10 15模式是额外的燃料真实状态,因为你失去的引擎触摸Attamatsu As for 10 15 modes the engine accumulating oh fuel economy from ru state Therefore excessive actuality it alienates
时速限制为每小时70公里长的朱达罗不要以为会得到更好的燃油经济性好古出 As for speed limit the do the ro which is As for about 70 kilometers the one which is put out as for fuel economy thinks that it becomes good
129自行车不知道,直到我奇诺现实困境这是在高速行驶的燃油经济性,你可以变得如此遥远,但也有重大突破,特别起伏,而是因为在没有山埃路ñ或者为什么我会认为有关运行良好微风 129 You do not know the motorcycle but don t you think we is chi until fuel economy is utilized at high speed is dilemma So it does not become so far and or does not do the break through but Therefore the mountain it is in but also ups and downs considerably a certain road How to run does not think is good also especially and it probably is with something
240在扭矩轻的情况下,一公升的燃油经济性认为他们都是从捆扎Wanbokkusubodi的10公里每小时再见? 240 It is light although there is no torque being huge you think and the tsu chi ya tsu are in the one box body the empty Don t you think as for liter fuel economy about 10km h
排减单位从未溢出汽车燃料效率,以20个或更多的东西,他们说没有地狱 At practical fuel economy 20 as for the how car which it exceeds although there are no other things What you say is …
直到810实用的高容量电池它的困境,我认为你不想要一个突破,但到目前为止还 810 Until the electric battery of high capacity is utilized don t you think it is dilemma You think that so the break through is not distant so
389啊,减缓交通灯信号的变化,验证了新的期望从一个距离很高兴我发言时,她也赢得Iiiiitsutsu哈马是嫌我活田! ! ! 389
The [a] [a], distantly in the eye [niyutora] deceleration, the hammer [tsu] it is well the time, is pleasant sensation in signal verification and illumination change estimate,
It is to go [pishiyari] we victory [iiiiitsutsu]! ! !
424相反,它现在配备的石油产量从石油消费量的绝对短缺的问题比上升Gabagaba新兴 424
That compared to, young country gaining force, it comes from the fact that it reaches the point where [gabagaba] it consumes the petroleum,
Petroleum absolute output insufficient problem
456摩托车谈设置或自私 手流加藤为什么我们非常拥挤的道路之前,说是啊我会使用,就在这种特殊情况下的假设?我一直在运行游戏或烈日下穿着什么刑罚30分钟Raidasujaketto粪便,如果天气一样热,热的烈日下,每天今日 456 As for the motorcycle riding whether why story is done with like this selfish setting… sled ya you Using the ru road at random has been delayed when the ro which is such special circumstance prerequisite And Also 30 minutes the droppings hot raidasujiyaketsuto wearing under blazing sun of present like severe heat day driving under blazing sun When it continues to do it is what kind of punishment game
456摩托车谈设置或自私 手流加藤为什么我们非常拥挤的道路之前,说是啊我会使用,就在这种特殊情况下的假设?我一直在运行游戏或什么刑罚Raidasujaketto炎热高温天气,他们穿着粪热30分钟和日像今天 456 As for the motorcycle riding whether why story is done with like this selfish setting… sled ya you Using the ru road at random has been delayed when the ro which is such special circumstance prerequisite And Also 30 minutes the droppings hot raidasujiyaketsuto wearing under blazing sun of present like severe heat day driving under blazing sun When it continues to do it is what kind of punishment game
481“那是不可能的,不,”老自行车,1100cc 111马力,但在正常行驶20公里 L时我会长途旅行(公共道路)和25公里 L的我觉得 481 “Well it is unreasonable” but as for the motorcycle old type 1100cc 111 horsepower With usual travelling 20km L Long touring the general road with it is about 25km L
481我的旧自行车,1100cc 111马力,但在正常行驶20公里 L时都对长途旅行(公共道路)和25公里 L的你 481 But as for we motorcycle old type 1100cc 111 horsepower With usual travelling 20km L Long touring the general road with it is about 25km L
50公里升80cc Cub m运行,我要告诉你们,超过每小时40英里的无 Cub 80cc inside it runs 50 kilogram liters if above speed per hour 65 kilometer it does not produce but story
卡伯80cc的50公里每小时65公里升毫不但是我运行 But Cub inside 80cc if above 65 kilometer it does not produce runs 50 kilogram liters
618〜30公里,一旦目录20 小时,如果不加速Sattara弱国又慢鞍瓦特有关的消息是前一年的报纸挑选一个提出了一半以上 618 In the catalog w which is not the weakness tsu cod of re acceleration from a state where it has become hame which is decelerated once about 20 30km h Furthermore as for this news those before to take also half year or more in the newspaper
所以,你可以运行或怠速马达和缓慢的步伐加快,混合丰田的再生制动减速魔法挂在了油耗,使出奇地好,如果 Because is the motor it travels with loose acceleration it idles stops As for the Toyota hybrid where the regenerative brake catches with deceleration abnormally good fuel economy value It can put out
相反,一旦20〜30公里每小时如果没有重新Sattara加速从弱状态慢鞍瓦特有关的消息是前一年的报纸挑选一个提出了一半以上 Conversely w which is not the weakness tsu cod of re acceleration from a state where it has become hame which is decelerated once about 20 30km h Furthermore as for this news those before to take also half year or more in the newspaper
86223 5公里 L和人民谁运行30公里 L的有人们来说,“Prius是30公里 L或运行,它们不运行”,并说“运行”是上回答我不知道你不知道 862 It runs with person and 30km L that it runs with 23 5km L the person that being “It runs the pre mortar with 30km or L doesn t run ” that when you say “It runs” it is not found kana that it becomes answering
人们谁购买汽油和490高压,没有多少人会比较省油车 490 As for the person whom it purchases the person who compares fuel economy by the gasoline powered vehicle and the HV car it probably will be many
从长远来说,只会是相当被称为欺诈和不坏的燃油经济性改善的缺点Kunaru Unless with long distance travelling the fault where fuel economy becomes bad is improved Fraud it is called just
在最近的燃油经济性,重量轻,所以我想它坦古,东京,是我把10kmL It is light being recently tanto to want to see becoming heavy because the ru Fuel economy when it is Tokyo is 10kmL rank
879“的平均油耗,”什么?瓦特Katarogusupekku纠正880,和我说驱动tTA?燃料“想象力”是为什么我有一个跑步机?我,请不要日本人民欢迎回家 879 “Even fuel economy” tsu te what w 880 It is correct with the catalog specifications that you said it is The fact that “imaginative power” is why is room runner what in fuel economy Japanese as for the person who cannot be read please return
708一千二百六十零千克负荷测量机制,以便于每个人,除非他们削减一千二百六十零千克10 15模式下的燃油经济性都没有改善 708 To 1260kg because it is the mechanism which is measured by the same load if 1260kg is not cut you do not improve 10 15 mode fuel economies completely
879“的平均油耗,”什么?在880瓦特Katarogusupekku正确,我必须说,我有一个跑步机,为什么?我,请不要日本人民欢迎回家 879 “Even fuel economy” tsu te what w 880 It is correct with the catalog specifications that you said it is The fact that “imaginative power” is why is room runner what in fuel economy Japanese as for the person who cannot be read please return
894是谁,“好运行的条件,我真的差,”我说驱动tTA?燃料“想像力”或有哪些?欢迎回来,请巴卡 894 Someone “is good being different from a state where really it runs” that you said it is In fuel economy “imaginative power” being As for the fool please return
一旦汽油200日元古好多了燃油经济性和50升是10 000日元时,输入 Being at the point where some fuel economy becomes good When it reaches gasoline 200 Yen 50L you insert 10 000 Yen it puts out
他们得到良好的里程的轻型汽车,道路悬挂跳纳鲁?我们是怎么做的表面损伤和跳好 The car it is light fuel economy calls and leaps in the road surface Suspension When is good it does not leap it is the tsu ke which is
你对他的里程一般不高,抗体在没有增加乙376平方 376 The person quaintness it has not ridden Fuel economy it is good normally even at high speed
例如说,与此相反,如果你做一些沉重的梳子,10 15模式下的燃油经济性都没有恶化 Speaking conversely it makes some heavy and passes 10 15 mode fuel economies do not deteriorate completely
当我隐藏它严重的燃油,我用三高速客运普瑞斯我 3 passenger in the pre mortar when high speed using you visited a grave it became fuel economy how hide thing
我升微型车更省油,穷人,我不仅是一个恶意的玩笑 From the liter car the trap which lightly the automobile where fuel economy is inferior how bad joke only is not
请注意里程模拟!特别测试车及测试方法我们采用相反的方式, You pay attention to fuel economy disguise How to use true opposite method of exam and special test car
933“桨”我不知道什么太广泛的代表性w ll型低转速高扭矩高转速造成东京大排量的第3号消费和家用燃料,因为它在轻或无进展好处是,它往往 933 “Foreign car” tsu te expression being too wide estimate it is not attached w You do not step on the type where high torque occurs large aerodynamic volume displacement low even with revolution also the te advances Therefore when it is inside capital it is good for fuel economy to be better than domestic 3 numbers of high rotary type
拉伸从10号。Bitari进口车,为什么还没有太罕见,目录编号你们不要指望这个车15瓦Modomaji取消外国卡诺花不喜欢这种模式? It is possible to be 10 15 mode ma ji abolition Also the catalog numerical value which does not become such a ate is unusual Furthermore when why it is the import car it extends from the numerical value and w As for the foreign car the kana which is poor this mode
NULL 10 mode fuel economy measuring method patterns Idling state 20 seconds To 20km h acceleration 7 seconds 20km h keeping travelling 15 seconds To decelerate from 20km h stop 7 seconds Idling 16 seconds To 40km h acceleration 14 seconds 40km h keeping travelling 15 seconds From 40km h to 20km h deceleration 10 seconds From 20km h to 40km h acceleration 12 seconds Decelerating from 40km h stop 17 seconds 15 mode fuel economy measuring method patterns Idling 65 seconds 50km To h acceleration 18 seconds 50km h keeping travelling 12 seconds In 40km h deceleration 4 seconds Accelerator OFF state 4 seconds From 40km h to 60km h acceleration 16 seconds 60km h keeping travelling 10 seconds From 60km h to 70km h acceleration 11 seconds 70km h keeping travelling 10 seconds From 70km h to 50km h deceleration 10 seconds 50km h keeping travelling 4 seconds From 50km h in 70km h acceleration 22 seconds 70km h keeping travelling 5 seconds Decelerating from 70km h stop 30 seconds Idling state 10 seconds Such measuring with the acceleration which is not possible 1015 mode fuel economies
不要光顾相同的混合动力汽车是不关心只看到燃料消耗量指标69瓦特的混合动力汽车是一个目录 从它的燃料做目录及三月不关心是常见的2公开w在某种程度上,我已经运行38个,平均20普瑞斯这是众所周知 69 The catalog of the march which is not made the fuel economy indicatory air Only fuel economy indication the hybrid car which does not make the air is made the same it is w Therefore as for hybrid car 1 2 of catalogs normal w Famous it puts out the fact that the pre mortar of publication 38 should have run average 20 one is
183是的,设计只适合对燃料质量更好的一个意识,你踢威茨的差异可能是消极的,但规模较小 183 So don t you think is as for design how to fit the high class impression on Simply if fuel economy it is defeated to vuitsutsu being it does the yo As for difference however perhaps it is small
421空转的结构是不可能的,8WD汽车的燃油经济性是一个杰出的 421 But structural idling stop the excessiveness as a 8WD car the preeminent fuel economy shelf
什么似乎是一个小型核反应堆Tsumu飞船,俄罗斯瓦特,但我想要求Kanben The Russian planetary probe the small-sized reactor it stacks likely when w
The can [be] it is we would like to ask that, but is
以及混合动力汽车的吸引力不够,但我从来不认为30位是不可能的(但可能会超过40,如果在路上几乎) Well as for charm as a hybrid car sufficiently however you think that it is a certain number it cannot there be 30 no matter what however it descends almost and if the road 40 there are also times when it exceeds
但是你知道,而不是建立一个机制,对重恩戴方向复杂的汽车电池产品,但是,是我think you这是真的我们的身体会immediately note energy on weight或 So the battery stacking making mechanism complicated rather than the heavy car pushing on in the direction which makes You think that light weight conversion of the body energy the one which is poured is the true tsu this but it is
加速和燃油经济性轻我太开心705我通常感觉良好运行,我将回顾高尔夫马球大量 说,丰田威姿熏难道宰150万的目标是规模宰被迫在任何情况从地狱?只要一插上它计划将 705 It is funny the tsu te accelerator stepping on as for the ru and fuel economy becoming good running normally Particularly tsu te appraisal is many gt Golf Polo Therefore Toyota says taking on to Vitz size the eye finger inhaling 1 500 000 When that happens it is placed in with anything because That way it probably is the schedule which moves to the plug in hybrid and
我在轻郁花加速和燃油经济性为705傻笑好,我会检讨万元熏大量 高尔夫马球宰丰田威姿1 5发生任何事情,从我的目标是说有没有载大小宝座是多少?只要一插上它计划将 705 It is funny the tsu te accelerator stepping on as for the ru and fuel economy becoming good running normally Particularly tsu te appraisal is many gt Golf Polo Therefore Toyota says taking on to Vitz size the eye finger inhaling 1 500 000 When that happens it is placed in with anything because That way it probably is the schedule which moves to the plug in hybrid and
约3个月我买普瑞斯可以运行在不太常见,但更多的感觉如何修补气味担心燃油经济性而言,我没有气差异里程 Buying the pre mortar as for about 3 months fuel economy It did the how to run is made the air but Already becoming mendo ill smelling running normally Particularly there is no difference in fuel economy it is
反过来说,它只有乘以生活区仅燃料事实用于广告鄂如目录或以上的空气调节的街道爆破,不然我就运行功率流的另一辆车,来失望小鸡不仅是燃料善茹 Speaking conversely because life is bet on just the territory of the catalog fuel economy which can be used in announcement You use the air conditioner ringing with actually road surface riding in the flow of the other car you run When it does only the extent which comes markedly fuel economy extends
Kaz d说,看不作燃料的消费观念万在1个月超过100万日圆的额外约01月06日,骑在 Assuming that 6 years it rides excessive expense of approximately month 10 000 Yen If make there is no fuel economy of 10 000 Yen or more in one month there is no meaning of attaching
只有坦率地说,G号,丰田也越来越高压和新技术相关的专利多,其他公司不能跟上 Because the [bu] [tsu] [chi] [ya] [ke], Toyota G has acquired the patent of HV-related new technology steadily, it cannot follow other companies
台风 新汽车,这是最大的即时“燃油经济”六四公里 L的!例如』的出 ,每04〜五十七公里 升!普瑞斯燃料生态来说,他们想找出谁不是只看到CON组通过检查图像深深 New model pre mortar typhoon instant maximum “fuel economy” 64km L It came out if you question everyday 4 57km liter New model Pre mortar Echo run fuel economy If just the index is viewed to the person who is not inspected deeply is swindled in image
台风 新汽车,这是最大的即时“燃油经济”六四公里 L的!出五七公里』 升!普瑞斯燃料生态来说,他们想找出谁不是只看到CON组通过检查图像深深 New model pre mortar typhoon instant maximum “fuel economy” 64km L It came out if you question everyday 4 57km liter New model Pre mortar Echo run fuel economy If just the index is viewed to the person who is not inspected deeply is swindled in image
嘿我峨骗子笑着年在丰田的滑稽如何测量它的燃料后内 If fuel economy measuring method changes within rear one year
You can laugh with the large lie attachment of Toyota, but it is,
四轮长一点,如果有人轻轻梳理废气和噪音管制摩托车从来没有发言负 If it makes the waste gas and noise regulation of the two wheels a little loose already It is to be defeated to four wheels without fail
在708碰撞安全,减少了我的重量是有限制何德゙゙ _NULL_
在正常驾驶的普锐斯25公里 L的车,因为我Tteta用户谈谈150cc经常驾驶30公里 L的市场朱达罗程度 As for the pre mortar even 25km L the user says with normal driving If as for the scooter 150cc the ro where 30km L is quotation with normal driving
坦率地说只有司机(个人)和实际行驶里程从让人们为飞行好 _NULL_
如果10燃油经济性和可靠的运行全部或依赖于东京城- 15模式Narandaro Tokyo urban district travelling, if fuel economy there is an authenticity, but
10 15 modes the [ro] which at all lines up into applying
如果您是前往国道678 大县朱达罗的小车呢?来吧进入小巷由商业电源的费用可以运行它的电池混合小车运行 678 If you do with national policy the ro which is trolley conversion of the national highway principal prefectural road If the trolley hybrid while running being able to charge with commercial business power source when it enters into the side road it runs with the battery
在它的发电量从看台上使用的付款,支付了小细胞井已经错过了1 3 Therefore as for the payment with the stand the use electric energy it comes off and the cell is sufficient the small amount payment
尽管富士赛道,你不能衡量燃料,消耗在电路中,任何设备上,而无需担心其他汽车处所已准备加速狂潮海岸沿线怪异的课程 Calling the Fuji speedway, fuel economy it measures it is with the circuit not to be, the [te],
Inside the site the other car do altogether in the air, in super slow acceleration the inert travelling doing at will
Course was prepared
布鲁诺Haitsu 606,你很可能会减半4塔希超过90岁的劳工受到威胁 606
No It is and the [tsu], is threatened and it is the payment 90 year ratio four percentage decrease
So is in [tahi],
当前可再生能源发电系统,艾达只能看好,如果只有一个电源线小车胶 If the energy of nature generation of electricity system of present condition, is connected to the trolley private power line, just it is good
恩我会完全关闭2 Gatchagatcha从上午幼童分布。 WWW的猪 2 The se e which gatsuchiyagatsuchiya can it is from the morning tsu pa and others the Cub distribution Pig www
恩我会完全关闭2 Gatchagatcha从上午幼童分布。 WWW的猪 2 The se e which gatsuchiyagatsuchiya can it is from the morning tsu pa and others the Cub distribution Pig www
我不能说与生产汽车约660目前或听说过,很难削减,或发生百万至5000万 660
Saying, that there is no a lot of mass production car, that 100,000,000 it was serious to cut, you heard
Presently 50,000,000 rank combining
我偷了良好的设计适合位以上的比我是模仿没有?你只是喜欢,但我不是一个外国车,我会很喜欢跑步的同时,还是我咬我是九井宝马汽车在同样的游戏,你卖的车是丰田方式有什么有趣的咬 1 From that from something bitsutsu stealing the design of fitting as for ru as for imitating well being good Entirely is lining up running being similar to the ru truly the ru Although there is no foreign car the car of the same round sand ring the paku ru tsu te it is good combining BMW it is nine the car being able to sell the Toyota one although the ru the paku ru tsu te it is strange don t you think
BMW320i 18 4公里 L的迷你· Cooper S的 19 2公里 L的 BMW320i 18 4km L MINI kupa S 19 2km L
我在船上Tteta阿尔托作品(前型拉斯)街道的15个,超20,我是最长的27个不倒 We is riding [arutowakusu] (the lath cover mold) town riding 15, high speed 20 super,
Longest non- falling down was 27
我很需要一个环保车普锐斯,我会方他[其实最有可能是司机本人的自我』 Singing the pre- mortar [tsu] [te] echo car, however the [ru],
Actually riding, the [ru] person is 89 'ego driver' in ten,
我还生态汽车,但那些谁可以或许你可以替换原来的每乘客英里数年采取了数以万计的一年,谁不能购买那些千百年来,尽管每更换功率每10年我将得不到原 If the echo car tsu te and the person who is changed several years with the person where tens of thousands kilometers ride in year However the causing re where the origin is recovered it is as for the person where it does not ride in year and buys either 10 000 10 years and changes The origin how it does not come off
我们可以说,一些生态汽车制造商,和我本人,我将不作决定 Saying that the manufacturer is a lot of echo car never so it is not
生态498辆汽车,而不是燃油经济的百分之10至10万不同的价格差异 498 Echo car So we assume it is not that value differential fuel economy 1 tenths is different in 100 000
我高压燃料测量方法,和汽油是不是新的卡诺花的? The fuel economy measuring method [tsu] [te] for HV, it is not newly founded separately from the gasoline powered vehicle kana?
是的,但不是112索尼汽车音响和视频 112
However there is no car, the audio and video of SONY so the shelf
欧洲和日本电动车可能会踢一排,其他地区,特别是北美,基本上我不是一个高压,如果你不使用S It can go Europe and Japan with EV however probably will be as for other area and especially North America unless there is HV because you cannot use basically don t you think
每个周末三件事情 或者,如果我买旅行400公里,其中XX距离这里有没有加油站,或检查你的燃料,我只有在所有地方的标志 Every weekend 3 400 kilometers running shopping Because tip XX mile there is no gas stand from the 此 place fuel check margin at the point where such signboard is here and there it puts out
从液体燃料的电池不能袖手旁观甚至可以说,尽可能速度加油墨盒 If the electric battery does not become with either cartridge system at replenishment speed in the liquid fuel consist of the kana cup
污水处理厂消化气体(甲烷)起数,但似乎援助的有效利用 But the digestion gas of the sewer processing place (the methane) it may be useful to effective utilization
汽油发动机的排放都配备了威姿在目前1000〜1500cc引擎,这个类,设置了一个混合动力系统电动马达合马拉古运作 In current vuitsutsu As for the aerodynamic volume displacement of the gasoline engine which it is on board with 1000 1500cc this class The hybrid system which combines the engine and the motor which moves by electricity is loaded
该电池供应的形象,所以设定无北海道四轮驱动车辆排放的废气是一个小愿望玺 Because the electric battery image of the consumable is Hokkaido we want 4WD but there is no setting in the small aerodynamic volume displacement car
混合斯威夫特,斯威夫特电流和我承认,我们期望相当良好的信誉 The hybrid of swift, you have expected well enough
The current swift [tsu] [te] reputation you call well enough and seem and
然而,汽车实际上是目录22。这8公里,中线差异美浓从实际燃料,其中包括在目录中,因此,如果将泛滥的身影比较体面的三倍汽油不说,我觉得 But the car of the catalog really 22 When it is 8km way difference of the falling from the catalog and actual fuel economy it exceeds 3 times that of the gasoline powered vehicle if You think that honest comparison you cannot say
但实际上是38公里的车二十二升。 8公里的,与实际油耗15个目录。什么成人和2公里之间的差异 But the car of liter 38km really 22 When it is 8km the catalog and actual fuel economy 15 It becomes the difference of 2km
燃料测定要148现在电池不相同的运行之前和之后的做法 148
Current fuel economy measuring method before the travelling and after the travelling unless the battery remaining amount is the same, is not good
的H - 法拉利 - 意大利物流二百五十○公里/小时12吨运行推出了世界上最快的赛道 Selling the 12t track/truck of the worldwide most speed which the Italy Ferrari runs at speed per hour 250Km/h
相反,最新的销售骨干支撑我期待所有波罗高尔夫或燃油效率 From that, the fuel economy of up-to-date GOLF or POLO which supports the framework of sale stopping trying seeing
碳纤维车身,使你忽略约50公里的价格将 When with price disregard the body it makes with the carbon fiber, about 50km it goes kana
第124 8公里 L的本田Insight吨2号24 5公里 L的本田Insight无级变速器第3号22 6公里 L的第4吨铃木双人22 5公里 L的斯巴鲁R2的第5号22 1公里吨 L的本田今天#6 22 0吨公里 L的吨丰田临盒7号全长21 6公里 L的马自达一览 第8吨车全长21 6公里 L的吨大发Esse的第9号21 1公里 L的CVT的丰田Prius名列1020 8公里 L的铃木奥拓吨 1 rank 24 8km L HONDA In sight MT 2 rank 24 5km L HONDA In sight CVT 3 rank 22 6km L Sea bass Twin MT 4 rank 22 5km L Subaru R2 MT 5 rank 22 1km L HONDA Today MT 6 rank 22 0km L Toyota Professional box MT 7 rank 21 6km L Matsuda AZ Wagon MT 8 rank 21 6km L Daihatsu etsuse MT 9 rank 21 1km L Toyota Pre mortar CVT 10 rank 20 8km L Sea bass Alto MT
30 584 L型权力,但我会升级,空调,把30公里 L的,但不再运行1 584 30 type L grades riding however the ru When the air conditioner you attach only 30km L it stops running
支原体是326六十○公里每小时,并在周一或NAA的冷静反思 326 The u u … at that time 60km h being unconcerned it has put out it is … you reflect
维基仅供参考道路里程在50幼童幼童的燃油经济性是真实的,加速器法律三零公里每小时60〜保护试点慢90公里 L时,他们用粗糙的全油门行驶在高速如果45〜60公里 L是约 About the Cub of Wiki fuel economy for the reference With the operation where the fuel economy of Cub 50 on the actually public road law protects 30km h and will be slow 60 90km L Full opening of the accelerator and travelling at high speed rough with how to use such as 45 60km it is about L
我会軽四411?嗯,我只是不乘坐公共道路 411 Don t you think it is light four That way however the public road it cannot run
良好的燃油经济性和汽油,尽管这一切在变坏,他们没有能力下降归因于汽油永远剥削劳动力小型燃料罐 When this much fuel economy is good unless fuel tank capacity is made small Gasoline wear gasoline rots forever
宰你就跑下山,他们从来没有让人们饮食燃料行李重量的一半 Because of fuel economy diet to weight half It does not place the person or the baggage no matter what Just the downhill runs
花式号拥有超过4000公里公升燃料 4000 kilogram fuel economy liters super the fancy carol number which you are proud
茹将削减对车辆的燃油效率等专案,为电动车充电时间短,功率Gubeki研究报告中指出里程延长 If the extent which fights furiously of fuel economy improvement in such a car, charge time of the electric automobile
It should make effort for research of shortening and travel distance extension
蝙蝠,我舒佩尔卡伯97cc 52修改。 8公里/ L的瓦特我三位数公路驾驶四驱车wwww冷这个东西对郊区。让我们走出这个里程雪,那将可能要去购买低价瓦特税 [oioi], we remodelling super Cub 97cc 52. It is 8Km/L what, w
With 3 column national highway travelling of suburb wwww
It is cold with dense Tsuga 4WD. This fuel economy being able to put out at snow area, if tax cheap whether the buying [tsu] [chi] [ma] [u] w
该公司的旗舰高压“普瑞斯”(38公斤)超过了目前世界上最好的里程预计生产汽车 It exceeds the main force HV of the same company, “pre- mortar” (38 kilometers) at present time is seen as worldwide highest fuel economy by the mass production car
该跑车的马力和3500万的超级体育欺骗,是龟兹骨髓骨髓和命中44个3我也会停止发动机Marushi这是什么豪华车发动机吝啬到春季为不按摩壊毫无疑问,我认为真正的20 詐 name horsepower it produces the [supo] car,
As for 35,000,000 sou pass Potts striking with the 3 of BM, becoming [kuchiyakuchiya], as for BM massage it is not broken and
The spring stingy [tsu] [te] engine of the engine for the luxury car stops and with
These 44 � [tsu] [te] thinking as the substantial 20 �, you are not wrong
谁在同行业工作,但不是在自雇不是很多区域城市GTR和Z34多运动 _NULL_
这不是一个好处摩托车轻便摩托车在各种条例(哈萨克斯坦原子燃料发)刚 Although the fact that it is light is advantage of the two wheels, [debu] the motorcycle (= fuel economy make it is just) with various regulations
阿多是1瓦不小心一句似乎世界最好的生产汽车的行驶里程在此刻 1
Extremely random composition shelf w
At present time it is seen as worldwide highest fuel economy by the mass production car
驾驶1000cc引擎,即使没有邪恶,无论条件如何25公里 升随志摩他们没有把你的要求 How condition being bad with 1000cc 25km l it does not cut the engine we ask
因此,100公里的家。销售条款应运行在什么正逐步削减,充电无施 With that 100km house There is no charge with the fact that it can run should be designated as terms of sale