni i 92 V me a It does HKRPT ha No 92 No No Person 92 92 ro V 92 ni 92 92 92 To w ino i 92 22 years old Woman customer REPT REPT REPT
妇女也是瓦特32岁(女客户也酒吧),我希望我 Becoming also 32 years old onna that woman customer w of pub What is expected whether it is …
从这个时期就没有战争我五六三瓦特所以你不能说我从来没有!我一直以为我们不得不逃离Gemasu瓦特 563 Because how it cannot there be a war in these times w It is good saying that it is not no matter what probably will be When it is as for us however it escapes don t you think w
我想离开你的人的嘴像一百万死于一场全面的战争160瓦 160 Deceased 5 000 000 was produced in the all out war it will be oral shelf W
他一直对敲的方式被杀害的事业在这20万军队的武装基约511人沿陆上自卫队1400万美元,和成年人时,他们会紧张,他的同事石窟 511 Land Self Defense Force 140 000 The Mutumi sky together about 200 000 person When about the person who does the occupation hitting in such wind his own colleague causes incident it becomes gentle it is
社会 “公仆,我感觉很舒服,”生气和土地。 →中士(涉嫌殴打一名男子 北海道2007 09) “The government employee is easy” anger and the land Master sergeant man assault gt arrest… Hokkaido 2007 09
你是一个假日里,我尝试,“我将回到我在那里说,下午2时中野中野先生的能力,根据警方的怀疑中野”停止瞎搞 You are the day off don t you think ” with saying when it tries probably to return first Nakano permitting inserting Suspect Nakano 2nd in the afternoon according to the same station suspect Nakano acts playfully “
你是一个假日里,我发现“中野先生之前我会回来,说”不要瞎搞 You are the day off don t you think ” with saying it tried probably to return first Suspect Nakano acts playfully “
你是一个假日里,我尝试,“我将回到我在那里说,中野先生,”停止瞎搞 You are the day off don t you think ” with saying when it tries probably to return first Nakano permitting inserting Suspect Nakano 2nd in the afternoon according to the same station suspect Nakano acts playfully “
你是一个假日里,我尝试,“我将回到我在那里说,中野先生,”停止瞎搞 You are the day off don t you think ” with saying when it tries probably to return first Nakano permitting inserting Suspect Nakano 2nd in the afternoon according to the same station suspect Nakano acts playfully “
你是一个假日里,我尝试,“我将回到我在那里说,中野嫌疑人”停止瞎搞 You are the day off don t you think ” with saying when it tries probably to return first Nakano permitting inserting Suspect Nakano 2nd in the afternoon according to the same station suspect Nakano acts playfully “
你是一个假日里,我尝试,“我将回到我在那里说,中野嫌疑人”停止瞎搞 You are the day off don t you think ” with saying when it tries probably to return first Nakano permitting inserting Suspect Nakano 2nd in the afternoon according to the same station suspect Nakano acts playfully “
据警方说,疑犯中野说:“我感觉不埃泰喝醉酒稻叶”已否认有关指控, According to the same station suspect Nakano to have remembered “getting drunk It is and” with denies suspicion
据警方说,疑犯中野说:“我感觉不埃泰喝醉酒稻叶”已否认有关指控, According to the same station suspect Nakano to have remembered “getting drunk It is and” with denies suspicion
你是什么意思,我不工作,以保护国家和战争?这是日本自卫队的威慑?也许他是一个美国的核威慑? Although war it is not done the work tsu te which protects the country what One Self Defense Official has become deterrent The US military nuclear weapon has become deterrent it is it is not
要十分稳妥,以保护生命的第一任妻子自卫队Netouyo朱达罗瓦特 The wife of Self Defense Official most the ro which is netouyo Life super it becomes conservatively in order to protect and w
例如,今天我是人民的公务员。 W这是一个敌对的教师和医生,甚至私人公司,哈市增加手流的怪物像疯了似的 For example general government employee how nowadays the citizen Hostility it puts out w It increases even at the teacher and the doctor and private enterprise the tsu te ru which is sown it does the monster
公务员差异艾希手流的直觉,这对削减这种不当行为,削减预算不回应 The government employee misunderstands unless you must correspond with staff reduction and reduction of budget vis a vis such scandal
这是常见的,教师和公务员则索性窃听希望509 509 With it is good the teacher and the general government employee Because it hits intently the shank
公共 我怎么感觉我没有喝醉酒?也许这样做?我想不会! S的感觉,我不怀疑我中野,我“不打我,”这是什么?自卫队是娘娘腔我否认你的wwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww The general people lt getting drunk you have not remembered it is don t you think Perhaps when it did whether you did With you do not think Suspect Nakano We has remembered and says and as for thing as for we “has not beaten” tsu lever Toda You deny Your effeminate Self Defense Official shelf wwwwwwwww i wwwwwwwwwwww
即使是放在桌子全面小康现在是这样想我能够茹认为日本的国家之间的外交是杀死它与一个隐藏的微笑剑刺1与对手握手时?但我觉得它的权利 想什么信任我,如果没有友好撒钱 Well setting aside that While shaking hands with the smiling face you think the chart that what it tries probably to stab to death the partner with the sword which it hides is diplomacy of the country Or you think that Japan can do such a diplomacy Never when the gold is spread that it trusts amicably thinking so the air doing but it is cartridge viewing
478人将完全信任对方,他们的国家去!比我的思维与合适,我想我怀疑即使是在友好采取 478 The individual when anyhow it is the country trusts his own thing completely Don t you think how rather than associating with thought being amicable doubting you think that we should catch
只有扩大国防官员和军事腐败和失控小泉自卫队,这应该不会返回到原来的 Military affair it just was expanded with the reckless driving of Koizumi and the corruption defensive bureaucracy and Self Defense Force not to reset this to the origin the te does not become
只有扩大国防官员和军事腐败和失控小泉自卫队,这应该不会返回到原来的 Military affair it just was expanded with the reckless driving of Koizumi and the corruption defensive bureaucracy and Self Defense Force not to reset this to the origin the te does not become
同义词败类- 482自卫队,日本自卫队是,你会认为,由于许多妇女不能只螨附表辞职听起来合理,以及我会觉得这是太多慰安妇男子自卫队没有 482
Thinking, that pronoun of the Self-Defense Official = kudzu, is, because as for [ru] Sawayama it is
Still, thinking, that it is the victory girl of woman Self-Defense Official = man Self-Defense Official, [ru] Sawayama it is and
The [ro] which such is rubbed well
Only you abandon
喝那Mutokiha先生和自卫队,自卫队的Girunowo上什么帮助,即使有人想,我可以故障有人推我悄悄壳,等待风暴晒黑了的但一 When it is and others Self Defense Force drinking When as for Self Defense Force when what kind of being risen someone is entwined Like the shellfish keeping silent but it waits for the fact that the storm passes it is
她不知道是否在我未来的日本自卫队将继续奉行越来越多?并确保市民将被丢弃 You do not know she how but even from this Self Defense Force keeps overtaking steadily It is abolished probably will be by all means and with public opinion
有没有在战争期间日本军队,我只是Oshimashita罚款与警察的保护和?这是不必要的自卫队 As for Japan there was a period when after the war the troop is not but With just the police protected nicely and passed don t you think It is to be unnecessary as for Self Defense Force
嘿,我会做它,我不能因为我跟随层次无家可归因为Ntsukyouso _NULL_
国守茹劳动人民是一个民族的生活有1 3。这听起来荒谬的商店采取的蛋糕 我不知道我想说的话,并遵守所有的终结?即使是士兵的暴力行为是暂时的,通常出萘乙酸 1 The person whom the country it protects and works the country which lives there When you beat topsy turvydom the air… After all you will want to say that what is protected Assuming that there is no soldier temporarily out it puts out assault normally
嗯,中国搁置,这是这甜蜜的欺骗和一个兵,但一个很好的例子 Well the Chinese thing pampers the soldier as anyhow it probably will solve it is the good sample that it becomes
毅恒数字是负的,因为帝国的不只是愚蠢的士兵不顾羞耻的文化知识片 As for invincible Jipango being defeated just foolish the soldiers there is no either fragment of culture with the shame not knowing causes
国防,在那里我将在全国气象学院或同等学历?一些稀有气体在那里比在法庭上 _NULL_
处理,失业者32岁的女牙医中野秀树陆上自卫队恩赛因,拳头打在脸上゙Furusuinku Suguru tree Second Lieutenant the Nakano of Ground Self-Defense Force Inoccupation to be done to handle in the woman of 32 year old dentists, in the face [hurusuinku] ゙ punch
大家好!我们有点出阴影当我自卫队基地,让我们的辩论追死了去!你得到的是打胜发言!让我们赶走了一个犹豫的粮食提前一天古无駄饭日本! ! “我的工作,以保护该国说,”宇野↑这是唯一不Nettouyoku Everyone When Self Defense Official comes out of the base however you have tailed You will chase in order to discuss ringing and will turn When you beat it is the victory The wasteful rice receiving will be expelled from Japan as soon as possible “I have done the work which protects the country it is” Such a thing of the ↑ what you say is that is not just netsutouyoku
你知道你是一个愚蠢的说法,使他们愤怒的男人女人,我自卫队 Self Defense Official can be upset how The ro which is the speech kind of red sandal wood where the woman makes the man foolish
大家好!如果你遇到的自卫队从跟踪的基础上,让我们为死去的辩论追去!你得到的是打胜发言!让我们赶走了一个犹豫的粮食提前一天古无駄饭日本! ! “我的工作,以保护该国说,”宇野↑这是唯一不Nettouyoku Everyone When Self Defense Official comes out of the base tailing You will chase in order to discuss ringing and will turn When you beat it is the victory The wasteful rice receiving will be expelled from Japan as soon as possible “I have done the work which protects the country it is” Such a thing of the ↑ what you say is that is not just netsutouyoku
如果他们说,他们还不如穿的,但赞成自卫队出发从成为东西是好的 Something you advancing by your although it became Self Defense Official Favor dressing oven forcing expression is not good
我不知道是否应该支付自卫队?但如果你能在5天工作周的约30万净 Self Defense Official tsu te salary it is good kana If at 2 weekly holiday about net income 300 000 however it is possible to do
社会 6月21日 “我的工作,以保护该国!”这位32岁的日本自卫队发脾气,击败东京6月21日 社会22岁的女顾客“的巴士已故 June 21st “I have done the work which protects the country it is ” kire it is 32 year old Self Defense Official in 22 year old woman customers assault… Tokyo June 21st “It was late to ride in the bus
自卫队不要以为我出一些经验,说是在公众碰不得 What kind of thing it is said and passes and absolute hand something provides Self Defense Official to the ordinary citizen it should it is not
自卫队是一个很好的工作,但是,我是一个傻瓜,是一个傻瓜,因为他将自卫队 But as for Self Defense Official te work nice therefore the person who becomes Self Defense Official aho it is to make foolish is
女警察之一,医治受伤的3天,使地面群体的著名男歌手的,的意外 Wound of complete cure three day of certain person and woman policeman,
So, that, racketeer of the singer of the famous boy group, accident
宝贝女儿,我想我已经进入该国的军事攻击我355个半天,妻子或母亲被强奸,儿童,父亲,我会说请哭着就睡着了,即使她的丈夫被杀死这就像他会 355 The troop of half day country attacks entering We important daughter being raped the wife and the mother if the child the father and the woman the master being slaughtered cry and do to fall asleep The tsu te saying it seems the ru way it rubbed
对平民的军事进攻没有留下深刻的印象,并认为有关情况,以古卷可惜举例来说,如果目前的自卫队 Assault to the general people of the soldier does not admire but if the circumstance which surrounds current Self Defense Force is thought it pities excessively it is
大正时期,汇集郁屈的士兵留在寒冷也导致失控昭和初期 Taisho era as for the soldier excessively being treated coldly depression accumulating It was connected to Showa early reckless driving
居酒屋 在赤羽北1丁目,玛拉女性顾客居合(22)99%)的机会把她拉俱乐部成员韩国(平成慰安妇,他们听到Fabyo驱动tTA的自卫队军官,1 > At the pub of north Ku Akabane 1 Chome, the woman customer who can happen to be present (22)
With probability of 99%, customer pulling woman of the Korean club (Heisei military comfort woman)
Self Defense Force officer hearing, the [huabiyo] [tsu] shelf
强奸,盗窃:在一所房子和再次被捕,怀疑领先的私人 警察2 群马,群马,新。两个警察联合调查小组于9月20日陆上自卫队驻军柴田(柴田市,新泻县)属于男孩的第30步兵团领导私人(19)强奸(Goukan),盗窃,爆窃罪名再次逮捕 Rape theft Lance Corporal with private house With suspicion re arrest 2 prefectural police Gunma Gunma new The joint investigation group of both prefectural police on the 20th the Ground Self Defense Force Shibata camp Niigata prefecture Shibata city the boy of Lance Corporal you belong to the 30th Infantry Regiment 19 rape the u can re arrested with theft and house invasion suspicion
强奸,盗窃:在一所房子和再次被捕,怀疑领先的私人 警察2 群马,群马,新。两个警察联合调查小组于9月20日陆上自卫队驻军柴田(柴田市,新泻县)属于男孩的第30步兵团领导私人(19)强奸(Goukan),盗窃,爆窃罪名再次逮捕 Rape theft Lance Corporal with private house With suspicion re arrest 2 prefectural police Gunma Gunma new The joint investigation group of both prefectural police on the 20th the Ground Self Defense Force Shibata camp Niigata prefecture Shibata city the boy of Lance Corporal you belong to the 30th Infantry Regiment 19 rape the u can re arrested with theft and house invasion suspicion
当然这个“军队的底部,而不是人们保护自己的国家,卫”臭Warota Under this [sure] “the troop protects the country, but the citizen does not protect”, with [sure] [warota
心理畸形怪胎,我心也wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww疯疯头或头,也wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww疯疯头或头,也wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww疯疯头或头,也wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww疯疯头或头wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww并头疯狂wwwwwwwwwwww巴姆巴姆头或头wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww头,我狂你疯了wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww头与头巴姆巴姆头wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww头,我狂你疯了wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww头与头巴姆巴姆头wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww头,我狂和wwwwwwwwwwww巴姆巴姆头或头wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww疯疯头或头,也wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww疯疯头或头,也wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww头巴姆巴姆头部和我wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww疯狂或疯狂wwwwwwwwwwww头,头与头疯狂wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and headMania or wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww In addition head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania wwwwwwwwwwww and head mania or wwwwwwwwwwww
恩赛因说,中将3无论是人员的俱乐部商店将官多留,或饮用贱Munadonatteoranna下的人民,有专门人员Mubeki饮料在餐馆 Whether = Second Lieutenant third lieutenant
Admiral barrel ones, below the populace is, you drink at the 賤 store yelling, viewing
Officers' mess, we should drink at the officer private restaurant,
我不是663你之前,我喜欢住在狗屎一个地区甚至接近Dzukanai涌 663 As for you living in the droppings like area which even even chiyon does not get near the ru reason shelf
我将我的工作,以保护该国的“我想象我一直在谈论瓦特这样的防卫或谋杀或”平仓“我讲的事件尚未wwwwwwww中野先生说,”酒精没喝醉的感觉是什么“,并否认指控 I have done the work which protects the country it is” It is what although w national defense or the human murder such it is to converse imagine “to go to bed” whether in the story incident wwwwwwww Furthermore Suspect Nakano “has not remembered getting drunk ” that suspicion is denied
哈希嫌疑人安倍晋三对通过检查“的理由是不适用”你说话 As for suspect Abe vis a vis investigation “excuse It was and did thing” you say that you say
我想我对马祖水库例行一热从工作压力弹簧Iteta,人们谁是警察暴力和饮料一半以上的日本自卫队没有!设备损坏或房间,我是或他人 Don t you think always empty stress accumulating the ru it is probably will be It works with the certain hot spring hotel time from Self Defense Force How to drink the people of police As for method of raging there was no fragment Damage of the fixture and the room was natural die
“卫Tteru国家,”现在我说,高机会的特定语言文字在下脆弱的女人成为自我批评 “Protecting the country because the ru ” tsu te you say the possibility the Self Defense Force critical appearance talking in woman peculiar thoughtless word is high
加州有侮辱这个线程自卫队,自卫队人员可以侮辱的主权国家的现实从中服从自卫队将是理解 As for yashi which insults the self protecting soldier with this sure as for being able to insult the self protecting soldier Self Defense Force Because has protected the sovereignty of nation with it should understand the actuality which is said
店员的愚蠢土地甚至一个自卫队 步骤帮助如此』 Therefore the land even in Self Defense Force 1 clerks the step of the fool it is helpless
自卫队在男人的时间是这样的部队在陆军少尉微弱浩劫的事 Therefore as habotsuku second lieutenant at the point in time when the person of the same class does such a thing as for Self Defense Force being the weak troop
这是不必要的,如果日本自卫队我?警方如果他们的利益,卫 If is Self Defense Force is unnecessary don t you think If the police is it can protect the profit of the home country
我执行犹太人,没想到这个想法提出后,或许是上帝的启示魔鬼,就在较敏感,他的好反射 The Judean execution how, speculating, speculating, there is no movement after, the [te],
Revelation of God, the [ro] which spinal cord reflection compared to are your own being pleased with the ogre domesticated fowl and animals
我指的是国家或国防战略或髋骨骨折我唯一的问题,打破了基础政权变化,空气漫步在我,下Yuunja说几句话,高雄是什么意思?我想我要强调我塔马里马祖国防部 Administration changing rather than base problem or the military strategy or crotch ripping state Space aimlessly it is in state how the se obtaining chi yu u it is the tsu te high Also the defensive ministry considerably Stress accumulating the ru it is probably will be
我指的是国家或国防战略或髋骨骨折我唯一的问题,打破了基础政权变化,空气漫步在我,下Yuunja说几句话,对不起,我太多的压力我塔马里马祖防卫省 Administration changing rather than base problem or the military strategy or crotch ripping state Space aimlessly it is in state how the se obtaining chi yu u it is the tsu te defensive ministry considerably Stress accumulating the ru it is probably will be
我是在河流或播本田岛○婊子生气?或子女或Ootake诚?什么女人不伤害我被殴打 Being Tazima or the river ○ like woman who is gotten angry to the Hari book Or Otake true child Being beaten the wound it does and says and it is what kind of woman
我痛恨邪教将是一个443警察,甚至我不想左翼Ntsukyouso 443 The police you dislike also cult religion probably will be but You do not dislike left flank system or Nitukiyou group
在左侧的第09人的反基督教的例子,但我必须日本自卫队如果是洙 Proverb partner even at anti Japanese left flank of 9 provision believers If that the Japanese Mori you must be Self Defense Official
或鹦鹉或Ntsukyouso我也喜欢一些极左或432 SOUKA _NULL_
支持日本在外国人通过普选为“★★·争逃日本韩国再在现实中的战争 _NULL_
日本323公务员在无用的最高薪公务员退休前Jijibaba(笑) _NULL_
有人说,如果你是一个傻瓜,坚持642单元?那么不这样做出来的手 642 When it is the kind of expression which is made persistent to foolish depending upon the person whether the kire ru So well the hand is produced chi ya circumstance
爱知 ,“军事,而不是人们保护自己的国家,卫”三回新庄。第九条本组织,战争的机构。鞋出太多的时间听万维网 “The troop protects the country but the citizen does not protect” Shinjo inner part three Meeting sponsorship and war body of nine provisions Every time when you hear it is Real time www which it passes
爱知 ,“军事,而不是人们保护自己的国家,卫”三回新庄。第九条本组织,战争的机构。听证会的方式进行鞋 “The troop protects the country but the citizen does not protect” Shinjo inner part three Meeting sponsorship and war body of nine provisions Every time when you hear it is
爱知 ,“军事,而不是人们保护自己的国家,卫”三回新庄。第九条本组织,战争的机构。听证是正确的方式进行瓦特鞋 “The troop protects the country but the citizen does not protect” Shinjo inner part three Meeting sponsorship and war body of nine provisions Every time when you hear it is Real time www which it passes
爱知 ,“军事,而不是人们保护自己的国家,卫”三回新庄。第九条本组织,战争的机构。走出听证会的方式鞋 “The troop protects the country but the citizen does not protect” Shinjo inner part three Meeting sponsorship and war body of nine provisions Every time when you hear it is Real time www which it passes
爱知 ,“军事,而不是人们保护自己的国家,卫”三回新庄。第九条本组织,战争的机构。这是真的听到了鞋子的方式 “The troop protects the country but the citizen does not protect” Shinjo inner part three Meeting sponsorship and war body of nine provisions Every time when you hear it is Real time www which it passes
那么,人类有这么多的进展368,世界已经是一个社会主义的 他们都 368 So the mankind is progressive when it is as for the world everyone Becoming long ago socialism the ru wa
瓦特陆上自卫队的翻译,但正如他们所说的和团队变化后进入一个新纪元救灾重组,我觉得它无论什么威胁时相比,他们的苏联与天空 w Land Self Defense Force is reorganization in disaster relief party That excuse it does e g times changed but when you compare with the Soviet time it is the feeling there probably is some threat
瓦特陆上自卫队的翻译,但正如他们所说的和团队变化后进入一个新纪元救灾重组,我觉得它无论什么威胁时相比,他们的苏联与天空 w Land Self Defense Force is reorganization in disaster relief party That excuse it does e g times changed but when you compare with the Soviet time it is the feeling there probably is some threat
编号:nBYnU + fs0编号:TqomiMaT0编号:w53Sd5ovO奴隶阶级谁 ID: nBYnU + fs0
ID: TqomiMaT0
ID: w53Sd5ovO
People of slave class
而所有调整,安倍晋三在上午10时02分左右,本町函馆09条处所的,在城市大学,兼职男性员工在餐厅(22),主张 According to investigation suspect Abe 21st 2 10 AM around the bar of main town 9 of Hakodate city Inside the store with the university student of the city the man of the part time job employee of the same store 22 with you quarrel
自卫队和美国陆军军官从一个特权阶级,我是远离共产主义和资本主义社会的人都很好,即使生活在一个无税好Idaro As for Self Defense Official and officer and the US military The ro which whatever it is good doing is Nice one which has lived with tax Therefore communist aristocrat what which leaves from capitalism society
228相同,自卫队是,要,而不是士兵,同样,相同的,相同的,相同的,因为日本自卫队的甘蔗是一个少尉的东西我不!结论 228 The ji as for Self Defense Force to to there is no soldier because the te the ji the ji the ji the ji it is Self Defense Official it does and is not yo second lieutenant something it is the shelf End
警察和嫌疑人通过检查周围上午1 45驱动tTA合野,3月19日赤羽酒吧病房,女医生牙医商店知道现场(32) 当地雇员面对或怀疑他们早就认为,学习 According to the investigation of the same station suspect Nakano 19th 1 45 AM around at the same Ku Akabane pub the tooth which knows each other at that place Course medicine The woman of course medicine 32 the doubt which beats the face has
警察和嫌疑人通过检查周围上午1 45驱动tTA合野,3月19日赤羽酒吧病房,女牙医击败知道现场(32)驱动tTA的怀疑,他们面对一直认为,学习 According to the investigation of the same station suspect Nakano 19th 1 45 AM around at the same Ku Akabane pub the tooth which knows each other at that place Course medicine The woman of course medicine 32 the doubt which beats the face has
警察和嫌疑人通过检查周围上午1 45驱动tTA合野,3月19日赤羽酒吧病房,女牙医驱动tTA知道在现场(32)殴打嫌疑人的脸酱油是把车针 According to the investigation of the same station suspect Nakano 19th 1 45 AM around at the same Ku Akabane pub the tooth which knows each other at that place Course medicine The woman of course medicine 32 the doubt which beats the face has
让越来越多的驱赶时,它们是包含了对自卫队将继续关注! !让我们从内部和外部破坏!无駄饭食物是不必要的犹豫! !但是,将江户与和平的世界,作战部队带走了我所有了!太平洋今天的日本是世界上 When Self Defense Force is found even from now on steadily the last spurt Applying From inside it will keep destroying from outside As for wasteful rice receiving unnecessary When even at the Edo era it becomes Taihei s world The combatant keeps abolishing steadily the better seed As for current Japan Taihei s world
,酒精和饮料或饮料女人我旁边吗? ,阿,我并不能抵销对手的行为呢? ,老板,同事,下属只有依靠自卫队疑难解答 … As for the liquor drinking it is drunk … Woman of next door The kind of speech and behavior which will make the partner be angry it is not done … Superior colleague and subordinate… When being troubled only it depends on Self Defense Force
这个女人,“自卫队是违反宪法的!”“自卫队正在返回!”撒我喜欢清水Tsujimoto Kishimen地震避难别墅在阪神大猜我是大声喊叫和恩戴 As for this woman “as for Self Defense Force it is violation of constitutional provisions ” “Self Defense Force returns ” With shouting with yell the wax which hurts The handbill it has done to spread at the refuge of the Kobe Earthquake Tuzimoto Kiyoshi beauty likely
这位22岁的女性,我认为,派出一个代理人对本溃疡少尉通信能力? _NULL_
这样一个人打败一个女人,但至少,“我的工作,以保护该国的”我不能尖锐,因为在女人我说什么驱动tTA?也许“自卫队是谋杀培训”或“自卫队违宪浪费纳税人的钱,”你不是说这种驱动tTA But as for the kind of man who beats the woman lowest “I have done the work which protects the country it is” even tsu te kire the woman you called thing with something it is Perhaps “Self Defense Force has trained the human murder ” that “Self Defense Force violation of constitutional provisions wastefulness of tax” said it is it is not
说的妙语?旧左派老师说,“你的孩子是父亲杀死人 With ochi which is said “The father of this child of left flank teacher of former times is the human murder
那么,什么是唯一的拉部队在当时更负,中国有可能,我就会把全国动员,还是洙在全国第9条和国家警察(笑) The method which pulled the troop at that point in time is defeated but what After as for China national mobilization you apply so is but in the state can protect the country with nine provisions and the police combining wry smile
我认为军事存在是不是必需的,但无论是白痴或更敌对团体 As for thinking that existence of the troop there is no necessity either one whether the considerably fool or hostility power of the shelf
错综复杂的台湾将在中国的犯罪,它会帮助你踢所有 但是,经过短期萨克我说,日本 Taiwan is committed in China and is exhausted but There is no be which helps that and does the But as for the next Japan and discernment those where you say being short circuit the shank
462台在手削减从美国驱动tTA,决定了中国吸收Marimashita 462 As for Taiwan at the point in time when the hand is cut from America Absorption was decided in China
错综复杂的台湾将在中国犯罪,帮助踢这一切 我没有,下次我说日本和囊是短视 Taiwan is committed in China and is exhausted but There is no be which helps that and does the But as for the next Japan being short circuit the shank
阿莱是击败了女子万维网Riarunetouyowarota要去吐如果人们把这种夸夸其谈每自卫队瓦特 [riarunetouyowarota] www
[are] which is beaten as for the woman when what kind of filth it spits, how to be cut off it of Self-Defense Official w which is completed
陷阱的手说,对弹出,一名女子迸发出的不是人Kiretara男人和女人?我很坚强的女人对妇女的歧视是不是社会的持续下降 It provides the hand to the partner you say that is but the trap the kire cod partner there is no man or a woman Therefore the woman the hand is produced It is that tsu te Jane Crow don t you think The society where the woman is strong atrophies
驱动tTA的间谍设备,公众反对的843?这种纪律是不轻易发怒,并把它们广场仍然认为,我们需要 843 When it is the spy where the partner dresses up the general people As for the kind of temper which does not ride in provocation simply you think that after all it is necessary
驱动tTA的间谍设备,公众反对的843?这种纪律是不轻易发怒,并把它们广场仍然认为,我们需要 843 When it is the spy where the partner dresses up the general people As for the kind of temper which does not ride in provocation simply you think that after all it is necessary