菅 Prime minister in “Koizumi former Prime Minister Yasukuni with the consequence which worships not be able to cooperate, political interchange with Asian each country stagnated [ru]” “Asia, in China the European enterprise came out”
1 日本独特的防御系统(包括核武器)2韩国军队和中国军队驻扎在没有什么问题?他们之间的选择是两个重要的安全 1 Japanese individual defense nuclear armament it includes 2 Korean troop and the Chinese troop etc are not stationed and is the te probably not to be good Security Two in that they are the powerful choices
1 日本独特的防御系统(包括核武器)2韩国军队是最强大的他们当中有两个选择,安全部队进驻中国 1 Japanese individual defense nuclear armament it includes 2 Korean troop and the Chinese troop etc are not stationed and is the te probably not to be good Security Two in that they are the powerful choices
当一个人,一个日本诺贝尔和平奖得主是不是驱动tTA我说什么呢?就做不符合逃生答复 The inside when the Nobel peaceful prize prize winner is not in the Japanese the tsu te you said Running away ge It is So Answer Obtaining
3月82日奈美的母亲 75昭和武一前他的生活 来自北海道的佐藤奈美75年3月82日昭和,谁死了,而不必如年轻妻子娶梳子我们悲伤的孩子,“军队。佐藤武尊”生为“樱儿”是专门为参拜靖国神社只是名付将新娘娃娃 1982 March 28th Mother average From the Sato average of 1982 March 28th Hokkaido making the wife young without 娶 ru thing our child “army troop who mourns the fallen soldier You named the “cherry tree child” because of Sato Buichi life” and the bride doll was offered to Yasukuni Shrine
哎呀,阿灵顿或Biruttemonodesuyo鲜花靖国神社因达和一切邪恶和脊柱伸肌瓦特Hekoheko日本有一个体面的性质,我铲落下 The hekoheko 献 flower doing to te or arinton Worshipping to Yasukuni with something it is bad whether it is w Entirely the fallen soldier is therefore it is If the honest Japanese they are tsu te ones where the nature and the line of the backbone extend
悼念战殁后,法律上也有或没有?那么那个时候,什么出地狱过时 When the fallen soldier is mourned being a good law When certain it is swiftly in abolition margin
这足以让917纪念馆参拜“靖国神社哦委员会,”你要什么理由说谁申请的灵魂死亡, 917 It will put out memorial sufficiently with Yasukuni and “probably will meet with Yasukuni” that saying the ro which is not excuse in the spirit which dies in battle and is
825 ll保持惠普靖国神社的老红旗是我最近试图把历史的靖国神社的看法是愚蠢的圆形安装查塔很可能停止安装,伐丽流强度高达堪认为这是瓦特批评了美国国会 825 gt In Yasukuni Shrine game Doctrine of praise how it is not Because it does not report the mass communications w Probably pasting the article of the akahata But by the way foolish exposed Yasukuni view of history has been recorded before Yasukuni s of former times HP It places the stopping chi ya tsu it is it is like recently Perhaps w which is thought that being criticized from the American Congress withstood
781反对参拜靖国神社。呼气陷入一个谎言,你没有这种学说的赞美 781 In Yasukuni Shrine game Doctrine of praise how it is not This lie spitting
857然而,因为它是组织的神社神道的一部分,导致比赛只负我会说我真的很明白 857 Even the shrine of state shintoism as one of the organization which so is defeated and directs game as for thing understanding properly What saying the ru it is
904 我说,纪念鄂如同样的事情在统一的?我不知道以前意义的纪念馆,这不是说他们会狂信徒野生靖国神社在前面的感觉,他们想说瓦特,把蛋糕它害怕看起来象是更多地参与或W靖国神社坏事约一分钟,他们追随者从什么嘿 904 gt The same thing you can say with the troop clothes of memorial It is that air deviation ji before the Yasukuni believer who was seen you cannot call from the front tsu te semantic wa of memorial w When insult of the fellows and Yasukuni you say you do not understand it is w what it does The cult believer tsu te we fear because well
904 我说同样的东西纪念鄂如在前面?我不知道以前意义的纪念馆,这不是说他们会狂信徒野生靖国神社在前面的感觉,他们想说瓦特,把蛋糕它害怕看起来象是更多地参与或W靖国神社坏事约一分钟,他们追随者从什么嘿 904 gt The same thing you can say before the memorial It is that air deviation ji before the Yasukuni believer who was seen you cannot call from the front tsu te semantic wa of memorial w When insult of the fellows and Yasukuni you say you do not understand it is w what it does The cult believer tsu te we fear because well
并于8月15日和会,我性交在日本靖国神社的一些人在一次军服 Furthermore when it is August 15th Applying to Yasukuni Shrine the people who are defeated with the troop clothes of the Japanese military now the shank
NULL Japan after the war 60 years is the model citizen” Sea fur stop Nippon University use “As for the American government there are no times when it interferes to the Japanese Yasukuni worshipping” ramuzuhuerudo director “China should have self control interference to the Japanese Yasukuni worshipping” Economic security investigation chairman in the uotsueru United States “ Historical recognition criticism mere toward Japan attack expedient Yasukuni and should not worship discontinue ” Thomas sunitsuchi Vis a vis the Japanese war dead mourning to order fixed method there is no right “in China ” asa uorudoron Core of thing the Chinese ambition where we would like to establish leadership vis a vis Japan
NULL Japan after the war 60 years is the model citizen” Sea fur stop Nippon University use “As for the American government there are no times when it interferes to the Japanese Yasukuni worshipping” ramuzuhuerudo director “China should have self control interference to the Japanese Yasukuni worshipping” Economic security investigation chairman in the uotsueru United States “ Historical recognition criticism mere toward Japan attack expedient Yasukuni and should not worship discontinue ” Thomas sunitsuchi Vis a vis the Japanese war dead mourning to order fixed method there is no right “in China ” asa uorudoron Core of thing the Chinese ambition where we would like to establish leadership vis a vis Japan
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×挂,或做不好事的具体国家和三个分分具体的反所有的日本亚洲政策的○日本的责任 _NULL_
“的爆发点是在1986年天安门大屠杀,三年前,大学在整个中国文一亲民主示威说! _NULL_
→应该参拜靖国神社在日本是普通赞成有“08 只听到中国的声音向居民访问15ー!”(7月号上,林部长先生们:中国民主运动海外。董事会席位。张元副秘书长真实:“大纪元时报”记者吴乐乐的:“大纪元时报”记者«靖国神社,如果充分理解错»部长:中国来日本是我的朋友有一天 美国武来自博士当天。但什么样的神社和老师吗?“,并听取Karemashita Normally if the Japanese although it is expectation of approval Yasukuni worshipping gt “in 8 15 worshipping hearing the voice of the resident Chinese ” Ladies and gentlemen July edition Phase Forest The Chinese democracy motion Foreign country Seat meeting Deputy Secretary General Hari book Truth “Large era time signal” reporter Kure 麗 麗 “Large era time signal” reporter Yasukuni understanding ≫ of ≪ mistake being lazy Phase Some days ago my Chinese friend coming to Japan The occasion where Mr Takeshi visits Japan from the United States Teacher and Yasukuni Shrine tsu te what place ” With it was heard
812 我嘉四郎那边,但有一个冷却时间国会议员反对战争纪念馆和由它神社 812 However gt the Assemblyman who opposes to Yasukuni Shrine and the degree which makes the death in battle memorial stone monument another to that stayed that somehow margin
ー其中之一,我相信,我要去感受它会停留民主党从 1 Which applying after with becoming the Democratic party stagnating however the ru air was completed
中曾根是自由,也是一个政治问题,因为它成为罪犯纠缠不清,因为战争的首席祭司Yasukuni m一类载入 Yasukuni just this getting worse to political issue in Nakasone and the selfishness which are made to convert A class war crime Combination the ze which is shrine Osamu s 祀 consequence
人们崇拜参拜靖国神社在日本,我们正处于战争,反对军国主义没有,和精神,其中U是地方要求和平的感谢 And the fact that our Japanese citizens worship Yasukuni Shrine also being war for and against in here to appreciate in spirit even when without because it is the place where you ask peace
他不喜欢参拜,或 如果他们不杀我骂批评他在怀念的访问 The kind of person who does not worship to Yasukuni or the person who criticizes worshipping how You curse in spirit and should have been killed
关于靖国神社的做法 我说没有抗体增加,说我从来没有』,每年都参拜驱动tTA见 gt Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi every year while being in the office gt Yasukuni Shrine about worshipping gt “As for Koizumi as for we you do the fact that you said without fail that saying every year it was defeated in Yasukuni
参拜靖国神社没有,我不介意被欧洲公司在中国msgstr NULL
古赴士兵在战场上是“迎接国王参拜靖国神社”殉祭回家,离开字 The soldier who goes to the battlefield leaving the word that “it probably will meet at Yasukuni Shrine” the 殉 ji te you called to the homeland
唯一的问题是,中国“阿米蒂奇★说:”中国应该没有提及靖国神社问题 As for making problem just China” amiteji “China should not refer to Yasukuni problem
四郎辞职,“小泉1→ →1参拜靖国神社”,8 15崇拜是不失信 General resignation margin” gt Yasukuni worshipping gt “the fact that you do not worship to 8 15 is pledge violation in Koizumi 1 1
并有一个好故事对他们的国家保持关系,如与一名部长由总理访问 Because the prime minister worshipped if it does not make partner such as the kind of country which makes relationship stagnate Good story
您没有理由,我国政府已经对靖国神社的抗议情绪外交卡只得到 Because the Chinese government becomes the diplomacy card Yasukuni it just is opposite The ro which is not the meaning which is repelled feeling and is
我在那里嘉四郎如何谁反对另一个时间和战争纪念馆国会议员参拜它 However the Assemblyman who opposes to Yasukuni Shrine and the degree which makes the death in battle memorial stone monument another to that stayed that somehow margin
没有830,或有家庭谁参拜靖国神社,即使人们想崇拜,我想我做什么?不是所有的反对 830 Well the person where the bereaved family is in Yasukuni it is not and the person who the te would like to worship thinks that it should have done At all in the opposite direction
滚装船宁,谁参拜靖国神社,他把蛋糕在那里批评,他们将继续生活问题 The 寧 ro the person worshipping the person who is criticized stays and the tsu cod lifetime continues to question
秋季大屠杀两年前文革 作者。 。当老师来自美国武。教师参拜靖国神社 Fall of the year before last the author of holocaust of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution The occasion where Mr Takeshi visits Japan from the United States Worshipped to the teacher and Yasukuni Shrine
访问靖国神社诉讼的角度衡量,你应该是在日本的普通百姓有利于球员的思想,即使有,如果日本不对? Normally if the Japanese although it is expectation of approval Yasukuni worshipping gt “in 8 15 worshipping hearing the voice of the resident Chinese ” Ladies and gentlemen July edition Phase Forest The Chinese democracy motion Foreign country Seat meeting Deputy Secretary General Hari book Truth “Large era time signal” reporter Kure 麗 麗 “Large era time signal” reporter Yasukuni understanding ≫ of ≪ mistake being lazy Phase Some days ago my Chinese friend coming to Japan The occasion where Mr Takeshi visits Japan from the United States Teacher and Yasukuni Shrine tsu te what place ” With it was heard
该神道精神领袖再次参拜类似中国与日本赢得战争?不是我觉得 Once more Japan China and going to war with Yasukuni and state shintoism as a mental support you think that it can win You cannot think me
为外国人办理业务的全球社会的普选,因为他们已被带走,因为全球社会Kusouyo放在nationalist m使用你们不能帮助它只是一个以前的方式实现这一点, With consequence of national refined principle kusouyo it kept putting from global society Although even foreign carrot administration in global society is natural only the disturbance of actualization does and How it will do they are the people who are not
亚太经合组织是一个从日本下降,民主党(dare 没有书面的权力和W)和我去看看他们做和如何处理与日本的亚洲主席国在政治层面 Because fall APEC is Japan The Democratic party administration being able to meet Administration w which is not written How doing the cooperation with Asia at political level as Japan of chairman country Seeing thing shelf
亚太经合组织是一个从日本下降,民主党(dare 没有书面的权力和W)和我去看看他们做和如何处理与日本的亚洲主席国在政治层面 Because fall APEC is Japan The Democratic party administration being able to meet Administration w which is not written How doing the cooperation with Asia at political level as Japan of chairman country Seeing thing shelf
你是这样的,是比什么都没有Bureta模糊更好吗?这并不是说搭售 Rather than there is no blurring blurring is one being good it does yo tsu te thing The ge which it does you say the reason shelf
参拜靖国神社是对精神的名称超过2 46亿美元“ 全书”和描述,我们的灵魂取决于这些已经神化民族的方式 In Yasukuni Shrine name a little more than of 2 460 000 spirit “ It states in the book ” makes soul there depend has celebrated with race specific method
591摆在我们面前是一个感觉,我什至不发言U以悼念战争的受害者 591 As for you there is no either feeling which mourns the person who in the war has become sacrifice it is the shelf
参拜靖国神社是对精神的名称超过2 46亿美元“ 全书”和描述,我们的灵魂取决于这些已经神化民族的方式 In Yasukuni Shrine name a little more than of 2 460 000 spirit “ It states in the book ” makes soul there depend has celebrated with race specific method
悼念那些谁说话的感觉是公共厚和下降的国家,我知道他们的生活,我认为这行,不参拜靖国神社 You drop life the country and because of public and pass and as for the tsu te feeling which mourns the people however it is understood there is no Yasukuni Shrine and don t you think you think that also the te is good
发表后,各种干扰Kemashita接收,看守我,兵库县警方外事司 _NULL_
只有416救灾,去触摸左(o o) _NULL_
哪里是你的仰儒亚洲国家?樱井良子朱达罗词是什么意思?越南和日本,在弹出开放尽管保守的政治来自www家伙啊,我可以说世界上的Netouyo保守 The country of the Asian tsu te somewhere you say tsu te Even if the 櫻 well the ro which is this word It is dense Japanese politics and it maintains meddles to the habit of the Vietnamese graduate and www Well maintenance saying the world of netouyo
如何强大是人们加滕乞丐已附在猴子的头往下看的809瓦 _NULL_
如果他们不能物凄呼吁日本公司在中国,这一次,日本将作出最后爆裂 When the spirit where the Japanese enterprise is tremendous in China it does now Japan the end wa tsu the wa which is taken
我南通,我可以倾诉的方式,我做了一个与古物凄个人恩怨错 No u doing tremendously with private grudge the ma inhaling you express and the chi ya tsu are the shape shelf
如果他们带着出与活力物凄欧洲公司在中国,如果我觉得“中国企业做什么,如果我不采取先进的工作? When perceives It came out with the spirit where the European enterprise is tremendous in China” The tsu te cooperation taking enterprise not advancing to cod China
如果我们燃烧参拜靖国神社,以支付该项目的影响,该行为会玷污整个军事史上是非常耻辱 If we assume that it burnt Yasukuni Shrine and paid the behavior probably will remain dishonor becoming the stain which becomes extreme for the US military history
如果这些家伙现在前日本帝国的领土,我应该说没有明确的早期古成为几十年来在世界发达国家的骄傲 Speaking clearly but if presently old Jipango territory Japan As for them to the advanced nation which you can be proud in the world many ten years have been accustomed are expectation quickly
小泉所说,我是不是真的哭受虐的神风飞行员看最后一封信 _NULL_
小泉访问的靖国神社,因为,法官或意义的兰花我如何得到这个上回答他们出来,他们呼吁我国政府物凄考试与粗糙的欧洲公司更难以谷歌的入口 Koizumi Yasukuni with the consequence which worships was present with the spirit where the European enterprise is tremendous in the Chinese government When how you do whether it becomes this answering it is more difficult than meaning format viewing and joining a company test of guguru
因此,加藤,我国政府派出的一个问题多3倍,我国政府指出,靖国神社问题的大小一个访问 Then Kato furthermore as many as 3 times sends question condition to the Chinese government Size of Yasukuni worshipping problem was pointed out to the Chinese government
总理在讲话中从山梨县的民主党候选人竞选的选区选举,“但你的嘴站在看到,运动不只是理论坤”也提出了意见 As for the prime minister in speech from the Democratic party candidacy which runs as a candidate to House of Councillors selection Yamanasi constituency “you as for the mouth standing however it is understood The person moves with just reason it is it is not” that it announces also the fact that it advises
此外敏感布拉调控下的,是你的发言,我想一失言狂欢 Dangling regulating when speech something it does Although it is the losing word stripe chestnut
抗日战争和很明显,侵略的战争,吞并朝鲜的殖民战争是错误的太平洋战争中在某些方面我自日本防卫人试图在印度尼西亚 Japanese Chinese war to put out invasion war clearly as for the Korean merger with colony conversion As for to Japanese it tries to converting the Indonesian person by mistake it was even in the Pacific war which is the aspect of self protecting war
包括我在内,甚至当我在1979年越南的攻击说:“这是出兵越南鄂如纠正不良的教学方式,但自卫战争”,并说我是 When in 1979 invading in Vietnam “it has dispatched troops in order to teach the road which in bad Vietnam is correct It is self protecting war” that you said
接穗是Louppy只是愚蠢,愚蠢,邪恶他们离开Louppy廿千 _NULL_
日本自卫队队弃兵内阁家伙简直不敢相信我最好的 _NULL_
日本首相看来不太可能了看看韩国和中国在亚洲或世界w?由于韩国是如此恐怖坏事大使和驻日本的岩已经达到万维网 As for current Japanese prime minister like w the world is not visible The Asian tsu te Korea and China As for Korea already the stone throwing in the Japanese ambassador Therefore the extent which it tries probably to defeat the ambassador with terrorism www
这种僵硬一半的日本文扑在中国,我现在站在德国,韩国后,相当于我们采取区, This half is hitting the ru is don t you think The Japan busing happening in China suitable around Germany it was taken Rear Korea
有洙Rubeki的国家!前总统李登辉,台湾的李登辉“在日本外国记者俱乐部(新闻发布会,如参拜)”2007年6月9日 There are some which it should protect as the country “With president the Japanese foreign correspondent association before the Li Denghui Taiwan press conference Yasukuni problem and the like ” 2007 6 9
参拜靖国神社是founder ll士兵多生气 The odd soldier founder is gotten angry at Yasukuni Shrine
现在所有的文物是日本侃博乌是否会大声叫喊亚洲的含义和意义是朝鲜传统的创新? !在传统意义看是否是中国的自毁或自杀,而等待瓦特〜 Now with Japanese everyone Leaving behind As for 菅 characteristic of Asian each country Mind tsu Leaving behind Korea Mind The tsu voice you probably will shout loudly You will see mind in leaving behind w whether for a while with the circumstances seeing the Chinese self destruction or suicide bombing
布大声叫喊他们是否会侃创新意义的韩国传统文化在日本的所有人民的意思吧! !在传统意义看是否是中国的自毁或自杀,而等待瓦特〜 Now with Japanese everyone Leaving behind 菅 Mind tsu Leaving behind Korea Mind The tsu voice you probably will shout loudly You will see mind in leaving behind w whether for a while with the circumstances seeing the Chinese self destruction or suicide bombing
现在,我骂泡沫,他们的思维,或者是“来自外国的压力是挂,日本能够走战争道路我 The bubble it arrived from now on and applied” that thinking pressure catching from the foreign country Japan walked the road war
过去的战争“,只是想积极”和思维,他们头痛,我怀疑行 “It was correct” that thinking of past war The head becomes whether all right doubt greatly
祢充满希望691稻田排放的谎言,增加信徒崇拜谁在参拜靖国神社排减单位是愚蠢的,因为战争的军队一样工作,以促进日本的战争,美化像一个愚蠢我的年龄会带来学说的cookie的方式一旦崩溃,在没有自由的需要,我只崇拜追随者Derotsuー良好,简,我不是内行到靖国神社问题如此迅速地建立国家纪念馆Tsukureyo 691 Is the rice field like lie spitting from the ru the foolish Yasukuni believer increases As for the worshipping person doing even military establishments like it was made in order to promote the war of the Japanese it is in Yasukuni Shrine Therefore with the doctrine of aho like war praise the ru Because such it is there is no necessity for current age worshipping just favorite with the believer the ro As for the 菅 the national mourning facility make quickly So it becomes the ri ya Yasukuni problem which is done how without it is
我说,日本人吗?驱动tTA节参拜靖国神社,为战争和人民将坚持告诉我们什么,但当然的生活! The Japanese saying Lifting up life those where you worship to the Yasukuni Shrine which celebrates the people fighting probably are proper thing but
祢就像一个充满谎言691稻田排放,靖国神社参拜峨愚蠢的追随者增加,因为军队是想在日本工作,推动战争,把战争美化了像傻瓜的学说Tteru听起来很有道理,没有他们的时代需要的,我崇拜你刚才Derotsuー良好的追随者,简,我不是内行到靖国神社问题如此迅速地建立国家纪念馆Tsukureyo 691 Is the rice field like lie spitting from the ru the foolish Yasukuni believer increases As for the worshipping person doing even military establishments like it was made in order to promote the war of the Japanese it is in Yasukuni Shrine Therefore with the doctrine of aho like war praise the ru Because such it is there is no necessity for current age worshipping just favorite with the believer the ro As for the 菅 the national mourning facility make quickly So it becomes the ri ya Yasukuni problem which is done how without it is
许也是小泉的出名字,是因为一些选民的一切吗?如果有人不知道他的前任仍然朱达罗,一个小弹簧参拜Tsuka你5年并罚款从其他GJ m什么被证明是完全通过短语,而只是说我有朱达罗 A lot of even the voter being produced Koizumi s name regardless after so long a time the a The ro which is Still if the predecessor tsu te it is as for some it is understood but already also 5 years are before As for handle Koizumi s Yasukuni worshipping the ro which is GJ Although that much complaint you said being perfection through problem saying thing was found therefore it is
访问前原诚司 前原民主“,如果你踢避免日本国会议员谈不好的原因,这一天的问题,在解决不了永远,” 05 Takyan゙车会议 12 13 访前原诚司, “,以解决靖国神社问题与中国的翻译工作,以揭示事物不是“ 中国 ”,不看真诚停止参拜靖国神社向日方通过,峰会是毫无意义的“06反对重新安倍 04 05 中国 “总理 部长 即使参拜靖国神社和其他内阁部长行”06 7月6日访问4月15日春节前即开始安倍晋三04 8月4日 Democracy front Genji “Japanese Assemblyman who circumstances bad story is done you avoid if it does not solve Japanese Chinese problem eternally” with… conversation to ゙ takiyan 05 12 13 “Yasukuni problem solving goes with China well without being the meaning which clearly” “The Japanese side stopping Yasukuni worshipping unless sincerity you show as for summit meeting meaningless” In Abe re refutation 06 04 05 If “other than the prime minister the foreign minister secretariat director Yasukuni worshipping OK” 06 07 04 Secretariat Director Abe Before example large festival of the spring starts you worship on April 15th 06 08 04 Secretariat Director Abe “it went to Yasukuni with angle uninformed it has tried not to say” … April going participating In reporting The Chinese “Yasukuni worshipping self control and declaration” You run to Japanese Chinese summit meeting reopening and continue 06 09 26 Prime Minister Abe If “Yasukuni to diplomatic question it converts being able to meet not saying” In With visit strategy not changing “Yasukuni going participating It does not refer and” in Abe prime minister speech the 胡 head shows understanding Yamazaki 拓 That “Yasukuni worshipping is not done that you stated and changed also historical recognition you catch” Foreign Minister Aso “Yasukuni it is not the case that it converses actualizes with the promise which does not worship” “Prime Minister Abe democracy Ozawa Yasukuni be sure to worship
如何说话,使我对历史的正确认识现在,我想谈谈你们都拿到好日 How doing the historical recognition where I am correct from now on it has it would like us to speak whether it becomes favorite Japan
访问前原诚司 前原民主“,如果你踢避免日本国会议员谈不好的原因,这一天的问题,在解决不了永远,” 05 Takyan゙车会议 12 13 访前原诚司, “,以解决靖国神社问题与中国的翻译工作,以揭示事物不是“ 中国 ”,不看真诚停止参拜靖国神社向日方通过,峰会是毫无意义的“06反对重新安倍 04 05 中国 “总理 部长 即使参拜靖国神社和其他内阁部长行”06 7月6日访问4月15日春节前即开始安倍晋三04 8月4日 Democracy front Genji “Japanese Assemblyman who circumstances bad story is done you avoid if it does not solve Japanese Chinese problem eternally” with… conversation to ゙ takiyan 05 12 13 “Yasukuni problem solving goes with China well without being the meaning which clearly” “The Japanese side stopping Yasukuni worshipping unless sincerity you show as for summit meeting meaningless” In Abe re refutation 06 04 05 If “other than the prime minister the foreign minister secretariat director Yasukuni worshipping OK” 06 07 04 Secretariat Director Abe Before example large festival of the spring starts you worship on April 15th 06 08 04 Secretariat Director Abe “it went to Yasukuni with angle uninformed it has tried not to say” … April going participating In reporting The Chinese “Yasukuni worshipping self control and declaration” You run to Japanese Chinese summit meeting reopening and continue 06 09 26 Prime Minister Abe If “Yasukuni to diplomatic question it converts being able to meet not saying” In With visit strategy not changing “Yasukuni going participating It does not refer and” in Abe prime minister speech the 胡 head shows understanding Yamazaki 拓 That “Yasukuni worshipping is not done that you stated and changed also historical recognition you catch” Foreign Minister Aso “Yasukuni it is not the case that it converses actualizes with the promise which does not worship” “Prime Minister Abe democracy Ozawa Yasukuni be sure to worship
该名男子是借用了至少在其他国家的战争一样,杀人,战争的人喜欢,靖国神社的Burgers A级。以前一直是崇拜问题应该不提 As for the human who is borrowed at least in war killing the human of the foreign country with ru reason such human As for tsu te ru Yasukuni Shrine A class game Before the commenting the object of worshipping you do not have to make
因此,这只是我没有访问我的反馈意见 Therefore worshipping how it does not do and the te is good Don t you think is only tsu te opinion
所有的首相的。小泉参拜靖国神社,我辞职前首相在2006年4年 NULL
该名男子是借用了至少在其他国家的战争一样,杀人,战争的人是这样的参拜靖国神社的Burgers A级。以前一直是崇拜问题应该不提 As for the human who is borrowed at least in war killing the human of the foreign country with ru reason such human As for tsu te ru Yasukuni Shrine A class game Before the commenting the object of worshipping you do not have to make
这家伙说,或批评其他政党,包括自民党,但我正在读的情况附表官僚主义写在官方,尤其是金融,只有两种模式 It is dense as for speech besides the fact that the Liberal Democratic Party is begun party criticism Is the scenario which the bureaucratic especially financial affairs bureaucracy writes called off simply There are only the two patterns
下一页』不知我,我太偏执(笑)你为什么不出来让祖工作,其他各方的责任和公众 Next somehow how delusion it does the chi ya tsu te laughing When it tries being able to let do work is not possible makes the other party and consequence of the citizen
闵縻嗯选举结果11例日本 1 ⇒Nettouyo泪水的眼睛案 2 →赢输。阿含泪的眼睛流泪,无论如何Nettouyo Nettouyo⇒→肮脏的沼泽委任首长辞职 Result of House of Councillors selection of 11 Japanese Case 1 minsu wins ⇒ netsutouyo tear eye Case 2 minsu is defeated gt Taking responsibility resignation gt It is dirty 沢 prime minister designation ⇒ netsutouyo tear eye In any case it becomes the netsutouyo tear eye
闵縻嗯选举结果11例 1 ⇒Nettouyo泪水的眼睛案 2 →赢输。阿含泪的眼睛流泪,无论如何Nettouyo Nettouyo⇒→肮脏的沼泽委任首长辞职 Result of House of Councillors selection of 11 days Case 1 minsu wins ⇒ netsutouyo tear eye Case 2 minsu is defeated gt Taking responsibility resignation gt It is dirty 沢 prime minister designation ⇒ netsutouyo tear eye In any case it becomes the netsutouyo tear eye
韩国1000年朝鲜战争我瓦特朱达罗的韩国最大的悲剧。百万失散的家庭成员?让我们说我是一个抱怨塞纳大屠杀死亡是“要做到这一点在这里,因为日本没有”,并告诉我 As for the Korean tsu te w Korean War the ro 1000 which is tragedy of largest Korean race Discrete family 4 000 000 Slaughter death in battle About one be the complaint to China I said “therefore as for here Japan it is not necessary to do such a thing” that
汉堡亚洲靖国神社作为日本士兵强奸和谋杀邦侵略国家,这是错误的访问总理 Offering the Japanese soldier where it invades Asia countries and slaughters and insults in the shrine the ru way It is strange for Prime Minister to worship don t you think is
现在,共产主义政府被日本军队屠杀30万人“,”他们宣传是毫无根据的宣传,这完全一样 Now Japan Communist Party government the fact that “300 000 human slaughter by the Japanese military” is advertised as this is to be the political advertisement which completely does not have the same basis
颜射跳到结论,房地,我也喜欢crystal ll有点抽象理论苏 _NULL_
麦克阿瑟的占领军司令没有烤参拜靖国神社,建立了古薪酬计划并非由布鲁诺对耶稣苦新娘执行 The plan where the MaARTHUR commander of the army of occupation burns Yasukuni Shrine and pays was raised but it was not executed the Bruno bitsuta bride of Jesus meeting by in the opposite direction
895嗯,我认为他们可以扎西水果纪念靖国神社作为国家的作用 895 Well however you think role as a mourning facility of nation that Yasukuni Shrine is good as expected