196 与马尔一个什么样的坏皮一起吗?噢,我希望我想借用一分钟轻松在电视上公开这么说 196 gt Cooperating with leather maru something is bad So if so so speaking grandly with the television to understand may be easy
1963年2月皮热枝野诚先生支那历史上学期为:1970年8月3日,联盟分裂革命共产党全国委员会:北京教育学院学生谋杀Lynch是一个学生的死亡同情者 Branch field and close friend history of leather maru group 1963 February It separates from revolutionary communism person alliance nationwide commission 1970 August 3 days In the capital education university student lynch murder case 1 sympathizer students kills
196之前,你甚至打开忠志丽卡?你知道你会说,如此当选为隐藏,隐藏部长 196 Are you open and repaired Therefore calling the ro which is the ru hiding to be elected hiding the minister of state
1972年11月8日:在一组林奇,并在早稻田大学三郎Kawaguti洋学生,打死 1972 November 8th To lynch Kawaguchi Daizaburo which is the student of the Waseda University with the group murder
林奇在一组,并在早稻田大学三郎Kawaguti博1972年11月8日,死亡学生 To lynch Kawaguchi Daizaburo which is the student of 1972 November 8th Waseda University with the group murder
1975年3月14日:本田的高层管理人员,核心小组。甲杀死(core 迦巴谋杀长肌书记) 1975 March 14th Highest staff Honda of core group 嘉 murder core General secretary domestic violent affairs murder case
52 迦巴人死亡超过100人,炸伤成千上万的说,我们 52 gt As for the deceased by domestic violent affairs 100 or more as for the injured person it is called several thousand people
1977年2月11日:革命工人(革労协)的中原Hazime谋杀罪(谋杀高层迦巴长肌革労协秘书协会) 1977 February 11th Revolutionary worker association leather labor cooperation the highest staff Nakahara one murder leather labor cooperation general secretary domestic violent affairs murder case
革命工作者协会1977年2月11日(革労协)中原Hazime杀害高管 1977 February 11th revolutionary worker association leather labor cooperation murdering the highest staff Nakahara one
1986年1月20日受伤的8负Waseru:艺术系,京都大学校园,打死亲署理副核心会长与北大 It makes the injury 8 people owe 1986 January 20th With the Kyoto university department of liberal arts enclosure murdering the National Federation of Students Self GovernmenAssociations secondary chairman vicarious executions of core group
在艺术系,京都大学1986年1月20日校园,打死亲代的副会长与核心大学 With 1986 January 20th Kyoto university department of liberal arts enclosure murdering the National Federation of Students Self GovernmenAssociations secondary chairman vicarious executions of core group
1995年,高桥敏夫谋杀,绑架,热亲皮革冲绳委员会,山监禁。本章逃生遗漏,马塞尔派别驱动tTA皮革骄傲在冲绳陷入灾难性的局面大部队 1995 the kidnapping confinement murder and mountain of Toshio s Takahashi of leather maru group Okinawa prefecture commission With the falling off escape of chapter the leather maru group organization which is proud of big power in Okinawa prefecture falls to devastating circumstance
1995年,高桥敏夫谋杀,绑架,热亲皮革冲绳委员会,山监禁。本章逃生遗漏,马塞尔派别驱动tTA皮革骄傲在冲绳陷入灾难性的局面大部队 1995 the kidnapping confinement murder and mountain of Toshio s Takahashi of leather maru group Okinawa prefecture commission With the falling off escape of chapter the leather maru group organization which is proud of big power in Okinawa prefecture falls to devastating circumstance
1996年5月14日:约9 00附近的Shinishikawa Kokugakuin偶尔Purazakyanpasu横滨的街道时,青叶区,迦巴事件 1996 May 14th Around 9 o clock in the afternoon domestic violent affairs incident occurs with road surface near 國 學 institute large 學 cartridge purazakiyanpasu of Kanagawa prefecture Yokohama city greenery Ku new Ishikawa
1996年8月:铁路联盟(好九郎)部秘书长(规划当时署)造成案件闯入家 1996 August: The Japanese National Railways Union (National Railway Workers' Union) headquarters general secretary (plan department manager of that time) the incident which invades the house illegally is caused
32流氓一样,你知道有一个大问题,如果租客与反社会势力 32 The ro which is mob like counter social power and the tsu te large problem which is association
就像一个帮派,你知道有一个大问题,如果租客与反社会势力 1 The ro which is mob like counter social power and the tsu te large problem which is association
374 JR是一个合作联盟和JR东日本公司最大的工会东部反社会?附表随国铁改革一起完成!订购中曾根弘Yabaijan或者说是对自民党的支持我的统一战线组织的成立 374 To the largest union of JR east Japan is company side union the JR east labor union which counter social power The Japanese National Railways reformation is achieved together The tsu te you call the Liberal Democratic Party support group which struggles jointly Nakasone large Isao rank it is dangerous are in establishment
这是我朝总联皮革小玛(读栏)Mazukunai吗?它深深而参与或建立优异中曾根弘支持者组织的自民党在不久前 It was JR entire connected tsu te leather maru it is straight reading That tsu te it is not unpalatable Very the Liberal Democratic Party support group to recently rather than in establishment Nakasone large Isao rank deep Although it is related
但不是皮革简约松崎,松崎这是一种恶意软件,皮革,并说伐丽流 But It does not mean that Matsuzaki is leather maru leather maru is Matsuzaki that to it is said
95法律本身,“他们可以限制人类生存”,方便他们一个坏人,我只允许我可以做的,这将是一个公共皮革丸因此,我会说啊晃Toshii马塞尔皮革边由他们说,我同我说的不是什么獾洞(笑)作为一种惩罚“死亡”,“监狱”和个人以“谋杀”,“禁闭在同一水平”动机谈瓦特 95 Law itself recognizing “the fact that the human where also the confinement te is good exists ” the ru it is The human whose are inconvenient to by himself is possible to confine when that probably is the people but it probably is leather maru but it is the same don t you think Saying that leather maru side is correct separately is not ru reason and the 狢 of the te same hole says what riding it is story Wry smile As a punishment “capital punishment” “penal servitude” it depends on private motive at the point in time when you talk “homicide” “confinement” to same rank w
米 40和狗屎贺阳说说话的感觉以同样的方式,他们不把从苏愚蠢关注自杀和谋杀无助法院最终判处死刑下在苏严重罪行,例如奥凯W和S 40 How it will do low the brain which is not When on end of the serious crime such as homicide it gives a decision capital punishment with judgment Because by yourself do not like you call that you talk the fact that you kill to same rank kusomiso it is Remembering bucket w
NULL The leather maru group staff and memorandum of Secretary General and left flank radical group branch field Yukio Monthly periodical “new tide 45” reports 6 The Japanese revolutionary communism person same Revolutionary Marxism group Leather maru group The memorandum of democracy branch field Secretary General and the JR east labor union which new tide 45 announced iza Like this in it was full “Japan Socialist Party” evil Administration Voice JR entire ream in JR east labor union leather maru suitable permeation and government reply book The Democratic party officially recognizing JR entire connected candidacy Old Japanese National Railways side you are reconciled with the sum total 20 000 000 000 Yen payment On union member side per 1 households paying the reconciliatory money of approximately 22 000 000 Yen and sum total approximately 20 000 000 000 Yen the pillar of reconciliatory plan
NULL The leather maru group staff and memorandum of Secretary General and left flank radical group branch field Yukio Monthly periodical “new tide 45” reports 6 The Japanese revolutionary communism person same Revolutionary Marxism group Leather maru group The memorandum of democracy branch field Secretary General and the JR east labor union which new tide 45 announced iza Like this in it was full “Japan Socialist Party” evil Administration Voice JR entire ream in JR east labor union leather maru suitable permeation and government reply book The Democratic party officially recognizing JR entire connected candidacy Old Japanese National Railways side you are reconciled with the sum total 20 000 000 000 Yen payment On union member side per 1 households paying the reconciliatory money of approximately 22 000 000 Yen and sum total approximately 20 000 000 000 Yen the pillar of reconciliatory plan
政府有11个内阁会议上,左派激进褪去,许多刑事案件文,日本革命的共产党人。马克思主义的革命派(派马塞洛皮革)的活动,“日本联合会联合会组织(小朝总联)和东日本铁路工人联盟(JR东日本联盟)在皮革铁路工人有能力行使的影响知道这个激进组织传播恶意软件合理的“回应书面决定 As for government in the Cabinet conference on the 11th the left flank radical group which causes many criminal incident The Japanese revolutionary communism person same About the activity of revolutionary Marxism group leather maru group “Inside all the Japanese railroad Union entire associations JR entire ream and east Japanese passenger railroad Union JR east labor union When the leather maru group go getter has permeated suitably in the standpoint where it can use influence you have recognized” With the reply book which is done was decided
)和东日本铁路及工会意识到,皮革激进组织传播恶意软件的合理定位行使影响 And inside east Japanese passenger railroad Union When the leather maru group go getter has permeated suitably in the standpoint where it can use influence you have recognized
WWW的恶意软件和协议leather m政策一般在疯狂Tteru _NULL_
[图片(右)u003d小松崎晃是从他作为东部联盟的立场都撤回 _NULL_
[大阪]福利欺诈指控,皮革工人。被捕活动家边缘[福冈]获得福利开支如果作弊设备,照顾残疾人士,拘捕七名极端分子革労协-社会-大阪工会活动家核心派负责福利欺诈再次被捕 Welfare expense swindling and leather labor. Arresting the counter main school go-getter
You dress up handicapped person nursing and deceive welfare expense and take, arresting leather labor cooperation go-getter 7 of radical groups
With welfare expense swindling re-arrest Union member of core group go-getter Osaka
↓↑←敌对敌官校30年以前,核心湮没860整体(自民党)和SO停战←↑↓皮革和皮革的恶意软件仲良由自由民主派那么是不是恶意软件 860 30 years ago General Council of Trade Unions of Japan Disappearance Core group lt Enemy ↑ ↓ Something related to hostility Government the Liberal Democratic Party ↓ ↑ Leather maru group lt Cease fire agreement It is not the case well our people and leather maru the close friend separately
1970年8月14日:30人入侵法政丸皮革变相核心派派分子攻击了十几个学生的核心 1970 August 14th 30 leather maru group go getters which are disguised in core group invade the Hosei university attack core group student over ten people
如果从东北大学,你没有得到一个核心小组和团结?我,我很惊讶地招收 If Tohoku University graduate it joins with core group it is without being We entering you were surprised
茂木大约在下午2 00和光在校园,学校积极分子袭击了一个核心团体的活动分子皮革马尔 Past 2 o clock in the afternoon time in the Wako university enclosure the leather maru group go getter attacking the core group go getter
■[周刊新潮』(第1月21日),根据该委员会主席山冈肯齐民主党人,尤其是急于招聘河野先生代田,秘书长小泽一郎,“如果一只猫黑猫白这是确定 * 'According to the weekly new tide' (January 21st number), especially in this rice field castle person supporting
Being enthusiastic is Yamaoka of the Democratic party Ken with national anti- Chairman Osamu, Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa
“Even with the white cat there is no calling even with the black cat?
〜〜一个人,包括手续费,不牧羊狗皇帝处理国家元首〜〜美津,白宫恐怖分子杀害了数百名〜〜每个共产党人秘书长与执政的一个最优先的具有约束力的联盟叛国可爱的偶像桃太郎击败民主党人〜〜↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑〜 One Emperor of national sovereign pet dog treatment Cover The terrorist whom hundreds people murder national guest treatment Seeing tsu The Secretary General of the ruling party ties the communism person and alliance The Democratic party of treason most priority ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Momotarou suppressing
〜〜537人,每年皇帝谁杀了大房子在江户长州皇帝,而不是牧羊犬处理,皇帝的国家元首的。你说了你有一个国家元首的经常自民党萨长峨说埃塔是一个伟大的替代托拉弘尤基谁摩擦和长州。由于裕虎范之湿重的后代 537 One Emperor of national sovereign pet dog treatment Emperor filial piety discernment emperor and Meiji is murdered in the last days of the shogunate Tiyousiyuu person large 寅 之 祐 With it rubs and it can call the Liberal Democratic Party of the 薩 length which was changed well As for the national sovereign whom that you say the Tiyousiyuu person large Therefore descendant of 寅 之 祐 ww
与这一事件有关,学生运动枝野哇! ?说,(他们不知道是否属实),如果人们都Bitsukeru已经结束,学校说我们的恶意软件枝野节皮革基地,大学天敌的,那个地方是不是皮革纳入我的热然一人与资讯科技知识 This one case and the branch field had related to student movement You do not know but whether or not with the story which is said truth If we assume that the person who ties is the graduate university of the branch field being called the base school of natural enemy sect of leather maru The place where it cannot enter leather maru being the intellectual viewing human shelf
什么我饿了要交换常识写什么我知道,马尔618真皮的吗?你知道你不是大规模的垃圾噪音?那么,你说是不是好自私来 618 Leather maru knowing the combining which is the correspondence whose it is general to exchange the tsu te memorandum The mass rubbish does not make a noise it is the ro which is Therefore the tsu te it means favorite selfish thing don t you think it is
618民主管理是一个缺点,我不同意附表质量上的灰尘 618 Whether thing and the mass rubbish where the Democratic party administration becomes disadvantageous pick up
你知道你不是我会处理电视呢?马斯先生 我是垃圾,所以放弃部分为 How the se television it does not handle it is the ro which is Therefore it is thrown away it is mass rubbish
什么是JR东日本的工会在做什么?受到损害偏激?活动花费不多,那些人在日本工作,在大学的学生运动,红外Rubeki结构是出于恐惧或工会会费 As for the something or other JR east Japanese labor union you conforming to radical group ru Student movement does directly inside the university activity expense of those people It has come out from the Union expense of JR We fear the Japanese structure which the ru should
关于睡眠的问题以及民主馆大学最近在想他们的答案是什么Baitsu s小池百合子这样说。还有的话,我有几次微笑左翼活动家的名字 So it was asked in the reply of the Koike lily child concerning the memory of university age whether say time was Democracy official building Plural names while smiling had talked the go getter age left flank
关于睡眠的问题以及民主馆大学最近在想他们的答案是什么Baitsu s小池百合子这样说。还有的话,我有几次微笑左翼活动家的名字 So it was asked in the reply of the Koike lily child concerning the memory of university age whether say time was Democracy official building Plural names while smiling had talked the go getter age left flank
嘿,如果我说这是根据它不枝野阿布哈兹处置,民党是执政党,反正我认识到,如果一个Zubuzubu Tatte远我,我是来自党的整体污染瓦特 The fact that it is zubuzubu is recognized to here passing if Temporarily administration ruling party what it puts out and the Democratic party under dealing with vis a vis the branch field if it is not the viewing husband It does not do don t you think probably will be therefore the e the whole party is polluted w
在枝野来的东西就不会积公众安全或权力的极端主义分子? When radical group is inside administration public peace in the chiku tsu cod branch field some serving
在小联盟从几十个时间单位的全国选举中东部“建议”的候选人没有辜负工会瓦特JR东|东日本铁路工会::东日本铁路工人工会Itino瞬态内向任何人,如果这个问题疯狂的 In degree of national election “nomination” candidacy has come out of the JR east labor union at several dozen human units and w
JR east labor union | East Japanese passenger railroad Union : : EAST JAPAN RAILWAY WORKER' S UNION
When the person whom such does problem apparent one by one is, the head is strange
如果打小u003d小朝总联东站,产经新闻体育,尤干富士是工会,JR东日本的产经新闻从Newdays后最有可能消失 When the rear JR entire connected = JR east labor union hitting is done, from JR east Japanese Kiosk and Newdays the product sutra newspaper, [sansupo] and evening paper [huji]
The possibility of disappearing large
如果要克服20世纪60年代狡猾的天真,因为绝对认为那漂亮真棒 Simplicity of the sixties overcoming, when it has become cunning, you think that it is dangerous well enough, but it is
如果说,正在进行的一年前,和大多数居民的自民党派系领导人和皮革玛数十年,如果自民党与民主党的比较和租户的整体热亲皮革,唯一的批评,不是吗?疯狂? If with you say no ten years association with one staff of the Liberal Democratic Party before leather maru group and Presently in progressive comparing maru group with the whole leather and the Democratic party which has association Only the Liberal Democratic Party criticism as for doing the ro which is okashii
内阁民主党秘书长,是我担心的是丑陋的皮革马尔学校 As for the Secretary General of the Democratic party being leather maru group… How it is the fearful Cabinet
它将使你的朋友顶级皮革自民党和,但最低限度,但已被系统由一组好九郎批评旧我 Although the top is leather maru therefore the Liberal Democratic Party Toru the friend it is permitted it was criticized from tsu te old National Railway Workers Union system Although it is the group
埃塔更换,因为我已进入民主图片切渗透的新公明党自1970年以来,自民党策略 The fact that permeation strategy is assured to the Liberal Democratic Party Komeito after 1970 just was changed to democracy
它是什么?如果我需要停止在这个总的秘书,但我们将成为民主党秘书长一人没有,它是什么? “ That what I must stop the Secretary General with about this that when we assume At our Democratic party becomes unable to be accustomed to everyone s one person Secretary General but that what ”
安理会主席去世的社会科学,早稻田大学,曾任活跃在学校的皮套3昼夜迦巴1996年5月14日 Waseda University Department of social sciences residents' association Chairman original of the leather [maru] group go-getter dies in 1996 May 14th domestic violent affairs incident
安理会主席杀死了社会科学,早稻田大学马塞洛皮革前活动家 Waseda University Department of social sciences residents' association Chairman original of the leather [maru] group go-getter dies
宪法修正案是必要的,因为通常是民主党一党专政,得到它暂时中止宪法也不是不可能 Even a party dictatorship of the Democratic party
If the normality but constitution amendment necessity, if constitution is stopped temporarily, the impossibility there is no actualization
对烈士崇高的革命工作 早生狗的习惯,使之笑( ö ) Habit of the dog of aristocracy of labor doing don t you think the revolution patriot it amuses o
导致Funzori ll返回政府中央到崩溃(苏联意识形态与现实)的事情了Karukara分钟是可行的,我想我会碰到我将梦本身并不是对接 The ideology which was led to the Soviet collapse actuality still running with just dream the te The actualization possible tsu te thinking ru on administration center the droppings the ri returning ru tsu te thing Because you understand
应急通信设备拔出或保险丝,在萨゙关闭。小这是工会的代理人? The fuse of the urgency traffic device it pulls out when,
[hu] ゙ [sa] of somewhere. It is the JR labor union operative?
当分裂和铁路私有化的,开赛孝行松崎先生他的手,我设置(目前的JR东海主席),等“三重奏”改革,在这之后,他们偷偷回来或吃手酷详,摄取是罕见的 Japanese National Railways At the time of division commercialization Satoshi Kasai which unites Matsuzaki and the hand 之 Chairman present JR Tokai And others as for “reformation 3 human group” after that 喰 and others the u being taken in the hand terrible retribution It is
他在在 秘录松崎晃,皮革恶意软件。它适用于承认,这是副委员长 As for the same person in Matsuzaki discernment secret record leather maru The fact that it is the vice chair is recognized
我想不会有很多人不知道的意思,即使我听到极端分子? S还没有意义的驱动tTA学习石川义务教育,戏剧是没有第二个想法播出的美化 The radical group tsu te hearing the person where meaning is not recognized is more it is it isn t There is no either remembering which was learned with compulsory education and the kind of drama which is beautified being unconcerned it is televised and
我很激进的协议,在政策恐怖主义政策的基本一致呢?我同意,说这明明 General agreement on policy It is agreement on policy tsu te what of the radical group terrorists Whether it agrees be what clearly
我是一个民主党人,我挖掘枝野之前,你在忘我的,这一点是为了文章小泽 Becoming your ecstasies, hitting the branch field and the Democratic party, however the [ru], as for this article Ozawa's direction
执政党秘书长的组织,尽管我最后一个非法的秘密协议,它的“S普遍支持”,并担心矮输入驱动tTA Although you say that the Secretary General of the ruling party political party tied illegal organization and secret agreement relation That “it is general correspondence” with the wa which is embarrassed it is
日本共产党的革命。什么是长度的倾向出生的马克思主义的革命派皮革马尔湿重 _NULL_
日本共产党的革命。库克斯2命名这个意义上说马克思的革命派不以任何方式 The Japanese revolutionary communism person same. Revolutionary Marxism group
This 厨 two as for naming sense how, without becoming?
是敏感的,仅在好人“革命运动”做“公民运动”,而享受 _NULL_
有一次,黑田先生弘和各派领导人(已故),“这种蠕虫病毒是我们纳达的故事”和我说话了 At one time, as for Kanichi Kuroda of the same group highest leader (the deceased), “as for us the braid
It is the insect”, you say that you said,
枝野不只是是否左翼思想等党的这一非凡的整体利益? Not only the branch field person party the whole this being abnormal idea of such left flank
日本灭绝和最终目标※,是一个不寻常的左翼思想 Japanese extermination is designated as last goal it is abnormal idea left flank
枝野说:“我们民主党也都民主党人,工会和暴力完全一样,在一个正常的收集远。他们是皮革制成密切阅读由工会与马尔亲 At the branch field “our Democratic party also the Assemblyman of the Democratic party everyone completely in the same way as normal Union Extreme left violence collection Furthermore also the labor union of leather maru group intimacy you point to association
枝野“我们在民主党,其中,所有的成员,完全,一样正常劳动,暴力极端左派,卷。他们是读这将是一个亲皮革亲密工会与马尔 At the branch field “our Democratic party every Assemblyman everyone completely in the same way as normal Union Extreme left violence collection Furthermore also the labor union of leather maru group intimacy you point to association
横路孝弘民主民主民主的一面,靳粂胜民主进步的洪流堰民主松野信夫山田彦细川护熙Ritsuo民主民主民主Tsudi聪前川清成筒井信孝民主民主民主题跋惠子硬地板战国义人枝野幸男民主民主 Branch field Yukio Democracy
Floor Super Democracy
仙 valley Yosito Democracy
Keiko Chiba Democracy
Tube well Nobutaka Democracy
Tsuji Blessing Democracy
Norio Hosokawa Democracy
Maekawa Kiyoshi forming Democracy
Nobuo Matsuno Democracy
Masahiko Yamada Democracy
Shin Yanase Democracy
Side 粂 victory benevolence Democracy
Takahiro Yokomiti Democracy
民主政府的领导人在475,从战国太多极端主义的同情者,千叶,中井,枝野Mizupo ...每个人都一样,向日葵第二东京律师协会源(一组人的权利)的成员 475
Because, the radical group sympathizer is too multi in the executive committee of democracy administration
Sengoku, Chiba, Nakai and branch field… The same as everyone [mizupo], original Tokyo second bar association sunflower (human rights group group) post
没问题过于敏感,黑社会和胶闵苏沫w ll好,还是在做什么? The connection of the sumo world and the mob there is no problem w Or as for minsu whatever it is possible to do when with
如果,如果没有光线通过,但我只能用暴力发生? Even with using violence when it does not surrender how it becomes
洋葱去皮如何马苏支那多大的政治权力和民主的东西,它们不仅进入了一个美元的钞票Ttena丝毫不是使用一个空宝盒 From it benefits and when political power it keeps peeling the skin of the onion of democracy, you could enter the dollar bill which cannot be used in the treasured casket of empty and the [tsu] [te] it was reason
电视,不是吗?大问题,如果人民的友谊相扑取黑里我不是一个政客比1〜友谊他们自来水停止责难黑枝野贵乃 The television your 乃 flower busing is stopped and be able to hit the friend relationship where the branch field is black,
The [ro] where the friend relationship where the politician is blacker than the professional sumo wrestler is large problem -
相扑协会和有组织犯罪勾结,我有严重的问题与书记皮革事业的政策或协定,整所学校? _NULL_
社会秩序的崩溃,让他这样做,左,右做公开的证据表明我在写这一点,但我会违反居直 _NULL_
经过长时间的审理,于元和东京高等法院承认非法阿里在2009年的赔偿,仅“550万日元,说:”裁决 In 2009 of end of the long judgment Tokyo high court the unjust ant and after recognizing “consolation money one person 5 500 000 Yen” the decision which is said
忽略了20年,如侵略或高端,法院的决定,以避免法院踢 The courthouse spending 20 years the judgment which starts is ignored the coercive large amount conclusion like whether the Supreme Court is avoided of
维持1955年系统的高增长时期,自民党一直壊Keiseikai破灭了,国家资本主义资本主义≒02874857被拆除,美国和日本不仅通过私人赤裸裸的资本主义 Maintenance of high growth period 55 year system our people Keiseikai was broken broken the Japanese type social overhead capital principle ≒ national capitalism was dismantled by the United States only private capitalism of the nudity could take Japan
为了重建日本,诚河内或政治领导的官僚主义或耀西河内主导,资本主义社会 In order for Japan to re construct social overhead capital principle political main leadership being good or bureaucratic main leadership being good
联合国红军林奇事件(肇事者是代理商在日本朝鲜人!)和永田被逮捕,森林,蛊惑裂纹妙义切的衣服湿透了藏身之处发现 Red Army lynch incident (as for execution offense resident Korean operative! )
When the forest and Nagata are arrested, it cut in Yamanaka's Myogi agitation point and the clothing which tears was found
表达被剥夺了自由,呕吐和儿童色情制品问题的规定仍然415,我比每个人都崇拜的新公明党 415 Even then doing child pornographic regulation it tries probably to take the freedom of expression is better than cult our public everyone
作为一个儿童色情法通过它从自由民主公明铀,更好地剥夺言论自由,不是吗? Trying probably to pass through child pornographic regulation law the ro whose is better than our people fairness which takes the freedom of expression
该公司协会797。哲郎和多罗(JR 米雕的汇率,一个正常的怀疑思维方式 797 It is company side union Nihon National Railway Motive Power Union JR east labor union how what doing you do not understand whether the ru being desperate kimoi te general opinion There being association the sentence Exchanging at ru point in time the infidelity te is how normal to think
1995年10月12日星期一:小工会领导人(主席铁路兄弟)家的电话窃听 1995 October December JR labor union staff railroad fraternity chairman in house telephone wiretap
贺斌杰先生特别是,当默克尔会见达赖喇嘛的流亡政府在2007年和总理立即批评,已被称为立场亲中国,这宗投诉引起了我们的Tatte准备说有大量的 As for especially hanburehito the case where merukeru prime minister conversed with the leader darai llama of the Tibetan refugee government in 2007 It was known as group in the parent there was suitable preparedness at the time of the latest dissatisfied raising e g you criticize instantaneously With the viewpoint has emerged
马尔皮革学校已多次犯罪和血腥的暴力Namagusai小 u003d小候选人和组织工会的劳工总联及东“罗卡扎西尼克”民主党人终于有了一个众议院议员提名在明年候选人 Bloody violence incident and crime repeatedly while organizing the leather maru group JR entire ream and the JR east labor union which start candidacy “it is margin it is fragrant” The Democratic party officially recognized finally at next House of Councillors selection proportional Ku
1996年,但凯塔分钟时,选举我做了31年的故事?主席的名义的JR意识,我会写朝总联鹰运输 So as for story 1996 however you understood when electing 2009 how was it is JR entire ream and the memorandum exchanging with member Osana it probably is the ru
在他的备忘录枝野“小小朝总联和工会的原则及东部(行动过程中),以了解和团结的工作,”它说,并承诺 As for branch field person with memorandum “JR entire ream and JR east labor union That you understand general plan activity policy join and are active” you announced that you promised
马尔皮革学校已多次犯罪和血腥的暴力Namagusai朝总联组织 u003d小候选人“罗卡扎西尼克”民主党人终于有了一个众议院议员提名在明年候选人 Bloody violence incident and crime repeatedly while organizing the leather maru group JR entire ream and the JR east labor union which start candidacy “it is margin it is fragrant” The Democratic party officially recognized finally at next House of Councillors selection proportional Ku