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Echo check and agreement of the pregnant woman obtaining, execution to half chromosomal aberration becomes presumption possible and the example where the parents are troubled seriously


  • -我希望你能尊重父母双方放弃流产和出生缺陷,因为他们的孩子想从任何先天性异常

    • 1989年10月电视的麻烦!我认为这是外国工人道伊

      • 395 生物伦理学 395 Financial reason gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt legal standard gt life ethics gt religion
        • 391 生物伦理学 391 Financial reason gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt legal standard gt life ethics gt religion

      • 3:16又对其他许多苦苦挣扎的经济负担和巨大的精神残疾儿童的父母兄弟姐妹的生活Maretara 845

        • 49下来许多自闭症的许多原因导致了该妇女,但我听到的人

          • 684:此行Shisan选举可能名无@:2010 / 07 / 10(星期六)15:00:15编号:Gg6sp6m80 5这是一个有争议的问题的伦理不友好分钟

            • Munoha生产而不是分钟暗示的,有失败的,前途是什么,自然有古变薄是一个癌症负担的社会,家长,或家族病史,可能是父母基因异常如果您禁止自然怀孕或人工受精只能成为? NULL
              • 残疾儿童也许他们从来没有跟我很少生活得更幸福,但我留言,而他们的社会适应不良人类社会变薄 As for the obstacle child the one which is not born is the happy causing re With we of the social maladapted human who between is you being pulled speaks a word to society

            • NULL gt gt The Influence of Paternal Age ON Down Syndrome gt The Journal of Urology Volume 169 Issue 6 June 2003 Pages 2275 2278 Therefore in the past as for participating to childbirth just the woman the color where is made problem just of the woman it is problem Recently it reaches the point where also problem of man side is pointed out gradually the seed When also miscarriage the woman is advanced age only when it is not the parent is young and the man is advanced age probability raises and Because also the spermatozoon of the man everyday is made it is fresh what way tsu te the skin and the hair grow and change and gradually keep aging After all the testes which make the spermatozoon aging the spermatozoon which is made aging deterioration what is done knew
              • 那是695堕胎?关于堕胎,“集体羊膜穿刺术”的流产概率,“集团没有审查”高于他们原来说,尽管“羊膜穿刺术团”是,许多老年妇女,没有努力其实无论你是羊膜穿刺术相关的高流产率,但不知道,我听说他还苦 695 Thing kana of miscarriage In regard to miscarriage but a story that “the amniotic fluid the probability where the group which is inspected” miscarries “the group which is not inspected” is higher Originally as for “the amniotic fluid the group which is inspected” the elderly woman to be many not to do at all because the te probability of miscarriage is high Don t you think actually whether or not amniotic fluid inspection is related you hear also the story that it is not understood

            • Werdnig驱动tTA驱动tTA给患者带来了时代的居民第一次在儿科疾病-新生儿的发病是第一个孙子霍夫曼的长子。儿童可能发展以下3个月的生活...你怎么解释什么家庭,母婴驱动tTA我们曾遭受愚弄不认为我不可能得到它

              • Yakashi变得太甜人格障碍,因为他们的父母说,把392的失败,我认为他们可以变得更加疯狂的犯罪结果 NULL
                • 石窟没有孩子要的东西,我可以成为一个在东笈入古古好头的高度和智商犯罪 NULL

              • 一项法律或保护旧法的健康?我从福利得到了,你知道鲍哈纳经济原因

                • 不是所有的很多医生从他的语气一移动,如果你是日本怀孕,要清除它无论如何,我不说什么,这取决于孕妇 In any case when you become pregnant in Japan the varieties you inspecting by yourself unless it moves As for the doctor the word trap saying in what thing has been clear don t you think and it is pregnant woman circumstance
                  • 我不介意,是期间织成的医生说,他们认为成为设备效益 When it is time Because those which are said from the doctor you had been convinced it had not made completely the air

                • 业务种类从枕头将削减一个人,作为一个人只能抱怨动物

                  • 为了解除在短缺时薪吉野家字节,国家整体的决策是否碗Gesuru牛肉价格变化的价值

                    • 为什么接受移民的斗争进入市政厅接受移民进入城市大厅→低出生率在经济衰退打击接纳移民进入劳动力短缺→凡是在蓬勃发展

                      • 人工流产,以免引发一超音波检查结果,以免引发流产超声不是堕胎结果,堕胎是不 5%的医生 1 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion in order for the result of the ultrasonic inspection which cannot do interruption not to become incitement of abortion interruption is not possible gt Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks w We assumed that you convey chromosomal aberration to the stomach of your own wife “introduce to the specialized agencies” gt The doctor the 5 it was
                        • 1 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 1 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that gt it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 1 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 1 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that gt it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 5%的医生 gt In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that gt it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 为了不引起流产超声检查结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 为了不引起流产超声检查结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 为了不引起流产超声检查结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 为了不引起流产超声检查结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order gt gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 人工流产,以免引发超声检查结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 1 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion in order for the result of the ultrasonic inspection which cannot do interruption not to become incitement of abortion interruption is not possible gt Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks w We assumed that you convey chromosomal aberration to the stomach of your own wife “introduce to the specialized agencies” gt The doctor the 5 it was
                        • 人工流产,以免引发超声检查结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 1 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 gt In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that gt it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 报告错误“,也提交给各机构,”和05%的医生 In order gt for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 激励机制,以避免流产和超声结果,什么s的传输等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 In order for the result of ultrasonic inspection not to become incitement of abortion waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The doctor whom we assume that it conveys abnormality “introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                        • 这些家伙是什么,它不适合s的传输试验结果,当我离开你知道瓦特租金成本染色体异常的胎儿腹部的测试对我的妻子,毫不犹豫地习惯流产的古 It is what and others it is dense inspection cost receiving conveying being the inspection result the appropriate time w That when the fetus of chromosomal aberration is in the stomach of his own wife it is recognized In the habit which is not hesitation and interrupts

                      • 什么是婴儿染色体异常与住在法律中的许多堕胎的理由为经济的健康儿童

                        • 今年2月,4个产科医师进行的一项调查显示,大阪府和当地妇产科医生在东京与合作会议

                          • 他们隐藏他五次不可能中止残疾儿童可能有一些...%或假人道主义Esze。苏允许医生! !

                            • 以同样的方式一个人穿着过早和残疾人从早期里克斯目的是什么,如果有孩子写一个完全健康的长大?我没有一个单一的知识?非常不舒服 Writing the obstacle child and the immature child on same rank from the tsu coming as for the ru person there is rikusu but it is to be intention when you are brought up properly healthily Simply just there is no knowledge Very displeasure
                              • 以同样的方式一个人穿着早产婴儿和残疾儿童写有你刚才做的意图是什么?我没有一个单一的知识?非常不舒服 Writing the obstacle child and the immature child on same rank from the tsu coming as for the ru person there is rikusu but it is to be intention when you are brought up properly healthily Simply just there is no knowledge Very displeasure

                            • 伦理社会委员会是提高超声表现需要一个安全怀孕和分娩,因为他们现在可以推断异常染色体进行了调查,以了解现实的医疗

                              • 但是,许多孩子的妈妈了非常高的可能性,她开始下降,非残疾人也希望从一个罕见的畸形,下出生或有遗传问题或老人Datsu母亲把我所有,因为我不尝试宠物或两个从第一下降绝对测试熟悉做胎儿出生前卡里 NULL
                                • 然而,作为人工流产的原因,“残疾人胎儿”基本上是如果有另一个原因,不应该允许(出于经济原因,包括怀孕马努希望) 这是一个真正的考验正如果流产率相当高,因为它似乎向井基诺表做“,因为只有”不要,我也绝不会 NULL

                              • 但母亲保持在最低227 s』母性的幻想的东西一样,我看了一些书在,我会说你知道这意味着 NULL
                                • 母亲,但须保持心虚到最低限度,不能原谅的是,母亲是他们的错,如果发生什么事困扰着我不知道 NULL

                              • 你刚才提出茹下降装运前社会上的寄生虫喷射二氧化碳,或转折点的希望和义务的手段

                                • 你疯了吗?这是明显的家庭自杀,堕胎的痛苦,而不是几十年来最严重的由来“人道”,是不是?

                                  • 即使在日本,以及婚姻的限制,英俊美,高收入的良好的教育责任。其他禁止乱伦等措施,为更好的沟通所有剩余的基因 Even Japan restriction of marriage from the first value of the ikemen beauty the high earnings high educational background person superior Other things Prohibition etc of near relation incest plan in order an entirely to leave better gene
                                    • 即使在日本,以及婚姻的限制,英俊美,高收入的良好的教育责任。其他禁止乱伦等措施,为更好的沟通所有剩余的基因 Even Japan restriction of marriage from the first value of the ikemen beauty the high earnings high educational background person superior Other things Prohibition etc of near relation incest plan in order an entirely to leave better gene

                                  • 各大医院,驻地Tokarashii你可以生产出正常的小路后伤缝纫,轻度或中度,如果我很喜欢请客

                                    • 唯一的负面集团和经济失败的果实是现代人的恐惧要有人说你的花圃令人惊讶的例子

                                      • 在私家医院的时间,它确实伤害说我们喜欢自闭症教育北罗我想即使我更呼吁对流产的正常风险

                                        • 在羊膜穿刺术,“在未来,我把一个基因,将通过指向挥舞着权力疯狂的不公平对别人的压力,”我不知道,卡诺花?间伐,但他们 “The za doing kichigai as for having the gene which applies pressure on others you do not know kana in amniotic fluid inspection in the future to shake power unjustly whether ” Although between pulling

                                          • 在通常的和谐,可爱的偶像嗜睡飞行小组成员嚼口香糖,我喜欢做鱿鱼干

                                            • 基督教教义中流产或确保“人谋杀不完整的”思维方式被认为是

                                              • 堕落苏滚装船的家伙,很容易做,但我不认为是的教育是什么堕胎部分已对此表示同意由母婴保护法像我死时

                                                • 如果人们声称,堕胎是不正常的,是否认为刺激早产儿即使在同样的事情

                                                  • 如果没有被危险或怀孕流产浪费或不教育方面的产妇子宫畸形时,我的经验是把过去的下跌甚至说,原因在于在胎儿 If there is no uterus deformity or a non growth and vulcanization premature delivery risk on parent side Miscarriage was called when even cause of lie being former times useless in the fetus
                                                    • 如果没有畸形的风险流产或怀孕浪费或非教育方面的子宫时,母亲被拒绝胎儿下降古语,因为它赎回的原因 If there is no uterus deformity or a non growth and vulcanization premature delivery risk on parent side Miscarriage was called when even cause of lie being former times useless in the fetus

                                                  • 它同意以225已婚夫妇的nigga ü认为,良好的水平埃泰投诉的医生,温和,我留茹轻度残疾儿童玩具哈希手流紧张甚至daughter m方面的母亲仍在苦苦挣扎,然而,未来的雇主你是什么东西重要趋势是,道德气氛也担心他们是否能独立,成为黑暗Setsunaku NULL

                                                    • 对智力残疾真正涂料,自闭症,多动症,如沉重,不知道在怀孕期间任何障碍

                                                      • 就个人而言,我是说堕胎由于羊膜穿刺术和艾希花潮来真正听,我觉得我永远不要煽到医生没有测试 Privately amniotic fluid inspection miscarrying with cause and passing and as for story in actuality hearing or Fanning because the doctor cannot point to inspection either the ru air is not done
                                                        • 也没有什么实际的情况是所有受损299爆破试验,尽管他会说: 299 Saying however the ru Being the case that it can repel obstacle all in inspection saying is actuality
                                                        • 我常说,一个峨八百五十九分钟马洛伊,拥抱失败或意外或疾病,现在可以perfomed在什么之前,你甚至 859 Although you do not understand whether even you from this in some sickness and the accident obstacle it holds such a thing you can say well
                                                        • 茹,但还是在3天羊膜穿刺术中有2至3周,采取一个明确的诊断 When it is amniotic fluid inspection however bulletin is made in 3 days also diagnosis of decision comes out in 2 3 weeks

                                                      • 年轻人的东西,“我认为我们没有周五如果他们不爱!”这么多说,我看到的萨克同级 NULL
                                                        • “不同之处,而不是太低了他排斥”与情绪是太强大了,即使是健康人,以Gisugisu NULL

                                                      • 广播还看到了灾难性的单身母亲的贫困状态,因为只有497将是一个忧郁的心情

                                                        • 强制性和22周超声检查前,而是成为一个染色体水平只有悲伤的来源为自己的残疾父母我想我Kerubeki强制堕胎,如果与染色体异常

                                                          • 当一个人是一种方式,人力。 2时刻施肥。 3:00怀孕检测。 Gitara 4期超过1堕胎。 5:00分娩。我觉得当我提交的诞生,是05 Tteru

                                                            • 我不知道我能判断正常妊娠186?而我不敢住MAY ve并不多见,但有一个残疾儿童的危险,直到出生年龄不认为s NULL
                                                              • 我不知道我能判断正常妊娠186?而且我一直不敢罕见MAY ve在为生育风险与残疾儿童的生活,但不认为s NULL

                                                            • 我只是不知道为什么你知道他的异常染色体决定的形式在回音?

                                                              • 我只是缺少状态(故障),以补偿(某物人才)有一种错觉,仅仅父母种宗教不想面对上瘾症 NULL
                                                                • 毕竟,谢谢认为每一个人都携带儿童的蛋糕有一个残疾孩子,我们必须有所准备的风险 NULL

                                                              • 我已经研究了多少麻烦保护妇女健康的孕妇,医生没有做凯塔分钟前综合症的孩子产生了畸形或向下,不想要的,或没有从我告诉当事人的细节决定从但生产和准备应该准备Mutoshitemo但认为应该给予绝对 NULL

                                                                • 我希望提高自己的数据的利息,如果另一个人唐氏综合征,现在,唐氏综合症数据熊住在附近的50岁的基鲁 If other personal affairs the ta ゙ un symptom raising however to be necessary please selfish Now as for the ta ゙ un symptom you live to nearly 50 years old

                                                                  • 我是做了婆婆助产士抓住了,但一开始助产士的数目由合井作为玛丽塔你的生命第一,这是什么叫唐氏综合征是现在 But the hi inside it is and the a is the midwife does being born with the first childbirth witnessing as a midwife It seems that is the down symptom now referred to
                                                                    • 抓住奶奶说,春耕“但是,即使有原料,而不是苏Janashi领域,不能Janashi士兵,不读取和写入算盘 The hi it is and the a is the framework “It utilizes and solves the field the reason which plows it is not the reason which the soldier it is possible it is not there is no reason which the reading and writing abacus is done

                                                                  • 我是高龄孕妇,以测试他们的恩戴丽知道有公平,许多年轻的残疾人士而不是学生从怀孕或根本就不知道它是什么 As for the elderly pregnant woman there being a knowledge extremely you asking by yourself however you have inspected From the young pregnant woman where something and others it is not the handicapped person large number as for being born because of that
                                                                    • 因此,如果只是“一个是过低,怀孕22周以上的妇女是绝对不知道如果传输错误 Simply until then “the inside collar it does with that and abnormality is recognized and 22 weeks passes it does not convey to the pregnant woman

                                                                  • 我没有直接检测染色体异常,每头颅骨的比例计算from m长度或股骨?议教猫人 Because there is no reason which can detect chromosomal aberration directly per femoral length or cranial length It calculates from ratio it is The person of the discussion cat teaching

                                                                    • 我知道这片土地可能造成污染或异常精子环境激素798?我有很多与谷歌?男性不育症的问题,例如

                                                                      • 我认为这种疾病的绝对值低于蔓我,或父母有问题或向下知道从前面,在发展和培育家长被发现和残疾人接受投入生产罕见我不知道很多的好处 由于他们是热的肚子,你选择哪种方式是所有的狂欢出来的肚子,不辣! Waretara我说,詹金斯看来他会选择出来的人从 When you bear you think carefully even in the absolute down symptom however probably will be Before being born from after down problem is recognized the parent and being born the parent who is understood The obstacle acceptance and when keeping raising will the merit probably be many … When being in the stomach from when it is harsh after coming out of the stomach being harsh chooses comes either one at a stroke tsu te When it is said by yourself after coming out it may choose
                                                                        • 我认为这种疾病的绝对值低于蔓我,上下从父知道或生产之前,我们有很多的教育福利,从而接受的是来自父母发现一种罕见的疾病我不知道他们的肚子 是时候从热,全部或选择哪种方式,他们热来参加一个狂欢是不可能的肚子! Waretara我说,詹金斯看来他会选择出来的人从 When you bear you think carefully even in the absolute down symptom however probably will be Before being born from after down problem is recognized the parent and being born the parent who is understood The obstacle acceptance and when keeping raising will the merit probably be many … When being in the stomach from when it is harsh after coming out of the stomach being harsh chooses comes either one at a stroke tsu te When it is said by yourself after coming out it may choose

                                                                      • 或者是基督徒? 31 什么是“一苏残疾像一个真正的朝鲜政权很少辜负杀的吗?日本已关闭或智力残疾,他们希望有任何处理,死胎 Christianity system 31 gt Korea likely as for the handicapped person as soon as to be born the system which kills It is true Japan we want down and intellectual obstacle making optional stillbirth treatment
                                                                        • 我蔓弱智儿童从763名经济困难的精神更可能认为他们在看着 763 When the intellectual obstacle child you bear as for economic distress discernibly you think that in ru case is many but

                                                                      • 战略与世界停止驱动tTA 171狗屎狙降低性能纳粹→

                                                                        • 无知的智力残疾儿童与父母不承认Metara公认的染色体异常虎杖我:“为什么不堕胎植物生长调节剂”,但必须彻底向我解释说伐丽流 When it recognized recognized with the parent of the intellectual obstacle child other than chromosomal aberration Because “it did not interrupt the pgr tsu te it is said to the ignorant party with something” But thoroughness of explanation necessity

                                                                          • 日本是世界第三大经济体,是跪在前面公职人员的僵硬和Ki和希腊乞讨暴动中国是完全不能

                                                                            • 是否泡沫经济正在播出的主题是接受外国工人入境,以直播的电视节目短缺上午在劳动的社会条件

                                                                              • 是对未来悲观,拥抱是如此沉重埃塔疲劳破坏在抚养子女的父母,法官开始试用,如果我杀了一个医生,即使这 The obstacle where the parent who is done this is heavy to become tired in rearing the child who is held be pessimistic future killing this doctor If we the judgment member stay of execution is put out

                                                                                • 智力残疾和生活的昆虫世界能采取了沉重的手在他们的痛苦和冲突的情况,我认为最好的避免,直到Kerubeki避免

                                                                                  • 智力障碍的人是一个伟大的684。幸运峨(从深褐色审议了牛的头部中)感到很幸运,很高兴看到孩子和其家长(第一作斗争,它可能父母伤残人士),但生产力NAA的不仅不生产是没有cedar m哈希手流没有时间 684 In main person of intellectual handicapped person large Happiness the head which is thought deeply is what to be the empty And also the parent the happiness so looking at the child happiness is felt because the parent tsu te of the handicapped person first you agonize in general But productivity even excessively is shortage cedar what Just there is no productivity not to be the te life just support great cost and human labor are required The weak is rescued however it is righteousness that you think is the point which is truncated there is no necessary something Liberal shortage cedar what it produces this country
                                                                                    • 即使知道这是癌症末期,病人不能做任何事情,因为我,我不教任何东西,它看起来同样的逻辑 Knowing that it is the late cancer gun is not possible to at all main person of the patient therefore it is you do not teach at all When tsu te the same logic shelf

                                                                                  • 有一个一帆风顺的生活东京出,我知道我读了相当幸运的儿童最终下降到罕见的原始或看两三 Tokyo University coming out satisfaction living whether the te two public attention or three public attention the down child being born It was accustomed at last happily The tsu te the fact that you say was read

                                                                                    • 没有了刑法04 327吗?胎儿死亡的情况下,我穿刺胎儿的孕妇是不是“部分孕妇,”所以,谋杀胎儿是不严格的“伤害的怀孕妇女(未遂谋杀?)案批准”的

                                                                                      • 洋一舛添超过于早上Gikana 3:00?每个人都会当我开始感到困倦,突然,在反击中一小雪伟大的情感高喊:“我也完全掌握韩国日本的文化和习俗

                                                                                        • 濒死体验他的死真的,如果一个孩子是一个活生生的孩子是否已经能够最终焦虑,这也是他们的思维会死在一起恩戴 NULL
                                                                                          • 一旦家长,我认为自己排减单位,但没有信心是诚实的输入接受 NULL
                                                                                          • 濒死体验真的是他的死亡,如焦虑,如果一个儿童独居的孩子是否能有,这也是他们的思维会死在一起恩戴 NULL

                                                                                        • 然在392之前你变得绝望卡诺悟什么的希望是说什么是异常染色体差异和染色体异常和人民面前你有?我说话 NULL
                                                                                          • 我有我先天性心脏畸形或染色体异常?不幸的是,不仅和周围的孩子,即使他们很少生活在没有?我生活在自我赢得武野 There is the chromosomal aberration tsu te inherent heart an abnormality it is When we assume that is being born that way just it makes that child and around unhappy it is not To winning as for bearing ego
                                                                                          • 然在392之前你变得绝望卡诺悟什么的话,我想,什么是人类染色体异常差异面前吗?我说话 NULL

                                                                                        • 然而,80%的病人不只是谈了现实,如果有一低回声异常绝对概率的生活,即使医生如果年轻一代的,统计有20多岁的学生发现罕见会发生什么事,它是不是这篇文章的内容?其实,我很年轻的人羊膜穿刺术,甚至不希望 Even in the simply probability just is low young generation the reason which is not born no matter what or Because as for 8 tenths of down symptom it has been born from 20 generations there are also statistics that in actuality The doctor how does when abnormality is recognized with echo whether there are no contents of the latest article Actually being young the amniotic fluid you inspected saying the person well enough it is

                                                                                          • 然而,留一半左右的医疗检查,这名妇女在怀孕同意,根据医学研究伦理委员会,中华围产新生儿02874857

                                                                                            • 环境没有时间准备更多的好我知道我的驱动tTA合知情权准备呢?濒死体验怀孕生产的过程中,如果你知道如何悲惨,他们亲吻或哭,爱成为不受欢迎或惊讶,或流产,或部分环境教育,我对那些东西击中金融 The right tsu te which we would not like to know… after knowing to be prepared the one which has the time when it prepares is not better After bearing being surprised unless it does not cry and or love can have the one which serves is miserable While becoming pregnant being understood the re interruption although the environment which raises money thing or various measures it can strike
                                                                                              • 22周后,我很抱歉我不能Ttetara堕胎错?卡鲁思加是负担,具有广泛的婴儿的母亲 By mistake cod gomen It cannot interrupt after 22 weeks don t you think The fetus becoming large burden it falls on the parent and
                                                                                              • Narya我意志消沉和转让埃泰流产,医生的角度来看,我杀了,因为我喜欢自己一个机会,苏 That it was down conveying in cutting off it becomes especially the ya If tries making the doctor it seems that made the opportunity where by his kills because it rubbed
                                                                                              • “,介绍一个专门机构,”和05%的医生 gt Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption abnormality conveying gt The doctor whom we assume that “it introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                                                                                              • “,介绍一个专门机构,”和05%的医生 gt Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The extent just here may spit you cannot agree upon
                                                                                              • “,介绍一个专门机构,”和05%的医生 gt Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The extent just here may spit you cannot agree upon
                                                                                              • “,介绍一个专门机构,”和05%的医生 gt Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The extent just here may spit you cannot agree upon
                                                                                              • 临时,即使堕胎是一个缺陷,并从浸泡羊膜穿刺术,但不能心结构,它可能是有益的,但它赎回医生说 Temporarily the amniotic fluid inspecting abnormality being found as for interruption however it does not do Because mental attitude is possible as for that with that as for the merit or the origin However called to the doctor don t you think
                                                                                              • 事实上,在这种情况下,但有些人已超过22周流产我静静Giteitemo On the contrary gt if it is such circumstance having passed 22 weeks saying nothing there is also about it interrupts
                                                                                              • 他们的父母再次Marenai流产或智力迟钝的生活,如果我有孩子我想直接 If when we is intellectual obstacle Without being born having interrupting Don t you think we would like to have once more in the parent doing again to make the child
                                                                                              • 即使婴儿未能找到浸泡的元最后决定由我说话合必流产的,就没有羊膜穿刺术 Obstacle being found finally even if in the fetus without interrupting Discussing the fact that you bear because it decided it did not do amniotic fluid inspection
                                                                                              • 大西和渡边Syouiti巨大的孩子指责使已知的是一个血友病的孩子很少收到垃圾与生牛认为,由于改建,以提供适当的信息将有利于我的生活葛根还认为医生和残疾人组织不 Knowing that the child who is born is the hemophilia that the te child it made As for the Watabe Noboru one who criticized the Onishi giant you think that it is the kudzu and Is to make interrupt for the sake of offering it does not try to give appropriate information You think that also the doctor and the handicapped person group are the kudzu
                                                                                              • 年龄在31间私家医院的时候怀孕的真正的“我想羊膜穿刺术”看医生美联储广告Getara“唐氏综合征是一种疾病,人工流产是不是必要的,”我们说它是“哦,没有的和郁手流我是这样,不管有没有决心Memasu Actually when becoming pregnant with 31 years old when “the amniotic fluid we would like to inspect at the private hospital it is but” that informs to the doctor Boring with the face “the down symptom is not the obstacle whose interruption is necessary” that being said “To obtain because with any where you raise it is I whether it does or does not do I decide
                                                                                              • 我公司生产的堕胎一旁的“愚蠢的行李埃泰拥抱瓦特说:”我身边的,“他们是杀人!”得说,最避免 On the side where the side which interrupts bears “The baggage holding fool w” bears the side which “the fellows human murders ” With the notion that where you say If most you do not avoid
                                                                                              • 我在这里等,成为22周后堕胎是没有多少我不明白排放吹嘘一瞥 gt Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The extent just here may spit you cannot agree upon
                                                                                              • 我怎么变得异常转移等待22周后流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption abnormality conveying The doctor whom we assume that “it introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                                                                                              • 我怎么变得异常转移等待22周后流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption abnormality conveying The doctor whom we assume that “it introduces to the specialized agencies” the 5 it was
                                                                                              • 我怎么转移等待22周后变得异常流产不是“提交给机构”和05%的医生 gt Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption The extent just here may spit you cannot agree upon
                                                                                              • 我知道流产如果可能,或不可能知道当时的流产,我做了大部分的颜色或书面同意书 If interruption possibility whether we would like to know you want to know even at interruption impossible time Color it is the acceptance book book the wa which is done
                                                                                              • 我认为社会应该承认,它进入 它等着转移,成为22周后异常不认为堕胎是男人是否 You think that it is proper in the society which accepts that but gt Waiting for the fact that it is after 22 weeks which cannot do interruption abnormality conveying As for this that the wa which you think how
                                                                                              • 有一天,我的姐姐,“Giteite甚至超过20周,或还没有被测试,”古问医生,急忙给他惊讶和“测试Bitsuku结合堕胎,因为优先保护人的生命正我们不知道我们和Seshi A certain day the younger sister “having passed also 20 weeks inspecting without being done still ” that you being surprised Being flurried when hears in the doctor because “it makes life protection preferential as for the inspection which is related to abortion We have not informed positively
                                                                                              • 玛丽塔知道什么时候来到原料,而有些人会认为我是亲的生活,但如果我事先知道 When being born when it means to know if you had known in advance in although it interrupted that the person who is thought it will be
                                                                                              • 良好的环境,没有时间准备更好的知情权驱动tTA什么知识准备?濒死体验怀孕生产的过程中,如果你知道如何悲惨,他们亲吻或哭,爱成为不受欢迎或惊讶,或流产,或部分环境教育,我对那些东西击中金融 The right tsu te which we would not like to know… after knowing to be prepared the one which has the time when it prepares is not better After bearing being surprised unless it does not cry and or love can have the one which serves is miserable While becoming pregnant being understood the re interruption although the environment which raises money thing or various measures it can strike
                                                                                              • 鲁米杉产前诊断和进步,因为堕胎丑陋,我最终可能没有交谈,从堕胎运动感Ttena When coming out lifetime diagnosis advances too much because therefore awkwardness don t you think therefore interruption and motion tone deafness in cutting off it is not unable to become story

                                                                                            • 理由是他们给风险较小的梳子从十几岁到低出生,观看茹魔法我得有限分钟,但我能来霜冻不妥喜欢与人性病及子宫颈癌杰瑞(低情报车针),而我将有3个甚至是一个健康的孩子 Making young because you give birth as for the reason that you understand risk is low however it is Because you see as for the teenager with the spear man whatever problem holding in the venereal disease and the uterus strange Although it seems that is not limiting but as for intelligence it is low 3 also vigorous children accompanying reaching It does

                                                                                              • 疾病模式,其中往往是最好的家伙了,即使你写了一个孩子养育书籍792医师鸡蛋美国人。降解造成04(05 那些谁忘记):罚款。我写了他们事业的降解率1 792 To a book of the childcare which American doctor writes in the down symptom as for the person of the most pattern Egg Cause of deterioration forgot 4 5… Spirit Percentage of cause 1 of deterioration being agreeable it was written
                                                                                                • 你是否接受或不一样的凯塔拥抱生活厌恶浪费,即使你不接受精子或卵子和jar大型因素,可以认为没有它我 Unless the detestation impression is held with the ovum and the spermatozoon as wasteful being the same Receiving raw whether ru or it is not received it can designate that as the thing which is not Because you think that it is the big primary factor

                                                                                              • 知道孩子的年龄,或是否真正听到高噪音超出了我听到不超过超声婴儿是它的杜鹃“Hohokekyo”之后“Kekyo”言乌詹或听到以后

                                                                                                • 离合器两个孩子的父母交谈,在小儿先天性心脏病时,他听到了谈话,生产Mumitaina我很惊讶的第三个

                                                                                                  • 羊膜穿刺术,还需要书面同意,它的父亲,说什么端午囊与地方按不接收一些碎片和不匹配的两种看法,一些奇怪 Amniotic fluid inspection the letter of consent of the father becomes necessary unless and the opinion two coincides because it is not received Around there side is pushed is what is something strange feeling

                                                                                                    • 胎盘的位置或一个坏的作风。或高风险的人是没有基鲁签署接受片段首先我希望,无论多么难得的是绝对的意外,并希望说我做多数民众赞成在仔细审查,以最安全,但奇 When position of the placenta is bad vulcanization When there is a sign high risk as for the person How desiring in the first place it is not received and By any means rarely accident however it occurs paying attention earnest safely is ru inspection When with you want to say
                                                                                                      • 30日的第一位置。时代在怀孕20多岁,随着年龄的人,即使他们已经在6个月内自然流产 In the first place 30 As for pregnancy with age increase as for two times 20 generations although naturally it is something which miscarries within 6 months
                                                                                                      • 胎盘的位置或一个坏的作风。或高风险的人是没有基鲁签署接受片段首先我希望,无论多么难得的是绝对的意外,并希望说我做多数民众赞成在仔细审查,以最安全,但奇 When position of the placenta is bad vulcanization When there is a sign high risk as for the person How desiring in the first place it is not received and By any means rarely accident however it occurs paying attention earnest safely is ru inspection When with you want to say

                                                                                                    • 蔓达443 我死之前或母亲,离婚率如果孩子是残疾Janairashii奇数 443 When the mother dies in… or in the past obstacle as for divorce ratio when it has the fragment there is no child it seems

                                                                                                      • 要隐藏的错误已经是一名医生,如果你失去了该项目的机会流产的影响,它会要求赔偿

                                                                                                        • 该医院已超过35岁的孕妇,“有测试和羊膜穿刺术奎特罗”只传达一个事实,即原则下进行的,但基本上是少数派Rashii NULL

                                                                                                          • 该泳装“壁花”was ll出售下赛季的演员不穿皮草销售的海外茹

                                                                                                            • 这件事情流产的一个只有300分钟,813的风险吗?我知道我说的被黑,如果羊膜穿刺术的年龄古奎特罗的结果错了,也和我呼吁驱动tTA流浪首家民营医院,第一流产风险 813 Miscarriage risk something it is 1 300 it passes I age the result of kuatoro being bad comparatively if amniotic fluid inspection however the black and white the tsu te which is understood it was said When it is the private hospital miscarriage risk appeal and I was perplexed first first
                                                                                                              • 毕竟,尽管我可以在人工流产后,我们进入了一个稳定的时期,无论在测试Arieru甚至没有流产后羊膜穿刺检查是不是因为,我不完全不能清楚地 In the first place entering into the inspection regardless of after climax miscarriage tsu te as a possibility being the case that it can be After the amniotic fluid inspecting assuming that it became miscarriage being influence of inspection so without being applying it is not either clear

                                                                                                            • 这和842,如果超过6年的干预,甚至一个儿童指导中心或托儿所有正常班,或特殊学校,婴儿或儿童福利设施,只有酌情父母或成为一般或者没有确定,但问题是儿童在健康的心脏的学校设施引发的风险,即是接受劳动投入

                                                                                                              • 这是奇怪的东西,其实在做,尽管巨大数目的堕胎 我Memasen妇产科日本经济生产,因为学生是通奸,因为Memasen Memasen儿童从行,因为它产生的染色体畸变小交配!啊,但 Actually something it is strange in the habit where the Japanese obstetrics tsu te tremendous number has interrupted… Economically you cannot bear therefore the student therefore the child of immorality you cannot bear but with OK Therefore chromosomal aberration you cannot bear just a little mate Don t you think is it is
                                                                                                                • 将发出的超声波对小于22孕周接受堕胎,或有明显的胎儿畸形,72%的医生“立即推出了专门机构”,而答案埃塔 When in ultrasonic inspection under the pregnancy 22 week when it can receive artificial abortion operation clear there is an abnormality in the fetus The doctor of the 72 you answered that “it introduces to the specialized agencies directly”

                                                                                                              • 问题是众所周知的测试,他们将自己的决定,我还是不是医生查看详细的工业生产,妨碍了机会测试第三方利益怀孕妇女在各自组织 As for being problem being understood in inspection you bear does not bear the doctor selfishly decides The group of the third party obstruct the opportunity to which the pregnant woman receives inspection because of his own profit

                                                                                                                • 问题是,个人不正常到现实就是:“细化”的优生学“概念”和思维的绝对禁忌的,和我的父母教育孩子的负担,我们有可能几十年后,肩和我是否应该,因为你可以看到这个职位是不是充分的论据,他们可以自由医师的事项外,以价值判断的领域 NULL
                                                                                                                  • 问题是,个人不正常到现实就是:“细化”的优生学“概念”和思维的绝对禁忌的,和我的父母教育孩子的负担,我们有可能几十年后,肩和我是否应该,因为你可以看到这个职位是不是充分的论据,他们可以自由医师的事项外,以价值判断的领域 NULL

                                                                                                                • 顺便说一句,而由恩戴剖腹产的早产儿母亲的我已居住在40个孵化器

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