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“Why not carrying out the blood inspection of the kind cow?”…The possibility of causing the interview compensation for damage claim lawsuit of 薦 rice field anger the suggestion ★4


  • Www maff go jp J的 syouan douei katiku yobo k bousi PDF格式 fmdsisin pdf第二个证明。三方面的保护措施发生。措施(三)除屠宰牲畜Ø扑杀受影响的动物及以下原则,(一)至(c)项和疑似病例要适当 www maff go jp j syouan douei katiku yobo k bousi pdf fmdsisin pdf 2nd Anti Measure 3 In occurrence area anti Measure 3 Destroying o The object domestic animal of destroying makes the 患 domesticated fowl and animals and the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals where the following corresponds a from u to as a general rule
    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 129呻 www maff go jp J的 syouan douei katiku yobo k bousi PDF格式 fmdsisin pdf第二证明。三方面的保护措施发生。措施(三)除屠宰牲畜Ø扑杀受影响的动物及以下原则,(一)至(c)项和疑似病例要适当 gt gt 129 http www maff go jp j syouan douei katiku yobo k bousi pdf fmdsisin pdf 2nd Anti Measure 3 In occurrence area anti Measure 3 Destroying o The object domestic animal of destroying makes the 患 domesticated fowl and animals and the false 患 domesticated fowl and animals where the following corresponds a from u to as a general rule

  • [1]宫崎机场口▽。可能的损害。 ▽国民总节开幕判刑听证会(宫崎市文化会馆)[合唱2]处▽(Medikitto市民文化中心),)系的工艺美术▽(艺术博物馆,渔业署▽(县立图书馆)口▽。如果损害调查的农民(农业高中高锅)文学系▽(共放置了一个广场文化的延冈市)靖国神社天岩戸▽[3]高千穗神社从熊本机场▽▽▽高千穗
    <1 days> At ▽ Miyazaki airport oral hoof. Damage approximation. Listening ▽ nationwide high entire sentence festival opening ceremony (Miyazaki citizen cultural hole) <2 days> ▽ chorus section ([medeikitsuto] prefectural people cultural center) ▽ fine arts technical section (prefectural fine arts museum) ▽ marine products section (prefectural library) ▽ oral hoof. Damage farmer visit (Takanabe agricultural high school) ▽ liberal arts section (the Nobeoka city culture plaza you express?) ▽ Takachiho shrine <3 days> ▽ heaven Iwato shrine ▽ Takachiho 峡 ▽ Kumamoto airport departure

    • 〜揉揉揉揉揉揉失业福利的失业者 Welfare it persists persisting It is the u which is the u Persisting persisting It is the u which is the u Persisting persisting
      • 〜揉揉揉揉揉揉失业者失业 Persisting persisting It is the u which is the u Persisting persisting It is the u which is the u Persisting persisting

    • 不科学的,冷漠和山田等级不一致 声音的人自然科学和提升梁是最神秘的科学意见,他们应该在远场的祖父 Non scientific non nerve non fixed seeing ranking Yamada gt Akamatsu gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt Higashi Kunihara gt the prefectural staff gt the uncle it is Lists voice originally the science which the uncle on of site of distant expectation it is opinion most scientific wonder
      • 这是没有什么异议呢?省重建与燃气轮机 其他反疫情在我的意见,我认为可以考虑与我们相似的立场我东国 There is no objection is in this Prefecture Revival gt Prevention of spreading In addition As a private opinion when I was the standpoint of Governor Higashi Kunihara you think that perhaps of similar thing was thought
      • 这起事件,“最终”可能是释然,下一次传播,被邀请山田,“必要性”,将 It caused the latest situation “after all” and viewing the next time Yamada caused the fact that it spreads you call “inevitability” It means especially

    • 主席的内阁会议于7月27日在新闻发布会上一个国家公众安全洽井after说,防暴警察特派团派遣了宫崎县的支持者从外县的这种做法的消毒问题,口蹄疫,天空表示要退出是释放
      As for 洽 national public peace Chairman Nakai in Cabinet conference postscript person interview of 27 days, Because it is disinfection business and the like with foot and mouth disease problem of Miyazaki prefecture, being supported and being dispatched from outside the same prefecture duty of the police riot squad the same day, You expressed that it is cancelled and removes

      • 什么是家庭的附表生存威胁冯承认或者显示为埋葬外护城河的细节,根据已经Hoihoi
        The [tsu] [te] which recognizes the continuance of the Yutaka house instead of burying the moat being intimidated, [hoihoi] therefore you put away

        • 从一开始,“不要食用动物杀”,以支持和补充其他。需要的是方法“不消费和杀牲畜,”即使他们离开了生活,“杀牲畜食用” ll为你带来不公正感该生产者将很难令人信服的石窟从来没有 NULL
          • 从一开始,“不要食用动物杀”,以支持和补充其他。需要的是方法“不消费和杀牲畜,”即使他们离开了生活,“杀牲畜食用” ll为你带来不公正感该生产者将很难令人信服的石窟从来没有 NULL

        • 他们不希望感染成本的努力,以决定余下的生命,而 这可能是值得一牛 In other words Verification of infection and cost of effort because we would not like to make survive lt value of the cow With there is a possibility of becoming
          • “我们不希望延迟发布的”隐性感染“,可能反映瓶塞盘和接受 “Delay the cancellation “infection it hides and” because you do not want with is not unable to be caught

        • 他的朋友逃出了对走私和出稼茂木离开该国的混乱,大多数韩国人冒充一个特殊的永久居民

          • 会员牲畜,或将在未经许可的情况下生存的书面请求口蹄疫为理由为提高屠宰的发展寻求,这个镇农汝高锅牛品种是伪分钟提示。特殊的生存家园牛蓄的农场发生口蹄疫有关。农场是“有显着的不足之处的做法和其他人平等的”被解释为 The animal husbandry related group exists in the demand book Foot and mouth disease emergence as the reason which requests destroying with no permission Agricultural ru thing of Takanabe Cho which has raised the kind cow understands Imitation As for the house which exists the kind cow of the 蓄 with exception Seki of the occurrence farm of foot and mouth disease It is the farm “Equal characteristic of the other case is lacked considerably” that and so on it has explained
            • &亿吨 牲畜在宫崎县的官员以外的牛,“灰色”是不是一个伪分钟暗示。例外会没有生存和口蹄疫的牲畜的蓄或涉嫌侵犯负责人被杀的事件,我们在 gt As for the animal husbandry authorized personnel outside the prefecture the Miyazaki cow understands “the gray” as for being Imitation You exist the kind cow of the 蓄 with exception The report breach of duty which destroys foot and mouth disease emergence with no permission is doubted

          • 偷牛精子在长崎罕见,神秘的自杀官员一样的韩牛在韩国发展,为什么后
            The semen of the Japanese Cattle is stolen in Nagasaki prefecture, the staff suicide of puzzle, after that why the Japanese Cattle entirely Korean cow is developed in Korea

            • 其他农民在县,就是“我们像往常一样躲藏,也将涵盖精液Urisabakou土民宫崎
              In other words as for peasant of other prefecture In order “for we to conceal usually, also the Miyazaki earth people concealing, the [u] [ri] it will try probably to judge the semen

              • 农业部长,政府的权力强制修改我CN2010072701000468的。html 201007 /强家族史口蹄疫在呻/ WWW的0.47 news.jp /架CN /

                • 华晨一个政治家,而不是失去一个好东西可以说是一个国家的象征,在宫崎县一开始表现为政治的受害者,只要团结省长东部省长,居民足以证明了我们的希望和当地政府的力量伟大发送到全国 Rather than in the country losing shining in order phrasing to do to be as a politician becoming symbol of one prefecture if Higashi governor is in Miyazaki When you became the victim of the political performance of the governor unity power of the prefectural people it is enormous showing sufficiently we want dispatching latent energy of the local self governing body to entire country
                  • 华晨作为一个政治家,而不是失去的东西好话的国家,在宫崎县,是一个符号总督的公民,只要作为省长东部和可怕表现出足够的团结,我要发送到全国各地方政府的力量 Rather than in the country losing shining in order phrasing to do to be as a politician becoming symbol of one prefecture if Higashi governor is in Miyazaki When you became the victim of the political performance of the governor unity power of the prefectural people it is enormous showing sufficiently we want dispatching latent energy of the local self governing body to entire country

                • 因此,虽然没有这样的,他们说如果我们离开或井田差异预感,但是,已经宰杀的直接命令,但是,其他国家或在县,因为我是不这样做,适合的目的地将省 Then there is no such a fact that it is simply misunderstanding if you propose but natural destroying the direct As for those where you order being the prefecture is not the country therefore it is the partner side of lawsuit becomes the prefecture

                  • 国家,并承诺“在移动之前彻底的安全检查”被改编成的废纸
                    “Promise as for the safety verification which before the moving with the country is thorough” the counter the appearance which makes old

                    • 在trap ll只需支付八千一万日元杀牲畜,未来的国王,但养牛的农民说哪一个国家或省,不能让检查人员都没有进入,这将是疯狂的事抗拒死亡井 The kind cow killing only 810 000 Yen you pay it is in the future as for the kind cow farmer The country and the prefecture probably will be what but without making the inspector insert no matter what It means to resist with the dying thing deviation
                      • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,它只是一个基本81000000日元六六七○○○○○○日元将法案责成由81个不同的食物,或者它没有举行 gt gt 667 The basis being just 810 000 Yen because feed generation it is various types added to that It is not 810 000 Yen

                    • 在这种行为,“什么是合理的要求往往不知道”,但他们认为自私附表内,谁是愚弄欺诈模式 “You do not understand well but it probably is rational required what” that you are convinced selfishly even with such a speech and behavior Pattern of the person who is swindled in fraud
                      • 查看详细资料,并提出了这些国家希望开始侵蚀行为的成本或感觉的原则,追求的是合理的,因为泡沫的崩溃,有这样的基础 There being such a foundation Rational pursuit or cost feeling after bubble collapsing When it starts attacking in conduct principle such country is completed

                    • 如果我可以做的和说的是乌加脏,其实,如果安全河内隆,昂贵的牛,并说苏囊课程是杀害 You probably will say that it is dirty but how it will do but fact safety is high if is the expensive cow You kill it is proper thing
                      • 现在,已经历奇怪的牛志位的安全,但不能简单地比较容易杀死隆艾希 Because it occurred as for the doubtful cow as for safety it is high and ease to kill easily

                    • 宛是条纹案件导致结构do没有,他们发放补偿而囊通过从血液中的市民,所以我可能不会写投诉或给予了民主党的个人财产从部长的预算的农业
                      As for causing lawsuit the structure cup, paying the indemnity from blood tax of the citizen as for [suji] Because it does not pass, way it makes come out of the private property of agricultural phase or the budget of the Democratic party, 訴 condition is written,

                      • 宫崎,但我只UMK对UMK捷运日本NHK,UMK驱动tTA会觉得作为工作室或出现什么 Generally Miyazaki tsu te UMK MRT However there is only NHK The studio of UMK saying that in just UMK performance how being you thought
                        • 口的国家艺术节高中的宫崎伐丽流线。我很担心这可能有机会蔓延 Is done with Miyazaki the high school comprehensive cultural festival which the oral hoof to entire country The yes which becomes opportunity of spreading Talent characteristic is worry

                      • 当然,审判假设的,你知道部长是否威胁和省长成为一个大问题,没有质疑法庭会不可避免地合早生
                        Naturally, that with hypothesis of judgment, was intimidated to the minister of state the governor, you have recognized, whether or not is, in important issue It becomes and, the inquiry comes from the courthouse compulsorily

                        • 我也喜欢这些职位,也许05 保护头分。冷。精液分钟 物种。气候的影响。是的,我认为最适合紧缩分钟之间及燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 585我说话的时候,每年销售约30 000超级牛市风景 Because it seems that also such article is when perhaps it does 5 heads preservation Cold Semen amount kind It is in time almost at amount whether it is it is not that zakuzaku gt gt 585 The super kind cow commonly the year 30 000 book it is story when it could sell don t you think
                          • 我也喜欢这些职位,也许05 保护头分。冷。精液分钟 物种。气候的影响。是的,我认为最适合紧缩分钟之间及燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 585我说话的时候,每年销售约30 000超级牛市风景 Because it seems that also such article is when perhaps it does 5 heads preservation Cold Semen amount kind It is in time almost at amount whether it is it is not that zakuzaku gt gt 585 The super kind cow commonly the year 30 000 book it is story when it could sell don t you think

                        • 我没有农场在日本宫崎牲畜被杀害,但如果我把一个主要子公司后瓦特哈马克我案件的牧场或日本 However the ranch of the rear major ham manufacturer tsu te affiliated company is in the Japanese entire country When it has in Miyazaki unless the domestic animal of the farm of the Japanese entire country must be killed don t you think w
                          • Tatte什么是自私的事Uhauha楚山田农场吗? Being the tsu te some thing where the Yamada farm makes a profit in uhauha

                        • 我的吱吱作响的轮子和长野,和宫崎Netouyo芮体酉不能说你的房子wwww Netouyo吱吱响的车轮。万维网Warosu口是心非爆炸wwwwwww
                          Unless you call to Nagano [gone] profit, as for Miyazaki there is a [gone] profit, [netouyo] wwww which persists House of [netouyo]. Two tongue explosion wwwwwww [warosu] www

                          • 换句话说,我的野生动物是影响抗体“单位放电走出口蹄疫病毒,”因为你周围的山上漫步。

                            • 据车队,首次感染,津野水牛镇农场,并已在此前宣布第六届 According to the same team as for first infection example the water buffalo farmer of Tsuno Cho which is made 6th example in former announcement
                              • 其中,农民正在寻求加强Gimashita意见阶段后的感染途径 Among these the opinion which requests the specification of the infection route followed one another from the farmer

                            • 无论如何,“将杀死所有的牛,”团队,编号:ymwh5qpm0和ID:Ox9hhxts0我两个人?你喜欢的疲劳
                              “As for the kind cow everyone kill” temporarily as for the team, ID: ymwh5qpm0 With ID: Ox9hhxts0 Don't you think? they are two human what? Tired way

                              • 日本的牛肉出口贸易及红色Bimasenna完成粮食进口38亿日元的法案。业
                                As for the Japanese beef export amount 3,800,000,000 Yen It does not reach to either the feed generation which it imports Complete trade red. Industry

                                • 正因如此,出现了蔓延的主要文多次,我不死于它造成了数千人,每年
                                  With the consequence, spreading repeatedly occurring in the small school, originating in that, don't you think? every year several thousand people the reason which dies

                                  • 牛是好的,他们的努力 运气 物种可能与一过麻烦可爱的偶像,几年不堪一击这么好的货币增长 The cow of good kind with growth characteristic your own effort luck of kind there are times when it becomes the good kind of gold where hardship of several years blows off in the one shot
                                    • 牛是好的,他们的努力 运气 物种可能与一过麻烦可爱的偶像,几年不堪一击这么好的货币增长 The cow of good kind with growth characteristic your own effort luck of kind there are times when it becomes the good kind of gold where hardship of several years blows off in the one shot

                                  • 由于每个认识到对山田的威胁,但坚持认为我得到一个紧急停止1 3
                                    Respectively, it confronts Yamada's intimidation as recognition, when inevitably it is emergency evacuation It is to insist

                                    • 缓慢的反应是故意传播赤松前,山田一方由部长由部长。该物种的死亡。处置
                                      In the intentional correspondence lag by front Minister of State Akamatsu infection enlargement, one side by Minister of State Yamada. With destroying kind. It is dealing

                                      • 编号:66Zhq1vy0但他不是真实或接近它(笑)
                                        ID: 66Zhq1vy0 Like the person where the person corresponds to that, or is close to that but (laughing)

                                        • 编号:oECk5xml0嵌入连结,而不是原报价,并且它不是海藻瓦特
                                          ID: oECk5xml0 Unless link of the quotation origin it pastes, reason [wa] pot putting out w

                                          • 说,电视可能是牲畜的农民德塔合理适当地说,我知道它的合理概述 As for the story is as for the animal husbandry farmer you call propriety in general with TV whether propriety whether it is not proper

                                            • 赤松在这种情况下,错误是任何情况下,这种说法你是谁?达罗法院应Okose
                                              As for Akamatsu mistake anyhow with this case as for this insistence some way intention? The [ro] judgment it should have caused and is

                                              • 这是相同的,但它也责备竹,酵母甚至East中国海油领域,只有在没有凯塔初步解决。我沉迷于锅
                                                But this so the bamboo island also, the Dong Hai oil field, Dauntlessly just there was no initial motionIt falls in the 壺, it is,

                                                • 附表伊顿开始审讯或compensation ll元人民不断短缺跃升为市民服务的精神,足以捐给县牛免费 Vis a vis the prefecture being gratuitous contributes the kind cow the extent which serves publicly it flew to the mind which the person whom The compensation which is decided with law being enough you say with judgment beginning

                                                  • 马拉是不是一个适当的政府修改法律适应时代和坚持立法传统法律是一种习惯异常
                                                    In habit of the legislature persisting in former law, the government which does not do the proper method amendment which it adjusts to age is abnormal

                                                    • &亿吨 奶牛产量几乎引起了宝贵的疾病传播口蹄疫,以确保安全销毁埃泰如果不是只考虑自然的提木↑ gt While the extent of foot and mouth disease is settled almost if the valuable kind cow it destroys as for verifying safety the proper Only thing of ↑ teme it is thought
                                                      • &亿吨 确保安全,如果牛屠宰率几乎引起了宝贵的脚和口腔疾病的传播,不仅认为提木埃泰自然↑ gt While the extent of foot and mouth disease is settled almost if the valuable kind cow it destroys as for verifying safety the proper Only thing of ↑ teme it is thought

                                                    • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,它是份占总数超过1500万,人均90%的624超级奶牛每6个,2。 30000为11年,未来5头。供应05000000 gt gt 624 Because 6 super kind cows has occupied 9 tenths or more of year 150 000 book per 1 heads 2 As 30 000 book in the future with 5 heads year 11 It can supply 50 000 book
                                                      • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,它是份占总数超过1500万,人均90%的684超级奶牛每6个,2。 30000为11年,未来5头。供应05000000 NULL

                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 80&燃气轮机 · 米的补偿,如果零自杀死亡的过程,如果设保人)杀死自己的拒绝,并可能造成一些麻烦魔法分钟左右,同意屠宰 gt gt 80 gt If by his destroys if with the compensation the ru gratuitousness transfer naturally zero When you understand that by the fact that by his denies destroying annoyance is caused around it agreed to destroying
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 80&燃气轮机 ·否认自杀,滋扰及约需魔法分钟,并同意销毁 gt gt 80 gt If by his destroys if with the compensation the ru gratuitousness transfer naturally zero When you understand that by the fact that by his denies destroying annoyance is caused around it agreed to destroying
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 一水滋扰周围即使花费551谷,克惹Yokattajan它继续拒绝 gt gt 551 Annoyance being caused around without reflecting upon if it should have continued to deny it is
                                                      • (如果赔偿is m死亡为零,当然,如果自由转移),在他拒绝被杀害,和周围的魔法麻烦和分钟,同意销毁 If it destroys if with the compensation the ru gratuitousness transfer naturally zero When you understand that by the fact that by his denies destroying annoyance is caused around it agreed to destroying

                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 813&燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 813&燃气轮机 从出阴性结果可能仍然会出现,“哦,但不是杀人疾病Sareta道歉和赔偿,”我Tonchinkan说 gt gt 813 gt gt gt 813 gt Perhaps because the negative result probably will be produced “although there is no sickness in order shooting sareta apology and compensation ” the tsu te ton chin can thing to say
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 815&燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 813&燃气轮机 从出阴性结果可能仍然会出现,“哦,但不是杀人疾病Sareta道歉和赔偿,”我Tonchinkan说 gt gt 815 gt gt gt 813 gt Perhaps because the negative result probably will be produced “although there is no sickness in order shooting sareta apology and compensation ” the tsu te ton chin can thing to say

                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 990&燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 985将是一个好人谁犯区自杀的需要传输线和脚蛋糕口蹄疫是我的错 gt gt 990 gt gt 985 When by his goes into infection area of foot and mouth disease by mistake It probably is the nice person who commits suicide
                                                      • 北海道有经验的检疫人员进行手足口病在宫崎县10年以前,“有没有信心在空间 10 years ago with Miyazaki prefecture as for the Hokkaido person in charge who experiences foot and mouth disease “There is no margin where feeling enters into quarantine
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 990&燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 985将是一个好人谁犯区自杀的需要传输线和脚蛋糕口蹄疫是我的错 gt gt 990 gt gt 985 When by his goes into infection area of foot and mouth disease by mistake It probably is the nice person who commits suicide

                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 为什么404,你必须研究如何朝鲜曾多次提出过很多次了吧?嗯,这是韩国(笑) gt gt 404 Why many degrees repeatedly must learn occurrence from Korea which is Well it probably is the South Korean but laughing
                                                      • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,但我不认为我说642不愉快的事情赎回紧 gt gt 642 Well separately hard thing it was said however how it is not thought
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 364?我什至幻想团队主要做瓦特湿重四郎 gt gt 364 Such a team how it was not w Delusion you want but it is margin ww
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 537&燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 你生气,536先生 gt gt 537 gt gt 536 You get angry
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 889嗯,我不明白为什么大家都 gt gt 889 That it does not become the reason where everyone can agree upon
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 905&燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 906&燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 908哪个我 gt gt 905 gt gt 906 gt gt 908 It is which
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 为什么404,你必须研究如何朝鲜曾多次提出过很多次了吧?嗯,这是韩国(笑) gt gt 404 Why many degrees repeatedly must learn occurrence from Korea which is Well it probably is the South Korean but laughing
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 之前你甚至110万维网 NULL
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 写650,但他们没有,因此我只是解释 gt gt 650 It is not written however don t you think so just it has interpreted
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 朱达罗换句话说,我们生活的法律598 gt gt 598 It is law you could apply such the ro which is
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 说是采取额外的336太多关闭 gt gt 336 It probably is a story that to cut off too much is in excess

                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 可以用714位牛在第一,“将”过夜。你能帮助我们制订了Kawaran前面像牛等。ー关注的事只有毫无意义Dattsu肉牛湿重 gt gt 714 In the first place that kind cow there is no “calling” The cow and the tile of around there it is with to do the yo Your like not being useful The cow just does worried something of the kind cows the tsu which is meaningless ww
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 可以用714位牛在第一,“将”过夜。你能帮助我们制订了Kawaran前面像牛等。ー关注的事只有毫无意义Dattsu肉牛湿重 gt gt 714 In the first place that kind cow there is no “calling” The cow and the tile of around there it is with to do the yo Your like not being useful The cow just does worried something of the kind cows the tsu which is meaningless ww

                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 国家认证的155头奶牛或不自由没有关系?你来看我看不出感染 gt gt 155 As for the kind cow there is no relationship in pure national recognition it is it isn t The verification that you should have taken you are not infected it is the ro which is
                                                      • 如果我支持政府,如果不迅速,已扩散到不认为我可以 Government is fast corresponding the cod as for infection enlargement the medium tsu high the tsu te which is not the re you thought
                                                      • 足以造成严重的感染数目的来源是不是等奶牛谈的,我接受屠宰Temashita如果被证实感染 The quantity of extent which becomes serious infection source without being the sushi If calls the kind cow the do infection is verified receiving destroying it increased die

                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 澄清感染途径三二二瓦特我几乎无用的,如果发生可疑的动物接种了疫苗,研究样本有显着性,但 NULL
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 416它会注射防疫针? gt gt 416 That vaccination
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 疫苗早896环航运 ,你告诉一个范围相当广泛的感染 gt gt 896 Ring vaccine early with shipment on the other hand expanding the infection limits the ru it does

                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 牛有关的剩余的Burgers只杀死05头财产保护生活在超级牛,防止感染蔓延 gt gt Remaining from kind cow relationship ru prevention of infection enlargement and is just the destroying survivor 5 of the super kind cows of property protection
                                                      • 屠宰的牛,离开了宝贵的政策,这既是一种有效的和财产的保护,以防止感染的蔓延 Leaving the kind cow which is value it destroys it is the effective step which has the both sides of prevention and property protection of infection enlargement
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 汉堡店是唯一剩下的头牲畜死亡有关的其余5县活牛超 gt gt Remaining from kind cow relationship ru is just the destroying survivor 5 of the super kind cows of the prefecture

                                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 环境不是开始源的基础,没有好,如果没有相关的其他129?与此相关的新闻。它只是一直农场 NULL
                                                      • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 环境不是开始源的基础,没有好,如果没有相关的其他129?与此相关的新闻。它只是一直农场 NULL

                                                    • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机; 201秃头州长,并威胁说,驱动tTA部长,很适合你,我的国家相手取

                                                      • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机; 288好了,省长,“恐吓”当你不弯,但我要离开他们果断
                                                        & gt; & gt; 288 The governor “intimidation” every not to submit to coming, if it should have left dauntlessly, it is

                                                        • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机; 88 旗帜从刚领导下的政治旗帜
                                                          & gt; & gt; 88 > Under flag-symbol of political main leadership Because is just the flag-symbol

                                                          • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;当我们的下一代战术我会杀死疫苗的人都在万不得已的戒指将使用893或最后突然
                                                            & gt; & gt; 893 To that it probably is everyone murder strategy how last expedient with the ring vaccine, but At the time of next occurrence being the intention last expedient of using suddenly?

                                                            • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;悟Nobu餐厅韩茹404当然英国的制度来该国兽医检查人员在两小时内,在第三,如果你调用一个可爱的偶像科学更好地停止。密封容器和处置政府的运输牲畜和评估者立即处置补偿公平的市场价格来确定处置禽畜
                                                              & gt; & gt; 404 As for learning from Korea the one which is stopped is good If it learns, the English system where at telephone one the inspector and the veterinarian of the country come within two hours Of course third. The assessment member deciding the dealing domestic animal with market price standard, directly compensation The dealing domestic animal the country to transport in the airtightness container, dealing

                                                              • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;补偿公式645或几个月之前,我钻进了报纸,什么房子

                                                                • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;问:突发623他们说出来?酱对你的大脑,不是吗?Gujuguju

                                                                  • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;防疫法的某些动物的口蹄疫牲畜疾病的前检疫检测,并补充了有关案件的定义是非常可疑的720哦扎帕
                                                                    & gt; & gt; 720 When it supplements Domestic animal protecting against infection law The specific domestic animal infectious disease quarantine guide regarding foot and mouth disease With former as for definition of false 患 domesticated fowl and animals tremendously rough

                                                                    • (B)所有的偶蹄类动物在其他农场提出了相同的饲养管理和受影响的动物管理 i All of the domestic animal of the artiodactyl which is bred at the other farm which the breeding manager of the 患 domesticated fowl and animals has managed identically
                                                                      • 约49头奶牛县家畜改良机构,是因为该国需要避免杀县 Concerning kind cow 49 of prefectural domestic animal revised business group is because the prefecture demands the evasion of destroying in the country
                                                                      • (B)所有的偶蹄类动物在其他农场提出了相同的饲养管理和受影响的动物管理 i All of the domestic animal of the artiodactyl which is bred at the other farm which the breeding manager of the 患 domesticated fowl and animals has managed identically

                                                                    研究 開発