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When 'iPhone 4' you grasp with the left hand, radio wave outside the sphere!? When it tries verifying promptly ......


  • 199 BB心跳,iPhone,ipad公司连接费而要使用一个软银地段的眼睛都 199 BB iPhone and iPad When the eye you use all the way to all software banks access charge rises rather

    • 444 3G ll带给你周围的人,我会等待,航运这一切的是缓慢的,真正的Android 2 2 Tegra2飞机上出病塔拉 444 With around 3G the ru person When it becomes the circumstances seeing tsu te in the latest case and lag of shipment Android 2 2 When the Tegra2 machine comes out truly yabai

      • 564 iPhone将必须做的还承担了两个游戏音频手,Sumaho,但目前的百分之分享iPhone7,电话一半是销往日本,这将坚持从花萼如果偏颇,因为它在意外或iPhone茹不能来认识 564 But as for iPhone unless you suppose either both holdings with the game goes or share of sumaho present condition and iPhone7 percentage because spirit it probably will keep continuing that way When unskillfulness it does can be sold in Japan half of the k tie which iPhone Outrageous time Perhaps it comes
        • S古芝已经购买,但将呕吐认为我讲标准杆鳕鱼购买此书,改善1型iPhone4休息』 我不知道它似乎出来?教导我们与矫饰,熟悉手机 This having tried probably to buy cod reservation being discontinued but kuchi which you cannot buy It was improved iPhone4 reforming 1 type being like it does not come out kana The detailed person it can do in carrying
        • 我一定要承担564 iPhone游戏也将发言机会与未来两个手,而不必从一个氦氖游戏 564 But as for iPhone unless you suppose either both holdings with the game goes or share of sumaho present condition and iPhone7 percentage because spirit it probably will keep continuing that way When unskillfulness it does can be sold in Japan half of the k tie which iPhone Outrageous time Perhaps it comes

      • 808你说得对! A m种的东西!人们不会设法去了解iPhone是不是一个好坚实的头! 808 After all so is Such is what The human whom it does not try to understand the good quality of iPhone the head is hard
        • 我觉得这个问题有些井该死iPhone4的问题涉及此次召回的边缘问题上的 是不叫,水平反TTP的: 马岛0 2 ch net 测试 read cgi 新闻 1277615056 NULL

      • DoCoMo的180至偏远地区或采取微妙的利润FOMA的课程,但他妈的你站在天线的非盟·银行秃头除首都地区以外的无线电软银187如此薄弱,非居民城市中心和iPhone大沽地使用I我不能使用的S
        180 But the [ri] where profit you take [dokomo], or the FOMA antenna raise to even to the delicate remote region and sow Of course AU [hagebanku] outside the sphere 187 Because other than the metropolitan area radio wave of the software bank is weak, IPhone how you wanted to use other than the feeling inhabitant in the town you cannot use, but it is

        • FON的无线路由器,但通常我会违法使用无线电波飞使用单位以外的室内,在原则上,为什么FON的路由器,通过它的Burgers不知真雁 Normally even with FON as for radio Luther indoor use with principle radio wave throwing the knitting machine to the outside when you use Although it becomes Wireless Telegraphy Act violation why the Luther of FON that going unchallenged whether ru is strange
          • FON的无线路由器,但通常用于室内,为原则,但违反飞行将使用无线电波外,为何FON的路由器,通过它的Burgers不知真雁 Normally even with FON as for radio Luther indoor use with principle radio wave throwing the knitting machine to the outside when you use Although it becomes Wireless Telegraphy Act violation why the Luther of FON that going unchallenged whether ru is strange

        • IEEE802.11a的(5.2GHz的/ 5.3GHz频段无线局域网/ W52,W53)我可以使用户外沟通是法律所禁止的电台
          IEEE802.11a (5.2GHz/5.3GHz band wireless LAN/W52 and W53) using, communicate with the outside It is prohibited with Wireless Telegraphy Act

          • iPhone 4,“失败是买家的问题,如何举行招待会”(CNN)的苹果,美国的新模式的智能手机如被释放24“iPhone 4部分从握”在手机的金属和收音许多投诉的问题,然后风雅的宝座,苹果公司宣布一

            • iPod的屏幕上时,立即被抓!我说这样的灾难Negakyan,信浓两位数的销售持续冲击,因为当时只是一案附带thin ll最终佩拉伊 At the time of iPod The damage occurs to the picture directly With saying however the negative can it was done awfully after all One thin case it just belonged Also after that sell it continued ringing and
              • 我,当然,iPod是不错,但他们之所以说Tsuketakunai损坏或污染,他没有听到即将进入 Of course I unless we would like to do damage and the soiling to delicate iPod Excuse it did but he did not try to be able to drink in

            • Kashiku没有羞耻在772挂在你永远Garake?当然我恨这一点,但我是位iPhone手机钱包,他们是免费的,所以我们订它04倍的流量 772 How long hanging on in garake the ru it is not shy As for we however just a little it was hateful there is no saihuketai this sure tsu te iPhone 4 you reserved So being able to point the flow of times the ru
              • 当然我有这个问题,但他炉排更换爆裂iPhone4缺陷 等,当然不谈论 The ri which point does substituting however the ru sure which you talk concerning the defect of this sure tsu te iPhone4 is not the tsu ke … which
              • 视频性能:哈日哈亚在“iPhone 4”智能手机排名第一 Animated picture efficiency In the smart phone after all “iPhone 4” 1 rank

            • L或发言,使遄达゙ー丽塔゙用户界面瓦特ü!Kakke他烦恼;我太湿重
              L having [torento] ゙ [rita] ゙ - to w [u] [o]! That person angry k! The [ze] ww which L is

              • MIMO是与fon2303一款2.4GHz只能从2通道,这是采取了通信干扰Kiyasuku文

                • NULL It is as for the intention of denying the strength of current iPhone separately there is no either about hair but it is First as for the apple from first the area is decided in application and the contents as a prerequisite But this is much wider than domestic carrying it is with in the sense width regarding utilization domestic carrying gt as for iPhone proper expansion and being the net both you can handle the money easily It is OS of MS the android or as a possibility if there is no area other than restricting with respect to function If in the future the terminal spreads and entry increases and application and the contents increase the extent which increases However it cannot utilize with iPhone with Android the application which can be utilized However it cannot utilize with iPhone with Android the contents which can be utilized especially Japan it is repelled with censorship of the suitable relative apple die You think that it keeps increasing sooner or later to expand to difference of decisive early appraisal it means The terminal you buy from now on vis a vis the tsu te user “The fact that you can use with iPhone is about 6 tenths of application and contents which can be utilized with Android” So it can fight truly kana The number is suitable The charm of the extent which can cover the territory where you wanted to use cannot use as iPhone individual ones structure It probably can maintain Well it is interesting
                  • 嗯,现在要否定iPhone的实力,以及因达假设我们没有头发,但苹果将继续是必要的,决定的内容和应用遥从一开始的地方,其中比较或国内移动无损检测并不大,平均宽度没有提供有关该国的移动→峨说,iPhone是一个合理的延伸或机器人(尽可能多的可能)MS的操作系统,那么其他地区将无法正常没有限制相似的内容和鄂如申请增加增加增加终端传播的将进入iPhone It is as for the intention of denying the strength of current iPhone separately there is no either about hair but it is First as for the apple from first the area is decided in application and the contents as a prerequisite But this is much wider than domestic carrying it is with in the sense width regarding utilization domestic carrying gt as for iPhone proper expansion and being the net both you can handle the money easily It is OS of MS the android or as a possibility if there is no area other than restricting with respect to function If in the future the terminal spreads and entry increases and application and the contents increase the extent which increases However it cannot utilize with iPhone with Android the application which can be utilized However it cannot utilize with iPhone with Android the contents which can be utilized especially Japan it is repelled with censorship of the suitable relative apple die You think that it keeps increasing sooner or later to expand to difference of decisive early appraisal it means The terminal you buy from now on vis a vis the tsu te user “The fact that you can use with iPhone is about 6 tenths of application and contents which can be utilized with Android” So it can fight truly kana The number is suitable The charm of the extent which can cover the territory where you wanted to use cannot use as iPhone individual ones structure It probably can maintain Well it is interesting

                • Snapdragon的程度对一个游戏是好的,我可以不打不再说话条款如何输入功能Metara开始认真的英特尔 SnapDragon while having a match to the partner it is good but Intel strenuous effort When it starts inserting how doing in the functional aspect you cannot contend and become
                  • iPod的iTunes的我不能说他们的做法在所有竞争,报价:它已经连续使用 From iPod Being trained continuing ru iTunes you cannot contend to being able to utilize completely

                • ●我试图拿起无线电有关的问题与TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d 9otvvL_X1ss iPhone4到津市以外的地方电台第四本立只用左手→TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d fGkrkQr - oO0本立津波在3至5 iPhone4都刀后带来→只用左手TTP的布向外界→:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?νu003d EgH2s9Dk_jE电台5 iPhone4本立慈地方捕获踢不平衡方向和倾斜相机到墙壁没有空间企慕恍惚的情况相机相关的书籍和信号只有左手TTP的3→●Kunaru薄弱:/ / beebee2see.appspot.com /我/ agpiZWViZWUyc2VlchULEgxJbWFnZUFuZFRleHQYmeLFAQw.jpg绿色相机所有型号TTP的问题:/ / beebee2see.apps
                  It tried picking up the relation of trouble - Something related to radio wave ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 9otvvL_X1ss Radio wave 4 the place where it stands It just has iPhone4 with the left hand -> to outside the sphere ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = fGkrkQr-oO0 Radio wave 3 the place where it stands When with the left hand it just has iPhone4 -> to outside the sphere -> after that it has with the cloth, to 5 ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = EgH2s9Dk_jE Radio wave 5 the place where it stands It just has iPhone4 -> 3 and it becomes the signal weak with the left hand - Something related to camera When the camera is directed to the wall and the ceiling at the place where the inside of the room is dim unevenness is taken slantedly ttp: //beebee2see.appspot.com/i/agpiZWViZWUyc2VlchULEgxJbWFnZUFuZFRleHQYmeLFAQw.jpg All the type common camera green troubles ttp: //beebee2see.appspot.com/i/agpiZWViZWUyc2VlchULEgxJbWFnZUFuZFRleHQY1Y_GAQw.jpg ttp: //beebee2see.appspot.com/i/agpiZWViZWUyc2VlchULEgxJbWFnZUFuZFRleHQY4PrCAQw.jpg ttp: //beebee2see.appspot.com/i/agpiZWViZWUyc2VlchULEgxJbWFnZUFuZFRleHQYoI3CAQw.jpg - Something related to liquid crystal iPhone 4 In display “yellow to see”, report ttp: //japanese.engadget.com/2010/06/24/iphone - 4/

                  • 一个常见的模式是我疯了基督教道歉,苹果公司意识到了问题,但可怕的卫冕信徒瓦特

                    • 一个常见的模式是疯狂的道歉我也认识到基督教与苹果的问题,维护党的信徒瓦特绑架1 3金正日承认毁灭性355伊尔保卫社会主义 355 The believer protects awfully The apple recognizing trouble you apologize Believer madness It is good a certain pattern shelf w Japan Socialist Party protects Kim Jong Il recognizes kidnapping
                      • 一个常见的模式是我疯了基督教道歉,苹果公司意识到了问题,但可怕的卫冕信徒三二二瓦特不,你不会让他疯狂 322 The believer protects awfully The apple recognizing trouble you apologize Believer madness It is good a certain pattern shelf w Well madness something without doing it does the yo

                    • 不要扔闪光的敏感性,并通过金属接地体,并即将在地上,降低金属天线
                      The metal section of the antenna and becoming the ground underneath, the [ru] metal part Being grounded through the human body, it doesn't mean that sensitivity falls?

                      • 也许,这将解决┛┗┃┃┃┃┓━┏┛━┗天线前往这┃┃┃┓━┏想我想这
                        Perhaps, like this we would like to do, it is probably will be… ┏ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ Becoming the ┃ like this, the [ru] antenna ┗ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ If the ┃ like this it does, the solution ┗ ┛

                        • 但不是使用3G,但是这一次是通过越南回来拉大,为什么是正确的呢? ? ?如果你想直接对他们作出的好多少 3G you used but this time moving being piled up through you did but temporarily it probably is correct answer We want recreating in somehow good ones but

                          • 但在约三年前的图像驱动tTA以04分钟一看和“射击”样品6万像素的机器名的人抓住我哭,而是一个更美丽的光束富士31fd
                            So, the picture which is taken with the sample and 4 in the amount which you try seeing About 3 years ago “The name machine [tsu] [te] of 6,000,000 pixel” FinePix which was called Although it is cleaner than 31fd It could cry

                            • 但我看到浏览器只,12:[资讯] [iPhone无线电手波和钌的抓地力就可以了4』以外的?尝试验证立即... 13:[国际] 33人死亡的割礼男孩的失败, “暂停”的宣言-南部非洲14:[外汇]是一个FA1候选人未来战斗机F35的。 E / F类,3种型号的国防部的...战斗机,4★』对预算iPhone 4 [茹死亡33人,左手抓地力,三种模式...国防部的,无损检测我叫我的预算疲劳和我

                              • 但是,它被称为Windows95环境表现不佳的缺陷,但我并没有按产品牌被毁一块

                                • 你是自来水115民主党人,因为他们狗屎真的吗?哦,iPhone4 ll是狗屎太认真? W塞曼 115 Therefore as for the Democratic party with maji the droppings being hit the ru it is the ro which is a iPhone4 with maji droppings tsu te meaning suman w
                                  • 不,不814,而我可以在Android的iPhone的,很多会来 814 The empty well among android those it being well possible it is possible with iPhone and says and as for thing it comes out all the way
                                  • 这个工厂是不是粗鲁的黑色iPhone把戏,不会说话的白色油漆画 Now at the factory Black iPhone is painted with the white paint it is probably will be

                                • 你正在考虑被排除429期销售份额的销售数量仍是iPhone严格,但不是在这里及,如果他们都iPhone4强调以前的版本,以扭转规格的时间问题上的份额Android是他们现在没有这么差的机器iPhone4在可用性方面的,那是关键,您可以检查多少iPhone的产品优势更是苹果这样的缺陷在早期的很多是不可避免的,尽管这种由善。苏和下降,更野蛮的Android这可能是应力状态 429 Being said that it pulled out ru to the last the number of period sales As for share at the number of entire sales however still in iPhone does not reach If while it is spirit before the both iPhone4 selling as for share being reversed problem of time On the specifications it can restrain just which with iPhone4 which reaches the point where so it is not inferior to the Android machine the key shelf To using selfish if you refer iPhone puts out still the advantage Such defect be attached to the early lot of the Apple product and the thing call With such trust When you drop the causing re where Android spirit warms up more and more it is
                                  • 音频是不包括软银4我带来苹果维修店让您拒绝对IBD修复 From 4 repair you cannot bring in the software bank shop when and Apple repairs denies with that end

                                • 关于包括任何瑕疵还是?凯塔从许多件缺陷,是啊I ll也卖170万部 Selling also 1 700 000 in regard to the blotch therefore the ru it is Sled ya what you applied the ro to which… also the inferior goods are included and are
                                  • 关于这还是?连同来自多条任何瑕疵或缺陷耶I ll也卖170万部 Selling also 1 700 000 in regard to the blotch therefore the ru it is Sled ya what you applied the ro to which… also the inferior goods are included and are

                                • 关于天线,即使我让他以外,他谈什么敏感程度对这一衰变,并考虑利用Etara iPhone的情况下,诚信问题的可能性较小 In regard to the antenna if the tsu te person who is outside the sphere it is sensitivity number this the tsu te which is attenuated There is also a story of level When and the case activity ratio of iPhone you think it is difficult to become honest problem
                                  • 3GS的已经封锁了电台和3G Gotoki在塑料绝縁之外,但都一样,大声 When every insulation of the plastic radio wave it can cut off with coming With 3GS and with 3G It is outside the sphere and you make a noise in the same way

                                • 关于是否免费提供给他们使用的情况下能避免结构性失败吗?

                                  • 其实,日本在771内部模型的同一家公司,使他们成为业界标准的操作系统是因为我的影响下,不同的要求很合公司 771 As for Japan each company quarrelling the consequence shelf which did not make de facto standard On the contrary depending upon the type OS inside is different at all the tsu te where you say even at the same company
                                    • 我的意思是国内797 OS,Linux和Symbian操作系统的手机在日本,但许多人认为他们 797 The domestic OS tsu te you say or as for the Japanese carrying Linux and Symbian However you think that OS is many

                                  • 因为它仅仅是拼命捍卫楚,“只有在日本的”SIM卡,以便惊讶的是,我不要犹豫我喜欢舔瓦特岩
                                    The 儲 protects desperately, therefore it is “Just Japan” the SIM lock also being unconcerned, to lick, the trap w which is done

                                    • 在722或98调频城镇和理解只负我当然不会消失 722 So 98 and FM TOWNS being defeated securely being the case that it disappears the shank It is understood

                                      • 在国外,奇怪的声音立即许多报道,但我还是喜欢他疯了自来水,他们捍卫了我们现在想一想,我好湿重
                                        Directly even in the foreign country STRANGE When NOISES does Many report being issued, although the [tsu] [te] [ru] which is hit and sows… Even then, the people [tsu] [te] ww which have been protected here However well generally the imagination it is attached

                                        • 如果仍然缓慢,但现在826?但对普通市民的其他Sumaho u003d iPhone,板岩我的电脑 u003d ipad公司 826 Although even now it is slow from now on Already sumaho iPhone it puts out for the general people it is slate PC iPad
                                          • IPhone和ipad公司的PC拥有不止一个人,总共这是最敏感安上 Personal computer and iPhone and iPad plural has been owned for the human who with total this most cheapness

                                        • 如果我的合同与DoCoMo 217终端,并会感受到更多的将是高终端的唯一途径富裕的iPod,你会被使用,它需要我照顾有移动和,iPhone,我很抱歉支付任何选择,我所取得的成就是秃头哈马推广纪伊的那样多,它的时间我更好地与一个SIM卡免费 217 Making a contract with dokomo the cod more the terminal has become high and for wealthy layer It has become the terminal iPod using the ru it does carrying and both has trouble to put out it makes iPhone and the chi ya is horrid How making the choices the bald achievement which it spreads generally is large The ma aside from that the one which is made gradually SIM free is good don t you think

                                          • 如果收音更糟糕的是在361 iPhone4发言提出申诉美联社纽约-新的移动电话售出和美国,美国,日本电子巨头苹果“iPhone4”电台在24天的方式把你的手机音响接待恶化,有时25分钟凯塔,许多问题所遇到的通话中断
                                            361 With iPhone4 complaint Radio wave reception deteriorates with how to have The American electronic equipment major apple in such as Japan and the United States sells on the 24th the new model about portable telephone which “iPhone4”, Reception state of radio wave deteriorated with the how to have of the telephone, it understood to 25 days that the trouble where telephone call breaks off depending upon when occurs mainly

                                            • 它作为拍的iPod,“苹果是↓,因此呼吁Bikakerutotomoni没有触及金属,其中包括在我左边身体埋降低天线,以及可选的用例覆盖金属零件,它适用于建议的措施

                                              • 它可能会接收差异大分国家的城市,我会做436
                                                436 It depends on the reception state of radio wave, don't you think? it is Countryside and the city it may be different considerably

                                                • 它是一个动态的重要部Kubeku和反托拉斯官员将有严重的缺点秃古Ippai恨移动
                                                  In order that Ministry of Trade and Industry moves with the serious fault which relates to the Antitrust Act and life as for the bureaucracy where the shelf, you become bald and 憎 do and moves [itsupai] it will be

                                                  • 它暂时Bakkari本月底,超过了iPhone的驱动tTA,iPhone会呈现晚车模 机器人再买一个难民营采取的蛋糕!我不喜欢从驱动tTA射击运动没有抑制结构 It is such the tsu temporary shelf At the month temporarily iPhone exceeding as for the iPhone model late android camp When 1 units you buy already one unit present To become like to shake because the campaign which does not care it struck is
                                                    • 407 iPhone和Mac一起,但从未出售给事倪故事听说过,或者购买二手iPhone的Mac 407 The how story where it could sell Mac in iPhone and simultaneous hearing well it does So Mac errand buys iphone
                                                    • iPhone我本人一直从东部袭击,以帮助失明人士求Metara机器人,包括我在内Tadegozaru西部罕见的攻击 Because iPhone attacked from east When help was requested from android it was invaded from west is
                                                    • IPhone,机器人已经或没有排除的新闻网站每个人都在谈论它可读 Android pulled out iPhone with the news sight which everyone can read It didn t become topic
                                                    • 如果iPhone在那儿之后,我给你买一个终端未来的业绩,并提供支持和更多!我会买什么东西 The terminal where if efficiency and support have been complete in the future comes out from iPhone that you buy If good ones you buy with anything
                                                    • 它暂时Bakkari本月底,超过了iPhone的驱动tTA,iPhone会呈现晚车模 机器人再买一个难民营采取的蛋糕!我不喜欢从驱动tTA射击运动没有抑制结构 It is such the tsu temporary shelf At the month temporarily iPhone exceeding as for the iPhone model late android camp When 1 units you buy already one unit present To become like to shake because the campaign which does not care it struck is
                                                    • 当我第一次iPhone轻百分之二十的市场份额和恩戴明显可能很快行辜 First when seeing iPhone when about the share 20 there is a possibility of going directly you stepped on
                                                    • 机器人当它是完全清楚,iPhone也不是没有它的进一步发展,以及是否有第二次胜利的iPhone4在音频我想这看 When Android everything clearing this as for iPhone Furthermore you must evolve because that thinks that looking at iPhone4 whether there is a chance with that but
                                                    • 这里是,iPhone就是从口库达如果不是相同的逻辑,管理和防螨 It is in the coconut when as the iPhone anti the te where the manager has mentioned the same reason still it is therefore the ku

                                                  • 它的iPodTouch电话一次,也许,从中products m还假设他们都致命的手持式音频

                                                    • 家庭的信徒,深石窟脂蛋白了工作!我不会带他不人道Aiphone!这是非常郁陶玺,马亲自餐瓦特
                                                      [apo] believer conversion of the family to be extreme, the [jiyobusu] highest! The eye phone as for the person who does not have the non human! With Because the 鬱 pottery to force very, private [meshiuma] w

                                                      • 将不需要采取这种方法过时的老式七五七瓦特为什么不考虑Tamotsu里基在个人电脑目前的趋势?通信功能为我瓦特 757 W because such before being antiquated age it probably is not necessary to take methodology There is PC with something and starts and with thinks It is communication facility because some w
                                                        • 你是什么意思PC或笔记本电脑不用到天线输入范围我喜欢的液晶Muyouni What Like note PC in order to surround the liquid crystal the antenna entering nothing saying thing kana

                                                      • 巧妙的“苹果公司”公布的美国24↓“iPhone 4显然是现在,我已经无法接收信号将难以使人民发言 kiritsu ” ↓ It just was sold on the 24th “iPhone of the American apple corporation Radio wave becomes difficult to receive 4” depending upon the how to have It became clear to be trouble

                                                        • 当好试用期间没有在柜台上的液晶我再也不能挥动相机手机苹果的Safari尿液中的一个站点实心球滚动到看别人找不到我的主题行,将使世界杯Ppokutsu所有假我想我需要你们的神的提示 The urine phone tsu te already radio wave and the camera and the liquid crystal being useless When you try with the shop front Safari it becomes firm and it looks at the sight of Apple honestly with the ri which is sown without the re the te As for appearance copy tsu po ku tsu te As for topic characteristic being carried by the all world cup God applying the useless shelf
                                                          • 毒见的苹果,每个人的第一批成果的好他们是孩子的特权被允许只对我喜欢的一些信徒交换骨干到我最终没有飞无用Bitsuicha毒见 Therefore as for the poison seeing of the first product of the season of Apple privilege what which is permitted in just the believer of the metal reinforcement entering like me Everyone of the good child flies and until the poison seeing ends unintentionally it is the chi ya useless it is

                                                        • 我画“蒙娜丽莎”这是梁的眼睛看的方式罪犯Nasuritsuketa茹牛粪
                                                          The [ri] which in the masterpiece “[monariza]” forms the droppings of the cow in me, it is something which directs the kind of eye which looks at the offender who is attached

                                                          • 或868,现在我的iPhone会觉得周围的安全使用这么多你会使用均优于其他我会使用,我觉得最 868 The ma now iPhone using because also the ru person is superior using rather than calling the ru around Using there is a sense of relief from the ru you think that tsu te is large portion
                                                            • iPhoneーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー破坏! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !敏感性〜 iPhone Ruin hi obtaining
                                                            • 或868,现在我的iPhone会觉得周围的安全使用这么多你会使用均优于其他我会使用,我觉得最 868 The ma now iPhone using because also the ru person is superior using rather than calling the ru around Using there is a sense of relief from the ru you think that tsu te is large portion

                                                          • 所有AppleStore,苹果已iPhone4 s ve做你,拥抱问题

                                                            • 日本电视台从9300K色温您远离国际标准,一旦面向全球LCD和什么样的产品。“液晶显示器的尿!”噪音和Giyasui As for Japanese TV color temperature from 9300K and international standard Leaving that from the ru something “it is the urine liquid crystal facing toward the liquid crystal of the world wide commodity ” With it is easy to make a noise

                                                              • 有日志条目的手机,我吃了,是吧?软银我看到他们写了(笑)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,我多么湿重天线 There being a portable telephone tsu te item in the eating log the a When the tsu te you see The software bank tsu te it was written laughing Thing of the antenna well well well well ww
                                                                • 我就如何减少钝古天线直接单苏如果软件显示? When we assume that you correct software don t you think simply method of decreasing the antenna indication just is made sluggish

                                                              • 机器人的PC市场上下载的应用程序从目前已被无线智力迟钝的Android应用程序,使用移动

                                                                • 森林。信徒谁是新产品发布后,“我现在带好你的左手!”我想我是被骗的肖像掴考虑欠妥和福祉高兴地说,我们会说什么 Forest As for people of believer in the next new product announcement “Having with the left hand it became all right ” The tsu te being said you rejoice it is probably will be If you think well the defective 掴 being able to surpass although the ru
                                                                  • 森林。信徒谁是新产品发布后,“我现在带好你的左手!”我想我是被骗的肖像掴考虑欠妥和福祉高兴地说,我们会说什么 Forest As for people of believer in the next new product announcement “Having with the left hand it became all right ” The tsu te being said you rejoice it is probably will be If you think well the defective 掴 being able to surpass although the ru

                                                                • 模糊神经网络的苹果公司新闻,因此呼吁Bikakerutotomoni没有触及任何建议措施,金属对人体的一部分,是埋在左下角我包括天线,单独销售,并用于支付金属外壳,它适用于
                                                                  FNN news At the apple corporation, way it does not touch the metal part under the substance left where the antenna is imbedded As it calls, measure is recommended e.g., the case of the difference sale which covers the metal part is used,

                                                                  • 此外,本机和无线局域网接入点AES加密设置必须设置
                                                                    In addition, knitting machine and wireless LAN access point It is necessary to set encoding setting to AES

                                                                    • 法律是明确的,约有595我们以这种方式我不说教
                                                                      595 That there is no clearly law Story of manner of teaching rule book

                                                                      • 然后,移动WiMAX网络,然后回家,iPhone和ipad公司的DivX即使在当时,iPhone和ipad公司也使用Wi Fi的例子联接,iPhone和ipad公司能够把该数据包是一个零茹 Then net for home Mobile WiMAX IPhone With iPad DivX IPhone With iPad Wi Fi If you use with connection iPhone With iPad It can designate packet generation as zero
                                                                        • 主要是相同的837?闪光的iPhone,而且它的WMA的DivX虽然是太糟糕了色情 837 Generally the same When it is iPhone Flash and WMA and DivX and ero are useless but

                                                                      • 现有的用户,让他们这样做是否对整个交界透明薄膜嵌入式框架!不过,短期交界处,一个被糟糕的经历说,便携式接收器灵敏度3GS的国际水平,因为它足以下降闪耀太认真,但我觉得无线?日本没有明确的标准的方式来显示天线数量,制造商将任命 NULL
                                                                        • 我挥发性的东西波,我决定我再也不想放下我的灵敏度都刀带你的左手?您没有足够高汝使这篇文章的可信度 When it has those which radio wave how are easy to fluctuate with the left hand sensitivity goes down how it is possible to scolding The ro which the extent authenticity which can be made this article is not high thing and is
                                                                        • 茹指出要在有效隔离在所有敏感(盾),我想你喜欢收音机兰花本身出 In the first place when the kind of insulation where the effect is produced to sensitivity the seal it does the wa where radio wave itself comes out and becomes the viewing way
                                                                        • 茹指出要在有效隔离在所有敏感(盾),我想你喜欢收音机兰花本身出 In the first place when the kind of insulation where the effect is produced to sensitivity the seal it does the wa where radio wave itself comes out and becomes the viewing way
                                                                        • 谁遇到弱信号条件,例如:”我一直寻找 gt “Recently new model iPhone is purchased reception sensitivity is bad telephone call is cut off midway It is to search the person who experiences a state that gt radio wave is weak ”

                                                                      • 由10个增加至5的数字广播节目莱斯(不情绪),那么没有问题自己的天线接收的信号在其北─I型反瓦特楼(∀゚゚)√ v〜!
                                                                        Number of indications of radio wave from 5 in 10 If it increases, (feeling) non problem After wearing the antenna of prevention type [kita] ─ w [he] which personally receives radio wave (゚ ∀ ゚) √ [re] v - ! !

                                                                        • 编号:人0EvVyOFlP真实的我会说这个?只是瓦特“痴迷者:”我会说吹牛赢你的幻想花圃媒体看全部由实数只看到你的信息和蓬勃发展的iPhone用户吹捧小周期的时间,它叫做漏装修典范我刚刚得到一个印象,这个人最大的三个可笑高兴我没有带
                                                                          ID: 0EvVyOFlP Saying with this human [ma] [ji], the [ru]? w Don't you think? “the fanatic” it calls it is discrimination/reference of the suitable user just Just a little, becoming one timewise boom, being praised with the mass communications, just [ru] information seeing Without looking at the actual entire number, being triumphant with your delusion flower garden, the [ru] iPhone having, rejoicing foolishly, likely the [ru] human [tsu] lever it is the person, [tsu] kana impression

                                                                          • 而且,吊机的移动版本,但我付出,在Flash版本的免费网络
                                                                            And, sling But as for the Mobile edition of player compensatory what Flash edition on Web is free

                                                                            • 苹果资深副总裁这样的设计。 史蒂夫Jony伊夫没有规则带给你说话!这将是一个产品的一部分,而不是他们说,我会说他们的产品配合巧妙!多斯? Apple Senior Vice President Design that way Steve Jony Ive There is no either rule of method of having kiritsu Not to be to adjust the product by your … You say you call It means that the product becomes your own part do and
                                                                              • 只要持有这种方式避免它。 史蒂夫乔布斯 Just avoid holding it in that way Steve Jobs

                                                                            • 西医u003d受过良好教育的怪胎,不仅不能使用机器人u003d伊科它发生的工程是最好的爱好者为广大市民使用后的iPhone iPhone u003d自称“情强”的,可扩展性终端信息为弱势Garake不是所有的小工具-无论将来可能发挥的最低非码头,让他们不能说没有,低的科学。必由之路
                                                                              Only WM = high educational background mania it can manage If Android = mania manages, real value is shown, but for the general people below iPhone iPhone = calling “feeling it has strongly”, the terminal for the information weak, both expandability promising future least significant [gajietsutogarake] which cannot be played = The terminal which does not have the extent future which is not either the times when you talk, it is low study. For

                                                                              • 软银曾抱怨说,软银公司赔偿损失“无法得到保证!”保重,说下车电话 That damage is compensated to the software bank it was complaint but as for the software bank “Guarantee is not possible ” With saying the fact of the matter which hangs up the telephone

                                                                                • 这不是愚蠢的失望Garake日本使用超过90%的日本人... 902已经是濒临沉没的,给移动用户的白痴,但它是教育用户iPhone4呆称霸手机市场
                                                                                  902 Although 9 tenths or more of Japanese [garake] errand is foolish, disappointment… Japan is before another sinking sun/size, idiocy of the portable user the 呆 [re] [ru] But sweeping over the market, the portable user is enlightened

                                                                                  • 这个问题不仅是驱动tTA的手感,3G的RSSI的变化是正常的,这是不可能的僵硬文
                                                                                    As for the latest problem, you say that just touched, RSSI of 3G fluctuates by the hand, Normally not being possible has happened

                                                                                    • 这将解决┛┗┃┃┃┃┓━┏┛━┗天线是这回事┃┃┃┓━┏ ┏ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ Becoming the ┃ like this the ru antenna ┗ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ If the ┃ like this it does the solution ┗ ┛
                                                                                      • 这将解决┛┗┃┃┃┃┓━┏┛━┗天线是这回事┃┃┃┓━┏ ┏ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ Becoming the ┃ like this the ru antenna ┗ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ If the ┃ like this it does the solution ┗ ┛

                                                                                    • 那么,第三代,3GS的从后面容易刮伤的塑料,但我感觉更好 对此问题伤口辊与天线 mashi the air does the being hurt cheapness of the plastic of the back of 3G and 3GS compared to well still gt antenna trouble The ri which that extent is hurt and sows
                                                                                      • 踢回来一体保税密封形天线或正方形,除了玻璃涂料 Or the angular type antenna of seal condition is stuck back as one unit from on that glass coating

                                                                                    • 那些817,iPhone机器人甚至不能去到汝!那么,领导者的评价axis ll绝对不知道我的iPhone没有赢得任何东西的iPhone,但它可以有它的机器人!这是不可能的,我不叫叠加扭转了相当多的产品 817 It is possible to even android to be able to do such iPhone The tsu te you say the appraisal axis Win iPhone of the preceding person absolutely saying with something it is from the wa kana Without being possible to iPhone is this much in android The tsu te is said the accumulation which Unless it is suitable Another reversal how it is unreasonable
                                                                                      • 那些807,iPhone机器人甚至不能去到汝!那么,领导者的评价axis ll绝对不知道我的iPhone没有赢得任何东西的iPhone,但它可以有它的机器人!这是不可能的,我不叫叠加扭转了相当多的产品 807 It is possible to even android to be able to do such iPhone The tsu te you say the appraisal axis Win iPhone of the preceding person absolutely saying with something it is from the wa kana Without being possible to iPhone is this much in android The tsu te is said the accumulation which Unless it is suitable Another reversal how it is unreasonable

                                                                                    • 顺便我想我会永远支持这一建议?什么是iPhone,但我很快就取消Modoapuri It probably is intention what which by the way is supported how long i mode tsu te However it probably is what which it should lose gradually With iPhone i mode application

                                                                                      • 额外天线的一部分,即使手或触摸绝缘,以避免3G的影响RSSI的金属(除)问题,如果
                                                                                        Supplementation In the antenna part, touching the hand, way there is no influence in RSSI of 3G, If insulation (other than the metal) it does, there is no problem

                                                                                        • 高级厨房用具氖Anchinegatibukyanpen B的狗屎我改变什么事情我可以握天线239
                                                                                          239 In the same way grasping, antenna something change die - Anti negative campaign construction quaintness of droppings [peria] 厨

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