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The democracy branch field person “consumer tax increasing taxes, low it returns 5% to the income earner”, the ★5


  • 10%的销售税上调+ - 5%u003d 5%× ×婚姻减少欺诈取消税收扣除固定利率的下降。常数。削减公司利得税税率废除+税+全面复苏使企业捐款完成专政站Ikanzaki机管局

    • 1缺乏税税收从应支付相同的,如果我有一个,这样,更多的人已经返回苏进一步提高消费税 1 So if it does you did not pay with it becomes same When the tax revenue from consumer tax is not enough with that 1 furthermore increasing taxes furthermore it returns consumer tax mainly
      • 如果您购买10万日元驱动tTA老百姓奔驰的例子,因为,缴纳税款200日元百万,欧盟官员甚至没有一分钱我付销售税 For example when the populace buys Benz of 10 000 000 Yen as much as 2 000 000 Yen consumer tax is paid but EU staff less than 1 Yen pays consumer tax
      • 我不是从人寿保险的税务玩?因此,它并不意味着税 That tsu te playing say that you do not take consumer tax from ru life insurance Then there is no meaning of consumer tax

    • 424 Vaa?我是怎么说的人民军队的S运行WWW的代表,它下一个大企业经理人员和二等公民,第二下到每个公务员的公职人员Goimu民事,动物小康Rachone゙,柯゚成员的人

      • 691 “出口退税”接受退还的1600亿日元在谈到系统是 691 Instead of gt the Toyota Motor Corporation while as much as 3 500 000 000 000 Yen being proud of sale in the country consumer tax does not pay either 1 Yen gt To it is based on “the export drawback” system and also 160 000 000 000 Yen has received return
        • 691 “出口退税”接受退还的1600亿日元在谈到系统是 691 Instead of gt the Toyota Motor Corporation while as much as 3 500 000 000 000 Yen being proud of sale in the country consumer tax does not pay either 1 Yen gt To it is based on “the export drawback” system and also 160 000 000 000 Yen has received return
        • Etara切实考虑17“到05000000日元万日元的年收入为200认为,没有生活费用%退款”的唯一途径,他们感觉 17 When you think realistically “cost of living 2 000 000 Yen considering to 3 000 000 Yen in annual income the air which is only return like method does the 5 ”
        • 丰田汽车,而销售额也拥有日本三大万亿日元,更遑论连百分之一的销售税不支付,“出口退税”的接受了1600亿日元退款谈到系统 Instead of the Toyota Motor Corporation while as much as 3 500 000 000 000 Yen being proud of sale in the country consumer tax does not pay either 1 Yen to it is based on “the export drawback” system and also 160 000 000 000 Yen has received return

      • 894美国美国外其他国家考虑的过程中,,议员们经常在不增加工资,将可能比W少一半

        • c和儿童津贴(笑笑)公路(免费)老年医学取消晚期(笑)削减公务员薪酬(笑)没有旋转门(笑)非现金支出的自由亿元。 ↓Huzii Hazime部长被指控逃跑出来的,告诉顾曰:“应该道歉,并保证゙Mennasai如果您的合作,如果不能”(^ω^)

          • NULL Even in the Japanese Red Army of homicidal maniac it is accustomed to protection of fundamental human rights member This human rights protective bill has left the execution of the law to the organization “human rights commission” but The authority 1 Whether or not human rights violation human rights commission decides the standard legislative behavior 2 The person who has a possibility of damaging human rights is investigated the exposure residence Administrative behavior 3 That human rights were damaged fine social sanction to the person who regards is added Administration of justice behavior With it opposes to the mind of three right separation which have been praised with constitution it is the administrative organ like the dictator
            • (不附他们救了无辜的人说)6)搜查,甚至有差别的可能性和滥用权利的新闻 The false person to whom saying can attach temporary is not relieved 6 There is a possibility of abuse of right of residence investigation and seizure

          • NULL lt 09 year House of Representatives selection minsu pledge gt With the buried deposit gold 11 000 000 000 000 Yen 9 000 000 000 000 Yen is devised with budget rearrangement June 23rd of 09 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ “ When the government bond increases Japan collapses ” With potsupo which it elected lectured with the cool face “ Naturally issuing the government bond ” … New amount of issue past maximum December 8th of 09 Pledge violation “ Provisional tariff it does not abolish ” Terry Itoh “ The fraud which potsupo is popular and does ” December 22nd of 09 The branch field as for designating the surplus restoration of the German method as the eyeball of categorization makeshift At the time of Fukuda administration minsu restoration method waste plan March 12th of 10 “ From the concrete it is dirty to the 沢 ” Expectation of high speed free conversion free conversion revenue source 2 500 000 000 000 Yen in construction cost Furthermore to mark up also fee road construction March 16th of 10 minsu “ The bureaucracy just is resistant

            • NULL The tax free tsu te you cannot call the daily necessaries and the foodstuff with something it is Inhaling with Prime Minister disabled it is kind of something which you say The amount which it consumes Return tsu te The fool it is Just someone checks the receipt entirely it is Very that there is no productivity It is wasteful job When such a wasteful job you do with nation Very that GDP furthermore is lowered National big loss It is such a spare time person Doing the ru China and Korea In economic growth Benefit 々 steadily It is detached 菅 As for prime minister Truly public official Dog shelf There is no productivity which adds the deficit steadily How itself to think the doaho bureaucracy As for the Japanese public finance When it is this condition Certainty Sinking Foolish exposure The Democratic party Double suicide is gomen
              • NULL Well well The amount which it consumes Return tsu te The fool it is Just someone checks the receipt entirely it is Very that there is no productivity It is wasteful job When such a wasteful job you do with nation Very that GDP furthermore is lowered National big loss It is such a spare time person Doing the ru China and Korea In economic growth Benefit 々 steadily It is detached 菅 As for prime minister Truly public official Dog shelf There is no productivity which adds the deficit steadily How itself to think the doaho bureaucracy As for the Japanese public finance When it is this condition Certainty Sinking Foolish exposure The Democratic party Double suicide is gomen

            • Su ll物品归还,没有食物,医疗费用,儿童的,我认为,前提是当前的趋势,从第一次我为什么要参加并作出免税服装 It returns not to be the te You should not have taken from beginning food expenses and medical expense with the child supplies and the clothing item etc as a tax free Thinking of that why you take in prerequisite

              • [政治]检查侵犯人权委员会的歧视,司法部长计划在内阁办公室...题跋惠子,4★走到一起,成立组织,监察人权法

                • _NULL_

                  • “低收入人士分钟加息 有一个退款〜♪”(枝野)∩ ∩ 布鲁诺 , ヽ(( 香格里拉゚粗糙゚关闭 ●● ( u003d) ( ● )祢 (⌒)j)条),彡 ∪ ⌒⊂ヽ布鲁诺 无ヽ 单⌒ ヽ ヽ ,卢武铉 ,而不是花言巧语的权利从来没有出来之前,选举和流行布鲁诺,我不能信任是什么? ! “It is low in the income earner tax increase amount There is return the ♪” branch field ∩ ∩ No REPT hu ゚ rough ゚ ra mi ⌒ J 彡 ∪ No ⊂ ⌒ REPT REPT No REPT ⌒ 92 REPT REPT 92 and no no The sweet word where it appears with potsu in immediately before the electing how almost it cannot trust don t you think

                    • “没有得到同样的工资,如果我愿意”我很多低收入人士的收入?枝野,或客户已确定附表吗? If “so it does you did not pay with it becomes same” Low it is income earner what from annual income somewhat The branch field coming deciding that
                      • 我赞成低收入社会主义国家?他们努力工作,但我拒绝向他透露的信息,该国卡兹井 It is low income earner favorable treatment Socialist nation Working with utmost effort therefore the country where the person whom it has made is not rewarded It atrophies it is
                      • 邦德我听低收入者觉得他们有资格在你(笑)如果获得批准收入低,你为什么不租一切福利在! When you to tell the feeling which the income earner is recognized low laughing the income earner it is recognized low How if the se the welfare 貰 tsu chi ya you obtain

                    • △“即使上调销售税至百分之五的低收益回报的苏分钟”○加息“如果消费税,只有5个低收入繁琐的程序规定%伊萨花回归”

                      • ヽヽ :: :ヽ ::: 英里 :: )( : ,宓: 布鲁诺ヽ · 升 REPT REPT REPT mi 92 mi REPT No ⌒ REPT i REPT 6 mi Γ ⌒ to REPT mi O REPT ⌒ 92 and 92 DEG he ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 mi No ゙ l i yu REPT l human REPT REPT eee i ⌒ mi
                        • Fヽ :布鲁诺ヽヽ he REPT No REPT REPT
                        • 。 。〃 ! 别无选择,只能投票支持人民新党 DREPT l When you vote to the Liberal Democratic Party consumer tax tax increase r r Voting to the Democratic party consumer tax tax increase l l i l j If opposition to consumer tax tax increase r r 92 There is no other choice but to vote to the national new party
                        • ヽf 布鲁诺ヽヽ :: ─ he REPT No REPT REPT ─

                      • 一个孩子出生在国外的婚姻是瑞典2☆↓婚姻比例以外出生的人如果孩子出生在国外的婚姻如此多的高税收国家。法语(法国19.6%[5.5%2☆〜食物是三之一美国以外出生的子女的婚姻,英国15%[0%出生在国外的婚姻是一个德国人的食物3☆19%[07%食品

                        • 一个对生活的零税率的主要原因,必需品,我不能保证消费者缴税

                          • 为了减轻总理菅直人累退税,已经表示愿意考虑这样一个退税结构 菅 Prime Minister Naoto for opposite Shin characteristic relief of consumer tax the intention which examines the mechanism and the like of tax return has been shown

                            • 也就是说,在退款的名称,以及你想调查他们是否会采取的报纸是什么性质,结果买的书是什么的推理用金钱附表上述性质通过检查您什么时间,地点,谁什么? NULL
                              • 219民主党人,在税收的增加可能会进入一个地方,我将不参加表决的方法是要么不是自民党消费税上调 NULL
                              • 我很臭的差距日益扩大的消费税上调之间的差异在选择397的话,将加速通缩 NULL
                              • 我要计算出的收据瓦特埃泰Toran销售退税认为是正常的,不是吗? NULL

                            • 什么是反加税,如果参数不乐的退休基金的习惯?百万财富和公众舆论的国家,朱达罗为主顶部20岁%,80%的人,如果他们能够找到很多的收入,他们认为过于金钱和时间上的福利,因为他的原因是没有花太多的艾滋病 Being opposite tsu te what to tax increase argument in kuse which fund of old age is not roku Therefore earnings person being many is consumption amount many meaning If that gold is turned to welfare the ro which is ten thousand 々 years 8 tenths of wealth being monopolized higher rank 2 comparatively public opinion of ru country think it is
                              • 什么是反加税,如果参数不乐的退休基金的习惯?百万财富和公众舆论的国家,朱达罗为主顶部20岁%,80%的人,如果他们能够找到很多的收入,他们认为过于金钱和时间上的福利,因为他的原因是没有花太多的艾滋病 Being opposite tsu te what to tax increase argument in kuse which fund of old age is not roku Therefore earnings person being many is consumption amount many meaning If that gold is turned to welfare the ro which is ten thousand 々 years 8 tenths of wealth being monopolized higher rank 2 comparatively public opinion of ru country think it is

                            • 什么是诈骗加税这一刻我请你回来?琦玉县它是党的卖国代理人`反

                              • 什么是错误的名字累 我是一个傻瓜用尽了力量和Warazu愚蠢的相变的魔术,“告诉销售税,”但我通过简单改变没纹层次消费 Opposite Shin characteristic tsu te … aho error demon conversion it dies as usual being swindled the ru In “you sold opposite Shin characteristic how name and it just modifies the level which becomes not to go out you rubbed tax”

                                • 什么是鸡传染性法氏囊病的一些收入低以及如何偿还我的钱刚刚起床峨生活的父母从未看到任何收据都麻理世的生活挺举什么叫做关于家长是啊,人身上是一套我也比较容易批准马洗福利 Low income earner tsu te even about the generally known welfare person is probably is what In other words the receipt how without seeing altogether the gold which the welfare person can receive just increases tsu te becoming return method it finishes And as for the human of part welfare recognition to receive tsu te becoming easy to be set so the shelf

                                  • 仁索诺其他各种特权,废除猪成员审查支付这是一个重要的成员减少的数量每年端午的s ...成员来自税务消除说,至少会做!

                                    • 今年要在口袋里,每进入一个薪金一〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元成为会员自己,如果你不撒玫瑰金像疯了似的谎言来给你我们的第一次投票,今年在所有的钱足象征明年的预算,里消失

                                      • 企业减税,Mawasu也为社会福利,因为消费税上涨,巩固财政的10%不认为自己的脚

                                        • 优先提高消费税,他的言论表明了考虑取消所得税最高税率优惠的可能性

                                          • 但是,工薪阶层的收入可以捕捉百分之百反对,营业收入不能达到100%的收入

                                            • 你敏雇员工资成本是消费税上调了党和政府,如果我想进入共产党不想这么多税

                                              • 免费特权停止在日本高中的孩子您支付任何一方说,从来没有背叛信任

                                                • 凡战争的战场发送到驱动tTA煽动公众情绪青年人积极茂木担猫的爪子也为军队南无妙法莲华経法华树和Hongwanji

                                                  • 即使现在离婚和伪装,借用一个偷公寓杆六合同居的妻子,以实际生活在一起的时间甚至汽车,我爆破的家伙我会从租金的福利 Even now disguising divorcing simply the similar apartment temporary te to the vicinity of the wife of the inside edge Actually living together hacking also the private car welfare receiving the ru people the cup it is therefore it is
                                                    • 那么收入分钟踢,让他的妻子离婚的总统伪装,我想增加事实上的所有者 You divide with income when it is disguising divorcing the president being able to let do to the wife in fact owner the wa where being like increases

                                                  • 因为它是一个好的计划,我们会少于500万至1000万的税款超过反正你会搞砸超过1000万所得税后,我很支持民主党附表赖大幅减税 Therefore as for that good plan The income tax which exceeds after 10 000 000 it is possible to increase taxes chaotically How don t you think se 10 000 000 exceeding it does As for 5 000 000 or less substantial tax reduction you ask You have supported the Democratic party
                                                    • 但我不超过10万元,每年的收入,因为每分钟Wapua妹妹,让他们返回的货物将要购买我的妹妹 Therefore as for we annual income 10 000 000 exceeding however the ru the younger sister that much wapua Shopping to the younger sister it probably will regain

                                                  • 因此,既然收入捕捉绝对正试图获取收入的纳税人识别号码系统,以确保

                                                    • 因此,这个字是囊,如果低于200万的年收入低于3,000,000 2,000,000租赁收入税草案的年薪从峨万年薪是从百万岁的税

                                                      • 在消费税户数少于2亿日元,因为茹超越退款,你可以盖穷人Gesuru收入

                                                        • 增值税只有百分之10的公务员公共他们是最好的食物是蠕虫钱付给他无论如何,我期望能为 Just the government employee should have paid the consumer tax 10 is In any case therefore them first spendthrift what
                                                          • 俄如能做到这一点从来没有改变取决于收入的消费税?这不是个人所得税的工作? Some lever which changes consumption tariff with income being possible As for that there is no work of income tax

                                                        • 好可怜的2亿日元的可支配收入,储蓄是不可能的,他们使用了我所有的收入百分之二百1000万日元到20万日元,还是。我会付销售税?有钱什么人均可支配收入超过十亿,1%的所得税缴纳不是你的荣誉不仅对!如果年收入是穷人的50万日元,但1亿日元的总收入,缴纳消费税的总额高达1000万日元 Because the pauper of disposable income 2 000 000 Yen savings how it probably is unreasonable 2 000 000 Yen you use entirely and take and the 10 200 000 Yen ma of annual income are It means to pay consumer tax don t you think Rich something above disposable income 100 000 000 Yen only the 1 of annual income consumer tax you pay it is it is not In other words when the pauper of 2 000 000 Yen in annual income 50 it is but as for the all earnings 100 000 000 Yen how total 10 000 000 Yen consumer tax is paid
                                                          • 10%的消费税税率头脑时刻“中的最漂亮的百分之五的回报是值得苏(称为减缓) The consumption tariff 10 in mind “as for the present being most appealing 5 amount is returned with the reduction step which is said
                                                          • 临时缴纳的税款,但不便宜恩戴折扣商店和间接税收(如深,及进口税的国家也没有从间接挂没有我所采取的关税)或购买,如何减少其他没有买东西是不是免费的 Temporary payment consumer tax with indirect tax something the cheap place the intense cheaply store not to have taken indirect tax the te From you buy or do not buy the thing e g it imports from the country which either the tariff does not catch There is no method of reducing other than
                                                          • 如果消费税为10%,3万奖励是政府发出的第一年多时间,在相同,第二年20 000日元,10 000会做3年,一旦你开始 If consumer tax is designated as the 10 issuing the government note simultaneously The fixed amount benefits should have been distributed first year 30 000 Yen and second year 20 000 Yen 3rd year 10 000 probably
                                                          • 小泽重返复苏↓↓Metara恢复人气死了,寒冷的水域外陷入危险的小泽↓↓小泽的支持率是与泥覆盖税 Ozawa be disgraced concerning consumer tax ↓ Support ratio rushes to the dangerous waters ↓ Removing Ozawa support ratio recovery ↓ When the ho and the bo ri it cools down Ozawa revival ↓ It returns to the �
                                                          • 当然,汽车经销商是让销售时纳税销售汽车的客户,我们进行适当的税收待遇,我付出的销售税,以支付 Of course the automobile dealer when selling the automobile to the customer has bearing consumer tax appropriate tax processing does the consumer tax which it should pay pays
                                                          • 当然,汽车经销商是让销售时纳税销售汽车的客户,我们进行适当的税收待遇,我付出的销售税,以支付 Of course the automobile dealer when selling the automobile to the customer has bearing consumer tax appropriate tax processing does the consumer tax which it should pay pays
                                                          • 我可以提交收据,企业缴纳税款驱动tTA在最后由于我只出一个光明的节日新的一年 As for being able to submit to the receipt how company which has the consumer tax which is paid on end of year After the New Year s Day day off opening is don t you think
                                                          • 我得到报酬一样,如果它是,“嗯,然后100%至95%的消费税将支付相同的,因为我并没有回报 So if it does you did not pay with it becomes same” that If the 95 is returned to a consumption tariff 100 when you did not pay with it becomes same
                                                          • 更有什者,但是他说,销售税和使用保障的最低养老金,什么是不相符的经济增长都用我 Furthermore consumer tax puts out although you said that you use in lowest guarantee annuity using economic growth tsu te original contradiction
                                                          • 查看详细资料,但低税和公司说,他们不显示故障细节,从逻辑的销售收入税 Because there is no revenue source while saying that consumer tax is increased it lowers income tax It has failed logically
                                                          • 民主党有责任是最好的我276“不要说你提出的电梯,但驱动tTA!”夜。我解除了销售税的实际问题作为需要做的就是一篮子我承认,虽然他会认为“没有电梯”从封面到Tteta会说,讨论选举开始前,这些在您认为这 276 As for most the Democratic party should blame Although you said that “it does not lift lifting ” It is not As for we as an actual problem as for consumer tax price hike it does not recognize the kana which is not obtained with thinking however the ru “It does not lift” that you say it overturns therefore it is before beginning argument as for general election you think that it is natural
                                                          • 简坤提高消费税税率,如果是这样,也宣布了降低税率思维 When 菅 consumption tariff is increased to that it keeps thinking of reduced rate also you have stated
                                                          • 自由民主党是Gemasu“关于销售税”我说来吧“坏政府”,“这将解散!”但我认为合唱团。什么是无政府的批评 When it is the Liberal Democratic Party administration “consumer tax it lifts” when how you say “Useless administration” “dispersion margin ” You think that it is large chorus but is There is no criticism is in administration
                                                          • 达罗得到相同的效果,因为我用通货膨胀的情况下收集的钱,水是资源丰富,如果他们得到了taken ll购买政府长期债券,而不是税收的日本银行 If there is no consumer tax and has buying the long term government securities at te Bank of Japan the revenue source makes Becoming inflation when it collects the gold which you do not use from the rich person the ro which can obtain the same effect and is
                                                          • 首先,从已压缩的预算,因为成本会增加社会保障,而不是在增加税收,以解决这个问题 In the first place because social security expense increases because public finance is pressed in order to cancel that consumer tax rise with reason
                                                          • (ü 5%的回报一分钟苏(措施,以减少它)。 u Ω gt The consumption tariff 10 in mind “as for the present being most appealing gt 5 amount is returned with reduction step which is said

                                                        • 如果你可以忘掉这些不加税,消费税上调博彩税公司税税率电梯拉宗教累进税率

                                                          • 如果收入低 少的实际乞丐乞丐乞丐少更少的设备驱动tTA颂说,但遗憾的只是运气,我们完成了我们的头脑不是一个乞丐 Simply less beggar The less beggar who dresses up chiyon True less beggar Income being low depends even luck unfortunately but to heart your tsu chi ya end it is in the beggar

                                                            • 家庭主妇或学生?他发生在你身上的一年,是一个家庭的居民家庭的,如果你没有?

                                                              • 家庭主妇,生活保险,而且,没有色彩,并与税务机关,谁喜欢苏收益回报想不通的第一次接触如何?这种做法也被称为 兰花梦告诉!这在执政党部长尽管Voke How it returns to the kind of person who is not the housewife and life insurance and in the first place tax office and contact cannot grasp income Business you talk dream with intellectual viewing In the habit of minister of state of administration ruling party this vuoke

                                                                • 对公职人员和私营人员的平均年龄,平均年龄?总结,但我偶尔也多瓦单位如果框架没有啊我800万公务员20的和30名官员朱达罗零加班的公职人员50 30多岁20岁的公民同样的一些优点,但许多刚刚200000 ü球员抱怨说,他们比私营部门,私营机构的宪法权力骚扰废料多瓦和日本,往往更多的私人此外,它不是政府雇员 As for the average age of private work person and the average age of government employee 8 000 000 how so so it is not with the government employee If the Dowa framework being flat sometimes however it is As for totaling private 30 generation The ro which is government employee 50 generation front and back 20 generation 30 generations of the government employee being many 200 000 just a little Overtime work generation zero somewhat welfare If the same 20 generations private one is many pawahara government office constitution on that The kudzu of Dowa and resident it is many above people Complaint the person who is said government employee something is not possible with people
                                                                  • 旅行援助效益,如黄金和个人膳食津贴和住房津贴的工作没有假日※联系。平价销售支持费用娱乐,如“法律以外的利益为代价”的食品浪费的不是钱的图标万亿日元的税款每年甚至★(“”)! ! ! ! ! Window treatment and commutation of rations Cost of living adjustment Various treatments and independent tour assistance such as celebration gold Job Bargain sale assistance Recreational expense and the like “ Welfare expense outside law ” Wastefulness furthermore Every year blood tax of n trillion Yen is designated as the food gt lt

                                                                • 店内标记完全相同有所不同,而且不同的消费税将由消费者承担 lt As for consumer tax the around of the gold becomes bad with the continuous deflation primary factor business becomes bad gt lt Consumer tax urges added value reduction the active generation suffers gt Completely depending upon the store selling price differs even in the same commodity also the consumption tax assessment which the consumer bears differs
                                                                  • 例如,一个商店销售(价格100日元120日元乙5元零四日元¥ 80 ¥ 100购买价商店购置税,并简化了纳税 For example A store B store Stock value 80 Yen 100 Yen Stock tax assessment 4 Yen 5 Yen Selling price 100 Yen 120 Yen For simplifying it has made outside tax

                                                                • 必需品Tive收集收据退款系统→卡提供低所得税或物质需要的POS收银机→不可能,东芝TEC公司的任务→通货膨胀

                                                                  • 我被窃听,他们并不需要减少国家债务可减少粪便苏也使他们没有439? Ttena票据和资产以偿还债务,走出了思想基础债务impossible m在打击是不够的头或需要数年时间樟脑我没有债务偿还了20万亿日元,或800万亿日元该 439 Therefore there are no either droppings It is not necessary to decrease The government bond decrease and others inhaling It redeems 20 000 000 000 000 Yen by 800 000 000 000 000 Yen is Although you lose try thinking with the head which is not enough no year it is required It is base debt repayment how unreasonable what Debt the inside tsu te of property The paper currency is born from debt

                                                                    • 我说,提前大选Kunaru胡散臭从光叛国罪。民主,民主是与民主猪肉桶 你背叛了民主的指导下,目前约60朱达罗废物的质量,国家在这3个月的战争,尽管你可以做的第9条 Because you call treason don t you think it becomes suspicion ill smelling With election It is light Democracy liar democracy and rose spreading democracy treason democracy Now how the ro which is 60 As for inducing the mass rubbish this country there being nine provisions war is possible in three months
                                                                      • 我说,提前大选Kunaru胡散臭从光叛国罪。民主,民主桶在于民主的猪肉,你怎么引导这60朱达罗是垃圾没有战争的国家,这个国家民主的质量,你可以做3个月,尽管第9条 Because you call treason don t you think it becomes suspicion ill smelling With election It is light Democracy liar democracy and rose spreading democracy treason democracy Now how the ro which is 60 As for inducing the mass rubbish this country there being nine provisions war is possible in three months

                                                                    • 我调整好腿提起了一年,尽管最后一个为三个星期,然后他们总的消费税临时支付那么所有员工

                                                                      • 或发生逆转人在人们的310万和300万的收入或太温和的数字比我的决定,或使别人不支付临时税收收入者低,我认为,大量的意见很多,是啊是没有问题的,如果我做一个正式辩论,这样 Reversal phenomenon happens with the person and 3 100 000 person of income 3 000 000 when Method of deciding the number is too suitable when it can point to the temporary payment of tax to the income earner low when You think that various opinions are many but if this tsu te after properly arguing you do the problem improbable shelf
                                                                        • 老实说低收入(893居民在日本生活,我最主导的公共援助),以现金补助 It is low honestly in the income earner resident and large portion which it is welfare and controlling resident 893 cash presentation

                                                                      • 所得税差,但也可能有27补充剂,你明白了Genai所得税对收入高1 3

                                                                        • 收入的百分之五人士在低不返回一分钟↓低百分之四的回报值得苏↓低收入低收入苏↓↓3%低2%的回报是值得的苏分钟的回报1%的收入的人士不要了,因为他们的第二回合比赛抱歉↓↓↓↓报税值得苏 The reason which returning does 5 amount low to the income earner ↓ 4 amount is returned to the income earner low ↓ 3 amount is returned to the income earner low ↓ 2 amount is returned to the income earner low ↓ 1 amount is returned to the income earner low ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ It is not completed because… the tax revenue is not enough it stopped being able to return
                                                                          • 781低收入赢家?难道不是愚蠢吗?为什么它现在摆在你那么临时雇员?作为税收工作的损失不仅是令人惊讶的是工作 781 Is low the income earner the winner Fool well Then when it tries becoming the dispatch employee from your this If it works it does not become the kind of tax system which does the extent loss which works
                                                                          • 低收入低,收入5%的回报↓苏分钟到4成最低收入的3%↓苏分钟返回低收入苏↓2%低收入返回分秒返回苏↓百分之一谁了,因为他们不次回合抱歉↓↓↓↓苏报税一分钟 5 amount is returned to the income earner low ↓ 4 amount is returned to the income earner low ↓ 3 amount is returned to the income earner low ↓ 2 amount is returned to the income earner low ↓ 1 amount is returned to the income earner low ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ It is not completed because… the tax revenue is not enough it stopped being able to return
                                                                          • 十一分之二千〇七 日本经团连●26。奥田,税务董事长的“棒”要求的销售税,以日本经团联起来,所以,不仅要高收入人士的减税政策将基金和企业减税它与丰田在重点出口企业因为有利可图 2007 11 26 The Japanese sutra group Chairman Okuda in consumer tax the reason which “is persisted” Those where the Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations insists consumer tax rise not only that becomes the revenue source of corporation tax reduction and large amount income earner tax reduction because it is connected to the profit of the export enterprise which centers Toyota
                                                                          • 日本经团连●。奥田,税务董事长的“棒”要求的销售税,以日本经团联起来,所以,不仅要高收入人士的减税政策将基金和企业减税它与丰田在重点出口企业因为有利可图 The Japanese sutra group Chairman Okuda in consumer tax the reason which “is persisted” Those where the Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations insists consumer tax rise not only that becomes the revenue source of corporation tax reduction and large amount income earner tax reduction because it is connected to the profit of the export enterprise which centers Toyota
                                                                          • 是什么在世界上的幸运WWW的政府收入要求低的U生活的方式踢他们的愤怒是非常低的收入进一步。这是低收入者和冲突 Www of the tsu te where the government which happiness of life of the income earner you ask low is the world of somewhere As for directing the spearhead of anger of that low income earner furthermore the pole Low it is opposition of the income earners
                                                                          • 根据企业所得税看,茂木说明包括金钱增长的战略,采取了明确的立场和债券,并继续多尔将退还给低收入 Income tax lowering to pour the gold into the growth strategy the government bond not increasing The rose maquis continuing returns to the income earner low
                                                                          • 而不是返回回执,并在可以从同等数额的收入估计?除了拉力低收入人士也瘦就行了最后一分钟。没有救济的支持,将是一个逆转的奇可支配收入较少而往往是更好的收入 It is not to return with the receipt it can do also because to presume suitable amount from amount of income and to return Low not only drawing of the income earner even in the income earner with respect to the line very limit tilt If there is no correspondence of reduction the reversal that occurs the one whose income is many decreases disposable income but

                                                                        • 最严重的政治损害人的尊严的高和低的收入,低收人作出乐趣

                                                                          • 枝野被视为低收入您 愤怒之锤伤害』对我的声誉,并说,如果附加驱动tTA,它会返回枝野Baiin?你必须要清除它,我答应你洙Ruhou The branch field handles you low as the income earner that when you said to we The iron hammer of the anger which can damage reputation to the branch field it should have returned it is the shelf Being clear the bucket we is the method which protects promise
                                                                            • 江户幕府513农民做你说你会知道的规则是杀死Kasazu Zutsu生活?这是我很大的伤害希因采取了政府最盈利会被挤掉来自低收入 513 The shogunate as for the peasant did not utilize to the Edo era and shooting slipping saying controlled knowing the ru It is low it squeezes from the income earner and taking the profit is large most for government it is

                                                                          • 根据消费税上调Getara国内生产总值占GDP的比重5.82,我更喜欢

                                                                            • 欧盟消费税税率高,但患有抑郁症的上限从金融观察破大恩戴的国家,但花谷垣祯一和管理过基

                                                                              • 毕竟,即使在家庭和养老金领取者的福利,税是不是一个松散的优势,能够广泛征税? 10%的电梯是,成功的10万亿日元的收入

                                                                                • 民主枝野说,“即使消费税上涨到百分之五的低收益回报的苏分钟,”我不是政府没有味道票tive收集的,可在任意地瓦特 gt Democracy branch field person “consumer tax increasing taxes it returns 5 amount to the income earner low” Unless there is a taste which the 恣 mind can be used in government vote cannot be gathered don t you think w
                                                                                  • 查看详细枝野元书记决定逃离国民议会和政治辩论预算委员会在所有抗前列腺增生(笑) In the first place because it does not withstand policy dispute branch field Secretary General who decides that it escapes from the National Diet and budget committee laughing

                                                                                • 然是一个危机枝野脚,没有足够的税收来教我的东西得到了是小泽的悠闲帐户开支或削减成本或取消或拉根除率,如果没有紧急情况,临时垃圾会马塔民主党人我不能于50日元至30万美元的年度收入将提供税收我力量来吞百万分之一日元的年收入60累进的个人所得税从约8万到5000万日元%,超过100万日元,70%的查看详情卡兹即使只是提出了把你的穷人普及拉

                                                                                  • 熏低于200万年薪到达341 160 000 160 000朱达罗年度低收入的人,应不低于80000万元

                                                                                    • 现在,退款诈骗?您是否偷偷外国骗局普选?我要色之间的税收冬季分享权力的政府。诈骗?是啊,大家都 This time It is return fraud Stealthily it is foreign carrot administration fraud Unnoticed riding together takeover tax system government It is fraud The obtaining e it probably is all
                                                                                      • 即使是儿童津贴,约10万日元的孩子能有一个孩子有孩子的家庭。过税,我能做些什么钱不退还 Child treatment in the home where the child is 1 children the child about of 100 000 Yen Tax applying if it should have returned that gold it is it probably won t be
                                                                                      • 现在,退款诈骗?您是否偷偷外国骗局普选?我要色之间的税收冬季分享权力的政府。诈骗?是啊,大家都 This time It is return fraud Stealthily it is foreign carrot administration fraud Unnoticed riding together takeover tax system government It is fraud The obtaining e it probably is all

                                                                                    • 看到你的东西不公平?正如我升降机税率根据您的时间耗费价格

                                                                                      • 糯扶手椅妄想是雄辩的嘴唇描绘了一幅图片Warazu临时阶段的变化

                                                                                        • 纪要中使用了低收入驱动tTA反正我的收据,并传递给优惠的双重屏蔽,今天早上,我们收到退款,我付给他几分钟佣金为1,其余的将被输入到您的Futokoro The receipt which how you used with se by your is low amount of income Transferring duplication favorable treatment to the shield return making receive it accompanies paying commission to a little After you insert in your own hutokoro probably will be
                                                                                          • 分钟或大规模刺激消费的生态点或包括那些尚未感觉不返回到306的优惠双重屏蔽 306 Furthermore as for amount of the large size consumption where such echo point or incentive is included Duplication favorable treatment the kind of air which is not returned in the shield does

                                                                                        • 细野,副秘书长:考虑的首选名称36最高税率税制改革:Shisan名无@ 10周年[圣人]发布日期:2010 / 06 / 24(星期四)12:05:00编号:MT2kECMV0 [2 / 2]立法者和减少“两党合作协议”说,民主党细野

                                                                                          • 苏产生呢?如何?谁的年终调整上乘退款吗?这笔钱站在完全改变了公司?纳税申报是谁?如果您对欠税罪犯“拨款”我们只是没有被返回

                                                                                            • 虽然我在做幕后或人权法。政策钨人权委员会和悄然★,安装内阁没有任何限制的新闻报道 司法部司法政策题跋惠子在内阁会议后的记者招待会上周二早晨,歧视和人权的研究指导这些相关的权利人权组织ü〜是线,“人权委员会”,是要澄清有关政策,内阁办公室 Doing between the ru with the reverse side protection of fundamental human rights method 粛 In w 々 and policy Human rights commission not to collect materials not regulate of the installation news media in the Cabinet prefecture the legal partner needle Chiba Keiko method as for phase in press conference of after the Cabinet conference of the 22nd morning investigation guidance of discrimination and human rights violation When “human rights commission” is installed in the Cabinet prefecture in regard to the ideal way of the human rights relief system which it does policy It made clear
                                                                                              • (他们不需要需要,在光观察鞋列入附表)7)有没有人的审计委员会人权组织 The warrant does not need you can depress with the earth foot 7 The system which audits the protection of fundamental human rights member does not exist

                                                                                            • 行政和人事费用回扣即将采取亿元?不毛money m不呢?

                                                                                              • 该化合物。饼干和蛋糕的税率不会忘记你可以把会计和愚蠢的一个相当大的负担对企业争论是否梁成食品 In addition double When it makes tariff do the cookie and the cake enter into the foodstuff That considerably in argument and the accounting processing of enterprise which you say and are foolish how burden Applying not forgetting
                                                                                                • 该化合物。饼干和蛋糕的税率不会忘记你可以把会计和愚蠢的一个相当大的负担对企业争论是否梁成食品 In addition double When it makes tariff do the cookie and the cake enter into the foodstuff That considerably in argument and the accounting processing of enterprise which you say and are foolish how burden Applying not forgetting

                                                                                              • 豁免(豁免)不缴纳增值税,同时在增值税零税率的范围,货物和服务税税率为零,并供应

                                                                                                • 货币和商品交换的东西退还您的税,因为它满足你都不会%的该公司的问题,如果5%,不公平的,如果你想返回绝不 The ro because as for the money and exchanging the commodity both parties are satisfied with that Consumer tax probably will be what but there is no relationship If we would like to return by any means unless the 5 it returns even on trader side the unfairness shelf
                                                                                                  • “即使消费税上调,低收入价值5%的回报苏”,“即使消费税上调,收入较低(在日本朝鲜人)5%的回报是值得苏” “Consumer tax increasing taxes it returns 5 amount to the income earner low” “Consumer tax increasing taxes it returns 5 amount to the income earner resident Korean low”

                                                                                                • 这些债券从未有过一,增加债券的流通funds m钱从市场上黄金结构的倒塌时标准

                                                                                                  • 这是更严重,如果自民党三百六十六瓦特匍匐让江泽民的中国和朝鲜采取了1万亿日元向中国皇帝对他们的成就和获得的官方发展援助的商业利益,礼品和大米援助推

                                                                                                    • 这笔钱不是我所知道的是,任何国家,为什么会反对加税,大部分的废物量,以维持日本社会秩序的权利,因为即使大部分撒不友好税上调消费税增加是高兴政策

                                                                                                      • 这类似于美国中产阶级美国纳税人112雷曼在美国这样的次级抵押贷款危机冲击故障 It has been similar to tax of the American center being thrown to the Riemann shock which this is fixed being is entwined to the American sub prime loan problem well
                                                                                                        • 这类似于美国中产阶级美国纳税人112雷曼在美国这样的次级抵押贷款危机冲击故障 It has been similar to tax of the American center being thrown to the Riemann shock which this is fixed being is entwined to the American sub prime loan problem well

                                                                                                      • 那么现在我已经选择了在棚旁边就可以了。克惹收益收到退款收据将提交给高收入阶层人士和我一样低 Such a is high income earner low the receipt making submit to the income earner return it should have received it is it is It becomes receipt illegal disposition fine Well however now is
                                                                                                        • 梅塔征收销售税,低收入者受益返回人寿保险(已付)马苏这朱达罗? It returns the consumer tax which you gathered to the income earner life insurance receipt person low and to provide increases Like this the ro which is

                                                                                                      • 闵粟党的欺诈行为。在一个反面茹枝野第一个故事是骑在他们手中的权力 The fraud political party it is to see it does Branch field It does not ride in the story ahead It rides in that hand but Swindler
                                                                                                        • 怎么能说是我,我怎么也没有政治家们抱怨在鳃的欺诈 How lie you do not say also being the case that it is appealed with false pretenses We the politician the kana which probably will be done

                                                                                                      • 麻生太郎92,如何长到酒店的酒吧,你戴诺戴诺杯没有错,如果价格错误的字符呢?生态汽车税,是继续生态民主党 92 Aso is the Chinese character mistake is the price mistake of the cup Chinese noodles is the bar of the hotel at extent to do the yo The echo point and echo car tax reduction put out becoming in the Democratic party administration continuation
                                                                                                        • 但在日本的情况和取得的摆脱它,因为我对食品征税,更不用说其他生活用品,成为一个重要的经济刺激,如果税 So in case of Japan instead of the foodstuff because it has imposed a tax to the other daily necessaries If this it abolishes is reduced taxes considerable stimulative step it becomes

                                                                                                      • (人权委员会成为连外国人)2)好方便的工作,谁给我一个特别的政治目的的成员资格 It is accustomed to the protection of fundamental human rights member even with the foreigner 2 Qualification condition of human rights member The person who is active with the political purpose of specification Are convenient
                                                                                                        • (人权委员会成为连外国人)4)好方便的工作,谁给我一个特别的政治目的的成员资格 It is accustomed to the protection of fundamental human rights member even with the foreigner 2 Qualification condition of human rights member The person who is active with the political purpose of specification Are convenient

                                                                                                      • (您可以把任何东西在战斗障碍创伤后应激。)10)旋转的状态。取消资格是故意删除,以消除历史上的一个活动 Connection can be acquired regardless with stress obstacle after the mental external wound 10 National revolution The ineligibility which removes the person who has activity history was specially deleted
                                                                                                        • (您可以把任何东西在战斗障碍创伤后应激。)10)旋转的状态。取消资格是故意删除,以消除历史上的一个活动 Connection can be acquired regardless with stress obstacle after the mental external wound 10 National revolution The ineligibility which removes the person who has activity history was specially deleted

                                                                                                      • (晴耕雨読:)读了上述文章的URL,如果你学习“税收”草率经团连营业税增加,针对三星,全国销售税退税→如果我们消灭我们的屁股和管理会知道,我的肩形式被现实 Clear farming rainy reading If you read the article from description above and URL study well the actual condition that probably will be recognized “consumer tax” tax increase our citizens consumer tax tax payment gt the back negative wa have been done the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations enterprise and the rear end wiping of the managers which are slovenly vis a vis samusun in a way repayment money
                                                                                                        • (晴耕雨読:)读了上述文章的URL,如果你学习“税收”草率经团连营业税增加,针对三星,全国销售税退税→如果我们消灭我们的屁股和管理会知道,我的肩形式被现实 Clear farming rainy reading If you read the article from description above and URL study well the actual condition that probably will be recognized “consumer tax” tax increase our citizens consumer tax tax payment gt the back negative wa have been done the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations enterprise and the rear end wiping of the managers which are slovenly vis a vis samusun in a way repayment money

                                                                                                      • (没有失控的自我检查),5)广泛的保护权利人的专员已根据现行法例的权力,而不是真正的 Because there is no self check function it drives recklessly 5 The power which the protection of fundamental human rights member has is large is not under substantial method and it exists on
                                                                                                        • (成为权利的保护在外国人类)5)没有明确的救济诬告 It is accustomed to the protection of fundamental human rights member even with the foreigner 2 Qualification condition of human rights member The person who is active with the political purpose of specification Are convenient

                                                                                                      研究 開発