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Can be also a party Watanabe “Nikkei even 7000 Yen level and a dollar 70 Yen level of everyone. As for the domestic violent affairs Democratic party with crisis consciousness”


  • 127如果你打算门面,你知道只是一个小喷泉的政府债券的发行数量下降早生的一般会计合
    127 If you call embellishment, with the numeric adjusting of general account government bond amount of issue the [ro] which is sufficient Koizumi who is decreased

    • 180000000000000在邮政储蓄日元,龟井是非常类似于美国去!两个邮政局长,要求对涉嫌购买选票的候选人人民党
      Mail storing 180,000,000,000,000 Yen, entirely to America Kamei Go! The post office leader 2 people, it arrests with purchase suspicion Request for poll of national new party candidacy

      • 2,3,4,5日本经济复苏日元1彰隆三桥70元自民党参议院候选人
        2,3,4,5 At 1 dollar 70 Yen the Japanese economic revival by The Liberal Democratic Party House of Councillors candidate Mitsuhashi your discernment

        • 380分享在日本的外国股票,因为30%〜40%〜70%和60%,原因是我来日本 380 Because foreign capital ratio of the Japanese stocks is 3 percentage 4 tenths 7 percentage 6 tenths return to Japan

          • 43:29编号:ihAg6Q8V日本政府负责的,是绕过国内私人商业银行,属政府所有的邮政储蓄时间是金,你支持我我不购买该国轮日本政府债券呢?从我的国家所有者邮政储蓄?私营商业银行在W?我工务局局长外方股东? W“的国有化,甚至是不可能的购买政府债券,直接向中央银行很麻烦时,你国有化西岸直接购买的是困扰排减单位”为什么“联邦储备委员会还取消了中央银行国有化行 抑郁症也蓬勃发展,但表示 43 29 ID ihAg6Q8V Medium pulling out charge of the Japanese government bond is the domestic private city silver the times when mail storing is government managed you bought the Japanese government bond and supported It turns your that money in the country don t you think Because the mail storing owner is the country don t you think w So private city silver The w foreigner is the shareholder don t you think w “The fact that it is nationalized is to be troubled at even Bank of Japan which directly cannot buy the government bond but when the European American medium silver which can be bought directly is nationalized it is to be troubled more” Therefore “as for FRB as for Bank of Japan it is OK even with nationalization with abolition But it means that the private city silver creates prosperity and panic… as for the coping without being possible Therefore the medium silver people is it is to become “it is plugged and the currency is controlled completely” When “just the medium silver is nationalized it becomes a state that half it is controlled still it is unstable” To that shareholder of foreigner of private city silver Because in it pulls out the profit as an allotment as for property of domestic city “Debt gt gt gt it becomes property” the country issuing the government bond is only to exceed If the government bond outstanding issue increases you criticize the mass communications “it is waste simultaneously ” With But there is a reason to that it means that because “the owner of the private city silver carries the money to the foreign country ” It is simple to break the country “using the city silver if it carries fund to the foreign country it is to suffice” It is there not to be a property of the 忽 way and domestic city “there is debt it is but don t you think ” The bank for the banker “the bomb which destroys the country” is to be Therefore when the city silver is nationalized it is to be troubled
            • 我应该是一个巨大的物质和劳动力成本,它已进入一个泡沫生产国在蓬勃发展的亚洲,原本898 898 By the fact that originally every place in Asia which is country of origin in prosperity rushes to the bubble It being decided that now the raw materials and labor cost are serious the ru it is

          • 43:57编号:sl8fGxfd“大家的党”这就像我可以得到小泉的渡边吉见义明 NULL
            • 编号:7Qs2 Fa50↑家伙是这么踢的欣慰,因为无知的日本经团联公脑 ID 7Qs2 Fa50 Therefore the ↑ therefore as for it is dense Japan Federation of Economic Organizations inside the brain ignorance relieved ke tsu te

          • 461 606名:◆你总藏0aWIMuV0Ro []发布日期:2009 / 12 / 08(星期二)06:18:37编号:q4aTwwuA管理屁444。不要愚弄我们的生活之前,我们将忽略字符串诡辩空心红利蓝筹公司和投资银行为 下,条件是可以考虑的峨我取得了购买外国债券的
            606 461 Name: [sozo] you * 0aWIMuV0Ro [] Contribution day: 2009/12/08 (Tuesday) 06: 18: 37 ID: q4aTwwuA 444 Fart reason. Philosophism is shot in rapid succession [aho]… You tuck the repayment part which is converted to inevitability diminutively, while allotting the enterprise of good standing of the banker pulling out You ignore > As for earnings of one line unit as for without being many amount it is clear, Japan supports the United States It can think that > with under the condition for saying, it had had buying risk bond to the foreign capital,

            • Warazu相变应邀脱离认为公众说明理由,没有悔恨的种族灭绝
              As usual, because completely mass slaughter is justified with non reflection, estrangement of public opinion It caused

              • [6]迅速扩大的贸易盈余增加百分之41.1 [10 / 07 / 26]提示,你的收入是在日元
                Trade black-ink balance urgent enlargement As for June 41.1% increase [10/07/26] Making a profit even with increase in yen value, the [ru

                • _NULL_
                  Junichiro's national loyal retainer Koizumi result With the original our performing of financial crisis the Japanese archipelago half price sale to the foreign capital It forces inferior claim processing under depression & shrinkage public finance, fails and redoubles inferior claim conversely Small and medium-sized business is destroyed inferior claim by processing and force The Japanese bank is inserted in the affiliation of the foreign capital thorough bank crushing due to policy Stock price heavy decline current price accounts are introduced at the time, interlocking stockholding cancellation is promoted, further stock price heavy decline is urged Stock price heavy decline the time, the cash of 35,000,000,000,000 Yen is presented to America in 15 months, the Japanese stocks are made to buy up to the foreign capital Furthermore weak yen it induces,Because it is the American bond mass purchase, enormous latent loss occurs National level paste [so] insider doubt After also 17 times opening assembly in America and 1 years, commercializing the postal services Road commercializing public corporation and the government related financial institution Employment the system is dismantled, average allowance of the citizen is made to decrease with 6 year continuation during tenure Enormous allotment the rose firewood, it flows out the property of the citizen to the shareholder of the foreign country thoroughly (property outflow amount worldwide [dantotsu] 1 rank) Only vis-a-vis the big business which advances into the foreign country incentive such as tax reduction the result and the country which do Small and medium-sized business is destroyed and domestic demand decreases sharply Government bond issue. [dantotsu] No1 in successive prime minister

                  • Ø◆○U7GiV1JBHU [圣人]发布日期:2007 / 11 / 14(星期三)09:14:07.99编号:/ pFbIz6L゚Suwahho 22,600日种子4000(增加500对冲)゚Kyahi -゙利哈4.06欧麦尔゚Suwahho(·∀·)尼亚加拉加积极的,目前是积极的,有什么是苦平均罚款无论如何也书面美元/日元:小于116(平均)× 150 °扎尔/日元:15.8弱(平均值)× 100 Kinishinai慢慢Kinishinai(^
                    o ○ * U7GiV1JBHU [sage] Contribution day: 2007/11/14 (water) 09: 14: 07.99 ID: /pFbIz6L [suwatsuho] ゚ 22,600 Day Seed 4,000 (with risk evasion 500 additions) [kiyahi] ゚ - [reha] ゙ 4.06 [suwatsuho] ゚ [uma] (∀) Positive it added in Niagara, It is present positive, but because also the fact that you write finely is what it is the whole even USD/JPY: 116 or less (average) × 150 ZAR/JPY: 15.8 Weakness (average) × 100 Freely and easily freely and easily [kinishinaikinishinai] (the ^

                    • ── (●)(●) S的〜s 92 ─ ─ 92 92 It is it is
                      • 。 “ 92 “ 92

                    • ── (●)(●) 是我觉得是不是从日本不先 92 ─ ─ 92 92 It is it is

                      • 一旦股票价格升值税30%,日元和公众Baramakimasu(巧妙
                        When increase in yen value stocks it becomes cheaply, the rose maquis it increases in the citizen, to a consumer tax 30% ([kiritsu

                        • 一种罕见的集管辖权日期为党地区的政策的市政会议中,集团首席执行以下8章古继任开放中旬以来,会议决定1 3章先生
                          In inside of pipe municipalities schedule of regional policy forum of the same party From the fact that it is united, as for branch length of the successor in the next execution sectional meeting and the branch long meeting which are held after the middle of August It decides

                          • 不过小,也会发生从他们吃掉了职工的下岗,今年较后的经济衰退,增加了削减成本和更严格,若有 So if it does furthermore with from cost cutting and the work force reduction which increase intensity in depression Receiving the gate small to medium sized it does not have probably will come out to within year

                            • 个人金融资产250000亿日元日元的政府债券峨万亿3000,拥抱过剩的支持是不会显示
                              The government which holds the debt excess of 3,000,000,000,000,000 Yen With private financial asset of 2,500,000,000,000,000 Yen it is not supported

                              • 为什么我会頑張和减少536民主党人的旋转门,政府官员增加了我长大。神奇的手工劳动成本挂户头 如果你只是在跳伞后,快速,你有没有那么这些项目取消后,还是你做了很好的处置?那么,不仅保护公务员本身,狩猎是困难玺 536 That so the Democratic party probably will decrease order exerted from above when it tries persevering The elderly government employee increases chi ya tsu te government If just calculation that labor cost catches conversely you say… Steadily order exerted from above after pointing the tsu is from after to a business abolition one Being able to deal with it is good it is without being Because as for the government employee just self protection is good it is difficult to hunt
                                • 为什么我会頑張和减少536民主党人的旋转门,政府官员增加了我长大。神奇的手工劳动成本挂户头 如果你只是在跳伞后,快速,你有没有那么这些项目取消后,还是你做了很好的处置?那么,不仅保护公务员本身,狩猎是困难玺 536 That so the Democratic party probably will decrease order exerted from above when it tries persevering The elderly government employee increases chi ya tsu te government If just calculation that labor cost catches conversely you say… Steadily order exerted from above after pointing the tsu is from after to a business abolition one Being able to deal with it is good it is without being Because as for the government employee just self protection is good it is difficult to hunt

                              • 为清水副总统的讲话与推进党的候选人在选区选举的方式选拔进程摆脱沮丧查看详情

                                • 争取民主党代表小泽一郎的首席政策的时代,浅尾庆一郎先生现在已从民主党的政策都做长
                                  Serve Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council representation in Ozawa Democratic party day, you transfer from the Democratic party celebration Ichiro Asao whom Presently Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council of the party of everyone is done

                                  • 产品名称193:◆你总藏0aWIMuV0Ro [上]发布时间:2010 / 07 / 19(星期一)05:05:59编号:8HoCdipJ 174票banks m日本银行银行不打印呢?银城是中央银行印刷纸币的银行数字随便写的政府债务,因为我只打印日本政府的要求
                                    193 Name: [sozo] you * 0aWIMuV0Ro [] Contribution day: 2010/07/19 (Monday) 05: 05: 59 ID: 8HoCdipJ 174 Bank of Japan or the city bank do not print the bank note? The medium silver city silver just writes the number as a debt The fact that the bank note is printed it is the Japanese government… the Japanese government just prints the necessary quantity

                                    • 产品名称584:◆你总藏0aWIMuV0Ro [上]发布时间:2010 / 05 / 09(星期日)10:05:29编号:qdkx97dj驱动tTA 581字,你昨天?我看“宫崎县口蹄疫问题”的语言是坏的或不你能来吗?瓦特我可能会结合他们在580? “壮三只语不发行银行的”U细微差别看,小的分歧会重复同样的问题反复问同样的问题苏卡拉很多次我们说什么或你不愿意古与头饰可达到什么时候,他们湿重湿重的官僚程序和汉奸卖国新公明党民主正在做

                                      • 人民你知道我做什么,所以我认为政府不应该继续克惹揭露任何您可以已经疲弱的经济瓦特 Already business deteriorating you think that it should have continued to expose the fact that what does not do and is not possible So if it does w also the citizen probably will know what administration

                                        • 什么是派遣相反?那么,将海外转移?利润率和兼职员工,停止对邮政私有化合同税 It is dispatch method opposite It moves to the foreign country but what Postal services commercializing discontinuing to a part time job employee with profit deterioration and tax assistant 填
                                          • 但是,我想绝对奇怪Waranai远,如果这是我们所有的封面设计的总成本低质量,如果我最后部分敦子 The part whose quality is low after all in the iron ru and the design in the assistant 填 se the ya from viewing If you say at total cost you think that it does not change to there however it is don t you think

                                        • 以上的既得利益和对邮政服务的民主权利飞行列Gimasen仍是看着你即使面对舛添党
                                          If the Masuzoe new party you look at face, after all it is no more than a separated party of democracy for postal services right and vesting

                                          • 共产党的最终控制的中央政府在世界上是一个现代版的世界战争前 Ultimate today communism of edition old victorious country being center worldwide government controls the world
                                            • 共产党的最终控制的中央政府在世界上是一个现代版的世界战争前 Ultimate today communism of edition old victorious country being center worldwide government controls the world

                                          • 因此,我们成立的政党,安全网,不得不考虑任何失业救济,福利和权利的流氓和韩国,但效果没有让人们将其转投 This way as for established political party as for treatment and safety net of unemployed person all thought In only the human who to right of Korean and yakuza converts welfare insert vote in by your presentation It could not point
                                            • 什么是增加了无党派,为什么呢?我们已成立的政党,因为它是疏忽 Why the non party increasing Because the established political party was negligent is

                                          • 国防部向内阁提出报告发送u003d“竹岛”我很友好的和民主的国家
                                            Ahead Cabinet conference reporting of the defensive white paper you send, with = “bamboo island” consideration to Korea In addition whether democracy

                                            • 圆圈是不是在京游说好,从绝大多数网络光明的汤 Because the celebration 應 lobby activity being good in all sectors of society network of iruminatei the fragment is not it puts out

                                              • 在西方国家的左派发言只是“探索创新的方法来少缴爱国主义”,而反对,日本了,“否认国旗否认,否认的爱国主义,民族眼睛政府的目标,以分散在世界!“等 Left flank of European American countries to the last vis a vis “searching the progressive method of being based on patriotism and” being The Japanese left flank “nation is denied the national flag is denied patriotism is denied toward worldwide government aims in order to avert the eye from nation ” Therefore

                                                • 壮三K3v2AD5B0你有一个好的,但辜分钟凯塔,信浓溃疡当然你来数年的谷歌从 K3v2AD5B0 being sozo you however you understood well sure crushes gugu tsu cod many years from before no shelf
                                                  • 仅仅是日本的改革缓慢,已经重新Kunaru和罪恶“2008年6★ 09 17(三):888名无周年 Shisan 9:2008 09 21(星期日)21:36:29编号:k1i oHOZ0 Gyahaha If reformation is loosened Japan again becomes bad” 6 2008 09 17 Wednesday 888 Name it is not ninth anniversary 2008 09 21 Sunday 21 36 29 ID k1i oHOZ0 giyahaha

                                                • 失业和重复官员已多次公开要求秘书处的秘密资金在黑色全职,“我死时失业”我刚刚一再苏 Way and in the unemployed person yami the government employees who have worked full time repeat at secretariat secret expense “When it becomes unemployed die” it is it keeps repeating …

                                                  • 妈祖像我目前在大阪名古屋固体一半的学生可以方便地采用所谓的接触和成本太大考试 Half of the student becoming firm to the Tomei 阪 under the present conditions the ru way cost of entrance examination side passes deca In addition generally known connection adoption by any chance inhaling
                                                    • 吉吉降落伞从我们的美好时光,然后我会尝试做的是打猎的首要任务和联系人通过鹰 If it tries doing from washi in such a it is postponement from calling Compulsory jiji it decides beforehand that connection adoption is hunted

                                                  • 它们的货币在这两个国家的国内生产总值更高,推动日元下跌告诉他的影响■可爱的偶像高兴地推动日元的负面经济转型M ·家伙 The GDP depression effect due to increase in yen value In no country key currency high in business 0 As for the person who rejoices increase in yen value do M metamorphosis guy
                                                    • 它们的货币在这两个国家的国内生产总值更高,推动日元下跌告诉他的影响■可爱的偶像高兴地推动日元的负面经济转型M ·家伙 The GDP depression effect due to increase in yen value In no country key currency high in business 0 As for the person who rejoices increase in yen value do M metamorphosis guy

                                                  • 它削减100日元,而这是80日元Mumadeattoiu甚至暂时中断 NULL

                                                    • 小泉是在加强联合国正在扩大全球化Neoribe Koizumi reformation being enlargement gurobarizumu of neoribe is strengthening the United Nations system
                                                      • 小泉是在加强联合国正在扩大全球化Neoribe Koizumi reformation being enlargement gurobarizumu of neoribe is strengthening the United Nations system

                                                    • 希望193秋天的威尼斯。将下滑,因为新的世界和地中海航线的发展及贸易
                                                      193 As for ruin of [vuenetsuia] happy gazing/hoping. It probably is atrophy of the Mediterranean trade which accompanies route and new world development but

                                                      • 我不认为我与民主党成功甚至涂鸦是一个明确的公共政策 However it succeeds also it is not thought clearly it is intimate the Democratic party appears and concerning social policy to be the 鱈 eye

                                                        • 我买他们,他在银城大的股份,不情愿地,我开始采取的是,如果商业银行吸收的兴趣通过购买日本政府债券及 gt And as for them buying the stocks of the city silver helplessly little by little due to the fact that the city silver buys the government bond It means that it inhaled interest from the Japanese government and it reached the point where you take

                                                          • 我想我已经在使用的头厚以下随机武藤敏郎欧洲仔细阅读写作,因为他们把党的Burgers每个人的不信任
                                                            The distrust having in the party of everyone, when the reason of the [ru] party you read very carefully Being like there are [tsu] [te] times when the or less of the party chief uses side letter at random

                                                            • 我拧店和大师和广告外面的世界阿姨资产的祖父,是解除建设和民族性格故意无视日本社会差距 Ignoring the nationality of the Japanese it tried to build up differential society intend And becoming announcement house and guru it tried probably to put out property of the pop old lady to society but Large failure
                                                              • 淇学会会发现在没有得到日本684差异,差距更快速的经济增长来自于各是伟大的凯塔 NULL

                                                            • 我没有什么更多的是对我工作以外高盛卖国,因为我是好滨崎步弓弦邮政100
                                                              Hundred steps transferring, assuming that postal services commercialization was good, The [tsu] [te] which can let do use to Goldman It is not anything person other than treason, but it is

                                                              • 我认为,国内需求下降闪耀,我会说是由升值理论在扩大国内需求,日元等美国的,我想他们不反向思考 You think that also domestic demand falls but the American way being domestic demand enlargement theory with increase in yen value from the ru It cannot oppose it is probably will be
                                                                • 他们似乎忽略它或Yakekuso民主党最近失去了一些部长或日圆走强 Something defeat minister of state or increase in yen value disregard recently the Democratic party in yakekuso Becoming the ru air does

                                                              • 推翻了幕府政府的是共济共济会从长州藩的政治家,长州藩(森)最主要的障碍桶和有约束力的恩戴在亚洲是一个家族原本生长在情报,共济会驱动tTA域,因为它是非常相似的性质,并把威尼斯共和国 The politician of Tiyousiyuu feudal clan graduate tying with Freemason as for the falling down curtain doing the shogunate which is the most barrel obstacle of Freemason s Asian control The Tiyousiyuu feudal clan Mouri it is the feudal clan which grew originally with the intelligence Therefore the feudal clan which had the character which is similar to Freemason s vuenechia republic is very
                                                                • 政治人物从大量的长州藩也并列在日本部落民问题现在同样的问题,直到 The politician of Tiyousiyuu feudal clan graduate being many until it reaches soon being the same has been linked to village problem resident problem

                                                              • 日圆还将提供资金,市场,日本银行怎么样个别公司尝试减低整体的日本经济是投资于它,就没有公平债务,及保留溢利在此重复,该银行的小企业流动资金贷款是重组不工作,没有钱Mawaran世界不稳定就业 Bank of Japan fund supplying to city When it becomes increase in yen value the tsu te story where economy of the whole Japan reduces You do not borrow the fact that individual enterprise endeavors it is don t you think It invests with net worth So in addition the profit inside is reserved This repetition So you do not lend the bank to working capital of small and medium sized business As for worker restructuring and instability employment At all the gold the ma straw is in society
                                                                • 大公司可以提供日本的银行与资本市场的投资是我不是借资本利得在此一再保留,银行小企业流动资金贷款伊萨哈纳工人的就业结构调整Mawaran没有钱世界的不稳定 NULL

                                                              • 日本勾结的解决危机的不仅是政治党派和利益集团不能
                                                                In only the political party which is not adhered with the right group this It cannot solve the crisis circumstance of Japan

                                                                • 日本的工资低于假定的情况不要卷起日圆自己的工作,很可能会超过通货膨胀没有太大不愿意 Supposing under the circumstance Because the Japanese work wages probably will not rise very When with inflation it becomes increase in yen value perhaps it becomes the unemployment stripe chestnut

                                                                  • 每个人的党,温室气体减排25亲百分之积极,但卖国党超
                                                                    But as for party of everyone, super treason party of greenhouse effect gas 25% reduction positive propulsion group

                                                                    • 没关系,如果你问邮政储蓄,并任命美国债券龟井先生批量采购时的W〜一旦执政的人民行动党的新领导人龟井静香具有本地访问华盛顿10月13日龟井,奥巴马政府官员会见他们,如果执政党在大选在未来,以购买政府债券的大量美国,神秘的表达思想方面的财政支持奥巴马
                                                                      Mail storing if leaves to Mr. Kamei, is all right, w When it becomes the administration ruling party, the American bond mass purchase - Kamei As for the national new party Kamei Sizuka representation vicarious execution which visits American Washington local time When on the 13th, it converses with the officials of [obama] administration, the following with general election becomes the administration ruling party, The American government bond was purchased in large quantities, the thought of liking to support [obama] administration in the financial aspects was stated

                                                                      • 清水先生对记者的谈话“(挂电话,只支持身体的运动中川健一先生)是不支持组
                                                                        As for Shimizu vis-a-vis the collection of data of the press corps, “(as for calling the support to Kenichi Nakagawa) as a sponsor itself It is not the movement

                                                                        • 竹中平藏的金融恐慌。在他的最后半后进入方式将被收购的首要Sockpuppet外国股东投売日日本
                                                                          Circulation of money we fear Takenaka. Original our performing doing, sacrificing to the superior shareholder of Japan Half it ended at the point in time when specially it makes the foreign capital purchase

                                                                          • 第一届政府(官僚),立法(执政党)朱达罗为什么日元是最大的问题是无法衡量什么,圆。如何将我提请讨论? In the first place administration bureaucracy legislation ruling party what The ro where what does not do measure is first problem Why increase in yen value and circle Carrying to argument
                                                                            • 他们工作在低读者周刊少年跳跃普及调查,就是看是否可以介绍官员,有一个严格的制度,适应杆的音频 As for the work whose reader popularity poll is low with weekly boy jump you say that it is agreeable to the discontinuation There is a harsh system but those which cannot introduce that into either the bureaucracy

                                                                          • 结论不能得到帮助,因为我敢肯定,有不是找出来的党的最坏结果,即使有一个像样的反拉回到了全国民主194人,即使这 194 Even democracy party representation of everyone being attached the pulling tsu this way It cannot put out honest measure and the worst result has been visible … Therefore conclusion of sure already there is no manner
                                                                            • 我不好我已写信给看看她的想法,把每两位代表党Kotehan The respective party representation attaching kotehan if you write how to give an advise and seeing to 2 although it is good
                                                                            • 每个人的高尔夫目的地优于人人党 Party of everyone From Golf of everyone One ahead

                                                                          • 贝南克联邦储备委员会(联邦储备局)主席提出的美国经济是“特殊情况的不确定性”作为形容词和国际金融市场,我可以说混乱
                                                                            As [bananki] American FRB (Federal Reserve Board) chairman “uncertainty of exceptional case” modifies the present condition of the American economy, As for the international monetary market the situation which it is possible to call chaos

                                                                            • 财政重建应做巩固财政和经济破坏一再克制和税收是经济衰退须根据经济增长和通货膨胀通货紧缩不能
                                                                              Economic growth and inflation are necessary in restoration of sound government finance If shrinkage and tax increase over again economic subversive activities are done under deflation depression restoration of sound government finance is not possible

                                                                              • 赔偿并让她娘家的姓半岛和日本的侵犯人权和投票权分配,而不是伤害外国人都愿意和能够做225
                                                                                225 When denizenship is distributed to that change damage national person, when human rights of the Japanese are infringed When it compensates to the peninsula, surname classified by married couple the air which is popular fully is

                                                                                • 近期消费的年轻人,他们向我苏发现感染了时代精神,这20年之久的通缩没有钱还清债务紧缩,因为我用贮发言。来吧,说远 NULL
                                                                                  • 近期消费的年轻人,他们向我苏发现感染了时代精神,这20年之久的通缩没有钱还清债务紧缩,因为我用贮发言。来吧,说远 NULL

                                                                                • 通货再膨胀政策出售121包来挖掘“或www渡边弘和高桥,而不是一个党,白痴愚蠢了,每个人都成为好瓦特后Giruwa高桥 121 The policy package which hits rihure and sells” www The wa which is too foolish After Party of everyone Rather than with saying the Takahashi Yoichi shelf Therefore as for Watanabe the fool Takahashi it becomes good w
                                                                                  • 如果你卖了党的政策目标,日元来日本挖掘每个人的安全将开始瓦特 NULL

                                                                                • 遥我很危险,但这些法案免息政府债券,斯蒂格利茨说,龟井应急措施,如果我是610
                                                                                  610 If the exceptional measure [tsu] [te] it is, Kamei says but the interest-free government bond and the government note of [suteiguritsutsu] much dangerous what

                                                                                  • 里面的人。民卖国的卖国伙伴的选择我们的英国和美国的对手,我们有?
                                                                                    As for people in. Treason of partner It is to see treason of the English and partner The 朕 the [ri] [ya] which how is done is good?

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