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Nintendo Co., being the game machine inactive, 25,200,000,000 Yen last deficit…4 - June period


  • DS是疮感叹词最近生产的往往是致命的,尤其是在内容的质量下降了,但也最有可能购买的厨房多在太 As for DS especially it is many The eye is left over in the kusoge mass production tsu pu ri of recent years But also the crack 厨 generally decrease of quality fatal
    • 此次出售是不寻常的成功战略不但没有愚蠢的事情,如只Kusogereberu Just succeeded in the strategy those of kusogereberu aho likely Sells just was abnormal

  • Hamusoku com 档案 3359595。html的呻 gigazine net 的index php? 新闻 评论 20100705 yu pack hamusoku com archives 3359595 html http gigazine net index php news comments 20100705 yu pack
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  • TitanQuest和暗黑移动机给我一个很好的复制和
    With the portable machine with Diablo and TitanQuest and that copy it puts out from calling,

    • Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Warata Dappun怀孕的原因是格哈wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww蟑螂啊啊啊啊wwwwwwwwwwwww鸡传染性法氏囊病,也摸索扎马wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww富美瓦特和q兆焦耳Ĥ硬件用户界面茂木周我jfqh埃奎我wqw
      The straw it is the [tsu] [pu] which is wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww pregnancy it is wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [goki] returns to [geha] wwwwwwwwwwwww The [za] well well well well [a] wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Don't you think? the wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww obtaining [u] hw [hu] [o] h [gi] wk w where also the 痴 China is end [e] [ku] [e] mj and q it is jfqh it is wqw

      • _NULL_
        & gt; & gt; 976 Lie being attached The game classified by machine the software sale result (above 500,000 this) 2010 May presently PS3 All the 6 works Total number 4,172,447 book [huainaruhuantaji] X � 1,883,828 [metaruki] ゙ [a] [soritsuto] ゙ 4 Mosquito ゙ [nsu] ゙ off ゙ [sa] ゙ [ha] ゚ [toriotsuto] 706,461 4 as though dragon Those which succeed legend 538,264 Great bear [hokuto] hit and miss [musou] [koe] 523,414 Biohazard 5 [kapukon] 520,480 3 as though dragon Sega 509,306 Wii All the 17 works Total number 29,547,803 book New Sou perm Rio brothers Wii 3,732,721 Wii sport 3,634,806 Wii Fit 3,560,889 New Wii 2,776,759 [mariokato]. II 2,650,174 Large scuffle [sumatsushiyuburazazu] X 1,924,424 Wii Fit Plus 1,858,827 Wii Sports Resort 1,853,516 [mariopatei] 8 1,396,911 It probably will go to the town How you hit the forest 1,215,828 Monster hunter 3 (try) 1,016,812 Sou perm Rio galaxy 977,178 [meidoinwario] which threatens 647,130 Expert [tatsujin] of drum [taiko]. II 646,709 [mario] & sonic AT Beijing [pekinorinhi] ゚ [tsuku] 594,157 Legend of [zeruda] [towairaitohu] ゚ [rinsesu] 554,109 [supapepamario] 506,298

        • 不要弹出每年18亿美元,把成本削减一郎W他!解雇我10亿元,5年,包括选择你傻?任天堂航海W西西小市场俱乐部
          It puts out year 1,800,000,000 to [ichiro] what, is, W expense reduction! Layoff! Option including, whether 5 year 10,000,000,000 super W fool the Nintendo Co. [marinazu] W young club W

          • 不,我感受到了一个特别的小损伤的印象,因为它接收的,而不是蓝筹股公司梁
            Well, therefore on the other hand super enterprise of good standing very impression just a little of the special damage [tsu] [te] feeling which is received

            • 从本质上讲是一美元,你有一美元的销售和应计1日元升值,日元在110期约,保持改变日元计价的资产中,我将做好例如买进美元呢?哦,我不能停止,但它只是将外汇投资基金 One as for obtaining unintentionally in age about of 1 dollar 110 Yen Expecting increase in yen value advance dollar doing to sell Changing property into yen base If now dollar should have been bought don t you think it is a with that in simply exchange investment fund tsu chi ya u
              • 虽然汇率和受影响大,Wii的是没有配备与古色不是从玩家踢的方式和传统的软件销售来寻找 Because large call the influence with exchange when the eye is directed to the software sale of Wii the former game user it is not attached they are lonesome ones

            • 任天堂可信的证据,我不会让猴子粪便门质量评价标准,对Wii和DS车销售的常客Bakkari Nintendo Co examination standard droppings Gaea making mass produce with the basket confidence was somber from the ru As for evidence as for regular of wagon sale Wii and DS tsu temporary
              • NAA的软件货车从山如雅达利冲击想像 It seems that makes atarishiyotsuku imagine Therefore mountain of wagon software

            • 你不觉得任天堂是棕褐色和黑色还很难出粪样的?格哈板也CON组
              As for Nintendo Co. whatever kind of droppings hard being, the black-ink balance it has put out it is without being? In addition it was swindled in the [geha] board,…

              • 国内制造的高日元经济衰退的政策破坏了民主党成长中的小型企业破产自杀

                • 在任天堂的销量下滑了电梯,而不是记录赤字,外汇,我应该向更高的价值,但相对于日元和日元,如果记录,红色只有成为 Being separately the Nintendo Co sale inactive it is not to become the appropriation deficit The currency of foreign country value becoming low in comparison with circle when it appropriates from the ru to the Japanese Yen just it becomes the deficit
                  • S也很有趣,因为它确实成日元所有外国货币,而不是记录,严格的数字,其计算方法是,真正的赤字仍然不 NULL

                • 在政府的立场是充满游戏NHK的电梯销售,这是说,问题是这些积极的
                  When it is NHK, as for the sale of the game you say either one it is correct that there is no problem, it is

                  • 外汇损失七零五零零零零零零零零零日元在 gt Last profit and loss deficit of 25 200 000 000 Yen gt Exchange loss from the difference of quotations 70 500 000 000 Yen gt Last profit and loss deficit of 25 200 000 000 Yen gt Exchange loss from the difference of quotations 70 500 000 000 Yen gt Last profit and loss deficit of 25 200 000 000 Yen gt Exchange loss from the difference of quotations 70 500 000 000 Yen gt Last profit and loss deficit of 25 200 000 000 Yen gt Exchange loss from the difference of quotations 70 500 000 000 Yen

                    • 好头,我不为什么对日政策?阿霍认为可能是不是因为愚蠢的人聪明,这些家伙,因为它是自私的,我只有更多地向井滚装人民对木卫一和人民免于恐惧的超过期待 Although the head it is good without doing the policy because of Japan with something Therefore aho and others it is dense aho you think that it does not do however it is probably will be Therefore as for the human where the head is good selfish directing the eye to the populace rather than Your another fearful one just is faced it is

                      • 如果德国,日本已经禁止销售的库存情况,并禁止出售我的库存情况和生产是溃疡颜射团伙很快将分享在美国找到食物的民族品牌的Burgers金融公司与秃鹰禁止任何期货交易所或出售天空难道还痛不买他们的产品占领可可附表如果对冲基金购买可可让他这样做,因为我可以同时发言穷人颜射例如,我
                        Germany prohibited the short sale of stocks If also Japan prohibits the short sale of stocks, eating with financial [yakuza], [ru] American what the [bu] [tsu] it collapses immediately It produces, the country which has brand enterprise should prohibit the short sale of stocks of the bald hawk altogether Because futures exchange is an unskillful [bu] [tsu] body possibility with popular gearing, it should have let do If hedge fund buys up the cacao, until the cacao product is not purchased, is That way it should have hurt

                        • 子女免税额,更好,而且他们的猎物日本Tsuka任天堂新千年民主党将减少泄漏日元电源良好的政策和日元坚挺。但猎物
                          You call child treatment, increase in yen value policy are good Flowing out circle, it decreases Kuniriki Also Nintendo Co. eating the feed of the Democratic party, the thing shelf Handle Japanese. But prey

                          • 它也忽视了官僚,他们担心的老人也Intage投票集团的政治反对派
                            Because rally of the senior citizen of the vote rice field fears also [intage], the politician and the bureaucracy produce ignorance,

                            • 我不知如何Nnu居住嘉代゙其他出口商但很快就试图打破任天堂在这一松散
                              When at Nintendo Co. this it is Other export enterprise gradually there is no [shiho] ゙ [nnu]? Somehow, margin the official residence

                              • 我不能说什么内阁关于任何人的日元,日元的电流,但这是同样的市场我会说什么我正在做或推广让日元把它,不是吗? Although just this it is increase in yen value To speak altogether everyone concerning increase in yen value at the present cabinet saying as for thing Increase in yen value you have admitted or the tsu te which has been propelled saying it is the same as the ru The ro which so takes the market and is

                                • 我很怀疑,有关该公司的书籍外汇损失在保留盈利约70亿日元140000000万日元
                                  The enterprise which has the internal reservation of 1,400,000,000,000 Yen how becomes like this with exchange loss from the difference of quotations on the account book of 70,000,000,000 Yen

                                  • 我有一个来自外币存款帐户的企业税务亏损很多,但是我有23 3亿日元,营业收入是不是我付狡猾 NULL
                                    • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 1 0税费,但我是403。我也带来税收瓦特0元 gt gt 403 Income tax 0 with something shank… 1 Having the te tax 0 Yen w

                                  • 我现在的工作在幕后三维动画软件,副局长之前,杜坎,你觉得你已经脱离 Now making the software of 3DS with the reverse side DS becoming absence the ru feeling does It comes with the do can afterwards
                                    • 1 00,我记得有个GS就谷歌击中后从W Temporarily rising from GS guguru the memory which has the article w

                                  • 我真的需要我的议案,关于Wii的唯一直接和Zenobure莫内汉更Madamashi第一次世界大战埃塔如果有足够的钱到另一个地方,钱苏下降的地方,如在此一 About only my Wii how monhan and zenobure moving honestly well ww If the extent which the gold is dropped with such densely when difference the one oven deceiving which fund is given densely

                                    • 我认为,从外汇亏损亏损的根本原因?我不能说这是不可能完全避免任何公司可以
                                      The basic field of the deficit being based on, there is no exchange loss from the difference of quotations? This [tsu] temporary perfection evasion how is impossible at any enterprise

                                      • 我这样说是因为没有损失或交换数据包?但是,如果你有另一个7050 00亿外汇亏损去年 Exchange loss from the difference of quotations being based on the field you don t call this If exchange loss from the difference of quotations of the same period of last year it is 70 500 000 000 but difference
                                        • (423亿日元的利润较上年同期)分别 gt Last profit and loss deficit of 25 200 000 000 Yen gt The same period of last year was the black ink balance of 42 300 000 000 Yen

                                      • 改革后的应是对受害人购买索尼辜很多声音通知
                                        After it is the expectation which reforms SONY where it is arrogant that voice of the victim reaches mainly,

                                        • 旧,法国法郎赢得了抽筋,我有一个硬性规定茹什么游戏,但没有公布未来22 9法郎,我的电脑专用
                                          Former times, hard the FF [tsu] [te] game comes out hanging, victory however there was a law, But as for following FF on September 22nd sale it is PC monopoly

                                          • 死亡年龄为10任天堂PS2的 u003d 64 u003d 1年 u003d年GameCube游戏机任天堂恩戴买了1 GB的提前一年? Death age PS2 10 years NINTENDO64 1 years Game cube 1 years GB advance 1 year Nintendo Co you buy with something

                                            • 电通公司的广告和百万Zubuzubu数千人。什么已经熟了,在过去的繁荣,包括我屁股
                                              With Dentsu and [zubuzubu] no 100,000,000,000 thing announcement. Thrusting, the apprentice was the boom which was lifted finally cut off?

                                              • 直接从卡游戏会做什么我很乐意回到基本中线任天堂模糊!
                                                Also Nintendo Co. was ruined, it rubbed Returning to original intention, redo from the flower bill!

                                                • 相当年收入为空的芯片公司两个两位数的下降硬和软这是相当不好的地方,但它是蓝色的有什么好处,超过半数的公司在做
                                                  Content is bad rather Also the hard software puts out two-digit decrease, It has reduced by half from 2 years ago reaching up to sale amount Well, but the [tsu] [te] where super enterprise of good standing becomes enterprise of good standing it is dense

                                                  • 索尼公司的股东和股东莫科斯利任天堂的山内溥
                                                    The SONY head shareholder Moxley and Company The Nintendo Co. head shareholder Yamanouchi 溥

                                                    • 让日元,儿童津贴许可证(废除扣除,子女免税额的年龄取消自民党)公路了免费税务→←指出,解决环境问题
                                                      Increase in yen value leaving and admission Child treatment (deduction abolition and treatment abolition to child of Liberal Democratic Party era) Match to environmental problem <- -> Highway free conversion Consumer tax rise

                                                      • 这5〜6年以来的转型,我什至不希望沓s Tatte买游戏机 After restructuring being done here 5 6 years the game and the game machine The tsu passing desired you cannot buy
                                                        • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,我买我不认为我想做的事,如果你有567场比赛 gt gt 567 If there is a game which we would like to do you think that it is possible to buy
                                                        • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 录得最高的销量增长你该死的好评468 gt gt 468 It is the unreasonable oral ya popular The highest sale record

                                                      • &燃气轮机 及燃气轮机,但该行业是一个有趣的文章Warazu这很有趣,因为所有狗屎109“销售缓慢,”这对我来说很奇怪 gt gt 109 Completely like the Don t you think it is the strange article Although it is the change industry top “sale hovered” change to put out also tsu te

                                                        • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 183&燃气轮机 1燃气轮机赤字252亿日元的纯收入& 是健全我冉外汇损失七千○五十○亿日元肿胀 gt gt 183 gt Last profit and loss deficit of 25 200 000 000 Yen gt Exchange loss from the difference of quotations expanding in 70 500 000 000 Yen echoed
                                                          • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 7 89亿元的税前营业收入183 67亿元(包括外汇收益) gt gt 183 Business profit and loss 67 000 000 000 Before 78 900 000 000 the tax deduction exchange marginal profit it includes

                                                        • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 374啊,我觉得什么表现,包括海外的风险资产配售,这样呢?你不说我真的很好玩的东西? gt gt 374 So don t you think is risk of the thing which therefore makes property the foreign country Including there is no achievement something Without meaning strange thing separately it does the yo
                                                          • 古曾写过一些关于任天堂和坏的,但它是全功率(笑 Until now when just a little Nintendo Co insult you write although it was hurubotsuko laughing
                                                          • 溃疡将是一个顽固的任天堂,常设专家委员会是一个糟糕的表现比你知道你已经溃疡 Way Nintendo Co collapses with this if As for SCE where the achievement is worse than that collapsing long ago the ro which is the ru

                                                        • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 476&燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 M还需要什么你从别人的时候,我不认为他们会在你需要他们,因为我有松了一口气朱达罗在音乐482 gt gt 476 gt gt 482 It is pleasant therefore it is the ro which is good and is Relieved the ke Thinking that you do not need when even with ru ones it does from others it is necessary what

                                                          • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 846通常我不知道是什么意思?毕竟,他们去啊,我只不过是没有狩猎绵羊羊毛瓦特来自世界各地的我,绝对不会消失摇钱树 gt gt 846 Meaning it is not recognized normally After all therefore the party who was said well just has done to hunt the wool don t you think w Because it is the case that it is in the sheep how entire world as for the wood where the gold becomes it is not gone no matter what
                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 846通常我不知道是什么意思?毕竟,他们去啊,我只不过是没有狩猎绵羊羊毛瓦特来自世界各地的我,绝对不会消失摇钱树 gt gt 846 Meaning is not recognized normally After all therefore the party who was said well just has done to hunt the wool don t you think w Because it is the case that it is in the sheep how entire world as for the wood where the gold becomes it is not gone no matter what

                                                          • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 为579,或世嘉轮到了! gt gt 579 Order gradually the Sega turn
                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 哦,我用扭曲土星691 gt gt 691 The Sega Saturn is used in ochi well

                                                          • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 任天堂394 4 252亿元的赤字下滑到去年4台,任天堂29,2010年1 3发表肿胀报表合并财务六月外国汇兑损失至6月期间,底线早赤字252亿日元(四千二百三亿日元利润一年)的 gt gt 394 Nintendo Co being the game machine inactive 25 200 000 000 Yen last deficit 4 June period Also exchange loss from the difference of quotations expands Nintendo Co 29 days is announced 2010 as for connection balancing of accounts of 4 June period the last profit and loss the deficit of 25 200 000 000 Yen The same period of last year was the black ink balance of 42 300 000 000 Yen
                                                            • 任天堂★,4 252亿元赤字在2010年下滑到去年4游戏机,任天堂29日公布的1 3 6国外肿胀报表合并财务汇兑损失至6月期间,252亿日元的纯收入赤字( 423亿日元上一年的盈余)为 Nintendo Co being the game machine inactive 25 200 000 000 Yen last deficit 4 June period Also exchange loss from the difference of quotations expands Nintendo Co 29 days is announced 2010 as for connection balancing of accounts of 4 June period the last profit and loss the deficit of 25 200 000 000 Yen As for the same period of last year black ink balance of 42 300 000 000 Yen was

                                                          • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 任天堂的软件阵容看到521,你可以看到不同的东西,做这一切,如果你看看广场马里朱达罗魔法马里奥2分钟ν是软它都做,再想一想,因为这样做嵌入式体育度假村重度用户不理会扭曲如果热火的比赛中得分的攻击采取的蛋糕 NULL
                                                            • 上帝不存在或播放影片,如果我避免了沉重的用户马里奥 The heavy user avoiding God play animated picture of cod mario it does not exist and

                                                          • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 你会跑出去购买外国商品从日本467?相对于日本从海外购买,不 gt gt 467 The foreign country it stops buying being does the thing from Japan the yo Conversely as for Japan in order to buy from the foreign country being the case that it becomes
                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 提示655:该帐户日元计价的提示2:海外市场是远远 gt gt 655 Hint Finally as for balancing of accounts yen base Hint 2 The market the foreign country is large preponderantly

                                                          • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 大规模Soreto 254名来自日本任天堂的SNS,它可以使可持续和 gt gt 254 That and as for Nintendo Co the Japanese product SNS on a large scale At the same time there is also a possibility where it can make continuously don t you think
                                                            • 在这里,我将失去金钱和改变美元成日元选,没有改变,细 However now it changes dollar into circle and the chi ya uninformed becomes the deficit if it does not change there is no problem separately
                                                            • 官员们对韩国人在民主党良好任天堂公共驼背民主党政府,我不会支持自民党溃疡 As for rejoicing the Democratic party administration about the government employee and the Korean Nintendo Co unless the Liberal Democratic Party is supported is crushed in the Democratic party
                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 808现在任天堂超过20年,但我永远不会出现赤字 gt gt 808 Above here 20 years having become the deficit how there is no Nintendo Co however is
                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 我对 在我听到的损失相反热门85 gt gt 85 Speaking conversely in the top with what the ru it is even it is story in the deficit
                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 米为什么任天堂希望382 gt gt 382 Therefore very you have expected to Nintendo Co is

                                                          • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 必须要有证据,以验证或480日元,现在大约13000高清的后卫不再然后一旦他们发现你的显示器购买该决议的Wii出来的是良好的在D2我凯塔 gt gt 480 Don t you think certainly Simply now you buy to the wax the full HD corresponding monitor from about 13000 Yen and When this resolution of one time is known it becomes unable to return If that time when Wii comes out it was good being to D2 but it is
                                                            • 出售本来老实,谁主管当地雇员或埃塔,坏的是双插槽,你做什么,该决议仅低于我所认为的 That the method which loads the twin slot gently sells simply in the wax next what You thought resolution that way LL head badness it passes

                                                          • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 我们应该做些什么有资格计划,落实它甚至没有计划盈余赤字八四九瓦特湿重 gt gt 849 Plan of the deficit it was to raise how w Plan of black ink balance actualization margin ww

                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 第463,我永远不会缺席的员工做卡兹不喜欢Ideta瓦特卡兹说,超过100万 NULL
                                                              • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 第963,我永远不会缺席的员工做卡兹不喜欢Ideta瓦特卡兹说,超过100万 gt gt 963 Here the employee who is not made how it does not stay don t you think it is w When it is per one person 100 000 000 or more it has made it seems the way

                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 管我亲一次445日元疲软,这家伙日期藤井传递的接力棒从没有采取妇女形容自己的动作之前,最好是圆的陈述或95美元日元在当时抱住弱振动93L 但是当她能处理多达94瓦特线 gt gt 445 Once but the tube weak yen group what movement has become unable to take before that That in the day when it transfers from dense Tsuga Fujii 95 Yen 1 dollars is desirable speaking it wobbled weak yen That time the handle when going up to approximately 93L… 94 which can be surpassed however it could deal with w
                                                              • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 弯曲年底108 DS是另一个交换三维动画你是很正常的,我认为出售用PSP2将会失去一些时间来,可以更售出三维动画,而且我认为他们是低我觉得 gt gt 108 Already it ends being it does sled ya DS the yo You think 3DS that it can sell normally rather PSP2 probably will not come out for a while assuming that and it came out above 3DS The possibility where it can sell is low that you think whether it is it is not

                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 草傻瓜,如果你有一二三瓦特氖朱达罗汇兑损失,而不是一些外汇所得,站得远远超过实际借款收入 gt gt 123 aho grass w If there is an exchange loss from the difference of quotations don t you think the ro which is being the case that it is also exchange marginal profit until now making a profit too much above the actual condition passing
                                                              • 无损检测索纳是否可以在收益税,但仍然在黑暗中?如果我们能够把现金Ttetara丸损1月采取的外汇收益税 NULL
                                                              • 氦氖朱达罗有利可图只要我能说的是怀疑和尝试控制台机制,把蛋糕我认为外汇损失 The game machine saying the doubtful tsu te mechanism if in only the black ink balance don t you think when the ro which is with you think Exchange loss from the difference of quotations
                                                              • &亿吨 1 553提示:外汇提示2:饱和市场 gt 553 Hint 1 Exchange Hint 2 Market saturation
                                                              • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 123及燃气轮机 朱达罗位错收益外汇或黄金Futtobu gt gt 123 gt When the gold which is gained with exchange flies the hu tsu the ro which is strange and is
                                                              • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 890螨汇率不说我会不会影响经济这里只是自由民主党和中央银行 gt gt 890 Still as for exchange saying that there is no influence in economy ru the ro where are just the Liberal Democratic Party and Bank of Japan
                                                              • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 96 97&燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 朱达罗错误Futtobu 106位收入的外汇或黄金 gt gt 96 97 gt gt 106 When the gold which is gained with exchange flies the hu tsu the ro which is strange and is
                                                              • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 关于汇率制度或930,而他们说,不仅是愚蠢和日本央行 gt gt 930 Administration rather than Bank of Japan only aho is an expression in regard to exchange
                                                              • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 吃他们现在购买银行美元,希望我数807 HF交换干预和 gt gt 807 Expecting exchange intervention tsu te ru HF and the bank where you buy dollar and sow are large number it is

                                                            • &燃气轮机 &燃气轮机 雪松,她们很愚蠢747 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww我很漂亮,我将他赢得了世界上富裕的世界中从来没有在wwwwwww,人员 很少资本主义 gt gt 747 aho cedar wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww The gold having the society of any the person who can defeat the ru person how it is well wwwwwww Yet at one time the public official gt there is no trial which is the capitalist in any world

                                                              • &燃气轮机;及燃气轮机,我也想芮妮溃疡溃疡80%的股权比例为2.4万亿资产1 986
                                                                & gt; & gt; 986 With property 1,400,000,000,000 8 tenths ratios of net worth You wanted to crush it collapses, well

                                                                • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机; 346 dq9→dq8秩序发挥了我左边第一个在村里dq8是Mendokusaku
                                                                  & gt; & gt; 346 dq9 -> But in the order of dq8 play red sandal wood As for dq8 becoming troublesome, in first village in the midst of leaving

                                                                  • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机; 817&燃气轮机; ü日元升值还伴随着良好的经济动荡,欧洲
                                                                    & gt; & gt; 817 & gt; Also advance of the increase in yen value which accompanies the economic insecurity of Europe echoed

                                                                    • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机; 848哎呀,不好的东西@ 3DO中有关新地理掌上皮平的WonderSwan远
                                                                      & gt; & gt; 848 [tsu] and one dozen one [pipin] @ 3DO Neo GeoCities pocket Insult is to there

                                                                      • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;作为920平台的第三方系统党的货物健身器材故障朱达罗一直生活在所有,但他
                                                                        & gt; & gt; 920 As a platform of third party system completely the [ro] which is dysfunction As health equipment [pateigutsuzu] living, however the [ru

                                                                        • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;在当地和京都是家庭血液原968人的公司首选的联系,没有加入该公司在非常困难的是什么
                                                                          & gt; & gt; 968 Originally, with the land handle, to which the blood relation takes precedence at the whole group company and Kyoto, as for joining without many connections at this company very difficulty

                                                                          • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;或者说87,FF11 14法郎现有的和做不同的事情和它呢?女那么明显,FF12 13做PS3将不排除,甚至有人把Tteta即使在进入法郎不管最后朱达罗,有本身就是
                                                                            & gt; & gt; 87 With you say, or as for FF11 and 14 existing FF the [ro] w which is the different thing clearly Well, doing to FF12, 13 did not put out although PS3 it has, even the hand, but It became the existence whose [ro] and FF itself which ended also the law and are how are good

                                                                            • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;移动单位346来,我觉得配备有HDMI输出
                                                                              & gt; & gt; 346 As for the portable machine among those you think that HDMI output is equipped,

                                                                              • &燃气轮机;&燃气轮机;过去296盘放在商店终端的玩具可以改写的软件系统,如
                                                                                & gt; & gt; 296 Like the former times DISK system the software rewriting possible terminal is put on the toy house

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