The Tanigaki Liberal Democratic Party was defeated with House of Councillors selection! As for the Liberal Democratic Party in the Democratic party with all poll of constituency 3,200,000 vote, the ★2 where also 4,400,000 vote has been defeated at proportional Ku
2275 61 10 000票,每个选区的民主党候选人占37 3 10 000 832 1949 49票自民党选区的候选人,候选人的票,每45 410 000 10 000票,得票比例代表1845万张选票比例代表制,3970万1407 35 10 000个候选人得票020万票 832 The Democratic party Constituency 61 candidates Vote several 22 750 000 Per one person 37 3 ten thousand votes Proportional Ku 45 candidates Vote several 18 450 000 Per one person 410 000 vote The Liberal Democratic Party Constituency 49 candidates Vote several 19 490 000 Per one person 39 7 ten thousand votes Proportional Ku 35 candidates Vote several 14 070 000 Per one person 40 2 ten thousand votes
2275 61 10 000票,每位考生每选区民主党候选人的选区选票37 3 49 1949年每10万个自由民主党得票10 000 410 000 1845 45票3970万在比例代表候选人的比例代表制的潜在票万张选票1407 35 10 000人每人40 2万张选票,选票 The Democratic party Constituency 61 candidates Vote several 22 750 000 Per one person 37 3 ten thousand votes Proportional Ku 45 candidates Vote several 18 450 000 Per one person 410 000 vote The Liberal Democratic Party Constituency 49 candidates Vote several 19 490 000 Per one person 39 7 ten thousand votes Proportional Ku 35 candidates Vote several 14 070 000 Per one person 40 2 ten thousand votes
278我一直生活,而这是不可能的自民党! ヽ ヽ ヽヽ ¯ ° ¯ ° 税辩论志愿团成员,民主党人民主党人的宗教仇恨的不是池田大作老师 ≡ mi ≡ mi REPT ─ ─ ¯ REPT 92 REPT REPT 92 REPT lt 278 We living between the ru as for our people the excessiveness REPT 92 92 REPT REPT REPT 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 ¯ ¯ The Democratic party is 憎 Ikeda Daisaku sensei Democratic party volunteer Assemblyman arguing the religion corporate body tax system
ヾ ::≡ 但在邪教,民主党塔马里球吹 ,因为刑事Modoki ヽ ヽ ヽヽ ¯ ° ¯ ° DREPT ≡ DREPT 92 Mosquito ru to REPT ≡ mi ≡ mi REPT ─ ─ ¯ REPT 92 REPT REPT 92 REPT lt In other words it cannot escape from Soka our people REPT 92 92 REPT REPT REPT 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 ¯ ¯
ヾ ::≡ 自由民主党不 免疫从创价 ヽ ヽ ヽヽ¯ ° ¯ ° DREPT ≡ DREPT 92 Mosquito ru to REPT ≡ mi ≡ mi REPT ─ ─ ¯ REPT 92 REPT REPT 92 REPT lt In other words it cannot escape from Soka our people REPT 92 92 REPT REPT REPT 92 ¯ ¯ 92 92 ¯ ¯
420西川清,像政治家从系统中一些严重的人才,一个裂口东 420 Even if Nishikawa to come because the ma it is the serious politician it is even with ma east like talent system
F我ヽ利利车车鼓ṛ:年。jṛヾ分类竺康复 和c 公司的J Riririri施 ,。 !──新公明党,急于给票,理由是认为它会 f REPT i to r ku riri to j DREPT riha r 竺 e ha riririri j shi ⌒ J 彡 Vi ha nso i three 彡 彡 r “ j ∧ UMLAT rJtf one One he i T lt no It does lt nonoto r V j ─ ─ Komeito doing to there the reason which is enthusiastic to denizenship grant is thought something probably will be
, V rt ry ri fr gt lt HKDRT WV it is three ni l ihahamimimimimimimimimimi REPT r shi mi ⧠x l irishihe mimi il mimimimimimimi ha REPT mimimi DREPT REPT i jj DREPT j tomi mimimimimimimihe f mi ≡ mimimi t mi i lt ha jj lt lt tt tomimimimihe The Soviet Union eight ri mimimimi mi l 丶 ha il ri r y gt r a gt Eight DREPT mimihe ¯ f ¯ gt lt ri V river j No j tsu V rihamimi i r u riha W river ri j river river river ri l f REPT i to r ku riri to j DREPT riha r 竺 e ha riririri j shi ⌒ J 彡 Vi ha nso i three 彡 彡 r “ j ∧ UMLAT rJtf one One he i T lt no It does lt nonoto r V j ─ ─ Komeito doing to there the reason which is enthusiastic to denizenship grant is thought something probably will be
NULL For example the House of Representatives Tokyo constituency is constituency of 25 but Last year the Liberal Democratic Party 4 victories the Democratic party in 21 victories other than people our bipartisan did not take either 1 parliamentary seats Because small constituency is such system as for the party of Komeito and everyone Our people other than cooperating to either one of democracy it is not When it is current circumstance the possibility also the House of Representatives selection cooperating to our people is high When that happens 21 to 4 that is this time perhaps last year 4 it becomes about to 21 As for that assuming that it is extreme 10 to 15 In extent you can bring with room Without thinking of the quality single seat constituency thinking that simply it is consequence of differential of one vote the cod It encounters to the eye where also the next House of Representatives selection is painful
民主党一方与自由是收集在农村地区的广泛支持,如果这种差距是说,投票 Differential of one vote Until you say it has not taken part to our people who gather wide support in the farm village section
NULL The Tanigaki Liberal Democratic Party was defeated with House of Councillors selection The Liberal Democratic Party with all poll of constituency 3 200 000 vote as much as 4 400 000 vote has been defeated to the Democratic party at proportional Ku r r ⌒ ゙ ゙ REPT REPT HKRPT r 彡 mi and no 彡 REPT mi 92 r r r nore ゙ DREPT REPT HKRPT r No No ⌒ ⌒ mi ⌒ reno The a a so hugely it is huge so human so i REPT Don t you think the extent which becomes… REPT No ┃ ni i ┃ No ┃ ⌒ ┃ Person Entrance no ┃ ┃ no 92 92 92 92 ┗ ━ ━ ┛ 92 92 92 to ─ ─ ─ i REPT REPT r r ⌒ ゙ ゙ REPT REPT HKRPT r 彡 mi and no 彡 REPT mi 92 r r r nore ゙ DREPT REPT HKRPT r No No 92 mi ⌒ reno human so i ⌒ ⌒ REPT … With REPT No ┏ ━ ━ ━ ┓ No ┃ No ¯ i ┃ Person Entrance no ┃ ninino ┃ no 92 92 92 92 ┗ ━ ━ ┛ 92 92 92 to ─ ─ ─ i REPT REPT
■吃汉堡包上升趋势,在日本遭受虐待的妇女人数的旋转停止,直到他们24■高潮时,得到的,但有趣的nymphomaniac日本最好的日本高中女生 The number of Japanese women who suffer in the sickness where 24 hour orugazumu do not stop increases Japanese woman Takao it changed the tendency which eats the hamburger into first lust mania in Japan
这位女病人渴望与人■性,我的书的人患有与治疗组相同的各 NULL
不少席位和选票赢得选举制度是用一点点不公平,不须 _NULL_
不要扭曲选举解决了同样的风暴吹下风政权更替,而不是赶走,是不是民主井 _NULL_
事实上扭转,但目的的议席单议席选区的选票反映和放大的结果,1票重大逆转甚至是那些你喜欢吗? Expanding the victory or defeat of the number of polls, but making the number of parliamentary seats reflect object of small constituency system
As expected reversal, that substantial reversal at the number of polls how the thing?
从来没有公明党太田NHK的代表提出了他们新的地方,我喝你的茶射击和Ito恩以山田电机 _NULL_
从长远民主党赢得562票,任期驱动tTA击败?党的33%,67%的自民党的反对什么“驱动tTA赢”民主党是不是,我只是在看下面的消极踢 562 With long term point of view crushing defeat of the Democratic party It won at the number of votes The ruling party 33 with the opposition party 67 something “it won” is When you look at just the Liberal Democratic Party the Democratic party is defeated the next
众议院选举在3个月后,失去了所有8个以下代表候选人的小选区大田 After that within 3 months with the House of Representatives selection,
Below Ota representing the small constituency candidate everyone defeat 8
党相似的人都在自民党保守派认为,因为我曾与民主党一党的手中,如果我对所有的运动一样,在一个座位减少小腿有 If you think with the binding conservative power everyone our people are the same camp Don t you think because the party of everyone united democracy and the hand oh with while saying parliamentary seat is decreased
党相似的人都在自由民主党认为,保守派都与荡妇做民主党和每个人的手,如果我是同一阵营,并在胫骨的席位减少的地方 If you think with the binding conservative power everyone our people are the same camp Don t you think because the party of everyone united democracy and the hand oh with while saying parliamentary seat is decreased
民主党的比赛我只有一幢,以减少开支,只是在大选前的议席,这是没有意义的 Just election cost using before that it is meaningless in the sufficient fight how democracy which decreases parliamentary seat
公明共产党社民党438你他妈的要就投票,苏下降太多,因为无论座位?你不仅固定床表被捕? 438 As for corporation people communist fairness if poll ratio rises the extent which rises Because parliamentary seat you drop regardless of excessively don t you think Only fixed bed there being a chart obtaining re it does the yo
剁碎的众议院议席的胜利,而不考虑的票数,被宣布为绝大多数的人一样的支持?的选票和议席的数目感到困惑,但我能够分辨茹去年参院选举 The number of polls it did not consider and at just the number of parliamentary seats had declared [minsu] House of Representatives large victory, preponderant support of the citizen because?
The number of polls and the number of parliamentary seats which it has confused, it reached the point where finally you can distinguish with Upper House election, it is with the shank
区840没有太大的两名候选人驱动tTA 1 1赢得居民的一切自由民主district m小鹿儿岛没有一个参与青森,秋田县,北陆,和歌山,香川县,岛根县,宫崎,和结果是不采取表决赢得几个席位,这不是民主的胜利票驱动tTA北海道,宫城,东京,千叶,神奈川,静冈,爱知,京都,大阪,兵库和颁布城市,我也赢得席位人口居住在大都市的投票作为一个整体,它往往是从一小部分议席的地方鸡不伸 840 2 human Ku entirely 1 victory 1 defeat miss As for the candidate being many there is no relationship The fact that our people win is 1 Ku Aomori Akita and Hokuriku Wakayama Kagawa Shimane Miyazaki and Kagoshima etc Because population is small victory of the number of parliamentary seats can be taken even with little poll Vis a vis this as for democracy winning at the number of polls Hokkaido Miyagi and Tokyo Chiba Kanagawa and Shizuoka Aichi Kyoto Osaka and Hyogo etc The government ordinance designated city and the big city at the point where population is many Because population parliamentary seats are few comparatively winning with poll parliamentary seat as a whole does not extend
我是穷人在选举数是840→我知道竞争来自自民党在选举中,没有选举,我终于喷射推进前排座椅赢得议席,无票周一只看到我的票数竞争Okashikunee星期一任何东西,因为一些说,他们只是不喜欢没有观点和狭隘的领域 840 It had known the Liberal Democratic Party gt that it is inferior in the number of polls from while electing but victory of the number of parliamentary seats is pushed out to the front Well selection all together finally there is no mon which rivals the number of polls and therefore mon which rivals the number of te parliamentary seats what to be strange well that Only the number of polls as for not being seen when range of vision is narrow only there is an expression
这个城市是一个由民主党492席细节伸展的第三极的拖累赞成democracy m减少对更多的选票,如果我没有多少事情是他们所 492 When among the city the person who supports democracy is many there is no relationship it is Because vote rose ke te tripolar extends above that Parliamentary seat of the Democratic party decreases it is
只是希望有一个百分之十以上的选票799份额不情愿,但我会回到吓唬取决于党的组织票等,有人认为我会投反对票的政治不信任的所有使用公共场所,人们都无动于衷在伊宁使用频率最高的民主火焰 799 Poll ratio just rises 1 tenths well well the political party which depends on such organized votes It can reverse however it is probably will be how the se voting with the political infidelity wastefulness Thinking don t you think 於 it is in the democracy where the ru person and the indifferent person are used and with is difficult
不能在法律上当选为常数票纷纷低于一人一常数或依赖于人口增长 Being the place where constant was increased according to population in the human successive appearance which is less than law poll It becomes not can be elected according to constant
他们经常用在多数人的民主,也为什么没有赢得少数票 Also the fact that how probably is what poll minority group wins at the time of the democracy where majority is used
候选人1 3票,如果它确实是最好的质量相同,可以是一个很好的游戏四个组别约 If you do with the candidacy to which large quantity poll can desire the same thing The game which is possible to be about constituency four is possible
只是百分之十以上的投票率要799,但我会回到党内敲依赖组织等票,投票人认为我会在所有使用没有政治不信任的公开,许多人麻木不仁最困难的伊宁 799 Poll ratio just rises 1 tenths the political party which depends on such organized votes It can reverse however it is probably will be how the se voting with the political infidelity wastefulness Thinking when the ru person and the indifferent person are many don t you think it is difficult
只有30个席位中的投票份额的738%的勉强托里杉瓦特36〜44个最好的座位,我07 738 You take 44 parliamentary seats with the 30 where poll ratio passes well well too much w 36 7 parliamentary seats at the very most are
唯一的负面我民主,但一直不成功的民调是你的策略与良好的民主运动? _NULL_
在一个地区议席选区制,是所有组别是民主党人是否会继续质询胜手流 Whether or not all constituencies with small constituency system of the single-seat constituency in the future can win the Democratic party, doubt
在一个更Kerya在一个议会民主,投票或其他人口相对减少的价值 _NULL_
城市我打电话,投票悬殊,因为我反正只有负数选区获得爆裂改变人口密度不同的条件和运动从我喜欢这样的体面,幻数的好处是将意味无我觉得 However differential of one vote you say the profit of that appearance you enjoy the urban district and Because population density is different it changes it does also the condition of election activity Being defeated to either one at margin constituency therefore the ru it is as for the magic of such a number you think that there is no meaning
两个人218票的差距并不涉及10个区,称有四名候选人谁失去了在三区在市区民主打败是一个特殊的 218 As for differential of one vote there is no relationship As for the notion that where at 2 human Ku 10 people 4 falling selected people were produced at 3 human Ku The Democratic party is the crushing defeat even in the urban district
如果一个民主政府的选举策略,但只能较高的长期运行ability以获得政府统治执意满the agenda notion that be选举可以维持,将能够为顺利carry out 1 political由于选举结果的来之不易的违反承诺Karikitta分钟的谈话过程中,反映在选举或推广,如果我不答应 Democracy only winning election was in the head Administration management ability being low if it has excelled in election strategy as for administration The thought where it can maintain Above if being the ruling party you cannot accomplish political topic not to stagnate As for not being able to win election the story which finishes to understand After all pledge was designated simply as the wastepaper without being pledge propulsion Doing it is reflected on cod proper election
换句话说,他们自己来小泽生活策略,并进行了我作为一个稳定的 In other words the Ozawa strategy itself having lived it seems that is accomplished steadily
如果你玩的选票,如果民主党请愿改变选举制度,以这样的精神发育迟缓?变态? If you have a match at the number of polls, that way way the election system is changed,
When you petition to the Democratic party? Metamorphosis newspaper?
如果党的票在民主的基础上体面190“将尽快得到扭转站在战略的直!”在未来的三年将是灾难性的选举中,我说鄂如涂料在于你是从它是有形 190 If the political party whose democracy is honest the number of votes in basis If “the strategy it rebuilds it can be reversed immediately ” With you probably can say but At the time of the following election of 3 years later with applying the final coating the lie becoming miserable thing ru discernibly consist of
如果你问624的候选人只有约10人党在一个地区,除非他们甚至采取多数表决票数的选举在上述或踢赢或负陷阱很容易分离和 624 If about 10 people it makes 1 human Ku run as a candidate at one political party if the top successful candidate does not take even with vote of majority exceeding at the number of polls the trap which is simple Whether it wins or is defeated to another
如果说摆在首位选票,自民党在选举的最后一年,我不是要被粉碎的议席数目 If you say at the number of original polls, even with the House of Representatives selection of last year our people about the number of parliamentary seats being crushed, saying, become story
对于许多人来说,凯塔百分之或谁赢了票,留在区127的两名候选人是两个地方?否则,我认为这是一个驱动tTA 127 Producing 2 human candidates to 2 human Ku vote cracking because the election 0 person it is many As for that every kana You thought that there is no either one but don t you think
那么它有大约580名选民选出的候选人不支持的,对不对?伊坎 580 Well that it is but the voter has not supported As for the candidate being elected the ro which is circumstance
小泽曾经左右,“收购”来作为标志旗,并结束这一切爆发一年后逃避现实和 Until now focusing on Ozawa “administration capture” Inscribing of the flag but after all these 1 years Actuality escaping it finished
工作中,绝大多数房屋都采取现在的时间,但几乎不可能在任何政党 _NULL_
已写入做好债券蜕变无论瓦特,民主的政府是“足够到50亿日元,”为什么是公共基金或Takaranai Making the favorite write w Even how it is good but the metamorphosis newspaper in democracy administration “it will be enough at 50 000 000 000 Yen” that public fund high and others it probably won t be
该点叫做对称变换的消极态度,在一家报纸,可惜只有“” 1 Metamorphosis newspaper naming the kind of attitude which is you call “sour grapes”
巴卡说驱动tTA我赢了美国的反对,反对党之一,按它 That the partner doing 1 parties of the opposition party won and how it says the fool whom the mass communications and the splash
我个人意义的分化与众议院的,甚至我认为,人们甚至不喜欢的都道府县,而相同数量的所有 Combining also the meaning of the discrimination conversion of the House of Representatives privately On the other hand that even you think whether there are also same several like methods with all metropolis and districts and are not but
我们正在做的734议席选区制,是不是没有时间,小泽 734
If thing of the small constituency system, the time where Ichiro Ozawa did there is no that
我是398,我不只是说给自由民主党想说瓦特:瓦特分钟前你的驱动tTA 398 As for we story is done with only our people anti democracy but it is w As for you would like to saying w which understands
398哇,真丢人茹香椎照顾看到这一个 398 The u wa after looking at this 1 When you see it is rather shy……
所以,很多时候,你不得不说:“你想要一个民主党还是自民党?”人们听到Karetara血清。自民党和答案 Therefore you call many degrees but “It designates that it does not become as the Democratic party It makes the Liberal Democratic Party ” When with the citizen heard the Liberal Democratic Party you answered
一个星期后,选举当日,较为严重的民主党党如果不能凯塔和分析,作为失败的新闻机构的 On the other hand when election day is one week later that it was more terrible for the Democratic party When you cannot analyze as a news media the being disqualified shelf
所以,你要多少次我说“你是民主党人还是自民党?”人们听到Karetara血清。自民党和答案 Therefore you call many degrees but “It makes the Democratic party It makes the Liberal Democratic Party ” When with the citizen heard the Liberal Democratic Party you answered
现在的政府并没有(因为自民党时间)将不会从本地驱动tTA赢得自由运动那你刚刚返回家园 Politics without doing what the Liberal Democratic Party which is spare time returning to local end only election activity has done the empty It probably is the case that our people win in the district
投票?民意?执政方式之一,民主党如果你喜欢这种转变,因为自民党在方便的时候对民主党仅负可石手流だろ的博罗 The number of votes Public opinion If the ruling party anti opposition party which it is full and the ro to which the Democratic party has done to be defeated the rag is When are convenient just to the Democratic party anti Liberal Democratic Party like therefore this as for metamorphosis
哈纳索诺办公室或第三个最自然,与执政党和反对党的反对来自我在一个比较现在的位置 Therefore the third bureau for the present standpoint what of the opposition party comparing at the ruling party and the opposition party the most natural kana
是的,什么是目标,以确保3分钟快速溶解2如果你真的想要那个排减单位是一个自信的微笑,解散四郎瓦特Tteru自民党赢了!四郎解散它! !四郎解散反正! ! ! Defeating our people the ru or self confidence fully you can laugh the fact that is Then with that aiming toward 2 3 guaranty from calling to be quick the House of Representatives dispersion margin w Do dispersion margin That dispersion margin In any case dispersion margin
更吸引人的是自由的政策好,我可以采取更埃泰受欢迎,因为任何不考虑后 Well from our people policy with kiyatsuchi Because thing after nothing is thought very however also popularity comes off don t you think
东京也在增加工作人员和你赢137,第二次或自民党,但共产党人我喜欢赢 137 When the election staff it increases also Tokyo but our people 2 public attention the common property it is elected it is
有了这个白痴编辑人员,秋鸽,小。非法捐款,进一步外国人选举权,及子女免税额,销售税,你做Ntsukyouso犯罪组织的思考一痛一肉组织中的朝总联和民主党 So, as for this foolish staff member, pigeon [potsupo], small. Darkness donation,
Furthermore foreigner election right, child treatment and consumer tax,
Nitukiyou group of the Democratic party supporting tissue and criminal syndicate [tsu] [pu] [ri] of one flesh of the Korean entire ream
How thinking, the [ru]…
朝总联的办公室,私下要求他们签署一份秘密“进一步疲软的主管当局对边界的要求,日本”对您和尝试是一个扣人心弦的,因为他们抓住了相应的业余运动甜在体内,这样瑟利会 Way secret agreement of the resident framework vis a vis the jurisdiction government agency is made private from bureau side in entire ream “Asking ” e g furthermore it is grasped limpness Movement keeps becoming unable to come off in the sweet correspondence like the amateur
民主党的政策载体痛片内,并非自民党和权利相比并不严重不足 As for disjointed tsu pu ri of policy vector inside the Democratic party our people The extent which is not right in ratio it is terrible
现在激烈的权力斗争,儿童和品种能无河内小泽是正确的,穿得像小泽 Intensify intraparty contention from this talent it is not the right learn the Ozawa chill drain of the matching in Ozawa
没有投票选举加拉在未来自由民主选民刻现实漂浮不能投票给民主党 Poll ratio does not rise with future election, the [te]
As for our people cannot be polled above democracy the actuality which relief
深识字赛马,博彩,该伪造是在过去的日本赛车协会被捕 The knowledge to horse racing is deep, past is arrested with betting ticket forgery of the Japan Racing Association
由党投票的比例分享,民主党人说,31。 6%,第一人民新党。 7%给予。共有33个。 24 3%的自民党。 13 1%的所有各方。新公明党13 6%。共产党的1%6。社民党1%3。 8%,日本2 Tachiagare。 1%2党的改革。其他1 0%。 9%的面积。一共有66个。我完全失去了执政党的百分之七到所有意图瓦特 As for when proportional poll ratio classified by political party you say The Democratic party 31 6 National new party 1 7 Giving Meter 33 3 The Liberal Democratic Party 24 1 Party of everyone 13 6 Komeito 13 1 Japan Communist Party 6 1 Corporation people party 3 8 Rise Japan 2 1 New party reform 2 0 In addition 1 9 Field Meter 66 7 How seeing the trap w which is ruling party complete defeat
库萨是一个重要的选举民主的哑巴。总投票,但只有在这种恶劣的处理,方便你将是一个民主的胜利做了 The fool it is ill smelling As for the House of Representatives selection democracy large It is treatment although When are inconvenient just with all poll democracy winning the ru it is the tsu te
突破大家的党,然后一小选区制,他们是人民拒绝返回两党制是一个毫无意义的案件是在选举区 As for rapid advance of the party of everyone, the citizen to deny bipartisan systems, passing, the thing shelf
Then small constituency system becomes meaningless
Reset to the medium-size constituency system
约640万工会会员,工会联盟不只是,一个真正的四倍,从1200万到说服别人进入父母和两个已婚的比例,约18万 3议会选举的组织 Combination of labor union approximately 6 400 000 There is no just union member also the wife and the parent persuading because you make insert it is 12 000 000 of substantial times In other words among 2 18 000 000 of proportion 3 organized votes
旧驱动tTA锋线搭档頑張(包括现役退役)中国人口) 人数众多的上班族(55 和韩国有很多人谁归 Population of the union member active retired containing white collar worker who perseveres in former times and the strike is many 55 years old Population of the Chinese and Korea naturalized person is many
结果年轻的天才教育中的不合理父母的期望,完成成年Kikomori论点没有朋友 _NULL_
自民党在民调中赢得了压倒性胜利,选举并非如此不同小泉邮政!卖国垃圾是说弥撒,当民主党人赢得了压倒性的胜利是去年的东西我并没有说民调也Koreppochi At the time of Koizumi postal services election our people won overwhelmingly, but in poll ratio that much there is no great difference!
With as for the treason mass rubbish which was said, when democracy of last year wins overwhelmingly, as for poll ratio something
You did not call either [koretsupochi]
自民党已不再是一个免费现场艺术从日本对缒茹仇恨外敌,我们是不是反 The Liberal Democratic Party confronts the anti-Japanese hostility foreigner already
Rather than clinging to the hatred of our Japanese, there is no technique which survives
自民党议席选区和民主党Ijan茶,绝非仅在议会选举胜利的反对票在感谢2009年众议院:47%的单议席选区:39%比例代表制:42%比例代表制:27%在媒体手中,其中以“政权变更是导致接受人”压倒性支持绝对不会是一个给定 It probably will win at the number of polls of 2009 Lower House election but being defeated with parliamentary seat there is no chi ya meaning it is The Democratic party The Liberal Democratic Party Small constituency 47 Small constituency 39 Proportional Ku 42 Proportional Ku 27 When this depends on the hand of the mass communications In “receiving the preponderant support of the citizen the tsu chi ya you bore the administration alternation which occurred”
我们应该集中精力只茶Ijan一些成员绝不是唯一的负面感谢计数选举席位赢得了如何 It probably will win at the number of which extent polls but being defeated with parliamentary seat there is no chi ya meaning it is To concentrate in just the Assemblyman of part passing therefore thing
萨基的“伟大胜利”民主变革以及它的报告中甚至没有选举投票的w Poll ratio of the House of Representatives selection “of democracy great victory” ahead in the same way reporting margin metamorphosis w
该旗赛车游戏 井梁为负,总成绩是团队高于获胜是一样的』说我会认为这支球队 NULL
该死的肮脏低俗朱达罗变得敏感,它包含超过478?不过,只有成为世袭,希望上议院 478 When so it rises suddenly in the world and becomes the tsu temporary being vulgar the ro which is hateful Therefore with saying when becomes only descent it becomes nobility institute like
地面,但我反对以世袭的事,他们立刻明白拉签署联合 Taking over ground and the signboard being well understood in the opposite direction to descent it hurt
资历架构的远狗通常只有消极的稳定,如果瓦特左派亲爱艾希卡诺遗憾?较受欢迎马餐 Howling w of typical being defeated dog How Only sayoku is vexatious kana meshiuma www
达罗也不公正的思维,如果你选他30,000票,但有些人失去了将近70万票 700,000 vote taking soon, although the person who is defeated it is
When the person who is elected with 30,000 vote it is how thinking, the [ro] which is unfairness
这一时间滞后和微妙,我支持税率轻陷阱在两只脚勤两位数舒斯谷垣祯一小装置 _NULL_
这个数字是从这里两党制,这一比例上升到排减单位,但他们并不那么自由 After this number becoming 2 large political party systems this as for ratio increasing being There are no times when it decreases
自由民主是燃料不是一个国家,而是一个两党制我原本贫瘠 Originally although it is in a state where it does not become 2 large political party systems When it is the democracy which is our people it fans it is barren what don t you think
这是战斗的刺激和意想不到的思想和出票逃避业集团分裂党 _NULL_
进球702个,但投篮数位赢得Tteta负!真正的音频赢了,我想是这样!我说Tteru 702 As for the number of goals however it was defeated the number of chutes has won Therefore substantial we victory The tsu te saying the ru
选举的例子说,在采取了有意义的分两个席位,民主党最终有5个区3个,3 × 5 u003d爱知县的15个议席,分项会增加一个常数3人2君秋自由民主党05 06,民主请务必不要倾斜,民主党占多数的自民党赢得更为可笑Kunaru To about to be easy to understand if you refer With House of Councillors selection five there were 3 Ku but The Democratic party among those 2 parliamentary seats as for taking just Aichi As for breakdown of 3 Ã 5 15 parliamentary seats Democracy 6 Our people 5 Fairness 2 Everyone 3 If it increases constant certainly as for the Democratic party It can win the Liberal Democratic Party Furthermore it becomes far in majority
他们没有进入自由投票粉碎860自由选区的清洁的东西说,我 860 When the vote of fairness does not enter into our people at constituency don t you think our people are the tsu te thing which is the crushing defeat
选举的例子说,在采取了有意义的分两个席位,民主党最终有5个区3个,3 × 5 u003d爱知县的15个议席,分项会增加一个常数2人2君秋自由民主党05 06,民主请务必不要倾斜,民主党占多数的自民党赢得更为可笑Kunaru To about to be easy to understand if you refer With House of Councillors selection five there were 3 Ku but The Democratic party among those 2 parliamentary seats as for taking just Aichi As for breakdown of 3 Ã 5 15 parliamentary seats Democracy 6 Our people 5 Fairness 2 Everyone 3 If it increases constant certainly as for the Democratic party It can win the Liberal Democratic Party Furthermore it becomes far in majority
选举的例子说,在采取了有意义的分两个席位,民主党最终有5个区3个,3 × 5 u003d爱知县的15个议席,分项会增加一个常数3人3君秋自由民主党05 06,民主请务必不要倾斜,民主党占多数的自民党赢得更为可笑Kunaru To about to be easy to understand if you refer With House of Councillors selection five there were 3 Ku but The Democratic party among those 2 parliamentary seats as for taking just Aichi As for breakdown of 3 Ã 5 15 parliamentary seats Democracy 6 Our people 5 Fairness 2 Everyone 3 If it increases constant certainly as for the Democratic party It can win the Liberal Democratic Party Furthermore it becomes far in majority
鹦鹉帝国[身份』(一桥哉着发言)“如果你认为一个商业天才宗教Itsuku麻原彰晃,早川工作人员特别是名,给他们做好 'Natural shape of [oumu] empire' (one bridge sentence 哉 work)
If “the genius where the flax field happens to think religion business, as for Hayakawa the name staff who executes that concretely securely
( ∀ ) 我也这么认为,因为它已经从香椎文件是一个耻辱,是不是真正宰 ∀ lt However I so think because it is shy as expected it does not place such insistence in the space
,ヽ ,升::::°:: ヽ ::°:左¨升〜:::ヽ u003d u003d u003d , Ÿ 我 u003d , 我们现在 :::: ヽ REPT l ¯ t t 92 r i ni i ─ t ─ ┴ l no 92 REPT i i i i REPT ¯ l ¯ l REPT 92 i i REPT
。 ::: ⌒γ 升⌒Y的。 ヽ 天,,, ,ヽ 。 ヽ 人布鲁诺 Î ⌒ 92 92 No REPT No REPT REPT No REPT ⌒ 92 丶 r gt lt gt lt i i ⌒ ⌒ 92 lt l ⌒ REPT ⌒ human u REPT i gt lt i gt lt REPT l REPT Y ⌒ l Y ⌒ l u No human ⌒ human ⌒ human ⌒ l Human REPT REPT Human DREPT REPT hieei l ⌒ Y l ⌒ Y REPT ni REPT REPT person No person No l l 92 l 92 l 92