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“Denizenship it should give to the foreigner who has paid tax,”, “it is the problem which relates to the way of the country”,…As for the quantity of Tochigi and the foreigner being 10 years, in 3 times the ★4


  • 156愚蠢的,因为民主党人“通常讲选举”艾希手流分别不大猜测和直觉选票超过无记名投票或秘密他们不知道的意思
    156 Therefore as for the Democratic party the fool meaning “of the plug sewer is not known normally” At the very most write-in or secret voting it probably is the extent which is misunderstood

    • 166“权利”,而不是没有“许可”是第一个地方,“允许”公共场所本身是一个谎言“,除非这些权利不会强迫一个众所周知的事实 166 “Right” and so on it is not “permission” is In the first place if “the citizen where prerequisite itself of permission” is lie” is not but the right is widely known fact
      • 166“权利”,而不是没有“许可”是第一个地方,“许可”的是一个谎言本身,而是一个先决条件是众所周知的事实 166 “Right” and so on it is not “permission” is In the first place if “the citizen where prerequisite itself of permission” is lie” is not but the right is widely known fact

    • 660我们,现在我们正在赢得゙瓦特普选运动卡娜塔
      660 This time whether with [kanata] ゙ denizenship acquisition motion w

      • Gendai []“的最佳选择,投票支持民主党”等...晚报日刊Gendai,日本自民党一直害怕违反选举法,★的一个问题是日本NEC公司3恶魔的烂摊子!在日本的寄生虫日本!日本是一个日本恶魔的混乱了!

        • NULL NULL

          • Tsukuranai和归化的经济基础将是这么多,我只需要肩部的负担,但无权只有日本的外国人将进行一个继承税时,他们修建了很多财富,而不是归

            • []民主政治,将带来一个外国人的必然结果为选举权而放弃土地,这样做在中国,琉球,而该法案海上火焰重-编辑-问题选举权和国家的外国人在选举中的股份-非小说作家应该工藤美代子...民主政治- “没有一个国家的3条条例草案”,樱井良子说:“这给予投票权的错误的国家

              • _NULL_
                * The Japanese society is changed with young person party (tentative name), * < Of young person party (tentative name) policy plan > Legal regulation of the new graduate supreme principle in job hunting Legal regulation of the age discrimination experience discrimination in job hunting Talent dispatch prohibition of industry Identical work identical legislation of wages Work-related severe punishment conversion of offense of law Member of the Diet annual expenditure substantial reduction and local assembly Assemblyman remuneration substantial reduction Government employee substantial reduction of allowance Government employee compulsory severe punishment conversion Wasteful abolition of Special Corporation and independent administrative corporate body etc Official make severe punishment conversion such as consultation and option contract Execution of medical insurance system management of generation Introduction (as for taxation object middle to advanced age and law effective for a limited period) of differential correction tax between generation Consumer tax tariff deferment

                • _NULL_
                  The content is fearful truly! Election inauguration qualification to observer, social worker, protection of fundamental human rights member and child member * The human rights violation relief system installation bill (the neanderthaloid right protection bill) with it is related The right to claim the dispersion of the national assembly The right to claim the dismissal of head of the national assembly and the deputy governor etc Election management the right to claim the dismissal of the member and the public peace member etc The right to claim the dismissal of the member of board of education etc. The Japanese dismantlement 3 bill, preparation steadily with the stealth maneuvers 菅 As for Prime Minister and related Cabinet minister Naoto propulsion group Nominating also people group many Democratic party candidacy with House of Councillors selection Foreign carrot administration and protection of fundamental human rights method (the human rights violation relief bill) etc, the excessiveness does the unconstitutional bill and to pass “National Diet method amendment” in order Sengoku takes charge constitution interpretation as a Cabinet Keeper of democracy and law from the National Diet exclusion The National Diet method amendment plan 3 The National Diet method amendment summary wiki

                  • _NULL_

                    • _NULL_

                      • ·日本为300亿美元,并已签订了自由朝鲜和韩国的基本条约(一千零八十零亿日元),支付2 00亿美元(720万日元),300万美元的私人贷款,资产在所有的日本韩国有一个巨大的补偿金额的时间 Japan enters into Korea and day Korea basic treaty being gratuitous 300 000 000 dollar approximately 108 000 000 000 Yen with compensation 200 000 000 dollar 72 000 000 000 Yen With private loan 300 000 000 dollar the Japanese inside Korea property It compensates enormous amount as that time everything
                        • 一般来说,他们没有理由支付补偿不合理不参与战争世代 Generally there is no reason which makes irrational compensation the generation bear who has not supported to war

                      • ·日本,韩国吞并条约,并得出结论说,韩国人民的愿望罕见,古合法合并没有任何国际法问题与韩国

                        • ※参考:为什么不直选对外国人(韩国人在日本的朝鲜人Merubeki承认投票权,因为这是力量与 Isn t foreign carrot administration why good Because the resident South Korean Korean it was accompanied mandatorily denizenship should be recognized
                          • 例如说,韩国从玛丽塔在阿布拉昆虫昆虫为奴,把物种伐丽流 As for the Korean if you refer to the insect the race who is born because it is used as the abura insect and the slave

                        • 一“和外国税,鉴于表决权互通”,“有一个国家的问题是那些”有没有这样的国家 1 “Denizenship it should give to the foreigner who has paid tax ” “it is the problem which relates to the way of the country” As for such a country it is not everywhere

                          • 不是永久性的和相关的表决好税的基础上1,那么,其他国家的刺激想到与魔法分钟时,我在战争 1 Well when it makes basis of denizenship as for tax payment and permanent residence there is no relationship When becoming the foreign country and state of war of thing should have been thought understands
                            • ー,两年来,穷人和选举权税的依据是,我没有投票,再次“Shabetsunida When tax payment is designated as basis of denizenship the pauper there is no denizenship becoming with the tsu lever again “ shiyabetsunida

                          • 中方从来没有投票权,在全国大选中或有一票?不要对希望在日本的做法或选举愚蠢?如果税收wwwwww表决,不应有任何例外的外交和非?特别美好,OK 日本是不是?这是什么在哪里?万维网 1 In the home country has not elected there is no election right in the Chinese election right being That election make practice in Japan aho thing you say is wwwwww If tax payment election right all foreign exception should do to die nothing with Exception OK and election right OK right the foreigner gt the tsu chi ya u is not in the Japanese Is here just where www
                            • 向穷人提供保护,性活动是接受投票我不需要它?通化,时代的故事,我有投票权和相关纳税?在日本和选举战前没有什么税的相关因 So to the pauper who receives characteristic life protection election right it is and others calling thing Story of the tsu te some times when u or tax payment and election right is a relationship In Japan from prior to world war 2 as for tax payment amount and election regardless of becoming the ru

                          • 为了获得一个明确的国籍某些条件,也是在保证效忠国旗前预设的小路

                            • 为退休和福利受助人及纳税人不希望我这样做,不得被剥夺选举权的阿里 NULL
                              • 59 小学或从福利接受者可以撤销专营权要我? 59 gt From welfare receipt person denizenship deprivation margin tsu lever Elementary school student

                            • 井“的蟑螂”或“平均出蟑螂”什么话“最坏的家伙”,但你会使用它们的意义不喜欢有错并不远,但我通常存在我只是 To be good “the same as the cockroach” “like the cockroach” tsu te word in is used “lowest person” like sense but As for by your there is no bad existence to there and the te simply normally it just exists

                              • 什么是税收税和特权税的金额噪音你愚弄到IDE提供的服务水平微不足道公众已在日本获得
                                The tax payment tax payment [tsu] [te], being granted to resident privilege, the [te] Making a noise with tax payment of minute 々 barrel amount of piblic services utilization, whether [aho

                                • 从东洋经济公司)在日本,日本人民是没有采取完全继承税遗产税!它的严重
                                  From the Toyo Economics new information corporation) The Japanese takes inheritance tax accurately, but There is no inheritance tax in resident! It is [maji

                                  • 从朝鲜政府疏忽·若要使假冒美国制造业已经走私毒品

                                    • 他们粗略推出·韩国渔船海上渔业,海洋资源已耗尽

                                      • 伊居民减税。即使一个骗局,这是螺丝开始的阿出在日本的特权线驱动tTA入籍归化,继续日本的免半年后
                                        Iga inhabitant tax decrease. To a fraud, way also the rear of the being naturalized continues the resident privilege of half price reduction and exemption, The fact that naturalized resident goes to screwing in was beginning of [a] thing and

                                        • 但我不想辩论 开始』我和“日本税收的增加,广播公司和日本的朝鲜居民 Simply it will begin argument it isn t that” As for Japanese in tax increase resident and the South Korean scattering
                                          • 322 ,但我刚刚讨论了协议,但不想要一个好长时间才能让当地的政治参与 322 The ro which gt the do with is good the classified by extent participating in local politics and is Because it is not good you argue but it is …

                                        • 但权利并非来自服务税所交的税款驱动tTA的行政,选择了比生命更日本,日本民族主义摧毁自己,但不行使的代价 Because so you paid your own tax there is no right to be obtained As for tax concerning administrative service Above selecting the life in Japan Even with by your as sacrifice you cannot show the patriotism that it destroys Japan
                                          • 但是他们的税收和行政服务,选择了比日本生活,日本民族主义摧毁自己,但不行使的代价 So concerning your own tax and administrative service Above selecting the life in Japan Even with by your as sacrifice you cannot show the patriotism that it destroys Japan

                                        • 例如,如果说在药房或三个营业日待津市东京,我们得到的一般不采取股票附近 If Tokyo when 3 business days it waits if you refer to the preparation pharmacy there is no stock the generic is made to obtain

                                          • 先生授权的代理人的工作人员395字节,理论一边挣扎,但喜欢你的意见-如果不是宪法,因为,虽然我住在当地政府的多少,必须决定是否仅仅团伙已经分配给每个市另一方面它可能是清楚地向外国人解决与和谐社会建设的一,各国政府和地方清除杀伤外来

                                            • 具体来说,通用之间真正的区别,揭示了血液中药物浓度和变化 Speaking concretely as for the real thing and the generic density and the change in the blood of the medicine are different clearly
                                              • 具体来说,通用之间真正的区别,揭示了血液中药物浓度和变化 Speaking concretely as for the real thing and the generic density and the change in the blood of the medicine are different clearly

                                            • 前警察通过▼。 Bandou忠信的调查,这本新书中国的日本“自治区”会』近九个百分点参与者(产经新闻出版)“之间的是假的孤儿留在日本。”

                                              • 另一个问题:如果你的妻子可爱:2010 / 03 / 15(星期一)09:48:42编号:rHaKD0eU0可爱的妻子,如果:2010 / 01 / 21(周四)13:58:22编号:q9i5jpYf0只猴子不能运行娃我听说他们

                                                • 后该人是不是我应该返回假户口,只有一个不计利息或贷款和生活补助金的名义 After that interest it is not with pretext of the life support gold and the like loan and title of account lying if it returns to this person It is excuse

                                                  • 嗯,我不放弃,如果我付的专营权税?放弃投票权,但它并不是孤立地存在的财产免税收入和居住税 When denizenship it abandons not paying tax and the te being good Because denizenship it abandons income tax Inhabitant tax Property tax Even just this simply margin
                                                    • Morae朱达罗普选会是任何人谁愿意留在日本,如果外国 When you stay in Japan with foreign who The ro which denizenship receive means chi ya u thing and is
                                                    • “我不喜欢投票啊,我不是我,我付税,”如果你是遇到了他,我们应该做些什么 “Without denizenship from the te calling The tax not supplying te it is good don t you think ” when the tsu te person is present How it was completed
                                                    • 但请我的政治权利是纳税同级Tta m不买的商品在国外 Shopping in the foreign country consumer tax you paid therefore it is but denizenship the same level what of the tsu te
                                                    • 例如说,相反,从来没有在投票权将被剥夺了日本人不纳税 Speaking conversely it cannot partly due to the fact that denizenship is deprived from the Japanese who does not pay tax
                                                    • 充分显示详情成为亚洲的政治科凯将使当地某些外国普选 If foreign local denizenship actualizes it becomes the politician being lazy which flatters to specific Asia
                                                    • 嗯,我不放弃,如果我付的专营权税?放弃投票权,但它并不是孤立地存在的财产免税收入和居住税 When denizenship it abandons the tax payment te being good Because denizenship it abandons income tax Inhabitant tax Property tax Even just this simply margin
                                                    • 弹出他什么时候他们说他们的选举权外国人袋骑痴呆的老人,老伙计,我已经与和平有关 Foreign carrot administration riding the do you propose and hanging Generally peace the ji ji which becomes dim to be the emptiness
                                                    • 我想在它的投票权,不管我怎么说这样的不理性情绪理论196 196 Until being the emotional argument which does not become such basis Regardless we want denizenship don t you think it is
                                                    • 无论如何,我说任何方式给予的神秘的东西,钱早生外来普选 In any case making influence the gold have anything would like to give denizenship to the foreigner with anything don t you think it is

                                                  • 回应无理要求朝鲜不要 第一,目前在韩国和日本的居民来到积载走了,人们来到茂木出稼 First they are the people where the present resident Korean Korean stows away comes to migrant
                                                    • 朝鲜族的回应的无理要求韩国 ·不要现在拖开,并提出,人们来到茂木出稼 First they are the people where the present resident Korean Korean stows away comes to migrant
                                                    • )首先,日本人民在日本已成为100%的人谁正在在日本的生活 First the people of the resident which presently is in Japan are the people who with 100 their own intention have resided in Japan

                                                  • 在大阪最多的国家接受的家庭没有领取公共援助▼原来,而不是实际上的养老金已支付的保险费来,有人指出不一致的地方,他们采取了很多很多的人还要比福利金额有

                                                    • 在日本的朝鲜人的Burgers纳税?我将他们吃,其实不是日本,日本税privileges ll隐居在支付 Resident Korean te tax paying the ru It is not paid with resident privilege it is it is not On the contrary eating with tax of the Japanese the ru it is it is not

                                                      • 在日本的朝鲜人联盟感谢他们大声站在74专户被带到法庭在日本,而特权 74 Resident in special meeting With the favor where resident Korean people group makes a noise rather resident privilege became publicity
                                                        • ·略退休金是要钱,唯一挂在韩国 Resident Korean the Korean does not pay either the latch and requires annuity
                                                        • 已经实施,以取代日本朝鲜人在S由外国人和社会融合459 459 Replacing the foreigner to the resident Korean and the Dowa graduate person already it has been executed already
                                                        • 远从日本韩国居民,但我不是说他也只增加了韩文 Furthermore but instead of the resident Korean Korean only the Hangul also the people whom you cannot speak increasing the ru it is

                                                      • 地区总部,为全县的行政杆和夫指出,对许多要求井田年专营权的收购
                                                        Main Korean Airlines people national group prefectural local headquarters leader of resident For Kin Kazuo, denizenship acquisition is the long time request

                                                        • 如果一个人独占Madashimo你们面前,我要求他们在你的手呕吐的独家国家政策全线
                                                          If your one person exclusive what rather, it tries probably to do exclusive policy altogether country is your insistences

                                                          • 如果你通过这一点,如果多到左到管道服务器,你必须有投票权,以戈恩说,只有出管道服务器,但将胡夫水平゙゙迫公务员将是巨大的,但戈恩万维网 If this passes the ba tube coming out you call the ke Denizenship is increased to either gon unless If the extent which is left to the ba tube whether gon is good don t you think It probably becomes government employee mosquito ゙ Khufu ゙ ru but www

                                                            • 如果这种日本化的,它只是说,如果你想投票权, ,很少住在这里,一个日本公民入籍,如果你和我一起死在日本很少住在日本,而不是去与我死在这里很自然地 If just this to Japan it converted is the place that we want also denizenship it probably is what but gt Being born here although being here it keeps dying On the other hand being born in Japan being Japan it keeps dying if is It probably is proper to be naturalized in Japan
                                                              • 不知道为什么不举行公民入籍归化朝鲜为什么不说话,所以我说 You are not naturalized with something keeping the Korean register in a story that it is the reason which is not naturalized does not understand
                                                              • 他是在日本要归由550不,我什至不说,日本是致命的入籍 550 We do not want being naturalized to resident separately and be naturalized even the necessity for how Japan to say it is not
                                                              • 如果只有日本,但它只是不希望有权投票,因为我成了一名日本公民将困难重重,但我觉得如果有绝对入籍 If just this to Japan it converted is the place that we want also denizenship it probably is what but gt Being born here although being here it keeps dying On the other hand being born in Japan being Japan it keeps dying if is It probably is proper to be naturalized in Japan
                                                              • 如果我们有成年人试图用我用脏话什么是美丽的,这种共存时,或归硬人权,我可能有很多事情 There were varieties and a very thing but when I am naturalized even when they are human rights it is symbiosis using the clean word which it melts and says the dirty large people where it tries to utilize me were
                                                              • 我不归的原因是日本的特权,我应该归做,如果我要投票Shikere 208 208 If we want election right if you should have been naturalized but it is Because there is no resident privilege you are not naturalized it is don t you think

                                                            • 常见的卡诺“和课税代表无无”,英国人民“”不过,大量的税收和(当时的选举限制)我,我付出,他们在英国议会没有席位13这种说法不对东部各州 Whether of there is the common sense “representation losing there is no taxation” Although the “same Briton” is furthermore huge tax at that time restriction election supplying although the ru As for there is no parliamentary seat in the English national assembly insistence of eastern 13 state that it is strange
                                                              • 常见的卡诺“和课税代表无无”,英国人民“”不过,大量的税收和(当时的选举限制)我,我付出,他们在英国议会没有席位13这种说法不对东部各州 Whether of there is the common sense “representation losing there is no taxation” Although the “same Briton” is furthermore huge tax at that time restriction election supplying although the ru As for there is no parliamentary seat in the English national assembly insistence of eastern 13 state that it is strange

                                                            • 干扰纳税人的事务,不是吗?弹出国家向外国开放的体制基础设施费用

                                                              • 当然,我们国家的投票权,有15人的宪法,日本是一个绝对的要求 NULL
                                                                • 当然,我们国家的投票权,有15人的宪法,日本是一个绝对的要求 NULL

                                                              • 慰安妇赔偿和个人赢得普选外国人,如果执政的手段,人权委员会和我不能动摇我的,我接到一个二进制位作为一个主要的公共任务 In other words if ruling party victory assuming that foreign carrot administration and military comfort woman private compensation and human rights commission etc received the entrustment of the citizen shaking the major company being the case that it is advanced the shank

                                                                • 我一直在说,493是日本谁拥有日本国籍,但中国却没有留在杜克涌 493 You say but as for we left flank even when being chiyon public but the Japanese who possesses the Japanese nationality which is not China

                                                                  • 我不介意说驱动tTA的事情,比如窃听风云驱动tTA纳税支付销售税只有一个吧?继承税,物业税,所得税等...不要让我付土地税朝总联恩戴我认为有很多

                                                                    • 我不会投他solve d说,居住在155个永久?被限制为20个居住特别许可年瓦特 155 If the person who is not election right is present and is not permanent residence permission don t you think the solution Special settlement permission in 20 with restriction w

                                                                      • 我们是不是所有的冷静和败类再见前一丁之前,我听到的古芝Dasee Although dasee it is and kuchi before the tsu chi yo is effective and the parenthesis has attached well the kudzu

                                                                        • 我会想,只是一个消极的光束834日裔美国人,一直教学中赢得胜利,但其影响的项目上,朝鲜人民自己认为是影响织成的项目在日本反对战争 834 Thinking that it was defeated to America as for ru with just the Japanese The Chinese is educated that by his won and The South Korean has been convinced that by his fought with Japan in the independent war
                                                                          • 如果日本,中国和朝鲜的战争,如果日本与韩国,从崩溃将在 When Japan it becomes Korea and North Korea and China and war from inside Japan is destroyed probably will be

                                                                        • 我只是一个对谁没有吃福利及退休公务员的边缘岛国
                                                                          The pensioner and the welfare person and the government employee just are raised are simply island country what before the failure sun/size

                                                                          • 我奇怪想回家,也没有抗议投票,但我科塞达歧视,但没有投票的国家,它为在日本的朝鲜人也正因为如此人权组织 Although with what the human rights group or the resident South Korean were not given denizenship from the homeland the denizenship which is discrimination cross over is that return home it did not protest don t you think it is probably will be

                                                                            • 我拿起一个学生票从失业家庭主妇不整洁求职税修干我吗?一般来说,你会真的像在战争之前是不是我的,我付钱给投票 Tax from the jobless student of the housewife neat job searching which does not supply Is election right picked up Generally supplying the gold from the ru election right Don t you think the ma it is ma prior to world war 2

                                                                              • 我真愚蠢美国纳税人伤害我,美国军方和情报机构有一个核心的大小,而不是土地和自然资源

                                                                                • 投票,人民权利的家,返回日本的命运,是日本灭亡繁荣和日本的外国人在行使时谈到的,是错误的 As for election right Japan will prosper but it will fall into ruin but being right of the Japanese and Japanese citizen who does destiny together Now then with if it becomes the foreigner who has the native country which returns uses is strange
                                                                                  • 如果我回到韩国运动,运动应集中讨论如何您可以轻松地 If it returns to Korea therefore it can use it is it should stress to the method where it can use simply

                                                                                • 排除在外,唯一的区别排外坐在我面前的你的意思是想体面的,从某种意义上讲日语的,但它已被外国人在赞成普选 Therefore with saying different from the waist coming out of the exclusive principle like you From good sense the ma tsu you question as a Japanese it is the case that it is approved foreign carrot administration
                                                                                  • 排除在外,唯一的区别排外坐在我面前的你的意思是想体面的,从某种意义上讲日语的,但它已被外国人在赞成普选 Therefore with saying like you different from the waist coming out of exclusive principle From good sense the ma tsu you question as a Japanese it is the case that it is approved foreign carrot administration

                                                                                • 政治[3]立法拆除日本内阁部长和总理和菅直人准备隐形战略稳步居民民主选举的许多建议可以民团政治活动家-她娘家的姓外国永久-普选的地方民主党人准备场面法案背后的稳步成立了三个救援组织-自由民主政治-人权,争取到2★选举可能在义工网络
                                                                                  The Japanese dismantlement 3 bill, preparation steadily with the stealth maneuvers 菅 As for Prime Minister and related Cabinet minister Naoto propulsion group Nominating also people group many Democratic party candidacy with House of Councillors selection 3 bills of surname human rights violation relief system installation of the classified by local denizenship married couple to the permanent residence foreigner steadily at below water preparation The Democratic party Our people, with net volunteer collection Directing to House of Councillors selection * 2 So is

                                                                                  • 日本政府赔偿的私人研究“建议... 11★无视韩国的基本条约[民主党]不要碰了,因为外国人的政治选举权而隐藏的社会问题是不公平的[]”民主党是反外国人选举权的! “”民主党优势假“,”核武器对韩国的“...保守或右翼极端主义网络,5★排序真实世界的项目-国家只支持从- ”废除“山屋厕所的决定日本可能成为主导媒体对违反选举法的很

                                                                                    • 日本的税收优惠,日本于。招生,日本于。奖学金,优惠的法律以保护日本,日本的选举权人权问题
                                                                                      Resident favorable treatment tax system, resident superior. Admission examination and resident superior. Scholarship and resident favorable treatment protection of fundamental human rights bill, resident denizenship problem

                                                                                      • 查看详细帮助解决在日本宇都宫的活动的日裔美国人,长谷川智子(54)是生活“嗯,外国人更不纳税

                                                                                        • 欺诈是合理的,如果你可以看到闪烁,放荡“天堂在这个世界上的法律人员的上司。迷魂药”,它成为 It is rational fraud but seeing you do not see if it shakes As for superior of official “paradise of this world of liquor pond meat forest law It is the case that it becomes religious ecstasy”
                                                                                          • 民主党人骗局疯狂欢呼取决于拉不回来,看着痛苦的诚实 Being caught to fraud way you support the Democratic party desperately Honesty being pitiful seeing and others there is no re

                                                                                        • 此事 参考 资料:朝鲜韩国历史真相的日本居民,他们将不返回韩国为什么? ※(在国外一些国家,适用于识别),大多数这些国家,和针对特定国家,“交互式”我承认,适用于 Truth of day Korea historical problem Is the resident Korean Korean why probably not to return to Korea There is also a country which has been recognized in the foreign country The majority of those countries is “to have recognized mutually” vis a vis the country of specification
                                                                                          • 地方选举权外国居民(表决),使该法案的支持者,已提升到生活和外观,其中一个原因就是他们在日本的居民将他们的反韩中日 In the permanent residence foreigner local denizenship election right is granted as for propulsion group of the bill which the resident Korean Korean its own intention It opposed and it listed the fact that to Japan you have lived as one of the reasons

                                                                                        • 武藏(穆萨 这个词麻丽)琦玉■(又名:高丽 ):日立主要是韩国人居住 Musashi with multiple unit steerable antenna Korean flax Saitama prefecture alias Empire of Korea lt scene gt The Empire of Korea Sinra Gun to be placed in the same way as for Tokyo Saitama Korean type shrine as many as 130 places Chiba prefecture alias shibo Former times on “upper entire” “Shimofusa” area Korean settlement Ibaraki prefecture alias Ota lt dejiyun gt Focusing on Hitachi the Korean resides
                                                                                          • 东京■(又名:驹场 ):韩国全国武藏省,他已向新罗枪 Tokyo alias Komaba lt scene gt The Empire of Korea Gun and the Sinra Gun were placed in Musashi country

                                                                                        • 社会民主党人都反对普天间基地迁移的,我不知道这是什么地方普选中给予外国为什么不赞成

                                                                                          • 米死在政治对立严重,让外国公司参与的入籍条件,如果你打破它在茂木普选外来厚给我什么我不关心模糊修基穆专利权税吕奥我 The wa becoming dim which is not anything related to tax supplying ri ya denizenship te The foreigner denizenship cross over the tsu te to be too impudent If this the ze which also condition in order to be naturalized will make harsh The foreigner participation without fail how in politics opposition
                                                                                            • 政治 “纳税的外国人,由于投票权互通”× 政治 “纳税的外国人,让外国人看后的福利”○ “Denizenship it should give to the foreigner who has paid tax ” × “It should look at the trouble of the foreigner of welfare to the foreigner who has paid tax ” the ○
                                                                                            • 米死在政治对立严重,让外国公司参与的入籍条件,如果你打破它在茂木普选外来厚给我什么我不关心模糊修基穆专利权税吕奥我 The wa becoming dim which is not anything related to tax supplying ri ya denizenship te The foreigner denizenship cross over the tsu te to be too impudent If this the ze which also condition in order to be naturalized will make harsh The foreigner participation without fail how in politics opposition

                                                                                          • 编号:xcRXTTBE0我,身份证我只是一个坏red ll真正罚款接受小学教育?
                                                                                            ID: xcRXTTBE0, the place where it has made ID deep-red it is bad, but it is Elementary education the beam which is questioned?

                                                                                            • 茹百分之45席,因为他们不能为外国人选举权,保护人权法案获得通过,毫无疑问我瓦特

                                                                                              • 获得选举权,享有优惠的待遇,我赢发言,而不是作为一个生活在日本的日本人?我们已经得到了你的手说我不是日本人 Denizenship receiving as a Japanese it is not and it would like to gain favorable treatment as a te resident it is the ro which is That saying as for you the Japanese it is thing
                                                                                                • 查看详情之前,对稳定外Heads ll优惠待遇帮助日本人很难 Before increasing steady to foreign favorable treatment help the Japanese who has been troubled

                                                                                              • 请给我们药房图表的复制和比较血液水平和趋势,真正的通用
                                                                                                The kind preparation pharmacy gives the real thing and the copy etc in the relative graph of density change in the blood of the generic

                                                                                                • 请问,434日本社会的家伙,他们不符合日本的法律?谢谢您的光临本身的移民法,我Emashou彰艾希有趣的是,在未来,但不可能是泰尤 434 Do the people whom you do not follow the Japanese method become for the Japanese society The method itself to immigration coming thank you for It will change into those where is correct future the te the ro which is to say
                                                                                                  • 相反,谢谢你的立场来移民是正确的,因为未来 On the other hand to immigration coming thank you for The stance where is correct future

                                                                                                • 这似乎可以肯定,这份杂志的Burgers安装法案-比联爆破拆除3日-日本政府,总理和菅直人,内阁部长和民主选举的准备稳步隐形任务太多主张在民团-政治-民主党人准备稳步建议背后的场景设置了3个救济机构法案侵犯她娘家的姓外国永久居民,当地普选
                                                                                                  Thing of the Japanese dismantlement 3 bill being recorded the certain weekly magazine, the [ru] way the shelf The Japanese dismantlement 3 bill, preparation steadily with the stealth maneuvers 菅 As for Prime Minister and related Cabinet minister Naoto propulsion group Nominating also people group many Democratic party candidacy with House of Councillors selection 3 bills of surname human rights violation relief system installation of the classified by local denizenship married couple to the permanent residence foreigner steadily at below water preparation The Democratic party

                                                                                                  • 那你这样的傻瓜对外国人的歧视,但发言时,世界第二百除日本和仇外心理然后是所有国家的一个国家或一个歧视?为外国人的选举权问题谈欧盟,在特许经营税,因为欧盟支付的税款,适用于许多countries ll权力的法律采取了数百名当地居民日本我没有得到日本的权利

                                                                                                    • 针对外国人的普选-人民的新党-反对她的娘家姓-人民的新党-相同的獾洞,但我很可能再也无法瓦特

                                                                                                      • 首先,中国和朝鲜是不是一个普选制度,共产党成为由于韩国党极权主义政权的故事
                                                                                                        First China and North Korea not to be the system, popular election, because the Chinese Communist Party, it is a party dictatorial administration of the Korean work party, it does not become story

                                                                                                        • 马洛伊非常分钟,你有什么我所付的税款实际上做外国税?你是税收征收的工人与日本平等的条件?据古听到,系统由于得到的是ー即使扣除税收南洗一次,我也想说话,我会来的,几乎没有真正的报税充分 You do not understand well but actually supplying the foreign te no tax which has paid tax the ru All taxes it has paid tax under the same conditions as the Japanese worker According to the place where you hear paying tax once the nanchiyara tsu with favor of the system becoming deduction Almost payment in full returning way substantial tax liability it is not there is also a how story but what…
                                                                                                          • 各种政府服务税(如公园,图书馆),并有权获得投票权都不要紧, As for tax payment administrative services the park and the library etc being something which is received election right completely there is no relationship
                                                                                                          • 特许经营的税务负担,我再说一遍,我有厚厚的魔法分钟的分歧来吧! As for tax obligation and denizenship the tsu te which is different When no degree you say you understand it is
                                                                                                          • 特许经营税和投诉请求为223,但他们从来没有成真我会好起来的s修干我的税,因为它是不同的,但绝对没有万维网 223 Therefore tax payment and denizenship difference to be possible to appeal also the te tax not to supply don t you think it is Simply the request as for Kanai u thing however without fail it is not www

                                                                                                        • 高市早在自民党。对冲绳和北方,外交部前国务部长声称揭示文章

                                                                                                          • (例如:C型肝炎的药物对症治疗,延长生命的药物乌尔索) 但是,鉴于Karezu真实的文件和药品处方,如果有Isure要求不远处的医院,也许我可以得到一个通用的? (个人进口)由中国人民die m也是通用的混合古邪恶的东西 uruso of expectant method medicine and prolongation of life medicine of example and C type hepatitis But if we ask at the distant preparation pharmacy where… genuine appointment and the not writing it is distant from the hospital in the prescription whether it can get the generic As for the generic of the Chinese product of private import there are also times when the adulteration dies the person badly
                                                                                                            • 医生 “没有更通用的”,可以订购,并给予实际的形式Karetara处方,放弃 When “the generic useless” is ordered from the doctor and genuine appointment is written on the prescription you abandon

                                                                                                          • (当然也有例外,也有相同的血药浓度的变化和真实的东西和仿制药

                                                                                                            • )是等待坚实的刚度(也强调,注重细节,精心这里描述的,我真的苛立我不能甚至开始理解W)和竹岛,在朝鲜半岛,这种情况下,原因是她从事,或经Nde Arekore工作结合到日本人民得到朝鲜秘密军事境内机构应当在公开的战争 It is coagulated in addition to having explained this politely politely being able to understand it is not quite therefore it is as expected The wa w which is irritated it does when as for the Korean Peninsula with the Korean Peninsula case of the bamboo island it is Korean of the expectation which is aggressive state territory in North Korea the special duty system Tying the hand with the fellow with the meaning which does arekore and construction activity vis a vis Japan
                                                                                                              • 他们在非法占用的920来到独岛,他们声称对马岛的领土从韩国国会议员,而且,你还是白痴投票峨给外国人的民族主义和激烈的高水平本 920 In addition to occupying the bamboo island illegally member of the Diet whom you insist that it is Korean territory to Tsushima being At the same time whether the fool who denizenship and the like gives to this foreigner whose tremendous nationalism is high is

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