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“Being right wing, it did not like”, don't you think? 2 with the [ru] defeat Assemblyman “the offender, die” and so on with slander slander and the Hokkaido Oobu arrest ★6


  • 30:22编号:xMr6iqyy0 Huzii严喜悦是妓女的儿子出生了 30 22 ID xMr6iqyy0 As for Fujii massive rock happiness son of prostitute
    • 125 243名: 周年名无Shisan 发布10 :2010 07 23(星期五)19:22:14编号:pMMfN Us0 2 2或 本 125 243 Name Name it is not ten lap year Contribution day 2010 07 23 Friday 19 22 14 ID pMMfN Us0 2 2 This kana

  • 389祭司腐败甩尾下降到地狱!我是很常见的后一瓦特 报纸成恭
    389 The smelly monk falls to the hell! How, therefore as for the article daily occurrence w > the saintly teaching newspaper

    • 3,水土流失的40条线的其他电信法(苏罪向通信保密)的侵蚀秘密通信线,或1万日元的刑期200一年刑罚小于),一电在处理运营商部 3 in addition Line telecommunications method 14th provision the crime which damages the secret of communication As for the person who damaged the secret of line telecommunications penal servitude of one year less than or penal provisions of 200 000 Yen or less One It executes while handling the telecommunications enterprise
      • 400条(罚则第四条)任何人谁拥有日元秘密侵蚀的100万处理通信与电信运营商,一年的监禁或罚款的科三:至 104th provision penal provisions of fourth provision One The person who damaged the secret of the communication which relates while handling the telecommunications enterprise executes penal servitude of one year less than or the fine of 300 000 Yen or less

    • 458啊!一种自我的愿望,但人民的思想左侧的半岛或叛国罪集团

      • 615“,”和爸爸或肚脐ー○○我有写学生的水平都超过周围的地方,但它似乎没有用从第一时间 615 “0 with writing in sob level ” among around there the university student whom it turns how It does also the useless air from beginning but
        • 我有一个意见,我真的不说爸爸是否在ー660级前你的肚脐 660 Unless your with sob level must say by any means the opinion no shelf

      • 836新川一个“准”你的意思是我进学校转播卡约札幌南东北。旭丘旭川东,Koryou钏路,帯広柏叶,中央函馆室兰荣,北见北斗,小樽潮灵,桑庆函馆不久拉萨尔和立命馆东岩见泽圭太,才能被认为是一个私人小在进学校
        836 “The quasi-” entrance into a school school [tsu] [te] doing Shinkawa perhaps, whether OB The Sapporo north and south east. Asahi hill Asahikawa east, the Kushiro Koryo, Obihiro Kashiwa leaf, the Hakodate center Muroran glory, Kitami great bear, Otaru tide mausoleum, Iwamizawa east When it is private, about Hakodate [ra] Searle and Ritsumeikan celebration lucky occurrence After almost there are no times when it is regarded the entrance into a school school

        • Gya Gya〜〜754,如右翼的宣传,他们很害怕Netochon立即噪音,或右翼的宣传本身当然是因为涌万维网 754 Town declaration right wing likely the gi ya gi ya the netochiyon te which makes a noise we fear Therefore the te town declaration right wing itself chiyon naturally or www

          • ID是像一个傻瓜,并已全日在该国担心,因为它在上午晚些时候熊,傍晚Kukara

            • S背诵在反向组织,队伍中的左派打倒日本会被清除,还在喋喋不休的阶级社会中的细节

              • Wwwwww不公平不公平的农业农业也讨厌知道他们Busayo线分别为:(由本公司制造笑)粉碎(笑)我必须履行农业Bakauyo不公平的谎言wwww关心的客观性和打扰他深受苦难使我最后的地方wwwwww幕张Bakauyo安全梯 The ku palm it is and the u ku palm is u wwwwww When they are the lines which the companion fabricates knowing while 憎 It is and busayo laughing refutation laughing lie it must spit in order to do the bakauyo ku palm it is u wwww So with objective characteristic as an air smoke screen stretching lastly u wwwwww of the bakauyo seeing ji me which escapes and makes the place
                • 825 Netouyo家伙大叫或者减轻重申Busayo涌有权得到它瓦特“正确”,因为小夜的扰流尾翼以为我是瓦特在苏意识形态的侵蚀坚持反复标签 825 netouyo the person who is called repeatedly does not leak therefore busayo or chiyon relieved margin w At the point in time when the label pasting with the ideology of “right wing” is repeated being damaged in sayo idea therefore ru barebare w

              • Yay这是它的所有左派瓦特血腥清洗呢?专业小吃瓦特

                • [2]第四条的电信业务法(秘密的保护),侵蚀与电信运营商和保密的通信,必须在处理
                  <2, telecommunications business law> Fourth provision (protection of secret) You do not have to damage the secret of the communication which relates while handling the telecommunications enterprise

                  • _NULL_

                    • ■浅田彰(京都大学毕业生)漂向不正确的谁是青年“小夜”只要你拥有一个成熟的嘲什么“爱国者”好像我带来的错觉,让民意作为 Akira Asada the Kyoto university graduate school completion If leaned right converted the young people have ridiculed “ sayo ” only Of it can have the hallucination like by your you express public theory as one which “national loyal retainer”
                      • ■浅田彰(京都大学毕业生)漂向不正确的谁是青年“小夜”只要你拥有一个成熟的嘲什么“爱国者”好像我带来的错觉,让民意作为 Akira Asada the Kyoto university graduate school completion If leaned right converted the young people have ridiculed “ sayo ” only Of it can have the hallucination like by your you express public theory as one which “national loyal retainer”

                    • ー ─└升┐───└舌鸠山∪──────┌─────Hatoyamamausu播下2 92 └ ─ l ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ hatoyamamausu ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ∪ hatoyama └ ─ ─ ─ ┐ Tongue will not 2 it is

                      • 三菱,到现在旧殖民时代,日本殖民中心职能一致,戳了日本的殖民地背后的肉体贸易规则的主体面具 From old colonization landlord justice age until the present time being consistent function it does Mitsubishi as a day emperor center the carrion it is the pillar of the saddle u day emperor with the shade of the mask of trading
                        • 东亚。胜善 谁帝国主义计划的地方和方式再次杀死一个殖民地 In addition the empire principle person colonization landlord justice person who again maneuvers facing toward the new Greater East Asia Co prosperity Sphere is executed

                      • 两名前款从事电信时谁是2年的监禁,或由一个500000日元罚款处罚行为

                        • 也将成为一个热门话题仙台泰典森Shiniti自制的丑闻,例如说547

                          • 乡间渡假别墅是谁犯年龄20至左侧机翼的,不聪明“的方式,八卦本身,无论是官方的公开声明有任何问题 Passing 20 years old as for the person who has been devoted on left flank intelligence is not enough” By the way whether or not with rumor you spoke this itself officially publicly there is a questionable matter but don t you think

                            • 什么是党的民主不同于尴尬香椎疯了左侧的左翼支持者提出了复制和粘贴并用诋毁我的937连续投球工具?

                              • 什么是左派,被剥夺了愚蠢的想法,我并非是要茹科瓦在疯狂滥交行为,如果没有狂欢混乱

                                • 他们没有进入思想护理194右翼“和公平,我会说,但就是不能做人身攻击,坚持标签 194 Idea being right wing it did not like” that and so on saying the ru comparatively Only the label pasting and personality attack it is possible it is the shelf
                                  • 我会说他们不公平,反过来又引起194右翼思想,我只能攻击一个人,贴上标签 194 Idea being right wing it did not like” that and so on saying the ru comparatively Only the label pasting and personality attack it is possible it is the shelf
                                  • 我是王行通知警察私刑右翼极端罪犯报复,我累了 The ze which probably will do retaliation lynch vis a vis right wing extreme right war crime But the information red sandal wood does not move it is don t you think

                                • 但他们的脚并不反映Busayo六百〇八瓦特“教育”是这是直的批评和嘲讽瓦特前独裁的左派人物依靠马库斯(笑研究员)与低智商是恩戴阅读我所以我会瓦特Busayo 608 The busayo shelf w where reflection is not enough To the ma of the authoritarianism which the form which clings “educational background” criticizes at one time left flank is the ma the place and sarcasm w Marx laughing how reading the kind of intelligence quotient which is influenced it is low therefore 輩 it becomes busayo it is w
                                  • 我不想要一个低智力和这样的绝对要求从左翼低情报机构认为他们,你可以坚持一个愚蠢的白痴Ahorashiku叉在不到响亮 Intelligence being low therefore absolute condition left flank Unless intelligence is low such an idea the fool fool who aho seem it does and is not applied to the ku te chopstick or to the stick and does the yo
                                  • 日本灭绝和最终目标※,是一个不寻常的左翼思想 Japanese extermination is designated as last goal it is abnormal idea left flank

                                • 但是,写在第一次被捕是严格确认元?驱动tTA或认为,犯罪嫌疑人知道的,“我们想得太多思想→Aaa级扎马逮捕或严重Shikunai庵→什么你让这个家伙来了,”疯狂的去改变这样的家伙会爆裂网消失的希望 First it recognized simply entry but to the last arrest With you thought but the suspect is known accompanying “It is and solves idea commenting and is not harsh or gt what it is dense too harshness to be gt the arrest za well the a a ” It kept changing It is dense would like to stack kichigai probably is the net but we want going out
                                  • 小女孩对不起你应该去更好的凯塔,他被逮捕时(或许起诉暂停)允许收取了乔木(驱动tTA张元是不是写的字是公认的严格鱼法院)在这就是从有罪的态度从查塔 The small woman if when arresting the me it is encountering it solved was good but it is much prosecution postponement It did not recognize suspicion thoroughly and recognized entry but when to the last it is the fish you persisted Because it was such attitude even with judgment guilt arises and the chi ya tsu is

                                • 但这显然Netouyo Netosayo失业往往被捕Rerushi Netouyo二期→→Netosayo 1头坏头在他们的结论是,许多高校知识分子 So it was clear with this netouyo is arrested inoccupation well and As for netosayo like the university student intelligence is many Conclusion Head ii gt netosayo The head is bad gt netouyo
                                  • 小夜我说,如果他们不喜欢的人谁是小夜好Netouyo瓦特 Thing of the person who dislikes netouyo is called sayo if is as for me w which is nice sayo
                                  • 我拼命想竖起瓦特Busayo它瘦的是一个标签粘贴万维网 busayo and se patience or w The desperation www where where we would like to designate the label pasting as the thing which is not

                                • 你花专人分。纳鲁极端重量只有人的谎言,谎言不切实际的理想实现的革命思想,他们没有代理商,不要浪费大量的救恩

                                  • 侵蚀当一个人从事有线通信的商业秘密,并在狱中两年被一种三○○○○○日元罚款处罚
                                    When the person who engages to the business of line telecommunications damaged secret, it executes penal servitude of two years less than or the fine of 300,000 Yen or less

                                    • 党叔叔533婴儿潮“,他们所做的错误,是不是他们的”宇野认为是没有世界的认识,从负面说,因为作为侧梁看到,发挥他们的自由感,但我期待到释放 533 The nodule of the party old boy “As for by your doing there is no mistake” that but as for thinking freedom To play considered as side because it was feeling very it was defeated Because with there is no recognition which is said you saw social and were released it is
                                      • 学生的示威和骚乱,造成冲突感时尚与安全的冲突白痴婴儿潮,他们希望在货架上Genai 495已经提出认为几代青少年,经过可笑 495 The result the fool of the nodule doing security struggle and student dispute in fashion feeling As for demonstration and the riot aho it seems the recognition that in the young person generation after Without increasing the fact that it is possible to the shelf we want

                                    • 公共舆论Netouyo这操纵千斤顶由2通道2通道机制米达

                                      • 净上瘾,它有825话我Uyoku Nettouyoku什么?
                                        825 Net dependence symptom patient = [netsutouyoku] [uyoku] [tsu] [te] word being attached with something, the [ru]?

                                        • 凡左派Omottara我的意思苏反对派威胁他在法庭上反驳瓦特嘿我不知道原因何在 Dissenting opinion sayoku of how somewhere the person who is said is threatened with judgment when you think …… w You do not refute with something don t you think it is probably will be the e
                                          • 旧红色现代激进左派汉奸,Busayo Louppy Former times aka non citizen sayoku radical group busayo rupi Today

                                        • 北海道没有!但我猜Busayo为什么这么多的暴力行为( ·ω·`)的功课用刀刺伤武器大喊大叫大学小鸡加拉取消,爱好和平的哥哥或她

                                          • 北海道!大!犯罪。路! ! ←北海道教师工会畠山郁谁铃木宗男节混乱鸠山由纪夫鸠山由纪石川弘悟小林Tiyomi新!

                                            • 即使在爆炸留下什么管理之用一切手段204氖Netouyo阅读Masetai站在他的眼睛从写..车自我的强烈愿望。三...还是哟吴,住房降低到看相当痛苦,而不是回避,吴

                                              • 反对战争! !是什么,是不是像一个鸽派和鹰派或ー更好吗?

                                                • 只有当你亲吻的资料,开发58回力右翼分子在这些人的离开,认为他们是被跟踪,警察和你的不应该是自由的,然而它几乎 58 This much information orientation advancing the re By his being tailed to public peace you think as the ru even with the person As for the element which is caught on left flank although it is the expectation which almost is not don t you think The do tsu it is dense however
                                                  • 他死了,但我更年轻的左翼思想,我认为他们错了编织成一条尾巴公众对他们的安全将完全 More mind passing away ru left flank By his being tailed to public peace the ru being convinced It becomes completely strange
                                                  • 只有当你亲吻的资料,开发58回力等要素在青少年左翼但大多数如果不是应该是几乎没有 58 This much information orientation advancing the re By his being tailed to public peace you think as the ru even with the person As for the element which is caught on left flank although it is the expectation which almost is not don t you think The do tsu it is dense however
                                                  • 如果你看二通道由居民人走了,我想强调水库以及嘿啊整个天空 Well don t you think idea with the left the ru person and resident 2 when you look at the ru so and others stress accumulates and the ro
                                                  • 我想从左边或右边或好视为摆脱日本的中国和日本无论如何Etara Temporarily after clearing resident and the Chinese from Japan left flank right wing you should have thought it is the kana which is not

                                                • 在您的声浪在Busayo Gitateru 768“Netouyo”什么是一个普通的日本人民,因为我不站在他们之间的分歧是什么您的组织瓦特 好于任何审判和错误有点儿不同的“Netouyo “这不是你的对手恼火一级,就像 768 The noise of your busayo you build therefore as for “ netouyo ” tsu te different from you organization the general Japanese who does not stand w But gt like various trial and error it has done with imaichi gt “ netouyo ” there is no level to which with just that designates the partner as iratsu likely

                                                  • 埋葬漂白出一些相关的净疯狂和个人信息,并高兴Huzii严死亡。我不喜欢大萧条将高兴地谴责瓦特Huzii严基地。淫亵笨脑损伤。淫性的妻子肮脏的婊子。女儿,从时间雅儒出售吉见义博身体基达小心

                                                    • 基拉是国民饱和或不敏感也可以来钟三国人挖掘,并请尊是一个古老的要求出现的化石人小夜,
                                                      The or national entire frigidity where the Mikuni person and the [jiyoniru] hitting grow tired, 遵 Being, appearance you ask to the old fossil [sayo] people, please

                                                      • 如果您看到违反了国家科学酵母精英苦嫉妒基地的意见只能粘贴在自己的话没有逻辑基础

                                                        • 学生运动,光束奋斗过程的安全工作,日本与苏联的分工是每个人都可以正常工作组还要求美国从任何活动,没有人想到梅塔妇女开始吸引他们(笑) As for security struggle the Japanese dividing construction which the Soviet Union set up Confronting as for student movement one of the circle activity which is begun because it can have in the woman Furthermore the American departure There are no many ideas or insistence Everyone employment it is intimate normally laughing
                                                          • 这让他在下赛季的战争反映了学生运动和清理厨房留下了一个疯狂的传说中,他们打死的巴河合 Very the student movement which leaves the kichigai legend domestic violent affairs murder being agreeable Chitin and clearing off margin This year season of war reflection comes…

                                                        • 它就会被逮捕或最好不要批评政府好了,你们可以 It was understood it was understood Therefore you administration criticism the one which does not melt is good To be arrested from the chi ya u
                                                          • 蕾妮我不逮捕这样一个愚蠢的头Yokerya 428万维网 428 The head to avoid and such a manuke of the ri ya thing doing and be arrested well www

                                                        • 它是关于849,或不方便的问题,他们说他们的利益或他们的权利,主权的侵犯和对敌人的一切卖国行为你“权”是不合理的标签

                                                          • 安田礼堂,案件东京462学生,几乎所有提前逃离,但被逮捕,并且是唯一的外国军队和日本 462 In the Yasuda auditorium incident as for Tokyo University raw most everyone escaping in advance as for being arrested Was just foreign legion such as Nippon University however
                                                            • 安田礼堂,462岁的男子与垂直杆的是“我听说过性参加免费的,”抽筋Tarashii 462 As for the old boy whom it raises to the Yasuda auditorium and is confined Because “the tsu te which it can have sex freely you heard it participated” It has hung it seems

                                                          • 实际撤离的“野人”网Ginaitoshitemo结束,给予网络媒体的S发生在你身上“政府官员”看起来像“国家利益”是肿的幻想,如果他们讨论我猜的愿望来 Actually that it pulls and is no more than “a net home” of being confined assuming Accidentally because it can give the medium net by his becoming with also the “government official” The delusion like whether you discuss “national interest” of swells up don t you think it is probably will be
                                                            • 实际撤离的“野人”网Ginaitoshitemo结束,给予网络媒体的S发生在你身上“政府官员”看起来像“国家利益”是肿的幻想,如果他们讨论我猜的愿望来 Actually that it pulls and is no more than “a net home” of being confined assuming Accidentally because it can give the medium net by his becoming with also the “government official” The delusion like whether you discuss “national interest” of swells up don t you think it is probably will be

                                                          • 对不起对不起,我忘了Kitamine札幌南东北。旭丘旭川东,Koryou钏路,帯広柏叶,中央函馆室兰荣,北见北斗,小樽潮岭,东岩见泽Kitamine,私营,寄宿生919至札幌飞行什么人能和相庆立命馆函馆拉萨尔个人和家庭问题不知道是否有 The ma which does it is The north ridge you have forgotten The me it is The Sapporo north and south east Asahi hill Asahikawa east the Kushiro Koryo Obihiro Kashiwa leaf the Hakodate center Muroran glory Kitami great bear Otaru tide mausoleum Iwamizawa east When it is private the north ridge about Hakodate ra Searle and Ritsumeikan celebration lucky occurrence With tsu lever one 919 As for lodging raw it was even in the hill 珠 There was a problem certainly in home and this person but
                                                            • 标准来吧内陆进学校只说877札幌南,后来。函馆室兰荣和洛杉矶记者们都进学校 877 When you say with standard of the interior of a country as for the entrance into a school school only the Sapporo north and south after The be which is about Muroran glory and 函 ra in the entrance into a school school

                                                          • 小泽一郎说,在被捕时至今动荡Netouyo u003d“”死亡“的真正杀”,“马秋逮捕”谷和原时,她的候选人资格,“我死了”,“流氓”,她的另外两个我阿卡恩 Former speech of netouyo At the time of Ozawa arrest disturbance “Die” “the murder you want with the ma ji ” “with arrest meshiuma ” At the time of YAWARA candidacy “Die” “the ruffian” Don t you think 2 already akan
                                                            • 该Netouyo喷射任何他们说的是596或演出时,他们的同事突然被拘捕?这是一个冷酷的家伙,一个日本人 596 With something when his own companion is arrested original our performing you propose netouyo suddenly Although it is the Japanese the cruel people shelf

                                                          • 布鲁诺野津 ┃ ∧ ∧ 从 从 person 从 ┃ ┃ i ¯ ¯ i ┃ No No
                                                            • 。┃ 。♯┃┃ ┌Д ┐ ┃ 一⊂: 布鲁诺野津 ┃ ┃ ┃ ♯ д ┌ ┐ ┃ ⊂ ┃ ∧ ∧ 从 从 person 从 ┃ ┃ i ¯ ¯ i ┃ No No

                                                          • 当我自己的坏自顾方便的用户界面创新ー883哇。认证DEMASHITAー

                                                            • 志位音乐的活就出来一个开放的圆圈421的力量?选举的法律,没有关系,也不管你输了选举,因为此事的诽谤
                                                              421 Having lived with [ha] ゙ mosquito exposure, it is pleasant? There is no Public Office Election Law violation thing plan, therefore the [te], honorable damage It probably has been elected, but you probably have been defeated, but there is no relationship

                                                              • 志野忠民主党人看到邮政私有化和自由的emperor m更为保守,国家政府(包括邮政服务),您发布了全国邮报说,它是反保守

                                                                • 慎Miyadai■(已完成,东京大学)“第二频道”的结果保存的骄傲与脆弱纱己子拉公告板等,而在公共所以只有拿出前子板拉永远世界到底这家伙并没有增加,这种差别并不直觉 Masashi Miyadai the University of Tokyo graduate school completion “Don t you think 2 the result where the ru ” mark it pulls to the bulletin board and is confined and fragility preserves pride Very it cannot put out to public very that it pulls to the world of the bulletin board permanently being confined The misunderstanding kind of guy have no other choice but to receives is increased rapidly
                                                                  • 慎Miyadai■(已完成,东京大学)“第二频道”的结果保存的骄傲与脆弱纱己子拉公告板等,而在公共所以只有拿出前子板拉永远世界到底这家伙并没有增加,这种差别并不直觉 Masashi Miyadai the University of Tokyo graduate school completion “Don t you think 2 the result where the ru ” mark it pulls to the bulletin board and is confined and fragility preserves pride Very it cannot put out to public very that it pulls to the world of the bulletin board permanently being confined The misunderstanding kind of guy have no other choice but to receives is increased rapidly

                                                                • 我 ヽ⌒⌒)!゙(·) · Hatoyamaai。──────└( 人 ) 现实中,我们看不到 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ hatoyamaai └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ human The ge it is to tell the truth it is not visible

                                                                  • 我喜欢我的工作是国家和观赏或跳过Yafunyusu生病的诽谤他人解除他们的货架上,在被愚蠢一天,他们会腐烂或悲伤想当爱国者在汝这些家伙告诉我,因为每个人都Netouyo Serya We the mu as for being attached while working shirking when yahuniyusu you see The country grieving it is the extent where the fool who the ri is done rots it is with the national fighting spirit taking You increasing by your to the shelf from the daytime tsu as for the kind of people who slander others You make call to we therefore ri ya everyone netouyo
                                                                    • 不只是他自己,他的女儿和父母,妻子对他的诽谤,不论左,右萘乙酸我不这样做,甚至是不可能的捍卫,对不对? There is no just this person there is no slander for the daughter and the parents and the wife The right and the left regardless of as for as expected protecting this the ro which is unreasonable
                                                                    • 阿蜡不是扎马的Netouyo直到我赶上的人做他们瓦特Netouyo Anchinetouyo虽然我只有不顾一切地保卫马祖同胞捕捞鳕鱼 netouyo tsu te netouyo probably will be caught but although the za well w it just does As for the people who when anchinetouyo have been done the companion is caught it protects desperately don t you think it is

                                                                  • 我将Busayo Fabyo Tteru Fabyo 754 WWW的耻辱我漂白了瓦特被捕,写下你的幼稚的同伴,甚至后悔没有能 754 busayo huabiyo tsu te ru huabiyo tsu te ru www Being arrested with the entry where the companion is immature shame bleaching although the ru even reflection it is not possible w which seems
                                                                    • 过去,面对的是什么名字的NAA看起来像漂白纸板,并且是阿波大学 Former times the face you have bleached with the university board being similar to Abo the ru The tsu ke which is name what…

                                                                  • 我的意思是,即使你已经失去的成员从来没有谁失去了一次选举,但国会议员说,国会议员伐丽流谁被打败时,议员们否决? When the person who is the Assemblyman is defeated however it is called defeat Assemblyman One time even with when the person who with the Assemblyman oh the callous is not ground is defeated with election The defeat Assemblyman tsu te saying
                                                                    • 日本Tachiagare从参选的11个比例代表制的投票计数,被打败 On the 11th throwing rise to proportional Ku with the House of Councillors selection which is counted It ran as a candidate from Japan was defeated

                                                                  • 排行榜-最佳新酒吧考试3,2009 ,比上年下降了考试开始以来栏开始我新的律师考试合格者数新
                                                                    The new administration of justice test passing ranking best 3 2009 < The new administration of justice test passing ranking best 3 2009 > The number of new administration of justice test successful candidates beginning, since starting the new administration of justice test it decreased from the preceding year

                                                                    • 日本保守派人士和547,但现在住茹,主要是民族Gorigori。我是一个濒危物种出所谓的右翼报刊 547 When it is current Japan as for the human of conservative type however it stays the race main thing of your ri ri Pushing out ru generally known right wing how extermination fear kind
                                                                      • 日本保守派人士和547,但现在住茹,主要是民族Gorigori。我是一个濒危物种出所谓的右翼报刊 547 When it is current Japan as for the human of conservative type however it stays the race main thing of your ri ri Pushing out ru generally known right wing how extermination fear kind

                                                                    • 日莲正宗诽谤在最后一眼的报纸敦促你我读1 3 343创价制度。从雨霰
                                                                      343 We recommend the fact that the house organ of Soka type is read When before this you see quickly, in the midst of slander of the Nichiren correct sect. Because it was the rainy hail

                                                                      • 是精英和傲慢先锋主义埃塔认为毫无戒心的群众和自以为是群众是不是排他性的刚性
                                                                        Avant-garde principle is the arrogant elite principle which thought of the public the foolish group of people, it is exclusive and it is the self-righteousness characteristic which is hardened

                                                                        • 有一天,我怀疑这可怕的字眼,听取学生观看的影片没有得到太多工作“你好奥拉极右”的主人公试图解决暴力冲突,一些外国人很是向父母的孩子转型,这使我看到金发蓝眼睛,他们不会再捏英雄 Some days ago either without working when the student looks at video it doubted the ear in outrageous word “ otsusu ora The extreme right” The protagonist being something which it tries to solve the dispute of the strange star person with violence very In the child they are not the contents which are shown In addition when the protagonist becomes pinch it changes to the blue eye with the fair hair
                                                                          • 有一天,我被诊断为可怕的耳朵和孙子的话是看的影片“你好奥拉的极端分子,”一个非常暴力的英雄,试图解决冲突的外国人,这使我看我们的孩子蓝色的眼睛金发变成英雄再次陷入危机将不会是一个 When some days ago the grandchild looks at video the ear was doubted in outrageous word “ otsusu ora The extreme right” The protagonist being something which it tries to solve the dispute of the strange star person with violence very In the child they are not the contents which are shown In addition when the protagonist becomes pinch it changes to the blue eye with the fair hair

                                                                        • 根据官方网站,藤井先生已发表在国际政治领域的书籍和作品47

                                                                          • 死后,他们的愿望,诽谤你得到它,因为我是单身分钟兰花大脑可以做各种不同的东西,即使你从未Kusayo Die with wish of the mere that person to do the yo Slander slander completely different thing Because the brain miso also such a thing an amount viewing way it has done as for kusayo passing how long …
                                                                            • 精神虐待是一个更为可怕的是可能面临瓦特Netouyo还逮捕了他们瓦特Netouyo With slander slander netouyo is more terrible much w The shelf w which also the arrest person of netouyo among those probably will put out

                                                                          • 氦氖茹朱达罗未能Netouyo组织768 wwwwwwwww事情我有点像样的书面御代775 768 It is don t you think the reason which can designate as netouyo to be organization the ro wwwwwwwww which is 775 Already just a little matomo entry margin

                                                                            • 没有峨无论怎样首相鸠山Hazime→→2通道2通道只有一个成员是通过失去辉煌 甚至侮辱诽谤的投诉我想我在写什么?他接着文书的区别?但鸠山要2通道埃泰他们从来没有抱怨对侮辱! 2通道的互通民主党人抱怨我作为Netouyo消除大规模集体产生的花朵 Former Prime Minister Hatoyama gt how being insulted with 2ch it becomes gorgeous through Defeat Assemblyman gt with the entry of alone 2ch which passes it appeals with honorable damage The ro which is what Difference of the vessel saying the person So with 2ch we want appealing Hatoyama absolutely concerning insult It should appeal as the Democratic party netouyo like the water bloom which occurs in large quantities in 2ch is simultaneously removed

                                                                              • 没有逻辑的,因为我来到了天瓦特Kusayo安倍晋三或麻生太郎朱达罗井或关键字如何成熟,不仅疯狂的诽谤,但再次噢瓦特路边吃

                                                                                • 现在,一个具体的诽谤和谎言这对许多政治家和政治评论家通常是没有,但你们是很紧张,并希望,完整的2通道
                                                                                  But not to be such, usually vis-a-vis the politician and the psephologist concrete lie Doing slander slander, [te] now, all the way it is in the people 2ch who have been made in great fear, probably will be

                                                                                  • 畠山郁什么人,什么事我典型的Busayoku内容的邮件我已经疯狂的地方,野生胶粘剂宗教
                                                                                    Whether the Hatakeyama growth human [tsu] [te], the [kichigai] [ji] contents of the mail which was seen the [do] [tsu] however it was As for the adhesion quality which typical what [busayoku] [tsu] [te] it combined, that religion [ji] it saw

                                                                                    • 究竟是谁留下了激情的年龄12 Gitemo 12的年龄留给那些谁是没有足够多的情报不够 Passion is not enough in the person who to 20 year old is not left flank Passing 20 year old intelligence is not enough in the person who is left flank

                                                                                      • 竞争,相互借鉴,我会争取瓦特左派不仅仅是卖我的右翼左翼Kusowarota瓦特和平主义者
                                                                                        In [sayoku] [tsu] [te] right wing quarrel in addition to selling, disputing with [sayoku], from the [ru] w Pacifist [kusowarota] w

                                                                                        • 简说,“古伐丽流为什么,但我只是一个坏自民党消费税?”畠山Busayoku“为什么只有我和你的罪没有Netouyo我?” Although 菅 “also the Liberal Democratic Party is consumer tax tax increase why just we is badly said ” busayoku Hatakeyama “ netouyo does not find fault with why just we ”
                                                                                          • 我从谁也相当被称为共产主义的人,但Netouyo如今,它也非常Netouyo呢?瓦特 Recently although it is the communism person netouyo it is called and passes and the person is therefore it is don t you think it is possible to be netouyo densely always w

                                                                                        • 纪念Busayo被捕M9公路(^Д^)Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa扎马谷津゚゙wwww小康的关键

                                                                                          • 编号:D3aKQa950阿严峻未启动写了妄想元...

                                                                                            • 脑科学,北海道大学的04只左派的偏执。畠山郁嫌疑人(23)

                                                                                              • 请我们来说,这是性格充满Busayo与民间周五采取已被逮捕WWW的光辉恢复纪律万维网M9公路(^Д^)谷津゚゙wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww小康的关键

                                                                                                • 请问有没有父母在抗体在线增加选举?ーPerakutemiterareneewa随机方thin ll寻找的狡辩Kurunji Yaneettsu证明想从他们的偏见,因此有经验的贫困 As for that parent it has done to election From the prejudice that poverty experience so we want being The quibble which justifies the random forward is searched don t you think it is huh Being thin seeing and others the re well the wa

                                                                                                  • 诽谤Uyosayo美浓断层,伐丽流我认为这意味着他们已经做了同样的政党之一惨败之后
                                                                                                    The certain political party did the slander slander of the [uyosayo] entwinement, Don't you think? it is thought that the same thing as the below-mentioned mistake is meant,

                                                                                                    • 这是一个由左派左派罢工诽谤家庭捕获提请考生说,54或Uyokumo的小路,但我认为反对不得在一定程度上我想如果你门分歧条痕 54 Also the family of the candidate slandering with the tsu lever where the fact that it is caught is sayoku You think that it is something which is the sayoku hitting and is allowed but Don t you think uyokumo as for saying you think by refutation that it is wrong direction
                                                                                                      • 当然,第一个一确定,但是我会说是白痴充满Netouyonetouyo嘿出去的中间,它瓦特 This sure as for 1 sure eyes netouyonetouyo saying although the ru fool stayed all the way Stopping staying suddenly from the medium board w
                                                                                                      • 我把基地的身份通常高喊Netouyo万维网WWW的可怕可怕哦 With natural shape of the off base which this has called repeatedly netouyo usually shank www Fearful fearful www

                                                                                                    • 这是第一次非公开通知发端犯罪可能?这是历史遗留

                                                                                                      • 这是非常奇怪的559左右的情况很多,关于这里是他们几乎摧毁了左翼的健康状况良好,没有说什么w m不是我感兴趣我会560自欺欺人?正确,也没有我觉得你知道你参与政治在社会上没有地方可以参与 559 For sometime past being strange as for as for the party here left flank being vigorous right wing is the majority Concerning the present condition devastating state you do not call at all it is w 560 Interest saying don t you think as for self deception Just there is no place where it can participate in society it is the ro which is There is no reality which participates in politics
                                                                                                        • ー138或2,你觉得编号S和欺骗,Nekafe书面午睡 138 You try if probably to do if id you deceive and write from nekahue

                                                                                                      • 那么,藤井先生将Busayo为什么要瓦特看到右翼公正,但一个共同的日本 When the sled ya you see from busayo w Fujii probably will be visible in right wing Simply although it is the general Japanese
                                                                                                        • 我很独特和自我主张Busayo家伙,我只能开这样的行间距179 179 Such space between lines opening oneself person tsu te busayo which you insist it is peculiar don t you think

                                                                                                      • 韩国现代汽车公司和日刊Gendai鸠山由纪夫3←2,日本民主党1 Fabyonsuitchi的情况并不完全无关Netouyo

                                                                                                        • (文章参考:2009年日本经济新闻社 9 11),一桥大学,神户83 96 145,京都大学,早稻田大学,明治124人147人162人庆应义塾大学中央大学,216立命馆大学,北海道大学大学63 60 73 Reference article The Japanese economic newspaper 2009 9 11 The � University of Tokyo 216 people � Chuo University 162 people � Keio university 147 people � Kyoto university 145 people � Waseda University 124 people � Meiji university 96 people � one bridge university 83 people � Kobe university 73 people � Hokkaido university 63 people � Ritsumeikan University 60 people

                                                                                                          • ,¯ ¯ ¯ ° :我 我滑倒 。! , ┘ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 i 92 92 i sutsu … 92 ┘
                                                                                                            • 759( ω ) ,ヽ° , 我 我滑倒 。! 。 ┘ 759 Ω REPT ¯ i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 i 92 92 i sutsu … 92 ┘
                                                                                                            • 87( ω ) ,ヽ° , 我 我滑倒 。! 。 ┘ 87 Ω REPT ¯ i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 i 92 92 i sutsu … 92 ┘

                                                                                                          研究 開発