Kidnapping problem visiting Japan, Princess Kin Ken it does not do and when the [te] as for prime mover of quiescent market is former Prime Minister Junichiro that Koizumi, the daily gene die/di
59:57编号:5sdCMvR10不认为他们是以前完全不知道愚弄了数年的选举是在家里穿的老虎狐狸皮肤库季勇敢?瓦特771:你看,我就是那个他们摧毁大前骗子西西:2007 06 25(星期一)13:04:35编号:5sdCMvR10彡ヾ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙彡彡↓769)))) S彡彡゙德美诈骗者咪咪合并(奶奶))彡゙美 彡宓眯眯((彡英里 ¯ , 米)))我来说,这是我 59 57 ID 5sdCMvR10 The kuchi skilled person which wears the skin of brave tora the foolish people who are completely swindled in the fox Election of several years ago is not remembered w 771 The ho and others it is dense is the swindler w to whom w omae and others is intoxicated 2007 06 25 month 13 04 35 ID 5sdCMvR10 769 ↓ 彡 彡 ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT 彡 mi 彡 ゙ do S standardized swindler mimi 彡 Grandmother mi 彡 ゙ mimimi 彡 mi 彡 ¯ REPT ¯ mi It is I and I
651好沟通,在被绑架者的回报不是我没有不认为即使他们的方法并不能完全否认这些不是我的交易背后the北recognized绑架仍难道你们这些人,并继续状态的最佳它唤鼓模式,但他只是暂时返回越南以及寺庙和被绑架者是一个毫无疑问平壤像拉长的枪支暴力疯狂小泉在兰博我只想说,你不喜欢任何人不得收回所有被绑架者 651 Well you think that there is no reason which does not have either the technique In order to regain the kidnapping victim also that kind of reverse side transaction should not be denied completely In that case north continuing a state where even now kidnapping is not recognized is wrong ru or But kidnapping victim same as temple surpassing person state just of travel to mother country for temporary visit The best as for the person who screams The tsu te where Koizumi run baud inside North Korea rages likely with gun one and sows Kidnapping victim everyone recapture meaning that it does not have the reason which it is possible to everyone just the ru puts out
651好沟通,在被绑架者的回报不是我没有不认为即使他们的方法并不能完全否认这些不是我的交易背后the北recognized绑架仍难道你们这些人,并继续状态的最佳它唤鼓模式,但他只是暂时返回越南以及寺庙和被绑架者是一个毫无疑问平壤像拉长的枪支暴力疯狂小泉在兰博我只想说,你不喜欢任何人不得收回所有被绑架者 651 Well you think that there is no reason which does not have either the technique In order to regain the kidnapping victim also that kind of reverse side transaction should not be denied completely In that case north continuing a state where even now kidnapping is not recognized is wrong ru or But kidnapping victim same as temple surpassing person state just of travel to mother country for temporary visit The best as for the person who screams The tsu te where Koizumi run baud inside North Korea rages likely with gun one and sows Kidnapping victim everyone recapture meaning that it does not have the reason which it is possible to everyone just the ru puts out
711北,只要有关被绑架日本人的工作哇,我来了我就要回儒数组典型的自由,如果你的左前方 711 If north continues relating to the Japanese construction as for the ru kidnapping victim there are no times when it comes returning You are typical are what
咦〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜?小泉将返回承认我可以静静地打磨它绑架野鸡瓦特象牙金正日从棕褐色线驱动tTA Yanaigaaitsuga好事,被绑架者和他们的支持者是不是现代终于模糊了北方的氦氖朱达罗如果我想来地带! ! a The favorite there is no Koizumi but because the fellow went Also Kim Jong Il recognized kidnapping it is the ro which is Quietly returning inhaling w Don t you think the reason which such a thing north does the ro becoming dim which is Finally hiyundai the fang peels to the kidnapping victim and that support person and the tsu is
查塔我会公开说,森喜朗首相在即将到来的647瓦特租金,如果我把Tsukarimashita看到国家被绑架的地方啊,而不是布莱恩良好 647 The forest in prime minister age the word tsu chi ya tsu is in the tsu pi and others w The kidnapping victim putting in the country of somewhere receiving the a it was found when the ri ya which is done it is good
Shiraku嘿!喇嘛从Karashii停笔,我Zurasou时间表!在结业典礼,让这一切来自于埃维昂,行!大家都在一个交易? “普京”町(Ry的荒谬啊 “希拉克”哈哈,嘿我会告诉小泉 It is shiraku Like this because like this only direct it seems Schedule it probably will shift Next after appearing in the ceremony with everyone the shrimp un the ze which probably will go The ro also everyone may be that is ” puchin “ chi yo ry Sled ya unreasonable……” Chirac “The tsu as for the tsu the enemy trap it is in Koizumi well
一些被绑架者回到日本,发出感谢首相小泉Hazime Bitanoha浴绑架的焦点 The kidnapping victim some person returned to Japan as for kidnapping problem receiving attention former Prime Minister Koizumi Favor
不过,我说我终于把怪异的个人讨厌像小泉不 Simply privately to dislike Koizumi that you would like to say lastly saying thing
但在2002年 访问前首相小泉纯一郎的受欢迎程度,我有一个疯狂的时间表 However 02 years gt Former Prime Minister Koizumi the visiting visiting and schedule deviated for the popularity taking
但在2002年 访问前首相小泉纯一郎的受欢迎程度,我有一个疯狂的时间表 However 02 years gt Former Prime Minister Koizumi the visiting visiting and schedule deviated for the popularity taking
但在2002年 访问前首相小泉纯一郎的受欢迎程度,我有一个疯狂的时间表 However 02 years gt Former Prime Minister Koizumi the visiting visiting and schedule deviated for the popularity taking
前首相小泉纯一郎的支持率在2002年访问了,不过,我有一个疯狂的时间表 However 02 years Former Prime Minister Koizumi the visiting visiting and schedule deviated for the popularity taking
前首相小泉纯一郎的支持率在2002年访问了,不过,我有一个疯狂的时间表 However 02 years Former Prime Minister Koizumi the visiting visiting and schedule deviated for the popularity taking
前首相小泉纯一郎的支持率在2002年访问了,不过,我有一个疯狂的时间表 However 02 years Former Prime Minister Koizumi the visiting visiting and schedule deviated for the popularity taking
前首相小泉纯一郎的支持率在2002年访问了,不过,我有一个疯狂的时间表 However 02 years Former Prime Minister Koizumi the visiting visiting and schedule deviated for the popularity taking
前首相小泉纯一郎的支持率在2002年访问了,不过,我有一个疯狂的时间表 However 02 years Former Prime Minister Koizumi the visiting visiting and schedule deviated for the popularity taking
前首相小泉纯一郎的支持率在2002年访问了,不过,我有一个疯狂的时间表 However 02 years Former Prime Minister Koizumi the visiting visiting and schedule deviated for the popularity taking
我不是批评Chondai是它为我的儿子,文小泉发生或引发反法并不好东西 The tsu lever which chiyondai is critical being good to Koizumi or the son with opposite law motion happens
我在这个故事根本没有进展,他们将分别减少一幢猜测,小泉时代 Unless this advances story in the basis Koizumi era it is and the how misjudgement becomes less
然后,这往往是错误的,但不是傻子小夜 小泉也发了犯罪分子一塌糊涂日本的A级的战争 After it is many in bakasayo but you are wrong gt After all Koizumi is a class war crime which designates Japan as guchiyaguchiya
的批评,只是觉得你讨厌目前的小泉(批评),它不是一个很重要的因素在绝对 It reaches to the present Koizumi 憎 only to do the criticism which cannot be thought criticism the big primary factor shelf which does not become extinct
而不是小泉,苏说,大多数意见是回到了北方强大的民意 Rather than calling Koizumi public opinion becoming strong It returns to north the opinion that was the multitude is
而且没有一个是过于自信,因为一切都在被处理的一个国家,小泉治疗经验 With the consequence which had become matter of concern whose Koizumi who was handled that with national guest treatment is good everything became ruinous
魏圣美,让我们改变了日程,“普京”是的,我?“在时间表,因为这是真正致力于改变,普京和小泉有可能返回一个借来 ui and schedule it will modify” puchin “It is the i ” Because so the ho is with schedule modification was definitely promised as for puchin that it tried probably to return the debt to Koizumi
,但这还不够做那些家伙德塔色彩尖叫→Tatte我从没有承认将小泉梅萨!入世后变化的W After Koizumi making recognize The tsu te which is not shouts the party gt method is insufficient W which changes
“苏将要返回苏悄悄地,”朝鲜啊杀害放在如何在理论上更容易 ” It was the intention of returning stealthily” For North Korea even how acquiring reason The ro where the person who kills is simple
如果我回到这样的地方,是比较最后决定解决10马祖我回到朝鲜 Returning at such a place the cod returning to North Korea becoming fixed it will finish and it has been decided probably will be but
如果我当时一个比较私人的,千村和他的妻子,我会回来的IBD的莲池和他的妻子北 On the other hand also the cod the Chimura husband and wife and the lotus pond husband and wife returning to North Korea to secret something it finishes and probably is
对于朝鲜,或有损失或收益都将返还被害人的,但只有这 For North Korea returning the victim it becomes profit or loses or simply just this
我真的不说三百五十四瓦特小泉,朝鲜将手 354 W which so is not said as expected Koizumi North Korea it goes selfishly
朝鲜是我想到那个傻瓜小泉用手或抢劫银行 North Korea was swindled conversely in Koizumi you think is that melting
这样的会谈是在朝鲜偷偷回北,并确保你和仁田中642 642 With certain Tanaka hitoshi and the North Korean side secretly such story was done with the reverse side
中井先生相遇就像试图从家庭避免具体命令一出是一茹Ketakatta井上例子不拉合 _NULL_
为什么你尝试做一个小泉,朝鲜也是民主党政府都没有,但我有一些被绑架者的返回。一流的热情好客在一个国家或恐怖分子的领导人,有点口惠而实不(毫无疑问,我一直生活以及莲池詹金斯)和大多数将在年底爆发,我没有被绑架或维护社会党?社民党?没有民主吗? How seeing Therefore Koizumi s method but very the reason where the kidnapping victim of part returns When at that time it is the Democratic party administration north morning Have the staff and the terrorist it is not in national guest class With little lip service lotus pond also jienkinsu certainly you have lived it had ended probably will be Though unless the kidnapping victim how it is as for having protected Japan Socialist Party Corporation people party The tsu ke which is the Democratic party
为什么你尝试做一个小泉,朝鲜也是民主党政府都没有,但我有一些被绑架者的返回。一流的热情好客在一个国家或恐怖分子的领导人,有点口惠而实不(毫无疑问,我一直生活以及莲池詹金斯)和大多数将在年底爆发,我没有被绑架或维护社会党?社民党?没有民主吗? How seeing Therefore Koizumi s method but very the reason where the kidnapping victim of part returns When at that time it is the Democratic party administration north morning Have the staff and the terrorist it is not in national guest class With little lip service lotus pond also jienkinsu certainly you have lived it had ended probably will be Though unless the kidnapping victim how it is as for having protected Japan Socialist Party Corporation people party The tsu ke which is the Democratic party
你的意思是你只需要Jiminga附表逃避我不能把保护即使Gendai Not be able to protect with the gene die di doing only escape to jiminga saying thing
他们从燃烧的秘密有关的DNA鉴定u003d新泻回家将不苦了(和佐渡)在沙地种植古 _NULL_
他们说,迂回228效益,你离开了房间,安倍和参赞中山不喜欢工作的小泉内阁,原 _NULL_
他是想回到它的弱点,可能是愚蠢的书偷偷到目前为止,他们瓦特 When the fact that you have written is aho to here exhaustion it does That it was the air which is returned home stealthily w
和朝鲜的土地的梦想,但他们没有广告是不是真的被绑架,但是这一次,让我们说我已经收回了小泉责任 And as for North Korea unless the country of ideal there is a kidnapping how certain reason the party who is advertised this time to that it calls Koizumi s responsibility that it cannot recover
什么是绑架问题,一般犯罪事件“赎金绑架,”我太瓦特以解决绑架勒索赎金的案件,如果没有只有两种方式: As for kidnapping problem tsu te the ze w which is the same as “the profit making kidnapping incident” of general crime Profit making kidnapping incident is solved there are only two methods
很明显,这个时候是没有用处的,但绑架粮食援助,朝鲜必须帮助弥补这个问题,所以我当然战争 When kidnapping does not become clear Now it is food support Because after the war it is compensation of problem It is clear to support north
咪咪咪咪咪咪彡彡密密英里彡 ,宓眯眯彡彡彡彡彡彡彡彡彡 ¯ 彡彡彡ヾ゙゙゙゙゙彡彡咪咪。 。 ° 彡彡咪咪咪咪彡゙33 ° ¯ ° °〜彡德美密密゙彡团结诈骗者咪咪 ー 彡密密· 3ヽヽ mimi 彡 mimimi 彡 彡 mimimimi 92 彡 彡 彡 mimimi 彡 彡 彡 彡 彡 彡 92 ¯ 92 mimi 彡 彡 ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT 彡 彡 彡 92 ¯ 92 mimi 彡 ゙ 33 mimi 彡 彡 ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ mimi 彡 ゙ do S standardized swindler mimimi 彡 REPT mimi 彡 ¯ REPT three ¯ mimi 彡 REPT mimi 彡 lt mimi 彡 ゙ ゙ REPT mi 92 彡 REPT 92 92 It does the mi 92 HKDRT The Soviet Union REPT ゙ HKDRT toeeeeeei The Soviet Union REPT ゙ REPT yukokokokoyu i 92 ni U l ¯ ¯ 92 ─ ─ ¯ ¯ l people people people people people people people people gt Slow the nidaya way treason keeping doing Japan don t you think lt Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Deciding 410 700 000 000 Yen public financial fill in morning silver failure processing As for Sinzirou Koizumi office Doubt “descent” and daily gene die di In new chairman of Inagawa meeting 炳 Director House rent double appropriation Two political organizations of Prime Minister Koizumi 14 000 000 Yen purpose unclearly
NULL 彡 彡 ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ DREPT 彡 mi 彡 ゙ do S standardized swindler mimi 彡 In order to carry out the principle of freedom of the name pleasure Pain and sacrifice are attached thing nida w mi 彡 ゙ mimimi 彡 mi 彡 ¯ REPT ¯ mi As for your chiyotsupari the atomic bomb the ro which is extent mazo which the decoration gives in rumei General who is dropped 彡 lt mi mi 92 彡 chiyotsupari woman geisha one and two The spear killing something is bad ww 92 92 It does the mi HKDRT The Soviet Union The gourd and others doing whatever nida which is permitted If why With the gold and power and good looks from the ru nida www REPT toeeeeeeino 92 REPT ninininiso REPT nini So nida which is not thought r REPT t Inspection Ladies and gentlemen of resident two world meeting and Inagawa meeting www i REPT REPT No j j REPT By the way because the K observing thinking bribe and Sinzirou guard generation increase with tax consumer tax tax increase the tsu po ri may w ⌒ r ¯ and he HKRPT j 92 ku ゙ hamadryas baboon hu ゙ tsuchiyake rokutouchiyotsuha ゚ rika ゙ shimatsusarerunotsute sutekiyan Korea tamaran Deciding 410 700 000 000 Yen public financial fill in morning silver failure processing ttp blog yoshiko sakurai jp 2002 03 post 248 html About Inagawa meeting related mob weapon smuggling incident and the possibility North Korea being related ttp blue diver seesaa net article 15906933 html Osio the famous model and others group of women who appear to also CM and immorality
小泉批准Senakattara钟绑架劫持朱达罗使用适当的通风环境不仅返回邪恶第三国北部将直接原因无论如何也不会通过成为学校学科北高免费学校这次大使的批评和处理这个时间内,他们说什么或做支那思加。你是否认为金正日会令他们Terun It probably is by way of 3rd country but it probably is direct but the ro which circumstances only bad kidnapping victim utilization it releases for which being full north and is When Koizumi does not make kidnap does not have jiyoniru recognize also the school of this time north becoming the high school gratuitous conversion object the shelf Only the grommet thing now proposing judging to national guest treatment Thinking that you can elude or the ru it is
580秘密协议?我绑架洗脑Darotsu已全部被洗脑 580 Secret agreement The ro which is brainwashing As for the handle kidnapping victim everyone being brainwashed long ago the ru
小泉批准Senakattara钟绑架劫持朱达罗适当的通风环境,不只是因为贫穷情况下,会直接将北无论如何通过第三国,是受学校收取的这次北高中驻治疗的批评是说,这一次他们支那思加。你是否认为金正日会令他们Terun It probably is by way of 3rd country but it probably is direct but the ro which circumstances only bad kidnapping victim utilization it releases for which being full north and is When Koizumi does not make kidnap does not have jiyoniru recognize also the school of this time north becoming the high school gratuitous conversion object the shelf Only the grommet thing now proposing judging to national guest treatment Thinking that you can elude or the ru it is
小泉还Inakerya“我不绑架,”但我Tetarou Hozai万维网 If Koizumi it is not still “kidnapping how it is not” the tsu te has babbled the wax www
村里说话与小泉曾我手打在池塘的所有领域,护理是他们唯一的兴趣,因为我是被绑架我们使用陈关系正常化和朝鲜Gappori,西军已开始 Therefore as for Koizumi with in the first place lotus pond Chimura Soga with the hand striking and day morning diplomatic relations normalization right the tsu po ri in order to receive the kidnapping victim utilization red sandal wood By your you should have avoided is it encounters from the yo as for the purity
感性受害者同情是重要的,因为日本没有这样做?政治制度是承认邪恶的天灯,然后漂到一个国家制度,使我,因为我受害者继续与未来的正式措施,吸收信息,已经被绑架,日本导致意外操作,使无流动的信息被绑架日本新国家进一步损害伯尔的新 It pities to the victim feelings but As for being important as Japan Someone did It tries to bleaching in recognition and the national system that to being able to advance future measure officially political system of broad daylight was badness If why being already kidnapped the victim who information was absorbed in Japan above that There are no times when damage is brought but when you are kidnapped anew because the new information of Japan flows out
当您返回该国人质被绑架,我不知道可以不来,不回来,因为我怕有人说,不能教和小泉按下或不是唯一的责任线我觉得 Two degrees it does not return when you reset into the country which kidnaps the person who is kidnapped perhaps With so it could point the fear impression of saying therefore it is you think that it is not possible to push Koizumi s responsibility
策划绑架,命令,承认前政权被推翻坏人都跑,没有一个具体的解决办法,除非国家制度,不仅力言甚至不知道是谁蜡 Kidnapping was planned the party whom you ordered and executed fell from power everyone and in recognition and the national system that political system of the time before was badness If it does not become as for concrete solution as for being only any due to military force everyone is recognized probably will be
金正日将驱动tTA的愤怒,如果允许返回从一开始就被绑架我,在这之前,并恢复外交关系,经济援助是只有傻瓜程度金正日第二个条件是立场 Kim Jong Il probably gets angry but from first recognizing the kidnapping victim if it has returned Naturally also diplomatic relations recovery and financial assistance to be done simply in the wax Kim Jong Il s fool it was in a state where just allowance is conspicuous
我的意思是一个不进步的问题,但不是一个DNA专家烧焦的骨头,这是日本从没有宣称瞳 1 So it is not and as for the te and kidnapping problem not developing It carbonizes as for the bone which although DNA it cannot judge the Japanese side with those of the pupil Because assertion you put away that it is not
毕竟还没有任何进展古,只有残余的受理状态驱动tTA恐怖分子,治疗 After all there is no either development at all because has the terrorist only the fact which is formed remained from national guest treatment
这只是不好公布,如果你返回全国各地,如果真有诚意,但被绑架者 But if truly sincerity if it publishes that the kidnapping victim from in the world where it exists on the country is returned home just it is good the shelf
我要悄悄回家』 我说所有耻辱的,毫无根据的,“每个人都将返回悄悄苏”,但是无论如何,我认为它可以提供适当的确凿证据 It was the intention of returning home stealthily Completely the shame which does not have basis it forced and said or “it was the intention everyone of returning stealthily” the te Securely when the evidence which is done can be presented you think that it is very thing but it is
我说:“每个人都将返回悄悄苏”,但是无论如何,我认为它可以提供适当的确凿证据 The te you said or “it was the intention everyone of returning stealthily” the te Securely when the evidence which is done can be presented you think that it is very thing but it is
我还109“你很可能他Gendai评论喷射他吗?”吹每次我只是GOOGLE上搜索什么我不知道 109 We “the ro which is person tsu te what kind of person what which in the gene die di comment is put out However” tsu te each time it was strange The gugu tsu te seeing you blew
有时,“不要为默默!”和饮食习惯是早生゙姬去与打印机,电子发球退出讲话大致゙课堂时间奥阿 The time make the time “quiet ” With saying Being able to give hi ゙ nta the speech of E ended to be large oha ゙ doing class time
é悔改,而不是对事物“,也有不能解除罪恶”,这句话现在 Instead of you reflect E in the “the bad guy stopping staying doing the speech that it will be refreshing” it increased
朝鲜应该本来我回来了还是暗中○觉得这是秘密回到了被绑架 gt Originally as for North Korea it is to be the air which returns home the kidnapping victim stealthily When it is the ○ it should have returned even now stealthily probably will be
1 ,原本打算让朝鲜归还被绑架的秘密 1 gt Originally as for North Korea it is to be the air which returns home the kidnapping victim stealthily
1 ,原本打算让朝鲜归还被绑架的秘密 1 gt Originally as for North Korea it is to be the air which returns home the kidnapping victim stealthily
1 ,原本打算让朝鲜归还被绑架的秘密 1 gt Originally as for North Korea it is to be the air which returns home the kidnapping victim stealthily
朝鲜原本打算作一回被绑架者是秘密 1 Originally as for North Korea it is to be the air which returns home the kidnapping victim stealthily
朝鲜原本打算作一回被绑架者是秘密 1 Originally as for North Korea it is to be the air which returns home the kidnapping victim stealthily
朝鲜原本打算作一回被绑架者是秘密 1 Originally as for North Korea it is to be the air which returns home the kidnapping victim stealthily
朝鲜原本打算作一回被绑架者是秘密 1 Originally as for North Korea it is to be the air which returns home the kidnapping victim stealthily
本来是打算让朝鲜返回的被绑架者秘密 gt Originally as for North Korea it is to be the air which returns home the kidnapping victim stealthily When it is the ○ it should have returned even now stealthily probably will be
(立即返回后,不符合我的愤怒是结束他沓恩戴绑架重视已经从电视上流动分离 After the returning home the attendant was detached immediately from the kidnapping victim it is with to accompany the Tsuga you got angry and the tsu te which winds was let flow with TV
案例研究与民青参与在韩国于1974年,金。河(星期五诗人。他的河流。之泰(本届政府的总统。首席人员)和李哲先生(前议员)绑定放在一起,将被判处20年徒刑由军事法庭 In 1974 Korea to involve to people blue study connected incident the gold River poet gold River person and 寅 Yasusi reality 盧 president government Head The advisor and Li Satoru front member of the Diet and others and also it is restrained sentencing penal servitude 20 year at the court martial It is done
诗人金民青,74年在韩国的案例研究。先生和河流。泰公司(现政府的总统。首席人员)和李哲先生(前议员)绑定放在一起,将被判处20年徒刑由军事法庭 In 74 year Korea in people blue study connected incident poet gold River person and 寅 Yasusi reality 盧 president government Head The advisor and Li Satoru front member of the Diet and others and also it is restrained sentencing penal servitude 20 year at the court martial It is done
武威肚子偷偷回来Hikuhiku _NULL_
玄熙金正日访问返回日本的特工,或宣布放弃竹岛 _NULL_
男子H是轮到你,我是在航空自卫队飞行员“我的父亲,将来我要像我父亲的试点,”宣布的组成内容 Becoming H your turn of the boy at that time as for me “as for my father with Air Self Defense Force ha ゚ irotsuto I in the future We would like to become ha ゚ irotsuto like the father the composition of the contents that is” was announced
男子H是轮到你时,他说:“我父亲是航空自卫队飞行员,将来我要像我父亲的试点,”宣布的组成内容 Becoming H your turn of the boy as for him “as for my father with Air Self Defense Force ha ゚ irotsuto I in the future We would like to become ha ゚ irotsuto like the father the composition of the contents that is” was announced
美国已经很少包括了日本共产党政治家气我很生气,美国如果日本平壤宣言原本排除美国和韩国,自民党得到了妥善的大小辿源的Burgers翻译基本上是卖国政党 Pulling out America and Korea Pyongyang declaring to the Japanese individual America got angry don t you think it seems The Japanese politician being taken in to the Chinese Communist Party As for America understanding properly the ru If the origin is traced also the Liberal Democratic Party basic treason the political party with meaning
如果日本的旧单位。我刚刚返回所有碎片的威胁,但并派出1艘船舶,船有点过 If Japan of former times flat One dispatching the battleship in the open sea the chi just threatens everyone Although it returned
花费了几百万日元的专机包机此外,数百万邀请外国记者(Shouhei)1 ... _NULL_
菅直人,处理一个航班的观光囚犯用直升机爆炸的餐饮贵宾邀请的是,结果! ? _NULL_
该驾束击中岩石上的一个问题是违反绑架一个我答应你从家里返回狙尽早解决,绑架更多的继续通过谈判在清醒的官僚第三国我很高兴它走出来,就可以在家中在顶部由Katta m也还善于福田内阁在每鸠山一郎, That kidnapping problem is stranded to the sunken rock because it designated the promise of return home as the wastepaper aiming for the urgent solution Continuing negotiation plainly with office work one you can return home Sawayama s kidnapping victim more by way of third power If the top coming out at the point in time when possibility comes out it is being That at Koizumi and at Fukuda and at Hatoyama and was good at any Cabinet it is
这是一个美妙的思想情绪的情况可以很容易地说,没有食物,只有一个拙劣的计划永久损害国家利益纳鲁的 你知道,是在绑架问题的精神,如果我不怀疑胡说八道凯塔形形色色道歉和赔偿的痛苦 在回来的将继续增加新的被绑架者 That it is splendid feeling but only the poor plan which impairs national interest permanently call it is not As for the scenario which it can think easily The ho and others kidnapping problem how it was not Being able to assume the doubt which is not mental pain… apologies and compensation… So with the reverse side the new kidnapping victim continues to increase
235“如果没有绑架”这是你们喜欢我才说Tteta 235 “Kidnapping it is not” how you call it was the party like you
509 我悄悄离开北韩将重返绝缘体政府福利Wakenee凯塔蔌么绑架本身没有问题的认识都没有瓦特1 509 gt The reason which the north where kidnapping problem itself is not recognized releases stealthily well probably will be but Is the merit completely it is not in that government of w and
但我知道其他各种食品,我不回被绑架的秘密 So as for the kidnapping victim who knows other various secret there is no returning feed
但是,绑架,穿着我的书746恐怖(州排减单位)与被绑架地说绑架 746 We writing kidnapping however the ru even kidnapping you can call also kidnapping by the terrorist nation
区没有拖延,如果现在我作为大媒体在一,“将返回被绑架者返回家园,”给我带领我尖叫恩戴 It is not slow even from now as mass communications extensively “Return the kidnapping victim who returns home” The tsu te taking the initiative you shout
如果你看行援助Sebira Kasanakere和解与仁田中的权力,precipitate ll谈朝鲜不用说,金正日绑架显示为无法识别的细节 If it does not flaunt diplomatic relations recovery and help on the Tanaka hitoshi line In the first place North Korea does not accept offer There was no thing where Kim Jong Il recognizes kidnapping
如果没有小泉的访问,救援灾民,以及它的“绑架是”我应该想 If there is no Koizumi visiting morning Victim recapture is from the first now “as for kidnapping coming to the point of without being” you think as the ru
当我将大受欢迎与被绑架者返回交织成一个像小泉乘车前往北侃 The 菅 Koizumi boarding to North Korea likely the kidnapping victim When accompanying it returns support ratio zooming
欧迈711,官方没有绑架,没有北返,但我会说我 711 But will not officially other than the kidnapping victim who is returned home unless it exists north saying the ru it is
没有它,即使是现在,民主党社会民主党也Gendai北和朝总联“,没有这样的绑架!这残酷骗局!”我认为,索赔 If there is no this even now North and entire ream and the Democratic party and corporation people party and gene die di “Kidnapping problem and the like it does not exist It is vicious fabrication ” With you insist with you think but
被绑架者会同情不用说作为一个日本人的家庭企业,认为有必要峨 Until you call to the kidnapping victim return home business thinks without it pities and as a Japanese that it is necessary
这是一个美妙的思想情绪的情况可以很容易地说没有,但计划中的穷人和永久损害国家利益纳鲁的 你知道,在情绪困扰,是不是没有怀疑我凯塔绑架骚乱到 在一道歉和赔偿,并会继续支持新增加了被绑架者 That it is splendid feeling but only the poor plan which impairs national interest permanently call it is not As for the scenario which it can think easily The ho and others kidnapping problem how it was not Being able to assume the doubt which is not mental pain… apologies and compensation… So with the reverse side the new kidnapping victim continues to increase
那么,它不解决绑架问题?除非你是通过骨迫人还活着,谁是朝鲜 Don t you think it does not solve kidnapping problem it is If North Korea even now mandatorily does not transfer the people who have existed in the bone
金正日对金大中正式的内容已在小泉参拜“的存活只有5人被绑架惠,包括杀了我”,“临时性返回案件立即返回,”我我 Kim Jong Il puts out officially at the time of Koizumi visiting morning the contents which “As for the kidnapping victim only 5 as for existence and other things blessing including the death” “It can point travel to mother country for temporary visit but return immediately” The tsu te it is
首相森喜朗,“被绑架者发现已在第三国的选择”不喜欢去 Mori prime minister “discovers the kidnapping victim in 3rd country with is also the hand which is said” With the tsu ke which was not said
逢星期五放学后,班上成绩只有“审查类”,有其他适合每个批评,以一般的同学的缺点,如红军现在考虑峨在人力资源组的告诉你被提升到受害者和E再次周Ĥ With grade just my class every week there being “a reflection meeting of class” after the Friday releasing section You say that to criticize the fault of the classmate mutually in order when you think from now it seems like the Red Army summary There was HR again H you victimized in the meeting of that week with E
红军派的领导人死在外地我frodgers现在在流亡最淀到事件中,A线小北后,购买旅游家伙,你不喜欢,采取了窃听的地方,那里的朋友“在这里尼克和我只有日本Hayou Most the Red Army Faction leader which goes into exile in the do number incident and dies being the locale in the companion who makes passage to north afterwards Just a little that wiretap and the like starting accompanying to the place where it is not done whether it probably will go to outside there in the companion “Here it receives and the Japanese is it is and
那一刻,我也是一个重要的暗示是,面对268日?我只是想极显着降低其他国家的信任在鳕鱼或归还被绑架的两名ー。古是信任很像一个没有意义下的多波束国家更密切地与联合国将今年定为民主党全国代表 268 That also the Japanese face being important understanding the ru Returning the kidnapping victim also reliance something to related to cod other country just goes down substantially the wa Emergency As nation The Democratic party being nearly these 1 years the confidence of America likely was not either meaning and lowered substantially
拉。 S我,因为我不会说什么的人认识到,一般也否认该党左 拉 Denies the left political party the General in direct 々 to recognize the chi ya tsu it is you cannot call empty at all
无限数量来得愚蠢或我期待愚蠢,斜塔火箭以北的日本,其他日本电子回日本时都将被秘密绑架和更高的精度拉人。所以我做了一切 The ma it is the ge bo the bo the number to enter port at will with the Japanese electronic part as for the rocket north furthermore To high accuracy it probably is to have converted … the kidnapping victim returning to Japan stealthily It is at the place the other Japanese 拉 At will it is the case that is
那一刻,我也是一个重要的暗示是,面对268日?我只是想极显着降低其他国家的信任在鳕鱼或归还被绑架的两名ー。古是信任很像一个没有意义下的多波束国家更密切地与联合国将今年定为民主党全国代表 268 That also the Japanese face being important understanding the ru Returning the kidnapping victim also reliance something to related to cod other country just goes down substantially the wa Emergency As nation The Democratic party being nearly these 1 years the confidence of America likely was not either meaning and lowered substantially
邮报之一“报纸投资英寸邮政中学似乎覧,或只是什么是左倾的,为什么呢?如果你是学校的教育是民主的,真正,离开的内容都是正确的从那里应该是有趣的“,但Ttemashita安装后消防队员,至少在我的时间接受教育认为两位数的驱动tTA相当两极化 In contribution of certain newspaper “throwing of newspaper As for contribution of the junior high and high school students who are recorded before viewing why left flank just contents Democracy education has done truly in the school if is contribution of Usa both contents Although it is a certain expectation the contribution that it is strange” being recorded it increased but at least my fire fighting age You think that the education which is inclined rather was received
邮报之一“报纸投资英寸邮政中学似乎覧,或只是什么是左倾的,为什么呢?如果你是学校的教育是民主的,真正,离开的内容都是正确的从那里应该是有趣的“,但Ttemashita安装后消防队员,至少在我的时间接受教育认为两位数的驱动tTA相当两极化 In contribution of certain newspaper “throwing of newspaper As for contribution of the junior high and high school students who are recorded before viewing why left flank just contents Democracy education has done truly in the school if is contribution of Usa both contents Although it is a certain expectation the contribution that it is strange” being recorded it increased but at least my fire fighting age You think that the education which is inclined rather was received
金正日承认绑架元金正日是一个被绑架的前南斯拉夫社会主义Yuuhaimadani任蒂诺克惹免费的,如果您有任何历史事实,理由或签署释放大声地说我在日本形成Shingansu发烧 04 1 As for that Kim Jong Il recognizing kidnapping historical fact If there is no that don t you think as for the old Japan Socialist Party goodwill chi yu u still as for kidnapping it is Japan when it is structure Shouting the ru … 4 where it justifies shingansu release and signature
顾曰 日本自卫队的祖先群体的人属于囚犯杀死父亲的邪恶其中H u003d H 的太糟糕了,我们要与亚洲国家道歉←说话了吗? ? ?当然Ĥ你哭泣 It has been said As for Self Defense Force group of human murder As for the father of H which belongs there badness H badness We the error which the ancestor commits must apologize to ashi ゙ a countries lt Naturally H you the large crying
他说:“所有的好学生很少改变Ĥ让你稻草”的名义,为了给所有的同学H将批评,我已经成为你逃学后所有H “With everyone H you with the pretext that it will be born in the good man and will make change” in classmate everyone in order H you were made to criticize after all H you became refusal to attend school