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  • -铃木宗男涉嫌批评辞职的前总理秘书小泽一郎即使没有鸠山由纪夫的收费是信念,书记,众议院外交事务委员会主席在贿赂犯罪中的21个试验
    As for Muneo Suzuki whom it is critical at one time with bribe crime even in 12 making clear guilt House of Representatives foreign-affairs chairman Yukio's Hatoyama private secretary becoming in prosecution conviction, prime minister resignation it does not do, Ichiro's Ozawa private secretary arrests

    • 0%的支持率不愉快的一面,如果可能的Niyake尽可能选择一,将最优惠山冈肯齐
      If support ratio 0% Prime Minister Osamu Ken Yamaoka one 択 If that unpleasant [niyake] aspect it can be made possibility

      • 20铃木,收购后的夏雄山口)指出Bikaketaga称为代表反对党联盟在众议院议员的反对,总统的其他7个政党,“自由民主党一起思考”(新公明党
        Suzuki on the 20th, called the Upper House President post acquisition with opposition party joint struggle in the opposition party 7 party, but From the other party “the Liberal Democratic Party collecting thought,” (Yamaguchi 那 Tsu man Komeito representation) with it was pointed out

        • 392首先,民主党不解决目前的争端中,中右联盟不希望任何人,我从来没有一ー瓦特我还是我讲民主党在任何人,我不知道状态扬 392 First unless infighting inside the Democratic party is controlled the ro w which no one wishes to unite alliance how is Whether who inside the Democratic party and story should have been done a state where estimate is not attached entirely it is
          • 激烈的党内冲突的发挥,如“未来情景”已经上之快 In the infighting play of the Democratic party which it intensifies gradually the “following scenario” was visible

        • 543将与逻辑,如果分位的天平在向众议院投票的,但多数民主党人采取的缺席是好的吗?
          543 When it goes with the logic, when member of the house of representatives is distributed in poll ratio, the Democratic party majority taking, however it does not stay, is good?

          • NULL NULL
            • 四郎森半泥的公务员薪酬公务员公务员制度改革。新宿阿尔塔在处决之前坏人四郎公众公开处决,你也生活在战国中井好粮食早生肉类和滚装塔摩利 Salary of government employee reduction by half margin Government employee reformation was crushed 仙 Bad guy Before Shinjuku aruta in release execution margin As for release execution also in calling doing the real condition Can feed the meat of the 仙 valley in tamori and Nakai

          • _NULL_
            In secretariat secret expense problem overtaking, there is a heart even from existing media side, “the reinforcements” appear! [Takashi weekly Uesugi] (diamond online) Junichi Long wife minister of state - saying Tokyo University method soldier/finishing woman Bureau Chief who is not heard reshuffle - (the gene die/consideration diary) largest many maximum happiness whether you do it is not, The “weekly Osaka daily newspaper” does not stop - “The secretariat secret expense problem” up-to-date article - (the dark night you think and - you think of Japan which is collapsing, -) Junichi Now the or inquest of prosecution meeting which is good (the Egawa introduction child journal) [pu] of the bear Trying to disturb a lot of “Ozawa revival”, already wasteful… investigations and examination meetings, the mass communications “it is suspicious”, under broad daylight… viper mountain villa diary line cloud flowing waters Me “the liar” Hisashi Miyake who is called you ask again 之

            • ¯ ::: 石! ::: ::: ⌒ ::: : ::: ::: ::布鲁诺“ :: ::: ::: ::: :::。哦。 ::: ヾ。 “ ::: ::: 。 ¯ 2 ::: ::: : °::: ::: ¯ 92 Stone ⌒ 92 92 No lt lt 92 92 92 lt lt REPT REPT 92 92 ゙ ゙ HKRPT ┃ No ¯ 92 92 ⌒ 92 he 92 92 hi ゙ shitsu y v ⌒ 92 92 REPT lt lt 92 92 HKRPT DREPT lt lt 92 92 92 92 ¯ two 92 92 92 92 92 ¯ 92
              • ¯ 2 92 ¯ two 92 REPT ⌒ ⌒ and l REPT 92 gt 92
              • ¯ 2 92 ¯ two 92 REPT ⌒ ⌒ and l REPT 92 gt 92
              • ヽ⌒升 0 0)(升容积 u003d ν u003d )()((非氨基)(唐彡沃德)穿上))及及 ⌒ REPT l 0 0 l volume v 彡 mino Fault Momme OTO Momme And And

            • · , · j : y REPT No REPT DREPT l 92 ¯ two 92 92 92 REPT 92 i j 92
              • 这个秘密洞← ,惠 · , · j lt Here secret hole he y REPT No REPT DREPT 92 ¯ two 92 92 92 REPT 92 i j 92

            • Ŧ u003d√2π升/ g的45分钟发言数从周期要求
              T = 2π √ l/g From it calculates period and 45 minute [bu] it is counts

              • ∵ ζ ∵ Ζ
                • 小泽∩。 ζ ∩ Ozawa ⊂ and ⌒ REPT THEFR ∵ ⊂ A DREPT ∵ ∨ ∨ THEFR ha x ha REPT ─ II ─ mi REPT THEFR ∵ Ζ

              • ⌒我布鲁诺 (⌒)用户界面, ー投入 输入 ( 人 :::ヽ 。 ┬ ⌒ i No ⌒ REPT No Γ ⌒ 92 No and 92 No ⌒ 92 92 i no REPT u i … ku eeyuyu HKRPT i ⌒ ⌒ u i entrance Entrance human REPT 92 92 92 ┬
                • Fヽ 布鲁诺ヽヽ he REPT No REPT REPT
                • Fヽ 布鲁诺ヽヽ :: NULL
                • Fヽ :布鲁诺ヽヽ he REPT No REPT REPT
                • Fヽ :布鲁诺ヽヽ he REPT No REPT REPT
                • , ヽ 别怀疑吸收 。)( 。 。 (⌒)用户界面, ー投入 输入 ( 人 :::ヽ 。 ┬ 92 REPT The being disgusted ya scale it is 92 ⌒ i No ⌒ REPT No Γ ⌒ 92 No and 92 No ⌒ 92 92 i no REPT u i … ku eeyuyu HKRPT i ⌒ ⌒ u i entrance Entrance human REPT 92 92 92 ┬

              • ー ヽ,,,, (,, ,。)ヽ。 我的意思我敢说人 Korea he y REPT REPT Try being the human in my sense
                • ,女 · , · u003d 是双重侮辱人 he The human is insulted in double sense
                • ,惠 , , · · ー ヽ,,,, (,, ,。)ヽ。 我不敢说我的名字 he y REPT REPT Try being my name

              • 一个预测』[资金战役秘密的事情诚实直视!备注在政治评论家三宅久之骗子。反驳视频发布(逐日记)码号17805
                'The one' phenomenon of prediction sees gently straightly, the [re] [ru] person Secret expense battle! In lie being attached speech of psephologist Miyake Hisashi 之 on. Refutation animated picture release (solar optical generation of electricity diary) cord/code number 17805

                • 人,为在选举公报梁经济转型的理由,而他们接近我打解散
                  When was, the restoration of sound government finance which put out with House of Councillors selection while being close to righteousness obligations, it attacks in dispersion

                  • 什么是你真的崇拜,它是关于对小泽和辻青木松树茹胆量,你才会觉得ü甚至民主党人出来他们最终275 275 You think that the Democratic party it does not come out with even accompanying and others The ro which is not the guts which appears and is About Matuki and Tsuji and Aoki kana You have been fascinated riding in bottom of the heart Ozawa

                    • 什么是您或其他人从以前的民主党现在谁就会20年Tteta分区,是的自民党767 767 The Liberal Democratic Party has divided before the sled ya 20 year the person the current Democratic party dividing therefore the ru it is natural
                      • 我只包括作者可以使民主党发言脓液自民党的确是小泽 As expected Ozawa There is a thing just of the source who brought the Liberal Democratic Party pus to the Democratic party

                    • 什么是连踢小泽欢呼民主党人继续支持民主党主席听到怪异?我可以继续向公司和大公司组成联合政府,是一个人权自民党的象征,但他们是民主党人的人没有一个左派意识 We would like to hear in the Democratic party cheer group Representation of the Democratic party becoming in Ozawa support it is to continue It is the symbolize human of the Liberal Democratic Party right politics and large alliance was planned However it is the human who in the future is not unable to plan the Democratic party left wing feeling does not have
                      • 与谢野馨,我已经坚持了近一个大联盟,小泽一郎,一个联盟是不可能的小泽 Yosano being close to Ozawa insists large alliance but Assuming that Dalian it stands Ozawa it is unreasonable

                    • 你不得不期待小泽的领导,如果他们的领导,他们应该不会那么好 There is also a seriousness which expects guidance power to Ozawa but If only guidance power it is it does not mean to be good being that

                      • 克林顿总统说指的是罗斯福税“收入丰富。超群。税制改革,加强能力缴税,”巨大成功的价格再次巩固财政和结构性改革,以加强经济增长和高股价,开展国际竞争力元支付给
                        As for American President Clinton Roosevelt tax system in reference “wealthy layer income. Implication. Tax increase To carry out the tax reform of ability burden strengthening and” re-to strengthen international competitiveness stocks high and economic growth Great success was stored to structural reconstruction of restoration of sound government finance

                        • 全球化警告日本关于在俄罗斯和俄罗斯伟大的热浪结束

                          • 前外交大臣中曾根弘文在众议院议员的声音总统2004年的人力资源(64),亲伊吹,即使是一,粉碎估计Oogi Tikage元交通部长中曾根康弘和同步青木先生
                            2004 The case where there is a voice of foreign minister (64) = Ibuki group = before Nakasone Hirohumi with Upper House President personal affairs, Nakasone With Aoki of same period recommending fan thousand scene original national traffic phase, it crushed

                            • 北斗不肯,没有主题,融合45分钟零七分钟分钟× 3 u003d 15 × 4 u003d,我的主要措施是28分钟13分钟的区别 There is no topic of the fist of the great bear the te With fuse 45 minute × 3 15 minutes 7 minute × 4 28 minutes Those where as many as 13 minutes you measure in difference becoming main don t you think the ru
                              • 5 × 3 u003d 07分钟车程,是测量15 × 4 u003d 13分钟28分钟的差异 NULL

                            • 后有人说,物质是揉好,我说这几乎是不可能说什么状况评估 After that the material and the like saying as for having persisted it is possible to say that it is the person who cannot do appreciation of the situation

                              • 国家公安委员会主任外相田中真纪子... 537 ...铃木宗男Warota
                                537 Makiko… Tanaka Minister of Foreign Affairs Muneo… Suzuki national public peace chairman [warota

                                • 在党的总部从排斥,其余成员再次发言,说的不是赢得与排减单位的数量
                                  After being rejected from the party headquarters, as for the Assemblyman who again can remain undefeated only the extent which counts it is

                                  • 在此之后,罗斯福的最高税率63 - 92%的成功巩固财政和股票价格也上涨了收入再分配的超级大国
                                    After that, Roosevelt income reallocates to the highest tariff 63 - 92% and becomes the superpower stocks Value and it rose substantially and restoration of sound government finance succeeded

                                    • 埃克新自由主义小泉Hazime时间的魔力,你知道新自由主义也是副农村氖瓦特
                                      As for new principle of freedom magic of Koizumi one time Don't you think? [te] or countryside representative new principle of freedom - the [ro] w which is

                                      • 大会开幕的全国就很难让他们成为反对党主席,政府将完全尸体“(高级自民党),如果国会甚至不会开放不仅要维持政权甚至没有挣扎 When the chairman becomes the opposition party also opening and closing the National Diet stops becoming way administration dies completely and becomes the body” the Liberal Democratic Party staff Unless either the National Diet opens honestly if it becomes as for administration maintenance how struggling it is impossible
                                        • 鸠山政府和反对党,尤其是什么没有,然后去自己的崩溃 NULL

                                      • 如果保险丝是SCA我瓦特 乙甲乙 保险丝火同时从甲阿乙 保险丝只发生火灾,造成燃烧ç用尽基鲁三维S从两端点燃唯一的区别是时间和燃料长度埃塔会指出,无论长度比左边的数相同,而B是正确的时间 乙的燃料燃烧的峨峨小时的时间 The fuse made the suka tsu w The fuse which applies fire from the both A � B A � B A � B Just the left side the fuse which applies the fire C � D Applying the fire from the both ends that the position which blazes probably is the � that it probably is the � that it probably is the � the length which burnt is same just is different time When length the left A and the right are designated as B from the number The time when A burns The time when B burns 1 hours the fuse which blazes in 1 hours The time when A burns The time when B burns The time when A burns The time when A burns 1 hours The time when A burns The time when A burns 2 1 hours 2 30 minutes The speed where the fuse burns there is no relationship depending upon the place being different Applies the fire from the head the fuse which burns the time when 30 minutes C burns the time when 30 minutes Applying fire to remainder D from the both 15 minutes 40 So you correctly interpret
                                        • 如果保险丝是SCA我瓦特 乙甲乙 保险丝火同时从甲阿乙 保险丝只发生火灾,造成燃烧ç用尽基鲁三维S从两端点燃唯一的区别是时间和燃料长度埃塔会指出,无论长度比左边的数相同,而B是正确的时间 乙的燃料燃烧的峨峨小时的时间 The fuse made the suka tsu w The fuse which applies fire from the both A � B A � B A � B Just the left side the fuse which applies the fire C � D Applying the fire from the both ends that the position which blazes probably is the � that it probably is the � that it probably is the � the length which burnt is same just is different time When length the left A and the right are designated as B from the number The time when A burns The time when B burns 1 hours the fuse which blazes in 1 hours The time when A burns The time when B burns The time when A burns The time when A burns 1 hours The time when A burns The time when A burns 2 1 hours 2 30 minutes The speed where the fuse burns there is no relationship depending upon the place being different Applies the fire from the head the fuse which burns the time when 30 minutes C burns the time when 30 minutes Applying fire to remainder D from the both 15 minutes 40 So you correctly interpret

                                      • 如果小泽一郎的首相,我将看到这个梦想内阁?小泽一郎,内阁官房长官,首相... ... ...秘书长青木惠山冈肯齐...财政部长外长田中真纪子在财务主管... ...缑氏细野国防部长司法题跋惠子龟井静香... ... ...弘部长,劳动和福利部长福岛瑞穗Haraguti ...艺术部长外交大臣田中康夫Hukuda Eriko ... ... ...首席部长段舆石东国家公安委员会在团队负责铃木宗男墙出生率海江田... ... ...菱谷田中惠美子运动
                                        If becomes Prime Minister Ozawa, such a dream Cabinet sees, the [re] [ru]! Ichiro… Ozawa Prime Minister Secretariat director… Aoki love Kenji… Yamaoka Secretary General Makiko… Tanaka Minister of Foreign Affairs Your financial affairs minister of state… Hosono [u] it does, Financial charge… Kamei quiet Keiko… Chiba Minister of Justice Defensive minister of state… Fukushima Mizuho … Blastopore Hiroshi general affairs minister of state one Eriko… Fukuda thick labor minister of state Yasuo… Tanaka diplomatic relations minister of state Literature course minister of state… sedan chair stone east Multipara minister of state… Kaieda Wan Li Muneo… Suzuki national public peace chairman Emiko little child conversion charge… Tanaka Sport charge… valley Riyouko

                                        • 它倒下,美国有756漂亮完成之前,该国20世纪10年代末期以来的最高税率为50 %1925年 75,25分钟的热潮沸腾了前所未有的再分配收入%强的支付能力応能为阴性。结果弱削减税收,已进入1929年出生的美国总统胡佛成功地进入了大萧条的股市崩溃发生 NULL
                                          • 反向分区。布什与里根减税会导致税收减少的收入再分配,收入不采取利用,消费低增长的国际竞争力的高停滞不前的倾向在减弱 Conversely implication With Reagan tax system and the bush tax system which it eases decrease of income reallocation function Not be able to utilize the vegetation of high propensity to consume of invitation and concave income earner layer as for international competitiveness stagnation It weakened

                                        • 小政府○:○大政府自民党→每个人的美日安全部队保持最低限度的新自由主义发展战略:加强监管日本 美国广播公司。即使是这样我就会下降的支持者基督教协会也迅速成为一个庞大的军队→社会民主党和公明党公明党收缩,也应该吸收民主党分裂的任何一方 ○ small government Troop of new free growth strategic Japan U S Security Arrangements steadfastness necessary minimum gt party of the Liberal Democratic Party everyone ○ big government Regulation strengthening scattering Japan and America it is cheap Reduction big troop gt corporation people party Komeito Komeito the supporter decreasing steadily the ru it does Even the academic society believer is left over the Democratic party separating should absorb to either one
                                          • 小政府○:○大政府自民党→每个人的美日安全部队保持最低限度的新自由主义发展战略:加强监管日本 美国广播公司。社会民主党和公明党,大→越来越小军,将吸收无论是民主党分裂党 ○ small government Troop of new free growth strategic Japan U S Security Arrangements steadfastness necessary minimum gt party of the Liberal Democratic Party everyone ○ big government Regulation strengthening scattering Japan and America it is cheap Reduction big troop gt corporation people party Komeito Komeito the supporter decreasing steadily the ru it does Even the academic society believer is left over the Democratic party separating should absorb to either one

                                        • 小林Tiyo辞职,甚至没有被逮捕,并被控博悟石川县,书记民主党党一般不下台,即使被起诉。后藤知秀不辞职制度在审判有罪继承选举法例21个营地,是工会的领导人(3熊本沃德建议,当选九州比例)有罪的审判活动21系统长官的选举法律继承即使留任司法部长不辞职,但失去了题跋惠子
                                          Being prosecuted, as Democratic party Secretary General you do not resign, Intellectual Yutaka Ishikawa being arrested & being prosecuted, Assemblyman resignation it does not do, Kobayashi Chishiro. Labor union staff of the camp with Public Office Election Law violation of involvement system the Assemblyman does not resign even in 12 making clear guilt, Goto Suguru the friend (Kumamoto 3 Ku candidacy and proportion Kyushu election) selection anti- staff with Public Office Election Law violation of involvement system does not resign even in 12 making clear guilt, Keiko Chiba being defeated, remaining to Minister of Justice

                                          • 小泽 复兴不是民主党人暗示的,死亡的这一刻瓦特民主党 Death of the revival Democratic party of Ozawa s This not understanding Democratic party Assemblyman w
                                            • Tsuka,Zonbijan因为我完全恢复了第一次世界大战的死亡恩戴千叶 The handle and Chiba how perfection dying therefore revival The zombie it is ww

                                          • 小泽一郎当选总理,议会修正案通过你会得到一个法案,如果它杀死我或背叛国家的外交普选
                                            When Ozawa becomes Prime Minister, the National Diet method amendment and foreign carrot administration the treason bill The [ze] which it passes with the air which dies

                                            • 巨魔出↓粘贴茹闵酷好肯定的是方便,但有813名学徒没有问题哦1 2的B%B6的%E3展%81%E7的自动对焦%%%94%B0的%%B8座公元%E4类E8%A7座吩e6%92%%,九个人口众多的A0%84%%80%%e6中声发射第8d%95%%E3展%81%97%E3展%81%E5公司9层%%%93%e6中屋宇署%99%82%é 3 %81%%e6中声发射%94%E5公司高炉%%%9C条广管局%E3展%81%B8座%E3展%81%E8%A6的声发射%%%E4类机管局%B8座公元%E5公司%%%9B条,屋宇署%吩e6%B4座%是%E3展%81%AB公司及SourceID的u003d navclient -法郎u003d 1B3GGGL_jaJP334JP336&&rlz即u003d的UTF - 8&阿Q u003d 8&OQ的u003d↑减少,因为一长
                                              813 Completely, is,… As for the [kopipe] devastating ↓ where circumstances appear in [sure] well in [minsu] 2 The intern huh the [te] it rubbed B % B6% E3% 81% AF % E7% 94% B0% E4% B8% AD % E8% A7% 92% E6% A0% 84% E9% 80% AE % E6% 8D % 95% E3% 81% 97% E3% 81% 9F % E5% BD % 93% E6% 99% 82% E 3% 81% AE % E6% 94% BF % E5% BA % 9C % E3% 81% B8% E3% 81% AE % E8% A6% AA % E4% B8% AD % E5% 9B % BD % E6% B4% BE % E3% 81% AB & sourceid = navclient-ff & rlz = 1B3GGGL_jaJP334JP336& ie = UTF - 8& aq = 8& oq = ↑ Because it is long, shortening

                                              • 我不是在消费税溃退是粉民主党人。同样的事情仅仅是一个总理谁的基础上形成的光束一个否定的揭示在公共Iteta欺骗性冒充或退休舆石山冈隆Kangansu Poppo脏,自我放逐直出老除非有没有明天
                                                There is no wipeout red sandal wood with consumer tax, the [minsu] party the powder. Because with disguise has deceived the citizen became the cause of broad daylight, just it was defeated Whoever becoming in the prime minister, whether the same thing, the [po] [tsu] [po] it retires 澤 [kangansu] sedan chair quarry Oka dirtily, banishing, if the solution party it does not come again, there is no tomorrow

                                                • 我们已经得到了钱,并威胁要干预,派出众议员众议员收购(成员间的捐赠),创建一个派别在Tteru
                                                  That you disturb, shakedown it is with the gold, to support the Assemblyman, the Assemblyman making faction with purchase (contribution between Assemblymen), the [ru

                                                  • 我没有辍学,反正6个月的国民议会的权力斗争,井出党的非黄金业务或解散并没有责怪UNKO避免
                                                    Being the National Diet management impossible, dispersion? With intraparty power dispute falling off? Margin half year the slander of UNKO prime minister whom it did not have is not avoided in either one,

                                                    • 我装载木板与木合他们这代部长Zenkyoutou他们瓦特有人居住 The Cabinet ministers of the non sect non political students group generations among those having the force stick you fight at the official residence w
                                                      • 日本央行行长和建设,是叫了白井,臻。你要我我来对付通货紧缩强势日元 To call Bank of Japan President Shiroi to the official residence reaching The margin tsu te ask the increase in yen value deflation measure

                                                    • 或者,0 01mm的和刚刚离开,在燃料用尽来到第二总共休息我没有条件证明吗?如果条件可以写入穿着它们,只有45分钟后,苏点,轻消费的导火索,因为这问题的答案 Or just 0 01mm leaving remainder as for blazing in 1 seconds at total showing even under the conditions without being good Certain If not being written on condition possibility you correctly interpret also the fact that in the fuse the fire is extinguished after the point ke te 45 minute It becomes
                                                      • S 307乙燃料用尽面颊,我会在30分钟内甚至没有厄凯 307 If also B is that way the ho it blazes in rear 30 minutes
                                                      • 也就是说,漂白后,总会从时刻,他们与消防保险丝获得帮助制定并提出对浪费燃料耗尽时间s In other words you bleached in the chart stage from the instant the fire being attached to the fuse when it comes to the consumption time limit blazing it is not being useful
                                                      • 从一个30分钟的第一球总是基鲁燃料用尽两端着了火 Because A from first applies the fire on the both ends be sure to blaze in 30 minutes
                                                      • 我们知道什么基鲁和疲惫在一小时为什么烧保险丝2,但与变速燃料峨 2 But burns the speed which is not fixed the fuse where Why when it blazes in 1 hours being possible to know
                                                      • 我努力工作基鲁的火点在30分钟阻燃同时从两端Ketara因为这个导火索────────────────────━━━━━━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Even such a fuse from the both ends the fire blazes simultaneously in point beam and others 30 minutes
                                                      • 或者,0 01mm的和刚刚离开,在燃料用尽来到第二总共休息我没有条件证明吗?如果条件可以写入穿着它们,只有45分钟后,苏点,轻消费的导火索,因为这问题的答案 Or just 0 01mm leaving remainder as for blazing in 1 seconds at total showing even under the conditions without being good Certain If not being written on condition possibility you correctly interpret also the fact that in the fuse the fire is extinguished after the point ke te 45 minute It becomes
                                                      • 的燃料用尽后,发现在这15分钟,45分钟,如果我们停止时钟 Because this blazes 15 minutes later there When it stops the clock 45 minutes
                                                      • 罕见的条件不包括以上的,自由决定和我会在每年年底发行不应火点 Above being included in condition on the both ends the fire the point ke and others re ru and selfishly does not have to decide
                                                      • 这迫使反小泽翻译仍然是徒劳的,所以,他们与消防年底,将一个年度之燃料用尽 Now therefore counter Ozawa power not to pass the anther after all the fire being attached from the both ends it blazes in one year

                                                    • 日本吞并朝鲜的一百年“最大的诚意,”韩国报纸报道月16日韩国报纸发表声明,总理或首相附表内,朝鲜日报,韩国提请韩国开始对日本的殖民统治100年接受并在今年8月合并,但考虑到报道的声明,公布了这一总理大臣名义向贵国政府根据
                                                      Japan, in the Korean merger hundred years “sincerity of the maximum” the prime minister conversation announcement which is included? The Korean paper announces The Korean paper of 16 dates, as for the Korean daily report, from the day Korea merger where colony control of the Korean Peninsula by Japan starts The fact that it is 100 years at the August this year is received, the Japanese government adjusting to this and announcing the conversation sentence of prime minister name You announced that it is in the midst of examining,

                                                      • 是死亡和友谊(兄弟会死亡)是一个为和平失败(失败是和平)奴隶制是自由(奴役的自由)和无知就是力量(无知即力量)是一种形象※(乔治奥威尔从1984』)
                                                        Friendship is death (FRATERNITY IS DEATH) Defeat is peace (DEFEAT IS PEACE ) Subordinate is free (SLAVERY IS FREEDOM) Ignorance is power (IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH) * It is image (From George [oueru] '1984')

                                                        • 最重要的142和阻力的经济刺激法案的结果作为的方式,他们终于国际货币基金组织对经济的乐观出来之后你有墨付说,坠毁将留给人照顾痴呆的老人藤井 142 Resisting to the bill of the most important countercyclical measures after all you disturbed Finally business looking upward IMF the certificate immediately after putting out Making Fujii s becoming dim pop speak self indulgently stock price heavy decline
                                                          • 抵抗的方式作为一个结果,最重要的经济刺激法案142,向上如果经济终于走出墨付国际货币基金组织只要您有,说股市崩溃将留给人照顾痴呆的老人藤井 142 Resisting with the most important countercyclical measures bill after all you disturbed Finally business looking upward IMF the certificate immediately after putting out Making Fujii s becoming dim pop speak self indulgently stock price heavy decline

                                                        • 此外,在党的议员对总统选举,要求自民党众议院第一的位置已提名前外交大臣中曾根弘文 In addition because the Liberal Democratic Party becomes the reelection first party the seat of the Upper House President is required already former Foreign Minister Hirohumi Nakasone has been designated as candidacy
                                                          • 此外,在党的议员对总统选举,要求自民党众议院第一的位置已提名前外交大臣中曾根弘文 In addition because the Liberal Democratic Party becomes the reelection first party the seat of the Upper House President is required already former Foreign Minister Hirohumi Nakasone has been designated as candidacy

                                                        • 民主党多数发生在392,我来过党没有办法明确 392 Being at the point where the Democratic party takes stable large number the intraparty oven it stops clearly However you think that it cannot boil
                                                          • 我将为您指派布莱恩党在权力斗争中做任何事情,如果你觉得我穿了快或拆除污水管道 If the deviation from dirt or the tube thinks the useless tsu te doing quickly regardless even with intraparty contention The ri ya which divides the party it is good

                                                        • 池田勇人的最高税率为75对经济增长,进一步巩固财政和成功的首相%的高收入累进税制度,引入支付能力增强
                                                          Isao Ikeda becomes Prime Minister, furthermore for high-level economic growth and restoration of sound government finance the highest tax It introduced the high promotive income tax system of ability burden strengthening of the ratio 75% and large succeeded

                                                          • 然而,日本政府在37后,泡沫经济崩溃愚蠢税的引入%的优惠所得税往下看,邀请了巨大的经济衰退
                                                            However, after the bubble collapsing as for foolish Japanese government introducing consumer tax, the highest of income tax Tariff was lowered up to 37%, economic large stagnation was caused

                                                            • 相反,这是一个问题的工具,民主党的权力斗争税,市民看来,即使是代表简党,民主党的经验对目前在宪法没有想到什么奇怪的爆裂发言 On the other hand by the fact that consumer tax problem makes the instrument of struggle for supremacy inside the Democratic party In the citizen who looks at that the 菅 becoming representation Because constitution of the Democratic party has changed was thought that nothing probably will be
                                                              • Naijan值得在转变政府无视国家党Merushi争始反 Intraparty contention it begins with that removing of the citizen on that and Administration alternating there is no value it is

                                                            • 真正的问题是造成的,或者说当他们离开了他们的人生价值,并做一个自民党浪费的是要谈什么我会想我真的很你之前 Actually when human respective sense of value you propose concerning the problem which occurred Very that the Liberal Democratic Party wastefulness you so thinking just the ru becomes tsu te story
                                                              • 使确定这样做,你将会变成没有价值观念和道德伦理,可现在工作 Doing such a thing the re directly moral and ethics and the sense of value for work Losing chi ma u

                                                            • 而一个明显的显着清晰的对抗小泽一郎和自民党组我和我因达更好,如果各方正确 With Ozawa and confrontation attitude as clear Correcting the manifest substantially if it unites with the party and the Liberal Democratic Party of everyone it is good it is

                                                              • 良好的竞争民主党斗争!如果反对邪恶的斗争,是战斗!典型的“左”的逻辑
                                                                As for intraparty contention of the Democratic party good contention! As for intraparty contention of opposition party bad contention! Model logic “left flank”

                                                                • 该法案也将有利于帮助生活必须把人作为自民党的188个外国普选和公民权利的立法,我们会,2名法案,玫瑰和一喷1 3个国家的儿童生活津贴,子女在国外民团免费高中学校,争取对法案等以外的大部分收入辞退补偿和性交在日本它有利于农业
                                                                  188 Like the shelf It probably cannot avoid cooperating to the bill where also the Liberal Democratic Party plus becomes national life Foreign carrot administration and the protection of fundamental human rights bill and the surname bill classified by married couple, the child treatment which in the child of the foreigner who lives in the foreign country the rose is sown and Each house income compensation which makes the agriculture of high school gratuitous conversion and Japan which also the school of people group does simply useless You approve the most bill other than such chaotic ones

                                                                  • 选举后的细节上显示为关闭略低于房子总统决定停止它,我会说510,因为你是代表民主呢?什么是苦,也可能是有趣的画光的发现是由民主党提出,如果 510 The Upper House President just is decided in order to obstruct that adjourning as for the next even after the typical selection of the democracy saying the ru it is the ro which is If it can submit becoming also the stepping on picture inside the Democratic party but what which may become funny
                                                                    • 这种内部纷争热生病在这如果有兴趣,谁Gakkuri,人们只是尴尬 As for this intraparty contention being an interest in someone Boringly markedly the citizen just loses interest in this heat

                                                                  • 部分为重复林奇自由人留在这个城市是不羞愧我和W采取早稻田只有一半民主party re当地人权组织湿重废物大规模谋杀强奸庆应义塾大学仍然要去不过,我会西31万张选票比例2541全国民主选区投票的比例民主党选票万元1845000000 1955年14.07亿得票比例选举区选举,2010年自由投票。 24自由6%。 1%,在东京,大阪和爱知民主党三个城市的比例只有31。自由民主党8%15。 6%

                                                                    • 院选举惨败的上层,但到目前为止责怪枪驱动tTA居座忽略重返政坛鸠山和小泽一郎,再次开花只用1个月,靳推进货币发行只用了责任我抗议太多 With House of Councillors selection to here being crushed as for Hatoyama and Ozawa is problem of politics and the gold The cancer gun ignoring although it is the consequence which remains the responsibility inauguration only 1 months Pushing to the 菅 and it will return and probably will bloom how the insect it passes
                                                                      • “ 安倍政府成了穷人吉伊是2007年在大选中击败了,两个舞蹈的案件要最终崩溃,首相表示,目的是 “ Abe administration which is crushed with House of Councillors selection of 07 years becomes dwindling would not like to become the repetition of the case which collapses after all With the intention which is said is a prime minister

                                                                    • ( 人 手流Noi和我在床上哭? 。 ー ヽ。 信息。可怜啊布鲁诺布鲁诺单独公司ヽ 难道他们舔伤口? WWW的¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ human Crying in the futon kana of the ru 92 REPT And twitter with being desperate REPT ¯ Blocking the circular idea contest of day REPT Feeling Sees with just the companion in the ji me HKRPT No REPT No To lick the scar kana of the ru www ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
                                                                      • 我们时代的民主选举相信只有弹簧线Tta ヽ At the time of the House of Representatives selection just that as for the democracy believer who grows went somewhere it is So being desperate the blood being able to send the eye it hits our people pasting label in anti democracy The ridicule laughing although it harassed and built either 1 years without passing this za ma www 92 “ chi paragraph yo u So although netouyo you called repeatedly ” ─ ─ 92 Although “every day every night our people it hit ” 92 … With like feeling human Crying in the futon kana of the ru 92 REPT And twitter with being desperate REPT ¯ Blocking the circular idea contest of day REPT Feeling Sees with just the companion in the ji me HKRPT No REPT No To lick the scar kana of the ru www ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                                                                    • (※美国谋杀红军山基地是峨林奇说,这是建模)和毛泽东“大跃进”的错误就农业(种植厚ñ太,我不适合种植庄稼的土地,让害虫摆脱麻雀)也推出了饥荒发生的就是最大的恐惧Rubeki
                                                                      (* You can call the mountain based lynch murder case of the Red Army that it was this imitation,) In addition, in” the large rapid advance” of Mao Tse-tung's, erroneous agricultural guidance (it plants excessively thickly, it is not agreeable to the land We fear the largest famine in the history which the [ru] should the sparrow which makes the crop cultivate, exterminates the noxious insect is exterminated) due to departure It is introduced that it raises,

                                                                      • , , · · “我菅逃避”,“妻子铝“是”他的计算机前度过“,”新井的助手贴身背心“,但投球80%的支持!与该问题是什么?小泽!什么鸠山!比那些没有结婚没有恐惧的铝快乐! y REPT REPT It is continuation throwing support 8 tenth 92 ¯ two 92 REPT ⌒ ⌒ and l REPT 92 gt 92 “We escapes and it is the 菅” “the wife is alcoholism” “the son is neat” “the aide is camisole Arai” So continuation throwing support is 8 tenths Complaint oh Ozawa is what Hatoyama is what Other than of marrying of alcoholism is there are no fearful ones
                                                                        • NULL he y REPT REPT Try being my name

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