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In the Chiba method phase which is defeated “we want continuing,” that 仙 valley secretariat director. 菅 Prime minister policy decision…Alternation it is not concerning the other Cabinet ministers the ★3


  • 司法案例的部长拒绝了他连任司法※部长,但没有平民。吉田都市(吉田内阁)木村Tokutarou财政官员(吉田内阁)总检察长,前司法部长,前司法委员会主席在东京律师Takatsuzi彰由纪(竹下登内阁),前内政部官员,法院前国务卿内阁立法局,三名前最高法院个月。第(细川内阁),名誉教授,东京大学,长尾律师律子(桥本内阁)题跋惠子前福利官员(内阁侃),律师,←红军武装分子新!
    <Reference material > Minister of Justice of civilian * Although Minister of Justice was defeated, there is no case, continuation throwing . Rice field Toshikichi (Yoshida Cabinet) Okura bureaucracy Tokutarou Kimura (Yoshida Cabinet) Bar association Chairman the former Public Prosecutor General, former administration of justice minister of state and Tokyo Masaki Takatuzi (Takeshita Cabinet) Original housekeeping bureaucracy, original Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau, original Supreme Court justice Three. Chapter (Hosokawa Cabinet) University of Tokyo emeritus professor and attorney Nagao stand child (Hasimoto Cabinet) Original public welfare bureaucracy Keiko Chiba (菅 Cabinet) Attorney, original Red Army Faction radical go-getter <- NEW! !

    • 编号:JEAnEUoH0正在计划一些特别的东西我会说讨厌的换行符?

      • 228不幸的是,民主党的支持者,支持神奈川题跋惠子金子驱动tTA弘萘乙酸削减从我开始做的回旋镖

        • 250是什么故事?今年我一直在亚洲各地及我不是对美国和日本担心叛逃

          • 28日现在,让我们留言·↓Tamazawa他们多谢你的一个问题Itirou勲29多岁的农业部长

            • 594 m违反选举法,并不是说这个可怕的地方,甚至表面选举安排这一步我家的垃圾,但在即将召开的现金。我期待着营地,并应能够关闭了侵犯自治市选举法将是至关重要的做事情,我集中清扫鲁莽

              • 653的“S 即到现任部长是谁打败了unseated re等待我决定,我应注意什么??S吗?马祖我还没有决定呢?法律,是罚款了事,因为它并没有形成这样的甘蔗!“花花公子看起来像小学↑瓦特 653 Was defeated “in the incumbent in the minister of state placing the person who is defeated go saying being decided it increases Obtaining Without being decided it does the yo With law such it is not written therefore it is there is no problem separately It does the yo ” ↑ The ge obtaining elementary school student tsu po which it does it is w
                • 659的“S 即到现任部长是谁打败了unseated re等待我决定,我应注意什么??S吗?马祖我还没有决定呢?法律,是罚款了事,因为它并没有形成这样的甘蔗!“花花公子看起来像小学↑瓦特 659 Was defeated “in the incumbent in the minister of state placing the person who is defeated go saying being decided it increases Obtaining Without being decided it does the yo With law such it is not written therefore it is there is no problem separately It does the yo ” ↑ The ge obtaining elementary school student tsu po which it does it is w
                • 阿866瓦特花花公子但这并不意味着传媒垃圾呢?什么是第一印象 866 But the ge obtaining which it does w it is the mass rubbish what thing which does not report this tsu te 1st impression

              • Eeee工程( д`)你会忽视,政府将在神奈川县是工程最低Eeee瓦特wwww

                • NULL l L l V ∧ ha to │ REPT l to REPT l REPT ⊥ i i l ⌒ REPT ┼ ─ └ ─ ─ l REPT i ┘ i 92 r ┬ ┬ ┬ a V ∧ ┼ re REPT HKRPT 92 l i ┘ i no gt │ ⊥ l 7 l l ∠ ≠ r No j no 丿 REPT re Λ i a l l l ∧ ha l re REPT gt no No i ∧ l l 92 gt r ni i l i REPT 7 92 Eight V No No 7 ○ O REPT re mu REPT REPT
                  • ≧Ð 2个D≠∠ (ヽ NULL

                • NULL NULL
                  • NULL NULL
                  • NULL z 丿 ¯ ゙ REPT ni 92 92 The do tsu it is dense however Z he ∧ REPT 92 REPT HKRPT REPT ri v he l REPT 92 REPT REPT No There is no alternation iru ij In ha REPT 92 lt N ⌒ REPT REPT ¯ ri l l to and e gt u e nono l l ∠ It is continuation throwing lt ij UMLAT i to REPT doeee “ ┴ L eight No This actuality l hi r suso l to HKRPT to eeee HKRPT i i l ha l 92 One v j 1 l W1 Under l ru l X

                • NULL Reporting the television newspaper seeing if the cod it makes in any case democracy administration the air which becomes everything good doing although you inserted in democracy Something is strange … so probably you have not thought “After the administration alternating” is taken with the policy which anew receives disadvantage the person who coming out In you felt life that was swindled dissatisfaction it was felt Japan of the country insecurity it was felt safely… with is said the person who coming out Government is did if “the conduct which measures convenience in the North and South Korea mass communications” have really already done but we 300 parliamentary seats decreasing ru with the national new party Above also the corporation people have occupied the conduct was brought due to the fact that the Democratic party takes that kind of policy That kind of also 300 parliamentary seats give to the Democratic party as for becoming the result where the citizen does the kind of selection which Influence “of the television and the newspaper” was large probably will be With the notion that where you say now it probably is necessary one time to try remembering
                  • NULL Reporting the television newspaper seeing if the cod it makes in any case democracy administration the air which becomes everything good doing although you inserted in democracy Something is strange … so probably you have not thought “After the administration alternating” is taken with the policy which anew receives disadvantage the person who coming out In you felt life that was swindled dissatisfaction it was felt Japan of the country insecurity it was felt safely… with is said the person who coming out Government is did if “the conduct which measures convenience in the North and South Korea mass communications” have really already done but we 300 parliamentary seats decreasing ru with the national new party Above also the corporation people have occupied the conduct was brought due to the fact that the Democratic party takes that kind of policy That kind of also 300 parliamentary seats give to the Democratic party as for becoming the result where the citizen does the kind of selection which Influence “of the television and the newspaper” was large probably will be With the notion that where you say now it probably is necessary one time to try remembering

                • Sengoku ll说你真的吗?我声明我无视民意会这样呢?你的意思是相同的政策,总理简你踩了人,我发现我Nijiru马铃薯品种分类内阁将

                  • _NULL_

                    • · · ヽ公共投资,抛弃那些看起来,,,,( 人)!ヾ。我 ⌒ 布鲁诺 古 As for public opinion those which are dumped REPT human DREPT i ⌒ No ku
                      • 不太可能成为人民Chiba m先生辞去民主党实际的呢?如果您正在寻找Idaro超过了自民党的票多少比例? Therefore as for actually public opinion the Democratic party support what the ro which is not necessary for Chiba to resign and is If you look at the number of proportional votes the ro which is more than the Liberal Democratic Party and is
                      • 像一个一个平民? w是,它通过在选举ー中线,民意是“反对”或挂出的亵渎根据选举法官,我没有?我问:如何舔 1 Being civilian tsu te thing w That it falls with election and passes as for thing Public opinion lowered “the no” and judgment it is You blaspheme election It has licked

                    • ·任命私营部门紧急· ·还决定在下降全部,他们迎来了不确定性触摸的可能性,已· · ·当然,任何东西,而民主党,但会想你必须但是,你· ¯ · å · · ·认真Kurenee死亡恩戴 Appointment from never people… After falling deciding insecurity of tinge was held in the possibility but… Never although you think as the ro which how much regardless the Democratic party say is not and is… It is maji dying well kana…
                      • · · ·应急下降任命来自私营全部决定的,他们担心,拥抱一种可能性是从来没有接触该· · ·,任何东西,而民主党,但是,你要考虑Tteta Ì ¨ · ¯ · å · Ì ¨认真Kurenee死亡恩戴 Never private appointment… After falling deciding insecurity of tinge was held in the possibility but… Never although you think as the ro which how much regardless the Democratic party say is not and is… It is maji dying well kana…
                      • 成为会员,但没有一个部长谁往往不知道吗?我想知道如果我从私营部门委任表格 To be good is the person who is not the Assemblyman the minister of state is accustomed from the wa It does in appointment tsu te shape from people kana

                    • “(从没有人会做更多),如果你想要它,并继续”,一个是我因为我的政策确定为权力小泽小泽或傀儡总统选举于9月全本朱达罗应该纠正的自民党只是在程度负仅一年后NetA的花鸠山内阁的负面如果没有,也可能被记住所有,所以即使一个W简再见,再见枝野 “Because the person who is done in other things is not we want continuing” that 1 The ro we should correct Now with September typical selection it makes Ozawa s or Ozawa s puppet it is decision it is in hurubotsuko With policy to be defeated to our people with degree of news item being defeated to Hatoyama 1 years later it may remain completely in even memory the shelf w which may become the Cabinet which is not Way if 菅 way branch field
                      • 我问这个战略的选举并没有认真考虑是否打开其中国民议会85 85 Then the National Diet they are the maneuvers which are not opened to typical selection It examines with maji it seems

                    • 一个可能的369朱达罗?父亲敖,敖母亲可在00或O型的孩子,因为我的生活呢?

                      • 一个开放的政府是“不按邮票,”当人们批评我说:“按邮票”邮票按Sanakatta陷入谎言在他出院的每一个字,但我我想这要爆炸 让你知道谁? ? It was even with our civil administration right… “ hanko you do not push” the tsu te saying when it is criticized from the world “ hanko you push” that to say while being in the office the kana the lie spitting which does not push hanko explode knew and… no one the te might
                        • 还有一个自由,我要爆炸Dattarou大家知道,让你的腹部,即使他们的解决方案Tteta这些家伙更为民主 Although our people that shelf even directly democracy such people understands from the stomach The wax no one knew and the te might explode

                      • 一名平民朱达罗不无期待自民党政府究竟是什么人你不提平民任命不去不太严重的饲料643奇怪的是更民主的政治家,而是它是所有共同的感觉是,输入而在所有情况下不可见。艾德的自毁瓦特拼盘 643 majiresu it goes in news item it is not The ro where the person tsu te our civil administration right civilian appointment commenting there is no wa can is not seen and is The civilian as for one person those where you insert becoming normal feeling the te On the other hand democracy of all politician is visible strangely And from the be which is done ku nothing W that self destructs with the matching
                        • Shinee民主党人吕奥采取任何责任,我无事真的坏脾气。 A组是不熟悉的合 Everyone takes many responsibilities and the ya die obtaining As for the Democratic party nothing whose feeling is bad truly Collusion group shelf

                      • 不要在那里工作,是公众的监察,没有任何法律制度,良心考虑公众不能不筛,将裁减法律缺陷

                        • 为统一闵长岛保守派议员协会甚至不喜欢在约10%30!主流的工作,离开了它的诞生大多数党派的幻灯片直接从社会主义社会在★敏,和成员协会议津市理由主要是由国家全面建设小康社会!民宪法的基本政策(党是)↓以指示该专营权在日本,实名制的人在家庭,因此真诚希望反奴役从04日拆除建国权利,立法(参加表决的。纠。委员会,热成型,“他可能。”慰安妇赔偿法),该国的非凡下降 In standardized association minsu as for the Nagashima Assemblyman like conservatives less than 1 tenths it is with about 30 It slid main current from Japan Socialist Party that way when minsu created Corporation Meeting Party Most The left Group Is tsu It is Corporation Meeting Main thing Justice Cooperation Meeting su ta tsu hu Discussion Member Is minsu constitution Basic policy Party right As for the clearly writing ↓ having done resident denizenship because of that being earnest wish from the joining party Anti Japanese national ruin 4 bill Resident denizenship family system dismantlement with surname classified by married couple person 糾 Commission don t you think structure “ Characteristic person Victory girl ” Compensation method It is the intention of submitting at extraordinary session of parliament of the fall gt Election system gt In order to expand the opportunity which participates in politics the lowering and the overseas poll system of election right suffering election right age gt Local denizenship and the like of the settlement foreigner early is actualized
                          • 为统一闵长岛保守派议员协会甚至不喜欢在约10%30!主流的工作,离开了它的诞生大多数党派的幻灯片直接从社会主义社会在★敏,和成员协会议津市理由主要是由国家全面建设小康社会!民宪法的基本政策(党是)↓以指示该专营权在日本,实名制的人在家庭,因此真诚希望反奴役从04日拆除建国权利,立法(参加表决的。纠。委员会,热成型,“他可能。”慰安妇赔偿法),该国的非凡下降 In standardized association minsu as for the Nagashima Assemblyman like conservatives less than 1 tenths it is with about 30 It slid main current from Japan Socialist Party that way when minsu created Corporation Meeting Party Most The left Group Is tsu It is Corporation Meeting Main thing Justice Cooperation Meeting su ta tsu hu Discussion Member Is minsu constitution Basic policy Party right As for the clearly writing ↓ having done resident denizenship because of that being earnest wish from the joining party Anti Japanese national ruin 4 bill Resident denizenship family system dismantlement with surname classified by married couple person 糾 Commission don t you think structure “ Characteristic person Victory girl ” Compensation method It is the intention of submitting at extraordinary session of parliament of the fall gt Election system gt In order to expand the opportunity which participates in politics the lowering and the overseas poll system of election right suffering election right age gt Local denizenship and the like of the settlement foreigner early is actualized

                        • 人。不仅希望在选举中投票,因为它是做人民的良好意愿,而休息,我会来我会做一个很好的手 People Public opinion it is good Doing therefore ru thing this… Just when electing we want vote then you do favorite selfishly
                          • 人。不仅希望在选举中投票,因为它是做人民的良好意愿,而休息,我会来我会做一个很好的手 People Public opinion it is good Doing therefore ru thing this… Just when electing we want vote then you do favorite selfishly

                        • 人民的意志?我朱达罗民主的日本?神奈川县公众情绪? ? ? Sugidaro和傻瓜! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! NULL

                          • 人气3解散时引入消费税的竹下首次在日本,我猜他是升百分之441

                            • 什么是地狱! ?失去选举,谣言或留在基地,但也与好市民Warazu显示,经批准后立即评价认为,如果瓦特是模仿这个暴政将被销毁瓦特 Something you are disgusted the ya You were defeated with election but in other words immediately after being shown with public opinion when it remains in spite instructions of off base and w When well such violent imitation is done w support ratio probably will be destroyed

                              • 什么是真正愚蠢的狗屎,但瓦特侃如生存,而且提出了内阁改组,一些做到这一点,只有瓦特与负责推动在这里瓦特枝野朱达罗它会因为所有侃民这是什么埃克从总达罗攻击瓦特

                                • 什么滨崎步弓弦万美元,但它不能被它的理解,而没有在一个地区险胜,但不是这一次,我将证明这三个中线阴谋!难道是很清楚,选民不希望第二个甚至更多的石窟部长! 1 000 000 step transferring if with the single seat constituency you call defeat at narrow margin without either not being able to understand yet it is not but It is dense It is Three Person Ku So Falling chi te ru It is Is Already the ro which is the super clear public opinion that 1 seconds is we do not want also the ri doing the minister of state
                                  • 不完整的魔幻分钟下降,或者是所谓的,由一个狭窄的幅度在一个地区,甚至没有进入语音梅罗三区第三位,人民“!”他们说没有的东西被人类和经验, That at 1 human Ku it fell at narrow margin if you say still you understand but Do not insert in even 3 rank at 3 human Ku “stop from the citizen ” With there is no meaning of using the human who said

                                • 他们使真棒埃纳民主座位下榻绑埃格部长赶下台的他,要做的事情是看Ntsukyouso像在北海道

                                  • 以前你是什么你说这是没有用处的美日同盟来终于打破普天间持续1周以上时间的自由党政府的 1 Continuity of administration After all Futenma our people spending time was made broken Whether to Japan U S alliance you who are made useless saying that w

                                    • 但一些人认为连续性是重要的,你知道,如果我的问题,就没有这个人继续下去?扎西,因为它没有充分的事实果如他的角色部长 However also the voice that it is continuity is important unless this person continues the ro which go the thing kind of plan which is not how is not and is On the contrary either duty as a minister of state is not carried out therefore it is

                                      • 但是,这家伙是倒众议员ーーーーーーー朱达罗! ! ! ! ! ! ! !吉达罗结束和常识! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! So it is dense as for is defeated is the Assemblyman who ro which Is common sense the ro which it passes and is
                                        • 什么是党未来的民主,是不是我缺少的人,所以我必须用赶下台的众议员 The Assemblyman who is defeated the use wa there must be the Democratic party extent The talent non being enough it is thing There is no future is

                                      • 你能自毁如果你温暖的监视,未经允许将自食其果坏的生活变成了相反的作用,是接触不好828

                                        • 你认为你会狡辩阶层选民,如法院提起诉讼? ?简,被称为自杀只是一个把戏议会的官员和律师吹

                                          • 党的内部逻辑的民主原则,千叶县千叶代表是恩戴繁忙的情况下,所有的他们,因为他们对待受害者知道,但在党的事,我将来会是致命的干扰与议会很快辞职,日本工作人员并不反映在地方选举的结果的第一政治和我是否就没有运气大家去投票是一个优先事项,他们变得力学,不是党的全国选举 Therefore with logic inside the Democratic party which makes Chiba typical the victim it handles Chiba and as for drawing the circumstance of everyone it is understood But as for that being intraparty thing Resigns hindrance is caused to future national assembly management quickly How not making the result of original election personal affairs reflect in Japanese politics as for that you think Is not national election and it reaches the point where when intraparty dynamics takes precedence everyone probably will stop going to the polling station
                                            • 代表民主党内部在千叶启动,从虚假的人民,他们非常关心他,你摧毁了日本的计划,许多人都对我通信在民主溃疡 Inside the Democratic party which makes Chiba typical scheming the Japanese destruction plan in the ru person being many Because the citizen became aware many humans fight in order to crush democracy

                                          • 党的名义从本党自由民主党取消了791免费的,只是觉得艾滋病,以便选举工作 791 The party which deletes freedom from the Liberal Democratic Party As for making such a political party name to do election construction only for the sake of it makes easy think it is

                                            • 全部部长,但下降支路的最高领导机构去更好:那么选民或投票或因此我所有Kakiko 574是一个演讲中,我踢我,但他们继续瓦特直场善终 574 Therefore stopping it probably will form everyone kakiko it has done it is Calling also public opinion or the number and the angular arm of polls well Although it slid from the highest system of Kokuken s and fell As for the minister of state the tsu te w which is continued If it dies although it is good
                                              • 你说,许多票平均928?比例的议席数目,执政党16 我33 48%的总 928 Poll speaking many what Also the number of acquisition of proportion parliamentary seats the ruling party totaling is the 33 of 16 48

                                            • 凯塔老害的那样好,也赢得了更多的麻烦,他枝野舆石应被取代后,小泽关闭修复

                                              • 击败众议员大。语音查看详细说到签名造成损害的收集仍然是必要的,然后我将居座辞职,但没有听说我没有工资,是为进一步广泛附表 Defeat Assemblyman large However you serve and how have not heard remaining between the ru Being gathered with also the signature of resignation prayer when the result it comes to the point of stopping the damage furthermore becomes large
                                                • 民主党人也正是他们做什么,他们会留在人坐? ?有没有什么目的 Just As for the Democratic party making remain it is dense It has been about probably to doing what The notion that where there is some purpose
                                                • 没有办公室留在这样一个碰撞木付我从来没有听说过的请漂白瓦特不好意思住在最 Being accustomed to piercing NO in the incumbent as for remaining that way the trap w which is unprecedented At the very most please live and be ashamed and bleach

                                              • 前几天我有几个,如跆拳道国会议员在选举中损失囊千叶司法?如果这句话我想我可能只是留在了座位与其说是少我必须有一个大我是,毕竟这将是 But as for me several days ago as for Chiba losing the Assemblyman badge with election greatly well enough That way also the fact that it remains in the seat of Minister of Justice it is it is it is not applying when you write If in such a foolish thing saying however the less it was done the shelf which may become after all so
                                                • 它坐落在内阁和国会议员选举,在全部落它从私人部门委任合适的人选,是否给予绝对认为,这意味着非常不同 The fact that the suitable person is appointed from people With the fact that the Assemblyman who falls with election remains in the Cabinet minister You think that meaning is different at all but it is how

                                              • 千叶是民主党人批评投手的失败推迟木村富士为例,现在的宪法新闻Kejime太郎

                                                • 千叶系统被称为红军例如极端之间左机翼联盟共产党(Bundt第2次)极左』说恐怖分子很容易从W到战国[学校转型的蓝的(前)从』你说了常见的结构破坏。安倍晋三智子菅还花了82%B8座%E3展%82%的现任社会民主党和左翼派别的新系列高佐诚周前从非技术乙节Rajikarugurupu%E3展%83%答9%E3展% AB公司%E3展%83%AB公司不派新左派是没有一个明确的理论或实性组织进行分类,而
                                                  As for Chiba 'communism person alliance of the Red Army system which even in left flank is known in radical group (secondary Bund)' graduate Speaking simply, extreme left terrorist group w As for the 仙 valley 'corporation blue same structural reconstruction group (the front)' the structural reforming which is said commonly with graduate. New leftist sect of system Also Tomoko weekly Friday Sataka Makoto and Abe of corporation people party incumbent Assemblyman had been on the register As for 菅 [nonsekuto] [rajikarugurupu] graduate of east institute of technology B % E3% 83% A9% E3% 82% B8% E3% 82% AB % E3% 83% AB Non sect is classified into new leftist, but not to be clear theory and the case that it is firm organization, in But the vague organizational body which even the person who the celebration make a noise participated exists in developing and radicalizing, three Also the group which becomes the anti-Japanese Asian armament front like extreme left violence group which causes water caltrop heavy industry bombing incident existed E6% AD % A6% E8% A3% 85% E6% 88% A6% E7% B7% 9A

                                                  • 叛国罪。千叶和神奈川县下降1吉焦! !周五优惠归其他人利益和日本对中国的孩子洗,韩国将减少假装拆除日本人。要在媒体曝光和民主组织

                                                    • 司法部,早总结内阁办公室的协调下,如是否外部机构的一个委员会,该机构在一(暂定)会条例草案的目的成立的人权

                                                      • 同样,我们可以很好的在下次选举中,日本作为一个国家,它只是对答案弹出以民主党选民和 It probably will be good This time in the same way as the Japanese citizen in addition as a voter even with the following election Answering just is made vis a vis democracy
                                                        • 从每天重复的方式在这个失误,但我不理他的选民的方法似乎没有实现 Like this doing because everyday it repeated mistake The so tsu po you facing in the voter but the ru it is consciousness seems that completely is not

                                                      • 因此,如果没有良好的,并继续驱动tTA部长的人失去了在选举中的信任!应该立刻辞职!一般来说,城市本身臭味向司法部长废除死刑?

                                                        • 在千叶,司法部长或死刑的民主废奴,但被赶下台的决定,从他的连任不应该有太多的民意舔
                                                          Because it judged that capital punishment abolition disputant Chiba at legal phase is useless, although you made be defeated, continuation throwing or democracy licks public opinion too much

                                                          • 地狱,它是科雷别无选择,但我觉得他们的感觉?因为我的全明星是政府,民主政府的丈夫鲁皮 Well with kore there is no certain semantic manner it is it isn t Even that rupi husband administration was all star Cabinet of the Democratic party it is the ze which is

                                                            • 如何民意的人,我不在乎任何民主吗?作为一个政治家的千叶县,作为一个成员,但我是一个品牌作为一个男人失败的新闻

                                                              • 如果你喜欢这一点,继续下去,那么我希望你喜欢的社会党瓦特,对方说,难民流动,不累积 If possible continuing this way we want making Japan Socialist Party like w Well as for the refugee flowing to the other party is not something which accumulates but

                                                                • 如果你看一下,不知是什么思想继续存在不会对这些报复这家伙是在E湿重为民主党人我们的人民“没有古耳朵听,”为什么我们不容许日本人民“我们仍是总理Packie提供带来可怕的恐惧,我损失了。”“哦,有一点我要感谢上帝 If it tries thinking There is no wonder at all The wax ww which was the latest continuation throwing and smiled It is retaliatory behavior to our citizens who are by the Democratic party For them “the ear which is heard it probably means that our Japanese citizens that it stopped having” cannot permit “The ze where we the holding tsu chi waited for fearful prime minister nevertheless and rubs” “Well we appreciating in God is one
                                                                  • 如果你看一下,不知这是什么思维的延续,是我们没有让这些人为了报复人民民主党“不再有耳朵听鼓”日本将不是我们的人民,“我们仍在我失去了总理Packie提供带来可怕的恐惧。“”哦,有一点我要感谢上帝 If it tries thinking There is no wonder at all The wax ww which was the latest continuation throwing and smiled It is retaliatory behavior to our citizens who are by the Democratic party For them “the ear which is heard it probably means that our Japanese citizens that it stopped having” cannot permit “The ze where we the holding tsu chi waited for fearful prime minister nevertheless and rubs” “Well we appreciating in God is one

                                                                • 如果部长或部长,不是在这个保守的环境报告,工作报告自己的路,我从来不说对不起的部长不能鄂如运动,作为部长编号,因此我失去了木付碰撞时,才与 Environmental minister of state being plain if the minister of state who is not reported election measure it is possible and applies and don t you think regrettable with it can say but Therefore work is reported to the Minister of Justice how that appearance and with that defeat what When being accustomed to piercing NO as a minister of state you attach

                                                                  • 应该了解的意义和放弃在选举现任部长!是的,它是正常的,得到一点,被打败,选民显然木付NO碰撞的证据 It should understand the meaning incumbent minister of state dropping with election There is such a thing normally But not obtaining clearly from the voter NO that you were defeated The evidence which it can be accustomed to piercing
                                                                    • 应该了解的意义和放弃在选举现任部长!是的,它是正常的,得到一点,被打败,选民显然木付NO碰撞的证据 It should understand the meaning incumbent minister of state dropping with election There is such a thing normally But not obtaining clearly from the voter NO that you were defeated The evidence which it can be accustomed to piercing

                                                                  • 忽略民意施加下瓦特预计韩国间谍机构,民主党人! Hitomodoki韩国是不厚的皮肤,它瓦特

                                                                    • 惠普民主总理建议在这里〜〜惠子千叶电话联系惠普
                                                                      The Democratic party HP - As for opinion to this Prime minister official residence - opinion collection Chiba Keiko HP

                                                                      • 愚蠢的左派政府的表现是什么?冲绳基地问题,玉米和外债在日本经济衰退,但我有一个gdgd

                                                                        • 我不会解散,而我并不是问题,国家将因达驱动tTA的人接触到汤所谓的真实意图,但63的选民不关心 63 Public opinion how how it is to be even the disclosure tsu it is state to put out the truth which is said If public opinion is not questioned dispersion the meaning how of doing or
                                                                          • 民主党人说,他们并不需要这种奥马伊人民意愿的,我不需要他们,我很544 544 Is don t you think Public opinion It does not need The te the Democratic party which is said Will not but it does not need

                                                                        • 我不能说什么张理论,私人设备齐全643“,没有选举负责部长由总理任命偶像木付可爱的人是如何选择的碰撞?”经Nde我能,我是真实的,但合理瓦特是在9月大选前辞职,但我不想被传递可以赶走那里 643 Well the private appointment tsu te persisting with the reason “The appointment responsibility of the prime minister who chooses the human who is accustomed to piercing NO with election how ” The tsu te it can keep having it is with to tell the truth stuffing but the ru w However as for just general resignation we would not like to make before the September typical selection there is also a possibility of being driven there
                                                                          • 它可能是最好吃晚饭,政府继续在衔接上的“,并表示所有,失去了家的成员他们的工作结束后,7月上,是想表达通过部长当选为执政的正义 It is desirable because to continue from the continuity viewpoint of administration It isn t ” that after you express in 7 ends of the month unemployment doing Councilor as a legal phase to typical selection Continuation throwing the thought where it can point was stated

                                                                        • 我会辞职,如果其他主要神经带来体面,说话也颜射壊我们应该这样做冲线,但我没有民主和体面的家伙 If the owner of the honest nerve however you refuse probably will be as for the partner democracy The honest person et al it is saying ochi However the wa or the tsu chi ya it was like this the bu tsu it has been broken with…
                                                                          • 696 Ttetara知道耻辱,是不适合他的意见,司法部长等本能declined m 696 Knowing shame the cod by his of such a cherished opinion is suitable with has refused unintentionally in legal phase

                                                                        • 我只是瓦特神舆一月更民主的总理,即使我留在办公室的人,即使输了选举大胜

                                                                          • 我曾经氖部长竞选失败,关闭我说我接受这个失败古重的结果吗?日本人民的声音,它忽视或湿重Warazu阶段的变化并不奇怪民主党同胞享有了午餐,并采取了有一定没有党第一次世界大战1瓦特作为部长负责出卖 The tsu te which catches the latest defeat result heavily saying you were defeated with the former Cabinet minister don t you think Whether voice of the Japanese citizen disregard ww As usual the people of the Democratic party take responsible no one w As expected there is just a minister of state of the treason party ww
                                                                            • 我说什么我不得不关闭氖接受体重的结果失去了这种苦?日本人民的声音,它忽视或湿重Warazu阶段的变化并不奇怪民主党同胞享有了午餐,并采取了有一定没有党第一次世界大战1瓦特作为部长负责出卖 The tsu te which catches the latest defeat result heavily saying you were defeated with the former Cabinet minister don t you think Whether voice of the Japanese citizen disregard ww As usual the people of the Democratic party take responsible no one w As expected there is just a minister of state of the treason party ww

                                                                          • 我来往律师小组的民主党人,人权,使我认识辊在你和公众之间的差距理论
                                                                            The group of Democratic party = human rights group attorney No [u], reason whether the [tsu] it is the conscious of the citizen and alienation stripe chestnut

                                                                            • 我没有继续部长的人,甚至在国会承认选举结果,它看上去差不多的愤怒,我可以捍卫自己的权力,他们使用暴力和应急设备

                                                                              • 我没有足够的话编号:Nb9fgvX10它已经睡像我不在乎辩论?快速,但

                                                                                • 我通常不介意在一个受欢迎的损失,但无党派选民将被批评为没有看到我做的嘲弄选举结果对权力的天狗埃泰这是很好的,你看到和充分释放民这是民

                                                                                  • 我通常现任司法部长,就在下巴下降,除非选举或保留理事会瓦特火灾对狂犬病的起诉,是吗?

                                                                                    • 战国义人内阁官房长官在记者会上说昨天上午是“可取的是继续踢从政府的角度连续性,”这表明,该识别
                                                                                      As for secretariat Director 仙 valley Yosito the same day In press conference of morning “it is desirable to continue from the viewpoint of continuity of administration” that recognition It showed

                                                                                      • 政党无视民意垃圾败类谁我们党投了反对票瓦特疯狂白痴一样,我现在已经死了万维网

                                                                                        • 日本政府赔偿的私人研究“建议 11★ 民主党人无视韩国的基本条约 如果学生狙补偿或赔偿局长二战结束后,慰安妇谁内阁活跃在Zenkyoutou战国义人,自行政自以为是的诡辩社会主义百分之附表 2★韩国强硬的立场 。内阁官房长官,“个人补偿后,在韩国战争”说,预计大 7月9日 7★ 产经新闻 参议员日韩基本条约的内阁官房长官说,“解决了”4★无需进行监测反复讲了在千叶相同的回报蒸汽 07行政村山苏 口语11 The Japanese government ignoring private compensation examination” suggestion… day Korea basic treaty 11 After the war the aim of compensation victory girl compensation The inside of attending self righteousness attitude strengthens with philosophism 仙 valley Yosito and as secretariat director who are active at the non sect non political students group 2 Japan Socialist Party graduate 仙 In “after the war private compensation” of secretariat director speech in Korea big expectation 07 09 7 仙 The day Korea basic treaty speech of secretariat director “The solution it is completed and” steams again In order not to repeat the same error as Murayama administration supervision is needed 4 07 11 If you mention Chiba “Surname and the human rights relief system classified by married couple there is no manifest and the te the Democratic party aims actualization” … Chiba method phase Checking discrimination and human rights violation Human rights commission the policy… Chiba Keiko method phase which is installed in the Cabinet prefecture to the human rights relief system installation method arranging 5 “Until permanent residence qualification can be obtained period in half focusing on shortening” “Asian region” Chiba method phase With emigration and immigration of foreigner new general plan 2 The Japanese dismantlement 3 bill preparation steadily with the stealth maneuvers 菅 As for Prime Minister and related Cabinet minister Naoto propulsion group Nominating also people group many Democratic party candidacy with House of Councillors selection 3 bills of surname human rights violation relief system installation of the classified by local denizenship married couple to the permanent residence foreigner steadily at below water preparation The Democratic party
                                                                                          • 威风。 (ー)(ー) ヽ 92 92 kiritsu 92 Being illegal ⌒ human ⌒ 92 Illegality without being it does the yo r ┬ 92 No 92 詭 Party Cabinet REPT 92 No 92 u 92 92 human u Cuscus 92 u ⌒ No 92 REPT

                                                                                        • 昨天,新 速度,他们是不是一个正常的选举,你试试我,我Kakiko行,或者如果有一些马伊拉讨论是否投谁,为了有效地战胜千叶的力量,太麻烦那我想我是失去了,但千叶 In order yesterday with new speed the people who do not go to usual election keep seeing kakiko Chiba be defeated to make If you vote to someone whether effective there is argument Will not although and others you made with special care Chiba be defeated by power the tsu te thinking

                                                                                          • 显然,我应该是非法的法律275行,什么样的司法工作 275 Legally If it is not illegal Regardless OK tsu te Minister of Justice tsu te Being such work
                                                                                            • 因为它是自然的公共服务价值和个人的感受和自私,但忽略所有的司法法律 Although being Minister of Justice ignoring all laws because the official business it has done with selfish sense of value and private feeling it is proper

                                                                                          • 木卫一: ,Ÿ 〜 ヽ 手足口病是我们的过错,该秃头宫崎。: ü 钦克゙阻抗解释。与其他养成的继续存在,在我们的同胞 io i REPT Foot and mouth disease is the bald responsibility of Miyazaki REPT n REPT i ゙ he REPT DREPT 6 The revenue source of the rose maquis is your wallets ku REPT i i REPT human REPT 92 U Sinker ゙ nsu explanation releasing chiha ゙ ha ゙ of the companion is continuation throwing
                                                                                            • : 年 ü 钦克゙阻抗解释。与其他养成的继续存在,在我们的同胞 Y gt he ゙ io i REPT Foot and mouth disease is the bald responsibility of Miyazaki REPT n REPT i ゙ he REPT DREPT 6 The revenue source of the rose maquis is your wallets ku REPT i i REPT human REPT 92 U Sinker ゙ nsu explanation releasing chiha ゙ ha ゙ of the companion is continuation throwing

                                                                                          • 毕竟民主党,“这是民意,为什么?从选择我选择的意见公共人陷入,并最终不这样做,甚至一个示范”是民意,为什么?陷入选择从我选择的人的意志的是人民的意志立即发言 The Democratic party After all “is this public opinion Why the tsu te Therefore the human who is chosen with public opinion is chooses a person unless you do either one of demonstration After all “it is public opinion Why the tsu te Therefore the human who is chosen with public opinion is chooses a person namely it is public opinion
                                                                                            • 民主党人“人民的意志啊!为什么?从公共选择我选择的人陷入舆论,舆论立即音频 The Democratic party “Is this public opinion Why the tsu te Therefore the human who is chosen with public opinion is chooses a person namely it is public opinion

                                                                                          • 民主党人的失败。千叶大柜中被击败,尽管采取任何责任。这是继续,但人们对他们是否会成为一位数的支持率是无关的内阁,全国选举,并继续出售,而不是紧紧抱住权力不放,并继续发行政府债券有一个大的,甜的和公司然而,这是一个消费税蛆看起来爆上 The Democratic party crushing defeat Responsible not taking The Cabinet you do not remodel In Chiba which is defeated large It makes continue In other words as for public opinion there is no relationship in and others it is dense Cabinet support ratio probably reaches one column but it does not elect and hanging on to power To continue to sell the country prosperously to issue the government bond continue corporate body pamper as for consumer tax the blast lifting Uzi insect shelf
                                                                                            • 民主党人的失败。千叶大柜中被击败,尽管采取任何责任。这是继续,但人们对他们是否会成为一位数的支持率是无关的内阁,全国选举,并继续出售,而不是紧紧抱住权力不放,并继续发行政府债券有一个大的,甜的和公司然而,这是一个消费税蛆看起来爆上 The Democratic party crushing defeat Responsible not taking The Cabinet you do not remodel In Chiba which is defeated large It makes continue In other words as for public opinion there is no relationship in and others it is dense Cabinet support ratio probably reaches one column but it does not elect and hanging on to power To continue to sell the country prosperously to issue the government bond continue corporate body pamper as for consumer tax the blast lifting Uzi insect shelf

                                                                                          • 民主党在选举或负位为什么维巴是个聋子或丢失原因如果这一趋势不完全民意在所有已知的分离 As for the Democratic party why being defeated to election As for 痴 baba why being defeated Is not recognized completely If this condition public opinion leaves completely
                                                                                            • 如有的茹它反映了人民的意志去做呢?这是很难做到,即使在投票选举瓦特无用 If well how you do making public opinion reflect it is possible Even when voting with election if useless how it will do well w

                                                                                          • 民主党是叛徒题跋司法惠子驱动tTA的祝贺转交司法部门的顶部,但反日集会在日本
                                                                                            The Democratic party Minister of Justice Keiko Chiba although it is the top of the Japanese administration of justice, the congratulatory telegram is sent is the traitor who in anti-Japanese meeting

                                                                                            • 没有人不应该放弃记者的工作也将是一个从邮票你说我不应该发生,甚至他们的秸秆发电Etara When it replaces unless by your substitute go saying because it means yu u thing probably will be It should become there is no human of the work abandonment which hanko does not push

                                                                                              • 犯罪受害者前多的协商,光的作用,这三对政治事务的记者,覆盖范围限制在媒体也不要

                                                                                                • 现在,这是多么不同,它好玩吗?934? ★限制人权委员会,内阁办公室新闻没有覆盖-题跋惠子司法司法政策在该组织的新闻发布会昨天在内阁会议后,监察权侵犯人权的U -网上教学和歧视研究〜是有关“那些”人权委员会是要澄清有关政策,内阁办公室

                                                                                                  • 甲,下Needaro认为合理使用直人,但不能滥用或救助思加彻是非常方便的做到这一点他们的孩子解释什么可以吗?

                                                                                                    • 留下来,没有什么区别Udaro叮咬的立委选举我的选民致辞,并开始由选举产生的私营部门?我这样做并非没有先例案件后者? ? ? From first when it is elected with people When it stops member of the Diet with election with the public opinion and points and remains The ro which is different at all and is The latter case how unprecedentedness without being
                                                                                                      • 我不是一个民主国家并不能反映选举理事会人民的最高 The public opinion is not reflected with election of the highest system of Kokuken s There is no democracy it is the wa which is This country
                                                                                                      • 该营地是没有分别Udaro叮咬和我的选民在选举国会议员的讲话和私营部门将开始选出的?我这样做并非没有先例案件后者? ? ? From first when it is elected with people When it stops member of the Diet with election with the public opinion and points and remains The ro which is different at all and is The latter case how unprecedentedness without being

                                                                                                    • 神奈川县的邮件投诉,总理不能相信民主党总部,也是第一次,最有效和愚弄人民的预测做什么在哪里

                                                                                                      • 神奈川选区选民(3常量)小泉:普选反对外国反对中西她娘家的姓:反对外国人选举权的,对两名名称金子:外国人反对普选,反对两个名字 千叶:在情侣青睐的另一普选外国人。波多野赞成:情侣赞成普选的另一个外国人。法沃尔 Public opinion Kanagawa constituency constant 3 Koizumi Foreign carrot administration opposition and surname opposition classified by married couple Nakanishi Foreign carrot administration opposition and surname opposition classified by married couple Funds Foreign carrot administration opposition and surname opposition classified by married couple Chiba Foreign carrot administration approval classified by married couple Approval Hatano Foreign carrot administration approval classified by married couple Approval
                                                                                                        • 1 击败民主党人“的千叶县。 我们已经失去了使用的负面宣传和反对死刑的名字和她的处女作”神奈川县章党总秘书的民主 1 “Chiba method Defeat… capital punishment abolition and surname etc classified by married couple were used in negative campaign” prefecture connected Secretary General… Democratic party Kanagawa
                                                                                                        • 显然,在神奈川选区已当选的民主党我金子,如果你问他退出选举,千叶当选Rashii Very at Kanagawa constituency funds tsu te being elected at the Democratic party the te If it is elected refuses accompanying Chiba seems election
                                                                                                        • 神奈川选区选民(3常量)小泉:普选反对外国反对中西她娘家的姓:反对外国人选举权的,对两名名称金子:外国人反对普选,反对两个名字 千叶:在情侣青睐的另一普选外国人。波多野赞成:情侣赞成普选的另一个外国人。法沃尔 Public opinion Kanagawa constituency constant 3 Koizumi Foreign carrot administration opposition and surname opposition classified by married couple Nakanishi Foreign carrot administration opposition and surname opposition classified by married couple Funds Foreign carrot administration opposition and surname opposition classified by married couple Chiba Foreign carrot administration approval classified by married couple Approval Hatano Foreign carrot administration approval classified by married couple Approval

                                                                                                      • 箱根每个人都在说客栈是晚上11点学校旅行,观看图像的特别节目是竹下登辞职驱动tTA梭织into ll移动到电视笑对接100日元

                                                                                                        • 编号:Nb9fgvX10手流河内见n不哭泣之前,在这里你和千叶朱达罗

                                                                                                          • 而这样做, “韩国,日本大韩民国民团”是电视,并已采取action ll支持民主党“韩流”和吹捧的繁荣,并在日本大量的老虎机医药朝日,每日新闻社和韩国作为赔偿范围内正在开展朝鲜通过刑事名韩国人,他们将要求指定任何Tamotsu拓谷的触觉媒体在韩国存在不属于基本条约需要考虑的事实,我们不能免费,但还不够 And at that time “Korea people group” The action which supports the Democratic party was taken In the television and the like “the Korea style” booms are praised pachinko CM and the like is many In Asahi and everyday the newspaper and the like name reporting of the resident South Korean Korean offender is done As for the compensation and the like to Korea in existence of the day Korea basic treaty where altogether there is no necessity is clearly written There is no extent may say completely for the mass communications to touch With it probably is necessary the fact which is said to consider collectively

                                                                                                            • 苏音译执政的正义内阁无视选民意志向司法部长和国家的选举下降
                                                                                                              Minister of Justice who reverses the decision of the Supreme Court, The Cabinet which ignores the intention of the constituent who entrapped that Minister of Justice with national election

                                                                                                              • 这个神秘的。菅直人感谢阿姨坚持的信心与左转弯将进一步下降wwwwwwwww This 妖 With the favor which remains behind the left winding old lady Wwwwwwwww the Korea Naoto s reliance furthermore probably will depreciate
                                                                                                                • 这个神秘的。菅直人感谢阿姨坚持的信心与左转弯将进一步下降wwwwwwwww This 妖 With the favor which remains behind the left winding old lady Wwwwwwwww the Korea Naoto s reliance furthermore probably will depreciate

                                                                                                              • 这女巫,但左翼,通过检查审计可视化也采取的替代品。一旦权力又回到刚才土豆Shinee Temee律师协会取消,开始数,民主党人中找到自己的身份向所在地的居住地,以便司法部长,这家伙只是他妈的做或怎样才能得到北荣共产政权大声笑,但我峨

                                                                                                                • 通常,司法的最后一站,说是按印章的文件,但执行的声音,因为他退休前的最后工作,千叶,教师,或按邮票?约10亿分钟时间,没有很好的审查,然后你可以做,甚至是不可能万维网 Immediately before stopping Minister of Justice well format is pushed in the execution document With as for the story which is said you have heard but never Chiba Before the resigning pushing format as a last work When is it is good taking a second look about 1 100000000 but… Well it cannot be or www
                                                                                                                  • 为什么这不能只是一个简单的众所周知的文件已送交执行我的工作很简单? The ro which is the work which is simple Prominence just it does in the paper of the execution which is sent It cannot do such a simple thing with something

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                                                                                                                  • 铁路,并通过全国大会有什么朱达罗冠陵聘请律师平民在国家公共服务看起来是在货架上,我正式任命千叶那又怎么样呢?

                                                                                                                    • ,彡米 ,我米彡⌒⌒ 奥夫五十铃我¯ !°〜〜 五十铃,ーヾ我 ー 彡 mi i 彡 ⌒ ⌒ mi HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No t to a r REPT t nini i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92
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                                                                                                                      • 受体 ヽMimimimimimi, ,我 ー r mimimimimimi REPT i r mi 彡 mi i 彡 ⌒ ⌒ mi HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No t to a r REPT t nini i REPT REPT No j j REPT ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92

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