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National public peace Chairman kind Nakai “it is possible, if when you want showing Japan by the helicopter! She knows is whether lifetime foreign country it cannot go, the [ro] which is!”★5


  • 商用飞机有权力进行间谍活动11月23日下午3:30金太,对跑道凯塔湾C方法
    > 23rd 3:30 PM it passed the business jet which places the gold original operative, faced to C runway of Tokyo bay side

    • 谴责恐怖分子和使用税的钱是什么问题?
      > Something is problem? Blood tax is used in the terrorist of the original condemned criminal

      • ...我想我井,国家公安委员长?我没有这个法官在顶部或警察我我我提出以下内阁猴子死刑废除死刑的,谁是汉奸打败?我还不如自民党仍然狗屎
        The [ro] which is Nakai [tsu] [te] national public peace chairman what? Whether being good the police top is such with Minister of Justice being the traitor, was defeated with the capital punishment abolition disputant Existence below the monkey it puts out, It is this Cabinet no what? Still the [ku] [so] our people are better

        • 551电视关注的不是钱,看看那里的办事处“事件的肇事者来自韩国航空公司”,被介绍给他们的“大韩航空事件”我只是一个无凯塔解释NAA的我 551 TV seeing as for becoming the te air The bureau of everywhere to “Motohiro Korea aircraft incident execution offense” introduces the thing of the gold but Explaining the “Korean Airlines aircraft incident” securely there was no ru place it is
          • 生活不会出国可能不知道!大韩航空恐怖主义的受害者,被杀害的士兵,而不能说后悔没有家人和朋友告别在D gt Lifetime in foreign country Perhaps it does not come out probably will be As for the victim by the Korean Airlines terrorism without either greeting of the separation being possible degree of ni and the family and the friend You were killed among regrets

        • 753就职以来,民主党在神社和寺庙遍及全国各地,现实是我们神圣的树种踢坏...
          753 After the Democratic party administration starting, At the temple corporation temple of entire country, type of God wood rushingly has collapsed, the actuality… that…

          • “她(进一步)生活不会出国可能不知道!”你这样做,或者本身观光飞行是不可能的,但他们出生来我们与任何瓦特以半岛和 gt “She in the future lifetime in the foreign country Perhaps it does not come out probably will be ” Doing that much thing although itself having been able to have lived is not possible sightseeing flight or w Threaten go to the peninsula together and
            • “她(进一步)生活不会出国可能不知道!”这不知道兰花 “She in the future lifetime in the foreign country Perhaps it does not come out probably will be ” As for such a thing intellectual viewing
            • 她(进一步)生活不会出国可能不知道! “ As for her in the future lifetime in foreign country Perhaps it does not come out probably will be ” The type which is swindled typically in the woman
            • 她(进一步)生活不会出国可能不知道! “完全不可理解 As for her in the future lifetime in foreign country Perhaps it does not come out probably will be ” Completely understanding failure
            • 她(进一步)生活不会出国可能不知道! “类型的女人通常CON组 As for her in the future lifetime in foreign country Perhaps it does not come out probably will be ” The type which is swindled typically in the woman
            • 她(进一步)生活,在国外 不知道还是不出来! “ She in the future lifetime in the foreign country Perhaps gt it does not come out probably will be ”
            • 这些谁可以结束自己的生命再次线在国外的万马961 Idaro 961 Either one time without going into the foreign country the ro which as for the person who finishes lifetime is many and is

          • “菅直人隐藏的孩子”在搜索!你管媒体的报道没有视频
            “Tube Naoto It searches with the hiding child”! YOU TUBE animated picture The mass communications it does not report,

            • ヾ !布鲁诺ヽ升 美浓河 自民党是在早上救援和贸易交售给银行300000000万日元公帑 DREPT No l REPT gt River mino Investing the public fund of sum total 3 000 000 000 000 Yen to the morning silver trade silver relieving our people
              • ヾ !布鲁诺ヽ升 美浓河 自由民主不友好应邀作为嘉宾来自朝鲜官方 DREPT No l REPT gt River mino It is caused from North Korea as a national guest but our people

            • 一件事情,使他成为日本前红军官员证实此之前20年监禁
              This front penal servitude 20 year decided Something doing to also original Japanese Red Army staff

              • 中井根据这个家伙。警方,而另一个是“我照顾,没有更多,”我告诉您暂时包?鲍狂人会发现韩国,或一个女人的女主人,但大自然不会捉摸,即使只是急性 Under Nakai person Conjecturing the ro which divided and occasion “not using the air in me above this ” the tsu te it said Thing what of those men of the Korean hostess deviation although it is even with the simply sharp woman essence it does not detect it cannot boil and
                • 即使未来当选井日本人民大众的意见,赞成,我觉得你失去了那么多只是为了战胜 Public opinion If the Japanese citizen approves the next Nakai to be elected if opposition defeat Just that You think that it is elected simply

              • 中井洽的妻子,1997年(1997年)犯有抑郁症自杀,因为成为一种习惯后,法官的年龄,丈夫和父亲Zirou发挥井勲厌倦照顾 Nakai 洽 As for wife 1997 Year 1997 Nakai father Tokuzirou s nursing fatigue Play habit of the husband from now on Minister of Justice age with cause becomes the melancholia and has committed suicide
                • 中井洽的妻子,1997年(1997年)犯有抑郁症自杀,因为成为一种习惯后,法官的年龄,丈夫和父亲Zirou发挥井勲厌倦照顾 Nakai 洽 As for wife 1997 Year 1997 Nakai father Tokuzirou s nursing fatigue Play habit of the husband from now on Minister of Justice age with cause becomes the melancholia and has committed suicide

              • 中井说,传闻是不完全的女癖和地方邪恶,它似乎并不反映不 When Nakai woman habit is bad it was exclusively rumor even with local end but it seems that is not reflected yet
                • 中井说,传闻是不完全的女癖和地方邪恶,它似乎并不反映不 When Nakai woman habit is bad it was exclusively rumor even with local end but it seems that is not reflected yet

              • 中井,所有的分歧董事长他们认为有权在了解423
                423 You can understand the lunatic of Chairman Nakai Completely like the

                • 乘船游览东京,100多人被打死从酒店客房的帝国,我没有杀害无辜的人民在全国巡回演出,一晚一年我只帝国饭店 100 people or more is killed therefore the person who Tokyo sky tour Imperial Hotel Ltd lodging Am good I who less than 1 people am killed probably about the Japanese nationwide tour Imperial Hotel Ltd 1 annual Tomari
                  • 也没有大规模滥杀,这家伙,我几乎没有同情我,不是穷人,而是好 It is not the mass un discriminating homicide person goodness in poor we A little extent it has pitied as for it is dense

                • 什么是怎样的故事什么信息永田町,但不知道,“我认为关键是通过住房会员卡”是它的一些 But as for some circumstances obscurity “it seems that transfers the card key of the Assemblyman dormitory in the Nagatacho information” With there are also some which are said
                  • 什么是怎样的故事什么信息永田町,但不知道,“我认为关键是通过住房会员卡”是它的一些 But as for some circumstances obscurity “it seems that transfers the card key of the Assemblyman dormitory in the Nagatacho information” With there are also some which are said

                • 什么,但我似乎有一,韩国的在线个人护理,从或个人的考虑?但对于身边人对他的,迟钝的人那样的敌人,这样的行动,在公共服务的行为是不必要的,不适当的,精神,注意力是任何人在公共服务是的,我没有任何人照顾路线和公共事务 Something it seems that does private consideration but From Korea being considered privately So in order to take part who it seems that designates who as the enemy Such a behavior when doing the official business to be unnecessary inadequacy Those where consideration can be done in anyone are the official business Those where you do not consider in anyone are the official business

                  • 但是,我的意思是民主党人和妇女在什么,或者说她的民主党国会采取的钱,我不Kudarashi金方便,但仅仅几分钟口玺真的很酷啊邋遢的钱,她显得很引人注目我猜你是一个男人Bakkari削减他们将扭转邪恶辜?测试样的反向“肯定”我觉得这样沿着这条 But rather than Democratic party Assemblyman with something Rather than the gold and the democracy party decision woman who is attached to the woman It is the gold ku it seems saying the do always is dense the usual Being slovenly keenly in the woman and the gold With just mouth of obtaining obtaining suitable forcing Even when a little become inconvenient it probably is person mule tsu temporary what which is cut off conversely The kind of air which is “joining test” doing in the sense of opposite viewing
                    • 433民主党人或者说,没有钱的女人了,我真粗心到左派积极分子的一般共同特点 433 Rather than Democratic party Assemblyman Keenly is in the gold and the woman it seems saying as for Don t you think with the feature which is in common to all the sayoku go getter

                  • 何克民主゙返回日本它是致命的大规模杀人足够的钱在伟大领袖谁,会有很大的招待我们怎样利用这个星期五 The money using in this mass murder offense if the extent which it entertains The gold doing in the General about one person return home to Japan ho ゙ democracy
                    • 何克民主゙返回日本它是致命的杀手星期五足够的钱在伟大领袖谁,会有很大的招待我用你的 The money using in murderer if the extent which it entertains The gold doing in the General about one person return home to Japan ho ゙ democracy

                  • 你将蛤蜊这就是为什么我不去谴责在国外它瓦特金这是什么?我担任主席,公众安全官员说,这
                    Now is good becoming the intention of doing, as for [ru] or the clam w As for the reason where the money original condemned criminal cannot appear in the foreign country what? This may be the formality speech of public peace chairman

                    • 公众安全是直升机顶风景区也将作为一个滔天谴责火松本千鹤夫,或在他们所有。千叶,日本,大绵司法部长
                      The Matsumoto Satoshi Tsu husband or the brutal condemned criminal among those the helicopter in order to make go sightseeing, becomes this public peace top Anyhow the flame. Chiba Minister of Justice Japanese [owata

                      • 六六五天认为,由于民主党绝对少数,它暴露了党的民主太无能,投降的民主党人仍想我在这里及“继续支持本国人民民主党“目的的公司组织民主党组建新政府,”他们唯一的,否则我也不会觉得什么的思想,和 665 You think recently but it is the Democratic party supporters Disabled of remainder of the Democratic party having been divulged reaching here Yet when you want to entrust the Democratic party the empty” tsu te people The Democratic party as for it continues supporting As for purpose of the party “starting the Democratic party administration” just being You did not think the thing other than that in what whether it is it probably will not be that
                        • 535相反,“政府要交出这些人”,我不是什么人都支持民主党 535 Speaking conversely “when you want to entrust government to such people the empty” tsu te people The Democratic party it has supported whether it is not that

                      • 内奥米659人将要进口大量外国乞丐被视为公然叛国,如果我砖的净傻瓜
                        659 [o] The citizen is to be swindled If the net you see, treason is plain The beggar foreigner it has imported in large quantities and

                        • 冲沸水滚Warota被学校瓦特韩国示威自由
                          The Korean school gratuitous conversion demonstration [ri] [warota] w which [chiyon] boils and sows

                          • 卖国完全好了,今年因为去年内阁明星132瓦特 132 Therefore last year and this year properly the treason all star Cabinet w which is all right
                            • 总之,前内阁部长驱动tTA东西品种到目前为止我不端庄 In any case at the successive Cabinet unshapely minister of state has not been even to here

                          • 可怜的世界各地的死刑。我有一个所有旅游礼品
                            Pitiful capital punishment in the world. Unless sightseeing tour must present to everyone

                            • 同样可以低收入和无期徒刑的囚犯,并谴责鹦鹉?我从来没有出国可能踢他们或听到任何关于受害者的资料? The same thing to also the income earner it makes the condemned criminal and the indefinite penal servitude prisoner of oumu low Perhaps you can inquire about a some information concerning the victim and It cannot go to lifetime foreign country it is
                              • 中井娜这不是囚犯的生活甚至在同一口袋低收入监禁,甚至死刑 The condemned criminal and the indefinite penal servitude prisoner it is low the same thing margin to also the income earner With our stomach of Nakai
                              • 阿东京法庭法官做了一个让他们乘坐直升机向我们说话,而我排在等待死亡,因为日本的失败秩序部长的非法遗弃的办公室 With consequence of the illegal duty abandonment of defeat minister of state in Japan order even in the condemned criminals who have been done to wait Tokyo making tour by the helicopter among those if it is not it stops being able to go

                            • 国家公安委员会主席井玛达道歉-民主党人将保护你的亲人?
                              Apology [mada] of national public peace Chairman Nakai - In addition as for the Democratic party flesh fell is protected?

                              • 大多数日本人民都迫切嘈杂中井井Kusonetouyo的勇敢的决定,支持中井先生支持我作为一个日本人的善意
                                Nakai prompt decision is supported as one person of the Japanese citizen [kusonetouyo] has made a noise desperately, but most Japanese citizens have supported Nakai good intention

                                • 她不能去,对不对?悟任国外生活?世界各地的谴责和无期徒刑。我都是一样的条件 She knows is whether lifetime foreign country it cannot go the ro which is Hungary entering in that North Korean passport You leave in the false Japanese passport It reached to blast terrorism but it is As for Nakai intellectual viewing Hungary of that time is the rage red sandal wood
                                  • 她不能去,对不对?悟任国外生活?世界各地的谴责和无期徒刑。我都是一样的条件 She knows is whether lifetime foreign country it cannot go the ro which is Hungary entering in that North Korean passport You leave in the false Japanese passport It reached to blast terrorism but it is As for Nakai intellectual viewing Hungary of that time is the rage red sandal wood
                                  • 真的,它是否已就很难讲,如果我是出了死刑,但实际上沙巴 Truth although it is capital punishment on the contrary appeared in shiyaba therefore it is the ro which is grateful story just that

                                • 她离开了假护照进入日本的生活与匈牙利护照,朝鲜不能出国朱达罗悟任,我中井及知识爆炸的兰花? Hungary m在愤怒的时候, She knows is whether lifetime foreign country it cannot go the ro which is Hungary entering in that North Korean passport You leave in the false Japanese passport It reached to blast terrorism but it is As for Nakai intellectual viewing Hungary of that time is the rage red sandal wood
                                  • 我发言,死亡1 100年,即使教育是由于轰炸北朝鲜?的家庭,也参观Tehen年道歉?滑稽吧,我们喜欢或贵宾来日本旅游的黄金治疗吧下摆使用与 Saying that bombing incident is consequence of the North Korean education Don t you think being hundred human units it has died it is with Interviewing in that bereaved family and apologizing don t you think the side it is with It is strange and the ro it comes to sight seeing in Japan when When the gold you use with VIP treatment vis a vis that it can be the side and the ro

                                • 她(进一步)生活不会出国可能不知道! “嗯,如果没有邀请我到下一个昂山素季缅甸!当民主党和实现WWW的中井,也许想要一个受欢迎一点关于 She probably will be perhaps in the future lifetime it does not appear in the foreign country ” Even if if is the next invites miss sun sou Kyi Myanmar Aung The Democratic party Nakai www When it actualizes whether just a little extent support ratio it rises don t you think

                                  • 如果大家想回日本淀川去,或让别人进入国家这么穷?我做这些事情他比间谍可爱纹金Betara When the do number member has wished to return to Japan therefore pitiful entering The fact that they did is when you compare to the gold original operative lovely the potato is
                                    • 326政府和媒体都大汗,“进步在解决这个”邪恶的绑架问题和对自己说话,但我感觉像上诉 326 Both the government media haphazardly “with this in the kidnapping problem solving advance” Feeling it is bad to appeal
                                    • 他们把他们的分歧,可能不返回的被绑架者的家庭生活,但我不知道代理人的含义好客, Leaving the kidnapping victims perhaps it cannot return to lifetime native country The meaning of welcoming the original operative is from the wa
                                    • 韩国,与每个人被绑架,但10万日元早生金铉会议Kakaran Accompanied the kidnapping family by everyone Korea making kimu hiyonhi meet as for 10 000 000 Yen the empty it is

                                  • 威皮的Burgers人类理解,但没有切腹自杀,但反弹的作用Orimage更加体面的元首名片
                                    Card time of more honest head however the [ma] [ge] [te] it repelled, the coward public official who does not commit hara-kiri knowing, however the [ru

                                    • 它还具有特殊的代理商,质量凶手为什么吃饭的家庭早生感谢大家谁绑架了笑容?曾经喜欢什么你想成为一个母亲 With what mass murder offense the rice has fed original operative that smilingly in the family of the kidnapping victim When we would like becoming the mother the tsu ke which once is

                                      • 尼科你离开现场演示启动“8203部队在朝鲜&#;游行附件一世纪”,以抗议特别帐户的新宿站在
                                        [niko] raw it starts Left flank demonstration “Korean forcing & #8203; Protest activity in Shinjuku to of merger 100 year parade” by Resident in special meeting

                                        • 悟任朱达罗生活不能出国!那又如何?中井就是我想说的?要解除税款以及他们如何使用呢? Know it is whether lifetime foreign country it cannot go the ro which is Therefore what Something would like to call Nakai Method of using such gold doing tax we would like to mark up

                                          • 我想我会用同样的手动623?Rupizu和蛤蜊瓦特 623 The same manual using the ru it is it isn t rupizu and clam w

                                            • 我有瘸腿的死刑鱿鱼要求加藤智弘前,如果没有它的中井瓦特服务
                                              You ask largely even before the Kato Satoshi capital punishment, being able to serve, Nakai w So, if it is not, die

                                              • 我认为,在闽Louppy家伙?这是什么东西太大西西的土豆品种分类,我一直渴望一个独裁者我手流隆众议员敏 The person who is not rupi with minsu being w Also the matching keeps too much being even w Yearning to the minsu Assemblyman tsu te dictator there is a ru paragraph

                                                • 我说这是适当的,让母亲的角色金正日称为Bitsuketeo你是不是一个娱乐奴隶没有真的太可怕的是勇气与踢谈家庭团聚 Not to entertain either the te will not be a slave and being accustomed to calling kimu being able to let do mother part Meaning suitable thing as for but the story whose also it is terrible to be able to point to the fact that courage you attach family meeting
                                                  • 这是一个耻辱,但也与勇气踢了一次会议,说,我的家人会做适当的作用打电话对金正日的母亲Bitsuketeo你不是奴隶没有娱乐 Not to entertain either the te will not be a slave and being accustomed to calling kimu being able to let do mother part Meaning suitable thing as for but the story whose also it is terrible to be able to point to the fact that courage you attach family meeting

                                                • 战败国日本执政党应支付赔偿,即使它会削减预算的福利友好韩国和教育作为最优先的日本人民,我没有什么赔偿,为什么韩国宣布加税3%的销售税和韩国的友好道歉我先ü韩国从一开始就可能会认为你在这里,对韩国提出了赔偿的共和国
                                                  Defeated country Japan why The indemnity is not paid to Republic of Korea, it is probably will be? As a Korea Hitomo good most priority Welfare and education of the Japanese citizen Even with shaving budget, it should pay the indemnity The ruling party has published tax increase and Korea Hitomo because good You think that 3% in the future of consumer tax permanently it is possible to present as the indemnity in Republic of Korea, First it will begin from apology to Republic of Korea

                                                  • 新的信息获取超过070 00亿税 ヽ ° ¯ ¯ ° °并对其内容· · ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° ¯ ¯ ° 这是我 ヽ 大爱 ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ° Tax 700 000 000 Yen spending the new information which can REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ As for the contents… ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Don t you think It is dense REPT Large Good Coming ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                    • Waruiki糯米饭交流ーーーWaruiki不来! !傅〃⌒Uoeppu 住宅ΟΟ卢武铉 ) The coming having wa ru it goes and has and the wa ru goes and has and wa ru is u o e tsu pu ⌒ REPT hu r no Ο Ο

                                                  • 显然,甚至不能站立了日本人民的待遇可能会受到影响,如果我在早上参加战争
                                                    If it supports to war it is, treatment of main citizen of resident in Asahi perhaps you suffer first, clearly margin

                                                    • 柏青哥赌博利益,敌视外国人提供了一次比赛,我是颜射委员长,全国公安恐怖分子杀死谁假装不承认这一事实,他们邀请了日益恶化的社会保障万维网
                                                      The fact which gives pachinko gambling right to enemy character imported race, causes social public order deterioration The [ze] www which the [bu] [tsu] probably will kill terrorist national public peace chairman who does [huri] which you cannot recognize

                                                      • 民主党人,3000万日元的预算隼(但可能会重新考虑反对以接受公众)谴责金正日是一个有趣的结果作为资料很少,约100亿日元和其他领先的安保费用我喜欢这项检讨我的世界一流的日本技术不能超过墙几乎没有行源死亡的信息?金正日谴责了日本的观点,即民主党人说是一个伟大的成功!
                                                        It depends on the Democratic party, it is quick the [bu], budget 30,000,000 Yen (however, receiving rally of public opinion, there to be possibility of taking a second look) Hospitality and patrol expense etc of the gold original condemned criminal who result almost does not have information Approximately 100,000,000 Yen Powerful information almost the nil original condemned criminal The wall which does not exceed The technical power which you are proud in the Japanese world It is such appraisal, don't you think?? As for visit to Japan of the gold original condemned criminal that it is great success, as for the opinion of Democratic party Assemblyman who is said?

                                                        • 民主党全国公安委员会首席洽井,一井在街上吻和街道及安全洽吻女主人女主人在银座,国家公共东京,民主党主席(67)是拍摄照片的媒体!永田町是一个很大的噪音和国会 洽 national public peace Chairman hostess Nakai of the Democratic party and road surface kiss Tokyo Ginza hostess and kiss with road surface 洽 national public peace Chairman Nakai of the Democratic party 67 The photograph was taken in the media With Nagatacho has been agitated
                                                          • 举例来说,但我觉得奖励,甚至情绪,这是无法理解Flightseeing If you think that it is the reward but not be able to understand either this sightseeing flight feelings it is not
                                                          • 公众安全委员会主席,以提供直升机游览的恐怖分子,超过150人死亡 Public peace chairman who prepares the sightseeing helicopter in the terrorist who kills the person 150 or more
                                                          • 民主党全国公安委员会首席洽井,一井在街上吻和街道及安全洽吻女主人女主人在银座,国家公共东京,民主党主席(67)是拍摄照片的媒体!永田町是一个很大的噪音和国会 洽 national public peace Chairman hostess Nakai of the Democratic party and road surface kiss Tokyo Ginza hostess and kiss with road surface 洽 national public peace Chairman Nakai of the Democratic party 67 The photograph was taken in the media With Nagatacho has been agitated

                                                        • 民主党部长,前总理有过系统的我的妻子是一个好女孩韩国,现任总理是非法的,前总书记的秘书,从一些国家公安委员会委员长相继在Tekisou
                                                          Don't you think? as for the Cabinet minister of the Democratic party, the Korean woman is favorite what The wife of front prime minister and that system, present prime minister and mistress, front Secretary General private secretary, present national public peace chairman Something, coming out in great numbers, you rival

                                                          • 永田先生裕子先生和Sakaguti浩日本赤军,直升机是谁在死囚牢我开始奥姆真理教信徒松本千鹤夫先生,因为它们将通过奖励旅游,因为是不可能被身穿日本乡村生活不再戴加藤聪这最好不是( ·ω·`)
                                                            Youko Hiro Japanese Red Army Sakaguchi and Nagata and Matsumoto Satoshi Tsu husband of [oumu] truth teaching Beginning capital punishment the one which is decided, Kato Satoshi large lifetime homeland Japanese probably will be rubbed form seeing [re] so Because it is not, if making go sightseeing by the helicopter, although it is good, (the ' Ω `)

                                                            • 江东无因达是什么,我可以出国旅行,让我在直升机平方?你可以去东京的口袋 We there is no with overseas travel no oak callous but it is it doesn t place in the helicopter To Tokyo it is good even with our stomach
                                                              • 我也同意一个福利,因为生活不能出国,出境旅游费用请 1 Because welfare it cannot go into lifetime foreign country we which has been received overseas travel cost

                                                            • 河野井分钟,他说,他们采取法律以外的措施多少,我不容许司法部长
                                                              Assuming that supralegal measure can be taken with the permission of a lot of Minister of Justice, The [wa] which is not this Nakai opinion

                                                              • 玄熙金在最初谴责什么间谍,但前者,而不是目前或不
                                                                However it is the Kin Ken princess [tsu] [te] original condemned criminal Without being the origin as a operative and there is no [te] reality?

                                                                • 被要求留在政府资助的税收日本内阁官房长官战国义人23,在接受采访时说,“我们不知道所有的”,并给予
                                                                  About the state expenditure = tax which is required for visit to Japan stay, As for secretariat Director 仙 valley Yosito “you do not know completely”, that you have expressed in interview of 23 days

                                                                  • 这不是793,整洁外,她的两名工人睡不好觉最近这么好〜〜当然只是假装动物的手,我会看到,也许是同样的工作在,我们把他们当作意见,说事情赎回只是不喜欢机器人 793 It is wasteful Don t you think neat anyhow worker 2 therefore and others the mere domestic animal Because sure of that hand does huri which is not seen don t you think even at the much work place the same The fact that it was said without giving an advise just is handled like the robot
                                                                    • 这不是773,整洁之余,她睡不好觉,因为最近两名工人和牲畜,只是〜〜相信我会假装,也许种在寻找工作的同时,我们把他们当作意见,说事情赎回只是不喜欢机器人 773 It is wasteful Don t you think neat anyhow worker 2 therefore and others the mere domestic animal Because sure of that hand does huri which is not seen don t you think even at the much work place the same The fact that it was said without giving an advise just is handled like the robot

                                                                  • 这个人,你是对儿童色情物品管制修订的倡导者?我认为,最好是在许多方面迅速驳回
                                                                    This person, it does with propulsion group something of child pornographic regulation deterioration methods, the [yo]? That you think whether the person who dismisses quickly in various senses may

                                                                    • 这可以理解为娱乐啊好我谴责四百五十七瓦特
                                                                      457 Not be able to understand the condemned criminal in hospitality, it is not, when is, w Whether fool

                                                                      • 金本身,是不是我觉得并非如此好客的梦)我常来眄中井,因为我绝对相信这个要求,而且我觉得这家伙用 Either kimu it was not thought so much even to itself it is welcomed dream it is it is not Nakai thinking amorous glance the empty you use it is dense utilizing the tsu te you think that this and it is the request red sandal wood it is
                                                                        • 中井不错!代表说,感谢你们日本 1 Nakai you did well Representing the Japanese it is gratitude
                                                                        • 中井国家公安委员会主任,“如果你可以(),我们想看看!”完美的空白 National public peace Chairman Nakai “It is possible if When you want showing ” Complete the blank
                                                                        • 任何人的言论中井面战国千叶菅鸠山石川横峰枝野舆石小泽,而我运行了狗屎 Branch field side 峯 sedan chair stone Ozawa Ishikawa 菅 Hatoyama Chiba Sengoku Nakai Although everyone is to stop the empty kuso accumulates the shank
                                                                        • 金本身,是不是我觉得不是那么好客梦想?我常来眄中井,因为我绝对相信这个要求,而且我觉得这家伙用 Either kimu it was not thought so much even to itself it is welcomed dream it is it is not Nakai thinking amorous glance the empty you use it is dense utilizing the tsu te you think that this and it is the request red sandal wood it is

                                                                      • 金铉是韩国代理商所说,由于沉重的资本超过埃塔最新犯罪
                                                                        The crime which gives the up-to-date information of the capital city sky to [kimu] [hiyonhi] which already is the Korean operative, is heavy

                                                                        • 阿忽视部长民主可怕的公共事务部人员远离利于外长谴责在服刑,而不是行失去了死刑...
                                                                          Defeat minister of state who does not execute punishment vis-a-vis the condemned criminal The foreign original condemned criminal the favorable treatment stripe the minister of state who comes General national negligence The minister of state talent of democracy it is fearful…

                                                                          • ,“二第二密密密密咪咪咪咪彡巛 ,美Mimimimimi彡。 Mimimimi 33 ,咪咪巛“”“llll 咪咪美”密密彡彡彡“宓巛米”llli ⌒ 彡 闽囊被视为一个国家Zakoterorisuto lt lt II mimimimi II 巛 mimi 彡 mimi 彡 mimimimimimi 33 mimimimi 巛 mimi lt lt lt lt lt lt llll mimimi lt lt 彡 彡 彡 mimi gt gt mi 巛 mi lt lt llli ⌒ ゙ ゙ DREPT three gt gt 巛 彡 mi mi 巛 ll no ─ mi gt gt gt gt gt gt mimi DREPT DREPT mi i HKDRT gt gt gt gt gt gt 彡 mi 彡 One DREPT i mi mimi 彡 River mimi 彡 彡 No HKRPT ¯ l HKDRT three 彡 l i REPT r l 6 chisels mi HKRPT REPT REPT 彡 Handling zakoterorisuto as the national guest is minsu
                                                                            • 你为什么不邀请作为缔约国,即使基地组织呢?嘿,我认为在一个民主的欢迎 When you invite arukaida one line as the national guest how is There is no large welcome something democratically it can combine
                                                                            • ,“二第二密密密密咪咪咪咪彡巛 ,美Mimimimimi彡。 Mimimimi 33 ,咪咪巛“”“llll 咪咪美”密密彡彡彡“宓巛米”llli ⌒ 彡 闽囊被视为一个国家Zakoterorisuto lt lt II mimimimi II 巛 mimi 彡 mimi 彡 mimimimimimi 33 mimimimi 巛 mimi lt lt lt lt lt lt llll mimimi lt lt 彡 彡 彡 mimi gt gt mi 巛 mi lt lt llli ⌒ ゙ ゙ DREPT three gt gt 巛 彡 mi mi 巛 ll no ─ mi gt gt gt gt gt gt mimi DREPT DREPT mi i HKDRT gt gt gt gt gt gt 彡 mi 彡 One DREPT i mi mimi 彡 River mimi 彡 彡 No HKRPT ¯ l HKDRT three 彡 l i REPT r l 6 chisels mi HKRPT REPT REPT 彡 Handling zakoterorisuto as the national guest is minsu

                                                                          • ,女,, , · · ヾ民主活动家的韩国人在日本的亲。 ヽ 布鲁诺 释放,是独自在家 he y ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT REPT lt Resident Korean of democracy movement house DREPT REPT No 92 It released and returned home just

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