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The woman “his person who agonizes in character of his person mixing the fermented soybeans and the boiled rice, that eat, it coerces”


  • 530粘糊糊的纳豆应找到掉以轻心,而只是为了保持清洁的水浸泡
    530 Null null what of the fermented soybeans, it just dampens you take for a while simply cleanly in the water

    • 815充分发挥其极限,太低突破了809苦肉你的抽象,它定义我,我不明白的形而上学方法可以用来克服这是可以理解的,它必须要有非常的定义不能不说你那个家伙ü怀疑后者,所以我提出的身体条件和语言问题,我们认为他们应该驳斥驱动tTA的能力相称的自己这不是我们盖瓦特游戏无论是在
      815 It limits and defines the everything of that, Abstraction it passes 809 As for break step of your hardship as for you can understand and it has been about probably to doing you understand In other words it probably is thing what that we would like to break approach on with the shape 而, the person that it defines itself doubt apparent, But that is not possible, because language problem physical condition is presented Because latter is not overturned, don't you think? is It is thought that itself the refutation which it corresponds to ability should be done, w There is game, kana

      • Dounokouno不是一个权力的问题将吃更好的食物和你喜欢纳豆菌发酵大豆,“我怎么可以得到我的(爱好凯奈)在与新闻界,”我说我没有男朋友,我不妥善转移稻草如果您需要拒绝非柏迪布兰妮的男友,我和那些不轻易断言他的生命继续这种状态 Like the fermented soybeans placing in the fermented soybeans and the boiled rice there is no problem which how to eat says how like this “Your own method hobby you not pushing ” the tsu te speaking properly It is not transmitted to his person It is not necessary to deny the method of his person but there is your own method by your Unless you insist thing this state of lifetime just continues
        • 当我们吃你碗里的食物在广场的一半,你吃纳豆是混合米饭把你的情况 Placing in the boiled rice of the bowl you eat half After that inserting the boiled rice in the case mixing with the fermented soybeans you eat
        • 纳豆古汗和混合轻易获得一个更深入的了解萘乙酸吃,我要去纯日语课程 When eating it mixes the fermented soybeans with gohan lightly But of course intention what of the pure Japanese
        • 纳豆纳豆和大米喜欢你获得混合更深的了解,但冲,你会组合? The ro where the fermented soybeans however it mixes like chiyon do not mix the fermented soybeans and the boiled rice and are

      • ü家伙也吃幼虫疯狂相近的水平,豆腐ü驱动tTA家伙吃泡菜
        As for the person who eats the bean which rots [kichigai] The same level as the kim chee guy who eats the egg of the parasite

        • Zetara混合? “她”和mixed ll吃纳豆“我”不,不,他们都可能会觉得这个词提早出门 When so it mixes ” Her “mixing the fermented soybeans which you eat” We “Well well the ze which probably will remember the word of the tsu coming
          • Zetara混合? “她”纳豆mixed ll吃了“我”不,不,他们都可能会觉得这个词提早出门 When so it mixes ” Her “mixing the fermented soybeans which you eat” We “Well well the ze which probably will remember the word of the tsu coming
          • 日本有一个真正的“mixed ll吃它,”是或获得 1 If the pure Japanese “mixing you eat” that it is not possible

        • [妇女]妇女与她的男朋友的生殖器恶臭斗争“release ll总是有像泽塔强烈的气味与腌鱿鱼纳豆和粪便混合的男朋友。”
          The intense kind of odor which the woman “his person who agonizes in stench of the sexual organs of his person fermented soybeans and [unko] and the squid mixed saltily usual is shot”

          • [食品] 米沮丧,她的男友吃咖喱混合梅辛左右!妈妈:“谁吃他的咖喱我很惊讶”(小町说)10 / 02 / 26,“谁吃的鱼是混乱的,”“如果这是不礼貌的吃它的常设库车和声音。” 。 。这是一个独特的用餐礼仪我韩国人。[韩国]“假”)礼仪韩国(报刊西08 / 5月3日
            Mixing Calais sloppily, in his person whom you eat dissatisfaction! The mother “don't you think? you were surprised Calais to the how to eat it”, (speech beauty) 10/02/26 “Method of eating the fish came, it is not”, “raising [kuchiyakuchiya] and sound, eating, manners are bad”. As for this, with Korean peculiar meal etiquette shank. “Being similar, day when it becomes fault” Korea etiquette (west Japanese newspaper) 08/05/03

            • ∧_∧(ω゚゚)开放式彩排゙ー付款责任是致命的。 ç□升升丶丶/()停止! (布鲁诺和°,一开球J
              ∧ _ ∧ ( ゚ Ω ゚ ) Leave the payment - [ha] ゙ [riha] ゙. C □ l 丶 l 丶 / ( ) Stopping! (No ¯ and, i It does, - J

              • 什么是NetA的,但无论如何,我这个家伙,我是真的,我不认为我没有Ttetara踢它具有良好的推动,要求他们明白,它违背了好虽然我不能得到理解的,但我觉得这是不好的,它有效每个价值在人们的the,但我相信我会得到这better How however it probably is se news item what such a person it is truly it is kana When it is we that saying well thinking the cod you push it is not to be the te that calling to the partner well thing However it tries to have understanding Assuming that it could not have understanding as for we however you think that this is good so you are that one are to call However with you agree upon don t you think It is sense of value each one of the person
                • 如果在价值观差异与从食物甚至是丝毫导致离婚 To be different the sense of value of the food just a little because even the callous it is connected to divorce

              • 从当时他们把我讨厌当有人对瓦功率洗学校的饭碗 When washing the bowl neba being attached time being required uza it is the empty As for we The group which is placed in the boiled rice

                • 但是,共享的价值观差异部分的U,我要保护他们的关系,差异值部分的U,和我交谈,互相合,而共享的有效性具有重要意义它描述的需求,如果不同意,为什么不说,他们的价值观来解释事物,如果我把自由意识的价值,鲍索诺重视与对方彼此,显示他们的价值观的尊重和关怀,重要的是要了解对方有一个奇点钻针“大物”给我带来的价值 But Sharing sense of value in the part which is different it maintains the relations if is The part where sense of value is different discussing mutually The request the effectiveness and the explanation of the meaning which is shared You cannot approve to that if is being the reason Explanation the thing which has the sense of value which is not the sense of value In mutual the sense of value mutually showing consideration and respect Concerning the sense of value it is important for each other to understand the fact that the singularity exists In the person who has value “large ones” The necessity the excessiveness to do the value of “small ones and” to make understand is not

                  • 作者:茹的影响也许你得到足够的食物组合菜纳豆最高奶油牛奶
                    The milk fermented soybeans it mixes and mixes and the boiled rice… the causing [re] which reaching high one item can be enough it is with the impact

                    • 你没有和我,还有将无法cross m毕竟不是ー聚合物?
                      Your way me, the existence which phase is not inserted after all… It does not mix -?

                      • 你说了它像一个女人,和个性disorders ll find一个男朋友现在谁不小心和我觉得新闻界往往give of辜if所有的诅咒我的男朋友 So the woman tsu te which is said you look at his person of the personality handicapped person unskillfully and the economized ya uninformed this time pushing all cursing in his person the ku the air which is the tendency which is attached makes
                        • 或者媒体说,他让步,尽管表现在获得这些琐碎的事情,但我不幸运地留在伤残人士 You do not transfer such trivial thing and you call the person who is pushed to be Therefore the personality handicapped person staying together it is not accustomed happily

                      • 前809“或有所澄清部分什么是积极的艾希卡诺没有问题的提问能力呢?”什么“不是我有一个明确的和清晰的答案 809 Whether before that it is which part concerning the “something if there is no ability to ask clearly The interpellator being correct It is not answered that the “what” is not made clear Object clearly
                        • 如果哪个部分的问题或质疑他们什么能力to愚蠢的问题没有clear,你have到say头上than坏 If it asks whether it is which part concerning something if there is no ability to ask clearly When the interpellator the fool the head is bad only the good way the ro which is not and is

                      • 即使这个家伙吹乔滚装金五月蝿与否,我认为U将默默地滚动摄入或s
                        Such man at the time of [huera], that inhale that roll thinks that it is noisy, Saying nothing, the [ro] ancestor/founder chin

                        • 可能后悔,从不说话不幸的婚姻 控股武力或感觉了吗623 623 Furthermore when it coerces that feeling it is bad When you get married lifetime it may regret

                          • 在不太严重,但生气时向人不坏,但是从一个人来好,“嗯,我明白了,ー尝试(叹气)”所以是这样的,我臭坏 When majiresu it does when it is directed hateful to the person however the stomach stands when it is favorite from the person “the hu it is so it is what it tries doing a ” tsu te thing In other words it is hateful what
                            • 在不太严重,但生气时向人不坏,但是从一个人来好,“嗯,我明白了,ー尝试(叹气)”所以是这样的,我臭坏 When majiresu it does when it is directed hateful to the person however the stomach stands when it is favorite from the person “the hu it is so it is what it tries doing a ” tsu te thing In other words it is hateful what

                          • 在你做什么我都会Hottoku外国人之间秘书Zarusoba来津由做面吃,如果在外国的日本餐馆?
                            You, the salesman of the Japanese food house doing in the foreign country, when it makes the [ru], putting [tsuyu] of the basket buckwheat noodles on the noodle, the 喰 [tsu] [te] [ru] foreigner relieved the [ku]?

                            • 坎塔拉Untara走上这条路,针对所有家庭,并最终引发了离婚和纳豆艾滋病想,有你应该有一个根在别处 In the first place like this although you aimed toward the family which it can keep doing The u it is the cod can cod with it becomes divorce finally The fermented soybeans are beginning think well the expectation which is the source in the do tsu or other things
                              • 571先生“离婚亲属大米牛奶”恩戴我这样做,我 571 Is it is the “milk boiled rice” you did it is with the kindred who divorces the wa which is
                              • 如果我不喜欢纳豆的家庭,丈夫离婚,因为它也增加了冰箱进入从左侧后方纳豆 Although the fermented soybeans we dislike the master because the lady the fermented soybeans was inserting in the refrigerator With the home which divorces in the reason which is said increases

                            • 多少发酵食品好一点,我觉得我没有经过发酵的食物往往是 Fermenting the food which is not done is less it is it is not applying As for the number of extent fermentation foods it is many
                              • 在这116没有什么是会腐烂的食物和良好的发酵,它不是一个食品的腐败 116 While being rotted you call those which can be eaten fermentation you call that you cannot eat corruption

                            • 好吃的东西包裹在海藻但它仅在转挂古汗山口Yoguchoshitaatoha纳豆生鸡蛋!古汗和山口Yoguchoshitetabetemoyoshi!对吗?瓦特
                              Inserting the fermented soybeans in the raw egg, after the [gu] [chi] [yo] [gu] [chi] [yo] it did, applying on [gohan], even if wraps with the paste also the [be] [te]! Even if [gohan] the [chi] [yo] [gu] [chi] [yo] which is ground has done also the [be] [te]! The [ro] which is? w

                              • 如果我做一套,你知道我在每一个位置报道1月布鲁诺话刚西西 Although it should have divided it has reported one by one with something the ro w which is Simply noroke story it is w
                                • 让我们不要忘记,我已经结束了,甚至拍摄137小野 137 It is certain After all ax location is it is

                              • 如果我没有食物我们Mabushite糯米(瓦特均匀亿包
                                [mabushite] without eating [betobeto] evenly in the boiled rice, how it does, it is, (w

                                • 如果阴道的气味是它高兴恩戴坐脸严重的气味不可能不希望
                                  The [ma] it is densely smell the [maji] excessiveness If it is not ill-smelling, rejoicing even with the facial horseman power

                                  • 它们构成不再是处女,你会要争取在600飞行加热至完全溶解吝啬回了他妈的
                                    600 When you have quarrelled, it probably will be written, but The [tsu] which the ephebe does already densely it is with the [ro] It dissolves at severe heat, before the [chi

                                    • 已经不再正确,我累得租户 “※』 华盛顿邮报引述一踢Rapuri 价值观,是推动我认为名称 Already associating truly the te u it is …… Where it is the za ri ” from rapuri quotation publication lt Comment of reply person gt It is thought the name and others re te ru that sense of value is pushed
                                      • 再真实的,累 “※』 邮政引用respondents Comments从踢 与一按价值观正在审议名称 Already the u it is truly …… Where it is the za ri ” from rapuri quotation publication lt Comment of reply person gt It is thought the name and others re te ru that sense of value is pushed

                                    • 当你结婚,所以几乎每天都一起吃,我还是不结婚没有合化学 When you get married because almost it is every day to do the meal together if affinity is not agreeable the person who does not get married is good

                                      • 当然会看不到这样的狗屎利亚是一个辅导员负责哦
                                        Is the rear being full the consultation person who Without either the expectation of looking at such a droppings [sure

                                        • 当然有太多的手,身高recently m新闻种突破在哪里 Such riding somewhere is news bulletin what Recently the sure raising of this hand is too multi
                                          • 我知道破一的新闻在兰花Janeedaro队的阴影组 1 Influence or intellectual viewing of alliance of shadow News bulletin well the ro which is

                                        • 我R2D2lqOk0你的东西没有一人死亡,Teneeshi
                                          R2D2lqOk0 Everyone doing, your something the partner well it does, Die

                                          • 我丈夫是照顾自己的不耐烦库萨,它的可能我东北食品纳豆我们!我本身有吃纳豆近交则租前是否与你获得一个生鸡蛋和纳豆,一个人的“混合饭更深入的了解,如果不好吃好吃”我很高兴我将离开, Don t you think the master inside with the difficult ku going down of hastiness how to be able to be a boiled rice in the fermented soybeans the tsu te Whether or not it mixes into the raw egg and the fermented soybeans with the boiled rice without almost mixing either the fermented soybeans itself in the past eating because the ru is satisfactory this person “tastiness to be tastiness to be” with the wa which it has left
                                            • 我有可能去甲肾上腺素食品纳豆我们!让你吃的饭Udaro纳豆和生鸡蛋jk的混合 Don t you think how to be able there to be a boiled rice in the fermented soybeans the tsu te Mixing into the raw egg and the fermented soybeans with the boiled rice the ro jk which you eat and is

                                          • 我不知道纳豆,韩国菜,因为我给予绝对Kurimawashi ll混合拌饭太Utoki面团辊Gutchangutchanketchanpatchan喜欢吃日本咖喱饭 As for the fermented soybeans it is from the wa as for the South Korean When eating the Japanese curry rice bibinba likely In gutsuchiyangutsuchiyanketsuchiyanpatsuchiyan Don t you think mixing the ri which is sown it is dense after the chestnut turning you eat it is don t you think
                                            • 嗯,我去了屠夫刻录前,吃拌饭来吧,我混合滚装船滚装船clerks m好坏参半,有什么可以升沉浩 So if you say to burn before calling to the butcher shop bibinba you eat The salesman mixes mixes the tsu te the se which can something

                                          • 我也只是看到你把饭酱汤是你的妻子说:“谁吃哈希索诺庸俗,停止从梅罗说心情不好”,说我成了一个很大的斗争 Simply we the wife betting the miso soup on the boiled rice observing at ru “Vulgarity to put out the how to eat it because feeling it is bad saying that stop” it became large quarrel but…
                                            • 让我们成为一个大米的跨梅尔和咖喱,我喜欢吃肉饭?我很顽皮 You probably will eat the boiled rice and Calais to a chi ya mixing the pilaf likely The wa which is vulgar

                                          • 我健康,我不能用热量的碳水化合物Hettakure英尺麻油和高各
                                            In the first place, the sesame oil of high calorie adding to the carbohydrate Using, the [wa] which is not to [te] healthy or the [tsu] it is the giving

                                            • 我让地融化在说服自己的608什么正确的时间或更高的东西是什么营养物质,这将被停止和你的好来 608 And it is do to favorite When nutrition how it is correct but how something postponement Let do with the method this person having agreed upon dissolving
                                              • 我让地融化在说服自己的408什么正确的时间或更高的东西是什么营养物质,这将被停止和你的好来 408 And it is do to favorite When nutrition how it is correct but how something postponement Let do with the method this person having agreed upon dissolving

                                            • 我走出麻烦的是越来越好,虽然这不是大的纳豆讨厌的东西,把葱葱迫使丈夫 Inside the fact that the master inserts the green onion in the fermented soybeans is coerced Although the green onion we abhorred gradually becoming favorite it is troubled

                                              • 技能和知识,一早已851,承认他的问题,有没问题的答案,志位和痛苦的人,你是我住在这里,我回来诚伊予,对孩子说Nagekake或一个简单的问题,并指出错误或没有,你是一个很方便坏孩子为了什么? 858并非如此 851 Already knowledge and ability by himself says that you do not answer to painful question even personality There is a problem and with recognizes you are good returning We being here concerning you saying throwing simple doubt Or when the mistake is pointed out something are inconvenient for you don t you think is 858 So is not
                                                • 技能和知识,一早已851,承认他的问题,有没问题的答案,志位和痛苦的人,你是我住在这里,我回来诚伊予,对孩子说Nagekake或一个简单的问题,并指出错误或没有,什么是坏还是方便? 858并非如此 851 Already knowledge and ability by himself says that you do not answer to painful question even personality There is a problem and with recognizes you are good returning We being here concerning you saying throwing simple doubt Or when the mistake is pointed out something are inconvenient for you don t you think is 858 So is not

                                              • 根据我自己的经验,他有混合U m几乎100%的食物,他很丑陋丑陋的男人谁没有一个食品是低‥
                                                According to we actual experience, mixing, the person whom you eat almost was the 100% [bu] man. How to eat sees, the [tsu] accompanying person is low

                                                • 深夜节目最后一餐在+吉川著名图标〜你+牛奶饭茶只有在Kyai我非常好,天野欣诺
                                                  It is calling the original + milk of the boiled rice + tea soaking well with late program before this The extolment of [kiyai] - [n] Amano and Yoshikawa poult

                                                  • 男子和1名:5iDsr1DA0当然不会有相同的气味
                                                    1 Man ID: 5iDsr1DA0 The [wa] which the same smell does

                                                    • 石川气味纳豆是粘筑紫,I ll腐烂?本身以及对公共礼仪在任何意义上它吃什么和粘度古采取的气味,但我认为他们讲良好的教育 The fermented soybeans tsu te it does to smell viscous exhausts rots the ru it is Such being ill smelling you say that viscous you eat those which are attached with public itself courtesy it has not become and You think that being brought up is good but is
                                                      • 在韩国,清麹(清酱油酵母)调用纳豆是大豆发酵的气味一样,我也想同样的食物纳豆Wasetara chiyongutsuchiyan the malt 醤 the tsu te you call to also Korea clearly Because there is a soybean fermentation food where also nioi is similar to the fermented soybeans When the fermented soybeans it can feed the same thing it does it is probably will be
                                                      • 我觉得这是不可能的食物纳豆ü本身在公众 我错了?区采取类似的黏性气味的东西,我更在公众参与食品峨分钟神经 The fermented soybeans you eat with public you think that itself cannot be but is …… We being strange Such being ill smelling viscous the wa where the nerve which can eat those which are attached with public does not understand
                                                      • 石川气味纳豆是粘筑紫,I ll腐烂?本身以及对公共礼仪在任何意义上,吃的东西,但我觉得他们讲的邪恶教育 The fermented soybeans tsu te it does to smell viscous exhausts rots the ru it is Such being ill smelling you say that viscous you eat those which are attached with public itself courtesy it has not become and You think that being brought up is good but is

                                                    • 石川灰尘紧,很难说与不只是欲望,但不与媒体和石窟的住户,二没有吃所有善良的书签 We do not want pushing however association one is hard if is you should have said that it is hard how to eat and we like it does and passes and there is no ii
                                                      • 我知道wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww You know or wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                      • 石川防尘,说这不是说比较好紧张,二没有吃所有善良的书签 Expression is hard if is you should have said that it is hard how to eat and we like it does and passes and there is no ii

                                                    • 纳豆在家里或走出来,还从来没见过谁吃的人只获得一个更深入的了解童年混合,纳豆和大米,就像你把一个小方盘,我不知道谁吃正常mixed m不出来是不该吃? Only how to eat is mixed from time of the child you have seen It does not come out the fermented soybeans at the house of others because and it does not put out how to eat is not mixed is from the wa The normal not putting just the fermented soybeans just a little taking likely you eat in the boiled rice and simultaneous
                                                      • 纳豆是Tsuka不是从他们的食物吃东西的唯一途径,任何人都万美元,我很喜欢的,我本人爱好积极国王与他人推朱达罗周一多的食品爱好者不要 The fermented soybeans tsu te to eat anyone because there is no food tsu te reason for re ru everybody The handle such it is the ro which about the how maniac who probably will be eaten positively rubs You push your own hobby to others is

                                                    • 纳豆橄榄油,罗勒,混合Bero m从盐纳豆碗吃超过3分钟!
                                                      After olive oil, the basilico, the rock salt 3 minutes or more mixing the fermented soybeans in the fermented soybeans bowl, eat!

                                                      • 纳豆的香料冷豆腐和鸡蛋,大米Nimaji Emaje您的麻油切碎的洋葱并切出你的好,健康的脂肪,但面
                                                        In spice of chilled bean curd cut into cubes with fermented soybeans and raw egg, in boiled rice [ma] [ji] [e] [ma] [ji] [e], Only the onion the dust cutting and the sesame oil and the noodle noway with the taste and so on But healthy it gets fat

                                                        • 编号:5iDsr1DA0 u003d理由家伙一样,脾气古怪的家伙编号:skRMZ / TK0 u003d越野基地(他们的分歧,但他们是头部和直觉二)
                                                          ID: 5iDsr1DA0 = The reason [tsu] [po] it is, the person and the obstinate guy ID: skRMZ/TK0 = But off base (by its head misunderstands [ii])

                                                          • 苏现正战斗大豆面糊瓦特后Guchogucho编织成蛋Gitokaichamontsuketekite Shiiretara发酵酱油和转
                                                            The fermented soybeans throwing in the raw egg, when [guchiyoguchiyo] after doing, the soy sauce and the mustard you insert Or the soy sauce inserting too much it is attaching also the [chi] [ya], w which becomes quarrel

                                                            • 让我们用米和咖喱混合,而只是因为我是一个健全的纳豆Nechonecho时间获得更深入的了解和汤匙混合Gutchagutchani Merubeki不会停止,不是吗? It does not mix with Calais and the boiled rice together and or does not do When it mixes into the gu tsu chi ya gu tsu chi ya nechiyonechiyo sound makes the degree which is scooped with the spoon it is But also the fermented soybeans so the ro should stop that
                                                              • 话虽这么说,听起来甚至natto m Nechonecho时间获得更深入的了解和汤匙混合的咖喱饭Merubeki停止,不是吗? When Calais and the boiled rice are mixed nechiyonechiyo sound makes the degree which is scooped with the spoon it is But also the fermented soybeans so the ro should stop that

                                                            • 让我们组合的大米和大豆的纳豆发酵烤萘乙酸没有眼球,纳豆和w m水稻在不搅拌好的最佳yakisoba
                                                              It does not mix in the fermented soybeans boiled rice With fermented soybeans & fried egg, fermented soybeans & chow mein the boiled rice highest w It does not mix of course

                                                              • 让混合物约20牡蛎,我们骑着Betara咬大米群众饮食仍然则租纳豆混合蚝,牡蛎mixing m也约20倍,吃一口,我们骑 About 20 times stirring without stirring the fermented soybeans while it is the lump sip amount placing in the boiled rice when you eat In addition about 20 times stirring in addition sip amount placing you eat
                                                                • 让混合物约20牡蛎,我们骑着Betara咬食物米饭,你会喜欢的20倍和混合牡蛎,吃一口他们骑着 About 20 times stirring sip amount placing in the boiled rice when you eat In addition about 20 times stirring in addition sip amount placing you eat

                                                              • 让鲁力以及更多的融合,toss m甚至优先混合多酸的总和 That mix one the method which prefers the fact that harmony of sourness compared to it coerces it does not mix Which
                                                                • 让鲁力以及更多的融合,toss m不是一个优先事项,甚至比人类的总和混合 That mix one the method which prefers the fact that harmony of the person compared to it coerces it does not mix Which

                                                              • 这是不公平的妇女没有被残暴搞好那边逃脱在你的伴侣在这样一个典型的占有欲家伙家伙萨德
                                                                Model of the man whose monopolistic desire is strong with [sadesutetsuku] Only such [sado] guy That being good The woman does not escape Unfairness shelf

                                                                • 这肉猪肉带有一个坏的身体我说,新娘鸡,说我要降温了一些不平衡的原则骨干到我不吃牛的肉温血动物的,因此,他们的快餐力
                                                                  As for the meat that it is bad to the body, says, As for the wife the chicken, partial food principle of the metal reinforcement entering which does not eat the meat of endotherm such as pig and cow Temperature goes down saying, eating is coerced quickly

                                                                  • 那么,个人,大蒜人会议之前,但峨ü后,我可以闻到来自他人,根据投诉说万 Well privately before meeting to the person as for the garlic you refrain but from others Smelling separately as for complaint the word cup

                                                                    • 非定义的物理证据,重现性,不确定性,科学是有多样性的前提是在他说的话不,这不是一个量子语言
                                                                      When in physics non- reproducibility, the indefinite element, there is a variety in definition and proof, it is not science That with the prerequisite which is said, you cannot talk the quantum, don't you think? is

                                                                      • 顺便我把鲣鱼酱油,是美味的肉汤和蛋黄小点心粮食超级市场销售的Burgers不是水户纳豆967大家伙不喜欢吃谷物,除非你吃如果你只是吃瓦特梅飞猪头 967 There is no person where the Mito fermented soybeans like grain is huge Super with selling when the yolk dashi soy sauce bonito paragraph of the egg you insert in the person where the ru grain is small it is tasty The tsu te as for we the eating w which is not the eating re other than one Simply the ge which is done obtain the how to eat it and bear obtaining
                                                                        • 女儿才恨谁吃蛋黄酱,所以,那边来了相关的食品 Because the wife dislikes the mayonnaise before the how to eat cooking related to that does not come out

                                                                      • !ü 升 NULL
                                                                        • ) ) 。 ゙ i f r It is dense it is defeated and the e it is the a it is to call is densely ⌒ ⌒ 92 i Two ni ⊃ 92 No il ゙ hu ⌒ human ⌒ 92 i “ to r ┬ i to DREPT REPT i 92

                                                                      • #`Д 基本奈达Emajeha肯定! ! !
                                                                        # `д ' As for [ma] [ji] [e] [ma] [ji] [e] basic [nida]! ! !

                                                                        • (保卫处)[韩国] [冰』牡蛎,从基线的08%或更多的商店70大肠杆菌(朝鲜日报)08 / 09 / 03 [韩国](照片)“夏季是最好的扑克冰!”07 / / 03
                                                                          (Or less abbreviation) 'You scratch, the ice', from 70% store the colon bacillus above reference level (the Korean daily report) 08/09/03 (The photograph) “summer, you scratch, the ice the highest! ” 07/08/03

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