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Otake boss (original your fighting power) with koto optical happiness to exile sumo wrestling association, investigation committee advice acceptance


  • 479因此,警方又敏感杀害可爱,还有吸大麻,在适当情况下伊太郎拉窗帘?警方从一开始,我不认为凌晨真正把对女领导人,相扑丑闻 479 Therefore the ro which the police loved and homicide and hemp absorption pulled the curtain at the suitable place From first as for the police the authorized personnel of the sumo wrestling boundary scandal boundary being serious in the partner the how thought tsu chi ya which will insert the female it is not
    • 我隐瞒什么,原本是大137。它的弟子,在世界上再次赌博丑闻的中心人物相扑 137 What probably will be hidden originally large The pupil to put out this time with the gambling the center of sumo wrestling boundary scandal

  • Kotomitsuki江东先生,如果没有证明的解决方案,赌棒球相扑首次在世界上。是合理的,哪些没有做多久,很多人 If koto optical happiness is proven for the first time doing baseball gambling in the sumo world solution It is proper but Directly is not that many people did from the time before is
    • 如果你是游戏投注棒球穿透世界相扑提供的只有棒球场的相位。毫无疑问,有赌博现象普遍 If densely just is baseball gambling has permeated to the sumo wrestling boundary In baseball boundary phase Gambling is not has permeated difference
    • 我可以大竹老板是“单。赌博”的前景很可能是检察官家中的角落 With tsu lever as for Otake boss “single It is the prospect that you are at home are committed in angle of gambling” It seems the way

  • Mainichi jp 照片 新闻 20100629k0000e040079000c html刑法(如屉优拓図利及赌博,赌博成瘾),800条第1款)一个人谁经常赌博,其中判处监禁3年 mainichi jp photo news 20100629k0000e040079000c html Criminal law Figure interest such as common practice gambling and casino gambling 186th provision 1 section The person who does gambling as a common practice executes in penal servitude of three years less than
    • TTP的: mainichi jp 照片 新闻 20100629k0000e040079000c html刑法(如屉优拓図利及赌博,赌博成瘾。)一个人谁经常赌博800条是要处以监禁3年 ttp mainichi jp photo news 20100629k0000e040079000c html Criminal law Figure interest such as common practice gambling and casino gambling 186th provision The person who does gambling as a common practice executes in penal servitude of three years less than

  • MPD的相关Kotomitsuki古琴大师大竹(34) u003d房间达克克佐渡在你知道你为什么不只是“单一的重量从法律的刑事罪行。宝洁”上,“赌博成瘾”我们相信,有可能也属于现正调查 As for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department when the Otake boss and koto optical happy Seki 34 Sado it tries being attached to 嶽 room because it has grasped “single Gambling” Seeing that there is also a possibility crime of being heavier hitting to “the common practice gambling” of criminal law you investigate
    • 2010年1系列的主要阶段。作为特别委员会主席的服务,建立了外部和共同警备区接受棒球赌博问题 In 2010 consecutive large phase Receiving baseball gambling problem you serve the chairman of the select committee by outside the sumo wrestling association which is installed
    • 2010年1系列的主要阶段。作为特别委员会主席的服务,建立了外部和共同警备区接受棒球赌博问题 In 2010 consecutive large phase Receiving baseball gambling problem you serve the chairman of the select committee by outside the sumo wrestling association which is installed
    • 2010年1系列的主要阶段。决定担任协会主席的特别调查委员会的相扑放在外面的接受棒球赌博问题 In 2010 consecutive large phase Receiving baseball gambling problem you serve the chairman of the select committee by outside the sumo wrestling association which is installed
    • 为什么你不知道警察在听到306是一种静态显示详细介绍了如何在这里你的思维是如何 306 When it tries hearing in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department because it has grasped How thinking whether it calms down here of the ru because
    • 警方老板和可能性竖琴相关Kotomitsuki大竹(34)佐渡 克,大空间“单。赌博”的重量比如果罪,刑法,“赌博成瘾”我们认为有调查的瀑布 As for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department when the Otake boss and koto optical happy Seki 34 Sado it tries being attached to 嶽 room because it has grasped “single Gambling” Seeing that there is also a possibility crime of being heavier hitting to “the common practice gambling” of criminal law you investigate

  • Supamoni什么我托金!如果你自我评估诚实的比赛,打开盖子和处置纯属捏然后我说掉以轻心,因为三是不好的解决办法。超过奇怪吗?如果是这样,如果谁的自我报告,我将无法启动 supamoni it came If oneself declares honestly in the professional sumo wrestler as for dealing to say that it lightens Now then when the cover is opened therefore as for these 3 people viciousness solution Above when it is strange If is don t you think from first self return and the like as for the person who does the expectation which is not
    • Supamoni什么我托金!如果你自我评估诚实的运动员,打开盖子,然后轻轻捏的每一个字,我可以处理,这解决办法,因为这三个最差。超过奇怪吗?如果是这样,如果谁的自我报告,我将无法启动 supamoni it came If oneself declares honestly in the professional sumo wrestler as for dealing to say that it lightens Now then when the cover is opened therefore as for these 3 people viciousness solution Above when it is strange If is don t you think from first self return and the like as for the person who does the expectation which is not
    • 相扑协会“处分我不自报的”轻,检察机关,“什么时候我得到了他们的判断基米?”,“赌博是犯罪的,不是你的供应商或您的孩子差” If sumo wrestling association “oneself it declares dealing is light” Investigation “ From your sometime you became the judge it is ” “ Being crime the child chi ya ma painfully there is no gambling is”

  • _NULL_
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      • “这个决定进一步审议”,相扑,对百分之六十的观众 NHK的相扑棒球赌博问题28通讯发表在18 00 26分钟6月28日,计划举行射击协会在日本名古屋大相扑接受左前锋相扑音频和日本NHK新闻部是“为未来的决定,今天该协会已别无选择,在光与观众和专家的意愿,它的结果,外部的专门委员会的调查,考虑采取进一步措施,以确定是否接力“,宣布了一个 “Furthermore to examine judgment” grand sumo tournament relay and viewer 6 tenth opposition NHK June 28th 18 26 transmissions Current events communication With baseball gambling problem of the grand sumo tournament on the 28th accepting the thing which sets forth the policy the Japanese sumo wrestling association holding the Nagoya place As for the NHK public information bureau which relays the grand sumo tournament “present decision and future correspondence of the same association the select committee by the external intellectual person to that On the basis of the findings from and the intention etc of the viewer that it judges” whether or not furthermore it examines correspondence relays comment was announced
        • 相扑赌博问题,日本相扑协会是一个非凡的开幕早稻田使命董事会会议今天下午在両Kokugikan教授茂28日,主持(特别调查委员会,外聘专家伊藤)接受建议,输入,掌握大竹(原sekiwake贵闘力)驱逐或火灾有关,江东Kotomitsuki大关,时津风老板(前最高处时津海),并计划处置固体元或降级 NULL

      • ↓↓涉嫌操纵比赛的处罚欺凌兄弟战斗在相扑世界若贵麻烦吗?学生死亡(在法庭上)↓↓棒球赌博问题毒品问题朝青龙↓↓? ? ?会所从相扑世界后,从另一个若贵退役

        • 一个主要的罪魁祸首就是一个蜥蜴尾巴过我们的罪孽我无

          • 两个相关的工厂的事,我得了癌症,目前导演都罗是没有什么大罪被逮捕到我家,但最重要的你的赌博
            Although Seki something of two places, it is arrested with gambling, the majority it does not find fault presently becoming the director, huge [tsura] doing and the cancer

            • 产经新闻棒球赌博问题交付40分钟6月28日 17 00伊藤专责委员会。主席柏青哥赌博。组织勾结承包商和警察,相对湿重主持该委员会的主任发现相扑社会保障研究基金会理事长伊藤茂,协会的主席 June 28th 17 40 transmissions Product sutra newspaper Baseball gambling problem gt Itoh of select committee Chairman pachinko betting The adhesion group of the trader and the police being chief director of social safe research foundation is detected Sumo wrestling association director Osamu panel chairman Itoh Chairman flesh fell ww
              • 棒球赌博问题 伊藤 特别调查委员会。主席柏青哥赌博。与承建商和警察组织相互勾结,显示其社会保障研究基金会董事长 Itoh of select committee Chairman pachinko betting The adhesion group of the trader and the police being chief director of social safe research foundation is detected Sumo wrestling association director Osamu panel chairman Itoh Chairman flesh fell ww
              • 棒球赌博问题 伊藤 特别调查委员会。主席柏青哥赌博。组织勾结承包商和警察,相对湿重主持该委员会的主任发现相扑社会保障研究基金会理事长伊藤茂,协会的主席 Itoh of select committee Chairman pachinko betting The adhesion group of the trader and the police being chief director of social safe research foundation is detected Sumo wrestling association director Osamu panel chairman Itoh Chairman flesh fell ww
              • 棒球赌博问题 伊藤 特别调查委员会。主席柏青哥赌博。组织勾结承包商和警察,相对湿重主持该委员会的主任发现相扑社会保障研究基金会理事长伊藤茂,协会的主席 Itoh of select committee Chairman pachinko betting The adhesion group of the trader and the police being chief director of social safe research foundation is detected Sumo wrestling association director Osamu panel chairman Itoh Chairman flesh fell ww

            • 从刚刚在你的手形作驱动tTA总理外“是指”建议,你怎么能是团伙之间的关系的认识碌碌我自己的研究或 The ro which with your sufficient arrangement which “the advice tsu te from outside” you say and forms the related elucidation how lathe ku of individual investigation or the mob is not done and is
              • 当然不是一个孩子,棒球投注博彩公司,是一个流氓谁是任何人都知道什么是社会 Will not be the child if and as for the bookmaker of baseball gambling as for being the mob authorized personnel the society member it means that has known anyone

            • 伊夫斯今天终于实现,最终将它黑色的日本?甚至想着什么私刑暴徒谋杀,赌博棒球(收受此外团伙)u003d资金来源为帮派它是封闭的空间时津风,名古屋比赛,但由于绝对认为这是适当的纪律封闭·协会在整个· ·

              • 但俄罗斯)直摔跤(彭,不能做教育,但大师本人的NaA他妈的做赌博联合航空

                • 但已被骚扰和偷窃的受害者或受害者留茹赌博本身?你没事吧介意吗?

                  • 但是你知道,什么自报出来,因为它在成群结队,“所以我将很快承认自己不做坏事”出恩戴我让她等待,不意味着什么呢?这,我骗讨音频 So if the self return tsu te which comes out just this in great numbers “it confesses quickly The bad way it does not do” the tsu te it is with it made come out it is the tsu ke which is not This it swindles and it is attacking don t you think

                    • 但是,他们均是从大脑到肌肉,没有研究,“导演的”L我想笑 Either study do to the brain the people who are done with the muscle become “the director” how you can laugh
                      • 但是,他们均是从大脑到肌肉,没有研究,“导演的”L我想笑 Either study do to the brain the people who are done with the muscle become “the director” how you can laugh

                    • 你将要进入或离开的照片Binifun ü合汗水赤裸拥抱大堀是426两,你不踩债券和不打扰环顾四周至少袜 NULL
                      • 你说了,有一个插科打诨或缠举的例子,对于照片和元塑料Binifun收紧它说426 426 So if you say the droppings do of vinyl to do putting out the photograph collection which was tightened binihun there was a gag which is said

                    • 你甚至可以借存款大竹,退出他的辞职。我只是不解雇遣散费的雇主是公务员的退休津贴〜将支付租金,但我可以不支付就业保险,而私营部门的调解中的价值· · · ·我会在W区分
                      Produces Otake and the written resignation even keeping. Whether there is no retirement lump sum grant with layoff, - When it is the government employee, receive the retirement lump sum grant the place of employment to be mediated, the unemployment insurance amount as it is called in people Although you have not paid, it is provided probably will be… how discrimination w

                      • 几年前231,“显示屏幕设备,他们涉嫌团伙成员和走出”杂志报道,刚刚在富士光发现提前终止削减驱动tTA(骄傲是因为走了这一点。)敏感,即使是商业广播机构的成本忽视,不能硬销,我们对NHK的形象是笨重,一个令人信服的如何成熟

                        • 切只有Kotomitsuki竖琴这是显而易见的,但也不提倡,因为他是当地人国会吵闹大态度朝青龙是不是他们通过苏西共同警备区它的沉默,没有了朝青龙绝缘子污染瑞相扑或白色。我将退出相扑和勇士失望茹鉴于 Therefore local end however it is not the case that it is protected Clearly just koto optical happiness suji does not pass the fact that it cuts You have been agitated with attitude of the morning blue dragon as for the people as for silence putting out sumo wrestling association it is dirty and The morning blue dragon stopping being the barrel it is white of the sumo wrestling It was trivial with hit and miss and In the future the grand sumo tournament you see the wa which is stopped
                          • 什么是我捍卫了手,并返回Yodattara洛里棕榈ι像她赤裸的美丽,你是你的主要Kotomitsuki竖琴呢? You how se koto optical happiness will not it is like rori seminude beauty yo u Ι When it is the yo the palm returning it has protected it is the ro which is

                        • 别有用心的子公司或烟雾,他们将被截断量只有非宗派总统

                          • 协会主席家乡运气精神病医院425米Ø前妻运气宓主任所有者精神病医院稻泽ñ顾客耀西Kino和华丽的名人一夜之间都好书记,总裁业主瓦特,拉都在关于到底什么可以成为一个封闭的病房护士赖

                            • 博赌博是法律规定在苦难中的翻译,所以我做的事情从不会盲目地做很多这样,他也结束了。这是荒谬的陷阱Terya元不幸的言论,他说驱动tTA In order not to do in the stopping whose the gambling it is many and is entwined for the person who is popular to become unhappy being regulated with law with ru meaning Hiroshi The person that becoming unhappy it stopped the trap which is ri ya topsy turvydom
                              • 博赌博是法律规定在苦难中的翻译,所以我做的事情从不会盲目地做很多这样,他也结束了。这是荒谬的陷阱Terya元不幸的言论,他说驱动tTA In order not to do in the stopping whose the gambling it is many and is entwined for the person who is popular to become unhappy being regulated with law with ru meaning Hiroshi The person that becoming unhappy it stopped the trap which is ri ya topsy turvydom

                            • 即使在进入棒球选手被博彩游戏在记者招待会上关于该委员会宣布,他们没有知识,庄家对投注棒球游戏流氓

                              • 另一方面,目前的结构已发现Gittenoga很大的声音在需要的时候相扑取里,我不期望过高引起

                                • 名古屋相扑协会在一蜥蜴的尾巴把每百万岁或持有躁狂症万维网
                                  With tail cutting of lizard as for the Nagoya place opening? [sumo] mania meeting Ten thousand 々 year shelves www

                                  • 嗯你怎么Suginee开除或辞退?我看到了NHK的采访时津在Iteta大竹积极摔跤请告知我哭,什么也不做,或闭嘴。达罗全面负责相扑协会认为牛年的Burgers腐比谋杀室

                                    • 团伙,在意义上的赌徒的反社会组织敲诈勒索江湖骗子和流氓团伙的青少年,流氓,是一个术语,它指的是赌徒的意义 NULL
                                      • 从反社会组织将不断紧张和Ki 节水警察过去事件美味玺 Counter social organization not to reflect upon the past because incident is caused over again for the police it is tasty

                                    • 国王与我希望Kotomitsuki莆田竖琴,但嘿,我不能做任何冒险时,你知道他的未婚妻和他的家庭是相扑摔跤手(但不再国王莆田Sekitori)风筝我和你的服务有三个层次,但对生活中的一个正常的职业生涯结束肖像

                                      • 土方,它是关于一个体面的方式多信浓,即使他们使用氦氖排放以外的前摔跤相扑,但从来没有24?对于社会秩序仍可能在这富裕的温床列入我推 24 But discharging to the former sekitori how outside don t you think good use it does About at the very most manual laborer When is whether the person who pushes in to this 伏 demon lord still becomes because of social order
                                        • 土方远远超过他们使用一个体面的信浓氖出路,即使我释放,但前31相扑选手?一间酒楼相扑 31 But discharging to the former sekitori how outside don t you think good use it does About at the very most manual laborer It is dense the house

                                      • 在元正开始变成有效的雅库扎炙烤棒球赌博狂欢四郎四郎占据这个席位,以维持委员会成员不歯痒弘道是彻底好秘书足够的新会大叫安藤让我们不要忘记

                                        • 在此之前,它不是一个利益集团,数千亿日元硬币的公共公司,是对希望返回到国库贮元

                                          • 在比赛接近尾声收视率最高的时刻,在名古屋44。 4%,关东46。 2%

                                            • 大竹,但是是一个很好的流亡10年的3000万,如果他不看脂肪鄂如再卡兹30万筝这种情况下,粮食的预期回报 As for exile however it is good as for Otake 30 000 000 return to the koto seeing being attached Such a debu it cannot make anymore therefore it is If 30 000 000 it is you can eat 10 years
                                              • 大竹Kotomitsuki江东主人的命令驱逐流放从曝光,我们看到从注射是高贵的同情者 Because as for koto optical happiness the injection was discovered you banish Therefore as for the Otake boss your sympathizer you banish to warning

                                            • 如龙驱动tTA击败朝青龙,我有该协会将努力罪的伟大协会 So when it does as for the morning blue dragon which beats yakuza If it tried making association the notion that where very crime was designated as association

                                              • 总统武蔵川“摔跤和黑手党有联系,”要等到警方的调查,“我没有时间去调查哪些是善于”的结论:“我,我开始,你不应该造名古屋的必要前提○解散的事情是寻找到警察,或精明名古屋,净化自己的能力来对我太痛苦锦鲤部“脓”完全不关心,做好和喷射 “The relationship between Rikisi and the mob chief director Musasigawa “only waits for the investigation of the police” When is you investigate securely with something it is not “conclusion” it puts out although either the time when it is the Nagoya opening is 800 length of prerequisite the ro where Essential thing the ○ doing to throw in the police shrewdly the Nagoya opening also the education scientific ministry secure margin side when and others our 浄 ability also the air which “the pus” puts out completely it is not
                                                • 那么现在武蔵川主席听到群众超过737字头从废物传言日本董事梅罗也控制在日本居民在参加二子山亲方拉在这种情况下,溃疡日本大竹哦,这是愚蠢的扎玛日版瓦特 737 As for chief director current Musasigawa resident As many as two child mountain bosses who receive the Otake room which is crushed in at this incident resident Either the voice that is not audible resident chief director stop even from the mass rubbish which is controlled in resident The well foolish JAP za w which means saying well

                                              • 我TBS电视台也Yaochobokushingu韩国运动员死歹徒来自做的吗?哟自来水只有彻底黏附

                                                • 我不是一个有着不可分割的联系与流氓口哨的歌手,对站巡演,有传言她总是友谊与帮派
                                                  Local performance how [yakuza] and inside and outside one body of singer with reason, as for Misora [hi] beam The friend of [yakuza] was rumored always

                                                  • 我不是说,原来的女主人草不仅排除阿卡现在看到的地方赌博时,在其母亲的时候我氖方便,太方便这是一个耻辱香椎教育作为父母或者没有得到足够的认识

                                                    • 我也买了股票的老板米基,我觉得这是一个通过后向后数百万年,直到退休,退休工资和体面,没有人一氧化计划 Boss stocks buying also Mickey then retiring suitably to retirement age intends probably to freely and easily do with year several 10 000 000 salaries simply in the wax plan the ruinous shelf

                                                      • 我什么都没有改变这贵乃Hazime Waranai组主席武蔵川698。贵乃在下次议会选举的溃疡,我川是什么系统精度越来越击败武蔵

                                                        • 我会生气ーAchangasunge NHK的抗议电话,每15分钟,我把电视
                                                          It is inside, the [a] does, it is the [ge] - getting angry, the [ru] The [tsu] [te] which NHK broadcast 15 minute the protest telephone is inserted

                                                          • 我只相信瓦特做635的受欢迎程度鱿鱼Ttena秃头或它已经并认为只有贽或生鱼什么黑猩猩白痴以下?让我们不要忘记这是政治 635 Baldness same Popularity something there is no relationship it is w You don t try probably to finish with that several the fool below the chimpanzee to a sacrifice This is the political world
                                                            • 我只相信瓦特做635的受欢迎程度鱿鱼Ttena秃头或它已经并认为只有贽或生鱼什么黑猩猩白痴以下?让我们不要忘记这是政治 635 Baldness same Popularity something there is no relationship it is w You don t try probably to finish with that several the fool below the chimpanzee to a sacrifice This is the political world

                                                          • 投注。罪犯“,让你有悔恨,”傻瓜,如果分歧直觉“难道你不感到遗憾的是现在!原谅时间”扑克的赌注。刑法“是的!四郎还批评我的清白从!”刑事盗窃“我最遗憾的是我的伟大呢!因此无罪释放四郎!” Betting Because the offender “you have reflected permitting ” Misunderstanding fool “ You have reflected already without being Permitting” Poker betting The offender “so is Because you reflect we in innocence margin ” Theft offender “ What I have reflected almost is what Therefore in innocence margin and ”
                                                            • 你们好。什么朱达罗几乎很平等与歹徒从做做生意也有一涌Tsubusan甚至老虎机赌博,如果你吗? So People If gambling without being good so the pachinko minute it is with chiyon having managed that therefore most what The ruffian and the ro which is even
                                                            • 投注。罪犯“,并使其能够反映说,”如果分歧愚蠢的本能“,现在不后悔!原谅时间”扑克的赌注。刑法“是的!无罪释放,因为四郎太对不起!”刑事盗窃,“我也反映我对伟大的!因此无罪释放四郎!” Betting Because the offender “you have reflected permitting ” Misunderstanding fool “ You have reflected already without being Permitting” Poker betting The offender “so is Because you reflect we in innocence margin ” Theft offender “ What I have reflected almost is what Therefore in innocence margin and ”

                                                          • 提供游戏投注棒球,已经习惯于每赌注,相扑意识形态在世界水平是一个刚刚走过去,并恐吓受害人会 So baseball gambling every betting was converted to common practice in the grand sumo tournament boundary At the level which just a little goes too far in the blackmail incident it probably is the victim
                                                            • 我们会做一个额外的调查,“你怎么棒球赌吗? 是 否 ”↓是:驱逐出境 The additional questionnaire is done “Do did you baseball gambling Y N ” ↓ YES Removing name
                                                            • 赌博成瘾的利害关系相扑已在世界上的每一个思想准备多一点的水平,恐吓受害人会 Gambling every betting was converted to common practice in the grand sumo tournament boundary At the level which just a little goes too far in the blackmail incident it probably is the victim

                                                          • 日本的律师基督教埃泰诚实的自我评估,如果该协会的办公室,但没有认罪协议,但这个处置了严厉处罚的请愿书向我说,随便打开或稍后,或竖琴Kotomitsuki大竹相扑协会表示,他们真正需要一分钟的情况下共同警备区蛋糕的竞争在审判处理的不公平,有被驱逐的退休津贴是通过什么 The attorney teaching However there is no judicial transaction in Japan If oneself it declares to the association member honestly it lightens dealing When it is understood afterwards that it makes severe punishment saying however report it made write out Now when the retirement lump sum grant where Otake or koto optical happiness is removed does not come out When you dispute with sumo wrestling association and judgment as dealing unjust Truly is opinion of sumo wrestling association to pass
                                                            • 埃泰日本律师基督教自我评估真的不认罪协议,但该协会的成员,但这倾向,好像是说我严厉的处罚请愿后轻轻原来,像竖琴Kotomitsuki大竹分钟,如果相扑协会表示,真正的竞争需要处置共同警备区的蛋糕作为一个不公正的审判,如果你没有退休的钱已被驱逐或通过 The attorney teaching However there is no judicial transaction in Japan If oneself it declares to the association member honestly it lightens dealing When it is understood afterwards that it makes severe punishment saying however report it made write out Now when the retirement lump sum grant where Otake or koto optical happiness is removed does not come out When you dispute with sumo wrestling association and judgment as dealing unjust Truly is opinion of sumo wrestling association to pass

                                                          • 日本相扑协会砖可能出来的知识和新的组织应充分私有化(如新日本相扑协会) As a corporation Japanese sumo wrestling association the shelf which it should commercialize completely Whether the new group comes out the intellectual brick new Japanese sumo wrestling association
                                                            • 这样我可以抱怨,而是我将开始与空气私有化我滋养日本NHK Temporarily it is commercialization So if it does we you do not call complaint It broadcasts the change NHK is

                                                          • 是什么样子,我站在原来组成团伙感谢,但他们知道,然名义电视转播权费,“国球”(笑)我说,如果苏卡拉了,但我会是这样怪异瓦特 Originally although it seems that consists with favor of the mob it is It is pretext of television broadcasting rights charge or it is what intellectual viewing Because “national skill” laughing how you propose it means such a strange thing it is w

                                                            • 暴対部刑事司和交通违规执法可爱的偶像警察与驾驶交通部门department m现金牛一般业务

                                                              • 有趣的是,所有的古devilry Shabettara抢购的瓦特人员,他们被驱逐贵闘力

                                                                • 朝青龙暴力,毒品摔跤污染对外国“不明白外国相扑力士的方式:”我是说我什么,相扑协会,日本“相扑之道,”请看看他们 Morning blue dragon violence at the time of foreign professional sumo wrestler medicine pollution “as for foreign professional sumo wrestler the sumo wrestling road it is not understood” therefore the tsu te you say it is As for sumo wrestling association please show “the sumo wrestling road to be” the Japanese

                                                                  • 林奇Gudagudayattottanoni谋杀不断,并切断驱动tTA发射的牺牲,他们的速度物凄赌博
                                                                    Although in the lynch homicide at last the [tsu] which is the [gu] which is the extending 々 [gu] it is, when it is gambling, the neck of sacrifice was cut at tremendous speed

                                                                    • 根据新闻部新闻,日本广播协会已进行约4 370宗最接近中午的ING意见,占约60对继电反馈 gt According to public information bureau to the same day noon to NHK moving aside the opinion of approximately 4370 cases The opinion which opposes to relay occupied approximately 6 tenths
                                                                      • 根据新闻部,在4370日本NHK昨天中午被迫约附近发现安泰意见,占大约60对继电反馈 According to public information bureau you could move aside to the same day noon to NHK opinion of approximately 4370 cases the opinion which opposes to relay occupied approximately 6 tenths

                                                                    • 此外,阿布松树是中间的两个赌博()Makushita摔跤王从房间马祖(34)是2006年5月退休,结束的时间,并开始了赌博的老板大竹元是

                                                                      • 每个人都在做我×赌博,这些人是黑帮郁花×必要之恶恶,每个人都知道风筝和博彩×○大家看着好玩,但从来没有发射Gotoki我们没有罪的老虎机我的棒球赌博该Takuse,在制品尚未获准在蜥蜴尾巴关闭 × Gambling how everyone doing ru thing they are not bad Necessary evil you know × yakuza from everyone former times Although the × pachinko is does not find fault every baseball gambling the neck how it is strange with coming The ○ how the cicada it is gambling it has done in habit you cannot permit the fact that it completes with the tail cutting of the lizard
                                                                        • 没有问题,因为赌博成瘾的人做他的那个黑鬼丢失蛆 在味噌引起大脑? Does common practice gambling personality of the person who even non problem Don t you think the Uzi it has boiled in the brain seeing so

                                                                      • 毕竟,职业摔跤是我的国家甚至没有时间在NHK的体育博彩造很长一段时间,长,★朱达罗是没有浪费这样的事,因为我马上转达直接支付3 0亿美元,即使在日本NHK广播节目和您的反馈如果问题合早生 After all the professional sumo wrestling of the gambling 800 length in national skill also being whatever Long haul and the long period of time paying also year 3 000 000 000 with NHK if it relays the ro which the reason which goes out of use immediately how is not and is Concerning NHK and broadcast program opinion the inquiry
                                                                        • 日本NHK也可能要取消和私营广播公司的广播立即比如,如果你立即停止继电器,继电器是任何东西,包括电台直播来自全国各地,直到午夜,然后我就会停止Metara If NHK discontinues relay it goes out of use immediately Commercial broadcast compares and relays and perhaps it probably is nighttime and Because it is broadcast live to all over the country including also the radio Relay you should have stopped
                                                                        • 毕竟,职业摔跤是不是连我的台长很长时间的游戏,在日本广播协会在国家体育,★日本NHK广播朱达罗也没有理由这样的东西支付3 0亿美元,如果合早生联系和反馈意见的广播节目 After all the professional sumo wrestling of the gambling 800 length in national skill also being whatever Long haul and the long period of time paying also year 3 000 000 000 with NHK if it relays the ro which the reason which goes out of use immediately how is not and is Concerning NHK and broadcast program opinion the inquiry
                                                                        • 毕竟,职业摔跤是不是连我的台长很长时间的游戏,在日本广播协会在国家体育,★日本NHK广播朱达罗也没有理由这样的东西支付3 0亿美元,如果合早生联系和反馈意见的广播节目 After all the professional sumo wrestling of the gambling 800 length in national skill also being whatever Long haul and the long period of time paying also year 3 000 000 000 with NHK if it relays the ro which the reason which goes out of use immediately how is not and is Concerning NHK and broadcast program opinion the inquiry

                                                                      • 民主党人把怪蜥蜴的尾巴被你不单单只是坐在那里相扑及它的流氓和警察不会搞,媒体在银行强盗狗屎 Thing of yakuza of the bookmaker kusomasukomi which is not overtaken When also the police becomes yakuza hesitation it puts out The ro which is not just the sumo wrestling boundary and is shitsupo drill of lizard After becoming the Democratic party only strange thing

                                                                        • 由于该团伙头目谁Zubuzubu柏青哥业者和主席八百八十八瓦特
                                                                          888 The chairman itself being the pachinko industry leader, therefore the mob and the person of [zubuzubu] w

                                                                          • 相扑协会和其他流氓,但你将我无罪?加入WTO后的事情,甚至管理费,没有Kusanai一些不法机构和公司敏感的胶和自由民主党 But difference from sumo wrestling association does not find fault Unless also administration substituting it puts out our people the vice which is connected it loses the group and enterprise

                                                                            • 相扑,如龙。卖报纸,恐怖主义天,创价协会的统计资料。教会团体,空手道武术系统,伪权等世川日本期货Kusanakya后进入儿玉没有充分参与周一不是免费的! Sumo wrestling and yakuza Sale newspaper day terrorism Soka academic society Osamu Church karate fist method group false right wing etc If mon all nothing where Sasagawa Kodama relate ill smelling it is not there is no future in Japan
                                                                              • 相扑,如龙。卖报纸,恐怖主义天,创价协会的统计资料。教会团体,空手道武术系统,伪权等世川日本期货Kusanakya后进入儿玉没有充分参与周一不是免费的! Sumo wrestling and yakuza Sale newspaper day terrorism Soka academic society Osamu Church karate fist method group false right wing etc If mon all nothing where Sasagawa Kodama relate ill smelling it is not there is no future in Japan

                                                                            • 离婚被驱逐Naranakere立波前任例如,北尾(立波现任主教练)和管理能力,像是大竹,尽管退休怀疑自己不是在对领导素质的人性的主人,没有改变,直到稻草 Example of tip generation stand 浪 If it does not become dropping or divorcing The north tail the present stand 浪 coach as management ability and the boss leader of the Otake room likely concerning nature humanity itself doubt Being until it stops being retirement age it does not change
                                                                              • 离婚被驱逐Naranakere 784,北尾(立波教练现在)可以像大竹旅游巴士 784 If it does not become dropping or divorcing The north tail present stand 浪 coach there is a possibility where you can coach likely at the Otake room

                                                                            • 第一阶段是一个棒球运动员。他们没有得到一个游戏! As for baseball player Phase Gambling It is not done kana
                                                                              • 我对棒球的博彩游戏主要是外壳643入口阶段。这是赌博! 643 Baseball gambling is the entrance As for donjon phase It is gambling

                                                                            • 组织后(艾拉)青年流氓团伙和战争口号和慷慨,他们已经进入到刚打开什么
                                                                              Postwar gangsters organization ([era]) entering, in the party who deteriorates to the mob with only subject such as chivalry or

                                                                              • 组织样的现代恰好赶在相扑可以得到很好的成功在提倡消除893联营公司娱乐业务
                                                                                The entertainment world succeeding in member of a school gang industrialization well, although deviation from 893 could be advocated The thing shelf that just the sumo wrestling did with organization of front modern times,

                                                                                • 胡散臭,他们的脸,伊藤茂2008(2008)9月30日,日本相扑协会理事会任命 Osamu Itoh of suspicious face 2008 2008 September 30th is inaugurated as Japanese sumo wrestling association director
                                                                                  • 他们面对胡散臭伊藤茂,2008(2008)9月30日,他成为协会会长的日本相扑 Osamu Itoh of suspicious face 2008 2008 September 30th is inaugurated as Japanese sumo wrestling association director

                                                                                • 艺术部长,“我不要将在交换结束嫌疑人,但你好像取消允许公司”我要

                                                                                  • 茶馆的利益,在利益空间,主权利,利益会- - - -蜘蛛网上的利益将被保留

                                                                                    • 该部最初一剂共99万2(1126亿美元)进口恩戴效力的合同,而且可以节省二七三〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元由于取消

                                                                                      • 贵乃导演的主大竹(前横纲)是“我怎么呼喊,”奇,想改革是什么?贵乃花为好,我让他笑我飞扬的沉默贵乃改革或认为Takarou Tteta Otake boss When your 乃 flower director original sumo champion “I one word am good probably will be ” that we would like to reform what or is You think even in your 乃 flower kana that want The silence your 乃 flower it is good The all sectors of society reformation tsu te it can amuse
                                                                                        • 一群想要改革的,什么是贵乃大竹老板?贵乃花为好,我让他笑我飞扬的沉默贵乃改革或认为Takarou Tteta Otake boss When your 乃 flower we would like to reform what or is You think even in your 乃 flower kana that want The silence your 乃 flower it is good The all sectors of society reformation tsu te it can amuse
                                                                                        • 贵乃■行政会议(前横纲)是“我应该怎么留言,”裁剪和“房间有古松树阿布还年轻鼓励孩子 In the board of directors your 乃 flower director the original sumo champion “I one word am good probably will be ” that the detection Being young “in the Abu pine room the vigorous child it is

                                                                                      • 贵乃花和“花田胜先生的”关于2005年3月以来4年■2008年爆发了争执,并没有新的学生进入他们的房间贵乃

                                                                                        • 这两个退休秘密资金,将支付巨额费用,塞板伐丽流出来的嘴

                                                                                          • 这使歹徒尚未在名古屋举行的一场比赛,我在那里躲避的认证学校或居民与你有一个741 741 Furthermore without association of yakuza or the school recognizing the ze which is In order to hold the Nagoya place it to be possible the race lace shelf
                                                                                            • 但它并不重要,你不处理这些家伙,棒球赌博计划,以消除该团伙所检获的收受赌注者为何? When and others it is dense it deals with but also the angular arm is to call exposing yakuza of the bookmaker with something it does not try probably to assure the elimination of baseball gambling
                                                                                            • 它为741但在名古屋举行的一场比赛在那里我将与合格的居民离开你的流氓和回避 741 Furthermore without association with yakuza recognizing the ze which is In order to hold the Nagoya place it to be possible the race lace shelf

                                                                                          • 这就像一个体育遗产,日本的国家比较好,如果事情仍是剩余苏,如果没有残留物,也给了即使是日本的国技,我应该想一个摔跤娱乐公司业绩 Well rather than calling national skill therefore Japanese heritage like ones if it leaves this way It puts out If it does not leave returning national skill and foundation professional wrestling we would like to see 1 entertainment companies If it entertains as it may

                                                                                            • 那么,在许多地方暂时搁置名古屋当然,“来到该公司调查,”他们说什么。音频恩的地方,但我能够进行调查,调查本身的权利放在了名古屋可预测的时间表 Well about the Nagoya place naturally to a discontinuance “did the investigation which will be been secure” the tsu te saying As for rank whether those which do the investigation which it is possible thinks The ro where schedule itself of investigation is the Nagoya place opening and starts and is
                                                                                              • 对不起,从名古屋的地方接受输入我吗? ? ?我告诉她,只有从宪法排除真的甜 Because it accepted the tsu te Nagoya place holding excuse It cannot sneak away from constitution truly sweetly don t you think

                                                                                            • 那你知道大问题?棒球投注或不会发出这样的矮? NHK的转播权费用大约在雅库扎来,握百公斤已开发系统及联营公司

                                                                                              • 金刚前sekiwake从事我的儿子和两个女儿,08岁,1976年有关植物布尔诺,布尔诺有两名青少年27岁以下相关同

                                                                                                • 长老的责任,采取紧急的情况下,和值得终身雇佣和论资排辈和股票的恶棍,他们带来合这是一个好地方,他们说老日本,它只是充斥责任个人的责任西方文化的收集附表事,我是一个很容易解决,如果好人瓦特经理因为谁的人是日本人的公司匍匐家伙愚弄你说什么加班有转让或氦氖企业战士,它不会停止Chikusho过劳死的死我还是会

                                                                                                  • 驱逐而不是解雇,“这种人在相扑协会没有,”难道我们可以杀死一切,什么东西从存在的,对处理结果的传闻时,现任是赢家?我觉得消费者不得不听到了摔跤比赛的结果和 When there is no layoff and it is dropping “as for such a person in sumo wrestling association becoming the treatment which is not” That from the quantity of victory or defeat of rumor existence itself is erased is from something to something from the quantity of victory or defeat of the time of active service what the tsu ke which is not The tsu te which is turned off the air which is heard does to victory or defeat and the like of opposition professional sumo wrestler side
                                                                                                    • 驱逐不是解雇,“共同警备区是这样一个人是不是”哦,我不应该删除的任何东西存在,一切都处于非活动状态时的处理结果呢?我觉得消费者不得不听到了摔跤比赛的结果和 When there is no layoff and it is dropping “as for such a person in sumo wrestling association becoming the treatment which is not” That from the quantity of victory or defeat of rumor existence itself is erased is from something to something from the quantity of victory or defeat of the time of active service what the tsu ke which is not The tsu te which is turned off the air which is heard does to victory or defeat and the like of opposition professional sumo wrestler side

                                                                                                  • ,“在右肩,”被评为大竹大竹,我不是在右肩敏感的生活是可怕的〜

                                                                                                    • :。 长),:: 楼 , ::。 。 L :: , : Ð 升 当地雇员: :::我想知道如果我买了盈利国王在任何赌博Kattara棒球 升 : 升::::随着土地可能买房子基诺王 升 , : l 92 he and l 92 ni l i 92 ∧ ∧ he ¯ ¯ l REPT No Ω l ¯ ¯ l r ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT l l 92 92 ll When it makes a profit with baseball gambling what probably will be bought l l So the solitary house of the land attachment which is probably will be bought l l Before that boss stocks shelf In any case unless the room is opened l ¯ l The lovely pupil where and tsu pa cooking it is possible is good l l And we want to the sekitori of one public being brought up l l Of course it is the professional sumo wrestler where we being similar is strong l 92 92 l l i REPT l Suddenly when the air is attached it was in the futon l REPT l Is this exhaustion impression probably one no what l 92 l i The fact that everything is destroyed was baseball gambling it is …
                                                                                                      • 。 。 。 当地雇员 ::::我不知道买什么国王 投资赌博棒球Kattara 升: :: 92 92 92 92 92 r ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ l 92 he and l 92 ni l i 92 ∧ ∧ he ¯ ¯ l REPT No Ω l ¯ ¯ l r ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT l l 92 92 ll When it makes a profit with baseball gambling what probably will be bought l l So the solitary house of the land attachment which is probably will be bought l l Before that boss stocks shelf In any case unless the room is opened l ¯ l The lovely pupil where and tsu pa cooking it is possible is good l l And we want to the sekitori of one public being brought up l l Of course it is the professional sumo wrestler where we being similar is strong l 92 92 l l i REPT l Suddenly when the air is attached it was in the futon l REPT l Is this exhaustion impression probably one no what l 92 l i The fact that everything is destroyed was baseball gambling it is …
                                                                                                      • 嘿,协会或原主任相扑冠军,船长或任何一个谁从未有过赌博的?此外,从殡仪馆的老虎机的钱是你击败了媒体,因为它是对棒球赌博?我会补什么的老虎机或方案?达罗老虎机游戏更为恶性的呢?不要紧,什么法律,如果警察和媒体撒玫瑰金? Successive director or the sumo champion of sumo wrestling association with the boss the person it has not participated in gambling being one person That and just this hitting baseball gambling thoroughly the ru mass communications receiving the gold from the pachinko house ru is no what Pachinko program to making ru is no what The ro which is the gambling where the pachinko considerably is more vicious When the gold the rose is spread in the police and the mass communications legal how relationship saying thing
                                                                                                      • 大竹,江东Kotomitsuki初步调查撒谎,我不知道,我离开了请愿书,因为它宣布,在参与赌博的人数摔跤? After as for Otake and koto optical happiness lie being attached in investigation of the first time the number of professional sumo wrestlers who participate in gambling being announced Report it wrote out it is with how probably will be

                                                                                                    研究 開発