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In woman report such as kind favorable treatment tax system…Man and woman joint participation meeting


  • 1 3优惠系统生产儿童唯一的女性不结婚是不错,但我需要适应养分科雷碰她,然后他们要概括或更多的孩子要我用我在国外银行建立一个鸡蛋你说莫纳伊 But woman favorable treatment well enough you do not get married and you establish just the system where also the te can bear the child The ovum bank using in the foreign country when the child it makes we want generalizing more Either the necessary how kore tsu po tsu chi which raises the woman without being it does the yo
    • 优惠的待遇?什么是白痴?什么是同样有趣的,如果我是一个突破 Favorable treatment Being foolish Equal tsu te one side being favorably treated the cod is strange it is
    • 哦,是吗?她将有利于提高税收它有利于事情,比如在一个普通的发言有点愚蠢 Well therefore as for the woman the fool if you say kind of that just a little you favorably treat there to be tax increase and start even with The ro which approves and is

  • 1政治,法律,和一级的私营部门30%比例的广泛领域至少“在妇女担任领导职务的被占领的显示细节,”但整个看起来如何像up亚孙顺便妇女30%的国会选举的决定我 1 In wide field such as politics administration of justice and private enterprise it occupies “in guide position Ratio of the woman at least the 30 ” The woman 3 dividing into member of the Diet Although it is decided it is with election how doing it increases it is

    • 282卫生指导长长的空调温度控制,福利(弯曲你的茶),水果。新的解决方案是需要行政领导职务的人员,如
      282 Cleaning guidance length and air conditioning temperature management length, welfare (the tea it draws) the truth. Member length With the guide position which was said being newly founded, necessary number it solves

      • 893日本音乐妇女在教育我的钱有没有恐惧接收到,不要框架的股份出以及蜡頑張我一想,正如 893 Because as for the woman of the Japanese ease doing just the gold precaution you are not brought up in receiving 1 Trying that just the framework the way probably will persevere it is good and it does not go with thinks

        • NULL The te the umbrella a which is said As for hard story to pulling out still independence of the woman or release from home shouting the ru woman tsu te It is bu tsu chi ya ke babaa Withering wooden like babaa tsu temporary The young woman is arrogant from the man While when being young you get married the carrier is not possible W babaa being young in order to envy in the woman of motemote only it is not visible o w Housewife desire increases to the young child bad news letting flow tsu te likely as for the ru mass communications the a The reason which alienates excessively from the society which is deflected in feminism and abandons also the neutrality of ideology The housewife dream passing separately therefore the selfishness of such a person Although the feminist desperately the agitation tsu te ru therefore those which reaches the point where the young child respects its own intention the hysteria causing the ru it is the shelf Although 40 generation baburubabaa and 30 generation nodule junior were devoted to huemi so because the child whose now is young is different Even the achievement of Internet as for we thinking however the ru pp
          • 青山,东京女子广场大阪黎明球场我取得税水库在Femibabaa The accumulating place of huemibabaa which was made with tax Osaka donsenta Tokyo Aoyama uimenzupuraza

        • NULL When story of the feminist is heard the reason which feels hatred tsu te to home The child or the parent only are burden it is the shelf with By his probably is most important people what Simply non 婚 principle saying the ru people probably will be flatter to feminism With man and woman participation with the child saying that it supports the how to live dies Because you have proposed that the person who does not have home is supported To little child continuing the little child conversion measure man and woman participation side business housewife favorable treatment of the just it converts In the future when the person who has the child decreases You say that the society which supports the person where the person who had home did not have process probably will be made As a nation politics of the contradiction being lazy After ruining the Japanese it doubts whether the white revolution that it makes new country
          • NET如果我主宰社会的大家伙的声音为人类社会因此而变得具攻击性,其他中立是,在参加男子和妇女将参加男子和妇女做实际和站在线程我们认为任何优惠和女权女权主义治疗根据这些线路对一个人,而没有歧视的政策,以符合女性主义来只活到人类的领袖谁希望推动意识形态 The person whose voice is huge becomes attack the neutral other humans of the community The community is controlled as a result In tsu te case it is the net that sure was passed but Doing with real ru probably is man and woman participation With man and woman participation Pushing the one guidance like ideology of the living due to feminism All favorable treatments to the human who corresponds to feminism Cold treatment to the human who does not correspond to feminism That these as policy you feel it is done

        • [他们的学生争取福利国家武田雄』学院的老流浪汉的生活问题,一个世纪以来,公新书残酷的现实社会福利■■中
          Fighting of Takeda Tatsuo 'welfare state it is,' the medium public new book * Cruel actuality of high state of welfare society * The university student asked one century to the old person who lives

          • [政治]“社会的唯一途径可以选择,并审查了制度和实践方面取得进展附表为”会议,以性别,男子报告向总理和菅直人,一个女人她娘家的姓姓在她结婚一
            “It directs to the actualization of the society which can be selected, advances the second look at system custom” - Man and woman joint participation meeting, reporting surname classified by married couple to Prime Minister 菅 Naoto The man gets married with the woman who is made surname classified by married couple

            • “联合国已经成为女权主义者工具的联合水果社会主义已经在社会结构的根本变化,特别是深入扎实
              “As for United Nations, firm fundamental reform of social structure is being advanced thoroughly It becomes the instrument of feminist socialist person combination and has ended

              • 〇五〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元在纳税人的钱一年,“性别平等”或片段得益于梁行政助理谁愿意被 NULL

                • ー,三,你会得到什么妇女和妇女就业等所有的原始性别平等〜等待获得绝对认为这项计划应选择刚开始把逻辑马苏苏亚就业〜我〜我懂了,我不知道一个女人多久它真的很高兴 Also the man and woman joint participation tsu te woman how to live it is possible you think that just to acquire the logic which increases the tsu te choices it is necessary but it is After this plan starting the woman everyone employment employment the tsu chi ya tsu te the ho is with that being happy ones for the woman to be good is from the wa
                  • 什么是性别? ü觉得我不取消一女子瓦特 Man and woman joint participation tsu te what With as for me who am thought woman being disqualified kana w

                • 两性社会行为本身,赋予人们对妇女的若干特权,歧视迫害的人,这是法律的颁布为,独特的语言是违反宪法的立法内容然而,我们的国会不敢。当Iugotoki立法,属于特殊情况,如不可思议轻易可以被认为是违反宪法的法律本身峨 Man and woman joint participation social fundamental law itself numerous privilege is given to the woman the man is discriminated Persecuting as purpose is enacted to be the law which legislative contents constitution You have violated to meaningful wording in spite being able to meet the National Diet this Legislation Whenever you say that it does it comes it corresponds in exceptional kind of case which it is difficult to suppose easily It is possible to think that law itself is unconstitutional
                  • 性别我的意思。该喷涌出他们认为我们用来做这个巨大的驱动tTA疯狂的意识形态税 Joint participation how certain mind The ideology which deviates That when you think whether such a is enormous tax is used the counter 吐 comes out
                  • 育休性别平等,采取滚动产假为公务员制度的工作中不无担心溃疡 As for man and woman joint participation Growth 休 maternity leave taking ma chestnut It does not work and there is no worry where also the te collapses The system which is for the government employee

                • 乙902男,女代理人扰乱大家〜〜不要上当
                  902 Man and woman dividing operative quaintness - Everyone it is deceived -

                  • 低生育率时期能促进教育的扩展和教育设施没有工作的母亲比较所有费用略低于国内生产总值
                    You raise in the mother substituting and you assure the expansion of the facility which can be educated Age of little child conversion unless everyone works, GDP keeps decreasing

                    • 你可以有一个孩子可以得到98 ×产假↑↑必要鼓励妇女为男子和已婚妇女的首选◎

                      • 你疯了的优先或减免税或业务订单雇用一个女人用的蛋糕,不是吗?嗯,我不希望总股本或公平或合理的理由
                        When something you employ the woman Prefer tax system favorable treatment or business order The head it is strange, it is it is not? The rational reason fairness fairness completely it is not it is

                        • 你知道你是开玩笑的方向在信浓wwwwwww性别平等的目标和我为什么,我优于妇女获得优惠待遇玺wwwwww Story calling to direction funnily the ro wwwwwww which is the ru Aiming toward man and woman equality with something although the ru it is kind in the woman you are favorably treated it is wwwwww
                          • 信浓的方向走,你知道你在我诙谐的故事wwwwwww目的为何性别平等,妇女享受优惠treatment m wwwwww Story calling to direction funnily the ro wwwwwww which is the ru Aiming toward man and woman equality with something although the ru it is kind in the woman you are favorably treated it is wwwwww
                          • 税收优惠不知道志位意义于两性平等的妇女, In woman kind favorable treatment tax system Man and woman equality Meaning is not recognized

                        • 停止只是另一个女人的社会性别平等的目标是赞成的,我的感觉是如此的目的是不是对社会更打破性别平等或妇女唯一的一站是不是我的目的只是让社会,有利于妇女的性别平等只是另一个站停止其他性别或不是只有你和我的目标是打破她的社会性别或另一只停止这不只是你和我的目标是打破她的社会性别或另一只停止是不是只是一直在尝试做我的目标是社会公正作为一个女人打破
                          Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Man and woman joint participation stop already mere Don't you think? just it has been about probably to aim toward woman favorable treatment society -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? That man and woman joint participation stop you probably will aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society alreadyDon't you think? just it has done, -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Don't you think? man and woman joint participation stop just it has been about probably to aim toward mere woman favorable treatment society already -? Man and woman joint participation stop already

                          • 内阁官房长官做他们战国义人,你知道你更好的税收并不是平均分配的?我要的东西,他们感兴趣的气味
                            Secretariat Director 仙 valley Yosito And others it is dense, as for tax the one which is not distributed to equality is to call the [ro] which is? Don't you think? something smell of right does

                            • 农业部长说,卫生部长山田彰彦妻子只要川端财政部长大臣野田辰雄说,外务大臣冈田克也彦题跋惠子说,内阁秘书椅司法部雇员Haraguti弘议战国义人行政特别内阁部长叶彰九郎洽Itirou国家公安委员会主席井说,前原诚司大幅部长环境部的土地,仁尔,作为部长直岛正之(性别平等)首席执行官克拉拉有限公司,这家健太郎岩田说,总统
                              Discussion Length 仙 valley Yosito Chief Cabinet Secretary Discussion Member Blastopore Kazuhiro General affairs minister of state Same Chiba Keiko Minister of Justice Same Okada Katuya Minister of Foreign Affairs Same Noda Yosihiko Financial affairs minister of state Same Kawahata Tatsuo Education scientific minister of state Same Long wife Showa Public welfare Minister of labor Same Yamada Masahiko Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Same Direct 嶋 Masanari Economic industrial minister of state Same Maehara Seizi National traffic minister of state Same Ozawa Eizin Environmental minister of state Same Nakai 洽 National Public Safety Commission chairman Same 玄 leaf Optical Ichiro Cabinet prefecture special life charge minister of state (man and woman joint participation) Same Iemoto Kentarou Representative President corporation [kuraraonrain] Same Iwata Kimie Vice-President corporation Shiseido Co., Ltd. Chief Executive Officer execution official Same Okamoto Naomi The Japanese Union entire association chairman vicarious execution Same Band field Kumiko Corporation [intaakuto] Japan Chief Executive Officer Same Deer 嶋 Satoshi Jissen Women's University professor Same Between victories Harmony generation Economic critic certified public accountant Same Katumata Permanency Chairman Tokyo Electric Power corporation Same Kato Lily Front nationwide area. Woman's group liaison conference executive office leader Same Kouzu Canna Writer Same Sato Hiroshi tree University of Tokyo professor Same Forest Fumiko Mayor Yokohama Same Yamada 昌 Hiro Chuo University professor Everyone head it is strange, don't you think? it is?

                              • 决定仅适用于一个响亮的提出意见的少数人谁,对大多数男人和女人,唯一的缺点我都没有 Just because has decided in just the opinion of the big person of voice of part For the man and the woman of most only disadvantage it is brought it is

                                • 劳动基准法“性别认同(价值)支付同等的劳动”的条文,因为条文是多余的和不必要的

                                  • 唯一的强者阿勒(批评和侮辱采取的是几乎)确保您需要的认识,认识不要求妇女 Just are intensely the criticism which insult is almost taken requiring consciousness reformation to the man consciousness reformation is not requested from the woman

                                    • 嗯,我成长的阻碍它的性别差距
                                      Well, but this increase what of the differential which is pulled up by man and woman joint participation

                                      • 嘿,我不说愚蠢的税收优惠或妇女来远,不只是这样的税收优惠更适合驱动tTA管理等,不具有法律问题,以儒,真正?希雷恩,但我种 When it is and is woman favorable treatment tax the fool speaking the one which serves to such reason only tax system incentive there is no tsu te thing which is done it comes to here as expected There is a problem legally don t you think it is However what kind of method oak viewing
                                        • 嘿,我最好是税收优惠驱动tTA就业妇女或不是有一个法律问题,真正汝来呢?希雷恩,但我种 When it is and is the woman the person who employs the tax system the tsu te which is favorably treated comes to here as expected There is a problem legally don t you think it is However what kind of method oak viewing
                                        • 四郎我四郎瓦特非常好的事情或不购买更多的税收优惠,喜欢我有一些瓦特然后分发券 Very it is good w More lively shopping favorable treatment tax or margin margin w Then with the regional promotion ticket it is good even with distribution
                                        • 太多的休息税收和志位的妇女于你想知道什么意思 Favorably treating too much in addition to being in the woman kind tax Just whether we would like to do what it is meaning unclear
                                        • 如果您没有平等的优惠待遇,并希望做可能比较平等 Until favorably treating unless it must be equality if on the other hand aiming toward equality it doesn t mean that is not good
                                        • 子无和出生率,沿着逐渐下降,也有利于单身女性唯一的旅行和品牌散热峨 The child it is not the celibacy woman favorably treating you view in little child conversion measure Just it goes out in overseas travel and brand ones
                                        • 我不喜欢愚蠢的女人说减税,郜驱动tTA认为适当的管理措施 Woman favorable treatment tax the fool speaking the plan which serves to such reason think
                                        • 我很愚蠢的死亡不平等wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww朱达罗 Die the ro wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which is foolish unequal
                                        • 有时我有抗拒,但不结婚采取拗氖优惠的好女人只是男人 Well because only woman incentive you take don t you think the man becomes sulky and the te it is the tendency of the times when it is resistant by the fact that you do not get married
                                        • 薪酬不然我就踢该名男子的方式有条件优惠只是因为我和你已经愚弄 Even only favorable treatment being done ru one condition attaches to the man whether it is the ze annual income which is already aho

                                      • 噢?女乞丐婆婆副业eh m要支付的钱支付自己负担的阿一苗圃s提升孩子会说,我要成为一个独立的有利卡兹阿一井 a ichiichi it is about to be favorably treated Making if the tsu te which is independent you say about burden of parenting pay by yourself Payment huh the te it is the gold to the nursery school is beggar babaa of the side business housewife
                                        • 人谁不支付或不使用分钟托儿所,站立。我付托儿津贴,他们更具有良好的育儿和家庭 In the people whom it cannot pay the nursery school the amount which is not utilized Resident in Paying childcare treatment the one which has rearing child at the house is better

                                      • 在审查的政策和原则,少缴社会性别平等,宪法第11条,第十二条,第十三条,第十四条,第十五条,第十八条,第十九条,第21条,第22条,第23条,第24条第25条,第26条,第27条,第29条,第30条,第31条,第32,第37条,第38条,第44,第97,第98条,在程序违反第99条,民法,刑法,刑法分期付款也认为它没有违反原则 NULL

                                        • 在社会的眼光,一要努力 (4)两性平等的国际认可获得 1的名单 With the social image which should aim gt 1 fixed sex role consciousness is lost gt 2 respecting the human rights of the man and woman gt 3 personality and ability can be shown gt 4 international appraisal can be obtained with man and woman joint participation it enumerated
                                          • 在社会的眼光,一要努力(1)消除长期存在的性别意识(2)尊重妇女的权利和男性(3)能证明的能力和个性(4)获得国际认可的性别平等 的上市 With the social image which should aim 1 Fixed sex role consciousness is lost 2 Respecting the human rights of the man and woman 3 Personality and ability can be shown 4 International appraisal can be obtained with man and woman joint participation it enumerated
                                          • 在社会的眼光,一要努力(1)消除长期存在的性别意识(2)尊重妇女的权利和男性(3)能证明的能力和个性(4)获得国际认可的性别平等 的上市 With the social image which should aim 1 Fixed sex role consciousness is lost 2 Respecting the human rights of the man and woman 3 Personality and ability can be shown 4 International appraisal can be obtained with man and woman joint participation it enumerated

                                        • 基本法的危险思想为两性平等的社会』[前]凛Mitiyoshi东京女子基督教大学教授[进入外国服务
                                          'Dangerous idea of man and woman joint participation social fundamental law' (original Tokyo Woman's Christian College Context department Professor Forest Morality)

                                          • 女人的真实,即使你是独立的逆向歧视情绪,甚至同意把我模仿私优惠待遇,我捏到达达是我认识人与没有得到适当的结果参观 The woman should become independent mentally To opposite discrimination but also so tempering dadaism you rob favorable treatment and doing the imitation which you take approval is not obtained When it is suitable existence to that with the result it should you recognize Try looking at around

                                            • 如果你想以促进两性平等,我认为这是损坏或不追求办公室和家里的父亲或一个男人 If we would like to promote man and woman equality office work job of the principal occupation househusband or the man Unless it propels you think that it is useless
                                              • 换言之,主要专业。我已经废除赡养费育休努力扩大和增加 In other words principal occupation main thing Directing to increase With dependency allowance expansion and growth 休 abolition shank

                                            • 如果国防开支比生恩戴权利和歧视吗?要取消性别平等
                                              It is more than the defense cost which bears right and discrimination? It should abolish man and woman joint participation

                                              • 它将使管理标准,我可以做他们的男女同胞,不论管理标准,并把它传给我们的拟合 NULL
                                                • 排减单位给予妇女优先就业政策,寻求与这些男人和女人的关系有少生孩子,但可以恶化 When such man and woman relationship is seen favorably treating job in the woman the policy which it gives means only to deteriorate little child conversion
                                                • 通常提升到管理职位的身份,而不是性别“歧视”是被称为 Is not ability and it calls that with sex you appoint in administrative position “discrimination” normally

                                              • 它已经停止其停止更具性别平等两性平等的性别平等问题变得更为停止停止停止已经更具性别平等两性平等的性别平等问题变得更为停止停止停止已经更具性别平等性别平等停止其停止它已经更具性别平等性别平等更两性平等的性别平等已经停止停止停止更具性别平等两性平等的性别平等问题变得更为停止停止停止已经更具性别性别性别已经停止 Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already
                                                • 241,而不是性别平等,提高妇女Etara我不再反对平等就业机会法,我认为有效 241 When it is not man and woman joint participation and it stops the man and woman employment Equal Opportunities Act… When so the woman who opposes increases you think that it is effective
                                                • 它已经停止其停止更具性别平等两性平等的性别平等问题变得更为停止停止停止已经更具性别平等两性平等的性别平等问题变得更为停止停止停止已经更具性别平等性别平等停止其停止它已经更具性别平等性别平等更两性平等的性别平等已经停止停止停止更具性别平等两性平等的性别平等问题变得更为停止停止停止已经更具性别性别性别已经停止 Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already Man and woman joint participation stop already
                                                • 已婚的人甚至不能说工资兼职低收入家庭低→→高学历,高收入的高收入家庭教育的家庭主妇,想大的性别分化 High educational background high income housewife household high educational background high income side business household gt gt the individual whom with educational background even marriage it is not possible low low with income The tsu te you say the differential which spread due to man and woman joint participation
                                                • 我希望有一个平等的Muwakeganaidaro女人吗?而我要的目标是女尊男卑 The ro also the woman there is no reason which equality how is desired and is You have aimed toward the woman valuable man 卑 therefore it is
                                                • 特权已成为日本女性喜欢的东西不再享有特权的妇女从溢出隶属通过性别平等 Passing man and woman equality from the man valuable woman 卑 already Being the woman has converted to privilege which is resident privilege like

                                              • 对于财政改革,提请没有欺骗你认为会允许这种欺骗手段是减少公务员,停止相互退休金税10梅罗助理

                                                • 当使用的修辞与权力阿谀奉承的,而不是黑暗就意味着我们之间的系统相同的差别化
                                                  Power side The occasion where flattery and oratory are used, though system changes the fact that it has the stomach black intention and it probably is the same

                                                  • 性别日元预算375万亿美元,我认为这是10年
                                                    375 As for related budget of man and woman joint participation you think that it was year 10,000,000,000,000 Yen,

                                                    • 我不知道排序只是减少性别贺信爱恋证明我?

                                                      • 战国民主党人不设法,我会在选举中失去众议院10瓦大的月份
                                                        The Democratic party unless somehow the 仙 valley, wipes out with October House of Representatives by-election, w

                                                        • 政治一直持续到第二个基本计划,在司法和学历民办机构30%的比例在广泛的领域至少“在妇女担任领导职务的占1 3”束和目标bulletin gt gt It follows to secondary general plan and in wide field such as politics administration of justice and private enterprise occupies “in guide position The goal which designates the ratio of the woman as the 30 ” at least was put out
                                                          • 政治继续成为第二个基本计划,司法部门和私营部门的30%程度的百分比在广泛领域的至少是“妇女担任领导职务的占1 3”束与靶公告 It follows to secondary general plan and in wide field such as politics administration of justice and private enterprise occupies “in guide position The goal which designates the ratio of the woman as the 30 ” at least was put out

                                                        • 斯堪的纳维亚半岛一样,他们可能做得更好公职人员的共享?积极。使公务员和缩短工作时间,他们可以增加就业,即使我把其他妇女的工作,如速度,但是希望有更多的思考和更多的社会对提高妇女地位 If north Europe likely it does even with work sharing of the government employee it is good isn t Righteousness Making the time saving government employee system if it increases employment the ho applying you think that the woman social advance ratio and the like rises to the work which it is possible even with the woman steadily but
                                                          • 斯堪的纳维亚半岛一样,他们可能做得更好公职人员的共享?积极。使公务员和缩短工作时间,他们可以增加就业,即使我离开了其他想认为,在社会中的妇女比例 If north Europe likely it does even with work sharing of the government employee it is good isn t Righteousness Making the time saving government employee system if it increases employment the ho applying you think that the woman social advance ratio and the like rises to the work which it is possible even with the woman steadily but
                                                          • 茹能够工作在扭转,但妇女可以现在越来越多的妇女社会地位,不仅与该公司或只接受在男子所作的工作妇女茹 However in the work which it is possible even with the woman it reached the point where the woman can advance society steadily conversely only the woman there is a company which is not accepted even with the work which it is possible even with the man

                                                        • 有很长的眼睛,全职家庭主妇是峨说,奉献社会,这是足够的,独立的女人是好的,呈现出单亲妈妈说 If you look long you can call the housewife that it has contributed to society and Now it is the alone woman who sufficiently becomes independent nicely Alone you can say that it is the mother
                                                          • 如果一个女人想要的是现在的家不仅最接近或unemployed m最终的选择只有一个家庭主妇的工作会 Now only the ultimate selection whether work or inoccupation of it is possible because it is close The woman who wants home only becomes the housewife it is

                                                        • 没有什么是可悲的,如果它消失了日本国家的未来性别平等局总理办公室文员,可能天诛当职员的办公室要推进性别平等,甚至玩
                                                          As for those which grieve the country in the bureau member of man and woman joint participation bureau the heaven 誅 When should execute, perhaps If the Prime Minister's Office man and woman joint participation bureau member destroys As for the Japanese future whether it plays back

                                                          • 法302,“一个女人偏爱,”你应该确定,我只写?如果性别平等是不是使故事甚至当运行一个严格的法律 302 That if “the woman is favorably treated” you write on law it does with the OK tsu lever the yo As for man and woman equality when to the last using law being story When making there is no story
                                                            • 日本人做的是腐烂的。傻瓜我们来说,民主制度是一个烂不合时宜模式估计与梅斯废料优惠政策,他们无情地殴打溃疡二进制查看详情 do rot the Japanese The foolish people before implementing kudzu female favorable treatment policy smash up democracy administration age do rot without pardon

                                                          • 渔业,林业,交通运输业,土木建筑业为30%或更多的妇女,而护士,牙科保健员,助产士(护士)超过30%的男性
                                                            Fishing industry, forestry, carrying trade and engineering works construction industry above woman 30%, On the one hand, the nursing teacher, the dentistry hygienic loyal retainer and the midwife (the teacher) it is above the man 30%

                                                            • 然后是简单的“是不是性别平等”,但一人说,鉴于绝对“妇女是如此无能,老去服从 After “as for the man and woman there is no equality easily” The tsu te man says but it is “The woman disabled power therefore protecting that
                                                              • 但我确实看到在456一点点,性别平等和无论我穿他们写的任何地方 456 However just a little it tried reading it does with it is not written on man and woman equality everywhere don t you think
                                                              • 但马宝或水,或找难看,如果你吻我立刻知道千叶同样大声四郎立即或直接歧视或 However Tazima you do not see and the po Chiba see and the re you are understood busu immediately margin or discrimination makes a noise in equality
                                                              • 我认为,社会正常运行和实现社会性别平等和我这样做 Such a is with man and woman equal society actualizing thinking that society does functioning normally

                                                            • 男子和妇女结婚后不和邪教,是因为经济衰退,失业率上升低生育性别(女性性别研究)将进行审查,以增加收入的性别平等的女性主义教学蔓延日本玩
                                                              Those which man and woman joint participation brings Little child conversion Rise of unemployment rate Depression Late marriage conversion Man and woman discord Cult religion (women's studies gender theory) spreading Feminist the income increase of professor If man and woman joint participation is taken a second look, it plays back Japan

                                                              • 自民党还女人负责引进性别和迹象看神奇六八九分钟男子即将爆炸Gegege过于活跃的人,甚至一个小矮人的民主自由党是有目的的,他们是女性在家工作外,以保护老基尔将分在他40多岁的薪金man from active and 30年代起飞时间和丢弃的残疾人和老年人妇女参与财政朱达罗with残疾人优惠的税收待遇我was但其实很多孩子几乎被占领达罗妇女本身没有社会进步的需要增加峨已婚子女埃泰这将增加经济显示细节问题 689 There is a responsibility of joint participation introduction to also our people Our people and democracy flattered to the woman with election purpose too much Man of active service before the explosive sun size gegege seeing as understood as for the man working at outside as for the woman it protects the house The ro to which former times served and are the child being many how With the handicapped person tax disposal favorable treatment of the woman how in busy public finance After the handicapped person and the aged person truncating do If salary of the man of 30 generation 40 generations of active service it lifts the problem which is completed So if it does also marriage increasing also the child increases Social advance itself of the woman there is no necessity The ro which is
                                                                • 自民党还女人负责引进性别和迹象看神奇六八九分钟男子即将爆炸Gegege过于活跃的人,甚至一个小矮人的民主自由党是有目的的,他们是女性在家工作外,以保护老基尔将分在他40多岁的薪金man from active and 30年代起飞时间和丢弃的残疾人和老年人妇女参与财政朱达罗with残疾人优惠的税收待遇我was但其实很多孩子几乎被占领达罗妇女本身没有社会进步的需要增加峨已婚子女埃泰这将增加经济显示细节问题 689 There is a responsibility of joint participation introduction to also our people Our people and democracy flattered to the woman with election purpose too much Man of active service before the explosive sun size gegege seeing as understood as for the man working at outside as for the woman it protects the house The ro to which former times served and are the child being many how With the handicapped person tax disposal favorable treatment of the woman how in busy public finance After the handicapped person and the aged person truncating do If salary of the man of 30 generation 40 generations of active service it lifts the problem which is completed So if it does also marriage increasing also the child increases Social advance itself of the woman there is no necessity The ro which is

                                                              • 规定各原国有企业和大公司有能力去给女性管理者带来我什么你已经有点东北纹税收减免和马苏Yoshi ll安排优先国家项目?你这样说我工作努力,以确保它真正愚蠢的借口降落伞 In brief business of the country is mediated preferentially at original state run company and the big business which have the room which can carry the woman to administrative position Don t you think tax and just a little you favorably treat and the chi ya u are the ro which is tsu te thing The ho it is with difficult is and others the excuse which is not making furthermore it is desperate in guaranty ahead order exerted from above it is
                                                                • 30,人们尝试瞄准他们的母亲不同地区对另一个有趣的女子,将成为%的管理人员在第一时间,但从未哑 Generally although the parameter which aims toward the field is different compulsorily 30 how the original It is strange The woman who is accustomed to administrative position even with aho probably will be appears but

                                                              • 许它首先必须是一个男女同校大学奈良女子大我们三布鲁诺布朗359 359 Brown no water woman large Nara woman large What this is designated as coeducation is deciding beforehand don t you think

                                                                • 该报告是正确的税收优惠和压迫告诉一个人的性别平等和98 你会说,他们正在与他们在会议上两性平等Suretai 98 Man and woman joint participation Report… man and woman joint participation meeting such as the favorable treatment tax system whose it is correct for the man to be able to abuse one Calling in suretai the ro … which is the ru people…
                                                                  • 两性平等,Ttena纳税人的钱比我太愚蠢日本国防开支wwww万维网 In man and woman joint participation tax above defense cost it has thrown it is even www The Japanese too fool it is wwww
                                                                  • 志位出色的报告和税收优惠为妇女 性别平等委员会Suretai冲突Warota万维网 In woman report… man and woman joint participation meeting such as kind favorable treatment tax system Contradiction warota www of suretai

                                                                • 这个工程溃疡和现在有一个受过教育的家庭主妇备用夫妇的高度,笑着对她的教育程度较低的伐丽流工作剥夺了低收入
                                                                  It reaches the point where the housewife of high educational background works in the spare time crushing, It is low income low the funny story where the educational background woman takes job

                                                                  • 这意味着,国家人事部部长,内阁办公室,部内部,卫生部,司法部和经济部官员,国土,林业和部渔业,教育,警察单位“联盟”的官员向公众“两性平等”大量各部门直接向目的“两性平等”了公营机构
                                                                    Each ministry and board clogging National Personnel Authority, Cabinet prefecture, general affairs ministry, public welfare Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Justice, sutra For “combined” government employee of flat public official of end industrial ministry, national traffic ministry, Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, education scientific ministry and the National Police Agency etc For the sake of with “man and woman joint participation” purpose “man and woman joint participation” Special Corporation was made in large quantities with each ministry and board belonging directly

                                                                    • 这种优势和700 +毕业(不保证就业)贡波终身雇用破坏力的思想或祖父是一个可怕的
                                                                      700 This and destructive power of [gonbo] of new graduate supreme principle + (not guaranteeing employment,) lifetime employment idea is tremendous

                                                                      • 这里的问题是,它已经取消了生产妇女的地位仅仅作为文书,认为他们不能达到资产阶级 As for here having made problem as the mere production equipment As for the bourgeois either thinking does not reach to the fact that it is abolition of position of the lady
                                                                        • 我们唯一的自由资产阶级和无产阶级的妻子女儿的是不满意他的 If only our bourgeois makes the wife and the daughter of their proletariats free satisfactory It does not do

                                                                      • 难分从我借分裂政府的预算,预算两性平等也是该公司的10万亿日元的总干六合
                                                                        Because it is divided to the budget of each ministry and board, you understand, the [zu] leprosy, The budget for man and woman joint participation is the case that it reaches also nearly total 10,000,000,000,000 Yen

                                                                        • 顺便说一句,千叶,公共工程支出占人,所以日本的县居民至少良好,成本是有关性别平等的贪婪井高树荫下巴巴堂本是你的第二仅次于东京!
                                                                          By the way because Chiba is superior prefecture, as for public works projects expense around prefectural people one person Being the country lowest, the cost regarding man and woman joint participation coming after Tokyo, is 2 rank It is your Domoto of avaricious [babaa] shade High! !

                                                                          • 顾教授授曰说,“是平等的或优惠待遇squalidly附表求是他们的自己的日本妇女给予特殊的憎恶”我们与没有准备好,努力增强处理,并准备晶形规则
                                                                            It has been said that professor “as for seeking equality and the favorable treatment which are given miserably the Japanese woman peculiar disgraceful behavior” Personally doing not to become ready, as for requesting ready treatment when proper course is lost

                                                                            • (1)观察光线来自内部的意识融入个别国家在消除任何性别永久?和“重要的是婴儿的母亲从她的父亲是个错误”,或你是什么意思?你不应该有所谓的,你不能杀死人 gt 1 fixed sex role consciousness is lost The country depresses to the inside of the individual with something Furthermore “the mother is more important than the father for the baby it is strange” that it is such a thing don t you think The person that the murder chi ya it cannot go there are no times when you say
                                                                              • (1)不是这是政府的想法控制消除长期存在的性别意识?我想每个人朱达罗性别 gt 1 fixed sex role consciousness is lost The country depresses to the inside of the individual with something Furthermore “the mother is more important than the father for the baby it is strange” that it is such a thing don t you think The person that the murder chi ya it cannot go there are no times when you say

                                                                            • (2)性别平等和尊重人权和妇女,男人不尊重权利人的人权
                                                                              (2) Respecting the human rights of the man and woman As for man and woman joint participation human rights of the man are not respected

                                                                              研究 開発