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In Dotonbori river 100 human diving and sight-seeing customers 1000


  • 838人在东京(东京乡下人的追随者,也许)我觉得我没有什么反对,除非它是东京只是觉得他们会得到如此恼人的对接 838 Tokyo person perhaps countryman of Tokyo believer the sudden tsu empty uza which catches stopping being you just think If it is not that nothing think vis a vis Tokyo
    • 谁袭击了东京出租车,我可以看到,盲目求梅东洋在天花板灯闪烁帮助驾驶员 Tokyo person will attack the taxi what it has been about that the driver will request help with blinking of the ceiling light is recognized

  • @ @ @ @我站在我有一个足球背包关西日本队主教练冈田武史@ @ @ @从圭介本田的第一任主席川渊三郎从大阪市大阪原生摄津高石市,大阪主席,第二代出生的釜本茂六合铃木彰,神户,京都从
    Shouldering the @ @ @ @ Japanese soccer boundary, as for standing the Kansai human @ @ @ @ Okada Takeshi history supervision = Osaka city graduate Honda Keisuke = Osaka prefecture Settsu city graduate River deep water Saburo first chair man = Osaka prefecture Takaishi city graduate Suzuki Shoji generation eye chair man = Hyogo prefecture Kobe city graduate Kettle book 邦 Shigeru = Kyoto city graduate

    • Kanchuhai女巫的梦想和销售场外投注点骑在前面,甚至在哈雷激素
      Before the off-course betting place hormone and [kanchiyuhai] as for dream of [babaa] which is sold touring with [hare] Even

      • NULL From the strange Osaka hitting of this sure the wa which can perceive the dampishness of Tokyo person “And Osaka or ww” “Osaka people country ww” “And the Fukuoka or ww” “Korean ww” “And the Saitama or ww” “metamorphosis tsu or ww” “And in habit of the Hokkaido or ww” “native ww” “And in habit of Okinawa or ww” “native ww” “And countryman or ww” Tokyo incident “…” Tokyo bloom human sphere to expand to day in day in 100 people as for 1 people the Chinese In 3 months the Chinese 3000 Tokyo where the Korean increases at 1700 pace Classified by metropolis and districts and the number of foreign register people The resident Chinese to break 140 000 person for the first time Edogawa Ku the most numerous Tokyo Ikebukuro in “Chinese town” The Chinese Mafia it gets together that local rally The rape worst from 1 and 4 year continual Fukuoka at narrow margin in Tokyo
        • 这个严重观看719大楼的标志,大阪东京东京谁出来有日本这样,不仅整个东京 719 As for looking at Osaka bitterly there is no just Tokyo separately Japanese the whole te Then coming out Tokyo person the is manifestation shelf of Tokyo complex

      • Warota外国人太绝望的人,外国人和大阪人,大阪瓦特你只是想要一个典型的只拨出666定制自己的思维不推人
        The Osaka people national human too desperation it is [warota] w 666 Pushing away others, only your own thing the refuse which is not thought the [ro] which is just the typical Osaka people national person

        • 。jpg格式家伙瓦卡搜索wwwwww jpg Person vuaka wwwwww which it searches

          • 一旦一个人集合在涩谷交叉口的行人朱达罗的方式?如何我什至不知道,东京本地人?真是一个傻瓜和白痴摧毁的士Ginotsuideni额外的噪音?大阪人比河里,仍飞梭织更好 When the person gets together in the Shibuya scramble crossover the ro which is the disturbance of the pedestrian Even such a thing as for the or Tokyo native who does not understand… In addition aho which horseplay destroys the taxi next applying being what Still has jumped in the river the Osaka person who mashi
            • 但是,因为我是一个细菌成人谁是包含在大阪航班和脑河水的侵蚀都是成年人这将导致异常 But with the consequence which jumps as for the Osaka person of the adult The brain is damaged by the river various germs abnormality is caused to everyone adult

          • 上一次老虎赢得550 Tashika娃娃这仅仅是完美的清洁泊位由于电梯和自旋车引淇(肯塔基州)也发现了两个,我泡出来的3年以来,自行车充满其他也许是我蝉联 550 When the certain previous Tigers wins the bicycle pulling up the expectation which it cleaned cleanly The berth doll Kentucky it was found with favor and Because so 2 3 years it passes from that already the bicycle sinking all the way whether the ru

            • 东京(东京),因为人的生活立即东京和韩国共同犯罪基因(东京)我会保护你的孤立包围早期高古墙

              • 东西方比较评分“×阿根廷韩国,”40 9关东,关西,东京43 4我喜欢你在韩国 Audience rating east west comparison “The Argentinian × Korea” Kansai 40 9 Kanto 43 4 As for Tokyo Korea with favorite something shank
                • 东西方比较评分“×阿根廷韩国,”40 9关东,关西,东京43 4我喜欢你在韩国 Audience rating east west comparison “The Argentinian × Korea” Kansai 40 9 Kanto 43 4 As for Tokyo Korea with favorite something shank
                • 东西方比较评分“×阿根廷韩国,”40 9关东,关西,东京43 4我喜欢你在韩国 Audience rating east west comparison “The Argentinian × Korea” Kansai 40 9 Kanto 43 4 As for Tokyo Korea with favorite something shank

              • 从古坟时期颅骨到现在(福冈所有祖)往往分析表明,这些功能
                To today the skull (the [zu] is from ancient tomb age, secret) from analysis, tendency of such a feature It was found that it is,

                • 他们经常说在东京tap m感觉很多,在涩谷狗屎响亮,因为他是在大阪,但最终它(相当严重约)WWW的男子在大阪噪声泪水眼井

                  • 但人们不断杀害二战争和战后大阪,韩国,日本的歧视仍然是痛苦的人,我志免手流大阪

                    • 但是村里和童话那津在日本和韩国在战后,歧视和种族灭绝做Erure人认为日本大阪和韩国乡村童话,它甚至没有道歉和赔偿的人在大阪
                      But after the war the resident South Korean riding the village and the fairy tale, The [re] which thinks of discrimination and the slaughter which were done in the Osaka person, As for village and fairy tale of resident South Korean, in the Osaka person apology and compensation margin

                      • 但是,没有保护战争结束后,在大阪人死亡,日本和韩国的童话故事,我那津村升,由于人们破坏埃塔大阪,道歉和赔偿,现在,我道歉,歧视我必须做 But after the war defenseless The Osaka person it slaughtered the fairy tale and the village riding as for the ru resident South Korean l Apologizing in the Osaka person who gives damage and compensating Unless now discriminating you must apologize don t you think
                        • 但是,战争没有保护后,大阪人死亡,日本和韩国的童话故事,我那津村升,由于人们破坏埃塔大阪,道歉和赔偿,你必须做到这一点,我很抱歉歧视 But after the war defenseless The Osaka person it slaughtered the fairy tale and the village riding as for the ru resident South Korean l Apologizing in the Osaka person who gives damage and compensating Unless now discriminating you must apologize don t you think
                        • 大阪日朝鲜人被断开 The Osaka human Korean It should separate from Japan
                        • 我站出来,说蒙特来吧不好笑的食物来源或兄弟谁,大阪410 410 When it is and is and the source calls to the Osaka person strange eating mon it puts out
                        • 朝鲜居民在大阪二战结束后,678人被杀害,你必须做的是在大阪人的道歉和赔偿 678 After the war the Osaka person the resident South Korean who slaughters Unless you must apologize in the Osaka person and you must compensate don t you think
                        • 朝鲜居民在日本,大阪人道歉和赔偿,现在,他应该停止歧视 As for the resident South Korean apologizing in the Osaka person and compensating Now discrimination should be stopped

                      • 但朝鲜居民在第二次世界大战后日本,谁发挥人在大阪,京都和手无寸铁,并强行带到南方,种族灭绝仍然是一个很大的区别留下你 But after the war the resident South Korean did in the defenseless Osaka person and the Kyoto person As for the forcing taking and slaughter to Korea leaving big discrimination even now the ru
                        • 389什么这个家伙是赤裸裸的,你的汽车是在一个警察所做的是太阳正在采取渔村 389 The person tsu te which becomes this nude you are taken by the day tele with you do patrol car the person shelf

                      • 但部落和童话和Nanori战争,袭击了日本的男人让今天在大阪,韩国的大屠杀,歧视居民广泛志野辉子是大阪的歧视仍然在对人
                        But the [tsu] [te] which after the war the village and the fairy tale the paste, attacks the Osaka person and sows, It slaughtered, as for discrimination of the resident South Korean, leaving the discrimination to the Osaka person even now largely, the [ru

                        • 你゙Toukyoumasukomika一打球的球员甚至没有毕业妄想和www瓦特你这么不负责任,这些人是外国人,Osaka m永远伪劣万维网
                          In addition whether [toukiyoumasukomika] ゙ - having done www To some extent from the delusion graduation margin w Therefore such you are inferior Osaka people national human what eternally, www

                          • 你住在什么还是释放?当然548?这条河是不是因为污染大阪寝屋川

                            • 出价和韩国,日本和童话村,谁也忘记或战后大阪! !居民的歧视和暴力行为在日本是对朝鲜进行强行带到日本大阪伤寒在大阪仍然压迫,种族灭绝,压制言论自由的自由,日文童话和部族歧视,激发思考,人们在大阪我得做一个道歉和赔偿 Resident South Korean village and fairy tale self introduction You forgot that after the war you did in the Osaka person As for discrimination of the resident South Korean remaining even now in Osaka when you think of forcing taking and assault oppression slaughter control of speech and the discrimination which you did in the Osaka Japanese As for resident South Korean of fairy tale and village Unless you must apologize in the Osaka person and you must compensate don t you think
                              • 出价和韩国人做对日本攻击在日本和童话村战后主持大阪,压迫,屠杀,镇压言论的自由,日文童话和部族歧视,激发思考,人们在大阪我不得不这样做赔偿 Resident South Korean village and fairy tale self introduction You forgot that after the war you did in the Osaka person As for discrimination of the resident South Korean remaining even now in Osaka when you think of forcing taking and assault oppression slaughter control of speech and the discrimination which you did in the Osaka Japanese As for resident South Korean of fairy tale and village Unless you must apologize in the Osaka person and you must compensate don t you think
                              • 大阪人死亡战后,日本的朝鲜居民在遭受歧视,是日本大阪的大阪志免手流仍然伤寒 After the war the Osaka person it slaughtered as for discrimination of the resident South Korean Even now remaining in Osaka tormenting the Osaka Japanese the ru

                            • 出生日期河包括一些扣人,我知道我在船尾跳在大阪的水老鼠也外国人,但我应该做的流量狗屎Pariaitsuraunko没有水用水处理好几年,我也说,今天是洗澡我喜欢大阪共和国Birunoga大,所以我想有没有取得进展 The norway rat Osaka people national human oven you want it is you jumped in the water densely it is the shelf The u is densely the water do also processing to the Dotonbori ditch river flowing into saying from before ru tsu te several years but ru expectation After all the fellows u is densely pouring the water the favorite no shelf Osaka people country why there is no progress it is probably will be
                              • 它的确是一轨关西Netouyo瓦特并不总是对我会永远在一幢似合道顿堀我们共沉淀?自民党类似www As expected Kansai netouyo always one pattern shelf w The drill which sinks to Dotonbori there is no matching something The Liberal Democratic Party likely www

                            • 出租车,我肯定瓦特涩谷或凹现场 The taxi being dented certainly ru w Shibuya spectacle
                              • 东京场景 Tokyo spectacle

                            • 即使运气不好辜淹死,斗兽场公狗是种族主义者之一,你会被治死,也许它是我的生命使命
                              Luck drowning badly, man discriminatory principle person one person [nu] [tsu] time doing, If it becomes capital punishment, that is mission of my life was the causing [re]…

                              • 噪音是安抚茂木附表列入防暴警察的形式驱赶100名朝鲜人从两个人群中约自道路通行上午3:15左右

                                • 土地和文化的标准至少奈达的自主飞行,大阪等崇高大韩民国纳雷。作为一个国家的耻辱香椎奈达
                                  As for standard of living of the Osaka autonomous area of noble Republic of Korea being accustomed [do] flying area lowest [nida] . 邦 As shy [nida

                                  • 在涩谷的道顿堀暴力并于2002年,它是20岁左右非常开心8年后,我在电视上观看一代小学初中 In 2002 with Shibuya Dotonbori it rages you see with the television The elementary school student junior high school student generation passing 8 years Being 20 year old front and back as for large the plain gauze gi shelf
                                    • 他们做的是对他和道顿堀1 3跳列入典范为了什么?真正石川河,气味,smell ll得不到一天,我生病了 Biting with anything being people what which jumps in Dotonbori That river me tsu chi ya it does to smell 1 days nioi does not come off and it becomes the sickness
                                    • 例如认为从现在开始,做凯塔在道顿堀它作为一个很好的下降已被拥抱的女人Kakae If you think from now holding that woman If dropping to Dotonbori it was good

                                  • 大阪人仍在,但我的恐惧和禁忌,但歧视和杀害歧视大阪谁对韩国居民

                                    • 如果超过一个ID我神户我赶紧抓住所有的疯狂跟踪该地区不仅使用分钟,京都,神奈川,名古屋,你做一个顽皮从东京写 Until plural ID using properly kichigai which the local stoker is done how Quickly although if everyone it should have been arrested Kobe and Kyoto Kanagawa everyone s umbrella which has written in from Nagoya and Tokyo it is
                                      • 183名:阿罗萨(东京) 发布日期:2010 06 25(周五)09:49:59 33编号:Ytiul8uu 183 Name arosa Tokyo Contribution day 2010 06 25 Friday 09 49 59 33 ID Ytiul8uu

                                    • 尼科拉夫゙乐堀咖゙゙゙曳力胡夫,如果我把食物咀嚼我的身体里面出来的肉切碎添宝
                                      Accompanying as for [teimupo] and the like 噛 Looking at the meat and crumbling up and entering into internal eating away inside,… mosquito ゙ [kuka] ゙ Khufu ゙ [ruhu] ゙ [ru

                                      • 岐阜或名古屋荣朱达罗喷泉或庄内町堀川郡上八幡吉田茂是马,不是吗?琵琶湖被热
                                        As for Nagoya Horikawa? The Shonai river? The [ro] which is the fountain of the glory As for Gifu Gujo Yawata Yoshida river As for Shiga Lake Biwa As for Gunma the [ro] which is the hot spring

                                        • 巡航下来比Dounokouno感到惊讶有多少人,你就会把在大阪,东京复杂的河流

                                          • 当压在栏杆驱动tTA道顿堀江在男子跳水死吗?周六20 10左右和下午从下拉大阪道顿堀河上的桥惠比寿南城区全部失踪男子,被发现死亡 With Dotonbori river diving man death The rail it is pushed the occasion where it rises 17th 10 20 PM around the man who from the barbarian bridge of business quarters minami of Osaka city falls to the Dotonbori river became the whereabouts unclear was discovered with the corpse
                                            • 奇怪的叔叔已发展粉,可以池塘水变清,可爱的偶像纳豆碗和Heck浸泡在东大阪该公司的,我希望尝试以清除河道依靠谁的恩戴道顿堀 The bacillus natto using with the trader of the te or Higashi Osaka the old boy whom it changed into transparent water with any ditch pond and the re ru powder it developed Because it was asking to that person we want trying making the Dotonbori river transparent

                                          • 当然本田驱动tTA井,因为我赢得了男子大声感谢,向人们喜欢诚实的大阪,大阪远藤冈田男子谁大阪大阪
                                            It seems that wins with favor of the honest Osaka person because it rubbed, it is possible to make a noise Honda = Osaka person Endo = Osaka person Okada director = Osaka person

                                            • 很久以前,一自卑感一直受到歧视,据来自东夷关东DNA的资本在任何国家,他们会不断rarely m天前,在美好的旧文明Madashimo我会螨歧视作为少数民族,非但我觉得它这样做的粗俗傻瓜 That former times Kanto the inferiority complex which is discriminated as the east barbarian being cut in DNA the ru it is probably will be As for the place where it is distant from capital in any country it is something which is discriminated as the minority If former times before the civilization civilizing rather still doing as for ru being vulgar however you think that it is foolish don t you think
                                              • 如今,现代文明,但“Oosakaga”你在这条带出来一个愚蠢的自卑感 Civilization now when it civilizes modernizes still “ oosakaga ” and being inferiority complex bare foolish like thing as for having done

                                            • 我只会做这个,如果我不只是球汽油浇在卷起的水库和男主人和女主人并注意理世都麻加仑的少数人喜欢在最酷的地方,我真正的歌舞伎町扣喉咙 It is the bean jam in the Dotonbori tsu te Kabuki Cho throat middle like place In other words with the tsu te ru reason where the gal man and the host and the kiyaba girl and the condition riding accumulate and sow When the fuel it drops in such a place just the tsu te which becomes like this
                                              • 我飞行,我也被人发现在广东道顿堀棕榈Tteta说或来自川崎或汝来大阪Hayo题跋 However you see with Dotonbori jumping as for the ru palm Chiba That it came from Kawasaki you say The Cantonese person comes to Osaka is

                                            • 我在日本的朝鲜人村庄和居民对日本停止歧视! !四郎向日本道歉二战后屠杀和强制通风! !四郎补偿! !
                                              The village and how the resident South Korean of the [wa] stops the discrimination to the Japanese! ! In slaughter and forcing taking which after the war is made the Japanese apology margin! ! Compensation margin! !

                                              • 我想了很多布莱恩立即被净化曼达拉我包括纵火,飞往大阪,他们都有大量的河水流量是这些事件的真正垂直Napamuoiru道顿堀 At the time of the true at such event mass napalm oil discharging in the Dotonbori river When the Osaka person jumps simultaneously the ri ya which sets fire at once it is extremely purified it is the kana which is not
                                                • 没有办法让immunity m疯狂生病有人在询问污水和污泥瓦特大阪这只是从日常的生活环境减少瓦特 The Osaka person with about the sewage and the sludge becomes the sickness the ro w which cannot boil and is From usually therefore living environment what below that immunity there is no Hirotune it is w

                                              • 我所看到的那样那些都是我的功夫写低级别的消息在今天的不雅情报驱动tTA 870超别致的 所以那些是我的 870 Being vulgar now is known with news level thing it came to entry low specially it is the tsu shank super elegant tsu shank
                                                • 如果我没有挑选好了,他们只用从报纸和现场新闻要跳跃,包括故意附表 If it does not pick up altogether although it is good because the scene which jumps specially is designated as the newspaper and news you attach and rise

                                              • 我是说谁的人从农村来到日本我觉得我有扎西东京,东京,除在日本只有大城市认为会感觉像一个地方小镇的幸福我听到低田 But a certain person who goes up to the capital from countryside is says Large capital meeting to Japan that only Tokyo you think there is to do other than Tokyo well the town of your own local like feeling You thought that it is in Japan it is even
                                                • 我是说谁的人从农村来到日本我觉得我有扎西东京,东京,除在日本只有大城市认为会感觉像一个地方小镇的幸福我听到低田 But a certain person who goes up to the capital from countryside is says Large capital meeting to Japan that only Tokyo you think there is to do other than Tokyo well the town of your own local like feeling You thought that it is in Japan it is even

                                              • 我知道今天上午电视,我觉得你已经发生了一些驱动tTA扣我想我已经崎玉体育场这些家伙在视频镜头和涩谷Bakkari Now the television of morning image of the Saitama stadium and Shibuya being the tsu temporary So and others it is well dense image it was not However Dotonbori how it has become you thought the ro which is after all

                                                • 我觉得你到街道上扰民?从我画了一个人如果不将垃圾哈希惠桥在所有收集市民大众 Annoyance being caused for the general people the ru it is with to do Shibuya the yo Because the person got together in the barbarian bridge the reason which annoyance is not caused at all it provides to the tsu te general people

                                                  • 我讲一个春天穿坏的感觉,人们认为我现在在大阪因为钱的,但它仅东京有理由无限期地挖掘这种疯狂的行为像个大笨蛋,我可以 Feeling being bad growing however the ru if such a kichigai like behavior hits Tokyo it is justified when with you think combining Therefore the Osaka person passing how long makes foolish it is the shelf
                                                    • 日本大阪城丰臣秀吉以来Kamaeta,大阪177人的部队在朝鲜各地突发有趣,我昏头了吧 177 When Hidekiti can be concerned the castle to Osaka from Japan changed it is the shelf The Osaka person became strange from around the Korean being present soldier

                                                  • 我道顿堀江的水,因为在这个美丽的发生?当我15年前,我住在大阪,大阪湾,但附近的黄河也水族馆还

                                                    • 我飞171 愚弄人民,包括大阪,在这个意义上,我不跟你愚弄他们是限制涩谷暴力 171 The foolish Osaka person who jumps it does not limit In such sense raging at Shibuya the ru fool and simultaneous
                                                      • 在大阪,日本和韩国的童话故事,不仅从大阪部落歧视的人! ! It discriminates to the Osaka person as for the resident South Korean of the fairy tale and the village coming out of Osaka the ke

                                                    • 我飞行,它包括人的思想贵国的阴谋理论,boasts m厨房垃圾工人就业手工艺品附表大众在东京和大阪发言者瓦特
                                                      When it is conspiracy theory thought of the national proud 厨, jumping, the [ru] person is operative what where the resident in capital mass rubbish employs in order to look down upon Osaka, w

                                                      • 所以我说这样的事最近在东京(谁)说,“共和国的东京人的”她来我被人讥笑
                                                        Therefore, Tokyo which recently such is said (the person) “Tokyo people republic” [tsu] [te] It reached the point where it is bantered it is

                                                        • 所以给我一个突破329 orz我想凯塔包括许多白痴,我想站在眼跳全部从正常 329 Therefore you pardon … orz The fool who who would like to jump normally probably is many from the tsu te which wishes to be conspicuous but

                                                          • 日本的大城市或在东京,他们只是希望,但在其他方面我觉得我喜欢这个城市有很大的关西Tteta有没有想过,我不认为,同样的水平Tteta Shimattarashii As for the large city of Japan you say or that we want being just Tokyo as for the place other than that although you think that it is same rank Until now you think so there is a city in Kansai that there is no great thing how you thought it seems
                                                            • 日本的大城市或在东京,他们只是希望,但在其他方面我觉得我喜欢这个城市有很大的关西Tteta有没有想过,我不认为,同样的水平Tteta Shimattarashii As for the large city of Japan you say or that we want being just Tokyo as for the place other than that although you think that it is same rank Until now you think so there is a city in Kansai that there is no great thing how you thought it seems

                                                          • 是啊,他是不悬挂在桥上,其中包括460茶室Ttetara查看详情左银座在护城河外
                                                            460 The Ginza moat remaining, the shelf where the person who jumps from the cod tea-ceremony house bridge may be

                                                            • 本人将几巴掌扣潜水期间或100000万1000一旦一旦收集卷100万

                                                              • 没有嘈杂的思维茂木日本东京比你更好的白痴在这很好,因为他不但没有破坏我和航班,包括402 402 There is damage in only the person who jumps therefore it is there is no calling Japan you cannot think the how Tokyo to horse around from that
                                                                • 飞出的河流和总成本包括桥梁55人从凌晨3点左右,一直持续到黎明,大声茂木 Even on the barbarian bridge from around 3 o clock in the morning 55 total jumped in the river the noise continued to morning

                                                              • 注:制作沙也可能5月,第2003(第38号证据史通巻)由 Reference The thing mark of the sand 也 yes which is fabricated History 2003 May edition volume 38 from
                                                                • 这些尘埃质量和茹东京大阪人看外国人的疯狂(笑)我不能停止假的吗? When you see from the kichigai Osaka people national person this Tokyo mass rubbish laughing in fabrication the tsu chi ya u

                                                              • 然而,如果钠,我不想Zaemonga等ーー铜绿,都是我漂浮在道顿堀河Notarin大约有100人正在頑張頑張 Still whether the do za obtaining it is not having risen It is lonesome about 100 people you float in the Dotonbori river notari it is be able to persevere persevering
                                                                • 武藤敏郎道顿堀河,其中包括从桥上跳男子,纷纷跳出来,并推出包括了所有100人 When 1 men from the bridge jumps in the Dotonbori river the total 100 people one after another the diving
                                                                • 武藤敏郎道顿堀河,其中包括从桥上跳男子,纷纷跳出来,并推出包括了所有100人 When 1 men from the bridge jumps in the Dotonbori river the total 100 people one after another the diving
                                                                • 潜水100道顿堀河,它就像我吃了狗屎飞行观众带入厕所,1000 gt In Dotonbori river 100 human diving and sight seeing customers 1000 Jumping in the toilet unko it seems the 喰 u way and the trap which is rubbed
                                                                • 然而,如果古色娜ーー我不想Zaemonga等等,我都漂浮在道顿堀Notarin大约有100人正在頑張頑張 Still whether the do za obtaining it is not having risen It is lonesome about 100 people you float in the Dotonbori river notari it is be able to persevere persevering
                                                                • 道顿堀河ー得到了寄生虫呆在Kuroganekinkinmushi,我会欺骗你武藤织入脑入肛门异常包括灵活性和Ku费 The kuroganekinkinmushi tsu the parasite staying in the Dotonbori river When you jump entering quickly from the anus wandering entrance doing in the brain it becomes aho

                                                              • 猛虎组织早在上午9月29日夜间,30日,一个出租车团伙殴打球迷庆祝大阪 阪神五世推动附近的老虎的球迷,并占领了一些球迷成为暴力的御堂筋,几十范围在乘坐的士的人看到,就越好。淇嘈杂团伙殴打牛犊 The Osaka and Kobe fan the taxi plop plop From the September 29th night betting on 30 day early dawn with Osaka minami where the Tigers fan and others which celebrates Osaka and Kobe V surged part The fan converting to mob hall muscle was occupied the taxi was surrounded with several dozen people the noise which is done plop plop was caused
                                                                • Bikakeru警方呼吁忽视离开发言,我周围数十人乘的士和排除,因为只有 With speaker retreat The taxi which it tries you will ignore the police whom it calls to pass was surrounded with several dozen people

                                                              • 相当清楚和外国人,在人们的卫生被称为老鼠,苍蝇好像我大阪加载到厕所的洞和起飞的行为仍然是良好的机制为大肠杆菌大肠杆菌,水流狗屎我是一个水扣在数不包括痢疾,霍乱,汉他病毒(出血热),艾滋病毒,任何可能和w不仅来自瓦特发生在大阪,日本列岛的方式我将汉他病毒 Speaking clearly kind of those where the foil you see hygienically and take and jump in the hole of the toilet of formula As for the Osaka people national person norway rat because of this habit If the colon bacillus still it is good but the u is densely the water flowing into in the ru Dotonbori water the dysentery and cholera W which HIV can there be hantauirusu bleeding heat and regardless By the way because the Japanese archipelago it occurs in only hantauirusu how Osaka w
                                                                • 你是愚蠢的国会破坏汽车噪音和设置路障,但少数东京对齐中,大阪将降低图像的噪声也Gunara Idaro是好人东京或成为他人的噪音滋扰,通常井我想你写多久 Tokyo road blockading destroying the car as for having horsed around however it becomes image decrease The ro whose Dotonbori making a noise normally being the case that in te others it becomes annoyance or is good and is If also Tokyo people make a noise although it should have made the Osaka extent

                                                              • 约翰内斯堡,东京或人谁,我们是在Bubusera裸体!
                                                                As for Tokyo person whether with [bubusera] bareness or [yohanesuburugu] person!

                                                                • 织成的面糊Sutoroiya鼓励゙Ntote博士゙Okishita我看着他们在我的地方,其中包括总飞!
                                                                  Selecting the place where you jump, has [okishita] ゙ [ntote] ゙ [sutoroiya] the doctor throw!

                                                                  • 编号 阪急铁路站 30 表受害者“和品牌,转而反对他们认为他们是不深,尽可能,峭壁和心脏重塑密切联系自己的产品”交谈→苏Okahashi正孝※风格皮革之(谷歌缓存存储)样式皮革※(第13号)返回 被捕男子涉嫌侵入奈良西署建筑用窥视 奈良西署周三在不大阪涉嫌非法侵入,东淀合川区三丁目,皮肤。修理业务→据称Okahashi正孝(36)被逮捕 Victim large number lt 13 station gt Chart “Vis a vis those where the brand and the reflection are deep to the utmost the reform which is brought close to that product the heart per seat te it is” is said gt Bridge correct Takashi Oka Leather style Cash which is retained in Google Leather style 13th Reverse side As for Nara west station on the 8th in doubt of building invasion the Osaka city Higashi Yodogawa Ku Aikawa 3 Chome skin Repair industry gt Suspect bridge correct Takashi Oka 36 flagrant delict it arrested
                                                                    • 编号 阪急铁路站 30 表受害者“和品牌,转而反对他们认为他们是不深,尽可能,峭壁和心脏重塑密切联系自己的产品”交谈→苏Okahashi正孝※风格皮革之(谷歌缓存存储)样式皮革※(第13号)返回 被捕男子涉嫌侵入奈良西署建筑用窥视 奈良西署周三在不大阪涉嫌非法侵入,东淀合川区三丁目,皮肤。修理业务→据称Okahashi正孝(36)被逮捕 Victim large number lt 13 station gt Chart “Vis a vis those where the brand and the reflection are deep to the utmost the reform which is brought close to that product the heart per seat te it is” is said gt Bridge correct Takashi Oka Leather style Cash which is retained in Google Leather style 13th Reverse side As for Nara west station on the 8th in doubt of building invasion the Osaka city Higashi Yodogawa Ku Aikawa 3 Chome skin Repair industry gt Suspect bridge correct Takashi Oka 36 flagrant delict it arrested

                                                                  • 苏玉米动摇它在东京愚蠢的人不会对人体金字塔的人在东京,愚弄啊,笨的人是赤身露体搭载 With bareness the shoulder car the foolish Tokyo person who is done Human pyramid foolish Tokyo person The foolish Tokyo person who is not the obtaining obtaining or swings the cone with the posturing
                                                                    • 苏玉米构成傻瓜动摇它Eijanaika愚蠢白痴的背驮式裸体人体金字塔 With bareness the shoulder car the fool who is done Human pyramid fool The fool who who is not the obtaining obtaining or swings the cone with the posturing

                                                                  • 蜘蛛-点停止对大阪人的歧视,我应该道歉和赔偿的事实,即人们大阪歧视屠杀
                                                                    Discrimination of the Osaka person it is, stopping also the [tsu] body, It discriminates the Osaka person and it should apologize compensate in the fact which slaughters,

                                                                    • 警方在所有的基调,他没有怀疑妥协偷看约15 06时冈桥目的女士星期一。 With investigation of the same station as for bridge suspect Oka 8th 6 15 PM around the rest room for the… woman The doubt which invaded with excluding purpose
                                                                      • 警方在所有的基调,他没有怀疑妥协偷看约15 06时冈桥目的女士星期一。 With investigation of the same station as for bridge suspect Oka 8th 6 15 PM around the rest room for the… woman The doubt which invaded with excluding purpose

                                                                    • 贱言论不雅行为的仪式在日本的孩子狗屎罕见车队在吐痰或唾液在部落民辜仲暴力日本-苏...肮脏涂鸦破坏荣格财产城市居民人谁新浪荣格点处置废物到处撒尿肠日新浪日本右翼宣传············埃塞涌(黑车庸俗卑鄙的宣传响亮嘘声)...日本DQN涌响亮和恼人的车车Bigusuku ...
                                                                      Droppings [gaki] which rages with distinctiveness running group coming-of-age ceremony………… the resident [chiyon] village people The brim and the 痰 the are spat, bottom 賤 vulgar behavior speech……… the resident [chiyon] Chinese person The place you are not concerned and the deviation from droppings releasing urine rubbish throw away jauntily……… Chinese human resident [chiyon] Scribbling container damage Japan of the town is polluted,………… resident [chiyonese] Town declaration right wing (town declaration vulgar black car of vulgar hoot large volume) resident [chiyon] Annoyance large volume by DQN car [bigusuku] and car……… resident [chiyon]Village people Osaka fool of system Brutal crime (rape homicide burglar theft) medicine…… the resident [chiyon] Chinese human North and South Korea & village people Mob (ruffian) punk host kudzu man…… resident [chiyon] village people Inclination being packed 詐 false that. 詐 false liar betrayal…… resident [chiyon] Chinese person Plate gold [yami] gold pachinko in addition [ikasama] trading…… resident [chiyon] North and South Korea Democracy, corporation people, common property, the supporter anti-Japanese left flank Nitukiyou group of fairness the… resident [chiyon] Chinese human North and South Korea & village people Soka academic society unification church in addition cult………… resident [chiyon] Chinese human North and South Korea It is humble in the discriminatory victim fabrication business gold,…… the… resident [chiyon] village people Anti-Japanese mass rubbish (Asahi everyday TBS Dentsu NHK and the like)… ChinaNorth and South Korea resident north and south [chiyon] The level decrease bottom of Japan 賤 vulgar culture and crime…… work of resident [chiyon] Chinese human village people

                                                                      • 这也是一店进入公共浴池店禁令,彩云追月如果你是旅游和漂白的身体负荷,如果他们家的味道河污染中毒

                                                                        • 这是一个wwwww家伙京都奈良县合里诺塞从其他井聪我和悬挂神奈川
                                                                          The [wa] wwwww which is the person other prefectures graduate which it flew with we acquaintance Nara and Kyoto and Kanagawa

                                                                          • 透明度和高围墙或提出可笑的反应过度了,像你永远要停
                                                                            Just a little before reacting likely, excessively the fool likely high transparent fence you attach when, we want stopping without fail

                                                                            • 那么最活跃的家伙,我在关西关西或在这个时候我打得驱动tTA站立正如预期的眼睛Kerubeki从日本关西方式向世界 This time it was conspicuous you played riding don t you think most Kansai people or the people who participate with Kansai And tsu pa Kansai from Japan should direct the eye to the world

                                                                              • 附表人包括名古屋和岐阜县的人谁跳进了喷泉繁荣还是堀庄内人飞行和滋贺县查看详情包括在郡上八幡田川跳耀西和,群马附表所列述的飞行温泉和琵琶湖显示包含

                                                                                • 韩国支持864在大阪和东京是绝大多数人支持我在外面的后续阿根廷

                                                                                  • 韩日谁被打死的人,今天在大阪大阪战争结束后,共和国的歧视和日本,并到犯罪的,由人民大阪,大阪,韩国,日本Nasuritsuke刺激思想和事实的歧视如果日本在朝鲜的战争后,大阪人死亡,并没有道歉和赔偿歧视的事实,你还在 After the war the resident South Korean who slaughters the Osaka person resident discriminates the Osaka person even now Calling the Osaka person Osaka people country it does the ri attaching and the discrimination which form the crime of the resident South Korean If of fact is thought After the war the Osaka person the resident South Korean who slaughters unless you apologize in the fact which discriminates even now and you compensate
                                                                                    • 684然而,韩国,日本的战争,如果刺激想过这些人的痛苦埃塔大阪村庄,部落和童话在日本的朝鲜居民,有权不不得不道歉和赔偿大阪人 NULL
                                                                                    • 四郎大阪,谁道歉的事实,第二次世界大战后的大屠杀! ! !在许多人仍然在大阪,在不受歧视的痛苦Japan m After the war the Osaka person in the fact which slaughters apology margin Even now many the Osaka person suffering with discrimination of resident the ru

                                                                                  • 鳄龟和鳄鱼鳖我履行坝不是将环境破坏132
                                                                                    132 Destruction of environment it goes, it is not Making the weir, if it should have discharged [wanigame] and [kamitsukigame

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