The wife had acquired that name of the origin to the eldest son! “As for “eldest son calling the name of husband hateful” wife Chinese character however it is different, don't you think? (laughing)” the ★2
334这是一组可以是戏剧化的雕塑景点的永续祖先古爱和仇恨世代 334
To group image drama of love and the hate which continue from the generation of the ancestor eternally it can convert this
451然而,在分娩后,“因为姓名的先生认为埃泰其他名称”或束广告的效果,适用于回,并确定 451 However “because already name is thought” with the effect where the lady has decided name was informed after the do tsu dense childbirth that
然而,在分娩后,“因为考虑埃泰”或束广告的效果,适用于背部,并确定了其他的名字命名先生 However “because already name is thought” with the effect where the lady has decided name was informed after the do tsu dense childbirth that
545爱心说我认为这是社会问题,在最近几年的根我还是性别差异,我很同情有妈祖停止 545 However the compassion te you say that compassion stopping there the ru place after all is characteristic difference what You think that this is root of social problem of recent years
ü认为,性别的差异,会是一个非常科学证明人的压力为545,这不是我好你的思维 545 You think that it is different Characteristic difference is proven scientifically Because it becomes stress very for the man it is good thought as for your that
6736或弱智的东西?没有真正的大交易,我不会 6736 Mental retardation kana it is kana If we there are no times when how you say separately but
精神发育迟滞或736或什么?没有真正的大交易,我不会 736 Mental retardation kana it is kana If we there are no times when how you say separately but
692所谓的“思想纯洁”也许他会说你呢?这是因为母亲的基督教的概念,在日本是完全无关的明治维新前 692 The ru it is it isn t concerning generally known “pure idea” saying Therefore as for that the parent concept of Christianity it is something which completely is not relationship in the Japanese of time before the Meiji restoration
一个非常低的价值至少856产妇 856 At least value as parent is very low
719我,我觉得字符不被任何东西,但预计如果我说我认为将这些字符的名称动画可以有孩子,而且很少认为他们把ー但耶有,或声音妇女不认为这样的事情,也给我的爱之人的姓名的第一个我会想一个在人喜欢这个名字Dzuke古是很好的觉得他会被其原来的预测 719 When we the child is possible name of kiyara of animation having tried to attach however the ru No te you say the air which is not made to project does to the kiyara The sled ya it reflects a little however it is sound of sound being good having tried to name the ru Name of the first love partner of the man tsu te attaching similar to that the kana which is not… There is no with something and as for the woman making the original him project the ru air does
不是我不穿到位中线妻子的朋友梳我麻木了?从他儿子的名字,因为我有教养另一个原因职责 The friend of the wife passing non God being densely only it settles it is it is not Already therefore rearing obligation of the son of that name of the origin occurs and the chi ya tsu te is
_NULL_ 166
The sled [ya] the ephebe to be the ephebe in the reason which does not adhere, as for the virgin from the virgin skin
It being in various complementarities, the ephebe and the virgin adhered, immediately related characteristic collapses
Well in this case the man who does not have the association calendar and the woman who does not have the association calendar not adhering as for that the notion that where you say why?
When with it becomes, perhaps binding each one, ephebe and the virgin to tell the truth it is suitable furthermore to be subdivided taxonomy,
In other words good ephebe and bad ephebe and good virgin bad virgin
In this case, the fact that the good ephebe the good virgin should adhere, probably is 示 discernment
The bad ephebe the bad virgin probably will not adhere
Latter to repel mutually, vis-a-vis former attracting mutually, the coupling is not formed
While having opposed to complementarity, it holds the self contradiction, existence which but forms opposite
If the ephebe where you are bad way the bad virgin adheres, as for society it being possible, the [ru]
Saying, the [ru]
It does not adhere, whether or not as for the phenomenon result that, you have opposed to the gravitation, it adheres, is
“我真正的家人,我只是你的孩子,”我的母亲是特殊的,所以打交流躺在一个陌生的形式与人类 Don t you think “as expected the parent and child the wa which is just your child” The mother had grown hoarse being special lie the extent hi tsu pa where shape of the person who is attached changes is
该机器人是在代物Rashii危险的人说,在特殊耳光与谎言 That robot seems being special lie the face of the person who is attached the hi tsu pa to want the tsu te the unsettled substitute which is said
“这是我在你父亲”,“Noooooooooooo” “I am your father”
⇒回合樱花赢得奖项,赢得胜利的发言Assari马,并一直谈论到什么锡德萨德尔车手获胜 With jockey snatching something of Ouka prize ⇒ circular victory and saddle victories has become and topic the victory horse which [atsusari] victory
不只是因为想你和炎症导致腐烂外子宫肌瘤紧张驱动tTA精子余奇 Cause of the myoma outside the uterus the spermatozoon which how rots causing the inflammation with cause, only the [ru] you can think
不离婚的儿子和我的孩子们仍然怀疑他是否真的出现把一期望的名称是什么,是original我们不喜欢,但为什么不你父亲的你父亲的儿子更( )童装来吧,知识将休克 As expected when you acquire that name of the origin it probably will doubt whether truly your own child and there is no divorce As for the boy although the father child it is many With something being disliked in the father kana of the ru the When the child you know it probably is the shock
但是我的前女友,我把我的名字我的双关语的名字瓦特的孩子阿达 As for my original her name you acquiring also my nickname to the ji tsu te your own child however the ru w
不过,我是冲击中出,质地,不Purupurushita结块松散黄色果冻魔鬼在墙上 So, ringing the medium putting out texture and others [re] [te] [ru] and,
The [pu] [ru] [pu] [ru] loose jelly condition yellow in the inner wall the demon which is done has stuck
产妇叔叔的女儿,我把女朋友的名字前不能结婚有很多原因,我说很喜欢她和Tteta〜 As for the uncle there being various circumstances acquiring name of original kano which you cannot get married to the eldest daughter the ru Her thing truly we liked the mother inside don t you think is that you say
什么是奈奈爱花临港或女儿做一些事来结婚灾难 Because marriage something it makes the disaster, it becomes so
When it is the daughter, 寧 the 々 or love flower or the 凛 child shelf
什么电影安妮456,1瓦特的一幕已经消除了社会力量的地位,不得不买处女妓女的超越一个控制来吧律师 456
When with the [ani] [tsu] [te] movie, the attorney of the ephebe you buy the prostitute it stops you not to stop
There was a scene which is erased social position w
什么风格的396,而不是细胞质遗传?我等待的鸡蛋说,由于该基因是在出生时决定,但没有交叉,使 396 The reason which the cytoplasm is inherited in some wind Therefore as for ovum tsu te when being born the reason where that gene has been decided Then it is the case that hybridization happens and the way is not but
他喜欢的人,喜欢的明星,我喜欢的二维(小说,任何东西,包括电视剧),我喜欢(和良好)您可以命名○○一样?茹正如我完全腐烂,他们联想到孩子Ketara Favorite person favorite show biz celebrity favorite 2 dimensions novel and drama including We liked when it makes favorite is 0 name it does with the same thing the yo How very that there is an extent which rots when and you attach to the child it associates
哎呀,你的名字一样,如果你被一个风扇或名人的梦想?我不知道为什么拼命否认意义 When it makes the same name as the show biz celebrity who is the te or the yearning or the fan it does with the same thing the yo With something becoming desperate meaning does not know whether it denies
以人民的名义的反对,因为他和他的妻子早逝梳558没有前女友(和我被带到老年人)的前女友和孩子恨援引丢弃的名称生活(现在)的丈夫↓怎么解释清楚感觉像一个孩子将来它解释一些阻力按“儿童应该能够明白,如果你 558 Opposite reason of wife Making young acquiring the name of the person who dies well Also original kano having taken by your and with the senior to call name throwing away well In order life of original kano existence to push in the child being moved there is resistance If in the future how you should have explained to the child ↓ If you explain to the husband “child properly the expectation which knows
而558,和以前的女朋友租户我要做的就是相关的分歧动机给予或男朋友的名称可能是孩子ü异性结婚的差异,也分马洛伊 558 And in the past it was associated with getting married with the opposite sex which is different in the child whom it is possible Whether original kano and difference of motive of the thing which acquires the name of original kare how are related the so The re you do not understand
但207是palimony女子离婚,并认为需要的蛋糕的傻瓜 207
As for the woman when you think that it was swindled, divorcing, consolation money it claims however
但是,我马上去编织成恩戴碰撞设备的子宫,冥王星不再存在 It is with the instrument thrusting, you exclude in the uterus, but it is, already there the country of the yellow spring
但肯定是没有那么多,51,恩前卫Giteirudarouga名蔑视作为的丈夫对子女首先工务局局长,并于1 1 3,如果我做出的决定与你的配偶,没有丈夫对她的意见我没有听到,一个孩子因为她的丈夫W是适用于像一个习惯了没有承认儿童的支持将带来她的丈夫说话万维网 But that certainly 51 Rather than with saying it will be too much to a 蔑 ro as the husband but w In the first place the name tsu te of the child it made with the married couple if is it decides together Therefore as for opinion of the husband hearing kana speaking completely as for the wife saying with the child of the husband kind of those which have been recognized w The habit as for rearing expense husband having www
但是,这只是没有公开鄙视的原因可能是类似51 But that certainly 51 With it just cannot scorn grandly in the kind of reason which is similar
区,只有听到,因为我是一个体面的人,也许是故事,我觉得峨掴要么一个愚蠢的女人,看着别人合实际满足我们不似一对夫妇或even m When just story you hear The honest man is therefore it is perhaps you can think in the story which grasps the foolish woman in both but Actually meeting when the third party sees the couple which matches is it is
嗯,我从日本60万男人和女人身边,他要么会愚蠢 Well 60 000 000 men at a time and the woman are in Japan therefore it is the foolish person it enters in both
可爱的偶像更好地调用Woiwoi 59她的名字在输出行为瓦特朱达罗 59
[woiwoi] In behavior name of the daughter the [ro] w where the one which is called is OUT
嗯马的逃避⇒菊鹿资助自置居所,在行动中也将赢得胜利,而一旦在这个论点的手中Netokeba古 The chrysanthemum flower prize ⇒ [mu] - the escaping horse, wins with operation because with, it is expected, it pulls once [netokeba] here move
嗯,他是在2通道⇒奥克斯龙头,马赢奖Tasetakattarashii Netokeba樱花 The Oaks ⇒ [mu] - it is hit with 2ch, as for [netokeba] you want to make the Ouka prize horse win, forcing
在她面前意外,但在此之前,她在她的真弓真弓真弓是前 But accident as for her before being Mayumi, as for her before that with the [ma] [yu] seeing as for her before that Mayumi
如果妇女没有女装流行起来,我自豪地说这个故事种的many人们体验到如果一个女人贞洁的经验一小部分低苏骄傲地对我所做的事情可能是后者 You speak the fact that you did to the proud [ge]
The woman and the experience number of people where the virgin characteristic whose experience number of people are few is low being many, story of that hand is not called to the proud [ge]
If the 淑 woman the woman the fact that it can have probably is latter and
家长只有10年名付一个人的孩子名付位“不可能现在不要错”,是说伐丽流963 And becoming someone s naming parent 10 years later in the child which is named “Don t you think this time without making a mistake ” with it is said 963 So it was
有一次,几年来,机器人已经在我父亲的家 Several years later… At the time of a certain the father accompanied the robot in the house
就像这个方向白痴之间的差距是少数,如果我觉得合夫妇的似 You think however that it is the married couple of matching Those where the direction of the fool is similar just has slipped a little
带来的自卑感,我说太多原始的632不同的是日本,因为地狱是充满矛盾的,我不适合现代社会制度的原始 632
It is different
Inferiority complex having too much
It is unexplored to be unexplored,
The contradiction being lazy which is not agreeable to the social system of today
Therefore Japan has become the hell
开发│││┐─┴─┌│││婚姻解体││┐─┴─┌││成功失败供认│┐─┴─┌││││三维始终认为每一次爱你正面看这2 │││┘───┴←地狱子女抚养赡养费→└││↓↓││││││││离婚滋扰││││┐─┴─┌││││儿童出生孤独死亡→──└↓││ 2
At each time you look at this always you think
Love plus 3 dimensions
│ │
│ Confession
│ ┌ ─ ┴ ─ ┐
│ Failure Success
│ │ ┌ ─ ┴ ─ ┐
│ │ Catastrophe Marriage
│ │ │ ┌ ─ ┴ ─ ┐
│ │ │ Exploitation Child created
│ │ │ │ ┌ ─ ┴ ─ ┐
│ │ │ │ Nuisance conversion Divorce
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ ↓ ↓ │ Consolation money rearing expense
│ The └ -> you live, the hell <- ┴ ─ ─ ─ ┘
│ │
│ │
│ ↓
└ ─ ─ -> Lonely death
志位,我们认为你能避免出现困难的115名以往任何卡通 115 So far thinking that the person who evades the name of all animekiyara which were seen is difficult
您不得喷射非织补以及它看到候选人之间的4人也足以统治ü我说,如果一个女人当他的妻子决定玛丽塔女朋友,这样产生的。当我进入相同的名称和人物更像女朋友和论据Menhera觉得血 As for you when original kano is born so If the woman the wife deciding even if with it was the rule which is said but Also it is serious to remember in four candidacy Non When the other lover men spatula original kano and Chinese character the same name has entered The vitality pulled
弹出非织补以及它看到候选人之间的4人也足以统治ü我说如果我的妻子,她决定在她生产的玛丽塔。当我进入相同的名称和人物更像女朋友和论据Menhera觉得血 When the daughter is born If the woman the wife deciding even if with it was the rule which is said but Also it is serious to remember in four candidacy Non When the other lover men spatula original kano and Chinese character the same name has entered The vitality pulled
我听说,他们没有理由发言和感受类型的应用程序发言,同时感到反感 Inquiring about that we when you feel that feeling it is bad it is what simultaneously became the feeling which is not excuse
女儿似乎觉得心情和感觉的驱动tTA赢在同一时间,他们说什么邪恶的感情 The wife feels with simultaneously something that feeling it is bad seems that feels the feeling which wins
我嫁给了一个同学,我都在他们的智慧不仅是他的朋友知道你的所有 We knowing with married couple both and the classmate inside the companion everyone but the ru it is Just the father does not know
我的妻子说:“不是我韩(合...) 肯定一,基因竟然愚蠢的丈夫的儿子,为什么我评价... ...呵呵 As for wife “Chinese character however it is different, don't you think? ([huhuhu])”
[o] [i], [aho] master
When DNA of the son it tries judging, how is
Unexpectedly… [huhuhu
我的姐姐是作者的母亲,父亲Motokano(已故)我将得到的名称 The older sister inside your author being the mother, [motokano] of the father (the deceased) receiving name, the [ru
我转向她的静脉提名专业名称小姐去年从我,我通常会玛丽塔 Don't you think? normally
However demagnetization name of the designation girl of [kiyaba] you attached to the daughter where we is born last year
新和VHS录像带录制电视节目,我的纪录是由消磁录音带再次记录一次 When television program is videotaped in the brand-new VHS tape, after one time demagnetizing the tape which was videotaped once and it seems that is videotaped don't you think? it rubbed
来吧,先生!令她的女儿尝试:榛名,女儿:玛雅的儿子:大和 The master secure margin!
In association eldest daughter: Haruna, the next woman: 摩 耶 Eldest son: Yamato
此外,如果它不处女!西方是不是处女我自己,如果我丈夫有外遇,并娶了一个处女,没有线的苦我承认性必须 If it is the ephebe furthermore it is the plate If Europe and America by your there is no virgin and got married with the ephebe is The fact that the master goes to immorality the manners is not recognized and the te does not become
583西贞操是比较长的时间后,婚姻是自由的地方严格什么!的精神,我 583 As for Europe and America after from former times in virgin characteristic instead of being harsh marriage doing whatever freedom With there is a spirit which is said but it is
ー739直到它放在一边,在现实世界中令人惊讶的,看起来不错,但不是处女,孩子是存在或 739 The ma as for that anyhow in the actual world even unexpectedly although lux is honest the virgin with as for the child which is said Existing it reaches
例如,正是重要性795的要多说是否处女贞操 795 Speaking strictly whether or not as for being important the virgin from it probably is virgin characteristic
此外,如果它不处女!妇女是不是处女我自己,我的丈夫有外遇,如果没有结婚的处女和我行辜认识到,性别不应该 If it is the ephebe furthermore it is the plate If the woman by himself there is no virgin and got married with the ephebe is The fact that the master goes to immorality the manners is not recognized and the te does not become
路的一个人一旦丑陋的女人!发!我知道一个女人的处女生活需要的蛋糕将被排除从这个词!我不说不 The man facing toward the woman busu debu When with you say it is removed from the woman being understood although the ru virgin life There is no reason which how is said
皇后的私人文科196,并强烈反对议员稻田朋美万维网 196
The empress of private literature, Mr. rice field Tomomi super www which opposes
相反,如果孩子Zukkonbatsu生活与已婚玛丽塔,瓦特不能做我的亲切我想我是德国人?什么是沉默的孩子是否在DNA法案,他的妻子的批准,评估是否有亲子关系与自己,打歇斯底里的反妇女团体。我是一个消费者s是重复的,从数量和广泛期待 On the other hand that it is the child who is born with the zutsukonbatsu 婚 when we assume There is no your own kind the possibility… w So well it was Germany Saying nothing in the wife DNA of the child Whether or not by your there is a parentage whether it is the bill which designates that it judges as right Woman group to hysterical super resistance Unfolding it has become flame failure is
相反,如果孩子Zukkonbatsu生活与已婚玛丽塔,瓦特不能做我的亲切我想我是德国人?什么是沉默的孩子是否在DNA法案,他的妻子的批准,评估是否有亲子关系与自己,打歇斯底里的反妇女团体。我是一个消费者s是重复的,从数量和广泛期待 On the other hand that it is the child who is born with the zutsukonbatsu 婚 when we assume There is no your own kind the possibility… w So well it was Germany Saying nothing in the wife DNA of the child Whether or not by your there is a parentage whether it is the bill which designates that it judges as right Woman group to hysterical super resistance Unfolding it has become flame failure is
美国检查446水果百分之六十以上的男性和性自由的妇女仍是在英国,女性保持童贞,直到结婚的百分之六十,每年日本这是国家厨房30%以上的处女低于百分之十瓦特,思维日本对这一异常垫就是为什么几乎为零 446 When you investigate as for America to tell the truth even now also the man and woman 6 tenths or more In England which makes free in characteristic as for the woman who protects the virgin to marriage respectively 6 tenths and 3 tenths or more is the country of the virgin 厨 Or Japan under 1 tenths almost in zero the chi The thought for just a little Japanese characteristic is abnormal Why it became like this … w
美国检查水果446多百分之60的男性和女性即使在今天,对国家的厨房日处女超过30%,在英国是免费色情不到百分之十日本,它一小垫子几乎为零思维方式的原因是不正常的w 446 When you investigate as for America to tell the truth even now also the man and woman 6 tenths or more In England which makes free in characteristic as for the woman who protects the virgin to marriage respectively 6 tenths and 3 tenths or more is the country of the virgin 厨 Or Japan under 1 tenths almost in zero the chi The thought for just a little Japanese characteristic is abnormal Why it became like this … w
赛前一直谈论妇女⇒USYT地区或拉伸之间的手,帮助天空是Netokeba灭绝?拥有一马所有者WINS [netokeba] extending the hand of help in the USYT population drain which before the Eli woman ⇒ race/lace had become topic? The possession horse of the sponsor wins
路,没办法 我知道我的妻子说没有微妙的感觉荣誉一块!绝对不可能!奥先生是不可能的!丈夫和全部(主主题)所作出的评论最近的同情 The wife shelf which is not either the fragment of the delicacy Is it is the feeling which is it is understood murimuri Without fail the excessiveness It cannot there be a lady is With everyone the master the topi main thing moves aside the comment of sympathy
路,没办法 我知道我的妻子说没有微妙的感觉荣誉一块!绝对不可能!奥先生是不可能的!丈夫和全部(主主题)所作出的评论最近的同情 The wife shelf which is not either the fragment of the delicacy Is it is the feeling which is it is understood murimuri Without fail the excessiveness It cannot there be a lady is With everyone the master the topi main thing moves aside the comment of sympathy
这“严重理由继续婚姻辛苦,”我觉得你在这个上瘾?诉状和情绪困扰,它甚至没有抛弃我挤点迅速赔偿 To “marriage it is applicable the serious reason which is hard to continue” this it is it isn't?
Appealing mental pain, consolation money [gatsupori] it squeezes and takes and throws away jauntily margin
这不是可怕和人物的名字,把他们的孩子成为好沃塔?顺便说一句,我的女儿真的生活Maretara“葵(僚机)”将要 When name of kiyara which like wota in your own child you attach either one is terrible By the way as for we when the daughter is born being serious “the a it was and the wing man ” it was the intention of doing
这些谁不能离婚的影响,击败他的儿子结婚的信也木付493对接这个习俗? 493
The person who is not accustomed to piercing either three line half in such refuse wife can beat the son?
这位歌手是在街渡,明光最明显的人 It is easiest knowing KAITO and MEIKO where the person in is the singer
这四个真正的追求,还是给你叫什么名字?在您做什么? 4 In actual QUEST your own name attaching As for you
说出并带来严重的反应真实世界的例子,如果不是他的对手是击败一对的女人 To opening in the woman bringing up the example whose actuality is terrible with the reaction which is not done the woman hitting
这是充分Shitoru不同于普通的日本人民如何拼写前656 656
Manner of your misprint omitted word does to leave the Japanese sufficiently, takes don't you think?
这种毫无根据的说法不判刑5 Ru m雨后春笋般从大脑是什么意思? 5
One sentence which does not have such ideological basis is issued, growing from what brain miso, it is?
附表求我为什么我不能拉幻灯片是816的前男友?什么感情不明白它不是 816 Thing of original kare is pulled and the fact that it is not the 摺 tsu te is requested with something it is Very that you do not understand there is no feeling
“他们之所以没有在”我不喜欢,谁不明白这些感受约翰尼恩戴索纳 “The reason where it does not go down” saying as for anta with human something which cannot understand such feeling the so
附表求我为什么我不能拉幻灯片是816的前男友?我想你不明白这是什么感觉 816 Thing of original kare is pulled and the fact that it is not the 摺 tsu te is requested with something it is Very that you do not understand there is no feeling
(33)──另一名女子结婚,少将源氏物语酿酒商听到传言说,有 (33)
─ ─ Already the alone woman a rumor that heard demagnetization you got married with Rear Admiral Kuroudo,
(汉字,但仍然是不同的),我认为这是同孩子的父亲和我的前任的父母也说,如果你喜欢他们的一切手段,甚至把你 After all Chinese character however it is different Furthermore when you say because also the parents of the father thought original kano as our child similarity if only you you avoid we want attaching by all means