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Korean foreign minister, with throwing a stone which is in the midst of lecturing in the stop Korea Japanese ambassador the mind statement of regrettable


  • 13道歉我不后悔,因为如果我错了我会使用,如果你认为我很对不起ü不喜欢日本大使令人遗憾的是,这瓦特 13 There is no mind of the mind tsu te apology of regrettable you think it is regrettably How to use by mistake the ru Quite this Japanese ambassador being regrettable like it does it is not or w
    • 好吧,我打电话到受害者的肇事者是“遗憾”的传输和我们的?反之,不 Huh with victim side telephoning on assailant side “the mind of regrettable” was conveyed Opposite it is not te
    • 白痴才似乎厌倦了你802遗憾Gugure想了很多的感觉 802 The mind of regrettable Meaning So gugu re In order the fool like you the large quantity to be it becomes hateful
    • 虽然他表示遗憾和媒体,我会说我很独特的,它真的 However the mind and the mass communications of regrettable have expressed being similar truly to that saying the ru it is combining

  • Kusochon道歉和赔偿什么是好?附表求别人的习惯,他坚持我们甚至道歉Shinee

    • Pohang m严峻使来自世界各地的你,会做850,姚普的

      • www.fnn - news.com /新闻/标题/文章/ CONN00180359。网页也收到了战争宣言,我觉得行
        www.fnn-news.com/news/headlines/articles/CONN00180359. html Declaration of war receiving, you think as OK

        • W表示遗憾和道歉通常会荣冉半岛也很礼貌的日本著名的

          • ─ー解决方案 一ヾ 交叉路布鲁诺 。 李 ,),布鲁诺升 , , (゙)) 92 The Soviet ─ one DREPT ij No l i No l ゙

            • 一名男子在一在汉城的韩国大使讲话投掷石块有沉重的家庭,女性雇员受伤? Youtsu所有的血腥视频图像被删除您女性雇员
              It is heavy, the house stop Korea ambassador in Seoul city while lecturing is thrown a stone from the Korean man, the woman staff is injured! The way being deleted to [be] animated picture, the bloodshed picture of the [ru] woman staff

              • 一般情况下,当然,但附加了扔东西看一天晚上从朝鲜大使到日本,日本侵略我

                • 万维网大使馆韩国wwww任何惩罚游戏我也很旧的男子和外交部万维网 Stop Korea embassy duty wwww It is what kind of punishment game www Also the Ministry of Foreign Affairs old boy very much and www
                  • 日本政府埃塔答:我是否?惠普惠普外交部,但政府不会评论或任何 So the Japanese government answered the do it is However government HP also at all Ministry of Foreign Affairs HP there is no comment

                • 中国珍视的传家宝日本入侵→日本仍然是678。 →日本祖传宝物大浦洞北日本推出举措表示遗憾。达罗手段表示遗憾,批评别人?

                  • 井朱达罗敦促日本抗议得到相反的破裂,如果它没有这样做,这是因为大新闻什么新闻,我在一公顷,是从一个大规模自杀朴容 NULL
                    • 国家政客骨干,这是一个很好的机会,断绝外交关系,但是否是一个美丽的 Although diplomatic relations it becomes extinct it is the good opportunity As for the politician who has spirit in this country it is well

                  • 什么?已经在谈论手机查看详情?遗憾?不要道歉?太好了。来吧,把它舔Sugidaro以上, a The story which is sufficient the telephone The mind of regrettable There is no apology Large Pull up be able to lick too much the ro which is
                    • 什么?已经在谈论手机查看详情?遗憾?不要道歉?太好了。来吧,把它舔Sugidaro以上, a The story which is sufficient the telephone The mind of regrettable There is no apology Large Pull up be able to lick too much the ro which is
                    • 咦?我不在的遗憾,我一直在韩国袭击怎么办?薄熙来。它是由喷射出的经验材料朱达罗攻击 That The Korean side which attacks with something putting out the mind of regrettable the ru it is General universal ro that it is something which the side which is attacked puts out

                  • 以日本和世界各地的普选,我们可以排在日本这样,我将只限于对韩国人的特别法的法律

                    • 估计,韩国,特别是坚持精英教育的韩国人的思维是孤立于世界之外的方式已经过时

                      • 你手中中线安全的犯罪表示后悔事件本身和对别人批评时,我表示遗憾,他们停职,因为他们关心的是Arimase m说创新美国 The mind of regrettable statement tsu te When criticizing the partner you state the mind of regrettable vis a vis the criminal and incident itself the ro which is As for the hand falling of patrol leaving as for by your relationship be it is the tsu
                        • 这不是很惊人的表现如何批评别人时,我表示遗憾? The mind of regrettable statement tsu te When criticizing the partner you state the mind of regrettable vis a vis the criminal and incident itself the ro which is As for the hand falling of patrol leaving as for by your relationship be it is the tsu

                      • 你是个傻子我会尽我每次生气,政府每次每次垃圾日本语创新
                        The [ho] it is the [tsu] and the kudzu government shelf Each time each time each time each time each time each time my 怒 [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u] scared the [te] fool?

                        • 半岛←60周年日本过去的殖民政策,(促进现代化的差额)的道歉和赔偿的伟大(好治疗相比,其前欧洲殖民列强的天空←)我行
                          After the war 60 years, Japan past colony policy (<- modernization of the peninsula propulsion), When apology and compensation (<- you compared to the old suzerain of Europe, great good treatment) it did

                          • 南京事件第一次在1927年,美国和英国的外交官和领事的绝招,即使是不妥协的良好炮击从汉城和釜山娜日本对南京做军舰炮轰河流与愤怒在那个黑鬼丢失 At the time of first next Nanjing incident 1927 as for America and England to which the minister and the consul can add the harm Getting angry therefore the extent which shells Nanjing by the warship for the rivers Also Japan is good shelling Seoul and Pusan don t you think it is
                            • 韩国是真实的。如果155毫米严重北端的对马岛不道歉三天,他们奠定了远程火炮放列。四郎炮击釜山 Korea is true If it is not to apologize seriously Spreading the releasing line of the 155mm long range gun in the Tsushima north edge three days three Pusan shelling margin

                          • 原始人每天都被人投掷石块像我戈米雄Fabyo,你将有一个火瓦特强奸,盗窃,许多绝缘体可以发明,或与斯托克寄生干涉日本的事务,如果有人‥良好的国际体育政治利用给我一个地方教课?我的意思是我的意思是猴子的原住民,有超过一蛆虫少

                            • 另外一个,它已被证明较差的人说他们是野蛮和丑陋的韩国人

                              • 因为你可能五八一瓦特相同的水平,朝鲜大使钟可被石头砸死断绝外交关系,如果他们不会带来任何严重的伤害,没有胆量收紧 581 Therefore the same level as chiyon which throws a stone the ro w which is Korean ambassador what Rather if the thing large wound it does although perhaps diplomatic relations it became extinction the nature non closing
                                • 因为你可能是相同的水平,用石头破裂朝鲜大使钟五百八十一瓦特可能是一个严重的伤害,如果他们会更好,但没有胆量收紧 581 Therefore the same level as chiyon which throws a stone the ro w which is Korean ambassador what Rather if the thing large wound it does although perhaps diplomatic relations it became extinction the nature non closing

                              • 在全国各民族共存的,因为它不是由民族主义在某些情况下,破坏性和教育

                                • 在日本朝鲜人,我必须决心向联合国安理会安理会出塔拉竹岛问题是大使馆的,也死在我做无偿联合国会费同100年前的事永远千岛问题可以通过不解决好,如果在 Don t you think the Korean increases 100 years ago and doing the same thing When the deceased appears in the ambassador staff Bamboo island problem was submitted to the United Nations Security Council saying If it cannot solve the United Nations Security Council Japan if it fails to pay the United Nations assessments permanently is excuse It can solve also Chishima problem next
                                  • 你是侵犯人权的行为很明显,对人权的侵犯韩国或656显然,现在旧的朝鲜王朝,不是吗?五瓦特 656 Clearly human rights violation As for doing human rights violation clearly vis a vis the Korean The ro w where former times are Li person Korea and presently are the gold royal court
                                  • 在日本朝鲜人必须决心向联合国安理会安理会出塔拉竹岛问题是大使馆的,也死在我做无偿联合国会费同100年前的事情,我永远千岛问题可以得到解决,不应通过 Don t you think the Korean increases 100 years ago and doing the same thing When the deceased appears in the ambassador staff Bamboo island problem was submitted to the United Nations Security Council saying If it cannot solve the United Nations Security Council Japan if it fails to pay the United Nations assessments permanently is excuse It can solve also Chishima problem next

                                • 外国人来后悔过石块大使?我道歉的话,我知道人们半岛兰花 The foreigner that throwing a stone in the ambassador the mind of regrettable The peninsular human tsu te tsu te word intellectual viewing which you apologize
                                  • 在蒙古入侵时,我想你力劝他,对人民的日本侵略朝鲜半岛 At the time of the Mongolian invasion the peninsular person does the Japanese invasion strongly with the advice red sandal wood vis a vis the origin the yo

                                • 大约20年以后,韩国政界,官僚,讲话将主导世界媒体,是不是更好的稻草,而在韩国和相关 NULL

                                  • 失败是可能的人口增长,而且这么办了,而我视为兄弟和656我们想用

                                    • 奇Kosubeki行动可能做,如果他们有韩国大使馆或领事馆呢?

                                      • 如果以某种方式或历史的了解,而且对南方的安全责任,已在物理拘留恐怖锅或
                                        Although there is historical recognition and a kana and others rabbit and a responsibility in regard to patrol in angle and the Korean side, Physical terrorism could be regrettable?

                                        • 如果您使用好玩的东西?我说,道歉的天空?我很生气地听到以后,日本大使的Burgers这 Something method of using it is not strange Apology is expressed passing When this it is getting angry to the Japanese ambassador the ru way it is audible but it is
                                          • 什么总统使用特种部队,犯罪组织威胁要在屠宰前政府领导人日本大使馆 The president using the special force when the Japanese government leader is slaughtered the criminal syndicate which threatens before the Japanese embassy

                                        • 如果您怀疑总统立即匍匐IBD的罚款大使在电话中,这是死亡

                                          • 对政府和投掷石块,才分别装载你的直觉“很不幸,我认为” u003d(朱达罗遗憾的话,是日方的东西?永远代表日本,“日本人”攻击我赎回,更不会抗议?民主党人 You you misunderstand Vis a vis throwing a stone As for the Korean government “you thought regrettably” the ro which is the mind of regrettable With that something Japanese side as for doing Never although represents Japan “the Japanese” was attacked even protest without doing As for the Democratic party
                                            • 后悔的日本大使的不是你说的犯罪,对不对?公开道歉?你会怎么看日本从上到下 As for the mind of regrettable there are no any which are said vis a vis the criminal The ro which is apology officially vis a vis the Japanese ambassador Despising Japan from above to under kana of the ru
                                            • 我对此表示遗憾南方,为什么呢?是不是相反?韩国将代表道歉的行为规范和安全感到遗憾的是韩国和日本不会发表 The Korean side states the mind of regrettable with something it is Opposite it is not It probably is proper for the Japanese side to display the mind of regrettable in behavior and patrol of the South Korean As for the Korean side unless mind of apology is stated
                                            • 政府反对恐怖主义的失败680“不幸的是我认为” u003d(遗憾) 680 Vis a vis the terrorist failure As for the Korean government “you thought regrettably” the mind of regrettable
                                            • 是什么?怎么日本大使表示遗憾?这是否意味着宣战? Stating the mind of regrettable to the Japanese ambassador As for that being declaration of war
                                            • 用石块砸死后,两国的大使,是“遗憾”我会Masanai了吗? When it throws a stone in the ambassador “the mind of regrettable” it does not finish these two countries
                                            • 让我们做Shimete通知世界各地Youtsu电梯! “韩国已经表现出攻击日本大使了宣战的意思,”我 The way increasing around the be In the world knowledge and others the ze probably closing “Korea attacked the Japanese ambassador and showed the mind of declaration of war” the tsu te

                                          • 岜足及私人广播公司说,统一企业,日本广播协会没有一个分报告,因为我什至特别赞助

                                            • 常设或特别Kusouyo m做什么,都很有帮助,嘿站立包括选择含有酵母的活动家
                                              Has done [kusouyo] and resident in special is what, including town declaration [uyo], completely in part the stand seed obtaining

                                              • 当他们的脚被刺痛赖肖尔大使在1964年疯狂,当时的首相池田勇人在电视上道歉年初全国研究。 。事件的主席,尽管国家公共安全的重大国际问题,他辞职的同一天,我喜欢的,李明博政府是“令人遗憾的,”我想我已经Mutodemo关注经济的含义?

                                                • 我们刚刚倾倒的骚扰Shiteyarou蛋黄酱韩国接受日本的朝鲜居民的帖子!

                                                  • 我喜欢真正的大,但五五五顷认为操作自动切断抗日电路 555 But love truth when the anti Japanese circuit operates automatically thought is cut off

                                                    • 我在这里我要抱怨的韩国大使馆或不Netouyo牛市,抗议?

                                                      • 我很遗憾,我传达什么遗憾的肇事者移交埃塔湿重

                                                        • 我很遗憾,我使用这个词经常被投掷石块时,日本提出抗议时已是疯狂的,他们过于分散日本大使,抗议首相没有瓦特 When the mind tsu te of regrettable Japan protests well it is the word which is used w In other words while being thrown a stone in kichigai it is the case that is protested in the minister of state The Japanese ambassador scattering too much the ro w which is
                                                          • 没办法,“少于狙驱动tTA我们的大使,是一个”死亡或后悔吗?这不是劳动的字眼,犯罪者? Never the mind of regrettable to the thing which “does not die not to hit against the ambassador whom you aimed ” In other words word of showing appreciation to criminal
                                                          • 要看看最后扔石头,对还是错的头和W遗憾地空地Shitare半岛!四郎,消除种族和冲! ! ! The stone it was thrown after all the ro w which the mind or the head of regrettable is strange and is The peninsula is turned to the land cleared for housing purpose the flap and chiyon race eradicable margin

                                                        • 我感到遗憾的是大使级的暴徒用石块砸死→→遗憾军事演习在俄罗斯择捉

                                                          • 我没有遗憾吗? ? ? Yay - ESS的?我终于失控Neuyokonpure Nekimu的w

                                                            • 我真不敢相信我去一个妇女独自扔石头的方式认为,一旦我想大使追Ikakerya Although you chase the ambassador and the ri ya are good you think facing toward the woman the tsu drill stone It throws how it is not believed
                                                              • 此外,钌,而不是我们的大使鳕看到,一旦让位给一个女人所有的东西告诉投资 Furthermore you see that it does not hit against the ambassador it threw facing toward the woman and from with

                                                            • 我觉得我们不只是另一项打击贺阳遗憾我照顾嘿,我将是一个体面的人被这些家伙试图冷静的行为,不喜欢的政策,另一边一个真正的日本或国家什么样的教育是因为我们将有胆量回过头来,因为我们知道它腐烂驱动tTA When education of opposite side how national policy it is not the te After looking at the speech and behavior of the actually Japanese calmly Don t you think and others it is dense the honest human huh te stimulant it is done and thinks regrettably it is First there to be a counter day and start and not to be the te If you know because the extent which is known the nature which rots becomes completely visible
                                                              • 遗憾的是,“大使很抱歉,这个可爱的糖果袋鳕鱼”你的意思是你 The mind of regrettable “It did not hit against the ambassador and it was the tsu te regrettable” tsu lever Toda ro

                                                            • 我通常喜欢一个疯狂的谣言,我们感到遗憾或外交事务部长朱达罗通常放在一个普通的国家,日本伤害了老外交家的道歉通常是不分年龄人人共享朱达罗禁忌做,如果这场战争仍然是一 When Japan is normal country the ro which normally is diplomatic question The foreign minister how quite is kichigai which the mind of regrettable is given out instructions First normally the ro which is apology Those where ancient and modern east west diplomat is damaged are taboo If even then you do war is normal Former times
                                                              • 为什么我很遗憾地日本瓦特遗憾的刑事案件或国家所示朱达罗愚蠢的道歉? It is mind what of regrettable with something w Show the mind of regrettable in the criminal In Japan the ro which is apology Country of aho

                                                            • 我遗憾的抗议手段,所以,我很遗憾我转达给日本驻韩国大使,“日本是不坏,”我会说的一样, Because mind tsu te of regrettable in sense of protest as for the tsu te thing where Korea conveys the mind of regrettable to the stop Korea Japanese ambassador “Japan is bad” that saying the same as the ru
                                                              • 外交方式,“遗憾”宇野说,反对,或另外,其他好,说u必须使用的东西,如果中线度 By the way with respect to diplomacy “the mind of regrettable” in the partner or even in the partner those which are used when there is a fault

                                                            • 所以,我895,我试着读出你的1000吉董逃脱理论福泽谕吉
                                                              895 Therefore don't you think?, 1000 times reading aloud the deviation from Toa theory of Yukichi's Fukuzawa, everyone calling

                                                              • 日本投掷石块时被逮捕的权利→前原诚司,为什么韩国人不投掷石块混凝土两块不被捕?有可能会在脸上故事的错,我已经在发生轻微受伤的肖像受伤 As for the Japanese where throws a stone in Minister of State Maehara arrest gt correct answer So with something the concrete piece as for the South Korean who throws a stone the reason which is not arrested Accidentally if you made a mistake in the story which is completed with the flesh wound there was also a possibility the wound of doing in the face

                                                                • 日本政府赔偿自修“...建议所有日本人应该告知闵设置危险这篇文章忽略了基本条约企图谋杀韩国,日本,韩国

                                                                  • 日本是看到我了,我真的相关Waritakunai迅速返回韩国,他们都喜欢美好的破裂,应把它归还之前,你做我的韩国运输 NULL

                                                                    • 日本,韩国,朝鲜在监狱作为释放人质的条件。 472人作为罪犯,鉴于其条款规定的权限和特殊峨剩余释放在日本接受了进入

                                                                      • 是否有意申请赔偿100万亿日元,而焕头外长柳明桓,
                                                                        Compensation for damage 100,000,000,000,000 Yen will be claimed That, neck of willow discernment 桓 diplomacy commerce phase

                                                                        • 显然指出,抗日民族道歉不是一个遗憾朱达罗
                                                                          There is no mind of regrettable and the [ro] which is apology Anti-Japanese nation has come out truly

                                                                          • 暴力的发生,或者通过(只有与修辞磷筑和罕见)是积极的,和反抗议和反对,“Netouyo!,Netouyo!”这么好,呼喊,并ーDattsu没有降低的程度是哪个的

                                                                            • 最大的新闻代理民主党人电通的成田裕韩国人(朝鲜人的资金归路线韩昌佑Pachinkomaruhan(韩摄)和铉,统一协会杆耀西(现为局长小泽在日本东北大学副教授)是这个家伙政府的直接经Nde故障 When the largest reporting agent of the Cori un Democratic party Dentsu Narita Yutaka is the naturalized Korean… As for financial route pachinkomaruhan Korea 昌 祐 han chiyanu with Standardized association Gold 淑 Ken Ozawa private secretary Reality Tohoku University quasi professor As for it is dense also the Korean government has been entwined directly
                                                                              • 如果历史是最丑陋的韩国人超过100个世界,世界将充满竞争的驱动tTA自信腐烂的Idake When the world is 100 Koreans… In history it is scurviest it probably is the world where just the dispute of the self insistence being lazy rots
                                                                              • 日本人民在日本朝鲜人的世界,它被视为一个单独的峨 The person of the Japanese world Korean resident we had decided to think as another ones

                                                                            • 朝鲜将重新启动的战争,如果他们认为这样的323场比赛,俄罗斯是世界各国领导人在美中国 323 When thinking each country leader in the dew United States coincides with such feeling the Korean War it makes reopen probably will be

                                                                              • 朝鲜,然后沿隐藏这样的国家可以认为,冒着日本媒体和政府是重罪 Korea exposes the Japanese dangerously the hi it is the fact that to hiding it is such country the mass communications and government are felony
                                                                                • 媒体无法忍受日本政府,但我一直在日本和Ikanakya实现涂鸦 If government and the mass communications friend of the Japanese or protest the Japanese has done and is not it is viewing

                                                                              • 查看详细介绍了一个希望投资在你的鞋子我,但他的抗议,并表示蔑视,你提出投石很明显,杀人是杀人,但表示愿意抗议和蔑视,一石我想我会投你提出的是,我渴望有人杀害安明显的目的 tsu te the fact that the shoes are thrown is purpose but intention statement of protest and disdain as for throwing the stone clearly killing and wounding But as for being killed intention statement of protest and disdain the fact that the stone is thrown is killing and wounding purpose clearly Cheaply yearning to the equal root the ru it is probably will be
                                                                                • 因为我的鞋扔附表,但抗议和蔑视的表情,你提出你扔一块石头我猜我是渴望安它的目的显然是杀害 But as for tsu te throwing the shoes intention statement of protest and disdain the fact that the stone is thrown is killing and wounding purpose clearly Cheaply yearning to the equal root the ru it is probably will be

                                                                              • 柳明桓的Chosenkusonamagomi遗憾?鳕鱼不会后悔!为什么我避免梁?达罗Chosenjin我不这样做寿司是一个杀戮概述

                                                                                • 毕竟我的地位和要求,反朱达罗相同水平的低层次家伙我在日本的韩国人对这些愚蠢的家伙在我醒来的故事在您的,人们不知道它们是什么水平低于人我从假名 Your everyone the ro which is foolish The Japanese domestic anti Japanese Korean Korean how level the same level as we and the like is calculated from the person et al low passing after all unreasonable story To some extent wake up Therefore as for the person et al no kana whose level is lower than the human it is
                                                                                  • 所以,我强迫韩国臭!矢田在另一国这种自我仁故障吗?朝鲜人民正在返回自己的国家在反日! Therefore Korea is hateful what Already the connect re it is in such a self Chinese house already yada Also the Japanese domestic anti Japanese Korean Korean returns to the homeland

                                                                                • 滚装船s消失在地球上为什么不是所有的血流量朝鲜妇女做了! ! ! !垃圾的人! ! ! The human blood of the woman letting flow the ru well Go out from on the South Korean everyone earth Rubbish race
                                                                                  • 你是唯一的人想与你他妈的在这里只是想下了502 502 If this went down it is the race which just went down and to attach rises

                                                                                • 特热,是不是我们第一次把它扔到两次从近距离看是有没有意义的运动,以及堆栈

                                                                                  • 现在Shiteyarou骚扰接受咆哮蛋黄酱在附近韩国日本朝鲜人后!

                                                                                    • 编号:/ WwZIYCD0玩具今天←

                                                                                      • 记者注意到,即使该名男子“会杀了他,不是吗?朝鲜自己?为什么你坐下!”我大叫 The man who is arrested “kills the fellow you the ro which is the South Korean Why it is sat down ” And so on with you shouted
                                                                                        • 我讨厌臭脸苦恶发言韩流明星愉快的话我是韩国人 NULL

                                                                                      • 跑马滩饮食931“你杀人氧化宫泽贤治”什么是共产党时,她说,县,岩手后“,以公平被称为宫泽贤治谋杀的家乡是我在所有的英雄, “扔掉和前来抗议,他们在海滩幸运反对,”Dearimashita非常遗憾,“表抗议,说什么的赞赏(岩手县)也道歉(幸运海滩)相同的语言的观感,它使用驱动tTA Tteta笑 931 Beach happiness at the National Diet when “Miyazawa kenji you are the human murder” and saying to tsu te Japan Communist Party Afterwards from the Iwate prefectural government “Osamu Ken Miyazawa who is the great man of our native place the human murder is called completely is regrettable” that protest coming Beach happiness “very much it was regrettable” that saying vis a vis that you displayed gratitude Because also the side beach happiness which the side Iwate prefecture which protests apologizes uses the same word there is the remembering which is laughed

                                                                                        • 达罗和注意,我感到遗憾的不恰当的反应有关的抗议活动,并继续继续领土野心日本入侵朝鲜375 375 The fact that the Japanese side continues to continue the invade ambition to Korean territory Concerning about the inadequate correspondence for protest The ro which is notification that you think regrettably
                                                                                          • 这样的天堂789。疯了,是不是后悔没有重开,我们必须加强人民的法西斯侵略我煽没有基督教皇帝 789 Such heaven Mania the fascist of emperor teaching fanning the people well Making invasion behavior intensify either reflection do the reason shelf which reopens and wants

                                                                                        • 这将是假设来说,100万,视情况对皇帝被人投掷石块,不能逮捕或如果一个韩国人?我明确地说担心 NULL
                                                                                          • 有人,在所有Youtsu这给人们?在世界各地,这个烂低级驱动tTA,我认为韩国教会的温度 Someone the way the person who increased to the be it is You think that in the world this the vulgarity which rots it is necessary to teach the South Korean
                                                                                          • 韩国运动仍是一个陌生的叔叔此举将引发大便黑猩猩查看详情 The movement of the old boy of that strange South Korean was the u is the movement of the chimpanzee which is thrown densely that way

                                                                                        • 这就是所谓的遗憾之一不法行为也关系时所造成的受害者是一个严重的问题。峨有用的,但也使用这个词,讲述一个逃生种,“关闭严重和接受”需要进一步的留言 1 The mind tsu te of regrettable as for the fact that you say when serious thing occurred Victim side assailant Seki But the convenient word which can use also side the escaping of kind “You catch serious thing” with furthermore one word necessity
                                                                                          • 最大的担心是。茹水平是有可能破坏大使外交关系,如果他是杀害我现在大约有猴子安全 As for being regrettable large Patrol around even the basket is thing But now when the ambassador does is killed the ri the reason which is the level where influence appears in diplomatic relations
                                                                                          • 这就是所谓的遗憾之一不法行为也关系时所造成的受害者是一个严重的问题。峨有用的,但也使用这个词,讲述一个逃生种,“关闭严重和接受”需要进一步的留言 1 The mind tsu te of regrettable as for the fact that you say when serious thing occurred Victim side assailant Seki But the convenient word which can use also side the escaping of kind “You catch serious thing” with furthermore one word necessity

                                                                                        • 这种恐怖主义不仅是用石头威严的代名词with m是,日本的河野静香克萨做Hayo

                                                                                          • 这种情况很简单,如果不幸,因为我不知道意思表达的遗憾,甚至觉得我已经看到,请采取相应行动,以改善谈判仍有望作为另一方会做这些事情竟尝试,但仍拼命工作,因为你是一个单纯的前 As for becoming simply this kind of situation regrettable if there is the possibility that still it improves with negotiation circumstance However perhaps please adequately treat the like feeling As real intention of regrettable statement it exhausted the effort which it can be popular as this side already But because furthermore now as for becoming this kind of thing you are insincere
                                                                                            • 这就是所谓的遗憾,因为什么是非常重要的细微差别停泊接受的,有用的话峨还受害者和行凶者用一言以蔽之 Therefore the mind tsu te of regrettable as for the fact that you say the tsu te nuance which is caught very seriously speaking simply the convenient word which the assailant and the victim can use
                                                                                            • 这种情况很简单,如果不幸,因为我不知道意思表达的遗憾,甚至觉得我已经看到,请采取相应行动,以改善谈判仍有望作为另一方会做这些事情竟尝试,但仍拼命工作,因为你是一个单纯的前 As for becoming simply this kind of situation regrettable if there is the possibility that still it improves with negotiation circumstance However perhaps please adequately treat the like feeling As real intention of regrettable statement it exhausted the effort which it can be popular as this side already But because furthermore now as for becoming this kind of thing you are insincere

                                                                                          • 道歉时,从韩国一肚子疼,甚至442是一个概念,即中国不希望日本向韩国道歉已没有什么强迫 442 If the stomach does not hurt even in China when apologizing because it is As for south Korea as for the thought it probably will not be possible the Japanese apologizing to hateful Korea
                                                                                            • 如果没有一个从南韩国道歉时肚子疼,甚至是442,是一个概念,即中国将只是被迫向日本道歉 442 If the stomach does not hurt even in China when apologizing because it is As for south Korea as for the thought it probably will not be possible the Japanese apologizing to hateful Korea

                                                                                          • 遗憾的是似乎都有道理手机发送了“鳕鱼,可悲的是,这个可爱的糖果袋,是吗?好玩的,并希望 It transmitted by the telephone The mind” of like shelf regrettable it has both meaning it does not hit and the ro which is the tsu te regrettable is Acting playfully and tsu te
                                                                                            • 我感到遗憾的是似乎让路意义上的,都派出了哎呀 It transmitted with the tsu midway The mind tsu te of like shelf regrettable there is both meaning

                                                                                          • 遗憾的是后表示遗憾,并为日本过去的殖民?Yasoryaaaaaaaaa你,我不゙谢监测,监测゙我带来一个真诚的道歉,道歉和需求的满意监测゙什么是驱动tTA说,国家在哪里?一边跑,一边还可以表示不羞愧和遗憾古 When old times the book you state the mind of regrettable vis a vis the thing of colony policy The mind of regrettable nita ゙ which you apologize something with nita ゙ and the sincerity which the sled ya well well do not apologize well well and nita ゙ which requires apology and compensation With are those where you said the country of somewhere The mind of regrettable can be stated shy there is no either ge well don t you think

                                                                                            • 那个“像这样的石头打死,或没有在这里抱怨增加抗体说,不坏在你来之前所有对我们的国家或相当 In other words “It was complaint kind of being thrown a stone or to this With you say or you who come to in the first place our country are bad

                                                                                              • 那么在766 Kussowarota“,你不应该说的遗憾是什么长远的肇事者...”也许是我想寻找一个小家伙我看到的

                                                                                                • 钟,因为我总是渴望到日本,“因为我是谁渴望荣格遗憾我还会利用日本乌里,”我会感到遗憾的是日本人民使用URI“ u003d”我很失望“ 领先的日本驻外面的世界,我扔石头杀死了回避 Therefore always yearning to the Japanese ru chiyon “The gourd the Japanese using yearning to the mind person of ru regrettable therefore ru chiyon “The gourd the Japanese using the mind “of ru regrettable” it will be be disheartened” … Throwing the stone to the ambassador who foreign represents Japan it tried to murder but It was exchanged
                                                                                                  • “电话”的“遗憾”? ? ?即使他们的思维道歉朱达罗直接贷款 By telephone” ““the mind of regrettable” Going directly the ro which is apology how thinking
                                                                                                  • “长恨歌” u003d“我很失望” 领先的日本驻外面的世界,我扔石头杀死了回避 “The mind “of regrettable” it will be be disheartened” … Throwing the stone to the ambassador who foreign represents Japan it tried to murder but It was exchanged
                                                                                                  • 达罗通常是一个道歉我会后悔的世界意义 1 Bitterly it is regrettable Common sense of the world the ro normal which is apology

                                                                                                • 阿莱,谋杀未遂,但被放在朱达罗扔石头和充分的实力看,它是一个很好的比赛,而只是如何捕食弱者的解释,即对妇女能够容赦Nakatta However are power all the way it throws the stone the ro which is attempted murder Furthermore vis a vis woman interpretation pardon and The do just it is it is the race which likes the weak person unkind treatment
                                                                                                  • 它涉及到从韩国的东西! ! !宰中,回到我们大家,把在韩国的投资时间看! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Because it relates to Korean something In the return resident in chiyon entirely throwing in Korea

                                                                                                • 附表逃脱这个国家,我认为每个人都只是闻到土地玛拉?但是,决议,因为美国与日本和韩国使用不想峨卡1 You think that it just made landing smell it escapes to everyone homeland But as America both Japan Korea because it is one of the cards which can be used as for the solution we would not like to do
                                                                                                  • 日本一些人,在日本他们现在住在韩国,日本并没有恩戴选择舒适,而不是返回家园 The resident Koreans who now presently have lived in Japan is not to return to the homeland and Japan whose atmosphere is good is chosen

                                                                                                • 韩国不仅是懦弱的事解决这个问题,从一个缺乏信心的和公正的法庭在日本和竹岛

                                                                                                  • 韩国人不能做到这一点,直到反对“绝不做任何事情,”现在石川分歧和直觉,我刚开始跑了我,我讨论 Until now the South Korean “what there is no lever” that misunderstands the fact that it is not made the partner in good thing starts driving recklessly from the ru just argues

                                                                                                    • 韩国和其他人的暴力行为对派大使到其他国家,也有官方大使苏行动驱动tTA的负面伤害,或显示有关如何获得 Korea other than to the ambassador of the home country which dispatches to the foreign country vis a vis the violence conduct of the citizen In addition vis a vis the authorized personnel of the ambassador who owes the wound Whether some kind of conduct is shown it becomes matter of concern

                                                                                                      • 韩国大使馆大使域外主权意味着这个问题是因为我没有豁免权的问题将是令人遗憾的苏木宣布额外的战争伤害鄂如日本,由日本大使

                                                                                                        • 韩国已经在拍摄一小岛周围的海域被一艘日本渔船多次抓获
                                                                                                          Korea shot the Japanese ship which does fishing industry around the bamboo island, repeated capture

                                                                                                          • 韩国是一个人或哪个是哪个Wakewakaran不要使用多个字符

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