Calling the Liberal Democratic Party Tanigaki president “individual, you are the emperor thinking that (by yourself)? That it is no way, we would like to say”
“如果我假设的股票价格3倍的民主管理,”目前的价格低迷→统一自民党了解什么专家有多年忽视 If > “the Democratic party takes administration, stock price 3 time”
-> As for present stock price hovering our people lack of policy [tsu] [te] is standardization understanding of intellectual
129的话,我一眼就看出瓦特,沃勒还驳斥了主要出现在凝胶Yabbetetanowo独自面对恐怖主义出现在早上多亚瑞穗 129 That w which we was seen After that immediately Mizuho performing to terrorist morning independently The contents plain gauze tsu be te which with the doya face is refuted in the gel it is observing at furthermore warata
瑞穗后续表演了114,而另一些接受上午祖巴的,在过去的失败已经告诉凝胶逃脱 114 As for Mizuho while following of the other coming out orator receiving with morning zuba Escaping from the gel there is the past when it retreats
1vs1是只有8倍以上8倍,民主党人没有我要对选举法的折扣?如果一个人说,冷静,而忽略了选举法耶民主党 When 1vs1 8 times is, because just the Democratic party is time of 8 times, it is caught to the Public Office Election Law, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is?
If the Democratic party which ignores the Public Office Election Law at sled [ya] every place the trap which is said calmly
418不,我不想多说更多地参与卡诺诚锄头,我会坚持到你做什么收益到目前为止没有与他收益收益 418 Well whether what we would like to say however to be good it is from the wa so far about territory acquisition and the unrelated person tsu lever Toda it probably will be attached to territory acquisition the receipt
这家超市将角逐398收据,收据自动贩卖机,商店゚家伙公顷,当然。附表求他送往 398 suha ゚ So scramble of the receipt it receives the vending machine of course even at the ha ゚ chinko house The person whom it seeks rushes in
496 12点59外,该设置,据我会说什么,你知道你错了,我不喜欢被宠坏哈巴狗 496 Don t you think pair one anyhow being set until now in the same way when it is hateful inferior 々 it is dense ru calling strangely saying the ru it is the ro which is
首长,他们就会收到一陈一细线,她的山谷,山谷谷和原 ,我将飞砖是不是告诉投资 Receive the pair one The line is thin as for the valley Don t you think in the yawara valley it is to be slung
527是你的钱做代理的,在身体左侧一半的民主党人伤口木津这是我生命中留下您有意识?在吉之岛泽半人厚枝野,Poppo半木壁党 527 As for the operative doing because of the money the ru as for the left half of the body of the Democratic party very that The left volume finishing with lifework the ro which is possible to be conscious thing is Branch field renhou po tsu po Jusco Co Ltd oza at half force stick half political party
当然,是无意识的或愚蠢的我就拉包民主党人的腿,我想我是谁自民党驱动tTA设备操作工狂热的民主党人 The te tsu drill the fool who does not have the consciousness which pulls the foot of the Democratic party whether Liberal Democratic Party operative who dresses up the mania trust Democratic party supporter you thought but
627党的人,每个人,不论社会民主党还要求外,这一理论。简明,连贯,保护简强驱动tTA倍只有推下来的图像 627 National new party everyone and party chief of corporation people party Propriety of insistence anyhow theory Brevity beginning and ending consistency and pushing from forcing As for the 菅 which it turned to the protection there is only image down
我觉得更是我在做一个对任何萘乙酸这就像说,作为反对党的权利对国家消费税 It is similar to the chi ya opposition party the national new party in regard to consumer tax it rubbed and You think that so 1 to 1 are more disadvantageous
751“经济发展”和“平衡预算”和“福利社会”,不是吗?平衡和平衡这容易吗?ー税都是不可能的,只有打印出来,如果你问你哦央行票据 751 ““High state of welfare society” being compatible with economic development” and “sound fiscal administration” As for this compatibility the ro which is simple If it makes the bill Bank of Japan print the tsu ke Cannot be compatibility with the tax increase
751“经济发展”和“平衡预算”和“福利社会”,不是吗?平衡和平衡这容易吗?ー税都是不可能的,只有打印出来,如果你问你哦央行票据 751 ““High state of welfare society” being compatible with economic development” and “sound fiscal administration” As for this compatibility the ro which is simple If it makes the bill Bank of Japan print the tsu ke Cannot be compatibility with the tax increase
AAA级Tsu re 1安踏皇帝!它的时间辩论Ooon在一起! ! Therefore anta emperor what a a a tsu When discussing it is everyone simultaneous the o o o it is
935菅,“把它从国会在一次电视辩论不这样做,”我说,我驱动tTA 935 The 菅 “because party chief discussion should have been done with the television it is not popular at the National Diet” that you said it is
NULL y REPT REPT DREPT REPT No 92 ¯ two 92 REPT ⌒ ⌒ and l REPT 92 gt 92 However you called also Hatoyama the manifest comes out of the mouth and it is sufficient with leaving If it wins election “ In the troop” with anything it can make favorite selfish The person who is swindled just is foolish Also consumer tax swindling the income earner low you speak suitably Substantial tax free swindling below annual income 4 000 000 Yen Low the income earner being foolish is simple what Hatoyama like
( Ÿ ー ヽ■, y REPT REPT DREPT REPT No 92 ¯ two chirin ♪ Person REPT 彡 REPT ○ REPT REPT
Shinano m目前861为什么愚蠢的一轮驼峰,并选择更好的,因为它是一个更好的自由,你必须是最好的方法消除?我不知道谁是走出不仅抓住了线索咬伤 861 Under present conditions is only the method of elimination and is the ro which Therefore most being mashi our people The fact that better ones are chosen why is foolish exposed what Catching just words ending how one which you bite has done
我是848 Tenee东西评价丝毫其他Democratic ll自民党的反民主的消除过程 848 We is counter democracy There are only our people with the method of elimination but saying that Tanigaki there is no mercy the ru it is In the first place democracy what appraising this tsu po tsu chi including the 菅 well
淘汰过程,而不是861,“所有选择中最好的最坏的打算,”我会说我说的 861 There is no method of elimination and choose the best from midst of the te “worst” The tsu te saying it is the ru
Shisan十周年名无 邮箱:邮编:2010 07 02(星期五)19:50:45编号:O8的 asabP0在一个就是我多次获得,选举似乎有太多的民主党人侵犯 Name it is not tenth anniversary Mail Contribution day 2010 07 02 gold 19 50 45 ID o8 asabP0 When the plural times you do in 1 to 1 performance of the Democratic party becoming too many it becomes Public Office Election Law violation
80 81 82 392名: 名无Shisan十周年 发布日期:2010 07 02(星期五)19:50:45编号:O8的 asabP0在一个就是我多次得到,许多民主党人似乎选举法也将成为古 80 81 82 392 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 07 02 gold 19 50 45 ID o8 asabP0 When the plural times you do in 1 to 1 performance of the Democratic party becoming too many it becomes Public Office Election Law violation
“完美是他独自一人反对! 米在等待下一次机会逃脱!”在谁的线路将改为“皇帝”霍尔马的“总理”菅直人 “My one person perfection disadvantage As for here escaping the ze which waits for the following opportunity ” The speech above probably is someone s speech The horu hose of � “emperor” The 菅 Naoto of � “prime minister”
你说了,这个级别上同其他在野党如汉堡包Monjan赢我不是说泰国人甚至一Kan ll直人站出来,不仅没有降低,自民党朱达罗 The tie man defeat 菅 also Naoto one person saying saying it seems the ru way it is it is The ro which such a thing as for the 輩 which says is not at the other opposition party and is Just our people extending level is low
“我喜欢”我想成为人类,批评的话,她出来时,人们认为其经验被剥夺的立场“背后的!”谷垣祯一的话本质的东西,自民党已不知不觉这是 When thinking that the human who “like we ” would like to become took the standpoint in the person word of the criticism which comes out “is no way ” Tanigaki talked the Liberal Democratic Party essence among non consciousness the shelf
352“ 键入这个我不期望看到好任何此类声明更好的辩论谷垣祯一Escape是不是一个好 352 gt However such Tanigaki s one discussion weak point is visible so in type This time being poor the declaration that it does not escape
。我们不爱德华他们Rigurope米加住你的Benata李施Chigumaya Hozumo的诱惑防治Giganda Kakkoiissu皇帝在返回自己的英雄,为报复! Emperor katsukoiitsusu which fights with the hero gigandachigumayai shihozumo The tenputeshiyonmegadonriguropebenatamaiahiedou We it returned for taking revenge
我是说我要在他们的皇帝,尽管是那么可怕了?如果我们调用一个政治家或老师自民党国会议员? By yourself until now awfully like the emperor what you call to the habit which behaves is The politician the teacher those where it made call probably are Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman but
丹· · ·枪首脑会议在马里和凯塔萘乙酸〜薄的存在,乐器制造的银行是简出,如果不存在· · · orz说什么,当我说,如果有什么要讨论没有讨论 danmari … the existence impression it was thin even with summit and 菅 The Bank of Japan gun If gatsuki which it puts out has attended … orz When should call you do not call at all when should argue you do not argue at all
实际上并没有在8至1,8次讨论:也许我只是一个不友好的情况作出1分钟 Is argued in 8 to 1 there is no reason which opinion 8 The circumstance which divides into 1 is achieved and the chi ya u causing re is with just says
他们使绝大多数采取的发生有关内讧文,我不紧张,如果不解散或纹 _NULL_
他们被驱逐,只有767负的权力斗争艾德(前田中派)+ +解散的日本社会党和社会活动家的Burgers公民开明,混合甚至不为他的工作和党的抗日民主归 767
Being defeated with the power dispute, the civic movement house = Democratic party of the party (old Tanaka group) + old Japan Socialist Party + liberalist who is banished
Being naturalized, also the person who does not work because of Japan blending, the [ru] it does,
他这样做时的鸠山,简的不是时候,不是民主党人芸你的房子时,小泽扬 Also the Hatoyama time so was when and 菅 being so it puts out so puts out also Ozawa s time Specialty of the Democratic party it is
简,一对一,到目前的辩论是我太想我认为他们看起来太有意思了逃避 It is funny to designate discussion as pair one that you think whether it is it is not The current 菅 escapes to also remainder too much
但是,支持非民主,公正破坏了日本自民党迄今提交给自民党继续梁叛军官员派出一个总承包商,没有税收,如果古分钟早。拆除 But non democracy support, there is no just Liberal Democratic Party which makes Japan useless to here
Blood tax as for the national robber Liberal Democratic Party which was continued to give to the compulsory public official and the earth building quick amount. Dismantlement margin
但谷垣祯一诡因为诚实。总理的声音,但是没有完全例如Tsukkondara 1 1,如果每个字都非常有礼貌共产刷开了一个头 Therefore so as for Tanigaki raw seriousness 詭 The body may be treated well in the prime minister Speaking it is around communist everyone party chief when it thrusts in 1 to 1 however is not either sound of the gu u
你可怜,山谷自由民主党。批评?可怜的漂移感觉太硬,左翼联合政府,他的支持者! It is pitiful our people valley Criticism Being too desperate the pathetic impression it drifts left flank coalition government and those supporters
如果相反谷垣祯一辉与刚极好,如果是引人注意,菅菅Yareyo和12点59分。如果没有更好的总统赢得足够阻止 Tanigaki 菅 with does with pair one If plainly excellent Tanigaki it can win if in the 菅 Conversely It cannot win if the president the one which is stopped is good
八党目前的讨论,党的每一个党和每:一个是循环赛 As for discussion of 8 party sitting together,
Each party vis-a-vis each party 1: 1, entire it hits and it is game
公司的削减所得税和税收优惠↓u003d发言富国,穷国↓↓37万亿美元,2009年→在1990年的60万亿改变税收一般占国内生产总值的挣扎与税收经济※万亿525年2009→1990年445万亿趋势(国内生产总值)正在增加,5→3→0%的消费税,税收,即使我拒绝 Tax reduction = rich favorable treatment of ↓ income tax and income tax, the pauper suffers hardship with consumer tax
Change of ↓ general account tax revenue
1990 60,000,000,000,000 -> 2009 37,000,000,000,000
Change of ↓ GDP
1990 445,000,000,000,000 -> 2009 525,000,000,000,000
* Economy (GDP) it expands, also consumer tax increases taxes 0 -> 3 -> the 5% and the tax revenue has decreased
共同货币,它会看起来就像试图逃离我狙人是朱达罗简泰国边境甚至没有采取前3天的办公室,突然说Waretara电视 When the u umbrella it is said suddenly 3 days ago the ro which even TV station the framework you do not take and is Tie man tsu te that of the 菅 aiming don t you think just it has been about to escape
回顾从鳃但看看,看看回到德国我也喜欢这个家伙可以摆脱民主党? But the gill so from above the eye line Germany and koitsu escape and as for being the waist the party wind of the Democratic party
因此,一个问题大家小泉奈勒× 2 ×安倍晋三福田康夫麻生太郎3 4奈勒奈勒× × ×勤,鸠山,06,05奈勒奈勒奈勒×首相很可能被驳回? It asks a question to everyone 1 Koizumi à nera 2 Abe à nera 3 Fukuda à nera 4 Aso à nera 5 Hatoyama à nera 6 菅 à nera As for the prime minister may be able to refute
在823,这是苏格什么技能? ♪ 823 So 菅 ability tsu te what ♪
英雄救助基金枪驱动tTA经济从中央银行,深度睡眠王比谷垣祯一的经济数字不说话,这场比赛朱达罗不能扭转出wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww阚宁 The hero and Tanigaki who with the Bank of Japan gun rescue the Japanese economy from fund VS The blast which cannot talk economy at numerical value 睡 菅 ningu of the king and the opposite being cut off The ro this wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which does not become game and is
在448怎么办?我?你会做你自己将加强兄弟毕业于日本东京大学,癌症WWW的益地北荒男自由亚洲管技术+毕业后从后推比100多万人民对日本,试験Gotoki Tekozuri司法,议会谷垣祯一为A +濒危物种:反动的右翼胜利之前我显然瓦特 448
You do? You do? And [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] www
After the east institute of technology graduating, the benefit which polishes oneself merely in the tube it is rough the man Boost + Asian + Japanese national 100,000,000 compatriot
You graduate the cancer Tokyo University of Japan, every administration of justice test come and are similar and slip densely, do member of the Diet Tanigaki + extermination fear kind: Right wing reaction
Victory or defeat before being popular from, clear w
在古分钟马洛伊好东西,我不认为08只一对?什么是相当侃驴1 1不方便?我应该更加尖锐,最终影响他们呢?如果您舒展我挖根说,东西滚Birutte失误时间等于时间 Something you do not understand well but 1 to 1 only 8 it comes out and there is a re it is it is not 1 to 1 tsu te on the other hand for the 菅 don t you think the disadvantage Don t you think as for making borokuso the one which is made to end with 1 times is good Noboru inhaling speech time of the 菅 the tsu te thing where equal losing word time extends it puts out thing
ー,三,它将不公平的,对方的8倍,管暴露只是说我得到里于彻 As the tube said when you do exposure reaching simply 8 times that of the other party it becomes unfairness
下面是其他一些领导人菅直人在电视上所有的时间1 08,但不是你,不是吗?这对我不公平1 1瓦诚然 As for this 菅 appearing in the television directly Other party chiefs are present and only 1 8 is a re it is it is not They are 1 to 1 tsu te me tsu chi ya unfairness w
在过去的6月6日大选辩论的辩论2009年8月11日在232零时间NEWSZERO一首 _NULL_
在那里,有临床Munara 1vs1比社民党人,但我不在乎什么自由民主党,民主权利Rubeki煽看多少时间 If there, there faces, in 1vs1 and it is good regardless in the democracy national corporation people vs our people, is, extent room showing, the [ro] we should fan,
如果服务器是你侃投票支持我说,是体面和完全归在韩国964,我也不会切断电源,以应付攻击恨我被要求成为正常袋自来水“韩国国父”的白色,而是如何不可能一次 The ba 菅 normally Sack it is hateful to be hit Question there is no ability to be able to process attacking It probably is empty 964 Being naturalized properly even with the South Korean te honest thing saying the re you vote The white “of national Korea of that father” how applying as for the fact that you say however it cannot be
我在你的手都运行在一个阶段内的树桩因为没有任何讨论,适用于159 1舔疮傻瓜瓦特侃 159 Try to appear in the stage discussion but the tsu te ru which mistake it does in election speech and sows it is As for you w which licks the foolish tsu pu ri of the 菅
它已不再是唯一的人被排除简家伙坐在我只是笑成熟,但如何琐屑无聊或海豚的威胁 Whether the spatula spatula you laugh the 菅, or intimidate only, it is it to be possible it is the waist coming out guy
The partner just it does it is wasteful already
我们不知道摆在我们面前,民主党的总理Rupizu乙213,它呢?女问题的政策就像一个傻瓜,我感觉很好瓦特宣传只是愚蠢瓦特马侃 213 rupizu quaintness As for the prime minister who does not know the policy of the Democratic party the ro w which is problem Feeling that you like there is no problem foolishly w As for protection of horse 菅 only fool shelf w
如果言论一对一,谁给了我绝对不认为会动摇他们的苏格 If 1 to 1 you think that respectively speech keeps being off center but it is … 菅…
我希望我能直播电视辩论,讨论展示了如何摆脱陷阱魔法查看详细资料,但没有让W马匹。他说:“如果我假设股票价格的3倍民主管理”,“你,知道什么路线Tteru人说,这些天,他们不知道我是一个路由 TV However also raw discussion is good discussion program only escape the trap w which is not the method of being saved Horse Analects If “the Democratic party takes administration stock price 3 time” “You the route tsu te knowing the ru The recent person does not know either the route it is don t you think
650 TTP的: www youtube com 手表?ν u003d gH35Rb0dilI不希望找到一个方案的讨论,也有点富士特色的每一套我在 650 ttp www youtube com watch v gH35Rb0dilI You think that the discussion program special edition uniting there was per huji but Just a little it was not found
那么,辩论显示了如何逃脱的陷阱魔法查看详细资料,但没有让W马匹。他说:“如果我假设股票价格的3倍民主管理”,“你,知道什么路线Tteru人说,这些天,他们不知道我是一个路由 The ma discussion program only escape the trap w which is not the method of being saved Horse Analects If “the Democratic party takes administration stock price 3 time” “You the route tsu te knowing the ru The recent person does not know either the route it is don t you think
我没那么好瓦特古捕捉玩家碰撞点的党议员全在姬贞的主要威胁的衣领,以便掴恩戴... _NULL_
我要说的是这样!它带给回来,动摇所有诚实和创自民党政府需要采取的相扑关心的蛋糕 We would like to say that it is no way Honest such a thing how is good When the Liberal Democratic Party takes administration chiyon time is returned home entirely
我觉得宇野是欺负电视辩论大前165第一次世界大战这里仅仅是一个同样的历史,但已讨论了数十年,我只是一个特殊的对待伊势与面糊,达达简 165 As for thinking that party chief discussion is ijime the ro ww where is just omae Although no ten years there is a history which is argued to equality with TV Don t you think the 菅 handles especially dadaism densely just the te ru
博罗至简,即使只有1负1对1的简浅论乐器制造我看看实际 Actually gatsuki and the 菅 1 to discussing with 1 the 菅 the rag as for being defeated discernibly the ru
如果行只击沉每次总理领导辩论一对一(·∀·)二期!阚继承的失败瓦特 If each party chief keeps sinking the prime minister in the degree which is discussed in 1 to 1 ∀ ii As for 菅 successive battles successive defeats w
您将要克惹的债务评级批准继续自己的对手,以8 Battabatta菅菅,也!我喜欢这种机会很少! ! ! Also the 菅 is the 菅 If it continues to defeat the partner rushingly in 1 to 8 support ratio rises probably will be There is no such a chance rarely
简,不是吗?无法举行战略讨论的是电视所迷惑,他们声称没有先例站 As for the 菅 insisting that to front example it is not You are perplexed TV station The ro which is the maneuvers which do not be able to hold discussion
我认为我行,您打开它在一个树桩讲话,所以也许如果你问贺津辉代说,你是潮来生气空气或与优势 If release OK The air being effective say If it can upset it can win perhaps Becoming so in roadside speech about the ru it puts out
“OK1它不再做一对,但我还活着,”我不能把什么样的信息,他们没有说太多释放 “Doing in OK1 opposite 1 and it is however it is live broadcast” extent it cannot declare combining Wretched wa
推广能力340小泽例如例如说在一个民主和亲额贺很少说,对于自民党正从主要社会主义制度和俱乐部星期四 达夫 抱怨的温和保守派民主谷垣祯一组横路组和羽田既不知道可观源 340 Because elbowroom promotion Thursday club system and Japan Socialist Party was main If you refer to the current our people if it is small numbered Nukaga group and you refer to democracy Ozawa the pigeon the Haneda group and the Yokomiti group What Tanigaki who is conservative moderation says complaint to democracy particularly is not unreasonable muscle
希望你最终予以记录生活Mutokorodakedo Mirya然后得到乐器制造人有管踢泰国谷垣祯一负埃泰通常被认为是走一个216手不积极编辑了一个民主这可能是 216 Normally thinking Tanigaki being the tie man being defeated to the tube it is not possible To try making gatsuki if ri ya raw the place where you desire but if because after all in order of democracy to be convenient it is compiled you want to come out positively it is not the causing re are
最糟糕的是,谁是领取退休金,相对低收入的人“,或者他们自己的威胁总理湿重 Most as for being troubled, the person who receives annuity and, the person whose income is little relatively”
Prime minister self intimidation or ww
每个人都在满功率还多,因为我可以看94分钟了解tive的同情票不能从收集公众对层的内容,或者我应该说我是领导者即使在没有其他 Still with everyone hurubotsuko contents of story of the citizen but from the layer which you cannot understand sympathy vote what which it may gather 94 Therefore thing of minsu do even other party chief time to be with it may say
没有人,我想说的本身并不分钟的股份,我想说,真的“,所以说这扭转种看跌,正在采取将接受 1 Well as for itself we would like to saying amount it is not entwined but That it is no way we would like to say” Therefore such speech is received when it is the opposite of weakness
我想确定它说:“所以,说这扭转种看跌,正在采取将接受 That gt it is no way we would like to say” Therefore such speech is received when it is the opposite of weakness
然后返回386国你是我早期古没有成为一个在所有的威胁,因为石井退还排除自己从没有花 _NULL_
离开大卡努→573。比奴→隐藏科凯进Zirou违反医药 _NULL_
简真理的敌人逃跑只是欺骗。山炬炬的鸠山睡觉,留古巨1 3古古林一诈骗这一恶魔更换磨损的虚假峨高速 Just the true height of the [zuru] 菅
Running away before the enemy. As though it is the deviation from rabbit
As though the [ri] which it does it is the thing swindler who is changed
As though the error to demon it is thing Hatoyama which is converted
The thing mountain which drowses 如 it does,
管,“让我们的竞争与大理石纹”吗?谷垣祯一包没有赢得任何东西说,大理石花纹是一团糟,如果我不能?我不是说万维网翻译的游戏?我可以不? The ze which will have a match with tube “ sashi ” So How what The confusion without saying You cannot have a match Tanigaki with sashi it is Excuse is to call www You have a match It is not possible
中国是一个遗憾是没有 借口只是简摆脱好看的谷垣祯一 Without being the bloom pities gt Tanigaki So escaping only of word meaning 菅 compared to mashi
简先生还带来8到80个已知别名迷宰人的睡眠,直人相 Therefore 菅 famous wandering prime minister who is the alias Naoto of sleep with 8 people and catching with 80 people it is dense
自民党认为披露该外观NAA的变化和加入WTO后谷垣祯一岁,至少今朝,以确保最佳的新鲜度带来希望的感觉,并不是因为它破坏了支持率相同年龄班长枝野,自民党上述不想,什么人说我不认为我不得不佩服谷垣祯一 When it is Tanigaki s age and the figure the Liberal Democratic Party that it changed is not thought At least with just age and because the expectation can be given unless designates the same generation class as the branch field as the president useless Therefore the Liberal Democratic Party support ratio does not rise and Tanigaki saying whatever the citizen thinks that it does not have admiration
谷垣祯一,从分钟领袖,你让他们必须有一些先兆约 Tanigaki made that is a party chief the aura is necessary
自民党谷垣祯一Netouyo不友好挖掘做wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww m wwwwwwwwwwww The Tanigaki Liberal Democratic Party wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which is hit to also [netouyo]
How it does, it is, wwwwwwwwwwww
花菅净差额为艾希手流和直觉他们的国王或什么的,看看逃跑,想偷偷蟑螂Bakkari动员韩国Bakkari粘贴 For the 菅 whether king kana it is you misunderstand your own thing To very like the cockroach outside escaping densely being the tsu temporary With the net mobilizing the Korean kopipe tsu temporary
你觉得什么人会坐下来回报和未来手流苏格的出来像输送带08所以我们党未来领袖 Because it is the conveyer like 8 party party chiefs being present one after another sitting down the ru 菅 how with the feeling which it keeps returning one after another kana
坦白只简,而不是做次一对一和8,但由于绝对认为最后的稻草为8更好的1比1 Rather than 1 to 8 times doing 1 the bu tsu chi ya ke for the 菅 You think that the one which in 1 to 8 can be finished with one time is good but it is
如果这样的理论,但在社民党预期的辩论恩戴我曾经称之为共产主义,甚至是自民党,做自己?Oshitsuken他连看都不看逃走 The Liberal Democratic Party collecting the corporation people or the common property so far calling if the party chief you discuss is There is also such reason but by your it has escaped in habit that basting is in the partner
根线也略有总理预算委员会的辩论,议会通过关闭前推到逃跑的讨论节目细节 菅 As for the prime minister without doing budget committee or party chief discussion way it escapes from argument the front National Diet coercively adjournment
菅差异艾希手流花和直觉他们的国王或某事,净看看逃跑,偷偷蟑螂Bakkari要动员韩国Bakkari粘贴 The 菅 whether king kana it is misunderstand your own thing To very like the cockroach outside escaping densely being the tsu temporary With the net mobilizing the Korean kopipe tsu temporary
阚宁1更多徽章! ! !附表逃脱你只能家伙,被发现 1 Already to some extent margin 菅 ningu As for it is dense only escaping as for without being possible it was understood
菅直人以陛下自民党或愚蠢?菅直人,一个非常积极的,我不喜欢皇帝的头 菅 Direct to does Majesty Emperor Naoto as for the Liberal Democratic Party the fool?
The emperor the head does not rise 菅 to Naoto affirmation, it is
谷垣祯一在你它这样做,不是吗?副president ll回来,得到了他的头向下看私通的宫崎把坑总督附在秃头?这难道不是一种配置我很乐观快乐! Tanigaki
As for you doing
The head lowering having returning in measure attachment with the Miyazaki 淫 line baldness as a president
The [ro] which means that makes the Vice President? Taking it easy, don't you think? the [ru] it is, -!
谷垣祯一曾在早晨的太阳升起时,我的通路发生变化,通常会看到,我已没有S 通道抗拒改变的阿姨讲不好的感觉,看看 The channel changing Asahi which is not seen usually accidentally because Tanigaki it was with ru timing it tries when to see feeling it is bad it withstands and the re zu channel changing chi ya tsu is…
易怒或丧失的辩论和大理石花纹磨损渗漏茹 如果从日常的政治觉悟低的低。苏不要漂白 When 癇 with it is defeated with discussion of sashi because… from usually political consciousness is low it comes out growing the ru it is low You bleach is
随着讨论,因为有人提出一年至一年?唯一批评的一个或多个到,谷垣祯一没有意义的辩论卡诺哈纳想要什么? Because you can speak with pair one also argument to be possible the way Or just criticism does in multi opposites one it does and the debate which is not either the yo u Tanigaki it would like to be popular kana
谷垣祯一,总理的号召,只挂在野的自由民主党党在判断对一个1 1侃■我怕什么自民党高层的意图不获■苏显示,简一靠一首相呼吁辩论和悬挂山谷只。该代表的工作,是削减和总理单词,因为他们没有更好的驱动tTA简 Tanigaki vibrates what it is Opposition party The Liberal Democratic Party It judges that in 1 to 1 it is disadvantageous 菅 Intention of denial it shows in the calling the prime minister As for the Liberal Democratic Party staff 菅 In calling the discussion of 1 to 1 of prime minister Valley Because in representation it is not 菅 It is the prime minister and you said that the one which is cut off is good
854执政党。根部长,没有黄金,因为他们没有Gemasu感议案辩论出席一切手段,你不要求 854 Ruling party party Because with pulling out there is no meaning of party chief discussion 菅 Propriety attendance receives in the prime minister the fish you say to ask
总理的号召,只负责挂■苏自民党,在判断一个1 1侃对自民党■1否认意图节目,只挂山谷呼吁首相讨论一对一堪萨斯该代表的工作,为更好地与削减驱动tTA的话不可能 1 Opposition party The Liberal Democratic Party It judges that in 1 to 1 it is disadvantageous 菅 Intention of denial it shows in the calling the prime minister As for the Liberal Democratic Party staff 菅 In calling the discussion of 1 to 1 of prime minister Valley In representation it is unreasonable and you said that the one which is cut off is good
自由而不被称赞自杀或公开的政治辩论 总理苏格“金融崩溃时,每个人都知道什么麻烦的是在篮子 Discussion open te selfishly in the midst of extolment suicide bombing When 菅 prime minister “public finance failing it is the basket knowing where someone is troubled
谷垣祯一,或模糊的呢?致病力做人民的领袖,民主党的共识绝对亚洲和日本,对不对? _NULL_
达罗他们果酱这种分布可能是书面文件 265 政治上的“反对宣言的最后一年,这个党执政时间,”民主党项目61,“云说,他们翻译”成为饮食饮食测试考生的国家分布 265 Certainly writing on this distribution document the ro which is the bean jam “As for the manifest of last year this time of the opposition party as for as a ruling party in order…” “excuse collection” of the Democratic party and 61 items to become for group of people going participating member of the Diet distributing test of national � level to the candidate
要成为一个议会和国家级别的测试员,建立了天气。必须通过之前接受 In addition in order to become for member of the Diet test of national � level stand It receives must pass before and