14:52编号:utFP???在工作场所的环境Towazu电话铃响经常对骚扰线进出晴15 42 7利奥成为博客掌握企业从欺凌一些摘录,不要安装电话的欺凌席位为目标 14 52 ID utFP From certain burogu excerpt Expert of company internal unkind treatment Harumi s harassment introduction which at Leonid 7 day becomes 42 that 15 About under the workplace environment where the line question telephone sounds frequently in just the seat of the ijime target person The telephone is not installed
592:先生Majiresu:2010 06 23(星期日)23:14:52编号:utFP???15个骚扰晴42天左右进出的是从一间公司欺负专家利奥博客摘录Towazu电话线良好的工作环境下往往没有安装电话所在地欺凌的唯一目标 592 majiresu 2010 06 23 day 23 14 52 ID utFP From certain burogu excerpt Expert of company internal unkind treatment Harumi s harassment introduction which at Leonid 7 day becomes 42 that 15 About under the workplace environment where the line question telephone sounds frequently in just the seat of the ijime target person The telephone is not installed
187“南无妙法莲华経”,不只是背诵排减单位,但我看到的细节通过从法华经展 187
The “south non strange method lotus flower sutra” just you advocate not to be, one paragraph of the [te] and the legal bloom sutra is called off, it is
1985年11月从一个罕见的攻击包括两名持枪音频部文化中心协会,团伙成员被警方逮捕的设置转到 In November of 85 handgun 2 shot to shoot in the cultural center of the academic society headquarters and you to be packed, the Goto group henchman
Flagrant delict it was arrested in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
20税不得,以满足所有的民主党人下的承诺走上支出的百分之我什至不足够 When those where democracy is not withdrawn among pledge expenditures are achieved entirely To a consumer tax 20 it is not enough but it is
TTP的: b hatena ne jp 我猜鹰和没有外汇收回承诺Chibababaa ttp b hatena ne jp Don t you think chibababaa and what kind of reverse side pledge it has exchanged probably will be
2800霞关星期二,2010年5月18日讨论宗教法人税的志愿者民主党议员星期五,2010年5月21日持续了一周年的全党大会获得幸福星期六2010年6月12日示威“保守”。科学与幸福的关系 2010 June 12th Saturday Happy actualization party Political party formation lap year commemoration conference 2010 May 21st Friday Democratic party volunteer Assemblyman arguing the religion corporate body tax system 2010 May 18th Tuesday Kasumigaseki 2800 people “conservative type demonstration” and something related to science of happiness
数字收益基金青睐的税收,税收优惠,根据流动的宗教法团或选举制度的政治支持的形式,即使是政客欧麦尔 The gold which is gained with the tax system which is favorably treated flowing to the origin of the politician in a way election support Favorable treatment of tax of religion corporate body very in the politician uma the system
57真棒〜〜只要莲古节的做法并不只是你要我埃泰的星邪教南无妙法莲华経 57
It is enormous, - - the [ku] speaking simply
The sect other than the Nichiren sect is wicked teaching
South non strange method lotus flower advocating the sutra, training margin
[tsu] lever and kana
60号:8xcWSrprO 68编号:qmDpWGlV0 73编号:H5wYwmZV0这些家伙,该协会代理的统一 60
ID: 8xcWSrprO
ID: qmDpWGlV0
ID: H5wYwmZV0
As for and others it is dense, the stooge of standardized association
“与老板直接接触并转到藤井先生是右翼团伙在花岗岩健全卡车协会总部忧 “The direct opportunity to which Fujii contacts with the Goto foreman was that the academic society headquarters are bothered in the town declaration car of the right wing mob
↓鼠疫开发计划署的人,就是这些家伙!人民的新党,龟井代表↓,运动大师和合作Warudomeito明星呢?埃塞让宗教团体不应该行使“爱的世界!Warudomeito”(Warudomeito短)后进入政界人士和相关的,都输了!这种“规则援引Warudomeito!”我们叫恩戴 Pest for the ↓ national new party is and others it is dense ↓ With national new party Kamei representation and coaction with the warudomeito founder election activity You do not have to make use to the ese sect “in the world love warudomeito ” abbreviation warudomeito with as for the politician who relates all defeats This “systematic motion of warudomeito ” With it calls
↓鼠疫开发计划署的人,就是这些家伙!人民的新党,龟井代表↓,运动大师和合作Warudomeito明星呢? Esze宗教“爱的世界!Warudomeito”(Warudomeito短)后进入政界人士和相关的,都输了!这种“规则援引Warudomeito!”我们叫恩戴 Pest for the ↓ national new party is and others it is dense ↓ With national new party Kamei representation and coaction with the warudomeito founder election activity You do not have to make use to the ese sect “in the world love warudomeito ” abbreviation warudomeito with as for the politician who relates all defeats This “systematic motion of warudomeito ” With it calls
已成为国家的进步为导向的四名男子大师孙明博月球的统一教会在日本取得了可观的权威在这里 Coming here it was decided that national Shin of 4 men has the substantial authority of the Japanese unification church by the indication of the sentence clear founder
一位梁201 Netouyo韩国Netouyo,赞成直选对外国在日本的支持民主Netouyo? 201 As for beam netouyo foreign carrot administration approval netouyo resident Korean netouyo democracy support That
不存在什么设备,企业有圣教新闻社456创价学会,我付出了商业减税作为一个非宗教组织是不奇怪逃税 456 Dressing up the corporate body which Soka academic society calls the saintly teaching newspaper publishing company and does not exist cheap tax you have paid as a business of the sect but as for this there is no tax evasion or it is strange
不存在什么设备,企业有圣教新闻社创价学会,这是不便宜我也要为营业税不是一个宗教集团是奇怪或逃税 Dressing up the corporate body which Soka academic society calls the saintly teaching newspaper publishing company and does not exist cheap tax you have paid as a business of the sect but as for this there is no tax evasion or it is strange
业务线也属于被启发,宗教,奠定了中层管理人员责任更多信徒的宗教体验终端方向 _NULL_
人民新党领导人龟井静香担任,成员有泽新公明党也元矢野说,“我有一个运动,它使用的创价学会的宗教机构”,并表示 As for Kamei Sizuka representation vicarious execution of national new party,
As a speech of the Yano Ziyunya original Komeito member “Soka academic society using the religion facility, election activity was done” And so on with it points out
会员始于元,不要以为你宁愿保持单身,而被云遮住了,而约做石膏向井Hazime如何成熟,但她能听到她入院时,加入创价学会虽然我不是踢正采取继续在财政年度的成员 When you are admitted to Soka academic society hearing that she is possible those which are admitted she it is to be possible absolutely So like this while having done the introduction person does to hide the cloud and it started thinking calling and with rather thing lifetime celibacy So while having been admitted every year it continues you to take fee with financial affairs it is …
“是隐藏的关于”见当塔伦妈祖就是为什么我在该组织正在即使在残留云 “The introduction person the cloud to hide” although it did while organizing remaining the ru reason the estimate cod it is
但说实话对于这个例子,超过30年前,不是别人池田(名誉会长池田大作清楚自己的“教会与国家分离”的。主任 But if you say the truth From now as many as 30 years or more before is not other things Ikeda which individual honorable Chairman Daisaku clearly “politico religious separation” Official
但说实话对于这个例子,超过30年前,他们显然是自我池田大作名誉主席以外的其他国家没有和“政教分离”的。董事 But if you say the truth From now as many as 30 years or more before is not other things Ikeda which individual honorable Chairman Daisaku clearly “politico religious separation” Official
佛陀肖像为我背诵了我南无妙法莲华経69? 69
The south non strange method lotus flower passing, you should have advocated?
The same as Buddhist invocation?
你知道这些照片是会支持的文章说 产经新闻正式的婚礼,我们的国际合作 If you look at the photograph of the article you understand but as a formality speech of the product sutra newspaper publishing company As for us International combined wedding You support
统一广告教堂产经新闻会支持我们的 国际联合婚礼 Unification church announcement of product sutra newspaper As for us International combined wedding You support
停止宗教组织创价,日本这样,你得到更好的税收永久分3次来偷税漏税和违反宪法现在,让我们认识到作为一个特殊的双重征税基金会 As for Soka stopping religion corporate body special the ze which probably will be recognized heavily in taxation foundation So far constitution violating the amount which evades taxation permanent 3 time taxation So if it does it becomes Japan good
党合暗法国国王是国家本来想怪谈我在,为了安装现行宪法的怪谈国家根据,甚至反这是明显的政教分离的教会,并在Huzihara立裕“杀创价学会。”合法国国王然后转暗书镇压言论自由的问题,他说,梁有一个怪谈历史,国家采取了划归 Komeito of the originally king French 冥 combination was made the installation national ordination platform in purpose it is don t you think The national ordination platform under existing constitution it opposes to politico religious separation clearly So assuming that Hiro Fujiwara the book that “Soka academic society is cut” speech was oppressed becoming problem Then there is a history that king French 冥 combination it withdrew the fact that national ordination platform installation
关于222,我觉得没有什么直接写入佛经佛本身(如故事话语的影响后,在山里,但Yuuju日)我想不是根据工作是相当体面的Nagarujuna我希望如此,但相信它会已承诺 222 Generally you think that the legal bloom sutra itself there are no any which the explanation releasing 迦 writes directly But there is like anecdote which is solved with ri yu maggot yu mountain Considerably whether there are no any which afterwards were made under influencing nagarujiyuna Because commitment is taken suitably without believing excessively we want but
关于222,我觉得没有什么直接写入佛经佛本身(如故事话语的影响后,在山里,但Yuuju日)我想不是根据工作是相当体面的Nagarujuna我希望如此,因为我相信这个词 222 Generally you think that the legal bloom sutra itself there are no any which the explanation releasing 迦 writes directly But there is like anecdote which is solved with ri yu maggot yu mountain Considerably whether there are no any which afterwards were made under influencing nagarujiyuna Because commitment is taken suitably without believing excessively we want but
净土真宗Hongwanji学校(Nishihonganji本山,下京区,京都),是明年夏天的参议院选举中,“节特别推荐”我决定在荷兰进行,公众开始招募候选人的学说 Pure land Mamune long-cherished desire temple group (Motoyama Nishimoto prayer temple and the Kyoto city Shimogyo Ku) with House of Councillors selection of summer of next year “sect special nomination”
It decided that it does, it began the public offering of the candidate whom sect supports
创价大学。从普遍的声音,我会偷选举委员会的想法,我说来 _NULL_
创价学会成员活动,该是要确保最佳的保鲜公明党赢得了战争的“法律”,并从那里,我一直是由他们自己洗脑功德 The Soka academic society member as for electing being active making Komeito win When “legal game” is by the fact that it does that there is a virtue even by your being brainwashed from the ru
805但我没有宗教,创价学会特别我只是不容许 805 But as for we non religion especially you cannot permit just Soka academic society don t you think
不要说在与自民党联合即使341胜,已收到约来到邪教索卡有权 341 Our people coalescing there is no chance and it does not leak and the Soka cult comes being attached
从那时起,永田成员创价学会“骚扰”已变得如此有权获得 Ever since Nagata depends on the Soka academic society member way “it harasses and” receives … Where it becomes…
在法国,创价学会,霊友会,我一节警报约诚晃的风险,因为人们和组织指定 In France appointing Soka academic society spirit friend meeting and true light etc to the sect group Although danger it is the extent noting and awakening in the citizen
创价学会的调查活动长效领导人菅直人在新闻发布会简民主党,民主星期一下午,“是活动的干预讲话”矢野有泽也元公明党与创价学会已备案大会的有关问题向国家申办委员会主席,“矢野先生作证说,运动是我用一条线对我们社会设施 To election campaign investigation of Soka academic society democracy 菅 菅 As for Naoto representation vicarious execution of the Democratic party that in press conference of 4th afternoon “speech activity was disturbed” Doing in the National Diet summons problem of Chairman original Komeito Ziyunya Yano who sues Soka academic society and the like It was related “Yano used the academic society facility and you testify that election activity was done
2003年,之后在6月第二次直人先生代理主席,民主党的简,石井(第一)副主席,出席由约100人担任开发计划署领导人龟井静香 Following to the June last year 菅 Naoto representation vicarious execution and Ishii of the 2nd with Democratic party one beginning secondary representation The Kamei Sizuka national new party typical vicarious execution and others approximately 100 people participated
123概念,教会和国家分离是从海外进口的宗教,特别是参与了这一概念,政治是不应该触及宗教政党是从来不和 123 Concept of politico religious separation is import from the foreign country but politics does not have to intervene in specific religion with the thought Is not the political party concerning religion not to be good is
因此,新公明党最近,我们觉得不感兴趣,只选举公正的政治,做希望我仍然可以说,我作为一个例子梁海拔举例说,只有一些我已经回升,“进攻体系不仅是报纸在国民议会和协会不 Then Komeito is thought that recently there is an interest in only election and just political situation but that you say whether even then it is to call is For the sake of it is to list the speech of example as one example but it is to be picked up just the part of that” Attack is not just inside the National Diet and on the paper of academic society affiliation
以F和F以创价学会(以F)是一个术语,海拔梁肃手指运动组织创价学会收集地方选举中投票选举,国家 F taking of Soka academic society It is the terminology which points to the collection vote motion which lists the organization with the national election local election which F taking f you take and with in Soka academic society
相比之下麻生太郎说:“我建议他们不接受新公明党,公明党及创价学会不健全或谈论收紧”,“读太多杂志每周一期的”(时事出版社),与回避 Because as for Prime Minister Aso “Komeito nomination as for me is not received vis a vis this Komeito and Soka academic society Story does not echo the pi is with” “reading too much weekly magazine” current events and the like with it exchanged
圣教例如TRUE报纸说,创价)一郎石井正和每日世界■,冈崎久彦,木下美明是渡边Shiyouiti(首席世界主编日报)圆桌会议和-专家国王从-渡边Syouiti,武田辰雄,产经新闻■任何消息渡边久庆冈崎久彦次郎武田雄石井正和渡边Syouiti的“进化”反统一的社会和Ku问渡边ID论古芳强劲上扬,在美国的名誉教授渡边久庆京索赔 If you refer to Soka, correspondence to the saintly teaching newspaper)
* Worldwide daily report side
Public Ichiro Ishii, Hisahiko Okazaki, Watabe Noboru one Kinoshita Yosiaki (worldwide daily report editorialist) with round table talk
- From intellectual person encouragement message -
Watabe Noboru one, Tatsuo Takeda, Watanabe Hisashi justice message
* Product sutra side
Public Ichiro Ishii
Hisahiko Okazaki
Watabe Noboru one
Tatsuo Takeda
In it gains force “the counter evolution theory” United States Hears in Watanabe Hisashi justice Kyoto University emeritus professor
Watanabe Hisashi justice
And also standardized association side ID theory is strong insistence
在“末后的日子是从我现在的大菩萨”和妙法莲华经是 _NULL_
在上次大选中被击败,但在所有选区派出了288和比例代表候选人的所有11座 _NULL_
在家里的报纸成恭! !比方说,如果他们听到一分钟永田 _NULL_
在朝圣者冷藏了!自由民主党10%你知道你是一个信徒,我从来没有讨论加税确定的?氦氖做愚蠢的问题,因为我是洗脑Bakkari湿重 Cool the head already in your one time pilgrim Also our people deciding with 10 tax increase it increases but… how you explain to the believer it is the ro which is Being brainwashed the ru fool therefore tsu temporary don t you think problem or ww
从捐赠无用的机器一旦你被洗脑的人做宗教政治 When politics it can let do to the sect The citizen being brainwashed because it makes the donation machine useless
在每一次看到黄金位置好围绕“家”,你倒霉我将谭梁施工的信徒用金钱就滚啊,我觉得 At each time you look at the nice “cultural center” which is in first class area of every place The a you built with the gold which was hoisted from the believer it is the shelf the grief way with you think
在谈到常识,清理他们的论文,看着,我们是肮脏的,他们甚至与S是气味(也与任何电影,感觉界面我) If you refer to inside the sensible range although the paper is made clean the eye which was seen the soiling has not been attached and there is no either nioi something there is no kind of feeling which is membrane
100万,即使我只是把文件,不能没人照顾,但通过检查文件的事实是,他们不会没有危险的细菌 By any chance having the paper that way no one becomes aware and inspecting there are no times when the dangerous germ has been attached to a paper probably will be
我明确地说,细菌的数量正在调查干纸,不认为是内分期标准 Speaking clearly the germ being counted the paper which is dried it is thought that it is inside the standard range
没有文件,清理自己的气味,干燥的眼睛,他们看到了最合理的,他们在组织清扫,擦拭它Dearimasu古 Being dry although it makes the paper which does not have eye or nioi which you saw clean as for being most proper 掃 it is with the tissue it is to wipe
说到常识纸内,看着,那么我们就没有污染,也与S气味(有Rimasen电影也感觉像在某事) If you refer to inside the sensible range the eye which was seen the soiling has not been attached to the paper and there is no either nioi something there is no kind of feeling which is membrane
埃塔的生活可能要超人类的知识,无论它是唯一的绝对管理员别的东西 Perhaps the life which exceeds human Satoshi it is but Whether that is the only absolute manager it is another problem
那么,从我们的经验不知是否是最接近上帝是另一回事我会 Because the ma the wonder experience was possible whether or not the tsu te it is close to God therefore another problem from that don t you think
塔姆Huzii峨的会议,镇压他们的老板,如果调解转到前警务处处长,他作出了一个管道 _NULL_
如果你不喜欢统一教会稻叶,我给你带来一堂意义的不确定性,该协会产经新闻谁不喜欢稻叶和报纸已经成为日本的最严重的叛国罪,诈的统一。如果你有权利不容许运行通过捐赠和人民。 Q是稍微 The one which dislikes the unification church the method which has the distrust in the meeting which is made the Japanese worst The treason newspaper the one which dislikes the product sutra which has been converted the unification church 詐 Fund raising and human carrying off If it is the one which cannot be permitted the right It is the question
如果你不喜欢统一教会稻叶,我给你带来一堂意义的不确定性,该协会产经新闻谁不喜欢稻叶和报纸已经成为日本的最严重的叛国罪,诈的统一。如果你有权利不容许运行通过捐赠和人民。 Q是稍微 The one which dislikes the unification church the method which has the distrust in the meeting which is made the Japanese worst The treason newspaper the one which dislikes the product sutra which has been converted the unification church 詐 Fund raising and human carrying off If it is the one which cannot be permitted the right It is the question
小林晃出席活动的历史总裁协会统一教材改革小林忠新主任当选为新总统的社会历史教科书编撰新闻社主办的产经新闻上作出新的关联◆◆(约2分钟,约2秒与)指产经新闻( 协会)和世界日报(统一组织),我得到的想法,大部分的时间越长集成等 The meeting which is made about Electing director Masashi Kobayashi in new chairman of the meeting which makes the historical textbook whose product sutra newspaper support is new Masashi Kobayashi chairman of the meeting which makes the new historical textbook in the standardized association event attendance is introduction in about 2 minute 2 seconds In other words the product sutra the meeting which is made with the worldwide daily report standardized association already almost it unifies and that you think whether it is not the chi ya tsu te to be
我也认识到有形的幸福568党将进入一个联盟,如果有一个(自由运动的支持者从W本身。尤基有田说,“将支持安倍晋三丸川先生塔马约,是什么具体援助或“渡边说,”当的丸川塔马约,因为它是最接近的支持活动的第一次,我打电话给明信片Stadthalle的志愿者工作 568 As for the happy actualization party if there is offer from our people support whether alliance it unites don t you think w Our Happiness “Shin Abe Arita support to three and circular river 珠 generation concrete being some kind of support ” Because crossing over 邊 “at the time of circular river 珠 generation it was newly close support activity with the volunteer the post card Making and telephone applying
当我不在的执政联盟新公明党是创价包括食品,立正佼成会被完全改变从马鞍上,支持民主自由的支持 When Soka eats into the ruling party with our public alliance Rissho 佼 forming meeting from our people support switched over in democracy support
我不知道我说我是192,新公明党coalition m,我也是 192 It is what is however you do not understand Our public alliance Therefore what it is the same
我逐渐减少了会议的次数来,成为会员,因为它像一个幽灵消失(实际退订),并认为他是怎样的地狱 The frequency which comes to assembly decreasing gradually that way natural disappearance you become likely the ghost member you think is that substance withdraws the person is just which
把大学教授的地位讲好,“诺贝尔文学奖,奖订购文化,日本学士院”也成为候选人和获奖者,该奖项是为了进入大学,“教育和研究委员会”表决或其中的某些部分,并穿过 With the position of other same university professor also “the Nobel Prize the order of cultural merits and the Japanese Academy prize” prize winner etc become the candidate but to reach to conferment There is the same university you must pass the resolution of “education research council” it is decided that
学院理事会的建议,“在研究赞成超过3教育四分之三的安理会”,这是一项强制性条件 Professor meeting It nominates “in the education research council approval of 3 4 or more” is made a necessary condition
日本第二大地区帮派的儿子金正男,金正日一直与警方及对朋友正在寻找住吉会制度 When also eldest son Kin Masao of the Kim Jong-Il General Secretary has done the wide area mob of nationwide two rank, group and friendship of Sumiyoshi meeting affiliation, the police sees
日本经济正在恶化,因为自民党和公明党第一组,也称为经济恶化尽管爆炸造成的公明党降落伞是越来越多地指责民主党人则指责 The Japanese economy deteriorates with the consequence which fairness unites with our people order exerted from above increases more and more You do not know either that cause of the economic deterioration is in Komeito you acquire complaint to a consequence of the Democratic party
他补充说:“画作为一个契机,公明党参与政府的强烈兴趣,”他说 “Komeito administration participation desire strengthened this as a turning point” that it emphasized on that
日莲佛是假的说什么经韩国20莲花,尽管该不足以供奉佛也像我们 20
The false Nichiren sect is what, the failure way in habit of the Korean method bloom sutra which is not celebrated good
根据 影响未能透露,地方的报纸和全纸面及“我们,”国际联合婚礼“支持”和一个统一的意见,支持协会 “达尔文进化理论是错误的“,是织成一个自由披风,并认为文章和智能化设计 According to the place where the same paper makes clear as for influence of obstacle reaching to all space “As for us that” international combined wedding” is supported” the opinion announcement which supports standardized association “As for Darwin s evolution theory by mistake it was” that the article which insists intelligent design theory You say that and so on was mingled selfishly
基督教反演变,性别,教育纯洁,民族和人类的互动与联合狂欢 Christianity counter evolution theory with gender free purity education and national refined principle personal exchanges joint struggle stripe chestnut
根据新的时间表和欺凌,和同事,谁的目标只有你的电话号码打电话不采取任何实际 And the ijime companion saying together the telephone is not taken altogether Just the substantial target person is designated as telephone turn
梅塔Takeuti清多年的努力对于许多帮派头,选举的小泉纯一郎“稻川会”是前帮派成员Takeuti清“神奈川县议会主席,”是标题 Junichiro's Koizumi election measure headquarters chief Kiyoshi Takeuchi who long time endeavored, it was the henchman of mob “Inagawa meeting”
Kiyoshi Takeuchi front job is the title, “prefecture national assembly Chair Kanagawa”
民主以及214个新公明党,自民党是不是不可能的,因为有一个共产主义政权党的选票,并获得了来自其他各种宗教瓦特 214 Because democracy our people also the other political party has obtained vote from various religions not only fair Unless Japan Communist Party takes administration the excessiveness the kana w which is not
民主党人的支持,达到这些家伙不是无序院选举,甚至比声称少党 Even the political party you are identified the democracy which they support maximally it is the election house of the crow combination which is not full
民主党与自由联盟有一对恩戴我要超过,我有一些政治工作纳入新公明党,创我工作,“人才”和官僚谁主宰社会的法律包括不会做that m有送 However our people and alliance it had united the thing above that making Komeito it enters into politics the Soka University makes designates the” excellent talent” as the bureaucracy the legal profession boundary The person is sent ru because of Giyuuzi and or it probably is chi ya circumstance
我是一个无损检测与自民党联合小组,成员的事实,如果没有不公平的选区在一个空的配置 However our people and alliance it had united really the members When fairness is not in constituency it does not care separately with the white paper
然而,意见和利益,板着脸说好了自民党峨君秋四郎四郎? ? !这些天我会 But margin margin you can call to our people opinion fairly well with the serious look when is interest Today when it does recently
自由民主党在该选区投票表决相当于公明创价学会 To vote to the Liberal Democratic Party at constituency it is synonymous when you vote to Komeito Soka academic society
(略)池田与社会,我会说这公明缺乏包装,我会成为一个合作伙伴在任何时间 Omission Ikeda and academic society Komeito says shakily if it is with anytime becoming the partner
,我是来自联盟成立,自民党将进入一个公平,或其他人的居Nakattara So alliance uniting when from the ru fairness does not stay it is natural to insert in our people
民主党总统提名的代表学说(比例代表制)Huziya满信说,执政的自由民主党(选举区,大阪)2祭司谷川秀善建议说,民选 As a sect representation The Democratic party official recognition proportion representation optical Nobuuzi Fujitani the Liberal Democratic Party official recognition the Osaka constituency 2 monks of mountain stream Siyuuzen s Nomination it was elected together
没有人说感谢热情的信徒觉醒→通过426运动你的? “谢谢你”是不 426 Or awakening gt the person enthusiastic believer fairly well it is not via election activity “Fairly well” it is not
基督教团结Netouyo Netouyo 抗组织样Netouyo韩国 netouyo Standardized believer netouyo Anti Japanese organization netouyo The Korean favorite
我欣赏那些谁捐出了比信徒滚梁钱给国库 It means that the one which contributes the gold which was hoisted from the believer to Treasury is grateful from that but
流向等,甚至不莲岛也诅咒亲鸾的圣德183?起义开始后做三代或2代的佛教 183
The parent 鸞 and Nichiren being expelled, exile the [tsu] [ke] which is not?
In order for pure land Mamune to do riot, the appearance 2 generations or 3 generations later
然而,孩子检查后活产玛丽塔被发现是一种罕见的疾病称为罹就拿先天性心脏瓣膜病 _NULL_
然而,这是议会中的人数8年前,年财政数千百万(捐赠)的收集tive,创价学会的资产现在已经超过了遥这一天一天增长或你将如何确定 But this as many as 8 years to be the number of the National Diet question before every year no 100 000 000 000 ones Property of the Soka academic society which gathers financial affairs contribution in day multiplies in day presently as for surpassing this much probably is certain
现在不是很多,其中一个宗教团体从我星选举,而不是指示峨 _NULL_
看一下在高消费税税率为外国,像一个暗示或低食物消费税,或获得每个水槽边缘速率故障恩戴宪法平等税税的变化,日本的商品和改建再见,不 When it is the foreign country the consumption tariff high way being visible being like consumption tariff of the foodstuff is low When it is Japan that tariff it will change every commodity when it curves equality or there of tax of constitution is entwined whether it is it is not that
1 百分之五万元年销售税上涨超过了30日元,如果每 1 If gt consumer tax the 5 is raised it is tax increase of year 300 000 Yen or more
矢野先生1991年,在四年或两年,当驱动tTA创价学会输入个人收入税务调查的权力基础的新公明党艺术的清单,捐赠和社会成员学习和名誉会长池田大作的鉴于在社会的要求的,或没有响应,并明确指出,与税务当局谈判 Yano 1991 the occasion where tax investigation enters into the Soka academic society which is the Komeito support parent 4 over depends on the academic society member Contribution Standing on the request for the academic society side which we assume that it is not responded to the investigation of the list and the fine arts and the personal income etc of honorable Chairman Daisaku Ikeda The tax authorities the fact that it negotiates was revealed
约11万张选票的追随者在日本(名义)和比例对46万张选票,有脚啊,没有什么信仰西西似乎兰花 Proportional vote has been restricted to approximately 460 000 vote domestic believer several approximately 11 000 000 people nominal vis a vis As for a w Faith foot viewing way shelf w
大约1100万的追随者)的投票比例在日本(约4600万名义票Warota Proportional vote has been restricted to approximately 460 000 vote domestic believer several approximately 11 000 000 people nominal vis a vis As for a w Faith foot viewing way shelf w
日本大约有1100万信徒的(名义)票的比例约46万张选票对兄弟 Proportional vote has been restricted to approximately 460 000 vote domestic believer several approximately 11 000 000 people nominal vis a vis As for a w Faith foot viewing way shelf w
日本大约有1100万信徒的(名义),你不只是吹海螺碗瓦特 Domestic believer several approximately 11 000 000 people nominal The do just it is brag you have blown is w
转播东京农业大学,教授和副教授方面爱媛大学(现教授)福本纯一先生,前上院成员2,和新公明党,创价学会负责人,“鉴于池田名誉教授的称号,在东京大学教授s或不“,并承认它有一些忠告 With OB of Tokyo University agricultural department, the assistant professor of the Ehime university (the reality associate professor) and as for Junichi Fukumoto where has the personal history 2 period of Komeito Councilor, Soka academic society
From staff, “cannot give the designation of Tokyo University emeritus professor to Mr. Daisaku Ikeda?” that, the fact that it is consultation has been expressed
这些调查的实际情况,没有任何支持或者如果他们不应该被视为不公平“,并表示所有被调查的创价学会的现实表明运动思维 If you investigate also such actual condition and judge unjustly a some correspondence is not done and the te is not good” that You conveyed the idea of investigating the actual condition of the election campaign due to the expressing and Soka academic society
邪教,不是吗?非法选举?警方调查或向我的合法权利是什么?达罗是出于同一个单层或腐烂?达罗绒毛出一个单一的其他公共有关的安全这个充满活力的公司 Upper House election of sect As for the cult the ro which is illegal It is law or investigation right tsu te what of the police Rot the ro which is out in the stratification or the one shot In addition if relationship of public peace moves the ro which is out in such a party one shot
首先,我访问了一个人声称有一成恭13日在报纸推销员县八千代市的家中,千叶 First, on the 13th in home of Chiba prefecture Yachiyo city
The person who is identified the salesman of the saintly teaching newspaper visited