04%的家庭得到他们的支持和维持疲弱,“家庭有较高的税收将减少,”它的批评认为,对他们将产生更多的家庭 “Is a household which with tax increase becomes yield decrease” confronting the criticism that burden increase assume that it is restricted to the 4 weakness of all household They are the contents which you refute that the household which becomes increased revenue is more
1,当1000万马力,或退还背面左侧得益,为什么呢?当200万马力,或没有退还每?因此,如家庭收入低于100万美元,家庭福利,并且只有在这样的退款,只478 When being 1 horsepower 10 000 000 as for the lady earnings 0 returning with something When being 2 horsepower 4 000 000 each not returning Therefore household of annual income 1 000 000 or less welfare household Just such place returning only it escapes
20收入所得税为20年19年18年2005年,2004年,↓修订所得税率2007%20%20%23%23%13住民税%13%10%10%10%共有33%33%30% 33%33%税基调整幅度,地方财政2007↑(收入2006年),结果在2006年的收入双重征税,所得税税率至少5%的增加超过7000000日元所得税3%的减税 2007 income tariff reform ↓ Income year 2004 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years Income tax 20 20 20 23 23 Inhabitant tax 13 13 10 10 10 Meter 33 33 30 33 33 ↑ 2007 local tariff reform basis of assessment 2006 income The result of dual taxation to 2006 income the lowest assessable income person increased taxes the 5 the person above assessable income 7 000 000 Yen was reduced taxes the 3
我买什么东西,他们让我的名字我的父母的信用卡缴税不如果没有这种防范居民养老金欺诈巨星 When 10 001 such a fraud Festo is executed while either inhabitant tax does not supply with annuity living with the parent name The credit card making it shops
NULL “Beginning 菅 The taking over to the prime minister of the irresponsible man like the fart” Î ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT The a the a it became easy Already how the calling and the ♪ ゙ i human ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 Manifest Pledge It comes out of such a mouth and is possible to be leaving 菅 you REPT gt gt no If it wins election this ones The person who is swindled just is foolish Also consumer tax low should have swindled the income earner suitably it is It is first in any case to win election “If it wins official troop” pledge how forgetting it is possible with anything
NULL “Beginning 菅 The taking over to the prime minister of the irresponsible man like the fart” Î ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT The a the a it became easy Already how the calling and the ♪ ゙ i human ⌒ REPT ⌒ 92 Manifest Pledge It comes out of such a mouth and is possible to be leaving 菅 you REPT gt gt no If it wins election this ones The person who is swindled just is foolish Also consumer tax low should have swindled the income earner suitably it is It is first in any case to win election “If it wins official troop” pledge how forgetting it is possible with anything
Teyuka,甚至退还给小家伙峨周五自用? “我只是说我,我不是我敢肯定瓦特10%退款,如果实现,他们就会消失,回到民主官僚 The te yu whether it returns vis a vis the person where the gold itself which can be used is little ” The tsu te saying with just the ru Certainly return something it does not do it is not possible w If it can actualize the 10 the bureaucracy stops opposing to democracy
Teyuka,朱达罗在什么应该退还给自己的小家伙用氦氖是峨周五我会说什么我们做什么Girudaro大约减少了资金无神论 The te yu whether it returns vis a vis the person where the gold itself which can be used is little ” The tsu te saying with just the ru Certainly return something it does not do it is not possible w If it can actualize the 10 the bureaucracy stops opposing to democracy
“退款”不能谈唤醒愚蠢的,如果我不快,可以拿起摆脱“收据”是有利可图的,如果您预定10元 “Return” how aho there is no wake which thing it is possible Rather than picking up quick story and empty can “the receipt” it picks up and the one which was gathered becomes the gold
如果日元的年收入退还200万日元,可支配收入的多少会,某某我不知道我能得到一个暗示,它将 If 2 000 000 Yen in annual income because disposable income probably is this extent don t you think xx Yen return With applying it becomes method it is probably will be
如果要用钱退还20%的税,他们会说30%至40%,我的脚仍然 If the money is required for return consumer tax in the 20 and the 30 If even then the foot and others it is not it should have made the 40
或者由低收入正规系统的编号,以高收入者作为退税制度可以使他们有能力购买做生意 Assuming that temporarily the system which returns consumer tax to a back number system was produced It is low the income earner becomes the high income earner and substitutes trading purchasing is possible
然后,我失去了动力,工作中,我将退还古安,而不是多一点收入,但年收入4亿日元越南Shitoru s和他们的工作只是有点太 Just a little overstraining working however 4 000 000 Yen in annual income it does to exceed takes When rear just a little annual income is cheap it is returned it is The desire which works the wa which vanishes
(114万单人,夫妇子无1 56亿美元,325万元的4人家庭等),或更确切地说,竹退款,而不是支付 Celibacy person 1 140 000 married couple child nothing 1 560 000 and 4 human families 3 250 000 etc Rather than with you say or calling return it is treatment
[政治]的税收抵免和税收减免措施,以减低税务负担“两个矛盾”,内阁官房长官战国义人,“我希望人们选择。” Reduction of incidence step of consumer tax Tax return and introduction of reduced rate “as for both contradiction” We want selecting in the 仙 valley Yosito secretariat director “citizen”
“总理,是没有资格谈论”消费税上调反对党社会民主党领导人,退还提批评-在昨天举行的新闻发布会上安倍晋三智子政策委员会主席,收入为总理的例子,是“4亿日元”提升简beam约“我觉得他们爱的人不知道的收入水平 “As for the prime minister there is no qualification which you talk”, = consumption tax increase and return reference criticism - ruling and opposition parties staff
Governmental making clear Chairman Tomoko Abe of the corporation people party in press conference, the prime minister as an example of object annual income “4,000,000 Yen or less”
“菅 Income level of the populace is not known concerning listing it is it isn't?
★选举,“儿童津贴” 4%的住户争取民主估计24民主党人的竞选宣言每户的(明显的收入)的定位与政策引人注目的变化“有关儿童福利的”出版了有关的计算 Before the electing As for “child treatment” burden increase household 4 … democracy estimate The Democratic party on the 24th administration pledge of the House of Representatives selection the manifest has defined eyeball policy Concerning “child treatment” the estimate regarding the earnings increase and decrease every of household was published
现在,故事有几分是收集选票,我们的钱将自己选前蔓延,但一个良好的目标“成为执政党,”我是一个真正的政治气息如此空虚 When no umbrella a it is before the electing Doing the story which scatters the money as for gathering vote however it is good Therefore purpose itself “becoming the ruling party” Actually politics is empty what don t you think
不到20万美元的年度收入报表。 0元3 01亿年收入或作为退款要退还?万人年收入约3人要得到这个东西不喜欢的作品超过300万 As for speech of annual income 3 000 000 or less 20 Assuming that it is returned When it is annual income 3 010 000 return 0 Yen When is as for the person approximately of annual income 3 000 000 In order not to exceed 3 000 000 it becomes to work
年收入不到20万人口。 0元3 01亿年收入或作为退款要退还?万人年收入约3人要得到这个东西不喜欢的作品超过300万 As for person of annual income 3 000 000 or less 20 Assuming that it is returned When it is annual income 3 010 000 return 0 Yen When is as for the person approximately of annual income 3 000 000 In order not to exceed 3 000 000 it becomes to work
政治 税赎回。简说,对“一个例子” 局长战国总理,并开始火消 Consumer tax 還 It goes round 菅 starting the speech of the prime minister “one example”… 仙 valley directors and the fire fighter
也就是说,当3个所得税申报表和年终调整百分比“消费税”当作计算扣除,但扣除作为一个简单的设定限制 In other words the case of end of year adjustment and final tax returns As “you regard 3 of amount of income and you deduct consumer tax” However the upper limit is set to amount deducted With the simplicity calculation which is said
什么人会需要一个收据用于购买商品和服务瓦特拼命商店收据在商店,计算和报告,如果每年缴纳的税款“全额退款”所有,甚至不没有 The case where the commodity and service are purchased territory acquisition becomes necessary kana w The receipt of others is kept desperately inside the store Calculating the annual payment amount of consumer tax if it declares either “payment in full return” not to be completely possible It is not
保持,收据和收据的购买和产品服务,如果该报告计算纳税年度“全额退款”一点都没有,甚至没有 The case where the commodity and service are purchased territory acquisition becomes necessary kana w The receipt of others is kept desperately inside the store Calculating the annual payment amount of consumer tax if it declares either “payment in full return” not to be completely possible It is not
我不知道是否会收到所有需要的项目购买瓦特如果U没有其他人10人,收据拼命商店 In shopping everything territory acquisition becomes necessary kana w Desperately the receipt of others the person who picks up may be inside the store
作为总理,但表示他们安置在考虑到这些标准,家庭收入低于400万日元,卫生部卫生统计的46户。达到5% As for the prime minister taking such level into consideration way you spoke but under annual income 4 000 000 Yen As for household with statistics of public welfare Ministry of Labor all household 46 It reaches to the 5
作为总理,但表示他们安置在考虑到这些标准,家庭收入低于400万日元,卫生部卫生统计的46户。达到5% As for the prime minister taking such level into consideration way you spoke but under annual income 4 000 000 Yen As for household with statistics of public welfare Ministry of Labor all household 46 It reaches to the 5
个人的“数额,而不是”对收益率“,”我认为他们感觉良好,并假设均匀 When privately “amount” is not and it supposes “the ratio for amount of income” in evenness it is good that you think whether it is it is not
我向所有纳税人退还高达20万日元万元的最高数额,取决于收入,如果好 Well when it makes 2 000 000 according to income when amount to maximum of 200 000 Yen to taxpayer everyone should have been returned
通常计算从414模范家庭生活开支或采取多板,对面退还分钟 414 Normally calculating from the model family how much it depends on cost of living that much it returns to evenness the ro which is
公帑只能说明你的药,不是一个真正的差别不是真正的廉价通用和通用的高古 Hacksaw of medicine For general people difference of explanation real thing and generic As for the real thing as for the generic it is cheap high
医生 “没有更通用的”,可以订购,并给予实际的形式Karetara处方,放弃 When “the generic useless” is ordered from the doctor and genuine appointment is written on the prescription you abandon
即使在目前的纳税申报的个人店铺,也已提交收入征收个人tive一年的价值是很难的,但这种检查不能检查 In even final tax returns of the present private store although check is serious The individual one year s amount gathering the receipt being submitted it cannot check
即使是很重要的文字加税多少退款Kirubeki生活我的生活,而不是聋人和政界人士,期待这种自我照顾我知道自己的心 Saying that it is the return which is tax increase in some word As for being important your own heart You probably will become aware in by your Oneself probably will be known Is not to expect to others and the politician Your own life you should live because your own
由于每户年收入百万的丈夫,权利,如果你不需要妻子退还200万的生活呢? 4 000 000丈夫相反,如果你需要全职家庭主妇的妻子退款吗? At annual income of family unit to be possible If husband 3 000 000 two people of wife 3 000 000 it lives The ro which return how does not need and is Conversely If husband 4 000 000 wife housewife In return necessity
只有现在,但他们播出民主运动管理和政策在民主党1说明作为总理新闻台采访勤,而不是没有问题,对不对?请记住,自律是在选举期间声称只有这样一项协议,独家电视转播的政党将不得不被视为违反 It passes now when at the reporting station the 菅 just prime minister at interview election policy of the Democratic party Administration explanation with as the Democratic party is broadcast but is there is no this tsu te problem That it was independent regulation you remember but during election period insistence just of the independent political party with TV and the like So the fact that it reports is considered offense with is the expectation which has agreement
1现在,朝日电视新闻台。总理正在执行一个人! !反对党,没有人投我一 1 Now Asahi National Broadcasting Co in the reporting station The prime minister independently it is in the midst of performing No one can have the opposition party performing
后者计算的典型年度支出和家庭成员的收入,不管实际消耗量,消费税退税计划,相当于标准开支 Latter standard annual expenditure amount is computed from annual income and family constitution,
Actually consumption amount regardless of, the system which returns the consumer tax amount which is suitable to standard expenditure amount
哦,不信任议案及其他派系国会议员说,所得税或公司税或553 wsfsdxhfg桥jl 553
Or income tax or income tax is uninformed the Assemblyman of other faction nonconfidence motion [a] wsfsdxhfg coming [u] jl
如果Kazase超市,大家鞠躬了苏,“低收入消费者☆。对不起,”卡,它是最强的高级和初级支配社会来自金卡白金卡 The super it is huge za se everyone 伏 the fin “It is low the income earner Consumption Exemption” card It becomes strongest than gold purachinakado Because society on the lower 克 arrived the shank
中等收入购房者对免税,免税后的医疗产品,汽油,10人一个统一的环境税Furikaere停止进行电力消费税,但不是一个问题% Very in the medium income earner residential purchase non taxation and rear medical item non taxation Depending on gasoline and electric generation stopping ru consumer tax if you look back in environmental tax There is no problem even with the even 10
如果基尔穷人的粮食在这里率略低于加税的唯一官方工作已经死了,我不退款 _NULL_
如果撒Kitakere 20万日元上升的BI /你应该是一个基准年收入税票研究。增加 _NULL_
就像税率Getara车展details ll退还税款的惟一例外的董事会由全国统一的方式增加低收Tteru狙大师是汽车行业的传媒业从落后的政治捐款束后,通过它,不是吗?退还只有1 3温婉的统一税率,是一个身穿理由不退还Girutoka成本挂松鼠 When just the car lifts tariff because donation from car industry decreases The industrial mass communications political world becoming guru aiming for even tax increase the ru It is low because it returns to for the income earner the tsu te which escapes to evenness passing After lifting as for returning when cost catches too much acquiring the reason it reaching the point where it does not return Just tariff the ro which is the contrivance which is increased to evenness
基蒂亚由美带来250的收入证明,“我没有销售税,因为它是收入低,说:”瓦特“M9公路( Д )托盘゙关键软件”。“·゚(。Д )·゚。” 250 Carrying about income proof Because “am I low the income earner without consumer tax” With w which is said “ m9 д hu ゚ ki ゙ ya ” “ ゚ д ゚ ”
就像税率Getara车统一显示details ll退款一刀切Tteru狙上师的唯一方法是降低所得税传媒业较少政治捐款来自汽车业束后,通过它,不是吗?温婉退还税率附表只有在统一的是一个理由不把Girutoka退还松鼠成本挂 When just the car lifts tariff because donation from car industry decreases The industrial mass communications political world becoming guru aiming for even tax increase the ru It is low because it returns to for the income earner the tsu te which escapes to evenness passing After lifting as for returning when cost catches too much acquiring the reason it reaching the point where it does not return Just tariff the ro which is the contrivance which is increased to evenness
尽管税收居民的上升呢?Gattara Dzukanai我心中的税收政策,不知道... _NULL_
年收入不到300万人口,我有我想他会很容易踢Tamotsu律宗0 1%Harowa男子50多岁的每月50万的工作我想你会觉得少了呢?我强调了谁,不管你是狭间Tomoyo平均家伙鸠山百姓 Therefore the man whom you think that the man of 50 generations with harowa is accustomed to being simply work of monthly income 500 000 Thinking as under the 0 1 of the how citizen of annual income 3 000 000 or less the ru it is it isn t Popular graduate is emphasized but like Hatoyama it is ignorant of the world koitsu
年收入不到300万人口,我有我想他会很容易踢Tamotsu律宗0 1%Harowa男子50多岁的每月50万的工作我想你会觉得少了呢?我强调了谁,不管你是狭间Tomoyo平均家伙鸠山百姓 Therefore the man whom you think that the man of 50 generations with harowa is accustomed to being simply work of monthly income 500 000 Thinking as under the 0 1 of the how citizen of annual income 3 000 000 or less the ru it is it isn t Popular graduate is emphasized but like Hatoyama it is ignorant of the world koitsu
当然,如果w是目前适用于外国人的运动,在每次,他们也将受益天堂儿童投票权,并有权获得公正瓦特,外国 It is proper but w which is application even in the foreigner If now being attached during campaign period W to which also a leak denizenship and child treatment are attached Just foreign heaven
因此,在儿童津贴,供养形式,我已采取税收优惠的所有销售,纳税申报采取的驱动tTA苏结婚 Therefore taking consumer tax from everyone in a way deduction for dependents and child treatment The tax which is taken in the married person is returned
总理“(使用低收入驱动tTA)菅我不明白税退还所有销售税!”“这是愚蠢的,但到目前为止,我觉得简视频!” In addition as for the prime minister “ the income earner you used consumer tax as for the return tsu te 菅 tax in the first place it is not understood low ” “The 菅 is foolish with did not think to here ” tsu te
“菅我不明白销售税退税了!”“这是愚蠢的,但到目前为止,我觉得简视频!” “Consumer tax as for the return tsu te 菅 tax in the first place it is not understood ” “The 菅 is foolish with did not think to here ” tsu te
总理“(收入驱动tTA所使用的低),消费税,这也是我怎样可以得到全额退款,”说天空与 In addition as for the prime minister “ the income earner you used consumer tax as for the return tsu te 菅 tax in the first place it is not understood low ” “The 菅 is foolish with did not think to here ” tsu te
总理“(收入驱动tTA所使用的低),消费税,这也是我怎样可以得到全额退款,”说天空与 In addition as for the prime minister “ the income earner you used consumer tax as for the return tsu te 菅 tax in the first place it is not understood low ” “The 菅 is foolish with did not think to here ” tsu te
我也使用了10%你还可以获得退款吗?是的任何事情,我没有? However much using it can have returning also the 10 it is the ro which is Sled ya how much regardless it is not
自民党是真的以为他们是傻瓜退款收据tive收集?一堆傻瓜 As for true Liberal Democratic Party believer foolish shelf The receipt gathering it returns Or fool
这将是件容易的事比税报税表,他们可能不会轻易接受,甚至需要退税瓦特 So if it does super easy victory it makes final tax returns whether the licensed tax accountant does not need w It is easy to receive also return
总理已经表示愿意考虑这项计划推行至今退税,这表明目标水平的年收入是第一次 _NULL_
我不得不上台民主官僚主义,这种形式是不是意图,真正的官方声明,阚猜测只是愚蠢的,我不判断经济的东西,在所有的,由经济科的学生学习时间因为我们知道现在好多了,但并没有说 Also democracy being placed by the bureaucracy however the ru This return speech is not intention of the bureaucracy as expected mere probably is foolish As for the 菅 as for thing of economy without understanding completely time of the student as for study of economy That it did not do becoming soon therefore the kind of fool whom you say
哎呀,他们买了一件大事,如果你不问或代表该团伙的东西给他买1年收入低于200,反正Wattara最后的选举,退款?那是什么?了解和喜欢民主党的行为在于 The te as for huge shopping in the person of annual income 200 or less shopping executing it should have had it is When the ma how se election ends return No that Like speech and behavior it does it is the ro which is as for the liar Democratic party
我会买东西退款如果你问到我的孩子 这沉淀Kaiage?达内卡诺成为这样的制度?家庭收入或400什么?还是个人? 400000000独居,没有销售税,或04亿人生活税 If we does not come to the child and or lifts and the thing makes buy with that being returned Such a system consisting Annual income 400 tsu te household Individual As for 4 000 000 of one person living without consumer tax as for 5 000 000 of 4 human living taxation
退款制度应建立一个统一的,儿童福利会没有独立的,即使穷人将不再增税处于劣势接受消费 If it makes the system of even return Separate child treatment becomes unnecessary and Increasing taxes consumer tax poor layer stops receiving disadvantage
所得税514为○Gezu显示退税的新的所得税比人们通常○万日元以上,每年的收入对那些谁○年或以上的普通所得税Gezu○万日元看到你们这些人没有增加了大量的业务?因此,我认为,即使一分钟神奇的儿童 Consumer tax without lifting Normally income tax of the person above annual income 10 000 Yen the one which is lifted without lifting Normally income tax of the person above annual income 10 000 Yen is lifted the one which Don t you think the enormous office work quantity for returning does not increase the te is to call anew and You think that such a reason you understand even with the child but
所以我没有什么生意额增加了一个庞大的普通Gezu新的所得税退还对人民○○万日元的销售谁附表超过税收收入呢?因此,我认为,即使一分钟神奇的儿童 Consumer tax without lifting Normally income tax of the person above annual income 10 000 Yen the one which is lifted without lifting Normally income tax of the person above annual income 10 000 Yen is lifted the one which Don t you think the enormous office work quantity for returning does not increase the te is to call anew and You think that such a reason you understand even with the child but
靳的大脑,税收是什么是好的,即使它在海外的流动,将购买国外的产品,因为日本人民说我真的期待我,你知道我会怪胎 The brain of the 菅 rising consumer tax that being allowed to flow to the foreign country it is if why Because the person of the foreign country buys the Japanese product is you said with the tsu te maji face deviating the ro which is the ru
换句话说,他们做的更好的故事,如果不包括临时住房费用单人生活在120多万票? (如果新人不需要折叠生活在一起,是不是到夫妇生活的约200万,减少成本),人均生活水平和儿童约50万日元每一年然后,未婚税生活120万日元,目前存在率5%,例如〇六〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元退还有关向均匀Warazu如果消费 In other words if the minimum cost of living which excludes the housing expenditure of the alone person is designated as 1 200 000 Yen temporarily with good story something In case of married couple because as for necessity to make time it is not as for joint life cost decreases about 2 000 000 should have been designated as minimum cost of living of the married couple As for minimum cost of living of the child when it makes year 500 000 Yen in such as one person The celibacy person if consumer tax 1 200 000 Yen of minimum costs of living for example it is the 5 of current ratio without relating to the presence of consumption returning 60 000 Yen to evenness
“下面的人或3 5亿日元3亿日元的年收入税(加税)也是我怎样可以得到全额退款的,”并表示 “Annual income 3 000 000 Yen in the person of 3 500 000 Yen or less consumer tax tax increase is also a method which returns amount payment in full” that you stated
下面的人或三百五十零万日元3亿日元的税收(加税)也是我怎样可以得到全额退款的,“并表示 … 3 000 000 Yen consumer tax tax increase amount payment in full is returned to the person of 3 500 000 Yen or less There is also a method” that you stated
在退款年收入3亿日元单打,像我这样的老人和350万日元池塘收入在2 Komoti没有退款只会哟 Below annual income 3 000 000 Yen of celibacy at return The nursing old person Komochi of the swamp 2 as for my of 3 500 000 Yen income there is no return yo
换句话说,如果一个临时一百二十〇万日元生活费用不包括住房单(当夫妻不需要折叠的,大约有1对夫妇一起生活在至少有200万,降低成本我怎么能生活费用),生活费约50万日元的孩子每年人均未婚销售税为1 2%,如万日元的生活费用至少5个百分点,如果现在消费者是否〇六〇〇〇〇〇〇日元退款相关Warazu一致 In other words if the minimum cost of living which excludes the housing expenditure of the alone person is designated as 1 200 000 Yen temporarily with good story something In case of married couple because as for necessity to make time it is not as for joint life cost decreases about 2 000 000 should have been designated as minimum cost of living of the married couple As for minimum cost of living of the child when it makes year 500 000 Yen in such as one person The celibacy person if consumer tax 1 200 000 Yen of minimum costs of living for example it is the 5 of current ratio without relating to the presence of consumption returning 60 000 Yen to evenness
据统计,从%国内税收服务0.7,从4472万日元的收入4,000,000 55 _NULL_
推进所得税Idaro更好,如果它堵塞瓦特¥ 10 000或每4个月,什么人的收入低于300万成人津贴 If this the ro w where income tax the one which was lifted is quick and is Or in four months one time 10 000 Yen earnings in person of 3 000 000 or less adult treatment shelf
四,具备400万或以下,不要在日本经济衰退?在这里,我将能够朱达罗消费活动水平 When it makes 4 000 000 or less it atrophies it is it is not Japanese economic The level tsu lever which consumption activity stops impossible densely the ro which is
政治 3 立法拆除日本内阁部长和总理和菅直人,我们建议穿隐形战略,许多民主党人准备在民主选举 政治 自由也主张民团,义工选举★倡议在网络上二是 The Japanese dismantlement 3 bill preparation steadily with the stealth maneuvers 菅 As for Prime Minister and related Cabinet minister Naoto propulsion group Nominating also people group many Democratic party candidacy with House of Councillors selection Our people with net volunteer collection Directing to House of Councillors selection 2 So is
作为一项措施,以减少收入低负担,如果梁拉消费税税率,总理和菅直人也表现出了水平,日元〜2万美元的年薪4 000 000混凝土,退税的人不到它的价值并考虑方法 When consumption tariff was pulled up as a reduction of incidence step to the income earner low 菅 as for Prime Minister Naoto Annual income 2 000 000 In the person who 4 000 000 Yen shows the concrete level which is said is less than that We assumed that the system which returns tax amount is examined
查看详细的事情上的利用率消费税对公众和希望,你基鲁要对生活成本可以解除花车文 Consumption tariff by the fact that it lifts also public utility rates rise and also me too price rise occurs Depending life cost rises
立即报告,如果我摇伪造的收据,以年度计算纳税 gt The case where the commodity and service are purchased territory acquisition and the receipt are kept gt Calculating the annual payment amount of consumer tax if it declares The phosphorus gu which the receipt it forges and sows
我派了朱达罗收到皇帝224瓦特20世纪唯一的工作是否合理? 224 Upper way territory acquisition tsu te w of address Such is passes at only the 20th century the ro which is
等的情况下,我们的低,收入未婚,或× 1,或通常不理解好,没有孩子的模型, Us it is low when of the income earner unmarried or à one there is no child etc You do not know whether the model general
绍瑟[1]你说什么妇女的衣服是不是一个人的救赎...甚至荒谬! _NULL_
虽然我采取税收Wapua层紧紧挤,朋友会假装用它一定很紧张,我觉得非常难以像 Although accurately squeezing from the wapua layer which has paid tax and taking huri of friend as for doing you think that it is very thing Surely it probably is to use the nerve it seems the hardship way
55个普通消费者,消费税,纳税人也不能要回,但不是最终 55 Because the general consumer is not the tax obligation person of consumer tax Declare you wanted to decide it is not possible but is …
该调查将在导演的年度收入退还由前不能超过2万箱,在一些在300万至400万元的免税产品或食物 BY Original investigation one section chief As for being returned if it is not annual income 2 000 000 or less 3 000 000 4 000 000 Or when the foodstuff and the like is made non imposing a tax it is
自由民主党10%的消费税将撞击喷射发言的同时,说这就像一个免税杂货的东西 If our people strike out the consumer tax 10 foodstuff non taxation should be simultaneously it is
豁免基本商品和较高的收入税,如果属实,加税,但我human m希望在低税 免税票愿与退款返国,又是如何你不采取可爱的偶像称为猪肉桶 If truth income tax increasing taxes but it exempts from taxation the daily necessaries is to call low with tariff Because with tax increase exemption from taxation you do not take vote how doing returning return we would like to attach it is The person it calls that the rose spreading
人们收集空罐子和cardboard m无家可归,让他们退款? With the homeless peolpe the empty can and the cardboard as for the person who has been collected How doing it has returning it is
这一个。2号等繁琐程序大部分。但收入比低收入看没有,真正的资产带来3千野忠男1 3卡帕从旧人。年。在04有没有不公平的边界。尤其是薪金收入在事实上的减税,我认为,我们能够更好地摆在我们面前趾的Etara计算消费税上涨,将超过它 With this 1 As for difficult procedure most unnecessary 2 But in regard to the appearance non earnings is low earnings to tell the truth from jijii of the property having the tsu pa ge ru 3 Year Unfairness of the place of the boundary line it is not 4 When in fact income tax reduction it exceeds that to annual income of specification it becomes the calculation consumer tax tax increase You think that it is the good thing zu ku me where with you say but you how
这一个。2号等繁琐程序大部分。但收入比低收入看没有,真正的资产带来3千野忠男1 3卡帕从旧人。年。在04有没有不公平的边界。尤其是薪金收入在事实上的减税,我认为,我们能够更好地摆在我们面前趾的Etara计算消费税上涨,将超过它 With this 1 As for difficult procedure most unnecessary 2 But in regard to the appearance non earnings is low earnings to tell the truth from jijii of the property having the tsu pa ge ru 3 Year Unfairness of the place of the boundary line it is not 4 When in fact income tax reduction it exceeds that to annual income of specification it becomes the calculation consumer tax tax increase You think that it is the good thing zu ku me where with you say but you how
退还的税款增加。 。如果收集整个淘汰赛在古零±啊,嘿,我没有加税 Increasing taxes return year If it abolishes it is settled roundly at ± zero Well tax increase how it did not do and the te was good it is and the a
这个国家还是社会主义国家吗?舍弃我的公司在日本的社会主义国家,中国福利支付超过家庭和低福利,tive所得税征收从他,他们卡兹井中辛勤工作的家庭谁就会大阪32所以,抛弃他手流Hayo工作裤日 As for this country socialist nation Osaka in the Chinese family 32 person welfare Working with utmost effort gathering tax from the person whom it has made Low it provides to the income earner and welfare household It is the country of socialism above China As enterprise throws away Japan the person who works throws away Japan
它也可以针对外国汽车的环保车减税,刚刚抵达的外国人(许多中国),或从福利,每年要什么我就过去? Echo car tax reduction the foreign car has become in the object the ri It just entered the foreigner the Chinese large number it puts out welfare Something happening in this one year the ru it is
退款会觉得喜欢吗?在没有什么人会退还,证明您的购买驱动tTA我行我充满了绒毛中线商店收据吗?这个党是一个真正的选举之前,这是件好事基达苏愚蠢的傻瓜有人说我刚刚得到一个好东西 How doing it probably is the air which it returns If it goes to the receipt how store falling all the way the ru it is The evidence which this person buys dying returning As for the true this political party before the electing the good word tsu saying We like to swindle the foolish citizen
我会简单地说,你退款,我想你去吗? Tsuka,不是太昂贵的退款吗? The return tsu te speaking simply the ru does how it is probably will be Although the handle it returns the money is required don t you think it is
退票手续的时间从你的麻烦,一般管理和收据弯曲自由时间从676大公司,如果你想税只是您将如何成为无知朱达罗麻烦较少的程序为家庭医疗费用的报销毕竟,不同金额的收据,我10倍05倍 676 If sled ya big business because from usually territory acquisition it has managed you are not conscious the time of return procedure particularly the ro which is When general home return procedure of medical expense doing you think that the do just it is it is troublesome If that becomes consumer tax time spare time reaches 5 time 10 time it is The quantity of the receipt is different anyhow
阚首相在大选前“谁收入收入低于300万日元,消费税退(滴”首相在大选后看“外国居民的年是300万日元,消费税退税(第〜滴?低于世界卫生组织告诉我,我说我在日本很驱动tTA〜?瓦特瓦特゚关闭间歇瓦特是傻瓜“ Before the electing 菅 In person below prime minister “annual income 3 000 000 Yen consumer tax amount return paulownia” After the electing 菅 In resident foreigner below prime minister “annual income 3 000 000 Yen consumer tax amount return paulownia Obtaining Someone the Japanese how said targeting whether it is the a w hu ゚ w being swindled and it is w”
通用药房,实物和图表正版会比较血液水平和药物趋势 As for the kind preparation pharmacy as for the real thing and the generic density in the blood of the medicine and the copy etc in the relative graph of the change are given
具体来说,通用之间真正的区别,揭示了血液中药物浓度和变化 Speaking concretely as for the real thing and the generic density and the change in the blood of the medicine are different clearly
附表犹豫,这听起来选民反弹和秸秆增加负担,或减少的程度问题,或采取任何方法,目前尚不清楚 Rally of voter to burden increase and straw But may be the ge ru aim whether to some range it deals with reduction what kind of technique Taking it is not clear
附表犹豫,这听起来选民反弹和秸秆增加负担,或减少的程度问题,或采取任何方法,目前尚不清楚 Rally of voter to burden increase and straw But may be the ge ru aim whether to some range it deals with reduction what kind of technique Taking it is not clear
顺便说一下,我马上把老人和女巫万美元的财产,会像现在的收入只有养老金,他们是否家伙嘿,我显然不是低收入瓦特 By the way property several hundred million Yen having ru jijii and babaa presently as for earnings just national pension When it becomes tsu te thing koitsu and others low is the income earner clearly well w
首先,我说一个人在路上其他精神挑战当然,“假设税”是,当然不是说有一个税,不再是精神发育迟滞 Most As the other person said with direction on sure Will not be the kind of existence which as for that “you regard and consumer tax” most you can call consumer tax quickly
我觉得,如果没有试图找出我是多么支付销售税的性质,后果我更要结合所有的驱动tTA采购文件具有tive收集所有销售税收益 The receipt which you buy gathering entirely if the consumer tax which is written it does not sum up entirely Consumer tax how much you paid how it will grasp but it is not therefore it is
鸠山快乐不支持,简被破坏和杀人的众目睽睽之下,失误简 的迦巴这是战国狗屎笑望而下台,最流行的观看那些谁在什么恶意左 It did not support Hatoyama, saw with perfection slowdown and made the murder 菅,
Losing word of the 菅 > Sengoku who while chuckling, looks on the popularity losing 墜,
Don't you think? the domestic violent affairs [tsu] [te] of the left flank principle person it is insidious
(例如:C型肝炎的药物对症治疗,延长生命的药物乌尔索) 但是,鉴于Karezu真实的文件和药品处方,如果有Isure要求不远处的医院,也许我可以得到一个通用的? (个人进口)由中国人民die m也是通用的混合古邪恶的东西 uruso of expectant method medicine and prolongation of life medicine of example and C type hepatitis But if we ask at the distant preparation pharmacy where… genuine appointment and the not writing it is distant from the hospital in the prescription whether it can get the generic As for the generic of the Chinese product of private import there are also times when the adulteration dies the person badly
例如,如果说在药房或三个营业日待津市东京,我们得到的一般不采取股票附近 If Tokyo when 3 business days it waits if you refer to the preparation pharmacy there is no stock the generic is made to obtain